Tribes and Tribulations
Tribes and Tribulations
Tribes and Tribulations
Illustration: John Blanche, Alessandro Boer, Dave Gallagher, Yugin Maffioli, Sam Manley,
JG O’Donoghue, Scott Purdy, Mirko Scattolin, Adrian Smith, Andrea Underzo
Cubicle 7 Team: Dave Allen, Emmet Byrne, Alex Cahill, David F Chapman, Walt Ciechanowski, Christopher Colston,
Elaine Connolly, Josh Corcoran, Jennifer Crispin, Matthew Freeman, Paula Graham, Diana Grigorescu, TS Luikart,
Dominic McDowall, Sam Manley, Pádraig Murphy, Ceíre O’Donoghue, JG O’Donoghue, Yvonne Perry,
Laura Jane Phelan, Sam Taylor, and Taryn Wray
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Balbriggan, Co. Dublin Ireland.
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Orcs and Goblins.........................................4 The Black Mountain Boyz.......................... 42 Trolls in Several Forms............................... 84
History, Culture, and Belief..........................5 Olde Weirde’s Incunabulum....................... 34 Olde Weirde’s Incunabulum....................... 86
Orc and Goblin Animosity..........................6 Encounters with Black Mountain Boyz..... 46 Templates for Trolls.................................... 88
Goblins.........................................................8 Personalities of Black Mountain Boyz........ 48 Encounters with Trolls............................... 90
Orcs............................................................ 10
Black Orcs.................................................. 11
Hobgoblins................................................. 12
Snotlings..................................................... 13
Savage Orcs engaged in an ongoing campaign
Troll Personalities....................................... 92
Ogres.......................................................... 14 against the depredations of Chaos Dwarfs. The shamanic practices of Orc and Goblin magic
Trolls.......................................................... 15 users and the spells they employ.
How to use Templates................................ 16 The Stone Snakes....................................... 52
Orc and Goblin Names.............................. 18 Olde Weirde’s Incunabulum....................... 54 Waaagh! Magic........................................... 94
Mounts....................................................... 19 Encounters with the Stone Snakes............. 56 Waaagh! Miscast Table............................... 96
The Terrors of the Drakwald, a band of Forest KHAN
Goblins hungry for captives. ORC AND GOBLIN NEMESES
A band of Hobgoblin scouts for hire, with a
The Cluster-Eye Tribe................................ 20 pronounced reputation for treachery. A guide to powerful Orc and Goblin foes and
Olde Weirde’s Incunabulum....................... 22 notorious warlords and monsters.
Encounters with the Cluster-Eye Tribe...... 24 The Wolfboyz of Oglah Khan.................... 62
Personalities of the Cluster-Eye Tribe........ 26 Olde Weirde’s Incunabulum....................... 64 Orc and Goblin Nemeses......................... 102
ORCS AND GOBLINS To other species, Orcs and Goblins are a scourge. Their
armies despoiled Human nations several times, and they
Throughout the world, many scattered tribes of Orcs and overran and infested much of the territory that was once
Goblins exist. They are united by their shared ancenstry, part of the Everlasting Realm of the Dwarfs. Even the
cultures, a love of slaughter and mayhem, and a unifying High Elven kingdoms of Ulthuan have suffered from the
spirit known to them as Waaagh! Aggression and cruelty invasions of Goblins.
are elemental to the character of Orcs and Goblins. Their
only purpose is to wage war and celebrate the defeat and On rare occasions, desperate marcher lords may try to
subjugation of their enemies. Denied a common foe, Orcs use the aggressiveness of Orcs and Goblins. There are
and Goblins soon grow bored and fractious and soon turn influential mercenary companies, such as Ruglud’s
on one another with the same degree of viciousness with Armoured Orcs, Ghazak Khan’s Blackwolf Mercenaries,
which they persecute Humans and Dwarfs. and Manglar’s Mutant Goblins. Still, it would be unwise
to rely on such troops in the long term, and the citizens of
The term Orcs and Goblins describes a variety of related towns they garrison often end up as rations.
species, including Black Orcs, Gnoblars, Hobgoblins,
Snotlings, and more. Because of the incredible variety of Tribes
creatures that may be found in Orc and Goblin tribes, Orcs and Goblins live in tribes ranging from a few
this book does not give an overview of Orc and Goblin hundred individuals to thousands of warriors. A tribe
society as a whole — such a society does not exist usually contains Orcs and Goblins of the same type. It
coherently. Instead, a broad overview of the creatures is might be a Night Goblin tribe, a Black Orc tribe, a Forest
given, together with a closer look at particular tribes and Goblin tribe, and so on. However, many Orc tribes also
how they might work in games of WFRP. include Goblins, who serve as lackeys, dogsbodies, and
scouts. To further complicate matters, Orcs and Goblins
often recruit monsters with appropriately ferocious
temperaments, such as Squigs, Giants, and Trolls, and
may pay for Ogre mercenaries to join their ranks.
When a tribe breaks apart, the central portion continues To an Orc, the fact that Gorbad Ironclaw razed much of
under the old leader or his successor if the original boss the Empire might be an inspiration, but the fact that his
died. The contenders for a tribe’s leadership come from Waaagh! took place between 1707 and 1712 IC would be
the group of hulking elite Orcs known as Big‘Uns — a dismissed as boring trivia.
ruling class among the Orcs. Every tribe has a core of
Big‘Uns waiting for their chance to take over. Of course, Culture and Belief
there can only be one chieftain, so defeated rivals must Orcs and Goblins are not deep or original thinkers, and
either accept his supremacy or leave the tribe altogether despite the number and variety of their tribes, they tend
and set up a new one. to resemble one another in their culture. They know
little of agriculture, though Goblins and Snotlings may
History farm edible fungi and employ a cruel form of animal
Orcs and Goblins do not keep historical records. The husbandry focused on raising beasts of war. They do know
closest they have to scholarship are oral traditions passed how to hunt and forage but get most of what they require
down amongst their Shamans. However, these accounts through raiding and pillage.
are tribal histories rather than those of Orcs and Goblins
as a whole and vary greatly. Most Orcs and Goblins do Orcs and Goblins know enough of carpentry,
not care where they came from or how they relate to metalworking, leatherworking, and engineering to
significant events that shaped the world. There is little construct crude but effective fortifications, armour, and
teleology to Orc and Goblin culture. They rarely innovate weaponry. They can fabricate machines such as chariots,
new ideas or technology and quickly revert to simple, stone throwers, and bolt throwers. However, their designs
tried and tested lifestyles when placed under duress. are simple and ramshackle, and an Orc stone thrower
made in 2514 IC is no more sophisticated than one made
Other species care little about the origins of Orcs and thousands of years ago.
Goblins and the development of their culture. To more
civilised races, Orcs and Goblins are simply a menace to be Orcs and Goblins worship many gods, many of which are
endured or eradicated. When written histories broach the specific to particular tribes. However, tribes from all over
subject of Orcs and Goblins, they speak of them in much the world, even those with no contact with other tribes,
the same way as natural disasters such as earthquakes worship a pair of gods, giant Orc brothers. These are Gork,
or floods — destructive forces that occasionally cause who embodies brutality with an edge of cunning, and
widespread devastation (a view Orcs and Goblins might Mork, who embodies cunning with an edge of brutality.
regard with pride were they to consider it). To scholars
of the Empire, Orc and Goblin history is just a list of Orcs, Goblins, and Chaos
invasions suffered and campaigns fought. The Dwarfs Orcs and Goblins do not tend to suffer greatly from the
keep records of the depredations of Orcs and Goblins, corruption of Chaos. They are not entirely immune to
for the creatures have shattered many of the Dwarfs’ its influence but do not trouble themselves about it as
most prized Karaks. Still, while their records are more Humans and Elves do. An Orc might respect followers
comprehensive than those of Humans, they do not of Khorne for their devotion to war and bloodshed, but
trouble to concern themselves with the perspective of their gods provide all the inspiration for bloodshed and
their enemies. mayhem that they need.
The Elves and the Slann know a little more. They claim Mutation is not unknown amongst Orcs and Goblins.
that Orcs and Goblins first appeared circa –10,000 For the main part they do not persecute mutants. If
IC. Their presence is supposed to be some unintended a mutation weakens an Orc it may be reviled, but if a
consequence of the Old Ones’ voyages from distant stars. mutation grants an Orc an edge in combat it is respected.
Some tribes of Orcs and Goblins may well remember On occasion, Daemons may be worshipped by Orcs and
particularly successful Warlords and their conquests, Goblins who encounter them, but this is due to their size
though they do so only to measure themselves against and power rather than the principles they embody.
such achievements.
Goblin bands raid for food, booty, and the sheer love of
slaughter. They tend to shun away from straight fights,
preferring to confront their opponents only when they
outnumber them. Goblins delight in cruelty and will
soon prey upon one another if they have no common
enemy to fight.
Goblins Gnoblars, also known as Hill Goblins, are a breed of
Goblins are small, scrawny, cruel-hearted, and possessed Goblin common to the lands east of the Dark Lands.
of low cunning. They flourish in nearly every environment They are smaller and thinner than Common Goblins
in the world, though they inhabit the Badlands and Dark and even less inclined to craftsmanship, preferring to
Lands in particular profusion. Goblins exist in several scavenge and barter for equipment and weaponry rather
sub-types, which are culturally distinct from one another. than make anything themselves.
All Goblins possess waxy green skins, small sharp teeth,
long pointed ears, and beady red eyes. In the distant past, Hill Goblins were thoroughly
subjugated by other Orcs and Goblins and the Chaos
Common Goblins Dwarfs. However, many of their tribes have entered a
The most widespread type of Goblin are known as mutually beneficial relationship with the Ogres of the
Common Goblins. They work leather and metal, and their Mountains of Mourn, providing service as dogsbodies
warbands typically consist of troops armed with spears in exchange for protection. This relationship has proved
supported by contingents of archers. Many Common lasting, probably because the Ogres find the meat of
Goblins capture and ride giant wolves into battle and Gnoblars foul, stringy, and meagre in terms of portion.
sometimes use them to pull light chariots.
Gnoblars tend not to wear any armour or use shields.
While Goblins are cunning in their way — they do They are not militarily minded, and their Ogre masters
show some ability to learn the languages and tactics of would not consider it a good use of time to train them.
other species — they are not particularly innovative, They fight with crude clubs and stolen knives and have
and their ability to engineer machinery seems limited a predilection for using slings, providing them with the
to constructing rickety machines for the purposes of Ranged +6 (60) Trait.
siegecraft, warfare, and torture.
Gnoblars do not tend to manifest much in the way of
Goblins are garrulous and propagate quickly, though their individual talent, and have no ability to employ Waaagh!
innately spiteful dispositions usually prevent them from magic. A Gnoblar may not make use of the Warlord,
cooperating with one another unless they have a common Shaman, or Shaman Lord templates.
enemy to focus their ire upon.
Forest Goblins Night Goblins tend not to manufacture or wear armour,
Forest Goblins can be found in the woodlands of the Old though they do craft suits of mail or scale for their
World and the jungles of equatorial regions. They tend to leaders. Most of them carry small round shields for
lack the skills or opportunities to work metal and leather, protection. They arm themselves with swords or spears.
and instead create equipment and weaponry crafted from Night Goblins make capable archers and may have the
bone, wood, claws, and teeth. Ranged +6 (50) Trait in addition to those listed below.
Many Forest Goblin tribes use Giant Spiders as mounts Night Goblin soldiers and elites may also be equipped
and war beasts, and their Shamans are particularly potent with nets and two-handed weapons such as squig
due to the magical qualities of certain spider venoms. prodders (treat these as Halberds) or massive wooden
clubs (treat as Two-Handed Warhammers).
Armour tends to be limited to a rawhide shield, though
some Forest Goblins accessorise with spider carapace, Other Types
bones, and mail stolen from their victims. Weapons are There are rumours of other types of Goblin adapted to
usually axes or swords, though spears are also commonly living in meres, deserts, or volcanic regions. These forms
employed. Many Goblins prefer to fight from a distance of Goblin are little understood by Human scholars, and
and have the Ranged +6 (50) Trait in addition to those confirmation that they are seperate types with peculiar
listed below. physiology, or simply Common Goblins or Gnoblars that
have adapted to their environments, is unknown.
Night Goblins
Night Goblins inhabit tunnels and caves in the vast BASIC GOBLIN
mountain ranges of the world. They are used to the dark M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
and find the sun’s light uncomfortable and unnerving. 4 25 35 30 30 20 35 30 25 20 20 11
They wear dark hooded robes to protect themselves Traits: Afraid (Elves), Animosity (Greenskins), Armour
from the sunlight, which lends them their distinctive 2 (5), Infected, Night Vision, Weapon +7
Night Goblins tend to be smaller and more lithe than BASIC GNOBLAR
Common Goblins and are even more cowardly in the face
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
of danger. They live alongside other creatures that make
4 25 35 25 30 30 35 30 25 18 15 9
their homes in the world’s dark places, such as Stone
Traits: Animosity (Greenskins), Infected, Night Vision,
Trolls and varieties of Squig. Night Goblins have learned
Weapon +6
methods of war suited to their subterranean environment,
such as using nets to entangle their opponents or herding
wild squigs toward their enemies. BASIC FOREST GOBLIN
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
The Shamans of Night Goblin tribes use a variety of toxic
4 25 35 30 30 20 35 30 25 20 20 11
mushrooms that flourish in their caves. Some of these
Traits: Afraid (Elves), Animosity (Greenskins),
fungi have magical properties and assist in spellcasting.
Arboreal, Armour 1 (4), Infected, Night Vision,
Others, such as the notorious Mad Cap Mushrooms, are
Weapon +7
given to the Night Goblin warriors known as Fanatics to
make them ferocious and powerful in combat and to dull
their senses of fear and pain. BASIC NIGHT GOBLIN
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
Armies of Night Goblins have fought many wars 4 25 35 30 30 30 35 30 25 18 20 10
against the Dwarfs and have come to regard them with Traits: Afraid (Elves), Animosity (Greenskins), Armour
particularly bitter hatred. They also come into occasional 1 (4), Dark Vision, Hatred (Dwarfs), Infected, Weapon
contact with Skaven, sometimes cooperating with the +7
secretive ratmen and sometimes making war on them.
Savage Orcs
Some Orc tribes demonstrate a pronounced frustration
with (or superstition against) technological innovation.
This may be due to unpleasant ancestral experiences with
Dwarfs or Chaos Dwarfs, isolation from other Orc tribes,
or a quirk of how the Orc metabolism reacts to prolonged
heat and humidity (both Lustria and the Southlands are
plagued by Savage Orc tribes).
The Chaos Dwarfs keep hundreds of Orcs and Goblins
in servitude in the Dark Lands, forcing them to labour
in their mines and factories. Their sorcerers are suspected
of breeding the first Black Orcs, intending for them to
be a more robust and disciplined strain than the typical
Orcs. If the Chaos Dwarfs did produce the first Black
Orcs they probably came to regret their decision, as
Black Orcs are headstrong and independently-minded.
A massive rebellion of Chaos Dwarf slaves is thought to
have occurred in the decades before Sigmar’s birth and
may have been led by the recalcitrant Black Orcs.
Black Orcs are so called because their skins are darker Black Orcs always help themselves to the best military
than those of typical Orcs, either a deep shade of green equipment from piles of war booty, and unlike other Orcs
or black. It could also refer to the demeanour, as they are and Goblins, they will trouble themselves to craft and
grim and humourless. maintain suits of mail. They tend to arm themselves with
heavy broad-bladed choppas but may exchange these
Black Orcs were first reported in the Empire shortly weapons with a two-handed axe or maul. They do not use
before the birth of Sigmar. A band of them crossed the missile weapons.
Worlds Edge Mountains and conquered a tribe of Orcs
living in the hilly country to the north of what is now Other Orcs and Goblins are intimidated by Black Orcs,
known as Stirland. When Sigmar united the tribes of aware that their larger cousins have little patience for
men and waged war to expel the Orcs from the Empire, nonsense. They tend not to indulge in squabbles or
those battles he fought against the tribes led by Black mischief making when Black Orcs are in the vicinty.
Orcs were the most desperate.
The origins of Black Orcs are mysterious, but their
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
association with the Dark Lands and their appearance in
4 45 30 45 45 20 25 20 20 45 20 16
the Empire around the time of Sigmar lead some scholars
Traits: Armour 5 (9), Belligerent, Die Hard, Infected,
to suppose the Chaos Dwarfs may be responsible.
Night Vision, Weapon (Choppa) +9
Snotlings are poor warriors, feeble, feral, and individually
cowardly. When other Orcs and Goblins become
warlike, the braver Snotlings become enthused, and band
together in mobs, arming themselves with any sharp or
heavy objects they can lay their hands on, such as broken
branches, splintered bones, or pilfered knives. They make
instinctive use of poisonous fungi, throwing ripe puffballs
that explode to release poisonous clouds of spores. Whilst
these rabbles are of dubious military application, their
harassment can bog down an unwary enemy.
Goblins are less inclined to put up with Snotlings, seeing BASIC SNOTLING
in their diminutive cousins the same bad habits they M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
delight in themselves, such as petty vindictiveness, craven 4 25 15 25 20 20 30 15 15 30 15 7
toadying, spiteful contempt, scatological obsession, and Traits: Bestial, Dark Vision, Immunity (Poison),
rampant kleptomania. Infected, Size (Small), Weapon +4
Optional: Swarm, Trained (Broken, Fetch, Guard),
Goblins find it difficult to sneak about, conspire to Venom (Challenging)
treachery, or indulge in wanton pilfering if there are
Snotlings around, as they make shrill reports of suspicious
activity to any superior who might take an interest.
Ogres live to the far east of the Empire in the Mountains of Ogre leaders are known as Bruisers and their overlords as
Mourn. They are regularly seen in foreign lands, including Tyrants, and can be represented by the Chief and Warlord
Human nations, as they often work as mercenaries. Ogres templates respectively.
are said to suffer from a strange wanderlust, and rarely
settle for long. However, mercenary commanders can find BASIC OGRE
them disciplined and effective troops. Ogres are not fussy M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
about who they work for, and do not trouble themselves 6 30 20 45 45 20 25 20 20 30 20 30
to consider whether or not they approve of the cause for Traits: Armour 1 (5), Hungry, Night Vision, Prejudice
which they fight. As long as they are provided with pay (Thin People), Size (Large), Weapon +8
and opportunities for violence, they are happy.
Trolls are hulking creatures with gangling limbs and Trolls are not related to Orcs and Goblins, but they are
stooped, misshapen bodies. They may look skinny, or even associated with them. Like Orcs and Goblins, they are
comically disproportioned, but they are tremendously found all over the world, though are most commonly
strong, with heavy bones, bunched muscles, and sinews encountered in mountains, caves, and untracked
like cables. Trolls are hideous, slow-witted, and eternally wilderness. Bands of Trolls often latch onto Orc or Goblin
hungry (even more so than Ogres). tribes, attracted by the profusion of carcasses and refuse.
Orc bosses encourage them to stick around by tossing
Trolls possess insatiable appetites and will eat food that them the odd Snotling. Trolls can be fierce opponents in
even an Ogre would baulk at, including wood, rock, and battle, but they are so dumb that they cannot be relied
bits of metal. The digestive juices of a Troll are considered upon to understand even simple orders. When confronted
one of the most corrosive substances in the world and with a determined opposition, they often stand around
are prized by alchemists and potion makers, although confused, or wander off in search of easier prey.
the risk of obtaining it seldom proves worthwhile. Trolls
have even been known to use their vomit as a weapon, Trolls do not use templates in the same way as Orcs
regurgitating over their foes when under duress. and Goblins. See page 88 for a set of templates used to
develop individual Trolls.
The gnarled hide of Trolls regrows almost as quickly as
it is damaged. If a Troll’s hand is severed, a fresh one BASIC COMMON TROLL
grows from the stump. If a Troll is decapitated, a new M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
head forms on its shoulders. A great deal of damage must 6 30 15 55 45 10 15 15 10 20 5 30
be inflicted upon a Troll to stop it regenerating. The only Traits: Armour 2 (6), Bite +8, Die Hard, Infected,
thing Trolls cannot endure is fire, and so burning a Troll Regenerate, Size (Large), Stupid, Vomit, Weapon +9
is one sure way of killing it.
Chief Shaman
A Chief may lead a small warband or be subordinate to Petty magicians and mystics, a Shaman acts as the
the warlord in a larger one. They are experienced warriors spiritual advisor of the warband, guiding their chiefs and
who rule mostly by their intimidating reputation. assisting in warfare with their crude but powerful spells.
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
+25 +10 +15 +15 +25 +20 +10 +25 +10 +5 +15 +10 +15 +15
Skills: Cool +15, Dodge +15, Intimidate +15, Intuition Skills: Channelling +5, Cool +15, Dodge +10, Entertain
+15, Leadership +15, Lore (Warfare) +10, Melee (any (Storytelling) +10, Intuition +15, Language (Magick)
two) +15, Perception +10 +10, Lore (Magic) +10, Melee (Basic or Polearm) +10,
Talents: Combat Aware, Combat Reflexes, Furious Perception +20
Assault, Inspiring, Resolute, Warleader Talents: Arcane Magic, Petty Magic, Second Sight
Trappings: Choice of appropriate Polearm or Two- Trappings: Hand Weapon, Ritual Dress incorporating
Handed Weapon, Hand Weapon, Mail or Leather and many ingredients and fetishes, Staff
Mail or Plate Armour, Shield Spells: Choose up to 3 spells from the Petty Magic list
Options: A Chief may take a Bow and 12 Arrows. If and up to 3 from a suitable magical lore.
they do, they can also take the Ranged (Bow) +10 Skill
Shaman Lord
Warlord Few Shamans weather the trials of casting untrained
The Warlord may rule over a single tribe in a particular magic for long, but Shaman Lords are mighty and
vicinity or may command a coalition of allied or vassalised intuitive spellcasters and may lead in place of a Warlord.
bands over a wider region.
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W +10 +5 +15 +20 +15 +20 +35 +30 +10
+35 +10 +25 +30 +30 +25 +15 +35 +15 Skills: Channelling +20, Cool +25, Dodge +20,
Skills: Cool +25, Dodge +15, Intimidate +25, Intuition Entertain (Storytelling) +25, Intuition +30, Language
+25, Leadership +30, Lore (Warfare) +20, Melee (any (Magick) +25, Leadership +15, Lore (Magic) +20,
two) +20, Perception +20 Lore (Theology) +10, Melee (Basic or Polearm) +10,
Talents: Combat Aware, Combat Reflexes, Furious Perception +30
Assault, Inspiring, Luck, Resolute, Unshakable, Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Arcane Magic,
Warleader Instinctive Diction 2, Luck, Magical Sense, Menacing,
Trappings: Choice of appropriate Polearm or Two- Petty Magic, Second Sight, Sixth Sense
Handed Weapon, Hand Weapon, Mail or Leather and Trappings: Hand Weapon, Ritual Dress incorporating
Mail or Plate Armour, Shield many ingredients and fetishes, Staff
Options: A Warlord may take a Bow and 12 Arrows. If Spells: Choose up to 6 spells from the Petty Magic list
they do, they can also take the Ranged (Bow) +15 Skill. and up to 9 from a suitable magical lore.
The mounts used by Orcs and Goblins and similar creatures WAR BOAR
are as varied as Orcs and Goblins themselves, and usually M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
suited to the environment within which the tribe spends 7 45 – 33 35 33 35 – 10 35 10 24
most of its time. Plains-dwelling Common Goblins and Traits: Armour 1 (4), Bestial, Horns (Tusks) +7, Size
Hobgoblins prefer fleet-footed wolves, whilst the Forest (Large), Stride, Trained (Broken, Magic, Mount, War),
Goblins tend to capture and raise various breeds of Giant Weapon +6
Spider as mounts, and Night Goblins may be able to train
and capture bouncing Squigs.
Orcs prefer to ride the War Boar, a mount as tough,
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
intractable, and belligerent as they are. Ogre cavalry ride
9 45 – 35 30 35 30 – 15 15 10 20
upon the Mournfang, a hulking carnivore with massive
Traits: Armour 1 (4), Bestial, Night Vision, Size
protruding tusks that can be found throughout the
(Large), Stride, Tracker, Trained (Broken, Magic,
Mountains of Mourn.
