Kamilla Tee
Kamilla Tee
Kamilla Tee
by Claudia Q
A light, airy tee for those warm summer days. The stitch pattern looks like tiny repeating stars,
creating a fabric which is like a twinkling summer sky. This pattern is a matching pair with the
Kamilla Tee for children, for the perfect kid and parent look.
XS (S, M, L, XL, 2X, 3X, 4X) To be worn with 1 - 2” / 2.5 - 5 cm positive ease. Shown in size M.
Finished Measurements
Bust Circumference: 33 (36 1/2, 39 1/2, 42, 45, 48, 51 1/2, 54) ” / 84 (92.5, 100.5, 106.5, 114.5, 122, 131,
137) cm
Yolk Depth (Front): 6 1/2 (7, 7 1/2, 8, 8 1/2, 9 1/2, 10 1/2, 11) ” / 16.5 (17.5, 19, 20.5, 21.5, 24, 26.5, 28) cm
Body Length to Underarm (front): 14 (13 3/4, 14 1/2, 14 3/4, 15 1/2, 16 1/2, 16, 17) cm ” / 35.5 (35, 37, 37.5, 39,
42, 40.5, 43) cm
Upper Arm: 14 (13 3/4, 14 1/2, 14 3/4, 15 1/2, 16 1/2, 16, 17) cm ” / 35.5 (35, 37, 37.5, 39, 42, 40.5, 43) cm
Sleeve length from Underarm: 3 1/2 (3 1/2, 3 1/2, 4, 4, 4, 4 1/2, 4 1/2) cm ” / 9 (9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11.5, 11.5) cm
This sweater is worked from the top down in the round with raglan shaping. A small section of
short rows are worked at the back of the neck to help with fit. Sleeve instructions are written to use
DPNs, however an alternative method of working small circumferences can be used, such as Magic-
Loop or a shorter circular needle for the larger sizes.
P3tog, but do not drop sts from LH needle, yo, purl the same 3 sts together again and drop these sts
from LH needle.
3-in-3 (see Stitch Guide) rep repeat
BOR beginning of round RH right hand
Dec(d) decrease(d) rnd(s) round(s)
DPNs double pointed needles RS right side of fabric
Inc(d) increase(d) SM slip marker
k(K) knit Ssk (see Stitch Guide)
k2tog knit 2 stitches together (decrease) st(s) stitch(es)
knit-wise insert needle into stitch as if to knit it St st Stockinette/stocking stitch
LH left hand tog together
M1L (see Stitch Guide) w&t (see Stitch Guide)
M1R (see Stitch Guide) WS wrong side of fabric
p(P) purl * repeat instructions from the asterisk as
3p3tog purl 3 stitches together (2 sts decreased) directed
PM place marker [ ] repeat instructions in brackets as directed
purl-wise insert needle into stitch as if to purl it
S T I T C H PAT T E R N I N S T R U C T I O N S Work Short-Rows for Neck
Tiny Star Stitch Pattern (Multiple of 4 sts) Note: You will be working back and forth while
Row 1: Purl. increasing for the raglan at the same time as
Rows 2 and 3: Knit. working short-row shaping. When you work
Rows 4 - 12: As Rows 1 - 3. passed a wrapped st from a previous row, be
Row 13: [K1, 3-in-3] to end. sure to conceal it (see stitch guide).
Row 14: Knit. Short-Row 1 (RS): SM for BOR, [knit to next
Row 15: K1, p1, [k1, 3-in-3] to last 2 sts, k1, p1. marker, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, k1, w&t. —
Row 16: Knit. 4 sts inc’d
Rows 17 and 18: As Rows 13 and 14. Short-Row 2 (WS): Purl to BOR, slipping
Row 19: Knit. markers as you come to them, slip BOR marker,
[purl to next marker, SM] twice, p2, w&t.
