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Operating manual

SK TU2-IBS SK 300/750E

BU 0070 GB

GmbH & Co. KG

NORDAC InterBus Operating Manual

Safety and operating instructions

for the drive power inverter
(as per: Low voltage directive 73/23/EEC )

1. General information 4. Installation

During operation, drive power converters may have, depending on The installation and cooling of the equipment must be
their protection class, live, bare, moving or rotating parts or hot implemented as per the regulations in the corresponding
surfaces. documentation.
Unauthorised removal of covers, improper use, incorrect The drive power converters must be protected against
installation or operation leads to the risk of serious personal injury impermissible loads. In particular, no components must be bent
or material damage. and/or the insulation distances changed during transport and
handling. Touching of electronic components and contacts must be
Further information can be found in this documentation.
All transportation, installation and initialisation and maintenance
Drive power converters have electrostatically sensitive
work must be carried out by qualified personnel (compliant with
components that can be easily damaged by incorrect handling.
IEC 364, CENELEC HD 384, DIN VDE 0100, IEC 664 or DIN VDE
Electrical components must not be mechanically damaged or
0110, and national accident prevention regulations).
destroyed (this may cause a health hazard!).
For the purposes of these basic safety instructions, qualified
5. Electrical connection
personnel are persons who are familiar with the erection,
installation, commissioning and operation of this product and who When working on drive power converters which are connected to
have the relevant qualifications for their work. high voltages, the applicable national accident prevention
regulations must be complied with (e.g. VBG 4).
2. Intended use
The electrical installation must be implemented as per the
Drive power converters are components intended for installation in applicable regulations (e.g. cable cross-section, fuses, earth lead
electrical systems or machines. connections). Further instructions can be found in the
When being installed in machines, the drive power converter
cannot be commissioned (i.e. implementation of the proper use) Information about EMC-compliant installation – such as shielding,
until it has been ensured that the machine meets the provisions of earthing, location of filters and installation of cables – can be found
the EC directive 89/392/EEC (machine directive); EN 60204 must in the drive power converter documentation. These instructions
also be complied with. must also always be observed for drive converters with CE
approval. Compliance with the limit values specified in the EMC
Commissioning (i.e. implementation of the proper use) is only
regulations is the responsibility of the manufacturer of the system
permitted when the EMC directive (89/336/EEC) is complied with.
or machine.
The drive power converters meet the requirements of the low
6. Operation
voltage directive 73/23/EEC. The harmonised standards in prEN
50178/DIN VDE 0160, together with EN 60439-1/VDE 0660 Part Systems where drive power converters are installed must be
500 and EN 60146/VDE 0558 were applied for the drive power equipped, where necessary, with additional monitoring and
converter. protective equipment as per the applicable safety requirements,
e.g. legislation concerning technical equipment, accident
Technical data and information for connection conditions can be
prevention regulations, etc. Modifications to the drive power
found on the rating plate and in the documentation, and must be
converter using the operating software are permitted.
complied with.
After the drive power converter is disconnected from the power
3. Transport, storage
supply, live equipment components and power connections should
Information regarding transport, storage and correct handling must not be touched immediately because of possibly charged
be complied with. capacitors. Comply with the applicable information signs located
on the drive power converter.
Climatic conditions in line with prEN 50178 must be complied with.
All covers must be kept closed during operation.
7. Maintenance and repairs
The manufacturer documentation must be complied with.
These safety instructions must be kept in a safe place!

Note: This supplementary operating manual is only valid in conjunction with the operating manual
BU 0700/0750 DE / BU 0500 DE / BU 0300 DE supplied for the NORDAC SK 700, SK 750E, SK
5xxE and SK 300E frequency inverters.

2 Subject to technical alterations BU 0070 GB

Table of contents

1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Instruction notes .................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 General information............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Further Information.............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.4 The bus system ................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 InterBus in NORDAC frequency inverters........................................................................................................... 5
2 OPTION MODULES FOR SK 300E, SK 5XXE, SK 700E AND SK 750E..................................................................... 6
2.1 Bus modules for the SK 700E and SK 5xxE ....................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 InterBus module for the SK 700E and SK 5xxE ......................................................................................................... 7
2.1.2 Installation of technology units in the SK 700E .......................................................................................................... 8
2.1.3 Installing the FE (PE) connection ............................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 InterBus module for the SK 300E and SK 750E ................................................................................................. 9
2.2.1 M12 connector assignment ...................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.2 Installation of technology units in the SK 300E and SK 750E .................................................................................. 11
2.2.3 Installing the FE (PE) connection ............................................................................................................................. 11
3 BUS CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.1 Laying the bus cables ....................................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Cable material ................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Cable layout and shielding (EMC measures).................................................................................................... 12
4 THE INTERBUS PROTOCOL ....................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Drive profile ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Data length ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
4.2.1 PPO type 1 ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.2.2 PPO type 2 ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.3 Transmission times ........................................................................................................................................... 14
5 FREQUENCY INVERTERS – SETTINGS AND DISPLAYS ........................................................................................ 15
5.1 Frequency inverter bus parameters .................................................................................................................. 15
5.2 Module status .................................................................................................................................................... 20
5.3 LED display ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
6 DATA TRANSMISSION ................................................................................................................................................. 23
6.1 Process data (PZD)........................................................................................................................................... 23
6.1.1 The control word (STW) ........................................................................................................................................... 23
6.1.2 The status word (ZSW) ............................................................................................................................................ 24
6.1.3 The setpoint 1 (SW1) ............................................................................................................................................... 25
6.1.4 Second and third setpoint (SW2/3) .......................................................................................................................... 26
6.1.5 The actual value 1 (IW1) .......................................................................................................................................... 26
6.1.6 Actual value 2 and actual value 3 (IW2/3) ................................................................................................................ 27
6.2 The status machine ........................................................................................................................................... 27
6.3 Parameter orders with Compact PCP ............................................................................................................... 29
6.3.1 Frequency inverter parameters (2000 hex -23E7 hex) ................................................................................................. 29
6.3.2 Drive profile as per DRIVECOM21 ........................................................................................................................... 29
6.4 Drive profile DRIVECOM 21 ............................................................................................................................. 30
6.4.1 Speed functions overview ........................................................................................................................................ 30
6.4.2 Object description .................................................................................................................................................... 31
7 EXAMPLE TELEGRAMS............................................................................................................................................... 32
7.1 Switch-on block → Standby .............................................................................................................................. 32
7.2 Enable with 50% setpoint .................................................................................................................................. 33
7.3 Writing a parameter........................................................................................................................................... 34
8 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................................... 35
8.1 Repairs .............................................................................................................................................................. 35
9 TECHNICAL DATA ........................................................................................................................................................ 36

10 KEYWORD INDEX ....................................................................................................................................................... 37

11 SALES AGENCIES AND BRANCH OFFICES........................................................................................................... 38

BU 0070 GB 3
NORDAC InterBus Operating Manual

1 Introduction

1.1 Instruction notes

The symbol "Attention" refers to actions that could lead to damage to hardware or software or damage to

Conditions are listed here that you must comply with for correct operation. The symbol "Hand" refers to
tips and advice for efficient use of the device and for reducing additional work.

The symbol "Text" refers to further information sources (manuals, data sheets, etc.). This symbol also
helps you with better orientation in these instructions.

1.2 General information

This InterBus documentation is valid for the device series NORDAC trio SK 300E, SK 5xxE and SK

The respective SK 300E, SK 5xxE and SK 700/750E basic devices are delivered with a dummy cover for the
technology box slot. The basic models do not have any components for parameterisation and control. To be able to
establish communication via the InterBus, an InterBus technology module must be used.
The InterBus interface conforms to the standards DIN 19258 and DIN 19245 Part 2.

1.3 Further Information

These instructions only describe the NORDAC IBS technology module. Further information can be found in the
manuals of Phönix Contact or, with reference to the drive profile, in the DRIVECOM user group.
All the frequency inverter parameters are described in the manuals BU 0300, BU 0500, BU 0700 and BU 0750.

