Quality Program Requirements: MIL-Q-9858A

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110 Q 11158
t APRIL lt5t



,-W, •r =ilfoctlm Ml ha -,,prn.d 6y do. D-,,arftllellt of D1/na1 � U WIGM4torw for .., ..,
1M D.,..n-c. •I u.. A""l', "'" n•..,. u.. Air ,._ - u.. D•t-- s.pp1. Ag-.

1. SCOPE All supplies and services under the con­

tract, whether mabufactured or performed
I.I Appl.leabillty. Thia apecification ahall within the contractor's plant or at any oth'!r­
apply to all auppliea (including equipments, source, shall be controllecl at all points .nec­
aul>-eystema and .ayatema) or services when essarY to assure conformance to contractual
referenced in the item specification, contract requirement&. The program ahall provide for
or order. the prevention and ready detection of di&­
1.% Contractual Intent. Thia specification crepsncies and for timely and positive cor­
requires the establiahment of a quality pro­ rective action.· The coutractor ahall make
gnun by the contractor to aasure corupliance objee!tive evidence of quality conformance
with the requirementa of the contract. The readily available to the Government Repre­
program and procedures l18ed to implement sentative. lnstructiona and recorda for qual­
thill apeciftcation aha1I be developed by the ity must be controlled.
coutractor. The quality program, including The. authority and responaibillty of those
procedures, processes and product ahall be in charge of the deaign, production, testing,
documented and ehall be subject· to review and inspection of qualitT ahall be clearly
by the Government Representative. The qual­ stated. The program shall facJ1itat.c. deter­
ity program ia subject to the disapproval or minations of the effects of quality deficiencies
the Government Representative whenever and quality costs OD price. Facllitiee and
the contractor's procedures do not accom­ standards such . aa drawingll, engineering
plish their objectives. The Govermnent; at its changes, measuring equipment and the like
option, may funmh ffltten notice· of the which are nece 3'1'7 for the uea.tlon of the
acceptability of the contractor's quality pro­ required quality ahall be elfectfvely managed.
pam. The program llhall include an effective con­
1.ll Somme!']'- An-effec:tive•111wh,conomical trol of purchased materlala and nbcoatnc:t­
quality program, planned·and developed in ,ed. work. ,Manufacturing, fabricatlon .and

consonance with ·the contractor's ·other ad­ ·assembly work conducted within the contrac­
miniatrative and technical programs, ia re-• tor's plant shall ·be controlled completely
quired by thia apeciftcation. Design of the The quality program. ahall also include ·ef­
proirram shall be based upon consideration of fective .execution of respona11>llitles shared
the technical and manufacturing aspects or jointly with the Government or related to
production and related engineering design Government functions, IUCh aa control of
and materials. The program shall assure Government ·property and Go,ermndlt
adequate quality throughout all areas. of con­ source inapection.
tract performance; for example, design, de­
velopment, fabrication, processing, assembly; 1.4 Relation · to Other Contract Reqairc­
inspection, test, maintenance, packaging, · ments. This specification and any procedure or
.ahippi�. ator.age·and sile inat.allation. document ,ur.ecuted in implementation -thare:

