WFRP 4E - Forest of Hate

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The document provides background information on a plague (Laurelorn Fever) affecting Nordland and details several towns' responses to the outbreak.

Nordland has instituted quarantines and isolation camps at borders and in towns to stop the spread of the plague. Resources are strained and charlatans are taking advantage of people's fears.

The Shallyan mission is searching for a cure, while the Cult of Asuryan and Wandering Propagandists spread misinformation. Doktor Greiss and the Nordland/Middenland militaries are trying to help.


® TM

® TM


Design and Writing: Jude Hornborg
Line Developer: Christopher Colston Ancient Background......................................................4
War of the Beard...........................................................4
Illustration: Alessandro Boer, Andrew Hepworth, Pedro Present Situation...........................................................4
Sena, Ralph Horsley, Sam Manley
Grubile and The Realms of Chaos.................................5
Cover: Alessandro Boer Running the Adventure.................................................6

Layout: Diana Grigorescu FIGURES OF NOTE

The Cult of Asuryan......................................................6
Editor: Brian Johnson Darlorhan......................................................................7
Proofreader: Calum Collins Nordland Foresters’ Guild.............................................7
Herr Oswald Kochler....................................................8
Warhammer Producer: Pádraig Murphy Mulch-Rot, Herald of Grubile......................................8

Cubicle 7 Business Support: Elaine Connolly, Jennifer Crispin, BEGINNING THE ADVENTURE
Matthew Freeman, Kieran Murphy, and Cian Whelan Shallyan Mission...........................................................9
Searching for Medicine...............................................10
Cubicle 7 Creative Team: Dave Allen, Emmet Byrne,
Plague Towns..............................................................11
Alex Cahill, David F Chapman, Walt Ciechanowski,
Chris Colston, Josh Corcoran, Zak Dale-Clutterbuck,
Elaine Lithgow, TS Luikart, ‘ Dominic McDowall,
Journey to Forstfast.....................................................12
Sam Manley, Pádraig Murphy,
Crossing the Demst.....................................................13
Ceíre O’Donoghue, JG O’Donoghue, Laura Jane Phelan,
Searching for Moonflower...........................................14
and Sam Taylor
Friendly Strangers.......................................................15
Wandering Propagandists............................................16
Creative Director: Emmet Byrne
Guardians of Ammenvale............................................17
Publisher: Dominic McDowall Conclusions & Complications....................................18
Plague Gossip..............................................................19
Special thanks to the Games Workshop Team Map of Nordland........................................................20

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a ADVENTURE LOCATIONS

retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, 1. Voervinholm............................................................21
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, Tyrvad.........................................................................21
without the prior permission of the publishers. Forstfast.......................................................................21
Ruined Bridge.............................................................22
Golden Wood..............................................................23
Auld Troldved..............................................................25
The Ruins of Kor Immaror..........................................26
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition © Copyright Games Vesterrup.....................................................................27
Workshop Limited 2023. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition, Ammenvale.................................................................27
the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition logo, GW, Games Map of Ammenvale.....................................................29
Conclusions and Complications..................................30
Workshop, Warhammer, The Game of Fantasy Battles, the twin-
tailed comet logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images,
names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, Appendix I: Eyeslime Fever...................................................33
and the distinctive likeness thereof, ar e either ® or TM, and/or © Appendix II: Monsters & NPCs..........................................34
Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world,
and used under licence. Cubicle 7 Entertainment and the Cubicle
7 Entertainment logo are trademarks of Cubicle 7 Entertainment tm

Limited. All rights reserved.

Last Edited: July 4th 2023



Introduction Even if profiteering is the party’s initial motive, many may find
A disease called Eyeslime Fever has infected settlements in the themselves hard-pressed to stand by and tolerate the injustices
eastern Laurelorn forest. Shallyans have failed to contain the they witness. However, even good intentions can sometimes
plague, and herbal remedies are scarce. If the Characters cannot serve the Ruinous Powers…
discover a way to prevent an epidemic, war and chaos will
devastate the Laurelorn causing Nordland’s logging industry to Although Forest of Hate makes an excellent standalone
collapse and even deadlier plagues to spread. The Characters are adventure, it works well as a precursor to Laurelorn
medicine-seekers who find themselves facing not just disease, Forest campaigns using the information in Archives of the
but also propaganda, prejudice, and profane sorcery. Empire: Vol. 1. The scenario begins on the road leading north
from Middenheim. GMs wishing to insert this scenario into The
Forest of Hate is intended for a party of 4-6 experienced Enemy Within campaign can choose a friendly NPC
characters in the second or third tier of a Career. Wood Elf from Power Behind the Throne to be an early victim of
characters may face difficulties among humans, but parties that the Fever, pointing the way to this adventure. With minor
do not include a Eonir character will find the scenario more adjustments to the beginning of The Horned Rat, this
challenging. adventure would work well just after the events of Power
Behind the Throne.


ANCIENT BACKGROUND A swathe of blighted vine grew around the crystal sarcophagus as
Chaos magic seeped slowly from the ward into the forest around
The present crisis traces its roots to the Laurelorn’s ancient the villa’s gardens. Meanwhile, the Elves were preoccupied with
history and forgotten Elven arcana. Most Elves would postulate rebuilding Tor Lithanel, so the incidents at Ammenvale were
that Eonir — Wood Elf — culture emerged from the War of forgotten by most.
the Beard 2,600 years ago. In truth, exiled Elven mages had
led some colonists down a path divergent from their siblings Eonir Coverup
in Ulthaun centuries prior. The very first outbreak of what Centuries later, devotees of the god Asuryan rediscovered
would become Eyeslime Fever was introduced by one of these Ammenvale and made inquiries after it, learning of Darlorhan
mysterious figures who was willing to sacrifice his ideals, even from his only surviving apprentice. She had indeed avoided the
his soul, for victory over the hated Dwarfs. taint of corruption, but in her innocence the former apprentice,
now a respected leader of Eonir, recalled Darlorhan only as a
War of the Beard wise and powerful wizard who knew the forest sprits well and
Near the end of the War of the Beard, Dwarf armies had worked for the betterment of his kin. They designated the site
destroyed Kor Immarmor and threatened to overrun the last a holy sanctuary, recognised Darlorhan as respected elder, and
remaining Elf colony at Tor Lithanel. In the Elves’ hour of vowed to protect the wizard in his crystal tomb. The Daemons
desperation, the exiled mages summoned a great spirit-host that occasionally lurked in the surrounding woods, like most
to rout the besiegers. Meanwhile, a solitary wizard named ills, were attributed to human encroachments.
Darlorhan unleashed a terrible disease at the ruins of Kor
Immarmor where Dwarf reserves were encamped. Chaos taint crept so gradually from Ammenvale that for
centuries Darlorhan’s dark past remained buried. However,
The two-pronged Elven assault broke the Dwarfs’ resolve and there were some Eonir elders who’d lived during the War of the
ultimately forced them to withdraw to their mountain holds. Beard and still remembered what happened at Kor Immarmor.
Though the war continued for years afterwards, the Dwarfs They wondered of the spirit who had helped Darlorhan to
never again threatened Tor Lithanel. Kor Immarmor was develop his plague and why it had never been seen again. As
recorded in the Book of Grudges as the site of an atrocity Daemons haunted the forest in ever greater numbers, the cult
committed by an Elf dubbed the ‘The Blinding Death’. of Asuryan ensured that no trespasser would find the sanctuary
at Ammenvale and disturb the experiments concealed within.
Nurgle’s Corruption
After the Dwarf retreat, one of the nature spirits that had Present Situation
aided Darlorhan in creating the disease that drove off the Two millennia later, Elves still guard the Laurelorn’s secrets from
Dwarfs revealed itself to be a Daemon of Nurgle. Horrified Nordlanders, with whom they now share the forest. Ammenvale
at what he would done, but knowing his soul was already is just one of many sites upon which human trespassers are
damned, Darlorhan acted quickly. He destroyed all of his forbidden. Few Elves have seen Ammenvale firsthand, but
research, gathered up his deadly experiments, and — with an those who know of its existence trust the cult of Asuryan to
equal measure of regret and cold efficiency — slew all of his keep vigil. Even as Red Blight — a fungal disease that infects
apprentices save the most junior, whom he hoped at not yet trees — spreads from the tainted wood nearby, Ammenvale’s
been subject to Nurgle’s corruption. guardians insist the magical ward surrounding the villa has not
been compromised. In a way, they are right — the comprimised
Then, Darlorhan encased himself in crystal at Ammenvale as a ward keeps the touch of Chaos out of Ammenvale, but does so
final act of penance to empower a magical ward — the ancient by amplifying and spreading its foul precense in the vicinity.
Shield of Asuryan — that would seal away his terrible creations.
He hoped it might also preserve him from further corruption,
though in this, as in much else, he was mistaken.

Darlorhan’s precautions at Ammenvale could not prevent Nurgle

from claiming the wizard. He became a vessal of corruption,
and over the long centuries the Shield of Asuryan was turned
from a ward against Chaos into a conduit for it.

New Outbreaks
Red Blight was first reported a year ago, growing on trees
in rural Nordland. Foresters called it the ‘fey curse’ because
Spites — minor forest spirits — are sometimes sighted near
their logging camps at night. Several months later, cases of
Eyeslime Fever began spreading through villages in the eastern
Laurelorn. As the disease seemed to infect loggers who had
contact with trees infected by the Red Blight, the two infections
have become associated. Many locals blame the Elves, whom
they claim spread the disease to prevent logging.

In truth, the ward at Ammenvale has allowed the influence

of Nurgle to spread. As the Plaugefather’s presence grows, his
servants flock to spread his gifts far and wide. Darlorhan’s naïve
protectors, the cult of Asuryan, have prevented anyone from
seriously investigating Ammenvale or its surroundings, and a Grubile the Inhabited is a Great Unclean One, one of Nurgle’s
tiny fragment of Nurgle’s garden has begun to manifest nearby. most beloved servants. While it is not uncommon for the body
Daemons, masquerading as tree spirits, have overtaken the of one of Nurgle’s servants to play host to a variety of terrible
tainted wood, revived Eyeslime fever out of a twisted respect parasites and spores, Grubile the Inhabited is notably riven
for Darlorhan, and begun to spread it with the help of Nurgle’s with such creatures. Nurglings dance and cavort about his flesh,
human cultists. carving fresh, bile-spewing tunnels through bilious tissue to
converse with their chittering neighbours. Grubile the Inhabited
Profiteers and Liars is notoriously proud and protective of his many ‘children’, and
Nordland’s logging villages are plague-ridden and its sawmills is repaid by their fervent search within him for ever more exotic
are closed. Idle foresters are joining a popular new guild that and spectacular plagues and diseases.
blames the Elves for the spread of Eyeslime Fever, among
other bizarre theories. The Wood Elves widely refute the guild’s When a Nurgling finds an interesting disease, it carefully infects
rhetoric, contending that human logging encroachments have itself and carries the blessed plague to Grubile for consideration.
caused the Red Blight, and Laurelorn is on the verge of war. If the Great Unclean One approves, the creature’s fellows exult
in celebration, and Grubile’s leathery skin undulates hideously
In recent weeks, plague medicine has become a lucrative with their joyous dancing. Sometimes these are novel infections,
commodity. Enterprising herbalists and physicians are favouring but more often they are an old and half forgotten malady
wealthy towns but leaving rural folk to fend for themselves. Grubile aquired centuries ago.
Charlatans tour the region peddling fake cures, and bounty
hunters scour the forest for locks of Elf hair to sell as charms. So it is with Eyeslime Fever, which Grubile is reviving from
dormancy, intent on improving its lethality against the Dwarfs —
Quest for a Cure whom are by nature quite resistant to Nurgle’s many gifts. His
Nurgle’s corruption creates a noxious tangle of moral dilemmas loyal herald, the Daemon Mulch-Rot, has prepared the testing
and unintended consequences which the players must navigate ground and enlisted human agents. In the Garden of Blight,
if they wish to resolve the situation in Nordland. Those who have Grubile keeps the soul of an Elf entangled in vines. Grubile
already tried have been killed, lost, or lured into making a profit used trickery to ensnare the desperate Darlorhan, a powerful
from the fear and confusion. While blame is placed on Elf and mage, during the War of the Beard.
Human alike, the true sources of Eyeslime Fever remain hidden,
protected by the cult of Asuryan. Players may sensibly focus on Despite the long centruies, the Elf still retains some connection
finding a true cure for the disease and distributing it, but this it his former home in the Laurelorn forest. While this has
alone cannot prevent a war. The sources of Nurgle’s corruption preserved some element of his sanity, it has also allowed
must also be destroyed and his champions defeated. However, Grubile to influence the mortal realm. His most useful mortal
each battle the Characters win might play into another Nurglish servants have been unwitting members of the cult of Asuryan,
scheme. Success hinges upon discovering which factions serve who mistakingly believe the whispers they hear from Darlorhan’s
the Plague Lord without falling victim to him. crystal tomb come from the sleeping wizard himself.


RUNNING THE Dealing with the Fallout

ADVENTURE Depending on their actions, the Characters may face several
difficult decisions. While the ward at Ammenvale is the source
Forest of Hate is a sandbox adventure, with details given on of the corruption, it also serves to contain horrors of its own.
the various factions and their goals, as well as the situation in If it is destroyed the the site will become subject to the Winds
various settlements throughout the area. There is no single path of Magic, usless as a site for research, and more importantly,
through these events, and you are encouraged to be flexible in freeing the diseases held within. The Characters may have to
how your players tackle the adventure. Nevertheless, there are a decide how to handle this, and the effects on Nordland will
number of events which are likely to occur, though possibly not have dire consequences for decades to come. On top of this,
in the order given below. Nurgle’s mortal servants and lackies must be dealt with, lest
they continue to spread corruption throughout the land. This
Learning about the Situation may be more difficult than it first appears, however, as they are
The Characters learn about the disease, its effect on the region, well connected and terribly charismatic.
and perhaps the political situation between Nordland’s loggers
and the Wood Elves, if they were not already aware. How this Finally, even if the Characters stop the plague, Nordland may
is handled is up to the GM. If the adventure is being run as a still end up at war with the Elves of the Laurelorn unless things
one off, you may simply start with your party on the road to are handled discretely, and the right people on both sides find
Nordland. If it is part of an ongoing campaign, then tales of out the truth of the matter.
ill-fortune in the northern province are sure to be spoken of in
inns and taverns around the Empire.
Further Research
Once they begin looking into things, Characters should This scenario features two cults based in the Laurelorn Forest.
quickly become aware of some of the major factions The Sons of Asuryan are just one of the several cults of Asuryan
at play, especially the Jolly Axemen and their leader, in Elf society. Fanatical warriors, these once proud devotees of
Herr Kochler, and their attitude toward the disease. Other Asuryan have been led astray by what they believe to be the
influential groups and individuals are discussed in Important spirit of Darlorhan, whom they refer to as The Hermit Lord.
Individuals and Groups, below. Characters may also become
aware of the various cures that have been proposed for the The Nordland Foresters’ Guild is a cult of profiteers and agitators
disease, and begin gathering and trading some of them, as there pretending to act in the interests of woodsmen. Although the
is a good deal of money to be made. See Adventure Locations two cults are enemies, they ultimately serve the same master in
on page 21 for a more detailed guide to the region’s settlements. Grubile the Inhabited, a greater daemon of Nurgle.

Crossing the Demst The Cult of Asuryan

At some point, the Characters will become aware that the The creator god Asuryan is the ruler of the Elven pantheon and
answer to the disease lies somewhere in the Laurelorn, and governs balance in all things. In the Laurelorn Forest, disciples
they will have to cross the river Demst to explore there. of Asuryan are dedicated to preserving their god’s plan. Eonir
The forest is dangerous and full of perils — see Encounters prophets rarely claim to understand the intentions of a god, but
on page 22 for more. nevertheless they believe the arcane wonders left behind by the
Old Ones are integral to his plan. Here they named themselves
Assault on Ammenvale ‘The Sons of Asuryan’, and made it their mandate to rediscover
An ancient Old One site, protected by an an arcane Elven ward, and secure any lost Old One sites.
Ammenvale is the centre of the outbreak, and the fissure by
which the influence of Nurgle is seeping into the world. At its The Sons of Asuryan
heart the body of Darlorhan still lies, suffused with the power of Ammenvale was the first site reclaimed by the Sons. Scouts had
Nurgle still whispering commands to his servants, both witting reported that a great protective ward — which they dubbed
and unwitting. Darlorhan must be destroyed, and difficult the Shield of Asuryan — was still operational, protecting
decisions made. whatever may have lain within the structure. The nearby ruins
of Kor Immarmor were recolonized, and a small party of Sons
appointed to garrison Ammenvale.