¾ BU 0300, BU 0500, BU 0700, BU 0750 manual

¾ DRIVECOM-Profile No. 21 / 22
¾ IBS PCP compact user manual (Phoenix Contact 10/2002)

Some manuals, instructions, etc. can be located on the Internet:


1.4 The bus system

The INTERBUS {xe "INTERBUS field bus system"} open field bus system provides standardised connection of all
process peripherals with all common controllers.
The InterBus is a very efficient bus system which works according to the special master-slave access method, also
referred to as the summation frame protocol. This total frame enables a constant bus cycle.
From a topological viewpoint, InterBus is a ring system, where send and return circuits are sent via every
subscriber. This ensures full duplex operation.
The NORDAC SK 700E and SK 300E can be connected to other sensors/actuators via a serial bus cable. InterBus
differentiates generally between remote bus subscribers (this module) and local bus subscribers that derive as sub-
ring systems from the remote bus.

In general, two different data transmission channels are used, the process data channel and the parameter data
channel, and both are supported by this access module.
In each data transmission cycle, a data volume of 3 to 5 words of 16 bit each are transmitted.

4 Subject to technical alterations BU 0070 GB

1 Introduction

1.5 InterBus in NORDAC frequency inverters

• Galvanically isolated outgoing bus interface
• Master-Slave access process; constant bus cycle through total frame protocol
• Bus length: 400m (between two remote bus subscribers), total length 13km
• Transfer rate of 500kBit/s (optionally 2Mbit/s)
• Settable DRIVECOM 21 profile
• Processing of parameter data via PCP
• External 24V supply for continuous bus operation without interruptions
• 9-pin Sub-D connector for remote bus connection
• Max. 256 subscribers (max. 85 NORDAC 700E)
• Status display with 5 InterBus status LEDs, plus a two-colour operation LED
• Comprehensive system diagnostics and fast fault localisation
• Automatic subscriber addressing

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NORDAC InterBus Operating Manual

2 Option modules for SK 300E, SK 5xxE, SK 700E and SK 750E

2.1 Bus modules for the SK 700E and SK 5xxE

Technology units, customer units and special extension units

Through the combination of modules for the display, technology units and modules with digital and analog inputs,
as well as interfaces, customer units or special extension units, the NORDAC SK 700E can be easily adapted
to the requirements of various applications.

Technology Units (TU) are modules that can be inserted from above
for display, parameterisation and control of the inverter.

Customer Units (CU) are modules inserted inside the inverter in the
upper recess. They are used for control and communication using
digital/analog signals or bus interfaces.

Extension Units (XU) are inserted into the slot at the base of the
inverter. Such an extension unit is required if the speed is to be
controlled or positioned by an incremental (absolute) encoder.

Modules should not be inserted or removed unless the device is free of voltage. The slots
may only be used for the applicable modules. The slots are coded to prevent them being
mixed up.

6 Subject to technical alterations BU 0070 GB

2 Modules

2.1.1 InterBus module for the SK 700E and SK 5xxE

(SK TU1-IBS, Mat. No. 278200065 Æ SK 700E)
(SK TU3-IBS, Mat. No. 275900065 Æ SK 5xxE)

The InterBus communication module SK TU1-IBS is used for connecting drives from the device series SK 700E
and SK TU3-IBS from the device series SK 5xxE to higher-level automation systems via InterBus.

IBS-IN IBS-OUT Shielding terminal:

Data width:
Connection to PE of the frequency
Variable (3 words; 5 words) inverter to suppress interference in
the Bus lines
Baud rate:
500kBit/s (optionally 2Mbit/s)
Shielding terminal
Termination resistor:
Not required; External 24V supply
already integrated in device

Addressing: PPO type mode

Implemented automatically via physical
arrangement of subscribers in the bus

Power supply
24V +/-10%
External 24V supply for
bus operation without interruptions.

PPO type mode

The PPO type to be used can be set or the drive profile, as per DRIVECOM 21, can be switched on/off with the
rotary coding switch "PPO type mode". The mode setting is always read in during the initialisation of the whole
bus. If the switch is set to PGM (programming mode), the parameter values from P507 "PPO type" and P551 "Drive
profile" are read in.

Position 1 Æ 3 words (PPO type 1)

Position 2 Æ 3 words with profile (PPO type 1 with profile)
Position 3 Æ 5 words (PPO type 2)
Position 4 Æ Reserve
Position PGM Æ programming mode (settings as per inverter parameterisation)

The settings made using the rotary coding switch are not transferred to the frequency inverter

Note: If the mode switch is permanently set (Position 1 – 3), the software/parameter settings are ineffective!

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NORDAC InterBus Operating Manual

SUB-D connector assignment Incoming remote bus: Forwarding remote bus:


1 5 1 5
6 9 6 9


InterBus status LEDs (see Chap. 5.3):

UL (green): Supply voltage applied
RC (green): RemoteCheck: Remote bus to previous InterBus device OK
BA (green): Bus Active: InterBus data is being exchanged (Bus running)
RD (yellow): Remotebus Disabled: Remote bus to next InterBus device disabled
TR (green): Transmit: Data is being transferred from/to subscribers

Module status 2-colour LED (see Chap. 5.3):

ST (red): Module error

ST (green): Module status

2.1.2 Installation of technology units in the SK 700E

The technology units must be installed as follows:
1. Switch off the mains voltage, observe the waiting period.
2. Remove the dummy cover by actuating the unlocking device on the top and bottom edge.
3. Allow the technology unit to engage audibly by pressing lightly on the installation surface.

Installation of a technology box
separate to the frequency inverter is
not possible. It must be connected
directly to the inverter.


2.1.3 Installing the FE (PE) connection

A flat plug is provided on the outgoing IBS interface for connection to the FE (function earth) or PE. The
accompanying green-yellow cable must be mounted here and fastened to the housing of the frequency inverter.

8 Subject to technical alterations BU 0070 GB

2 Modules

2.2 InterBus module for the SK 300E and SK 750E

(SK TU2-IBS, P. No. 075130080 Æ SK 300E / SK 750E)

The InterBus communication module SK TU2-IBS, is for connecting drives from the trio SK 300E and 750E device
series to higher level automation systems via InterBus.

Bus- In (male) Bus- Out (female)

InterBus- input InterBus- output

24V Ext. (male)

External supply
voltage 24V

The status of the InterBus technology unit is shown

Data width: by 5(6) LEDs:
Variable (3 words; 5 words)
• UL (green): Supply voltage applied
Baud rate: • RC (green): RemoteCheck
500kBit/s (optionally 2Mbit/s)
• BA(green): Bus Active
• RD(yellow): Remotebus Disabled
Termination resistor:
Not required; already integrated in device • TR(green): Transmit
2-colour LED
Addressing: • ST (green): Module status
Implemented automatically via physical • ST (red): Module error
arrangement of subscribers in the bus
Æ See Chap. 5.3 "LED display"
24V +/-10%
External 24V supply for continuous bus operation without interruptions

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NORDAC InterBus Operating Manual

2.2.1 M12 connector assignment

Connector assignment for M12 connector and sockets for Bus In and Bus Out :

IBS signal M12 assignment

DO 1

DO 2
DI 3

DI 4

2 1 1 2

4 3
3 4

5 5
Pin (for components) Socket (for components)

Connector assignment for M8 connector for ext. 24V:

IBS signal M8 assignment

+24V 1


PE 4

Connector (for components)

10 Subject to technical alterations BU 0070 GB

2 Modules

2.2.2 Installation of technology units in the SK 300E and SK 750E

The 6 cover plate screws must be removed to install the technology box. Note the earthing cable, which can be
plugged into the plate. Ensure this cable is connected when installing the technology box to guarantee complete
earthing. Maximum protection class IP66 is only guaranteed if the seal is used and the 6 screws are secured
correctly to create a tight seal.

Installation of a technology box separate to the frequency inverter is not possible. It must be installed or connected
directly on the inverter.

Installation must be carried out by qualified personnel only, paying particular attention to safety
and warning instructions.
Only install technology units when the device is voltage-free.
Installation of a technology box separate to the frequency inverter is not possible. It must be
connected directly to the frequency inverter.

The technology units must be installed as follows:

1. Switch off the mains voltage, observe the waiting period.
2. Remove the dummy cover by unscrewing the 6 hexagon socket screws.
3. Make sure that the plug-in connections are firmly in place and that the lid is sealed.
4. Insert the technology box and screw in place.

Earthing line
Make sure the earthing line is plugged into the plate of the standard device and each technology unit. This line
must be connected when installing the technology unit to ensure it is fully earthed.