Mount, War), Weapon +6
Any Orc or Savage Orc may take a War Boar as a mount. GIANT SPIDER
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
Black Orcs
Black Orcs usually fight as heavy infantry but a Black Orc 7 35 – 35 29 20 35 30 14 35 10 20
Chief or Warlord may take a War Boar as a mount. Traits: Armour 1 (3), Arboreal, Bestial, Night Vision,
Size (Large), Trained (Broken, Magic, Mount), Venom
Common Goblins (Challenging), Wallcrawler, Weapon (Fangs) +7, Web
Any Common Goblin may take a Giant Wolf as a mount. 40
Forest Goblins
Any Forest Goblin may take a Giant Spider as a mount. HOPPING SQUIG
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
Night Goblins 4 45 – 50 30 10 40 – 5 15 10 12
Night Goblin Soldiers and Elites may take a Hopping Traits: Bestial, Bounce, Infected, Night Vision, Trained
Squig as a mount. Night Goblin Chiefs, Warlords, (Broken, Mount, War), Weapon +9
Shamans, and Shaman Lords may take a Giant Squig as
a mount. Even larger Squigs are occasionally used as war
beasts by Night Goblins, though such creatures are rare GIANT SQUIG
and difficult to handle.
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
Hobgoblins 4 55 – 58 38 10 40 – 5 15 10 24
Any Hobgoblin may take a Giant Wolf as a mount. Traits: Bestial, Bounce, Infected, Night Vision, Size
(Large), Trained (Broken, Mount, War), Weapon +9
Any Ogre Elite or Chief may take a Mournfang as a
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
Gnoblars and Snotlings
8 50 – 55 45 25 35 – 15 35 10 64
Gnoblars and Snotlings do not typically use mounts,
Traits: Armour 1 (5), Bestial, Horns (Tusks) +9, Size
lacking the patience and skill to master breaking or riding
(Enormous), Stride, Tracker, Trained (Broken, Mount,
an animal.
War), Weapon +9
Terrors of the Drakwald Most Forest Goblins make do with wood, stone, or bone
The Cluster-Eye are a tribe of Forest Goblins who when crafting weaponry. Iron blades give the Cluster-Eye
haunt the Drakwald. Most Forest Goblin warbands are a significant edge.
either wretched vassals of an Orc tribe or exist as part
of a confederation of tribes under a strong Warlord. The The Drakwald Mancatcher is a variety of Giant Spider
Cluster-Eye are an independent tribe who have resisted that thrives within Cluster-Eye territory. Whilst the
domination. This is mainly due to three factors. spider has a fierce and aggressive temperament, juveniles
can be trained to accept a rider. The Cluster-Eye benefit
The Drakwald is vast. Human settlements exist at its from many contingents of spider-riding scouts.
edges, Beastmen herds migrate through it, and the Elven
realm of Laurelorn lies to the north. It is mostly untamed The tribe dominates a swathe of forest stretching from
woodland, a perfect environment for Forest Goblins. Carroburg in the south to the Schadensumpf near the
Nordland border. Their western borders are irregularly
The lair of the Black Pit exists within the Drakwald, and patrolled, but Cluster-Eye scouts have been spotted near
it has formed a mutually beneficial relationship with the villages to the east of the Wasteland. Gritl Eight-Legs,
Cluster-Eye. The Night Goblins of Black Pit are capable Warlord of the Cluster-Eye, is a mysterious figure whose
of crude metalwork thanks to techniques they learned base of operations is rumoured to be in the shadow of the
from captive Dwarfs. They trade weapons, armour, and Black Pit, ringed by the lairs of several enormous, bloated
madcap mushrooms with the Cluster-Eye, who offer spiders. He has tasked Vish Venombarb with managing
edible spider flesh and sacrificial captives in return. patrols along the northern border of their territory.
Disposition of the Cluster-Eye
This list represents the warband at full strength as they set
out on a patrol. By the time the warband has completed a THE SPITE STEALERS
patrol, attrition and harsh disciplinary measures will have The Elves of the Laurelorn are becoming worried, as Spites
accounted for nearly half the Goblins, and the remainder have begun to disappear from the southern borders of the
will likely be wounded. forest. These tiny forest spirits are physically feeble, yet they are
magically potent, and usually more than capable of looking after
0 Two forward scouts roving about half a mile ahead themselves. If threatened, they possess the ability to manifest as
of the main force (spider-mounted Skirmishers). Dryads and Treekin and make dangerous opponents.
0 Left flank ambush party consisting of an outrider The Characters may be asked to look into the disappearance
(spider-mounted Skirmisher), five spears (Soldiers of the Spites, as the Elves fear witchcraft and would rather
with spears), and five archers (Skirmishers). the Humans investigate the villages that lie deep within the
Drakwald. Although they do not say as much to outsiders, the
0 Right flank ambush party consisting of an outrider Elves do not want to risk a diplomatic incident should blood
(spider-mounted Skirmisher), five spears (Soldiers need to be shed.
with spears), and five archers (Skirmishers).
Recently, Vish has been given a strange gift from Gritl Eight-
0 Mobile command consisting of Vish (spider- Legs: a set of black iron traps mounted on the ends of long
mounted Chief ), Bograt (spider-mounted Shaman), poles of ash. These devices are perfect for capturing and
Nurd (spider-mounted Elite), and two spider riders containing Spites. The tiny spirits seem powerless to resist the
(mounted Soldiers with spears). predations of the Forest Goblins. Night Goblin Shamans from
the Black Pit have enchanted the black iron traps with wards
Uniform that the Spites cannot break through, and that rob them of their
The Cluster-Eye Forest Goblins tend to daub their spellcasting abilities. The captive spirits are carried back to the
faces with black and white war paint; the more intricate Black Pit, and it is not clear what purpose the Night Goblins
the design, the more important the Goblin. They stick put them to.
feathers into their scalps, tending to prefer black crow
feathers or the striped feathers of birds of prey.
Shield Design The mounted scouts of Vish’s warband have taken to racing one
A multitude of red eyes shining from the darkness. another to stave off boredom when the warband is encamped.
The spider-mounted Goblins climb to the top of a tree and
Battlecry locate a landmark a few miles away, such as a tower or hilltop.
None, though calls resembling birdsong are used to pass They then careen off at top speed; the first one to reach the
signals and information. landmark takes full and obnoxious advantage of their bragging
rights until the next race.
Olde Weirde’s Incunabulum The claim reminded me of a fascinating work by the Nordland
scholar Stefan Ellendan (The Murderous Culture and Religious
We were journeying on the Carroburg–Middenheim road when Practices of the Accursed Eaves-Dwelling Greenskins,
I noticed a number of grotesque totems, leering out at us from Salzenmund University Press 2499 IC). He had conducted
the treeline. They were designs crudely carved into tree trunks, extensive interviews with survivors of Forest Goblin raids,
shrouded in thick cobweb. They depicted grimacing Orc faces including a Drakwald woodcutter who had been captured by
and spider daemons with dozens of eyes. I pointed them out raiding Goblins but escaped to tell the tale. Knowing that Kaia
to Professor Pfaff, travelling alongside me. His mind may be was from the Laurelorn Forest, I was keen to see if she would
narrow but his eyes are keen and his knowledge of the habits corroborate the scholar’s findings, and we began swapping tales
of the creatures of the world is second to none. Sure enough, of the Forest Goblins.
he informed me after a brief glance that the Cluster-Eye tribe
of Forest Goblins claim the southern expanse of the Drakwald Professor Pfaff, who I feel always prefers to shore up Sigmarite
Forest as their own and these are their territorial markers. dogma rather than engage in a thorough academic discourse,
reminded us that at the first Battle of Black Fire Pass, the
We had not long passed them when Professor Marius von Greenskin menace was purged from the Empire, but that
Gronighof gave a keening wail. A small spider, no larger than Forest Goblin tribes still lurk deep within the Empire’s borders
a pea, had bitten him on the back of the hand. Immediately a and withstand efforts to eradicate them. Forest Goblins are
great welt bulged there, red and bleeding. I have never heard not physically different from other Goblins, being scrawny,
a member of the faculty give voice to such colourful invective stunted, greenskinned creatures with warty, waxy hides. They
before. ‘By the stinking urine of Horros the great White do distinguish themselves through dress and decoration.
Wolf!’ He swore. ‘By the sour scant milk of blessed Verena!’
Pfaff, a devout man, warned him not to invite further injuries Forest Goblins ornament themselves with feathers, sticking the
through his blasphemy, but von Groninghof just replied ‘May quills through their skin. Members of a particular tribe use
Daemons ceaselessly prod at your groin! May your fiery farts distinctive war paint, feather combinations, and tribal glyphs
be bottled and uncorked on unholy Hexensnacht!’ on shields to distinguish them from their rivals. For example,
according to Ellendan, the Creeping Death tribe of the Great
Sovrissniz, the Dwarf gunner that the Four Seasons line Forest are known to decorate their shields with red images of
employed to guard us on our journey, also cursed, but she spiders, whilst the Gloomfangs of Hochland prefer bright red
was polite enough to do so in Khazalid — something about and yellow Fishrook feather headdresses. The Cluster-Eye of
wazzocks and kruts. She stamped on the spider as it scuttled the Drakwald are famed for inserting halms of greasy black
along the floor of the coach, and picked up the remains between crow feathers into their scalps and applying chevrons of black
thumb and forefinger. It was a rich purple with white markings and white war paint over their bodies.
on its abdomen in the shape of a skull. Kaia attended to the
stricken Marius. The Eonir washed the bite with wine. ‘The Spiders are an integral part of Forest Goblin culture.
Purple Skullback does not have a deadly bite, but its venom Ellendan supposed that the Greenskins had to come to an
can lead to fever dreams and fits,’ she said. ‘Let us know if you accommodation with the spiders of the Empire’s woods in
start to suffer from blurred vision.’ order to survive.
It seemed that whilst von Gronighof was hurt he was not in In the centuries since, Forest Goblins have become so skilled
danger. He continued to complain of intolerable, unrelenting at exploiting or appeasing various breeds of spider that they
agony. ‘Now you know how it feels to sit through your lectures are now mutually dependent. Kaia didn’t set store by this,
on the innovations of the Rakhashian dynasty,’ said Pfaff. and warned me not to underestimate the ability the little
Greenskins had for exploiting the beasts of the forest. She said
When we reached the Horn and Antler, Kaia directed von that the Goblins of the Cluster-Eye tribe ate spiders for food,
Gronighof straight to bed. When the Elf joined us later in the milked them for venom, used their exoskeletons as armour,
public bar, she expressed a need for caution when dealing with kept them as pets, and worshipped them as gods.
him. ‘He will probably be hale again in the morning, but those
spiders are dangerous. A substance in their venom can induce
visions and even facilitate second sight.’
They even put spiders to use as assets for trade and industry. The inhabitants of settlements that lie within a few days’ march
Metal is scarce in the forests, so Forest Goblins trade captives, of the Cluster-Eye territory have learned to fear their scouts,
fungus, and spiders for ore from their neighbours, the Night who can use their eight-legged steeds to easily breach the walls
Goblins of the Black Pit. They also make their own weapons, and palisades.
armour, and ornaments from bones, teeth, and pieces of spider
chitin, but iron weapons give the Cluster-Eye an edge over I mentioned to Kaia that Ellendan’s work posited that the
their rivals, such as the Bloodfeather Forest Goblins, whose largest spiders were bloated creatures the size of a house,
territory is north of that of the Cluster-Eye. a report I found hard to believe, but Kaia agreed with the
old scholar. ‘A gifted shaman can appease these Kings of
Kaia said that the shamans of Forest Goblin tribes were Spiders, and encourage the tribe to set up camp outside their
responsible for their close relationship with spiders. The Elf noisome dens for protection. The monsters can cocoon whole
claimed they encourage broods of Purple Skullbacks to live in Beastmen herds, and even Giants in their webs. They are so
their robes and on their bodies. The shamans are constantly venomous even their webs dissolve flesh. A few hours inside
bitten by the spiders, so that their flesh becomes saturated with the sticky mass can reduce a man to a soft lump of putrefied
venom, numbing it completely. Being saturated with venom, flesh.’ Kaia claimed these great spiders were cunning, known
the shamans inhabit a dream-like world where they commune to encircle entire hamlets in strands of web before falling
with great and terrible spider gods. Many shamans die from on the populace in a gluttonous frenzy, and that bands of
the toxins, and those who survive are driven mad by the Forest Goblins, having bribed the huge spiders with blood-rich
experience. They are imbued with powerful magical insights offerings, have been known to use them as beasts of war. The
though, for the spider venom that addles their psyche also spiders allow the Goblins to ride upon their backs, and are
stimulates a talent for sorcery. The Forest Goblins, inspired fierce in the defence of nearby Forest Goblin settlements if
by the ravings of their shamans, revere a hideous arachnid god they come under attack. The leaders of the Cluster-Eye tribe
they call the Feaster from Beyond. Whilst the Forest Goblins are rumoured to inhabit a stretch of forest dotted with caves
have not forgotten the other monstrous gods of their pantheon, and glades, where these huge spiders are known to make their
in the black thickets of the woods, this terrible spider-god lairs. Were the tribe to muster all the force at its command,
rules supreme. Under instruction from their shamans, the maybe a dozen of these titanic beasts could be roused.
Forest Goblins dance the spider dance, shrieking their horrible
ululating battle cries, as they sacrifice captives to the insatiable I fear that Sovrissniz found this conversation distinctly
eight-legged god. distasteful and, upon hearing us attribute a degree of industry
and mercantile behaviour to Forest Goblins, grew irate,
These rites convince a shaman that they are touched by the muttered darkly about Elves being ‘soft in their heads about
spider god’s blessings. Kaia told me that Elven scouts have Grobi’, and went to bed without finishing her ale.
reported seeing Cluster-Eye shamans approaching brooding
Giant Spiders with gifts of meat and totemic icons, to be
rewarded with clutches of hand-sized spiderlings.
Beaten and Bedraggled Glorious Return
Medium Encounter Hard Encounter
Vish’s warband does not always perform well. At times, In this scenario, Vish has succeeded in taking many
a Human village or Beastman herd musters an effective captives and is making his way back to Black Pit. The
defence. If this occurs earlier on the patrol, it can result warband has performed admirably and is at full strength.
in bad morale, leading to desertions, resulting in vicious
discipline by Vish and Nurd to keep the remaining Having conducted a successful raid, the Goblins are
Goblins in line. cocksure. Vish and Nurd demand the Goblins remain
vigilant but, when their backs are turned, their underlings
In this state, the warband have half the numbers it complain that they ought to be provided with rewards and
has at full strength and the remaining Goblin Soldiers distractions due to their victories, not told to watch the
and Skirmishers have half their Wounds remaining. camp and conduct tedious patrols. Scouts doze or wander
Vish, Nurd, and Bograt have all of their Wounds. The off in search of a distraction. Characters spying on the
warband compensates for its reduced state by being extra Goblins may spot scuffles and grumbling. The Characters
vigilant; the remaining scouts patrol with restless zeal, could employ ruses to either get the Goblins fighting one
lest Nurd start knocking heads together. However, the another (such as stealing one Goblin’s possessions and
warband’s morale is so bad that if scouts are attacked with hiding them in another Goblin’s kit) or distracting scouts
overwhelming force, they are as likely to flee for their (they chase after any intriguing noise or sight).
lives without alerting the rest of the warband.
The captives carried by the Forest Goblins are still alive,
The warband likely bears captives — even an unsuccessful albeit groggy from venom and wrapped in spider silk.
patrol results in prisoners, mostly Humans or Ungors. There are twenty prisoners in total. Were they to be
There are only likely to be four or five such wretches, released, they would no doubt fight to secure their freedom
likely in even worse condition than they would be if the and take revenge. Releasing these prisoners could be a
warband had performed well. On occasion, the warband good way for a party to bolster their numbers and face the
may have more captives despite their own dilapidated warband head on, however, complications may arise from
condition. If they have twenty or more captives, they may the fact that prisoners likely suffer from fatigue, poison, or
even leave piles of them in the woods as they ferry them disease as a result of their ordeal. Whilst many prisoners
stage by stage back to the Black Pit. are Human victims who may well help the party, others
might be Beastmen, who would be as belligerent to their
0 Two forward scouts roving about half a mile ahead rescuers as their captors. A good raid might net the
of the main force (spider-mounted Skirmishers). Goblins 12 Human prisoners, six Ungor prisoners, and
two Gor prisoners. The Gors are easily distinguished even
0 Left flank ambush party consisting of three when wrapped in web, but telling Humans from Ungors
spears (Soldiers with spears) and three archers might not be so straightforward.
0 The full force as described on page 21.
0 Right flank ambush party of three spears (Soldiers
with spears) and three archers (Skirmishers). 0 Twelve Human captives, six Ungor captives,
and two Gor captives.
0 Mobile command consisting of Vish (spider-
mounted Chief ), Bograt (spider-mounted
Shaman), Nurd (spider-mounted Elite), and a WIDER CONFLICT
spider rider (mounted Soldier with spear). If you want to make more of a threat of the Cluster Eye, it
would be a simple matter to have some members of Vish’s group
0 Three Human captives, two Ungor Captives. survive an encounter with the party and report their activities to
Gritl (a Forest Goblin Warlord in command of many scouting
parties similar to Vish’s group). He may seek revenge for the
loss of his prized lieutenant and would see delivering the party
to his contacts at the Black Pit as just deserts.
Takers of Many Dwarf Holds For the rest of their lives, they wear their crooked or snub
Goblin tribes are usually subservient to tough Orc nose as a sign of allegiance and subservience to Boggrub.
Warbosses. They prefer to skulk around and let the brutal,
bolder greenskins do most of the fighting. The Broken In 2470 IC, the tribe came to prominence in the eastern
Nose tribe are different, because they’ve shown they can World’s Edge Mountains. The Broken Nose raided Karak
pack a punch far greater than most Goblins. This is not Azul and surrounding Dwarf outposts and defeated
because they are especially brave or fearsome — it’s down several armies. A number of captured war machines were
to their success in deploying pilfered war engines. amongst the spoils, including the trebuchet they dubbed
‘Skull Crusher’ and the organ gun ‘Lead Belcher’.
In other ways, the Broken Nose tribe are typical of Goblins
that dwell on the plains, mountains, and hills of the Old The ensuing rampage erupted into a full Waaagh! under
World. They’re a little more disciplined and organised Boggrub, as they tore through Dwarf and Human
than most tribes, for as long as they keep trouncing their resistance on a march of destruction to the west. Over
enemies, they rally around Boggrub Legbiter’s banner. the years, the Broken Nose strayed further through the
Black Mountains, attacking settlements in Averland
The tribe are recognisable from the battered noses which and the northern Black Fire Pass. Today, they are chiefly
give them their name. Each of them has been through active in the Appucini Mountains and Vaults, near Karak
an initiation ceremony, where the warchief ceremonially Bhufdar and the Dwarf outpost of Zarakzil. Boggrub is
punches them in the face and breaks their nose. eager to stay on the move and once again he’s eyeing up
the Empire and its plentiful supply of war machines.
Disposition of the Broken Nose Hangers-On
The Broken Nose tribe is made up of 160–200 Goblins Broken Nose conquests attract bands of greenskins
and a fluctuating mass of hangers-on. looking to benefit from the tribe’s victories. They stick
around as long as the going is good.
0 Boggrub’s Mob are the toughest Goblins. They get
the biggest share of the spoils after a fight and are 0 Toerag’s Ankle Slashers are a gaggle of Snotlings.
marginally less likely to try to usurp the warchief. The Goblins tolerate them because you can always
eat a Snotling when food is short. At any given
0 Amongst them is Gutbug, the tribe’s second-in- time, there are 5d10 Snotlings with the tribe. Titchy
command, assigned to the war machines. Toerag is a Snotling Elite.
0 The Shaman Rutbagger is a weathered Goblin with 0 From time to time, ‘Wolfy’ Datzda (Elite) and his
leathery skin and filthy robes made from a looted 21 wolf riders join the Broken Nose. These are wolf-
Dwarf banner. mounted Soldiers with spears and shields.
0 The other 24 Goblins in Boggrub’s Mob have the 0 Badbreath is a nasty Stone Troll followed by a band
Elite profile. of six more Stone Trolls (see page 88). They’re useful
when the tribe is in a fight and a nuisance when
Boggrub’s champions are Stink, Ratbrain, and Pusboil they’re not.
(Elite template). These are thoroughly disreputable
characters who lead their own mobs of reprobate Goblins. Uniform
Numbers in these mobs vary considerably and they often The Broken Nose raided a Tilean textile merchant’s
break into smaller groups as needed. For total numbers, caravan several years ago, now many of them wear grubby
add 2d10 to any of the following. jerkins made from black and mustard-coloured cloth.
Olde Weirde’s Incunabulum If Sigmar wielded every hammer that had been ascribed to
him, wore every amulet, and blessed every relic, he would have
Should Taal, Sigmar, and all the gods conspire to create barely had time for anything else. Nevertheless, Pfaff would
a creature of piteous cowardice and wretched misery, then not be put off and sniffily gave us the ultimatum that if we
they might be hard-pressed to conceive of something much did not accompany him, he would set off in pursuit of the
better than the common Goblin. As rats infest the sewers, creatures alone. What could we do?
so does the Goblin infest the scrub and the forest. These
green-skinned creatures snivel and skulk in the margins of the The priest had discovered one Goblin laggard hiding in the
Empire, harassing her people and raiding her towns. Their crypt. Sovrissniz was tormenting the poor thing. Kaia told
trickery and opportunism derive from their cowardice. They her she was wasting her time. The Elf had already had a look
snatch babies from their cots and eat them. They ambush and around and discovered the warband’s tracks clearly enough,
kill lone travellers. They band together and burn whole villages,in the muddy ground. We would easily be able to follow
leaving no survivors behind them. them and did not need to subject the creature to such pain.
Sovrissniz grumbled theatrically. ‘It’s your lucky day, Grobi,’
All citizens of the Empire are familiar with stories of Goblins, she said, giving the creature an almost friendly cuff on the
the Goblin and the shoemaker, the Goblin who got stuck side of the head.
up the chimney, the Goblin and the duck. These are staple
tales for children, and through them everyone knows what I stepped in to rescue the Greenskin, before Sovrissniz could
Goblins are like. Am I correct? Well, perhaps. But the truth be even more friendly and I am not saying that the creature
of things is a little more complex and interesting than Johann looked at me as a Human might look at a friend in gratitude,
Farmer and his wife would have you believe. I have encountered more perhaps as a dog might look at a master. But there
Goblins several times on my travels and have sometimes found was certainly an appreciation in its eyes that I had spared it
them to be more than the mindless creatures of destruction further pain.
and spite that they are painted.
We tied it to a tree so that it would not give us away and
We were in southern Averland. Professor von Gronighof was followed Kaia further into the hills. I trust that I am not
on the trail of an exotic sword from Khemri, which will be the spoiling the tension of the account to reveal that I did indeed
subject of a forthcoming monograph. But we were distracted survive the episode, but it is worth noting that when we
by a temple to Sigmar that had been all but razed to the returned that way, the Goblin was gone and the only sign of
ground and its treasures stolen. According to the distraught its presence was the rope we had tied it with, lying on the
priest, the raiding Goblins had carried off a prized artefact, a ground, untied.
hammer that Sigmar himself had wielded.
After following Kaia for several hours, we reached a wooded
Professor Pfaff was immediately animated and insisted we valley. Our approach afforded us a good view of the
pursue the Goblins and bring back the holy hammer whatever surroundings, and we could see several huts dotted around a
the cost. Von Gronighof was of course keen to continue larger one, the whole settlement surrounded by a rudimentary
his search for the sword. I, as an academic and historian, palisade. We wondered what sort of strength we were
cannot help but wonder at the plethora of relics, talismans, approaching and Professor von Gronighof advised caution. I
and amulets that have survived through the twenty-five centuries admit that I shared his reticence. There were only the five of
since the time of Sigmar. And though I do not cast doubt on us, and this could have been an entire tribe of Goblins, or
the provenance of any individual piece, I do doubt that of every perhaps even a gathering of several tribes dedicated to raiding,
piece, if only by the law of averages. or even preparing for a greater Waaagh!
Professor Pfaff was adamant, however, urging us to rescue the We waited until the middle of the night when most of the
hammer as if we were to rescue Sigmar himself. And so we Goblins were sleeping and attempted to retrieve the holy
waited until nightfall. I am not sure, myself, of the wisdom of hammer. Unfortunately, von Gronighof tripped over a sleeping
such a tactic. It has been observed on a number of occasions Goblin, and we had to make a fighting retreat, with Kaia and
within the academic community that Goblins are comfortable Sovrissniz defending our rear.
in dim light and even darkness. If anything, it would give the
Humans in our party, myself, Pfaff, and von Gronighof, a I think that was the only time Sovrissniz had enjoyed herself
disadvantage. since we had tied the Goblin to the tree. But I am proud to
say, that thanks to our efforts, the hammer now hangs in the
Kaia disappeared for an hour or so, to reconnoitre the temple once more.
settlement, and returned with news of a gap in the palisade
from where we could reach the large central hut. We managed I was advised by the senior masters of the university not to
to squeeze between two of the planks that made up the rather publish this account. I only include it now in the knowledge
rickety wall of that building and crawl into a corner of the hall. that it will go no further than this correspondence. I have
And what I saw there confounded me and has continued to do confidence in your discretion. What to make of it, I am
so as I have ruminated upon it ever since. flummoxed. Theories abound. Perhaps it is simply explained in
the well-known phrase, ‘Goblin see. Goblin do.’