In recent centuries, Ulthuan’s Loremasters have taken over During the later years of the War of the Beard, Darlorhan
stewardship of leylines within the Empire, and the cult of unexpectedly unleashed a deadly disease on the Dwarf invaders.
Asuryan has greatly deeclined in influence in the Laurelorn. In the Eonir’s hour of desperation, the mage had unknowingly
Only the garrison at Ammenvale still bear the name The Sons struck a bargain with dark powers to complete his research.
of Asuryan, but their committment to their ancient duty has Today, Darlorhan’s body is preserved in crystal at Ammenvale,
not faltered. Without guidance from the seers of Lileath, the where the Shield of Asuryan is sustained by his magical essence.
Sons of Asuryan have increasingly turned to the voice of the Though his body cannot move or speak, it is believed that the
Hermit Lord for instruction. Over time, the group has become ‘Hermit Lord’ can still issue instructions to devoted guardians,
increasingly insular and convinced of its own righteousness. Its the Sons of Asuryan, by magical means. However, the voice
members remain unaware that Darlorhan is a puppet of Nurgle. adherants hear is actually Grubile, a daemon of Nurgle.

Sons of Asuryan rarely speak, favouring hand signals to Nordland Foresters’ Guild
communicate with one another — they believe silence Until this year, the Nordland timber trade wasn’t represented
allows them to better hear the words of their master. Verbal by a guild. However, after the first instances of Red Blight
negotiation with trespassers is handled by the patrol leader. were reported, a wealthy merchant named Oswald Kochler
They are dangerous, and ultimately tools of Nurgle, but they established the Nordland Foresters’ Guild to advocate for local
do not know this. If it were revealed, the Sons would surely woodsmen. Kochler is currently touring the logging villages
disband, or be ripped asunder in shame and infighting. to recruit members. The guild office in Salzenmund is staffed
by a lone scribe, while Guildmaster Kochler campaigns from
Darlorhan his illegal logging camp in Vesterrup. Unwitting bargains
The Hermit Lord, The Blinding Death, Puppet of Nurgle with ruinous powers have granted certain members immunity
The Elven archmage Darlorhan is over 4,000 years old, though to Eyeslime Fever — or at least to its effects. As the plague
only if one considers his current state of being to constitute ravages entire villages, Kochler and his rural agitators spread
life. In the age before the War of the Beard, he lived as a misinformation. According to their version of the truth,
hermit experimenting with Laurelorn’s exotic flora. Although Eyeslime Fever is a conspiracy by Wood Elves to drive loggers
Darlorhan’s reclusiveness earned him the epithet ‘The Hermit away from the Laurelorn forest.
Lord’, he was one of the few wizards capable of binding
departed Elven souls into trees to preserve them from Chaos.
Darlorhan chose the site of Ammenvale for his work because it
was shielded by an ancient ward that turned aside the influence
of Chaos completely.


Herr Oswald Kochler On the seventh night, Kochler was offered a deal by Mulch-Rot,
Forester Guildmaster who came in the guise of a rotten walking tree. The delirious
Herr Kochler is a prominent timber merchant and Salzenmund merchant agreed readily, though he’s since forgotten the terms
city councillor, who owns logging camps near the Laurelorn of his bargain.
village of Vesterrup. He recently founded the Nordland Foresters’
Guild to represent woodsmen and protest logging quotas The sickness left Kochler with bald patches in his curly black
imposed by Elves. Kochler has always been ruthless, and is not hair, which he covers by wearing a large, gaudy hat. His skin is
above working with the likes of Goblins and other enemies of pale and clammy, and he frequently rubs his hands together as if
the Empire if it aids him. While touring the Laurelorn to drum anticipating something. Herr Kochler spreads misinformation
up support for attacks on the Elves, Kochler is escorted by a about the plague to incriminate Elves and cause a wider conflict
band of sycophantic woodsmen with axes to grind. The most in the Laurelorn. Suitably articulate foresters are inducted
loyal of these call themselves the Jolly Axemen. into Kochler’s cult with in a short ritual — little more than a
handshake — that makes recipients immune to the symptoms
Nurgle’s favour was bestowed upon the merchant four years of Eyeslime Fever, but also begins a process of internal rot.
prior to the current outbreak. The Daemon Mulch-Rot observed
Kochler walking in the woods and made him the first human Mulch-Rot
to receive the gift of Eyeslime Fever. Herr Kochler fell sick and Herald of Grubile
complained to all the gods, but only Nurgle would hear him. The Plaguebearer that brought Eyeslime Fever is a grotesque
pot-bellied cyclops covered in fungal cysts. Mulch-Rot was
birthed from the mournful souls of drowning swamp trees.
In the mortal realm, Mulch-Rot possesses the husks of trees,
which begin to rot within days and grow thick patches of mold.
Other Plaguebearers gather around scraping eagerly at Mulch-
Rot’s mould for their own infections. This mould is the Red
Blight which infects certain trees in the Laurelorn. Though it
will slowly rot trees infected by it, its true danger is in spreading
Eyeslime Fever.

Mulch-Rot’s daemonic underlings cannot venture far from

Ammenvale without losing stability, so they dispatch cultist
allies to propagate their mold spores. Grubile’s herald is more
resilient, having ventured as far as Vesterrup to deliver the fever.
On these excursions, Mulch-Rot spreads Grubile’s spores,
causing many of the Spites in the vicinity to become maddened
vectors of disease in the process. Human cultists require little
direct guidance from Mulch-Rot, as the mortal Oswald Kochler
is unnaturally gifted in Chaotic demagoguery.

Profiles for Darlorhan, The Sons of Asuryan, Herr Oswald

Kochler, and Much-Rot can be found in Appendix II.

As mentioned, there are a number of ways to approach the
adventure. Characters might hear of events in distant Norland in
any number of ways, with rumours of plague, uprising, and strife
with the elves circulating in almost any inn across the Empire.
Alternatively, Characters might be dispatched to Nordland by
as vaunted a personage as the Graff of Middenheim, should
they be playing through The Enemy Within and have made his
aquaintance. The Shallyan order also provides a likely hook for
Characters who profess to hold more high-minded motivations.

Shallyan Mission
Nordland contains several hospices staffed by Shallyan nuns
devoted to healing the sick. You can decide exactly where
the hospice is located. The Shallyans seek brave adventurers
to gather and distribute medicine to Zelebhorn, Hargendorf,
and Skogholm (see Plague Towns on page 11). The order is
overstretched and cannot afford to pay them. However, the
kindly Sister Edelweiss claims the goddess of mercy will bestow
great favour upon those who volunteer to help.

Sister Edelweiss can provide Characters with basic background

found under Profiteers and Liars (page 5) and Searching for
Medicine (page 10). She advises them to start by gathering NORDLAND POLITICS
Moonflower from the Elven wood across the river from
Forstfast. The other two medicines will be easier to obtain after Relations between Nordlanders and Laurelorn Elves are often
diplomatic contact has been made with the Eonir. strained, but open hostilities are typically rare. The political
conflict in this scenario has been orchestrated by Daemons
Sister Edelweiss is unaware of specific fake cures. Though she of Nurgle. Should you wish to use this supplement without
suspects Nurglish scheming, for reasons of political sensitivity Nurglish machinations, the locations and encounters can be
she does not name Nurgle unless the Characters bring up their modified to convert the material into a bounty-hunting adventure.
own previous experiences of the Ruinous Powers. Nordland’s
hospices have a troubled history because their original founder, If your game is set prior to 2512 IC, Baron Werner Nikse is
Doktor Festus, was corrupted by the Plague Lord (see the Grand Count of Nordland. The Enemy Within campaign results
Salzenmund supplement for further details.) in Theoderic Gausser usurping Nikse to become Nordland’s first
Elector Count in over 300 years. However, the Margravinate
Alternative Adventure Hooks of Forstmark (described in the gazetteer section) remains Nikse
You might require more than one adventure hook to secure buy- land even after Werner’s defeat. Further details on Nordland
in from every player. Here are a few possible options in case politics can be found in Salzenmund: City of Salt and Silver.
anyone seems hesitant.

0 Personal Stakes: One of the Characters (or a

friendly NPC) has fallen ill.
0 Bounty Hunting: Rumours circulate of rich
bounties being offered in the Laurelorn.
0 Selling Medicine: Characters can sell medicine in
the three Plague Towns.


SEARCHING Nightshade
FOR MEDICINE Nightshade (Belladonna) is widely used as a sedative (WFRP,
page 307). Large doses or long-term usage produce toxic side-
effects. Nightshade has no medicinal benefit for Eyeslime Fever,
Moonflower, Fire Nettles, and Bluebells are used as medicine to in fact it increases the disease’s mortality rate in Dwarfs. The
alleviate individual symptoms of Eyeslime Fever. Moonflower Daemon Grubile wishes to infect as many Dwarfs as possible,
reduces the infection’s duration, Fire Nettles prevent the as their species has proven quite resiliant to Nurgle’s ‘gifts.’ The
fever from leaving permanent scars, and Bluebells soothe the Daemon’s mortal agent, Herr Kochler, has convinced many
eyes improving vision. Characters that distribute all three of Dwarfs that Nightshade is legitimate medicine.
these medicines at all three Plague Towns earn a Fate Point.
Moonflower can be picked in the Golden Wood (#5). Fire Monk Nose
Nettles can be picked at Kor Immarmor (#8). Bluebells can be Monk Nose (Fungi Mucosa) is the result of a recent discovery
picked in the Silver Hills during springtime or purchased at by Grubile, as the fetid fungus was found growing deep in the
Schlaghügel (#6) if they’re not in season. folds of his left thigh by a particularly intrepid Nurgling. The
mushroom’s only purpose is to mutate Eyeslime Fever into ever
Fake Cures more virulent strains, which can then be passed on to whoever
Nightshade and Monk Nose are fake cures being promoted by consumes them. Grubile is using mortal cultists to distribute
the Nordland Foresters’ Guild. Characters who sell these false Monk Nose across the Laurelorn. Goblins of the local Yelloweye
cures without knowing their effectiveness, or who either know tribe use fertile dung in which the mutagen can grow, and trade
or suspect that they are not effective, risk gaining Corruption, as the fungus to the cultists. Elven devotees of Asuryan have stolen
they are ultimately doing Nurgle’s bidding. For each settlement samples of the mushroom at Darlorhan’s — really, Grubile’s —
they sell these herbs at they should make a Challenging (+0) behest, as the Daemon hopes to produce a strain which more
Cool Test or gain 1 point of Corruption. The GM is encouraged readily infects the Elves of the Laurelorn.
to call for these tests after some delay to avoid alerting the
player as to their source.

Fake cures can only be identified as such through trial and Purported Cures and their Costs
error. Nightshade can be purchased in Forstfast (#3) or picked
at Ammenvale (#10). Monk Nose is found at Auld Troldved
Zelebhorn Hargendorf Skogholm
(#7) and Ammenvale (#10). These locations can be found on the
region map on page 20.
3 GC 5 GC 2 GC
“Elf Hair”
Hyacinth 1 GC 5/- 10/-
Silver barked, straight trunked, and bereft of their thick yellow “Bluebell”
leaves only in the very depths of winter, Lornalim trees are
beloved by the elves of the Laurelorn. They grow to towering Folia Ignatus
heights, and are often found covered in Moonflower — a moss 2 GC 4 GC 6 GC
“Fire Nettle”
which grows on the leaves of their lowest and most shaded
branches. The trees are among the few which most Nordland Belladonna
foresters avoid cutting down under any circumstances, as to do 2 GC 1 GC 3 GC
so is to invoke the wrath of Wood Elves and more fearsome
denizens of the Laurelorn alike. This has led to small stands of
Fungi Mucosa
the tree suriving where the surrounding woods have been cleared 2 GC 10/- 1 GC
“Monk Nose”
away, though they only host Moonflower when found in the
shade of a larger forest.


The three towns most affected by Eyeslime Fever are not Skogholm
considered Adventure Locations for purposes of this scenario. The smaller of the two Nikse border fortresses was constructed
Characters can distribute medicine to them using Endeavours, by Dwarf masons and is maintained by their descendants. Inside
but they aren’t likely to stay for long. If they do seem to the fort is a village of low houses with extensive underground
be lingering, a few encounters with moaning victims, their quarters. Secret tunnels extend for miles beneath the forest
eyes covered in bandages that barely conceal the bloody pus into the Elven wood. Alrik Okrisson (see Appendix) lives in
that stains their visage, should see most parties on their way. Skogholm but currently operates his bounty hunting network
from Forstfast. Wood Elves who’ve been victimised by the
bounty hunters are planning a retaliatory attack on Skogholm
Zelebhorn in Alrik’s absence.
Zelebhorn is currently the site of a military checkpoint and
isolation camp. Nordland and Middenland soldiers inspect Skogholm is under quarantine because its Dwarf population
travelers for symptoms and advise on safety protocols. is devastated by the plague. Nearly fifty Dwarf deaths have
Southbound travelers are redirected to the isolation camp spurred the demand for plague medicine, and the Dwarfs have
where they must remain for three days without symptoms. enough gold stashed away to pay for it. The medicine market
The town’s sawmills are closed because of the plague. Two is brokered by a superstitious apothecary named Modrek who
Jolly Axemen (see Appendix) loiter about promoting bogus constantly makes warding signs and mutters prayers to Valaya.
cures and teaching anti-Elven slurs to idle mill workers.

The isolation camp has turned Zelebhorn into a market

town for plague medicine. Some of the wealthy travellers
confined here will even pay for unproven cures. There are
more charlatans in the camp than genuine physicians. The
local tailor earns a tidy profit selling blindfolds for 2/- and
gloves for 4/- a pair.

This walled port town is the capital of the Barony
of Hargenfels. Townsfolk welcome Eonir traders and
tolerate religious diversity, however the plague has forced
Hargendorfers into quarantine. Outside the gate is a bustling
herb market and plague camp. A pair of exhausted Shallyan
nuns assist the renowned physician, Doktor Greiss. The herb
market is operated by a smuggling ring connected with the
Hargenfels family.

Doktor Greiss is a busy man of science with no patience for

quack medicine. He will describe Eyeslime Fever’s symptoms
and treatments to anyone who brings him Moonflower.
While buying Moonflower in the Forstmark last week, he was
chased away by Foresters’ Guild thugs. The Shallyan mission
that ventured south to find a cure has not yet returned.


ADVENTURE The party must decide whether to camp at Voervinholm or press

ENCOUNTERS onward to Tyrvad (#2), in which case they must roll Endurance
tests or gain Fatigue Conditions.

Forest of Hate begins with a straightforward mission to pick Parties can board in a Tyrvad barn for a few pennies, however
Moonflower in the Elven wood. Along the way, characters learn the risk of infection is high and the locals are hostile to Elves.
about the politics and prejudice surrounding Red Blight and Several wanted notices are posted on a billboard in Tyrvad
Eyeslime Fever. The scenario becomes less structured after these (Handout #1). If the party boards in Voervinholm or Tyrvad,
initial challenges. GMs should modify and expand encounters roll for Eyeslime Fever infection as appropriate. Should the
according to their players’ actions. Adventure Locations party decide to camp outdoors, 1d10+5 Maddened Spites (page
(page 21) provides tools for more ‘sandbox’ style gameplay, as 41) buzz around the perimeter of the firelight, evading any
well as a guide to the climactic conclusion of Forest of Hate attackers.
at Ammenvale. You will also find information on handling the
fallout of the Character’s choices. Arrival at Forstfast
The party reaches Forstfast on the evening of day 2, or at midday
if they force-marched to Tyrvad on day 1. Alrik Okrisson can
be found in the village receiving scouting reports and issuing
JOURNEY TO FORSTFAST instructions to bounty hunters. Characters who eavesdrop can
hear Alrik exclaim: “Are none of you brave enough to cross the river
Adventuring parties will probably begin the scenario outside and find me some fresh Elf Hair?! Back in the day we called it target
the Laurelorn forest on the Salzen road. Zelebhorn is an practice!” Alrik’s background and profile are in the Appendix.
ideal starting point (see ‘Plague Towns’ sidebar). The first two
Characters who succeed Gossip tests in Zelebhorn receive the The Dwarf rewards parties who accept the challenge with an
following: equipment bonus of two GC paid upfront. Parties without
herbalists are given a sketch of Moonflower. If the party includes
0 “ There’s a rush of medicine-sellers coming to an Elf, Alrik recommends they cross at the Ruined Bridge (#4).
the Laurelorn. Elf hair fetches 3 crowns for Otherwise, he introduces them to a local named Olof who can
a lock. It’s a profiteering racket, I tell you. help them cross the Demst a mile downriver.
Even Bluebells are selling like candy.”
Characters pursuing the bounties on Redfern or Snakebite
0 “Alrik in Forstfast has a bounty on the elf called (Handout #1) are warned that the fugitives are elusive and very
Redfern – 30 Karls is what I heard. Lots of activity dangerous. Redfern normally tours the Laurelorn singing at
in the Forstmark lately. Why can’t folks just stay the taverns, but he is now on the run. Snakebite terrorises the Silver
blazes home?” Hills to the north with his Yelloweye Goblin warband.

