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provided for them. Many people thought women were just not as smart as men. The
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women in this book had to fight these stereotypes to have the careers they wanted.
They broke rules, published under pseudonyms, and worked for the love of learning
alone. When others doubted their abilities, they had to believe in themselves.
When women finally began gaining wider access to higher education, there was
usually a catch. Often they would be given no space to work. no funding, and no - .-1,�
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Throughout history there have been many female
teachers and scholars, and Hypatia was one of
the earliest recorded female mathematicians. Her
accomplishments in life inspired many, but her
death turned her into a legend.
Scholars have narrowed down Hypatia's
birth to sometime between 350 and 370 CE in
Alexandria, Egypt. Her father, Theon, was a well-
known scholar. He made sure that she grew up well educated and
with a deep respect for their Greek heritage and values, instilling in
her a commitment to uphold those values, no matter the cost.
The city of Alexandria, known for its great library,
was seen as a place of learning, but it was also
a place where religious tensions between
pagans, Jews, and Christians would turn
violent. This made it dangerous for
Hypatia and her father to practice their
-........ - Greek traditions, but it was important to
Jl them to do so. Her father instructed her in
mathematics and astronomy, and she became
an expert in both. Soon she began to surpass her
father in her mathematical studies and made important
commentary on his work while also making her own contributions
to geometry and number theory.
Along with her scientific work Hypatia was an expert in platonic
philosophy. She became one of Alexandria's first female teachers.
People traveled from faraway lands to hear her speak! She taught
neoplatonic philosophy, and her male students gave her respect
and loyalty. But this would soon to come to an end.
Eventually her "pagan" teachings made her a target. The
brewing religious tensions in the area turned violent. She was
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Hypatia as a source of light and knowledge.
Born in Germany in 1647, Maria
Sibylla Merian combined science
and art to become one of the greatest
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scientific illustrators of all time.
In the 1600s, Europeans did not have a
basic understanding of insects. Most people
thought that they were simply disgusting and not
worth careful study. Maria could not have disagreed more. At
a young age she started collecting insects to study how they
behaved. Her stepfather taught her how to use paint, which
she used to illustrate the different stages
of her favorite insects' lives.
Maria was particularly interested
in butterflies. At the time, no one really
understood the connection between
caterpillars and butterflies. In 1679, she
published a book on metamorphosis, filled
with scientific notes and illustrations.
Then Maria's life changed drastically. She left her husband and
took her mother and 2 daughters to Holland. They joined a strict
religious group that had ties with a Dutch colony in South America
called Suriname. The mismanaged religious group fell apart, but
Maria's interest in Suriname stayed with her.
Curious about new insects, at the age of 52, Maria braved the
rainforests of South America. She documented never-before
seen bugs in the face of dangerous rain and heat. Unfortunately,
her trip ended early when she contracted malaria, but she had
already made the illustrations she needed to create her greatest
book. The Metamorphosis of the
Insects of Suriname was published in
1705 and became a hit all over Europe!
Maria's work helped future scientists
to classify and understand insects,
and her beautiful, detailed illustrations
amaze and educate people to this day.
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Wang Zhenyi was one of the greatest scholars in China. She was
born in 1768, during the Ging dynasty. At the time, China had a strict
feudal system; education was available only for the wealthy, and
women were expected to cook, sew, and not be "bothered" by studies.
Wang Zhenyi was fortunate to be born into a family of scholars
who valued her education. Her grandfather and father taught her
astronomy and math. She also traveled extensively and saw how
extreme taxation affected the less fortunate. Learning about the
harshness of poverty inspired her to write poetry decrying injustice.
In Wang Zhenyi's day, eclipses were considered mysterious and
beautiful but were not well understood. But she had theories about
how they worked, and she created her own
eclipse model using a mirror, a lamp, and
a globe that she tied up with ropes around
a table. She used it to prove her theories
about how the moon blocks our view of the
sun-or the earth blocks the sun's light from
reaching the moon-during an eclipse.
And there were more planetary problems
to solve! Wang Zhenyi scientifically studied the Chinese calendar
system and used her telescope to measure the stars and further
explain the rotation of the solar system.
She was also a dedicated mathematician. Her struggles with math
would often make her stop and sigh, but she pushed through those
tough moments. She understood complicated arithmetic theories
and at the age of 24 published a 5-volume guide for beginners, called
Simple Principles of Calculation. This work, compiled 6 years after
Wang Zhenyi's death, was prefaced by the famous scholar Qian Yiji and
read by many.
Wang Zhenyi lived only to age 29, but she is
remembered as one of the greatest minds
of the Ging dynasty. She published
many volumes of writing on math,
astronomy, and poetry, and
her work influenced legions of
scientists, mathematicians, and
writers who came after her.
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Mary Anning was born in 1799 in a small English seaside town called
Lyme Regis. Her family was very poor, so to make ends meet she
would help her father collect fossils to
sell to rich tourists. It was dangerous
work; the cliffs were steep, and the ocean
caused riptides and landslides. Despite
this, 11-year-old Mary took over the fossil
business when her father died.
There was a time when people had
never heard of dinosaurs and thought it
was impossible for any animal species
to go ex tinct . Mary helped to prove t his
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fish. She helped determine that mysterious stones called
bezoars were actually fossilized poop! Studying dinosaur
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• • I poop is important to figuring ou t how t hey lived .
Despite her scientific accomplishment s, she
was not allowed to publish because she was a
woman. Doctors and geologist s respected
her ideas and used her findings in their
own work. Her name would be edited out,
or never included to begin with. Although
this was unfair, it was remarkable in Victorian
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when she was very young. Her mother, Anne
Isabella Milbanke, nicknamed the "Princess
of Parallelograms,'' was a mathematician who wanted the right upbringing
for her daughter. Ada's father was the famed poet Lord Byron. The
wildness that made him an amazing poet also made Byron something of
a lousy husband, which led Ada's mother to leave him after Ada was
born. Her mother gave Ada an unusually strict mathematical education.
Ada met Charles Babbage when she was 17 and a very persistent
young woman. She begged him to take her on as a student, but he was
much too busy thinking up his next mechanical breakthrough. So
when Ada saw an article in a Swiss journal about his newest idea, the
Analytical Engine, she saw her chance to impress him.
The article was written in French, which Ada spoke, so she
translated his paper into English and published it in 1843. But that
wasn't all: she added her own notes, making it twice as long! This got
Charles's attention, and their collaboration began.
Ada imagined a world where computers did more than mere
calculations-a world where they could write music and become
extensions of human thought. She also designed a way to program
the Analytical Engine, using punch cards with a stepwise sequence
of rational numbers called Bernoulli numbers. This is
recognized as the first computer program ever !
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Ada was a true visionary, and she remains
an inspiration to this day. Her name has
tC1� become a call to action and proof that women
can accomplish great things in technology,
computing, and programming.
from what was most likely uterine cancer. Her friend said she might have
experienced less pain and suffering if only she had had a female doctor.
This put Elizabeth on the path to becoming the first woman medical
doctor in the United States.
Elizabeth was born into a family of abolitionists in 1821, with an
upbringing that valued justice and equality. While working as a school
teacher, she was mentored by male doctor friends and read books
from their medical libraries. Although many didn't believe it was
possible, she was accepted into Geneva Medical College.
Medical school is hard for any student, but Elizabeth faced
additional challenges. Often met with hostility, she had to sit separately
from the male students, and her teachers were embarrassed by her
presence during anatomy lessons. When asked to leave a lecture about
reproduction to protect her "delicate sensibilities," she argued her way
into staying. During the summer she worked in a hospital in Philadelphia
and saw how the hospital conditions contributed to the spread of
infectious disease. The experience inspired her thesis on how good
hygiene could prevent the spread of typhus. In 1849, she graduated
from Geneva Medical College, first in her class.
Elizabeth's sister, Emily, also became a doctor. Together with
Dr. Marie Zal<rzewsl<a, they opened the New Yori< Infirmary for
Indigent Women and Children in 1857. It was a place for the poor to
get treatment and for female medical students and nurses to learn.
In the 1800s, there was little known about communicable diseases,
and hand-washing was not mandatory for doctors like it is today. It was
very common for doctors to go straight from treating someone with
the flu to delivering a baby without even washing up. This caused the
spread of diseases like typhus. Elizabeth realized that "prevention is
better than cure," and in her lectures she advocated for better hygiene
standards in hospitals and homes. Elizabeth went on to found the
Woman's Medical College of the New Yori< Infirmary in 1868 and the
London School of Medicine for Women
around 1874. An inspiration to
many women, she also made
it possible for many of them
to become doctors.
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was so energetic that her friends nicknamed her
Hertha-after a German Earth goddess-a name R 1=£ LL Ol,.J OF
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she liked so much that she adopted it. Hertha was C / ET Y
definitely the type to live life on her own terms.
Hertha·s family was very poor, so at 16, instead
of pursuing her passion to go to a uni versity, she
worked as governess to send money home.
Fortunately, she met Madame Bodichon, a leader of
the suffragist movement in the U K, who would help
Hertha and pay for her education. In technical school, she
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met professor William Ayrton, who would become her husband ;:;:.;,
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and partner in invention. �,1
In the 1890s, awful flickering and hissing electric arcs were used
for streetlights and lighting in theaters. William and Hertha wanted to
improve the lighting technology to make something quieter. At one point
in the invention process, all of their notes accidentally burned in the
fireplace, and Hertha had to start over from scratch. While William was
away, she invented a new rod that made a clean and quiet bright light.
Hertha burst open doors for women by getting published and gi ving
lectures on electricity. During demonstrations about the arc, people were
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amazed to see a woman wielding such dangerous-looking equipment!
She was the first female member of the Institution of Electrical M U5iARD GAS D u�ruc,
Engineers. However, women were not allowed to speak at the Royal
Society. When her book The Electric A rc was published in 1902, it
became too successful to ignore, and the Royal Society eventually
allowed her to present her own paper. In 1906 they also awarded
her the Hughes Medal for her body of work concerning electricity.
Hertha was also fearless when it came to politics. She was a vocal
advocate of the suffragist movement and provided aid to female
• protesters on hunger strikes. Hertha participated in the 1911 boycott
• of England's census and wrote an impassioned letter on the form,
demanding the vote for women!
Hertha's genius paved the way for women everywhere to play
with "dangerous" machinery and invent great things!