Earthing of the cover plate

Fastening screws for

the technology unit

2.2.3 Installing the FE (PE) connection

A flat plug is provided on the bottom of the technology box for connection to the FE (function earth) or PE. A
connection cable with appropriate components is already included in the frequency inverter and is connected to the
dummy cover in the standard design. This must be used to create the PE connection to the technology unit.

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NORDAC InterBus Operating Manual

3 Bus configuration
An InterBus network consists of a maximum of 256 subscribers and is based on a ring topology. The number of
subscribers is dependent on the number of IO's. With a useful data length of 3 words, it is possible to connect 85
devices with the NORDAC 700E.

3.1 Laying the bus cables

In an industrial environment the correct installation of the Bus system is particularly important in order to reduce
potential interference. The following points are designed to help prevent interference and problems right from the
start. The installation guidelines are not complete as applicable safety and accident prevention guidelines must
also be complied with.

3.2 Cable material

The guaranteed transfer speeds or transfer distances can only be achieved without errors if the specific cable
parameters are complied with.

Max. line Resistance Cable cross-section Baud rate

60nF/km 250mΩ/m 3*2*0.2 mm2 500k

See also http://www.interbusclub.com/de/doku/pdf/kabel-d.pdf

Certified InterBus data cables are recommended.

Designation (example):
INTERBUS Certified! No. xxx

3.3 Cable layout and shielding (EMC measures)

If EMC measures are not in place, high-frequency interference which is principally brought about by switch
procedures or lightning often causes electronic components in the bus subscribers to be faulty and error-free
operation can no longer be ensured.

Appropriate shielding of the bus cable reduces electrical interference which can arise in an industrial environment.
You can achieve the best shielding qualities with the following measures

• Connect the bus subscribers with the shortest amount of cable possible.
• The shielding on the bus line must be applied completely on both sides.
• Avoid using tap lines to connect field devices to the bus.
• Avoid extending the bus lines using plug connectors.

Bus lines should be laid with a minimum spacing of 20 cm to other lines which carry a voltage higher than 60V.
This applies to lines laid inside and outside of control cabinets.

If earthing potential values are different, transient current may flow through shielding which is connected on
both sides. This may be a danger to electronic components. Differences in potential must be reduced using
sufficient potential equalisation.

12 Subject to technical alterations BU 0070 GB

4 The InterBus protocol

4 The InterBus protocol

InterBus works with a summation frame protocol. Each subscriber has a fixed data length.

Note: If the mode switch is permanently set (Position 1 – 3), the software/parameter settings are ineffective!

4.1 Drive profile

If the drive is to be operated as per DRIVECOM 21 profile, the frequency inverter can be configured via Parameter
551. This also changes the ID of the subscriber.
Drive profile On (P551 = 1) ID[7..0]= E3h Æ DRIVECOM with 1 PCP word, RemoteBus
Drive profile Off (P551 = 0) ID[7..0]= F3h Æ Module with 1 PCP word, RemoteBus

To render the profile change effective, the module must be reinstalled (e.g. switch the mains voltage off
and then on again). The entire bus must also be restarted. The profile is only effective with 3 word data
lengths (PPO type 1).

4.2 Data length

The default setting is 5 words when the inverter is switched off.
Attention: After the frequency inverter is switched on, the profile and PPO type settings are read in and
the InterBus reinitialised (P507 and P551).

The data length can be set between 3 and 5 words for the IBS module and is set via the PPO types (P507: see
Chap. 5.1). The PPO types 3 and 4 are reserved.

To render the data length change effective, the InterBus must be reinstalled (e.g. switch the mains voltage
off and then on again). The entire bus must also be restarted.

4.2.1 PPO type 1

3 words data width
Drive profile On (P551 = 1) ID[7..0]= E3h Æ DRIVECOM with 1 PCP word, RemoteBus
Drive profile Off (P551 = 0) ID[7..0]= F3h Æ Module with 1 PCP word, RemoteBus

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5
Speed setpoint
out PCP Control word (rpm)

Speed actual
in PCP Status word value (rpm)

4.2.2 PPO type 2

5 words data width
ID[7..0]= F3h Æ Module with 1 PCP word, RemoteBus
Note: The parameter "Drive profile" has no effect.

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

out PCP Control word Setpoint 1 Setpoint 3 Setpoint 2

in PCP Status word Act. value 1 Act. value 3 Act. value 2

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NORDAC InterBus Operating Manual

4.3 Transmission times

The cycle time is dependent on the number of words to be transmitted. It increases linearly with increasing word
quantity. The cycle time in dependence on the total word length is shown in the diagram for a transmission rate of
500kBit/s. The number of inverters shown is based on a 3 word data length.

t /[ms]


Words in
total frame

1 128 256
(equiv. to 42 FI) (equiv. to 85 FI)

14 Subject to technical alterations BU 0070 GB

5 Settings and displays

5 Frequency inverters – settings and displays

5.1 Frequency inverter bus parameters

To operate the inverter with the InterBus protocol, the bus must be connected to the master and some settings
have to be made on the frequency inverter.

With InterBus protocol, the inverter parameters are mapped in the range 2000hex to 23E7hex (= 8192dec to
9191dec), i.e. when parameterisation is carried out via the bus, the parameter numbers must be added to the
value 2000hex (e.g. P508 → obj 21FChex).

The frequency inverter can always be parameterised. Control of the inverter via InterBus can be activated by
setting parameter P509 to value 12, 13 or 14. (see below)

Parameter Setting value / Description / Note Available in Option

P507 PPO type Always visible
1 ... 4 Only with Profibus or InterBus option
[1] 1 = PPO type 1: InterBus with data length of 3 words (see Chap. 4.2.1)
2 = PPO type 2: InterBus with data length of 5 words (see Chap. 4.2.2)
3, 4 = PPO type 3, 4: reserved

P509 Interface Always visible

0 ... 21 Selection of the interface from which the inverter is controlled.
[0] 0 = Control terminals or keypad control with the Control Box (optional), the ParameterBox
(optional) or the potentiometer option.
valid for 1 = Control terminals only. The inverter can only be controlled via the digital inputs and the analog
SK 300/700/750E input.
12= InterBus setpoint. The frequency setpoint is transferred via InterBus. Control via the digital inputs
is still active.
13= InterBus control word. The control signals (enable, rotational direction ...) are transferred via
InterBus, the setpoint via the analog input or the fixed frequencies.
14= InterBus. All control data and setpoints are transferred via InterBus. The analog input and the
digital inputs have no function (except safety functions, see below)

P510 Auxiliary setpoint interface Always visible

0 ... 7 Selection of the interface from which the inverter is controlled.
[0] 0 = Auto: The auxiliary setpoint value is automatically 3 = Profibus
taken from the interface of the master setpoint value 4 = InterBus
valid for P509 >interface<
SK 300/700/750E 5= CANopen
1 = USS
6= DeviceNet
2 = CANbus
7= Reserved

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NORDAC InterBus Operating Manual

Parameter Setting value / Description / Note Available in Option

P509 Source control word

0 ... 9 Selection of the interface via which the FI is controlled.
[0] 0 = Control terminals or keyboard control ** with the Control Box (when P510=0), the
Parameter Box (not ext. p-box) or via Bus I/O Bits.
valid for SK 5xxE
1 = Only control terminals *, the FI can only be controlled via the digital and analog inputs or
via the Bus I/O Bits.
2 = USS control word *, the control signals (enable, rotation direction, etc.) are transferred via
the RS485 interface, the setpoint via the analog input or the fixed frequencies.
3 = CAN control word *
4 = Profibus control word *
5 = InterBus control word *
6 = CANopen control word *
7 = DeviceNet control word *
8 = reserved
9 = CAN Broadcast *
*) Keyboard control (ControlBox, ParameterBox) is blocked, parameterisation is still possible.
**) If the communication during keyboard control is interrupted (time out 0.5 sec), the FI will block
without an error message.

P510 ... - 01
Setpoint source
... - 02

0 ... 8 Selection of the setpoint source to be parameterised.

[0] [01] = Master setpoint value source [02] = Master setpoint value source
valid for SK 5xxE

Selection of the interface via which the FI receives the setpoint.