Short-Row 3 (RS): [Knit to next marker, M1R,
SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, knit to BOR marker, SM,
[knit to next marker, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L]
twice, knit to 1 st passed previous wrapped st
(concealing it), w&t. — 8 sts inc’d
Neck Edge
Short-row 4 (WS): Purl to BOR marker, slipping
With 3.25 mm (US 3) shorter circular needle, markers as you come to them, slip BOR marker,
cast on 128 (132, 136, 140, 144, 148, 152, 156) sts
[purl to next marker, SM] twice, purl to 1 st
using the long-tail cast on method, or your
passed previous wrapped st (concealing it),
preferred method of cast on.
4 PM for BOR and join in the rnd, making sure
that sts are not twisted around needle. BOR is Rep Short-Rows 3-4 four more times.
positioned at centre back of neck. Next Row (RS): [Knit to next marker, M1R, SM,
Rnd 1: Purl. k1, SM, M1L] twice, knit to BOR. — 4 sts inc’d, 62
Rnd 2: Knit. (66, 66, 68, 70, 70, 72, 76) sts for front, 62 (66,
66, 68, 70, 70, 72, 76) sts for back, and 24 (24,
Rep last 2 rnds twice more.
26, 26, 26, 28, 26, 24) sts for each sleeve, 176
Next Rnd: Purl.
(184, 188, 192, 196, 200, 200, 204) sts total
Adjustment Rnd: Knit, inc 0 (4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0) (includes 4 shoulder sts).
sts evenly around. — 128 (136, 140, 144, 148, 152,
152, 156) sts
Raglan Increases
Set-Up Rnd: K25 (27, 27, 28, 29, 29, 30, 32) for
Change to longer circular needle when necessary.
right half of back, PM, k1, PM, k12 (12, 14, 14, 14,
16, 14, 12) for right sleeve, PM, k1, PM, k50 (54, Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R,
54, 56, 58, 58, 60, 64) for front, PM, k1, PM, k12 SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, work Row 1 of Tiny Star
(12, 14, 14, 14, 16, 14, 12) for left sleeve, PM, k1, Pattern across front to next marker, M1R, SM,
PM, knit to BOR. — 8 new markers placed with k1, SM, M1L, knit to next marker, M1R, SM, k1,
50 (54, 54, 56, 58, 58, 60, 64) sts for back SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 sts inc’d
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, Rnd 7 (Inc Rnd): SM for BOR, [knit to next
SM, k1, SM] twice, work Row 2 of Tiny Star marker, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, work Row
Pattern in same manner, SM, k1, SM, knit to end 19 of Tiny Star Pattern across front to next
slipping markers as you come to them. marker, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to next
Rep last 2 rnds as established until Row 12 of marker, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8
Tiny Star Pattern has been worked. — 224 (232, sts inc’d
236, 240, 244, 248, 248, 252) sts Rnd 8: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM, k1,
Rnd 1 (Inc Rnd): SM for BOR, [knit to next SM] twice, work Row 1 of Tiny Star Pattern
marker, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, k1, work across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM, knit to
Row 13 of Tiny Star Pattern across front to 1 (1, 1, end slipping markers as you come to them.
3, 1, 1, 3, 3) sts before next marker, k1 (1, 1, 3, 1, 1,
3, 3), M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to next marker, Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R,
M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to end. - 8 sts inc’d. SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, work Row 2 of Tiny Star
Rnd 2: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM, k1, Pattern across front to next marker, M1R, SM,
SM] twice, work Row 14 of Tiny Star Pattern k1, SM, M1L, knit to next marker, M1R, SM, k1,
across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM, knit to SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 sts inc’d
end slipping markers as you come to them. Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker,
Rnd 3 (Inc Rnd): SM for BOR, [knit to next SM, k1, SM] twice, work Row 3 of Tiny Star
marker, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, k2, work Pattern in same manner, SM, k1, SM, knit to end
Row 15 of Tiny Star Pattern across front to 4 (4, slipping markers as you come to them.
4, 2, 4, 4, 2, 2) sts before next marker, k1, p1, k2
(2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0), M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to
Continue last 2 rnds as established until Row 11
next marker, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to end.
of Tiny Star Pattern has been worked. — 296
- 8 sts inc’d.
(304, 308, 312, 316, 320, 320, 324) sts
Rnd 4: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM, k1,
SM] twice, work Row 16 of Tiny Star Pattern
Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R,
across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM, knit to
SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, work Row 12 of Tiny Star
end slipping markers as you come to them.
