Flow Assurance-12
Flow Assurance-12
Flow Assurance-12
Offshore of the
Oil and Gas2nd IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in
Proceedings of the
of the 2nd
2nd IFAC Workshop
IFAC Workshop onon Automatic
Automatic Control
Control in
May Oil2015.
27-29, and Gas Production
Florianópolis, BrazilAvailable online at www.sciencedirect.com
Offshore Oil and
Oil2015. Gas
and Gas Production
May 27-29, Florianópolis, Brazil
May 27-29,
May 27-29, 2015.
2015. Florianópolis,
Florianópolis, Brazil
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-6 (2015) 089–096
Review of
of Slug
Slug Detection,
Detection, Modeling
Modeling and
Control of Slug Detection,
Techniques for Modeling
Offshore Oil &and
Control Techniques
Control Techniques for
for Offshore
Offshore ⋆Oil
Oil &
& Gas
Production Processes
Production Processes ⋆
Production Processes
Simon Pedersen ∗∗ Petar Durdevic ∗∗ and Zhenyu Yang ∗∗
Simon Pedersen ∗∗ Petar Durdevic ∗∗ and Zhenyu Yang ∗
Simon Pedersen
Pedersen Petar Petar Durdevic
Durdevic and and Zhenyu
Zhenyu Yang Yang ∗
∗ Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Esbjerg
∗ Department
∗ Campus,
of Energy
Energy Technology,
Technology, Aalborg University,
Aalborg Denmark
University, Esbjerg
Department Nielsof Bohrs Vej
Energy 8, 6700 Esbjerg,
Technology, Aalborg University, (E-mail:
Campus, Niels
Niels Bohrs
Bohrs Vej
Vej 8,
8, 6700
6700 Esbjerg,
Esbjerg, Denmark
Denmark (E-mail:
Campus, spe@et.aau.dk,
Niels Bohrs pdl@et.aau.dk,
Vej 8, 6700 yang@et.aau.dk)
Esbjerg, Denmark (E-mail:
spe@et.aau.dk, pdl@et.aau.dk, yang@et.aau.dk)
spe@et.aau.dk, pdl@et.aau.dk,
pdl@et.aau.dk, yang@et.aau.dk)
Abstract: The current offshore oil & gas multi-phase production and transportation installa-
Abstract: The
The current
current offshore oil & gas multi-phase production and transportation installa-
have big
have big current offshore
related oil
& gasthe multi-phase
slugging flow:
slugging flow:
An unstable
An unstable
and transportation
and multi-phase
where have
tions have the big
big challenges
challenges related
pressures with
related and the slugging
withtemperatures flow:
the slugging oscillate An
flow: An in unstable
in the
unstable multi-phase
multi-phase flow
flow regime
processes. Slug
where the
the flow
flow by rates,
rates, pressures
pressures and temperatures
temperatures oscillate the
in the considered
consideredThe processes.
processes. Slug
where be the
flow different
rates, operating
pressures and conditions and installation
oscillate in considered most severe
processes. Slug
can be
be caused
caused by different operating conditions and installation structures. The most severe
can beare often by
caused by different
different in operating
long vertical
operating conditions
risers orand
conditions and installation
installation structures.
wells, where liquid
structures. The
The most
most severe
slugs are
are often
often induced
induced in
in long
long vertical
vertical risers
risers or
or production
production wells,
wells, where
where liquid
liquid blocks
blocks gas
slugsthe areriser/well
often inducedbase and correspondingly
in correspondingly
long vertical risers it causes the
or production pressure to accumulate
wells,towhere and
liquid blocks hence
at the
the riser/well
riser/well base
base and
and correspondingly it
it causes
causes the
the pressure
pressure to accumulate
accumulate and
and hence
originates the
at the riser/well oscillating
base and performance.
correspondingly There are
itare many
causes severe
the consequences
pressure to
to accumulate the production
and hence
originates the
originates because oscillating
the oscillating
oscillating performance.
performance. There
There are many
many severe
consequences to
to the production
the production
originates the of the performance.
slugging flow.There This arepaper manyreviews
severe observed to
consequences latest
the status and
processes because
because of
of the
the slugging flow. This paper reviews some observed latest status and
key challenges
processes because aboutof slugslugging
the detection,
slugging flow.
