Tillage Mechanics COMPLETE NOTES

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Gill, William R., and Glen E. Vanden Berg. 1968. Mechanics of Tillage Tools.

Chapter 4
in Soil Dynamics in Tillage and Traction, Agriculture Handbook No. 316, pp.117-210.
Washington, D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office.


4.1 Introduction
Tillage tools are mechanical devices that are used to apply forces
to the soil to cause some desired effect such as pulverization, cutting,
inversion, or movement of the soil. Tillage tools usually produce
several effects simultaneously. The ultimate aim of tillage is to
manipulate a soil from a known condition into a different desired
condition by mechanical means.
The objective of a mechanics of tillage tools is to provide a
method for describing the application of forces to the soil and for
describing the soil’s reaction to the forces. An accurate mechanics
would provide a method by which the effects could be predicted and
controlled by the design of a tillage tool or by the use of a sequence
of tillage tools. Furthermore, the efficiency and economy of the
tillage operation could be evaluated from the mechanics. A tho-
rough knowledge of the basic forces and reactions is required to
develop the mechanics. Such knowledge is not available at present,
and soil reactions cannot even be predicted, let alone controlled. As
a result, an operation is performed, the conditions are arbitrarily
evaluated, and additional operations are performed in sequence until
the conditions are adjudged to be adequate. Thus, today, tillage
is more an art than a science.
Progress has been made, however, in developing mechanics where
simple tools or simple actions are involved and where forces and re-
actions can be described. This chapter presents several approaches
that have been used to develop simple forms of soil-tillage tool
mechanics. Only homogeneous soil conditions are considered. Al-
though this approach is completely unrealistic, it does not negate the
results of the studies. Complete knowledge of reactions for a homo-
geneous soil will provide a basis for solving problems dealing with
layered soils. Interactions of importance will probably occur, but
they should not present unsurmountable obstacles. The approaches
discussed in this chapter do not represent any final solution of the
problems that are posed. The approaches, however, do represent
those that have been utilized and those that may contribute to the
development of a successful mechanics of tillage tools.
4.2 The Reaction of Soil to Tillage Tools
The reaction of soil to a tillage tool can be quantitatively described
only by a mechanics. Visualize the soil as a continuous semi-infini-
tive mass composed of air, water, and solids arranged in some homo-
geneous manner. As a tool advances in the soil, the soil reacts
to the tool and some action occurs. For example, the soil may move
as a mass, the solids may displace the air or water, or the solids may

break apart. The action of the soil’s response can be described by

such qualitative terms as plowing, cultivating, and harrowing.
When a quantitative description is desired, however, numbers must
replace the qualitative terms.
In chapters 2 and 3, the concepts of behavior equations and dy-
namic properties were discussed. The behavior equations were
shown to quantitatively describe simple reactions of the soil to forces
and also to define dynamic parameters that assess the soil. Thus,
if an action such as plowing can be represented by the simultaneous
occurrence of phenomena represented by behavior equations, a pos-
sible means is available for developing the desired quantitative de-
scription. Incorporating behavior equations into a system of equa-
tions that describes an action for a specific set of circumstances is one
way to develop a mechanics. The equations of the mechanics will
provide the desired quantitative description.
Developing a mechanics based on behavior equations is neither
new in concept nor unique to soil dynamics. The procedures are
generalizations of basic principles that have evolved over the years
from scientific investigations. Combining behavior equations may
seem to be an easy task. In principle this is the case, but in practice
complications often arise that are not apparent from the behavior
equations themselves. To illustrate some of the complications, as
well as the principles for developing a mechanics based on the be-
havior equations, examples from Newtonian mechanics will be dis-
4.2.1 Principles for Developing a Mechanics
Newton’s Second Law of Motion is a behavior equation. Consider
a ball that is dropped. Gravity acts on the ball and it falls. The
behavior is clearly observed, and Newton’s Second Law is easily
identified as being involved. The force of gravity is the input to
the behavior equation, and movement is the output. The equation of
the Law defines the behavior, and mass is the behavior parameter
that characterizes the material (the ball). Thus, the Second Law
is a behavior equation.
Newton’s Second Law does not describe the action of a falling
body. Neither the magnitude of the force acting on a falling ball
nor the magnitude of its acceleration is of direct interest. Rather,
the action of the body is of interest and factors such as time, distance,
and velocity describe the action. These factors are not directly
given in Newton’s Second Law.
To describe the action, a mechanics is required; and the mechanics
is embodied in the classical laws of falling bodies. The equations
representing the laws are easily developed. Defining the mass of a
body and its state (such as position and initial velocity), together
with the equations defining velocity and acceleration and the equa-
tion of Newton’s Second Law, provides a system of equations whose
simultaneous solution yields the laws of falling bodies. The laws
are a mechanics based on a behavior equation, and the laws ac-
curately describe the action of a falling body. In this instance, a
mechanics was required because the action to be described was not
completely represented by the behavior equation. But this is not
always the case-for example, when Ohm’s Law is used to describe
the flow of an electric current. The inputs and outputs of Ohm’s
Law are directly the factors of interest so that the action is com-
pletely described. In general, however, actions are not so simple
and a mechanics is required to completely describe the actions.
Other principles for developing a mechanics can be illustrated by
considering a spinning projectile moving through the air. Two
behaviors are involved. The first is falling body behavior and the
second is spinning behavior. Spinning behavior involves a force
system (a couple) that acts as a behavior input, and the resulting
rotating motion is the behavior output. Newtonian principles pro-
vide the basic behavior equation. The equation states that the total
applied moment (couple) is equal to the time rate of change of
angular momentum. The concept of angular momentum involves a
behavior property called moment of inertia. The physical signifi-
cance of moment of inertia is the magnitude and distribution of
mass within a body. Specifying the moment of inertia of a rigid
body requires six numbers so that six parameters define the be-
havior property (moment of inertia). Rigid body rotation about
itself can be considered the basic behavior equation together with
such associated definitions as moment of inertia, angular momentum,
couples, and positions. Simultaneous solution of this system of
equations provides a mechanics to describe the action of spinning.
Indeed, the actions of gyroscopes are explained by this mechanics.
Our interest in an action can dictate the nature of a required
mechanics. If our interest in the spinning projectile concerns only
where it will hit when it returns to the earth, falling body mechanics
will be adequate. The spinning action can probably be ignored.
On the other hand, if we are interested only in describing the move-
ment of the projectile rotating about itself, falling body mechanics
can probably be ignored and the spin mechanics will be adequate.
If the action to be described is the path of motion of every math-
ematical point of the body, then both behaviors must be considered
simultaneously. A mechanics can be developed to describe such an
action. Simultaneous consideration of both behavior equations, to-
gether with the associated definitions of moment of inertia, velocity,
position, etc., provides a system of equations to describe the action.
Our interest, in an action, therefore, influences how the required
mechanics will be developed.
Interaction may influence how a mechanics is developed. If inter-
actions occur between behaviors, each behavior may have to be in-
cluded even if our interest in the action does not require a complete
description. Consider the situation where the path of motion of
the center of mass of an elastic spinning projectile is the action to
be described. The forces within the spinning projectile may cause
movement within the body, and a shift in the mass may occur. The
shift in mass will change the moment of inertia which, in turn, will
change the spin action. If the change in spin is great enough, the
path of motion of center of mass may be changed. All three be-
haviors, therefore, may need to be included in the mechanics to
accurately describe the path of motion.
The third behavior equation is, of course, stress-strain behavior
where stresses are inputs and strains are outputs. For idealized
elastic behavior, the theory of elasticity provides behavior equations;

and bulk modulus and shear modulus are behavior parameters de-
fined by the equations that characterize the material. Simultaneous
consideration of the three behavior equations (note that stress-strain
behavior is simple even though the equations are mathematically
complex), together with all of the associated boundary conditions,
provides a basis for a mechanics. The solution of the system of
equations will account for the possible interaction. Interactions
can, therefore, influence the procedure for developing a mechanics.
Certain generalizations for developing a mechanics based on be-
havior equations can be concluded from the discussion of the New-
tonian examples and can be summarized under three points: (1)
The action to be quantitatively described must be defined. (2) The
behavior involved in the action to be described must be recognized.
(3) In most circumstances the behavior must be incorporated into a
mechanics that describes the action. Point S-recognizing the be-
havior involved-is by far the most difficult of the three points,
because recognition usually implies selection. Defining the action,
however, must be accomplished first, so it is discussed first.
The action to be described is defined by interest from outside the
action. A problem to be solved, curiosity, or merely a quest for
knowledge are sources of interest. In the example of the projectile,
interest determines whether the path of motion of each mathematical
point of the projectile must be described or whether only the path
of motion of the center of mass must be described. No set procedure
can be established for defining an action because the procedure
usually embodies simply defining the problem. Personal interest
and the nature of the action itself will influence the definition.
Until the action (defined here as the doing of something) has been
at least qualitatively defined, however, the problem of quantitatively
describing the action cannot be undertaken.
In any action known to man today, more than one behavior is
involved. Behavior is defined here as any phenomenon that can be
identified, isolated, and studied so that a behavior equation can be
written to quantitatively describe the phenomenon. Thus, Ohm’s
Law, stress-strain equations, and Newton’s Second Law of Motion
are examples of behavior in the sense defined here. We know from
available knowledge that a rigid body is not really rigid. Strain
always occurs so that the concept of rigidity is relative. Similarly,
a body that strains and is assumed to be continuous is really not
continuous. The body is built up of crystals or aggregates formed
from molecules that are, in turn, formed from atoms. When the
action to be described concerns so-called rigid body movements, all
of the smaller behaviors (smaller because of the physical size of
their sphere of influence) can usually be ignored. Even when the
action to be described is in the realm of the atomic dimensions, today
we know that the atom has a nucleus and the nucleus itself is being
subdivided. Presumably, behavior equations must exist for particles
within the nucleus; therefore, any action known today probably
involves more than one behavior.
No unique system or structure of behavior equations exists. Such
a structure can be developed only when matter itself can be abso-
lutely defined. If, for example, the makeup of the nucleus itself
were precisely determined, matter could perhaps be absolutely de-
fined. Even if such a structure did exist, its practicalit would be
limited. The practical limitation was clearly stated by Dirac, who
is one of the founders of quantum mechanics ( 112 ). Quantum
mechanics deals with the motions of electrons or nuclei inside atoms
and molecules. The sphere of influence of the mechanics is thus
small. Dirac, as quoted by Eliezer, stated: “The general theory of
quantum mechanics is now almost complete . . . . the underlying laws
necessary for the mathematical theory of a large part of physics and
the whole of chemistry are thus completely known, and the difficulty
is only that the exact solution of these laws leads to equations much
too complicated to be soluble.”
Because no unique structure exists, because of the mathematical
complexity of the structure, and because more than one behavior
is always involved, two guidelines for choosing behavior involved
in an action are indicated. First, the choice of behavior must be
arbitrary. In other words, for any specific action most of the be-
havior can be ignored. Second, the mathematical complexity sug-
gests choosing behavior where the inputs and outputs of the behavior
equation are as close as possible to the factors that will describe
the action. For example, stress and strain do not lend themselves
to describing the path of motion of a projectile.
Within these two guidelines several qualifications must be in-
cluded. Only one behavior equation may be required to determine
an accurate description of the action. If an interaction exists, how-
ever, an accurate description will require additional behavior equa-
tions. The added behavior equations may be very remote from
factors that describe the action; if they are, the second guideline
must be amended. The elastic spinning projectile illustrates such
a situation. Sacrificing accuracy of the description of the action,
however, may permit ignoring the interaction. The arbitrariness of
the behavior structure, the requirement of mathematical simplicity,
and the possibility of interaction-all indicate that judgment, in-
genuity, and perhaps some luck are needed when choosing behavior
to describe an action.
Incorporating behavior into a mechanics is the final generalization
in procedures for developing a mechanics. If the action to be
described can be closely represented by a behavior equation, no
mechanics is required. Ohm’s Law completely represents the action
of current flowing through a simple conductor. If, however, a net-
work of conductors is constructed, a mechanics is required to describe
the action of the network. But the fundamental behavior of the
network itself and every element in the network is represented by
Ohm's Law. As simple an action as a falling body requires a
mechanics so that even when only one behavior equation is required,
a mechanics must often be developed.
When more than one behavior equation is required, a mechanics
is required to combine the behavior equations. Just as no specific
procedure can be given for defining an action, so no specific pro-
cedures can be given for combining behavior equations. Each
situation has its own peculiarities. As suggested in the example of
the projectile, including a second behavior equation may so change
the result of the mechanics that little similarity remains. While
the details of procedure will vary, combining behavior equations

usually involves considering the equations simultaneously with

boundary conditions. Simultaneous solution of the system of equa-
tions results in the desired mechanics.
4.2.2 The Complete Soil-Tillage Tool Mechanics
By following the principles discussed in section 4.2.1, a soil-
tillage tool mechanics can be developed in progressive stages (fig. 76).
The purpose of the mechanics is to quantitatively describe the action
of tillage on the soil. In the initial recognition phase, the action
is observed and noted to be repetitive. The recognition phase is
gradually supplanted by a qualitative phase, in which the general
forces are identified and specific reactions are observed. Nearly all
of the world’s literature on tillage research falls into the qualitative
phase as defined here. The tool size and shape, width and depth
of operation, speed of operation, and soil conditions are varied and
the soil reaction is noted. The procedure involves trial-and-error
methods of solving problems. The qualitative phase has been habit-
ually utilized for problem-solving purposes; unfortunately, relations
based on trial-and-error results rarely explain the underlying basic
principles. Hence, the relations generally may not be used to

FIGURE 76.--Phases in the development of a soil-tillage tool mechanics to

to describe a tillage action.
satisfactorily explain new and untried situations, and more trial-
and-error studies must be made.
A soil-tillage tool mechanics must be based on quantitative descrip-
tions of the forces applied by the tool and the resulting physical be-
havior of the soil. The quantitative phase in figure 76 constitutes the
bulk of the basic work in soil dynamics. The actions recognized as
being present in tillage must be separated into simple behavior,
which can be studied. Simple behaviors include, for example
stress-strain relations, soil-metal friction, and yield by shear.
Descriptions of simple behavior can be established through the
application of several distinct phases of study (secs. 3.1 and 3.2).
First, some specific behavior is observed and studied. Second, having
noted the behavior, factors involved in the behavior are identified
and their relation is ascertained in a cause-and-effect manner.
Mathematical equations are required to quantitatively describe the
cause-and-effect relation and, hence, the behavior. Resorting to
mathematical equations is possible only when both input and output
quantities can be expressed in some form of numerical description.
Each behavior equation defines a dynamic property, and the param-
eters of the behavior equation identify the specific quantities that
must be measured. When measured values of the parameters are
substituted into the behavior equation, they assess the property nu-
merically in that they quantitatively describe the material’s contribu-
tion to the behavior.
While these steps may appear to be so elementary as to be obvious,
they are not always easy to execute. Even with simple behavior,
attempts to quantize relations have been extremely difficult. This
difficulty is compounded since the results of behavior (the action),
rather than the behavior itself, are of practical interest. Neverthe-
less, behavior equations must be developed and they must be accurate
and have clearly defined inputs and outputs.
An axiom to use in developing a soil-tillage tool mechanics is the
principle of compatibility, which can be stated: Quantities to be
considered simultaneously in representing a phenomenon should have
compatible levels of definition. This is to say that the definition of
forces and movements used in a mechanics must be as completely
defined as the inputs and outputs of the soil behavior equations which
provide the framework of the mechanics. The utilization of this
principle will serve to prevent the excessive development of unneces-
sary subbehavior equations along with their complexities.
With accurate behavior equations, a complete soil-tillage tool me-
chanics can be developed to quantitatively describe tillage actions.
A specific tillage tool has a fixed geometrical shape that can be ex-
pressed by appropriate mathematical equations. An overall co-
ordinate framework can be established in which the direction of
travel and path of motion of the tool, orientation of the tool, and
the continuous nature and profile of the soil can be described. Since
the tool operates as a rigid body having a much greater strength than
the soil, its movement displaces soil. Describing the path of motion
of the tool in the reference framework thus provides the necessary
boundary conditions to define the problem. Simultaneous solution
of the system of equations, utilizing the boundary conditions and
the magnitude of the parameters, provides a quantitative description

of the reaction. Stresses acting on the tool can be added vectorially

to give the forces required to move the tool in the specified path.
The path of movement of the soil determines its total displacement
and final position. Thus, from the description of the tillage action
the factors of interest can be calculated.
Few behavior equations have been determined that are suitable for
use in a soil-tool mechanics, and a quantitative assessment cannot al-
ways be made of those that are available. Thus, the complete me-
chanics does not exist today, and it is not likely to be forthcoming in
the immediate future. The complexity of mathematically solving
the system of equations will also be a deterrent to securing a rapid
solution, but a vast realm of mathematical knowledge is available for
assistance. Many mathematical techniques have yet to be used in
developing the mechanics. They range from methods for obtaining
rigorous solutions, to approximation solutions by finite differences, to
simulation on electronic analog computers. It is not lack of appli-
cation of these techniques that is limiting progress; rather, it is lack
of fundamental equations expressing behaviors.
Any real progress in sight lies in the development of simplified
descriptions of behavior rather than in a simplified mathematical
method for solving the system of equations. Thus, although the
main challenge in soil dynamics research still lies ahead, the course
of research to be followed is clearly defined. Based on present
knowledge, the course can be charted with a reasonable degree of
certainty so that at least partial success is assured.
Thus, the ultimate goal of soil dynamics research is directed to-
ward developing an extremely complex mechanics. Nevertheless,
the mechanics must be developed if we are to reduce tillage of the
soil, one of man’s oldest continuing tasks, to a science. Only the
most rudimentary form of mechanics has evolved and the complete
mechanics needs to be developed. One has only to compare the sug-
gestions Jenkin made in 1932 ( 201 ) concerning the development of
a soil-tillage tool mechanics with the tillage research undertaken in
1964 to realize that a third of a century has slipped by without
progress being made.
Unless some positive attempt is made to pursue the scientific as-
pects of soil dynamics and concentrate on the fundamentals of soil
behavior, other years will pass without progress. One of civilized
man’s responsibilities is to develop knowledge of this type. Any
knowledge that permits man to know how his environment will act
or react will enable him to become less subject to the uncertainties
that have slowed his progress.
The ideal soil-tillage tool mechanics that has been described here
is termed complete because presumably all of the simple behaviors
that may have an influence on the action are included in the overall
mechanics. One of the difficulties in understanding a soil-tillage tool
action is that every behavior is not always operative. A behavior
may appear intermittently, and its presence may be difficult to detect
or assess. For example, a dry cemented soil does not simultaneously
exhibit plastic flow behavior or even compression failure to any great
extent. Similarly, a wet saturated soil may exhibit great plastic flow
but again little compression failure. The complete mechanics should
be capable of representing these complexities by mathematically
choosing which behaviors actually occur.
A mechanics can be based on a single behavior equation, however,
so that a so-called partial mechanics can be developed in lieu of a
complete mechanics. The partial mechanics must be restricted to
situations where the incorporated behavior occurs. Several attempts
have been made to develop partial mechanics where a pressing need
existed to obtain solutions to specific problems in soil dynamics.
While expediency dictates that partial mechanics be sought, the
development is also justified because of the progress that has been
made in recognizing soil reactions that are distinctly different.
The general nature of such observations is indicated in reports by
Nichols and Reed ( 323 ) and by Pollard ( 338 ). As an example,
average soil in a “good plowing condition” shears in a regular pat-
tern along primary and secondary surfaces as failure occurs in the
soil. The soil is usually firm and without excessive amounts of
roots and stones. Dry cemented soils, on the other hand, break up
into large irregular blocks whose dimensions can be controlled to
some extent by the size of cut of the tillage tool. Freshly plowed or
loose soils cannot be satisfactorily replowed because they lack the
rigidity required to hold together so as to slide over the plow sur-
face in a uniform slice. The soil tends to roll and be pushed by the
plow. Clearly? these observations lack the definition required for
any mathematical treatment. The observations do indicate, how-
ever, that in some instances a reasonably simple but repetitive be-
havior is involved in the reaction of soil to a tillage tool. Therefore,
partial soil-tool mechanics can logically be developed and they will
probably have a practical application. Indeed, only partial me-
chanics will be available until the complete mechanics is eventually
4.3 Mechanics of Simple Reactions
The distinction between a complete soil-tillage tool mechanics and
a partial soil-tillage tool mechanics was made in section 4.2.2. In
general, a mechanics based on one, two, or any number of behavior
equations can be developed. Depending on the basis chosen, the
various mechanics may not resemble each other and may even iden-
tify completely different factors. Such a situation is possible be-
cause no practical unique structure exists for building a mechanics
based on fundamental behavior equations. Recognizing this fact
is essential if any mechanics is to be properly understood. The only
justification for any mechanics, including the Newtonian mechanics,
is that it properly and accurately describes actions in quantitative
Partial mechanics as used here thus applies to any soil-tillage-tool
mechanics that does not include all known behaviors. The tillage
action is assumed to be composed of certain recognized behaviors
and a mechanics is based on the chosen behaviors. Such a mechanics
will be accurate if it truly represents the situation and is not applied
to situations where the assumed behaviors do not occur. Of course,
some knowledge is required to follow such procedures.
As an extreme example, use of both electrical resistance behavior

and strength behavior as a basis for a mechanics to describe the flexi-

bility of a fishing pole is unnecessary since both are not expected to
be operative. Similarly, a mechanics need not include plastic flow
behavior of soil if the mechanics is to be applied only to dry c e -
mented soil. Available knowledge qualitatively indicates that plastic
flow does not occur in dry cemented soils. A partial mechanics can
thus be both valid and useful if its limitations are known.
A final point concerning the distinction between a partial and a
complete mechanics is the mathematical complexity of the mechanics.
Nothing indicates nor assures that the mathematics of a partial me-
chanics will be simple. The principal distinction as used here is that
the complete mechanics would be applicable to all conceivable situa-
tions where tillage tools are used to manipulate the soil. No limita-
tions would be placed on the complete mechanics. In contrast, a
partial mechanics will have restrictions. The restrictions may be on
the soil condition to which it is applicable or the type of tool it
represents, or both. In fact, a partial mechanics may have no prac-
tical usefulness, yet may be of value because it explains reasons for
observed tillage actions.
4.3.1 Inclined Tools
An inclined plane that is moved through the soil along a straight
path at a slow speed might be considered a tillage tool. The reaction
of the soil to the tool is relatively simple and is realistic; the tool
causes failure of the soil in a manner similar to that described by
Nichols and Reed ( 323 ). The fundamental characteristic of the
action is a repeated failure of the soil by shear, which forms small
blocks of soil (fig. 77).