All subsequent Gossip tests generate rumours from the Plague After their briefing, Characters can equip themselves for the
Gossip tables (page 19). Golden Wood expedition. The local shopkeeper Horvid accepts
Elf craftwork for barter and pays 5/- apiece for Elf arrows. He
Into the Woods cautions the party not to damage any ‘nice looking’ trees.
The journey from Zelebhorn to Forstfast takes two days. The
first day’s travel can be narrated abstractly. Ask players to Olof Holzfäller, Bounty Hunting Woodsman
describe precautions their characters take against the plague. Olof is a smiling and garrulous Jolly Axeman (see Appendix)
Characters who Gossip without taking precautions must roll who recently joined the Nordland Foresters’ Guild. Alrik is
for Eyeslime Fever infection (see Appendix). Though half of the aware that Olof is a guild agent, though not of his ulterior
NPCs encountered on the road are wary, an equal number are motive. Although Olof dislikes Elves in general, he is friendly
eager for human contact. to Elves in the party as it serves his purposes. His mission is
to spread confusion and strife by conflating the herb ‘Elf Hair’
Parties arrive in Voervinholm (#1) at dusk after passing through with actual hair from Elves. Many foresters (including Olof )
several Forstmark logging villages. Nobody is willing to provide wear locks of Elf hair as charms to protect them from plague.
boarding unless the characters offer medicine as payment. These have not been gathered from willing donors.

If Olof is helping the party cross the river, he suggests they Rafting across requires a Challenging (+/-0) Row test, which
repay him later with ‘Elf Hair’. Otherwise, after Alrik’s briefing, can be assisted. If the test fails, the raft capsizes 10 x -SL yards
Olof approaches parties that include Elves, and requests to tag from the opposite bank. Meanwhile, Olof secretly crosses the
along for mutual protection. The duplicitous woodsman crosses river in a coracle.
the Demst often, so he’s familiar with the area. Olof has been
tasked with setting a forest fire west of the river to provoke Parties wishing to instead cross the Ruined Bridge (#4) must
Laurelorn’s Elves. Being spotted crossing the river with the negotiate with Athanoc or sneak across without drawing his
party will allow him to obscure his own involvement and pass attention. Most Laurelorn Elves are familiar with Athanoc,
the blame along to them. whereas outsiders must fumble their way through this
encounter. Characters who fall from the bridge are deposited
ENCOUNTER on the east bank by Naiads, alive or dead. Athanoc can be
CROSSING THE DEMST bribed with reports of the illegal logging camps that don’t
have baronial permits at Tyrvad (#2) or Vesterrup (#9). Once
The Demst river must be crossed to reach Laurelorn’s inner satisfied, Athanoc paints three concentric circles on the faces
glades. Parties can attempt crossing at the Ruined Bridge (#4) of non-Elves, so they won’t be shot by scout patrols, and warns
south of Forstfast, or they can use Olof ’s raft which is hidden them to return before nightfall. Athanoc’s full profile can be
in bushes just north of the fort. The gorges and rapids make found on page 40.
swimming dangerous. To complicate matters, the river is
inhabited by Naiads, river spirits that are sometimes playful, but Athanoc, Guardian Mage of the Laurelorn
more often territorial and malicious towards those they do not Athanoc is one of Laurelorn’s few surviving refugees from the
show them proper respect. Those with the Second Sight Talent War of the Beard. He arrived from Kor Vanaeth
can see eddies of blue magic beneath the surface. (now Altdorf ) and lived with other refugees in
the riverside caves. In that era, the bridge was
The narrowest crossing is 60 yards, which takes roughly 8 rounds made of stone. Athanoc is now a hermit with
to swim. After 3 rounds, Naiads begin pulling characters back to few ties. The dour guardian wears brown
the east bank. Make Opposed Swim tests against the Naiad’s furs over grey robes and carries a staff of
effective strength of 45. Success means the Characters can Lornalim. He is bored of gatekeeping but
proceed; failure means they gain a Fatigued Condition for every doesn’t trust anyone else with
negative SL. Characters who accumulate Fatigued Conditions the responsibility.
exceeding their Toughness Bonus begin drowning (WFRP,
page 181). If the Character stops struggling, the Naiads simply The guardian mage learned
toy with them for a while before losing interest, depositing soul-binding magic from
them on the east bank of the river. Darlorhan long ago. He
can sense the magical
Rafts and Bridges disturbance at Ammenvale. In
Olof ’s raft can carry 6 passengers (or two and a horse). He these difficult times, Athanoc
cautions that Naiads will capsize the raft unless distracted allows medicine-seekers across
during the crossing. If the party agreed to bring Olof ‘Elf Hair,’ the bridge if they are accompanied
he creates a diversion downriver while they cross without him. by Eonir. Other applicants must
Characters are free to think of their own diversions — Naiads are demonstrate their allegiance by
said to find certain land dwellers intriguing, and any Character providing details of logging activity
with the River Guide Talent will know that singing a song to the in the Nikses’ lands. Illegal logging
river is enough to assuage some spirits. Having someone jump camps will be demolished by angry
into the river will certainly work — simply throwing rocks at a Tree Kin, many of whom were Athanoc’s
distant point will not. friends and family in their former lives.


ENCOUNTER Eonir (Forestborn) characters are approached directly by

SEARCHING FOR MOONFLOWER the scouts and questioned (in Eltharin) about their non-Elf
companions. A couple of the scouts show signs of recent conflict,
and have been had rough patches shorn from their hair. If asked,
The party only has a few hours to find Moonflower in the they explain that they were jumped by foresters while patrolling
Golden Wood before nightfall. The Lornalim trees nearest the the Elven road near Kor Immarmor. The Queen of Laurelorn
road and river have already been stripped by herbalists. Using has urged restraint to quell rising tensions with Humans and
Alrik’s sketch, each Character may attempt a Challenging (+0) Dwarfs that live in the Ward of Frost. This order sits poorly
Survival test every 2 hours. Success yield one Moonflower dose, with the entire patrol, especially those who were ambushed.
along with one more for ever additional SL. Characters with the
Trade (Herbalist) skill can make an Average (+20) Test instead. Groves of the Elders
Individual search tests require spreading out and thus increase Amongst the trees are groves that appear to be dead or dying.
the risk of becoming lost. They are in fact slumbering Tree Kin (see Appendix). Elf
Characters who attempt to converse with awakened Tree Kin
While Characters are searching for Moonflower in daylight, the find them unhelpful. Their spirits are only semi-coherent, and
Golden Wood is a fetching place, quite at odds with the haunted they know nothing of the plague (and care even less). Non-
forest of children’s tales. However, at dusk eerie shadows move Elves who are caught in these sacred groves by Wood Elf patrols
under the dense canopy and the birdsong goes silent. Every are confronted at arrow-point and told to leave the Protectorate
two hours spent searching the players will encounter one of the of Laurelorn. If a Tree Kin has been attacked, the vandals are
below events. More information on The Golden Wood can be executed in a hail of arrows.
found on page 23.
Becoming Lost
0 Elven Patrols: The party has a 25% chance of Characters that become lost must spend the next two hours
being spotted by Wood Elf scouts. If traveling on attempting another Navigation Test to retrace their steps, this
the old Elven road, increase the chance to 50%. time at Challenging (+0) difficulty. Calling out friends’ names
makes the test Average (+20) but automatically attracts an
0 Groves of the Elders: The party has a 50% chance Elven patrol (or possibly a Tree Kin at night). If the second
of stumbling into a Grove of Elders every 2 hours. Navigation test also fails, the character (or group) is Hopelessly
If searching individually, the character with the Lost. These players can be taken aside for the brief “Friendly
worst SL finds the grove. Strangers” encounter which introduces two NPC rescuers,
Redfern and Katja.
0 Becoming Lost: Each searching character (or
group) must pass an Average (+20) Navigation Forest Fire
Test or become lost. After nightfall, increase to Whether or not the party allowed Olof to accompany them,
Difficult (-10). he sets a forest fire before they can leave the Golden Wood.
If Olof crossed the Demst independently in his coracle, the
0 Forest Fire: This encounter happens as soon as the wily saboteur tracked the party’s location to frame them as
characters decide to stop searching and return to scapegoats. If Olof was searching with the party for Moonflower,
Forstfast. It has, of course, been set by Olof. he slipped away unseen. Either way, the characters smell smoke
and witness fleeing animals before they realise that a cluster of
Elven Patrols distant trees is ablaze.
Scout patrols of 1d10+2 Wood Elves observe the party from
hiding, only revealing themselves to punish trespassers or As the party decides how to react, a nearby Tree Kin (page 40)
vandals. Characters can notice hidden patrols by making an is animated by the ancient spirit Engidu. Parties that flee the
Opposed Perception test against their Stealth (Rural) of 80 (or scene are presumed guilty by Engidu, who gives pursuit (WFRP,
with the Sixth Sense Talent). Non-Elves with facial markings page 166 – starting Distance 3). Should anyone stand their
from Athanoc are spared unless they harmed a Lornalim tree or ground, the Tree Kin approaches an Eonir Character and asks
a Tree Kin. Should the party fight an Eonir scout patrol, use the in spirit-Eltharin: “Why have you brought fire to my forest!?” If the
Wood Elf profile on WFRP page 311. party includes no Eonir characters, Engidu addresses them in
Reikspiel instead.

If the Characters are suitably respectful and explain themselves This complete, the ancient sprit provides a cryptic clue regarding
well, Engidu is merciful, as long as they agree to bring him the plague: “An ancient mistake has at last come into season, and its
whoever is responsible — canny parties may already suspect fruit is bitter. He who slew the Dwarfs at Kor Immarmor has paid
Olof. Before the can leave, Engidu explains just what he wants the price a thousand times, and still it is not enough. He is imprisoned
the perpetrator for: in his own cage, and a power unknown even to me whispers in his
voice. The plague flows from him, though I do not know the means.”
‘The web of magic has been damaged by the fire, scarred and burned
just as the trees have been. Bring me the coward who set these sacred Few emotions could be more alien to a spirit such as Engidu
woods ablaze, and I will make a balm of his soul.’ than guilt, but the ancient being suspects his own dealings with
Darlorhan may have lead the foolish mage to trust the ‘spirit’
Engidu requires a soul to repair the damage that the fire caused who eventually betrayed him. As a result, Engidu is reluctant to
to the weave, and he will accept — or rather, demand — a share much more with the Characters. If asked, the strange being
substitute for sacrifice if Olof cannot be found. He tells them to can reveal that ‘plague fairies’ (or any other name the Characters
bring the sacrifice to the Underwood, a system of subterranean may have heard for Maddened Spites) are nature spirits who
rivers beneath the Golden Wood, and shows them one of its have grown savage due to their exposure to sickness, but adds
many entrances. If the Characters seem hesitant, Engidu that trying to cure them could have unintended consequences.
adds that he is one of the Laurelorn’s oldest spirits and knows
something about the source of the plague. ENCOUNTER
Should Olof escape after setting the fire, he returns to Forstfast.
Characters who search for his raft find it hidden in the bushes The first two Characters that become ‘Hopelessly Lost’ in
along with a sack containing a tinderbox and 14 empty oil flasks. the Golden Wood can be rescued by NPCs. Subsequent lost
Parties that return to Forstfast in pursuit of Olof will encounter characters must spend a Fate Point to survive — the Laurelorn
Guildmaster Kochler (see “Wandering Propagandists”, page is a dangerous place for outsiders. The Elven minstrel Redfern
16). Alrik is unaware of Olof ’s arson scheme, but if told about it (see profile in Appendix) should be introduced at some stage,
he doesn’t seem to disapprove — were timber not needed for axe even if nobody becomes lost. The Human hedgewise Katja can
hafts and beer barrels, the old Dwarf proclaims he would have be introduced if the party decides to kill Redfern, turn him
burned the forest to the ground years ago. over to Alrik, or sacrifice him to Engidu. She might also be
encountered later in Schlaghügel.
Engidu, Ancient of the Underwood
The natural form of this spirit, which the Characters will witness The Outlaw Redfern
if they return with Olof or a substitute, is of a massive stag At a point when the party finds itself struggling for direction,
made of blistering amber light. Those with Second Sight note they might hear music drifting through the woods. Redfern’s
that it exudes Ghur. Engidu claims to have come to Laurelorn repertoire includes witty satires poking fun at Alrik, and epic
long before the Eonir arrived, but admits it was they who first ballads honouring Elven heroes and nature spirits. Redfern
‘quickened’ his mind. The sprit claims to have taught Elf mages disputes Alrik’s charges (“He’s just sour because my aunt slew his
(including Darlorhan and Athanoc) many secrets, including the great-great-great-great-grandfather in the War of the Beard!”).
secrets of binding souls into Tree Kin. He has since added his Should the party apprehend Redfern to collect the bounty from
strength to the Laurelorn — though the spirits there are not so Alrik, he offers to tell them what he knows about the ‘Lord
bounded to these Elves as are those of Athel Loren far to the of Shadows’ (who he claims is responsible for the plague) in
south, they still favour the Wood Elves. exchange for his freedom.

If Engidu is brought Olof, or a substitute, the unfortunate (or If the party seems generally sympathetic, Redfern tells them that
deserving) individual is ripped asunder in the dark caves of the the Nordland Foresters’ Guild is spreading Elf-hatred amongst
Underwood, their screams audible long after their body must Humans and Dwarfs in the Forstmark. Their guildmaster, Herr
surely be dead. Once the Characters emerge above ground Kochler, owns logging camps at a village called Vesterrup near
once again, the damage caused by the fire has vanished. The Redfern’s home glade. Redfern can guide the party to Kor
ancient magic is truly primal, and counts as a Minor Exposure Immarmor (#8) if they’re willing to protect him from bounty
to Corruption, requiring a Challenging (+0) Cool Test to resist. hunters. Hopelessly Lost Characters can be guided to the
Ruined Bridge (#4).


The Herb Gatherer Katja, Hedgewise

Lost Characters can be found and guided to Schlaghügel The middle-aged herbalist is an Old Faith worshipper who
(#6) by a wise herbalist who gathers medicine in the Golden practices natural medicine. Although Eyeslime Fever hasn’t
Wood. Alternatively, Katja can be encountered at her cottage reached Schlaghügel, Katja treats patients that seek help with
in Schlaghügel if the party arrives there independently. She is Bluebell. She knows that Moonflower prevents the fever from
friendly with Wood Elves and advises Characters not to speak lingering and Fire Nettle roots can mitigate permanent effects.
ill of them. Katja won’t travel to Forstfast or cross the Demst, Katja finds plague profiteering distasteful, but if asked where
but she will guide characters to the riverbank so they can make Moonflower can be sold, she refers characters to Doktor Greiss
their own way. in Hargendorf. Katja carries a gnarled walking staff and a sickle.

Katja is familiar with the Laurelorn nature spirits. She can

educate characters about Tree Kin, explaining that some are
nature spirits, others vessals for Elf souls. Last month, Katja
noticed a ‘strange rotted’ Tree Kin on the other side of the
river from Schlaghügel, near Lake Ammen. Since then, she has
confined her herb gathering to the west bank. Katja hasn’t seen
any Maddened Spites, and suggests the Characters spreak to the
Sisters of Shallya if they attempt to discuss the Ruinous Powers.

