Abdul Majeed1990
Abdul Majeed1990
Abdul Majeed1990
ABSTRACT ]LOa -. /LOb = 1514.3 /!Obl.6 + 1.8188 /!Ob 0 ·56 .... (1)
A new general correlation for estimating the viscosity of under- 1.4504 X I0-7 X (P- Pb)
saturated crude oils has been developed using 253 experiment- where
ally obtained oil viscosities on 41 different oil samples collected J.LOa = viscosity of undersaturated oil, Pa.s
from two different unpublished sources. J.LOb = viscosity of bubble point oil, Pa.s
The developed correlation is derived from plotting (P-Pb) P = pressure above bubble point, kPa
vs (f.I-Oa - f.I-Ob) on log-log paper. The plot reveals a series of Pb = bubble point pressure, kPa
straight lines of a constant slope equal to 1.11. It is found that
the intercepts of the resulting lines can be accurately represented ln 1976, Vasquez<2) used non-linear regression analysis to
as a function of API gravity and solution gas-oil ratio at bubble correlate a large number ·of laboratory measured data. The
point pressure. following equation was obtained: ·
The present correlation shows excellent results and clearly p m
outperforms the existing correlations, when tested against the ]LOa = /LOb *( ) ................................................... (2)
present data bank (253 points) and against available data from
the literature (137 points). where m is the slope of the log(P /Pb )-log (f.l-oa/ f.J-Ob) plot.
Vazquez found that m can be approximated by the following
Introduction -6
ffi = 0.26282 X p1.187 X JO(- 5.65647 X 10 X P - 5) .................... (3)
Viscosity in general can be defined as the internal resistance of
fluid to flow. Like other physical propertie's of liquids, the Several comments about the Vazquez work are in order.
viscosity is sensitive to changes in pressure and temperature. First, Figure 21 of his study (pressure above bubble point vs
Increasing temperature always causes a decrease in viscosity. observed slopes of the viscosity curves, m), indicated that the
Increasing pressure always increases viscosity above the bubble slope m is highly related to solution gas-oil ratio at bubble point
point. However, below the bubble point, an increase in pressure and API gravity. Vazquez ignored the effect of these two param-
causes an increase in solution gas which in turn decreases eters in his suggested_ equation [equation (3)] . Second, it is
viscosity. Crude oil viscosity is essential for both petroleum desirable, for comparison purposes, to include the statistical
reservoir engineering and production design operations. - results of Beal's correlation in Table 8 (Ref. 2). Such a compar-
The present work deals with the correlations of viscosity of ison shows that Vazquez's correlation tends to underpredict the
undersaturated crude oils (above bubble point pressure). The measured data, and gives relatively high values of average per-
common empirical correlations available for predicting this centage error ( -7.541% ). Third, to show the actual perfor-
property are those of Beal<n and Vasquez<2). mance of Vazquez's correlation, the measured data at bubble
In 1946, BealO) presented a graphical method derived as the point must be eliminated from Tables and Figures presented
rate of change of the undersaturated oil viscosity per unit pres- (Table C-6 and Figs. 23 to 25 of Ref. 2).
sure increase above the bubble point pressure and the bubble Considering the disadvantages and limitations of the exist-
point crude oil viscosity. The disadvantages of Beal's correla- ing correlations, it is therefore desirable to develop a more
tion are: (1) it is based on only 26 data points covering limited general correlation for estimating f.I-Oa.
ranges of flow conditions, and (2) no analytical expression is
given for the correlation.
Using only 11 data points, obtained from Figure 11 of Beal's Data Acquisition and Preparation
work, Standing<3) found that Beal's correlation can be approxi- The analysis of 41 bottom-hole oil samples are made available
mated by the following equation, which fit the 11 points with for this investigation. The data base prepared, consisting of a
average error = 1Ofo and standard deviation = 4.64%. total of 253 PVT tests, is obtained from North Africa and
Paper reviewed and accepted for publication by the Editorial Board of The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology .
Development of the Correlation ~
Starting from the fact that, for a given saturated crude oil, the . -
viscosity change (p,oa - p,ob) should increase in power law g .I
proportion to pressure change (P- Pb), the values of (P- Pb)
are plotted vs values of (p,oa - p,ob) on log-log paper (Fig. 1).