FIGURE 77.-Reaction of soil to a tillage tool shaped as an inclined plane.

Soehne ( 398 ) analyzed the action of a simplified tool and con-

cluded that four simple behavior equations described the tillage
action: soil-metal friction, shear failure, acceleration force for each
block of soil, and cutting resistance. Figure 78 shows the hypo-

FIGURE78.-Hypothetical forces and their orientation on a segment of soil

reacting to an inclined-plane tillage tool. ( Soehne, Grundlagen der Land-
technik ( 398 ).)

thetical forces that act on the segment of soil as it reacts to the ad-
vancing tool. In essence, the behavior outputs have been specified.
Locating failure surfaces specifies the orientation and location of the
force inputs that cause the assumed behavior. The magnitude of the
forces has not been specified. Forces CF1 and µN1 are due to soil
shear and are those present at the instant incipient shear failure
occurs. Forces due to soil-metal friction (µ'Nº) and acceleration
(B) are also present. Soehne visualized a pure resistance of the soil
to being split by the cutting edge of the, tool (kb). Thus, in prin-
ciple, the simple behavior outputs have been specified in figure 78,
and they represent the complex reaction of the soil to an inclined-
plane tillage tool.
By using the notation in figure 78, an equilibrium equation can be
written for the forces in the horizontal direction acting on the in-
clined tool. The forces on the tool itself are not shown in figure 78,
but the would be the forces reacting to those acting between the
soil and tool and the draft. Equilibrium gives
where W = draft force,
µ' = coefficient of soil-metal friction,
N° = normal load on the inclined tool,
k = pure cutting resistance of soil per unit width,
b = width of tool,
= lift angle of the tool.
Soehne reasoned that the pure cutting resistance of the soil is small
and becomes important only when stones or roots are present or the
cutting edge of the tool is dull. In the absence of such situations,
the cutting component of the total force might be considered neg-
ligible so that a specific resistance of the soil W* can be defined and
may be indicated as


W* is the tool resistance without the cutting component

Concentrating now on the soil segment rather than on the tool,
the vertical forces can be summed and placed in equilibrium. With
the notation and the relations shown in figure 78, equilibrium gives

where G = weight of the soil segment,
N1 = normal load on the forward failure surface,
= angle of forward failure surface,
µ = coefficient of internal soil friction,
µ' = coefficient of soil-metal friction,
F1 = area of forward shear failure surface,
C = cohesion of soil,
B = acceleration force of the soil,
= lift angle of the tool,
The horizontal forces on the soil segment can be summed and placed
in equilibrium from the relations shown in figure 78 to give

Equations 58, 59, and 60 can be used to eliminate the normal forces
No and N1. No can be found from equation 58 and substituted into
equation 60. Rearranging terms and solving for N1 gives


Substituting for No and N1 in equation 59 gives

Expanding and rearranging terms gives

and by letting
Equation 62 relates the forces acting in the soil-tool system. In
principle, the unknown forces No and N1 have been mathematically
eliminated and that is all that can be accomplished by these manipu-
lations. Since pure cutting behavior has been ignored and accelera-
tion behavior has not yet been utilized, only two behavior equations
are represented in equation 62. Thus in principle, the two equations
have eliminated two unknowns. The remaining unknowns in equa-
tion 62 must be determined from the remaining behavior equation
(acceleration) and other relations yet to be developed. Parameters
of the behavior equations, of course, must be experimentally deter-
mined since they characterize the soil or metal. Other parameters
will characterize the mode of operation. In a loose sense the para-
meters may be considered as boundary conditions.
The weight of soil may be calculated from the volume of the soil
supported by the inclined tool. Figure 79 shows a trapezoidal area

FIGURE 79.-Geometrical relations between velocities and lengths for a seg-

ment of soil reacting to an inclined tillage tool. (Soehne, Grundlagen der
Landtechnik ( 398 ) .)

that may be assumed to be supported by the tool. The area of the

trapezoid multiplied by the depth of the area (width of tool) and
the density of the soil gives the weight. By using the relationships
in figure 79, the weight of soil is


where y = wet bulk density of soil,

b = width of tool,

The area of shear F1 can be easily determined from either figure 78

or 79, and the area is given by


The acceleration force B is the only item in equation 62 that re-

mains to be specified. Newton’s Second Law of Motion provides the
behavior equation, and it can be written

where m = mass of the soil accelerated,

v = velocity of the accelerated soil,
t = time.
Soehne argued that if the periodic failure process is considered to be
continuous, then the total work done to bring about acceleration is
not changed significantly and an average constant force can be de-
termined. The soil can thus be visualized to be at rest; but in some
time t it reaches a velocity vs, as shown in figure 79. The mass of
soil to be accelerated in time t is given from the volume of soil dis-
turbed in time t so that


where y = wet bulk density,

b = width of tool,
d = depth of soil disturbed,
t = time,
vo = velocity of the tool,
g = acceleration due to gravity.
Soehne assumed that


since the soil was initially at rest at time t = 0. In addition, the

magnitudes of the velocity vectors were considered to be so related
that they form a closed triangle. Thus, from figure 79


so that ve can be eliminated to give


Substituting equations 66, 67, and 68 into equation 65 and simplify-

ing gives

Equations 63, 64, and 69 could be substituted into equation 62 to
provide a single equation in which parameters of the tool, soil, and
mode of operation are related to the horizontal force to move the
tool. Thus, tool parameters b and Lo, soil parameters µ, y, and C,
soil-tool parameter µ’, and mode of operation parameters d, vo, and
provide the basis to describe the tillage action. Soehne did not in-
dicate how he determined the value for ß. The angle can be calcu-
lated from the relations shown in figure 41. Equations 17 and 18
define the relations
µ = tan
where is the angle of internal friction. Figure 41 shows that the
shear surface will be oriented 90° - from the largest principal
stress. By following the usual sign conventions and recalling that
the magnitude of angles in the Mohr’s circle represents twice the
magnitude of the angle in the physical body, ß can be evaluated from
the equation
ß = ½ (90°- . (70)
Vertical forces on the tool could be placed in equilibrium to provide
a relation similar to equation 57 and equations 59 and 60 again could
be used to calculate an equation similar to equation 62. Equation
62 and its implied vertical counterpart thus constitute a simple me-
chanics for inclined tools.
Soehne attempted to verify equation 62 experimentally. He did
not use the soil and tool arrangement shown in figure 77, which
eliminated extraneous forces; he used a similarly inclined tool that
was supported only in the center. Because it was operated entirely
below the surface of the soil, some forces on the edges of the tool and
on the supporting standard were not considered in the mechanics.
Figure 80 compares the measured and calculated values. Additional
values not shown in figure 80 were measured for a loam soil and were
found to be approximately 18 percent lower than values calculated by
the mechanics.
The lack of agreement indicates that the mechanics is not com-
pletely accurate. On the other hand, the values are close enough to
indicate that the mechanics is not completely wrong. Any one of
several factors could contribute to the lack of agreement. First,
edge and supporting standard effects were present for the tool, but
not for the mathematical model. Second, experimental determina-
tion of the dynamic soil parameters may have been in error for rea-
sons discussed in section Third, the behavior equations may
not have been properly applied. Soehne assumed that No and N1
were constant along the respective surfaces on which they act. Dis-
tributions are not necessarily uniform. In fact, moving pictures of
such failures indicate that the shear failure surface may be a pro-
gressive failure rather than a simultaneous failing of the entire sur-
f ace. The velocity imparted to the soil that caused acceleration was
assumed to be v8. No justification can be put forth to assure that
the assumption is valid. Furthermore, the concept of an average ac-
celeration may not describe the situation. Needless to say, if all of
the points concerning possible misapplication of the behavior equa-


(A) (B)
FIGURE 80.-Soil resistances (draft) are measured and calculated for an in-
clined tillage tool operating in a sandy soil. ( Soehne, Grundlagen der Land-
technik ( 398 ).)

tions were included, the mathematics would be greatly complicated.

Fourth, pure cutting was assumed to be negligible. Fifth, the
behavior equations themselves may not be accurate, even though they
represent real phenomena.
Refinement in any one of these limiting factors could greatly im-
rove the accuracy of the mechanics. Also, the mechanics has not
been experimentally checked over a wide enough range of variables
such as speed, depth, soils, and cutting angles to establish the ac-
curacy of the mechanics. Additional verification is needed.
Rowe and Barnes ( 375, 376 ) attempted to overcome some of the
inherent limitations in the mechanics. They used the physical ar-
rangement shown in figure 77 to eliminate the influence of extraneous
forces along the sides of the soil block and the standard holding the
tool. They also incorporated into the mechanics the influence of
adhesion on the soil-metal sliding surface. The adhesion parameter
Ca (sec. requires a change in the forces shown in figure 78.
The change is shown in figure 81. Incorporating the adhesion
parameter changes equation 62 to give

where Fo = area of inclined tool,

Ca = soil-metal adhesion.
Rowe and Barnes were primarily concerned with the influence of
speed on the magnitude of the soil shear parameters, which would, in

FIGURE 81.-Free body diagram showing sliding force components due to fric-
tion and adhesion. (Rowe and Barnes, Amer. Soc. Agr. Engin. Trans.

turn, influence the draft. Consequently, they measured the soil

shear parameters at various speeds and assumed that the soil sheared
at velocity v8, which can be calculated by equation 68. The results
of their measurements and calculations are shown in figure 82. A
reasonable agreement was obtained between calculated and measured
values, but it appears that equation 71 has not been satisfactorily
Since Rowe and Barnes used only one tool orientation and one
depth of operation, the data should probably be considered as a
check on the mechanics as developed by Soehne rather than as a spe-
cial study on the effect of speed. Regardless of how the data are

FIGURE 82.-Measured and calculated draft of an inclined tillage tool at vari-

ous tool velocities. (Rowe and Barnes, Amer. Soc. Agr. Engin. Trans.
( 376 ).)

viewed, however, considerable improvement is required before the

mechanics will be accurate.
Kawamura ( 207, 212 ) followed a different approach in develop-
ing a mechanics of inclined tools. His work actually preceded that
of Soehne but, unfortunately, delay in translating his work has
limited its availability. Kawamura ( 209 ) measured the draft force
of an inclined tool when it was operating at various depths and
lift angles (angles of inclination). The measured results show (fig.
83) that a minimum in draft force occurred at a lift angle of about

FIGURE 83.-The effect of depth of cut d and lift angle on the draft force
of an inclined tool. (Kawamura, Soc. Agr. Mach. Jour. (Japan) ( 209 ) .)

25º for shallow operating depths; at deeper operating depths, the

minimum in draft force shifted to a lift angle of about 15°. An
interesting point is that Soehne’s calculated curves (fig. 80) have
the same shape as the experimentally determined curves shown in
figure 83, so that Kawamura’s data tend to confirm the curves
calculated from Soehne’s mechanics. One difference in the experi-
mental procedure was that Soehne changed the length of his tool so
that the lift height was constant with various lift angles. Kawa-
mura, on the other hand, maintained a constant length of tool so that
the lift height was varied with the lift angle. Another difference
was that Kawamura’s data were obtained at very slow speeds, whereas
Soehne used a speed of 1 meter per second which is approximately
2¼ miles per hour. While not expressly stated, Kawamura ap-
parently used speeds only one-tenth as fast as those of Soehne.
Kawamura also investigated the shape of the shear failure surfaces
that resulted in separation of the blocks of soil. When forward
velocities of the tool were very slow, the detached blocks of soil re-
mained intact. As a result, the shape of the shear surface and the
angle between the shear surface and the soil surface could be meas-
ured. The shear surfaces were observed to be curves rather than
straight lines, and on occasion the curved shear surface extended
slightly below the lowest part of the tool.
Kawamura also noted that at increased forward velocities of the
tool, the angle of the shear surface tended to alternate about two
relatively constant values. The extreme values of the angles oc-
curred (1) when failure started at the tip of the tool and went up-
ward, and (2) when failure started at the tip of the tool and swept
downward, then upward. Because of the curved surface and the al-
ternating angles, a mean shear angle ß was used (fig. 84). Figure

FIGURE 84.- Measurement of the angle of a shear surface for a soil reacting
to an inclined tool. (Kawamura, Soc. Agr. Mach. Jour. (Japan) ( 209 ).)

84 also shows a clever means that was used to determine the average
shear angle experimentally.
Kawamura noted that as the tool approached the location of the
Ames dial, the surface of the soil rose linearly (slope ~ 0.001-0.01)
with the advancing tool until a critical range was reached. During
the critical range the surface rose at an increasing rate as the tool
continued to advance (relation was a curve). After the critical
transition range had been passed, the relation between the rising
surface of the soil and the advancing tool was again linear but at a
much higher rate (slope ~ 1.5) than before the critical range.
Kawamura believed that the last linear movement was due to the
rigid block of soil rising on the inclined tool, whereas the initial
linear movement was due to the elastic behavior of the soil. The
critical range, however, coincided with the formation of the shear
surface and reflected the transition state between the time when the
block of soil was part of the soil mass and when it was completely
separated from the soil mass. The shear surface could thus be ap-
proximated by a straight line extending from the tip of the tool to
the soil surface where the critical range began. The average angle
of the shear surface could be determined from the relation

with values obtained from figure 84.

In other aspects of the work, the lift angle of the tool was ob-
served to influence the mean shear angle so that the shear angle was
not a constant for a given soil condition. Figure 85 shows the
measured relation for two depths of tool operation. The data indi-

FIGURE 85-The relation between the lift angle and the average shear
surface angle (ß) for soil reacting to an inclined tool. (Kawamura, Soc.
Agr. Mach. Jour. (Japan) ( 209 ).)

cate that the average shear angle is influenced by both the depth of
tool operation and the lift angle of the tool.
Kawamura used two theories from the so-called classical soil
mechanics in attempting to calculate the draft force. Both theories
are based on one behavior equation-yield by shear as represented
by equation 18. In the Rankine theory, the shear angle is a constant
given by equation 70. By considering only the mass of the soil and
the shear failure stress (ignoring the magnitude of the normal
stress), the weight of soil and total shear stress on the failure surface
can be calculated. Equilibrium conditions then permit determining
the draft component. In the Coulomb theory, the same procedure is
followed except the shear angle is given by a complicated relation
involving the lift angle and the soil friction angle. Neither theory,
however, was sufficiently accurate to be acceptable.
Since the observed shear surface was a curve and the angle of the
shear surface varied with the tool lift angle, Kawamura ( 210 ) at-
tempted to use plastic equilibrium to calculate the observed phenome-
non. He reasoned that the inclined tool often created a stress state
in the soil different from that required for applying either the
Coulomb or the Rankine theories. He envisioned a transient region
between the tool and the conditions that were accurately represented
by the Coulomb or Rankine theories. At large lift angles, the
Coulomb theory predicted the measured draft closely but the Rankine
theory predicted the observed shear angle better than did the
Coulomb theory. Thus, when small lift angles were used, the devia-
tions between measured and calculated draft could be attributed to
the transient stress region. If the transient region could be con-
sidered to be in a state of plastic equilibrium, the condition could
be properly described by using available plastic flow theories.
The mathematical details or using plastic flow theory are too
long and too complex to be presented here. A discussion of the
principles, however, will illustrate the procedure Kawamura used
to develop a mechanics. When all displacement lies in a plane in a
stress-strain situation, state of plane strain is said to exist. Such a
situation occurs for a wide inclined tool, since all displacement can
be assumed to lie in a plane containing the direction of travel and a
direction normal to the surface of the soil. If the soil material is
assumed to be incompressible, one can demonstrate that there always
will exist two directions (oriented at right angles to each other and
normally identified as a and ß) that bisect the principal directions
of strain (normally identified as directions 1 and 2).
Directions a and ß are characterized by vanishing linear strain and
have maximum angular or shear strain. The curves that are every-
where tangential to these directions form two families of orthogonal
curves that are often termed “slip lines.” Since all movement on
such lines Z-tangential (slip), the name is appropriate. The forma-
tion of slip lines in a physical material represents a transient state of
incipient failure. Before a state of incipient failure occurs, an in-
finitesimal increase in the stresses results in an infinitesimal increase
in strain. When the stresses are in a state of incipient failure, how-
ever, an infinitesimal increase in the stresses results in a large
increase in strain--this is, plastic flow. For a perfectly plastic
material, the stresses causing failure cannot be increased beyond the
incipient failure state since failure is reached and the material will
flow plastically to adjust to boundary conditions. As one might
suspect, the direction of plastic flow is parallel to the slip surfaces.
Thus, the stress state at incipient plastic flow represents a condition
of plastic equilibrium in the material.
Specifying the criterion for plastic flow requires a behavior equa-
tion that in turn makes possible the establishment of a mechanics.
By referring the stresses to a coordinate axis oriented along the slip
lines and by using the differential equations of equilibrium on
stresses, a two-dimensional plastic flow theory can be developed.
Solution of the equilibrium equations, together with the yield cri-
terion and appropriate boundary conditions, determines the magni-
tudes of the stresses and the equations of the slip lines. However,
the solution is not easily obtained except in simple circumstances.
Nothing in the theory describes reactions either before or after
incipient failure. Hence, the solution is valid regardless of any
stress-strain relations before incipient plastic flow. In order to
assure that the slip lines are orthogonal families of curves, however,
the material must be incompressible and displacements must lie in
one plane. All these situations do not have to exist in order to
have slip lines formed; but when the slip lines are not orthogonal,
their description becomes very complex.
Kawamura used the general procedures of plastic equilibrium in
developing a mechanics. For the yield criterion he used shear failure
as given by equation 18; this is the only behavior equation in the
mechanics. Because of the nature of boundary configurations for
the inclined tool, he used polar coordinates as shown in figure 86.
He obtained expressions for the equilibrium equations in the chosen
coordinate system and in terms of the shear yield condition. From
boundary conditions and considerable mathematical analysis, Kawa-
mura was able to demonstrate that angle ß’ in figure 86 could be
reasonably assumed to be independent of the radius coordinate and
a function only of the angular coordinate. Such an assumption
simplified the equilibrium equations, and a numerical solution of the
equations could be obtained. The difficulty in obtaining an analytical

FIGURE 86.-Polar coordinates used to represent stresses on a slip line caused

by an inclined tool. ß’ is the angle between the radial direction and the
( 210 ).) of the slip line. (Kawamura, Soc. Agr. Mach. Jour. (Japan)

solution resulted from the complexity of the mathematics but not

from the complexity of the physical principles.
With a numerical solution obtainable, Kawamura summed the
tangential stresses on the slip surface and equated the horizontal
component to draft. Figure 87 shows a comparison of experimental

FIGURE 87.-Calculated and experimental draft values for an inclined tillage

tool. (Kawamura, Soc. Agr. Mach, Jour. (Japan) ( 210 ).)

and calculated draft values over a range of lift angles. The agree-
ment is reasonably good, but more data are required to verify the
procedures. Recall that Kawamura has not considered soil-metal
friction or acceleration forces, and their consideration might improve
the accuracy of the mechanics. On the other hand, he has recog-
nized and considered the curved failure surface and the possibility
of a varying stress distribution on the failure surface. Kawamura
concluded that his procedures represented and explained observed
facts better than any theories that were available at that time.
While his procedures are mathematically complex (primarily be-
cause of permitting a nonconstant stress distribution), they do repre-
sent a mechanics for inclined tools.
4.3.2 Vertical Tools
A vertical plane, perpendicular to the direction of travel, repre-
sents a simple form of tillage tool. Payne ( 329 ) studied tools of
this type in detail. Based primarily on the passive earth pressure
theory of Rankine, Payne was able to develop a mechanics to repre-
sent the tillage action. He began his study by qualitatively observ-
ing the soil reacting to a vertical tool. Figure 88 shows the ob-
served soil failure.