of, ahall be in addition lo and not in deroga­ lhe contractor elects to follow lhe amended
tion of other contract requirements. The or revised docutnent, he shall notify the Con­
quality program requirements aet forth in tracting Officer in writing of this election.
this Bpeeification shall be aatisfied in addition When the. contractor elects to follow the
lo all detail requirements contained in the provisions of an amendment or revision, he
statement of work or in other parts of _the must follow them in full.
contract. The contractor is responsible for 2.3 Ordering Government Document& Cop..
compliance with all provisions of the con­ ies of specifications, standards and drawings
tract and for furnishing specified supplies required by contractors in connection with
and services which meet all the requirements specific procurements may be obtained from
of the contract. If any inconsistency exists the procuring agency, or as otherwise direct­
between the contract schedule or its general ed by the Contracting Officer.
provisions and this specification, the contract
schedule and the general provi sions shall 3. QUALITY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT
control. The contractor's quality program
shall be planned an d used in a manner to 3.1 Organi:talion. Effective management
support reliability effectively.· . for quality shall be clearly prescribed by the
contrnr.tor. Peroonnel performing quality
1.5 Relation to MIL-1--45%08. This specifi­ functions- shall have sufficient, ·well-defined
cation contains req·uirements in excess of responsibility, auU1orily and the organiza­
those in specification MIL-I--45208, Inspec­ tional freedom to identify and evaluate Qual­
tion System Requirements, inasmuch as total ity problems and to initiate, recommend or
conformance to contract requirements is ob­ pro�ide solutions. Management regularly
tained best by controlling work operations, shall ·review the status and adequacy of the
manufacturing processes as well as inspec­ quality program. The term "quality program
tions and tests. requirements" as used herein identifies the
collective requirements of this specification.
2. SUPERSEDING, SUPPLEMENTA­ It does not mean that the fulfillment of the
TION AND ORDERING requirements of this specif\cation is the re­
sponsibility of any single contractor's organ­
2.1 Applicable Documents. The following_ iuition, function or person.
documents of the issue in c!fccl on d:ite of
the solicitation form a part of this specifica­ 3.2 Initial Quality Planning. The contrac­
tion to the extent Sl)ecified herein. tor, during the earliest practical phase of
contract performance, shall conduct a com­
SPECIFICATIONS plete review of the requirements of the con­
MILITARY tract to identify and make timely provision
for the special coritrols, processes, test equip­
MIL-I--45208 -Inspection System Re­ ments, fixtures, tooling and skills required
quirements for assuring product quality. This initial
J\UL-C-45662 --Calibration �y�tem planning will recognize the need and pro\·ide
Rcquin:-1m:n4. for r�rch, when necessary, io update in­
2.2 Amendments and Revisions. Whenever s�lion and testing techniques, i.Jlstrumenta­
this specification is amended or revised sub­ tio� and correlation of inspection and test
results with manufacturing methnds and
sequent· to its contractually effective dnte,
processes. This planning will also provide
the contractor may follo\V or a11thori1e · hiR
appropriate review and action to assure cnm­
subcontractors to follow the amended or re­
· piltibility of manufacturing, inspection,-test­
vised document provided no inrrease in price
ing . and documentation.
or fee is required. The contrdclor shall not .

be r('(JUired to follow the amended-or rt'Visccl 3.:1 Work lnstrurtinns. The quality pro­
document cxccJ>t n_s a chnngc in rontract: If . . gram shall n�surc that all work affecting·

