Choosing A Digital Display

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a Digital
Director of Engineering
Tung -Sol Division /Wagner Electric Corp.

Almost all new automated equipment needs digital di.pla,ys. The problem is
to choose a display which presents required data effectively, and at low cost.
THE development of automation techniques has brought characters. Many incorporate dynamic alarms, and some
about important changes in the field of data presen- accept, with slight modifications, a variety of inputs- pulses,
tation. A few years ago, it was usually cheaper and parallel or serial binary codes, or straight "decimal" selec-
easier to obtain data from the deflection of a pointer along a tion- switching.
calibrated scale, or by other analog methods, and then have Usually meters handle only one or two closely related
an operator translate the data into digital notation for record units. But with proper switching, the same digital readouts
and computation. But within the past few years, great can register widely differing units and symbols, for example,
masses of already processed information have been readily time, temperature, and baseball scores.
available in digital form, so the trend has been to digital Appearance. Many of these devices are quite handsome,
readout and, recently, more and more to electronic types.
Digital readout, the direct display of characters or coded
equivalents, offers the following advantages as compared to
analog readout (where input is measured in terms of some
parameter such as angular displacement, as in a meter), and
digital printout (where input is converted to printed
characters, as in a teletypewriter).
Immediate comprehensibility. An in -line digital display
requires no translation. It presents information convention-
ally whereas meter readings frequently involve verniers,
multiple scales, logarithmic calibration, and other complica-
Dependability. Digital displays reduce chances of me-
chanical and human error. Electromechanical readouts some-
' times malfunction, but electronic digital displays, on the
whole, are as accurate as the information fed to them. They Fig. 1. Edge -lighted
require no instrument calibration. displays are used in
cold cathode register
Speed. Many digital readouts register data as fast as the tubes. Invisible char-
human eye can follow ( about two counts per second) . acters become visible
Furthermore, the characters snap into position, to prevent when energized.
blurring. This is an obvious advantage over a rapidly fluc- Characters are
stacked in depth be-
tuating meter, or a slow printout device. And if faster hind a readout win-
presentation rates are necessary, there are readouts available dow. Often lab in-
which operate in milliseconds and microseconds, although struments will use
these must be "stopped" by photography or special timing displays like these.
Flexibility. Many digital readouts can be used as either
counters or indicators, depending upon external switching
arrangements. In addition to digits (0 to 9), some readouts
display letters of the alphabet, full messages, and special
February, 1969 25
particular standard logic card for another in the system.)
The selection is large, but some types may be ruled out
immediately. For example, if the output is a decimal step-
ping relay or other form of automatic selection switching,
one does not have to consider binary translating devices;
but, if a digital readout is required and an acceptable input
is not available, the first concern must be the translation
equipment. To read an analog error signal, an analog-to-
digital (A -D) converter is necessary. A -D converters have
digital readouts built in.
There are times when the cost of auxiliary equipment and
its weight, bulk, and power requirements preclude the use
of a digital display. In this case, a meter may have to do.
The next most important matter of concern is the audi-
ence. AVill the information be read by one man within a foot
or two of the display or by several people scattered at
various distances and at various angles to the display face?
Will it be read in a brightly lighted room or in semidarkness?
By a programmer accustomed to binary notation? A machin-
ist? A clerk? A crowd?
Of course the answer narrows the field of available dis-
The Final Choice
Fig. 2. Like a camera, lamps in projected -image
displays are employed to shine digits on screens. When the primary questions are answered, it is possible
to make an intelligent evaluation of competing models that
have not been eliminated in the preliminary screening.
with the strong, clean lines of good modern architecture. A simple but effective method is to score the possible
They dress up a product-an important factor in today's selections on a qualitative point scale -based on manufac-
competitive market. turer's data and using the following criteria:
Table 1 shows most of the basic types of digital displays Readability (consider the individual module and of a
now available. Of course, it cannot and does not include row of these mochales racked together. Place special empha-
and compare every make and model but is a guide to help sis on the spacing between characters. See Fig. 3.)
the user eliminate basic types which obviously don't apply Life
to his particular application. It will help him choose those Reliability (When external conversion and switching
readouts which can display his message most efficiently. are involved, reliability of the readout device alone means
It also shows the chief techniques by which digital characters very little, unless of course, it is compared with a like unit in
are formed. the same system. Do not rate the reliability of a device, such
as a lamp, with that of an instrument Nvhich translates data
Where to Start from binary to decimal. )
When considering digital readouts first determine what Size ( unit volume es character height)
insist be read, where and in what form it is available, and Power requirements
who must read it. Weight
If, for example, an engineer is working with binary -logic Cost
circuits in some form of digital computation, he needs a Score each readout type on these parameters, adding any
readout that accepts a binary input. Here, the problem is special considerations of your own and tally the individual
relatively easy because many readouts work well with binary columns to make your choice.
inputs. So much for the precepts. We can now discuss the basic
However, some otherwise suitable readouts may require hypes of digital readout in fairly specific terms without
signal amplification. Others are primarily numeric and some making unfair comparisons.
are fully alphanumeric. Some have memories of their own The simplest digital display is a lamp array which is
while others don't. Some handle straight 8 -4 -2-1 binary; nothing more than an arrangement of lamps and sockets,
while others will work with a variety of binary four -line and either exposed or concealed by a screen of translucent
six -line codes. (The act of changing from one format to numerals. But in a lamp array, the message is out of line
the other may involve nothing more than substituting one and difficult to read, thus several means of compensation

