Pressure Drop of Tio Nano Uid in Circular Pipes: Particuology

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Particuology 9 (2011) 486–491

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Pressure drop of TiO2 nanofluid in circular pipes

Tun-Ping Teng a,∗ , Yi-Hsuan Hung a , Ching-Song Jwo b , Chien-Chih Chen c , Lung-Yue Jeng c
Department of Industrial Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei City 10610, Taiwan, China
Department of Energy and Refrigerating Air-Conditioning Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei City 10608, Taiwan, China
Graduate Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei City 10608, Taiwan, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper discusses the pressure drop in circular pipes of TiO2 /water nanofluid for both laminar and
Received 22 September 2009 turbulent flows at different temperatures and TiO2 weight fractions. This study shows that TiO2 /water
Received in revised form 14 January 2011 nanofluid causes enhancement, but temperature rise reduces pressure drop. The proportional increase in
Accepted 3 May 2011
pressure drop for turbulent flow is lower than that for laminar flow. The traditional equation for pressure
drop fails to accurately estimate the pressure drop for laminar and turbulent flows. Accordingly, this study
developed new empirical equations for the friction factor for both laminar and turbulent flows, and the
Titania (TiO2 )
maximum deviations between calculated and experimental results were reduced to within the ranges
Laminar flow
of −6.17% to 3.55% and −3.08% to 3.81%, respectively, that is, for TiO2 /water nanofluid, the correlations
Turbulent flow apply better to turbulent than to laminar flow.
© 2011 Chinese Society of Particuology and Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of
Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction tical pipe, both laminar and turbulent, under a constant heat flux
around the tube, finding that the pressure drop of the nanofluids
Research has shown that adding nanoparticles to a liquid can was not much different from that of the base fluid. Rea, McKrell,
enhance its thermal conductivity, which, however, does not nec- Hu, and Buongiorno (2009) studied laminar convective heat trans-
essarily lead to increase heat exchange in real practice. Recent fer and viscous pressure loss for alumina/water and zirconia/water
research has focused on the benefits of nanofluid in heat convection nanofluids flowing in a vertical heated tube, showing that the
(Buongiorno, Venerus, Prabhat, McKrell, Townsend, & Christianson, heat transfer coefficient was increased by the nanofluids, and that
2009; Godson, Raja, Mohan Lal, & Wongwises, 2010; Heris, Etemad, the measured pressure loss for the nanofluids was much higher
& Esfahany, 2006; Khanafer, Vafai, & Lightstone, 2003; Nguyen, Roy, than that for pure water. The pressure loss of the 6 vol.% alu-
Gauthier, & Galanis, 2007; Tsai et al., 2004; Wang & Mujumdar, mina nanofluid was approximately 7.2 times higher than that of
2007; Wu et al., 2010; Xuan & Li, 2003). However, others sug- water. Duangthongsuk and Wongwises (2009) studied experimen-
gested the opposite results (Putra, Roetzel, & Das, 2003; Wen & tally the forced convective heat transfer and flow characteristics
Ding, 2006) and believed that the performance of the whole sys- of a nanofluid consisting of water and 0.2 vol.% TiO2 nanoparti-
tem would deteriorate if the benefits of increased performance in cles. The results showed that use of a nanofluid had hardly any
heat exchange were less than the damage caused by increased pres- penalty in pressure drop. Pantzali, Kanaris, Antoniadis, Mouza, and
sure drop due to increased viscosity by the solid–liquid mixture. Paras (2009) presented the effects of using a nanofluid (CuO/water,
Many empirical equations have been proposed to predict viscos- 4 vol.%) in a miniature plate heat exchanger (PHE) with a mod-
ity of nanofluids, yet no consensus has been reached because of ulated surface, showing that the pressure drop increased by less
differences caused by materials, particle sizes, and manufactur- than 10%. Sundar and Sharma (2010) studied the heat transfer coef-
ing methods (Das, Putra, & Roetzel, 2003; Jwo, Teng, Wu, Chang, ficient and friction factor in a plain tube with a twisted tape insert
& Chen, 2009; Li, Li, & Wang, 2002; Rao, 2010; Tseng & Lin, 2003; at different volume concentrations of Al2 O3 nanofluids under Re of
Wang, Xu, & Choi, 1999; Wierenga & Philipse, 1998). 10,000–22,000 (turbulent flow) with tapes of different twist ratios,
He et al. (2007) studied both heat transfer and flow behavior showing that the friction factor of 0.5 vol.% of Al2 O3 nanofluid with
of TiO2 /distilled water nanofluids flowing upward through a ver- a twist ratio of five was 1.096 times higher as compared to the flow
of water in a circular tube.
This research focuses on TiO2 /water nanofluids with low
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +866 2 7734 3358; fax: +866 2 2392 9449.
nanoparticle concentrations (0–1.5 wt%), aiming at measuring the
E-mail address: (T.-P. Teng).
effect of nanoparticle concentration and temperatures (10–40 ◦ C)

