Cao Oakden-Rayner

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Artificial intelligence in healthcare

Khoa Cao and Luke Oakden-Rayner

What is AI?
It may surprise you, but the first dreams of artificial intelli-
gence did not arise in the basements of an MIT engineering
lab, or the cosy rooms of an Oxford college. In fact, these
dreams did not arise at any modern university or institution.
The Iliad, Homer’s epic about the Trojan War, provides the
oldest surviving record of a description of artificial intelligence:
He had fitted golden wheels to their feet so that they
could run off to a meeting of the gods and return
home again, all self-propelled — an amazing sight
… They were made of gold, but looked like real girls
and could not only speak and use their limbs, but
were also endowed with intelligence and had
learned their skills from immortal gods.1

Since then, artificial intelligence has been found in myths

and tales across the world, from Yan Shi’s life-sized automaton
in ancient China, to mechanical robots that protected
Buddha’s relics, to al-Jazari’s drink-serving waitress in the
Islamic Golden Age, and to Da Vinci’s mechanical knight.
Modern artificial intelligence (AI for short) found its roots
with Alan Turing’s seminal paper in 1950, which proposed the
“Turing Test”, a test to examine whether a machine can act
indistinguishably from a human. In 1956, Dartmouth held a

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workshop widely considered to be the birthplace of AI. Despite

having a turnout of 20 attendees, the workshop was the first to
establish the name “artificial intelligence”, and unveil the very
first AI computer program, which could prove 38 mathematical
theorems, some more elegantly than known proofs.
The history of AI in the previous decades have been charac-
terised as seasons, an apt metaphor to describe the flourishing
and decline of the field. Following the Dartmouth Conference,
the floodgates opened for what is now called the first “AI
spring”. Generous funding and unbridled optimism permeated
the field. An interview with the founder of MIT’s AI Lab in 1970
summed up the confidence — “from three to eight years, we
will have a machine with the general intelligence of an average
human being”.2 As the fog of optimism cleared, researchers
realised the difficulty of tackling AI. A lack of progress in the
field led to the first “AI winter”, a period when it was near
impossible to obtain funding for AI research.
Winter transitioned to the second AI spring in the 1980s
with the rise of “expert systems”, which could reason through
hundreds (or thousands) of human-written rules. Many of the
first expert systems were built for doctors. Stanford’s MYCIN
program ranked bacteria based on a patient’s infectious
symptoms with 65% accuracy. Pittsburgh’s INTERNIST had
rules for 80% of all diagnoses in internal medicine. This sounds
impressive, and programs performed admirably compared to
human experts, but researchers quickly ran into two problems.
First, the best doctors were those who had gained intuition
through a lifetime of experience. Imagine writing all the rules
for every disease — there might be millions of them! Second,
these systems lacked common sense. Putting in unusual or

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unexpected data could lead to grotesque mistakes. These

shortcomings led to the second AI winter several years later.
As access to large amounts of data (“big data”) and comput-
ing power increased, a small research field known as deep
learning began to excel, leading to today’s AI spring. Deep
learning relies on “neural networks”, a collection of connected
nodes that can receive and transmit a signal from one node to
another. In reality, these nodes are simply a set of numbers
that influence and are modified by other connected numbers.
Despite its name, neural networks are only loosely based on
the brain’s neurons, which exhibit far more complicated
behaviour, and the word “deep” refers to the many “layers” in
neural networks.
Neural networks are typically “trained” by providing a set of
data with the “correct” answer, before using neat mathemati-
cal methods to improve the system’s prediction ability. If you
were from Mars and did not know what a cat or dog was, one
way to train you would be to provide an album full of pictures
which are labelled either “cat” or “dog”! Instead of writing
thousands of different rules like expert systems, neural
networks figure out the rules for themselves.
The neural network has provided the foundation for many
new and active fields of research. One extremely successful
application is computer vision, where neural networks have
been able to understand the content of images, such as recog-
nising objects in photographs or identifying diseases in
medical scans. The networks in computer vision can be
extended to videos (which are just a series of images) and
audio (because sound waves can be laid out like an image).
Computer vision techniques are being used by Google’s