Fig. 3. When you have a choice, don' space characters too far apart . . . or crowd them too close together.

(A) (B) (C)
Fig. 4. (Al Some counters use numerals mounted on wheels or belts, but only one number can be seen at a time. (B) A matrix
the viewing angle.
characters by lighting appropriate lamps. (Cl Windows should be avoided because they increase spacing while limiting

had to be devised to bring the indicators into line. The in -depth displays. An inexpensive metal -oxide field -effect
individual out -of -line lamps are no longer read directly. The transistor ( \IOSFET) integrated -circuit package is avail-
array is concealed and the lamps are used to illuminate the able to supply decoding, storage, and counting functions.
characters of an in -line readout module. This improves read- Register tubes, or Nixies, have stacked elements in the
ability without adding expensive circuitry. form of metallic numerals with a common anode. They can
Edge- lighted displays (Fig. 1) contain miniature lamps be adapted for binary coded decimal input by isolating the
arrayed so that each one can edge -light one of a series of odd cathodes from the even ones and using two anodes.
engraved, transparent acrylic plates arranged in depth be- Plug -in binary translators are also available. The Nixie's
hind the read -out window. When a lamp is switched on, major advantages are long life, high speed, low power
the character or message engraved in its plate glows consumption. However its principal disadvantage is elec-
through the other plates, which remain unlighted. tronic complexity. The cathode current must be kept within
These displays are most suitable for laboratory bench tight limits. There is an additional problem; if the ion current
instruments, small one -man consoles, vending machines, and is excessive the "off" cathodes will glow and produce back-
other applications where the display is viewed head -on and ground haze, but if ion current is insufficient, there will be
close up. The volumetric index (we'll elaborate on this term only partial presentation.
later in the article) improves with message capacity and When negative voltage is applied to a selected character,
character size. But there are disadvantages; interference and it glows like the cathode of a simple gas- discharge tube.
parallax reduces the viewing angle. Usually only the selected numeral is visible in the viewing
Projected -image displays (Fig. 2) are modules which area because the visual glow discharge is larger than its
have lamps arrayed at the rear of a light -tight housing metallic source.
behind a transparent integer outlined on an opaque con- Matrices (Fig. 4B) consist of neon lamps in optical reflec-
densing lens. When a lamp is lit, the character in front of tors banked on a solid mosaic pattern behind a viewing
it is projected onto a viewing screen. The major advan- screen. The reflectors are for intensity and focus, not for
tages of this display are its versatility and wide viewing compensation of an out -of -line array. A solid -state miniature
angle (up to 150 degrees) The disadvantages include
. integral counter and decoder network translates sequential
limited brightness, cost, and an increasing volumetric index pulses directly into digital presentations by turning on lamps
(ratio of unit volume to character height- wasted space) to form images. Matrix indicators are capable of accepting
with increasing character size. Brightness, a function of binary or straight decimal inputs. They have no counter
lamp wattage, is limited by the sensitivity of the module to networks thus their major advantages are high speed and
heat. Character images can be distorted by a slight long life. Disadvantages are high cost (if used as indicator
warping of the plastic lenses or by irregularities in the alone) and a coarse appearance. Matrices using solid-state
bulb filament. light sources in place of lamps are also available.
Although the following readouts use different approaches Elcctroluminescent panels require extensive external trans-
and operate on different principles, they are all electronic lation circuitry, power packs, and other equipment. Acti-
and offer alternative solutions to the problems of converting vated by a.c., the lamps are flat -plate luminous capacitors
electromechanical and electronic signals or pulses directly built up on either glass -base sheets or on metal. One typical
inno readable characters. readout matrix has a glass -base sheet upon which a thin,
Low- voltage vacuum -tube digital displays, a new develop- transparent conductive film has been deposited in electrically
ment by Tung -Sol, are sold under the tradename of Digi- isolated geometric segments. The segments form a pattern
Vac S /G. The display is segmented, having seven bars of from which the numerals or letters of the alphabet are
phosphorescent material. Each bar becomes an anode when composed. Sandwiched between this base sheet and a
supplied with signal voltage of 10 to 40 V d.c. The cathodes metallic black electrode is a layer of an electroluminescent
are two almost invisible wires strung between the segments phosphor imbedded in a ceramic dielectric. Since light is
and the viewer. Cathode temperature is extremely low be- emitted only when there is ca.mcitive coupling, each seg-
cause only 45 mA at 1.6 V a.c. or d.c. are needed to ment can be lighted individually when excited by a high -
energize them. Its advantages are low cost, high intensity, frequency or high- voltage signal applied across its electrodes.
long life, high speed, low power consumption, and a single - The advantages of this display are generally cool operation
plane display which ensures a wide viewing angle and pre- with loss current drawn and few sudden failures. The thin,
cludes the possibility of read- through or interference of the solid -state lamps dim slowly with age because they contain
F,!bruary, 1969
Fig. 5. Sixteen seg-
ments form letters and
up to 65,000 sym-
bols. Seven segments
will form all numer-
als and 13 letters.