1674-2001/$ – see front matter © 2011 Chinese Society of Particuology and Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T.-P. Teng et al. / Particuology 9 (2011) 486–491 487

on the density, viscosity, and pressure drop, in order to compare

the difference in pressure drop between the nanofluid and pure
water in a circular pipe. Finally, the experimental data are analyzed
using traditional equations for friction factor, to formulate empir-
ical equations suitable for calculating pressure drop of TiO2 /water

2. Calculation of pressure drop

The measured or calculated results of friction factor, density,

flow rate, and pipe size were substituted into the following equa-
tion, for both laminar flow and turbulent flow conditions, for a
circular pipe, to yield the pressure drop (White, 1991):

L V2
P = f , (1)
d 2 f
with the following friction factor for laminar flow:
Fig. 1. SEM image of TiO2 nanoparticles as purchased.
flami. = . (2)
For turbulent flow, Swamee and Jain (1976) proposed a formula
which leads to calculated results extremely close to the turbulent
flow region in the Moody chart, as could be written as follows:
fturb. = 2
. (3)
[log((1/(3.7(d/ε))) + (5.74/Re0.9 ))]
The Reynolds number (Re) in Eqs. (2) and (3) could be shown as:
Re = , (4)
where f is the friction factor, d is the inner diameter of pipe (m),
L is the length of pipe (m), V is the velocity of fluid (m/s), f is
the density of fluid (kg/m3 ), ε is the roughness (m), and f is the
viscosity of fluid (Pa s).
The value of Re represents the flow condition: for laminar flow
Re < 2000 and for turbulent flow Re > 4000.

3. Experimental and data analysis

3.1. Preparation of TiO2 /water nanofluid

Fig. 2. TEM image of TiO2 nanoparticles.
The TiO2 /water nanofluid produced from a direct synthesis
method was used as the experimental sample, and mechanical
agitations were used for dispersing the nanoparticles into three
weight fractions (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 wt%). The solid volume was deter-
mined by calculating the equivalent weight of the solid based on its
true density (approximately 3840 kg/m3 ). The nanoparticles, pur-
chased from Yong-Zhen Technomaterial Co. Ltd., generally form
loose agglomerates as shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 2, the TEM photograph
of TiO2 nanoparticles with nominal particle sizes of 20–30 nm,
shows that the shapes of nanoparticles are mainly rectangular,
and the particle size closely meets the nominal particle size of
the supplier. Fig. 3 shows the XRD pattern of TiO2 nanoparticles,
confirming the main component to be anatase. The nanoparticles
can be successfully dispersed in deionized water using a homog-
enizer with electromagnetic agitation and ultrasonic vibration, to
form a TiO2 /water nanofluid without addition of any dispersant or

3.2. Experimental procedure

Fig. 4 shows this experiment used a thermostatic bath (Firsteck

B403L) to stabilize the temperature of the sample until it reached
the expected temperature of ±0.5 ◦ C. A density meter and a Fig. 3. XRD pattern of TiO2 nanoparticles.
rheometer were then used to measure the density and viscosity
488 T.-P. Teng et al. / Particuology 9 (2011) 486–491

 2  2  2  2  2  2
  V P W T
um = + + + + + .
  V P W T

The accuracy of the density meter is ±0.001 g, that of the rheometer

is ±1.0%, that of the flow meter is ±2.0%, that of the pressure meter
is ±2.0%, that of the precise electric balance is ±0.01 g, and that of
the RTD is ±0.5 ◦ C. Therefore, the uncertainty of the experiment
was less than ±6.0%.