(A) (B)
FIGURE 88--The nature of soil failure caused by a vertical tool in a firm soil:
A, Side view ; B, plan view. (Payne, Jour. Agr. Engin. Res. ( 329 ).)

For wide tools, the side effect can reasonably be ignored since their
area is small compared to the bottom failure surface (fig. 88). A
tool was considered to be a wide tool when its width was at least
twice its depth of operation. The classical Rankine theory can be
modified to represent the curved failure surface shown in figure 88, A.
When friction is present between the soil and the tool, the directions
of principal stresses do not remain horizontal and vertical. At the
surface of the soil, the principal stresses must be horizontal and
vertical; but their orientation rotates as one proceeds downward
along the failure surface to the vertical tool. The rotation results in
the curved surface. The shape of the curve has been demonstrated
to be a logarithmic spiral, and methods are available to determine
the stresses and the actual arc of the logarithmic spiral ( 427 ).
Payne concluded that the modified Rankine theory represented wide
tools with reasonable accuracy.
When narrow tools are considered, side effects can no longer be
ignored. Furthermore, Payne reasoned that shear failure surfaces
must exist which pass along the sides of the tool as well as the bottom
of the tool. Such surfaces will interrupt the bottom curved failure
surface shown in figure 88, A, and these surfaces will be at
to the principal stress. In narrow tools, Payne further reasoned
that the vertical shear surfaces would intersect each other as well
as the bottom curved surface. Thus, a wedge of soil immediately
adjacent to the tool would be isolated from the rest of the soil block
that was sheared from the soil mass. In wide tools, the vertical
shear surfaces would not intersect each other so that the wed e
would never be formed. The wedge changes the boundary condi-
tions for the Rankine theory so that the failure zone of soil can be

visualized as shown in figure 89. Payne observed the failure sec-

tions qualitively as shown in figure 89, B in various soil conditions.
He argued that the foregoing analysis explained the reasons for the
observed action.

(A) (B)

FIGURE 89.-The nature of soil failure for soil reacting to a narrow vertical
tillage tool. (Payne, Jour. Agr. Engin. Res. ( 329 ) .)

An additional complicating factor was that the isolated wedge did

not remain stationary but moved slowly up the face of the vertical
tool. Payne concluded that the curved surface on the bottom of the
wedge was so inclined that the forces acting on the bottom would
cause the movement. He described the formation of the sheared
block of soil as follows: As a narrow tool advances, it pushes forward
and upward a triangular wedge-shaped block of soil (abcdef in fig.
89, A). The wedge, in turn, pushes sideways and upward two blocks
of soil on each side of the center line of the tool in the direction of
travel. He termed the soil broken loose but not part of the wedge
as the crescent. The knifelike action of the wedge causes the sym-
metrical formation of four blocks of soil adjacent to the wedge in the
crescent (fig. 89, B). One half of the crescent is shown in figure
89, A, divided into its wing section (bcdejk) and front section
(cdh’j’). All five sections are identified in figure 89, B.
With the identification of the failure zone, a basis was available
on which to describe the forces acting during failure and, ultimately,
to develop a mechanics. Since the wedge is the only block of soil
in contact with the tool, a description of the forces on the wedge is
sufficient to determine the forces on the tool.
Payne used two behavior equations to describe the forces on the
wedge: soil failure by shear (equation 18); and soil-metal friction,
which included adhesion (equation 47). He used the behavior out-
puts to specify the nature and location of the forces acting on the
wedge in the same fashion as did Soehne and Kawamura. Both be-
havior equations represent failure conditions; thus, his first task was
to describe the shape of the wedge since the wedge was formed by
the failure surf aces. The sides of the wedge (acdf and bcde in fig.
89, A) were formed by shear failure, and they were assumed to be
plane and not curved. Observation of the shape and action of the
wedge on a narrow vertical tool during movement confirmed the
validity of the assumption. The bottom of the wedge (def in fig.
89, A) must be slightly curved ; but, since such a small portion of
the total curved surface is contained in the wedge, the bottom sur-
face can be assumed to be plane. Payne defined the angle between
the shear surfaces on the sides of the wedge and the direction of
travel as , and the angle between the bottom shear surface and the
direction of travel as
Eight forces (a total of 10, since the wedge has two vertical sides)
were envisioned as acting on the wedge. Figure 90 shows the direc-

----------------------FORCES LIE IN THE PLANES


(A) (B)

FIGURE 90.-Orientation of forces acting on soil wedge in A, horizontal plane,

and B, vertical plane. (After Payne, Jour. Agr. Engin. Res. ( 329 ).)

tion of the eight forces and their inclinations to various reference

directions. Two forces act on the back side of the wedge (soil-tool
interface, abef in fig. 89, A) : (1) an adhesion force DA acts tangen-
tially; from symmetry, it must lie in a vertical lane as shown in
figure 90, B ; (2) the resultant of the normal and frictional forces DR
acts on the back side of the wedge. From symmetry, the force ‘must
lie in a vertical plane containing the direction of travel; and it will
be inclined to the direction of travel by the angle of soil-metal fric-
tion Thus, D R is oriented as shown in figure 90, B.
A cohesive force Bc and the resultant of the normal and frictional
forces BR act on the bottom surface of the wedge. The cohesive force
acts tangentially to the surface ; and, from symmetry, it must lie in a
vertical plane containing the direction of travel. BC is shown in-
clined at an angle to the direction of travel in figure 90, B. Because
of symmetry, the force BR also must lie in a vertical plane contain-
ing the direction of travel. The force will make an angle (angle
of internal soil friction) with the normal to the surface on which it
acts, so that BR is inclined to the vertical direction, as shown
in figure 90, B.
Forces similar to those on the bottom of the wedge must also act

on the sides of the wedge. Because of the relative movement be-

tween the wedge and each wing of the crescent, the orientation of
the forces is not as simple as for those on the bottom of the wedge.
A cohesive force Sc on the side of the wedge acts tangentially to the
surface; its projection in a horizontal plane will parallel the sides of
the wedge and will make an angle with the direction of travel, as
shown in figure 90, A.
Payne defined the angle between a horizontal plane and Sc as ß,
so that the projection of Sc in a vertical plane containing the direc-
tion of travel will be inclined to the direction of travel as shown in
figure 90, B. The resultant of the normal and frictional force SR
also acts on the sides of the wedge. Just as BR acts at an angle
to the normal of the surface on which it acts, so SR acts at an angle
to the normal of the side of the wedge. Because of the upward
movement of the wedge relative to the wings of the crescent, SR will
also be inclined at some angle to a horizontal plane just as was SC.
To represent the orientation of SR, Payne defined as the angle SR
makes with a horizontal plane; its projection in a vertical plane con-
taining the direction of travel will make an angle with the direction
of travel, as shown in figure 90, B. In the horizontal plane, Payne
defined the angle between the normal to the side of the wedge and the
horizontal projection of SR as a. Thus, the projection of SR in a
horizontal plane is oriented, as shown in figure 90, A.
Payne envisioned a force resulting from the shear failure of the
two fronts of the crescent (fig. 89, B) that acts on the leading edge
of the wedge. From symmetry, the force must lie in a vertical
plane containing the direction of travel. Payne designated the
force as T and reasoned that it could be considered to act at some
average angle to the direction of travel, as shown in figure 90, B.
The final force that Payne considered was the weight of the wedge
resulting from its mass. The weight, of course, acts in a vertical
direction, as shown in figure 90, B.
The components of the forces acting on the wedge in horizontal
and vertical planes (the latter containing the direction of travel)
can be determined from figure 90, and these components are shown in
figure 91. DR and DA act on the back side of the wedge, and figure
90, B shows that DR will have the components shown in figure 91.
Bc has components modified by the angle , whereas B R has com-
ponents modified by the angle (fig. 90, B) ; and the respec-
tive components are located as shown in figure 91. Similarly, T
has components modified by the angle The vertical components
of the forces on the sides of the wedge can be seen directly from
figure 90, B. Since both ß and are angles between the respective
forces and a horizontal plane, the vertical components will be SR sin
and SC sin ß for the side forces SR and SC. These components
are shown in figure 91, B. Similarly, the projections of the two
forces in a horizontal plane will be given by the cosine of the respec-
tive angles so that the projections of SC and SR shown in figure 90, B
have a magnitude of SC cos ß and SR cos The components of the
two forces in the direction of travel can thus be determined from
figure 90, A; they are SR cos sin and SC cos ß cos as
shown in figure 91, A. The weight of the wedge W acts only in the
vertical direction, as shown in figure 91, B.

(A) (B)

FIGURE 91.-Location and direction of forces acting on a soil wedge: A, Hori-

zontal plane; B, vertical plane. (After Payne, Jour. Agr. Engin. Res. ( 329 ).)

The forces in figure 91 can be placed in equilibrium. From

figure 91, A,

There are two vertical sides of the wedge, and the vertical forces can
be placed in equilibrium so that from figure 91, B,

From equilibrium of forces on the tool (not shown), DR cos will
be the draft. One unknown can be eliminated in a simultaneous
solution of equations 72 and 73. The angles and are dynamic
soil parameters that can be measured, but the remaining unknowns
must be determined from other relations. Equations 72 and 73, how-
ever, are a basis for developing a mechanics of narrow vertical tools.
The angles and that describe the shape of the wedge are de-
termined by the angles of soil-metal friction and internal soil fric-
tion. Soil-metal friction acts on the back side of the wedge (soil-tool
interface), since the wedge moves up the tool. The adhesive com-
ponent of equation 47 is small compared to the friction component
so that the principal stress acting on the back of the wedge can be
assumed to act in the direction of DR. Since the principal stress is
compressive, it will be algebraically the smallest principal stress; as
shown in figure 42, the shear surface will be inclined
to the principal plane-a plane perpendicular to DR. Note that the
shear surface will be inclined to the direction of the
principal stress-the direction of DR. Thus, in figure 91, B,


where = angle between a horizontal plane and bottom

failure surface,
= angle of internal soil friction,
= angle of soil-metal friction.
Similarly, in the plane in which the algebraically smallest principal
stress lies (a plane containing DR that is inclined to a horizontal
plane by the angle the shear surfaces of the sides of the wedge
must also be inclined to the principal stress or, as indi-

cated earlier, to the principal plane. The projection

of this angle in a horizontal plane, however, is a function of the
angle and trigonometric relations give

where = angle between the direction of travel and sides

of the wedge in a horizontal plane.

The angles and are indicated in figure 91. Equations 74 and 75

thus permit calculating the angles defining the shape of the wedge.
The adhesion force DA is easily calculated by multiplying the ad-
hesion parameter Ca by the area over which it acts. Thus

DA = Ca la, (76)
where l = depth of operation of tool,
a = width of tool,
Ca = soil-metal adhesion.

Similarly, the cohesive force on the bottom surface of the wedge is

the product of soil cohesion and the area over which it acts. Geo-
metrical relations give


where C = soil cohesion at failure.

BR was eliminated from equations 72 and 73 so that its components
did not need to be determined. The cohesive force on the sides of
the wedge is also a function of the area. Because of the vertical
relative movement, the sides of the wedge were considered to be “old”
failure surfaces so that residual cohesion (Cr) rather than failure co-
hesion (sec. would be acting. From the geometry shown in
figure 91,


where l = depth of tine,

a = width of tine,
Cr = residual cohesion of soil.
The weight of the soil wedge can be computed from its volume and
is given by


where W = total weight of wedge,

= wet bulk density of soil.
By eliminating BR with a simultaneous solution and by using equa-
tions 74 through 79, all terms in equations 72 and 73 are determined
except the forces T and SR and the angles ß, a, and These six
unknowns could not be. determined directly, but Payne was able to
use passive earth pressure techniques to evaluate them.
The details of applying passive earth pressure theory will not be
repeated here since they are lengthy and are reported in various
sources, such as Terzaghi and Peck ( 427 ). The theory is based on
one behavior equation, yield by shear, and the theory could be termed
a mechanics as mechanics is defined here. Payne applied the theory
to the problem by considering that a wing of the crescent (fig. 89, B)
is held by the side of the wedge; thus, the side of the wedge becomes
a “retaining wall.” In principle, Payne calculated the resultant
passive earth pressure on the wing of the crescent and resolved it into
the components acting on the wedge defined in figures 90 and 91.
The resultant pressure usually cannot be determined directly, but
techniques permit calculating when the pressure is a minimum. In
such a state, the shape of the wing (its failure surface) and the
magnitude of the desired forces can be determined.
Figure 92 shows the forces acting on the wedge and their locations.

FIGURE 92.-Forces and their location while acting on a wedge of soil formed
by a narrow vertical tool : A, Horizontal plane ; B, vertical plane. (Payne,
Jour. Agr. Engin. Res. ( 329 ).)

Figure 93 shows the forces on the side of the wedge in perspective as

well as on a cross section of the wing. From figure 93, A, Payne
obtained four equations relating the angles and forces associated

(A) (B)
FIGURE 93.-Forcesacting on the side of a wedge of soil : A, In perspective ; B,
on a cross section of the wing. (Payne, Jour. Agr. Engin. Res. ( 329 ) .)

with the sides of the wedge. Determination of the direction of the

resultant of the minimum passive earth pressure on the side of the
wedge by a series of trial computations specified enough values so
that the four equations could be solved.
The same techniques were applied to the fronts of the crescent to
determine the directional angle and the force T. An allowance
had to be made because of the shape of the fronts since they form a
sector that meets at the leading edge of the wedge. The wings were
assumed to have a constant width, as shown in figure 89, B, whereas
the fronts do not have a constant width. The minimum passive
earth pressure for the fronts was determined; this, in turn, specified
the values for T and Applying passive earth pressure theory
to the wings and fronts of the crescent and including equations 74
through 79 reported here gave Payne 13 equations to use in determin-
ing the required unknowns in equations 72 and 73. The complex
array of equations tends to cormpromise his mechanics for the narrow
vertical tool. The essential difference between the soil reaction de-
scription for the operation of narrow and wide vertical tools lies in
the description of the wedge. For wide tools, the resultant passive
earth pressure was considered to act directly on the tool; the tool is
the “retaining wall.” For narrow tools, however, the wedge becomes
the “retaining wall” for each of the segments of the crescent.
Payne carried out a series of experiments to determine the validity
of his mechanics when a narrow vertical tool was used. Measure-
ments were made under field conditions rather than in a laboratory
where a soil bin might have provided better control of the conditions.
He used four soil conditions including sandy loam, silty loam, and
clay loam types. Tool widths ranging from 3/8 inch to 4 inches were
used while the depth of operation was maintained approximately
constant at 5 inches. As a result, a reasonably wide range of both
tool and soil parameters was used in an attempt to verify the me-
Equations 72 and 73 may be used to predict the draft of a narrow
vertical tool at the instant of failure of the shear surfaces; hence,
the predicted draft value will be a maximum. As the tool continues
to advance, the draft should be at some lower value until another
failure state has been built up. Numerous researchers have noted
variations in measured drafts, which may be explained by a series of
shear failures as the tool advances. Some measure of the variation
should be taken into account. An analysis of the results showed
that the draft could be assumed to be nearly proportioned to cohe-
sion. Since cohesion ranged from a low of Cr to a high of C, an
estimate of the minimum draft could be calculated from the relation


where Dmax = maximum draft as determined from equations

72 and 73,
Dmin = minimum draft.
Payne analyzed his measured drafts in such a manner that he
could determine their frequency distribution. It was then possible
to construct a diagram that showed the percentage of time the draft
was at a certain value. When this distribution was compared with
the predicted range of draft (Dmax and Dmin), the measured draft
that fell within the predicted range varied from 6 to 78 percent.
The apparent discrepancy between measured and calculated results
does not completely prove or disprove the validity of the mechanics.
The measured range of values was always greater than the calculated
range, so that a low percentage of agreement was observed when-
ever the measured range was much greater than the calculated range.
The measured range should have been larger because it included the
random variation in the soil strength-the variation in dynamic soil
parameters. The calculated range given by equation 80, however,
was based on average values for C and Cr without regard to their
distribution. If the largest value of C and the smallest value of Cr
had been used, a much larger predicted range would have resulted
and the percentage of measured draft falling within the predicted
range would have been much larger.
To better determine the validity of the mechanics, the arithmetic
mean of the predicted range of draft was compared with the mean
of the measured draft as determined from the frequency distribution
diagrams for all of the tools in all soil conditions (fig. 94). The
correlation is highly significant, but. the fitted regression is also sig-
nificantly different from one. Thus, the arithmetic mean correlates
with the measured mean but gives a value that is higher than the
measured mean. Payne pointed out that he assumed that the true
mean of the predicted range was equal to the arithmetic mean-that
is, a normal distribution. Nothing justifies the assumption of a
normal distribution so that the arithmetic mean may be higher than
the true mean. This remains to be established, however, so at the
present time (1965) it is considered that the arithmetic mean does

FIGURE 94-Relations between predicted and measured mean drafts for nar-
row vertical tillage tools operated in several soil conditions. (Payne, Jour.
Agr. Engin. Res. ( 329 ) .)

not accurately predict the average draft of a narrow vertical tool.