no vacuum, gas, or filaments. The disadvantages are low chamber. Some advanced models provide for high contrast
light level, the need for a high voltage, high -frequency input between lighted and unlighted segments by means of a
( 240 to 460 V at 400 IIz), and sensitivity
to heat, humidity, 0.025 -in thick filter molecularly bonded to the surface of the
and surge voltages. viewing block. The filter reduces surface glare, but more
Incandescent bar segments (Fig. 5) are modular displays importantly, it virtually eliminates external lighting of the
consisting of either seven or 16 segments on a viewing unlighted segments caused by light striking the surface,
block, each lighted by a separate incandescent lamp. Various traveling down the light pipe, and reflecting back.
combinations of the seven display all numerals from O The incandescent bar -segment displays are extremely re-
through 9 and part of the alphabet. The 16- segment type liable because only the lamps are subject to wear and, in a
displays all numerals and the complete alphabet. In fact, properly designed unit, the lamps may last more than a
up to 65,000 combinations are available. This is far beyond 100,000 hours. Maintenance varies with the supplier: some
the usual demand for various symbols. Each segment, with provide for direct lamp replacement, some for lamp bank
its own lamp source, is a separate unit. The seven units (sealed unit), and others recommend replacing the whole
(or 16) together with an extra one which provides a decimal display. The advantages are light weight, maximum read-
point, are bonded to the molded viewing block to form a ability (because intensity can be varied as the environment
single display. Light is piped from each bulb to the surface requires), and long life. Disadvantage is high initial cost.
of the viewing block through some sort of light pipe or Iligh- cottage vacuum tubes are a recent development that
Table 1. Characteristics of popular digital displays.

Low -Voltage Register Incandescent

Edge- Lighted Projected Image Vacuum Tube Tubes Bar Segments
Type of Information Numeric or Alphanumeric Numeric and Numeric 7 bar numeric and
Displayed messages some alpha some alpha.; 16 -bar
complete alpha./
Capacity per Unit 1 -3 messages, Up to 24 displays 23 10 characters 7 bar (23 characters)
numerals 0 -9, 16 bar (unlimited)
and decimal
Character Formation Solid, can be Solid, usually lu- Segmented fluo- Solid neon glow Back -lighted segment
color lighted minous on dark or rescent glow
colored field
Signal Input 6 -28 V a.c. /d.c. 6 -28 V a.c. /d.c. 10 -40 V d.c. 170-300 V d.c. 4.0-5.0 V a.c./d.c.
depending on bulb depending on bulb
Included Angle ( °) 30 -40 120 -150 150 90-120 150
Additional Power None None L6 V a.c./d.c. None None
Requirement at 45 mA

