Observation Log
Observation Log
Observation Log
The purpose of the assessment log is to tune into the 2 students, so you can create appropriate learning experiences and
assessments that maximize their learning during the one-week segment for this course. This type of observation is key for
good teaching and learning and is important for all students. The log is an example of a running record. It has a specific
focus, with comments based on observation, so that a pattern of learning style, strengths and weaknesses can be seen for
curriculum planning. This type of information is needed for all children in a classroom, so that curriculum planning can be
tailored to individual needs. For observation: Chose the 2 contents you chose on using during your 5-day learning segment
for this course. Language Arts is a preferred content with one other content of your choice. See additional headings below to
understand how to create your log. Headings below must be used do not include the examples in your running log and
include only your log, not these instructions. You must observe the students once a week during the weeks you are in the
school. Days each week may vary. Ideally, chose the content you are going to teach for your learning segment. But other
contents may inform you as well as to the development and learning needs and style of that child. If because of COVID you
are teaching online, please complete the Alternative Ways you observed. (For additional guidance, refer to page 12-14 in
the resource; Guidance for developing and selecting quality assessments in the Elementary Classroom, RIDE)
- Other than my observations, I was able to get to know my two students by engaging in conversation with
them about things outside of school (number of siblings, pets, favorite hobbies, favorite toys/games,
books, movies, places, etc.) I also shared this information about myself, so students had the opportunity
to get to know who I am and what my favorite things are. I also observed them during their playtime to see
how they behave socially, with their peers.
Observation 1
Child #1 Monday ELA: Focus on writing words and phrases beginning The student enjoys
1/23/23: with the “k” sound. contributing to class
Strengths: conversations and wants to
- He gave examples of words with this sound., learn more about the
which some were above his grade level. subject before moving on to
- He named students in the class who have this the next. Thinking above
sound appear in their name (aware of peers and and beyond.
the sounds in their names). - He was helper of
Weaknesses: the day today and
- The student did not display any weaknesses was very excited.
throughout this lesson.
ELA: Focus on writing words and phrases beginning She seems to zone out and
with the “k” sound. miss key information. She is
Strengths: a newer 5-year-old and
- She gave an example of a word with a “k” sound started Kindergarten early.
Child #2 Monday which was her pets name. She quietly sat and
1/23/23: She was also new to the
listened to the teacher and class give examples. school in November which
Weaknesses: puts her at a disadvantage
- She started playing with another student’s hair from her peers.
during instruction time on the carpet and was
whisper singing.
Observation 2
Child #1 Thursday Math: students worked on building base 10 blocks to The student is very excited
1/26/23: equal 20. to get called on and
Strengths: sometimes forgets to raise
- He remained focused and eager to learn during his hand. He does this
the lesson. because he is excited to
- He raises hand and tries to answer every move onto the next thing
question/prompt the teacher says. and is very confident in his
Weaknesses: learning.
- He did not give other students a chance to answer
the question before shouting out the answer.
Observation 3
Child #1 Monday ELA: Haggerty: reviewing letters and their sounds, He enjoys learning and
1/30/23: segmenting tricky words. looks forward to
segmenting longer words
Strengths: than everyone else. He is
- During this lesson, he was very eager to get his very proud of his learning
own word to segment and asked for the “hardest and his accomplishments.
word ever” to try to break apart.
- He looks around the room and talks to peers
during instruction time (bored with instruction
because it is too easy??).
Observation 4
Child #1 Thursday Math: Simple Solutions math workbook- adding and When he finished his work,
2/2/23: counting he took out a dry erase
Strengths: board and began drawing
- He works ahead of the teacher and the class and pictures, waiting for the rest
finished early with every answer correct. of the class to finish.
- When MT and I came around to check work, he
was very thrilled to have gotten a double star on
his paper (means student went above and beyond
on work)
- Did not display any weaknesses other than
behaviorally (poking at student next to him when
he was finished.
Observation 5
Child #1 Monday ELA: Haggerty block (segmenting phonemes in words)
2/6/23: Strengths: He is a very excited learner
- He gave great, beyond grade level examples of and is very engaged
rhyming words during Haggerty. He was eager to throughout the lesson when
share his ideas and asked questions (curious). it involves him. He becomes
Weaknesses: bored when he is not
- When it was not his turn to speak, he became off speaking/contributing to the
task and was spinning around on the carpet. He lesson.
began distracting other students around him.
- When segmenting his word, he did it very fast, so
the teacher was unable to hear every sound
(eager to get answers faster than everyone else)
Observation 6
Child #1 Thursday Math: Giving examples of circles and spheres (2D and During this lesson, the
2/9/23: 3D objects). student engaged in beyond
Strengths: age-appropriate
- The student understands the concept of spheres conversations with teacher
as 3D and circles as flat, 2D figures. and his peers.
- He understands the concept at a deeper level than
his peers and talks in great details with accurate
information. He asks questions to get clarity and
expands his knowledge beyond the curriculum.
