Ch3 1 Proof Techniques Part1 2019
Ch3 1 Proof Techniques Part1 2019
Ch3 1 Proof Techniques Part1 2019
Introduction to Proofs
A theorem is a statement that can be shown to be true.
Less important theorems sometimes are called propositions.
(Theorems can also be referred to as facts or results.)
it may be the universal quantification of a conditional statement with one or
more premises and a conclusion, or it may be another type of logical statements.
Proof is a valid argument (sequence of statements) that establishes the
truth of a theorem. And the statements to be used in proofs include:
Axioms or postulates (statement assumed to be true
Axioms Hypothesis theorems
without proof)
o Ex: If x is positive integer then x+1 is positive integer.
A Conjecture
• is a statement that is being proposed to be a true statement, usually on
the basis of some partial evidence.
• When a proof of a conjecture is found, the conjecture becomes a
Introduction to Proofs (Cont.)
Direct proofs
Mathematical induction proof.
Vacuous Proofs
Trivial Proofs
Proofs by Contradiction
Disproving by counterexample
Methods of proving theorems – Direct proofs
Note that every integer is either even or odd, and no integer is both
even and odd.
Two integers have the same parity when both are even or both are odd;
they have opposite parity when one is even and the other is odd.
Methods of proving theorems – Direct proofs
Example Give a direct proof of the theorem :
“If n is an odd integer, then n2 is odd.”
We assume that n is odd. (hypothesis)
=> n = 2k + 1, where k is some integer. (definition of odd number)
We can square both sides of the equation n = 2k + 1
to obtain a new equation that expresses n2
Definition: The real number r is rational if there exist integers p and q with q 0 such
that r = p/q. A real number that is not rational is called irrational
Methods of proving theorems – Direct proofs
Example Prove that the sum of two rational numbers is rational. (Note that if we
include the implicit quantifiers here, the theorem we want to prove is “For every real
number r and every real number s, if r and s are rational numbers, then r + s is
rational.) :
suppose that r, s are rational numbers.
So, there are integers p and q, with q≠0, such that r = p/q, and integers t and u,
with u ≠ 0, such that s = t/u. (by definition)
p q pq
Vacuous Proofs A conditional statement p q is TRUE if p
is FALSE. If we can show that p is False, then we have a proof, F T T
called vacuous proof, of the conditional statement p q .
Example Show that the proposition P(0) is true, where P(n) is “If n > 1, then n2 > n”
and the domain consists of all integers.
Proof: Note that P(0) is “If 0 > 1, then 02 > 0.” We can show P(0) using a vacuous proof.
Indeed, the hypothesis 0 > 1 is false. This tells us that P(0) is automatically true.
Example Prove that if he is alive and he is dead then the sun is ice cold
Proof: Since the hypothesis is always false the implication is vacuously true.
Methods of proving theorems – Trivial Proofs
p q pq
Trivial Proofs A conditional statement p q is TRUE if q is
True . If we can show that q is True, then we have a proof, called F T T
Trivial proof, of the conditional statement p q .
Example Let P(n) be “If a and b are positive integers with a ≥ b, then an ≥ bn where the
domain consists of all nonnegative integers. Show that P(0) is true.
Proof: The proposition P(0) is “If a ≥ b, then a0 ≥ b0.” Because a0 = b0 = 1, the conclusion
of the conditional statement “If a ≥ b, then a0 ≥ b0” is true. Hence, this conditional
statement, which is P(0), is true
Example Prove that if x=2 then x2 0 for all real numbers
Proof: Since x2 0 is true then the implication is trivially true. (we didn’t use
the fact x=2)
Example Use a trivial proof to show that if n > 1 then n2 ≥ n for all integers
Methods of proving theorems – Proofs by Contradiction
Proofs by Contradiction
• it is another type of indirect proof that proves a proposition p,
• Find contradiction q such that ¬p → q is true, since q is false, and ¬p → q is true, so ¬p
is false , p is true.
• We can prove that p is true if we can show that ¬p → (r ˄ ¬ r) is true some proposition
Definition: The real number r is rational if there exist integers p and q with q 0 such
that r = p/q. A real number that is not rational is called irrational
b2 = 2c2 By the definition of an even integer it follows that b2 is even , i.e. b is even
We have now shown that the assumption of ¬p leads to the equation √2 = a/b, where
a and b have no common factors,
but both a and b are even ( that is, 2 divides both a and b)
Example show that at least four of any 22 days must fall on the same day of the
Proof: Let p is “At least four of 22 chosen days fall on the same day of the week.“
To start a proof by contradiction:
Let p is true “at most three of the 22 days fall on the same day of the week”.
Because there are 7 days of the week, this implies that at most 21 days
could have been chosen, as for each of the days of the week, at most three of the chosen
days could fall on that day.
=> 3n+2=2(1+3r)
=> 3n+2=2k (Let k=1+3r)
=> Thus 3n+2 is even which is false (a contradiction !)
Therefore the implication is true.
Methods of proving theorems – Counterexample
Counterexample : To show that a statement of the form ∀xP(x) is false, we need only
find a counterexample, that is, an example x for which P(x) is false.
Example Show that the statement: “Every positive integer is the sum of the
squares of two integers” is false.