WFRP The Hahnbrandt Militia 240402
WFRP The Hahnbrandt Militia 240402
WFRP The Hahnbrandt Militia 240402
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Although protected from the worst predations of external foes by As well as a host of Talents, Skills, and other bonuses to confer
her great armies, the Reikland is still a dangerous territory, for she on the militia, you should not forget that all the militia are made
must be defended from a number of enemies within, too. Many of up of people, just like the Characters. They will have their own
her people are ready to come to such a defence. The local militias and ambitions and fears, their own loves and hates, and other foibles.
garrisons of the Reikland are the building blocks of her internal
security. It is a painful truth that without these forces, swathes of the Often, they will appear as simply the faceless tools of the
Reikland would be overrun by outlaws, cutthroats, and far worse. powers that be, but sometimes their humanity will shine. They
might well empathise with the Characters just as the Characters
Hahnbrandt is a mining town in the Reikland. Its militia is a might empathise with them. They may even have similar
mostly professional force, employed by Graf von Wallenstein to backgrounds, outlooks, and goals, even when they are set against
guard the town and shipments of silver and other metals. The the Characters through their jobs or by their superiors.
force patrols the hills around the town, offering the miners some
protection from the innumerable dangers of the Hägercrybs.
Olde Weirde’s Incunabulum
It became clear that we would be hard-pressed to get to Professor Pfaff was quick to insist that the handgunners
Carroburg in time for the festival, and we were left with the make way for our party and invoked whatever patronage and
difficult decision of the route to take. The river is usually qualifications he could muster and several verses from the Life
reliable, fast, and safe, but due to unseasonable conditions of Sigmar. But the handgunners had the weight of numbers
it was swollen and treacherous. The Ubersreik–Bögenhafen and the sort of belligerent, stoical ignorance that I’m sure
road would add many miles to the journey. So, we opted to stands them in good stead on the battlefield, if not so much
take the straightest route, across the Hägercrybs, which is in rhetorical debate.
how we found ourselves on the way to Hahnbrandt. Despite
the reputation of the Hägercrybs and Professor Gronighof’s Suffice it to say, eventually we conceded and after some
protestations, I assured everyone that the perils of those hills awkward manoeuvres on the narrow road, we managed to get
were largely in the imaginations of the local peasantry. our mounts pointing in the other direction and went back down
the hill until we could find a suitable passing spot. I admit a
We took the road from Auerswald following the river up into grudging admiration for Professor Pfaff’s pig-headedness and
the hills. This was the last good road we would find, they told resilience, although the two hours we spent at loggerheads
us, and once we got to Hahnbrandt, we would be following with the Hahnbrandt handgunners we could not really afford
rough trails and animal tracks. But even this route proved to lose.
problematic, for only a few miles out of Auerswald, we met
with some scouts in green and white uniforms. They nodded Once the silver wagon and all its attending handgunners had
as we passed and that was that. But it turned out that those passed, we made decent time up the track, and spurring our
scouts were outriders for a shipment of silver. mounts on because of the delay, managed to reach Hahnbrandt
as night fell. The orange smoke rising above the green canopy
Had they warned us, then perhaps we could have found a place as the sun set illuminated the town in spectacular manner and
to step aside and wait for the wagon to pass. Perhaps we could put me in mind of a sort of tiny Nuln in the forest.
have left the road and had an early lunch in a handy nook. But
instead, we were confronted by a company of handgunners who We paid a small fine at the town gate — the twilight tax, they
demanded in the name of Graf Ferdinand von Wallenstein that called it, which is a charge they make to any group that enters
we make way. This was very rude, especially as we had just had the town half an hour before or after sunrise or sunset.
a fine evening with the graf at his place in Auerswald, and he
had not insisted we make way for him once.