The plot reveals a series if straight lines. The data plotted in
Figure 1 can be represented by the following equation:
API=lS, Rs:35. 2
Log(p.oa - p.ob) = A + B * Log(P- Pb) ............................ (4) .01
API=l8, Rs:44. 5
API=2l.l, Rs:78. 7
API=23. 6, Rs:l03. 7
API:27, Rs:lO. 7
The slope, B, was calculated to be 1.11. Multiple regression API=3l, Rs,lll.3
analysis was used to obtain a mathematical model that best API=34, Rs =153. 9
API=38, Rs=l85.8
reproduces the intercept values obtained from Figure 1. The API=44. 2, Rs=237. 6
API=49, Rs =211. 9
independent variables selected are solution GOR at Pb, API API= 51, Rs=l64. 9
gravity, bubble point pressure and pressure above bubble point. .001
Several arrangement of the independent variables were tested 10 100 1000
43 29420.0 .002125
44 26968.3 .002060
45 24516.6 .002000
46 22065.0 .001940
47 19613.3 90.13 22.8 93 .00108 44130.0 .001555
48 39226.6 .001455
49 34323.3 .001345
50 31871.6 .001317
51 29420.0 .001260
52 24516.6 .001165
53 17652 92.36 22.9 93 .00141 34323.3 .001695
54 31871.6 .001640
55 29420.0 .001600
56 26968.3 .001560
57 24516.6 .001520
58 22065.0 .001480
59 19613.3 .001437
60 18632.6 .001423
61 4903.3 35.23 15 90 .004699 34323.3 .007139
62 29420.0 .006664
63 24516.6 .006243
64 19613.3 .005827
65 14710.0 .005435
66 9806.65 .005032
67 17240.1 125.22 29.7 91.1 .000693 34470.4 .000884
68 31028.2 .000836
69 27576.3 .000804
70 24134.2 .000766
71 20682.2 .000725
72 9806.65 74.3 22 82.8 .001697 34323.3 .002330
73 29420.0 .002189
74 24516.6 .002060
75 19613.3 .001935
76 14710.0 .001816
77 29302.3 204.7 41 91.1 .000317 34470.4 .000332
78 32754.2 .000327
79 31028.2 .000322
80 28017.6 237.55 44.2 91.1 .000311 37922.3 .000330
81 34470.4 .000323
82 31028.2 .000317
83 28282.4 .000312
84 17652 89.06 22 89.9 .001895 34323.3 .002310
85 31871.6 .002250
86 29420.0 .002220
87 26968.3 .002115
88 24516.6 .002085
89 22065.0 .001985
90 19613.3 .001940
91 18632.6 .001920
92 22555.3 153,97 34 104.4 .000548 S4323.3 .000627
93 32362.0 .000613
94 31871.6 .000608
95 30400.6 .000603
96 29420.0 .000593
97 28439.3 .000586
98 26968.3 .000575
99 26478.0 .000573
100 24516.6 .000560
101 22310.13 211.97 49 95 .000093 41364.5 .000119
102 36540.0 .000113
103 31646.1 .000107
104 28262.8 .000102
105 25644.4 .000099
106 23359.4 .000096
107 19613.3 219.27 51 97 .000114 34323.3 .000129
108 29420.0 .000124
109 24516.6 .000120
110 ', 22065.0 .000117
111 33538.7 185.78 38 112.8 .000234 49033.3 .000305
112 4~581.6 .000290
113 44130.0 .000275
114 41678.3 .000266
115 39226.6 .000257
116 36775.0 .000246
117 9022.1 40.97 42 54.4 .000900 34323.3 .001400
- 29
API gravity 15 51
Solution GOR, m3fm3 +'
(scf/stb) 10.7(60) 238(1334) ·-
TABLE 3. Summary of the statistical results (based -c
on the present data bank) (253 points) +'
+' !B
Absolute ~
!B 15 2B 25 . 3B
TABLE 4. Summary of the statistical results (based Observed Viscosity , cp
on data from Vazquez study) (137 points)
Absolute FIGURE 2. Observed vs estimated viscosity of undersaturated
Average Average Standard oils (this study).
Correlation Per cent Error Per cent Error Deviation
Beal 2.218' 2.354 2.251 measured data points covering wide ranges of flow conditions.
Vazquez -0.603 1.645 2.304 3. The new correlation is shown to be more accurate than the
This Study -0.026 1.497 2.087 BealC 1>and VazquezC2>correlations, when tested against the 253
data points used in this study and against 137 data points taken
the developed correlation compared with BealO> and from Vazquez study.
VazquezC2>, when tested against the present data base. Based
on the lowest values of the statistical results, the new correla- NOMENCLATURE
tion clearly outperforms the existing correlations. p,oa = viscosity of undersaturated oils, Pa.s
To verify its accuracy, the new correlation was tested against p,ob = viscosity of bubble po1nt oil, Pa.s
137 experimentally measured data points, taken from the P = pressure above bubble point, kPa
Vazquez study (Table C-6C2>). A summary of the statistical Pb = bubble point pressure, kPa
results of the new and the existing correlations is listed in Table Rs = solution GOR, m3Jm3
4. It is clear that our findings definitely outperform the other API = API gravity
1. BEAL, C., The Visco~ity of Air, Natural Gas, Crude Oil and Its
Conclusions Associated Gases at Oil Field Temperature and Pressure; Trans.
A/ME, pp. 94-112, 1946.
1. A new correlation for predicting viscosity of undersaturat- 2. VAZQUEZ, A.M.E., Correlations for Fluid Physical Property
ed oils is proposed as a function of pressure, bubble point Prediction; M.S. Thesis, Univ. of Tulsa, 1976.
pressure, bubble point viscosity, solution GOR at Pb and API 3: STANDING, M.B., Volumetric and Phase Behavior of Oil Field
gravity. Hydrocarbon Systems; Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME,
2. The developed correlation is based on 253 experimentally Dallas, p. 85, 1977.