flow. This
This paper
paper reviews
reviews andsome
some observed
observed latest
of status
latest statusflows.and
key challenges
challenges about
about slug
slug detection,
detection, dynamical
dynamical modeling
modeling and
and elimination
elimination of
of slugging
slugging flows.
key challenges modeling
about slugof slug has
detection, been used
dynamical to investigate
modeling the
and slug mechanism
elimination of and
slugging anti-slug
Mathematical modeling
modeling of slug
slug has
ofmodels has been
been used
used to
to investigate
investigate the the slug
slug mechanism
mechanism and
and anti-slug
Mathematical Most of availableof
modeling slug has arebeen
basedusedonto mass-balance
investigate formulations,
the slug which and
mechanism oftenanti-slug
control. MostMost
Most of available
available models
models are based
are based
based on mass-balance
on mass-balance
mass-balanceSlug formulations,
formulations, which
which often
often require
control. dataof reliable models
parameter are tuning/identification.
on elimination
formulations, whichand often
control have
sufficient data
data for
for reliable
reliable parameter tuning/identification. Slug elimination and control have
data for for many parameter
reliable years and there
parameter tuning/identification.
exist many solutions
tuning/identification. Slug
Slug toelimination
eliminate the
elimination and
and control
slug, have
but some
control have
been investigated
investigated for
for many
many years
years and
and there
there exist
exist many
many solutions
solutions to
to eliminate
eliminate the
the slug,
slug, but
but some
of these
been methods
investigated can simultaneously
for simultaneously
many years andreduce reduce the
there exist oil &
many gas production,
solutions which
to eliminate is a
the very
of these
of these
these methods
methods can can
can simultaneously the
reduce parameter oil
the oil &
oil & gas
& gas
gas production,
production, which
which is is a
is aaWevery
very big concern
big concern
of the production
methods ratesimultaneously
is the key evaluationreduce the forproduction,
offshore production.
which very conclude
big that
as the
the production
production rate
rate is
is the
the key
key evaluation
evaluation parameter
parameter for offshore production. We conclude that
as slugging
the production flow is a well-defined
rate is the key phenomenon,
evaluation even for
parameter for offshore
subject hasWe
production. Webeen conclude
conclude that
the slugging
slugging flow
flow is
is a
a well-defined
well-defined phenomenon,
phenomenon, even
even though
though this
this subject
subject has
has been
been extensively
the slugging in
flow theis past
a decades,
well-defined the cost-effective
phenomenon, evenand optimal
though thisslug modeling
subject has and
been control
extensively are
investigated in
in the
the past
past decades,
decades, the
the cost-effective
cost-effective and optimal slug modeling and control are
still open
still open
in the
related the cost-effective and optimal slug modeling and control are
and optimal slug modeling and control are
still open
still open topics
topics withwith many
many related
related challenges.
© 2015, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Slugging flow, multi-phase, detection, modeling, anti-slug control, Offshore, oil &
Keywords: Slugging flow, flow, multi-phase, detection,detection, modeling, anti-slug anti-slug control, Offshore,Offshore, oil & &
Keywords: Slugging
gas Slugging flow, multi-phase,
multi-phase, detection, modeling, modeling, anti-slug control, control, Offshore, oil oil &
Slug is a common flow pattern in multiple-phase flow
Slug is a common flow pattern in multiple-phase flow
Slug is
is aasuch
commonas in flow the oil pattern
& gasin multiple-phase
upstream productionflow
system, such as in flow the oil pattern
& gasinupstream
system, such
The gas
such as
as in
in the oil
oil &
& gas
gas upstream
and oil) may
upstream production
not be
process. The gas and liquid (water and oil) may not be
evenly The
The gas
process.distributed gas and liquid
liquid (water
and and
and oil)
the production
(water may
may not
oil) wells, be
not be
evenly distributed throughout the production wells, trans-
evenly distributed
distributed and throughout
risers due tothe
throughout the production
specific wells,
production wells, trans-
port pipelines and risers due to specific configuration and
port pipelines
port and
and risers
pipelines suchdue
risers thatto specific
the liquidconfiguration
and gas traveland as
operating condition, suchdue thattothe specific
and gas traveland as
plugged condition,
aoperating train
condition, with such
such that
that the
the liquid
and gas
gas travel
travel as
a plugged train with a large plug of one phase medium
a plugged
pluggedby train
the with
otheraa phase
large plugmedium of
of oneplugphase medium
through the
followed bytrain
the with
other phase plug
medium one
plugphase medium
through the
followed by
As the
the other
by shown phase
in Figure
other phase1, medium
these large plug through
plugs the
are often
pipeline. As shown in Figure 1,medium
these large plug through
plugs the
are often
pipeline. As
As shown
in Figure
Figure 1,
1, these
et al.large
these plugs
large plugs are
are often
referred to as slugs (Schmidt et al. (1980); Taitel and
referred to
to as
(1976)).as slugs
This (Schmidt
slugs et
et al.