They explained that any arrival occurring during the formal Meanwhile Kaia had kept her hood over her head and continued
changing of the guard between the day watch and the night tucking into her meal as if oblivious to everything that was
watch must be accounted for by both parties, which leads to occurring. I knew she was listening, however, and she would
a duplication of paperwork, and thus costs the town double. I be ready to back Sovrissniz to the hilt, though I prayed to
suspected this was a fabrication, but never mind. We were soon Verena that it would not come to that. I always say discretion
in the comfort of the Forager’s Arms inn. is the better part of not being beaten up by a dozen belligerent
thugs in their local pub, and I was truely thankful that my
We settled down to a good meal and some relaxation before companions concurred.
what we knew might be a fraught day’s travel across the
Hägercrybs. Soon a discussion developed about our host town. It was not long before we retired to our rooms. We went
It certainly seemed to have a large militia given its humble size. with as much dignity as possible but were accompanied by
the taunts and jeers of the halberdiers. If I were more of the
‘This is because of the silver smithing and the local mines,’ rhetorician and less of the theoretician, I may have objected
explained Professor Gronighof. with a strident and witty riposte, but I knew the importance of
getting to Carroburg as soon as possible and could not risk
‘But even so,’ continued Pfaff, ‘according to the Gazetteer of being incarcerated in a place like Hahnbrandt waiting for the
the Reikland (Siebenkabine Press, 2510 IC) the town has a wheels of justice to turn our way. And even Professor Pfaff had
population of 250, while there are 125 members of the militia.’ kept his mouth shut.
‘Well, there is your first problem,’ Gronighof opined. We had no further incidents at the Forager’s Arms unless
you count having to pay the early breakfast tax, and the late
‘The Gazetteer of our Grand Prinicipality famously has its breakfast tax, but these were only a matter of a couple of
population statistics based on an obscure methodology that shillings. After breakfast, we asked around the town square and
only a few academics can fathom. Of which, I can say I am found a guide who said he would be able to take us through
one,’ said Gronighof proudly. the hills and half way to Weissbruck for a crown.
‘What is the precise methodology, then?’ demanded Pfaff, We had not gone a couple of hours when we met a group
rather irritated by his colleague’s smug demeanour. of mounted militia coming the other way. They wore similar
uniforms to the halberdiers and handgunners we had already
Unfortunately, this stimulating discussion was suddenly met, but theirs were more suited to riding through the woods
interrupted by a couple of the fellows on the next table than formal guard duty. The captain greeted us and politely
starting up a conversation with Sovrissniz. And I use the word enough asked us what brought us up into the hills and where
conversation rather generously. The two halberdiers made crude we were heading. I had already resigned myself to more of the
insults, that I will not repeat here, about the Dwarf’s stature, abuse we had received in the Forager’s Arms and another raft
and worse than that, the consanguinity of her grandparents. of imaginary taxes.
Sovrissniz bristled. She had one hand firmly on her tankard, ‘Before you continue,’ said Professor Pfaff, as if admonishing
but the unmistakable click of a Dwarfen pistol from under the sort of cocky first year student who speaks when a professor
the bench informed the halberdiers they had made an error. would prefer them to listen, ‘I should have you know that we
I could tell, too, that Professor Gronighof was ready to dive are on important business for the Duke von Bildhofen and he
beneath the table, a military tactic I had seen him put to great would take great offence at having our expedition delayed by
effect on a number of occasions. even a second.’
And it was at this point that I noticed that the majority of the This was impressively assertive from my old friend who
inn’s clientele were wearing the white and green uniform of the had plainly not been cowed by our other experiences of the
Hahnbrandt halberdiers, and they had all stopped to observe Hahnbrandt militia.
the interaction. I caught Sovrissniz’s gaze and shook my head.
She knew exactly what I meant, that we could not afford to The captain was taken aback for a moment but soon recovered,
make trouble for ourselves at this moment, and though I could ‘As an agent of the Graf von Wallenstein in his territory, the
see it pained her, she nodded. lawful executor of the Prince of the Reikland and Sigmar’s
Emperor, I have every authority to determine the nature of
your business here, and if I see fit, detain you at his pleasure.’