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Waymo and Elon Musk’s Tesla to develop self-driving cars — a

challenging task given how many obstacles a driver may run
A second field is natural language processing, which tackles
tasks such as speech, writing and translation. Automated
speech can be found in virtual assistants, such as Amazon’s
Alexa and Apple’s Siri. One of the most advanced systems
today is Google’s Assistant, which adds in natural “umms” and
“ahhs” and can call restaurants to reserve dinner on your
behalf. OpenAI’s GPT-2, which has not yet been released due
to fears of malicious applications, only requires a short “news
prompt” before generating an entire article from scratch.
The final application is reinforcement learning. In this
technique, programs are termed “agents”, who can complete
“actions” based on their “observations” of the world to
maximise a certain “reward”. This is another way of describing
how humans work. Imagine a new office employee. If she
works hard and is rewarded with a fancy new title or an
envelope full of cash, she will be motivated to continue her
hard work. If instead she is rewarded with sleep deprivation
and isolation, her persistence will rapidly deteriorate.
Reinforcement learning agents take the “trial and error”
approach, experiencing millions of different actions in millions
of different scenarios before learning the best action for every
situation. Many of its successes have been in playing games,
which provide a clearly structured environment and reward
system. Recent landmark successes have included DeepMind’s
AlphaGo, which beat the world champion in Go, a Chinese
strategy game with more combinations than atoms in the
universe. This achievement was recently superseded by

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OpenAI’s Five, which beat the reigning world champions in

Dota 2, a cooperative strategy game requiring teams of five
human players, with each player having 170,000 possible
actions at any time. OpenAI achieved this through pitting the
program against itself and playing for 45,000 years of gameplay
over a period of 10 months in real life.
Despite these exciting advances, neural networks are not
without their shortcomings, which are crucial to understand in
developing or evaluating any medical AI system.
First, neural networks are extremely data-dependent.
“Garbage in, garbage out” is a common adage within AI circles.
If the data is not labelled correctly, if there isn’t enough of it, or
if the data is biased (e.g. only Caucasian skin images in a skin
lesion database), then the system will not be reliable enough.
In the medical field, specific challenges include the accumula-
tion of enough data, privacy and consent concerns and the
labelling effort required from busy doctors. Neural networks
can require up to millions of data points before it figures out
the rules, and getting doctors to produce these data points is
time-consuming and expensive.
Second, many neural network architectures are “black
boxes”. The majority of neural networks cannot explain why a
decision was reached, an important requirement in medicine,
and this remains an active area of research. Neural networks
are also domain-specific. A program trained to excel in playing
chess cannot play checkers or do anything else.
Lastly, neural networks still lack common sense and can be
tricked. This is best demonstrated by “one-pixel attacks”,
where a carefully placed black dot on an image of a horse can

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completely break the neural network, leading it conclude it is a

frog. It’s hard to imagine this trick fooling a human!

Setting the scene for medical AI

The widespread adoption of electronic medical records in
many high-income countries has led to a data “explosion”,
with the industry anticipated to have 2,314 exabytes (1 exabyte
= 1 billion gigabytes) of data in 2020. Although this may be
cause for optimism, use of healthcare data is often compli-
cated. Estimates indicate that 80% of healthcare data is
unstructured (such as free text), which adds an extra layer of
complexity in AI training. There is significant variation in how
doctors write notes and dealing with this variation can be
prohibitive in a broad range of medical AI problems. Data is
also most powerful when hospitals share their data, but “data
silos” are common, often as a response to privacy and
commercial concerns.
Most countries are labouring to contain healthcare costs,
with rising chronic diseases and an aging population.
Automation of labour, ranging from medical paperwork to
diagnosis support, presents an attractive solution that may
improve efficiency and accessibility. Although AI programs
may be expensive to develop and validate, they are an intangi-
ble asset and can be replicated and scaled at near-zero cost. A
present challenge is determining legal responsibility. While the
first wave of AI programs may place legal responsibility on the
physician (by marketing themselves as decision aids), more
and more programs may claim full diagnostic or therapeutic
autonomy. In such scenarios, companies who develop the
programs may be held liable (as is the current case with

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medical devices), and licenses may be provided (and removed

if too many mistakes are made).
Finally, more patients are actively participating in their own
healthcare as consumers. AI programs that safely provide
medical knowledge will inevitably empower patients.
However, a more informed public may choose to opt-out of
personal data usage in medical AI research, a decision which is
influenced by culture and societal trust. In Sweden, for
example, research participation is perceived very positively,
which has led to a goldmine for epidemiological and medical
AI research and a rise in patient engagement.