type of irregular al. (1980);
flows can Taitel
Dukler (1976)). This (Schmidt
type of irregular (1980);
flows can Taitel
Dukler (1976)).
poor oil
(1976)). andThis
This type
water of irregular
typeseparation, flows
of irregularreducedflows cancan result
result in
production in
very poor oil and water production
very poor
capability, oil
oil and
poor extra and water
waterloadsseparation, reduced
to installations
separation, reducedand production
capability, extra fatigue loads to installations and facilities,
capability, extra
devicefatigue loads
life-times, to
to installations
loads accelerating and
and facilities,
component cor-
shortening extradevicefatigue
life-times, installations
accelerating component facilities,
shorteningand device
even life-times,
emergent accelerating
shut-off of component
production cor-
rosion, and device life-times,shut-off
even emergent accelerating component
of production cor- Fig. 1. Typical flow patterns in a vertical pipeline (from
rosion, and
and even
al. (2004); even emergent
emergent shut-off
shut-off of
of production
Hassanein (Aamo
and Fairhurst
production (Aamo Fig. 1. Typical flow patterns in aa vertical pipeline (from
et al. (2004); Eikrem (2006); Hassanein and Fairhurst
et al.
et al. (2004);
Havre and
(2004); Eikrem
Eikrem (2006);
(2006); Di-Meglioand
Hassanein (2012a); Fig.
et al.Fairhurst
and Fairhurst
1. Typical
Fig. left
to right):
flow, a vertical
flow, churn
(1998); Havre and Dalsmo (2001); Di-Meglio et al. (2012a); left
left to
to right): Bubble
flow (Taitel
right): Bubble et flow, slug
al. (1980))
flow, slug flow,
flow, churn
churn flow,
flow, and
(1998); Havre
Havre and
and Dalsmo
Dalsmo (2001);
et al.
(2001); Di-Meglio
Di-Meglio et
et al.
al. (2012a);
(2012a);al. annual flow (Taitel et al. (1980))
Storkaas (2005); Taitel et al. (1990); Tengesdal et al. annual
annual flow
flow (Taitel
(Taitel et
et al.
al. (1980))
Storkaas (2005); Taitel et al. (1990); Tengesdal et al.
(2002)). (2005); Taitel et al. (1990); Tengesdal et al. geometric locations within the offshore upstream produc-
(2002)). to specific operating condition and system con- geometric locations within the offshore upstream produc-
Subject geometric locations within the
Subject to specific operating condition and system con- tion tion
As shown
As shown in the offshore
in Figure
within Figure offshore
2, a slugging
aa slugging
Subject to
to specific
the slugging
specific operating
flow can
operating condition
occur at
condition and
system con-
con- tion
appear process.
in the As shown
gas-lifting in Figure
production 2, slugging
wells due flow
to a could
figuration, the slugging flow can occur at many different appear tion process.
in the As shown inproduction
gas-lifting Figure 2, wells a slugging
due flow
to a could
⋆ figuration, the
the slugging
slugging flow
flow can
can occur
occur at
at many
many different
different appear
heading in the gas-lifting
mechanism production
(Eikrem (2006); wells
Hu due to
(2004)), a casing-
Supported by the Danish National Advanced
⋆ Supported by the Danish National Advanced Technology Founda- Technology Founda- appear
heading in the gas-lifting
mechanism production
(Eikrem (2006); wells
Hu due to
(2004)), aa casing-
⋆ heading mechanism
could occur(Eikrem (2006);
tion through by
⋆ Supported
tion through by
the Danish
DanishProject (J.nr.Advanced
(J.nr. 95-2012-3).
