2024 Loyalty Month Pamphlet
2024 Loyalty Month Pamphlet
2024 Loyalty Month Pamphlet
Ebenezer Afolabi
Michael Ajayi-Isuku
Joel Ogunsola
Foreword by
Sam Aboyeji
General Overseer,
Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria
Published by:
National Office: 38, Akinwunmi Street, Alagomeji, Yaba, Lagos
P.O. Box 273, Sabo – Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria
0803 337 7551
GENERAL INTRODUCTION business. Only a diligent person will be prudent, especially in times of
economic downturn.
“Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy Fourth, he was RESILENT. Isaac truly stayed on and strove through
name….and forget not all his benefits; Who forgiveth …Who satisfieth all the challenges that confronted him against the fulfilment of God’s
thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the prophecies to bless him all around. Don’t forget he was in the centre
eagle’s”. Psalm 103:1-5 of famine, lived as a stranger in a strange land, and experienced
enemies' confrontations, but he remained focused and made it
According to the Psalmist, we stand here and raise our hands and
through. This is a practical expression of diligence.
voices in adoration to our God because He is good to us. Our God has
always been faithful to us, not minding the prevailing economic crisis. Fifth, he was PERTINENT. He became relevant at the end of the day.
This means that people only celebrate success and greatness. The
I welcome you all to our annual national LOYALTY MONTH for 2024.
same people who sent Isaac away and fought him came back to plead
Our theme for this year is “DILIGENCE: Foundation for All-round
for his mercy, partnership, and alliance because they saw that he had
Blessings”, brought from Gen. 26:12 and Deut. 28:1-13. It behoves
become successful and significant. He was unstoppable by his
me to say that this theme couldn’t have come at a better time than
challenges, which were a response of obedience and a show of
now. When we critically study the text in Genesis 26, Isaac typically
diligence. In the end, Isaac enjoyed All-round Blessings.
taught us some lessons embedded in the keyword of our theme:
DILIGENCE. In conclusion, I encourage you to study this manual, prepare well
through diligent study of the Bible, and set out to be a blessing to God’s
First, Isaac was OBEDIENT to God’s instruction: “…Go not down into
people wherever you are posted. Emulate Isaac's diligence and
Egypt; dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of. . .,” even during a
practically show it in the ministry to which God has called you. This
severe national economic downturn. He diligently obeyed God,
shall indeed be our year of ALL-ROUND BLESSINGS in Jesus’ Name.
serving and worshipping Him in the steps of his father, Abraham.
Second, he was ENGAGED. He worked to make ends meet. Isaac
engaged in local farming but was diligent enough to grow it from small- Rev. Joel Ogunsola
scale or subsistence farming to large-scale agriculture. His National Director of Christian Education
commitment and dedication to his work (trade, business, office, etc.)
was second to none. He diversified into other branches of farming or
agriculture, such as crop farming, animal husbandry, water
merchanting, human capital outsourcing, etc.
Third, he was PRUDENT. He demonstrated this in his ability to marry
and manage different jobs and streams of income, with a robust
financial account statement at the end of his first year of starting the
2nd June 2024 picture), the reasons for all-around blessings (purpose), and the
First Sunday Message principles for sustaining all-around blessings.
l. The Picture of All-round Blessings (Gen.1:26-27; Gen.26:3-4).
SUSTAINING YOUR ALL-ROUND BLESSINGS THROUGH The word picture means “a description so vivid or graphic as to
suggest or paint an accurate mental idea of something.” God’s outlook
OBEDIENCE of all-round blessings are blessings that exclude nothing and include
everything. God gave Isaac the picture of his greatness amid famine:
TEXT: Gen.26:1-6, 12-17; Gen. 1:28-30; Deut. 28:1-2; Ps. 115:14-
“. . . I will be with you and bless thee. . ..” (Gen.26:3). The picture you
15 see will be a driving force towards what you continue to pursue in life.