In its present form, the mechanics is not completely accurate. The
wide range of tools and settings (ratio of depth to width ranging
from 1:1 to 15:l) and the range of soil conditions (cohesion ranging
from 1/3 to 3 p.s.i.) was satisfactorily represented by the mechanics.
Since the mechanics predicted a fairly constant excess of 25 percent
in draft, hope exists that the mechanics can be improved. In addi-
tion to the possible errors discussed in this section, others mentioned
in section 4.3.1 may also have been present. The dynamic soil pa-
rameters may not have been measured accurately, the behavior equa-
tions may not have been applied correctly, or the behavior equations
themselves may not be accurate. Nevertheless, Payne has clearly
demonstrated the principles for establishing a mechanics for narrow
vertical tools.
4.3.3 Cutting of Soil
Cutting of soil may be defined as the complete severing of the soil
into distinctly separate bodies by a slicing action that does not result
in any other major failure such as shear. Figure 95 shows the effect
on soil cutting of using cutters with two heights of soil lift and two
depths of operation. In situation A in figure 95, the lift height of
the cutter is sufficient to cause shear failure surfaces that reach the

FIGURE 95.-Soil cutting as influenced by the height of lift of the cutter and
depth of operation.

surface of the soil. In situation B, however, the lift height of the

cutter is not sufficient to displace the soil enough to cause major shear
failure. In situation B, the soil mass separates with little evidence
of any other action. Presumably, the soil was capable of absorbing
the imparted strain without reaching shear failure. Thus, in situa-
tion C in figure 95, the soil is capable of absorbing the strain even
though the same lift height as in situation A is used.
To a certain degree, therefore, cutting as an action distinct from
other failure of soil is determined by the degree of confinement in
the neighborhood of the cutter. Obviously, the size of the required
neighborhood for a specific cutter will be influenced by the condition
of the soil. A wet plastic soil may cut in situation A of figure 95,
whereas a dry brittle soil may create shear failure even with a low
lift height as shown in situation B.
Cutting as affected by degree of confinement was further demon-
strated by Kostritsyn ( 230 ). He studied vertical rather than hori-
zontal cutters. The cutters could be described as thin knives, and
he observed the soil movement caused by the cutter. The results of
his observations are shown in figure 96. He noted that near the
surface, soil would rupture or move upward (fig. 96, A) ; but at
deeper depths, the movement was parallel to the direction of travel
of the cutter. Figure 96, B shows the measured draft of the cutter
versus the depth of the operation. Below a critical depth, a linear
relation existed between draft and depth. The critical depth gen-
erally coincided closely with the observed depth where soil movement
became horizontal. Kostritsyn reported that the critical depth was
20 to 25 centimeters for cutters approximately 3 centimeters thick.
Thus, at deeper depths confinement of the soil causes pure cutting,
whereas at shallower depths other types of soil failure also may
Kostritsyn described the soil movement near the surface as a

(A) (B)
FIGURE 96.-A, Soil movement caused by a thin vertical cutter; B, relation of
cutting force to depth of operation for a vertical cutter. (Kostritsyn ( 230 ).)

crumbling action with the formation of crescent-shaped sliding bodies

of soil. The description is similar to that used by Zelenin and Payne
for vertical tools. Thus, although cutting can be clearly defined, in
tillage tool operations it is not always clearly and independently in-
volved. Obviously, a gradual transition from pure cutting to some
complex action occurs as the depth of operation of a vertical cutter
is decreased. A similar transition must occur when the depth of
operation of a horizontal cutter is decreased or its lift height is in-
creased at a constant depth of operation. Similarly, if soil condi-
tions change from plastic to brittle, a transition from pure cutting
to a complex action may occur. This lack of isolation of cutting has
probably delayed its study, and no behavior equations have been de-
veloped to represent, cutting. As a consequence, no dynamic proper-
ties of soil associated with cutting have been identified, so none were
discussed in chapters 2 and 3.
Detailed studies of pure cutting have been made in the U.S.S.R.,
and Kostritsyn ( 230 ) continued the studies to a point where he de-
veloped a mechanics of cutting. His work followed the efforts of
several earlier researchers, and he relied heavily on their findings.
An interesting difference exists between the development of the me-
chanics of cutting and the development of the mechanics of inclined
and vertical tools. In the latter mechanics, the reaction of the soil
to a tool was visualized to result from simple behaviors that had been
identified and were quantitatively defined. Thus, such factors as
shear failure and soil-metal friction were used as the basis on which
to establish a mechanics. Kostritsyn, on the other hand, directly an-
alyzed the action and in the process developed a mechanics. He did
not begin with behavior equations, but his mechanics implied the
existence of a simple behavior equation.
Kostritsyn’s success in developing his mechanics hinged on evaluat-
ing the implied behavior equation. While he recognized the be-
havior, he proceeded to evaluate it by indirect means rather than by
a direct study of the behavior itself. Thus, he did not develop a
simple behavior equation that, in turn, identified behavior properties
of the soil. Kostritsyn did, however, manage to assess cutting of
soil in empirical terms-that is, numbers that are some composite of
the overall action involved in cutting rather than a clearly defined
independent dynamic parameter. On this basis, he was able to con-
struct his mechanics so that he could represent the action of cutting.
To illustrate the mechanics of cutting, Kostritsyn’s analysis is pre-
sented in detail.
Kostritsyn restricted his attention to situations where only pure
cutting was involved. In developing his mechanics he did not con-
sider that any major failures other than separation were present.
He considered two basic shapes of cutters (fig. 97). The leading

(A) (B)
FIGURE 97.-Forces on and shape of two soil cutters. (Kostritsyn ( 230 ) .)

angled edge of the cutters he designated as the wedge of the cutter

while the parallel edges he called the sides. He reasoned that the
forces acting on a cutter could be separated into several components
and these components must be in equilibrium so that
P = P1+P2+P3, (81)
where P = total force (draft) on the cutter,
P1 = component of resistance resulting from the normal
force on the wedge of the cutter,
P2 = component of resistance resulting from the tangential
force on the wedge of the cutter,
P3 = component of resistance resulting from the tangential
force on the side of the cutter.
The forces are shown in figure 97, where N represents normal
forces and T represents tangential forces. For a cutter shaped as

shown in figure 97, A, obviously P3 in equation 81 will be zero. If

the simple behavior of soil-metal friction is recognized, the tangential
forces can be expressed in terms of the normal forces and friction is
identified as the source of the tangential forces. Figure 98 shows

(A) (B) (C)

FIGURE 98.-The Components of force on a soil cutter. (Kostritsyn ( 230 ).)

the resistance forces resolved into horizontal components SO that

equation 81 can be written


where = wedge angle of the cutter,

µ' = coefficient of sliding friction,
N = normal force on the wedge of cutter,
N1 = normal force on the side of cutter.
With equation 82, Kostritsyn could calculate the cutting force for
a particular cutter if he could specify the magnitude of the normal
forces. By reasoning that these normal forces resulted from the
resistance of the soil to deformation, he defined measures of the re-
sistance so that
N = K1F1 (83)
where K1 = specific resistance to deformation,
F1 = area of the wedge of cutter,
and N1 = K2F2 (84)
where K2 = specific pressure of soil,
F2 = area of the side of cutter.
K2 differs from K1 in that K1 goes to zero when movement of the
tool is stopped. K2, on the other hand, continues to press on the
sides of the cutter even though the cutter is stopped ; it reflects an
elastic type of restoration property in the soil. With equations 83
and 84, equation 82 can be rewritten to give

Equation 85 provides a means for experimentally studying cutting.
For a specific cutter, the values of F1, F2, and µ' are known or can
be determined and only K1 and K2 are unknown. By measuring P
for a cutter shaped as shown in figure 97, A, K1 can be evaluated
from equation 85 since F2 will be zero. If a similar cutter, but shaped
as shown in figure 97, B is also used, the value determined for K1 and
equation 85 are sufficient to evaluate K2. Figure 99 shows the differ-

FIGURE 99.-The influence of thickness on the force on two shapes of cutters.

(Kostritsyn, ( 230 ) .)

ence in force on cutters of several thicknesses measured by Kostritsyn.

Having introduced the concepts of specific resistance and specific
pressure (K1 and K2, respectively) that originate because the cutter
causes the soil to deform, Kostritsyn took steps to evaluate the
amount of soil deformation caused by a given cutter. He accepted
as a working hypothesis the results of earlier Russian researchers who
demonstrated that the path of movement of a particle of soil follows
the direction of the resultant force-that is, the path of motion and
line of action of the resultant force will coincide.
Figure 100 shows the paths of deformation for specific circum-
stances. If no friction occurs between the wedge of the cutter and
the soil, a particle originally situated on the center axis of the direc-
tion of travel of the cutter will follow the path a'a shown in figure
100. During the forward movement of the cutter, the particle
initially located at a’ will be moved along line a'a to a. Where soil-
metal friction is involved, the resultant force is inclined to the wedge
by the angle of soil-metal friction In this case, a particle is
moved along the line a''a, as shown in figure 100. The maximum
displacement of soil thus is not equal to the width of the cutter S.
Because of the interaction between the wedge angle and the soil-metal
friction angle, the actual path length is something greater than S.
Having established the direction of soil movement, Kostritsyn
could calculate the maximum deformation for a given situation. The

FIGURE 100-The direction of specific resistance, specific pressure, and the

associated paths of deformation of soil particles. (Kostritsyn ( 230 ).)

maximum occurs when point a in figure 100 reaches the widest part
of the wedge section of the cutter. The maximum deformation is
shown in figure 100 in the triangle bb''b'' ' where geometry indicates
that the angle b''bb'' ' is (a/2 + ) so that the length b''b is given
by the equation

where S = width of cutter,

= angle of soil-metal friction,
a = wedge angle of cutter,
L m a x= maximum deformation.
The soil deformation along the wedge will vary from zero at the tip
to the maximum shown in equation 86, so that average soil deforma-
tion Lo can be calculated by the relation


Equation 87 applies to the deformation caused by the wedge portion

of a cutter. Kostritsyn reasoned that no additional deformation
occurs along the sides of the cutter, and the average deformation
will be constant and numerically equal to that given for half of the
maximum deformation occurring on one side of the cutter and ex-
pressed by equation 86.
Kostritsyn argued that a relation must exist between soil deforma-
tion, specific pressure, and specific resistance. In reality, specific
pressure and specific resistance are the normal stresses acting be-
tween the soil and the cutter. The value of specific resistance is the
stress required to cause a given deformation. Kostritsyn recognized
that such behavior is stress-strain behavior (uniaxial compressive
stress-longitudinal strain), but he also recognized that no suitable
relation existed. Such a relation can be represented by a simple be-
havior equation that would define dynamic parameters of the soil.
With the direction of strain movement specified as discussed (the
behavior output of the equation) the mechanics of cutting could be
developed in a manner similar to that used by Soehne, for example.
Recognizing the behavior equations involved and specifying the be-
havior outputs establishes a method by which to locate and orient the
forces involved. Kostritsyn, however, by analyzing the cutting re-
action, has worked backwards and shown the need for a specific
simple behavior equation. The difference that was discussed earlier
between the methods for establishing a mechanics thus should be
Kostritsyn did not study a stress-strain relation directly, but rather
indirectly through his mechanics. For a given cutter he could cal-
culate Lo for the respective K values from equations 86 and 87. He
could evaluate experimentally the magnitude of the two K values
from equation 85 by using two cutters with different shapes. An
example of the relation between K1 and K2 and their respective
average deformations is shown in figure 101 for one soil in one

Several important conclusions by Kostritsyn are based on the gen-

eral nature of the curves shown in figure 101. First, the two K
values were not constant, so that they were not parameters assessing
the soil. Since they represent stresses, constant values probably
should not be expected. For the mechanics, however, a parameter
must be found that is constant for a given soil condition. Second,
the reversed trends for the two K values as the average deformation
was increased indicate that some interaction between the soil and
cutter must be occurring. If not, the trends should have been the

same-they should both either increase or decrease as the average de-

formation increases. Third, the low value of K2 suggests that some-
how the normal stress on the sides of the cutter is reduced during
the soil reaction. To illustrate, we might reason that the maximum
stress caused by the wedge of the cutter remains acting on the sides
of the wedge as long as the soil is forced to remain deformed. In
such circumstances, K1 and K2 should be related by the cosine of the
angle of the wedge. As the data in figure 101 indicate, the implied
angle of the wedge ranges from approximately 150° to 180º. Since
these angles are completely unrealistic, a logical conclusion is that
the stress on the sides of the cutter represented by K2 is reduced by
some type of relief.
Based partly on the foregoing reasoning and partly on other ob-
servations, Kostritsyn proposed that the specific resistance and the
specific pressure come from elastic and plastic deformations of the
soil. He thus defined
K 1 = K el + K pl ,
where Kel = stress from elastic deformation,
Kpl = stress from plastic deformation.
He further considered that K2 represented only the elastic deforma-
tion. These definitions imply that the soil deforms plastically and
elastically as the wedge of the cutter advances. On the sides of the
wedge, however, the soil has “adjusted itself” by plastic flow so that
only the elastic rebound of the soil causes the stress. As figure 100
shows, the lines of action of the hypothesized stresses are not parallel
but are related by the geometry of the cutter. Since the directions
of K1 and K2 do not coincide, K2 cannot be equated directly to the
elastic component of stress in equation 88. From the geometry
shown in figure 100, the magnitude of K2 in the K1 direction gives


With equations 88 and 89, the elastic and plastic components of

stress can be calculated from the values of K1 and K2. Figure 102
shows the respective values plotted against deformation, as deter-
mined by equation 87. Kostritsyn determined the relation shown in
figure 102 for several soils in various conditions. He concluded that
the general shape of the curves was the same for all soils and then
proceeded to obtain a mathematical expression for the curves. He
noted that the relation between Kpl and Lo was very close to that of
an equilateral hyperbola so he used the equation


to express the relation. Close observation of the experimental data

indicated that as Lo approached zero, the relation in equation 90 did
not hold. This suggested that a minimum value for Lo existed and
that it was equal to one or possibly several particle diameters. The
minimum value Loo represents a small distance that reflects the unde-
formable nature of individual soil particles.

FIGURE 102.-Calculated and experimental values of elastic and plastic stresses

as related to deformation. (Kostritsyn ( 260 ).)

Associated with this minimum deformation is the constant Ko

given by

where Loo = diameter of soil particles,
Ko = maximum stress to cause deformation.
Equation 90 was reasonably accurate as long as Lo was greater than
Loo. To overcome the restriction placed on equation 90, Kostritsyn
used an equal area technique to evaluate the shape of curves and
obtained the equation

where B = coefficient of plasticity.

Kostritsyn then defined
Kel, = Ko - Kpl,
and by using equation 90 and the equal area technique he obtained
the equation

Equations 92 and 94 take into account the restriction observed in

equation 90. Coefficients A and B represent empirical constants that
permit a more accurate representation of the relations between Kel,
Kpl, and Lo. Note that in equations 92 and 94, A and B represent
constants for a given soil condition, as do Loo and K,. Thus, in a
sense they are composite soil parameters. They are not, however,
parameters of a behavior equation but rather of a mechanics for
Kostritsyn evaluated constants A and B for several conditions.
For the soil represented in figure 102, he assumed Loo was approxi-
mately 0.5 millimeter. The coefficient B can be evaluated only from
experimental data so that the value for Kpl at some arbitrary Lo is
required. Given the value for B, Kpl can be determined for other
values of Lo by using equation 92. The theoretical points shown in
figure 102 were calculated from equation 92. Table 10 gives meas-
ured and calculated values for Kpl and Kel for a different soil condi-
tion. Kostritsyn stated that the large percentage of error at l-milli-
meter deformation was due to the inaccuracy of experimental ap-
paratus for such small forces and deformations. As figure 102 and
table 10 show, however, the experimental and calculated values agree
remarkably well. Although Kostritsyn did not show data to com-
pare the actual draft of the cutters, agreement of the soil stresses
implies that the calculated and experimental drafts would have
agreed just as well. Thus, the mechanics of cutting as developed by
Kostritsyn is reasonably accurate and complete.

TABLE 10. --Experimental and computed values of the plastic and

elastic stresses to deformation during cutting

SOURCE : Kostritsyn ( 230 ).

In order to determine parameters A and B, the forces on an actual

cutter must, be measured experimentally. Therefore, the mechanics
of cutting may seem to be a hoax. Such is not the case, however, if
the means required to assess the magnitudes of A and B are recog-
nized. As has already been implied, the parameters are defined by
the mechanics rather than by a behavior equation. Kostritsyn
argued that a stress-strain behavior equation must exist, but it is
unknown. He proceeded to establish a relation indirectly through
his mechanics where cutting is involved rather than a direct relation
where the stress-strain behavior was isolated. His mechanics of
cutting is thus the mathematical model that represents the situation
under observation. The mathematical model defines parameters A
and B; hence, they are parameters of the mechanics, not of stress-
strain behavior.
As was discussed in chapter 3, some method is always required
to assess the magnitudes of parameters. Recall that the usual pro-
cedure involves simulating the mathematical model and measuring
the appropriate quantities in order to calculate the desired param-
eters. In this case, the mechanics is the model and hence an actual
cutter is required. Once A and B have been specified, however, they
can be used and applied to that soil condition just as independent
parameters such as cohesion can be applied. The mechanics of
cutting thus differs from the earlier mechanics only in the method
required to assess the respective soil parameters.
While the mechanics seems to be very accurate as presented by
Kostritsyn, caution should be used in its application. Stress-strain
behavior is probably inaccurately represented because of the indirect
manner in which it was studied. No distribution of stress is ad-
mitted to exist on the cutter when a distribution would seem logical.
Whether the average stress and deformation accurately represent the
implied behavior has not been determined.
Kostritsyn apparently confined his experiments to wet dense soils.
Experience tells us that such soils tend to be plastic and therefore
probably only pure cutting was involved in the experiments. In
many soil conditions plastic behavior may be less evident and the
relation expressed in equation 90 may be drastically different. If
a difference occurs, equations 92 and 94 may no longer accurately
represent the situation. Even further, this possibility raises the
question as to whether pure cutting will be present. As soil condi-
tions change so that plastic behavior is less dominant, other types
of failure may also be present and increase in importance. Kostrit-
syn’s mechanics applies only to pure cutting and would not represent
such situations. Considerations of this kind limit the situations
where the mechanics can be applied.
A final consideration of the forces on a cutter suggest a possible
component of resistance along the leading edge of the cutter. Such
a force is present if large hard particles are visualized as being cut
by an infinitely thin cutter, as shown in figure 103, A. In order for

(A) (B)

FIGURE 103.-The effect of boundary conditions on cutting.

