Expt 8
Expt 8
Expt 8
Experiment 8
Power in AC Circuits
To investigate the power dissipated by the resistive component and the
power associated with reactive components as well as the power
associated with the equivalent impedance of an AC circuits.
To investigate the power factors on non-linear loads and adjust its
factor near unity
In an ac circuit: both the voltage and current are continually varying and the
power therefore also varies continually.What is usually of interest is the average
power, which is given by the expression
P = VI cost) (watts)
However, only the real power P, expressed in watts (W) is taken as energy
from the supply. It represents the rate at which energy is converted into useful form.
FeedBack Trainer Kit
Function generator
Multimeter (V.O.M.)
A.C. Miliammeter 0 —100 mA
Connect the power supply unit to the main supply line. DO NOT switch on
1. Connect the circuit as shown in Figure 8.1.
2. Set the sine wave function generatorto 250 Hz, with constant outputamplitudeof
4 VRMSas measured on the voltmeter.
3. In Table 8.1, followingthe results table, record the readings of total current,the
voltage across the resistor, the voltage across the inductorand the total power
absorbed by the circuit.
What did you observe about the magnitude of the current flowing to the
resistor and inductor? What is this parameterin the system?
What about the magnitude of the voltage across the whole impedance of
the circuit? What is this parameter in the system?
4. Transfer the potential leads of the wattmeteracross the resistor (nodes B and C)
and record the reading of the power absorbed by the resistor.
5. Transfer the potential leads of the wattmeteracross the inductor (nodes A and
B) and record the reading of the power absorbed by the inductor.
6. From the given values and measured values in Table 8.1, calculate the required
parameters in Table 8.2
7. On another sheet of paper, with the correct phase relationship (based on Table
8.2), draw two sine waveforms on the same axes (one for voltage and one for
current). From this construct the power curve on the same axes.
Based on Table 8.1 and the power curve, what is the power absorbed by
the inductor? What is the reason for this power (wattmeterreading)
absorbed by the inductor?
Considering an ideal inductor, what did you observe about the power it
absorbed? What do you think is the reason for this power (wattmeter
reading) absorbed by the inductor?
Based on the data in Table 8.1, what can you observe about the total
power, power absorbed by the resistor and power absorbed by the
inductor? What relationship can do generalize regarding power?
Based on the data in Table 8.1, at what power factor does the circuit
operates? From this, which waveformdo you think is leading?
7. From the given values and measured values of Table 8.3, calculate the required
parameters on Table 8.4
Based on Tables 8.3 and 8.4 (measured and calculated values), what can
you say about the values of each parameter compared from the
previous values on Tables 8.1 and 8.2 (measured and calculated values)
upon the addition of the capacitor in the circuit?
At maximum power, how can you relate the load impedance to the
internal impedance or Thevenin's impedance of given source?
Based on Figure 8.3, at maximum power, what is the power factor of the
circuit? Why you think it inhibit this value?
Current Coil
y , oscilloscope probe 1
(voltage monitor)
Sine Wave
Function Potential Coil (V)
Generator y oscilloscope probe 2
(current monitor)
o common ground
Figure 8.1
Current Coil (l),
y oscilloscopeprobef
(voltage monitor)
Sine Wave
Funäion Potential Coil (V) o
Generator y oscilloscope probe 2
(current monitor)
common ground
Figure 8.2
Current Coil (l):
Figure 8.3
Preferred Settings for Figure 8.1, Figure 8.2 and Figure 8.3:
Sine Wave Function Generator = 4 VRMSat 250Hz
Resistor (RI) = IOOQ
Resistor (R2) = 1200
Resistor (R3) = IOOQ
Inductor(LO = 100mH
Inductor (1-2)= 60 —360mH
Capacitor(CO = IOOnF
Capacitor (C2) = 2.2pF
Table 8.1:
Parameter Given Parameter Measured
Values Values
Frequency Total Voltage (VT)
Resistance (R) Resistor Voltage (VR)
Ins&uctoris Signatur
Table 8.2:
Parameter Formula Calculated Values
ImpedanceAngIe (9z)
(0) = tan
Power Factor (pf) pf = COSOz
Apparent Power (S) S VTIT
Table 8.3:
Impedance (Z)
Table 8.4:
ISI= p 2 +Q 2
Table 8.5:
Resistance (RI)
Resistance (R2)
Total Resistance