We have been wanting to produce this Nixie Clock
project for a long time and now it has finally come to
fruition. It has the warm, fascinating glow of Nixie tubes
with their hypnotic counting action, mixed with a cool
blue glow from a high-brightness LED from underneath
each tube. It makes an eye-catching display, both during
the day and at night.
(Pt.1: Design by DAVID WHITBY _)
Ere ee
‘Two different cases will be available - either a see-through
Perspex case as shown at left or a white powder-coated diecast
aluminium case as shown above. By the ws
the photos really
don't do the brightly glowing Nixie & LED displays justice.
F YOU DO A GOOGLE search for
Nixio Clock” you will immediately
find over 200,000 results. Many of
these refer to actual Nixie clock de-
signs or clocks that enthusiasts have
built. Some are quite eye-catching,
some are downright ugly and some
aro truly weird. We feel quite safe in
stating that none looks as good or is as
wall-designed as tho Nixie Clock we
are presenting here.
Not only doos it function asa classic
6-digit 12-hourclock, with hours, min-
utes and seconds display, it also uses
blu LEDs to throw light up through
the Nixies—a neat juxtaposition of the
nostalgic warm neon discharge with
the cool blue present. Itkeeps accurate
time with crystal control and the retro
“Nixie” tubes with their moving and
glowing individual numbers give it the
atmosphere of an earlier techno age.
‘What is a Nit
A Nixie is, or was, one of the first
numeric displays. It has 10 ind
vidual electrodes, from 0-9, placed
one behind another. Bach electrode
is lit with a neon discharge to display
a particular number. Before Nixies,
alphanumerical displays were mainly
electromechanical indicators or in-
candescont filament devices which
the compact, silent and reliable Nixie
soon outshone.
The Nixie was invented by the
Haydu brothers in the USA in 1952
who later sold the design to Burroughs
Business Machines. Itappoared in vast
numbers in the late fifties and sixties
as the display of choice for calcule
tors and other business machines,
various kinds of test equipment and
early computers. They displayed the
trading information at the New York
Stock Exchange and showed crucial
data in those epic control rooms dur-
ing the space race.
The Nixie name came from an
original prototype drawing which was
enlitled "NIX 1” meaning Numerical
Indicator eXperimental 1. The name
stuck and has beon used ever since.
Nixies were made in a vast range of
different shapes, sizes and colours and
tubes with many differont symbols
apart from numbers were manufac-
From the early 1970s, they wore
rapidly displaced by 7-segment LED
and vacuum fluorescent displays, and
ultimately by liquid crystal displays
(LCDs). Funnily enough, today's plasma
displays can be regarded as an evolu-
tion from Nixies ~ they are both gas
discharge displays.
Nixie tubes have not been manufac-
tured formany yoars and are becoming
rarer and more expensive, so if you
want a lasting and useful piece of retro
technology, now is definitely the right
time to build a Nixie clock.
's take @ look at the circuit
= seo Fig.1. Big, isn't it? But this is
relatively low-tech stuif with not a
microprocessor in sight,
As shown, there aro six Nixies, with
their cathodes each driven by a high-
voltage transistor, 44 transistors in all.
Juwy 200725sk
Dr aNaoo7
oe iM
+ st
$C NIXIE CLOCK NX-14 ——_ —
Fig.t: the circuit uses six Nixie tubes, each driven by a 4017 decade counter via high-voltage transistors, Switchmode
controller IC9 and its associated parts provide the high-voltage (200-220V) DC supply for the Nixie anodes.