Technology Founda-
Technology Founda- slugging
slugging mechanism
could occur (Eikrem
in (2006); Hu
in transportation
transportation Hu (2004)),
pipelinesaa terrain
due to
due to
tion through PDPWAC Project (J.nr.
tion through PDPWAC Project (J.nr. 95-2012-3). 95-2012-3). slugging
slugging could occur in transportation pipelines due
could occur in transportation pipelines due to
2405-8963 © © 2015,
2015 IFAC 89 Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control)
Copyright © 2015 IFAC 89
Peer review©
Copyright ©under
2015 responsibility
2015 IFAC
IFAC of International Federation of Automatic
89 Control.
IFAC Oilfield 2015
May 27-29, 2015. Florianópolis, Brazil Simon Pedersen et al. / IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-6 (2015) 089–096
Fig. 2. A schematic illustration of a well-pipeline-riser Fig. 3. A illustration of different flow patterns in a flow
system in the upstream offshore oil & gas production map (Taitel (1986))
the seafloor elevations (Jansen (1990); Ogazi (2011)), and source consumption could be extremely high and time-
a severe slug could appear at the riser part due to the consuming.
significant gravity influence (Jahanshahi et al. (2013b); Di-
Meglio et al. (2012a)). Some slugging flow could be sim- 2.2 Bøe Criterion
ply induced due to some intermittent system/operational
performances, such as pigging, start-up, blow-down, or Slug flow can be estimated by using some simple criteria
changes of production references etc. (Sivertsen et al. than an empirical flow map subject to some specific
(2010)). constraints. Such as, Taitel and Dukler (1976) gave a
criterion for stratified flow in horizontal pipelines, and
This paper intends to give a brief review of the latest this criterion has been adopted in oil & gas industry in
status and key techniques about slug detection, dynam- combination with the studies from Schmidt et al. (1980),
ical modeling and slug elimination for offshore oil & gas which proved that the occurrence of stratified flow in a
production processes. The rest of the paper is organized horizontal pipeline is a pre-condition for severe slug. Later
as: Section 2 focuses on discussion of different slug de- on, an extension of this criterion is presented in Bøe (1981)
tection criteria; Section 3 introduces several typical slug for a pipeline-riser system, and it is now referred to as Bøe
dynamic models for the purpose of supporting anti-slug Criterion and it is [described as:
control design and analysis; Section 4 illustrates different ]
slug elimination methods which are classified into passive ULS ≥ US, (1)
and active approaches; Finally, we conclude the paper in ρL g(1 − ϵL )Lsin(α) G
Section 5 with the opinion that even though the slugging where ULS is the (pipeline) injected superficial velocity of
flow is a well defined concept and this subject has been S
liquid, UG is the (pipeline) injected superficial velocity of
extensively studied in several decades, the cost-effective gas, α is the inclination angle of the riser, ϵL is the ratio
and optimal slug modeling and control are still open topics between the liquid and the combined gas and liquid in the
with many related challenges. riser, and Pp is the pressure at the riser base (bottom of
the riser). The interpretation of this criterion is based on
2. SLUG DETECTION the observation (Schmidt et al. (1980)) that: The rate of
gas pressure accumulation at the riser base must be greater
The occurrence of slug can be determined according to than that at the pipeline section, in order to have a severe
relevant flow dynamic theory by checking the system con- slug to be formed in the riser. However, the Bøe Criterion
figuration, parameters and operating conditions (Hamathy is based on the assumptions of constant inlet flow rates,
(1960); Taitel and Dukler (1976)). a pressure balance over the riser as well as the gas mass
balance in the pipeline.
2.1 Flow Pattern Map As Bøe criterion assumes that if the liquid column is
stable, a constant steady state should exist. However, some
As the slug is defined as a steady-state flow pattern, some exceptions have been discovered in Taitel et al. (1990) with
flow pattern map as shown in Figure 3 can be exper- a fact that a tendency of a cyclic process still can exist even
imentally obtained for all possible operating conditions when the liquid column is stable. This work concluded that
(Taitel et al. (1980); Taitel (1986)). These flow patterns the Bøe criterion is good at differing from steady to cyclic
in Figure 3 correlate with superficial velocities of both flow with a few exceptions, especially with the cases of
liquid and gas phases. If there are more operational and high liquid flow rates, where a predicted severe slugging
manipulated variables/parameters, this type of flow map region with Bøe Criterion can actually be stable. Jansen
needs to be extended to cover all possible operating ranges. et al. (1996) further noticed that the Bøe Criterion is only
Correspondingly, the required experimental work and re- valid when no slug elimination methods are applied.