quality (including such th.ings as pur­ quality program. Corrective action will ex­
chal!ing, handling, machining, assembling, tend to the performance of all suppliers and
fabricating, processing, inspection, testing, vendors and will be responill ve to data and
modification, installation, and any other product forwarded from users. Corrective
treatment of product, facilities, standards or action shall include Bl! a minimwtl:
equipment from the ordering of materials to (a) Analysis of data and examination of
dispatch of shipments) shall be prescn"bed product BCrBpped or reworked to determine
in clear and complete documented instruc­ extent and causes:
tions of a type appropriate to the circum­ (bi Analysis oi trends in processes or
stances.. Such instructions shall provide the performance of work to prevent noncon­
criteria for perfonning the work functions forming product; and
anrl thPy shnll � �ompatiblP. ...-1th nc�P.ptaneP. (c) lntroouction of required improve­
criteria for workmanship. The instructions ments and corrections, an initial review of
• arc intended also to serve for supervising, the adequacy of sucii: measures and monitor­
inspecting and managing work. The prepara­ ing of the effectiveness of corrective action- -
tion and maintenance of and compliance with taken.
work instructions shall be monitored as a 3.6 Costs Related to Quality. The contrnc­
function of the quality program. tur shall maintain and use quality coill data
3.4 Records. The contractor shall maint.aiii · as a management element of the quality pr9-
and use any recor<IR or data essential to the gram. These data shall serve the purpose or
economical and effective operation of his 1aenti1yrng t.he coot of both the prevention
quality program. These records shall be and correction of nonconforming supplies ( e.
available for revie,... by the Government Rep­ g., labor and material invoh•ed in material
resentative and copiei; of individual records · spoilage caused by de!edh·e work., correc­
shall be furnished him upon request. Records tion of defective work and for quality control
are considered one of the principal forms of exercised by the contrs,clor at subcontrac­
objective evidence of quality. Tl1e quuli!.,· tor"s or ,;endor's facilities). The specific qual­
program shall assure· that records are com­ ity cost data to be maintained and used will
plete and reliable. Inspection and testing rl!<'­ be determined by the contractor. These data
ords shall, as a minimum, indicate the nature shall, on request, be identified and marle avail­
of the observations together with the num­ able for "on site" revje_,v by the GoYernment
ber of observations made and the number · Representative.
and type of deficiencies found_ Also, records
for monitoring work �rformance and for 4. FACILMES AND STANDARDS.
inspection and testing shall indicate the ac­
. 4.1 Drawings, Documentation and Changes.
�tability of work or products and the ac­ A procedure shall be maintained that ·con-
�fon tnkcn in conncctfon -�th-tlc!ickncles. . cerns Hselt with-.the.adequacy ,the complete­
The quality program shall pro,·ide for the ness. and the currentness of drawings. and
analysis and use of rLcords as a basis for with the control of changes in design. With
management action. respect to the currentness of drawings and
3.5 Corrective Action. The quality program changes, the contractor shall assure that re­
shall detect promptly and correct assignable quirements for the effectivity point of
conditions adverse to qualit�·. Desiirn, pur­ changes are met and that obsolete drawings·
chasing. manufacturing, testing or other and change requirements are removed from
operations whkh could result in or h:we re­ all points of issue and use. Some means of
sulted in defective supplies, services, f-a'cili­ • recording the effective points. shall be em­
ties, technical data, standards or other ployed and be available to the Government.
elements of contract performance which With respect to design drawings nnd de­
could create excessive loss<.>-" or costs must sif!:11 specilkntions, · a procedure shall he
be ident�fied and climmcd :,s a· result of the maint.�ined that shall provide for the ev,ilua- -
. .).
MiL--Q-9858A i
tion of their engineering adequacy and an established periods to assure continued ac­
evaluation of the adequacy of proposed curacy. The objective is. to assure that in­
changes. The evaluation shall encompass spection and test equipment is adjusted,
both the adequacy in relation to standard replaced or repaired before it becom.:s inac­
engineering and design practices and the curate. The calibration of measuring and
adequacy with respect to the design and pur­ testing equipment shall be in conformity
pose of the product to which the drawing re­ with military specification MIL-C-45662. In
lates. addition, the cunlrdcl-Or shall insure the use
With respect to supplemental speci­ of only such subcontractor and vendor
fications, process instructions, production sources that depend upon calibration systems
engineering instructions, industrial engineer­ which effectively control the. accuracy of
ing instructions and work instructions r.,_ measuring- and testing equipment.
lating to a particular design, the contractor 4.:J Production Tooling Used ns Media of
shall be responsible for a review of their Inspection. When production jigs, fixtures,
adequ1teJ•, currentness and completeness. The toolini:- masters, templates, patterns and
quality program must pro\"irle complete ru,·­ such other de\"ices arc used as media of in­
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spection. thcr shall l>c pro-red for :1crurnr.y
an article in complete conformity with ,..,_ prior to reJett=,e foe use. Thes,c tlc\·ic� shall
quirements of the design. oo ,,..o,'ed · ap;ain for accuracy 1,t intervals
Tl,,: qu:ility proi;r:im shnll ns�urn ·thnt . formally 1>.stablished in a �nner to cause
there is complete compliance with .contract their time!)· adjustment, replacement or re­
requirements for proposing, appro\"ing, nnd pair prior to becoming inaccurate.
elTeding of enginecrinl! changes. The quality -1.-1 {1se or C:--ontrartor's Inspection Equip­
program shall pro,·ide for monitoring ef­ ment. The contractor's gages, measuring and
fectively compliance with contractual en­ testing devices shall be mnde nvailahle for
gineering changes requiring approval by use by the Government when required to
Government design authority. The quality · determine conformance with contract re­
progrnm shall provide for monitoring effec­ quirements. If conditions warr.int, contrac­
tively the drawing changes of lesser impor­ tor's personnel shall be made available for
tance not requiring approval by Government· operation of such .devices and for verification
design authorities. of their accuracy and condition.
Deliver_v of correct drnwings and chang<?
information to the Government in connection . 4,5 'Advanced Metrology Requirements.
with data acquisition shall be an integral part Tlie quality program shall include timely
of the quality program. This includes full identification and report to the Contracting
compliance with contract requirements con­ Officer of any precision measurement need
cerning rights and data both proprietary '!-nd exceeding the known state of the art.
other. The quality program's responsibilit y 5. CONTROL OF PURCHASES
for drawings and changes e:<tE'nd tn thE' draw­
ingi. and changes provided by the subcontrac­ 5.i Re::;punsibility. The contractor is re=
tors and vendots for the ·contract. sponsibJe· for assuring that all su1>1>lies and
° services procured from his suppliers (sub­
4.2 Measuring and "Testing Equipm�nt._ contractors and vendors) conform to the
. The contractor shall provide and maintain · contract requirements. The selection of
gages and_ other measuring and testing de­ sources and the nature and extent of control
vices necessary to assure that supplies con­ _exercised by the contractor shall be depend­
form "to technical requirements. These ent upon the type of supplies, his suppiler's
devices i.hall he calibrated against certified ,lP.monstrated capability to perform, and the
rneasurcn:cr.t stanck1r"1g ,,·!1ir.h ·h;1ve knn,,-i, <JUnlit,� �vidccnr.e nrnde a.,•niJnble. To as.�ure
l'nlid relationships: to national st:mdnrds· al ttn adequate and economicnl contrc,I of ·such