26 SiicoN Chur
i 1Naoo7
Juny 2007
272 double-sided PC boards, code
NX14L & NX14U,
6 1N14 Nixie tubes
2.NE-2 neon indicators
1 92.768kHz watch crystal
1 2O0uH 3A inductor (L1)
4 miniature toggle switch ($1)
3 momentary pushbutton
switches (S2-S4)
121mm DC connector (CON1)
6 4017 decade counter/dividers
4 4060 oscillator/divider (107)
1.4013 dual D fliptiop (IC8)
1.34063 switchmode controller
45 2N6517 high-voltage NPN
transistors (Q1-045)
4 BC337 NPN transistor (046)
4 BC327 PNP transistor (47)
1 IRF740 N-channel Mosfet (48)
1.1N4007 rectifier diode (D1)
1 UF4004 fast recovery diode (D2)
11N914, 1N4148 diode (D3)
16.2V 1W zener diode (201)
1 W02/4 bridge rectifier (BA1)
6 blue LEDs (LED1-LEDS)
44F Supercap
2 1000uF 25V PC electrolytic
1 47yF 28V PC electrolytic
1 4.7uF 450V PC electrolytic:
1100nF MKT polyester
1 47nF MKT polyester
1 {nF MKT polyester
1 100pF ceramic
4 10-40pF trimmer
Resistors (0.25W, 1%)
110Ma. 12k
1.390K22 3 10k
2BB0KQ IW 222K
1 220kQ 4.8200
182k 14700
6 68k 1W 2 1802
44 27K, 11000
In turn, each high-voltage transistors
driven from the respective output ofa
4017 CMOS counter chip. ‘The coun
tor chips are clocked by a 32.768kHz
watch crystal driving a 4060 oscilla.
tor/divider chip. Apart from the high
voltage DC-DC inverter, that is pretty
well all there is to it.
t's start in the bottom lefthand
CON Cite
Nibdie Tubbess How Thay Werk
the simple neonindicator. Aneon indicator
inert neon gas and containing two metal
electrodes, When a sufficiently high
Ne ee ns
the gas around the negative electrode
Co Oe ccc)
Cee Ears
Mie ogee as
the gas is dependent on the electrode
spacing and the temperature. Typically
Pee eu
Pre Cac)
Nixie tubes. In practice, higher voltages
are used, witha series resistor to limit the
Cre ees
Ceo ee nu
Pen ae er
roe ec mo!
Fe cere eC
shaped cathodes (0-9) behind the anode,
Pe emcee usd
Pe Ce as
Se cy
placedin direct order behind the anode but
areplaced to give minimum obstruction of
Ce rcs
The anode is connected to +HT via a
comer of the circuit, with the power
supply section. The wholo circuit runs
from a standard 12VAC plugpack or it
can run from a 12V car battery. Nixie
car clock, anyone?
The incoming 12VAG is connected
toa full-wave rectifier bridge (BR1) and
8 1000, 25V electrolytic. capacitor.
The resultant 12-16V DC rail powers
4 high-voltage SMPS (switchmode
power supply) which employs an
MC34068 chip (C8).
A.6.2V zoner diode (201) provides a
regulated 5.4V supply forall the CMOS
chips via diode D1. Also across this
supply is the 1 Farad Suporeap which
can keop the clock “ticking over” for
six hours or more during power feil-
ures, This is without runningthe Nixie
tubes of course and when power is
restored, the Nixies light up with the
correct time displayed.
When external power fails or is
disconnected, diode D1 isolates the
Supercap supply from the other powor
Deep eg
aa eeu cts)
be lit. By the way, "HT" is old-timer talk
eg ans
Se CMU cu
Ce intr
Pe resend
supply components toavoid theirload
High-voltage supply
The high-voltage supply consists of
the MC34063 switchmode controll:
chip (already mentioned), togothor
withinductorL1 anda few other com-
ponents. Itmight look quite innocuous
hut it produces around 220V, enough
to give you quite a boot if you touch
the wrong parts of the PC boards.
The MC34069 runs at about 40kHz,
set by the 1nF capacitor at pin 3. It
drives a peir of complementary transis
tors, Q46 & Q47, which in turn drive
switching Mosfet Qae
The circuit is aboost or up-convertor
which works by switching acurrentat
high frequency through inductor Li
and using tho stored energy to charge
a capacitor via fast recovery diode D2,
during the Mosfot off timos. A resistive
feedback network consisting of the
390k0 and 2.2k0 resistors connected pin 5 maintains the output DC volt
ago at between 200V and 220V.