IFAC Oilfield 2015
May 27-29, 2015. Florianópolis, Brazil Simon Pedersen et al. / IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-6 (2015) 089–096 91
IFAC Oilfield 2015
May 27-29, 2015. Florianópolis, Brazil Simon Pedersen et al. / IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-6 (2015) 089–096
IFAC Oilfield 2015
May 27-29, 2015. Florianópolis, Brazil Simon Pedersen et al. / IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-6 (2015) 089–096 93
IFAC Oilfield 2015
May 27-29, 2015. Florianópolis, Brazil Simon Pedersen et al. / IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-6 (2015) 089–096
tuators, which installed in the process system, subject to MIMO or MISO control system problem. For the well case,
some sensor feedback signals. These signals can be from Pagano et al. (2008) developed a model-free PI-controller
pressure, temperature and/or flow transmitters, depend- where the injection valve of the gas-lifting is controlled to
ing on which specific system is studied. The selections of stabilize the gas flow injected into the production tube,
actuators and sensors can be guided by some fundamental meanwhile the topside choke valve is used to stabilize the
system property analysis, e.g., following the input-output topside pressure. Abardeh (2013) investigated anti-slug
controllability analysis (Jahanshahi et al. (2012); Skoges- control in S-shaped risers, where a robust control solution
tad and Postlethwaite (2005)). was proposed using the topside choke valve and artificial
gas-lifting. Jahanshahi et al. (2013b) used feedback lin-
Choke Valve Control Choking some controllable valve(s) earization to design a nonlinear model-based control for
in a considered process is the most investigated active a pipeline-riser system using both the riser-base pressure
slug elimination approach. The anti-slug control using the and the topside pressure. Nevertheless, the stability of the
(riser) topside choke valve has been studied for many concerned system needs to be guaranteed (Asheim (1988)).
years, and typical work can be found in Havre and Dalsmo
(2001); Di-Meglio et al. (2012a); Storkaas and Skogestad Slug Compression A slug compression system is reported
(2008); Jahanshahi et al. (2012). Ogazi (2011) also consid- in Kovalev (2003). This solution is a combination of
ered the control valve located at the separator gas outlet process change and active feedback control of choke valves.
as an alternative anti-slug control actuator. Eikrem et al. A topside mini-separator is installed to separate the liquid
(2004); Jahanshahi et al. (2013a); Scibilia et al. (2008) from the gas upstream the first stage separator. Between
focused on the estimation of the seabed/downhole pressure the two separators there are two choke valves: One for
from a topside pressure transmitter for the purpose of the gas pipeline and one for the liquid pipeline. This
regulating the topside choke valve. Ogazi et al. (2009) also way the liquid injection into the first stage separator is
investigated the possibility of using large valve openings controlled to stabilize the height of the liquid, while the gas
to maximize the oil production rate while also eliminating injection is used to compensate for the possible slugging.
the slug. Enricone Stasiak et al. (2012) also developed a This is an advantage as the gas pipe is much easier to
topside control design for minimized either the flow or control when no liquid is in. This slug suppression system
pressure oscillations while keeping the choke valve opening was implemented and experimentally verified that this
higher than the opening which characterizes the beginning solution can successfully eliminate all types of slug and
of the limit cycle. Pedersen et al. (2014a) developed a self- improve the production rate of both oil and gas as well.
learning controller which consists of a supervisor and two However, the investment for extra equipment as well as the
baseline PID controllers, in order to automatically find corresponding extra maintenance will lead to the increase
out the best (choke valve’s) operating position with the of costs for running production.
maximal production rate subject to no-slug. Sinègre and
Petit (2006) proved that the density-wave instability in 5. CONCLUSIONS
gas-lifted wells, which is different from the casing-heading
phenomenon (Sinègre et al. (2005)), can also be controlled This paper examines the historical and current status and
by manipulating the choke valve only based on the well some key techniques related with the slugging flow in
head pressure measurement. Most of practical anti-slug offshore oil & gas production processes, specially focusing
control structures are PID types, thereby how to effec- on the riser-induced slug occurring in production wells or
tively tune these controllers have been focused, such as pipeline-riser installations.