the cutter to move from A to B along the projected path (fig. 103,
A), several of the large particles would have to be sliced and sep-
arated. Contrast this action to the actions implied in Kostritsyn’s
mechanics for cutting, where particles presumably smaller than the
cutter are merely displaced but not sliced. A possible fourth term

could thus be included in equation 81. This term might be extremely

useful when evaluating the cutting resistance of materials in the soil,
such as roots.
Figure 103 also shows the effect a boundary condition might have
on cutting. If a pile of coal were being shoveled from the top
(a situation similar to fig. 103, A) rather than from a smooth floor
(a situation similar to fig. 103, B), the force to push the shovel into
the pile would obviously be different. In the latter case, the bound-
ary condition becomes orderly so that cutting is not required.
Shoveling from the top requires deforming the aggregate of coal in
an action similar to that represented by Kostritsyn’s mechanics. The
individual aggregates are displaced but not cut. Presumably an
action could occur wherein the coal aggregates themselves would be
severed so that an additional force would be required. Cutting per
se is thus simply envisioned and easily defined, but its involvement
with other actions compound and confuse the practical application
of cutting. Getzlaff ( 142 ) has measured the effect of stones on the
draft of plows and it appears that cutting or displacing rigid bodies
can require considerable force.
4.3.4 Conclusions
The examples of partial mechanics discussed in section 4.3 are the
only examples presently available. They are restricted, occasionally
based on questionable assumptions, and, as experimental evidence
shows, not satisfactorily accurate. These shortcomings are acknowl-
edged but do not detract from the fine efforts that have been made by
Kostritsyn, Soehne, Kawamura, and Payne. Their analytical con-
tributions have demonstrated the methods for developing a mechanics
that integrates the soil and tool into a system that can be analyzed.
Demonstrating that the actions involved in tillage can be represented
by rigorous mathematical treatment is more significant than the
practical usefulness of their mechanics. Even though the examples
discussed here are not a complete solution, the scholarly approaches
must be acknowledged as a break from traditional methods. Follow-
ing the principles illustrated will lead to the development of a com-
plete mechanics that will provide an understanding of soil-tillage tool
reactions and that will ultimately have practical usefulness.
4.4 Soil Behavior in Simplified Systems
Actual examples of soil-tillage tool mechanics have just been
discussed. In each example, the mechanics was based on one or more
behavior equations. The mechanics combined the active contribu-
tion of each behavior to the total action so that the whole reaction of
the soil was represented. In chapters 2 and 3, a number of behavior
equations that have been identified were discussed. In equation 18,
two soil parameters C and were identified, and ample evidence was
cited to show their nature and importance. Not all behaviors have
been so well studied.
One principle for developing a mechanics is to identify the various
forms of behavior that are present. Each identified form of behavior
requires an accurate descriptive equation. One method for develop-
ing such equations is to separate the various forms of behavior that
occur in the soil and study each behavior individually. Examination
of a total dynamic soil-tillage tool system indicates soil must always
slide on the tool. In addition, sharp edges of a tool cut the soil; and
inclined surfaces lift, shear, or accelerate the soil. Each of these
separate behaviors may be isolated from the others and studied in
simplified systems. It may be recalled that the cutting component
k was eliminated from equation 57 so that this type of behavior was
neglected. In addition, no attempt was made to utilize friction ex-
cept in an elementary form where the coefficient was considered to
be a constant. Both of these behaviors are extremely important in
tillage. So little is known about some behaviors that their intelligent
inclusion in a mechanics is not possible. A discussion of examples
of behavior study will show that attempts have been made to relate
force inputs to soil reaction outputs.
4.4.1 Soil-Metal Sliding
The importance of soil-metal sliding can be quickly grasped by
anyone who realizes that all tillage tools have a sliding action. This
action may not be the major action of the tool, but sliding occurs
along some surface of the tool and consumes energy. Where control
of soil movement is the major desired action, the kind of surface and
its orientation govern the path of movement of the soil. Sliding be-
havior has not been exactly determined ; therefore, accurate behavior
equations or simplified mechanics of the action have not been de-
veloped. Some of the principles were discussed in sections
and, but more accurate definitions of the individual relations
and parameters are required.
The basic equation that has been used in studies of sliding be-
havior is equation 29

The accuracy of this equation is determined by the assumptions in-
volved. These include the concepts that the soil surface does not
change during movement and that the normal force acting on the
sliding surface is due to the weight or the mechanical forces applied
to the surface. On the basis of past research, neither of these as-
sumptions appears to be valid. Since actual behavior cannot be
mathematically described at present, descriptive data to illustrate the
complex behavior are presented. Measurement of Slidings Actions
One method of determining whether the soil surface changes is to
determine whether continued sliding over a given increment of soil
causes a change in the coefficient of soil-metal sliding friction µ’. If
a short slider is drawn over the surface of the soil, undisturbed soil
is continuously renewed at the front of the slider. As the slider
passes over a specific point on the surface, the surface may be
changed by pressing and smearing so that the last increment of the
slider passes over a soil surface quite different from that which the
leading edge encountered. This fact may be experimentally de-
termined by measuring with sliders of different lengths or by con-
tinuously rotating an annulus-shaped slider on the same spot. The
basic question then becomes whether the change in the sliding resist-

ance is due to a change in µ’ or whether it is due to the extra loading

of the frictional surface by adhesive forces.
The basic behavior equation uses an input force, N, and an output
force, F. Unless the equation is revised, the factor affecting the
change in sliding resistance cannot be determined. In theory, fric-
tion should be independent of the area of contact; adhesive forces
are not. A change in the adhesive attraction between the soil and
the metal surface may therefore cause a change in the apparent
normal load along the sliding surface and consequently result in a
change in the sliding resistance. Adhesion may be increased through
a change in the suction in the water of the moisture films or through
an increase in the area of contact of the adhesive bonds. The action
of these two factors must be separated and included in an evaluation
of the sliding resistance between soil and metal. Sliding resistance
may be visualized as a composite of friction and adhesive factors in
the form
R = u’N + u’AF, (95)
where R = sliding resistance,
u' = coefficient of soil-metal sliding friction,
N = normal load due to weight or mechanical forces,
A = suction load due to water,
F = area of the adhesive films.
Attempts to evaluate equation 95 have been relatively few; in most
studies of friction the presence of the adhesive component µ’AF has
not been recognized. In order to evaluate equation 95, the two terms
must be separated and measured.
Considering first the frictional term µ’N, the normal load may be
determined from a knowledge of the weight of the material or by
using pressure transducers to determine the normal pressure on the
sliding surface. Tillage tools may be operated at high speeds, and
the soil may be accelerated by the sliding surface of the tool. When
the soil is being accelerated by the sliding surface, the additional
force must be added to that of the weight of the soil. This force
will be properly evaluated by the pressure transducer. Since the
sliding resistance R can be measured accurately, µ’ can be computed
when the adhesive term is neglected. The actual value of N, how-
ever, is still relative, since the pressure is not exerted through a con-
tinuous surface, but rather through a granular medium. Thus, for
an assumed unit pressure based on the assumption of a continuous
material, the actual area of contact may be very small and the gran-
ular pressure very high, or the area may be large and the pressure
low. These details will not be detected by the pressure transducers.
Nevertheless, for a given soil, there is a distinct relation between the
average granular pressure measured by the transducer and that ap-
plied to the metal surface. This relation permits an empirical cor-
relation between the normal load and the sliding resistance. The
relation reflects the influence of such factors as the sharpness, hard-
ness, and number of particles by lumping them in the coefficient, µ'.
The adhesion term µ’AF in equation 95 must also be isolated and
each of the basic components measured.
The term A may be considered to be the actual suction in the soil
moisture, but it may also include other forces such as magnetic at-
tractions that might occur between the two materials. Some ano-
malies that have been encountered in this assumption were discussed
in chapters 2 and 3, and apparently additional work will be required
to obtain a clear picture of the importance of the moisture suction
term. A consideration of the attraction between the soil and the dia-
phragm of a pressure transducer shows that no deflection of the
transducer occurs regardless of the magnitude of the attraction.
Thus, the normal load detected by the pressure transducer does not
and cannot measure this attraction. The suction in the moisture film
may be measured by tensiometers, but they would have to be inserted
into the sliding surface and have all of the characteristics of the
sliding surface to provide reliable measurements. Formerly these
instruments could be utilized only at low moisture suctions, but recent
improvements have extended their range considerably ( 365 ). A
major difficulty in dynamic sliding actions is the lag time inherent
in tensiometers.
The term F must represent the actual area over which the water
films are effective. This area might be observed when glass models
are used, but the area of the films within the soil is normally an un-
known quantity. The extent to which approximations of the area,
as might be deduced from measurements of bulk density, void ratio,
and moisture content, can meet this need is not encouraging. When
the entire normal load is applied by means of adhesion (sec. 2.9.3),
the magnitude of the suction is known, the area of contact of the
film is known, and the sliding force can be measured. Under such
conditions the coefficient of friction can be computed in the same
manner as when the load is applied by a mechanical load.
In practice, both mechanical and suction loads are operating on
the soil so that the coefficient determined by equation 29 is an ap-
parent coefficient and will be identified as µ''. It may be visualized
as having the form
R = µ'N1 + µ'N2 = µ''N1, (96)
where N1 = the load due to mechanical force,
N2 = the load due to moisture suction,
µ'' = the apparent coefficient of soil-metal friction.
When N2 cannot be measured, the coefficient is determined on the
basis of the applied load rather than the effective load, and the net
effect of the second term of the equation, µ’N2, is lumped into µ''.
The physical interpretation of this action has been to assume that an
increase in the sliding force is due to an increase in the apparent
coefficient of sliding friction µ'', and not due to an increase in the
normal load (by factor N2) which results from adhesion. That the
components of µ'' are not precisely known does not render equation
96 useless. The apparent coefficient µ'' has been found to be a very
useful soil parameter, but methods for determining µ' should be
Equation 96 implies that µ' as defined by equation 29 is not an in-
dependent parameter but is a composite parameter. As was dis-
cussed in section 3.2, independent parameters may become composite
parameters as additional knowledge is obtained. Furthermore,

where no means is available to measure independent parameters, com-

posite parameters must be used. Such is the case here, so that of
necessity µ' and µ' are used interchangeably in the literature. The
important point is to recognize that µ' is known to be a composite
parameter. When used in a mechanics or applied to some situation,
its composite nature should be acknowledged and appropriate caution
Despite its vagueness, the concept of µ' may be used to study the
sliding action that smears the soil and changes the sliding resistance.
One can determine the change in µ' that accompanies each succes-
sive increment of metal sliding over a fixed point in the soil. Soehne
an annulus-shaped slider to study this type of soil
Depending on the size of the ring and the number of
revolutions, the length of the metal path that passed any point in
the soil could be accurately controlled. Unlike a simple rectangular
slider, which encounters new soil at the leading edge, all points under
the sliding ring are subjected to approximately the same sliding dis-
tance. When the normal load on the slider is known and the sliding
resistance is measured, the coefficient of sliding resistance can be com-
puted as a function of the actual sliding distance. Sliding rings
of this type may be coated with materials such as rubber or poly-
tetrafluoroethylene so that their respective values of µ' can be de-
termined (fig. 104).
Soehne (fig. 105) found that µ' increased with an increase in the

FIGURE 104.-Simple sliders : Left, steel ; right, polytetrafluoroethlyene; bottom,

serrated steel.

FIGURE 105.-Effect of the length of the sliding path on the coefficient of soil-
metal friction for steel at different moisture contents: A, In sand; B, in
loam ; C, in clay soil. (Soehne, Grundlagen der Landtechnik ( 397 ) .)

length of the sliding path in sand A, loam B, and clay soil C. The
increase in µ' resulting from an increase in the sliding distance was
greatest at low moisture contents. Under the wettest conditions,
the lesser influence of the length of the sliding path on the coefficient
of soil-metal friction for steel was probably due to the low strength
of the soil. When wet, complete puddling presumably occurred with
the slightest movement and no further change was possible. Ad-
hesion was probably not altered to any appreciable extent with ad-
ditional movement.
In contrast to a sliding surface of steel, rubber sliding over the
soil presented a different relation. As shown in figure 106, little
influence of the length of the sliding path appears in either sand A
or loam soil B. In clay soil C, however, the coefficient increased

FIGURE 106. -Effect of the sliding path of the coefficient of soil-rubber friction
at different moisture contents: A, In sand; B, in loam; C, in clay soil.
(Soehne, Grundlagen der Landtechnik ( 397 ) .)

under dry conditions and decreased slightly under wet conditions.

If the coefficient of soil-metal friction changes with the distance of
sliding, it follows that the coefficient of friction expressed in equation
95 is an average coefficient when computed on the basis of a slider
of finite length. The coefficient µ' represents a coefficient that lies
midway between the initial coefficient µ'o and the final coefficient µ'L,
which are found respectively at the front and rear of the slider. The
coefficient of sliding friction as determined by means of a slider is,
R = µ' x N, (97)
where x = the point along the slider of length L where
the average µ' is found.
According to Soehne, this average coefficient appeared to be located
at approximately 0.4L along the sliding distance. This relation
assumes that a uniform normal load exists on the slider.
When the load along the sliding interface varies, the slider may
be considered to be made up of n small segments each having an area
Fi, an average unit pressure Pi, and a coefficient of friction µ'i, so that

Sliding resistance has not been calculated in this fashion and it can-
not be determined from studies utilizing simple sliders. The distri-
bution of normal pressure might be determined by means of pressure
transducers. If pressure transducers were imbedded in a tool as
shown in figure 107, the pressure at each of the small segments of
interest could be determined.
Mayauskas ( 295 ) used simple pressure transducers to determine
the normal distribution along plowshares during actual field opera-
tions. The results are discussed in section 6.4.1.

FIGURE 107.-Pressure transducers for measuring stress distributions on slid-

ing surfaces of tools.
A device is needed that will measure the tangential sliding resist-
ance at the sliding surface. Taylor, at the National Tillage Machin-
ery Laboratory ( 311 ), is among those who have attempted to de-
velop such a transducer, but a successful model has not yet been
produced. Many refinements are needed such as miniaturization,
ability to separate movements in the various directions, and means
for properly mounting the transducers in the sliding surface so that
they measure the actual boundary conditions. The sensing element
of the electrical strain gage can determine small stresses with insig-
nificant strains. This permits an evaluation of the stress of the
surface in order to get a detectable electrical signal for measurement.
Care has to be taken that the exposed portion of the sensing element
has the same characteristics as the surrounding material or the meas-
urements may not reflect the desired forces. Figure 108 shows



FIGURE 108.-Effect of placement of stress transducers (cells) on the soil

flow pattern.

several situations that might be encountered if the transducers are

improperly placed. Recall that these devices would not measure the
adhesive component of the normal force, but they would measure the
tangential components of sliding resistance. Consequently, µ' as
computed would be a composite value.
An additional deviation from equation 29 is that µ' may change
under loading so that it is a function of the normal force N. Ample
evidence is available to show that the coefficient of sliding friction µ'
is not independent of the normal load. In metals, McFarlane and
Tabor ( 265 ) have shown that as the normal load increased the co-
efficient decreased until it reached a fairly low and constant value.
In soil, decreases in the coefficient due to increases in the normal load
have also been reported ( 93,465 ) . Vetrov, using high normal loads
and a simple slider on soil (fig. 109) showed that a constant value
does not result from an increase in the normal load up to 7 kilograms
per square centimeter (98 p.s.i.) ; hence, a value of µ' cannot be used
with any degree of certainty unless the actual normal stress along the
sliding surface is known.
A word of caution is in order concerning the change in µ' with the
sliding distance. Although Soehne ( 397 ) has proposed that this
change be considered in the analysis of sliding forces on a plow,
sufficient information is not available to determine whether this con-
dition exists in practice. If the change in µ' is due solely to the
smearing action of the soil, probably this condition would exist as
indicated. On the other hand, if the change in µ' represents a tran-
sition stage when the metal changes from a clean surface to a dirty
surface, only a conditioning of the surface to some new state may
be represented. The end point-the stabilized value of µ'---would

FIGURE 109. -The influence of the normal load on the coefficient of sliding
friction. (Vetrov (465).)

depend on the soil materials that are deposited along the tillage tool
surface. These coating materials might be waxes, moisture, fine clay
particles, or other materials in soil. Surface coatings would account
for the change in µ' ; however, µ' might be expected to remain fairly
constant after equilibrium is established on the surface. After a
plow travels far enough to coat the entire surface, a uniform value
of µ' might be found for the entire surface. In a final analysis, both
the soil surface and the metal surface may change.
Physical reality must accompany mathematical representation of
pressure distributions along sliding surfaces. The few pressure
measurements that have been made along the sliding surfaces of tools
indicate that wide variations may occur. If detailed studies are to
be realistic, cognizance must be taken of interactions. Values of µ'
must be determined for the entire range of pressures distributed over
sliding surfaces. The extent to which this type of information may
alter the concepts of theory or design is not known. As an example,
it has been suggested ( 106 ) that a uniform pressure is required to
produce a uniform acceleration of the soil. Actually, a uniform
movement of soil across the face of the tool is desired; and this may
conceivably be obtained with different normal pressures along the
surface of the tool.
Let us imagine a distribution of pressure that might occur along
a plow surface when shear failure occurs as visualized in the Nichols
model (fig. 110). If all blocks of soil are to be accelerated with a
uniform force, the resistance to movement of all blocks must be
the same. This is not the case, since the shear force along the bound-
ary between block A and the soil mass M is very large compared to
that between any of the other blocks of soil. Theory then must

FIGURE 110.-Primary shear failure in front of a moldboard plow.

recognize that the forces on the share of a plow are different from
those on other parts. Equation 107 (sec. incorporates this
principle by keeping forces on the share separate from those of the
sliding surface. Little or no twisting of the furrow slice occurs at
the forward part of the plow, but as the individual blocks progress
up along the plow surface the forces on the plow vary considerably.
Indeed, the twisting action of a moldboard may pull the blocks apart
so that gravitational forces actually cause overhanging segments to
be placed in tension, as shown in figure 111. Obviously, the pressure
on the surface of the tool goes to zero where the cracks appear.
There seems to be little value in making additional theoretical

FIGURE 111.--Shear blocks spread by twisting of furrow slice. (Reed, Soil

Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. ( 351 ) .)

analysis of the movement of soil on tools until additional measure-

ments provide a better basis on which to assign pressure distributions.
As will be shown later (fig. 169), the pressure is not uniform so that
this assumption no longer appears to be valid. The Sliding Path
In section, the direction of the sliding path was determined
by the direction of movement of the metal surface. The actual slid-
ing path over a surface is determined by the forces on the soil and
the shape of the tool. The actual path of soil movement may be
determined from the scratches that, soil particles make on the surface
of tools. If a tool is coated with a thin coat of varnish or some
similar material, scratches can be easily detected ( 84 ). These
scratches can represent the path of the soil only for the soil con-
ditions and speed at the time the tool is operated.
Kaburaki and Kisu ( 204 ) have identified and defined angles of
sliding with reference to the direction of travel, as shown in figure
112. The angle is measured between a horizontal line in the plane

FIGURE 112.-Sliding and ascending angles of a soil sliding path. (Kaburaki

and Kisu, Kanto-Tosan Agr. Expt. Sta. Jour. ( 204 ).)

of the sliding surface and the path of the sliding particle. A sec-
ond angle, the ascending angle was identified. It was measured
from a horizontal line in the direction of travel and the path of the
sliding particle. This angle might be utilized to compute the work
done against gravity.
A number of factors, such as the frictional and adhesive character-
istics of interface systems, may be expected to affect the location of
the sliding path. With the exception of the speed and the shape of
the tool, few of these have ever been studied. As shown in figure
113, both the particle size and the angle of inclination of a plane tool
surface influence the angles of ascent and sliding. A knowledge of


FIGURE113.-Effect of size of the soil particle and inclination of the tool on

the sliding and ascending angles. (Kaburaki and Kisu, Kanto-Tosan Agr.
Expt. Sta. Jour. ( 204 ).)

the factors that govern the movement of soil particles will be helpful
in the design of tools, since it becomes important to be able to direct
the sliding of soil along predetermined paths. These paths may
direct the movement of the soil so that a minimum energy may be
required for the movement or so that shearing strains will break up
the soil. One of the more generally recognized directive actions is
the inversion or movement of soil to some specific location at the
boundary of a tool. Mechanics for Draft Force of Sliding Actions
The foregoing material has been presented to describe soil be-
havior in sliding. The failure zone is predetermined by the interface,
since any coupling between the slider and the soil results in shear
or soil-soil sliding rather than soil-metal sliding. In the sliding ac-
tions that have been discussed, only flat surfaces have been considered.
The research that was reported was directed mainly toward deter-
mining the basic behavior equation and identifying the input and
outputs of the equation. In addition, studies were directed toward
identifying the basic parameters of the equation. The studies indi-
cate that more basic relations must be considered before the data can

be used effectively in developing a mechanics. The alteration of the

soil physical condition as a result of the sliding stresses creates a
condition in which an interaction becomes operative. The import-
ance of interactions of this type can be determined only by a more
detailed examination.
Some progress has been made in developing simplified mechanics
for sliding surfaces. In each instance, however, the coefficient of
sliding friction was considered to be independent of the area of
contact and adhesion. In addition, the ultimate goal of the me-
chanics was to evaluate the sliding resistance of the tool that was
being considered. The basic behavior equation for sliding (equation
29) was accepted, and suitable boundary conditions were applied so
that the influence of realistic force inputs could be evaluated.
The first, attempt to write a simple mechanics for soil sliding on a
curved surface was by Doner and Nichols ( 106 ). They were con-
cerned with the action of the curved surface of a moldboard plow on
the forces on the sliding interface. Orientation of the surface in
some direction other than horizontal would alter the normal load
because of gravity. The forces to be expected on a uniformly curved
surface and on a variable curved surface were determined. They
considered that the force normal to the sliding interface of a co-
hesionless soil and the curved surface was determined by three dis-
tinct components : the weight of the soil, the acceleration force, and
a buckling force which was a component of the tangential force that
causes the soil to slide.
The first of these three forces-the weight of the soil on an area, A
-is a function of the inclination as shown in figure 114. The force
due to the weight of the soil was calculated from the relation
Wn = AhDwcos a (99)

and A = unit area of contact,,

V = volume of soil,
a = inclination of surface from vertical,
Dw = wet bulk density of soil,
h = height of soil layer,
Wn = weight, component normal to surface.
The second force on the surface was calculated from the equation


where r = radius of curvature of the surface,

m = mass of soil,
v = velocity in the tangential direction,
k = 1/r,
I = inertia force normal to the surface.
With a large radius of curvature and a slow speed of operation, the
inertia force would be small compared to the weight, and it might be

FIGURE 114.-Effect of inclination on the normal force due to weight of soil.