Frontiers of medical AI
In this section, we examine some interesting examples of
medical AI, from elementary to complex applications. As it
would not be possible to cover all current use cases, we hope
the selection is representative of the frontiers of medical AI

Digital symptom checkers

Digital symptom checkers are applications available to the
public, which have become extremely popular in the UK. They
suggest a ranking of likely diagnoses based on an individual’s
self-reported symptoms. Examples include the NHS Triage,
Babylon Health, ADA and Your.MD. Some apps use expert-
system style branching logic, while others have trained neural
networks on real medical records.
While these applications may ease the workload of general
practitioners in the UK, one study from the British Medical
Journal found an accuracy of 34% for the first diagnosis (and

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57% for the top three diagnosis), with a higher accuracy for
emergency cases (80%) compared to less serious diseases
(33%).3 It remains unclear whether these applications provide
a net benefit to society. Although an accuracy of 80% sounds
impressive, this translates to a misdiagnosis of one in five
emergency cases. Conversely, such applications may combat
the shortfall of care from the difficulty of booking same-day GP
appointments, overworked emergency departments and
patients googling their symptoms.
Similar approaches to digital symptom checkers have been
applied to develop one of the most extensive databases of
medical information through physician contributions (the
Human Diagnosis Project) and to build medical virtual assis-
tants that can answer healthcare questions (MedWhat,
Nuance’s Dragon MVA, HelloRache). These assistants, or
“chatbots”, are coded with natural language processing, to
understand the question being asked, and to structure the
response based on a large volume of medical information.

Event prediction
Event prediction with neural networks is also popular. These
applications provide the likelihood of a defined event given
related variables. An example is an AI model developed by
Partners Health Network, a large hospital network in
Massachusetts, which was able to predict the risk of hospital
readmission in 30 days with an accuracy of 76.4% based on over
3,500 variables from electronic medical records.4 This enabled
care teams to target interventions at the highest-risk patients to
improve clinical outcomes and prevent further readmissions.
Investing an extra day, or giving more information to the right

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patient, can be the difference between a re-admission and safe

care in the community. The Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de
Paris, one of the current leaders in event prediction, have used
medical record data to predict hospital admission rates,
recommend staffing levels, and suggest the best hospital for
patients to attend to receive the most efficient care.
Programs have also been developed to accelerate clinical
trial recruitment (such as HealthMatch) and predict the proba-
bility of survival over a certain timeframe for palliative patients,
a challenging aspect of end of life care (Stanford ML Group).
The challenge of building these systems lies in the implemen-
tation of an electronic medical record that can capture clinical
data with sufficient accuracy and detail. The majority of free
text data has too much variation between doctors to allow for
effective event prediction. It also remains to be seen whether
prediction of medical events from wearable data (such as the
Apple Watch or FitBit) will enter widespread use. Wearables
are limited to relatively basic biosignals (such as a heart signal,
oxygenation or heart rate), but more creative uses have been
developed for invasive implants, such as Medtronic’s Artificial
Pancreas, which has recently been approved for use in the
automated management of blood sugar levels.

Computer vision
As one of the more advanced AI fields, some of the world’s
largest companies have started to tackle computer vision
problems in medicine. The majority of these problems are
found in radiology, dermatology, ophthalmology and pathol-
ogy, which are specialties heavily reliant on images. Both
Stanford University and IBM have published research on the

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classification of skin cancer with deep learning, demonstrat-

ing dermatologist-level accuracy. In ophthalmology, Google
DeepMind has trained a medical AI software to detect over 50
eye diseases with 94.5% accuracy on specialised eye scans.
Pathology and radiology have seen extensive research efforts,
ranging from detection of pneumonia in chest x-rays and
lung cancer in CT scans, to interpreting biopsies to look for
cancer cells.
While these successes are impressive, it is worth remember-
ing that neural networks remain extremely task specific (a
software trained to detect pneumonia would not be able to
detect other diseases). Although many companies have
published computer vision research, the path to implementa-
tion in actual medical practice remains obscure. A big part of
the challenge, for example, is integrating AI software with
current hospital IT systems. This first generation of approved
AI software may be implemented with heavy restrictions, and it
remains unclear how regulatory bodies will manage the risks
and benefits of this technology. One particular issue is how to
regulate AI systems that can learn and be updated (e.g.
whether companies are allowed to update at all or need to
repeat the approval process with updates), which could enable
improved accuracy over time, but risk greater unpredictability.