Karen Horney was born in Germany in 1885. In the early 19 0 0s,
psychology emerged as a new social science that researched how
the mind worked. Sigmund Freud was the father of psychoanalytic
theory, and his ideas were the basis of how everyone practiced
at the time. Freudian theory focused mainly on male minds and
posited that women wished they were men and therefore suffered
from "penis envy."
Karen studied medicine at many schools, including The
University of Berlin, where she earned her medical degree. Her
own battles with depression inspired her to study psychology.
She was mentored and analyzed by Karl Abraham and was well
versed in Freudian theory. She started treating her own patients
and began officially teaching at the Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute
in 1920. Through her many clinical studies, she began to observe
behavior that did not fit the framework of Freudian theory, leading •
her to rebel against everything she had been taught. •
Karen argued that society didn't allow for women to have any
real power but instead forced them to live through their husbands
and children. She theorized that women didn't want to become men;
they just wanted the independence that men had. She argued that
society shapes a person's perception of self-worth. In doing this,
she created the field of feminist psychology.
Karen moved to America in 1932 and worked with the New
School for Social Research and the New York Psychoanalytic
Institute. There, she created a new theory of neurosis. She realized
that anxiety is not just shaped by our biological urges but also is
caused by the environment in which we grow up. This Neo-Freudian
therapy meant that people could learn to cope with their anxieties
and eventually not need therapy. This directly contradicted Freud's
theories, and Karen faced a fierce backlash, which eventually
forced her out of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute in 1941.
Despite this, she continued to write many books and papers and
founded the Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis.
Karen Horney created a new way of thinking about ourselves, /(V IV Ew O Curv, C
society, and anxiety. She is still considered one of the most influential lllll M r Y l?k I S
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psychologists ever.
•• • • •
Nettie Stevens was born in 1861 in Vermont. She pinched pennies
to pay for her education, and often taught classes to help pay
her way. She had a very long road to follow to get to her short but
groundbreaking career. Nettie slowly finished her undergrad
education at the newly formed Stanford University in California. After
earning her master's degree, her interest in genetics brought her
back to the East Coast, where she received her PhD at Bryn Mawr
College at the age of 41.
The big question in genetics at the time was a simple one: what
makes a baby a girl or a boy? At the time, sex determination was a
still a mystery. For centuries doctors thought sex was determined by
what a woman ate during pregnancy or how warm she kept her body.
Nettie and other scientists had their suspicions that there was more to
sex determination than that.
Nettie got to work by dissecting bugs.
She took the sex organs from butterflies and
mealworms to look at the cells under a
microscope. Male insects had an XV
shaped chromosome, and females had
an XX. Her flawless technique and use
of different kinds of bugs strengthened
the hypothesis she made based on her
observations. In 19 05 she published her
groundbreaking research in a 2-part
book, which overturned hundreds of
years of misconceptions.
Around the same time, Edmund Wilson, Nettie's former advisor,
made the same discovery of XV chromosomes on his own, but Nettie's
work had the strongest proof. She wrote about her findings with
great scientific conviction, but it was received by a skeptical public.
0 Unfortunately, her untimely death in 1912 has rendered her largely
overlooked and forgotten.
109.\C We now recognize Nettie for her amazing work, which allowed
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• scientists to better understand sex determination and genetics.
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her curriculum was one of
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the most highly regarded in
the nation. She trained almost = •
every female geologist in
America until she retired in
1928. Working at a women's
college gave Florence
research opportunities she might not have otherwise had. She
was a rigorous teacher but also was able to do important field
work for the US Geological Survey. At Bryn Mawr, she began
her intensive work in geomorphology, the study of how the
earth's geography changes over thousands and thousands
of years. Florence's research focused on the hilly area of
the Appalachians, also known as the Mid-Atlantic Piedmont.
She created important geographical maps of New Jersey and
Pennsylvania that are still used today.
Florence Bascom rocked the world of geology! Her discoveries
and maps continue to influence the field.
Marie Curie was born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1867. After working as
a governess to support her sister's education, it was Marie's turn.
She traveled to Paris to study at the Sorbonne, where she met Pierre
Curie, a fellow scientist and her greatest love.
Scientist Henri Becquerel had discovered a mysterious glow
coming from uranium salts. Scientists didn't seem too interested in
the effect, but Marie was fascinated by the glow and wanted to know
what it was and why it was happening. In a stuffy shed, Marie and
Pierre went to work. Using Pierre's electrometer, Marie examined
"glowing" compounds and discovered that the energy being produced
came from the uranium atom itself! We now know that atoms with
an unstable nucleus emit particles and release energy. Marie started
calling the effect "radioactivity." To find the source, she and Pierre
ground up and filtered down other radioactive materials, like the mineral
ore uraninite. Through this process Pierre and Marie discovered 2 new
radioactive elements: polonium and radium. Together, the Curies
received a Nobel prize in physics in 1903 for the discovery of radiation.
Later, in 1911, Marie won a second Nobel prize in chemistry for her
"GRA S S M A DE IT POSS I QLf i:-0!( TH( � UM Aru !(ACE TO ABA N D ON CAV£ LIF£ AND rouow HfJtDS . ,, _ MARV AC,N£S C H A Sf
Mary Agnes Chase was a tiny woman with a fighting spirit. She
was born in 1869 and grew up in Chicago. She started working
after finishing grammar school in order to help her family, but in
her spare time, she enjoyed learning about botany. She would
go on trips to sketch plants and used her small savings to take
a few botany classes at the U niversity of Chicago and the Lewis
Institute. Her informal education also included working with
botanist Reverend Ellsworth Jerome Hill; he mentored Mary, and in
exchange she illustrated plants for his papers.
Her impressive sketchbooks got her a part-time job at the
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Chicago Field Museum of Natural History, where she was the iilll>
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scientific illustrator for a few of the museum's publications. Mary Soct Eri,, flJIIJEll(IJ
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figured out how to use a microscope and do technical drawings on '"·.
the job. With her new skills, Mary became a full-time illustrator for
the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 190 3. %
At the USDA Mary worked as assistant to the botanist Albert
Hitchcock. Together they took on the task of collecting and classifying
grasses in North and South America until his death in 1935, when
she became the senior botanist in charge of systematic agrostology.
Unlike her male colleges, Mary was often denied funding to travel,
but, not content to just stay in the lab, she traveled all over the United
States and South America, even if it meant paying her own way. Mary
discovered thousands of new species of grasses from around the
world and authored and coauthored many books on those plants.
M ary called grass "the plant that holds the soil,'' and she was
able to figure out which grasses were the best to feed livestock.
With Albert Hitchcock, she studied commercially developed grass
strains to make sure that they were as advertised. A lot of today's
food has been informed by Mary's important research .
Mary was also a suffragist. She protested for women's right to
vote in the United States even when the USDA threatened to fire her.
She bravely participated in the 1918 hunger strike, in which she was
jailed and force-fed. Her sacrifices helped gain women the right to
vote in 1920.
Mary continued to work for the USDA until she retired in 1939.
She was an honorary curator for the Smithsonian up until her
death in 1963. Her research was left to the Smithsonian, where it
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Throug hout h i story, many obstacles have stood in the way of women who pursued
the sciences. A lac k of access to h i gher educat ion and not being paid a fair wage
are just some of those barriers. Let's celebrate the m i le stones in h istory and
accomplishments women have made in education and science.
17 8 � s
Caroline Herschel. O berlin College was the Marie Curie was the first woman
astronomer, was the first first college in America to to receive a Nobel prize.
woman to become an honorary adm it women.
mem ber of the Royal Society.
1 9 5 5 -72
Marie Daly became the first The Space Race between the Valentina Tereshkova was the
African-American woman to United States and the USSR first woman in space.
earn a PhD in chem istry,, caused a boom of innovation and
eng ineering opportunities for
women and men.
4 0 0 AD 1 71 5
Hypatia of Alexandria was Elena Piscopia was the first Sybilla Masters was the first
the first recorded female woman in the world to receive woman in the United States to get
mathematician. a doctoral degree. a patent for her invention, which
cleaned and processed corn.
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Women gained the right to WWII created a new workforce An all-female team programed
vote in the United States with of women while men were at the first all-electronic computer
the Nineteenth Amendment. war. Female scientists were with the Electronic N umerical
given new opportunities to Integrator And Computer
show their talents. ( ENIAC) project.
The Eq ual Pay Act passed in The Civil Rights Act made many More women than ever before
America and stipulated that forms of discrimination illegal, are working hard to invent,
m en and women should be paid ending racial segregation in discover, and explore the
eq ually for eq ual work. This law schools and workplaces and unknown.
helps women to overcome the giving more opportunities to
wage gap (the fight is ongoing). African-Americans.
Lise Meitner was born in 1878. Like many Jewish families at the time. hers
was living happily in Vienna. Lise loved science but knew that as a girl,
she would need to fight to be able to pursue an education.
After Lise received her PhD. she went to work at the chemistry
institute in Berlin in 1907. There, she met Otto Hahn. who would
become her collaborator throughout her career. Even though she
was bri lliant. being a woman meant she was unpaid and not allowed
to use the labs or even the bathrooms. Until the government
officially permitted women to attend the university. she did all of
her radiochemistry research in a
dank basement.
In 1934, scientists focused on
discovering new heavy elements. Lise
and Otto were trying to artificially
create new elements by smashing
neutrons against uranium. They did
not know it yet, but they were on the brink of a brand-new discovery.
Lise's research was interrupted by the Nazis' rise to power. Because
she was Jewish. Lise needed to escape but did not want to leave
her work. In 1938, with a heavy heart. she fled to Sweden and Otto
continued their work in Germany.
She and Otto secretly wrote letters back and forth about their
research. He struggled to understand the results of their experiments.
Lise realized that they were not creating a new element, but that their
work was causing the nucleus of one atom to stretch apart and
release energy. From afar, Lise discovered nuclear fission-the
nuclear reaction that releases nuclear energy.
Lise was unable to return to Germany, and
Otto was awarded the 1944 Nobel Prize for their
work-without her. Lise refused to ever work in
Germany again, unable to forgive the country
for what it had done to her people.
Although she did not win the Nobel prize.
Lise wrote papers on fission that were read
all over the world. and she won many other
awards. Her brilliant mind gave us a new
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Lillian Gilbreth was born in 1878 into a big family of 9 children. She
was always interested in her education and graduated from the
University of California, Berkeley, with a master's in literature.
She met Frank Gilbreth in the middle of completing her PhD.