For in the room, upon the ground in neat rows sat about two
dozen Goblins. They were quiet and still, and their attention I am not sure what the Goblin deities might make of this,
was fixed upon a single Goblin standing before them, shouting perhaps they encourage such eclecticism and assimilationism.
at them in their guttural tongue. Although admittedly there was Perhaps, as Pfaff suggests, they don’t exist. But I think the
some fidgeting at the back, and some seemed to be struggling episode illustrates that the Goblins can learn. They are attentive
to be so still and seemingly attentive. And this lead Goblin and inquisitive. Some Human states might even learn from
was dressed in rags, I thought, but when I had studied the that example, though I will not name one, because I do not
scene and my eyes became accustomed to the light, I realised wish to discuss Bretonnia at this time.
that these rags were the remnants of a religious robe, still
bearing some of the ornamental stitching and symbols of the This sort of behaviour would explain the activity of the Broken
divine founder of our Empire. I wondered what foul fate had Nose tribe. I have not encountered them myself but they are
befallen the poor priest who had previously worn those tattered a good focus of scholarly debate, famous for their scavenged
and defiled vestments. artillery. Do they understand the science behind their engines
or even the practical applications behind the use of artillery?
Behind the robed Goblin there was a lump of stone similar to Did they observe the Dwarfs using their war machines and ape
the altars in many a temple across the Empire. And upon the their actions, or did they, when faced with engines, equipment,
stone sat the hammer that we had come to rescue. The robed ammunition, and a desired result, deduce the function through
Goblin addressed the hammer and lifted it above his head, their own intellect?
showing it to the assembled Goblins. They let out a murmur
of appreciation. This was not the sort of Goblin ritual I have I have even read the thesis of a wizard of Ostland who has
seen attributed to them by those who have made a study of captured a Goblin that was scavenging about her tower. She
their barbarous culture, of course. This was, I gleaned, as close painstakingly, over many years, taught the Goblin, whom she
as they could make it, to a Sigmarite sermon. named Chatai, to read and write and then to even create
complete written works of its own. She published a paper
Pfaff made a similar deduction. He was livid. These creatures on her work, ‘Observations on food motivation and pain
were performing some sort of blasphemous parody of our holy application on Goblin pre-training,’ which I have read, but
devotions. I could see him giving Sovrissniz the look that said, could not honestly pretend to wholly understand.
‘Charge!’ I whispered for him to calm down, imploring him to
wait for the right moment when we would have the advantage.
Thankfully he controlled his rage.
Stunty on the Loose I Want Dat Gun!
Medium Encounter Hard Encounter
Kargun Grimbarden finally plucked up the courage to The Broken Nose tribe have come down from the hills to
escape his captors and make for civilisation. Years of assault the village of Michelfurt in Wissenland, confident
humiliation and shame have made him desperate enough their war engines and numbers can overwhelm the measly
to take his chances in the mountains. When Boggrub regiment posted in Schloss Michel, which sits within the
discovered Kargun’s escape, he despatched Gutbug to village. Boggrub knows the tribe shall enjoy despoiling a
track him down, accompanied by Rutbagger, Pusboil and Human village, but he has another reason for attacking
their swiftest Goblins. — his scouts told him an Imperial Engineer is holed up
in the fort with a Volley Gun. This would be a spectacular
This encounter begins when the Characters find Kargun addition to the tribe’s artillery.
stumbling through the hills or mountains, exhausted,
malnourished, and panicked. He begs them for help in This encounter could happen if the Party are staying in
a cracked voice, tears streaming down his hairless face. Michelfurt or on the road, where they hear tell of Goblins
1d10 Rounds later, the Goblins barrel around a bend in approaching a nearby village. It’s easy to relocate this
the mountain path and an observant archer spots the encounter to any location which borders the mountains
Characters. If they act swiftly, they can escape to safety. in the southern Empire, Tilea, or the Border Princes.
Fortunately for them, there is a Dwarf patrol a mile Boggrub orders an assault on the village at dusk, using
further down the path. tried-and-tested tactics which served him well on many
occasions. The tribe uses Skull Crusher to pound the
The Goblins want to take Kargun back alive. Their village, palisade, and Schloss with rocks, before firing on
numbers mean they think they can take the Characters, the gate with all the war engines. When they think the
especially with Rutbagger’s spells on their side. They locals are sufficiently demoralised, Pusboil’s Guard, and
approach slowly, to give four archers and two spears time Stink’s Dogjabbers charge through the gate and breached
to sneak behind the party to prevent their escape. If the palisade to attack the villagers and Schloss Michel.
Goblins are defeated or the party gets away, a few Goblins
run back to Boggrub and tell him Gutbug messed up. The village will fall if the men-at-arms aren’t helped by
the Characters. The Schloss’s commander, August von
Until Kargun is safe and miles from the Broken Nose Clausewitz, did not see the attack coming and struggles
tribe, he won’t reveal his story or what he’s done. If the to make decisions under pressure. The Imperial Engineer,
Characters don’t help him, he’ll warn them the local Agathe Eichalt, has only enough powder to fire one
Goblins have war machines and have tortured him for volley from her artillery piece, which is hastily armed in
many years. He won’t admit his role in keeping the war the gatehouse of the fort.
engines in working order.
0 Boggrub and his mob, including Rutbagger.
0 Gutbug (Chief ), Pusboil (Elite), and Rutbagger
(Shaman). 0 Gutbug with Skull Crusher, Lead Belcher
and two spear chukkas.
0 Eight Goblins (Soldiers) armed with spears and
shields. 0 Stink’s Dogjabbers — 57 Soldiers.
0 A Stone Troll and three Snotlings, who have 0 Pusboil’s Guard — 24 Soldiers (the rest are
no idea what’s going on. They just tagged along guarding the Broken Nose camp a mile away).
because it looked like fun.
0 Titchy Toerag with 28 Snotlings.
Boggrub Legbiter – Goblin Warlord Very few Goblins live as long as Boggrub, and there
Boggrub is warchief of the Broken Nose tribe. He keeps are whispers amongst the tribe suggesting this isn’t the
his position because he’s a little smarter and sneakier than original Boggrub. Dwarfen lorekeepers believe today’s
the rest of the Goblins under his command, who harbour Broken Nose is led by the third Goblin of that name.
a superstitious belief that he’s somehow blessed by Mork. Nobody knows except Boggrub himself — and he’s
He’s burlier than the other Goblins, with muscular arms, saying nothing.
and a particularly ugly, toothy grimace under his broken
nose. Boggrub wears a pointed metal helmet, looted BOGGRUB LEGBITER – GOBLIN WARLORD
chainmail, and wields a very sharp Dwarfen sword. M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 60 45 55 60 50 60 30 40 55 35 22
Boggrub is restless, devious, and careful to surround Traits: Afraid (Elves), Animosity (Greenskins),
himself with henchmen less intelligent and ambitious than Armour 3 (9), Infected, Night Vision, Weapon +9
himself. 32 years ago, Boggrub lead a Waaagh! through Skills: Cool 80, Dodge 65, Intimidate 80, Intuition
the eastern mountains, which forged their reputation 75, Leadership 65, Lore (Warfare) 60, Melee (Basic
amongst greenskins. Boggrub knows a Goblin warlord’s 80, Polearm 80), Perception 70
position is tenuous, as Orcs and treacherous underlings Talents: Combat Aware, Combat Reflexes, Furious
are always looking to depose him. For Boggrub, the Assault, Inspiring, Luck, Resolute, Unshakable, War
tribe’s stolen war machines are more than just weapons Leader
— they’re the reason he stays on top of the heap. Trappings: Helmet, Mail Shirt, Sword, Shield, Spear
Kargun Grimbarden Kargun is a broken Dwarf. The Goblins have shaved his
When Boggrub attacked the outpost near Karak Azgal, beard, and broken his nose. He is missing several toes as
everything changed for Kargun Grimbarden. Almost Gutbug ate them to encourage Kargun to clean out Lead
every Dwarf in the tunnels was slaughtered by grinning, Belcher’s barrels faster.
vicious Goblins who pounded the fortifications with a
stolen runic stone thrower. Kargun was just a beardling, KARGUN GRIMBARDEN – DWARF ARTILLERIST
barely more than 25 years old, when Boggrub hauled him M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
from amongst the dead and demanded he show the grobi 3 54 42 33 44 28 22 43 35 51 25 16
how to use a cannon. To his shame, he did what they Traits: Afraid (Boggrub), Armour 1 (5), Mental
asked — and sealed his doom. Corruption (Shaky Morale)
Skills: Cool 55, Drive 27, Endurance 52, Language
Since that fateful day 32 years ago, Kargun has been a (Goblin Tongue 56, Khazalid 65), Lore (Metallurgy
captive of the Broken Nose tribe, forced to maintain 48), Melee (Basic) 59, Navigation 33, Outdoor
their war engines. His life is an unending torment of Survival 48, Ranged (Blackpowder 50, Catapult 47)
unconquerable anguish. He has never managed to escape Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision, Orientation,
and, thanks to him, many Dwarfs have died at the hand Read/Write, Strong Back, Sturdy
of Boggrub’s machineries of destruction. He almost fears Trappings: Ragged Leather Jerkin
freedom, as how would he show his (beardless) face to
another Dwarf, knowing what he’s done?
When greenskins harness the power of their war engines, Doom Divers
they become a serious threat, able to take on heavily- This is a small catapult designed to fire a Goblin high
armoured opponents and attack fortified settlements. The into the air. This brave lunatic wears hand-stitched leather
Broken Nose Goblins are a good example of a tribe whose wings which they use to direct their ascent and descent,
conquests are only impressive thanks to their unique with devastating consequences for whoever they hit on
machineries of destruction. In battle, Goblin crews scurry landing. A surprising number of Doom Diver Goblins
about fetching ammunition, loading the machines, and survive, eager to take another flight high above the earth.
firing. The crew is sometimes overseen by an Orc ‘bully’, an
artillerist who stands around encouraging the Goblins to
work faster with his fists or a handy club.
Greenskin war engines vary in design, but there are The Red Tusk Orcs of the Middle Mountains are gearing up for
recurring patterns — mainly copied from other species another incursion into Middenland, so they need weapons. Herr
by an enterprising Goblin in the past and mimicked Flugbeg of Frote is a man without morals who deals in arms,
ever since. Orc and Goblin Warlords demand huge siege buying the produce of smiths in southern Nordland and selling it
engines when their armies attack settlements. Their mobs in bulk to anyone who’s buying — preferably both sides in a fight,
swiftly hack down trees to hammer together ramshackle for maximum profit. He’ll pay handsomely for someone to escort
siege towers, battering rams, and huge rock lobbers. They his cargo from Frote to Oberholzbeck, where his greenskin buyers
may resemble giant effigies of Mork and Gork, with await and can dispose of anyone who can tell of Flugbeg’s crimes.
leering wooden heads which disgorge Orcs and Goblins
from their mouths onto the enemy ramparts.
Spear Chukkas Notlob is an Orc with an unusual appetite for invention. His
These are ballistae, influenced many thousands of years ago renowned battery of spear chukkas have been the ruin of many
by greenskins copying Dwarfen equivalents. No greenskin an army. He’s looking to improve on his creations by finding
can resist the simple pleasures of watching an enemy the formula for Helstorm rockets, an explosive weapon employed
speared on a massive bolt. Essentially giant crossbows, spear by the Imperial Engineer’s Guild, He knows cunning is a better
chukkas are fairly easy to build and repair, although they’re ploy than brute force, so he wants to lure an Engineer into the
still less reliable than ballistae built by other species. They Black Mountains somehow… probably using Human dupes as
are a common sight on the battlefield, on fortifications, and intermediaries.
on board the largest of their boats. Hobgoblins craft better,
wheeled spear chukkas, suited to their nomadic lifestyle.
Orc and Goblin War Machines
Weapon Enc Range Damage Qualities and Flaws
Spear Chukka 20 150 +12 Accurate, Crewed 2, Dangerous, Reload 3
Doom Diver 20 120 +13 Accurate, Dangerous, Impact, Reload 3
Rock Lobber 40 100 +15 Crewed 3, Dangerous, Imprecise, Reload 3
Bolt 1 As weapon — Impale, Penetrating
Stone 3 As weapon — Damaging, Impact
New Weapon Flaw Penalties from reduced crew are cumulative, so a Crewed
Crewed 4 weapon with a single crewman will suffer from double
A weapon with the Crewed Flaw is so large, heavy, and reload time, the Imprecise Flaw, and the Shoddy Flaw.
complex that it benefits from being managed by a team
rather than a single operator. This team all need to possess If a weapon gains a Flaw that it already possesses, impose
the relevant Ranged Skill to crew the weapon. However, a further penalty of –10 to any Ranged Tests made to
they may nominate one of their number to make the shoot the weapon.
relevant Ranged Test to see how well the weapon
performs when it is triggered. When reloading a weapon with the Crewed Flaw, one of
the crew may assist with any Tests made to determine
Most weapons have a crew of 2, 3, or 4. Larger crews are how long the reloading process takes.
often assembled, but extraneous crew members do not
impact the efficiency of the weapon itself, though they If a weapon with the Crewed Flaw suffers a misfire, all
may help move it or make up for casualties among the members of the crew are affected.
Extortion and Ambition Harboth set a few lads to follow him and, incredibly, the
Harboth Skullrenda is an Orc with big ideas and a strong trader returned with the goods. Harboth saw the potential
desire for a comeback. He wants his own Waaagh! and in this arrangement and, after a few months, the tribe set
he’s got a plan to get there. Years of leading his tribe up a toll, which was really more of an extortion operation.
have given him the experience he needs to use both When Harboth could restrain his lads for long enough,
horrendous violence and basic cunning to take what he they’d let the odd traveller through, who spread the word
wants. Harboth just needs to watch his back — not all the north and south of the pass that the Orcs in the Black
bosses are convinced he’s still got what it takes. Mountain could be bargained with… usually.
Years ago, Harboth founded a camp in Black Fire Pass The arrangement worked well, but Harboth hadn’t
south of Zan Mingol and for a few years, the tribe thrived. thought very far ahead. Eventually, an army from Karak
At first, they killed any Human or Dwarf merchant Hirn marched to the pass and chased the Black Mountain
convoys that passed their way. Boyz away from their camp.
As the tribe grew, they eventually waylaid all the travellers Now Harboth and his tribe wander the Black Mountains,
who passed through a narrow defile near their main base extracting loot with menaces and following the usual Orc
— and the main route through the Black Mountains pursuits — killing, maiming, and making a lot of noise.
became impassable. An Empire trader desperate to reach The tribe has diminished in strength due to their wars
the Border Princes offered to bring more weapons if and wandering, and Harboth needs to work hard to cling
Harboth’s boyz let him travel to Munzig. to power.
Disposition of the Warband The other half of the tribe are 84 Arrer Boyz (Orc
The Black Mountain Boyz are a smaller tribe than it was Skirmishers). These Orcs are a little skinnier than the
during the glory days of the Black Fire camp, and Harboth other Boyz and there’s a rivalry between the two camps
knows that it’s going to take some serious conquests to — the Arrer Boyz think the Boyz are thick and the Boyz
grow it again. Below Harboth, each boss has his own mob think the Arrer Boyz are a ‘bit runty’. They’re both right.
of Orcs who form a boisterous band of compatriots.
0 Da Red Arrers — Ugdrakk tends to band with this
The inner circle of the tribe consists of: mob.
0 Yaskin is an especially violent Orc who dresses in A ragtag crew of 20–40 menials do the worst jobs for the
the best plunder. Black Mountain Boyz. Runty Orcs and skulking Gobbos
to cook, fetch, carry, and act as punch bags for the Boyz.
0 Old Balnag, is the oldest Orc in the tribe and full of
stories of great Waaagh!s of the past. Uniform
Black Mountain Boyz wear ragged tunics and breeches
0 Daggot is an unusually quiet Orc. The other bosses stolen from travellers, patched and filthy. Some strut
assume he’s smart, but he’s actually too stupid to about in rusty chainmail and leather armour, a sure sign
know what’s going on most of the time. of status in the tribe.
Olde Weirde’s Incunabulum When a Waaagh! is directed at the Empire, then she cannot
resist it without severe damage and suffering. It cannot be
Though it is well known the wilderness of the Empire is home predicted, and it would be unreasonable to expect the Imperial
to many tribes of Goblins, it seems to be free of Orcs. Is this armies to react to and defeat a Waaagh! in its early stages.
true? To examine the issue, we must be clear on our taxonomy. Like a wave crashing against the shore, it is inevitable that
Is a Goblin a small Orc, or an Orc a large Goblin? Is one a the Waaagh! does the greater part of its destruction before it
subset of the other? Are they the same thing, essentially, of a can be seriously opposed. Therefore, the people of the Empire
different size or are they as separate as, for example, a Human must live with the constant possibility of sudden assault.
and a Halfling? Though Professors von Gronighof and Pfaff
and myself have had many a debate on the subject, I remain Fortunately, it is inevitable that the forces that brought the
undecided. For the purposes of this article, I assume they are Waaagh! together must end, as disunity and division occur
different but collectively can be called Greenskins. throughout the Greenskin army. The urge for squabbling and
animosity among their kind can only be overcome for short
Some posit that Orcs are so belligerent and uncontrollable that periods, and this is usually to the gain of the individual tribes.
they cannot survive in the Empire at all. They will immediately Once they have sufficient plunder, they are apt to return to
attack all settlements they can, drawing inevitable retaliation by their homelands. Jealousy and rivalry among the commanders
the local lords, or indeed the provincial army, leading to their are likely to lead to in-fighting, and no Waaagh! is known to
destruction. While Goblins, it is clear, can lie low, survive have persisted after the death of the leader who inspired it.
unobtrusively in the margins, attack opportunistically, but
avoid being so serious a threat that the generals of Imperial Such an analysis may seem cold, but the inevitability of the
armies are moved to destroy them. Perhaps Goblins are able attack, and the inevitability of its ultimate failure makes it feel
to hunt and gather, and even perform rudimentary cultivation, like an Orc Waaagh! should no more disturb us than a violent
whereas Orcs are not prepared to labour in this way. storm or earthquake. Do not take this holistic and strategic
view to indicate that the death and destruction caused by the
Therefore, Orcs are the architects of their own inevitable Waaagh! is anything but a tragedy, and its ending not to the
destruction. I should say that this destruction is only inevitable credit of the Imperial armies. In the process of a wave crashing
due to the excellent Imperial armies, the bravery of her people, upon the beach, every grain of sand has its story.
and the protection of Sigmar. But it is still inevitable.
I have heard it said that Orcs are so belligerent that they
Orcs outside the Empire survive by raiding and conquering. can never be bargained with, but this is not the case. I have
And sometimes, through fortunate circumstances, they thrive, encountered a band which was amenable to negotiation. We
and when they thrive, they are brought into conflict with their were travelling through Black Fire Pass and heard that a huge
fellows. This leads to the rise and fall of several warlords. When Greenskin Waaagh! was coming our way. This turned out to
things go well, they fight each other and then through mutual be untrue, but a sizeable force was blocking the route. They
destruction and the attrition of war, their numbers recede once did not stream down from the mountains carrying all before
more. And the cycle begins again. This phenomenon can be them, they simply sat up in the pass waiting for travellers to
seen with foxes in a rabbit field or stirpike in a fishpond. That come to them.
is not to say we are merely rabbits and the Orcs are stirpike.
We approached the blockade tentatively, thinking this to be a
But occasionally this natural balance is thrown out of kilter trap, but the Orcs had set up some sort of toll system. This
by the rise of a singular warlord. In their shadow, the lesser was arguably similar to the ones that can be found on roads
warlords either perish or become subservient. all across the Empire, but without going to the trouble of
constructing the road in the first place. The Orcs there called
And the various tribes and factions are able to unite for a themselves the Black Mountain Boyz and seemed to think they
single purpose. This is known as Waaagh!, a barely controllable had the authority to charge us for using the pass.
uprising of multitudes of Greenskins united temporarily for the
purpose of death and destruction.
Their first demand from us was weapons, but we were not able It is clear to me that inter-tribe rivalry among Greenskins is
to fulfil that request. Kaia’s short sword is remarkably fine and one of the most emphatic drivers of their behaviour. Their
I suspect has a unique provenance but the Orcs did not rate natural belligerence coupled with their antipathy for rivals
it as anything more than a toothpick and Sovrissniz refused to meant that conflict between the two factions was inevitable.
put up any of her weapons for negotiation. Then they talked
about beer. I know Professor von Gronighof has a cache of Besides, the Black Mountain Boyz had a decent racket going
Bretonnian brandy he tries to keep to himself, but we both on here. They did not want to upset that. They could not have
agreed that would be wasted on the Orc palate. another tribe raiding the nearby settlements and provoking
an Imperial response. The Black Mountain Boyz were simply
In the end, we settled on two pouches of silver and our packed protecting their position as market leaders.
lunches. The landlady of the inn where we had spent the
previous night had been good enough to make up some meals They tell me that in some of the poorer areas of Altdorf,
for the day’s travel. We handed these over and, surprisingly to shopkeepers and artisans are often forced to pay local hoodlums
my mind, the brutish Greenskins let us pass. It was a small to protect their businesses from other gangs. This is not a
price to pay and I think it showed the Orcs to have surprising choice they are given, and the protection is effectively from the
versatility in their negotiations. We did not have much they very gang that extorts the money in the first place. The Orcs
would find useful, but they were able to get something out of were behaving just like this. It could certainly be a cause for
us, showing an appreciation for crude economic considerations. reflection that the rulers of a barony on the far-flung edge of
the Empire might act so emphatically to end such a racket but
Had they charged too much of the travellers, or been heavy- similar activity going on mere yards from the Imperial palace
handed, then they would have been driven away by the Imperial is tolerated.
army in quick time. Much like an Altdorf haberdasher or an
Eilhart wine merchant must, they pitched a price point that In any case, the Black Mountain Boyz let us return to the
the market would tolerate. Of course, they were moved on by shelter of their settlement, and then mustered a force to go out
an Imperial army eventually, but this was more of a political and punish the Greenskin raiders. After a couple of hours, the
choice by Averland forces, rather than market forces. battle was done and the survivors of the invading Orc band
were fleeing back into the mountains. We were safe to go on
We travelled down the pass. After several hours, we spotted our way once more. And besides, while the Orcs were fighting,
another band of Orcs. These were not sedentary, however. Kaia used the distraction to sneak into their supply tent and
They were striding down the valley towards us. We could repossess our purloined purses and packed lunches.
see that they meant harm, and quickly decided to retreat.
Sovrissniz spotted a defendable crag she said would be suitable .
for a glorious last stand. But when the rest of us ignored her,
and returned the way we came as quickly as we could, she
joined us (though she spent next two days in high dudgeon).
Krumpin’ by Proxy There Goes the Neighbourhood
Medium Encounter Hard Encounter
The Black Mountain Boyz are not a harmonious tribe. For the last few weeks, traders have stopped visiting the
Half the Orcs think they can fight better with new mountain settlement of Staffelhügel and travellers from
methods, while the other half distrust anything which the mountains no longer come to the town. Gerd, the
doesn’t feel Orcy enough to their limited imagination. village headman, has no doubt something is wrong in
Ugdrakk often takes Da Red Arrers out of camp to the Vale of Staffel. When a battered merchant appears
practice archery and patrol the area looking for potential at the village gates with tales of Orcs demanding tithes
threats. It’s also a good chance for him to seethe about in exchange for ‘safe’ passage, the villager’s fears are
insults from other bosses and the Boyz who don’t respect confirmed. More than trade is at risk — without grain
him enough. from the lowlands, some highland villages will starve.
The mob are crashing about in the woods or hills near the The Black Mountain Boyz have set up camp right in the
Black Mountain Boyz’ current camp, looking for targets middle in the Vale of Staffel. Harboth is well-pleased
to practice shooting. They’re loosing arrows at rocks, the tribe is back in the extortion game. Even better, the
trees, and any living creature which comes within range. stretch of valley where they are established is especially
If the Characters are in the vicinity, they’ll likely hear the defensible with steep sides and rock formations forming
unsubtle sound of Orcs prowling around. Soon after, the natural fortifications.
Arrer Boyz start shooting at them.