Symbol Height (in) r/2-1 %-33/4 0.57 0.303 -2.25 1/8.1/2

Volumetric Efficiency 3.3-9.6 11.7 -5 2.0 1.1-2.0 1.5 -2.0
Response or Depends on switch- Depends on switch- 15 -20 ni -sec As low as 15 msec max.
Count Rate ing ing 10 µsec
Maintenance Lamp replacement Lamp replacement None None Lamp, lamp bank,
or module replace-
ment, depending on
Life (hrs) Lamp life 1000 Lamp life 500 -3000 10,000 (est.) To 100,000 40,000 (avg)

Cost Range ($) 11 (one message)- 13 -35 2 (approx.) 3.95 18 up


combine the rear -projection type display with a cathode-
ray tube. A 10 -gun CRT projects any one of the 10 numerals
through a grid onto a fluorescent screen. Unlike a true CRT
display, the gun doesn't scan; each gun is focused through a
grid which forms a particular numeral. The advantages are
relatively low cost, brightness, single -plane for good read-
ability, and light weight. The major disadvantage is the
need for a high- voltage (2.5 kV d.c.) power supply,
although the over -all power consumption is tow.
Solid-state bar segnac'nts are very similar to the incan-
descent bar segments except the light source is a gallium -
arsenide phosphide instead of an incandescent lamp. This 11111=1
means that life is practically infinite (failures are indicated
by a gradual dimming of the light source) but, in terms
of today's development, price is high and brightness is
limited compared to the incandescent type.
Cathode -ray tubes are usually custom -engineered for
highly specialized applications. And most are military. Sev-
eral products can be considered stock items, such as
shaped -beam cathode-ray tubes, and character generators
that can svrite decimal information on conventional tubes.
Complete systems provide alphanumeric information posi- (A)
Fl (B) (C)
tioned on detailed maps, catalogue formats and page prints. Fig. 6. Vary character size according to the
Digital character formation on this level is generally spacing available. IA) is normal; (B) is for
accomplished either by extending an electron beam through wide spacing; and IC) is for close spacing.
individual "character cutters" pierced in a stencil -like mesh
or by generating X and Y deflection voltages that cause the volume to character height (Fig 6) and is applied only to
cathode -ray to trace out a fixed character matrix. On com- modular units since it would be unfair (and unrealistic)
mand, selected segments are intensified to produce the to compare readouts of different types (particularly those
required character. that have decoding and memory capabilities with those that
do not.) If a unit requires external equipment to provide
Volumetric Efficiency Index .

equivalent performance, the gross volume of the external

The volumetric efficiency index is used in this article as equipment should be included. The unit with the lower
a means of relating size efficiency. It is the ratio of unit number is, of course, the more efficient.

Electrolumi- High -Voltage Solid-State Cathode -Ray

Matrices nescent Panels Vacuum Tube Bar Segments Tubes
Alphanumeric Numeric & some Numeric; symbols; 7 -bar numeric & Alphanumeric, with
& symbols alpha.; alpha- messages some alpha.; 16 -bar special symbols,
numeric complete alpha- superimposed pictorial
numeric data, etc.
Unlimited 0 -9, -}- -, 16 letters 10 7 bar (21 characters) Full alphabet, aÁ
0 -9, -t- -, 26 letters 16 bar (unlimited) numerals, many
special symbols
Dot formation Segmented glow Fluorescent glow Back -lighted segment Solid or imperceptibly
segmented trace

Depends on light Complex selective 6.0 V d.c. 2-50 mA Computer codes

source switching
To 90 Wide 90 150 Varies
Varies from 1 V d.c. 240/460 V a.c. 2.5 kV d.c., 1.1 V None Varies
for solid state to at 60 -1000 Hz at 0.2 A
110 V a.c. for lamps
Wide range %-23/4 5/8 0.32 Variable at will
Wide range 2.3 -4.8 3.5 0.5 Not applicable

Depends on switch- msec 20 ursec 1.0 ;/sec ;tsec

ing & light source
Depends on light None None None Periodic

Can be infinite, de- 3000 10,000 Indefinite Varies

pending on light
25 up 15 -50 14 50 up 1400 -1500 for
character generator;
5000- 100,000
for display console

February, 1969 29

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