I was surprised by the captain’s reply. One does not expect ‘Might I please have a word in private, captain?’ I finally broke
to find a member of a militia so confident in the laws of the tension.
the land. In my experience, they are good for bullying the
peasantry with their cursory knowledge of the law, but soon The captain looked surprised but nodded as if this were the
wilt when confronted with an educated and eloquent view. Well, most reasonable request, and of course it was. I conspiratorially
they either wilt or beat such people up and throw them in jail. steered her to one side and whispered so I might not cause
her any embarrassment in front of her troops. I explained
The professor was not to be defeated so easily, however. ‘It that her diphthongs were somewhat elongated and not clipped
is a right of his Imperial Emperor’s citizens to go about his like one might expect from those born and raised among
Empire unimpeded. This is well established in imperial law, as the ruling classes of the Reikland, and her rhotic inflections
you well know.’ were sometimes overly round, rather similar to the farmers of
this locale. I commended her that her accent was easily good
‘Ah, but,’ the captain replied, ‘the rights of any citizen are enough to fool an uneducated commoner or unthinking noble,
to be subservient to the necessities of his Imperial Majesty’s but my expertise in linguistics allowed me to spot her ruse.
forces while they pursue their legitimate duties. That, too, is
well established.’ I further remarked upon the cross pendant she wore around
her neck. Though it looked like an Imperial skull-cross, which
‘Well, that is a cogent point and one that would merit further would not make a layperson think twice, I had seen similar
discussion, were we not in such a hurry,’ Pfaff conceded. ‘I’m examples in a number of places across the Reikland, in low
sure the Graf von Wallenstein would be happy to discuss the halls and dens of disrepute, where the skulls had a decidedly
matter with you, as he discussed with us only a couple of feline look. And so, I explained, I was quite aware of where
evenings ago.’ the captain’s true allegiance lay, and fingers crossed, she would
let us on our way.
‘Or we can all go back to Auerswald and discuss it with him,’
she said. And, I confided, that I shared that allegiance. Here I was lying,
quite brazenly, but I said a few words of Ranaldan scripture
‘But Auerswald is more than a day’s ride from here,’ replied that I had picked up along the way, and that was enough to
Pfaff. convince the captain that we were fellow travellers.
‘Yes, and three days walk,’ the captain said, mischievously. And it was no more than few minutes before we were allowed
to continue across the Hägercrybs on our way to Carroburg.
In the end, I think Pfaff lost his nerve, he pulled out his pistol, Professor Pfaff pressed me several times on what I had said to
cocked it, and pointed it at the captain’s head. ‘Let us about the captain to extricate us so rapidly, but, partly out of respect
our law-abiding business,’ he insisted, ‘or you will be sorry.’ for the good captain, and partly to annoy the professor, I held
my peace.
The captain unhesitatingly matched Pfaff’s action and pointed
her pistol at him. Following her lead, the surrounding scouts
all nocked their arrows and aimed, not just at Pfaff, but at
all of us.
The Defenders of Hahnbrandt Disposition of the Militia
The town of Hahnbrandt is off the beaten track, nestled in the The garrison is split into four distinct companies: the halberdiers
Hägercrybs and on the road to more or less nowhere. But it who guard the town itself, the handgunners who escort the
is an important location for the Graf von Wallenstein and the silver shipments, the scouts who patrol the hills and protect the
prosperity of Auerswald as it is the hub of a network of mines, mines, and the irregulars who are ready to add inexpert weight
including some very profitable silver mines. Every few weeks, a of numbers to the force should they ever be needed.
heavily guarded consignment of silver and iron wends its way
down the valley from Hahnbrandt to Auerswald. Hahnbrandt Each company has about 25 troops, except the irregulars who
is also an important stopover for those travelling through the would have 50 if they ever all turned up at the same time. Each
Hägercrybs. It is the last civilised stop for those brave few who company has a captain, two sergeants, and two corporals. They
choose to travel this quicker, but more dangerous, route from can split into groups of six, each with an officer. Each captain
Auerswald to points north. reports directly to Hilde Proell, who has a small staff: an
adjutant, an aide-de-camp, and two senior halberdier guards.