INTRODUCTION God’s blessings at creation are also a graphic representation of God's
all-round blessings for you. God said:
Isaac's experience in Gerar is crucial in this year’s theme. Besides the A. Be blessed!
famine of Abraham’s day, there was famine in the land. This seems to B. Be fruitful!
be a ‘hereditary problem’ that can force people to make the wrong C. Multiply!
decision. However, God appeared unto Isaac, signifying a relationship D. Have dominion!
between God and Isaac. Despite the famine, God told Isaac to stay in This is a picture of God's blessings for us this year and beyond. His
the land of Gerar and not go to Egypt, and he obeyed. It was there that blessings cut across every facet of our lives and He wants us to see
God blessed Isaac exponentially and made him great. We also may beyond the famine, lack, poverty, debt, or other ugly situations
be going through a season of famine in our lives (i.e. poverty, confronting us. Like Isaac of old, God wants to give us exponential
barrenness, sinful habit, spiritual decline, unemployment, bad luck, blessings that will cut across every faculty of our beings. What picture
stagnation, etc.). We must take a cue from Isaac by refusing to take a can you see concerning your life?
precipitous decision with long-lasting effect, based merely on the
temporary famine of this moment without seeking guidance from ll. The Purpose of All-round Blessings (Gen.1:28-30). There are
God. . God desires to bless us, and He’s committed to His promises: ' many reasons and purposes for God’s blessings. Our blessings are
And all these blessings shall come on thee and overtake thee if thou part of God’s heavenly vision for our lives. Let’s consider why we must
shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God (Deut. 28:2). be blessed:
Irrespective of our standing/position in the blessings of God, He still
wants to bless us more and more with generational blessings. A. Our creator is great and full of blessings - ‘It is he that sitteth upon
However, we must be weary of stagnation, unfruitfulness, and other the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as
vices that are not making us progress in our relationship with God. A grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and
great man of God once said, “The oppressor's strength is in the spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in’ ((Isaiah 40:22).
oppressed's silence.” Until you get tired of your situations, your B. We are to fill the image of our creator- Gen.1:26, ‘And God said,
situations will not get tired of you. We must know when to tell the devil, let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them
“Enough is enough!” We must say no to his manipulation. In addition, have dominion.’
Isaac’s story teaches us what all-around blessings look like (the C. So that we can show forth the glory of Him that has called us.
1Peter.2:9- ‘But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a
holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the learnt what it means to have all-around blessings, why God chooses
praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his to bless His people in this manner, and the principles for sustaining
marvellous light;” our blessings. We now have a firm assurance in God’s willingness to
D. So that we can demonstrate the goodness of God to the people bless and in the truth that we can remain blessed. When we do God’s
around us (Proverb 11:24-25). bidding, His blessings are released and sustained.
E. Our blessings are from God (1Cor.4:7)
F. Our blessings are for the Master’s use (2 Tim.2:19-26).
G. Our blessings are assured in the Lord (Deut.28:13).
H. It will be an aberration for us not to be blessed.
God is committed to blessing us and wants to help us remain blessed
so that our enemies do not mock us by asking, “Where are the
blessings they once possessed?” Through the story of Isaac, we have
9th June 2024 B. The inherent preference of God
Second Sunday Message C. God’s purpose and plan
Our God is not a genie that is typically bound to obey the commands of
mortals. He has the ability and right to decide what pleases Him. His
DILIGENT STUDY AND APPLICATION OF THE WORD FOR ALL- sovereignty affords Him the right to do what pleases Him, to demand our
ROUND BLESSINGS loyalty and obedience, and by His wisdom, He also plans the course of
our lives. Therefore, we must take the pain to seek His will in His word.