0 = Auto: The source of the auxiliary setpoint is 4 = Profibus
automatically derived from the setting in the
parameter P509 >Interface< 5 = InterBus

1 = Control terminals, digital and analog inputs 6 = CANopen

control the frequency, including fixed frequencies
7 = DeviceNet
2 = USS
3 = CAN 8 = reserved

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5 Settings and displays

Parameter Setting value / Description / Note Available in Option

P513 Telegram down time Always visible
0.0 / 0.1 ... 100.0 s Monitoring function of the active bus interface. Following receipt of a valid telegram, the next one must
arrive within the set period. Otherwise the inverter reports an error and switches off with the error
[ 0.0 ] message E010 >Bus Time Out<.
Monitoring is switched off at a setting value of 0.0.

P543 (P) Actual bus value 1 Always visible

0 ... 21 The return value 1 (IW1) can be set for bus control in this parameter.
[1] 0= Off 10 = Actual position increment1 (with PosiCon, SK
1= Actual frequency 700E only)
2= Actual speed 11 = Actual position increment1 (with PosiCon, SK
3= Current 700/750E only)
4= Torque current 12 = Bus IO Out Bits 0...7
5= Status of digital inputs and relay 13 = ... 16 (reserved)
6= Actual position (with PosiCon, SK 700E only) 17 = Value analog input 1 (P400)
7= Setpoint position (with PosiCon, SK 700E only) 18 = Value analog input 2 (P405)
8= Setpoint frequency 19 = Setpoint frequency master value (P507)
9= Error number 20 = Setpoint frequency after master value ramp
21 = Setpoint frequency without master value slip
P544 (P) Actual bus value 2 Always visible
0 ... 21 The return value 2 (IW2) can be set for bus control in this parameter.
[0] This parameter is identical to P543.
Condition is PPO 2 or PPO 4 type (P507).
P545 (P) Actual bus value 3 Always visible
0 ... 21 The return value 3 (IW3) can be set for bus control in this parameter. This is only available if P546 is ≠
3 (not with SK 5xxE).
This parameter is identical to P543.
Condition is PPO 2 or PPO 4 type (P507).
P546 (P) Bus setpoint 1 Always visible
0 ... 6 In this parameter, a function is assigned to the delivered setpoint 1 (SW1) for bus control.
[1] 0= Off
1= Setpoint frequency (16 Bit)
valid for
2= 16-bit setpoint position (with PosiCon option only)
SK 300/700/750E
3= 32-bit setpoint position (only available with PosiCon option and when PPO type 2 or 4 is selected)
4= PosiCon control terminals (only available with PosiCon option, 16-bit)
5= Setpoint position (16 Bit) increment1 (with PosiCon, SK 700E only)
6= Setpoint position (32 Bit) increment1 (with PosiCon, SK 700E only)

The setpoint/actual position corresponding to an 8192 increment encoder.

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NORDAC InterBus Operating Manual

Parameter Setting value / Description / Note Available in Option

P546 Function bus - Setpoint 1 Always visible
0 ... 24 In this parameter, a function is allocated to the output setpoint 1 during bus actuation.
[1] NOTE: Further details can be found in the respective BUS operating instructions or in the
description of P400.
valid for SK
5xxE 0 = Off 12 = Reserved
1 = Setpoint frequency (16 Bit) 13 = Multiplication
2 = Torque current limit (P112) 14 = PI process controller actual value
3 = Actual frequency PID 15 = PI process controller setpoint
4 = Frequency addition 16 = PI process controller lead
5 = Frequency subtraction 17 = Digital In Bits 0...7
6 = Current limit (P536) 18 = Reserved
7 = Maximum frequency (P105) 19 = Status output (P434/441/450/455=38)
8 = Actual PID frequency limited 20 = Value analog output (P418=31)
9 = Actual PID frequency monitored 21 = … 24 reserved
10 = Torque servo mode (P300)
11 = Torque lead (P214)
P547 (P) Bus setpoint 2 Always visible
0 ... 20 In this parameter, a function is assigned to the delivered setpoint 2 (SW2) for bus control.
valid for 0 = Off 12 = Control terminals PosiCon (only with
SK 300/700/750E PosiCon option)
1 = Setpoint frequency (16 Bit)
13 = Multiplication
2 = Torque current limit (P112)
14 = PI process controller actual value
3 = Actual frequency PID
15 = PI process controller setpoint
4 = Frequency addition
16 = PI process controller lead
5 = Frequency subtraction
17 = Digital In Bits 0...7
6 = Current limit (P536)
18 = Curve travel calculator
7 = Maximum frequency (P105)
19 = Status output (P434/441/450/455=38)
8 = Actual PID frequency limited
20 = Value analog output (P418=31)
9 = Actual PID frequency monitored
21 = … 24 reserved
10 = Torque servo mode (P300)
11 = Torque lead (P214)

18 Subject to technical alterations BU 0070 GB

5 Settings and displays

Parameter Setting value / Description / Note Available in Option

P547 Function bus - Setpoint 2 Always visible

0 ... 24
This parameter is identical to P546.
valid for SK
P548 (P) Bus setpoint 3 Always visible
0 ... 20 In this parameter, a function is assigned to the delivered setpoint 3 (SW3) for bus control. Only
available if P546 is ≠ 3.
valid for This parameter is identical to P547.
SK 300/700/750E
P548 Function bus - Setpoint 3 Always visible

0 ... 24
This parameter is identical to P546.
valid for SK
P551 Drive profile Always visible
On / Off The InterBus Drivecom profile is activated with this parameter.
[ 0 = Off ] 0: Switch off profile
1: Switch on profile as per DRIVECOM 21

Information parameters:

P745 Module version Always visible

0 ... 32767 Software version of the installed module Array level: [01] Technology unit
(InterBus technology unit Index 01) [02] Customer unit
[03] Special extension unit

P746 Module status Always visible

0000 ... FFFF hex Status of installed modules (see 5.2)
Array level: [01] Technology unit
(InterBus technology unit Index 01) [02] Customer unit
[03] Special extension unit


When activated, the functions block voltage, quick stop, remote control and error
acknowledgement are available at the control terminals (local). To operate the drive, a high
signal must be present on the digital inputs being used before the drive can be enabled.

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NORDAC InterBus Operating Manual

5.2 Module status

In parameter P746, the status of the InterBus module can be read.
Parameter P746 is a subindex parameter: Subindex 0 contains the status of the InterBus technology unit.
The parameter contains binary coded information which is displayed in hexadecimals:

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Module - ID
Module ready
Module in status “operational”
Initialisation active
Reserved (0)
Module error
Time-out error
Initialisation error (0)
Reserved (0)

20 Subject to technical alterations BU 0070 GB

5 Settings and displays

5.3 LED display

The status of the InterBus technology unit is shown by 5(6) LED's :
• UL (green): Supply voltage applied
• RC (green): RemoteCheck
• BA (green): Bus Active
• RD (yellow): Remotebus Disabled
• TR (green): Transmit

2-colour LED
• ST (green): Module status
• ST (red): Module error

UL (green): InterBus power supply

Display Meaning

Off No power supply

On InterBus power supply OK

RC (green): InterBus RemoteCheck

Display Meaning

Off Remote bus to previous subscriber interrupted

- check corresponding cable connection
On Remote bus to previous InterBus device OK

BA (green): Bus Active

Display Meaning

Off InterBus in stop state

On InterBus data is being exchanged

RD (yellow): RemoteBus Disabled

Display Meaning

Off Remote bus to next InterBus device OK

On Remote bus to next InterBus device disabled
- check corresponding cable connection

TR (green): Transmit

Display Meaning

Off No communication at the moment

On Communication telegrams are being transmitted to the access module

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NORDAC InterBus Operating Manual

ST (red/green): Module status / Module error

ST (green) module status:

Display Meaning

Off (red/green) No voltage supply

Flashing (alternating with red) Initialisation (init. phase)
On Module OK
ST (red):

Display Meaning

On System error
Rapid flashing (0.2s) Initialisation phase
Slow flashing (0.5s) Time-out error
Isolated flashing Inverter error (see frequency inverter instructions)
On System error, e.g. plug contact not correct

22 Subject to technical alterations BU 0070 GB

6 Data transmission

6 Data transmission

6.1 Process data (PZD)

The inverter with InterBus technology unit is a slave on the InterBus. The process date are setpoint and actual data
that need to be transmitted rapidly, e.g. motor speed.
In the process data area (PZD), control words and setpoints are transferred from the master to the slave and in
return, status words and actual values are sent from the slave to the master.

