2020 - What Tree Rings Can Tell Us
2020 - What Tree Rings Can Tell Us
2020 - What Tree Rings Can Tell Us
any of us have counted the rings of borers, a nondestructive way to collect rings climate of the North Atlantic Ocean, a driver
a tree to reveal its age. But did you from living trees. Dendrochronologists can of contemporary global climate and the key
know that evidence of epic fires, vol- also be found analyzing archaeological ruins to understanding the onset of the Little Ice
canoes, hurricanes, floods, drought, and shipwrecks at the bottom of the ocean, Age. Meanwhile, the tree rings of blue oaks
famine, and the rise and fall of an- where tree rings of past centuries are pre- in the Central Valley reflect regional drought
cient empires is also embedded in served in ancient timbers. Trouet entertains and snow accumulation in the nearby Sierra
a tree’s circumference? Valerie Trouet’s Tree readers with adventurous tales of accessing Nevada, showing California’s recent mega-
Story is an informative introduction to the remote field sites and the inevitable mishaps drought to be a 500-year record.
science of tree rings. An accomplished and that occur when one is navigating an unfa- Cross-referencing tree rings with marine
globally recognized dendroclimatologist, miliar culture using a foreign language. records from corals, fish otoliths, and bi-
Published by AAAS
What tree rings can tell us
Lori Daniels
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