(Doner and Nichols, Agr. Engin. ( 106 ).)

The third force normal to the surface results from the resistance
to motion along the surface and is called a buckling force (fig. 115).
This force might increase or decrease the normal force on the surface,
depending on the direction of the curvature. The buckling force
may be calculated at any point on a curved path from the tangential
and normal forces. At any distance S along the path, the forces
may be resolved into a tangential force Ft, and a normal force Fn.
At a more distant point S+dS, the two forces would be correspond-
ingly F t + d F t a n d F n + d F n . Simultaneously with an increase in
the distance S, there would be a change in direction of the normal
force because of the curvature of the surface and the buckling effect
would be


The three forces were combined into a differential equation which

has the form
where P = pressure on surface.
Applied to a uniform curvature a solution of equation 102 gives


FIGURE 115.--Left, The path of soil on a plow; upper right, the force on a
small increment of soil ; lower right, the buckling force on soil. (Doner
and Nichols, Agr. Engin. ( 106 ) .)

or to a surface that had no curvature

Ft = Pu'S. (104)
When a variable curvature was introduced, f(S) had to be deter-
mined from the geometry of the surface. It was qualitatively de-
termined that the curvature should be less at the share of a plow than
at the wing in order to minimize the sliding force along the interface.
The basic behavior relation described by equation 29 was thus
utilized in a mechanical system in which the inputs and outputs were
related to parameters of the physical system-the plow and the soil.
The total force on a strip of the sliding surface was determined by
equation 103, but no attempt was made to integrate the total sliding
resistance of soil on an actual plow. Nothing in equation 103 indi-
cates the optimum path that soil should follow on the surface of a
plow. Rough approximations of shapes that provided paths giving
minimum values of Ft were determined by trial and error for two
hypothetical cases.
Kawamura ( 207 ) analyzed the shape and action of a sod plow in
which the normal forces were assumed to be constant on the sliding
interface. In heavy sod soils, the plow inverts the soil in a con-
tinuous unbroken furrow. The movement is determined by the
shape of the plow and the forces on the soil. Kawamura tried to
determine the optimum path that the soil should follow to require
the minimum sliding force. The incremental frictional force on an
elemental area results from the normal pressure and a component
of the frictional force itself that is normal to the area due to the
curvature so that equilibrium gives
dR = -µ' (PdS + Rd (105)
where R = sliding resistance,
µ'= coefficient of soil-metal friction,
dS = element of sliding path,
= angle of surface,
P = normal pressure on surface.
The path element dS may be expressed in terms of the radius of
curvature r and the direction angle dS = rd which upon substi-
tution in equation 105 and integration gives the relationship

If the sliding resistance R varies uniformly with increases in the
length of the sliding path, there will be no pressure concentrations
that would cause soil to stick to the plow. The logarithmic spiral
expresses a curve in which the radius of curvature varies with path
length and when expressed in polar coordinates it has the form
The minimum draft resistance of R of equation 106
would be attained when = 0. Then a could be evaluated, and
Substituting this relation into equation 106 and integrat-
ing permits evaluating the constant of integration from conditions at
the share where = 0, S = 0, and R, is the resistance clue to the
share so that

where R = draft of plow,

Ro = resistance due to share,
P = normal pressure on surface,
= angle of sliding surface with horizontal,
µ' = coefficient of soil-metal friction,
k = constant,
ro = radius of path of travel.
Evaluation of this equation with the aim of obtaining a minimum
value of R indicates that k should be 0, which occurs when r = ro
and the path of the furrow slice is a circle. The sliding resistance
R-Ro would be of varying importance depending on the conditions
of the soil.
Since part of the total resistance of the sod plow would be attri-
butable to energy necessary for the deformation of the soil, Kawa-
mura ( 208 ) introduced soil strength parameters into the analysis
of the forces on a plow. Again, he considered the furrow slice to
be continuous. Without further discussion of the methods he em-
ployed, the comprehensive equation he developed for the prediction
of draft resistance for a plow having a circular path of soil move-
ment had the form

and utilized parameters in terms which included:

R = total plow draft,
= angle of soil twist in vertical direction,
= angle of twist in lateral direction,
µ' = coefficient of soil-metal friction,
L = radius of rotation of bottom of furrow slice,
W = weight of furrow,
g = acceleration of gravity,
ht = distance from plow sole to neutral axis during bending,
r = radius of curvature of plow,
v = speed of plow,
Mz = torsional couple,
k = compressibility factor.
Inherent in this equation is the consideration that the normal
pressure on the sliding interface is a function of a weight term, an
acceleration term, and a soil resistance term. Since experimental
verifications of the relationship were not attempted, the accuracy of
the mechanics is unknown. Like Doner and Nichols, however, Kawa-
mura attempted to consider variations in the normal load on the
sliding surface. A more detailed approach was made in this instance
to specifically identify the origin of resistance in the soil. The
couple Mz includes measures of the dynamic properties of soil. The
bending moment is computed from shear stress-strain relations, the
modulus of elasticity E, the compressive stress and the tensile
stress based on the size and degree of deformation of the furrow
slice. Thus, we see that an attempt has been made to relate into a
single mechanics the deformation and movement of the soil, the
dynamic soil properties, and the forces required to cause soil move-
ment. Scouring
One of the most important aspects of sliding action of soil is scour-
ing of a tool while it is being operated. Since the coefficient of soil-
metal friction of nonadhesive soil is normally less than that of soil-
soil friction, less force is required to move a tool through soil if
sliding occurs along the metal surface. Scouring is defined as the
shedding or self-cleaning of the soil through a sliding action; but
scouring also requires that the soil moves fast enough so that “too
much congestion" does not occur. Thus, scouring is a relative term,
rather than an exact term that designates the exact point where
sliding begins. In normal operation where scouring is adequate, soil
flows over a tool alone: a path that is determined by the shape of
the tool. In adhesive soils, when sticking occurs, a layer of soil may
build up along the surface of the tool so that soil flows over a layer
of soil attached to the surface of the tool. Figure 116 shows non-
scouring and scouring surfaces.

FIGURE 116.-Surface of tools after plowing a sticky soil: A, Steel; B, poly-


In incipient cases of sliding, the soil moves across the tool so slowly
that the soil on the tool acts as a rigid body which is driven through
the soil mass. Soil does not flow smoothly across the plow when this
occurs. Figure 117 shows the action of two plows shown in figure
116 in the same soil. The polytetrafluoroethylene-covered plow

FIGURE 117.-Soil after plowing: Left, With good scouring; right, with poor

scoured and the steel plow essentially pushed the soil aside. The
problem of handling a nonscouring so-called “push soil” is of general
interest. As a rule, the adhesion between the tool and the soil is
greater than that of the cohesion within the soil so that failure takes
place within the soil to cause nonscouring.
Doner and Nichols ( 106 ) defined the scouring S at any point on a
sliding surface as being approximately equal to the tangential force
of the sliding added to the shear resistance of the soil F8 minus the
frictional force at the same point µ'Fn. They concluded from their
studies that plow curvature at the wing rather than at the share
would reduce soil sticking.
Payne and Fountaine ( 331 ) studied the mechanics of scouring
along simple surfaces and concluded that the following factors affect
the scouring of a tool in soil:
1. The coefficient of soil-metal friction
2. The coefficient of soil-soil friction
3. The angle of approach of the tool
4. The soil cohesion
5. The soil adhesion
They analyzed the equilibrium conditions at the point of scouring
for a simple system in which they considered only forces along the
sliding surface. Figure 118 shows the forces as seen from above at

FIGURE 118.-The geometry of a simple tool at incipient scouring. (Payne

and Fountaine, Natl. Inst. Agr. Engin. ( 331 ).)

incipient scouring of a vertical tool operating at an angle a to the

direction of travel. The situation represents the case where the
wedge of soil sticks to the tool; scouring does not occur. The forces
at incipient scouring (the wedge block of soil ABF just ready to
move) will be R and R1, where the vertical plane BF has been sep-
arated by means of a tool such as a coulter. Since no tension forces
perpendicular to the plane BP can exist, R and R1 must be equal and
colinear. They therefore constitute the maximum principal stress,
and the minimum principal stress will be zero. Two possible soil
failure planes can occur, and each will be oriented at to
a plane perpendicular to R. The worst situation for scouring is the
formation of the plane AF. Presumably, once scouring begins, a
failure plane originating from B in figure 118 will form and AF will
not form so that the soil will be displaced and move along the tool
surface AB. For the block of soil ABF to move, however, one of
the failure planes in the soil must form. Since the criterion for fail-
ure is the same for both possible planes, the state of stress in the
block of soil can be determined. The stress conditions may be repre-
sented in a Mohr diagram, as shown in figure 119.

FIGURE 119.-Mohr diagram of stresses on a simple tool at scouring when

soil-soil failure determines the stress. (Payne and Fountaine, Natl. Inst.
Agr. Engin. ( 331 ).)

The strength envelope represented by the line LM can be drawn

with a knowledge of the angle of internal friction, and C, the co-
hesion of the soil. Since the minimum principal stress is zero, only
one circle can be constructed that is tangent to the line LM and yet
pass through O. Thus, the circle OG2R1 in figure 119 represents the
state of stress in the block of soil ABF. Furthermore, the circle will
represent the stress state at any incipient soil failure (failure by
shear) whether or not scouring occurs. The one exception is if the
angle a is large enough so that the failure plane AF is not permitted
to form-if AB is parallel to AF. This exception is discussed in
connection with figure 120.
With the stress state determined by the soil shear failure, the
stresses on the tool surface can be determined. By using adhesion
and soil-metal friction as defined by equation 47, the condition for
incipient scouring can be represented in figure 119 by the line HJ.
Soil adhesion Ca is analogous to C, and angle of soil-metal friction
is represented by
For scouring to occur on the surface AB, a stress state must be

present so that a tangential stress overcomes the resisting movement.

Thus, stress states above the line HJ in figure 119 are the only stress
states where scouring can occur. As already shown, the circle OG2R1
represents the stress on any plane oriented with respect to the direc-
tion of R and Rl in figure 118. Thus, for a at zero in figure 118, the
stress state on the tool surface will be R1 (zero tangential stress) in
figure 119. As a is increased, the stresses on the surface AR change;
the tangential stress increases so that, at, T in figure 119, the condi-
tions of incipient scouring are represented. From the principles of
the Mohr circle, the angle TXR1 is 2a so that the minimum value of
a for which scouring will occur can be determined from figure 119.
If a is further increased, the stresses on the tool will be those repre-
sented by a point on the circle, such as G. The stresses are above the
failure line HJ so that the soil will slide on the surface AB. The
limiting relations between a, Ca, C, and thus are shown in figure
119. Obviously, if line HJ remains below LM, scouring can occur.
If, however, increases so that HJ is tangent between O and G2 and
crosses LM between L and G2, scouring cannot occur for any value
of a.
A special situation exists if 2a is greater than 90° + The fail-
ure plane AF (fig. 118) will not be permitted to form; hence, R and
R1 will be determined not by soil shear failure but by the soil-metal
failure surface. Thus, the stress circle will be tangent to the soil-
metal failure line, as shown in figure 120. For nonscouring in such

FIGURE 120.-Mohr diagram of stresses on a simple tool at scouring when

soil-metal failure determines the stress. (Payne and Fountaine, Natl. Inst.
Agr. Engin. ( 331 ).)

a situation, the sticking soil (block ABF) must be a thin layer paral-
lel to AB and the same normal stress must act on both the soil-soil
surface and the soil-metal surface. To satisfy all conditions (circle
through O tangent to HJ and also soil shear failure so that soil
is separated from the soil mass) the point of tangency must also be
the point of intersection of the lines HJ and LM, as shown in figure
120. For any other circumstances, either the metal must fail in shear
or a situation as shown in figure 119 will be in effect. Thus the re-
lations between the factors governing scouring can be determined
from the principles illustrated in figures 119 and 120.
4.4.2 Penetration
Penetration is an action that may be described by a composite be-
havior since the soil usually fails by some combination of cutting,
shearing, compacting, and flowing (plastically) as a cutter or a
robe is forced into the soil. As was discussed in section,
failure during penetration is usually considered to occur in the im-
mediate vicinity of the tip of the probe. Penetration is thus often
termed cutting since cutting usually implies a localized soil failure
in the neighborhood of the cutter (sec. 4.3.3). Although they were
not discussed in section 4.3.3, Kostritsyn developed equations pre-
dicting the cutting force for cone-shaped cutters. Many so-called
penetrometers are cone-shaped so that distinguishing between cutters
and penetrometers is perhaps not realistic. In studying the behavior,
researchers have used probes, cutters, penetration, and cutting rather
loosely and interchangeably. Localized failure rather than the mode
of failure is the common basis for discussing the behavior. Intui-
tively, it appears that a penetrometer assesses soil strength, and the
inherent simplicity of the measurement contributes to its practical
usefulness. Thus, in spite of its composite nature, penetration be-
havior has been studied in some detail and has even been incorporated
into a partial mechanics.
The geometry of cutters or penetrometers is important because
of its influence on the stress distribution in the soil near the tool.
Consequently, the effect of geometry on penetration behavior has re-
ceived considerable attention. The geometry may determine whether
a tool acts as a knife-type tool that slides through the soil without
soil sticking to its surface or whether it creates a compacted body of
soil that sticks on its surface. As shown in figure 121, a compacted

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

FIGURE 121.-The shape of compacted soil bodies on tools having different
shapes. (Zelenin ( 515 ) .)

mass of soil may gather on a blunt tip and move with the tool as an
intricate part of the tool. At this time, primarily soil-soil friction
is active since most sliding is between soil and soil. Even though
a point is blunted or rounded, it may have little influence on the
external appearance of the compacted soil body or core and on the

force required to move the tool in the soil. As the shape of the tip
approaches that of the shape of the soil body, the tendency for the
soil to slide from the tool increases and ultimately the frictional
resistance along the surface of the tool is reduced to where sliding
begins. At this time, primarily soil-metal friction is active so that
the force to move the tool may be less than when soil-soil friction is
present. According to Zelenin ( 515 ), the compacted core appears
when the angle of the tip exceeds 50°.
Attempts have been made to determine whether the presence of the
compacted body of soil influences the resistance to penetration.
Data reported by the Waterways Experiment Station ( 472 ) indi-
cate that the shape of the tip of the probe may have only a small
influence on the resistance to penetration (fig. 122).

FIGURE 122.-Penetrometer resistance as influenced by shape: A, 30° static

cone versus various-shaped static cones; B, 30° static cone versus various
impact penetrometers at constant input energy; C, 30° static cone versus
various impact penetrometers with various input energies. (Waterways
Experiment Station ( 472 ).)

Figure 122, A compares a 30° right circular cone with flat and
hemisphere-shaped tips. The measurements were made on slowly
moving penetrometers and, with the exception of the cone, a com-
pacted body should have been present. The data indicate little dif-
ference due to the presence of such a body.
Figure 122, B shows the influence of cone angles of impact
penetrometers. The impact measurement was made on a l-inch cone,
driven with one blow from a 1¼-pound hammer dropped 4 inches.
Figure 122, C shows the relation between a 30° static cone penetro-
meter and a 45° impact cone penetrometer where 5 inch-pound of
energy (see curve a) and 8 inch-pound of energy (curve b) were
used. For the 15° cone, 5 inch-pound (curve c), 7.5 inch-pound
(curve d) , 8 inch-pound (curve e) , and 30 inch-pound (curve f)
were used. At the higher energies and lower cone angles, deeper
penetration resulted ; but in all relations the slope was constant.
Since the slopes remained nearly constant over a considerable range
of soil strength (from cone penetrometer readings of 10 p.s.i., which
is soft, to more than 200 p.s.i., which is fairly hard for the clay
soil used), it appears that either an impact or a static penetrometer
could be used to measure penetration. Furthermore, interactions
between the soil and the probe must remain constant for the various
soil conditions, which tends to indicate that shape is not of great im-
portance. Presumably, failure was restricted to the immediate
neighborhood of the probe tip and the soil reaction was independent
of the shape of the probe.
Kostritsyn ( 230 ) extended his studies of cutting by investigating
the effect of a fixed tool thickness on the cutting force while varying
the angle of the cutter. With a triangular cutter, the forces on the
cutter are as given in equation 85 except that F2 is zero because no
sides are present. Thus, the forces on the triangular cutter are
where P = total force (draft) on cutter,
K1 = specific resistance of the soil,
F1 = area of wedge of cutter,
a = wedge angle,
µ' = coefficient of soil-metal friction.
The area of the sliding surface can be calculated from the equation

where S = thickness of cutter,

e = length of cutter.
As Kostritsyn demonstrated (sec. 4.3.3), K1 is a function of the
deformation of the soil. The deformation is, in turn, a function of
the wedge angle and the soil-metal friction angle, as shown in equa-
tion 87. For a constant tool thickness he thus proposed that


where D = a constant,
= angle of soil-metal friction.
Equations 110 and 111 can be substituted in equation 85 and, recalling
that = tan the equation becomes

where C = DSe, a constant.

Equation 112 does not, represent a mechanics since no means is
available to determine the magnitude of C; hence, the magnitude of
P cannot be determined. Kostritsyn reasoned, however, that an opti-
mum wedge angle should exist and equation 112 implies that such
an optimum will occur independent of the magnitude of C since it

is a constant for a given soil and thickness of cutter. He thus as-

sumed C = 1 and calculated P versus a relationships at various soil-
friction angles.
Figure 123 shows the relation for three angles of soil-friction;

FIGURE 123.-Computed cutting force as a function of wedge angle for a con-

stant thickness of cutter at 3 angles of soil friction. (Kostritsyn ( 230 ) .)

45°50' and 29° are angles of soil-soil friction and 40°30’ is the
angle of soil-metal friction The data indicate that a minimum
force occurs at a wedge angle at approximately 45º regardless of the
type of the angle ( or Thus, even if soil sticks to the cutter SO
that soil-soil friction becomes active, nearly the same optimum wedge
angle results. The 45° friction angle shown in figure 123 is a typical
soil-soil friction angle, according to Kostritsyn. He reported ex-
perimental data that tended to confirm his calculated results. A
minimum cutting force would thus appear to result regardless of
the magnitude of the cutting force, and this minimum occurs at a
wedge angle of approximately 45º.
Perhaps the most thorough study of the influence of the geometry
of penetrometers on resistance to penetration was made with di-
mensional analysis techniques by Kondner and associates ( 85-87,
223-227 ). While Kondner envisioned his tools as model footings,
their cross-sectional area was less than 3 square inches. Dimensional
analysis gives the functional relationship between tool and soil
variables as


where x = penetration,
t = time,
F = total force,
c = perimeter of tool,
A = cross-sectional solid area,
= tip angle of tool,
= maximum unconfined compressive strength of soil,
= viscocity of soil.
The dimensionless terms were interpreted by Kondner to reflect
certain physical characteristics of the system. The dimensionless
terms in equation 113 reflect, respectively, penetration (the dependent
variable) , strength ratio of soil shape effect of tool tip
characteristics and rate of penetration as influenced by viscous
creep of the soil By allowing time for equilibrium during
a static test and by maintaining a fixed tip angle, the last two terms
in equation 113 are constant so that the relation simplifies to


Kondner proceeded to investigate the relations implied by equation

114. He first used circular footings = 180) of varying cross
sections. For circular footings, the term is a constant value
equal to 4 so that equation 114 reduces to the first two terms.
Figure 124 shows data for one soil condition. The scatter in the
dimensionless plot may have been due to experimental error or pos-
sibly to an oversimplification in that, the creep term was assumed to
remain constant. Even with the error, however, the dimensionless
terms collapse the data very effectively. Kondner also conducted
laboratory experiments in which he varied and the dimensionless
relations again agreed well. He also reduced field data reported by
a highway research board, and the dimensionless relations agreed
well. In the latter, circular plates ranging from 1 to 7 feet in
diameter were used. The relations between the terms shown in the
dimensionless plots of figure 124 thus appear to be reasonably ac-
To study the shape factor Kondner used models having a solid
cross-sectional area of 2 square inches but varying perimeters. A
circular footing gives the lowest possible ratio for any geometrical
section. By using squares, rectangles, and crosses he was able to
vary from 16 to 136. A dimensionless plot of the relation indi-
cated in equation 114 resulted in a good collapse of the data. When
plotted as shown in figure 124, the data grouped about lines of con-

FIGURE 124.-Force-sinkage relationships for circular footings : Left, Plotted

in conventional terms ; right, plotted in dimensionless terms. (Kondner,
Waterways Experiment Station ( 224 ) .)