material, the contractor shall utili2'.e to the applicable requirements for lllBllufacturing,
fullest extent obj.,.;tives evidence of quality inspecting, testing, packaging, and any re­
furnished by l,is suppliers. When the Gov­ quirements for· Government or contractor
ernment elects to perform inspection at a in.spectiollll, qualification or approvab..Tech­
supplier's plant, such lll.!!pecl;ion shall not be nical requirements of the following nature
used by contractors as evidence of effective must be. included by statem�t or reference
control of quality by such suppliern. The in­ as a part of the required clear description:
clusion of a product on the Qualified Prod­ all· pertinent drawings, engineering change
ucts List only signifies that at one time the orders, specifications ( including inspection
manufacturer made a product which met system or quality program requirements),
specification requirements. It does not relieve reliability, safety, weight, or other special
the contractor of his responsibility for furn­ requirements, unuaual test or inspection pro­
ishing supplies that meet all specification re­ cedures or equipment nnd any special revi­
quirements or for the performance of sion or model identification. The description
specified inspections and tests for· such ma­ of products ordered .shall include a require­
terial. The effectiveness and integrity of the ment for contractor "inspection at the sub-__
cont rol of. quality by his suppliers shall be contractor or ven dor source when such action
assessed and reviewed by the contractor at is necessary to assure that the contractor's
intervals consistent with the comnlexitv and quality program effectively implements the
quantity of product. Inspection of producll!. . contractor's responsibility for complete as­
up0n delivery to the contractor shall be used surance of product quality. Requirements
for as.'\eSsment and reviP.w to the extent nec­ shall be included .for chemical and physical
essary f:or adequate assurance of quality. testing and recording in connection with the
Test repor..s, inspection records, Certificates purcll&Se o{ ra.w materials by l:-Js supplia..�.
and other suitable evidence relating to the The purchase orders must also contain a re­
supplier's control of quality should be used in quirement for such suppliers to notify and
the contractor's assessment and review. The obtain approval · from the contractor ·of
contractor's responsibility for the control of changes in design of the products. Necessary
pllI'Chases includes the establishment of a instructions ahould be provided when provi­
procedure for (1) the Mlection of qualified sion is made for direct shipment f� the
suppliers, (2) the transmission of applica- subcontractor to Government activities.
. ble design and· quality requirements in the
C--overnJnent contracts and associated tech- ,;_ MANIIFACTURING CONTROL
. nical requirements, (3) the evaluation of the 6.1 Materials and Materials Control. Sup­
adequacy of procured items, and. (4) �ffec­
plier's materials and products shall be sub­
tive provisiollll for early information feed­ jected to inspection upon receipt to the
back and correction of nonconfonnances.
extent necessary to .assure conformance to
� Pw-cluising ...Data. The· · contractor's technlcal-requiremeuts. Rec£iving .inspection
quality . program shall not be ..acceptable to . may.be adjuated upon the basis of the quality
the Government unless the contractor re­ assurance program exercised · by suppliers.
quires of 1iis s11bcontractors a q1'lllity effort Evidence of the suppliers' satisfactory con­
achievi� control of the quality of the serv­ trol of quality may be used· to adjust the
iC4!8 and supplies which the)· provide. The amount and kind of receiving mapection.
CORtractor shall assure that all applicable re-. The quality program shall assure that raw
quirementa are properly included or refer­ materiala to be used in fabrication or proc,..
enced in aU purchase orders for products esslng of products conform to the applicable
ultimately to apply on a Government. con­ physical, chemical, and other technical re­
tract. The purchase order shall contain a quirements. Laboratory testing shall be
complete description of the supplies ordered· employed as necessary. Suppliers shall be re­
including, by statement or reference. all quired by the contractor's quality prognun