Godhavn et al. (2005) proposed three PI tuning methods For detection and modeling of the slug flow, if all oper-
for eliminating slug. Jahanshahi et al. (2014) developed a ating conditions and physical structure and parameters of
new IMC-PIDF controller as an extension to the tuning considered well-pipeline-riser systems are known or mea-
methods proposed by Godhavn et al. (2005). surable, the corresponding slug criteria or dynamic models
can provide precise slug detection and prediction. However
Gas-Lifting Control It has been proved that using ar- in many practical cases, these detail information is very
tificial gas-lifting is also an effective approach in elimina- limited.
tion severe slugs (Asheim (1988); Plucenio et al. (2012)),
through a huge amount of gas might be needed to generate Some key slug elimination approaches have been analyzed
an actual effect on the flow pattern. Hu (2004) mentioned and they are classified into passive and active slug con-
two methods to obtain stable flow in the production well, trol categories. The two most popular active slug control
i.e., using the gas-lifting approach and using the water- approaches are feedback control of a riser/well topside
flooding to increase reservoir pressure. Krima et al. (2012) choke valve and feedback control of artificial gas-lifting
developed several PI controller design strategies for the in a riser/well. Two main objectives of slug control are
gas-lifting focusing on mitigating hydrodynamic slug in (i) eliminating the (severe) slugging flow; meanwhile (ii)
OLGA simulations. It is concluded that a good control optimizing the production rates. Model-free (developed)
design for the topside control choke valve can reduce the controllers have proven to be effective as well as they are
required amount of injection gas, and thus a combined data driven and hence only depending on relevant mea-
MIMO control design for gas lifting and topside choke surements. However, besides requiring ad hoc parameter
valve can be a more optimal solution. tunings, the model-free developed solutions often face to
the time-delay challenge due to the fact that the slug has
MIMO Slug Control The two most available actuators to occur before any feedback controller can react, while the
are the topside choke valve and the external gas lift- model-based control solution can enjoy the big advantage
ing. They have the possibility of being combined in a of slug prediction.
IFAC Oilfield 2015
May 27-29, 2015. Florianópolis, Brazil Simon Pedersen et al. / IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-6 (2015) 089–096 95
Through different slugging mechanisms, modeling ap- IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas
proaches and anti-slug control have been extensively in- Production, 122–127.
vestigated over several decades by both academic and Godhavn, J.M., Fard, M.P., and Fuchs, P.H. (2005). New slug
control strategies, tuning rules and experimental results. Journal
industrial societies, these topics are still quite open with
of Process Control, 15, 547557.
many related challenges. Grimstad, B. and Foss, B. (2014). A nonlinear, adaptive observer
for gas-lift wells operating under slowly varying reservoir pressure.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 19th World Congress, The International Federation of Automatic
Control (IFAC’14), Cape Town, South Africa, 2824–2829.
The authors would like to thank the support from the Hamathy, T. (1960). Velocities of large drops and bubbles in media
Danish National Advanced Technology Foundation (via of infinite or restricted extent. AIChE Journal, 6, 281–288.
Hassanein, T. and Fairhurst, P. (1998). Challenges in the mechanical
PDPWAC Project (J.nr. 95-2012-3)). Thanks also go to
and hydraulic aspects of riser design for deep water developments.
our colleagues J.P. Stigkær, A. Aillos, K. G. Nielsen, IBC UK Conf. Ltd. Offshore Pipeline Technology Conference.
M. Haubjerg and P. Molinari from Maersk Oil A/S, our Havre, K. and Dalsmo, M. (2001). Active feedback control as the
colleagues P. Sørensen, A. Andreasen, B. Løhndorf, S. A. solution to severe slugging. SPE Annual Technical Conference &
Meybodi and J. M. Holm from Ramboll Oil & Gas A/S, Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana.
and H. Enevoldsen and M. Soltani from AAU, for many Helgesen, A.H. (2010). Anti-slug control of two-phase flow in risers
valuable discussions and technical supports. with: Controllability analysis using alternative measurements.
REFERENCES Hu, B. (2004). Characterizing gas-lift instabilities. Ph.D. thesis,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), De-
Aamo, O., Eikrem, G., Siahaan, H., and Foss, B. (2004). Observer partment of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics.
design for multiphase flow in vertical pipes with gas-lift - theory Jahanshahi, E., Oliveira, V.D., Grimholt, C., and Skogestad, S.
and experiments. Journal of Process Control. (2014). A comparison between internal model control, optimal
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