6.1.1 The control word (STW)

The control word (STW) is the first word transferred to the frequency inverter in the process data area in an order

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Significance of the individual bits

Bit Value Significance Comments

0 0 OFF 1 Return with the brake ramp, at f=0Hz voltage activation
1 ON Ready for operation
1 0 OFF 2 Block voltage; the inverter output voltage is switched off, the FI goes
into switch-on block status.
1 Operating condition OFF 2 is cancelled
2 0 OFF 3 Emergency stop with programmed emergency stop time; at f = 0Hz
voltage enable; the FI goes into switch-on block status
1 Operating condition OFF 3 is cancelled
3 0 Block operation Block voltage; the inverter output voltage is switched off, the FI goes
into standby status.
1 Enable operation Output voltage enabled, run-up to present setpoint.
4 0 Block run-up encoder Run-up encoder is set to zero; at f = 0Hz no voltage enable; FI
remains in operation enabled status.
1 Operating condition Run-up encoder is enabled
5 0 Stop run-up encoder Freezing of actual setpoint from run-up encoder (hold frequency).
1 Enable run-up encoder Enable setpoint on run-up encoder
6 0 Block setpoint Selected setpoint is set to zero in the run-up encoder.
1 Enable setpoint Selected setpoint on run-up encoder is activated.
7 0
1 Acknowledge With the switch from 0 to 1, inactive errors are acknowledged.
Note: If a digital input is programmed to function "Error ack.", this Bit
must not be set permanently to 1 via the bus (this will otherwise
prevent edge detection).
8 0/1 Reserved
9 0/1 Reserved
10 0 PZD invalid The transmitted process data is invalid.
1 PZD valid Valid process data is transferred from the master.
Note: If setpoints only are transferred via the bus (setting: interface),
this Bit must be set so that the setpoint transferred is valid.
11 0
1 Rotation right Rotation right is on
12 0
1 Rotation left Rotation left is on
13 0/1 Reserved
14 0/1 Parameter set switch Bit 0 00 Parameter set 1 01 Parameter set 2
15 0/1 Par. set switch Bit 1 10 Parameter set 3 11 Parameter set 4

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NORDAC InterBus Operating Manual

6.1.2 The status word (ZSW)

The status word (ZSW) is the first word transferred to the inverter in the process data area in the inverter response



15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Significance of the individual bits

Bit Value Significance Comments

0 0 Not on standby
1 Standby Initialisation complete, load relay on, output voltage blocked
1 0 Not operational Causes: No On command, an error has occurred, OFF 2 or OFF 3
active, switch-on block status active.
1 Ready for operation On command active, no errors. The inverter can be started with the
2 0 Operation blocked
1 Operation enabled Output voltage enabled, run-up to present setpoint.
3 0 No errors
1 Error Drive malfunctioning therefore out of order, if acknowledgement is
successful, will go to switch-on block status.
4 0 OFF 2 OFF 2 command active
1 No OFF 2
5 0 OFF 3 OFF 3 command active
1 No OFF 3
6 0 No switch-on block
1 Switch-on block Goes through OUT 1 to Standby status
7 0 No warning
1 Warning Drive still in operation, no acknowledgement necessary
8 0 Actual value not O.K. Actual value does not match the setpoint (with posicon: Setpoint
position not reached)
1 Actual value O.K. Actual value matches the setpoint (setpoint reached)
(with posicon: Setpoint position reached)
9 0 Local guidance Local guidance active on device
1 Guidance required The Master is called upon to take over the guidance.
10 0 MFR 1 reference value Programmed function of the MFR 1 not met or
undershot actual value < programmed reference value
1 MFR 1 reference value Programmed function of the MFR 1 met or
reached actual value > programmed reference value
11 0
1 Rotation right Inverter output voltage has right-hand rotating field
12 0
1 Rotation left Inverter output voltage has left-hand rotating field
13 0 MFR 4 reference value For SK 700E only with posicon upgrade: status MFR 4 = 0
1 MFR 4 reference value For SK 700E only with posicon upgrade: status MFR 4 = 1
14 0/1 Actual active parameter 00 Parameter set 1
set Bit 0 01 Parameter set 2
15 0/1 Actual active parameter 10 Parameter set 3
set Bit 1 11 Parameter set 4

24 Subject to technical alterations BU 0070 GB

6 Data transmission

6.1.3 The setpoint 1 (SW1)

The function of the 1st setpoint is set in parameter P546. The following options are available:

Setpoint frequency (16 Bit)

The setpoint frequency in setpoint 1 is transferred as a 16 Bit value as standard. Setpoint 1 is transferred to the
inverter as the second word in the process data area in the order telegram.



15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

The setpoint is transferred as a whole number with a value range of -32768 to 32767 (8000 hex to 7FFF hex). The
value 16384 (4000 hex) is equal to 100%. The value C000 HEX is equal to -100%. A setpoint of 100% corresponds
to the parameter maximum frequency (parameter P105) set in the same parameter set.

Setpoint position (16 or 32 Bit)

Using the posicon special upgrade for the SK 700E, the absolute setpoint position can be transferred in setpoint 1.
It can be transferred as a 16 or 32 Bit value with a resolution of 1=0.001 revolutions. In addition, the control
terminals (PosiCon control bits setting) can be transferred in binary.

16-Bit setpoint position setting:

A value range of +32767 (= 32.767 revolutions) to -32768 (= -32.768 revolutions) is possible as a 16 Bit value. The
16 Bit setpoint position is transferred as a second word in the area of the process data (like the setpoint frequency,
see above)

32-Bit setpoint position setting:

The full position range of +/- 50000,000 revolutions is available as a 32 Bit value. The 32 Bit setpoint position is
transferred as the second and third word in the process data area:



Posicon control bits setting:

A 16 Bit value is transferred in which the control terminals of the posicon special extension unit are mapped. The
setpoint position is based on the position array / position increment as per the P610 setpoint mode.
The transferred bits have the following significance (see operating instructions BU 0710):

Bit 0 -5 Bit0-Bit5 positional array / positional increm.

Bit 6 Reference point run
Bit 7 Reference Point
Bit 8 Teach-in
Bit 9 Quit teach-in
Bit 10 Reset position

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6.1.4 Second and third setpoint (SW2/3)

If the PPO type 2 or 4 is used, in addition to setpoint 1, a 2nd setpoint can be transferred in word PZD4 and a 3rd
setpoint in PZD3.



A third setpoint value can only be transferred if a 32 Bit setpoint value is not transferred in the first setpoint.

The second and third setpoints are always 16 Bits. The function of the second and third setpoints can be set in the
inverter with parameter P547 ‘Setpoint 2 function’ and P548 ‘Setpoint 3 function’ respectively.
Both setpoints are transferred as whole numbers in the range -32768 to 32767. The value 16384 (4000 HEX) is
equal to 100%. The value C000 HEX is equal to –100%, so setpoints in the range –200% to +200% can be
transferred. A setpoint of 100% corresponds to the respective nominal size:

Setting 100% equals

Setpoint frequency, actual frequency PID, actual Maximum frequency
frequency PID limited, actual frequency PID
monitored, frequency addition, frequency
subtraction, maximum frequency
Torque current limit Torque current limit (P112)
Current limit Inverter nominal current
Servo mode torque Nominal torque
Torque precontrol Torque precontrol (P214)

In addition, PosiCon control bits can be transferred here (see setpoint 1)

6.1.5 The actual value 1 (IW1)

The actual frequency , i.e. the actual output frequency of the inverter, is transferred as a 16 Bit value as standard.
The actual value 1 is transferred to the master in the inverter response telegram as the second word in the process
data area.



15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

The actual value 1 is transferred as a whole number in the range -32768 to 32767. In addition to the actual
frequency, other actual inverter values can be transferred. The setting is made in P543 'Actual value 1 function'.

The settings ‘Actual frequency’, ‘Actual speed’, ‘Current’ and ‘Torque current’ are transferred as percentages of the
respective nominal sizes. The value 16384 (4000 HEX) is equal to 100%. The value C000 HEX is equal to -100%.
Actual values in the range –200% to +200% can be transferred.