Should they investigate, the party meet a swaggering
This could be a combat situation, but Ugdrakk is Harboth who mocks them, then demands tribute for
brooding on Old Balnag, who’s been throwing his weight passage and to stop his boyz from attacking Staffelhügel
around by beating up Red Arrers. When Ugdrakk saw and its mine. Yaskin and various other bosses stand
the Characters, he formed a plan to get even with Balnag. behind him, beating their weapons on their shields. The
After softening up the party, Ugdrakk calls a truce Black Mountain Boyz want armour, cattle and swine,
and cuffs the Arrer Boyz about the head to stop them ‘stunty axes’, and a crown for Harboth.
shooting. He hails the Characters in broken Reikspiel
and tells them he’s going to do them a favour, because he Dealing with the Black Mountain Boyz is difficult and
likes the colour of their hats or some equally implausible the longer they take, the more wandering greenskins are
lie. If the Party listens, he lets them know where Balnag drawn to Harboth’s camp.
is camped with his Rockstabbas. He explains that the old
Orc is a Big Boss planning to invade all the Humie lands. If the Characters negotiate successfully and Harboth
If the Characters promise to deal with the rival boss, he’ll makes any concessions, there is discord in the camp.
let them go. Yaskin and several Big ‘Uns argue with Harboth and
gesticulate at the party. A fight breaks out — half the
The group with Ugdrakk consists of: Orcs go for the party and attack the rest of the tribe. The
other half (mostly Arrer Boyz) attack Yaskin’s side and,
0 Ugdrakk, an Orc Chief who also has Ranged (Bow) opportunistically, take potshots at the party.
+8 (50) and a bow with arrows in his trappings.
You can move this encounter to anywhere in the southern
0 14 Arrer Boyz (Orc Skirmishers) who shoot at Empire, northern Tilea or the Border Princes. The force
whatever takes their fancy, with no concentration in the camp consists of the whole tribe, as outlined on
of fire. page 43.
WAAAGH! Against the Machines Freeing his tribe from their shackles with magic, he gave
The Stone Snakes are a band of Savage Orcs who have a young Orc named Bruug the following order: “Go!
rejected Orc civilisation, eschewing metalworking, Find an’ ‘ammer and giv it to an ‘Umie.”
limiting themselves to artefacts of stone, animal hide, and
wood. Savage Orcs consider themselves blessed for this, Bruug bravely followed the order, waking an Ungol
although their aversion to modernity might help explain chieftain who had been kept captive alongside the Orcs,
why the Stone Snakes tribe was captured and enslaved giving him a mallet and chisel to break his chains: “We’z
by Chaos Dwarfs in the Darklands. From the perspective all breakin’ out! You get yor lot to go left and we’ll go…”
of their shaman and chief, however, it was all a part of Bruug looked at his hands, “we’ll go… da uvver way!”
Mork’s plan. Thunder bursts covered the sound of hammering, but even
the tempest wasn’t loud enough to cover the screams of
Following a severe beating by a Chaos Dwarf overseer, the Chaos Dwarfs and Hobgoblins in the resulting slaughter.
Stone Snake’s apprentice Shaman (his master previously
flattened by a spiked steamroller) experienced a divine Before the battle was quite over, Hizsss gave the order to
revelation. During a violent thunderstorm, Hizsss run for it. He wasn’t waiting to see how the freed Human
Snakeskin had a vision of Mork, who told him to free captives were going to react and after their mistreatment
his tribe. by the Chaos Dwarfs his tribe wasn’t up to taking on a
load of Ungols who’d got their dander up.
When Hizsss complained that the enemy were too many,
Mork said, “Release da Humies! Dere’s loads of ‘em down Since then, Hizsss and the Stone Snakes have made
‘ere wiv us! Get ‘em to work for us!“ Hizsss received a it their mission to harass Chaos Dwarfs, break their
vision in which he was struck by a bolt of green lightning machines, free their captives. It’s a stealthy guerrilla war
and imbued with great power. and probably unwinnable, but when has that ever stopped
an Orc?
Disposition of the Stone Snakes
The Stone Snakes are nomadic but rarely travel together.
Instead, they go forth in small groups, taking separate, WE’D LOOK INTO IT OURSELVES,
circuitous routes, coming together at agreed meeting BUT...
points. At the start of the journey, there are perhaps Dwarf scouts from the mountains who cautiously keep an eye
three to six Orcs per group. As they get closer to the on Chaos Dwarf activity have become aware of an unknown
rendezvous, they start coming together, forming bands of group acting against the enemy, releasing slaves, attacking supply
half a dozen, a dozen, and so on, until the tribe is together wagons, and smashing their diabolical machinery. They’ve heard
again. At full strength, the tribe consists of the following: rumours of Dwarf captives being freed, but finding Dwarfs
willing to talk about their experiences has proved impossible,
0 Hizsss Snakeskin and Slith Snake-Wrangla in as though something shameful happened. Causing trouble for
the company of a couple of Savage Orc Elites Chaos Dwarfs is always a good thing, but the Dwarfs are
(acting as bodyguards), and a couple of Savage Orc concerned about an unknown third party and what their ultimate
Skirmishers (as scouts and lookouts). goal is. Also, the release of slaves from different races and tribes
could shift the power dynamic in the Dark Lands, especially if a
0 Up to ten units of three to six Savage Orcs, including single powerful leader arises among them. The Dwarfs may well
at least one Elite, one Soldier, and one Skirmisher. be willing to recruit the Characters for an investigative excursion
into the Dark Lands.
0 Bruug, working as an auxillary, often in the role of
an outrider (albeit one who travels on foot) for one
of the units mentioned above. A CRUDE AWAKENING
Should the Characters ever become unwilling guests of the
0 Up to twenty units of a single Skirmisher, such as Chaos Dwarfs, they may experience emancipation at the hands
Garn, working as a solo operative, often far from of the Stone Snakes. One of the Characters is woken in the
other members of the tribe, gathering information middle of the Dark Land’s thunderstorms. Exhausted from the
on enemy movements, or acting in the role of a day’s slaving, it’s not the thunder that wakes them, but a one-
saboteur and assassin. This force may coalesce into a eyed Orc they’ve never met before. He gives them a hammer
single fighting unit if the situation calls for it. and chisel, “We’z bustin’ you out!” Then he vanishes. Assuming
the Character takes up the offer, the thunder covers the sound
Uniform of hammering. Once hands and feet are free of chains, the
Stone Snakes wear garments stitched from animal skins, Characters hear the first screams. The place is in chaos, as
commonly from large snakes, but also other monstrous prisoners from different species free themselves and lay into the
Dark Lands beasts. Dried snake’s heads and fangs are Chaos Dwarfs and their allies. In the frenzy, the Characters spot
common ornamentation, but there is no other uniformity. their liberator in need of help.
Stone Snakes fashion weapons from natural materials:
snake fangs, flint or obsidian daggers, stone hammers,
clubs, and slings.
Shield Design
The tribe do not make regular use of shields.
A long, sustained “Hissssssssssssssssszzzzzzzzzzzzzz”.
Olde Weirde’s Incunabulum Pfaff dismissed Gronighof’s points. He claimed that Orcs
would not utilise crossbows unless instructed on how to (and
The Orcs that infest the mountains about the Empire are known blamed the irresponsibility of Tilean soldiers of fortune for
for their murderous belligerence and incorrigible manners, and teaching the Orcs how to operate such weapons), he said the
woe betide any scholar who suggests that they might possess ability to train boars and wyverns was universal, and that the
the sophistication required to develop an appreciation of culture only reason an Orc tribe would not include such creatures
or mastery of technology. However, they do demonstrate an would be because of local scarcity, and he flatly denied the
ability to craft items with wood or steel, though their tools and possibility that such a thing as an Orc engineer could exist.
devices are invariably ugly, crude, and fashioned for no purpose Gronighof countered that he had seen such a thing as an
beyond the prosecution of warfare. Innovation seems to be Orc fortress with his own eyes, but Pfaff insisted that such
beyond them, they lack the subtlety of thought to operate buildings were no more complex than the crude wooden
firearms (to my great relief), and the weapons, armour, and dwellings of Greenskins, and just scaled up to an admittedly
tactics employed by their forces seem to be much the same in impressive size.
the modern era as they were in the time of Sigmar.
It seemed that Pfaff’s insistence that Orcs possess a universal
Professor Pfaff posited once in a discussion with Professor appreciation of limited technology, no more and no less
Gronighof and myself that Orcs possessed an instinctual than has been since their earliest history, was an unassailable
understanding of basic carpentry and blacksmithing but lacked hypothesis, and Gronighof appeared to fall into something of
the ability to learn beyond the skills necessary to construct a dudgeon due to his inability to undermine the confidence of
items such as cleavers, spears, bows, shields, and suits of his rival. I did feel sorry for Gronighof, for to knock a fellow
armour, and that some limitation of imagination or patience academic off of his high horse is a supreme pleasure for any
prevented them from developing techniques necessary to think serious scholar.
new ideas. This is by no means a controversial opinion, but
Pfaff went further in insisting that the perfidious Greenskins But just as Pfaff’s resulting aura of smugness grew pungent
possessed a universal ability to craft simple wargear to the enough to induce a migraine, Gronighof rallied, and pointed
standard commonly demonstrated by their fighting forces but to the existence of those Orc tribes who displayed an aversion
were able to think up nothing else. By his account the entire to working metal, opting instead to employ weaponry and
species knew without being taught how to forge weapons and accoutrements constructed purely from wood, bone, and flint.
armour but could only comprehend what they knew on instinct
and nothing else. I had heard tell of such Orcs myself, having once spent an
evening interrogating a Wastelander sailor who had encountered
Professor Gronighof, who is more widely travelled than Pfaff such a tribe after a shipwreck left him and several shipmates
or myself, was more sceptical. He claimed that during a stranded on an island off the east coast of Lustria.
journey through the Border Princes, he learned of a band of
Orc mercenaries who had mastered the crossbow (a weapon He had said it was an idyllic beach, the weather was pleasant
I have never previously heard of them employing), mentioned enough in the shade, a babbling stream emptied into a lagoon,
their proven track record of training war beasts such as great where fish swam, and surely the jungle would offer up sufficient
boars and wyverns (both brutish creatures considered too food. The marooned sailors made a rudimentary shelter from
truculent and unbiddable to be domesticated), and recounted whatever wreckage had washed up on the beach and decided
an old story of an Orcish engineer who constructed his own their time on the island need not be unpleasant.
design of mangonel.
Except they were not to know that that was the day before the After a few moments of confusion, the sailor stepped forward
monsoon, a storm that would not let up for weeks. By the to demonstrate and showed the Orc chief how to put it to
third day, they had gone through all the supplies. A band of his eye. The creature was delighted with the object, letting
their gunners had gone hunting, but the birds had nearly all out excited hollers. He then became interested in the sailor’s
fled and when they finally got a good shot, the black powder salvaged chest. He rummaged around and discovered a
fizzled. They set about building a raft from the bits of the sunstone, a neat artefact used to see the sun on overcast days.
ship they scavenged along the shore, but no sooner was it The huffing brute was transfixed by the specks of light within.
constructed than it was whisked away by the tempest. By the end of the day, the Orc chieftain had taken practically
everything useful the Wastelanders had managed to save from
And when things could not get much worse, they were invaded. the wreckage and the Orcs departed with their plunder.
A tribe of Orcs had been living on the other end of the
island, and the sailors’ expeditions had attracted their attention. A few days later, the sailors spotted a passing carrack on its
Two dozen of the green-skinned creatures rushed from the way to Skeggi, and setting fire to their remaining gear, they
jungle hollering war cries and brandishing spears. They did managed to attract its attention. Five of their number had
not possess any armour to speak of. They wore no clothes but disappeared during their stay on the island, perhaps having
rawhide loincloths and the odd fur cloak, they were adorned gotten lost or expired due to some mishap whilst foraging.
with many coloured feathers and had painted their skin in The Wastelander did not mention the Orcs, but I suspect they
gaudy colours. They did not wield the heavy cleavers and may well have regarded the Humans on the beach as a handy
other great metal blades Orcs are so feared for but had armed source of food in lean times, and that it was a desire for fresh
themselves with large bone clubs and chunky flint spears. flesh that saved the survivors rather than generosity on behalf
of the Orcs.
The Orcs edged forwards and made strange guttural ululations.
It seemed inevitable that the Wastelanders would be massacred, Pfaff dismissed my tale as hard evidence against his position,
but as if to an unheard order, the ranks parted and an enormous claiming that the scarcity of resources on the island explained
Orc strode forward. I was already aware that it is a common the eccentricities displayed by the Orcs. However, since that
thing among Orcs that their leader should be the biggest day I have made a study of accounts of Orc tribes who
member of the group. Whether such creatures warrant high adopt such a lifestyle, and whilst it is true that they seem
rank is because they are larger or become larger because they concentrated in Lustria and the Southlands, some of them
possess high rank is an interesting, hotly debated, subject. The make their territories in temperate lands where iron is easily
Wastelander claimed this vast chieftain was inspecting them acquired. Even the mountains that surround the Empire are
with a warning look, as if wondering which of them would step said to be the home of such tribes, and therefore a universal
forward to challenge him. appreciation of technology was not common to all Orcs.
The sailor sprang into action, drew forth his cutlass, let out Pfaff sneered and claimed that his point was that Orcs could
a fierce cry, then promptly tripped over his own feet and face- not innovate beyond a certain level and that the existence
planted in the sand. The chief stood there a moment, arms of tribes who failed to attain even the mediocre degree of
aloft, brandishing a huge bone club, then burst into loud, technological aptitude displayed by most Orcs hardly proved
bellowing laughter. And after a few uneasy moments, his tribe him wrong. This was merely an attempt to retain his dignity
joined him in the hysterics. The Wastelanders must have looked however, as both Gronighof and I remembered quite clearly
so pathetic, demoralised, and bedraggled, I can only conclude that his earlier remark had been to claim that all Orcs
their incompetence saved them. Seeing no threat at all from possessed a certain minimal understanding of technological
them, and displaying apparent appreciation for slapstick, the practices and that the example of savage tribes proved him in
Orcs let them live. They sniffed around menacingly and rooted incontrovertible error.
through the salvaged possessions. One of the Orcs found a
prized telescope and whacked another round the head with it, Pfaff was so put out he went to bed early and Gronighof and I
to see if it was any use as a weapon. Disappointed, the creature took to the Street of a Hundred Taverns to celebrate, though
tossed it to the sand. But the chief picked it up and inspected Gronighof reacted badly to his second jigger of schnapps,
the apparatus. vomited on the boots of a dock worker, and was subjected to
a thorough pasting.
A Fireside Chat? Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Medium Encounter Hard Encounter
The Dark Lands experience many strange, dangerous The Disposition of the Stone Snakes describes the
events, including devastating thunder storms. The nomadic tribe’s travel routine. This encounter shows
Characters are caught in one of these. As lightning strikes how a party of incautious Characters – or a group with
the ground around them, let them find shelter under a murderous tendencies – can fall foul of that.
rocky overhang, only to have lightning shatter it. They’re
not hurt, but need a safer refuge. Nearby, shelter beckons The Characters encounter a small party of Stone Snakes,
in the form of a cave entrance. which they clearly outmatch. The Orcs are foraging,
setting-up camp, or sat down roasting a big rat-thing
If the Characters take this option, they find themselves above a fire. If the Characters attack, they’re going to win.
in the dark. Let them catch their breath. Let them create If the Characters blindly go in for the kill, fine. When only
some illumination. Let them discover they’re sharing a one is Orc left, or as the last one dies, the Characters are
cramped space with a load of Savage Orcs at the back of attacked from behind by another group. This one only has
the cave who are all watching them curiously. one more Orc than the last group. Unless the Characters
have been unlucky with the first group, this one doesn’t
The Characters are outnumbered, but perhaps not look challenging either. However, this is the point when
overwhelmed. The number of Soldiers and Elites should the Characters should reevaluate their position.
make a fight a risky proposition. If the Characters have
magic or are very experienced, consider having Hizsss or If they decide to flee, let them do so, with perhaps some
Slith present. Everyone is hampered by the confines of ranged harassment as described in the Easy Encounter:
the cave: ranged weapons are impractical and swords are Rain of Stones. The Orcs eventually relent, although the
impossible to swing effectively. If it comes to a fight, it’ll Characters might find themselves stalked and observed
likely be a brawl or a knife fight. Either that, or flee into for several days. If they continue to fight, the Characters
the earth-shattering lightning. find more and increasingly larger, tougher groups of Orcs
appear every couple of rounds. The longer the Characters
In case anyone wonders, the Orcs are not intimidated by keep fighting, the harder it becomes to disengage and
fire. They just haven’t made one because they don’t mind flee, until they are completely surrounded.
the dark and aren’t feeling the cold. If the Characters pull
weapons, but don’t attack, the Orcs mirror them. There’s This is clearly a scenario where all the Characters could
a still a chance to pull back from the brink at this point. legitimately die. However, if the Characters surrender, the
If the Characters attack, so do the Orcs. If the fire gets Orcs relent. If they don’t, then Hizsss orders the Orcs to
put out in the ruckus, the Characters could be in trouble. take the Characters alive. It’s hard to tell if the Orcs are
impressed by their belligerence, wish to punish them, or
There are ways out of this: put away weapons; show empty both. The Orcs were gathering prior to entering a cave
hands; or just peacefully sit down as though everything is system to lure out a particularly monstrous snake. The
cool. The Orcs take or follow the lead depending on the Characters may now be given the honour of taking point.
Character’s behaviour. Depending on Characters’ mission
in the Dark Lands, this could a productive meeting.
The fireside chat consists of: Whilst the Stone Snakes have an unusual perspective for Orcs
due to Hizsss’s overriding sense of mission, they are still Orcs,
0 Hizsss Snakeskin or Ffang Snake-Wrangla. still belligerent, still liable to squabble if bored or poorly led.
They also have their tribal territory in the lee of the World’s
0 A bodyguard of two Savage Orc Elites. Edge Mountains, where many Dwarf holds have suffered greatly
from the depredations of Orcs. Dwarfs do not forgive their
0 Six Savage Orc Soldiers. grudges, even in situations where one of their enemies is focused
on another. Should the Stone Snakes’ presence become known
to the Dwarfs, they will make war upon them, even if the Stone
Snakes seek vengeance of their own against the Chaos Dwarfs.
Bruug – Savage Orc Skirmisher Bruug is especially proud of the name Hizsss gave him
Though small for an Orc, Bruug is strong and wiry. He for his bravery in approaching the Ungols the night of the
wears a dusty, stained snakeskin jerkin, ragged along the tribe’s initial escape. ‘Ammer Givva’ is an unusual title for
edges. He wears a snakeskin patch over one eye (he’s not an Orc, but it provides Bruug with a deal of self-worth.
blind, just thinks it makes him look dangerous). He loves
acting as a distraction, scrambling across the rock-strewn BRUUG – SAVAGE ORC SKIRMISHER
landscape, leaping across the crags. Whether drawing the M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
foe into an ambush or leading them away from the rest of 4 35 35 35 45 30 35 20 25 40 20 15
the tribe, Bruug relishes the risk. Traits: Animosity (Greenskins), Armour 1 (5),
Belligerent, Die Hard, Frenzy, Infected, Night Vision,
He spends much of his time gathering information Ranged +7 (50), Ward 10, Weapon (Stone Axe) +7
about Chaos Dwarf movements, tracking supply routes, Skills: Dodge 45, Perception 40, Ranged (Bow) 45,
mining operations and workshops, and observing their Stealth (Rural) 45
interactions with other Orcs, Goblins, and creatures of Talents: Accurate Shot, Flee!
the Dark Lands. He runs a team of sneaky Orcs, drawing Trappings: Bow and 12 Arrows, Stone Axe, Warpaint
chalk maps on dark slates.
Garn – Savage Orc Skirmisher He also secretly admires Bruug but is envious because
The arts of spy and assassin are not commonly practised Hizsss gave him a distinctive name, though Garn would
by Orcs, but Garn employs them with a degree of skill. He have difficulty articulating such feelings. However, despite
prefers fighting from a distance, with sling and throwing these misgivings he is loyal enough to Hizsss, for now.
daggers. He’ll leave close combat to the thugz (Soldiers)
and big thugz (Elites). If he must get close, he’ll find ways . GARN – SAVAGE ORC SKIRMISHER
to strike from behind, above, or below. He gets a thrill M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
using slingshot and remaining unseen, leaving enemies 4 35 35 35 45 30 35 20 25 40 20 15
paranoid and confused about what’s hitting them. He Traits: Animosity (Greenskins), Armour 1 (5),
spends his spare time milking snakes for venom, priding Belligerent, Die Hard, Frenzy, Infected, Night Vision,
himself that he’s never been bitten. Ranged (Knives) +6 (6), Ranged (Sling) +7 (60),
Ward 10, Weapon (Stone Axe) +7
Garn is one of a few Stone Snakes who hold reservations Skills: Dodge 45, Perception 40, Ranged (Sling 45,
about the arrangement of having a Shaman leading them, Throwing 45), Stealth (Rural) 45
instead of a big, ‘ard thug like Slith Snake-Wrangler. Talents: Accurate Shot, Flee!
Nevertheless, Garn obeys Hizsss, “Coz ‘e’s ded scary!” Trappings: Six Flint Throwing Knives, Sling and
Twelve Bullets, Stone Axe, Warpaint
Disposition of the Wolfboyz
When Oglah left the steppes, over six hundred riders
flocked to his cause. Now, barely eighty remain. They YOU CAN’T TRUST ANYONE
travel as a roiling mass with small groups drifting off and Oglah has been offered work by a Tilean duce to protect his
wandering about. town from brigands, but he doesn’t trust the man and hasn’t put
his X on the contract yet. Oglah wants to know if the duce is
To the untrained eye, they appear a constantly shifting honest or trying to pull a fast one, and needs people who can
rabble. However, there is a structure. The smaller groups be accepted in town to do some digging. In fact, the duce is
who drift away are satellite outriding parties, remaining honest enough and wants to protect his people. Unfortunately,
within sight of the main group, sharing information the brigands are controlled by one of Gordug Smasher’s Black
as they come and go. Smaller scouting parties venture Orcs, a survivor of Oglah’s betrayal at the Battle of Long
further forward, out of sight of the rest, spying out the Knives. The Orc, Barking Ripear, has kidnapped members of
land ahead and watching for ambush. the duce’s family, and hopes to use this leverage to lure Oglah
into an ambush.
0 Two scouting parties consisting of two or three
wolf-mounted Skirmishers.
0 Two to four outriding parties consisting of 6 to 12 Since his betrayal of Gordug Smasher, Oglah has managed to
wolf-mounted Skirmishers. Hhrag Wolf-Wispra honour his contracts, defying his reputation. Duce Alphonso
will be found among them. wants to change that and persuade Oglah to turn on his
current employer, Principessa Gioegia, in the nobles’ upcoming
0 Sternguard watching the baggage, consisting of 10 territorial skirmish. Alphonso needs deniable assets, such as the
Elites and 10 Soldiers. Characters, to do a bit of bribery. If that doesn’t work, can
they come up with another way to nobble Oglah’s Wolfboyz?
0 Main force consisting of Oglah (wolf-mounted
Chief ), “Zschokke” Glahh (wolf-mounted Soldier),
Gaglah Ghran (wolf-mounted Elite), 10 wolf-
mounted Elites, and up to 30 wolf-mounted THE PELT OF WULFANG
Wulfang was the monstrous steed of Khenghai Khan, the
Hobgoblin Empire’s founder. After its demise, the beast’s fur
Uniform was fashioned into a shoulder mantle and blessed with Waaagh!
Wolfboy uniforms are a mismatch of clothes and armour magic. Gifted to Oglah Khan when he still had the favour of
from their steppe lives and items scavenged from the Hobgobla Khan, the Pelt’s magic grants the wearer +1
battlefields. Many of them wear bronze lamellar armour, Roughrider Talent and their steed +1 M.
and helmets surmounted with black wolf tails.
The item is of great cultural value to the Mournguls, and they
Equipment bitterly resent that Oglah has absconded with the artefact. The
All Wolfboyz are equipped with a spear, a scimitar, and a Hobgobla Khan has placed a great prize in gold and wolves
short bow. Although they’ll scavenge pieces of plate, they upon the return of the pelt, and the delivery of Oglah Khan,
prefer scale or light chain. whom he regards as thief and traitor. Ideally, he would like
any would-be bounty hunters to deliver Oglah to him alive, so
Shield Design he can mete out a suitable punishment personally, but should
Three red talon slashes on a white field. anyone prove able to return either the pelt, or Oglah’s head,
they will find the Great Khan appreciative.
‘Hiiyaaarrghh!’ The meaning of the Wolfboyz’ battlecry is
obscure, most likely to be offensive and illegal.