She was intrigued by his obsession with workplace efficiency. She
switched her major from literature to psychology and wrote her
dissertation, "The Psychology of Management." It was the first study
of organizational psychology and how relationships affect us at work.
She earned her PhD from Brown University in 1915.
Together Lillian and Frank ran a consulting business. They
would study a simple task, Like bricklaying or carrying tools,
and break the motions down to the most essential steps to
make the workers' jobs easier and quicker.
Lillian authored and coauthored (with Frank) many books
about motion and fatigue. Often, only Frank's name would
appear on their work because publishers thought a male author
would appear more authoritative and credible-even though she was
the educated psychologist.
When Frank died in 1924, Lillian took sole charge of their company.
Many of their clients did not want a woman telling them how to run their
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factories. Since they thought that women belonged in the kitchen,
, ✓ - that is what Lillian decided to focus on: homemakers. Back then, it was
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common for women to spend all day long cooking and cleaning.
It was backbreaking and exhausting labor. Lillian wanted to apply
ergonomics and motion studies to help make housewives' domestic jobs
easier. She created new tools and a new layout for kitchens that cut
work time down from an entire day to only a few hours. This gave women
all over the country more time to pursue more stimulating interests.
Lillian continued to be the president of her firm, working with all
sorts of clients. She even helped the United States government create
jobs during the Great Depression with the President's Organization for
Unemployment Relief.
Look around you and you are likely to see something Lillian Gilbreth
designed to save you time. Whether it is the ergonomic layout of your desk
or the "work triangle" that determines the distance from the sink to the
stove, Lillian's Gilbreth's designs have been integrated into our daily lives.
She grew up in a fami ly of mathematicians and
wanted to learn like her father and brothers. At
the time, it was against the law in Germany for
women to get a higher education, so she would
sit in the back of classes at the university to try
to learn as much as she could while receiving
no academic credit. For over 2 years she audited
classes until they finally admitted her as a student.
At the University of Erlangen, Emmy lectured
unofficially in her father's classrooms and worked
without pay or title. She started to make waves in the physics
community with the half-dozen papers she published and her talks
abroad. Around 191 5 , Albert Einstein's team recruited h er to the
University of Gi:ittingen to help further develop his general theory of
relativity. He became a friend who would always defend Emmy.
Emmy worked for free for 7 years at Gi:ittingen unti l she finally
started getting paid, but she was the lowest-paid professor. Despite the
lack of recognition, she developed mathematical equations that are sti ll
an important part of the way we understand physics now. She produced
developments in the field of abstract algebra by proving new concepts
about groups and rings. She made new connections between energy
and time, and angular momentum. In doing all of this, she developed
the Noether theory.
Because Emmy was Jewish , the rise of the Nazi regime put her life in
danger. She was fired from Gi:ittingen for being Jewish but continued to
teach from her apartment in secret. In 1933, Emmy escaped to America,
where she was hired to teach at Bryn Mawr College. Unfortunately, only
18 months after she began teach ing with good
pay and a real title , she became i ll and died at
the age of 5 3 .
After her deat h , Albert Einstein made
• 1-1€R ASHES •
sure she would be remembered. In 193 5 , • \g}ER_f. BUR_IED AT
h e wrote t o t h e New York Times that
"Fraulein Noether was the most significant
mathematical genius t hus far produced
• since the higher education of women began."
Edith Clarke was born in Maryland in 1883. Tragedy struck when both
of her parents died before she turned 12. She used the money she
inherited to pay for college and would never let anything hold her back
from becoming an electrical engineer.
• After earning her bachelor's degree from Vassar, Edith spent some
• time studying at the University of Wisconsin- Madison. She paused her
studies to start work as a human computer for AT&T. Before mechanical
computers, engineers and scientists would rely on a group of people
crunching complicated math formulas to aid them in their work. At the
time, human "computing" was seen as women's work and engineering
was seen as men's work.
Determined to finish her education, Edith left her job and enrolled
•• •
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). In 1919, she
became the first woman to graduate from MIT with a master's degree in
• electrical engineering. Still she could only find work crunching numbers.
• General Electric hired her to calculate and train other women.
While working as a human calculator, she invented a new graphical
calculator, and because she was only a part-time employee, GE
missed out on claiming the rights to it. She filed a patent in 1921,
• which became official in 1925. Now equations with hyperbolic
functions could easily be solved.
GE still wouldn't recognize her as an engineer, so the same
year she invented her calculator, she quit. For a year she taught in
Constantinople (now Istanbul), Turkey, and traveled the world. Her
absence must have made an impression, because when she returned
• in 1922, GE hired her as the first official female electrical engineer.
Edith continued to create more efficient methods of calculating •
• equations. She made it easier for engineers to manage large,
• complicated power systems. She also figured out how to
get the most power possible out of transmission lines.
Edith retired from GE in 1945 and went on to
teach at the University of Texas for 10 years. Her
work gained respect in the electrical engineering
community, and in 1948 she became the first
female Fellow of the American Institute of Electrical
Engineers (AIEE). Edith Clarke was a trailblazer
and proved that a woman can definitely do
"a man's job."
1/MA�J(J)[{'Y 57f<D/N E /M� /D© ll/CG tAS ,.
In the late 1940s, Florida's Everglades were seen as a
nuisance, just one big swamp that needed draining. The
only thing that prevented the destruction of the wetlands
was a feisty woman named Marjory Stoneman Douglas.
Marjory was born in 1890 in Minneapolis and graduated
from Wellesley College. She always wanted to be a writer and,
'� after ending a bad marriage, she got a job at the Miami Herald
where her father also worked. She started her career as a
society reporter in 1915.
Her father used his status as editor of the newspaper to
talk about politics and criticize the governor's plan to drain the
Everglades. As a result, Marjory understood how powerful words
could be, and she began to use her own writing to talk about civil
rights, the suffrage movement, and environmental conservation.
Ernest Coe, a fellow conservationist, asked Marjory to help save
the Everglades. Although the land was no place for a picnic, "too
buggy. too wet," Marjory fell in love with its natural beauty. She
discovered that the Everglades was not just a swamp, but a river
that is vital to Florida's ecosystem. She published The Everglades:
River of Grass in 1947. The book and Marjory became famous. Her
work led directly to the creation of Everglades National Park.
Although the government began to protect the Everglades,
Marjory needed to protect the land from the US Army Corps of
Engineers, whose agricultural dams and canals were disrupting
the ecosystem. A proposed jetport project threatened its
destruction. Marjory's gumption and expert knowledge of the
land ensured her a win. In 1969, she started the
"Friends of the Everglades" organization and
halted construction.
Marjory continued her work well into
the 1990s. Despite being nearly blind,
she continued to write and fight for the
Everglades. Her energy and passion only
increased, and she was awarded the
Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1993.
She died at the age of 108 in 1998.
" M E. f\J D O M l f\J ATE.O H I G H E: R t DU C AT IO I\J 1 1\J 1 �1 �. A f\JD A l lCE 8 A L L WAS A D tv\ l T T€ D AG A IIUST
7 Alice Ball was born in Seattle
1 7
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in 1892. Her grandfather was
a famous photographer, and in his
darkroom. Alice was introduced to
the wonders of chemistry.
She began her formal education
in chemistry at the University
of Washington and then moved
to Hawaii to earn her master's. In
1915 she became the first African
American and the first woman to
graduate from the University of Hawaii.
In the early 190 0s, there was a public health emergency. Leprosy.
now known as Hansen's disease, was spreading-it causes numbness,
skin lesions leading to permanent deformities, and damage to the
nerves and eyes. To this day we aren't entirely sure how the disease
spreads but we now know that it is not very contiguous. Back then.
police arrested the sick and isolated them in the Kalaupapa leper
colony on the Hawaiian island of Molokai.
At the time. there was only one source of relief for leprosy:
the thick, sticky oil of the chaulmoogra tree's seeds. But it was
impossible to mix the oil with water in order to make a suitable
treatment that could be injected-our blood is mostly water-and
the oil by itself was ineffective and painful to inject. Rubbing it on
the skin or swallowing it didn't work much better. Alice was on the
case to figure out how to create an injectable cure.
At age 23, Alice developed a new way to treat the dense
chaulmoogra oil. After isolating the ethyl esters in its fatty acids.
she found the oil could be blended with water for injection. This new
treatment, which became known as the "Ball method," helped the
colony of people suffering from leprosy. No longer feared to be TRfl\TMfl\JT FOR
contagious, the sick did not need to be isolated. By 1918 patients could Ll P R_OSY UI\JT I L
see their families, and new patients were no longer forced into exile. PfVHOPE D IN �
Alice died, too soon and too young. in 1916 while teaching a TH� 1�'t0s.
lab. Many think she accidentally inhaled chlorine gas. She is now
remembered for finding a cure for what seemed like a
hopeless disease.
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Gerty Cori was born in Prague in 1896. She knew from a very early
CR'tf\TEO 5
age that she wanted to help people with medicine. At the University
• •
GL'lt0&£1\l, of Prague, she found her calling in biochemistry and received a
doctorate in medicine. She also met Carl Cori.
Gerty and Carl fell deeply in love and became partners in life and in
science. They were so inseparable that Carl refused any job if he wasn't
able to work alongside his wife. Gerty was a powerhouse in the lab,
DE VH0PE D Tl-If FIRST C U L£ known for her speed and her attention to detail. As a team they were
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unstoppable. Together they left Prague to work in the United States.
Carl and Gerty's work on how the body uses energy began in
versa), using our muscles
continued their work in their own laboratory at Washington University
School of Medicine, which became a hot spot for biochemistry.
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In 1947, Gerty and Car l shared a Nobel Prize
for their amazing contributions to medicine .
Soon after, Gerty developed a bone \.9£.D us To •
marrow disease but continued to 'V''i, •
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work in the lab as always. When she
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became too weak to get around the
- ••
laboratory, Carl would carry her
where she needed to go. The only
thing more important to them than
their work was each other. Gerty
died in 1957 at age 61.
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� <.� Joan Beauchamp Procter always had a fascination with reptiles. She •
was born in England in 1897 and grew up in a time when women were •
\J seen as dainty, and reptiles were considered exotic and dangerous.
c.:::=, Joan's chronic ill health kept her from going to a university, but it
didn't keep her from studying the animals she loved.
l1 Joan kept snakes, frogs, and even a crocodile as pets. She used
her animals to present a paper to the Zoological Society of London
when she was only 19. In 1917, she started officially working at
the British Museum as an assistant to George Albert Boulenger,
keeper of the reptile and fishes. In 1923 , she became the London
Zoo's curator of reptiles and discovered a brand-new species from
Australia called the Peninsula Dragon Lizard.