FIGURE 125.-Dimensionless plot of x/c versus c2/A for constant

(Kondner, Waterways Experiment Station ( 224 ).)

stant Figure 125 shows the data plotted against the shape

factor The data indicate that greater penetration occured for a

load as the ratio of perimeter/area approached a minimum. The
consistent collapse of data about lines of constant terms (terms in
equation 113) confirmed the implied functional relation, Kondner
attempted to investigate the viscous creep term which is import-
ant in a dynamic situation such as the vibratory cutting of soil. He
made some progress but concluded that the relation was complex
because the viscosity appears to be a function of the stress level.
For static situations, however, the term could be considered essentially
constant if the test were conducted slowly with time allowed for
equilibrium. Kondner thus concluded that equation 113 could be
reasonably simplified to


when applied to slowly moving or static penetration.

Kondner attempted to determine the functional relation repre-
sented by equation 115. Figure 126 shows a series of experimental

FIGURE 126.-Experimental footings having constant cross-sectional areas but

varying perimeters. (Kondner, Waterways Experiment Station ( 224 ) .)

footings used in these studies. He also used a series of circular foot-

ings of constant diameter having tip angles of 15º, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90º,
120°, 140°, and 180° and hemispherical shape. The results of the
varying shape factor on x/c are shown in figure 127. The exponent-
ial nature of the curve shown at the left in figure 127 suggested the
logarithmic relation indicated at the right. The intercepts and
slopes of the logarithmic relation are functions of the strength term
F/A so that the slopes and intercepts could be related to the
strength term. The relations were. simple enough so that an equa-
tion could be developed as follows:

FIGURE 127.-Dimensionless plot of x/c versus c /A for various geometrical
shapes : Left, Arithmetic relation ; right, Log-log relation. (Kondner, Water-
ways Experiment Station ( 224 ).)


where b = constant,
d = constant,
S = constant.
The magnitudes of b, d, and S are determined by the specific rela-
tions of the intercepts and slopes to the strength term. Figure 128
shows the results of the varying tip angle upon when expressed

FIGURE 128.-Dimensionless relation between tip angle and penetration for

circular penetrators. (Kondner, Waterways Experiment Station ( 224 ).
in a logarithmic relation. The slopes and intercepts of the con-
stant strength term could be related to the term to give an equation


where I = intercept,
= angle in radians,
m = slope.
The relation between I and m and the strength term was not as
simple as for the data shown in figure 127. Equation 117 could not
be made as descriptive as equation 116, since the intercept and slope
are not constants. Equations 116 and 117 are not presently useful
since they are restricted to the soil conditions Kondner investigated.
Furthermore, equation 117 is restricted in application to circular
shapes where c2/A is a minimum and equation 116 applies when
has a constant value. If equations 116 and 117 could be combined
into one expression, the latter restriction would be eliminated.
The most important contribution by Kondner is the accuracy of
the combination of variables indicated in equation 113. They per-
mitted him to consistently collapse data to an acceptable degree.
Furthermore, he demonstrated techniques for actually determining
the behavior equation describing the composite behavior, penetration.
The geometry of cutters must be studied further to reconcile the
differences that appear to exist. As an example, occurrence of a
minimum cutting force as determined by Kostritsyn is not reflected
in the data of either the Waterways Experiment, Station or Kondner.
The occurrence of minima such as those due to the circular shape
and the cutting angle must be sought and verified because of their
importance in the design of practical tillage tools.
Zelenin ( 515 ) has developed empirical relations between the
draft, force of a cutting tool and physical conditions of the soil
as measured by a penetrometer. The relation was developed to the
point where it constituted a partial mechanics. Zelenin conducted
a large number of experiments in which he used horizontal cutters
of the type shown in figure 77 and measured the draft and depth of
cutting. The size of the cutting tool and depth of operation were
such that, pure cutting as defined by Kostritsyn (sec. 4.3.2) was not
the only quantity being measured. Thus, types of soil failure in
addition to pure cutting were involved. Zelenin observed that the
draft and depth were parabolically related according to the relation
P = khn, (118)
where P = cutting force (draft) of a horizontal blade,
k = coefficient, of soil resistance,
h = depth of operation,
n = coefficient.
Based on a wide range of soil and moisture conditions, the value for
n was found to be approximately a constant whose value was 1.35.
Zelenin further observed that the coefficient k was directly propor-
tional to C, the number of blows of an impact penetrometer (sec.
190 AGRICULTURE HANDBOOK 316, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE, when a specific blade was used. He thus proposed that

equation 118 could be written as
where C = number of blows to penetrate a depth of 10 centimeters,
A = tool geometry factor.
With numerical values of C available for assessing the soil under
consideration, the possibility exists that the draft force could be
calculated if A could be evaluated for a particular cutting blade.
Zelenin proceeded by first investigating the effect of the length of
the cutting blade. He used a series of cutting blades where all fac-
tors were constant except their length L, and from equation 119 he
was able to show that.
The angle of inclination of the blade a also influences the cutting
Zelenin showed that the cutting force varied with a accord-
ing to the following relation
P = P1 (1 + 0.0075a), (121)
where P1 = cutting force at a = 20°,
a = angle of inclination
Equation 121 holds for values of a greater than 20°. For values
of a less than 20°, Zelenin stated that equation 121 would have the
constant value of P1. He also reasoned that if cutting was done on
side walls (those parts of the tool that reach from above the soil sur-
face to support the horizontal blade), the angle of sharpening and
the thickness of the sides would also affect the total cutting force.
Again from measured data he was able to show that with all other
factors constant the cutting force varied as
P = P1 (1 +0.03S), (122)
where P1 = cutting force at S = 1 cm.,
S = thickness in cm.
The effect of angle of sharpening was small so that it could be
given by a coefficient ßo whose value depended on the angle of sharp-
ening. Zelenin observed that the value of ßo for angles of sharpen-
ing of 45°, 60°, 90°, and 180° was, respectively, 1.0, 1.01, 1.03, and
1.05. Equations 120, 121, and 122 can be combined with their re-
spective restrictions to generalize equation 119 so that it becomes
A comparison of measured and calculated (by equation 123) values
for various cutting tools as reported by Zelenin is given in table 11.
The data agree reasonably well and show that a composite soil pa-
rameter can provide practical usefulness.
Reaves, at the National Tillage Machinery Laboratory ( 311 ),
studied the accuracy of the basic coefficients in equation 123. He
found that the exponent 1.35 may vary considerably with depth and
soil type, so that care must be exercised when utilizing equation 123.
While empirical, new techniques and refinement may improve the
accuracy of equation 123 so that its usefulness will be greatly ex-
tended. Certainly the methods followed by Zelenin are to be recog-

TABLE 11. --Experimental and calculated results of the cutting force

on a simple tool

SOURCE : Zelenin ( 515 ).

nized as valid and practical even though the approach is based on

composite behavior.
4.5 Geometry of Soil-Tool Systems
The mechanics of soil reactions to tillage tools-cannot be developed
fully until the inputs and outputs of the equations of dynamic be-
havior are identified. The principles by which this may be done
were discussed in section 4.2, and specific examples showing how these
principles have been applied were discussed in section 4.3. It is
evident, however, that soil reactions in general have not been char-
acterized to the point where they may be adequately described. In
view of this, a number of studies and observations have been under-
taken for the purpose of identifying the specific forms of behavior
that are of interest (sec. 4.4). The lack of definition can be resolved
only by additional information concerning the actions. Eventually,
sufficient detailed information concerning each behavior should be
available so that either additional or more accurate behavior equa-
tions can be established for incorporation into the mechanics.
The exploration of the action of soil-tillage tool systems has shown
that variation of tool geometry factors may be associated with the
behavior output. In the qualitative phase of the development of a
mechanics (fig. 76), the inputs and outputs may be associated with
overall causes and effects of complex tillage tool actions on the soil.
Changes in the inputs may be associated with the methods by which
forces are applied to the soil rather than associated with the forces
Variations in the geometry of soil-tillage tool systems result in
different draft requirements for tillage and in different soil reactions.
The influence of changing boundary conditions is so great that it has
provided a means by which to study tillage actions of the system.
Usually the tool is introduced into the soil and all failure occurs in
the soil rather than in the tool. Therefore, the mode of soil action
can be controlled by varying the geometry of the soil-tool system so
that forces, their distribution, and the soil reactions vary. The exact

nature of forces altered by such changes is not known, even though

it is recognized that they may be varied. Eventually the soil reaction
should be predictable from the strength of the soil as characterized
by dynamic parameters and from the boundary conditions imposed
by the tool as characterized by its forces and distributions. This
will not be possible, however, until the action is identified and quan-
titatively described. At that time the tool can be eliminated from
the soil system and represented by a series of forces.
4.5.1 Alteration of Tool Geometry by the Formation and Ad-
herence of Soil Bodies
Buildup of soil along the sliding surfaces of tillage tools may
alter their shape. Soil adhering to the tool can form a body of soil
that acts as a part of the tool. The presence of this soil body on the
forces and soil reactions is of great importance. Any description
of the shape of a tool that does not include the geometry and action
of the soil body will not, represent the true system. Workers in the
U.S.S.R. have described a number of these soil bodies ( 515 ). It
was this type of soil body that Payne identified as a wedge in figure
89. Since he observed the wedge to move, he needed two behavior
equations-one using µ' and the other using µ. Had the wedge not
moved, he would have needed only the behavior equation using µ.
The shape and size of the soil mass that sticks to the tool is deter-
mined by the direction and movement of the tool and the eroding
action produced along the sides of the soil body. The absence of
scouring (sec. creates the situation in which soil bodies are
formed. Probably the soil in the soil body is replaced either piece-
meal or en masse from time to time, but its presence as an integral
part of the tool is definitely established. If the coefficient of soil-soil
friction µ is greater than the coefficient of soil-metal friction µ' along
the tool, the draft of the tool will increase. In addition, however,
the draft of the tool may increase because the adhering soil increases
the size of tool. Soil bodies also change the geometry of tools to the
extent that the flow of soils may be directed into undesirable direc-
tions. Figure 129 shows the shape of soil bodies that were formed
on simple chisels operating at a constant depth with different rake
angles. The rake angle is defined as the angle between the face of
the tool and the horizontal line of travel. These compact wedges
were formed on the surface of the tools and were so tightly bound to
the tool that they could be removed intact with the tool. Similar
bodies have been observed on subsoilers (see fig. 131) and other tools.
A first step in the study of this geometrical factor has been to iden-
tify and describe the soil bodies found on tillage tools. Dinglinger
( 103 ), Rathje ( 342 ), Zelenin ( 515 ), Payne ( 329 ), Tanner ( 419 ),
Kaburaki and Kisu ( 205 ), and Nichols, Reed, and Reeves ( 324 )
have observed and reported different types of soil bodies. Beyond
these initial studies, which have established the fact that such soil
bodies are present, little quantitative research has been conducted.
No doubt the main reason is that soil bodies are formed beneath the
surface of the soil under dynamic-sometimes transient-conditions
so that, they are difficult to observe and evaluate.
Since the forces operating on a soil body tend either to form or to
remove the body, its shape is probably extremely variable. Figure
130 shows compacted soil bodies that were formed on the surface of
a tool at two speeds. The photographs are frames from a movie
film of the tool operating in a clay soil. One side of the soil bin was

FIGURE 129.-The shape of soil bodies formed on a straight chisel operating

in sandy loam at various rake angles: A, 20° ; B, 45° ; C, 76° ; D, 90° ; E,
104° ; F, 135°.

FIGURE 130.-Soil body formed at two tool speeds: Left, 0.015 m.p.h. ; right,
0.5 m.p.h.

glass, and formation of the soil body could be observed by operating

the tool adjacent to the glass. Thus, at least one visual technique is
available by which to study the formation and effect of soil bodies.
While it is not evident from figure 130, in the movies the body ap-
peared to be slightly smaller and more compact at the higher speed.
Payne ( 329 ) used soil tracers to follow the path of soil into the
Simple geometrical tool parameters such as length, width, depth
of operation, and rake angle cannot be used in a soil-tillage tool
mechanics without caution. These values may be of little physical
significance when soil bodies are formed. Indeed, formation of soil
bodies may have limited the success of the principles of dimensional
analysis and similitude in a study of the dynamic action of tillage
tools. An actual soil body formed on a subsoiler is shown in figure
131. The presence of a soil body of this type would prevent one
from determining the coefficient of soil-metal friction when utilizing
vertical and horizontal forces as measured on a simple tool ( 332,
465 ). On the other hand, the principles of scouring (sec.
might indicate that polytetrafluoroethylene coatings, small angles of
approach, and nonadhesive soils could eliminate the formation of soil
bodies and permit a more accurate analysis of tool reactions.
Kaburaki and Kisu ( 205 ) appear to be the only workers who
have studied the strength of soil bodies. They have reported that
large flat sheets of soil which covered moldboard plows had a greater
resistance to penetration near the share than higher on the mold-
board. The compaction pattern they observed may be logically
explained on the basis that pressures are higher on the share of the
plow than on the moldboard.
4.5.2 Alteration of Tool Geometry Because of Wear
The forces on tools remain constant only as long as the geometric
conditions of the tools are maintained. It may not be possible to
maintain constant conditions in a tillage tool operating under field
conditions. Rock, roots, or layering in nonhomogeneous soil may
cause point loading. In addition, wear of a tool may change its
geometry. The amount of metal lost through abrasion may not be
as important as the manner in which it is lost. If abrasion changes

FIGURE 131.-A soil body formed on a subsoiler during tillage of a dry clay
soil. (Nichols and Reaves, Agr. Engin. ( 322 ) .)

the geometry of the tool, the forces on the tool may not remain fixed.
In most cases the wear of a tool beyond the point where a refined
degree of polish promotes scouring results in an undesirable situ-
An analytical study of the alteration in forces due to the change
of geometry by wear was made by Gavrilov and Koruschkin ( 140 ).
Based on the observation that wear occurs along the underside of the
tool, the angle of change in sharpness of the tool a was visualized as
shown in figure 132. As wear increases on the underside of the edge,
the clearance angle y decreases to the point where it could become
negative and in fact become an angle of approach. When it becomes
an angle of approach, there is no longer clearance under the tip and

(A) (B)

FIGURE 132.-Edges of tillage tool : A, Sharp ; B, worn. (Gavrilov and Ko-

ruschkin, Selkhozmashina ( 140 ) .)

a larger area of the tool is in contact with the soil. Under severe
wear conditions, the angle can increase to the relative magnitude
shown in figure 132, B so that a normal force R develops on the front
of the worn surface AC. Soil-metal friction changes the direction
of the resultant force to R1 = R/cos With a forward movement
of the tool, a horizontal resistance P1 develops in front of the tool.
This resistance is related to both R1 and R in the form
P1 = R1 sin ( +y), (124)

or P1 = R sin

Equation 125 can also be expressed in the form

P1 = R (tan cos y + sin y). (126)
Since tan represents the coefficient of soil-metal friction, it should
be possible to determine relations between P1 and y for a fixed value
of By equating the first derivative of equation 126 to zero, a
relation can be obtained where

When P' becomes a maximum (fig. 133), it is possible to establish a
relation between and y having the form

Thus, when P1 becomes a maximum, there is a reciprocal relation be-

tween the angle of sliding friction and the approach angle y. In
practical situations, this relation might determine the final shape of
the wear pattern at equilibrium.
The frontal pressure that is applied to the underside of the tool
for a unit of width would cause a moment M, about the point C
which would tend to lift the tool out of the ground (fig. 132).

FIGURE 133.-Relation of the clearance angle y and the force P1 when is

25°. (Gavrilov and Koruschkin, Selkhozmashina ( 140 ) .)

M = R 1 L, (129)
where R1 =

L =

On a small increment of the surface along AC,

and when x = B cos y,

The moment M results in an upward component of force so that
vertical stability of the tool may be reduced because of the worn
Wear occurs over the entire surface of the tool, but this type of
wear normally changes geometry less than wear at a tip or cutting
edge. Areas over which surface wear is most severe may be esti-
mated by a technique used by Pfost ( 334 ). Varnish covering the
surface of the tool will be worn away by soil abrasion. As shown
in figure 134, the progress of wear, as determined by the loss of

40Ft. 80 Ft. 200 Ft.