After Olof sets a fire in the Golden Wood, characters are likely
to be warier of the Nordland Foresters’ Guild. Coincidentally,
Guildmaster Kochler is recruiting new members in the region,
so the party encounters him with his Jolly Axemen when they
next return to Forstfast. Presuming the characters do not kill
Herr Kochler, they might cross his path again later and be
offered commerce. The wandering Nurglist agitators can be
introduced at any point that feels dramatically appropriate.

Liars and Profiteers

If the party didn’t catch Olof red-handed in the Golden Wood,
he can be found at the Hungry Halfling inn in Forstfast
accompanied by Herr Kochler and 6-10 Jolly Axemen. Olof
greets the characters with a grin and denies any charges of
arson. Herr Kochler interjects on his henchman’s behalf,
suggesting that it was Elves who set the fire to justify a war
against Laurelorn’s human foresters. He claims this was just the
latest scheme in a larger Elf conspiracy.

Herr Kochler pretends not to hear characters that contradict

him, meanwhile praising sycophants as “true Nordlanders”.
Challengers who don’t win an Opposed Charm test find
themselves outnumbered by guild sympathisers amongst the
inn’s clientele (including Alrik). Should a fight break out in
Forstfast, a patrol of four Watchmen tries to separate combatants
by grappling them. Parties will have to find better opportunities
to capture Olof or engage the Jolly Axemen in fair combat.

The cultists laugh while they fight, and favour ganging up on The Goblin chief Snakebite agreed to move his tribe off the
enemies for advantage. land for gold, and told Kochler that the mushrooms that grow
there have medicinal properties. If the Characters question the
Parties that play along with Kochler are given a pamphlet sensibility (or legality) of acquiring land like this, Kochler offers
(Handout #2) and a brief ‘explanation’ of plague medicine. another Gold Crown each to ensure the Goblins have departed.
Kochler advocates daily Nightshade dosing, and wearing
charms woven from actual Elf hair. If anyone asks why Kochler ENCOUNTER
doesn’t wear a charm himself, he dismisses the ‘fey curse’ as GUARDIANS OF AMMENVALE
a hoax. Kochler changes the subject if anyone points out his
contradictory logic. Alrik endorses Kochler’s Nightshade claims
because he’s unaware of its lethal side-effects on plague-afflicted Savvy parties might recognise an opportunity to collect the
Dwarfs, but unlike the cultists, can be convinced by evidence. bounty on Snakebite. Kochler has one dose of Monk Nose left,
which he’ll give away for free. Characters who vocally support
Tracking the Cultists Kochler’s cause are given 1d10 leaflets for distribution. Parties
The Nordland Foresters’ Guild is easy to investigate because exploring the tainted wood at Ammenvale (#10) are intercepted
its outspoken members are found in every Forstmark logging by a patrol of seven Sons of Asuryan (see Appendix). These
village. Asking questions attracts 2-3 Jolly Axemen, who radical devotees of Asuryan have doubled their patrols since the
variously blame the Elves for the plague, promote bogus plague outbreak, to protect master Darlorhan and contain the
treatments, or deny the existence of the outbreak entirely. Not growing corruption of the forest. Their distinctive black-and-
everyone likes them, but few are willing to stand up to them — white garb makes them visible at a distance, a marked different
especially on the off-chance that they might be right about the to other elf patrols. The Sons can also be found at the shrine to
elves. Jolly Axemen are usually backed by a handful of regular Asuryan in Kor Immarmor (#8) at sunrise or sunset.
foresters in every village.
In the Tainted Wood
Redfern can lead parties to Vesterrup (#9) where Kochler owns Characters might brave the tainted wood on tips from Engidu,
logging camps and an apiary. The Jolly Axemen in Vesterrup Redfern, Katja or the Elves at Kor Immarmor. Alternatively,
blame Elf cultists for the taint north of their village. Curious they might follow the Shallyans’ trail there from Vesterrup. The
parties are led to the tainted wood around Ammenvale (#10). party is intercepted by a Sons of Asuryan patrol near the edge of
An Average (+20) Perception Test spots torn white robes the wood. Their leader steps forward to address the interlopers:
covered with dry blood on the way to these woods. The Jolly “You should proceed no further. You will become sick”. The patrol
Axemen recall that a Shallyan mission came through several leader informs Eonir characters (in Eltharin) that a hidden villa
weeks ago. Parties that successfully follow the Shallyans’ trail within the wood is protected by a shield of Asuryan, but that
(or chase Chaos Spites at night) can find Mulch-Rot and 1-2 humans have brought corruption to the woods surrounding it.
Maddened Tree Kin near the Sanctuary at Ammenvale (see
Defeating the Nurgle Cult, page 31). Trusted Characters may be allowed into the tainted wood if
they offer to help. At night, volunteers are tasked with walking
Working for Herr Kochler the perimeter to watch for Maddened Spites. Characters who
The party’s second meeting with Guildmaster Kochler is a chance pursue Spites into the taint might be led directly to Mulch-
encounter on the main logging road, or on the trail to Vesterrup. Rot (see Defeating the Nurgle Cult, page 31). During the day,
Herr Kochler asks them to sign a petition. The Foresters’ Guild Characters are assigned to guard five Tree Kin that slumber a
is lobbying the Grand Baron of Nordland for unlimited logging mile outside the taint. Should the characters help the Keepers,
rights east of the Demst. Kochler’s hat is askew from exertion, they are taken to see Ammenvale if requested.
and he does not remember his last encounter with the party.
Eonir characters make Kochler sweat nervously. If attacked, the Keepers scatter and regroup 5 Rounds later to
pick opponents off at range with arrows. Precious Elf arrows
If the party signs his petition, Herr Kochler tells them about a are only used against armoured opponents. The silent warriors
plot of woodland that he recently bought west of Auld Troldved exchange hand signals during combat. Should the patrol
(#7). He offers the characters 1 Gold Crown each to survey the leader fall, any Keeper reduced to 5 Wounds must test against
forest and capture any Snotlings before his crew arrives. Willpower or retreat to Kor Immarmor. Their footprints can be
backtracked through the tainted wood to Ammenvale.


At Ammenvale Should Alrik apprehend his old rival before the outlaw is
There is always a patrol of seven Sons of Asuryan guarding exonerated, he chooses to resolve their feud by a judicial duel,
Ammenvale. Parties who proved helpful are shown around and adjudicated by Baron Werner Nikse personally. A few weeks
assured that Asuryan protects them from corruption. Visitors later, Characters will hear that, just as the duel was set to begin,
are allowed into locations B and C, but not D or E — see the Redfern requested to play a final song before he met his fate. The
map on page 29. Characters will have to devise a plan to distract music lulled the Baron, Alrik, and everyone else in attendance
(or subdue) the guards if they wish to see those areas. to sleep, before simply walking out. Alrik is said to still be in a
wordless rage at the outcome.
In the event of combat, the Sons fight a running battle on
the bridges, protecting Darlorhan at all costs. Wounded Sons
fire and retreat, locking doors behind them to delay attackers. AN UNHOLY TRIAD
Characters with looted keys can try two per round, needing a Three mortal pawns serve Nurgle without fully understanding
10+ on 1d10 (minus # of previous attempts). The three Keepers the roles they play. When the party returns to the Shallyan
on garden patrol respond five rounds after an alarm is raised. hospice, Sister Edelweiss listens to their account and asks
leading questions. Edelweiss can provide insights based upon
her previous experiences with Nurglish triads, however she would
ENCOUNTER prefer that Characters deduce these connections for themselves
ALRIK AND REDFERN — even for a devotee of Shallya carelessly displaying knowledge
of a Dark God is foolish. During any pause in the action after
Parties who worked for Alrik might be aided by the Dwarf later. Ammenvale, you might encourage players to take stock of all the
Alrik can muster a team of charcoal burners to raze the tainted factions and their possible connections to the plague.
wood around Ammenvale. However, if Darlorhan’s corruption
wasn’t exposed by smashing the crystal sarcophagus, and a 0 Herr Kochler: Spreads plague and propaganda to fulfil a
Character isn’t present to mediate, Alrik’s crew is driven off by bargain with Mulch-Rot. Incites Dwarfs whilst secretly
the Sons or Tree Kin. Convincing the stubborn Dwarf of Herr poisoning them. Private agreements with Snakebite and
Kochler’s corruption and Nightshade poisoning scheme requires the Keepers ensure plague operations can proceed.
a Difficult (-10) Charm Test, even with physical evidence.
0 Darlorhan: Sustains the daemonic presence around
Redfern on the other hand is eager to discredit Herr Kochler. Ammenvale. Followers sow division amongst Elves.
Should the party uncover Eyeslime Fever sources at the apiary Indirectly provides ingredients for Herr Kochler’s
or tainted wood, Redfern can be exonerated (to Alrik’s chagrin). operations.
The grateful Elf accompanies Characters who helped him and
lends testimony to their refutation of Herr Kochler. Redfern’s 0 Snakebite: Distributes mutagenic mushrooms and
charisma confers a +20 bonus on any Gossip Tests. Redfern escalates the timber conflict. Inadvertently distracts
might suggest a counterpropaganda strategy if the Characters attention away from Ammenvale and Vesterrup.
do not think of one themselves.

Resolving the Feud

If Redfern’s specific whereabouts are reported, Alrik will
leave Forstfast (#3) to search for the outlaw. He spends a day
searching, accompanied by 4 human Foresters (see Appendix).
Parties that convince Alrik to venture into the woods in pursuit
of Redfern might be able to show him evidence of corruption
firsthand. However, Alrik is unlikely to acknowledge that the
Foresters’ Guild is a cult of the Ruinous Powers.


During the course of the Adventure, Characters are bound Elves suffer -10% when gossiping with Humans and Dwarfs
to make inquiries among the common folk of Nordland and (and vice versa). Rumours can be enhanced with useful details if
the Laurelorn forest. You may use the Gossip tables below to the result is good (3+ SL) or embellished with misinformation
determine what they hear. if the die-roll is close (+/-0 SL).


1d10 Rumour 1d10 Rumour

“Beware the plague faeries if you camp in the

“The Nordland Foresters’ Guild is recruiting in the
woods! Big, bloated bees that spread the fey-curse
1-2 1-2 Ward of Frost. They have ideas about treating Dwarfs
after sundown. I saw some around Voervinholm
with Nightshade and making charms of Elf hair.”
two nights ago.”

“I reckon the Elves are responsible. They’ve wanted “People claim Elves are immune, but that’s untrue. I
to control the Laurelorn for years. We already bow 3-4 had the sickness myself last month. The symptoms were
to their queen on timber deals, according to the mild, and easily treated with Bluebell.”
Foresters’ Guild.”
“Those spites they call ‘plague faeries’ or the like are
“Dwarfs can die from the plague. But Guildmaster part of the natural order. I observed a swarm collecting
Kochler pointed out that Elves are immune, and 5-6 pollen from a tree. They are merely going about their
they control the supply of Moonflower. Coincidence business, even if there do seem to be more of them of
or conspiracy?” late.”

“Baron Nikse is privately backing Alrik’s bounty

“Fire Nettles can prevent scarring from the plague, hunters. Now this plague gives the baron justification
7 but they only grow around the old Elf ruins in the 7-8
to tear up our treaties and cut down the entire
hills, and the Elves won’t let anyone gather them.” Laurelorn.”

“Guildmaster Kochler told us about a mushroom “The ghosts of our ancestors are the real victims here.
8-9 that cures the plague, but it only grows in Goblin 9 Athanoc says the damage to the Weave is already
poop. Never thought we’d be working with gobbos.” beyond repair in the Ward of Frost.”

“This conflict is escalating quickly. Our diplomats are

“Only fire can purge the fey plague. Dirty lumber no longer welcome in Salzenmund. Skarloc the Hunter
10 won’t sell anyway. Bring in the charcoal burners 10
is reportedly mustering his kithband for a war with
and torch the whole damn forest – it’ll regrow.” Nordland.”


Bounty notices for the Elf fugitive Redfern and the Goblin
ADVENTURE LOCATIONS chief Snakebite are posted at the road junction (show the
players Handout #1).
This adventure takes place in the eastern Laurelorn Forest,
called the ‘Ward of Frost’ by Elves. The following section The Jolly Axemen urge villagers not to let the ‘fey curse’
contains background to supplement the events already intimidate them, and make a show of cutting down trees in the
presented, and can be used along with the information found illegal camps. Elf Characters are cajoled by locals with rheumy
in Archives of the Empire: Vol. 1. The preceding Encounters eyes “hey knife-ears, let me give you a haircut…” Two Jolly Axemen
section is used alongside the information found here. When eagerly join any brawl that might result from such taunting.
rolling to determine whether a given NPC has Eyeslime Fever,
use the ‘currently sick’ percentage under Plague Status. The
first percentage includes those who were sick but have since
recovered, died, or were driven out of the settlement.

1. Voervinholm
Type: Medium Village
Plague Status: 50% have been infected; 25% currently sick

Villagers watch for thieves and Maddened Spites (any Spites

really, or even lingering wildlife, as they cannot tell them apart)
from their windows. The logging camps near this predominantly
Human village are legitimised by treaties with the Eonir, but
they were hastily abandoned when the plague arrived. Baronial
permits remain nailed to the trees and discarded axes have been
left to rust amongst empty tents. The only shop is a closed
Dwarf smithy owned by Kleggi Ironhand, who is bedridden in
serious condition, attened to by human neighbours who either
brave the disease or have recovered from it already. His family
are staying with friends in the village in the hopes of avoiding
infection, as Dwarfs have proven particularly susceptible.

Most surfaces at the smithy and logging camps are covered in 3. Forstfast
Red Blight, the fungus that gave rise to the first cases of Eyeslime Type: Large Fort
fever, though the Characters may not know this. Nobody opens Plague Status: 5% have been infected; 2% currently sick
their doors to strangers. The local Jolly Axemen recently tried
to recruit Kleggi’s eldest son, Foggi, to the Nordland Foresters’ This ancient border fortress is located on the east bank of the
Guild. However, the young smith declined because he was river Demst. Forstfast is strategically positioned downriver from
uncomfortable with the agitators’ divisive rhetoric. the bridge where an old Elf road crosses from the forbidden
Laurelorn heartland. Flags flying from the fortress’ square stone
2. Tyrvad towers are easy to spot above the tree canopy. On the riverbank
Type: Small Village below the fortress is a small village enclosed by a sturdy wooden
Plague Status: 75% have been infected; 50% currently sick palisade reinforced with a small stone wall.

Tyrvad is located at a busy road junction connecting the two Forstfast was built by Dwarfs after the Treaty of the Leaf was
Nikse fortresses. Half of the villagers hide from the disease, signed in 630 IC. Its chief purpose today is to protect Nikse
while the rest carry on as normal. If questioned, they claim to forestry interests from Wood Elf intervention. The large tract of
be doing so to ‘show them Elves we won’t be intimidated.’ Three Laurelorn woodland claimed by the Nikse family is called the
new logging camps operate nearby despite nightly ‘plague fey’ Margravinate of Forstmark. Most of the soldiers garrisoned at
sightings. Tyrvad’s logging camps are considered illegal by Forstfast are archers and huntsmen who patrol the Forstmark in
the Eonir and their trees aren’t marked with baronial permits. detachments of twenty.