26 Subject to technical alterations BU 0070 GB

6 Data transmission

With the setting ‘Digital I/O status’, the states of the control terminals and the relay (MFR) can be transferred:

Bit Status
Bit 0 -5 Digital input 1-6
Bit 6-11 for Posicon special extension unit Digital input 7-12
Bit 6 for encoder special extension unit Digital input 7
Bit 12 -15 Multifunctional relay 1-4

With the settings ‘Actual position’ and ‘Setpoint position’, the actual absolute position is transferred. The resolution
is 1 = 0.001 revolutions. If the value ‘Setpoint position 32 Bit’ is set in parameter P546 ‘Setpoint 1 function’, the
actual value of the setpoint or actual position is also transferred as a 32 Bit value in PZD2 and PZD3:



Please notice: with all SK5XXE inverter units the SW2 and SW3 are exchanged and IW2 and IW3 are
exchanged, too. So the setpoints protocol is STW – SW1 – SW2 – SW3 and the status is ZSW – IW1 – IW2 –

6.1.6 Actual value 2 and actual value 3 (IW2/3)

It is possible to forward two more actual values to the controller when PPO type 2 or 4 is used for transfer.
Actual value 2 (IW2) is transferred in PZD4. The value to be transferred can be selected in P544 (actual bus value
2). Actual value 3 (IW3) can be transmitted in PDZ3 if actual value 1 is not a 32 Bit value. The value to be
transferred can be selected in P545 (actual bus value 3). The standardisations correspond to those of actual value
1 (see above)

6.2 The status machine

The frequency inverter passes through a status machine. The changes between various states are triggered by the
respective control commands in the process data control word. The actual status is returned in the process data
status word.
After switching on, the inverter is in switch-on block status. This status can only be ended by transmitting the “Shut
down (Off 1)” command.
The answer to a master telegram normally does not yet contain a reaction to the control command. The controller
has to check the answers from the slaves as to whether the control command has been carried out.

The following Bits indicate the status of the frequency inverter:

Status Bit6 Bit5 Bit 4 Bit2 Bit1

Bit3 Bit0
Switch-on Emergency Block Operation Ready for
Error Standby
block stop voltage enabled operation
Not on standby 0 X X 0 0 0 0
Switch-on block 1 X X 0 0 0 0
Standby 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
activated 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
Operation enabled 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
Error 0 X X 1 0 0 0
Error active 0 X X 1 1 1 1
Emergency stop active 0 0 1 0 1 1 1

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NORDAC InterBus Operating Manual

Internal status machine
Sw itching on the inverter

Bit2 = 0: Emergency stop

Not on standby 6
3 4 5 6 8 Emergency
stop active

Bit1 = 0: Block voltage Loading relay applied

v Bit2 = 0: Emergency stop 2 f = 0 reached
(Emergency stop ended)

Sw itch-on block
4 5 From every device status

Bit0 = 0: Shut dow n

& Bit1 = 1: Enable voltage
Bit0 = 0: Shut dow n & Bit2 = 1: Enable pulses Error
(xxxx x1xx xxxx x110)

3 7
Error reaction
5 2 5 active

Bit 3 = 0: Block operation Bit0 = 1: Sw itch on Error reaction


4 8
activated Error
3 2 3

Bit3 = 1: Enable operation Bit7 0Î 1

& Bit0 = 1: Sw itch on Bit3 = 1: Enable operation 2 error acknow ledgement

enabled Bit4 = 0: Move dow n emergency ramp and
2 3 4 6 remain in "Operation enabled"
Bit5 = 0: Hold frequency

Bit6 = 0: Setpoint = 0%
Control bits
0. Ready for operation / shut dow n
1. Block / enable voltage
2. Enable pulses / emergency stop
3. Block / enable operation
4. Operation condition / block RUE Priority of control com mands: Designation of states:
5. Enable / stop RUE 1. Block voltage 1: Bit 0 = 0
6. Block / enable setpoint 2. Emergency stop 2: Bit 6 = 1
7. Error acknow ledgement (0Î 1) 3. Shut dow n 3: Bit 0 = 1
10. Control data valid / invalid 4. Enable operation 4: Bit 1 = 1
11. Rotation right 5. Sw itch on 5: Bit 2 = 1
12. Rotation left 6. Block operation 6: Bit 5 = 0
14. Parameter set Bit 0 7. Reset error 7: Bit 2 & Bit 3 = 1
15. Parameter set Bit 1 8: Bit 3 = 1

28 Subject to technical alterations BU 0070 GB

6 Data transmission

6.3 Parameter orders with Compact PCP

Parameter data are divided into individual parameter blocks and transmitted in sequence. This is implemented by
the PCP (Peripherals Communication Protocol). The transmission of a parameter can therefore take several bus
cycles. This is slower in comparison to process data transmission.
The IBS technology unit has an integrated 1 word PCP channel.
The PCP is implemented in the Compact PCP version.
Compact PCP has limited functionalities in comparison to the full PCP version. The following commands are
supported: initiate, read, write

The Phoenix Contact software for the InterBus master offers full Compact PCP support from firmware
4.60 onwards.

The object index (OI) used in PCP is omitted here.

6.3.1 Frequency inverter parameters (2000 hex -23E7 hex)

All FI parameters can be accessed directly via the parameter channel.

With InterBus protocol, the inverter parameters are mapped in the range 2000hex to 23E7hex (= 8192dec to
9191dec), i.e. when parameterisation is carried out via the bus, the parameter numbers must be added to
the value 2000hex (e.g. P508 → obj 21FChex).

Index Sub Object Description Unit Acc Type

2000- Manufacturer-specific FI parameters
- - - -
23E7 parameters (see inverter operating instructions)

6.3.2 Drive profile as per DRIVECOM21

The following parameters are only valid if the frequency inverter parameter drive profile (P551) is
switched on. The profile is not valid in PPO type 2.
The objects remain valid for the 1st parameter set only.

The DRIVECOM objects are described in more detail in Chap. 6.4.

Index Sub Object Description Unit Acc Type

6000 - PE data description Control word - RO U8
6001 - PA data description Control word - RO U8
6002* - PA data enabled Control word - RW U16
603F - Error code Error description - RO U32
6040* - Control word Control word - RW U16
6041* - Status word Status word - R0 U16
6042 - Speed setpoint Speed setpoint rpm RW I16
6043 - Speed control variable Setpoint speed behind ramp rpm RO I16
6044 - Speed actual value Actual speed value rpm RO I16
6046 ARR Speed min/max amount Speed min/max amount - RW ARR
1 Speed min. amount Speed min. amount rpm RW U32
2 Speed max. amount Speed max. amount rpm RW U32
6048 REC Speed acceleration Speed acceleration - RO REC
1 Delta speed Delta speed rpm RW U32
2 Delta time Delta time s RW U16
6049 REC Speed deceleration Speed deceleration - RO REC
1 Delta speed Delta speed rpm RW U32
2 Delta time Delta time s RW U16

• The control word 6040 or the setpoint 6041 is only valid when object 6002 (PA data enabled) is
switched off (not equal to 0xFF). Otherwise (6002=FF) control word and setpoint of the process
data channel are valid.

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NORDAC InterBus Operating Manual

6.4 Drive profile DRIVECOM 21

If the drive profile parameter (P551) is switched on in the frequency inverter, the device supports the
profile as per DRIVECOM 21 (speed profile). The mandatory objects are implemented (see
The profile is only valid in parameter set 1.

6.4.1 Speed functions overview

Speed function 1
(Mandatory objects only) USS DRIVECOM
display display

Error code P700 P603F

Control word Pzd Pzd, P6040

Status word Pzd Pzd, P6041

value Setpoint Pzd Pzd, P6042

Minimum amount P104 P6046.1

restriction Maximum amount P105 P6046.2

Acceleration P102 / P105 P6048.1 / P6048.2

function Deceleration P103 / P105 P6049.1 / P6049.2

Guidance variable P718.2 P6043

Actual value Pzd Pzd, P6044


Pxxx = Parameter No.