Hahnbrandt’s militia is extremely large for a settlement of
its size. There are two main reasons for this. The first is that
Hahnbrandt is surrounded by the Hägercrybs, a notoriously Uniform
dangerous area of the Reikland that has stubbornly resisted The garrison of Hahnbrandt wear green and white uniforms.
civilising forces for thousands of years. The area is home to The green is said to be the colour of the surrounding hills, and
bands of Beastmen who herd in the forest, migrating between the white the silver that gives the area its wealth. The halberdiers’
their profane herdstones, and tribes of Forest Goblins who uniforms are predominantly white as it feels smarter for their
opportunistically raid the Human settlements and occasionally ceremonial duties, while the scouts are more likely to favour
wage open war. This is not to mention the ghosts and spectres green for obvious reasons. Red hat feathers are unofficial but
of fallen warriors that the area is infamous for. have become almost ubiquitous. Shields are white and green
halves with a simple black tower, the symbol of the town.
The second reason is its recent history and relations with
Ubersreik. The Graf von Jungfreud was long rumoured to be The rivalry between the handgunners and the halberdiers is
planning to seize the town to take control of the silver mines. This famous in the town and though they keep to their respective
led to strained relations between Ubersreik and Auerswald and taverns for everyone’s safety, fights between them are not
became part of the justification the Emperor used to undermine uncommon. The handgunners are cagey in this regard as they
Ubersreik’s rulers and seize the town. Though this has made know the halberdiers traditionally enjoy the favour of the
many in Hahnbrandt sleep easier, some wonder whether the nobility due to their storied and prestigious history. It is difficult
Emperor may have similar ambitions to the Jungfreuds. to know which of the units is less popular among the Sigmar-
fearing townsfolk; the preening, corrupt halberdiers, or the
Ruled from Auerswald, in theory, Hahnbrandt is under reckless, carousing handgunners.
the charge of the Graf Ferdinand von Wallenstein and he is
supportive of its garrison. Hilde Proell, the garrison commander, The regiment does practice complex manoeuvres to ensure best
is enthusiastic about the value of a well-paid and well-supplied use of differently equipped units. Having a block of halberdiers
force and gets most of what she requests in terms of funds. The alongside a line of handguns, supported by mounted skirmishers,
graf is happy enough to do this as the income generated by is a tried and trusted tactic in the Imperial army. Of course, as
the mining outweighs the cost of its protection. The graf has a garrison, their main duty is simply to defend the town, but
nominated Ferdina von Wallenstein, his niece, as steward of the theoretically they are prepared to march to war.
town, to give her a grounding in the harsh realities of political
life before she takes up more important jobs in Auerswald. The nearest the garrison has come to such an action is when
Ferdina is learning the ropes and leaves military matters to they set off to join the Imperial army at the Battle of Auerswald
Hilde Proell for the moment, but she has already heard of her in 2422 IC, against the forces of Grom the Paunch. By the
profligacy and is beginning to investigate the spending of what time the force mustered there was little to do but mop up a few
the noblewoman increasingly considers her own money. scattered bands of Goblins. This does not stop members of the
garrison boasting about its participation in the battle.
While Hahnbrandt has its own small town council that meets
at the rathaus (the town hall), it is dominated by Ferdina The garrison’s standard is an all-green flag with the words
and whatever Auerswald decides. The Hahnbrandt Mining Auerswald 2422 IC on it, in memory of this. Battle honours are
Company is responsible for administering all mining claims treated reverently among the professional regiments of Sigmar’s
and is majority owned by the graf. The militia, though under the armies. A regiment would never be allowed to claim honours
command of Proell, is effectively at the service of the rathaus, they did not earn, so the halberdiers who carry the colours are
which is effectively controlled by the Mining Company, which, careful when and where they display them, as they know their
in turn, is controlled by Ferdina. part in the battle was less than glorious.