0 F
ortress: The vine-covered fortress is currently 4. Ruined Bridge
under plague restrictions watched over by Shallyan Type: Elven Landmark
nuns, which means no visitors may enter. Sheriff Plague Status: None
Blüchwalder enforces these rules strictly, which
primairly ban strangers from entering the village The old Elf road from Tor Lithanel crosses the river Demst at
without leave from his office. Violators are caged a deep gorge. Multiple swinging bridges crisscross each other
in the woods overnight, and survivors are usually in a weave of planks and vines. The crossing is particularly
set free the following morning. If a Nikse logging treacherous because sections of planking are missing. To
camp is raided by Elves or Tree Kin, the sheriff complicate matters, the guardian mage Athanoc has used
dispatches soldiers from Forstfast to the area. illusion spells to turn solid sections invisible, and make gaps
Orders are to avoid casualties on either side if appear as solid planks. Athanoc can be verbally summoned from
possible while diplomats are sent to Marrisith, his cave in the canyon wall below.
Queen of the Laurelorn, in an attempt to avoid
open war. 0 Bridge: The first character to cross without
Athanoc’s permission must attempt three Average
0 Village: Visitor’s eyes are checked for signs of (+20) Initiative tests, or else fall 20 yards into the
pus before being allowed inside the palisade. The river below (suffering 1d10+12 Wounds). After
Hungry Halfling inn is booked to capacity, however identifying illusory planks, characters can walk
Alrik offers his room to the characters if they agree tightrope along the vines or attempt 5 to 7-foot
to work for him (Alrik has friends that he can board Leaps over the gaps (WFRP, page 166). Athanoc
with). Across from the inn is Horvid’s Trading Post, can, of course, reveal a safe path that requires no
which specialises in outdoor survival gear. Wood athletics. Horses may cross, but not carts or wagons.
Elves occasionally trade exotic wares with Horvid.
0 Athanoc’s Cave: Five cave openings enter the
At present, Forstfast is being used as a base by medicine sellers canyon walls 8-12 yards below. Two caves on
and bounty hunters. Visiting herbalists gather plague medicine the opposite side lead to Athanoc’s personal
from the Laurelorn and sell it at Zelebhorn, Skogholm and quarters. The comfortably furnished abode is
Hargendorf. The medicine market here is poor because most decorated with Elf artwork. Spell grimoires (Life,
inhabitants have managed to stay healthy. Alrik Okrisson pays Shadows) are shelved alongside jars of arcane
only 1 GC per dose for Moonflower (“Elf Hair”). Nightshade (a material components. Climbing down to the
fake cure) can be purchased here for 2 GC per dose. caves requires the Scale Sheer Surface Talent.

Herbalists often hire bounty hunter escorts when braving the Athanoc responds to greetings in the Eltharin language within
dangerous Elf wood to gather Moonflower. Bounty hunters 1 minute. Petitioners using other languages are ignored unless
use herb gathering expeditions as a pretense to search for they continue pestering the guardian longer than 5 minutes.
Elf fugitives. Many of these bounty hunters are unemployed Athanoc can materialise on the opposite side of the canyon
woodsmen. The Nordland Foresters’ Guild is actively spreading using the spell Shadowstep (WFRP, page 254). Sometimes
anti-Elven propaganda and plague misinformation in Forstfast. Athanoc waits until a trespasser is halfway across the bridges
As a result, Wood Elves are currently avoiding the fort for before he appears — mostly to amuse himself. Eonir Elves
fear of being arrested, or having locks of their hair torn out by are admitted into the Golden Wood almost without question.
desperate plague victims. Outsiders wishing to enter the Protectorate of Laurelorn
must negotiate with the Elves for safe passage (see Athanoc’s
Baron Werner Nikse visits Forstfast occasionally to inspect his description on page 37).
soldiers and appraise the plague situation. Nikse is protective of
his forestland and endorses logging camps which Laurelorn’s
Wood Elves consider illegal. He turns a blind eye to crimes
committed against Wood Elves while sympathising with
Dwarfs. Alrik Okrisson is secretly in the baron’s employ. Baron
Nikse supports the Nordland Foresters’ Guild, but he’s hesitant
to publicly align himself with their guildmaster.

5. Golden Wood 0 Subterranean Rivers: Along the west bank of the
Type: Large Forest Demst are cave entrances to a vast network of rivers
Plague Status: None flowing beneath the Golden Wood. A kithband of
Elves belonging to the Younger (Harioth) kindred takes
West of the river Demst, the Laurelorn is exclusive domain of refuge in the damp caverns. Eonir call these rivers the
the Elves. The Treaty of the Leaf only allows humans with the ‘Underwood’ and pay tribute to an elder spirit called
Queen’s permission to settle in the Protectorate of Laurelorn. Engidu who resides deep within.
In daylight, the Golden Wood is a joyous place of sun-dappled
glades and birdsong. After sunset, it becomes a haunted forest During the day, the Laurelorn’s most cruel and capricious spirits
from which trespassers rarely return. slumber inside trees. Travellers might spot an occasional Spite
(page 36) but otherwise the only daytime threats are wild animals
Since the Eyeslime Fever outbreak, herbalists have increasingly and Wood Elf patrols. At night, Spites are encountered in larger
searched the Golden Wood for a cure. A medicinal moss called groups of 1d10+5, along with more powerful spirits, and they are
Moonflower is used by Elves to treat the Black Plague. Other often hungry. Hungry nature spirits can spontaneously manifest
species use Moonflower (nicknamed ‘‘Elf Hair’’) as a sedative as Tree Kin and attack. Elves can negotiate with hungry spirits
for surgery. However, physicians have always believed that if appropriate sacrifices are offered…
Moonflower holds undiscovered curative properties. Rules for
Moonflower are covered in the WFRP rulebook, page 306. Its Tree Kin in the Groves of the Elders do not awaken unless they
effects on Eyeslime Fever are found on page 34 of this adventure. suffer at least 1 Wound, or a spell is cast upon them. Tree Kin
are only awakened intentionally by Eonir mages when the forest
0 Old Elf Road: The road from Kor Immarmor is partially is threatened, or when a bound Elf soul requires transfer from
overgrown, making the Laurelorn heartland inaccessible a deteriorating husk to a newer vessel. Elves can converse with
to wagon traffic. Riders on horseback can travel normally. awakened Tree Kin using a primal spirit-dialect of Eltharin. A
Characters have a 50% chance of encountering a Wood grove near the Ruined Bridge (#4) contains bound Elven souls
Elf patrol for every 2 hours spent travelling on the old from the War of the Beard.
road through the Golden Wood.
Wood Elves patrol the Golden Wood vigilantly against
0 Lornalim Trees: Harming a sacred lornalim tree is trespassers. These guardians of the Laurelorn prefer to remain
punishable by death. Metallic strands in the bark of the unseen to everyone except Eonir characters. Non-Elves
Lornalims reflect light, which gives the Golden Wood a who haven’t been marked as ‘friendly visitors’ receive a single
warm ambience in daytime but an eerie glow at night. warning, in the form of an Elven arrow lodged into a tree near
Wizards can sense Ghyran and Chamon emanating from their heads. Those who don’t heed this warning shot and leave
the magnificent stands. Trees near the road have already the Golden Wood will be cut down with a volley of normal
been stripped of Moonflower. Herbalists must venture at arrows (Bow Skill 49, range 150).
least 100 yards from the road to find the medicinal moss,
which grows on the leaves. The River Demst is a natural defense against incursions from
the east. Eonir that traverse the Demst in swift canoes make
0 Groves of the Elders: Amongst the Lornalims are pacts with the Naiads for safe passage. These ‘river elves’ fight
groves that appear to be dead or dying. They are in fact alongside the water spirits when Beastman or Goblin war
slumbering Tree Kin (see Appendix). These ares are parties threaten the Golden Wood. River elves also trade furs
known as Groves of the Elders. Characters have a 50% with the humans of Schlaghügel and Hargendorf. River elves
chance of wandering into such a grove for every two are considered outsiders by other Eonir because they only
hours spent searching the Golden Wood. At the centre settled in the Laurelorn 1,000 years ago.
of each is an Elven waystone inscribed with runes of
Ghyran and Shyish. These ‘forest graveyards’ are hallowed
ground to the Eonir.


6. Schlaghügel
Plague Status: None
Forest of Hate is a perfect springboard for fantastical
adventures in the Laurelorn. Further information on the places This idyllic village is situated on the west bank of the river Demst
referenced below can be found in Archives of the Empire, Vol. 1. in violation of the Treaty of the Leaf. The von Hargenfels family
colonised the site because of its proximity to an ancient stone
The Power of Song circle. Despite the infringement on Elf territory, Schlaghügel
The minstrel Redfern knows ancient songs that resonate with has been allowed to remain. A few of the village’s elders were
Laurelorn’s leylines. His singing can make leylines appear as alive when the first cottage was dedicated to the goddess Rhya.
rainbow pathways, visible even to those without Second Sight.
Recently, Redfern has been tracking magical corruption as it 0 Village: Devotees of Taal, Rhya and the Old Faith
sprouts up across the Laurelorn. He believes the Vale of Despair try to live in harmony with the Laurelorn. Villagers
west of Tor Lithanel is spreading tendrils of dark magic through place offerings at the stone circle and trade with
the Weave, but he doesn’t know how to stop it. Nobody has ‘river elves’ — Eonir who bring furs down the Demst
ever seen the bottom of the dreaded crevasse, meanwhile Ghost in canoes. A swinging bridge crosses over the river
Striders who patrol the vale insist that nothing escapes their gorge to the east bank. Characters who inquire about
watchful gaze. plague medicine are directed to the cottage of a local
hedgewise named Katja (see page 25).
Unspeakable Sacrifice
Engidu is not the only elder spirit residing in the Underwood; 0 Stone Circle: Atop a wooded hill 3 miles west of
even darker entities inhabit the riverside caverns. Parties might Schlaghügel is an ancient stone circle. Travellers
encounter a Cityborn couple from Tor Lithanel on a pilgrimage are lured from the trail into thick fog by 1d10+5
to offer themselves to the Underwood. If questioned, the Elves Spites (see Appendix) that take the form of will-
claim that sacrifices are necessary to preserve peace between o’-wisps. A Challenging (+0) Cool Test, opposed
Eonir and forest spirits and, if the spirits will it, one or both by the Spites Fellowship of 40, allows the
of them may escape. However, Elf characters will know that Characters to resist the urge to follow. Any who
such vile practices are normally associated with the Druchii of do are sure to become lost for days — those who
Naggaroth. Further investigation reveals a cult of Tor Lithanel fail by -4 SL or more may never be seen again!
elites who’ve fallen under the enchantment of a Naggarothi
sorcerer who seeks win the favour of a vile and ancient spirit. Schlaghügel has avoided the plague despite its proximity to
Ammenvale. Plague sufferers that come for treatment are given
Morgrim’s Gears of War ‘blue tea’ and advised to leave an offering to Rhya at the stone
Lost Dwarf artifacts from the War of Vengeance have laid buried circle. Characters cannot sell medicine in Schlaghügel, however
under the forest for millennia, including the remains of war Hargendorf is only a day’s journey north on the opposite side
machines crafted by the ancestor god Morgrim. Alrik and the of of the river.
other Forstmark Dwarfs have searched for generations hoping
to find these ancestral relics. Morgrim’s gears are believed to Bluebells
be somewhere in the Misty Hills, possibly guarded by the very The common Bluebell (Wild Hyacinth) is a small flower native
same Dryads and Treemen who routed the Dwarf army long to the Silver Hills. In the springtime when Bluebells grow
ago. The thought alone is enough to set the blood of many abundantly, herbalists only require an Easy (+40) Outdoor
Dwarfs boiling. Survival test to gather doses equal to SL every 2 hours. During
the rest of the year, dried Bluebell can only be purchased from
herbalists who stockpiled a surplus in the spring. Characters
wishing to buy Bluebells can acquire them at a cost of 10/- per
dose ( there are up to 20 doses available).

7. Auld Troldved A Difficult (-10) Search test is required to find Monk Nose
Type: Small Town (Ruined) outside the raiding camp, where herbalists face constant
Plague Status: None harassment by Snotlings.

The overgrown ruins of this former baronial capital are occupied Snakebite, Yelloweye Boss
by Goblins of the Yelloweye tribe, who use it as a raiding base. The Yelloweye Goblin tribe is one of several bearing that name.
Crude wooden palisades and archer platforms are decorated Their leader is a crafty negotiator called Snakebite, a creature
with severed Elf heads. The woods around the ruins are infested composed mainly of vile intent and sinewy muscle. Characters
with Snotlings. When not marauding, the Goblins live in seeking an audience with Snakebite can avoid being skewered
an abandoned mine nearer the hill’s summit. The Barony of by his bloodthirsty marauders if the offer is right. The Yelloweye
Silberhugel is now governed from Troldved, which was rebuilt chief is canny enough to understand that pulling some humans
at the eastern end of Lake Troldso. Their presence is tolerated into his ongoing conflict with the Wood Elves from Kor
only because raising an army of sufficent size to drive them out Immarmor could be to his benefit. Snakebite uses the Goblin
could easily spark a wider conflict between the Empire and the profile (WFRP, page 326).
Wood Elves, though the situation cannot continue for long.
Characters visiting on behalf of Herr Kochler are assisted with
0 Raiding Camp: At any given time, the raiding camp clearing the timber plot of Snotlings, as it takes very little to
is garrisoned by 1d10 × 20 Goblins (WFRP, page convince a Goblin to kick some Snotlings about. Snakebite and
326), a quarter of which have Wolf mounts (WFRP, 20 Goblins gleefully evict their diminutive cousins from the
page 317). The stench of excrement and offal is land to expedite the sale (meanwhile keeping any Mad Caps for
nauseating. Outsiders are met with a hail of arrows themselves). The entire operation only takes a couple of hours.
unless they have business with Boss Snakebite.
Snakebite is additionally willing to trade two doses of Monk
0 Timber Plot: West of the ruins are ten acres of Nose for every Elf head. Characters who are spotted dealing
Snotling-infested woodland that Snakebite sold with Snakebite by a Wood Elf patrol will have questions to
to Herr Kochler cheaply. For every 2d10 Snotlings answer as soon as they leave the camp.
killed or scared off (WFRP, page 326), characters
can gather 1–2 Mad Cap mushrooms (WFRP, page
306). Herr Kochler fancies he might find some use
for the Snotlings, then harvest the timber and Mad
Caps for additional profit. Wood Elves scout this
hillside frequently to keep an eye on the camp.

Goblins are immune to Eyeslime Fever. In fact, they were

oblivious to the outbreak until Herr Kochler came to trade
for the Monk Nose mushrooms growing in their dung piles.
Although Monk Nose is a creation of Nurgle, the Goblins are
not Nurgle cultists. They are simply delighted to have discovered
a tasty new fungus that grows in their own dung. Characters
who are seen fighting against Goblins by a Wood Elf scout
patrol are welcomed to Kor Immarmor (#8) as guests.

Monk Nose
Characters wishing to obtain Monk Nose (Fungi Mucosa) can
negotiate with Snakebite for access to the Goblins’ stinking
midden pile. There are likely too many Goblins at the raiding
camp to fight. Although Goblins did occasionally defecate on
Herr Kochler’s timber plot before, Snakebite has told them to
stop in order to maintain their monopoly Monk Nose. This
effort has met with only mixed success.


8. Ruins of Kor Immarmor The colony’s Cityborn residents are descendants of Elves
Type: Small City (Ruined) who fled its destruction during the War of the Beard. These
Plague Status: 50% have been infected; 25% currently sick elitists consider themselves ‘true Elves’, but since there are no
princes among them, Marrisith, the Queen of Laurelorn claims
A Dwarf army besieged and razed this former High Elven rulership of Kor Immarmor. The Cityborn district is a haven for
city 2,700 years ago. The Laurelorn forest swallowed the radical devotees of Asuryan who oppose Laurelorn’s system of
ruins completely before the site was eventually reclaimed matrilineal succession. These political dissidents favour Prince
by Elves. Kor Immarmor is a terraced basin built around a Aesryn as their rightful ruler and would support a coup attempt
river. Forestborn Eonir camp in the trees overhead whilst the by the Queen’s brother.
Cityborn inhabit a partially restored district by the river. The
city’s original stonework is mostly crumbled and camouflaged The Forestborn perimeter guards are nomads who sleep in
by overgrowth. hammock-tents while serving their duty to the Queen. Kor
Immarmor is in a dangerous region where clashes with Yelloweye
0 Perimeter Defences: Trespassers approaching Goblins occur almost daily. Lord Lindialoc (see Archives of the
overland must navigate through briars and Fire Empire I) resupplies his kithband warriors here, but they rarely
Nettles with a Challenging (+0) Outdoor Survival stay for long. Lindialoc’s warriors patrol the hillside to the east,
Test. Failure means they gain one Entangled and meanwhile the Sons of Asuryan patrol the Lake Ammen area.
one Poisoned Condition before the terraced ruins
are visible. 1d10+2 Wood Elves appear in the trees Characters who arrive at Kor Immarmor with Redfern can bypass
overhead to interrogate trespassers from their its perimeter defenses, but they are made to feel unwelcome by
position of advantage. the Cityborn Eonir. Visiting Eonir (Cityborn) characters are
assumed to be agents of Queen Marrisith. Eonir Characters
0 Overgrown Terraces: The terraces descending to who’ve encountered the Sons of Asuryan may attempt a
the river are also overgrown with briars and Fire Challenging (+0) Gossip tests to gather information about the
Nettles (see above). Hidden amongst the rubble are cult of Asuryan. Though Redfern comes here frequently, he lives
huts belonging to Elves of the Younger (Harioth) a wandersome lifestyle that excludes him from politics.
Kindred. They have been considered squatters
by other Eonir since their arrival from Kislev as The friendliest residents are the ‘bush elves’ on the terraces.
refugees a mere two centuries ago. If approached, they have no qualms about telling Characters
(even non-Elves) stories of the ancient villa at Ammenvale.
0 Cityborn District: On the riverbank at the base Although none of them have been there personally, they noticed
of the terrace garden are over 20 stone buildings that the Sons of Asuryan doubled patrols in the area since the
of High Elven architecture. More than a hundred plague outbreak. These Elves suspect illegal logging activity at
Eonir of the Cityborn (Toriour) Kindred live here in Vesterrup was responsible for unleashing the plague, because it
sheltered seclusion. The district can only be accessed struck there first.
by river, or by bushwhacking through the perimeter
defences. Notable buildings include a shrine to Fire Nettles
Asuryan, a meeting hall, and a water-powered grain Laurelorn Elves imported the Fire Nettle (Folia Ignatus) from
mill. Sleek Elven riverboats are moored at a dock. Albion originally. Herbalists attempting to pick Fire Nettles
from the perimeter defenses at Kor Immarmor are warned off by
Forestborn guards. The Elves will only accept Goblin heads in
exchange for their coveted plant (1 head per dose). Alternatively,
herbalists can try to poach it without being noticed. Characters
that enter Kor Immarmor with Redfern can pick as much as
they want from the terraces. Fresh Fire Nettle weighs 1 Enc per
3 doses and must be handled with care.