Texts: Deut. 28:1; Rom. 10:17; 12:1-2; James 1:22-25
The Bible reveals various aspects of God’s will for our life:
God bound Himself with a covenant to His people, the Israelites, as a sign of 1. It is God’s will for sinners to be saved (1 Tim. 2:4)
His graciousness and mercy so that He could freely relate with them and 2. It is God’s will for us to live in health and prosper (3 Jn.1:1)
sign them up for His blessings. However, God’s covenant with His people is 3. Our sanctification is God’s will (1 Thes. 4:3).
promissory and obligatory (Deut. 28:1-14). Deut. 28:1, Moses stated the 4. Prayer and thanksgiving are God’s will for us (1 The. 5:17-18).
condition for receiving the all-round blessings God promised in the preceding 5. Good deeds are God’s will for us (1 Pet. 2:15).
verses: “If you diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God, to observe 6. It is God’s will for us to enjoy all-round blessings.
carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the LORD
your God will set you high above all nations of the earth.” We must take note It is, therefore, important to seek God’s will in His word and to apply His
of the two important verbs in this verse: obey and follow. They both word to our respective situations because:
emphasise hearing the word of God and acting on it. They mean complying a) God commands us to know His will (Eph. 5:17)
with everything God has commanded. In other words, God’s people are b) We lack the capacity to guide our steps correctly (Jer. 10:23, Pro
responsible for hearing, studying, and applying God’s word to their 14:12)
situations. This is to establish loyalty and enforce obedience on the part of c) The knowledge of God’s will brings new assurance into our prayer
God’s people. However, God’s word and commands have been preserved life (1Jn.5:14-15)
and transmitted from generation to generation so that people in every d) The will of God brings lifelong blessings (Deut. 28:1-14)
generation can understand God’s will and appropriate His blessings. The e) The will of God is good, acceptable, and perfect (Rom. 12:2).
Bible reveals God’s will, ways, deeds, character, instructions and promises.
To undermine the authority and spiritual benefits of Scripture is to deny Henry Varley, a Christian businessman, once remarked: “The world has
ourselves of the blessings therein, and to study and apply its teachings to yet to see what God can do with and for and through and in a man who
our lives is to set ourselves up for God’s all-round blessings. Diligently is fully and wholly yielded to him.” In addition, we have yet to see how
studying and applying His word to our lives, businesses, marriages, tremendously God can bless us as a people, an individual, a family, an
relationships, and other facets will bring God’s promotion, prosperity, organisation and even a nation when we follow His will for our lives
progress, and all-round blessings. We must diligently study and carefully because following God’s will guarantees all-round blessings.
apply God’s word for all-round blessings because: Unfortunately, we cannot know God’s will with a closed Bible.
I. God’s Word Reveals His Will (Rom. 12:1-2). We need to seek to know II. God’s Word Produces Faith (Rom. 10:17). Faith is an indispensable
the will of God for our lives, His church, and our nation. God’s will is not currency for spiritual transactions in God’s kingdom. We are redeemed
cryptical but clearly stated in the Bible. Only by diligently studying the by faith, saved by faith, justified by faith, made righteous by faith, and
Bible can we learn and align ourselves with His will. However, the will of walk with God by faith, and it is only through faith in God can we access
God can be described by the following: His promise of all-around blessings. Faith in God is non-negotiable if we
A. God’s faculty of self-determination and choice must enjoy all-round blessings. However, the Bible clarifies that this faith
comes from hearing the word. A diligent study and application of God’s 3. We must insist on obeying God’s Word, regardless of what is at
Word produces faith to receive all that God has promised. We are stake.
exposed to God's character and capability when we diligently study the 4. We must never forget that God rewards the doers of His Word
word. This exposure fosters faith, and when faith is produced, God 5. We must trust God to help us obey His Word.
becomes committed. Having established this truth, what should be our
attitude to the Word of God? Conclusion
A. Treasure the Word – Ps. 119:24 The Word of God provides the blueprint for what God expects of us.
B. Receive the Word with meekness – James 1:21 Therefore, we must make it a duty to study the Word of God and apply its
C. Believe what the Word says – Heb. 4:1-2 truths to our lives. This is when the Word of God will be profitable to us.
D. Be willing and eager to share the Word with others – Matt. 28:20;
Acts 6:7
E. Live by the Word – James 1:22-25
16th June 2024 letter. David refrained from engaging in any battle unless he sought God’s
Third Sunday Message guidance first. When his camp was ravaged at Ziklag and his wives and
children and those of the men with him were taken away by the Amalekites,
one would have expected him to rush out in hot pursuit of the enemies
immediately, but David took his time to seek God first. (1Sam.30:7-8). This
ROUND BLESSINGS. attitude of diligently obeying the voice of God was no doubt part of what
earned David the appellation: “A Man After God’s Own Heart”.