Basic Militia The scouts generally split into patrols of half a dozen and follow
The basic Human is described on page 311 of the Warhammer a circuitous route visiting each mine on their itinerary. While
Fantasy Roleplay Rulebook. This can be enhanced to portray they are loathe to visit sites of disturbances and hauntings the
militia using the templates below. The people recruited come Hägercrybs are infamous for, they make a decent job of keeping
from all walks of life. Most are from local metalworking and the trails safe. The scouts are also used as outriders for the silver
mining communities, or itinerant mercenaries. shipment that travels to Auerswald, but they do little more than
ride a few hundred yards ahead of the main caravan, on the
BASIC HUMAN MILITIA familiar road, and very little scouting is done.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 12 Scouts are responsible for their own equipment and give every
other day to their duties. Many are farmers and hunters who use
Traits: Armour 2 (5), Weapon +7
this to get a few shillings to supplement their earnings.
Skills: Consume Alcohol +5, Gossip +10, Language
(Battle) +10, Melee (Basic) +5 SCOUT
Talents: Drilled, Etiquette (Soldiers)
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
Trappings: Hand Weapon, Helmet, Leather Jack
+10 +10 +10 +10
In Auerswald, the Hahnbrandt handgunners have a bit of a VETERAN
reputation for being rowdy and spendthrift on their stays in
the town, but as long as they stick to the sorts of establishments M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
that tolerates this behaviour, then they are welcome to spend +20 +20 +20 +10 +20
their money. When not involved with a silver shipment, the Skills: Cool +10, Melee (Any) +20, Ranged (Any) +20
handgunners often go out on ‘manoeuvres’ in the hills around Talents: Combat Aware, Inspiring, Unshakeable
Hahnbrandt, more accurately described as alcohol-fuelled
Trappings: Armour, Quality Weapon
hunting parties. The locals know to give them a wide berth.
Sergeants are seen as the stalwarts of the armed forces all across
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W the Empire. The larger-than-life caricature of the stoical but
+10 +10 +10 +10 supportive, fierce but friendly soldier trusted by the ranks and
officers alike is sometimes even true.
Skills: Perception +5, Ranged (Blackpowder) +10
Talents: Accurate Shot, Gunner, Sniper
Sergeants come from the ranks and might be raised above the
Trappings: Feathered Hat, Handgun, Uniform common soldier for any number of reasons. A singular act of
bravery would show they were suited to the job, but making
their superiors look or feel good goes down just as well.
Hahnbrandt’s halberdiers is the militia’s most prestigious unit.
The company is in charge of all ceremonial duties and all guard
duties in the town itself. Its conspicuous white-uniformed M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
troops can be found guarding the town gates, the rathaus, and +20 +20 +10 +10 +10 +20
the Hahnbrandt Mining Company offices, and sometimes Skills: Cool +10, Leadership +10, Lore (Warfare) +10,
strutting around the town square. It numbers only about 25 Melee (Any) +10, Ranged (Any) +10
soldiers. Any duties outside of Hahnbrandt itself they leave to
Talents: Combat Aware, Unshakeable, Warleader
the handgunners and the scouts.
Trappings: Armour, Quality Uniform, Quality Weapon
The halberdiers are not popular in the town as they are apt to
throwing their weight around and have a reputation for bullying
and soliciting bribes. Anyone wishing to trade in Hahnbrandt Captains
needs to get used to this corruption as the Halberdiers are Captains are drawn from the gentry and wealthy burghers, but
persistent and have friends in high places. sometimes talented individuals are plucked from the ranks.
While the brave, well-turned-out captain is a staple of patriotic
HALBERDIER mummery and uplifting pamphlets, militia captains might
not live up to this reputation. These are relatively low-status
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
positions — a captain of true worth would be serving in the
+10 +10 +10 +10 Empire’s armies in a far-off campaign.
Skills: Cool +5, Dodge +5, Melee (Basic, Polearm)
+10, Perform (Parade) +5, Intimidate +5 So, what has gone wrong for a captain who ends up commanding
Talents: Shieldsman, Strike Mighty militia in an obscure market town? Perhaps they lack talent,
Blow, Warrior Born perhaps they have crossed a senior officer and their posting is
Trappings: Breastplate, Halberd, Shield, Uniform a punishment, perhaps they find the position to be lucrative
through illicit means, or perhaps they are still on the way up.
