Rubric For Oral Reporting
Rubric For Oral Reporting
Rubric For Oral Reporting
Criteria/Points 10 8 6 4 Score
Content Identifies, labels and Identifies, labels and Identifies, labels and Identifies, labels and
understands all main understands some of understands some of understands few
issues from the the issues from the the issues from the issues from the
assigned chapter. chapters. chapters. chapters.
Demonstrates a clear Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrating
and deep limited/surface limited/surface superficial 8
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
lesson and the big ideas presented. ideas presented. ideas from the
ideas presented in the Presentation had Presentation had chapter. Presentation
assigned topic. moments where moments where contained little to no
Presentation had an valuable material was valuable material was valuable material.
exceptional amount of present but as a whole present but as a whole
valuable material and content was lacking. content was lacking.
was extremely
beneficial to the class.
Mastery of the Topic The reporters The reporters The reporters The reporters
demonstrate total demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate no 7
mastery if the knowledge of the knowledge of some mastery of any
contents of their important contents of contents of their contents of their
reports. their report. report. report.
Creativity and Creativity is evident in Presentation style Presentation style Presentation style was
Delivery of the the execution of ideas somewhat engages attempts to engage not engaging and did
Presentation and the presentation the audience but the audience but lacks not capture the
style engages the leaves information to enthusiasm. audience attention.
audience. Technology be desired. Technology has not Technology was not
has been used Technology is used been used sufficiently. used.
creatively and effectively. Most ideas flow but Hard to follow the 7
thoughtfully. Clear flow of ideas. focus is lost at times. flow of ideas. The
The flow of the Presentation had There were minimal presentation lacked
presentation was well organizing ideas but signs of organization organization and had
organized, well could have been much or presentation. little evidence of
prepared and easy to stronger with better preparation.
follow. preparation.
Cooperation The teammates always The teammates The teammates The teammates never
worked from others’ worked from others’ sometimes worked worked from others’
ideas. It was evident ideas most of the from others’ ideas. ideas. It seems as
that all of the group time. And it seems However, it seems as though only a few
members contributed like every did some though certain people people worked on the 10
equally to the work, but some did not do as much presentation.
presentation people are carrying work as others.
the presentation.
Ability to answer
Nice power point presentation
You have a very informative presentation about the topic even if kayo lang dalawa
Group 5
Very informative and I can see that every group member are actively participating in the presentation
I appreciate that you have a uniform costume for the presentation. Everyone nagpakita og nawong sa camera