TEXT: Deut. 6:1-12; 28:1-13; Gen. 26:1-5,12-14; Prov. 22:29; Romans
12:11. 3. Diligence in Business (Prov.22:29; Rm.12:11; Gen.30:27-30)
A major role of a father is to be the breadwinner for his family. In today’s
INTRODUCTION world, many men are failing in this responsibilty for several reasons one of
There is no gainsaying the fact that anyone who is slothful or lazy cannot which is the challenge of lack of diligence. Majority, if not all of the people
enjoy the blessings of God. All through scriptures, the people that God that God blessed and prospered in Scripture were men who were diligent in
blessed and prospered were not just men of faith but also men that were their businesses. Abraham, Isaac, Joseph to mention just a few were good
diligent. Our focus in this lesson therefore, would be to highlight the examples. Even as a slave, Joseph was diligent in the household of Potiphar
importance of diligence as a major factor in our relationship with God as well his master and God prospered him. (Gen.39:2-3).
as in all other endeavors of life. Jacob was another example of someone who was diligent in business; the
flock of his father in-law, Laban was little when he joined him but by the time
1. The Exemplary Father (Gen. 18:18,19;1 Cor. 11:1; 1 John1:3-4,6-7) he was set to leave, it had increased exponentially so much so that Laban
An exemplary father is one that is a good and desirable model to be followed. was reluctant to let Jacob go. (Gen.30:27-30).
His conduct, that is, his words and actions are worthy of emulation. Abraham A lazy man always creates reasons why things will not work (Prov.22:13) but
was a typical model of an exemplary father. God commended his disposition a godly man that is diligent in his business is bound to prosper, other things
of teaching his household to keep the ways of the Lord just as he did himself. being constant.
In 1 Cor. 11:1 Paul admonished the Corinthian church to imitate him as he
also imitates Christ; in other words, he confidently commended himself to 4. God is Faithful To His Promises (Gen. 12:1-4; 13:2; 26:12,13)
them as worthy example to be followed since he was following the example God called Abraham and gave him instructions on what to do. God also
of Christ himself. The same admonition was re-echoed by John to his promised to bless and prosper Abraham if he would walk before Him.
readers (1 John 1:3-4). These were men who have had close encounters Abraham did, and God in turn kept His word. The same scenario played out
with Jesus Christ and saw Him as a perfect role model whose ways they fully in the life of Isaac when God told him not to leave the land of Gerar and that
imbibed. He will bless him in that same land that people were running from as a result
Anyone who wants to be an exemplary father must be willing and ready to of famine. God’s word and promises are dependable because God always
fully embrace Christ, the perfect model. delivers on His promises; anyone who holds unto His promises can never be
2. Diligence in Obedience (Gen.26:1-5; 1Sam.30:1-8)
Isaac was diligent in obeying God in spite of the odds against him. There CONCLUSION
was famine in the land where he dwelt at the time and everyone was going Fathers must be an epitome of diligence in all ramifications for the family and
away to seek greener pastures in Egypt; but God told Isaac to stay and he for the next generation. Diligence in life’s endeavors will surely attract God’s
did. God subsequently blessed him beyond measures. blessings because God honours and rewards diligence. Fathers must strive
David was successful in all his military campaigns against his enemies to live an exemplary life worthy of emulation so that generation after
because of his propensity to seek God and to obey His instructions to the generation will always have a good standard to follow.
23rd June 2024 (Acts 10:17-20, 2 Timothy 2:1-5). Souls are already ripe for
Fourth Sunday Message harvest. (Acts 10:21-26, Matthew 9:37-38). There are still some
elects and chosen amid the multitudes in the world (Acts10:34-
POSITIONING THE CHURCH FOR ALL-ROUND BLESSINGS 36; Proverbs 13:20). Because we are witnesses to the facts fact
that He is Lord (Acts 10:39-41).