Veterans CAPTAIN
Veterans have been there and done that. Veterans of local M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
militia learn that turning a blind eye at the right time is just +20 +20 +10 +20 +10 +10 +20
as important as knowing when to look for trouble, but they
Skills: Cool +20, Leadership +20, Lore (Warfare) +20,
are unlikely to shirk their duty when it matters. Because of the
Melee (Any) +10, Ranged (Any) +10
respect they have acquired over the years, veterans are usually
able to call upon the help of an eclectic range of allies and Talents: Commanding Presence, Inspiring, Public
Speaker, Warleader
skilled accomplices to help them get the job done. They are also
useful sources of local knowledge and contacts if you can get Trappings: Big Hat, Quality Armour, Quality
past their weary and cynical mien. Uniform, Quality Weapon
Training and experience are the most important elements that
As well as showing the number of troops in a militia, separate A-quality troops from the rest, but being well paid and
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay gazetteers feature three troop well equipped does not hurt, and keeps morale high. The way
qualities: A, B, and C (A is the best and C is the worst). These A-quality troops consider themselves superior to their enemies
generalisations give an idea of the sort of soldiers in the garrison. can sometimes be half the battle.
The three qualities are representative of a range of attributes, TYPICAL A-QUALITY MILITIA
training, morale, equipment, supply, and leadership. These M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
aspects are not necessarily uniform; a well-supplied garrison can 4 40 40 30 40 40 30 30 30 40 30 15
be poorly led, and a well-trained unit can have poor equipment.
Skills: Charm 40, Consume Alcohol 45, Cool 50,
Generally, however, they are consistent, for example, a town that
Gossip 40, Endurance 50, Intimidate 40 Language
bothers to train its troops well will usually equip and feed them (Battle) 40, Melee (Basic) 50
well, and their morale will be higher as a result. In turn, these
Talents: Drilled, Etiquette (Soldiers), Fearless
better conditions attract better recruits.
(Enemy), Implacable, Unshakeable
The Hahnbrandt militia consists of 50 B-quality troops and Trappings: As type of soldier, but all items possess one
of the following qualities: Durable, Fine, Lightweight,
75 C-quality troops. The 50 comprise the halberdiers and
handgunners. It is easy to see how these are classed as average
troops, as they are adequately trained and equipped. As they
are important to the local economy, the powers that be support B-Quality Militia
them suitably. But stuck in some obscure backwater with little B-quality troops are represented by the Basic Militia profile
to do, they could never be described as elite. (with the addition of the Halberdier or Handgunner upgrades).
The scouts and irregulars are considered C-quality. The scout C-Quality Militia
company are good at what they’re good at: they might be able to C-quality troops can be given lower stats and fewer Talents to
go toe-to-toe with other light troops, but they’re not suited to reflect their ability, especially if they are part time. In addition,
brawling with dedicated melee units. The irregulars are drilled to reflect that they might not be as dedicated to their role as
for typical battle situations, but the infrequency of their training other troops, they can be given other Skills and Talents to
hampers them. reflect a more diverse lifestyle. The environment of a militia will
reflect their skills.
Creating Militias
If you are creating a militia band, decide why they are the class For example, they might live in a frontier town with little
they are. A-quality troops are good for a reason, and C-quality agriculture, where everyone is an expert with a bow or sling,
troops are poor for a reason. Looking at the gazetteers, you may or a waterbound settlement where everyone possesses the Sail
note that the quality of the troops present are often determined Skill or the Strider (Marshes) Talent. Illicit side-lines might also
by the size and wealth of the settlement. A-quality troops are give them handy Skills and Talents. A lack of funding will be
likely to be found in the big cities where the money is, while reflected by their poorer equipment.
poorer settlements are more likely to have poor troops.
These are useful general rules, but there can be any number
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
of reasons why a particular settlement has the garrison it has.
