Research PP
Research PP
Research PP
Appendix 1
Madda Walabu University
College of Business and Economics
Department of Management
Post Graduate Program in MBA
A Questionnaire to Be Filled By Participants
A. The personal profiles:
General Instruction: Please indicate your choice by putting “√” mark in the space provided.
1. Sex/Gender/: Male Female
2. Age (in year): 20 to 29 , 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 59 above 60
3. Your field of study: Accounting (__) Management Economics Marketing
other specify:_________
4. Level of education: TVET certificate (D diploma __), Bachelor's Degree
Master’s Degree _ or others specify:__________________________
5. Professional certification (if any): __________________________
A. Products/Service
1 Products/service of BMNP are/is currently working for revenue increasing for the
2 BMNP administrative management awareness about products/service of park is good
3 Tourists are currently using from BMNP products/service to increase revenue of the
4 Local community are using from BMNP products/service to increase revenue of the
5 Currently BMNP products/service are/is taking service for users.
6 BMNP products/service are/is sufficient to take enough service for users.
7 Merchandise sales (equipment, clothing, souvenirs) can increase revenue.
B. Entrance Fee
1 Current entrance fee payment at BMNP is low for national tourists to increase
revenue for the park.
2 Current entrance fee payment at BMNP is low for international tourists to increase
revenue for the park.
3 Charging appropriate entrance fees at BMNP particularly will be a potential source
That may be used to generate additional revenue by park agency.
4 The park agency can generate more revenue by simply charging higher entrance fees
To international visitors.
5 Current entrance fee payment at BMNP is high for national tourists to increase
revenue for the park.
6 Current entrance fee payment at BMNP is high for international tourists to increase
revenue for the park.
7 Entrance fees currently charge to international visitors are significantly lower than
What is required to maximize revenues generate by the park.
C. Infrastructures Facilities
1 BMNP has well-established road around inside the park for visitors.
2 There are standard Hotels and lodges around inside the park for international
3 Hotels, restaurants and lodges around and inside park are good enough for
International tourists.
4 Federal government pressure investors to invest on Hotels and Lodges
Around and inside BMNP.
5 The park has well-established infrastructures to help communities to extract
More benefits for their participation in conservation to maximize revenue.
6 Well-established infrastructures are a possibility of generating more revenue
From conservation fees.
7 Well-established infrastructures like accommodation facilities, road, airport,
Water, electricity, internet facilities, telecommunication, and etc. widely
Attract international and domestic visitors to pay more to increase revenue.
D. Promotions
1 Government media is working on BMNP promotion to attract national and
international visitors.
2 BMNP gas enough broachers that describe about park resources, facilities and
tourism destination.
3 Newspaper advertisement about BMNP is good enough at national level.
4 Newspaper advertisement about BMNP is good enough at international level.
5 BMNP administrative management has working on promotions, advertisement
and announcement about the park on social media, radio program and TV.
6 Frankfurt Zoological Society has a program to announce about the park
through social media, radio program and TV.
7 Bale zone and woredas adjacent to the park considering about BMNP
E. Peace and Security Stability
1 International visitors’ willingness to expense more fees to visit BMNP as
peace and security stabilities of the park insured.
2 International visitors’ are more likely to be willing to expense higher entrance
fees in the presence of transparence of peace and security of the park.
3 Policies and practices of Federal and State governments to support
conservation survival by implementing and monitoring peace and security
stabilities around and inside the park.
4 Involving local communities and key stakeholders for conservation of the
park on implementing and monitoring peace and security stabilities can
increase revenue.
5 Sufficient trained staff for effective conservation of the park on peace and
security stabilities can increase revenue contribution.
6 Community based management schemes aware communities to keep peace
and security stabilities of international visitors’ that can increase more revenue
1 With government-imposed travel restrictions, social distancing measures and
Isolation, international tourist travels sharply decline.
2 The number of international tourists and the revenue from them has been
3 The hotels and tourism sectors are highly susceptible to an external shock such
as the covid-19 pandemic.
4 The covid-19 pandemic has the factors to decrease the flow of tourists that
contribute for revenue increase.
5 Because of covid-19 pandemic emerged tourism is not survived to increase
3. Well-established parking area for tourists’ vehicles can increase revenue for the park?
5. How BMNP work with local communities to provide merchandise for sales (equipment’s,
clothes and souvenirs) to visitors’ and local communities share income from these sources
for the park?