to exercise equivalent control of the raw ma­ for Inspection a.Jid monitoring shall be com­
( J
terials utilized in the production of the parta plete and continnoua. Corrective meaaure11
and items which they supply to the con­ shall be taken when noncompliance occura.
tractor. Raw material awaiting testing must Inspection by nw:bin• operators, automat­
be sepaJ'lltely Identified or segregated from ed inspection gages, moving line or lot IISID·
already tested and approved material but piing, setup or first piece approval, produc-·
can be released for initial production, pro­ tion line inspection station, inspection or test
viding that identification and control Is department, roving lnspectons - any other
maintained. Material tested and approved type of inspection - shall be employed in
must be kept identified until snch time as its any combination desin!d by the contractor
identity ls necessarily obliterated by p�ocess- which will adequately and efliclently protect
ing. Controls will be estab1ished to prevent product quality and tbe integrity of proces&­
the inadvertent use r,f material failing to ing,
pass tests. Criteria for approval and rejection shall
6.2 Production Processing and Fabrication.
The contractor's quality program must as­
be provided for all inspection of JIJ'()duct and
monitoring of methods, equipment, and per­ -- .
&0nnel. MeaDS for identifying approved and
sure that all machining, · wirqig, batching, rejected product shall be provided.
shaping and all basic production operations of Certain chemical, metallurgical, biological,
aDY type together with all processing and sonic. ei«tronic, and radiological processeo
fabricating oi any type is accomplished under are of BO complex and specialized a nature
controlled conditions. Coutrolled conditions that much more than the ordinary detailing
include documented work instructions, ade­ of work documentation is required. In ef­
quate production equipment, and any special fect, such processing may require an entire
working ·environment. Documented work in­ work specification as contrasted witb the .
structions are considered to be the crit.eria normal work operation instructions estab­
for much of the production, processing and lished in normal plant-wide standard produc­
fabrication work. These instructions are the tion control issuances such as job operation
criteria for acceptable or unacceptable "work­ routing boolcs and the like. For these special
manship". The quality program will effec­
processes. the contractors' quality program
tively monitor the issuance of and compliance shall assure that the process eontrol . pro­
with all of these work instructions. cedures 'lr specifications are adequate and
Physical examination, measurement or that processing environments and the cert:1ty­
tests of the material or products processed ing, inspection, authorization and monitoring
is necessary for each work operation and of auch processes to the special degree neces­
muat also be conducted under controlled con­ sary for these ultraprecise and super-oomplex
ditions. If phyaical lDSpec:tion of processed work functions are provided.
material ia impossible or disadvantageous,
indirect eontrol by monitoring processing 6.3 Completed Item In11P«tion 1111d Test­
methods, equipment and personnel shall be ing. The quality program shall asaw-e that
provided. Both physical inspection and proc­ there is a system for final iD&peclion and test
ess monitoring shall be provided wben con­ of completed products. Such testing &ball
·trol is inadequate without both, or when provide a·measure of the ovel'IIII quality of
contract or specification requires both. the completed product and shall be per­
Inspection and monitoring of processed formed so that it simulates, to a sufficient
material or products shall be accomplished in degree, product end UBe and functioning.
RnY sultable systematic manner selected by Such simulation frequently involves appro­
the contractor. Methods of inspection and priate life and endurance tests and qualifi­
monitoring shall be corrected any time their cation testing. Final inspection and testing
Wllluitability with reasonable evidence is
demonstrated. Adherence to selected·methods
shall provide for reporting to designers any