Does the local baron have a particular care and interest in their 4 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 12
militia? Is there a source of wealth nearby that needs protecting, Skills: Consume Alcohol 35, Cool 35, Endurance 35,
or another feature that might require guarding such as an Language (Battle) 35, Melee (Basic) 35
important shrine? Is this an area of strategic value such as a pass Talents: Drilled
or a river confluence? Are there wealthy interests that require an Trappings: As type of soldier, but may possess the
area is defended? Does the area have a history of conflict? Is it Shoddy Flaw.
disputed territory or beset by bandits?
ENCOUNTERS WITH THE If the Characters show that they are strong enough or influential
HAHNBRANDT MILITIA enough to resist the shakedown, then they will be allowed to go
on their way. The halberdiers are too interested in the easy gains
to be had from the weak than to bother struggling against the
A game of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay is unlikely to include powerful, especially if they are just passing through.
the siege or capture of the entire town of Hahnbrandt, but this
guide can be used to inform any number of smaller encounters. It would be suitable to use Sergeant Freer as the main NPC in
The forces described here can be used as a guide for the forces this encounter, especially if you wish to make the Characters’
of other settlements. lives a misery while they are in town. If you want to present the
halberdiers’ corruption plot as something for the Characters to
Just because there are potentially over one hundred militia solve, then using Freer as a figurehead for the Characters to aim
ready to join the fray on behalf of Hahnbrandt does not mean at should work well.
that any encounter there must face these overwhelming odds.
The militia have their own duties and activities and their speed Perhaps a band of handgunners can turn up, too. If the
of mobilisation can be affected by a number of factors, from Characters look like they are a threat to the town or to law and
the energy of commanding officers to the weather and time of order, they would join the halberdiers, against the Characters,
day. Therefore, you can have any number of soldiers turning up despite their rivalry. But if the Characters are getting bullied and
for an encounter, depending on the needs of the game and the it is apparent that the halberdiers are behaving corruptly, then
whims of the GM. the handgunners might well take the side of the Characters.
Dragnet Heist
Medium Encounter Hard Encounter
If the Characters find themselves wanted by the powers that The silver shipment that wends its way down from the hills
be around Hahnbrandt, then they will have to pit their wits towards Auerswald every few weeks would be an obvious target
against the town’s scouts. Depending on the seriousness of for criminals were it not so well guarded. Someone, perhaps
their transgression, the scouts might simply be given their an insider from Hahnbrandt, an impoverished noble from
descriptions and told to watch out for them, or the entire Auerswald, or a hardened criminal from Altdorf, has hired the
company could be mobilised to systematically hunt them down. Characters to take part in the heist.
This section deals with the latter.
Their patron should have enough information to help them
Amid the monotony and routine of militia life, this is exactly the make a decent plan. If they have an ally on the inside, it will
sort of thing that the scouts live for. This is a chance for them make their job easier, but the heist will still be quite a feat. The
to hunt down dangerous criminals in their home environment route follows a winding stream through sometimes thick forest
supported by their comrades in arms. The scouts will act in a in a steep valley so there are a number of perfect locations from
coordinated manner, using sensible search patterns and local which to spring an ambush.
knowledge to home in on their quarry. They are fast, but noisy,
on the trails with their horses, but once they dismount, they The handgunners are split into groups of six, each with a
should be able to act more stealthily. sergeant or a corporal. They are supposed to be in formation,
one group thirty yards ahead of the silver wagon, one thirty
Unless the Characters are clever and careful, eventually a group yards behind, and one group on each side. This is impossible to
of scouts will get the chance to spot them and if they do, they keep up over the course of the route, however, and inevitably it
will be efficient at calling the other bands of scouts to the area. soon gets strung out into a long, vaguely double-file dribble of
soldiers making the best of it.
If the Characters are spotted close to a mine, or close to
Hahnbrandt itself, then the scouts will be able to quickly raise The scouts act as outriders, theoretically scouting ahead and
a force of irregulars. They are paid to be ready for this sort of alongside to make sure there is no ambush, but in practice, they
thing, but it has never happened before (except for one false merely ride a couple of minutes ahead of the main body. They
alarm) so they could act quite unpredictably. The irregulars will will not be paying much attention as they have done this duty
be hard to coordinate and will make a racket so they may even any number of times, and very little has ever happened. However,
make the Characters’ escape easier. But if the Characters are if something were to spook them, or attract their interest, they
forced into a melee with a large group of them, then it could will move to a war footing quite readily, and immediately warn
prove very dangerous. the handgunners.