9. Vesterrup 10. Ammenvale
Type: Small Village Type: Large Elf Villa
Plague Status: 100% have been infected; 25% currently sick Plague Status: 100% have been infected; 0% currently sick

The independent village of Vesterrup is tucked away in the Ammenvale contains the secret experiments of the Archmage
foothills between three baronies. Originally settled by outlaws, Darlorhan, and is guarded by the Sons of Asuryan (see
the location is ideal for evading bounty hunters and tax Appendix). Hidden within a gnarled, rotted forest is a stately
collectors. The only overland approach is a trail from the old villa in the High Elven style. Neatly groomed gardens form a
Elven road. Locals count on the nearby Wood Elves to deter perfect 200-yard circular clearing with the villa at its center.
unwanted visitors. Oswald Kochler (page 9, 37) owns a pair Visitors possessing ‘the sight’ can observe an invisible dome
of illegal logging camps here. Logs are floated downriver to surrounding the gardens. The dome, which Eonir call the
Hargendorf for sale. ‘Shield of Asuryan’, appears to repel the winds of magic, and is
far older than the buildings it now contains.
Vesterrup was the first Human settlement afflicted by the
plague. Many villagers have suffered permanent scarring around Characters can only find the Sanctuary with help of a guide,
their eyes, hair loss and anaemia. Herr Kochler has convinced by tracking someone there, or by chasing maddened Spites.
them that the plague is a test to separate the strong from the Trespassers are likely to be intercepted by a patrol of Sons of
weak, and should be embraced. They are unaware that he is a Asuryan while navigating the tainted wood. Although Eonir
cultist of Nurgle — something which Herr Kochler is only legends recall a forbidden sanctuary of Asuryan, few Elves have
intermittently aware of himself. Locals know about the tainted seen Ammenvale firsthand.
wood at the northern end of Lake Ammen, but have drawn no
connection to the disease. 0 Tainted Wood: The tangled forest within 2 miles of
Ammenvale is corrupted by the Mulch-Rot, a Daemon
Herr Kochler’s Apiary & Brewery of Nurgle, and his fellow Plaguebearers (see Appendix).
Herr Kochler owns an apiary set apart from the village. The Every surface is infected with Red Blight. Characters have
beekeeper Otto is a hulking, bald brute who waddles around a 50% chance per hour of encountering a Plaguebearer
tending the hives. His wife Gertrude is mean and wiry, with or Maddenned Tree Kin (see Appendix). Some Tree Kin
exceptionally long fingers. They worship Nurgle but only know have broken chains dangling from them, a relic of their
him as ‘Sweet Urfather’ and they regard the ‘bees’ as his sacred terrible treatment. A small group of Maddened Tree Kin
creations. Both use the Mutant standard profile (WFRP, page escaped and are hiding outside the tainted wood. The
333). Otto’s mutation (Corpulent) and the Brute Trait give him Sons of Asuryan are fighting to protect these surviving
-2 Movement, +15 Strength and +15 Toughness. Gertrude’s soul-vessels and understand what has happened to them.
mutation (Distended Digits) gives her +10 Dexterity.
0 Shield of Asuryan: Wizards can roll an Average (+20)
0 Hives: 1d10+5 Maddened Spites (see Appendix) Perception Test to see plumes of putrid magic rolling off
are concealed within the hives. If a hive is damaged the invisible dome. Lore of Nurgle spells that are cast
or Otto is attacked, they swarm out to fight. outside the shield, but within 20 yards of it, gain +1 SL.
However, daemons or undead attempting to pass through
0 Brewery: Gertrude is usually making mead here. the shield disintegrate instantaneously. Characters with
4 jars of honey and 8 kegs of mead are ready for Corruption Points or Mutations feel a lingering pain
distribution. Consuming either the honey or the while inside it.
mead automatically infects a Character with
Eyeslime Fever. 0 Sanctuary of Equilibrium: Spellcasters immediately
notice the winds of magic are faint inside the garden.
0 House: 2 Jolly Axemen (see Appendix) are posted Only Light wizards and priests of Asuryan can cast
here to guard the apiary. They arrive outside 3 spells within the sanctuary. The ‘villa’ consists of three
rounds after a commotion is heard. large, stone buildings connected by long bridges and
surrounded by hedges. At the center of the sanctuary is a
chamber housing Darlorhan’s inanimate body.


Sanctuary of Equilibrium D. Villa: The ground-level entrance (Secure Door, locked)

The sanctuary has been guarded as a holy site of Asuryan for over accesses the villa’s living quarters which span the first
2,000 years. Prior to that, Elven mages researched soul-binding two storeys. Only the kitchen and three bedrooms were
techniques in the untainted environment and experimented restored by the Keepers. The remaining rooms are empty,
with Laurelorn’s exotic flora. The site’s history dates back even dusty and occupied by rats. Shoe tracks through the dust
further, to the Old Ones themselves. However, the Elves cannot upstairs can be followed to a secret door leading to the
ascertain its original purpose. Darlorhan’s careless bargain with workshops.
Grubile the Inhabited has turned the ward that once protected
the sanctuary into a siphon for Nurgle’s corruption. The third storey workshops have been unused for millennia.
The doors from the bridges are locked (Normal Doors). Thick
A. Gardens: The well-maintained gardens are watched by dust covers tables and workbenches, and spiderwebs cling
three Sons of Asuryan on separate patrols. As soon as to everything. Books were either destroyed by Darlorhan
one spots a trespasser, they run to B or C to inform the or relocated to Tor Lithanel, leaving the shelves empty. The
guard there. The juniper and lilac hedges are 5’ high, and antiquated Elven instruments are not functional but could
dense enough to conceal a party from view. Four swans be repaired. Three workshops are contained within the same
swim on the pond (2 white, 2 black). If the swans are colonnaded hall, each requiring separate Search tests:
fed inequitably, they fight amongst themselves causing
a great racket. 0 Alchemy Workshop: Alchemical ingredients have
long since evaporated or desiccated into useless
B. Pyramid Hall: The entrance is locked (Secure Door). powder. Searching disturbs three Giant Spiders
Inside are 8 stone slabs with Elf skeletons lying on two (WFRP, page 315). If searching Characters fail a
of them. Searching reveals a small gem of solidified green Challenging (+0) Perception Tests the Spiders
magic inside each skull. Stairs ascend to the bridges. At cause Surprised Conditions as they attack.
the ceiling’s apex 20 yards overhead is a huge purple
gemstone made of solidified Shyish (TB 4, Wounds 6), 0 Botany Workshop: All plant specimens have
which enables the Lore of Death to be cast inside the crumbled to dust. However, Darlorhan’s spore
hall. Destroying the gem creates a brief surge of magic, weapons survive in a dormant state and can be
awakening the Tree Kin at C. The pyramid is guarded by reactivated by exposure to magic. A successful
1 Keeper. If the Shield of Asuryan drops, the skeletons Average (+20) Perception Test finds a hidden
awaken (WFRP, page 327) and vandalise the villa’s locked cupboard (TB 3, Wounds 8) containing glass
workshops (D) at Grubile’s command. jars lined with a fuzz-like substance, including 8 red
(Red Blight), 5 yellow (Eyeslime Fever), and 2 green
C. Hall of the Sun: The entrance is locked (Secure Door). (Brain Rot). If the cupboard is destroyed by more
Inside, the dome-shaped hall is illuminated through a than 2 Wounds over its limit, 1d10 jars are smashed,
glass skylight. Stairs ascend to the bridges. Clustered producing a noxious spore cloud. See Spreading
together under the skylight are 5 slumbering Tree Kin, Diseases on page 32 for consequences of tampering
guarded by 1 Keeper. Growing from the dirt floor are with dormant spores.
Nightshade plants (6 doses) and Monk Nose mushrooms
(4 doses). If the Shield of Asuryan drops or the purple 0 Embalming Workshop: An Elf skeleton lies on a
gem at B is destroyed, the Tree Kin awaken and defend workbench, arms folded across its chest. Inside the
the sanctuary from trespassers. skull is a green gem that can be found with a Search
Test. The gem is crystallised magic containing the
mage’s soul, and can be used as a power source to
cast spells from the Lore of Life.



E. Crystal Chamber: The slender central tower is covered

with creeping vines. There is no ground-level entrance, POWER STONES
however the doors from the bridges are unlocked (Normal Elven mages can create gemstones made of pure, solidified
Doors). Inside the tower is Darlorhan’s inanimate magic. Power Stones are typically used to store magical
body encased in crystal. Atop his crystal sarcophagus energy, enchant objects, or bind souls and elementals. Using
is the Brazier of the Sun. Gossamer filaments connect a Powerstone as an ingredient for a spell of the corresponding
the sarcophagus to other parts of the complex. The Lore confers +3SL to the Casting test. Other Power Stone rules
sarcophagus is half-covered in vines that have intruded are covered in the Winds of Magic sourcebook.
through the tower windows.
The green (Life) Power Stones at Ammenvale were created
This apparatus, left behind by the fabled Old Ones, generates long ago, and therefore crumble to dust after a single use.
the Shield of Asuryan and is now powered by Darlorhan’s soul The white (Light) and purple (Death) stones can be used 1d5
energy. The Keeper patrol leader awaits telepathic commands times because they were created more recently. Note that Power
here, along with another Son of Asuryan who carries a trumpet Stones of Elven creation are far more durable than those made
to signal alarm. They can attempt Perception tests to hear by College Wizards.
commotion outside. Characters’ actions might have far-reaching
consequences (see “Dropping the Forcefield” on page 31).

0 C
rystal Sarcophagus: The crystal can sustain 10 CONCLUSIONS &
Wounds before shattering. Darlorhan’s milky eyes
open if the first blow is inadequate. The forcefield
drops almost immediately after the crystal shatters,
and the bridges begin to collapse. The adventure’s climactic scene will probably occur at
Ammenvale. Only by disabling the daemonic ward can the
0 Brazier of the Sun: The Keepers stoke the brazier tainted wood be healed and Eyeslime Fever cured. However,
with gems of crystallised white magic. If removed, Nurgle’s influence runs deep. Curing this plague lays fertile
the forcefield drops after 1 hour but the bridges don’t ground for other poxes to blossom. Human-Elf relations are
collapse. strained in the disease’s aftermath. In the Realms of Chaos, the
Nurglish daemon Grubile listens with glee to reports of the
0 Gossamer Filaments: These silver threads are part unfolding experiment.
of a soul-transfer network that’s no longer in use.
Severing a thread causes purple magic to surge Mortal adventurers have a part to play in the experiment’s
through the complex, awakening the Tree Kin at C. outcome. In the heroes’ hour of triumph, however, they will
suddenly find themselves challenged with new complications.
0 Vines of Blight: The clinging vines enable Grubile Seeds of corruption will have continued to sprout even after
to speak through Darlorhan’s body from the Realm Mulch-Rot and Oswald Kochler were defeated. Though
of Nurgle. Burning or removing them only silences Darlorhan’s soul was far beyond salvation, he will already have
Grubile temporarily until they eventually regrow. served Nurgle admirably as a conduit of divisive and virulent
ideas. War between Nordland and the Protectorate of Laurelorn
might already be inevitable.

A wide array of outcome scenarios is possible, most of which can

occur either alone or in tandem. The adventure’s denouement
might unfold over days (or even weeks) following its climax.
At an appropriate dramatic pause after Ammenvale, players
can use an Endeavour to distribute medicine to needy plague
victims. Parties might then return to the Golden Wood for a
new Campaign Hook, even as Nurgle’s lingering taint festers
and foments discord around them.


Thwarting the Shield 0 Plague!: Red Blight and Eyeslime Fever will
The Shield of Asuryan can be lowered by removing the Brazier spread throughout Nordland and beyond unless
of the Sun or shattering the Crystal Sarcophagus. Winds of the Tainted Wood is burnt and medicine is
magic flood the Sanctuary when the forcefield drops, producing widely distributed (see below). Middenheim and
a 10 round magical surge that grants any channelling or casting Salzenmund bar their gates to all out fo fear of
test a +5 SL bonus. With the closure of the daemonic portal, the plague. The Elves are blamed for this assault,
Nurglish corruption ceases flowing into the Tainted Wood and even as cooler heads attempt to ascertain the
daemons become Unstable. However, the rotting flora is still truth of the situation. Thousands perish before the
infected with Red Blight for weeks afterwards. outbreak is finally brought under control, but flare-
ups continue for years afterwards.
0 Sons of Asuran: If Darlorhan turns into a Chaos
Spawn, surviving Sons admit they were deceived 0 War!: Political tensions will escalate to war
and side with the Characters. Their priority between Nordland and the Wood Elves unless
becomes ensuring the other experiments in the Oswald Kochler is defeated (see below). A surprise
workshop remain undisturbed. assault by Wood Elves and Tree Kin demolishes
Skogholm, prompting Baron Nikse to deploy
0 Collapsing Bridges: The Crystal Chamber’s an army to Forstfast. Characters remaining
destruction causes all bridges to collapse (inner in the area are caught in a deadly crossfire
bridges crumble in 5 Rounds; outer bridges last 10 between combatants with shoot-to-kill orders.
Rounds). Characters on a collapsing bridge must
leap to safety or fall 10 yards. Defeating the Nurgle Cult
Mulch-Rot can be found in the Tainted Wood by tracking the
0 Mulch-Rot’s Assault: Mulch-Rot and seven ill-fated Shallyans from Vesterrup, or by following Maddened
Plaguebearers storm the unshielded Sanctuary to Spites into the taint. Mulch-Rot’s branches are adorned with
destroy the workshop. If unopposed, they reach severed heads and limbs of Shallyan nuns, and he’s accompanied
the villa in 5 Rounds and demolish the building by several Plaguebearers. Disguised as a nature spirit, Mulch-
1 minute later. Rot might try to parley with the Characters and persuade them
to investigate Ammenvale. Destroying Mulch-Rot is worth 80
0 Tree Kin Allies: Awakened unaffected Tree Kin XP. Even if Mulch-Rot is destroyed, a team of charcoal burners
from location C might aid the characters. Each will have to spend three days torching rotted trees and culling
one attacks a Daemon, leaving the party to handle Maddened Spites and Tree Kin to prevent Red Blight from
Mulch-Rot. Treekin combats can be resolved spreading. Burning down the Tainted Wood counts as a group
abstractly. Each Tree Kin has a 60% of winning Endeavour, and awards 1 Resilience Point per character.
their battle after 1d10+2 rounds, as the Daemons
succumd to Daemonic Instability. Herr Oswald Kochler cannot be defeated merely by killing
him; he must be publicly discredited. Characters may expose
0 Diseases Released: If the jars from Darlorhan’s Kochler’s lies by making Opposed Charm tests in Forstfast
workshop are opened, or location D is destroyed to debate him. Supporting evidence may earn them a +20
by Mulch-Rot’s assault, new diseases might modifier. Additionally, a Foment Dissent Endeavour (WFRP,
be released (see “Spreading Diseases” below). page 200) must be undertaken in settlements visited previously
by the guildmaster. Should Kochler’s lies be exposed at Forstfast
Leaving the Forcefield Intact and other settlements, he counts as “defeated” and the anti-
Nurgle’s daemons will continue haunting the Tainted Wood for Elven sentiment abates somewhat. Defeating Herr Kochler
as long as the forcefield remains active, and Maddened Spites temporarily averts outright war (see above) and is worth 80 XP.
will continue spreading Red Blight. Nurgle’s children are many, Characters might be asked to testify before a travelling judge
and defeated Plaguebearers are easily replaced by others from from Salzenmund.
Nurgle’s realm within a few days. The following consequences
are time-sensitive, and if not averted, will occur after the party’s
Endeavour to distribute medicine for the Shallyans.