Pzd = process data


30 Subject to technical alterations BU 0070 GB

6 Data transmission
6.4.2 Object description
Object 603F error code

Code Error description Code Error description

0 No error 6000 Device software

1000 General error 6310 Parameter loss

2200 Internal device current 7112 Brake chopper overcurrent

2310 Constant output overcurrent 7120 Motor

3110 Mains overvoltage 7300 Sensor

3120 Mains undervoltage 7305 Incremental encoder 1
3130 Phase failure 7306 Incremental encoder 2

3210 Internal device overvoltage 7310 Speed sensor

3230 Charging error 7320 Position sensor
4210 Device overheating 8100 Communication monitoring

4310 Drive overheating 8300 Torque controller

5110 Low voltage supply 8400 Speed controller

5300 Operation unit 8612 Reference limit

5510 RAM data memory 9000 External error
5520 Eprom data memory

5530 EEPROM data memory

Object 6040 control word and 6041 status word

6040 control word 6041 status word

Bit InterBus significance Bit InterBus significance
0 Switch on 0 Standby
1 Block voltage 1 Switched on
2 Emergency stop 2 Operation enabled
3 Enable operation 3 Error
4 Block run-up encoder 4 Current blocked
5 Stop RUE 5 Emergency stop
6 RUE zero 6 Switch-on block
7 Reset error 7 Warning
8 Reserve 8 0
9 Reserve 9 Remote
10 Reserve 10 Setpoint reached
11 Rotary direction (0=right) 11 Limit value*
12 Free 12 0
13 Free 13 0
14 Free 14 Rotation direction (0=right)
15 Free 15 0
*Min or max value reached

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NORDAC InterBus Operating Manual

7 Example telegrams
Various example telegrams are shown below to clarify the control and parameterisation of the frequency inverter
with InterBus.

7.1 Switch-on block → Standby

A frequency inverter must be switched from the "Switch-on block" status (STW Bit 0 – 0), which is active when the
device is switched on, to the "Standby" status (STW Bit 0 = 1). Parameter set 1 is valid. Only the PZD channel is


• Check last status word (ZSW 0A 70)

• Generate control word (STW 04 7E)
• Check response telegram (ZSW 0A 31)


Status word of frequency inverter → frequency inverter is in switch-on block status

9 10 11 12
0B 70 00 00

Bit Value Value HEX Significance

15 0 0 Parameter set Bit 1 off
14 0 Parameter set Bit 0 off
13 0 Reserved
12 0 Rotation left is off
11 1 B Rotation right is on
10 0 Reference value undershot
9 1 Bus controller
Abbreviations used:
8 1 Setpoint = actual value
7 0 7 No warning PKW Parameter identifier Value
6 1 Switch-on block PZD Process data
5 1 No emergency stop PKE Parameter identifier
4 1 Block voltage IND Index
3 0 0 No errors PWE Parameter Value
2 0 Operation blocked STW Control word 1
1 0 Not ready for operation ZSW Status word 1
0 0 Not at standby SW1..3 Setpoint
IW1..3 Actual value

To switch the frequency inverter to the Standby status, the following telegram must be sent:

9 10 11 12
04 7E 00 00

When the frequency inverter switches to the Standby status, it sends the following response telegram:

9 10 11 12
0B 31 00 00

Note: The control telegram must be sent cyclically as the frequency inverter may not switch to the required
status within the response time of a telegram.

32 Subject to technical alterations BU 0070 GB

7 Example telegrams

7.2 Enable with 50% setpoint

A frequency inverter in the "Standby" status must be enabled for clockwise rotation with 50% setpoint. The last
response telegram was received as follows in the controller.

• Check last status word (ZSW 0A 31)
• Generate control word (STW 04 7F)
• Check response telegram (ZSW 0F 37)


Starting requirement (status word of frequency inverter)

9 10 11 12
0B 31 00 00

The following telegram must be sent to the frequency inverter

9 10 11 12
04 7F 20 00

The frequency inverter accelerates the motor in the ramp. When the inverter reaches 50% setpoint, it responds
with the following telegram.

9 10 11 12
0F 37 20 00

Note: The status of MFR 1 is indicated in Bit 10 of the response telegram. Depending on the programmed
function and status, the status word may differ.

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7.3 Writing a parameter

When transferring parameter orders, it must be taken into account that the slave does not immediately respond to
orders in the parameter channel of the master telegram, but a positive response can be delayed by one or more
communication cycles. The master must therefore repeat the required order until the corresponding slave response
is received.

The parameter acceleration time (PNU = 102dec / 66hex) of a frequency inverter should be set to the value 10sec in
parameter set 3. Only the PKW channel is evaluated.
As the acceleration time has a frequency-internal resolution of 0.01sec, a parameter value of 10 / 0.01 = 1000
(3E8hex) must be transferred for 2 sec.

• Select parameter (P 102dec + 1000 = P 1102 = P 44Ehex)
• Select parameter set 3 (IND = 02)
• Set parameter value (1000dec / 3E8hex)
• Check response telegram

The telegram is composed as follows in hexadecimal notation:

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
24 4E 02 00 00 00 03 E8

When the order has been fully implemented by the inverter, it responds with

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
14 4E 02 00 00 00 03 E8

34 Subject to technical alterations BU 0070 GB

8 Additional information

8 Additional information

8.1 Repairs
The device must be sent to the following address if it needs repairing:


Tjüchkampstraße 37
26605 Aurich, Germany

For queries about repairs, please contact:

Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG

Telephone: +49 4532 / 401 514 or 401 518
Fax: 04532 / 401-555

If a frequency inverter or accessories are sent in for repair, no liability can be accepted for any added components,
e.g. such as line cables, potentiometer, external displays, etc.!
Please remove all non-original parts from the frequency inverter.

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NORDAC InterBus Operating Manual

9 Technical data

Bus connection Remote bus

Data width 3 words (1 word PCP) ÆPPO type 1
5 words (1 word PCP) ÆPPO type 2
ID E3hex: with profile
F3hex: without profile
Baud rate 500kBit/sec (2MBaud on request)
External power supply 24V +/-10% *
5V-out at IBS-Out max. 100mA

* can be operated optionally via internal 5V (e.g. for commissioning)

36 Subject to technical alterations BU 0070 GB

10 Keyword index

10 Keyword index

2 P
24V....................................................................... 7, 10 PPO type 1............................................................... 13
PPO type 2............................................................... 13
Process data ......................................................23, 24
Actual value ....................................................... 26, 27
Repairs..................................................................... 35
Bus cable ................................................................. 12
Bus configuration ..................................................... 12
Bus parameters ....................................................... 15 Setpoint ..............................................................25, 26
SK 300E ..................................................................... 9
SK 500/520E .............................................................. 7
Control word ............................................................ 23 SK 700E ..................................................................... 7
SK 750E ..................................................................... 9
E SK TU1-IBS ............................................................... 7
Example telegrams .................................................. 32 SK TU2-IBS ............................................................... 9
SK TU3-IBS ............................................................... 7
F Status LEDs .....................................................8, 9, 21
FE (function earth) ............................................... 8, 11 Status machine ........................................................ 27
Status of the InterBus module ................................. 20
I Status word .............................................................. 24
IW1........................................................................... 26 STW ......................................................................... 23
IW2........................................................................... 27 SW1 ......................................................................... 25
IW3........................................................................... 27 SW2/3 ...................................................................... 26
M12 connector ......................................................... 10 Technical Data ......................................................... 36
M8 connector ........................................................... 10 Transmission times .................................................. 14
Object description .................................................... 31 ZSW ......................................................................... 24

BU 0070 GB Subject to technical alterations 37

NORDAC InterBus Operating Manual

11 Sales agencies and branch offices

N O R D branches worldwide:
Brazil / Brasilien Mexico / Mexiko
NORD Motoredutores do Brasil Ltda. Canada / Kanada NORD GEAR CORPORATION
NORD Gear Limited Mexico Regional Office
Rua Dr. Moacyr Antonio de Morais, 700
Parque Santo Agostinho 41, West Drive Av. Lázaro Cárdenas 1007 Pte.
Guarulhos – São Paulo CDN - Brampton, Ontario, L6T 4A1 San Pedro Garza Garcia, N.L.
CEP 07140-285 México, C.P. 66266
Tel.: +1-905-796-3606
Tel.: +55-11-6402 8855 Fax: +1-905-796-8130 Tel.: +52-81-8220-9165
Fax: +55-11-6402 8830 info@nord-ca.com Fax: +52-81-8220-9044
info@nord-br.com HGonzalez@nord-mx.com