A Dragnet encounter involves: If Captain Tarendorf ever gets wind of this caper and has a
chance to confront the Characters about it, then she might well
0 Six Scouts including a corporal.
want in. She would make the perfect accomplice for an inside
0 Shortly followed by six more including a Sergeant.
job. Should Sergeant Freer find out, he too would want in. He
0 Any number of Irregulars. will make a poor accomplice, however, as he would be sure to
0 12 more Scouts with Captain Giseles Tarendorf. double-cross the Characters, and he would do it with a well-
planned and ruthless ambush.
0 The entire company of 24 Handgunners led by Captain
Alaric Marks.
THE FUGITIVES 0 6 Scouts including a Sergeant, perhaps with Captain
A group of blackguards and irregulars from the Hahnbrandt
Giseles Tarendorf.
militia have absconded with several kilos of silver, hoping to set
up a home in another part of the Empire. These men are mostly
naïve and foolish and have estimated the worth of their haul as
being far more than it really is. Split between them the silver
would not pay for a better life.
Embezzle: When the Blackguard secures money through
Earning they may attempt an Opposed Intelligence test against Combat Aware: The Veteran may make a Challenging (+0)
their superior officer. They gain 1d10 + SL silver shillings. If Perception Test to ignore surprise.
their superior officer wins the test by 6+ SL the Blackguard may Inspiring: The Veteran can influence 5 times the normal number
take the money, but their superior officer is aware of the theft. of people when using the Leadership Skill when at war.
Etiquette (Criminals): At home with criminals, may confer Unshakeable: The Veteran does not need to take Cool Tests
Fellowship bonus at GM’s discretion. when shot at by a Blackpowder weapon (but must still make
Menacing: When using the Intimidate Skill the Blackguard them if wounded by a Blackpowder weapon).
gains +1 SL.
SCOUT Combat Aware: The Sergeant may make a Challenging (+0)
Orientation: The Scout may work out which direction is north Perception Test to ignore surprise.
by observing the environment. Unshakeable: The Sergeant does not need to take Cool Tests
Rover: When using Stealth (Rural) only active lookouts may test when shot at by a Blackpowder weapon (but must still make
to perceive the Scout. them if wounded by a Blackpowder weapon).
Strider (Forest): The Scout ignores movement penalties Warleader: All Reikland Militia who can see the Sergeant may
imposed by forest terrain. add +1 SL to one Willpower Test each round.
Commanding Presence: Unless explicit enemies of the Captain,
Hardy: The Irregular benefits from additional Wounds equal
those with a lower Status may not resist the Captain’s Leadership
to their TB.
tests with their Willpower.
Inspiring: The Captain can influence 5 times the normal number
HANDGUNNER of people when using the Leadership Skill when at war.
Accurate Shot: The Handgunner adds +1 to the Damage Public Speaker: The Captain can influence 5 times the normal
inflicted by ranged weapons. number of people when using the Charm Skill when public
Gunner: The Handgtunner benefits from +1 SL to the Extended
Test made to reload a Blackpowder weapon. Warleader: All Reikland Militia who can see the Captain may
add +1 SL to one Willpower Test each round.
Sniper: The Handgunner suffers no penalties for shooting at
targets at Long range, and halves the penalties for shooting at a
target at Extreme range.
Newly independent, the province of Nordland seeks to stand proud and challenge the
navel supremacy of Marienburg. This guide describes the capital city of Salzenmund, its
ambitious new rulers, and the Chaos that lurks within its steep and winding streets.
Find out more about the full range of exciting Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay games on
GMs will enjoy challenging players of Warhammer Fantasy Rolpelay with this selection of
scenarios set in and around the Reikland city of Ubersreik. This collection can be played
as short one-off adventures or combined into a lengthier intrigue.
Find out more about the full range of exciting Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay games on