The newspapers went crazy for this small blond woman handling
huge pythons and lizards. To the public it was very odd to see a
woman to work with such creatures! She became famous, at first
for the novelty, but soon the world saw her genius. She worked
closely with architects to design the zoo's reptile house, which was
built in 1926 and is still used today. It was the first of its kind built
specifically for the reptiles· comfort.
Joan was recognized as an expert in herpetology and
published many papers on this science. Joan revealed that "the
secret of a zoo is to make the animals feel at home." She used her
artistic talents to make the environment look and feel like their
natural habitat. On-the-job training and her special relationship
with the animals made her an excellent veterinarian.
Under her care, reptiles were living longer than ever before in
captivity. Her love and understanding of these reptiles led her to
get to know each animal as an individual. She even kept a tame
Komodo dragon as a pet.
Her chronic ill health eventually SI-If CR_EAT£D A
caught up with her. She would • Pf RfECT
still come to work when she SYSTEM 50
i� could, making her rounds in ALL TH£ REPTIL£5
la.l f R.E COMl=OR.TABLf.
a wheelchair with her Komodo
dragon on a leash. She died at the
age of 34 in 1931, but her legacy
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Born in England in 190 0 , Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin always had a �- - ..
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e%" �'t.\\l , 50 S HE Go i¥L,cf' passion for learning and science. She attended Cambridge U niversity �
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�11. R.�C> CLl�rf CO and was inspired by a lecture on how solar eclipses relate to . ...
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-'1< � G Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, which got her hooked on -; �
!: • � physics and astronomy. i�
1/'t Cambridge did not have a lot of opportunities for women
· • • · . • • •I •I•, °�'9S'�0-z,
':. � •. '•'• • and did not offer them advanced degrees. Cecilia moved from '" 1;
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The stars could be viewed in a different way by attaching a
spectroscope to a telescope. This tool allowed scientists see a
rainbow of colors-the stellar spectra coming from the star. Reading
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..._ the gaps in the rainbow, also known as absorption lines, revealed
what types of elements were in the star. • ;,z,O'Stry
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Scientists at the time thought that stars were built like the Earth, .., �
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but Cecilia proved them wrong. Her background in quantum physics
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gave her new insight into reading stellar spectra. She already knew
that the extremely hot sun would cause atoms to ionize. Different
ionization states would show up as different absorption lines on the
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�/ stellar spectra. With her fresh perspective, it was now Cecilia's job to ��*
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figure out the elements to which these ions could belong.
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She discovered that the sun i s made mostly of hydrogen and
'1,, _ helium gas. This was so controversial that the respected astronomer
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Henry Russell told her it was "impossible." She completed her thesis
paper with a side note saying that she was probably wrong. She turned
her paper into a book, Stellar Atmospheres, published in 1925. Many
other astronomers read the book, and in a few years the scientific
community realized how right she was! Her work changed astronomy
and taught scientists how to properly read stellar spectra.
Despite Cecilia's accomplishments, being
a woman meant she was only recognized as
a technical assistant at Harvard. Finally, in
1956, she became Harvard's first female
astronomy professor. Her work has given us
a better understanding of the life cycles of
stars and our universe.
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Barbara McClintock never let the expectations of others determine what
she could accomplish. She was born in 1902 in Connecticut and grew
up in New York City. She loved boxing, riding bikes, and playing baseball.
She didn't fit in with the girls, and the boys didn't want to play with her.
Against her mother's wishes, but with her father's support, she got a
PhD in botany from Cornell University.
At Cornell she started her revolutionary
work with corn and chromosomes.
In 1936, she started working in
genetics at the University of Missouri.
She was spunky, direct, and much
more intelligent than many of her
male peers-and this made them
nervous. The dean threatened to
fire her if she ever got married or if her male research
partner left the university. Barbara realized they would
• genes, but they are rearranged in a different order. This meant that
a gene could "jump" to a different part of a chromosome and turn
on and off. The discovery of jumping genes, or "transposons,''
explained why there is so much variation in the world and how
animals, people, and plants can evolve to react to their environment.
Excited by her discovery, Barbara gave a lecture in 1951 at the Cold
• Spring Harbor symposium, but no one believed her. She didn't mind,
because, as she said, "When you know you're right, you don't care."
Almost 20 years later, the scientific community caught up with
Barbara, and she finally received the recognition due to her. She
was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1983, over 30 years after her initial
discovery. The span of Barbara's work includes some of the
greatest discoveries made in genetics.
Maria Goeppert-Mayer worked most of her
life for little or no pay. Despite this, she
solved one of the great mysteries of the
universe. Born in Germany in 1906, she
became one of the physics superstars at
the University of Gottingen.
When her h usband, Joe M ayer, received a
teaching job at Johns Hopkins University in the
United States, they assumed it would be easy for Maria to also get
a job in America. But the Great Depression made jobs scarce, and
Johns Hopkins would not hire the wives of their professors. They let
h er set up a laboratory in a dusty abandoned attic. Maria published
10 papers on physics, q uantum mechanics, and chemistry. She also
cowrote the c hemistry textbook, Statistical Mechanics, used at
Johns Hopkins. For 9 years she worked, taught, and researched
without pay. When Joe lost his job, they relocated to Columbia
U n iversity, wh ere she was seen more as "the professor's wife"
than as a fellow scientist.
Her perseverance paid off. During World War II, the US
government noticed her ski lls. She led a small team enric hing
uranium as part of America's research to create an atomic bomb.
After the war, she started her work on isotopes at the Argonne
National Laboratory while teaching at the U niversity of Chicago.
Isotopes happen when the n umber of neutrons in an atom
changes. Some decay quickly; oth ers almost never do. No one
knew what made stable isotopes different, only
that it had something to do with the "magic" number of
neutrons or protons.
Maria realized that neutrons and protons rotated in orbit
at different levels. The magic numbers are stable because it
is easier for those amounts of protons and neutrons to spin around.
She said it was like when you dance with a partner; it takes less
energy to spin. Her diagrams looked like the layers of an onion.
Her proof for this nuclear shell model explained how isotopes
behave. In 196 0 , Maria Goeppert-Mayer was finally given a full-time,
paid job as a professor at the U n iversity of California. Soon after, in
1963 , she was awarded the Nobel prize in p hysics.
. . .. :. . .; .•. •..
Grace Hopper was a Navy admiral and a relentless trailblazer,
recognized as the mother of computer programming. She was born
in New York City in 1906 and earned a Ph D in mathematics at Yale
in 19 34. Grace was working as a math professor at Vassar College
• when the United States entered World War II. In 1943, Grace quit
her job to join the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency
Service (WAVES). Even though she
was too small to meet the
physical requirements,
her mathematical mind
was exactly what the •
country needed.
The Navy assigned her to
Harvard University to program one
• of the first-ever electronic computers. When Grace saw the Mark I,
• she thought, "Gee, that's the prettiest gadget I ever saw." She was
second in command to Howard Aiken, one of the original designers
of the machine.
Back then calculations were done by a large group of people.
This new computer would be able to solve equations that were
too complicated for that old system. Grace's team used the
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From an early age, Rachel Carson could always be found looking
at birds, bugs, and fish. She was born in 1907 and grew up on a
Pennsylvania farm. She got her master's in zoology at Johns Hopkins
University, but when her father died, Rachel decided against getting
a doctorate so she could instead support her family. She became the
second woman to work at the US Bureau of Fisheries, writing radio
scripts about sea creatures. When she wasn't at her government job,
she did personal writing about wildlife.
Rachel's poetic writing allowed her to reach people in all walks
of life. Her first book, Under the Sea Wind, got little attention, but
her next book, The Sea Around Us, became a sensation! She won the
National Book Award and quit her job to write The Edge of the Sea.
In the 1950s, the US government and private industry started
to blindly overuse the pesticide D DT. We now know that DDT is
highly toxic and that large doses can cause liver damage and
seizures. D DT was being used everywhere, from the bug spray
you'd use at picnics to all of our crops-but it
.. ,.�,
iO D15CR.E.Oli R • book raised awareness-and action would follow. Rachel's work
• •
was directly responsible for the creation of the US Environmental
• Protection Agency and inspired the environmental movement
d-6 around the world.
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testing and exP.erim entat ion , and having tlie
or. break your. researc ti . These women d i d the ir. work any:wtiere
they: could-from dusty: attics to once they: ga ined recogn ition and
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state -of-the-ar.t Laos.
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1936, she had no real job prospects. Italy was one of the Axis powers
in World War II. and in 1938, anti-Semitic laws forbade Jewish
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started her research. She borrowed eggs from farmers and
used sewing needles to dissect the nervous systems of .........
embryonic chicks. She wanted to know why and how nerve
cells developed. By severing the limbs of the chick embryo, she 0
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Dorothy Hodgkins was born in 1910 in Egypt. grew up and studied
in England, and visited her parents on archeology sites in the Sudan.
On digs, surrounded by friendly geologists, Dorothy got early hands
on fieldwork experience. At age 13 she found a mystery mineral on
. .
the ground and used a chemistry set to properly analyze it as an
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ilmenite crystal. She quickly developed a love of crystallography,
. .. _·
the study of atomic and molecular structure.
Dorothy was accepted into Oxford U niversity in 19 28,
. .
when there was a very strict cap on women 's admission. X-ray �..
.. •
she became known as the go-to person who could map seemingly
unsolvable molecules.
Dorothy set out to figure out the structure of the important
antibiotic penicillin. Chemists needed this information to create large
.- •...·- .
synthetic batches of the penicillin medicine discovered in 1928. In 1945,
after 4 years of hard work and creative techniques, she cracked the
code of the molecular structure to synthesize penicillin. She helped save
millions of lives with this discovery.
Dorothy continued to do pioneering work While working on the
vitamin B12 structure, she teamed up with U CLA students to create
0 a computer program that could map structures faster than ever
0 before. She won a Nobel prize for chemistry in 1964 for her important
contributions to figuring out the structures of important biochemical
substances, including B12. Dorothy also mapped the structure of
insulin, which helped create medication for diabetics. sn TH AT IF SHE f:OU I\ID
In her old age, Dorothy still traveled the world giving lectures. She THE STRUC TUR E O F
spoke about the importance of diabetes awarene�s. furthered the P� ru,c I L L IIU
sciences, and campaigned for world peace until her death in 1994. Bf C OM E A MUS HR0°0
FA�M�R (H E' DI DN'T).