Defeating the Asuryan Cult Distributing False Cures

The Sons of Asuryan can only be released from Grubile’s Nightshade and Monk Nose are fake cures being touted by the
influence if their master Darlorhan is exposed as a Chaos Nordland Foresters’ Guild. Characters who distribute these
Spawn. The tentacles that sprout from his convulsing body herbs without knowing if they are useful, and especially if they
attack randomly, meanwhile Grubile’s laughing form becomes know they are not, are assisting Grubile’s plans. Individuals
faintly visible where the sarcophagus was. Even if characters flee, involved in the transaction must test for Corruption as
the Spawn will be crushed beneath collapsing stonework after described on page 10. The repercussions of trading in these
5 Rounds. Putting Darlorhan to rest is worth 80 XP. Parties useless remedies are as follows.
that kill more than three Sons of Asuryan without exposing
Darlorhan as a Spawn will find themselves being hunted by 0 Nightshade: Characters who distributed
another patrol from Kor Immarmor. Nightshade at Skogholm will be responsible for
the deaths of innocent Dwarfs several days later.
Distributing Medicine
Every session, characters can earn 5-25 bonus XP for gathering, 0 Monk Nose: Characters who distributed Monk
selling and giving away legitimate medicine. Supplying all three Nose at any Plague Town will cause Eyeslime
plague medicines (Moonflower, Fire Nettle and Bluebell) to all Fever to mutate into Bilious Plague a week later.
three afflicted towns (Zelebhorn, Hargendorf and Skogholm)
yields noticeable improvement in recovery and mortality rates. Spreading Diseases
For saving these hundreds of lives, the goddess Shallya awards Intentionally spreading Eyeslime Fever, even to ones enemies,
1 Fate Point per character. Logging activity resumes in the is an act of Nurglish malevolence. Perpetrators must roll a
Forstmark at reduced levels, but the Red Blight is not entirely Corruption test for Moderate Exposure (WFRP, page 182).
halted unless the Tainted Wood is burned (see above).
Releasing new diseases from Ammenvale’s workshop
(intentionally or not) counts as Minor Exposure for the whole
party if the experiments are exposed to magic — which they
EXPERIENCE AND will be if the ward drops and the experiments are disturbed.
CORRUPTION POINTS These diseases may be anything the GM wishes. The unreleased
Players receive 75–125 base XP per session, plus bonuses: pestilent infections supplied to Darlorhan during the War of
0 Gathering medicine 10 XP the Beard have likely found other ways into the world since
0 Selling medicine 5 XP that time, and may be familiar poxes and plagues, or they
0 Giving away medicine 10 XP may be something never before seen in the Empire. The GM
is enocuraged to be creative in spreading Nurgle’s blessings
One-time story bonuses: throughout the region.
0 Bringing Olof to justice 20 XP
0 Destroying the Apiary 30 XP Spreading Misinformation
0 Destroying Mulch-Rot 50 XP Nurglish propaganda from the Nordland Foresters’ Guild serves
0 Defeating Oswald Krampf 50 XP Grubile by destabilising Nordlander society and increasing
0 Euthanizing Darlorhan 75 XP vulnerability to disease. Characters who spread these lies
publicly must immediately roll for Corruption, with severity
Corruption Point sources: decided by the GM. Blaming all Elves for the plague or
(Roll Cool Test to resist) conflating Moonflower with actual Elf hair counts as Minor
0 Bringing Engidu a sacrifice 1 CP Exposure. Distributing Herr Kochler’s leaflets or advocating
0 Spreading Nurgle’s diseases 1 CP fake cures and plague denialism counts as Moderate Exposure.
0 Spreading Nurgle’s propaganda 1–2 CP
0 Distributing Nightshade 1 CP
0 Distributing Monk Nose 1 CP

Fate and Resilience Point awards:

0 Distributing medicine widely 1 FP
0 Burning the Tainted Wood 1 RP


Rules Treatment
Contraction: Fail an Average (+20) Endurance Test within There is no cure for Eyeslime Fever, however individual
2 yards of an infected person. This test is Challenging (0) for symptoms can be managed with various medicines found in the
Dwarfs and Easy (+40) for Elves. Direct contact with infected Laurelorn.
eye fluids penalises the test by a further -20. Some victims,
usually those in the care of Shallyans, wear blindfolds to contain 0 M
oonflower (“Elf Hair”): Prevents fever from
the awful outpouring of pus, which avoids inflicting this penalty Lingering beyond its current duration. Dry moss
on others. is boiled, and its vapour inhaled. Found in the
Golden Wood (#5).
Incubation: 4d10 hours
Duration: 1d10+4 days 0 Wild Hyacinth (“Bluebell”): Reduces Ocular
Symptoms: See WFRP, page 188 for symptom effects. Ocular Discharge by one severity level. Concentrated
Discharge is a new symptom. flower extract is consumed in ‘blue tea’. Found at
Schlaghügel (#6).
0 Humans and Halflings: Ocular Discharge
(Moderate), Fever, Lingering (Average) 0 Folia Ignatus (“Fire Nettle”): Prevents Hair Loss
and Anemia. Fresh leaves are cooked in a medicinal
0 Dwarfs: Ocular Discharge (Heavy), Fever, soup. Found at the Ruins of Kor Immarmor (#8).
Lingering (Challenging), Blight (Moderate)
Most of the false cures being promoted have no effect. Fake
0 Elves: Ocular Discharge (Light), Lingering (Easy) cures touted by the Nordland Foresters’ Guild actually worsen
the disease.
Permanent: If the fever lingers beyond its initial duration,
victims lose clumps of hair (of particular distress to Dwarfs), 0 Belladonna (“Nightshade”): Worsens the Blight
and become pale and sickly looking. If the fever lingers beyond symptom in Dwarfs from Moderate to Severe.
two cycles, victims further loss of hair and suffer a permanent Extract is consumed in tea. Found at Forstfast (#3)
loss of 5 Toughness. and Ammenvale (#10).

0 F
ungi Mucosa (“Monk Nose”): The current crop
of mushrooms mutates the disease into Bilious
NEW SYMPTOM: Plague, though this may change over time as
OCULAR DISCHARGE the GM sees fit. Bilious Plague uses the same
Your rheumy eyes produce constant streams of fluid that obscure Eyeslime Fever rules above, plus victims gain the
vision. The fluid’s consistency can range from watery tears to gooey Prejudice Trait. If the disease lingers, upgrade to
pus depending on severity. For every severity level, you receive a Animosity on the second cycle, and Hatred on the
Blinded Condition (Light = 1, Moderate = 2, Heavy = 3). Blinded third cycle. Found growing at Auld Troldved (#7)
Conditions can be temporarily removed by spending an action and Ammenvale (#10).
wiping your eyes with a cloth. However, three rounds later the fluids
begin filling your eyes again, at a rate of one Condition per round.
Cloths used in this way are naturally highly infectious to others.


Alrik Okrisson Alrik has heard of the tainted wood north of Vesterrup but
Dwarf Bounty Hunter General receives no compensation for bounties outside the Forstmark.
Alrik is the angriest Dwarf in Skogholm, and possibly the entire Since the plague outbreak, Alrik has tried to arrest Redfern on
Laurelorn forest. For centuries he’s tried – without success – to charges of spreading the ‘fey curse’ through his music. Alrik
avenge his ancestors’ grudges from the War of the Beard. Alrik currently resides in Forstfast as Skogholm is under quarantine.
has apprehended some of the Laurelorn’s most notorious outlaws
but catching Elves in the damnable forest is nigh impossible.
They vanish before his crossbow can be reloaded, and they slip ALRIK OKRISSON
easily out of his manacles. A cheeky minstrel named Redfern BOUNTY HUNTER (SILVER 3)
has popularised songs depicting the bounty hunter as a buffoon.
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
3 60 41 33 54 28 30 42 32 58 16 18
Forty years ago, an arthritic knee and failing eyesight forced
Alrik into semi-retirement. Baron Nikse’s father Helmut Traits: Armour 2 (7), Ranged (Crossbow) +9 (60),
Weapon (Axe) +7
approached the Dwarf with an offer. If Alrik recruited bounty
Skills: Bribery 26, Charm 26, Gossip 30, Haggle 30,
hunters to rid the Forstmark of outlaws, the Nikse family would
Intuition 38, Endurance 64, Melee (Basic) 70,
pay all bounties. Alrik accepted the baron’s deal, and within a
Perception 34, Outdoor Survival 42, Ranged
week Elf convicts were being arrested by Alrik’s crew. Although (Crossbow) 61, Track 38
many of the charges against Elves are spurious, the Nikse family
Talents: Accurate Shot, Magic Resilience, Marksman,
continues sponsoring Alrik. Night Vision, Relentless, Resolute, Strike to Stun,
Sturdy, Sure Shot
Alrik is exceedingly polite to Elf characters because he wants to Trappings: Cloak, Clothing, Crossbow with 12 bolts,
appear reasonable. He doesn’t belong to the Nordland Foresters’ Dagger, Elf Hair, Hand Weapon (Axe), Pouch, Blanket,
Guild, but he admires Guildmaster Kochler and has helped the Rations - 1 day
merchant spread rumours about Elves.


Darlorhan, Lord of Shadows DARLORHAN, FALLEN ARCHMAGE

(called ‘The Blinding Death’ by Dwarfs) M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
The Elven archmage Darlorhan is over 4,000 years old. In the age
5 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 65 10 10 7
before the War of the Beard, he lived as a hermit experimenting
Skills: Lore (Chaos 80, History 90, Magic 90)
with Laurelorn’s exotic flora. Although Darlorhan’s reclusiveness
earned him the epithet ‘The Hermit Lord’, he was one of the The statline above may be used to represent Darlorhan
few wizards capable of binding departed Elven souls into trees should he be awoken. He may use these stats for 1d10
to preserve them from Chaos. Darlorhan chose the site of minutes, during which time he will scream, weep, gibber,
and explain anything the Characters missed. After 1d10
Ammenvale for his work because it was shielded by an anti- minutes, his long exposure to Chaos overwhealms him all
Chaos field of ancient origin. at once, and he becomes a Chaos Spawn.

During the later years of the War of the Beard, Darlorhan

unleashed a deadly disease on the Dwarf invaders. In the DARLORHAN, VESSEL OF GRUBILE
Eonir’s hour of desperation, the mage had unknowingly struck M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
a bargain with dark powers to complete his research. Today,
6 65 0 55 65 10 10 10 5 25 0 38
Darlorhan’s body is preserved in crystal at Ammenvale, where
Combat Traits: Armour 3 (9), Size (Large), Weapon
the Shield of Asuryan is sustained by his magical essence.
(Loathsome Maw) +10
Though his body cannot move or speak, the Hermit Lord
Traits: Infected, Corrupting Influence (Moderate)
can still issue instructions to devoted guardians by means of
telepathy. However, the voice they hear is actually Grubile the
Inhabited, a greater daemon of Nurgle.


Torendil Redfern
Torendil is a famous personality in the eastern Laurelorn where FORMER FOREST RANGER (SILVER 5)
he’s commonly known as ‘Redfern’. The young minstrel’s origins
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
are as mysterious as his talent with a lute. No Elf is certain of
5 55 46 35 30 48 54 57 42 41 37 12
his birth Kindred, only that he was born in Kor Immarmor and
his grandmother was a famous mage in the War of the Beard. Traits: Armour 1 (4), Weapon (Dagger) +6, Ranged (Elf
Bow) +9
Redfern wanders the Laurelorn playing in Norland’s inns and
Skills: Athletics 45, Climb 60, Dodge 64, Entertain
gathering news of anything that might threaten the forest or
(Singing) 67, Gossip 47, Haggle 47, Intuition 58, Lore
his kin. (Beasts 52, Magic 47), Melee (Basic) 65, Outdoor
Survival 52, Perception 68, Perform (Dance) 64, Pick
At present, Redfern is hiding from Alrik’s bounty hunters in Lock 67, Play (Lute) 77, Ranged (Bow) 61, Sleight of
the Golden Wood. Though the minstrel’s music is indeed Hand 77
magical, he is not in league with the ‘Lord of Death’ as Alrik Talents: Acute Sense (Sight), Blather, Jump Up, Night
Vision, Rover, Second Sight, Strider (Woodlands),
claims. Redfern shares information with the bridge guardian
Sharp, Suave, Very Resilient
Athanoc. This ancient Elf knew Redfern’s grandmother when
Trappings: Backpack, Cloak, Clothing, Dagger, Elf
she apprenticed under Darlorhan. Redfern has heard about Bow with 12 Elf Arrows, Enchanted Lute, Pouch,
Ammenvale but will not betray the Keepers of the Balance. Blanket, Rations - 1 day, Tinderbox
Deep down, he’s afraid to learn the truth about his grandmother.
Redfern will share his knowledge of the‘Lord of Shadows’ with The Lute Redfern carries is well made, but for much of its
characters who protect him from Alrik’s bounty hunters. The War existence was otherwise unremarkable. After a particularly
stirring performance in the Golden Wood some years
of the Beard section on page 4 can be used as a basis for Redfern’s ago, a forest spirit was so entranced by Redfern’s music
story. He doesn’t know about Darlorhan’s Nurglish corruption. that it took up residence inside his lute. By playing,
Although Redfern suspects a coverup of some sort by the cult Redfern can coax the spirit into casting any spell from the
of Asuryan, he only confesses this to Eonir characters who’ve Lore of Life with a CN of 6 or less as if it had made the
Casting Test with 0 SL to spare. In anyone else’s hands,
earned his trust. After guiding characters to Kor Immarmor,
it is likely the spirit would flee and the lute become inert.
Redfern is inclined to return to the Golden Wood.


Guardian Mage of the Laurelorn
Athanoc, Guardian Mage of the Laurelorn
Athanoc is one of Laurelorn’s few surviving refugees from the
War of the Beard. He arrived from Kor Vanaeth (now Altdorf ) ATHANOC,
and lived with other refugees in the riverside caves. In that era, GUARDIAN MAGE OF THE LAURELORN
the bridge was made of stone. Athanoc is now a hermit with M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
few ties. The dour guardian wears brown furs over grey robes
5 64 43 33 30 62 50 34 58 60 34 15
and carries a staff of Lornalim. He is bored of gatekeeping but
Traits: Weapon (Staff of Athanoc) 8
doesn’t trust anyone else with the responsibility.
Skills: Animal Care 71, Channelling (Qhaysh) 70,
Engidu Dodge 70, Language Battle-Tongue 71, Language
Magick 66, Lore Magic 71, Melee (Basic) 70,
Ancient of the Underwood Melee (Polearm) 66, Perception 84,
Engidu is an ancient being, possed of abilities and motivations Stealth (Rural) 60, Track 79
alien even to the Elves who know him best. He does not have Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Animal Affinity,
Combat Aware, Commanding Presence, Detect
a profile, but can can manifest as a Treekin (page 40) should
Artefact, Fast Hands, Impassioned Zeal, Lightning
he wish. If the Characters attempt to fight Engidu while he Reflexes, Luck 3, Magical Sense, Petty Magic, Read/
appears as a Treekin, he may entertain the effort for a round Write, Second Sight, Sixth Sense, Strike Mighty Blow,
or two before abandoning his unfortunate host. He will take Strong-minded, Very Resilient, War Wizard
revenge in inventive and long lasting ways. For example, he may Spells: Petty Magic Spells: Dart, Drain, Eavesdrop,
ask the sprit of the Demst river to ensure its waters never again Open Lock, Sounds, Warning
slake the thirst of any who attacked him, or invoke ancient Arcane Spells: Bolt, Blast, Corrosive Blood,
pacts to ensure that wood from the Laurelorn crumbles to ash Distracting, Entangle, Flight, Manifest Lesser Daemon,
Octagram, Teleport, Ward
at the victims touch. One need only consider that such timbers
Trappings: Staff of Athanoc ( +SB +5, Magical,
are used in buildings, weapons, and boats across the Empire
Unbreakable), Cloak, Corrupted Bark, Pouch
to realise the inconvenience this might cause. Breaking such a
curse might be an adventure in its own right.