unusual difficulties, deficiencies or question-
able conditions. When modifications, repairll and "positive ayatem for controlli111t DOllCOD•
or replacements are required after final in­ forml111t material, includ1111t procedures for
si-t{on or t.Mt:ing, there ahall be relnapeo­ Its Identification, aearegaUon, and dlapod­
tion and retesting of any characteristics tiOll. Repair or rework of noncontormlnr
affected. material ahall be in accordance with docu­
mented procedures a.cceptable to the Govern-
. 6., Handling, Stonge and DeliTery. The ment. The acceptance of D011conformlng
q11&lity pl'O£T8Dl ahall provide tor adequate IIUJ>plles ia a prerogative of and ahal1 be aa
work and lnapection Instructions for handl­ preacribed by the Govenimmt and may
�. storage, preservation, packaging, and involve a m011etary adjustment. All noncon­
ahipping to protect the quality of producta forming IIUJlplies ahall be posltlvel7 identified
and prevent damage. loss, deterioration, de­ to prevent. unauthorized use, shipment and
rradation, or substitution of products. With intennlngling with confonn!nir · aupplies.
reepect to handling, the quality program Holding areas or proc:edurea mutually auee­
ahall require and monitor the use ot proce­ able to the contractor and the Government
dures to prevent handling damage to articles. Representative ahall be provided by the 0011: _
Handling procedure,i of this type include the tractor. The contractor ahall make known
uae of apecial crates, boxes, containers, trall&­ to the Govermnent upon request the data
portation .vehicles aDd any other facilities aasoclated with the costs and IOIIBeS ID con­
for materials handlillg. Mee.na ahall be PTV­ nection with scrap and with rework ueces­
vided fo.r any necesspry protection against sary to reproeeils nonconforming material to
deterioration or damage to products in stor­ make it conform·completely.
age. Periodic inspection for the prevention 6.6 Statistical Quality Control and Ana17-
and results of auch deterioration or damage ai& In addition to atatistlcal methoda reqa1red
shall be provided. Products subject to deteri­ by the contract, statistical planning, anAlysia,
oration or corrosion . during fabrication or
tests and quality control procedures may· be
interim storage shall be cleaned and pre­
utilized whenever such procedures are suit­
served by methods which will protect againat able to· maintain the required CQntrol of
such deterioration or conooion. When nec­ quality. Sampling plau may be med wb.en
esaary, packaging designing and packaging tests are destructive, or when the records,
shall include means for accommodating and inherent characteristics of the' product or
maintaining critical environments within. the noncritical application of the product,
packages, e.g., moisture content levels, gas Indicate thst a reduction in inspection or
pressures. The quality program ahall assure testing can be achieved without j�
that when auch packaging enviroiµnenta
must be maintained, packages are labeled to ·· quality. The contractor may employ samplin g
inapection in accordance with applicable mil­
Indicate this condition. The quality program itary standards and aampling plau (e.c.,
aha!! monitor ahipping work to assure that
product:s ahipped are 11:CCOJDpanied with re­
from · IIIL-STD-i05, MIL..sTD-(1.(, -or
Bandboob H 106, 107.-and 108). Uthe con­
. qalred·-ahipplng,aiid ,technieal,documenta and tractor uses other -aampling plana, they ahall
that compliance with Interstate Commerce be subject to review by the cognizant Gov­
Commission rules and other applicable ship­ ernment Representative. :Any aamp� plan
ping regulations ia effected to aaaure safe s,r-
uaed ahal1 provide valid confidence and qual­
rival and Identification at destination. In lty levela.
compliance with contractual reqnlrementa,
the quality program shall Include monitoring 6.7 Indication ot lnspeedon Sta.tu. The
provisions for protection of the q11&lity of contractor ahall maintain a positive ayatem
products during trana!t. for identifying the inspection. _atatua of prod­
ucts. Identification may be accompllahed by
6.5 Nonconforming Material. The contrac­ means of stamps, tags, routing carda, move
tor shall establish and maintain an effective tickets, tote box cards or other normal con-