Olde Weirde’s Incunabulum The riders continued to circle but were enraged now by the
loss of their comrade and ready to go in for the kill. I
We were travelling from Miragliano to Trantio. Somehow, waited for the moment when they would loose their arrows
we had found ourselves in the midst of one of the Tileans’ and charge, but instead, one of their number rode forward
interminable civil wars and had to be at our diplomatic best to alone. He plainly had some authority over the others. He spat
avoid upsetting every side at once. Professor von Gronighof’s a few words in their guttural language at his subordinates, and
research had little to do with the political climate, so we were they pulled their mounts up and retreated a few paces. I was
managing to gain access to the historical sources he was after. impressed with how quickly the Greenskin captain was obeyed
He claimed that cairns in the foothills of the Appucinis might and how quick they all were to rein in their slobbering beasts.
hold a clue to the fabled skeletal court of Lumbrusco, though
this hypothesis has yet to be rigorously tested. The chap (for I call him a chap, though he was plainly a
marauding Greenskin) addressed us in broken Tilean. He also
Shortly after crossing the Tarano river, we were suddenly beset displayed a degree of formal courtesy of the sort I thought
by a number of riders coming from the trees with surprising entirely alien to Goblin-kind. His ettiquete was far from
deftness and speed. At first, I thought they might be Tilean perfect, of course, but it was considerably better than I had
peasant outriders mounted on ponies. But realised they were seen a good number of aspiring courtiers in Altdorf manage.
riding wolves not ponies. And then that they were Greenskins And although the voice was coarse, the grammar was passable
rather than Humans. and the vocabulary impressive. He asked us to forgive him for
the inconvenience, but his master requested our presence for
They were dressed partially in Tilean clothing, however, which dinner. This was incredibly magnanimous of the fellow as it
had contributed to my misapprehension, but also in more was one of his lot who was currently bleeding to death at his
exotic garb. Though they were definitely Greenskins, I had feet with one of Sovrissniz’s bullets in him.
never seen their like before, and I could tell from the reactions
of my fellow travellers that they were as mystified as I. They We were escorted to the camp of the local doge. He was plainly
were too small and wiry for Orcs, but then too tall and broad in the midst of war with at least one of his neighbouring states.
for Goblins. I now know, of course, that they are known as As well as the colourfully dressed local soldiers, there were
Hobgoblins. But I still do not know if that is a type of Goblin mercenaries of all sorts. The wealthy Tilean states are famous
or whether the nomenclature is coincidental and erroneous. for the number and variety of mercenaries in their armies. And
as we had already discovered, there were apparently Greenskins
In any case, they rode their wolves very well, in full control among them.
of them while wielding their long spears, their blades, or their
bows. They were more than a match for us, numbering about a Although I think we were technically prisoners, the doge was
dozen, and circled us menacingly. This could have been the end most cordial and presented us a with a fine meal. He simply
of our expedition, if they had pressed home their superiority, wanted to satisfy himself that we were not spies, or some other
but I was struck that they were not overly hostile. They seemed threat, and then send us on our way, which he did the next
to be getting our measure, keeping their distance, but staying morning with fresh supplies and clean laundry.
within range of their bows. Despite the Greenskin reputation
for picking on the weaker foe, I began to suspect that they Amongst his keen inquiries of our reason for travelling to
would not attack. Trantio, I could not resist some questions of my own about
the wolfriders we had faced. Although my more general
However, Sovrissniz did not share my opinion, if she gave the observations on warfare in Tilea can be found elsewhere, I will
matter any thought at all. She drew her pistols and fired them summarise his insights into the Hobgoblins here.
directly at one of the wolfriders, one shot for the rider and one
for the wolf. She hit expertly. Pfaff made a shout of triumph The doge told us they made remarkably good scouts even
as wolf and rider hit the ground, but I was not so pleased, and though this was not their familiar terrain. In fact, he said
I could see Kaia shaking her head. She knew as well as I that they were better than local guides in terms of reliability and
Sovrissniz’s volley had signed our death warrant. cost-effectiveness. A local, he said, is always apt to have other
masters, or to simply decide to go home.
With the Hobgoblins so far from their homelands and without I would like to add to the doge’s observations, here. The
a single ally in all that distance, they were very unlikely to even discipline displayed by the wolfrider scouts in their encounter
think about it. with us was exemplary. In spite of our provocation, they
were able to stand firm upon their orders; even though we
But more than that, he said the Hobgoblins were masters of had killed one of their number, they made no move to
deceit upon the battlefield. They were able to ride in such a attack. Notwithstanding the lack of fraternity with which the
way that a dozen could kick up enough dust to suggest two Greenskins regard their brothers in arms, that is the sort of
hundred riders, and their entire company were able to be so training and discipline associated with only the best troops.
stealthy as to suggest only a dozen. They could flee in the
middle of battle looking entirely defeated, but when the enemy But I posit this. The Hobgoblins are hundreds, perhaps
broke ranks to pursue them, they would turn instantly and take thousands, of miles from home, in a strange and belligerent
advantage of the enemy’s confusion. And they could shoot land. They need to play a cagier game here, in Tilea, than
their bows behind them just as well as in front of them, or in they might in their homeland. They are perhaps one bad
any direction, while their mounts were in full gallop. contract, or one failure, away from destruction, and they have
the wherewithal to recognise that. This might be what sets
They had also perfected a formation whereby as they advance them apart from other breeds of Goblin.
upon the enemy, the front rank shoot their arrows, and then
return to the back rank. And by the time it is their turn in the An Orc would turn on their ally for any slight, real or
front rank again, they have reloaded, maintaining a withering imagined. That tendency has saved the Empire on more than
volley of arrows as they advance. This was easy to describe, but one occasion, and I am sure that we would be beset by Orc
almost impossible to do in practice with any sizeable company. attacks much more regularly if they were able to cooperate
The doge knew, as he had tried to teach his pistoliers the better. And Goblins seem instinctively spiteful even when it is
same trick. not in their best interest. But Hobgoblins, perhaps, are able to
see a bigger picture, are able to consider and strategise more
The Hobgoblins’ greatest deceit, however, had occurred when a proficiently than their green kin.
force of the creatures under the captaincy of one Oglah Khan
abruptly changed sides at the Battle of the Long Knives. This Perhaps they are brighter than the other Greenskins and
gave Giovanni Guilliani, a famous Tilean mercenary general, possess more self-discipline, and this is what makes them
a stunning victory over a great Orc army. The Hobgoblins suitable mercenaries. Instead of considering their next fight and
seemed to despise other Greenskins and be despised by them their next meal, as an Orc might, they are able to consider
in turn. And this, the doge explained, was not the usual petty the one after that. And instead of seeking quick and brutal
bickering and powerplay that go on among all their number revenge, as a Goblin might, they are about to play a longer
(and between a good number of Tileans, too, to be fair), but a game, taking their revenge when it is most advantageous.
permanent state of loathing between the Greenskins.
I posited my thoughts to the other scholars but they didn’t
‘How, then,’ enquired Pfaff, a bit bluntly, but I’m sure we seem impressed. Professor Pfaff angrily denied that any form
were all thinking along similar lines, ‘can you be sure they of Greenskin could be anything other than an undisciplined
will remain loyal to you?’ ‘The thing is,’ the Doge leaned savage, and even when I pointed out that he had witnessed the
in conspiratorially, ‘Oglah’s perfidy is infamous throughout Hobgoblins exercising stealth, complicated commands, and
Tilea and beyond.’ Pfaff nodded. ‘He is now notorious for had kept their composure under hostile fire, he merely denied
that betrayal. Everyone who ever hires him will be expecting it and insisted that he remembered things differently.
a betrayal.’ Pfaff nodded again, nonplussed. ‘And we already
know that the wolfriders are the masters of the unexpected.’ Professor Gronighof was reticent to add anything to the
Nods. ‘So if the Hobgoblins know I am expecting to be conversation, though I later found out he was in the early
betrayed, then I know that is the very last thing that they will phases of a bout of Yellow Ague he had contracted from
consider.’ The doge smiled and tapped the side of his aquiline drinking tainted water in Miragliano, and so he was focused on
nose in rhetorical triumph. controlling his bowels than contributing to the debate.
When the tribe sets camp, it’s very busy: tents are erected, If the Characters are holding the wolf at bay without
blades sharpened, bows fletched, saddles repaired, attacking, the Hobgoblins position themselves to help
and wolves (perhaps surprisingly) groomed. However, contain the wolf without panicking it. They’ll bark
Wolfboyz also do this in the saddle, even sleeping. orders to the Characters to help them in this. One of the
Hobgoblins gets down from his wolf to calm the creature
and reset its saddle. Neither Hobgoblin is hostile towards
the Characters unless attacked.
During their flight through the Dark Lands, hundreds of Shortly, a battered Hobgoblin hobbles from the wood
Oglah’s infantry spearmen were lost to Chaos Dwarfs, slain or to wincingly remount his steed. If the Characters,
taken as slaves. This still rankles with Oglah. Recently, Oglah Hobgoblins, and wolves end up fighting, this Hobgoblin
has heard rumours of Savage Orcs using hit-and-run tactics to arrives two Rounds into the fight, stays hidden, and uses
attack Chaos Dwarf caravans and outposts. his bow.
While no lover of Orcs, Oglah wants these rumours investigated If the encounter resolves peacefully, one Hobgoblin
to see if he and his Wolfboyz can get a bit of the action. If it grunts and tosses the Characters a dagger with a wolf
means sticking it to the Chaos Dwarfs and maybe saving some paw handle.
of his own ladz they enslaved, he’ll grit his teeth and work with
a buncha Orcses. If the Characters fancy an expedition to the This encounter consists of:
Dark Lands, Oglah will fund it and offer one of his skirmishers
as a guide. 0 A loose Giant Wolf.
Damage Limitation Signed in Blood
Medium Encounter Hard Encounter
This encounter involves an outrider group from the main The Characters are hired by a party with an invested
tribe. The Hobgoblins are Elites, and may even be Oglah interest in seeing Oglah Khan’s Wolfboyz performing
Khan and his bodyguard. There are six to twelve in the at a suboptimum level in an upcoming battle. The
group, whatever is required to give the Characters a stiff party in question wants them to somehow infiltrate the
fight. The challenge is greater if the Characters are on Wolfboyz’ camp and do whatever they can to achieve this,
foot (see WFRP, page 163, and Up in Arms, page 105, perhaps by dosing the wolves’ meat with laxatives (the
for more on mounted combat). Hobgoblins’ too), cutting and weakening saddle straps,
or sewing doubt. Alternatively, placing caltrops or other
If you want to avoid mounted combat, have the encounter traps in the warband’s path or knobbling scouts before
involve Wolfboy spearmen travelling alongside one of the they can report back.
tribe’s baggage wagons. The spearmen (mostly Elites)
outnumber the Characters, making combat a risky Any of this puts the Characters in direct conflict
proposition. and likely close proximity with the entire warband.
Precise numbers are somewhat irrelevant, as even if the
The conflict stems from a resource that the Hobgoblins Characters are discretely taking out scouts, sooner or later
want, but which is being denied them: access to a they’ll have larger groups of outriders on their backs, and
water supply on someone’s land; a farmer’s crop to feed eventually the entire warband will come calling. Unless
themselves and the rest of the warband; a barn to rest the Characters are the stuff of legend, they’re likely
the night; the right to enter a small town owned by the stuffed. At best, they’ll be captured after a game of cat-
Wolfboyz’ current employer. and-mouse.
There are two ways to begin this. One is where the war Oglah Khan will want a word with them. He’ll ask a
of words is over just before the Characters arrive on the simple question: did they sign a contract? If they did, he’ll
scene, and first fists have flow. Can the Characters very expect them to honour it, and if they try turn traitor on
quickly deescalate the situation or do they get stuck into their employer, he’ll be unimpressed. Either way, they’ll
a difficult fight without further thought? They shouldn’t find themselves in a pit with some hungry wolves. If they
expect much help in a fight; the only other people involved put up a decent fight and survive, they’ll be sent packing
might be a poor farmer and his wife and children, for with a boot up the arse and a warning not to do it again.
However, if they didn’t sign a contract, Oglah considers
Alternatively, the Characters can be involved from treachery entirely acceptable. He offers them the chance
the start and have an opportunity to bargain with the to switch sides and work for him. He’ll make them sign
Hobgoblins when they first appear on the scene. The a contract though, with their blood. Heaven help them if
Hobgoblins are not automatically violent, and can be they betray him.
reasoned with to find a mutually agreeable settlement.
It’s worth remembering that the Wolfboyz are successful
mercenaries and they have access to gold and other A GREATER BETRAYAL
resources. However, because they scare people, hardly Why have the Wolfboyz apparently abandoned their treacherous
anyone actually considers trading with them. ways in favour of working for Tilean mercenary commanders
with a degree of professionalism? Perhaps Oglah really has just
This encounter consists of: worked out that Humans won’t stand for too much mischief
from the Hobgoblins. Perhaps there is a grander treachery
0 Six Hobgoblin Elites on Giant Wolves. afoot, and the wolfboyz are merely acting as scouts for their
first employer, the Hobgoblah Khan. If this is the case, the
0 Either Oglah Khan or Gaglah Ghran on Giant Wolfboyz are merely the advance scouts of a much larger force
Wolves. of Hobgoblins intent on sweeping across the Old World as a
conquering force.
From Mountainside to Forest’s Edge There is only so much fibre one requires, however, and for
Matthogg’s Payswords are a company of Ogre an Ogre, there is no substitute for meat. Matthogg knows
Mercenaries that ply their trade across the Old World, that he must find new opportunities soon or face further
fighting for whoever either pay or feed them well. The desertions or outright rebellion.
company has fought Orcs, Goblins, Beastmen, Dwarfs,
and more than a few Humans. Most recently, and While banditry is always an option, Matthogg is set upon
somewhat ruinously, Matthog led his company into the establishing a reputation for himself and the Payswords as
World’s Edge Mountains. mercenaries par excellence. Eating the potential clientele
is not a good long-term strategy — especially when they
There the Payswords became embroiled in a series of might pay you to eat someone else.
battles between the various Orc and Goblin tribes that
infest the mountains. During the fighting, the Ogres But Matthogg has overlooked the existence of powerful
would ultimately serve various sides. entities in the forests about. Spites and Dryads may not
come into direct conflict with the Ogres (such creatures
The Payswords acquitted themselves, if not honourably, don’t make good eating for a start) but those who make
then certainly with a talent for spectacular violence and their lair within the eaves of Gryphon’s Wood are turning
gore. Now Matthogg’s Payswords are much reduced in increasing hostile eyes on the neighbouring Ogres, who
number. Matthog has set up camp in Ostermark, within chop down trees for timber for their cookfires, and let
the shade of the eaves of Gryphon’s Wood and close to their monstrous mounts rove the woods in search of
the town of Nagenhof. The forest has been picked clean animals to chase, kill, and eat.
of easy game, and a few famished Ogres have even taken
to devouring the more tender-looking saplings.
Disposition of the Payswords Shield Design
This list represents the mercenary company at its current Ogres do not use shields. ‘A shield’s just a flimsy, flat
strength at their forest camp. At any given time, at least club, ain’t it?’ is a common refrain. Instead, most favour
some Ogres are out hunting meat or attempting to find enormous reinforced gutplates. Matthog wears a rusted
work. The forest has been picked clean, however, and the iron plate bearing a design representing the Great Maw.
company’s Skirmishers have resorted to raiding local Most of his warriors have daubed a similar design onto
farms for meat. So far, Matthogg is not aware of this their own gutplates.
activity, and the Skirmishers claim that the meat comes
from ‘some kind o’ local skinny Rhinox’. Battlecry
0 Yrg Beastkiller, the best of the company’s Hunters
(Skirmishers), is often to one side of the camp OGRES AND TEMPLATES
where she can be found carving fresh javelins from Tribes and Tribulations is focused on Orc and Goblin tribes,
young birch trees. and closely related species. Ogres are included because their
tribal structure has several simularities to that of Orcs and
0 A standing guard of four Ogres (Soldiers) led by Goblins, and they have similar belligerant attitudes and poor
Krag Gutspill (Elite) patrols the edge of the camp, appreciation of of things like technology, the finer aspects
carefully eyeing the forest in the direction of the culture, peace treaties, and refraining from eating captives.
road, lest a passing traveller whistle loudly enough However, Ogres differ from Orcs and Goblins in many ways.
to be plausibly considered a threat. A full account of Ogre Characters, Careers, and weaponry can
be found in Archives of the Empire Volume 2.
0 The company’s Butcher, Rulg Deathcheater
(Shaman), is usually at the centre of the camp. He Ogres do not use shields, however they may take Ironfists
can be found either butchering a kill brought to instead. Rules for Ironfists can be found in Archives of the
him by the company’s Hunters, or deep in the forest Empire Volume 2. They can be counted as Bucklers.
devouring a pot of offal as a rite to the Great Maw.
Ogre Hunters live alongside Ogre communities. They can be
0 The Big Top, as the Ogres call Matthogg’s tent, made using the Skirmisher Template. However they have Ranged
sits at the centre of the camp and usually contains (Throwing) and three javelins rather than a bow or a sling.
Matthogg himself (Chief ) and Skel Longstrider
(Elite), typically during one of Skel’s many attempts Ogre Ironguts are a type of heavily armed veteran warrior
to convince her commander to take a more common to most large Ogre tribes. They can be made by
aggressive approach to improving the fortunes of applying the Elite template.
the Payswords.
Ogre Butchers can be made using the Shaman template. Some
Ogre Butchers rise to the vaunted rank of Slaughtermaster, and
can be made using the Shaman Lord template. They use a type
of ritual magic known as Gut Magic. The other sort of Ogre
spellcaster is the Firebelly, which uses the Lore of Fire.
The Payswords have little that would pass for a uniform, Ogre spellcasters use Toughness rather than Intelligence for the
but the Ogre tendency to adopt local dress and purpose of determining their Language (Magick) Skill, so swap
custom has led to most of them dressing in something the bonus for Intelligence with that of the bonus for Toughness
approximating Reikland fashion; doublets with slashed when using a template to make an Ogre Butcher or Firebelly.
sleeves, prominent plumes, and leather breeches. Only
Rulg Deathcheater has eschewed this way of dressing, Ogre leaders are often referred to as Bruisers or Tyrants, and
preferring a leather apron fashioned from the tanned use the Chief and Warlord templates respectively.
hides of a dozen ‘donors’ he has butchered over the years.
Olde Weirde’s Incunabulum Being not inclined to enter a discussion about the Ogre
proclivity for smithing, I assumed that sometimes they had
And in the ancient tomb of the Zharr Dwarf chieftain beset the money to commission this armour, perhaps from the local
on all sides by ferocious cave Goblins, with Professor von Dwarfs, and sometimes they merely ripped what they could
Gronighof engulfed by the foul creatures, and Sovrissniz and from battlefield dead.
Kaia fighting a desperate retreat, I became at once grateful,
awed, and horrified, by the Ogres’ prowess in battle. Every Ogre, however, seemed to take special pride in one
particular piece of armour, the large round plate that protected
We had joined a caravan winding its way through the World’s their bellies. This, they call, with a simplicity typical of their
Edge Mountains, and then across the Plain of Zharr to the kind, the gut plate. I got the impression, as we negotiated, that
Mountains of Mourn. We had enjoyed the company and safety Thagonni was presenting her stomach to me in much the same
of the large caravan and would have been content to keep way that a gentleman farmer might present a prized bull, as a
with it all the way to Cathay had Professor von Gronighof sort of testament to his expertise.
not become distracted by rumours of the mausoleum of an
ancient chieftain overlooking a nearby mountain pass. We had So fond of food are the Ogres and so proud of their bellies, it
become used to von Gronighof digging up the dead at every makes sense, I suppose, that they were, to an Ogre, armoured
opportunity, and I could say that it was getting tiresome. with gut plates, and yet very few of them wear helmets. That,
However, the caravan went missing a few days later and was I suggest, is an indication of the relative values they place on
never heard of again. So I will concede that von Gronighof’s eating and thinking. Many of these gut plates were fashioned
compulsion to visit one tomb kept us from our own. with an icon, circular in nature and seemingly comprising
many and varied sharp teeth. This is something they call the
We were nervous to leave the caravan and venture off alone in Great Maw. Though I did not question them further on this,
such inhospitable and strange terrain. But I found a band of I surmise it translates as something like ‘Grand Mother,’ and
half a dozen Ogres who were escorting the caravan prepared to points to a culture of ancestor worship similar to that of the
accompany us up to the tomb. Naturally, I had seen a number Dwarfs, and I wondered whether the Ogres could have picked
of Ogres on my travels, and even the odd one in Altdorf itself, this tradition up from the Dwarfs of Zharr.
but had never encountered one in the wild, so to speak. And
I had never had to deal with one directly. Having ascertained I was also struck by the slovenly and casual mien of the
their leader, a particularly large specimen called Thagonni creatures, and their lack of manners, especially, their willingness
Gutbuster, I proceeded to negotiate with her for their services. to interrupt any part of negotiations with a snack, or more
accurately perhaps, a feast. They seemed to be at a constant
The first thing that struck me was her sheer size. Of course, meal and spoke to me only between mouthfuls of meat and
Ogres are big, but it was only when I stood before one gulps of ale, often with their mouths full. I thought at first
and attempted a conversation that I realised quite how large, this must be my fault for interrupting their mealtime, but soon
hulking, intimidating, and overpowering they are. And here, learned that any time for these Ogres was potentially mealtime.
in their homelands, they were not affecting the clothing and
equipment of the Empire as they are wont to do when travelling I was keen to share with them the details of our plans and some
there, but they were dressed in more traditional Ogre garb. rudimentary background lore on the ancient civilisations of the
Except for their colourful trousers, they had barely an inch of area. But they were entirely uninterested in any of this. All they
cloth on their body. wished to know was whether the mission was dangerous and
that there was the prospect of a good fight (which I assured
Some strategic parts of their bodies were adorned with metal them there was) and what we were willing to pay.
armour held on with leather straps, but most of their skin was
left bare. This armour was sometimes well-fitting and suited to I offered them a purse full of gold coins, which I understood
its task and sometimes ad hoc and improvised. to be the standard payment for Ogres. There was however
some confusion. Not, I think, because they were not up to
the intellectual appreciation of abstract currency, but because
this band had not been to the Empire and were merely
unaccustomed to Imperial coinage.
Kaia, rather smugly, asked whether she could be of some Professor Pfaff tried to negotiate a cut in their fee in the light
assistance, and beckoned to Thagonni, leading her to a nearby of the free lunch, but they would not be moved, and I had to
muleskinner. She went through the act of purchasing an ox intercede before things turned nasty.
from the fellow, with exaggerated gestures, and then presented
Thagonni with the animal. She immediately appreciated the Since that ill-fated trip into the Mountains of Mourn, I have
value, then, of Imperial coinage, and ripped the hind leg encountered Ogres a good number of times. And of course,
of the creature, stuffing it into her face in celebration. And one does not need to travel that far to find these gluttonous
negotiations paused once more while the entire band tucked mercenaries. I have met several bands in the Empire, and I
into the unfortunate creature. have seen an Ogre walk down the Street of a Hundred Taverns
with a feather in his hat like any Altdorf citizen. Those I have
A couple of days later, we arrived at the stark, mountainside encountered closer to home seem much more inclined to the
tomb. Von Gronighof found some inscriptions that he said civilising influence of our Empire.
might be key in understanding the civilisation and Sovrissniz
was able to help him with some elements of the translation For such a wild and unsophisticated species, they seem
despite her decidedly unacademic bent. They agreed the remarkably good at integrating into Imperial society (and,
language was very similar to Khazalid and perhaps marked a I suggest, other societies across the world), content to wear
moment shortly before the Dwarfs of Zharr fell. similar clothes to our soldiers, and to adopt the standards of
our military.
However, while von Gronighof was working on the intricate
friezes that lined the tomb’s great hall, he managed to dislodge And away from the army, where they naturally band together
one of the keystones of the ancient structure and sent a portion into all-Ogre regiments, these creatures seem to get on well
of the wall crashing down. The din alerted a large tribe of cave- enough as individuals. A single Ogre, for that is much the
dwelling Goblins who had made the mausoleum part of their easiest number to feed, can find respectable work throughout
underground domain. They flooded from the darkness and set the Empire, labouring, bodyguarding, pit fighting, or even
upon us from all sides. If we had not had the Ogres with us, butchering, and I’m sure at less reputable work for someone
we would have undoubtedly perished. But they joined the foul who needs a strong sword arm or a heavy hand. But it is
cave dwellers with gusto, not just using their superior strength testament to this ability that they can walk with the poshest
and size, but fighting with discipline and skill, and remarkable noble or the lowest criminal.
tactical appreciation. Or so Kaia explained to me afterwards.
The same could be said of their cuisine, too. As they are
And when the battle was won, they proceeded to consume the such gluttons and so unfussy that I have witnessed them gorge
bodies of the fallen Goblins. They didn’t seem that impressed themselves upon cave Goblins fresh from the battle, it is
with the taste but made sure to eat every one regardless, surprising that those living among civilisation are able to
forcing them down like obedient children eating their greens. appreciate finer cuisine. I have even heard of one mercenary
group that refused to go on campaign unless accompanied by
their favourite Halfling chef. Despite this, I’m sure it is safe
to say, even the most sophisticated Ogre palate still prefers
quantity over quality.