Other notable uses

While these may represent some dominant medical AI
examples today, the use of neural networks in healthcare is
incredibly diverse. Neural networks have been used by
BenevolentAI to read through millions of academic papers and
clinical trials to predict new drugs and their anticipated effect.

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Google DeepMind have used AI to predict the shape of

proteins based on its genetic sequence (an extremely challeng-
ing problem defined by Levinthal’s paradox). Networks may
also be used to identify the most important genes in specific
diseases to better understand the genome, although it remains
unclear how this may be combined with genetic editing
technology provided the multifactorial nature of most diseases.
The neural networks used for images and videos can be
adapted for audio, such as ResApp’s prediction of childhood
respiratory diseases based on cough and breathing sounds.
AI is also being developed for technologies that may sound
closer to science fiction. Neural networks may present an
important solution to interpreting the chaos of brain signals
and developing accurate brain-computer interfaces, which can
convert thoughts to actions. Although it is currently “feasible”,
modern interfaces require extensive training by individual
users (sitting in a dark room for days completing only a single
action) and remains rudimentary (such as being able to trans-
late thoughts to only 10 words). Finally, a few companies are
hoping to combine computer vision, reinforcement learning
and surgical robotics for truly automated surgery. Although
theoretically possible, this is likely to be extremely challenging,
with recent automated robots suturing at only one-third the
speed of a surgeon, with an 86% success rate.5 Most surgical
procedures are far more complicated than simple suturing.

The future
Predictions for AI in the past have been surprisingly bad.
Experts at the 1956 Dartmouth Conference suggested that AI
would be solved by 1957. In 2017, a survey of 350 AI

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researchers from the University of Oxford’s Future of

Humanity Institute demonstrated a broad range of predictions
of when AI would exhibit “general intelligence” — an ability for
one program to perform any intellectual task a human can,
from 2025 to never, with Asian researchers more optimistic
than their Western counterparts.6 It is clear that no-one seems
to know what the precise future of AI is, whether the field may
enter another winter, reach stagnation from research problems
that are too hard to solve, or develop super-intelligent agents
to reach the technological singularity, a hypothetical event
where technological growth becomes uncontrollable and
human society changes irreversibly. Regardless of where your
opinion lies, research today will influence the future of AI and
by consequence, medicine.
Today, most AI research relies on developing more efficient
architectures and learning algorithms for neural networks.
Networks are becoming more accurate, faster to train, and
require less data (and power). Coupled with stronger comput-
ers, it would not be a wild prediction that networks will
continue to improve in these aspects. Some interest has arisen
in combining the strengths of structured expert systems, which
can be “taught” rules rapidly, with the strengths of unstruc-
tured neural networks, which can learn more extensive rules,
to form “hybrid” statistical and symbolic systems. The compu-
tational power required to train AI algorithms remains high,
and approaches to reduce this burden include developing
specially designed electronics (e.g. FPGAs), using quantum
algorithms, and developing computers which mimic our
brain’s neurons (the brain uses 25W of power, while the
average AI program requires 2000W to train). Such advances in

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AI will lead to faster, more accurate and potentially more

complex medical AI programs.
It is unclear whether the current research paradigm can
lead to AI that succeeds beyond narrowly defined tasks. Our
brains are significantly more complex than modern neural
networks, and entirely different structures may be required to
emulate general intellect. One example of a promising
research direction are “active inference” agents, which aim to
minimise surprise rather than maximise reward (reinforce-
ment learning), a seemingly small difference that may be a
stepping stone to creating more generalised intellect, because
agents have intrinsic motivation to explore the environment.7
While intellect presents one significant challenge, our current
understanding of consciousness is entirely insufficient to
predict whether silicon-based agents can ever develop it. We
have not been able to consistently define consciousness, where
it comes from or how to build it. Future AI might be extremely
intelligent across many domains but lack true agency or
consciousness unless it is explicitly defined by a human.