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14 years after her death.
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WO M E f\J DID f\J 'T G O l f1JTO CHE MISTRY. I S AW IUO R.rnsoru WHY W f COULDllJ' T.'' - Gf R_T RUD't tLIOr\J
Gertrude Elion was born in 19 18 and grew up
in the Bronx in N ew York City. She was
a great student who loved all of her
subjects in high school and graduated
early at age 15. She didn"t know what her
career would be until her grandfather
died of cancer. She decided to dedicate
her life to fighting the disease.
During the Great Depression, universities
prioritized hiring men. Gertrude graduated with high honors from
Hunter College, but graduate schools were offering no financial
aid to women, and chemistry jobs were scarce. Finally, after many
odd jobs and one cash-strapped year in NYU's graduate program,
she found a home for her cancer research at the Burroughs
Wellcome pharmaceutical company.
That group broke away from the usual trial-and-error way of
developing drugs. With George Hitchings, she studied the
difference between healthy and abnormal cells and how abnormal
cells reproduce so they could create drugs that destroy only
unhealthy cells. Gertrude was tasked with studying the nucleic acids
in DNA and how they can be used to stop tumors from spreading.
She started working toward finishing her PhD part time at
night. Her school demanded that she attend full time and quit
her job, but she loved her work so much that she quit the PhD
program instead. It was the right choice. Gertrude went on to
create many different medications that saved thousands of lives.
In 1950, she created 2 drugs to treat leukemia, which began a
new era of cancer research.
Gertrude continued to work with many different diseases.
Another major breakthrough came in 197 8, when she created a way
for antivirals to accurately target a virus without harming healthy
cells. A resulting drug is used to treat herpes and
has been the basis for many other antivirals.
Gertrude's drug research saved
thousands of lives and made tremendous
advances in drug treatment. When asked
her favorite achievement, she responded,
"I don't discriminate among my children."
Katherine Johnson was born in 1918 in West Virginia and
always had a love of learning and math. She excelled in school and
enrolled at West Virginia State College when she was only 15 years old.
Katherine assumed she was going to become a math teacher or a
n urse, li ke other women she knew, unti l she got to college and met her
professor, the famo us mathematician W. W. Schieffelin Claytor. He
inspired Katherine to become a research mathematic ian and helped
her pick o ut the classes she would need to ac h i eve this goal.
When she was 18, Katherine graduated co llege. It was the height
of the Great Depression and jobs were scarce, so she fell back on
teach ing in high school. In the 195 0 s , NASA began to have more
openings for African-American female computers. Katherine applied
and got a job!
Katherine wanted to know the in and outs of what she was
working on. She was not allowed in meetings, so she asked if it was
against the law for a woman to be in one. Her boldness and curiosity
paid off, and she was included. Calculating flight paths involved
complicated geometry equations, and Katherine was extremely good
at these. She was pulled into working on the 1961 manned Merc ury
mission and successfully calculated the launch window.
Her skill in mathematics was on point; she quic kly became a leader
in calculating trajectory, making her an essential part of the team
that calculated the path for the first manned
mission to the moon in 1969. She did most
? of the calculations on the project and
was also in c harge of checking the
math of the brand-new mechanical
computers at NASA. The math had
to be perfect if the Apollo team was
to return to Earth safe ly. The Apollo
mission was a success, and her crucial
contributions made it possi ble!
Katherine later worked on lots of important NASA projects,
including the space shuttle program and plans for the mission to
Mars. Her work has helped astronauts visit the stars and come safely
back to earth. She retired after 33 years of service in 1986.
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O N C O LO G l 5T
Jane Cooke Wright was born in 1919 into a family of famous doctors.
Her grandfather was the first African-American to graduate from
Yale's medical school, and her father founded Harlem Hospital's
Cancer Research Foundation. She and her father changed cancer
treatment forever.
In the 1940s, a cancer diagnosis was often considered a sure
death sentence. Doctors were just starting to
experiment with ways to attack cancer
cells; they even tried injecting a form
of mustard gas into patients. After
Jane graduated from New York Medical
College in 1945 , she started her career in
cancer research, working with her father
at Harlem Hospital. After her father died, Jane
became the head of the cancer research center at age 33.
Jane developed new techniques to approach cancer treatment
that saved precious time. Instead of testing chemo drugs on the
patient directly. Jane tested only samples of their cancer tissue.
This allowed her to quickly create the most effective treatment.
She understood that individual people and different types of
cancer all needed to be factored into creating a unique cocktail of
chemotherapy drugs.
Jane also innovated a new way to treat hard-to-reach
tumors. As an alternative to surgically removing all tumors. which
sometimes necessitated removing whole organs along with them,
Jane developed a less invasive way to precisely deliver chemo to
certain areas in the body using a catheter.
In a time when there were few African-American doctors. and
even fewer who were women, Jane became a leader in the field of
oncology. She was an original cofounder of the American Society
of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and the associate dean of the New York
Medical College. She was also the first
woman president of the New York
(' Cancer Society. Jane Wright was
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who were on the case.
Rosalind spent hours and hours using an X-ray on the delicate
fibers of DNA. She captured the famous photo that
proved DNA is a double helix.
Meanwhi le, 2 scientists, James Watson and
Francis Crick, were also trying to fig ure out
the structure of DNA. They snuck a peek at
Rosalind's work. without her perm ission, and
used her findings to publish their own work
@ without giving her any credit. As a result, she was
overlooked. Rosalind left the toxic work environment
of King's College and continued her researc h . She went on to a
top research la b and started doing interesting research with the
tobacco mosaic virus and the polio virus.
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. .. . Unfortunately, Rosalind was diagnosed with terminal cancer,
. probably caused by radiation from her dedicated work with the
:. . ·.o --.. o.
X-rays. She died in 1958 at only 37 years old.
James Watson and Francis Crick won a Nobel prize after
Rosalind died. James Watson wrote scathing. tasteless comments
about Rosalind in his book Th e Double Helix. He also admitted that
he had looked at her data, and people started to figure out how the
discovery really happened.
Rosa lind is remembered as a woman who should have won a
Nobel prize. Now that we know the story of her groundbreaking
work. we can celebrate all that she accomplished!
Rosalyn Yalow was always a fighter-her family
even told stories about her standing up to her
teachers when she was a child. Born in New
York City in 1921. she spent her childhood
going to Yankees games and reading at
the library.
After completing her PhD at the University
of Illinois in 1945, Rosalyn wanted to start her
work in nuclear physics. The Veterans Administration
Medical Center in the Bronx offered her a job figuring out ways to use
radioisotopes in medicine. Without much funding. Rosalyn had to be
scrappy. She turned an old janitor's closet into one of America's first
radioisotope labs. Her lab partner was Solomon Berson; they would
become best friends.
Rosalyn and Solomon created a new. very sensitive way to
measure hormones in the body. They tagged the hormone with a
radioactive isotope and then measured the amount of antibodies
that were created. Their radioimmunoassay ( RIA) technique
is still used to learn about hormones and to screen for many
different hormone-related diseases.
Rosalyn and Solomon used RIA to make new discoveries
about how insulin worked inside the body, illuminating the
difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This helped
doctors to medicate patients properly.
In 1972, Solomon died of a heart attack. Rosalyn was
heartbroken; he had been like a brother to her. She understood
that she would be taken less seriously now that she was a lone
woman in the scientific world. Rosalyn hustled harder than ever,
releasing over 60 research articles in only 4 years.
Rosalyn's hard work paid off; she was
awarded many prizes and honors.
including her dream, the Nobel Prize, in
1977. Her work furthered the study of
endocrinology and continues to save
lives to this day.
Esther Lederberg always knew how to charm a room. Her smarts
and humor made her an excellent storyteller and allowed her to get
• her ideas heard when they might otherwise have been ignored. She
was born in 1922 in the Bronx into a very poor family. She went
on to study genetics at Stanford University, where she got her
master's degree in 1946. That same year she married Joshua
Lederberg, a molecular biologist. Esther earned her doctorate
from the U niversity of Wisconsin, where she and Joshua would
work together to study bacteria.
While peering into her microscope, Esther noticed that some
of the E. coli bacteria cells had a "nibbled" appearance. Esther
discovered a new type of bacteriophage (a virus that infects
bacterium) called lambda phage. This virus acted differently;
it did not immediately kill its host bacteria. Lambda
phage would hide out inside the bacteria's DNA until
its host was about to die; then it would spread.
Studying lamda phage has given us a better
understanding of RNA. DNA. and diseases like the
herpes and tumor viruses.
Esther also created a new way of studying
mutations in bacteria called replica plating. Before this, studying
mutations took a very long time. She used a piece of velvet to
stamp bacteria into new petri dishes containing different types of
chemicals; it was easy to see which mutated bacteria lived or died.
This new method allowed her research team to study bacterial
resistance to antibiotics and proved that bacteria can mutate
spontaneously. They also found that some bacteria were resistant to
antibiotics even before having contact with them. Their work led to
Joshua's winning of the Nobel Prize in 1958; however, in his award
speeches, he never thanked Esther for her research.
They returned to Stanford together in 1959
but divorced in 1966. She continued her work
at the university and became the director of the
Plasmid Reference Center. She loved her work
so much that she continued her research
even after she officially retired.
US government has used the census to understand tlie demograP. h i c s ot the American
ifhe 2011 census (P.ubl i s hed in
F.rom the m i d-twentieth centur}'. to the new m i llennium,
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are reP.re sented
still underrer.re sented
in these fields. simP.l}'. won't do . ifhere are little g irls r i g ht now who co uld
exP.lore a new galaxy,
awesome g irls and women to s hare t h e ir. Ro int ot view and make amaz ing
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to their graduate astronomy program, so Vera went to Cornell
University instead. At the age of 22 she made headlines and shocked
scientists with her theory that the universe was rotating. Scientists
today are still debating this question, though most evidence points
to Vera being correct.
After earning a PhD from Georgetown University, Vera started
work at Carnegie Institution of Washington, where she met Kent
Ford. He invented a new spectrometer that could be used to see
light from distant stars like never before and measure the Doppler
effect of stars in galaxies.
Vera used his spectrometer to start her work on spiral rotating
galaxies. The theory was that galaxies spin the same way solar systems
do. The farther away from a gravity point, the slower an object would
move, just like the different speeds of the planets circling the sun.
Vera studied over 60 different spiral galaxies. In every single one,
she made the same observation: everything rotated at the same speed!