TEXT: ACTS 10:9-16, 33-48 II. Recipe for Positioning the Church for All-round Blessings
i. Total reliance and dependence on the person of the Holy
INTRODUCTION Spirit is the great force behind the harvesting of souls for
It is highly imperative for the church, the abode of God, to be God’s kingdom (Zechariah 4:6)
intentional and deliberate about the heartbeats of God, (Mark 16:15): ii. We must do this by consistently and intentionally
“And he said unto them Go and preach the gospel to all creation. . ..” witnessing God’s word to the world. Acts 10:42, Matthew
We are in a serious dilemma and critical moment in the world; the 2818-20
church must rise to save this course. We must glean from and apply iii. We must do this through exceptional and distinctive
the wisdom of old by ransoming souls from the destruction of hell holiness and righteousness. Ephesians 5:15-17
(Proverb 11:30). The devil has already prepared his end-time army to iv. Through consistent prayer, fasting, and knowledge of
harvest the world, and we must not rest on our oars nor be lazy about God’s word. Ephesians 6:12-18, II Timothy 2:15
the matter of soul-winning. Let’s rise to this clarion call and bring joy v. Expression of love amidst ourselves and also to the
to the heart of the Father (Ezekiel 18:25). outside world. Romans 12:9-10, Col 3:14
Soul winning is undoubtedly the heartbeats of God, and every believer
is called into this ministry (Proverbs 11:30). It’s our duty and the only III. Result of Positioning the Church for All-round Blessings
pronounced mandate that was given unto us. Every other thing we are i. It will create room and a good atmosphere for the
executing is just a mere addition. The core is soul-winning; we must manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Acts 10:44, Acts 2:1-4
rise to render this true worship unto God (John 4:23). In the context of ii. It will bring all round blessings to the church both
our scriptural text, Acts 10:9-16, 33-48, there are about three (3) spiritually and physically. Isaiah 1:19
notable characters represented: iii. Multiplication and addition to the church in an
Cornelius, the Centurion and the people - The souls to be won exponential manner. Acts 2:36-41
Peter – The Church (us) iv. The atmosphere for miracles, signs and wonders
Holy Spirit - The spiritual force for soul winning. becomes obvious (Acts 10:45; Acts 4:15-16)
However, we shall consider this topic under three (3) outlines: v. The devil's activity and his instruments will be
permanently put on hold (I John 3:8).
I. Reasons to Position the Church for All-round Blessings
through Soul-winning (ACTS 10:1-15) CONCLUSION
Because it is a command and mandate from God (Acts 10:9-12; All-round blessings are premised on our total obedience to the call of
Mark 16:15). We are in a critical, terrible, wicked, and perilous time the Maker, and to do his will regarding soul winning diligently
where the devil is ravaging the souls of men to eternal damnation (Deuteronomy 28:1-13).v
30th June 2024 I. Establish a Culture of Servant-leadership
Fifth Sunday Message ▪ Teach and emphasize the importance of servant-leadership
within the House Fellowship Centre (Mark 10:44-45).
GROWING THE HOUSE FELLOWSHIP CENTRE THROUGH ▪ Encourage members to find joy and fulfilment in serving others
DILIGENCE SERVICE. (Romans 12:11).
▪ Promote unity and cooperation among members by serving
Texts Acts 2:46-47, Acts 20:20-21 one another (Galatians 5:13).
II. Identifying and Utilizing Individual Talents and Gifts
The Loyalty Month exercise affords us the opportunity to evaluate ▪ Encourage members to identify their unique talents and
ourselves on our level of commitment to God and the work He has spiritual gifts (1 Peter 4:10).
assigned to us as individuals, families and the Church. Giving it all it
takes, we must be intentional to prioritize the House Fellowship ▪ Teach the importance of utilizing these gifts in the service of
ministry in the scheme of things for the Kingdom business. . John 9:4. others (1 Corinthians 12:4-7).
Jesus said, “We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the ▪ Create opportunities for members to serve according to their
one who sent us. because the time available is very short. gifts, allowing room for growth and exploration.