MIL--Q-9858A ·"
trol devicta. Such controls ahall be of a de­ All documenbl and referenced data for pur­ ·-
sign distinctly different from Government chases applying to a Government contract
inspection identification. shall be available for review by the Govern­
7. a>ORDINATED GOVERNMENT/ ment Representative to determine · compli­
ance with the requirements for the control
of such purchases. Copies of purchasing doc­
7.1 Government Inspection at Subcontrac­ uments required for Government purposes
tor or Vendor Facilities. The Government re­ shall be furnished in accordance with the in­
serves the right to inapect at source supplies structions of the Government Representa­
or services not manufactured or performed th·e. The contractor shall make available to
with the contractor's facility. Government the -Government Representative reports of
inspection shall not constitute acceptance; any nonconfonnance found on Government
nor shall it In any way Nlj)lace contractor source inspected supplies and shall (when re­
imped.ion or otherwise relieve the contrac­ quested) require the supplier to coordinate

-- .
tor of his responsibility to furnish an accept­ with his Government Representative on cor­
able end item. The purpose of this inspection rective action.
is to assist the Government Representative
at the contractor's facility· to determine the 7 .2 Government Property.
conformance of supplies or services w ith 7.2.l Gm1ernment-furnish.ed M 11. t e ri a I.
contract requirements. Such inspection can When material is furnished by the Govern­
only be requested by or under. authorization ment, the contractor's procedures shall in­
of the GovPrnment Representative. When clude at least the following:
Government inspection is required, the con­ (al Examination upon receipt, consistent
tractor shall add to his purchasing document with practicability to detect damage in tran­
thp following statement: sit;
"Government inspection is required (b) Inspection for completeness and prop­
prior to shipment from your plant. er type;
Upon receipt of this order, prompt­ (c) Periodic inspection and precautions
ly notify the Government Represen­ to assure adequate storage conditions and to
tative who nonnally services your guard ag-ainst damage from handling and
plant eo that appropriate planning deterioration during storage;
for Government inspection c:<n be (d) Functional testing, either prior to or
accomplished." after installation, or both, as required by
When, under authorization of the Govern­ contract to determine satisfactory operation;
ment Representative, copies of the purchas­ (e) Identification and-protection from im­
ing document arc to be furnished directly pro�r use or disposition; and
by the subcontractor or vendor to the Gov­ "(fl Verification of quantity.
ernment Representative at his facility rather
7.2.2 Da=r,ed. Government-funiiah.d Ma,.
than through Government channels, the con­
tractor shall add to his purchasing document terio.l. The contractor shall report to the
Government Representative any Govern­
a statement substantially as follows:
ment-furnished material found damaged,
''On receipt of this order, promptly
furnish a copy to the Government malfunctioning, or otherwise unsuitable for
Representative who normally sen·­ use. In the event of damage or malfunction­
ing during or after installation. the contrac­
ices your plant, or, if none, to the
nearest Army, Navy, Air Force, or
tor shall determine and record probable
cause and necessity for withholding material
Defense Supply Agency inspection
office. In the event the representa­ .from use.
tive or office cannot be located, our 7.2.3 Bailed Property. The contract<>r shall,
purchasing agent should be notifierl as required by the temll! of th� Baibnent
immediately." Agreement, establish nrocedures for the ade-
quate storage, maintenanc:e and inspection of well as inspections and tests. The purpose of
bailed Government property. Records of all this control is not only lo assure that partic­
inspections and maintenance performed on ular units <>f hardware conform to contrac­
bailed property shall be maintained. These tual requirements, but also to assure interface
procedures and records shall be subject to compatibility among these units of hardware
r�vicw by the Government Representath·e. when they collccti,vely coml!riso major equip­
ments, sub-systems and systems.
(The following information is provided 8.2 Exemptions. This specification will not
solely for gu!Uance in using this specification. be applicable to types of supplies for which
JI hns no contractual significance.) MIL-1-45208 applies. The following do not
8.1 Intended Use. This specification will normally require \he application of this
n1lply to co111ple� �uppli�s, cori11:,onent.s. equip­ specification:
ments and �ystems for which the require" {a} Personal services, and
ments of J\1 IL-l-1!>2118 arc inarlequntr. to pro­ (bl Research .and development studies
vide needed quality assurance. In such cases. of a theoretical na\ure which d<>­
total conformance to contract requirements not require fabrication of articles.
cannot be obtained effectively nnd cconomic­
all;- sole!;- b}� controll1ng inspection and test­ 8.3 Order Data. Procurement document�
ing. Thcrcfo,·c, it is essential to control work · should specify the title, number and date of
operations ·and manufacturing processes as this specification.