What unseen form of gravity was causing this? Vera connected her
findings to Fritz Zwicky's theory about undetectable "dark matter."
Dark matter was creating a gravitational pull that affected how
objects moved in the universe.
Although most astronomers did not believe that this invisible
matter existed, Vera's findings could not be ignored. Vera's clear-cut
calculations and observations could be explained only by the presence
of an undetectable mass acting upon it, making her findings the
strongest proof of dark matter's existence. Dark matter makes up most
of the universe, but it is still a mystery to scientists today.
Vera has made observations on many galaxies and continues her
research on the universe. She is always willing to take time to mentor
fellow female astronomers.
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C O M P UT E R P rl_O G R_A M M E RJ MAT � £ M AT I C I A nt AND ROC k n S C I E N T I ST
Annie Easley was born in Alabama in 1933. Living in the South at that time
meant being subjected to unfair Jim Crow laws that attempted to stop
African-Americans from voting. Annie used her smarts to teach others how
to pass the ridiculous Jim Crow voting test. Throughout her life and career
she would always give back to her community.
Annie always knew she wanted to become a nurse, and she went to
had all hands on deck working to get a rocket into space. In 19 58, the
Centaur project was developing a new high-energy rocket launcher.
Annie worked on one of the first-ever computer programs to enable
navigation in space. Since the 196 0 s , this upper stage of NASA rockets
TO WATCH TH� "1A- has been used in over a hundred launches to get satellites and probes
measure solar winds . Her work with electric
batteries laid the foundation for today's hybrid vehicles.
Annie Easley understood that being flexible, believing in yourself,
and working hard can lead to amazing opportunities .
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----- --- \,IE REACH OU R. F U L L POTENT /Al. 11 - JA N [ GOODALL--------
Jane Goodall was born in England in 1934. She was always curious about
animals; as a young girl, she would bring earthworms into the house and
she scared the chickens by trying to observe how they laid eggs.
As a young woman, Jane longed to go to Africa and study the wildlife.
With no money for college, she worked as a production assistant on
documentaries and as a waitress, saving up for her dream. People said
that traveling to Africa was too dangerous for a woman. By pinching
her pennies, Jane funded her way to Kenya. There, she met Louis
Leakey, a scientist studying prehistoric humans. He was impressed
with Jane's knowledge of Africa and hired her as a secretary. Louis
wanted to study chimps to see if they resembled primitive man. Even
though Jane was not formally educated, her unique perspective made
her the best person to go to Gombe, Tanzania, to live among the chimps.
The chimps did not trust Jane. "They had never seen a white ape
before," Jane said. Finally, a chimpanzee Jane named David Greybeard
overcame his fear and opened up to Jane. As the chimps grew used to
her, she was able to document behaviors never seen before, such as
using twigs as tools. This was huge because scientists used to think that
only humans used tools. Now we understand that chimps are more like us
than we thought.
After Jane's famous discovery, she was sponsored by the National
Geographic Society to stay in Gombe and continue observing the
chimps. Through her research, she showed the world that chimps have
complex social hierarchies, distinct personalities, and capacity for both
compassion and cruelty. They are socially and biologically very similar
to humans. Jane also knew that the chimps were in danger. Poverty
had caused local comm unities to turn to eating chimps and destroying
their habitats with bad farming practices. She started environmental
conservation organizations like the Jane Goodall Institute, to help protect
chimps and their habitat, and Roots & Shoots, a
youth-led comm unity action program.
Jane continues to work for world
peace with the U nited Nations. She
has changed the way we understand
animals-and ourselves.
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Sylvia Earle's love of the ocean has helped humankind understand
it more thoroughly. Her trips to the ocean floor put her in a special
group of people-like an astronaut on the moon, she has set foot on a
previously unexplored frontier. She was born in 1935 in New Jersey.
When she was 12 she moved to Florida, where the beaches on the Gulf
of Mexico were her playground. In her quest to learn everything about
the ocean, she became a marine biologist.
In 1966, Sylvia got a doctorate from Duke, where much of her
research focused on the study of algae. She scuba dove to collect over
20,000 algae samples to write her dissertation. She went on to many
explorations, including being the first woman to dive out of the lockout
chamber of an already submerged submarine in 1968. When Sylvia was
underwater, she always wanted to stay longer and explore deeper.
In 1969, a new underwater research lab called the Tektite Project
was developed in which scientists could live for a few weeks-at a
depth of 50 feet-in the Great Lameshur Bay in the Virgin Islands.
This captured Sylvia's interest, but she could not join the all-male
mission. Sylvia applied to be on the next mission and ended up
leading the all-female Tektite II team the next year. She loved
being able to spend up to 10 hours diving in the water among the
coral reefs outside her Tektite home.
When Sylvia wasn't researching and writing books about the ocean,
she was traveling around the world and exploring new depths (quite
literally!). In 1979, she wore a person-sized submarine called the JIM
suit and broke the depth record for an untethered dive. Deep in the
Pacific Ocean off the coast of Hawaii, she observed luminescent deep
sea animals. She went on to help to develop the submarine Deep Rover
� and became a National Geographic explorer-in-residence in 1998.
Throughout her career, Sylvia has focused
on the fight to save our ocean. lilA S THE
Overfishing and pollution are s C IT!fVTtsr {OR
NOAA Bur LEr:r
destroying the ocean's ecosystem
and creating dead zones where no l-lfl'Vf MORe _v
life can be sustained. Through s F�ErnoM ro 7'
her lectures and underwater
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photography, she works to
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jumping o ut of planes for fun. She also was an
�� )4.. enthusiastic member of the Communist Party's youth league.
s,/:J Of:r:ic I Al CJ>.\.\ / This made her a perfect candidate to become a cosmonaut.
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Valentina was selected to compete with 4 other women. TAkE orr YO U R. HAT,
The program was so top secret that their fami lies did not even know I AM 01\J MV WAY! ❖
about it. The training was p hysically intense, but Valentina prevailed
and was chosen to be the first woman in space. \ AS SHE FLE.W U P
Valentina flew solo into space on a s h uttle called Vostok VI in
1963. She orbited the earth 4 8 times, setting
� a new record. The photog raphs she
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took in space greatly contri b uted
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Patricia Bath was born in 1942 in Harlem, New York City. Her parents
worked hard to provide her with a good education. Patricia was a genius.
finishing high school in just 2 ½ years and helping with cancer research
in a workshop when she was only 16. She was
bound to change the world.
Patricia was no stranger to racism
or sexism. She didn't know any female
doctors when she was growing up, and
many of the medical schools at the time were
for whites only. Despite this, Patricia knew she
wanted to be a doctor. After earning her medical
degree from Howard University. she interned at Harlem H ospital and
was accepted into Columbia University's fellowship program.
Her research showed that African-Americans were more prone
to certain vision prob lems like g laucoma. People living in poor
comm unities could not afford reg u lar eye care , so re latively
minor eye problems could turn into blindness. Patricia couldn't j ust
stand by and watch this inj ustice, so she started the first comm unity
o utreac h volunteer- based eye-care program. Patricia went into
parts of her hometown, Harlem, which had a high rate of poverty,
and convinced a fellow surgeon to operate on patients for free. She
believed that "eyesig ht is a h uman right,'' and she went on to cofound
the American Institute for the Prevention of Blindness (Ai PB).
Patricia became a professor at U C LA. She was the first female
faculty member at the ophthalm ology school and often did not
get the respect she deserved from her peers, who assigned her an
office next to where the lab animals were kept. She stood up for
herself and refused that office. Eventually she became the chair of the
ophthalmology residency training program , but she had had enoug h
o f dealing with the "glass ceiling" of the un iversity. S h e traveled to
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T O B fC O M f Europe to do research and did some of her best work there.
A DO CTOR. In 1986, she finished her invention, the Laserphaco Probe,
BY DR. ALl?l. R.T
S CHWE.ITZlR'S a device that removes cataracts, a major breakthrough that
WOR,K WITH helped restore sight around the world. Patricia continues to
LE PR,05Y. work with the Ai PB, bringing preventive eye care and sight
restoring surgery all around the g lobe.
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This research directly led us to
understand how human embryos develop
and to learn more about the evolution of species.
Her work paved the way for doctors to be able to screen for birth
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� � l\)l) ,WO i�I\.S. defects and understand what can cause miscarriages.
�_. , ) / She now uses zebra fish to research mutated genes, and
she is happy to share her mutant fish with other researchers,
--- , , -. upon request.
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*L * , � Jocelyn Bell Burnell was born in 1943 in Ireland.
11 Education always came first in her home. When her
, � secondary school wouldn't let girls into the science
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.a. � lab, her parents threw a fit until she was allowed in the
,,<r,V..'i.v class. Jocelyn got the best grades.
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.. ** Her undergraduate studies at the University of Glasgow
were challenging. She was one of very few women in the physics
department. Every time she entered a science lecture, her male
classmates would holler at her and make comments about her
appearance. She learned to hold her head up
high and hit the books. She graduated in
1965 with honors. She was accepted to
the University of Cambridge's graduate
program and finished her doctorate
there in 1969.
At Cambridge, she joined Antony
Hewish's research team and helped build a
large radio telescope. She was also in charge of
interpreting long, tedious printouts of radio transmissions coming 1-\lR l)\SCOVf.R'i
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from space. One night, around 2:00 a.m. , she noticed a "scruff" \1\1 Wl $C1£NCi
on the readouts. It was radio waves pulsing from deep space. Her Vn� f\)l\l NATVRE.
advisors thought that this could be alien life signaling
from across the sky.
Jocelyn saw more "scruff' repeated in
different places in the sky. This proved
that it was not alien made, but a natural
occurrence. These radio waves came from
a type of small and dense star called a
• pulsar. This type of neutron star throws
out beams of radiation like a lighthouse. Jocelyn
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Burnell's work helped her advisor, Hewish, to win a Nobel Prize and has
been used to understand the life cycle of stars. She became one of the **
1-1M> �p.t,\t: l> vo 5roK ,
(. 1\1 �ne.� ,H£ few female physics professors in the U K. Jocelyn still researches stars *
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F\RSi <; and black holes. She wants everyone to know that all elements come "'10R f WO J\1 f CATES tOR_
'1C .., fV :..SCt fl\JCE.
'1C .., from exploding stars, so we "are made of star stuff."
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Sau Lan Wu was born in the early 1940s during the Japanese
occupation of Hong Kong. Although Sau Lan Wu's mother was
illiterate and uneducated, she did whatever it took to make sure
that Sau Lan Wu and her brother got a good education.
