Sensors Cheatcode 1
Sensors Cheatcode 1
Sensors Cheatcode 1
Isolation- most often performed to remove There are several types of thermocouples,
unwanted signals and noise from the each made of different metal combinations
data.used to pass the signal from the with varying temperature ranges and
source to the measuring device without a characteristics. The most common types
physical connection. include Type K (chromel-alumel), Type J
(iron-constantan), Type T
Excitation- Depending upon the sensor and (copper-constantan), and Type E
measurement required, signal conditioners (chromel-constantan). The selection of the
can provide voltage or current source. type depends on factors such as the
temperature range, environmental
Linearization- a type of signal conditioning conditions, and accuracy requirements.
in which software linearizes the voltage
levels from transducers, so the voltages can III. Thermoresistive Sensors
be scaled to measure physical phenomena.
Sensors can be divided into three
Temperature Measurement Sensors- Are groups:
devices that detect and measure coldness ● RTD’s
and heat and convert it into an electrical ● PN-Junction Detectors
signal. Temperature sensors are utilized in ● Thermistors
Thin-film RTDs- are often fabricated
of thin platinum or its alloys and
deposited on a suitable substrate
such as a micromachined silicon
membrane. The RTD is often made
in a serpentine shape to ensure a
sufficiently large length/width ratio.
PTC Thermistors
● Inexpensive
● Wide operating range
● Simple in construction
● Fast response
● Good sensitivity
● Direct pressure
● Can be modified to give
electrical outputs.
● Safe even for high
pressure measurement.
● Accuracy is high especially
at high pressures.
● The tip movement of the
Disadvantages spiral equals the sum of the
● Primarily intended for tip movements of all its
indication only individual C- bend arcs.
● Hysteresis on cycling
● Sensitive to temperature Advantages
● Limited life when subject to ● A spiral-type bourdon tube
shock and vibration provides more tip
● They respond slowly to movement.
changes in pressure ● The spiral-type tube works
under the same observed
Spiral Type Bourdon Tube principles as the C-type,
but as the applied pressure
Principle of operation increases, the spiral
● The spiral Bourdon tube ● Increased accuracy and
makes a few windings in one sensitivity
plane around the fixed shaft ● Higher over range
of the pointer. protection
● When the tube is being
uncoiled by the process Disadvantages
pressure, the free end will ● Very expensive
have a larger displacement
compared to the C-shaped Helical Type Bourdon Tube
tube. The more windings, the
larger the displacement will Working principle
● A transmission mechanism is ● Helical is a bourdon tube
therefore no longer wound in the form of helix. It
necessary. allows the tip movement to
● Using a fixed link avoids be converted to a circular
transmission losses due to motion.
friction or backlash in the ● By installing a central shaft
transmission mechanism. inside the helix along its axis
and connecting it to the tip,
Construction of Spiral type the tip movement become a
circular motion of the shaft.
● Spiral Bourdon Tube is made
by winding a partially
flattened metal tube into a
spiral having several turns
instead of a single C- bend
● Helical tubes can be Change in resistance of
manufactured in very much Conductor
smaller sizes than the ● The resistance of a
equivalent C-Type tubes. conductor is proportional
Hence, they can be fitted to its length so stretching
into smaller spaces. increases the resistance.
● As the conductor is
Disadvantages stretched, its
● They respond slowly to cross-sectional area is
changes in pressure reduced, which also
● They are sensitive to increases the resistance
shocks and vibrations. ● The inherent resistivity of
● Amplification is a must as some materials increases
the displacement of the when it is stretched
free end of the bourdon
tube is low. Piezoresistive strain gauge
● It cannot be used for measurements are made
precision measurement using a Wheatstone bridge
● Piezoresistive strain
gauges are among the
most common types of
pressure sensors. They
use the change in electrical
resistance of a material
when stretched to measure Basic Construction and Materials
the pressure.
● These are suitable for a ● One or more strain gauge
variety of applications sensors made from a
because of their simplicity length of wire can be
and robustness. They can attached to the surface of a
be used for absolute, diaphragm.
gauge, relative and ● Semiconducting materials,
differential pressure most commonly silicon,
measurement, in both can also be used to make
high- and low-pressure piezoelectric strain gauge.
applications. The characteristics of the
sensing element,
particularly the size of the
piezoresistive effect, can sensor in fuel injection
be adjusted by doping; in systems.
other words by adding
carefully controlled Advantages
amounts of impurities
(dopants) to the ● Piezoresistive strain gauge
semiconductor. pressure sensors have the
● More lightly doped silicon advantage of being robust.
results in a higher ● Metal film sensing
resistivity and a higher elements have the
gauge factor. However, this advantage of simple
also increases the thermal construction and durability.
sensitivity of both the ● Can be made much smaller
resistance and gauge than metal wire sensors
factor. and can be integrated with
electronics for signal
processing, which can
control for non-linearity
and temperature
● Temperature Variation
● Humidity
● Small errors could be
Applications caused due to
● Silicon strain gauges thermoelectric effects.
provide a much larger
output signal, making them Capacitive Pressure Transducer-
well-suited to low-pressure It is a pressure measurement
applications, down to device, which converts applied
around 2 kPa. pressure into a current signal, like
● Can be used as a knock 4-20mA. Capacitive type pressure
sensor in automotive transmitter is a differential pressure
engine management type sensor.
systems for noticing knock
of the engine. ● Capacitive pressure
● The load of the engine can transmitter works under the
be determined by principle of differential
calculating diverse capacitance.
absolute pressure, that can ● Capacitive pressure
be done by using these measurement involves
transducers as the MAP sensing the change in
capacitance that results from Disadvantages
the movement of a ● Temperature sensitivity
diaphragm. ● Stray capacitance problem
● A linear change in ● Vibration
capacitance with changes in ● Limited overpressure
the physical position of the capability
moving element, may be ● Cost
used to provide an electrical
indication of the element’s PIEZOELECTRICTRANSDUCER-
position. Generaly the are a type of electroacoustic
capacitance is defined by the transducer that convert the electrical
equation: charges produced by some forms of
solid materials into energy. The word
C = Aε/d "piezoelectric" literally means
electricity caused by pressure.