3.4. Data analysis

Regarding the margin of deviation between experimental data

(DExp. ) and data calculated by the traditional equation (DCal. ) and
empirical equations (DReg. ): this study used experimental data as
a benchmark for results of empirical equations, and the deviation
between experimental results and calculated data of the traditional
equation and empirical equations can be calculated as follows:
DCal. − DExp.
DevCal. (%) = × 100, (6)
Fig. 4. Experimental setup for measuring pressure drop.  
DReg. − DExp.
DevReg. (%) = × 100. (7)
of the nanofluids of various weight fractions and sample tem-
For easy comparison of experimental data of pressure drop
peratures. In pressure drop experiments in a circular pipe, after
before and after changing the TiO2 /water nanofluid, all data
1800 cm3 of nanofluid was poured into a 2-l stainless steel bucket,
obtained with the water were used as baseline values; that is,
and the bucket was placed in a thermostatic bath, the nanofluid
experimental data obtained after the TiO2 /water nanofluid were
was pumped to the measurement pipe for circulation. The pres-
used to compare with baseline values. The differences before and
sure drop of nanofluid in the pipe was measured. The test pipe
after changing the TiO2 /water nanofluid are presented as propor-
consisted of a circular steel tube (ε = 4.6 × 10−5 m) with the length
tions, and can be calculated as follows:
(L) of 0.6 m and the internal diameter (d) of 0.0035 m. To avoid
 P − P 
entrance effect, L/d  100. To avoid drastic temperature change, nf water
RP (%) = × 100. (8)
the pipe was wrapped by thermal insulation material at a thick- Pwater
ness of 2 cm. Nanofluid flow rate was controlled at a region
between turbulent and laminar flow. The temperature of the sam- 4. Results and discussion
ple was stabilized at ±0.5 ◦ C of the expected value. The pressure
was then measured of the nanofluid of various weight fractions, Fig. 5 shows the measured results of the weight fractions of
and sample temperatures were taken at the inlet and outlet of TiO2 /water nanofluid with the change of density under different
the pipe. To guarantee accuracy, all controlled factors were mea- temperatures. The increase in added concentration enhances the
sured ten times, and the most concentrated five test results were density of nanofluid, whereas temperature rise reduces the density
selected as average values of the experimental results. Experi-
mental results of density and viscosity were inserted into Eqs.
(1)–(4) to calculate their effects on pressure drop in the circular
pipe, in order to compare calculated results with experimental
data. Finally, the experimental and calculated results were used
to perform multiple regression analysis to acquire a new empirical

3.3. Uncertainty analysis

Uncertainty of experimental results was determined by mea-

surement deviation of the parameters, including density, viscosity,
flow rate, pressure drop, weight, and temperature. In pressure drop
experiment on nanofluid, density () was measured by a density
meter (DA-130, KYOTO); viscosity () was measured by a rheome-
ter (DVIII+, Brookfield); flow rate (V) was measured by a flow meter
(NF05, Aichi Tokei); pressure (P) drop was measured by a pressure
meter (PS-9302, LUTRON); the weight (W) of nanoparticles was
measured by a precision electric balance (XT620M, Precisa); and
temperature was determined using a resistance temperature (T)
detector (RTD, pt-100) of the thermostatic bath. The uncertainty of
experimental results could be expressed as follows: Fig. 5. Experimental results of density measurement.
T.-P. Teng et al. / Particuology 9 (2011) 486–491 489

Fig. 6. Experimental results of viscosity measurement. Fig. 8. Experimental data and calculated results of pressure drop in laminar flow
(V = 0.57 m/s).