Cu�lodians: Prrparinr Adi'ritr:

Art1'y-!\1unitinn,:; C.ommancl Air Force--Hq t:'SAF
:r-.:aT":r-Ultirr nf :'\:l.'1AI �1:n-nal
Air F'orce--Hq USAF


sSeptember I995
8 March 1985



Inactive for new desi gn after 5 September 1995.

For new design use ISO ·9001, ISO 9002, ANSUASQC Q9001, ANSVASQC Q9002 or a
comparable higher-level non-government quality system.
This amendment forms a part of MIL-Q-9858A dated 16 December 1963 and is approved for use by
all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. MIL-Q-9858A is.inactive for new
design and is no longer used, except for replacemel)_t p1,1rposes. It will be cancelled in October 1996.
Certification or registration of a contractor's quality system or program is not required by the
Department of Defense if ISO or ANSUASQC standards arc used.

• L5: Delete and substitute:

"l.S Relation to Other Quality System Standards. Use of quality program or system
standards and the related practices needs to be flexible, efficient and effective. The intent is to
improve process capability, process control and product quality to lower cost while allowing a single
quality system in a contractor facility. ISO 9001 and ANSUASQC Q9001 are alternative model
quality system requirements to this specification for design, development, production, installation
and servicing. ISO 9002 and ANSUASQC Q9002 arc alternative model quality system requirements
to this specification for production, installation and servicing. Subject to government approval, the
contractor may request to substitute the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 9002, ANSUASQC Q9001
or ANSI/ASQC Q9002, or another quality system for the requirements of this specification."
• 2.1, lines 9 end I 0: Delete "MIL-C-45662 - Calibration System Requirements".

• 4 .2. lines 13 10 15: Delete "The calibration of measuring and testing equipment shall be in
confonnity with military specification MIL-C-45662."


l)JSTRll3l 1TJON STATFMENT A. Approved fnr puhlic release: ,lis1rihu1i,,n is unli111i1,·d

MI L-(.)-9858A

• °
6.6, lines 13 to 19: Delete "The contractor may employ _sampling inspcction in accordance with
applicable military standards and sampling plans (e.g., from.MIL-STD-I 05. MIL-STD-414, or
Handbooks H 106, 107 and 108). If the contractor uses.other sampling plans, they shall be subject to
review by the cognizant Govemm_cnt Representative."

Revise to read: "The contractor may employ sampling inspection subject to review by the
cognizant Government Representative."

NOTE: The margins of this amendment are marked with asterisks to indicate where changes from
the previous amendment were made. This was done as a convenience only _and the Government
assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies inJhese notations. Bidders and contractors are
cautioned to evaluate the requirements of this document based on the entire content irrespective of
the marginal notations and relationship to the last previous amendment.
- -.
(Department of Defense activities may obtain copies of International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) 9001, ISO 9002, ANSUASQC Q9001 or ANSUASQC Q9002 from the
Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA
19111-5094. The private sector and other government agencies may puN:_hase copies from the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY I 0036 or from
the American Society for Quality Control (ASQC), Customer Service Department, P.O. Box 3066,
Milwaukee, WI 53201-3066.)

Custodians: Preparing Activity:

Army - AR Air Force - 05
Navy - OS
. Air Force • 05 (Project QCIC-0029)


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