FIGURE 134.-The progressive pattern of surface wear as affected by the dis-

tance plowed. (Pfost, Auburn Univ. ( 334 ) .)

varnish with the distance of travel, indicates the leading edge to be

the zone of high pressure and wear. The relative importance of
other areas becomes evident as the distance the plow travels is in-
creased. This technique may be used to qualitatively determine the
relative importance of wear on different areas of a tool. Unfortu-
nately, until the behavior equations of wear are developed, a mechan-
ics of wear cannot be developed.
Areas of wear can also be determined by measuring changes from
the original profile of the tool, but the measurements are laborious.
A number of workers have measured this in terms of weight loss.
Koopman ( 228 ) built, a small apparatus with which the profile
could be measured at any time without having to resort to laborious
Wear is a most important, practical consideration in maintaining
proper microtool geometry. Data are not available to indicate
the extent to which geometrical changes caused by wear affect soil
reactions or forces on tools. Until data of this type are available
the economic importance of maintaining geometry of tools cannot
be determined.
4.5.3 Soil-Tool Geometry
While tillage tools may have fixed shapes, their geometrical rela-
tions with the soil they contact may be altered with respect to the
surface of the soil, and to their direction of travel and mode of oper-
ation. As a consequence, the forces applied to the soil by the tool
may vary considerably as does the soil reaction. In many cases,
altering the soil-tool geometry provides a means of studying complex
tillage actions. By determining the influence of various geometrical
arrangements on the draft force or the nature of soil breakup, in-
dividual types of behavior can possibly be isolated within a gross
tillage reaction. Many studies have been directed toward establish-
ing relations between orientation of the tool and the draft force.
Zelenin ( 515 ) has measured the forces on narrow cutting tools
operating with nonsymmetrical soil boundary conditions. Results
show that the perimeter of cut per se is not sufficiently definitive to
describe the soil-tool system (table 12). The degree of confinement
of the soil as induced and controlled by the geometry of the cut
materially affects the draft force of the tool. A perimeter 39 centi-
meters long that is cut at a depth of 15 centimeters with no sidewall
cuts requires a force 40 percent larger than a perimeter 38 centimeters
long that is cut at a depth of 7.5 centimeters and includes two side-
wall cuts. Thus, interactions between the soil and the tool that are
manifestations of the geometry prevent the use of any simple relation
between the length of the soil-tool perimeter and the draft force.
Studies of cuts of various depths and widths, such as the one re-
ported here, give an insight into the contributions of depth and
width to the cutting force.
The discussion of soil cutting in section 4.3.3 and the nature of soil
movement shown in figure 96, A demonstrate that soil near the sur-
face moves upward when subjected to forces by a vertical tool. At
greater depths the degree of confinement increases to the point where
soil moves laterally around the tool rather than toward the surface.
The studies of Kostritsyn were based on data obtained at a depth
TABLE 12. -Effect of the geometry of the sod-tool system on the
cutting forces on a simple blade

SOURCE: Zelenin (515)

where the surface influence did not exist. While these studies served
a purpose, the need remains to examine the soil-tool relations near
the surface where the variable boundary conditions exist.
Zelenin attempted to explore the soil confinement along a vertical
boundary that was essentially an open furrow wall ( 515 ). Data in
table 13 show that the cutting resistance of the soil adjacent to the
wall was considerably less than it was farther from the wall where
the confinement was greater. Regardless of the thickness, shape, or
angle of operation of a tool, enough soil must be displaced to permit
passage. Consequently, for the conditions in table 13, cuts made
m excess of 35 centimeters from the wall required an ultimate cutting
force of about 75 kilograms. The actual distance reflects the influ-
ence of geometric characteristics of the soil and the tool boundary
and dynamic behavior patterns of the soil. The distance from the
open wall where the ultimate draft resistance is reached reflects the
point where the total displacement or strain required to cause ade-
quate failure is absorbed within the mass of the soil. At lesser dis-
tances from the wall, the soil is probably detached and moved into
an open furrow as a rigid body in order to provide room for pas-
sage of the tool; hence, the forces required for displacement are
reduced. Data are not available of side forces on tools operating
in these conditions but they should provide information that would
be of assistance in evaluating the influence of geometry in such a
soil-tool system.
Nothing in the previous discussion implies that the specific strength
of the soil was changed by the different soil-tool boundary condi-
tions. The change in draft of the tool was due to the different

TABLE 13. --Influence of distance from a cutting wall on the cutting

resistance of a simple tool 12 millimeters thick when operating in
a vertical position

amounts of soil brought into failure. Different types of failure may

also be caused by changes in the shape of a tool irrespective of the
soil-tool boundary conditions.
When a soil is strained by the passage of a tillage tool, the soil
may react by compacting or by some type of failure that causes de-
tachment of the soil. When the soil is compacted, its strength may
be increased and larger draft resistances of tools should result.
Zelenin ( 515 ) conducted a series of experiments using cutters of
different geometries to explore this type of situation. Figure 135
shows a series of tools used to cut soil. Notice that the degree of
soil confinement is different for each tool. When the resistance of
the soil is not sufficient to immobilize the tool, the draft of the tool
depends on the degree of coincidence between the direction of forces

FIGURE 135.-Plan view of different soil-tool systems in which the soil reaction
is essentially the same. (Zelenin ( 515 ).)
applied by the movement of the tool and the direction of maximum
resistance of the soil (table 14). The magnitude and direction of
soil resistance arrows R (fig. 135) explain the magnitude of the cut-
ting resistance that is measured. Thus, it has been demonstrated
that the geometry of a tool is important even when the tool is
operated near an open wall.

TABLE 14.-- Effect of geometry of an unsymmetrical soil-tooled system

on the resistance of soil to cutting

Shape of cutters is shown by designated letters in figure 135.
Tools operated 15 cm. deep in loam soil.
S O U R C E : Zelenin ( 515 ) .

Soil reactions associated with the overall orientation of tools have

been studied with simplified systems. Generally, inclined planes
have been forced through the soil to determine the force relations
that are associated with different tool orientations.
No particular soil behavior has been characterized in these studies,
but the experimental data have been useful in both design and use
considerations. Figure 136 shows the influence of orientation on


FIGURE 136.-Effect of tool orientation on draft resistance when the tool does
not have a surface boundary. (Hueckel, 4th Internatl. Conf. Soil Mech.
Found. Engin. Procs., Butterworths, London ( 187 ).)

the maximum force required to move an underground plate (15 centi-

meters square) horizontally through the soil. The orientation was
measured with respect to a plane perpendicular to the line of travel.
In each case the depth to which the top of the plate was initially
burled was equal to the projected vertical height of the plate ( 187 ).
Movement of the plate and maximum draft, were accompanied by a
simultaneous rupture of the soil surface. The nonagreement of draft
forces between the inclined pairs of angles was apparently caused by
the method of loading. The depth of operation was not maintained
during measurement; hence, the plates that were inclined forward
probably tended to slide upward into an area of lesser resistance
even though movement was very slight. With the exception of cer-
tain underground cutting tools such as sweeps, most tools operated
with a large portion of the tool having a surface-tool boundary.
Vertical orientation of such tools has been studied more than lateral
orientation ( 138, 322, 332, 398, 515 ).
Simple tools have been observed and measured when they were
swept back laterally ( 398 ), but theories have not been applied in an
attempt to analyze their reactions. Kaburaki and Kisu (204)
measured the influence of the lift angle a of a simple inclined tool
when it was swept back laterally with a side angle ß. The projected
area of the tool in the direction of travel was maintained rectangular
and constant for all variations studied, and soil was moved laterally
into an open furrow. The draft was influenced to a greater extent
by the lift angle than by the side angle (fig. 137). The draft was

FIGURE 137.-Effect of the side angle on the draft of a simple inclined tool.
(Kaburaki and Kisu, Kanto-Tosan Agr. Expt. Sta. Jour. ( 204 ).)
essentially doubled when the lift angle was increased from 20° to 90°.
Increases in the side angle ß decreased draft until an angle of ap-
proximately 40º to 50º was attained. After that, point, draft be-
came essentially constant for each value of a. In no case did the
decrease in draft exceed 25 percent. For one special case, where
a = ß = 45°, a parabolic increase in draft, was found to be due to
an increase in the width of cut regardless of the depth of cut. This
relation has an important effect on the design and use of tools when
optimum draft relations are of interest. The results of the influence
of other orientations on the draft of a tool are shown in table 36,
where increases in the angle of approach result, in increases in the
draft force. This orientation is easily described in a simple tool sys-
tem, but, we shall see that much research is needed with regard to the
orientation of tools having more complex shapes.
When the main tillage action is cutting, the size of the isolated soil
mass is determined by the size of cut of the tool. In a number of
cases, however, the final projected area of disturbed soil is not the
same as the projected area of the tool. Because of this, tools may be
located and oriented so that their sphere of influence includes all
of the area to be tilled even though the tools do not intercept all of
the periphery. Kostritsyn ( 230 ) reported data of Dalin and Pav-
lov, who measured the area of soil disturbance of small cylindrical
tines (table 15). The data show that either soil bodies must form on
tools or the arching effect in the soil results in a disturbed zone of
soil considerably larger than the projected area of the tool.

TABLE 15.--Sphere of influence of cylindrical tines in soil

SOURCE: Kostritsyn ( 230 ).

Certain geometric characterizations of soil-tool systems have

evolved as important, indicators of soil-tool reactions. Included in
this group are such characteristics as length-width ratios, depth-
width ratios, and perimeter-area ratios. While these ratios are
often dimensionless, they reflect the general nature of soil reactions.
If a tool acts as a long narrow tool, it tends to cut the soil rather
than to cause failure by shear.
Payne ( 329 ) has classed tines operating below an extended hori-
zontal surface as being wide if the depth-width ratio exceeds 1.5.
The ratio designates the portion of the tool that is in contact with the
soil rather than the absolute dimensions of the tool. The 1.5 ratio
apparently roughly determines the point where the frontal portion
of the crescent or shell just becomes flat, as shown in figure 138, B.
Kaburaki and Kisu ( 204 ) found that a minimum in the total
draft force occurred for a vertical tool at a depth-width ratio of 0.5
(fig. 139, A). Measurements were made on small inclined tools

(A) (B) (C)

FIGURE 138.-Action of tines, as evidenced by their characteristic soil reaction:
A, Narrow tines ; B, wide tines ; C, very wide tines. (Payne, Jour. Agr.
Engin. Res. ( 329 ).)

(A) (B)

FIGURE 139.-Effect of depth-width ratios of simple tools on draft force.

(Kaburaki and Kisu, Kanto-Tosan Agr. Expt. Sta. Jour. ( 204 ) .)

operating adjacent to an open furrow wall. The minimum became

more pronounced as the area of the tool A increased. The length of
the cutting perimeter was also minimum at this point. When the
tool was inclined to the vertical and laterally toward the open side
of the cut (a = ß = 45º), a decreasing depth-width ratio resulted
in a decrease in total draft. In this case a constant low value was at-
tained so that a minimum as such did not occur (fig. 139, B). This
relation held for a number of cases in which the projected area of the
tool in the vertical plane F was varied from 10 to 30 square centi-
meters. The wide range of depth-width ratios through which this
low value of draft resistance is found is indeed fortunate for de-
signers and users of moldboard plows; wide changes may be made
in the depth-width ratio without increasing the specific draft of
the tool.
Geometric characterizations such as depth-width ratios cannot be
considered fundamental for describing tillage tools, since such para-
meters are meaningful only insofar as they represent the interrela-
tions of the soil-tool system. Figure 140 shows a soil reaction

FIGURE 140.-Soil reaction to narrow, long tillage tools. (Zelenin ( 515 ).)

characteristic of very long, narrow tools. Soil near the surface

yields along the line of least resistance.
Rathje ( 342 ) placed layers of colored sand in his test sand media
to serve as markers for the movement of soil by the tool. Excava-
tion of the test media after tillage established the final position of the
marker layers so that the soil reactions could be established. After
studying the soil body that formed on tools ranging from 15 to 100
millimeters in width, certain repetitive patterns could be established.
In general, a horizontal section cut through the soil body showed that
an essentially semicircular soil body was formed at moderate depths.
The tool having a width of 100 millimeters and operating at a depth
of 300 millimeters became completely enclosed in the soil body. A t
the surface, the soil body extended about 90 millimeters forward of
the cutter and had a maximum width of about 175 millimeters. This
size tapered with depth to the bottom of the tool where the width was
reduced to the width of the tool and the body extended forward a
distance of 50 millimeters. In addition, a thin layer of soil (about
13 mm. thick), formed on the bottom of the tool. Thus the tillage
was performed by a body of soil, and movement occurred on a
soil-soil rather than soil-tool interface.
A number of basic soil reactions that have resulted from different
methods of force applications as controlled by the orientation of the
tool have been explored. As shown in this section, additional in-
formation is required before the specific forms of behavior can be
defined to the point where they may be used in a rigorous mechanics.
4.5.4 Orientation of the Soil-Tool System
The mechanics of soil-tool systems has generally been based on a
simple coordinate system convenient for the experimental apparatus.
As a result, little thought has been given to the influence of the
actual slope of terrain where a tool may be operated. The orienta-
tion of the soil-tool system cannot be considered as an abstract rela-
tion. The orientation must be linked into some standard and well-
established frame of reference. As a rule, orientation with respect

to the horizontal plane and the line of travel should be indicated

since this will orient the direction of gravitational force. While the
slope of terrain has been recognized as being important in vehicle
studies ( 475 ), few quantitative studies have been made in conjunc-
tion with tillage.
Martini ( 293 ) studied the movement of soil caused by plows
operated at different speeds and moving in different directions on a
slope. Thus, while the soil-tool geometry was maintained constant,
the overall orientation of the system was not. Since the influence of
gravity and the direction of the forces applied by the plow varied
considerably, the movement of soil differed for the different direc-
tions of travel. Figure 141 shows the displacement of the center of

FIGURE 141.-The movement of the center of gravity S of a plow furrow caused

by plowing in different directions along a 15° slope at two speeds. (Martini,
Rocz. Nauk. Roln. ( 293 ) . )

gravity S of a unit of the plow furrow slice when plowing was done
on a 15° slope with a right-hand plow at two speeds. The initial
location S is shown at the center of the direction rays. The final
location of the center of gravity of the plow furrow is shown by Sn,
where 12 is the numbered direction in which the plow traveled. The
experiment demonstrates a method by which the soil reaction was
described in a simple quantitative manner. Since the minimum
movement of the centroid of the soil mass represents the minimum
expenditure of energy commensurate with the work accomplished,
perhaps this technique can be used to partly evaluate the performance
of plows.
4.5.5 Geometry of Interacting Tools
The concept of a tool operating independently in a semi-infinite
mass of soil is a physical unreality in actual tillage machines. Until
now, each tool has been discussed as being isolated. The mechanics
of a combined tool system can be approached on a rationalized basis
only when any interaction is identified and characterized. Little
progress has been made in this direction except for general observa-
tions of interactions. In the development of a mechanics for inter-
acting tools, the state of knowledge remains in the recognition stage
(fig. 76) and more qualitative information is required. The import-
ance of interactions due to geometrical relations is discussed in
chapter 5 in connection with design considerations.
Rathje ( 342 ) conducted studies concerning the interaction of two
vertical straight tools. The interactions of the soil reactions are
illustrated in figure 142, where two tools may be visualized as op-



FIGURE 142.-Interaction of the rupture zones of two tillage tools: A, Acting

independently ; B, interacting ; C, essentially constituting a new tool of
greater width.

erating with different degrees of interdependence. The importance

of the geometry of the system is clearly evident, not only in terms
of soil reaction but also in terms of draft force. The draft resistance
of two tools, each 15 millimeters wide, was found to depend on the
ratio of the distance between tools d and the depth of operation t.
When the tools were close together, a common compression wedge
was formed similar to that in front of a single tool of the same over-
all width. When the tools were gradually moved apart, the resist-
ance for a given depth increased and reached a maximum for the
system where d = 0.043t. As the tools were moved farther apart,
the compression wedge that had bridged over the gap between the
two tools was broken through at the bottom and soil flowed between
the two tools. The draft force dropped rapidly with an increase in
the spacing between the tools and reached a minimum value when
d = 0.34t. At that point the draft force was only 10 percent higher
than that of a single tool. As the distance between the tools was

increased still further, the draft increased until the point d = 2.5t
was reached and the cutters were acting independently.
Zelenin ( 515 ) repeated experiments of this type at several depths
and found a similar relation (fig. 143). At the shallow depths, the

FIGURE 143.-Effect on the draft force of the distance-of-spacing interaction

between two simple vertical tools. (Zelenin ( 515 ) .)

distance between tools at which the minimum draft occurred was

only slightly influenced by the depth of operation. The minimum
draft increased only from a point where the spacing between the
tools was 5 centimeters to a point, where the spacing between tools
was 7 centimeters as the depth increased from 9 to 18 centimeters.
Additional research is needed for tools operating at greater depths.
Investigations such as those just discussed indicate the possibility
of designing tools so that their maximum effective zone of influence
(soil disturbance) will be commensurate with acceptable power re-
quirements. The shape of the disturbed area is further complicated
when the tools are not vertical. The shapes of areas disturbed by
these types of tools have been studied by Payne and Tanner ( 332 ),
and several examples of failure patterns are shown in figure 184.
4.5.6 Conclusions
It is indeed unfortunate that observations of Jenkin ( 201 ) con-
cerning the mechanics of tillage tools were not heeded at an early
date. They might have guided research into more rigorous and
profitable findings. Rathje ( 342 ) established the nature of soil
reactions to tillage tools in 1932. In addition, he measured the stress
distributions in the soil by means of pressure transducers. Love
( 256 ), on the other hand, developed a mathematical model for cal-
culating stress distributions in 1929. Having read the work of
Rathje and Love, Jenkin ( 201 ) wrote in 1932, “The rounded shape
of the ‘Staukorper’ or dead sand carried in the front of the cutter
may be compared with the figures on page 419 of Professor Love’s
paper on ‘The Stresses Produced in a Semi-Infinite Solid by Pres-
sure on Part of the Boundary’ * * *. These researches might well
form a starting point for a research into ploughing, which is urgently
needed now that farming is being mechanized.” Thus, the keen per-
ception of this civil engineer led him to suggest a rigorous method by
which to approach the mechanics of plowing. This is reminiscent of
Van't Hoff, who associated Pfeffer’s osmotic pressure with the funda-
mental aspects of the gas laws. Glasstone ( 153 ) has recorded the
historical sequence of these developments. Attempts must be made
to tie the physical system of the tillage tool into a known theoretical
system or to devise a new theory for such a purpose. Chapter 4 was
developed with this point in mind.
4.6 Mechanics of Complex Reactions
The simplified actions discussed in section 4.3 could be represented
with rudimentary forms of mechanics in which the various types of
soil behavior were identified. Sufficient knowledge was available so
that the simple behavior equations that were utilized represented a
main segment of the total action that was of interest. As more and
more complex soil reactions become of interest, additional forms of
behavior will have to be considered. In some instances these specific
forms of behavior are not available.
Cutting as a soil separating action is not completely defined by any
of the mechanics that have been discussed previously because its exact
nature and importance have not been established. Soehne proposed
the use of a cutting term kb for roots but neglected it in his me-
chanics. Kawamura observed that the sharp edge of an inclined
tool pried blocks of soil loose so that they failed along a line ex-
tending below the lowermost part of the tool; obviously they were
not cut loose. Kostritsyn neglected a frontal cutting component in
his cutting mechanics.
The question might then arise as to whether a pure cutting action
of tools really exists in soil. The lack of definition of a pure cutting
component and the nonrepetitive soil reaction might tend to support
this contention. A closer examination of the available data, how-
ever, indicates that this point must be explored in greater detail
before any final conclusion can be reached.
The shapes of the curves for mean deformation Lo, and for resist-
ance to deformation Kpl (fig. 102) indicate that resistance increases
in importance as the size of the cutter decreases. This also means
that the percentage of total resistance on a long cutter face must
reflect, the same situation and that a relatively important, component
in the total resistance is associated with the tip of a cutter. This may
be explained most easily when the size of the particles are large as
contrasted to the thickness of the cutting edge. In this case the par-
ticles must be severed before the tool can pass. A unique situation
may exist when the deformability of the soil is low and a thick cutter
enters the particle or clod. The large lateral strains may propagate
a crack in front of the cutting edge so that the soil is torn apart just
as a block of wood is split by an axe.
Marshall and Quirk ( 292 ) reported data obtained by cutting dif-
ferent sizes of aggregates with a steel wedge-shaped cutter. They
found that the total cutting force was proportional to the size of the

aggregate but that the mean load per unit of active cutting edge was
fairly constant for any given soil condition. Even with small aggre-
gates (22, 8, and 3 mm.), failure occurred along the path of the cutter
and not along natural cleavage surfaces. Thus, cutting is a directed
action and the concentrated force causes a failure in the immediate
vicinity of the tool so that other failures must be due to forces ap-
plied by other non cutting segments of the tool. The observation by
Kawamura that the soil may fail below the cutting edge follows from
the condition where deformation of the mass by a rearward portion
of the tool strains the mass to a progressive failure at some point
in front of the cutting edge. The total strain induced by the tool
was not absorbed by the soil; hence, the soil was displaced as a rigid
body and the shear block formed. Not all shear blocks fail in this
manner, and in some the edge did cut soil as the tool moved. Thus,
conceivably, there will be instances where no continuous pure cutting
action occurs since the soil may be intermittently torn apart by in-
ternal stresses or cleaved apart by a soil body which is formed on
the tool. Kostritsyn’s restriction of theory to the zone of the hori-
zontal soil deformation in figure 96 does not imply that no cutting
action is taking place in the upper part of the soil profile. The
action was neglected to simplify the definition of forces within the
system he had undertaken to study.
The mechanics of a complex reaction that, includes cutting can be
developed only when a pure component of cutting is envisioned and
described in quantitative terms by a behavior equation. The pure
cutting behavior equation must be included with shear, tension, fric-
tion, adhesion, and acceleration equations to form the mechanics.
Until this is done, the intermittent influence of cutting will cause
discrepancies between measured and calculated values of perform-
Complex reactions will be exceedingly difficult to describe by a
mechanics. If the action to be described is simple, the mechanics
will probably be simple since fewer behavior equations will be re-
quired. The mathematics of the mechanics must fit the observed
action, or the incorporation of mathematical rigor into the mechanics
will be of no avail. The principles discussed in section 4.2 should
provide a means of developing the mechanics for complex tools.

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