Pattern across front to next marker, M1R, SM,
Rnd 5 (Inc Rnd): SM for BOR, [knit to next
k1, SM, M1L, knit to next marker, M1R, SM, k1,
marker, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, k3, work
SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 sts inc’d
Row 17 of Tiny Star Pattern across front to 3 (3,
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker,
3, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1) sts before next marker, k3 (3, 3, 1, 3,
SM, k1, SM] twice, k3, work Row 13 of Tiny Star
3, 1, 1), M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to next
Pattern across front to 3 (3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1) sts
marker, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to end. - 8
before next marker, k3 (3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1), SM, k1,
sts inc’d.
SM, knit to end slipping markers as you come
Rnd 6: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM, k1,
to them.
SM] twice, work Row 18 of Tiny Star Pattern
across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM, knit to
end slipping markers as you come to them.
across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM, knit to
Size XS Only
end slipping markers as you come to them.
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM,
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM,
k1, SM] twice, work Row 14 of Tiny Star Pattern
k1, SM] twice, work Row 15 of Tiny Star Pattern
across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM, knit to
across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM, knit to
end slipping markers as you come to them.
end slipping markers as you come to them.
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker,
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker,
SM, k1, SM] twice, p1, [k1, 3-in-3] across front to
SM, k1, SM] twice, work Row 16 of Tiny Star
1 st before next marker, k1, SM, k1, SM, knit to
Pattern across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM,
end slipping markers as you come to them.
knit to end slipping markers as you come to
Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R,
them. — 344 (-, -, -, -, -, -, -) sts
SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, work Row 16 of Tiny Star
Proceed to “All Sizes Resume Divide for Body”.
Pattern across front to next marker, M1R, SM,
k1, SM, M1L, knit to next marker, M1R, SM, k1,
SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 sts inc’d Size S Only
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM, Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R,
k1, SM] twice, work Row 17 of Tiny Star Pattern SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, work Row 14 of Tiny Star
across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM, knit to Pattern across front to next marker, M1R, SM,
end slipping markers as you come to them. k1, SM, M1L, knit to next marker, M1R, SM, k1,
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM, SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 sts inc’d
k1, SM] twice, work Row 18 of Tiny Star Pattern Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM,
across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM, knit to k1, SM] twice, work Row 15 of Tiny Star Pattern
end slipping markers as you come to them. across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM, knit to
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM, end slipping markers as you come to them.
k1, SM] twice, work Row 19 of Tiny Star Pattern Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R,
across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM, knit to SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, work Row 16 of Tiny
end slipping markers as you come to them. Star Pattern across front to next marker, M1R,
SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to next marker, M1R, SM,
k1, SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 sts inc’d
Continue last 4 rnds as established until Row 12
of Tiny Star Pattern has been worked. — 336 (-, Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker,
-, -, -, -, -, -) sts SM, k1, SM] twice, k1, work Row 17 of Tiny Star
Pattern across front to 1 st before next marker,
k1, SM, k1, SM, knit to end slipping markers as
Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R,
you come to them.
SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, k3, work Row 13 of Tiny
Star Pattern across front to 3 sts before next
marker, k3, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to next Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R,
marker, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, work Row 18 of Tiny
sts inc’d Star Pattern across front to next marker, M1R,
SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to next marker, M1R, SM,
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM,
k1, SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 sts inc’d
k1, SM] twice, work Row 14 of Tiny Star Pattern
across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM, knit to
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker,
end slipping markers as you come to them.
SM, k1, SM] twice, work Row 19 of Tiny Star
Pattern in same manner, SM, k1, SM, knit to end Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker,
slipping markers as you come to them. SM, k1, SM] twice, p1, [k1, 3-in-3] across front to
1 st before next marker, k1, SM, k1, SM, knit to
end slipping markers as you come to them.
Continue last 2 rnds as established until Row 4
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM,
of Tiny Star Pattern has been worked. — - (352,
k1, SM] twice, work Row 16 of Tiny Star Pattern
-, -, -, -, -, -) sts
across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM, knit to
end slipping markers as you come to them.
Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R,
Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R,
SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, work Row 5 of Tiny Star
SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, k3, work, Row 17 of Tiny
Pattern across front to next marker, M1R, SM,
Star Pattern across front to 3 sts before next
k1, SM, M1L, knit to next marker, M1R, SM, k1,
marker, k3, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to next
SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 sts inc’d
marker, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM, sts inc’d
k1, SM] twice, work Row 6 of Tiny Star Pattern
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM,
across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM, knit to
k1, SM] twice, work Row 18 of Tiny Star Pattern
end slipping markers as you come to them.
across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM, knit to
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM, end slipping markers as you come to them.
k1, SM] twice, work Row 7 of Tiny Star Pattern
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM,
across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM, knit to
k1, SM] twice, work Row 19 of Tiny Star Pattern
end slipping markers as you come to them.
across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM, knit to
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM, end slipping markers as you come to them.
k1, SM] twice, work Row 8 of Tiny Star Pattern
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker,
across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM, knit to
SM, k1, SM] twice, work Row 1 of Tiny Star
end slipping markers as you come to them.
Pattern across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM,
knit to end slipping markers as you come to
Continue last 4 rnds as established once more. them. — - (384, -, -, -, -, -, -) sts
Row 12 of Tiny Star Pattern has been worked. — Proceed to “All Sizes Resume Divide for Body”.
- (368, -, -, -, -, -, -) sts
Pattern across front to - (-, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2) sts Pattern across front next marker, SM, k1, SM,
before next marker, k- (-, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2) sts, SM, knit to end slipping markers as you come to
k1, SM, knit to end slipping markers as you them.
come to them. Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R,
Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, k1, work Row 15 of Tiny
SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, work Row 16 of Tiny Star Star Pattern across front to - (-, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3) sts
Pattern across front to next marker, M1R, SM, before next marker, k- (-, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3), M1R,
k1, SM, M1L, knit to next marker, M1R, SM, k1, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to next marker, M1R, SM,
SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 sts inc’d k1, SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 sts inc’d
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM,
SM, k1, SM] twice, k1, work Row 17 of Tiny Star k1, SM] twice, work Row 16 of Tiny Star Pattern
Pattern across front to - (-, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3) sts across front next marker, SM, k1, SM, knit to
before next marker, k- (-, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3) sts, SM, end slipping markers as you come to them.
k1, SM, knit to end slipping markers as you Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R,
come to them. SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, k2, work Row 17 of Tiny
Star Pattern across front to - (-, 2, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0)
Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R, sts before next marker, k- (-, 2, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0),
SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, work Row 18 of Tiny M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to next marker, M1R,
Star Pattern across front to next marker, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 sts inc’d
SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to next marker, M1R, SM, Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker,
k1, SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 sts inc’d SM, k1, SM] twice, work Row 18 of Tiny Star
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, Pattern across front next marker, SM, k1, SM,
SM, k1, SM] twice, work Row 19 of Tiny Star knit to end slipping markers as you come to
Pattern in same manner, SM, k1, SM, knit to end them.
slipping markers as you come to them.
Size M Only
Continue last 2 rnds as established until Row 12 Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R,
of Tiny Star Pattern has been worked. — - (-, SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, work Row 19 of Tiny
388, 392, 396, 400, 400, 404) sts Star Pattern across front to next marker, M1R,
SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to next marker, M1R, SM,
k1, SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 sts inc’d
Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker,
M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, work Row 13 of Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker,
Tiny Star Pattern across front to - (-, 0, 2, 0, SM, k1, SM] twice, work Row 1 of Tiny Star
0, 2, 2) sts before next marker, k- (-, 0, 2, 0, 0, Pattern in same manner, SM, k1, SM, knit to end
2, 2), M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to next slipping markers as you come to them.
marker, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM,
sts inc’d k1, SM] twice, work Row 2 of Tiny Star Pattern
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM, knit to
SM, k1, SM] twice, work Row 14 of Tiny Star end slipping markers as you come to them.