For those who might have stud:
ied the MC34063 datasheet and are
puzzled by the unconventional driver
connections, note that the output tran-
sistors within the MC34063 are not
connected in the standard way.
Instead, they connect the drive
waveform to Q46 & Q47 via
their “eb-be” junctions. This
odd configuration was found
to givo the highest efficiency
in this high-voltage step-up
Higher frequency DG-DC
converter chips such as those
from Maxim were tried but
proved to be ultra-sensitive
to PC board layout and had
higher EMI than the MC34063,
Crystal oscillator
This is tho time standard for the
clock and it uses a 82.768kHz watch
crystal and a 4060 CMOS oscillator
divider (C7). The crystal is connected
Via a 2.2K0 current-limiting resistor
while tho 10MQ resistor is thore to
provide bias for the intornal inverter
tages, The 100pF capacitor and the
OM0pF trimmor capacitor provide
the correct capacitive londing for the
crystal and onable very fine adjust-
mont of the frequency, for accurate
time keoping.
‘The output frequency at the final
stago of the 4060 (pin 8) is 2H. This
is fed to the second section of a 4013
dual D flipflop (IC8b) which divides by
two to produce iFiz pulses to operate
the clock counter chain
Time setting is done by threo mo-
mentary-contact pushbutton switches:
S2 (FAST), 83 (SLOW) & $4 (STOP).
When prossed, the STOP button
holds tho reset pin of IC8b high, via
‘an 6200 resistor, to stop the count for
precise seconds sotting,
‘The SLOW button connects 1Hz
pulses from IC8b into the minutes
counter (IC4) overriding the tens
of seconds counter (IC5) due to the
voltage divider action of the 82k
and 12kQ resistors. The FAST button
works the same way but connects 8Hz,
pulses from the 4060 into the same
point; ie, pin 14 of IC4.
Main clock counter chain
The clock counter uses six 4017
Once again, this night-time photo doosn’t do the clock ju
colours from the Nixie displays and the blue LEDs are
brighter and more dynami
CMOS decade countor/dividers (IC1-
IC6), one for each Nixie tubs. The
4017s each have 10 high-going out-
puts, giving 60 available outputs of
which 44 are required to implement
the 12-hour elock. Each of these 44
outputs has # 27k0 resistor to the base
of a high-voltage T092 transistor (Q1
44), with each collector connected to
the relevant Nixie tube cathode.
Note that these transistors noed to
have a broakdown voltage rating of
at least 300V and those supplied for
the clock kit are MPSA42, MPSA44
or 2N6517, all of which were origi-
nally designed for TV video amplifier
Clock counting sequence
Now we need to discuss the inter
connections of the 4017 docade coun-
ter/divider chain to make it count and
indicate as a 12-hour clock
SECONDS STAGE: the 1Hz output from
IC8b is connected to the clock input
{pin 14) of the seconds counter (IC6),
which causes its outputs to go high in
tum at L-second intervals from 0-9.
‘The carsy-out output of C6 {pin 12) is
connected to the clock input (pin 14)
of the tens of seconds counter (IC5)
which has its “6" output connected
to the reset (pin 1). It therefore resets
itsolf at the “6” count, thus giving a
total seconds count of 59 which is then
reset to 00 to start the next minute
ice, The glowing
wally quite a lot
than this photograph shows.