Tactics At Ease
Few would willingly engage a whole camp of Ogres, but Matthogg’s camp is full of nervous energy, as most of his
such is the combined hunger and boredom of the rank troops are earnestly considering if his leadership is still in
and file that they’ll jump at any excuse for a fight and their best interests. In the brief window after a sizeable
a meal. While Matthogg himself knows better than to meal during which Ogres are somewhat satisfied, the
antagonise the locals, he will join any fight once blood is denizens of the camp can be found exchanging stories
in the air, knowing full well that attempting to hold back of their past exploits, engaging in eating contents (when
the Payswords is both foolish and boring. supplies allow), or betting on organised bouts of wrestling.
Despite the Ogres’ reputation for mindless savagery, the Should the Characters come to blows with Matthogg’s
surviving Payswords are experienced warriors. While a Payswords, the mercenaries fight to very nearly the last
contingent of the group mostly consisting of Soldiers Ogre standing, certain to the end that their natural
charge an enemy head on, the Hunters attempt to flank strength and fortitude will prevail — in the experience
their opponents to harass them from unexpected angles of most Ogres, it usually does. If the Characters are
and cut off any retreat. captured, they are given a brief opportunity to beg for
their lives before being told ‘Don’t be late for dinner, eh?’
Matthogg himself seeks the most dangerous looking and handed over to the company’s Butcher.
opponent to face and ideally devour in single combat.
The Butcher Rulg Deathcheater quickly looks to invoke Settling a Debt
the blessings of the Great Maw, casting spells to disrupt Easy Encounter
ranged enemies or rival spellcasters. Skel Longstrider has been making a name for herself in
nearby inns and amongst travellers on the road. Loudly
boasting of her involvement in the Backbreaker tribe’s
illegal tolls, several merchants have banded together and
offered a bounty to anyone who can convince Matthogg’s
camp to move elsewhere. The merchants are convinced
that the Ogres will soon start extorting payments in
much the same way they did near Altdorf; if Skel has her
way, they may well be correct.
Runic Indigestion Belch and Slurry
Medium Encounter Hard Encounter
The Dwarf runes Rulg Deathcheater devoured still reside The Payswords’ remaining Mournfangs are more trouble
in his gut, their preservative magics causing them to act than they are worth to feed, and the company has taken
like arcane bezoars in the Ogre’s massive gut. This has to releasing them in remote parts of the forest to hunt.
caused Rulg to be able to extract much more magic from While the Ogres consider the beasts domesticated and
the artefacts he consumes, and his powers have grown essentially harmless, they have in fact reaped a bloody
appreciably since he first swallowed the ancient carved swathe across the vicinity. Locals refer to them as the
stones. These runestones were originally used to instruct ‘Twin Terrors’, and tales of their depredations are told
apprentice Runesmiths, and each is a perfect example of in every nearby inn and coaching house. In fact, even
Dwarf crafting. They are revered by the Runesmiths of Matthogg has heard of the bounties offered for the beasts’
Zhufbar, where their loss is considered a terrible tragedy. heads and has sent parties of Ogres to search for them. He
doesn’t realise the beasts are his own errant Mournfangs.
The three former Loremasters who still pursue Rulg
are Bardun Oakheart, Brunna Nokinsdottir, and Dorek Yrg Beastkiller is fond of the pair and has realised just
Halfhand. They have hunted the Butcher for years, always which beasts the offered bounties are for. The Mournfangs
close but never quite catching up with their prey. They remind her of home, and she is worried that they will
think Rulg is incredibly canny for an Ogre, though in fact eventually be tracked down and killed. If anyone is to kill
his ability to evade them may have more to do with the them, she would rather it was her. To avoid their loss,
Rune of Fate he ate that occasionally grants him prophetic she has taken to following bands of hunters who come
dreams. The trio have come across many of Rulg’s camps, looking for the creatures. Any who draw close to the
and suffered the indignity of checking through the Ogre’s Mournfangs’ hunting grounds are driven away (Yrg tells
middens to see if any contain a Runestone the Butcher them she is there to hunt the creatures herself ), or killed
may have passed. To say that they are livid, even for if they refuse to leave.
Slayers, is something of an understatement.
Unfortunately for her, Gregor Hornstadt, a trapper
The Slayers have at last discovered the location of Rulg’s from Nagenhof, escaped her most recent ambush and
camp. While they would love nothing more than to rush is recuperating in an inn near Bechafen. He is seeking
straight in and start hacking, even the three Slayers know revenge and promises to lead any who wish to the hunting
they would fare poorly against an entire Ogre Mercenary grounds of the Twin Terrors. He claims this is to win the
company — the Slayers’ severely reduced numbers are bounty on the Terrors, though, in fact, he hopes to find
proof enough of that. The trio sent word to Karak Kadrin, Yrg again and take her by surprise with whatever force
but in the meantime have cast about at every nearby inn of dangerous-looking people he can muster. He’s not too
and crossroads for suitable brave folks to assist them. picky — after all, he can always escape and recruit a new
group if things take a bad turn.
So far, none have taken up their offered reward of ‘Glory
and the thanks of all the Dwarfs of the Grey Mountains’
— a touch abstract for the average mercenary. However, A BELLYFULL OF TROUBLE
this offered reward is no boast. While the Slayers have The Payswords could potentially come into conflict with a
barely two shillings to rub together, any who aided in the number of different forces. The presence of Ogres in the Empire
recovery of the runestones would indeed be considered a is usually tolerated, though not without strain. Even those Ogres
friend of the Dwarfs and perhaps even be granted a runic who are most used to Human contact still occasionally find it
weapon or suit of armour of their own. tempting to consume fresh corpses and the occasional farm
hand. The rulers of Ostermark will only brook a few tales
of the Ogres’ depredations before deciding to move them on.
However it is the growing dissatisfaction of the nearby Forest
Spites that ought to concern Matthog. Small but powerful
beings with an array of magical tricks at their disposal could
make for a surprisingly tough opponent to the big brutes on
their forest’s edge.
Matthogg – Ogre Bruiser Of course, if Matthogg believes that there is good cause
Matthogg is a veteran campaigner, having taken part for violence, he will not hesitate to join in. A flash of gold,
in countless battles since he left the Ogre Kingdoms and the promise of more to come, garners his attention.
decades ago. His combat experience began long before Any who go down this path should be prepared for the
that, however. Matthogg had made a name for himself rather enormous fees Ogre mercenaries expect to be paid.
as a brutal warrior and voracious eater, even by Ogre
standards, even before he left the mountains. MATTHOGG – OGRE BRUISER
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
His long years among the ‘Slims’ (as Ogres invariably call 6 55 30 60 60 45 45 20 30 55 30 46
members of every other species) have granted him a better Traits: Armour 5 (11), Hungry, Night Vision,
than average understanding of Human concepts such as Prejudice (Thin People), Size (Large), Weapon (Two-
laws and reliable wages, as well as the terrible fuss they Handed Warhammer) +12
make when you devour something, or someone, that isn’t Skills: Cool 70, Dodge 60, Intimidate 75, Intuition
yours to eat. Thus, he prefers to avoid violence he is not 60, Leadership 45, Lore (Warfare) 40, Melee (Basic
paid to partake in, often repeating the mantra ‘If you’re 70, Two-Handed 70), Perception 55
good at something, never chew it for free.’ This makes Talents: Combat Aware, Combat Reflexes, Furious
Matthogg notably patient and reserved for an Ogre. Assault, Inspiring, Resolute, Warleader
Trappings: Gutplate, Ironfist, Mail Armour, Sword,
Two-Handed Warhammer
Yrg Beastkiller – Ogre Hunter It is only a matter of time until her forays draw attention
Yrg is the most accomplished of the Payswords’ Hunters. from the law, but Yrg sees this as advantageous. Either
Her javelins are carved of hardwood and as thick as a stout no one stops her ‘hunting’ trips to the nearby farms, in
Dwarf ’s arm. They function both as a hunting weapon which case the Payswords continue to eat, or a brief
and as a spit for cooking — often one quite quickly after and fulfilling tussle with some local road wardens will
the other. Yrg joined up with the Payswords in search of convince Matthogg to adopt more aggressive tactics.
great beasts to slay, and while she has had the opportunity
to hunt some truly unusual creatures, all have paled in YRG BEASTKILLER - OGRE HUNTER
comparison to the creatures of her homeland. M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
6 30 25 45 45 30 35 20 20 35 20 30
Bereft of fresh hunting grounds and frustrated at Traits: Armour 1 (5), Hungry, Night Vision, Prejudice
Matthogg’s refusal to move on, Yrg has taken to raiding (Thin People), Size (Large), Ranged (Javelins) +8 (12),
nearby farms for meat, disguising her kills by giving them Weapon +8
a brief stomping. She claims it is ‘To tenderise ‘em. Real Skills: Dodge 45, Perception 40, Ranged (Throwing)
stringy meat on these bones, boss’, which has annoyed the 35, Stealth (Rural) 45
Butcher Rulg no end, as that is clearly part of his duties. Talents: Accurate Shot, Flee!
Trappings: Club, Leather and Hide Armour, Three
Skel Longstrider – Ogre Irongut Skel is convinced that such a scheme could work again,
Skel is a recent addition to Matthogg’s warband. Before and has been working to convince Matthogg of the
joining him, she travelled with the Backbreaker tribe, same. The mercenaries grow desperate, and perhaps soon
which last year set up camp just a few miles north of enough, Skel knows, it may not matter if Matthogg
Bechafen. The clan Tyrant had the idea of establishing a agrees or not…
toll on the road to Wolfenburg road, and initially managed
to extract a great deal of gold in the process. Delighted SKEL LONGSTRIDER – OGRE IRONGUT
with the sudden apparently endless availability of coin, M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
food, and drink, the Ogres of the Backbreaker tribe were 6 40 20 55 55 40 35 20 20 45 20 38
busy congratulating themselves for their genius when a Traits: Armour 5 (10), Hungry, Night Vision,
squadron of Knights of the Osterknacht descended on Prejudice (Thin People), Size (Large), Weapon
their camp and drove them back into the mountains. (Zweihänder) +10
Skills: Cool 60, Dodge 50, Intimidate 65, Leadership
All this would be fine, were Skel discreet enough to keep 25, Melee (Basic 60, Two-Handed 60)
her involvement a secret. Instead, she loudy tells anyone Talents: Combat Aware, Combat Reflexes, Resolute
who will listen of her exploits, and more than once has Trappings: Club, Gutplate, Mix of Chain and Plate
greeted a merchant she recognised from the shakedown Mail, Two-Handed Scimitar (counts as Zweihänder)
like an old friend.
1d100 Effect
01–15 Besmirched. The Butcher loses control of their bowels, with predictably messy results. Ogres, a crude folk,
do not set much store by cleanliness, but this is embarrassing nevertheless. The Butcher suffers –2 SL to all
Fellowship Tests until they clean themselves up.
16–20 Gobstopper. The Butcher bites their tongue. They must make a Hard (–20) Endurance Test. If the test is failed
they may not speak (so may not cast Gut Magic) as they struggle with the pain. This lasts for 1d10 Rounds.
21–30 Rage of the Maw. A part of the Great Maw possesses the Butcher as they open up a direct channel to the
power of their god. The Butcher becomes subject to Frenzy.
31–35 Green Around the Gills. The Butcher suffers from the Nausea symptom for the next 1d10 hours.
36–40 Dental Mishap. The Butcher loses a single tooth.
41–45 Runny Guts. The Butcher immediately contracts the Bloody Flux.
46–50 Famishing. The Butcher is wracked by excruciating pangs of hunger. Within the next 2d10 Rounds, they must
consume a pound of flesh or suffer the effects of Starvation as if they had gone 2 days without food.
51–55 Rampant Ravenous Rage. All creatures and Characters within 3d10 yards gain the Hungry Creature Trait. If
a creature or Character within range already has the Hungry Creature Trait, it must make a Challenging (+0)
Cool Test or immediately try to consume the nearest edible item or creature.
56–60 Roiling Reflux. The Butcher vurps up caustic gobbets of stomach acid. For the next 1d10 Rounds they must
take a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test each Turn and suffer 1 Wound every time they fail the test. During
this time they benefit from the Vomit Creature Trait.
61–65 Flatulent Eruption. The Butcher’s gut churns and writhes, emitting a great cloud of magical by-product. Any
Character within 20 yards of the Butcher must take a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test. Those who fail suffer
from the Nausea symptom for the next 1d10 hours.
66–70 Shattered Teeth. The Butcher loses 1d10 teeth.
71–75 Trapped Wind. A painful build-up of gas causes crippling pain. The Butcher suffers from three Poisoned
Conditions. These are removed in the normal way. When the last Poisoned Condition is removed, the gas is
vented, with the same effect as the Flatulent Eruption result above.
76–80 Displeasure of the Maw. Iridescent light shines from the Butcher’s mouth and eyes and they bellow in pain as
their god shows his displeasure. The Butcher suffers a hit of 1d10 Damage to their Body Location.
81–85 Corpomantic Maelstrom. The Butcher reels and retches. For the next 1d10 Turns, the Butcher must take a
Difficult (-10) Endurance Test. If the test is failed, they vomit copiously. Any Characters (friend or foe) within
5 Yards of the Butcher must succeed a Hard (–20) Dodge Test to avoid the vomit. Those who fail are hit with a
Weapon Damage of the Butcher’s Toughness Bonus +4 and must take a Stunned Condition.
86–90 Maimed Tongue. The Butcher bites off a chunk of their own tongue. They suffer a Wound and may not speak
(and thus may not cast Gut Magic) for 1d10 days after the miscast. After this time, the wound heals, but the
Butcher suffers –2 SL to Language Tests or any other tests involving speech.
91–95 Gastromantic Ravaging. The Butcher turns white, emitting a thin wail as their system is ravaged. The Butcher
suffers a hit of 2d10 Damage to their Body Location.
96–100 Jawbreaker. The Butcher suffers the Broken Jaw Critical Wound: They gain 3 Stunned Conditions, must pass a
Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or gain an Unconscious Condition, and suffer a Broken Bone (Major) injury.
101–115 Suppurating Ulcers. The Butcher drops to their knees, blood pouring from their mouth as the Great Maw eats
away at them from the inside. The Butcher suffers a hit of 3d10 Damage to their Body Location.
116–120 Thaumaphagic Catastrophe. The Butcher spasms and squeals as their magic goes horribly awry before
bursting apart in an explosion of stinking offal. The Butcher is killed. Any Characters (friend or foe) within 10
yards of the Butcher must succeed a Hard (–20) Dodge Test to avoid the explosion. Those who fail are hit with
a Weapon Damage of the Butcher’s Toughness Bonus +6 and must take a Stunned Condition.
Monsters in the Wilds Trolls can be found throughout the world. There are
Foul-tempered and evil-smelling, Trolls are among many different subspecies, but they share similar traits.
the most dangerous threats one might wish to avoid. They are all monstrously strong and can regenerate any
Countless subspecies exist, all perfectly adapted to their wound, save those caused by fire. When stressed, Trolls
environment. In barren mountain passes, Dwarf Rangers may retch up the contents of their stomach, sending a
watch the slopes for any sign of Stone Troll activity. spray of bile upon their foes that can melt through
Sailors keep a careful eye on patches of river muck that armour and eat away flesh and bone. They are driven by
might conceal lurking River Trolls. And in the rural wilds hunger, eating anything they find, even rocks. And they
of the Empire, every peasant should know to take care are phenomenally stupid.
when investigating an abandoned hovel, for fear the
Common Troll who emptied it still lairs inside. Orcs and Goblins seek to lure Trolls into accompanying
their tribes when they make war. However, only creatures
Stranger Trolls haunt the north lands, mutated monsters as heedless of collateral damage as Orcs and Goblins
more horrifying than even their own base kin. Only those would risk making an alliance with such beasts.
with a death wish would willingly seek out a Troll.
Types of Troll Chaos Trolls
Trolls adapt to their habitat, exhibiting great variation in Chaos Trolls, sometimes known as Dark Trolls, are
form. Even those grouped under the banner of a particular those who bear clear signs of having been warped by the
type can exhibit a great deal of diversity in shape, corrupting touch of the Ruinous Powers. They tend to be
colouration, and habits. With that said, most scholars of larger than other trolls, and whilst their skins can be of
the Old World identify the following varieties. various hues, they are often black, or shades of grey and
deep blue.
Common Trolls
There is some disagreement over what a Common Troll is. Chaos Trolls often manifest mutations, growing horns
There are scholars who suggest that there is a form of Troll and spines from their heads, backs, and shoulders, or
that is found throughout several different environments developing an extra head. The regenerative abilites of
that conforms to a general appearance, having dark green Trolls only seems to exacerbate their mutated appearance.
or grey skin, thick scales upon its scalp and back, ragged Rather than simply closing over, the raw flesh of a wound
and pendulous ears, and a broad, flat nose. will form into a new mouth or sprout fronds of slender
tentacles. They are often even more aggressive than
Others disagree and cite all manner of Trollish types that other Trolls and given the right direction they can make
are simply bundled together in the category of Common effective shock troops for armies of Chaos.
Troll because they do not exhibit the particular features
that would identify them as another type. Bile Trolls
According to the stories told by the vitki of the Kul, a
Stone Trolls warband of Trolls once wandered into the northern wastes
Stone Trolls live underground or in mountainous regions. to pit their might against the followers of the Dark Gods.
They have rock-hard skin and are naturally resistant to They were led by Raak Stoneshatterer, a Troll of unusual
magic. Many Stone Trolls wander the slopes and passes drive, who sought in his hubris to win the attention of
of the Worlds Edge Mountains, where they often fall the Dark Gods by pitching his might aginst those of their
in with the tribes of Orcs or Night Goblins that are chosen champions.
prevalent there. Stone Trolls tend to be taller and skinnier
than other forms of Troll, with long arms that reach down On a plain of scorched bones, they won many victories
to the ground. but their fortunes changed when they faced the horde
of Gulvas Bloatchild, a devotee of Nurgle. The Trolls
Their scales are more apparent and develop into craggy, struggled for days of bitter fighting but emerged victorious,
horny thick growths. Their hides are often grey or grey- and devoured the corpses of their foes. Their bodies were
blue, and their facial features are often rather outsized, wracked by disease in doing so. The regenerative power of
with long, bulbous noses, thick lips, and beady yellow the Trolls struggled to heal the weeping sores that broke
eyes. out upon their flesh and the cankers that ravaged their
innards. They became twisted and tormented creatures,
River Trolls bloated and agonised, whose twisted bodies harboured all
River Trolls live in bogs and along untamed riverbanks. manner of infection.
They partially submerge themselves in swamps or brackish
ponds to sneak up on and ambush their prey. River Trolls These days, descendants of the Trolls that once followed
are slimy creatures that reek of rotten fish. In comparison Raak can be found haunting the cold mires of Norsca
to other Trolls, they are squat and dumpy, with bloated and the Troll Country. These Bile Trolls are shunned and
bellies. They sometimes share features in common with feared, even by other Trolls, who fear their tainted curse.
the aquatic beasts that form the great part of their diet,
with small, overlapping scales, green flesh, webbed hands
and feet, and hanks of hair like dripping river weeds.
Olde Weirde’s Incunabulum The first thing to do was to discern the precise type of Troll
it was. According to Ignatius of Nuln, with whom I have since
I have published a number of papers over the years that have had the pleasure of not inconsiderable correspondence, there
touched on the subject of Trolls. I pride myself in some are twenty-three main varieties of Troll, but at the time I was
knowledge of the creatures and have been in correspondence only aware of three, the common Troll, the river or marsh
with experts on the subject. However, criticism has come my Troll, and the stone or mountain Troll.
way for never actually coming face to face with the creatures,
and therefore my works condemned as bookish and impractical. The Common Troll is not well named, as although it may
I admit that there is some truth to this, but that is because be the most commonly encountered within the bounds of the
there is danger inherent in the study of such creatures, and Empire, this is by no means a common occurrence, thank
I offer the following anecdote. I have not examined a decent Sigmar. Von Gronighof once shared a childhood experience
specimen since, for reasons that should become apparent. The where he had witnessed one from afar, happily pulling the legs
truth is that there can be no Troll specimens suitable for study off a deer. They are large, brutish creatures and any tool more
except those which are burned almost beyond usefulness. complicated than a club is beyond their faculties. Yet, they
have proven cunning ambush predators, concealing themselves
We were in the Teufel valley, having had an eventful journey as best they can alongside roads to surprise unwary travellers.
back from Parravon by means of the Grey Lady Pass. The
couple of weeks we had spent at the Duke of Parravon’s River Trolls are rarely found beyond the confines of their native
pleasure had delayed us long enough that we were traversing marshland. They make their homes only in the most stagnant
the pass just as the famous Grey Mountain winter was taking and fetid waters where their green hides and pondweed-like
hold. This, in turn, had made our daily travel harder, and we hair makes them easily mistakable for floating detritus. Their
were having to push on to make up for lost time. So that is stench is said to be the worst of all their kind. Having smelt
why we were left in the valley as night fell and still a couple the specimen under discussion here, I am in no rush to make
of miles short of our anticipated wayside inn. the comparison. Reports that their vast and bloated matriarchs
possess the capacity to wield magic is something no scholar
For several minutes, we could hear a strange keening noise that should take at face value.
kept pace with us, as if it were following, or rather hunting, us.
Then from out of the snowy woodlands, the sinuous, hulking The third variant is the Stone Troll. Sovrissniz considers
creature emerged. It swung a tree trunk at von Gronighof, herself an expert on these, and after a few Bugman’s will
who was only saved as Kaia pushed him out of its way, and expound at length. They live in mountainous, rocky terrain,
Sovrissniz fired two shots at the creature’s belly. I was pleased and are not above eating the rocks themselves to fill their
she had the wherewithal to keep her pistols loaded, even in bellies when there is not enough meat. And so their hides have
these inhospitable conditions. taken on something of this nature, making their skin rock hard
and helping them blend in with the terrain. Given that Dwarfs
Then Kaia stepped up and slashed at the Troll with her thin also favour such places, it is no surprise Sovrissniz has such a
Elven blade and Sovrissniz drew her axe. Eventually, and with dislike for the creatures.
at least a dozen wounds upon its body, the Troll collapsed.
Later that evening, Professor Pfaff said that he had joined the As we were in the mountains, but also by a river, and as the
fight and managed to get a telling blow on the creature with creatures are decidedly uncommon, we could not narrow it
his hammer, and I do not necessarily dispute this. down. Pfaff opined that by the creature’s rough, armoured hide
and our journey through the mountains, it must be a Stone
We had a huge Troll carcass on our hands, and were not too Troll, surmising that it may have followed us down from the
far from the inn, so we slung the thing on our cart. It would be high pass. Von Gronighof suggested that as it had ambushed
remiss of us, as scientists, offered this opportunity to examine us at the riverbank, it must therefore be a River Troll. I
such a creature, that our intellectual curiosity did not trump suggested that because we had encountered it at all, on the
our desire to get to warmth and safety. And in a few hours, we balance of probability it must be a Common Troll.
had the thing in the stables at the Monk’s Head Inn.
We decided that a vivisection might shed some light on the The fumes were enough to have me wiping tears from my
issue, and after herding the horses to one end of the stable and stinging eyes and my nose began to run profusely. I was not
borrowing a dozen lanterns from the landlady, we were able to able to continue the autopsy for much longer, and I retired to
create an adequate theatre for the examination. the bar. Kaia and Professor Pfaff soon joined me. When I had
fully recovered, I was able to force down quite a satisfying meal
Von Gronighof decided to examine the stomach contents first, to replace the one I had left on the stable floor.
but as we turned it onto its back, we noticed several eyes in its
stomach. One of the eyes flickered open and seemed to look Von Gronighof, however, was looking extremely green when I
at us, coldly and blankly. Pfaff said a quick prayer to Sigmar left him. I think it was due to a matter of professional pride
for protection, for we all instantly knew that there was the that he continued the examination in the face of such unpleasant
influence of the Dark Gods, here. viscera. And Sovrissniz, I think, was unable to admit that she
was daunted by the prospect of a creature’s stomach contents,
Thinking back on the incident, I believe a question remains so she stayed by the professor’s side throughout, just to prove
unanswered, one that no amount of slicing with von that she could.
Gronighof’s knife could uncover. Was this a creature intrinsic
to the Dark Gods, like the Beastmen of the forest, or was this It turned out to be extremely fortunate that she did, for when
a conventional, for want of a better word, Troll that had been the creature awoke, disturbed by von Gronighof’s fiddling
touched and mutated by the dark gods, much like a forsaken around inside its stomach, no doubt, it grabbed the professor
Human can be? and threw him across the stable. The professor hit his head on
the corner of a manger and lost consciousness.