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM, Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R,
k1, SM] twice, work Row 3 of Tiny Star Pattern SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, work Row 14 of Tiny Star
across front to next marker, SM, k1, SM, knit to Pattern across front to next marker, M1R, SM,
end slipping markers as you come to them. k1, SM, M1L, knit to next marker, M1R, SM, k1,
SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 sts inc’d
Continue last 4 rnds as established once more. Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM,
Row 7 of Tiny Star Pattern has been worked. — k1, SM] twice, p1, [k1, 3-in-3] across front to - (-,
- (-, 428, -, -, -, -, -) sts total -, -, 1, 1, 3, 3) sts before next marker, k1, p- (-, -, -
, 0, 0, 1, 1), k- (-, -, -, 0, 0, 1, 1), SM, k1, SM, knit to
Proceed to “All Sizes Resume Divide for Body”.
end slipping markers as you come to them.
Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R,
Sizes L, XL, 2X, 3X & 4X Only
SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, work Row 16 of Tiny
Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R, Star Pattern across front to next marker, M1R,
SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, work Row 19 of Tiny Star SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to next marker, M1R, SM,
Pattern across front to next marker, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 sts inc’d
k1, SM, M1L, knit to next marker, M1R, SM, k1,
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker,
SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 sts inc’d
SM, k1, SM] twice, work Row 17 of Tiny Star
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, Pattern across front to - (-, -, -, 0, 0, 2, 2) sts
SM, k1, SM] twice, work Row 1 of Tiny Star before next marker, k- (-, -, -, 0, 0, 2, 2), SM, k1,
Pattern in same manner, SM, k1, SM, knit to end SM, knit to end slipping markers as you come
slipping markers as you come to them. to them. — - (-, -, -, 492, 496, 496, 500) sts
Size XL Only proceed to “All Sizes Resume
Continue last 2 rnds as established until Row 11 Divide for Body”.
of Tiny Star Pattern has been worked. — - (-, -,
464, 468, 472, 472, 476) sts
Sizes 2X, 3X & 4X continue as follows:
Size L Only proceed to “All Sizes Resume Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R,
Divide for Body”. SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, work Row 18 of Tiny Star
Pattern across front to next marker, M1R, SM,
Sizes XL, 2X, 3X & 4X continue as follows: k1, SM, M1L, knit to next marker, M1R, SM, k1,
SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 sts inc’d
Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R,
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM,
SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, work Row 12 of Tiny Star
k1, SM] twice, work Row 19 of Tiny Star Pattern
Pattern across front to next marker, M1R, SM,
in same manner, SM, k1, SM, knit to end
k1, SM, M1L, knit to next marker, M1R, SM, k1, slipping markers as you come to them.
SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 sts inc’d
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, SM, Continue last 2 rnds as established until Row -
k1, SM] twice, k2, work Row 13 of Tiny Star Pattern (-, -, -, -, 8, 12, 12) of Tiny Star Pattern has been
across front to - (-, -, -, 2, 2, 0, 0) sts before next worked. — - (-, -, -, -, 536, 552, 556) sts
marker, k- (-, -, -, 2, 2, 0, 0), SM, k1, SM, knit to Size 2X Only proceed to “All Sizes Resume
end slipping markers as you come to them. Divide for Body”.
k1, SM, M1L, knit to next marker, M1R, SM, k1,
Sizes 3X & 4X continue as follows:
SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 sts inc’d
Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R,
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker,
SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, k3, work Row 13 of Tiny
SM, k1, SM] twice, work Row 1 of Tiny Star
Star Pattern across front to 1 st before next
Pattern in same manner, SM, k1, SM, knit to end
marker, k1, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to next
slipping markers as you come to them.
marker, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8
sts inc’d
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, Rep last 2 rnds as established once more. Row
SM, k1, SM] twice, work Row 14 of Tiny Star 3 of Tiny Star Pattern has been completed. — -
Pattern in same manner, SM, k1, SM, knit to end (-, -, -, -, -, -, 596) sts
slipping markers as you come to them.
Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R, All sizes Resume
SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, work Row 15 of Tiny Star You should have 104 (116, 126, 136, 144, 154, 164,
Pattern across front to 2 sts before next 174) sts each for front and back, and 66 (74, 86,
marker, k2, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to next 94, 100, 112, 118, 122) sts for each sleeve, 344
marker, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 (384, 428, 464, 492, 536, 568, 596) sts total
sts inc’d (includes 4 shoulder sts).
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker,
SM, k1, SM] twice, work Row 16 of Tiny Star
Divide for Body
Pattern in same manner, SM, k1, SM, knit to end
Next Rnd: Leave BOR marker in place, knit to
slipping markers as you come to them. — - (-, -,
next marker, remove marker and continue to
-, -, -, 568, 572) sts
remove raglan markers as you come to them,
Size 3X Only proceed to “All Sizes Resume
k1, place next 66 (74, 86, 94, 100, 112, 118, 122) sts
Divide for Body”.
for right sleeve onto waste yarn or holder,
using backward loop method, cast on 10 (10, 10,
Size 4X continue as follows: 10, 12, 12, 14, 14) sts, k1 (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2), work Row
Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R, 17 (2, 8, 12, 18, 9, 17, 4) of Tiny Star Pattern as
SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, k1, work Row 17 of Tiny established over next 104 (116, 126, 136, 144, 154,
Star Pattern across front to 3 sts before next 164, 170) sts, k1 (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4), slip next 66 (74,
marker, k3, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to next 86, 94, 100, 112, 118, 122) sts for left sleeve onto
marker, M1R, SM, k1, SM, M1L, knit to end.— 8 waste yarn or holder, using backward loop
sts inc’d method, cast on 10 (10, 10, 10, 12, 12, 14, 14) sts,
knit to end of rnd. - 232 (256, 276, 296, 316, 336,
Next Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker,
360, 380) sts
SM, k1, SM] twice, work Row 18 of Tiny Star
Pattern in same manner, SM, k1, SM, knit to end
slipping markers as you come to them. Next Rnd: K63 (69, 74, 79, 85, 90, 97, 102), PM
Inc Rnd: SM for BOR, [knit to next marker, M1R, for side, k1 (1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0), work Row 18 (3, 9,
SM, k1, SM, M1L] twice, work Row 19 of Tiny Star 13, 19, 10, 18, 5) of Tiny Star Pattern over next 104
Pattern across front to next marker, M1R, SM, (116, 128, 136, 144, 156, 164, 176) sts, k1 (1, 0, 1, 1, 0,
1, 0), PM for side, knit 63 (69, 74, 79, 85, 90, 97,
102). — 232 (256, 276, 296, 316, 336, 360, 380) sts
Working in rounds, work Rows 1 - 7 of Tiny
Next Rnd: K63 (69, 74, 79, 85, 90, 97, 102), SM, k1
Star Pattern once.
(1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0), work Row 19 (4, 10, 14, 1, 11, 19, 6)
Rnd 8: [K1, 3-in-3] to end.
of Tiny Star Pattern over next 104 (116, 128, 136,
144, 156, 164, 176) sts, k1 (1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0), SM, knit Rnd 9: Knit to last st, sl next st to RH needle,
to end. remove marker, sl previously sl st back to LH
needle, PM.
Rnd 10: K1, p1, [k1, 3-in-3] to last 2 sts k1, p1.
Sizes S, M, L, SL, 2X & 4X Only
Rnd 11: Knit.
Work last rnd as established, until Row 19 of
Tiny Star Pattern has been completed. Rnd 12: As Rnd 8.
Rnds 13 and 14: Knit.
Place 66 (74, 86, 94, 100, 112, 118, 122) sts on
waste yarn for right sleeve onto DPNs (or
needle in preferred style for working small
circumferences), and beginning at centre of
underarm, join yarn and pick up and knit 5 (5,
5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7) sts along underarm cast on sts,
k66 (74, 86, 94, 100, 112, 118, 122) sts from sleeve,
and then pick up and knit 5 (5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7) sts
along underarm cast on to centre. PM to mark
BOR. — 76 (84, 96, 104, 112, 124, 132, 136) sts
©2020 Eweknit, version 2, December 2020