of nanofluid. The influence of weight fractions on density change Fig. 8 compares calculated pressure drop with experimental
appears to be approximately linear. However, the density pre- results for TiO2 /water nanofluid in laminar flow (V = 0.57 m/s),
sented a non-linear trend under different temperatures; the main showing rather great deviation between calculated and experimen-
reason is that the added nanoparticles and bulk liquid have a great tal results. To consider the impact of pressure drop when the TiO2
difference in the coefficient of thermal expansion. Fig. 6 shows the nanoparticles were added, in the concentration range of 0–1.5 wt%
measured effect of the weight fractions of TiO2 /water nanofluid on and temperature range of 10–40 ◦ C, the margin of deviation is 0.01%
the change of viscosity under different temperatures. Temperature to −52.36%. It is found that the higher the temperature, the greater
rise reduces the viscosity of nanofluid, whereas increased weight the deviation between the calculated and experimental values.
fraction increases the viscosity of nanofluid, and for the different Fig. 9 compares calculated and experimental pressure drops for
temperatures, the effect of weight fraction on viscosity appears TiO2 /water nanofluid in turbulent flow (V = 1.53 m/s), showing that
nearly linear. the deviation between the two is within 20%. For concentration
Fig. 7 shows the enhancement ratio of pressure drop by increas- range of 0–1.5 wt% and temperature of 10–40 ◦ C, the margin of
ing the solids content of the TiO2 /water nanofluid. For solids deviation is 3.20–19.48%, showing that calculation tends toward
content of 0–1.5 wt% and temperature of 10–40 ◦ C, the enhance- overestimation.
ment ratio of pressure drop is 25.0–63.3% and 5.7–15.3% for laminar Comparison between calculation and experiment for pressure
and turbulent flow, respectively, the enhancement ratio of pres- drop shows that the deviation between the two is extremely large,
sure drop being larger for laminar flow than for turbulent flow. The reaching −52.36% of the maximum for laminar flow (Jwo et al.,
results compare well with literature data (Jwo et al., 2009; Rea et al., 2009), thus showing that the traditional equation for calculat-
2009; Sundar & Sharma, 2010). ing pressure drop calls for amendment. To apply the empirical

Fig. 9. Experimental data and calculated results of pressure drop in turbulent flow
Fig. 7. Enhancement ratio of experimental data of pressure drop. (V = 1.53 m/s).
490 T.-P. Teng et al. / Particuology 9 (2011) 486–491

fturb.Reg. = 0.001 + 0.871fturb. + 0.003ω − 1.438 × 10−6 T 2 . (10)

5. Conclusions

Nanofluid is a novel suspension with a wide scope of appli-

cations. This study focuses on the effect of TiO2 /water nanofluid
on pressure drop under different weight fractions and tempera-
tures, and conducts related experimental research, leading to the
following conclusions.

(1) Increase in its solids content will enhance both the density
and viscosity of a nanofluid, whereas temperature rise tends
to reduce both the density and viscosity.
(2) Enhancement of pressure drop for a nanofluid is lower under
turbulent flow in a circular pipe, but higher under laminar flow
condition, thus helping to reduce the delivery loss of pumping.
(3) Traditional equations of friction factor cannot accurately cal-
culate the TiO2 /water nanofluid flow through circular pipes,
especially in the range of laminar flow.
(4) New empirical equations for friction factor are proposed in this
Fig. 10. Pressure drop in laminar flow: comparison between experiments and esti-
study. The traditional equation of pressure drop can thus cal-
mates by regression.
culate the pressure drop more accurately for the TiO2 /water
nanofluid flow through the circular pipe under laminar and
equation developed in this study to a wider range, this paper uses turbulent flow using the friction factor from newly proposed
multiple regression analysis for the friction factor under both lam- empirical equations.
inar and turbulent flow, to estimate the influence of temperature, (5) The deviation of the empirical friction factor equation is much
weight fraction, and calculated friction factor (flami. and fturb. ) on lower than that produced by the use of the traditional friction
friction factor (fExp. ) from examining pressure drop under laminar factor equation for the pressure drop under laminar and turbu-
and turbulent flow respectively. The new equations for the friction lent flow; the margin of deviation was in the ranges of −6.17%
factor (flamiReg. and fturbReg. ) were respectively Eqs. (9) and (10) with to 3.55% and −3.08% to 3.81%.
R2 = 0.970 and 0.910, and the pressure drop was calculated by using
Eq. (1). Figs. 10 and 11 compare the pressure drops estimated by
regression of the friction factor with weight fraction, temperature,
and calculated friction factor. The deviation of the empirical fric-
The authors would like to thank National Science Council of the
tion factor equation is much lower than that produced by the use
Republic of China, Taiwan, for financial support under Contract Nos.
of the traditional friction factor equation for pressure drop under
NSC 98-2221-E-003-018 and 99-2221-E-003-008.
laminar and turbulent flow: the margin of deviation is respectively
in the ranges of −6.17% to 3.55% and −3.08% to 3.81%. Thus, mul-
tiple regression of the friction factor could accurately estimate the References
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