And so von Gronighof pierced the creature and dragged his
knife across its belly. I am not able to adequately describe the Sovrissniz was quick enough, and bright enough, to grab her
contents of that foul creature’s stomach as they spilled across hammer and smash the many lamps we had hung around the
the floor. I feel safe to say this was the most foul substance I place, showering the musty straw of the stable with flaming oil.
have ever come across. It was black and green and viscous and In a few moments the stable was violently ablaze and so was
bubbling and acrid. Despite the airy stables, and the straw we the Troll. Once the alarm was raised, we all ran to help and
had strewn across the ground, the corrosive stench of the stuff the horses were rescued, and Sovrissniz managed to drag von
immediately made me heave and my own gastric fluids spilled Gronighof to safety. So there was no real harm done, except
to the floor in sympathy. we had to pay for a new stable.
It took me several minutes to recover, and in the interests of And that is how we learned why there can be no safe practical
science, I was eventually able to force myself to view the scene. study of Trolls. They must be burned (or, I have heard,
I could see bits of recognisable objects among the bile and pickled, or immersed in brandy, or honey, or acid) to prevent
can recall what looked like the melted remains of a two-handed them from recovering from their injuries and springing back to
sword, the broken skull of a mountain goat, half a wagon life again, as if they had never been wounded in the first place.
wheel, part of a stone statue of Sigmar, which annoyed Pfaff, This does inhibit the study of the anatomy of Trolls, for there
most of a four-person tent, part of a stuffed bear, and a bowl is only so much one can glean from blackened flesh.
for melted cheese.
But perhaps the greatest lesson we could have learned is the
These objects were all in a state of barely recognisable decay, extent of their ability to do such a thing, and why we should
pitted and worn away by the strong stomach fluids of the Troll. never attempt an examination of a fresh Troll corpse in the
A curious detail I have heard is that in battle, a beleaguered future. And von Gronighof still has the scars to remind him
Troll is able to vomit up such juices as a means of attack, of the wisdom of this.
and I now understand why that would make such a fearful
weapon. The very stones of the stable floor began to smoke
and dissolve where the vomit had splashed upon them.
0 Stone Troll
Chaos Troll Type Template
0 River Troll Chaos Trolls are larger and more vicious than other types
of Troll, and always bear signs of mutation.
0 Chaos Troll
0 Bile Troll
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
There are then four types of Character Template that can +10 +5 +5 +10
be applied to a Troll. These can either be applied singly, Traits: Corruption (Minor)
or in combination. A Troll may therefore end up with 5 Dark Gods’ Blessings: Roll twice on the Physical
templates applied, provided it meets the required criteria. Corruption Table (WFRP page 184, or the Khorne
Column of Enemy in Shadows Companion page 66).
0 Old Troll Corrupting Vomit: A Chaos Troll’s vomit corrodes
not just the body, but the soul. Those hit risk exposure
0 Hungry Troll to Corruption (Moderate).
0 Hulking Troll
Bile Troll Type Template
0 Troll Hag (may only apply if the River Troll Template has Bile Trolls are the descendants of a Troll horde which
been applied first) challenged a Champion of Nurgle. After feeding on their
enemies’ corpses, the Bile Trolls were cursed to a pain-
Stone Troll Type Template wracked existence, infested with virulent disease.
Stone Trolls live in mountainous areas. In times of
privation, they eat the stone itself and have absorbed its BILE TROLL
qualities. They have tough, rock-like hides and display a
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
degree of resistance to magic.
-10 +10 +5 +10
Traits: Corrosive Blood, Corruption (Moderate),
Disease (The Bloody Flux), Distracting
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W Rotten Regeneration: A Bile Troll’s Regeneration
+5 provides 1d10 Wounds divided by 2, rounded down.
Traits: Armour 3, Magic Resistance 2, Night Vision Bileful Vomit: A Bile Troll’s Vomit attack follows the
Skills: Climb +10 rules for the Lore of Nurgle spell Stream of Corruption
Talents: Rover, Strider (Rocky) (WFRP page 257).
Old Troll Character Template River Troll Hag Template
As Trolls get older, they grow in size but their thoughts Giant River Troll Hags are hateful and bitter creatures,
slow down. The earth grows up around them, until one far larger and more dangerous than their common kin
might not even notice they were there. and able to shape the Winds of Magic. They prey upon
anything foolish to enter the brackish waters in which
OLD TROLL they dwell and are often used as warnings to teach children
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W not to wander into swamps or close to riverbanks. Troll
Hags savour the flesh of Human children over that of any
-1 +10 +10 +10 -5 +5
other creature.
Traits: Night Vision, Painless, Size (Enormous)
That’s No Mound: It can be difficult to tell where
The sight of a Giant River Troll Hag shambling from the
earth ends and monster begins. As long as the Old
water in pursuit of her prey is truly terrifying. Her massive
Troll has not moved or taken an Action, it possesses
bulk glistens with stinking swamp slime as she hefts a
the Stealthy Trait.
huge, crudely wrought net stuffed with entrapped food.
Talents: Strider (Home Terrain)
Like other Trolls, Troll Hags have a voracious appetite
and will eat anything. All manner of things can be found
in their nets, including writhing bog-octopi, recently
Hungry Troll Character Template captured soldiers, gleaming treasures hauled from the
A hungry Troll is driven into a pained, berserk frenzy. deeps, and other fermented morsels.
These Trolls move with incredible speed, the smell of
blood driving them into horrendous feeding frenzies. Orcs sometimes lure Troll Hags from their lairs, using
live Goblins on the ends of long fishing lines as bait to
HUNGRY TROLL draw them forth. With their bellies full, the Troll Hag
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W can be convinced to join an Orc horde onto the field of
battle, their fearsome nature, massive strength, and their
+1 +10 +10 +5 -5 -10
ability to cast hexes and curses upon their foes making
Traits: Frenzy, Hungry
them terrible enemies indeed.
Sated: Should the Troll be provided with a meal of a
creature of Size Average or larger, and is allowed to
consume it in peace, this template no longer applies. RIVER TROLL HAG
Starving: A Hungry Troll is close to starving, and if
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
it does not eat within 24 hours, it will begin to suffer
+10 +10 +5 +30 +20
from Starvation (WFRP, page 181).
Traits: Breath +10 (Poison), Size (Enormous)
Skills: Channelling (Shyish) +20, Language (Magick)
Hulking Troll Character Template Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Arcane Magic (Lore
Abundance of food, or conducive environmental of Death), Blather, Instinctive Diction, Magical Sense,
conditions, can cause some Trolls to grow to a prodigious Second Sight, War Wizard
size. Such Trolls tend to grow complacent and sluggish. Water Wise: Whilst it is within a body of water, a
River Troll Hag does not suffer from the Stupid Trait.
HULKING TROLL Petty Magic Spells: Bearings, Careful Step, Drain,
Marsh Lights
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
Arcane Spells: Terrifying, Ward
-1 +5 +5 -3 -5
Lore of Death Spells: Caress of Laniph, Soul Vortex,
Traits: Painless, Size (Enormous)
Steal Life
Tactics Presents!
Trolls are not strategically minded, being more like wild Easy Encounter
beasts in their attitudes and understanding of the world The Goblins of the Crooked Maw Tribe are known to
around them. They can employ simple strategies in order harass travellers along the passes of the Grey Mountains.
to better capture prey, but their repertoire of tricks is These Goblins have devised a cunning method by which
limited and simple. they can lure Trolls to fight with them without becoming
a snack themselves. One method is to trick travellers
Use of the Environment. Trolls can set up an ambush into following them to a Troll’s lair, where Goblins can
near treacherous or confined environmental hazards. present them as a tasty treat. A Troll with a full belly is
Tight mountain passes, sucking quagmires, tunnels, and rather more pliable than a peckish individual.
icy crevasses are favoured locations. The Trolls wait until
their intended victims are already struggling to navigate This encounter should be challenging for a new group,
the hazard when they appear from their hiding places to as they have to deal with both the Goblins and the Troll.
launch an attack. If the habitat is already host to another Once they have attracted the attention of the travellers,
monster, such as a lurking Bog Octopus in a swamp or a they will be focused on self-preservation and staying
Manticore in a mountain cave, then so much the better. out of reach until the Troll has dealt with their intended
The Trolls will pick on the survivors of such an encounter, victims.
or feast on the fallen should there be any remains.
For its part, the Troll will attack anyone, including
Pack Hunting. Trolls often hunt in packs of three. It isn’t any careless Goblins that stray too close. It will tend
known why this number is so typical of groups of Trolls, to prioritise whatever individual is makign the most
but larger groups tend to fall into infighting or result in noise, or dressed in the most colourful clothing. A fully
the larger Trolls stealing all the best food for themselves armoured knight or brightly uniformed wizard will likely
and leaving the smaller Trolls to starve. A Troll pack attract their attention.
often splits into two groups. One Troll will make itself
visible to prospective prey, either distracting them or This encounter consists of:
casuing them to manoeuvre in order to avoid it. This Troll
may appear within sight of a defensible position, such as 0 An Old Stone Troll appears in the second Round.
a rocky outcrop or ruined building. The prospective prey
may seek shelter, but then find themselves confronted by 0 Three Goblin Soldiers with spears and two Goblin
the other two Trolls. Skirmishers with bows and arrows.
Simple Traps. Trolls are not good at engineering traps, 0 One spokes-Goblin, a Soldier with a sword and
but some crude construction has been attributed to them. shield. This is not the leader, but the one pushed to
A trick employed by some Stone Trolls is to line a steep the front to call the Troll out.
mountain track with loose boulders. Those clambering
over may cause a rockslide. River Trolls may use logs,
clumps of bogweed, and matted rushes to create an
apparently dry causeway through a bog, which becomes
treacherous after a short distance.
The Rocky Road
Medium Encounter
Trios of Stone Trolls gather near high-walled crevasses,
where travellers are vulnerable. They emerge from their
hiding places, hurling boulders or other debris, before
charging in to snatch the best prizes. Whether they are
working together or competing for the same food source
may be debatable, but whilst living enemies are within
reach, they will cooperate to slay them.
Cragtooth – Old Stone Troll The Dwarfs need gyrocopters to communicate. Refuelling
Cragtooth is an ancient Troll. He lives in the mountains stations litter the mountains, kept stocked up by Zhufbar’s
around Zhufbar and his litany of crimes takes up an entire Rangers. Cragtooth takes great joy in finding them and
page in the hold’s Book of Grudges. It is said the vicious devouring everything.
Stone Troll even marched with the Goblins during the
fall of Karak Varn, a legacy no Dwarf will soon forget. For the first time in decades, the Dwarfs of Zhufbar have
opened their Book of Grudges and begun writing new
While sleeping in the weak sunlight, Cragtooth heard entries under Cragtooth’s name. The local Goblins, for
a strange whirring sound. He cracked an eye open and their part, are happy to see Cragtooth up and about again
spied something like a bird, its wings spinning about its and are already plotting how best to use his new taste for
head. Fascinated, the Troll followed. The bird landed on a the Dwarfs’ machines to their advantage.
stone platform, carefully cut into the mountainside and,
to Cragtooth’s astonishment, a Dwarf hopped out and . CRAGTOOTH – OLD STONE TROLL
began shovelling coal into her mount’s side. Cragtooth M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
promptly ate the Dwarf, along with the gyrocopter.
5 40 15 65 60 5 15 15 15 25 5 80
Traits: Armour 2 (8), Bite +9, Die Hard, Infected,
This began Cragtooth’s obsession with the flying
Magic Resistance 2, Night Vision, Regenerate, Size
machines. He watches the skies each day, waiting for the
(Enormous), Stupid, Vomit, Weapon +10
contraptions to pass. Of these, there is no shortage. The
Skills: Climb 75
tunnels beneath Zhufbar are infested with Skaven.
Talents: Rover, Strider (Rocky)
Orcs and Goblins do not distinguish between magic and Orc and Goblin Spellcasting
religion. As far as they are concerned, their Shamans Greenskin Shamans are as diverse as their tribes and
wield uncanny energies given to them by their gods, the species — each one is a uniquely strange individual. Every
cunning but brutal Mork and the brutal but cunning Gork. Shaman has their own repertoire of peculiar rituals and
Orcs and Goblins are not known for their philosophical dances, some of their own invention, others picked up
musings — they don’t question why or how their gods from fellow Shamans. Their spells are similar… cobbled
provide such sorcery, they just accept that’s the way of the together from instinct, mimicry, and divine inspiration.
world… and enjoy the carnage.
Their spellcasters use magic rules from the rulebook, with
According to wizards in Altdorf ’s Colleges of Magic, the following additions:
the magic of Orcs and Goblins isn’t powered solely by
the Winds of Magic. It seems the power for Shaman’s 0 Orc and Goblin Shamans draw power from the
spells arise from the collective raw energy of a mob of Waaagh! — the psychic energy of massed Orcs and
Orcs or Goblins, hence it is often called ‘Waaagh! Magic’. Goblins.
The more excited, numerous, and aggressive a group of
Orcs, the greater the power emanating from the crowd. 0 Provided there are Orcs and Goblins in the general
During a fight or battle, this energy crackles from the vicinity, the Shaman may make Channelling and
chanting Orcs and Goblins and finds a conduit through Casting Tests as usual and may benefit from tools such
the Shamans, who wrestle to shape it into spells. These as Staffs or other magic items.
magical displays are as boisterous and violent as Orcs
themselves — very few Shamans invoke the subtle magics 0 If the Shaman is isolated from other Orcs and Goblins
practiced by other species. (meaning that there are no such creatures visible to it,
and that the population is scarce in the surrounding
Shamans are an unusual caste amongst Orc and Goblin environment) they suffer –2 SL to any Channelling or
tribes. They are prone to peculiar, eccentric behaviour, Casting Tests.
which becomes even more bizarre as Waaagh! energy
leaves their minds increasingly unhinged. Bosses know 0 When Channelling, the Shaman benefits by +1 SL
it’s useful to have a Shaman around. They’re great in a for every Orc, Hobgoblin, and 2 Goblins within
fight and they help keep the gods sweet — but there’s Willpower yards.
something not right about them.
0 However, if a miscast occurs, use the Waaagh! Miscast
Other Orcs and Goblins are unnerved by the sheer Table on page 96 rather than the Major or Minor
weirdness of a Shaman, not to mention the coloured Miscast Tables, and add 2 to the result for every Orc,
lights playing around their head as they mutter, howl, and Hobgoblin, and 2 Goblins within Willpower Bonus
caper about the place. It doesn’t help that they have a yards.
tendency to explode when they lose control of the vast
energies coursing through their bodies.
Orcs Their attire varies greatly — for example, Shamans from
Orc Shamans are ostracised by most bosses, who would the hills and plains wear furs and skulls, while bog-
rather they prance about somewhere out of sight. Their dwelling Goblins drape themselves in stinking weeds and
spells are brutal, bludgeoning affairs — all Orc Shamans frog skins.
have the Arcane Magic (Big Waaagh!) Talent.
Goblin Shamans have the Arcane Magic (Little Waaagh!)
Savage Orcs Talent.
Savage Orcs hold Shamans in high regard, as embodiments
of elemental Orciness free from the taint of modernity. Night Goblins
Their Shamans indulge in much chanting, drumming, Night Goblin Shamans are attuned to the strange
and waving their arms about. Savage Orc Shamans have mystical fungi crucial to life beneath the mountains.
the Arcane Magic (Big Waaagh!) Talent. They have secret knowledge for cultivating the madcap
mushroom and shaman shrooms used in tribal rituals.
Goblin Shamans like to scare their fellows with magic Night Goblin Shamans have the Arcane Magic (Little
to keep themselves high in the tribal pecking order. They Waaagh!) Talent. Shaman Shrooms and their effects are
claim to channel Mork and Gork, along with other spirits described on page 99.
and minor deities associated with their tribe.
Forest Goblins
Forest Goblin Shamans commune with the Feaster from
Beyond, their Great Spider-God, and cast spells with
a hairy, eight-legged flavour. Spiders crawl across
their spindly bodies, their bites inducing mystical
trances. The Purple Skullback is especially potent, its
bite granting vivid visions of the Feaster’s cobwebbed
Hobgoblin Shamans are very rarely seen west of the
Mountains of Mourn. They shuffle around, hunched over
from countless thick furs draped across their backs. Many
carry and wear fearsome masks that represent the wicked
steppe spirits, Mork-khan, and Gork-khan.
56–60 Flying Rocks: Small rocks and pebbles lift off the ground and fly around. The Shaman is hit 1d10 times with a
Weapon Damage of 2 and anyone within 10 yards is hit once with a Weapon Damage of 2.
61–65 Pretty Colours!: Mesmerising technicoloured shapes and lights float around the Shaman’s head. Gain the
Blinded Condition for 2 Rounds and 1 Fatigued Condition.
66–70 I’z Gone on Fire!: The Shaman bursts into flames and gains an Ablaze Condition.
71–75 Gertcha!: Gork (or possibly Mork) takes offence at the Shaman’s spellcasting and delivers a mystical slap. Take
1d10 Wounds (ignore TB and Armour) and the Prone Condition.
76–80 Sorcerous Spew: The Shaman projectile vomits everywhere. Gain 3 Stunned Conditions.
81–85 Weird Flailing: Mork (or possibly Gork) grabs the Shaman and shakes him about. Gain 2 Stunned Conditions.
Anyone within 1d10 yards of the Shaman must make a Challenging (+0) Dodge Test or suffer a hit of 3
Damage to a random Hit Location.
86–90 Me ‘Ead ‘Urts!: The Shaman’s head swells with pressure and his eyes bulge. Gain 2 Stunned Conditions and
suffer 1d10 Wounds to the head (ignoring TB and Armour).
91–95 I’ve Forgot!: The Shaman suffers a catastrophic brainstorm and permanently forgets one of his spells,
determined at random. He also gains a Blinded Condition.
96–100 I Fink I’m Gonna…: An explosive blast of green energy erupts from the Shaman’s head, and he falls to the
ground. Gain the Unconscious Condition. Orcs and Goblins within 10 yards gain a Stunned Condition.
101–105 Eye Melta: The Waaagh! energy escapes through the Shaman’s eyes, melting them out of their sockets. The
Shaman loses both eyes as if they were amputated and suffers 1d10+3 Wounds to the head.
106–110 ‘EADBANG!: The Shaman’s head explodes with the force of raw magic power. He is very dead.
111 or ‘EADBANGERZ!: The Shaman’s head explodes. Any Orc, Hobgoblin, or Goblin within 10 yards failing a
more Very Hard (–30) Cool Test suffers the same messy fate.
Orc and Goblin Magic Items Shaman Staff
Orcs and Goblins are not great artificers and do not The most common magic item possessed by a Shaman
understand the principles of magic in a disciplined sense. is a staff adorned with all manner of gruesome trophies
They do make magical items, imbuing them with Waaagh! and shiny trinkets. These staffs attract Waaagh! energy
energy, but the results are crude and unpredictable. even when other Orcs and Goblins are nowhere to be
seen. Roll 1d10 for any given staff. The Shaman always
Copper Staff counts as being within Willpower Bonus yards of this
Some of the more cunning and cautious Shamans have many Orcs when Channelling, Casting, or rolling on the
discovered that copper provides a suitable vector for Waaagh! Miscast Table.
excess Waaagh! energy. Whilst holding the staff, they
count as isolated from other Orcs and Goblins (with a
–2 SL penalty to Channelling or Casting Tests) and they RESEARCH AND ORC AND GOBLIN
ignore the presence of Orcs, Hobgoblins, and Goblins MAGICAL ITEMS
when rolling on the Waaagh! Miscast Table. Orcs and Goblins employ designs of magical artefacts that do
not derive energy from the Winds of Magic, but the Waaagh!
Dangly Wotnotz energy derived from the innate nature of Orcs, Goblins, and
Many Orc and Goblin Shamans wear bangles and related creatures. If a Witch, Wizard, or other sort of magic
pendants bedecked with bones, teeth, and petty fetishes. user wishes to learn an Orc spell or employ a magic item that
These items are imbued with Waaagh! power and help uses Waaagh! energy, they are embarking on a very dangerous
regulate the magical power gathered by the Shaman for course of action.
the purpose of working magic. A Shaman in possession
of Dangly Wotnotz may reroll a successful Casting Test Exactly how this risk manifests is left up to the GM, but any
in the hope of getting a better result if they wish. They investigation of an Orc or Goblin artefact ought to be an
must accept the results of the second roll. exacting process where any missteps result not only in corruption
exposure, but also judicious use of the Waaagh! Miscasts Table.
Effigy of Mork
Formed from dried and enchanted Orc dung, the Effigy
of Mork provides a Shaman with insights into how to
avoid the blows of his enemies. A Shaman in possession
of an Effigy of Mork may reroll any Dodge Tests or
Melee Tests made to oppose an attack. The results of the
rerolled test must stand as the final result, even if they
produce worse consequences for the Shaman.
Effigy of Gork
The Effigy of Gork provides insights into how to inflict
harm. A Shaman in possession of an Effigy of Gork may
reroll any Melee Tests made to attack an opponent. The
results of the rerolled test must stand as the final result,
even if they produce worse consequences for the Shaman.
Night Shroud
Range: Strength Bonus yards Shaman Shrooms are mushrooms that have sprouted from
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards) the bodies of Night Goblin Shamans. The process is self-
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds sustaining, for the more Shaman Shrooms a Night Goblin
The Shaman tosses a black-capped nightshade mushroom Shaman consumes, the more likely he is to become infested
into the air, which bursts to form a cloud of pitch with fungi, and then perish to produce more Shaman Shroom
darkness. Anyone within the cloud suffers from a Blinded in turn.
Condition. Anyone attempting to move within the cloud
must pass a Challenging (+0) Perception Test or gain Despite the risk, the consumption of Shaman Shrooms by
the Prone Condition. Characters with Night Vision or Night Goblin Shamans is common practice, as they grant the
Dark Vision are immune to the effects of the spell. Shaman a powerful infusion of Waaagh! energy. A Shaman
may eat a piece of Shaman Shroom as an Action. For the next
Nikkit! 2d10 Rounds, they make Channelling Tests and Casting Tests
CN: 3 as if there are 2d10 additional Goblins within Willpower Bonus
Range: Willpower yards yards. However, they also must also add this number to any
Target: 1 results they score on the Waaagh! Miscast Table.
Duration: Instant
The Shaman conjures up a pair of green hands. He may Shaman Shrooms may also influence the result of the Waaagh!
attempt to pick the pocket of any target in range as if he Miscast Table if the Shroom Spurt result is unfortunate enough
were possessed of a Sleight of Hand skill of 55. If the to occur.
attempt is successful, the target may make a Challenging
(+0) Perception Test to notice the hands (and loot) flying
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
Sneaky Stabbin’ 3 35 – 5 5 20 35 30 5 5 – 1
CN: 8
Range: You Traits: Arboreal, Night Vision, Size (Tiny), Venom
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards) Orcs and Goblins (Challenging), Wallcrawler, Weapon (Fangs) +2
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
The Shaman enchants his allies with mischievous power Bite of the Purple Skullback: If a Character suffers
to find their enemies’ weak spots. Blows struck by affected from a Wound and subsequently takes a Poisoned
targets possess the Impale and Penetrating Qualities. Condition as a result of a bite by a Purple Skullback,
they must pass an Average (+20) Cool Test or gain
Vindictive Glare 1 Corruption point as they are haunted by disturbing
CN: 7 magical hallucinations.
Range: Willpower yards
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards) Forest Goblin Shamans are an exception to this. When
Duration: Instant they are bitten by a Purple Skullback, they must still
The Shaman sends green bolts of purest spite to fizz take damage and test to avoid being poisoned, but
and explode amidst the foe. This is a magic missile with whether or not they gain a Poisoned Condition, their
Damage +4 that targets everyone in the Area of Effect. connection to the realm of the Spider-God grants them
Any target who takes damage must pass a Challenging heightened magical abilities. For the next 2d10 hours,
(+0) Cool Test or suffer from a Stunned Condition. the Shaman benefits from an additional 2d10 bonus to
their Channelling Skill and Language (Magick) Skill.
During this time, the Shaman may also reroll any results
they generate on the Waaagh! Miscast Table.
Foot of Gork WAAAGH!
CN: 10 CN: 12
Range: Willpower Bonus Yards Range: You
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus yards) Target: AoE (Willpower yards) all Orcs, Goblins, and
Duration: Instant Related Creatures within range — not just allies
The Shaman raises his head and howls to the sky while Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
waving his hands in bizarre patterns. Gork responds An unstoppable surge of magical energy emanates from
with an almighty foot which descends to crush anything the Shaman, met by the roars of every Orc, Hobgoblin,
underneath. All targets in the Area of Effect gain the and Goblin in the vicinity. All Orcs, Hobgoblins, and
Prone Condition and receive a Damage 8 hit to a random Goblins in the Area of Effect gain 1 Advantage for specific
Hit Location ignoring Armour Points, or Damage 4 if use on Melee and Ranged Tests. Remove any Broken
they pass a Difficult (–10) Dodge Test. Conditions and gain +2 SL to Cool and Endurance Tests
for the duration of the spell. If using Group Advantage
Gaze of Mork add Advantage points to the Orc and Goblin pool equal
CN: 5 to the number of targets.