MINUTES STAGE: the tens of seconds
carry-out output at pin 12 of IC5 is
connected via sories 82k and 12kQ
resistors to the clock input (pin 14) of
the minutes counter (ICA). Its outputs
go high in turn at 1-minute intervals
from 0-9 and its carry-out output (pin
12) drives the clock input of the tens
counter (IC3). The tens
counter resets al “6” in
‘way as the tens of seconds
The seconds and minutes counters
together count to 59 minutes and 59
nds then reset to 0000, passing
the last carry-ont to the hours counter
HOURS STAGE: the hours counter counts
from 0-9 but because the clock must
start at 1 o'clock (not 0 o'clock!) the
Nixie is wired so that the numerals
read 1 fer 00, 2 for 02, otc, up to 9
for 08 and then 0 for O89 when the
carry-ou! is passed to the tens of hours
unter IC1 to read “1” (the highest
roadout for a 12-hour clock)
‘Tho hours counter (IC2} counts from
0-9 1-940 on the Nixie tube) only when
the “1” output of tho tens of hours
counter (IC1) slow. At the same time,
the 2" output will be low, causing D3
to conduct and provent tho resets to
pin 15 of IC1 & IC2 from being acti-
vated. When the tens ofhours counter
reaches “2”, both hours counters are
reset to 00, This rosults in areading of
Juty 200729‘The unit is built on two double-sided PC boards, with the Nixie tubes and the high-voltage transistors all soldered
directly to the top board. The full constructional details are in Pt.2 next month.
12” on the hours Nixio, correspond-
ing to 12.00.00 or 12 o'clock.
Tf you would prefer not to have the
‘0” reading on the tens of hours Nixie,
youcan simply omit transistor Qu from
the PC board.
‘Two circuit features remain to be
described and the first is transistor
Q45 which has its collector connected
to the emitters of all 44 Nixie cathode
driver transistors. Normally, QU is
biased on from the 12-16V DC rail via
@ voltage divider consisting of two
10k® resistors. While that 12V supply
is prosont, the Nixies are all driven by
the 44 high-voltage transistors.
However, during a power failure the
12V DC supply rail collapses and Q
(1) Complete NX-14 kit with fisted metal
baseplate (does not ince housing or ive
LED uplgitng components): $179.00
(2) Diecast aluminium housing: $33.00
inplain fish ready for posting or panting:
$45.00 supplied powder coated {shoj whit),
(3) Transparent polished Perspex
housing: $54.00,
(4) Blue LED uplighting kit $19.00
(5) 10V AC plugpack supply: $14.50,
30 SiLicoN Gir
tums off, so negligible drive current
can flow from the 4017 counter outputs
10 the bases of the 44 high-voltage
transistors. This reduces the current
drawn by the counters to an absolute
minimum and extends the back-up
time provided by the 1F Supercap.
The blue LEDs which provide the
up-lighting for the Nixie sockets are
run in two series groups of three
together with 1800 current limiting
resistors. If you want to turn them off
(unlikely, we think), St does the job.
Mechanical design
This completes the circuit descrip.
tion so now let's have a brief look at the
mechanical design of the clock,
(6) Gar
Spare 1N14 Nixie tubes: $15.00 ea
The NK14 Nie Clocks also aval fully
built and tested. Enquries to: Gless Audio,
7 Lyonsule Ave, Preston, Vic 3072. Ptone
{03} 9442 3991; 0403 055
Note: the PC board patterns for this
project are copyright to Gless Audio.
hter cable for 12V DC operation:
In essence, there are two double-
sided plated-through hole PC boards
which are stacked together and sepa-
rated by four 25mm hexagonal metal
spacers, The lower PC board ears the
power Supplies, crystal oscillator and
all the dividing/counting circuits. The
1 Farad super capacitor is mounted
ndemeath this board, along with four
10mm hexagonal spacers for mounting
the whole assembly to the base of tho
clock housing
The upper PC board holds the six
Nixios and thoir associated current
limiting resistors, the two neon bulbs
and their resistors and the 44 high-
voltage driver transistors. Provision
is also made on this board for the
optional up-lighting kit, consisting the
six high-intensity 8mm blue LEDs, two
current limiting resistors and the light
offfon switch $1
The two boards are connected to
gether by 44 vortical 27kO resistors
(che base resistors for the high-voltage
transistors). The clock ean be supplied
with either a see-through Perspex case
orawhite powder-coated diecast alu
minium case ~ see photos.
Next month, we will give the con:
struction details and show how to
sastall the blue LED uplighting. $6