C- Capacitance between two
conductors Piezoelectric Transducer works with
A- Area of overlapping between the principle of piezoelectricity. The
those conductors faces of piezoelectric material, usual
d- Distance separating the quartz, is coated with a thin layer of
conductors conducting material such as silver.
ε-Dielectric permittivity of the When stress has applied the ions in
insulating medium the material move towards one of
the conducting surface while moving
● The permittivity of the away from the other. This results in
medium and the area of the generation of charge. This
overlapping will be constant charge is used for calibration of
in this case, the only varying stress. The polarity of the produced
parameter, in this case, is the charge depends upon thedirection of
distance between the the applied stress.
conductors which varies
when the pressure varies, Types of Piezoelectric Materials
which changes the
capacitance. So the pressure Naturally Available Ones
variation results in the ● Quartz, Rochelle salt,
capacitance variation. Topaz, Tourmaline Group
minerals, and some
Advantages organic substances such
● Inaccuracy 0.01 to 0.2% as silk, wood, enamel,
● Linearity bone, hair, rubber, dentin.
● Fast response
● Range of 80Pa to 35MPa Artificially manufactures
● Polyvinylidene difluoride,
PVDF or PVF2, Barium
titanate, Lead titanate, the change in resistance of a
Lead zirconate titanate potentiometer.
(PZT), Potassium niobate, ● The wiper of the
Lithium niobate, Lithium potentiometer is
tantalate, and other mechanically connected to a
lead-free piezoelectric pressure-sensitive element,
ceramics. such as a Bourdon tube, a
bellows, a capsule or a
There are certain requirements to diaphragm. The deflection of
be met by the piezoelectric the pressure-sensitive
materials to be used as element determines the
transducers. position of the wiper on the
● Frequency stability ● As a result, the resistance
● High output values value changes between the
● Insensitive to the extreme wiper and one end of the
temperature and humidity potentiometer. This
conditions and which can resistance value is a
be available in various measure of the pressure
shapes applied to the sensing
● Should be flexible to be element.
manufactured into various
shapes without disturbing Advantages
their properties. ● Simple technology or
simple instrumentation ,
Advantages have high electrical
● Self-generating efficiency and are
● Accessible inexpensive
● High-frequency response ● Easily customizable to
● Flexibility application
● High output signal
Limitations ● High range and have high
● Small electric charge ruggedness
● Affected by various
environments and Disadvantages
conditions ● Sensitive to vibration
● Natural low output ● Short lifespan
● Low accuracy
Potentiometric Pressure ● Poor frequency to
Transducer response and have
● The principle of the tendency to develop noise
potentiometric pressure
measurement is based on Accessories
Snubber- A pressure snubber is a Piston type Snubber:
device used to suppress excessive ● A piston-type damper has a
pressure or rapid movement in slightly more advanced
mechanical systems. design that is often
-The pressure snubber are self-cleaning.
designed to dampen the effect of ● Often designed in two
pressure pulses and spikes to pieces, the piston inside the
ensure longer life and readability of shock absorber moves freely,
pressure gauges in difficult acting as a barrier to the
applications. rapid increase in pressure.
-It is offered in a selection of ● When the pressure increases
porous, piston or regulating designs; too quickly, the piston is
forced against the hole that
leads to the manometer,
stopping the flow for
Adjustable Snubber
● Many use a combination of a
control ball to block surges
and a kind of throttle valve to
soften the flow of material in
Porous Disk Snubber
the meter.
● The control of the ball acts
● At the low cost end of the
much like the piston- type
damping spectrum is the type
damper, since it is a passive
of porous disk (also known
element until a rapid change
as the “filter type”).
of pressure puts it into action.
● The fixed disc creates a
semipermeable barrier
between the incoming
● Cost effective solution to
pressure and the manometer
protect expensive sensors
and gauges used in
● The pressure is with that disk
pressurized application.
and has its force distributed
● Improves gauges
through the metal mesh,
readability smoothing out
decreasing it so that it does
pressure spikes, surges,
not damage the meter.
and pulsation.
● The pressure increases
gradually, so that the meter
does not jump a gear or
● Some type of pressure
explode a bourdon tube.
snubber can become
clogged, depending on the
process being measured.
coil or pigtail portion of the
Oil Filled- In a liquid-filled pressure siphon.
gauge, usually the case is filled with ● The condensate prevents the
a non-aqueous fluid that effectively hot media from coming in
dampens vibration, pulsation and direct contact with the
pressure spikes. pressure instrument. When
the siphon is first installed, it
Types of Liquid-filled Gauges should be filled with water or
any other suitable separating
Glycerin- are a good value and liquid.
provide good vibration dampening ● Coil Siphon - used primarily
for applications at room temperature. for horizontal installations
These gauges work well in ● Pigtail Siphon - used
temperatures between -4°F and primarily for vertical
+140°F (-20°C and +60°C). installations.