Indonesia / Indonesien
India / Indien P.R. China / V. R. China
PT NORD Indonesia
NORD Drivesystems Pvt. Ltd. NORD (Beijing) Power Transmission
21 VEDAS CENTRE Jln. Raya Serpong KM. 7 Co.Ltd.
D.P. Road Kompleks Rumah Multi Guna
No. 5 Tangjiacun,
AUNDH Blok D No. 1
Guangqudonglu, Chaoyangqu
Pune Maharashtra - 411 057 Pakulonan (Serpong) - Tangerang
Beijing 100022
West Java - Indonesia
Tel: +91-2(0)-5889 373 Tel.: +86-10-67704 -069 (-787)
Fax: +91-2(0)-5888 872 Tel.: +62-21-5312 2222
Fax: +86-10-67704 –330
info@nord-in.com Fax: +62-21-5312 2288

P.R. China / V. R. China

NORD (Suzhou) Power Transmission
Singapore / Singapur United States / USA Co.Ltd.
NORD Gear Pte. Ltd. NORD Gear Corporation 地址:苏州工业园区长阳街510号
33 Kian Teck Drive, Jurong 800 Nord Drive / P.O. Box 367 No. 510 Changyang Street,
Singapore 628850 USA - Waunakee, WI 53597-0367 Suzhou Ind. Park, Jiangsu, China.
P.C : 215021
Tel.: +65-6265 9118 Tel.: +1-608-849 7300
Fax: +65-6265 6841 Fax: +1-608-849 7367 总机 Tel:+86-512-85180277
info@nord-sg.com info@nord-us.com
传真 Fax: +86-512-85180278

38 Subject to technical alterations BU 0070 GB

10 Sales agencies and branch offices

NORD branches in Europe:

Austria / Österreich Belgium / Belgien Croatia / Kroatien

Getriebebau NORD GmbH NORD Aandrijvingen Belgie N.V. NORD Pogoni d.o.o.
Deggendorfstr. 8 Boutersem Dreef 24 Obrtnicka 9
A - 4030 Linz B - 2240 Zandhoven HR - 48260 Krizevci
Tel.: +43-732-318 920 Tel.: +32-3-4845 921 Tel.: +385-48 711 900
Fax: +43-732-318 920 85 Fax: +32-3-4845 924 Fax: +385-48 270 494
info@nord-at.com info@nord-be.com nord-pogoni@kc.htnet.hr

Czech. Republic / Tschechien Denmark / Dänemark Finland / Finnland

NORD Pohánèci Technika s.r.o NORD Gear Danmark A/S NORD Gear Oy
Palackého 359 Kliplev Erhvervspark 28 – Kliplev Aunankorvenkatu 7
CZ - 50003 Hradec Králové DK - 6200 Aabenraa FIN - 33840 Tampere
Tel.: +420-495 5803 -10 (-11) Tel.: +45 73 68 78 00 Tel.: +358-3-254 1800
Fax: +420-495 5803 -12 Fax: +45 73 68 78 10 Fax: +358-3-254 1820
hzubr@nord-cz.com info@nord-dk.com info@nord-fi.com

Great Britain / Großbritannien Hungary / Ungarn

France / Frankreich
NORD Gear Limited NORD Hajtastechnika Kft.
NORD Réducteurs sarl. 11, Barton Lane
17 Avenue Georges Clémenceau Törökkö u. 5-7
Abingdon Science Park H - 1037 Budapest
F - 93421 Villepinte Cedex GB - Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX 14 3NB
Tel.: +33-1-49 63 01 89 Tel.: +36-1-437-0127
Tel.: +44-1235-5344 04 Fax: +36-1-250-5549
Fax: +33-1-49 63 08 11 Fax: +44-1235-5344 14
info@nord-fr.com info@nord-hg.com

Italy / Italien Netherlands / Niederlande Norway / Norwegen

NORD Motoriduttori s.r.l. NORD Aandrijvingen Nederland B.V. Nord Gear Norge A/S
Via Newton 22 Voltstraat 12 Solgaard Skog 7, PB 85
IT-40017 San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO) NL - 2181 HA Hillegom N-1501 Moss
Tel.: +39-051-6870 711 Tel.: +31-2525-29544 Tel.: +47-69-206 990
Fax: +39-051-6870 793 Fax: +31-2525-22222 Fax: +47-69-206 993
info@nord-it.com info@nord-nl.com info@nord-no.com

Poland / Polen Russian Federation / Russland Slowakia / Slowakei

NORD Napedy Sp. z.o.o. OOO NORD PRIVODY NORD Pohony, s.r.o
Ul. Grottgera 30 Ul. A. Nevsky 9 Stromová 13
PL – 32-020 Wieliczka RU-191167 St.Petersburg SK - 83101 Bratislava
Tel.: +48-12-288 22 55 Tel.: +7-812-327 0192 Tel.: +421-2-54791317
Fax: +48-12-288 22 56 Fax: +7-812-327 0192 Fax: +421-2-54791402
biuro@nord-pl.com info@nord-ru.com info@nord-sk.com

Spain / Spanien Switzerland / Schweiz

Sweden / Schweden
NORD Motorreductores Getriebebau NORD AG
Ctra. de Sabadell a Prats de Llucanès NORD Drivsystem AB
Ryttargatan 277 / Box 2097 Bächigenstr. 18
Aptdo. de Correos 166 CH - 9212 Arnegg
E - 08200 Sabadell S - 19402 Upplands Väsby
Tel.: +46-8-594 114 00 Tel.: +41-71-388 99 11
Tel.: +34-93-7235322 Fax: +41-71-388 99 15
Fax: +34-93-7233147 Fax: +46-8-594 114 14
info@nord-se.com info@nord-ch.com

Turkey / Türkei Ukraine / Ukraine

NORD-Remas Redüktör San. ve Tic. Ltd. GETRIEBEBAU NORD GmbH
Sti. Repräsentanz
Tepeören Köyü Vasilkovskaja, 1 office 306
TR - 34959 Tuzla – Istandbul 03040 KIEW
Tel.: +90-216-304 13 60 Tel.: + 380-44-537 0615
Fax: +90-216-304 13 69 Fax: + 380-44-537 0615
info@nord-tr.com vtsoka@nord-ukr.com

BU 0070 GB Subject to technical alterations 39

NORD offices in Germany

Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG

Rudolf- Diesel- Str. 1 ⋅ 22941 Bargteheide
Telephone +49 4532 / 401 - 0
Fax +49 4532 / 401 - 253

North branches South branches

Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG
Rudolf- Diesel- Str. 1 ⋅ 22941 Bargteheide Katharinenstr. 2-6 ⋅ 70794 Filderstadt- Sielmingen
Telephone +49 4532 / 401 - 0 Telephone +49 7158 / 95608 - 0
Fax +49 4532 / 401 - 253 Fax +49 7158 / 95608 - 20
NL-Bargteheide@nord-de.com NL-Stuttgart@nord-de.com

Sales office Bremen Sales Office Nuremberg

Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG
Stührener Weg 27 ⋅ 27211 Bassum Schillerstr. 3 ⋅ 90547 Stein
Telephone +49 4249 / 9616 - 0 Telephone 0911 / 67 23 11
Fax +49 4249 / 9616 - 76 Telefax 0911 / 689378 - 0
NL-Bremen@nord-de.com NL-Nuernberg@nord-de.com

Sales Office Munich
Hans-Hermann Wohlers
Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG
Handelsgesellschaft mbH
Untere Bahnhofstr. 29a ⋅ 82110 Germering
Ellerbuscher Str. 179 ⋅ 32584 Löhne
Telephone +49 89 / 840 794 - 0
Telephone +49 5732 / 40 72
Fax +49 89 / 840 794 - 20
Fax +49 5732 / 123 18

West branches East branches

Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG

Großenbaumer Weg 10 ⋅ 40472 Düsseldorf Leipzigerstr. 58 ⋅ 09113 Chemnitz

Telephone +49 211 / 99 555 - 0 Telephone +49 371 / 33 407 - 0
Fax +49 211 / 99 555 -45 Fax +49 371 / 33 407 - 20
NL-Duesseldorf@nord-de.com NL-Chemnitz@nord-de.com
Mat. Nr. 607 0702 / 5205

Sales Office Butzbach Sales Office Berlin

Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG
Marie- Curie- Str. 2 ⋅ 35510 Butzbach Heinrich- Mann- Str. 8 ⋅ 15566 Schöneiche
Telephone +49 6033 / 9623 - 0 Telephone +49 371 / 639 79 - 0
Fax +49 6033 / 9623 - 30 Fax +49 371 / 639 79 - 414
NL-Frankfurt@nord-de.com NL-Berlin@nord-de.com

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