Range: Willpower yards
Target: See Text
Duration: Instant IDOLS OF GORK AND MORK
A destructive beam of coruscating energy bursts from the Orcs and Goblins are known for raising great idols to their
Shaman’s eyes, hitting all in its path. Any living creature gods to mark the edges of their territory and their bases of
on a straight line in the direction of the blast is hit by a operations. These idols come in a variety of designs. Some
Damage +4 magic missile. Structures with 65 Toughness are formed from piles of rocks with wooden masks, others are
or less also take damage. simple wattle-and-daub frames piled high with reeking dung, and
others are formed from the defaced statues of Human heroes
The Hand of Gork or Dwarf ancestors. These idols are all rough and crude in their
CN: 9 construction, but all of them depict a titanic Orc, belligerent
Range: Willpower yards and mighty.
Target: See Text
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds These idols draw in Waaagh! energy and act as a battery of
The Shaman conjures an enormous ethereal green magical power, in much the same way as certain waystones and
hand which scoops up 1d10 targets and plonks them ley lines (see Winds of Magic for more details). An Orc or
down somewhere within range. Targets must be within Goblin Shaman who is within Willpower Yards of an Idol of
Willpower Bonus yards of one another. On landing, Gork or Mork may benefit from +1 SL to any Casting and
they gain +1 Advantage in combat if they enter Melee Channelling Tests they make. If the idol is specifically of Mork,
immediately. If using Group Advantage add Advantage then spells cast from the Lore of the Little Waaagh! benefit
points to the Orc and Goblin pool equal to the number from an additional +1 SL provided they are successfully cast,
of targets. and if the idol is specifically of Gork, then spells cast from
the Lore of the Big Waaagh! benefit from an additional +1 SL
Mork Save Us! provided they are successfully cast.
CN: 8
Range: Willpower Bonus yards On rare occasions, an Idol of Gork or Mork may become
Target: See Text so infused with Waaagh! energy that it becomes animate and
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds rampages around. The rules for constructs given in Winds of
The Shaman beseeches Mork to provide protection to his Magic could be used to create a Rogue Idol of this sort.
allies. For every SL scored on the casting roll, the Shaman
may imbue an allied Orc, Goblin, or Hobgoblin within
range with the Ward 10 Creature Trait. If the target
already has a Ward Trait, the rating is improved by 1. A
Ward Trait may not be improved to 7+ or better in this
Orcs and Goblins can make classic nemeses for Combined Traits
adventurers, and there are many Orc and Goblin Particularly successful or eccentric Orc and Goblin
chieftains in the Old World and beyond who can provide chieftains may possess a number of these traits, so a GM
a challenge to a party across a wide territory. Not only may decide to keep rolling for, or choosing traits, until
are they fierce combatants and aggressive antagonists they feel they have a suitably interesting foe to torment
themselves, but their lieutenants and underlings act with their players with.
a degree of loyalty provided they are well led and kept
busy enough so that animosity doesn’t decimate the ranks. For example, the Night Goblin Warlord Skarsnik (page
104) is a complex character who prioritises his own
PREDICTABLE FOES? security through strategy and fortification. This allows
him to build the legacy he craves, which he does primarily
For the most part, Orcs and Goblins are simple through terrorising the Dwarfs of Karak Eight Peaks. He
antagonists. They are violently competitive with almost dominates a number of local tribes, and is more than
everything they encounter, possess an almost elemental prepared to use them as patsies if a suitable opportunity
degree of spite and hostility, and have such an appetite presents itself.
for conflict that they will engage in it even if it is clearly
against their own best interest. 0 Cunning: Preferred Enemy (Dwarfs), Bodyguard
(his Cave Squig Gobbla), Fortifier, Vassals, Council
It is fair to say that all Orcs and Goblins have a taste for of Night Goblin Shamans, Scapegoats, and Sly.
supremacy, and are not subtle in their attempts to achieve
it. However, Orcs and Goblins can be sly in their tactics, or 0 Brutality: Sadistic, Besieger, and Horror.
driven to compromise through desperate circumstances.
0 Ambition: Consolidation, Alliance (with Gorfang
The Nemesis Traits table can be used by a GM to Rotgut), and Legacy.
generate ideas for the behaviour of a particular Orc or
Goblin leader. Whilst it reinforces the notion that typical Whereas Gorfang Rotgut (page 106) is rather more
Orcs and Goblins will seek to dominate their foes in a typical of an Orc Warlord. His appetite for violence and
straightforward, brutal manner, it can show that there revenge against the Dwarfs is somewhat hampered by his
are other sides to their character, or at least that their habit of remaining within Black Crag for long stretches
brutality can come in a variety of flavours. of time (though should Skarsnik exercise more influence
in the area, he may develop an ambition for independence
Roll 1d10 on each of the three columns of the table to see from the Night Goblin’s schemeing and sneaking).
what manner of behaviours and ambitions are peculiar to
a particular Orc or Goblin chieftain. 0 Cunning: Preferred Enemy (Dwarfs), Fortifier.
Traits may be used to confer the following abilities to an 0 Brutality: Sadistic, Besieger, and Horror.
Orc or Goblin nemesis. A Cunning Trait should provide
him with an asset to be used. Achieving an important 0 Ambition: Complacency and Revenge.
step towards an Ambition Trait should provide a single
level of the Luck Talent. A satisfying application of his
Brutality Trait means his forces are immune to the effects
of Animosity for a week.
Orc and Goblin Nemesis Traits
1d10 Cunning Brutality Ambition
Unimaginative: The chief is an Thuggish: Violence and cruelty are Waaagh!: The baseline goal of
exemplar of the fact that Orcs and to be expected in an Orc or Goblin any ambitious Orc or Goblin —
Goblins are not known for their leader. This one is no better than assemble a large army, lead them to
genius. Ordering a full frontal most, but no worse either, and if his conquests, win renown and more
assault is about the limit of his self-interest is considered, he may be followers, lead them to greater
tactical nous. baragined with. conquests, and so on...
Preferred Enemy: The chief has Sadistic: Orcs and Goblins are Consolidation: Much as this chief
learned the habits of a particular foe, spiteful at the best of times, but this might wish to lead a grand army,
and knows how to exploit them in one has a particular taste for cruelty, he is wary of expanding too quickly
4 war. Many Orcs and Goblins goad indulging in death and destruction too soon. He looks to ensuring the
Dwarfs through offences to their in a particularly gruesome manner, loyalty of lieutenants and vassals, and
honour and pride, but some learn to and making an entertainment of his the security of his borders, before
manipulate other foes. enemies’ pain and humiliation. taking on further conquests.
Bodyguard: Most Orc and Goblin Challenger: The chieftain displays Alliance: The chief wishes to build
chiefs maintain a few bodyguards, a crude code of honour and seeks an alliance with a neighbouring
but this one ensures that his minders to confront ever more powerful tribe. Whilst he would undoubtably
are tough, well-armed, loyal, and enemies. He may go so far as to like to vassalise them given an
ever-present. He may keep a fierce arrange safe passage for an enemy he opportunity, he is patient and
beast or monster as a bodyguard. wishes to match himself against. cooperative for the time being.
Fortifier: This chief understands Raider: This chief is comfortable Revenge: The chief nurses a
the value of a well garrisoned fort, operating beyond the borders of his grievance against a neighbouring
and rarely leaves its walls. When territory, and may lead a nomadic enemy, or an old tribe he was once
conquering new territory, he makes force with many mounted warriors. ousted from. He may desist from
the building or capture of a fort an Their raiding activites may take place violence against others who might
immediate priority. far from their own lands. help him secure vengeance.
Vassals: This chieftain dominates Besieger: Wary of open battle, this Complacency: Having carved out a
several smaller tribes whose territory chief enjoys laying waste to cities petty fiefdom and assembled a band
borders his own, and relies on them and forts, and may employ many war of warriors, this chief wishes to sit
to take the brunt of an attack. machines. back and enjoy the spoils of war.
Council: Orc and Goblin rulers tend Pillager: All Orcs and Goblins Independence: This chief is the
to be absolutist in the extreme, but snatch loot and captives, but this one minion of a yet more powerful threat
this one is willing to share a little is remarkable in his thoroughness. and resents his servile position. His
power. He may delegate important No survivors escape, no items of immediate goal is to liberate his
roles to lieutenants, or heed the worth remain, settlements are razed tribe, or escape to a territory far from
advice of a council of Shamans. to dust and ashes. his master’s gaze.
Scapegoats: This chieftain has an Boaster: This chief foreshadows Legacy: The chief is not satisfied
understanding of the habits of a the coming of his forces by sending to match the achievements of
neighbouring threat — such as a boastful herald, or dispatching a other Orc and Goblin Warlords.
monster, or bandit group, or another captive whose previous mistreatment He wishes to achieve a lasting
tribe of Orcs and Goblins. The is testament to the chief ’s cruelty. reputation. Whilst this ultimately
chief ’s tribe plant clues to suggest This envoy does not discuss terms, it involves assembling a huge Waaagh!
that this threat is responsible for his just satisfies the chief to intimidate they may practice patience and even
own depredations. his enemies in this way. tolerance in the short term.
Sly: The chief adopts guerilla tactics, Horror: Orcs and Goblins typically Blasphemy: This chief yearns for the
setting traps about his territory, make a show of their conquests, regard of Gork and Mork. He casts
10 ordering troops to harrass enemies but this chief raises the display of down temples and statues to rival
before battle, and feigning flight wretched captives and vanquished gods, raises huge idols, and performs
through treacherous terrain. foes to a grotesque art form. bloodthirsty rites and sacrifices.
SKARSNIK Nearly forty years ago, Belegar successfully sent word of
his predicament to Karaz-a-Karak, the Dwarf Capital.
Skarsnik is the notorious chieftain of the Crooked Moon Duregar, Belegar’s kinsman, gathered a throng to free
tribe, the most powerful Night Goblin of the World’s him. When they arrived, they found Skarsnik’s horde
Edge Mountains, the most successful Goblin Warlord large enough to overwhelm them. Duregar led his people
since Grom the Paunch, and perhaps the wiliest Goblin along the mountainsides to give the Crooked Moon a
to have lived. He takes great pride in his achievements. wide berth, hoping to quickly break through the eastern
He leads his hordes from a black iron throne in the Hall gate he understood to be less fortified.
of a Thousand Pillars at the heart of Karak Eight Peaks,
flanked by a hundreds of Dwarf-tallow candles and Skarsnik let Duregar advance towards the gate before
tended by Shaman advisors in contact with his network encircling his forces and deploying archers and siege
of spies via smoke signal and drum. machines from half-ruined watchtowers nearby. Duregar’s
throng was almost doomed, but Belegar sallied out from
The ‘King in da Mountain’, Skarsnik is the undisputed the citadel. The survivors escaped inside to join Belegar
leader of the Orcs and Goblins to the east of Death in his prison.
Pass. While some Orcs resist kowtowing to a Goblin,
challengers invariably meet their demise. Skarsnik is Many years later, Belegar and Duregar remain trapped,
fierce in battle, but never fights fairly. He is aided by their view from the citadel decorated with an ever-
Gobbla, the gigantic Cave Squig he keeps chained to his growing array of beard scalps torn from their people. For
side. Gobbla exhibits deranged hostility towards everyone such cruelty, Skarsnik has earned his own chapter in the
other than its master, and has grown fat and strong off the Great Book of Grudges.
corpses of Skarsnik’s foes.
GORFANG ROTGUT Gorfang is clever for an Orc and recognizes the many
factors bearing upon the balance of power in his domain.
Gorfang Rotgut is the massive, aggressive, and Because he is also very aggressive, by any standard, this
monstrously powerful chieftain of the Red Fangs tribe recognition does nothing to deter his warmaking, or to
of Orcs. He is known as the ‘Troll-Eater’ due to his pause growth of the deliberately outrageous collection
penchant for hunting the beasts with his mighty choppa, of Dwarf beards he wears into battle. Instead, Gorfang’s
which he calls the Red Fang, and then consuming great savvy has led him to one of the rarest of skills among
steaks carved from their flesh. Warbosses: politicking.
This habit swells his infamy as much as his gut, serving Caught between the looming threat of Dwarfen
not only as proof of his great strength, but also conjuring vengeance, the ever-lurking Skaven menace, and his
memories of fat Grom, the Troll-bloated Goblin Warlord insatiable desire to bully tolls from anyone passing through
who once led a great Waaagh! across the Empire and to his territory, Gorfang has brokered an uneasy alliance
the shores of Ulthuan. with Skarsnik, Goblin leader of the Crooked Moon tribe
and the other ‘King’ of Death Pass. Skarsnik has ruled
Gorfang has led his tribe to dominate western Death Pass, the Night Goblins of eastern Death Pass for decades, and
where they have seized Black Crag (and the ruins of the places a check on Gorfang’s ability to expand eastward.
Dwarf hold of Karak Drazh within) for their homeland. Sharing the territory frustrates Gorfang, who views
Karak Drazh was first conquered by Orcs in –649 IC, Skarsnik with the same disdain he affords all ‘runts’. This
and the hold is a live-in trophy for the region’s biggest, instinctive distaste is outweighed not only by Skarsnik’s
loudest, and most violent Orc bosses. Gorfang is the efficacy in battle, but also Gorfang’s grudging admiration
latest of a long line of Orc chiefs who have occupied the for the creative sadism the Goblin inflicts upon Dwarfs
ruined hold, and as the ‘King of Black Crag’, he imposes whenever possible.
his will over the nearby tribes he has subjugated.
The Greenskin alliance was forged in 2498 IC, after the
Although all renowned Orcs invariably attract the hostility Battle of the Jaws at Mad Dog Pass where the Red Fangs
of the Dwarfs, Gorfang is among the most despised. His fought a force of Dwarf Rangers sent from Karaz-a-
notorious and sustained occupancy of their ancestral Karak for the express purpose of slaying Gorfang. The
halls has earned him many grudges under the title of the ambush nearly broke the tribe, and Gorfang lost an eye
‘Squatter King’. Numerous battles against Dwarfs and in combat. As the Troll-Eater was wounded, and the
injuries at their hands have forged in Gorfang an earnest Dwarfs surged to overwhelm their foes, Skarsnik and
hatred for ‘stunties’ matched by a keen understanding of his Goblins sprung from hiding high on the pass. The
the threat they pose to his rule. Rangers’ gunnery teams were wiped out instantly, and a
full charge hit the rear of their extended formation. This
ambush closed the ‘Jaws’ on the Rangers, who, exhausted
and surrounded, were eradicated.
While King Kazador was away hunting Goblins, Gorfang GORFANG, CHIEF OF THE RED FANGS
led his tribe into the hold through an ancient tunnel M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
whose location had been lost in the Begrid clan’s records
4 65 40 65 65 45 25 20 40 60 30 30
ages before.
Traits: Animosity (Greenskins), Armour 5 (11),
Belligerent, Champion, Die Hard, Infected, Hatred
The Orcs of the Red Fang tribe stormed Karak Azul,
(Dwarfs), Night Vision, Weapon (The Red Fang) +11
defaced its Ancestral Statues, befouled the best of its ale
stores, and captured at least fifty of Kazador’s kinfolk, Skills: Cool 75, Dodge 40, Intimidate 80, Intuition 60,
Leadership 45, Lore (Warfare) 50, Melee (Basic) 85,
including Morga, his queen.
Perception 55
To Kazador’s great sorrow, these captives still languish in Talents: Combat Aware, Combat Reflexes, Feint,
Hardy, Inspiring, Resolute, Savvy, Warleader
the dungeons of Black Crag. Kazrik, the Dwarf King’s
son, was spared this fate. He was instead made a message Trappings: Ramshackle armour incorporating plate,
of conquest: shaved, tattooed with a crude Orc glyph, and mail, and scale, The Red Fang, Shield
nailed to his father’s throne as a cruel ‘gift’. Though he
survived, his mind has never truly recovered, and Kazrik THE RED FANG
is keenly aware that he is branded with a mark of the Gorfang’s signature choppa is a magical weapon, cruelly
Orcish gods symbolising Gorfang’s ownership. Kazador serrated and perfectly balanced for his arm. It has the following
has since spent many sleepless nights wondering who Qualities: Damaging, Fast, and grants the wielder the Magical
betrayed their hold by revealing the secret entrance to the Creature Trait.
Squatter King.
SOG’KOG Sog, tormented by the agonies of his transformation,
passed into unconsciousness, only waking the next day.
Of the many monsters that haunt the frozen wilderness He found a new head had burst from his chest, its eyes
of the Troll Country, the great beast known as Sog’Kog glittering with malign intelligence. It called itself Kog, a
has gained notoriety, both for his unthinking ferocity vile reflection of the most vicious and violent aspects of
and grave depredations, but also because a story as to its host. This new head quickly gained dominance, giving
his origins and behaviour has become widely known. rise to Sog’Kog, the Chaos Troll.
Each year, the Tsar of Kislev despatches a squadron of
his finest knights, members of the Gryphon Legion, to The creature headed north, avoiding the major towns
Middenheim, and the Graf of that city reciprocates by of Ostland and Kislev, but leaving a trail of destruction
sending a regiment of his loyal Knights Panther to serve through the countryside. It now lurks within the Troll
the Tsar. Country, but each winter, it preys upon the folk who
inhabit the camps and villages of Kislev’s northern border.
The Ostland port of Salkalten is a stopping point on the
journey, and locals there tell a tale of a great Troll that Sog’Kog is vicious and unthinking, but the malign powers
once haunted the Forest of Shadows, and how its fate of Chaos that flow through his system have affected his
was intertwined with a rogue Gold Wizard who had once behaviour. He satisfies his hunger by stealing cattle or
served the court of Baron von Wolder. The mage, though raiding villages, but when he isn’t starving, he likes to stalk
trained and endorsed by the College of the Gold Order his prey, following at a distance, lurking on the horizon,
in Altdorf, became obsessed with the use of Warpstone, relishing in the anxiety his monstrous form inspires.
and fell to Chaos, becoming the self-styled Warlord Vorl,
sorcerer of Tzeentch. Sog’Kog’s great delight is to stalk a group of travellers
through the wilderness, haunting their steps and
Vorl erected a stone tower deep in the Forest of Shadows, appearing for a brief moment on the horizon, or at the
where he could conduct his experiments. He gathered a edge of woodland, and then vanishing just as soon as he is
retinue of Beastmen and other horrors to his side, among percieved. It is only when his quarry glimpse the sight of
them the Common Troll Sog. Vorl thought the creature a town that promises sanctuary that Sog’Kog falls upon
would be pliable to his enchantments, but Sog, like all them to rend them limb from limb and sate his horrible
Trolls, was unbiddable, particularly when hungry. hunger. He always leaves a sole survivor to spread the tale
of the horror they have witnessed.
One day, Sog smashed the tower’s thick wooden door
from its iron hinges and devoured Vorl. The tower SOG’KOG - HULKING CHAOS TROLL
was full of strange contraptions, glass tubes stretched M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
everywhere, connected to alembics, and bottles filled
5 40 15 65 50 12 10 15 10 30 5 76
with bubbling liquids. Gold glittered in crucibles, along
with lead-lined boxes of strange, green, glowing rocks. Traits: Armour 2 (7), Bite +8, Corrosive Blood,
Corruption (Minor), Die Hard, Horns +8, Infected,
Sog quickly decided to claim the tower as his lair, making
Regenerate, Size (Enormous), Stupid, 2 Tentacles +6,
a nest from books and cast-off robes to sleep in before Vomit, Weapon (Two-Handed Stone Axe) +12
greedily consuming the contents of the various containers
Two Heads: Sog’Kog has the Ambidextrous Talent.
and vials without pause.
Should he fail an Intuition, Perception, or Track Test,
he may reroll the result, but must abide by the second
That night, pain wracked Sog. His flesh bubbled, erupting roll, even if it is worse.
into tendrils and mouths that consumed one another over
Multiple Arms: Sog’Kog may make an extra attack with
and over. Through it all, Sog heard a voice growing louder a Damage of +6 each Turn.
and louder in his head, mimicking his thoughts as it
Trappings: Collection of the heads of his favourite
fought its way to the surface. victims, Two-Handed Stone Axe
A Crude Awakening...........................53 Gaglah Ghran.....................................70 Purple skullback Spider.......................99
A Greater Betrayal..............................67 Garn .................................................61 R
A History of Perfidy............................62 Gaze of Mork................................... 101 Ratlicker.............................................38
‘Ard as Nails...................................... 100 Get Some Guts...................................82 Rulg Deathcheater .............................79
B Giant Spider.......................................19 S
Bash ‘Em Lads!................................. 100 Giant squig.........................................19 Savage Orcs........................................10
Behave! ..............................................98 Giant Wolf..........................................19 Shaman Shrooms................................99
Belch and Slurry.................................77 Gift of the Spider-God.......................98 Shaman Staff......................................97
Bile Trolls...........................................85 Git da plans........................................40 Skarsnik............................................ 104
Bilebrew..............................................82 Glowy Green Amulet..........................97 Skarsnik’s Prodda.............................. 105
Black Orcs..........................................11 Gnoblars...............................................8 Skel Longstrider.................................81
Blackhearted Nurd..............................28 Goblin Artillery Crew.........................41 Slith Snake-Wrangla...........................59
Bloodgruel..........................................82 Goblins.................................................8 Sneaky Stabbin’...................................99
Bloody Cousins...................................31 Gorfang Rotgut................................ 106 Snotling Puffballs................................13
Boggrub Legbiter ...............................36 Gork’ll Fix It.......................................98 Snotlings.............................................13
Bograt the Blasted .............................27 Grua Gribbleback...............................93 Sog’Kog............................................ 108
Brainbursta....................................... 100 Gut Magic..........................................82 Spells of the Big Waaagh!................. 100
Bruug .................................................60 Gut Magic Miscasts............................83 Spells of the Little Waaagh!................98
Bugshot..............................................29 Gutbug...............................................37 Spider Venom Arrows.........................29
Chaos Trolls........................................85 Hagblad..............................................50 Terrors of the Drakwald......................20
Common Goblins.................................8 Hangers-On........................................31 Trolls .................................................15
Common Trolls...................................85 Harboth Skullrenda ...........................48 U
Copper Staff.......................................97 Hhrag Wolf-Wispra............................71 Upper Citadel Levels..........................79
Cragtooth...........................................92 Hizsss Snakeskin ...............................58 Uthl’kritchnaak, Exalted Herald.........61
Cunnin’ Words....................................98 Hobgoblins.........................................12 V
Curse of Da Bad Moon.......................98 Holg Stuntysticker..............................51 Vindictive Glare..................................99
D Hopping squig....................................19 Vish Venombarb.................................26
Dangly Wotnotz.................................97 I W
Doom Divers......................................40 Idols of Gork and Mork.................... 101 WAAAGH!...................................... 101
E Itchy Nuisance....................................98 Waaagh! Miscasts...............................96
Easy Encounter...................................76 K War Boar............................................19
Effigy of Gork.....................................97 Kargun Grimbarden............................39 Y
Effigy of Mork....................................97 M Yaskin Forit.........................................49
Elite .................................................16 Matthogg ...........................................78 Yrg Beastkiller.....................................80
‘Eadbutt............................................ 100 Monsters in the Wilds........................84 Z
‘Ere We Go!...................................... 100 Mork Save Us!.................................. 101 “Zschokke” Glahh ..............................69
Extortion and Ambition.....................42 Mork Wants Ya!..................................98
F Mournfang..........................................19
Fists of Gork..................................... 100 N
Foot of Gork..................................... 101 Night Goblins.......................................9
Forest Goblins......................................9 Night Shroud......................................99
Oglah Khan........................................68
Ogres .................................................14
Orc and Goblin Animosity...................6
Orc and Goblin Magic Items..............97
Orc and Goblin Names.......................18
Orc and Goblin Nemesis Traits........ 103
Orcs .................................................10
Far to the west of the Old World, across the Great Ocean, lies the fabled land of Lustria.
This comprehensive guide provides all the information GMs and players of Warhammer
Fantasy Roleplay need to know to set their games in this exotic and deadly land.
Find out more about the full range of exciting Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay games on
Newly independent, the province of Nordland seeks to stand proud and challenge the
navel supremacy of Marienburg. This guide describes the capital city of Salzenmund, its
ambitious new rulers, and the Chaos that lurks within its steep and winding streets.
Find out more about the full range of exciting Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay games on