The question to ask now is what do we really mean by growing the III. Implement Practical Outreach Initiatives
House Fellowship Centre through diligence service? ▪ Organize regular outreach programs to engage the community
The Home Fellowship has remained a veritable tool for church growth, and invite non-believers to fellowship gatherings (Matthew
a place where gifts and talents are identified, nourished and nurtured 28:19-20).
into mature believers capable of taking up leadership responsibility. ▪ Encourage members to actively invite friends, neighbours, and
Thus, another name for the house fellowship is the nursery for family members to join the House Fellowship Centre.
grooming future leaders and generals of our faith.
To grow and sustain the membership of our churches with focus on ▪ Provide training and resources to equip members with effective
membership retention, the house fellowship must be given its prime evangelism and discipleship techniques (2 Timothy 2:2).
place. In Acts 2:46-47, we read how the early Church derived its
nourishment and strength during its early formative years in people’s IV. Establish Small Care Groups within the House Fellowship
homes. The House fellowship centres had remained the lifeline of Centre
many large congregations. Whatever is working well is a product of ▪ Divide members into smaller care groups for regular fellowship,
diligent service and a strong commitment to the overall well-being of accountability, and spiritual growth (Acts 2:46-47).
the people that make up the church. It is the people that matter, not
big projects, not facilities. ▪ Encourage care group leaders to establish a loving and
nurturing environment where members can openly share and
Let’s consider some strategies or ingredients for growing the house support one another (Ephesians 4:16).
fellowship through diligent service.
▪ Promote the development of deep and authentic relationships FOURSQUARE ANTHEM
within these smaller groups. 1. Foursquare we stand for the Living Word,
V. Consistent Discipleship and Leadership Development For the Word of God,
▪ Provide regular discipleship training to equip members for Telling to all the story of Jesus,
serving and leading effectively (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Stem of Jesse's Rod,
Man of Sorrows and of grief,
▪ Encourage potential leaders to step forward and empower
Dying on the tree, Mighty Redeemer, glorious Saviour,
them to take on leadership roles within the House Fellowship
Jesus of Calvary.
Centre (Hebrews 13:17).
▪ Mentor and disciple emerging leaders to ensure the continuity CHORUS:
of growth and expansion. Preach The Foursquare Gospel,
The Foursquare Gospel,
Clear, Let the Foursquare Message Ring (Let It Ring)
It is important to note that the house fellowship is not a continuation of
the Sunday service, nor is it an appendage of the Sunday school, but Jesus only Saviour, Baptizer, Healer,
rather a need-based fellowship. The approaches must be different so Jesus, The Coming King (The Coming King).
that they attract the unchurched people and make them experience
2. Unfurl your banner and forward go,
the practical love of Christ.
Oh! ye ransomed Host,
Diligent service plays a crucial role in nurturing and expanding house Trusting in Jesus, Mighty Baptizer,
fellowship by creating a welcoming atmosphere. This atmosphere With The Holy Ghost.
facilitates meaningful discussions, organizes events and activities,
Lion of Judah, King of kings.
and encourages accountability and support. The aim is to reach out to
others. This requires dedication, commitment, and a heart for serving Lord of lords is He,
others to ensure the fellowship's growth and effectiveness. Clothing His Church with the Power to Witness,
By faithfully adhering to the timeless principles of Acts 2:46-47, the
3. Catch up your shield, oh ye Living Church,
Lord will surely play His own part through manifest numerical increase
Christ of Galilee,
or addition of more and more committed members. It is also required
of us that we do our part in nurturing and retaining them so that the Bore all our sickness, carried our sorrows,
church of Christ can witness extraordinary growth and make a great Set the Pris'ner free,
impact in transforming lives and communities for Christ. Lift the fallen, help the faint,
Dry the weeping eye,
Come, bring your sickness to thy Physician,
For He is passing by.
4. Lift up your eyes, then unto the Hills,
Lift your voice and sing,
The cloud of heaven, aflame with glory,
Greet the coming King,
Swift as wings of eagles’ flight,
Shall He come again.
Clad in His glory, and robed in honour,
And with His Saints shall reign.