- There were no weaknesses displayed in the
Math: Giving examples of circles and spheres (2D and
3D objects).
- Was quiet and respectful during the lesson. The student tends to zone
Thursday Weaknesses: out during whole group
2/9/23: - Was unable to identify circles and spheres, getting lessons and focuses on
Child #2 them confused with each other (said an orange is other students’ behaviors
a circle). and tendencies.
Observation 7
Child #1 Monday ELA: /S/ and /Z/ sounds and words that end with “S” He remains on task when
2/13/23: that sounds like “Z”. the lesson is concerning
Strengths: him (when he is
- He remained on target throughout the lesson as speaking/called on) but
he was able to correctly place words in the correct when his peers are
column /S/ and /Z/ sounds at the ending of words. answering questions, he
He understood the meaning of the assignment and talks or lays down looking
went above and beyond to talk about his own at objects around room.
examples of words that end in “S” that sound like a
- After the instructions were given, he crawled under
the table and was off task at first. He needed to be
redirected a couple times to start the assignment.
ELA: /S/ and /Z/ sounds and words that end with “S”
that sounds like “Z”.
Requires assistance with
- Displayed a respectful attitude during instruction
writing and with formation of
(sat quietly with pencil in hand)
letters. She tends to
struggle with this concept.
Monday - Writes letters backwards and too big to fit in
Child #2 designated lines on the paper.
Observation 8
Child #1 Thursday Math: Shapes and their qualities (grouping) He gets very excited and
2/14/23: Strengths: prides himself on doing a
- The student was able to describe attributes of the good job/getting answers
different shapes and was also able to identify correct.
qualities of shapes that are like one another
(number of sides, corners) and thoroughly
understands what shapes 3D and what shapes are
- Was off task today and talked through instruction
time. Needed to be redirected multiple times. Lost
2 points on Classroom Dojo.
Observation 9
Child #1 Thursday Math: Math Centers (focus on patterns and adding) After losing a Classroom
2/23/23: Strengths: Dojo, he got back on task
- He did great with centers and works with peers and his behavior improved
cooperatively to play the centers games. for the remainder of the
Weaknesses: day.
- He gets bored and zones out throughout the
lesson. Was playing with his toy from play time
that he brought from home while the lesson was
going on. Lost a point on Classroom Dojo.
Observation 10
Child #1 Monday ELA: Haggerty block (letter sounds and segmenting He is very proud of himself
2/27/23: phonemes in words) for all his accomplishments
Strengths: and looks forward to
- The student was able to successfully segment a sharing his ideas with the
challenging word (“stretching”) with no problems. teacher and his peers.
He asks for harder words and is always up for a
- No weaknesses were demonstrated.
Observation 11
Child #1
Thursday Math: Simple Solutions workbook with a focus on
3/2/23: adding/subtracting
- Works ahead while doing Simple Solutions and
talks about real examples of each problem in the
- No weaknesses were displayed during this lesson.
Observation 12
Child #1 Monday ELA: Reading focus (Amplify Kit stories) When the student finished
3/13/23: Strengths: his morning work, he asked
- Read the story out loud to his peers at his table a student who sits next to
and finished all the stories in the book before him (who was also done) if
morning work was over (he also finished his they wanted to read their
morning work early) book together. Both
Weaknesses: students finished the book
- No weaknesses were observed during this lesson. and were talking about it.
ELA: Reading focus (Amplify Kit stories) She was on task and
Strengths: listened quietly to her peers
- Her peers read her the story and she was able to read the story and was able
Child #2 Monday
answer questions I asked her correctly when I sat to demonstrate
at their table. She is comprehending, she is just comprehension of certain
unable to read. aspects within the text.
- The student is unable to read at grade level and
struggles with unfamiliar words.
Observation 13
Child #1 Thursday Math: St. Patrick’s Day addition equations with pots of He remained on task during
3/16/23: gold and coins manipulatives (individual lesson) instructions but became
Strengths: bored when students were
- Student was playing the game correctly and was transitioning to the stations
able to sit quietly during instruction time. because he did not get
picked for the St. Patrick’s
Weaknesses: Day station first but
- After instructions, the student displayed knowledge eventually rotated there.
of understanding the assignment but was very off
task and needed to be redirected multiple times.
Math: St. Patrick’s Day addition equations with pots of Does not understand the
gold and coins manipulatives (individual lesson) concept of numbers being
Thursday - The student played the game with a peer and larger/smaller than other
Child #2 3/16/23: understood the concept of adding more to a numbers.
- During this lesson, the student demonstrated she
was unable to focus and began coloring The student needed
(scribbling) all over the paper. redirected a number of
Observation 14
Child #1 Monday ELA: Haggerty lesson- introducing “Th” sound. He is always willing to help
3/20/23: Strengths: his peers and is kind
- Gave examples of student’s names with “th” towards them if they are
sound in them. Also discussed real examples and struggling.
is very aware of this sound. He listed examples of
this sound in the beginning and ends of words.
- No weaknesses were observed during this lesson.