Against her father's wishes, Sau Lan Wu applied to 50 different
colleges in America. She was accepted to Vassar
College with a full scholarship in 1960-the
school provided her with room, board,
clothing, and books. She graduated
summa cum Laude and was accepted into
Harvard's masters program in physics-the
only woman admitted that year in her field.
After earning a PhD from Harvard, Sau Lan Wu started researching
particle physics-the study of matter and how it works-at MIT. DESY.
and the U niversity of Wisconsin- Madison. Atoms are made out of
protons and neutrons, which are made of quarks. Sau Lan Wu was
fascinated by these particles and has dedicated her life to discovering
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their secrets.
With a research team led by Samuel Ting. Sau Lan Wu helped to
discover the charm quark. a type of elementary particle. in 1974. After
that first achievement. she became the lead on a research team that
discovered the gluon, a particle that holds the quarks together.
One unanswered question in physics was how the tiny particles
that make up an atom have mass. In 1964. a theory was created that
mass depended on a subatomic particle named the Higgs boson-a unit
of the Higgs field, which exists everywhere. The way particles interact
with the field gives them more or less mass. To prove this theory,
researchers faced the difficult task of finding a Higgs boson. Sau Lan
Wu said. "It is like looking for a needle in a haystack-the size of a
football stadium."
With a particle collider, Wu led one of the teams working to find
proof of these teeny tiny subatomic particles. In 2012. her team was
instrumental in observing the Higgs boson.
Sau Lan Wu is one of the most important particle physicists in her
field and has made many groundbreaking discoveries. She continues
to teach and research what all the stuff in the universe is made of.
M O L E C U LA � l? I O L OG I ST
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love of animals led to her passion for biology.
After Elizabeth completed her master's degree in Australia, she h.
left her home to earn a PhD in the U K. At the University of Cambridge,
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she studied DNA sequences of bacteriophages for her dissertation. F\N
O F TH E A Mr ntC
She was thrilled to be working with DNA. realizing it was the key to F OR Ct LL
so c 1 n v
understanding how all life works. She went to America to continue B I OL O GV IN i9 n .
pursuing research in her new favorite subject.
In the 1970s, no one really knew what the ends of chromosomes
were like-under the microscope, they just seemed like blurry blobs.
Chromosomes are extremely important and exist in each of our cells. They
are tightly wound DNA material that tells our cells what they are supposed
to do in our body. Elizabeth wanted to fully understand how they worked.
Elizabeth noticed that there was a special kind of DNA called
telomeres on each end of the chromosomes that worked as a protective
cap. She discovered that telomeres are made of nonessential repeating
segments of DNA that break off a little bit every time a cell divides,
protecting the important information. When we get older,
this protective cap wears out and our chromosomes become
damaged. This loss of DNA information causes our cells to not
work correctly or die, leading to diseases like cancer, organ
failure, and Alzheimer's.
Elizabeth wanted to understand what keeps our bodies'
telomeres healthy. In 1984, with the help of her grad student
Carol Greider, she codiscovered telomerase , an enzyme that
., , �
' rebuilds telomeres to a healthy length. In 2 0 0 9 Elizabeth was
awarded the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine.
Elizabeth Blackburn's research shows that keeping a healthy telomere
length is directly responsible for living a long, healthy life. It is not a
magical solution, though; too much telomerase leads to cancer, and too
little causes the effects of old age. Elizabeth described it as "living on a Hl2 A B ET H MH
BAR.B A R A M C C Ll f\J T C K ,
knife's edge." She continues to study telomerase and telomeres, LD H f R TO
working to figure out the science behind longevity. TRU ST 1-lf.R OWN
.. . .
" " .
. -�-
Katia Krafft was born in 1942 in France. She fell in love with volcanoes
when she saw pictures of them. She studied geology at the University
• of Strasbourg, where she also met her h usband and fellow volcano
fanatic, M auri ce Krafft.
Katia started her career by
taking gas samples of vo lcanoes,
and she and M aurice wo uld
document volcanoes erupting
by observing them in person.
Vo lcanoes are unpredi ctable and
dan gero us, and many scientists were too afraid to observe eruptions
in person, but not M aurice and Katia. Thro ughout the 1970s and
1980s, they doc umented the volcanoes. Katia would photograph them
while Maurice captured them on video.
Katia and Maurice's observations have led to a better understanding of
volcanic eruptions. They took viscosity measurements and gas readings
and collected mineral samptes just feet away from erupting volcanoes.
They documented how these eruptions affected the ecosystems.
Together they witnessed and documented new volcanoes be ing
formed, the effects of acid rain, and dangero us ash clouds. They even
went on a raft into a lake of acid to get
: •
---- IS TI-IAT Y O U H AV £ TO TAKE Tl-I f RI SK TO COI\ITR IBUT £ IT!1- MA� J l!M 1 50/\J ----
Mae Jemison always knew she would go into space. She was
born in 1956 in Alabama and grew up in Chicago. She was obsessed
with the Apollo missions but noticed that
there was no one who looked like her
going up into space. However, the
fictional TV show Sta r Trek featured
D ID £. )( P E R I M H\JTS
people of different genders and WITH BOI\JE. C £ LLS
races working together. This had an "'#. W H I L£ I(\) SPAC.t.
impact on young Mae, and Lieutenant
Uhura became her role model.
Mae went to Stanford and double majored
in chemical engineering and African-American studies. She went on to
Cornell and became a medical doctor. She worked in the Peace Corps in
Sierra Leone and Liberia for several years. She continued working as a
doctor until it was time to chase her space dream. Mae applied to NASA
"Jf and became an astronaut.
In 1992, Mae Jemison became the first African-
(�1 American woman in space. On the space shuttle
� Endeavour, she took an Alpha Kappa Alpha
sorority flag, a West African Bundu statue,
\ and a poster of Judith Jamison dancing.
She wanted African and African-American
culture to be represented in space and no
longer left out. * *
The following year, she left NASA and started
numerous companies, including her own technology
consulting firm, the Jemison Group Inc. Mae is the founder of the
BioSentient Corporation, which creates devices that will allow doctors
to monitor patients' day-to-day nervous system functions.
The technology and problem solving to get humans in space
:t created inventions that we use today on earth. Mae was inspired
by this and became principal of the 100 Year Starship project. The
goal is to make sure human beings will be able to travel to the next
solar system within the next 100 years. This project will also inspire new
solutions to materials, recycling, energy, and fuel, just as the space race
* did. Dr. Mae Jemison still has her eyes on the stars while helping solve
problems here on earth.
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May-Britt Moser was born in 1963 in Norway.
Although her parents did not go to college ,
her mother always wished she could have
become a doctor, and she encouraged her
• • • •
daughter to always follow her dreams.
May-Britt went to the University of Oslo and
-------- II
back home pose complicated questions about how memory forms
5MHL S JUST and where information is stored in the brain. May-Britt and Edvard
L\ k'f GRAlll tlMA 1 wanted to answer these questions and understand how humans
navigate through space. Their experiments focused on rats going
,J V
called grid cells. Grid cells form in the entorhinal cortex and interact
with place cells in the hippocampus. As the rat moved through the
maze, a "coordinate" map was being created in its brain out of these
grid cells. This is how the rat could orient itself in relation to
memories of important places, like where the food was or where
the white piece of paper was seen.
Every time we go someplace new. we use these grid cells and
place cells to create a map like a GPS system. When our grid cells
are damaged, we become very forgetful. Grid cells are crucial to our
memory, and understanding them can help us treat memory-related
illnesses like Alzheimer's.
May-Britt and Edvard have opened a new door to understanding
the ways our brains process information. Together, in 2014 they
won a Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine. May- Britt continues to
study the human brain and unlock its secrets.
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mathematics and focused on hyperbolic surfaces.
Hyperbolic doughnuts are abstract shapes; to understand them,
you need to find straight lines, or "simple" geodesics, inside. This
is incredibly difficult. Maryam created an equation that showed
the relationship between the amount of simple geodesics and the
length of the side of a hyperbolic structure. Her work is fundamental
in understanding curved shapes and surfaces.
environment. Will a ball that is hit from any direction always end
up where it started? What about the infinite possible shapes of the
billiard table? This problem was so complicated, computers couldn't
even simulate it!
Maryam thought of a different way to solve this problem. Instead of
moving the ball around the table, she mirrored the table around the ball.
When the ball hit a side, the table would flip and change angles, so it
would look as if the ball stayed in a straight line. She figured out
that the ball wi LL always close its loop. This has been compared •
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to how particles might behave and has given us a better • • .
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understanding of geometry, physics, and quantum theory. PtECEs eS O,v HU GE L tc •
In 2014, Maryam won the Fields Medal for her work, the first
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woman so honored. Maryam works at Stanford, where
she continues to push boundaries in mathematics. @® • • • • • "1
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M O R[ WO M [ N
IN $ CCJ[ N <L t -
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.,,., I ,
Firs t American woman to work as American field eng ineer responsible for Russian mathematician who worked
an astronomer. Discovered "Miss the execution of the Brooklyn Bridge. on partial differential equations and
Mitchell's Comet." created the Cauchy- Kovalevskaya
£ D 1 T H fL A N I C, f. N A D A YONATH
-- 1 �2 '.)- --- 7C:,3'J -
Her fossil discoveries of our C hem ist who invented ways to Israeli crystallographer who
ancient ancestors, or "m issing process crude oil and purify discovered the structure of
�. ,,)" _,,
links ," changed our understanding water using molecular sieves, and ribosomes and won the Nobel
of human evolution. ways to grow new materials like prize in chem istry in 2009.
synthetic emeralds.
-. \"-1. '
S A L LV R i D E
i € SS Y T H O M A S T H£ ru E. )(T G R,£ AT
---1 ')51- 2 011--- --- 1 9 6 3 - S C 1 £1\JT I ST C O U L D BE YO U !
First American woman in space Indian engineer who was Women everywhere are working
and director of the California instrumental in creating the hard, learning, and research ing to
Space Institute. most powerful long -range make the next b ig breakthrough.
nuclear m issile ever.
irhe smallest unit of life. I
• - I • e I •
A JJhenomenon that
3 objects in SJJace line
Gt N£ TI C S . , . . . _ .