Can AI replace doctors?

Whether AI can ever truly replace doctors is a controversial
topic in the medical field, but a very fun thought experiment
nonetheless. If I provided you a billion dollars and asked you to
build software strong enough to replace doctors, where would
you start? The daily life of doctors is an assortment of tasks,
from talking with patients, acquiring clinical information from
a mixture of sources, writing notes, processing medical infor-
mation and miscellaneous procedures. AI programs may
provide significant support, granting doctors more time to

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spend with patients. However, the cost of automating a wide

range of tasks would be high, and it may be simply cheaper to
train doctors. The economics of healthcare would therefore
prevent a replacement of doctors.
However, a government somewhere might decide this is the
wrong conclusion! What would then be next steps? It makes
sense to “task-shift”, a public health strategy that ensures
doctors complete only tasks at their level of training. A highly
trained surgeon, for example, should be spending her work day
on the most complicated surgical tasks, rather than filling in
paperwork (which a specially trained clerk may complete) or
opening and closing wounds (which a junior doctor may
complete). Task-shifting has been utilised extensively in
India’s phenomenal Narayana Health, which has reduced the
cost of open-heart surgery to $2,000, a procedure that costs
$100,000 in the United States, with complication rates compa-
rable to America’s best hospitals.8
If we task-shift extensively, the primary role of doctors
becomes collecting and processing the right information,
producing a diagnosis, performing procedural work and
providing emotional support (although many would argue that
nurses do a far better job). There is nothing to suggest that it
would be impossible to build an AI agent that collects perti-
nent information or provides diagnosis at a superhuman level.
The difficulty lies in building software for every single diagno-
sis, a task that will be extremely challenging if AI remains
narrow, but easier if AI gains more “general” intellect and an
ability to reason from abstract knowledge. Medical and surgi-
cal procedures are more difficult to tackle due to the added

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complexity of teaching robots truly autonomous movements,

although hybrid networks may present a promising solution.
The task is not theoretically impossible, and new surgical
paradigms, such as intraluminal robots or nanorobots
(famously popularised by Richard Feynman), may completely
change medicine.
A final argument against whether medical AI can replace
doctors revolves around the emotional aspects of medical care.
Disease is an innately emotional experience and the best
doctors are those who listen and support us through tough
times. The counter to this, however, is that emotional support
is not provided only by doctors, but all staff in healthcare facili-
ties, from our nurse to the volunteer who brings us a cup of tea
and listens to our stories. Surprisingly, emotional support can
also be provided by AI, which can be trained to sound and act
more human (such as Siri’s off-hand jokes or Google
Assistant’s “umms” and “ahhs”). Whether society as a whole is
comfortable with emotional robots is dependent on culture.
For example, Japan is far more relaxed with robots and they are
already popular as companions who can care for and talk to
the elderly.
All up, medical AI is an exciting field that is filled with
significant potential and challenges. Understanding the
nuances of artificial intelligence and its medical applications is
crucial in delineating hype from reality and guiding the field
towards the improvement of healthcare for everyone.

1 Homer FR (1990). The Odyssey. Vintage Books.
2 Darrach B (1970). Meet Shaky, the first electronic person. Life
Magazine, 58B–58D.

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3 Semigran HL et al. (2015). Evaluation of symptom checkers for self

diagnosis and triage: Audit study. BMJ, 351, h3480.
4 Golas SB et al. (2018). A machine learning model to predict the risk of
30-day readmissions in patients with heart failure: A retrospective
analysis of electronic medical records data. BBMC Medical
Informatics and Decision Making, 18, 44.
5 Sen S et al. (2016. Automating multi-throw multilateral surgical sutur-
ing with a mechanical needle guide and sequential convex optimiza-
tion. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation, 4178–4185.
6 Grace K et al. (2018). When will AI exceed human performance?
Evidence from AI experts. Arxiv.
7 Friston K (2010). The free-energy principle: A unified brain theory?
Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 11, 127.
8 Bhatti YA et al. (2017). The search for the holy grail: Frugal innovation
in healthcare from low-income or middle-income countries for
reverse innovation to developed countries. BMJ Innovations, 3,


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