. ., _
jrh� ;��d-y ot\�� ;u·r: oNA> ,-_,
cti�om osomes, and genes worl<,
each other. and the air, water, and how the genes that are P.assed
soi l around ttiem . down from our; ancestors and
f)arents change over; time, and
• I • · how they affect organisms.
When 2 electrica
the gas or; air around or. between GEOMOR P. H O L O GY
iThe study of. how the sur.face of ttie
H U f'!'! AN C O M P- UT E R!
lizard, which'. ��� 8e v�f.J< · ;: ·-
..,._.� -. .
danger�us and venom ous .
It is native .to Indones ia .
in the subjects of
Uses an electromagnetic
field to make J)artic .
S UJ)er:-fast SJ)eeds and smasli
. .
Radiation technology is
. . .
cause cancer. or. radiation
. . ..
broken bones and in cancer: treatment,
cells and in d
are sets ot num bers where addition
A tool that uses
multiJ>lication are defined.
.. .
themselves to establish dom inance
and access to food an . .
Researc hing this boo k was so m uc h fun . I used all sorts of sources: newspapers,
interviews , lecture s , boo ks, film s , and the Internet ! If you are interested in
learning more about these wom e n (and you s ho u ld!), here are some of the source s
I cons ulted. For more re sources on the specific women featured in this book, go
to www. rac helignotofs kydesign.com /women - in - science /resources.
Beautiful Minds: Jocelyn Bell Burnell. Directed by Jacqui Farnham. BBC Four, 2010.
Series 1. episode 1 of 3.
Commencement Address: From Vassa r to the Discovery of the Higgs Pa rticle. Performed by
Sau Lan Wu. Vassar College, 2 014. commencement. vassar. edu/ceremony/2014/address/.
Jane Gooda ll at Concordia: Sowing the Seeds of Hope. Concordia University, 20 14.
www. youtube. com/watch?v = vibssr0 Km60.
May-Britt and Edva rd Moser- Winner of the Ko rber European Science Prize 2014. Directed by
Axel Wagner. Koerber-Stiftung, 20 14. www. youtube. com/watch?v = 592ebE 5 U 7c8.
Mission Blue. Directed by Robert Nixon and Fisher Stevens. Insurgent Media, 2 0 14.
Adams, Katherine H . , and Michael L . Keene. 2010 . After the Vote Wa s Won: Th e Later
Achievements of Fifteen Suffragists. Jefferson, NC: McFarland.
Dzielska. Maria. 199 5 .. Hypatia of A lexandria. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
McGrayne, S haron Bertsch. 1993 . Nobel Prize Women in Science: Their Lives, Struggles, and
Momentous Discoveries. Secaucus, NJ : Carol Publishing Group.
Peterson, Barbara Bennett. 2 0 0 0 . Notable Women of China: Shang Dynasty to the Ea rly
Twentieth Century. Armonk. NY: M. E . Sharpe.
Swaby, Rachel. 2015. Headstrong: 52 Women Who Changed Science-And the Wo rld. New
York: Broadway Books.
... --
I first want to thank all ot the women wlio
ifhrough their. r. assion and hard work they are creating a better. future . And, of
course, than k you to the women wlio are
researc h in g to become tlie best doctors, scientists, and eng ineers t liey can
15e. I also want to thank all tne young g irls wlio are r. laying w itli bugs. looking
. - -
and driving their, r. arents nuts
Mason I� for. all ot h i s love , sur. r. or.t, amazin g
suggestions, and bagels while I was creating th is book ifhanks to M ia Mer ...
for. all her. grammar. know- how. Another. very s r.ecial thank you for. Aditya
Volet i for. hel r. ing me understand all of the matli in this book, and for. h i s great
suggestions, exP.ert grammar. s k i lls, heir. w ith fact c hec king, and ot
... .
C heney and ifatiana Pavlova, and tl-ie re st of the talented r. ublis h i
ifh i s i s Rac hel's first boo k and s h e r lans on writ in g many m ore
ot Rac hel's educational ar.t and
www.rac helignotofs kyde s i g
l!V D eX
Abraham, Karl. 23 Clark, Mamie Phipps, 7 0 - 71 Genetics, 6, 7, 24 - 25, 52- 53, 98-99
Aiken, Howard, 56 - 57 Clarke, Edith, 40-41 Geology, 26 - 27, 106-7
Ammal, Janaki, 114 Claytor, W. W. Schieffelin, 75 Gilbreth, Frank, 37
Anning, Mary, 14- 15 Coe, Ernest, 43 Gilbreth, Lillian, 36 - 37
Antheil, George, 69 Cohen, Stanley, 63 Goeppert-Mayer, Maria, 54 - 5 5
Anthropology, 91 Computer programming, 7, 16 -17, Goodall, Jane, 90-91
Astronomy, 7, 8- 9, 12-13, 32, 5 0 - 5 1, 33, 56-57, 88 - 89 Greider, Carol, 105
86- 87, 115 Conservation, 42 -43, 5 8- 59
Astrophysics, 5 0 - 51, 10 0 - 101 Cori, Carl, 47 H
Ayrton, Hertha, 20 - 21 Cori, Gerty, 46 -47 Hahn, Otto, 3 5
Ayrton, William, 21 Crick, Francis, 7, 79 Harrison, Anna Jane, 114
Crystallography, 64-6 5, 79, 115 Herpetology, 48 -49
Curie, Marie, 7, 28 -29, 32, 114 Herschel, Caroline, 3 2
Babbage, Charles, 17 Curie, Pierre, 29 Hewish, Antony, 1 0 1
Ball, Alice, 44-45 Hill, Ellsworth Jerome, 31
Barre-Sinoussi, Franc;:oise, 114 Hitchcock, Albert, 3 1
Bascom, Florence, 26 - 27 Daly, Marie, 32 Hitchings, George, 73
Bath, Patricia, 96 -97 Douglas, Marjory Stoneman, 4 2-43 Hodgkin, Dorothy, 64 -6 5
Becquerel, Henri, 29 Hopper, Grace, 7, 5 6 - 57
Berson, Solomon, 81 E Horney, Karen, 22 -23
Biochemistry, 46-47, 64-65, 73 Earle, Sylvia, 92-93 Huckins, Olga, 59
Blackwell, Elizabeth, 18-19 Easley, Annie, 88 -89 Hypatia, 8-9, 33
Blackwell, Emily, 19 E instein, Albert, 7, 35, 39
Bodichon, Madame, 21 Electrical engineering, 2 0- 21, 4 0 - 41
Botany, 30 - 31, 5 2- 53, 114 Elion, Gertrude, 72-73 Inventing, 20 -21, 33, 40-41, 56-57,
Boulenger, George Albert, 49 Engineering, 20 -21, 36 -37, 40 -41, 68-69, 96- 97
Buck, Linda, 114 95, 115
Burnell, Jocelyn Bell, 100 - 101 Entomology, 10- 11
Byron, Lord, 17 Equal Pay Act, 33 Jackson, Miles, 44
Ergonomics, 36- 37 Jackson, Shirley Ann, 114
Jemison, Mae, 1 0 8-9
Carson, Rachel, 5 8-59 F Johnson, Katherine, 74-75
Chase, Mary Agnes, 3 0- 31 Flanigen, Edith, 115 Joliot-Curie, Irene, 114
Chemistry, 7, 28- 29, 32, 44-45, Ford, Kent, 87
78-79, 114, 115 Fossil collecting, 14-15, 115
Chimpanzees, 9 0 -91 Franklin, Rosalind, 7, 78-79 Kovalevskaya, Sofia, 115
Civil Rights Act, 33 Freud, Sigmund, 23 Krafft, Katia, 106-7
Clark, Kenneth, 71 Krafft, Maurice, 106, 107
Lab tools, 6 0 -61 Tereshkova, Valentina, 3 2 , 94 -95
Lamarr, Hedy, 6 8- 69 Thomas, Tessy, 115
Leakey, Louis, 91 Ting , Samuel, 103
Leakey, Mary, 115 p
Lederberg, Esther, 82-83 Paleontology, 14 -15
Lederberg, Joshua, 83 Particle physics, 102-3
Levi-Montalcini , Rita, 62-6 3 Payne-Gaposchkin, Cecilia, 7, 5 0 - 5 1
Lovelace, Ada, 16-17 Pharmacology. 72 - 73
Physics, 7, 28-29, 34- 3 5 , 3 8- 39, w
M 54- 5 5 , 66 -67, 74-7 5 , 114 . See also Wang Zheny i , 12 -13
Mandl, Fritz, 69 Astrophysics; Medical physics; Watson, James, 7, 79
Marine biology, 5 8- 5 9, 9 2 -93 Particle physics Wilson, Edmund, 25
Masters, Sybilla, 33 Piscopia, Elena, 33 Wright, Jane Cooke, 76 -77
Mathematics, 8-9, 12- 13, 17, 21, 33 , Primatology, 9 0 -91 Wu, Chien-Shiung, 66-67
3 8 -39, 41. 74-75, 89, 112 - 13. 115 Procter, Joan Beauchamp. 4 8- 49 Wu, Sau Lan, 102- 3
Mayer, Joe, 55 Psychology, 22 -23 , 36 - 37, 70 -71,
Mayer, Louis, 69 110 -11
McClintock. Barbara, 6, 5 2- 5 3 , 105
Mechanical engineering. 36- 37
Medical physics, 81 Qian Yiji. 13
Medicine, 18 - 19, 46 -47, 62-63 ,
72 -73 , 76-77. 80 - 81, 96 -99, R Zakrzewska, Marie, 19
104 - 5 , 1 0 8 - 11, 114 Ride, Sally, 115 Zoology, 4 8-49, 59
Meitner, Lise, 34 - 3 5 Rocket science, 8 8- 89 Zwicky, Fritz, 87
Merian, Maria Sibylla, 10 -11 Roebling, Emily, 115
Microbiology. 82- 83 Rubin, Vera, 86 - 87
Milbanke, Anne Isabella, 17 Russell, Henry, 51
Mirzakhani , Maryam, 112-13
Mitchell, Maria, 115
Molecular biology, 104 - 5 Scientific illustration, 10- 11, 31
Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 24, 2 5 Space travel. 32, 94 -95 , 108-9, 115
Moser, Edvard, 111 STEM fields
Moser, May-Britt, 110-11 definition of, 7
statistics on women in, 84 - 8 5
N Stevens, Nettie, 24-25
Neurology, 62-63 Swain, Sandra, 76
Neuroscience, 110 -11
Noether, Emmy, 7, 3 8 - 39
NUsslein-Volhard, Christiane, 98 -99