Sons of Asuryan Herr Oswald Kochler,

The Sons of Asuryan consist of 42 elite warriors who’ve devoted Forester Guildmaster
their lives to Asuryan’s plan. Half of their number are currently Herr Kochler is a prominent timber merchant and Salzenmund
based in Ammenvale and Kor Immarmor. The remainder guard city councillor, who owns logging camps near the Laurelorn
Asuryan’s temple in Tor Lithanel or patrol other arcane sites village of Vesterrup. He recently founded the Nordland
throughout the Laurelorn. Keeper patrols traditionally include Foresters’ Guild to represent woodsmen and protest logging
seven Sons of Asuryan (or ‘Aesasur’) who are proficient with quotas imposed by Elves. Kochler is not above working with
bow and glaive. Initiation requires swearing an oath to the Goblins to arrange a lucrative deal. While touring the Laurelorn
Phoenix King. to spread misinformation and advocate anti-Elf policies,
Kochler is escorted by a band of sycophantic woodsmen with
The Queen of Laurelorn recognises the group’s legacy but axes to grind.
secretly considers them potential traitors to the Eonir. Without
guidance from the seers of Lileath, the Sons have turned to Nurgle’s favour was bestowed upon the merchant years prior to
the voice of Darlorhan for instruction. Over time, the cult has the current outbreak. The sickness left Kochler with bald patches
become increasingly patriarchal. Its members remain unaware in his curly black hair, which he covers by wearing a large, gaudy
that Darlorhan is a puppet of Nurgle. Sons of Asuryan rarely hat. His skin is pale and clammy, and he frequently rubs his
speak, favouring hand signals to communicate with one another. hands together as if anticipating something. Herr Kochler
Verbal negotiation with trespassers is handled by the patrol spreads misinformation about the plague to incriminate Eonir
leader, and is usually brief. and cause a wider conflict in the Laurelorn. Suitably articulate
foresters are inducted into Kochler’s cult with a ‘golden
SONS OF ASURYAN handshake’ that makes recipients immune to Eyeslime Fever,
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W but also begins a process of internal rot.

Brother 5 50 40 35 40 50 40 40 40 50 30 15
5 55 40 40 45 55 40 40 40 55 30 16
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
Skills: 4 41 31 38 37 42 39 35 35 39 52 15
Brother: Athletics 45, Cool 60, Dodge 50, Endurance
50, Heal 50, Language (Eltharin 43), Leadership 40, Traits: Golden Handshake (Special), Immunity
Lore (Theology 50), Melee (Basic 55, Two-Handed 60), (Eyeslime Fever), Mental Blocks, Prejudice (Elves)
Outdoor Survival 45, Perception 53, Pray 40, Ranged
(Bow 55), Track 53 Golden Handshake: Herr Kochler’s physical mutation
is unique. The palms of his hands can excrete a Chaotic
Patrol Leader: Athletics 45, Charm 40, Cool 70, Dodge mucus that confers the following on contact: Immunity
55, Endurance 60, Heal 55, Intimidate 50, Intuition (Eyeslime Fever) and Corruption (Moderate – Mental).
65, Language (Battle 45, Eltharin 43), Leadership 45, Skills: Animal Care 45, Bribery 67, Charm 67,
Lore (Theology 55), Melee (Basic 60, Two-Handed 65), Consume Alcohol 52, Cool 42, Drive 49, Evaluate 50,
Outdoor Survival 45, Perception 58, Pray 45, Ranged Gamble 45, Gossip 67, Haggle 67, Language (Guilder
(Bow 60), Track 58 50, Norse 38), Leadership 57, Lore (Nordland 50,
Reikland 40), Melee (Basic 46), Navigation 57,
Talents: Ranged (Bow 34), Secret Signs (Guilder 50)
Brother: Acute Sense (Sight), Etiquette (Cultists), Talents: Blather, Briber, Dealmaker, Doomed,
Night Vision, Read/Write, Rover, Second Sight, Secret Embezzle, Flee!, Hardy, Mimic, Read/Write, Savvy
Signs (Ranger) Trappings: Dagger, Hand Weapon (Axe), Apiary
Patrol Leader: as Brother, plus Holy Visons (Vesterrup), Logging Camp (Vesterrup), Timber
Plot (Auld Troldved), Townhouse (Salzenmund),
Warehouse (Hargendorf), 2 Wagons, Guild Licence
Trappings: Dagger, Bow (Patrol Leader has an Elf (Merchants), Guild Charter (Foresters), 26 Pamphlets
Bow), 10 Arrows (5 regular and 5 Elven), Glaive (counts (Handout #2), Petition, Sling Bag, Writing Kit,
as Great Axe), Torch, Hooded Cloak (black & white), Monk Nose (1 dose), Pouch with 56 GC 38/-,
Half-mask (white), Face Paint (black), Key Ring for Strongbox with 200 GC (Salzenmund)
Ammenvale (8 keys)


The Jolly Axemen FORESTER

The Nordland Foresters’ Guild has already surpassed a hundred
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
members. Most of them are woodsmen and hunters who were
4 35 35 35 45 30 35 30 35 30 30 14
raised from childhood to fear Elves. Guildmaster Kochler
hand-picks the most articulate foresters for his personal clique Skills: Animal Care 40, Athletics 40, Charm 33,
Consume Alcohol 50, Cool 35, Drive 40, Endurance 50,
which he calls “the jolly axemen”. These rugged frontiersmen Evaluate 38, Gossip 35, Haggle 33, Lore (Nordland 40),
make fine cultists of Nurgle because their personalities are jovial Melee (Basic 40, Brawling 45), Outdoor Survival 40,
on the outside but hateful on the inside. The guild also includes Ranged (Bow 40), Trade (Carpenter or Tanner 35)
a dozen or so sawmill workers and timber merchants. Talents: Doomed, Marksman, Savvy, Sturdy, Rover,
Tenacious, Very Resilient
The Jolly Axemen are blissfully unaware that they serve Trappings: Dagger, Hand Weapon (Axe), Leather
Nurgle because Herr Kochler’s ‘golden handshake’ gives them Jerkin, Bow and 10 arrows, 50% chance Lock of Elf
Hair, Pouch with 3d10 pennies
immunity to Eyeslime Fever. They appear hale and hearty
with full heads of hair. However, Jolly Axemen are vectors for
corruption of another kind. While Chaos taint slowly consumes
their souls, the cultists spread messages of hate and violence in
the Laurelorn. The resultant confusion and turmoil ultimately
leads to more sickness and spawns new forms of contagion.

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 45 30 45 40 30 40 30 30 30 35 15
Traits: Mental Corruption, Prejudice (Elves)
Skills: Animal Care 35, Athletics 50, Charm 40,
Consume Alcohol 50, Cool 35, Dodge 45, Drive 45,
Endurance 50, Entertain (Storytelling 40, Taunt 45),
Evaluate 33, Gossip 45, Haggle 38, Intimidate 50, Lore
(Nordland 40), Melee (Basic 55, Brawling 55, Two-
Handed 50), Outdoor Survival 40, Ranged (Bow 33)
Talents: Attractive, Dirty Fighting, Doomed, Read/
Write, Strong Back, Suave, Very Strong, Warrior Born
Trappings: Dagger, Hand Weapon (Axe with 1
Quality), Leather Jack, Great Axe, Knuckledusters,
Lock of Elf hair, Pouch with 3d10 pennies


Mulch-Rot, Herald of Grubile Tree Kin

The Plaguebearer that brought Eyeslime Fever is a grotesque In the Laurelorn forest, incorporeal spirits of various kinds
pot-bellied cyclops covered in fungal cysts. Mulch-Rot was inhabit the husks of dead trees. These animated hulks with
birthed from the mournful souls of drowning swamp trees. branches for limbs are a parody of humanoids. Nature spirits
In the mortal realm, Mulch-Rot possesses the husks of trees, possess trees temporarily to fight intruders. Should these Tree
whichs begin to rot within days and grow thick patches of mold. Kin be slain, the dispersed nature spirits may survive. Another
Other Plaguebearers gather around scraping eagerly at Mulch- type of Tree Kin is the soul vessel, created by Eonir (Forestborn)
Rot’s mold to spread the infection. funeral rites to shelter departed Elven souls from Chaos. Soul
vessels are normally inanimate but can be awakened by magic or
Mulch-Rot’s daemonic underlings cannot venture far from damage. Preserved Elven souls are mere shadows of their former
Ammenvale without losing stability, but Maddened Spites in selves that disappear into the Aethyr when the Tree Kin is slain.
the vicinity spread their mold spores. Grubile’s herald is more
resilient, having ventured as far as Vesterrup to deliver the fever. TREEKIN
On these excursions, Mulch-Rot spreads Grubile’s spores and
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
corrupts new Spites to the service of Nurgle. Human cultists
5 50 20 50 55 35 40 20 40 60 20 42
do not require guidance from Mulch-Rot, because the mortal
Oswald Kochler is unnaturally gifted in Chaotic demagoguery. Traits: Armour 3 (9), Arboreal, Fearless, Flammable,
Magical, Size (Large), Weapon (Limbs of Wood) +9
Skills: Endurace 70, Melee (Brawling) 70,
Perception 30
Trappings: Colony of Squirrels
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 65 50 50 55 45 45 50 55 80 30 23
Maddened Tree Kin
Though Grubile has yet to find a means to truly grant Nurgle’s
PLAGUEBEARER gifts to the Tree Kin of the Laurelorn, this is not for want of
trying, and his herald has had some limited success. Mulch-
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
Rot has infested several Tree Kin with parasites, vermin, and
4 45 30 40 45 25 25 30 30 70 15 19
other small creatures infused with Nurgle’s vile influence.
While possessing the husk of a tree, Mulch-Rot uses the Their incessant scratching, vomitus expulsions, and horrendous
Tree Kin profile and loses the Unstable Trait. screeching has left these unfortunate beings bereft of their
Traits: Corruption (Moderate), Daemonic 8+, Diseases senses. They know only that their forest is under attack, though
(Red Blight, Eyeslime Fever), Fear 3, Horns +7, not from whom. Mulch-Rot appears to these Maddened Tree
Infestation, Swamp-strider (Mulch-Rot only), Unstable, Kin as one of their own and will set them upon any trespassers
Venom (Plaguesword), Weapon +9
who would meddle with his master’s plans.
Trappings: Plaguesword. Mulch-Rot’s Tree Kin host is
adorned with severed heads and limbs of Shallyan nuns. MADDENED TREEKIN
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
5 50 20 50 55 25 40 20 20 20 20 34
TRAIT: FLAMMABLE Traits: Armour 2 (8), Arboreal, Corrupted, Fearless,
Flammable, Infected (Eyeslime Fever), Magical, Size
This creature is particularly susceptible to damage from fire. If
(Large), Weapon (Limbs of Wood) +9
an attack or effect that strikes this creature has a chance to give
Skills: Endurace 70, Melee (Brawling) 70,
it an Ablaze condition there is no need for any Test, it simply Perception 30
does. If this creature would lose any Wounds due to an Ablaze Trappings: Various and Horrid Parasites and Vermin
condition, the amount is doubled.


Certain nature spirits of the Laurelorn are substantial enough
that they cause magical energy to solidify, allowing them to
manifest physically. Spites are diverse in appearance and ability.
Common forms include glowing marshlights, miniature winged
elves and thorny stick-people. Occasionally, Spites ride birds
or large flying insects. These tiny creatures gather in numbers,
usually near Treemen, Tree Kin or Dryads. Spites are capricious
in temperament, but they can develop affinities for Wood Elves
and some human Hedgefolk. When Spites are killed their
bodies dissolve and their spirits from whence they came. As a
result, they can only be examined closely if captured alive.
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 40 48 19 10 30 62 50 25 63 41 1
Traits: Arboreal, Fast, Magical, Size (Tiny),
Wallcrawler, Venom (2), Weapon (Claws) +3
Skills: Charm Animal 46, Doge 68, Language
(Reikspeil) 40, Melee (Branched Claws) 54,
Perception 38, Stealth (Rural) 70
Talents: Blather, Flee!, Magical Sense, Night Vision,
Rover, Second Sight

Maddened Spites​
Under normal circumstnaces Spites are dangerous and
capricious, sprits of wild nature with no love for mortals, whose
civilisations encroach upon their habitats. The influence of
Nurgle on the region around Ammenvale has had a deleterious
effect on many of the Spites that live there, and whilst they
have not become corrupted in the sense that followers of
Chaos are, they have grown increasingly hostile, and vectors
of infection. The Maddened Spites found in the tainted wood
look like bloated insects, often bees, coated in a fine dusting of
red mould. Those who look closely will see the creatures bear
twisted, Elflike faces beneath their long, curling antennae. These
nocturnal spirits spread Eyeslime Fever by passing the Red
Blight to new trees around Nordland villages. Some Humans
and Dwarfs have begun to associate them with the plague.

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 40 48 19 15 30 52 50 20 43 41 1
Traits: Arboreal, Corrupted, Fast, Infected (Eyeslime
Fever), Magical, Size (Tiny), Wallcrawler, Venom (2),
Weapon (Claws) +3
Skills: Charm Animal 46, Doge 58, Language
(Reikspeil) 40, Melee (Branched Claws) 54,
Perception 38, Stealth (Rural) 70
Talents: Blather, Flee!, Magical Sense, Night Vision,
Rover, Second Sight

Traders can sell plague medicine at the Market Towns 2. Haggle for Price: Seller decides asking price/dose.
circled on the map. Selling medicine can be treated as an A Haggle Test is required if higher than the listed matrix
Endeavour (WFRP, page 195) that’s performed during pauses in price (maximum +25%).
the action (e.g. after leaving the Golden Wood or Ammenvale). 3. Close the Deal: Traders can sell 2d10 doses of each herb
Characters can split up to sell at different Market Towns during per Endeavour (or 4d10 doses in large cities).
this downtime or choose a different Endeavour. Medicine can also
be sold during regular gameplay when the party visits a Market Distributing medicine is important for saving lives.
Town together. Characters can always give away medicine for which they cannot
find buyers. After an Endeavour, the party may regroup at a
1. Check for Demand: Roll against Demand % to determine previously agreed adventure location to resume the scenario.
if a local buyer is found.

Zelebhorn Hargendorf Skogholm Salzenmund Middenheim

Demand 60% 90% 30% 60% 90%

(‘Elf Hair’)
Price/Dose 3 GC 5 GC 2 GC 7 GC 8 GC

Demand 90% 30% 60% 30% 60%

Wild Hyacinth
Price/Dose 1 GC 5/- 10/- 1 GC 1 GC 10/-

Demand 30% 60% 90% 60% 30%

Folia Ignatus
(‘Fire Nettle’)
Price/Dose 2 GC 4 GC 6 GC 5 GC 7 GC

Demand 60% 30% 90% 30% 30%

Price/Dose 2 GC 1 GC 3 GC 2 GC 2 GC

Demand 90% 30% 60% 30% 0%

Fungi Mucosa
(‘Monk Nose’)
Price/Dose 2G 10/- 1 GC 1 GC -
Keen traders will wish to find out where a medicine earns This walled port town is the capital of the Barony of
the most profit. This is a Challenging (+0) Gossip Test, Hargenfels. Townsfolk welcome Eonir traders and tolerate religious
as everyone is open to discussing the availability of medicine. diversity, however the plague has forced Hargendorf
The accuracy with which Demand and Price are discerned into lockdown. Outside the gate is a bustling herb market
depends on SL, while failure might see Characters fed and a quarantine camp. A pair of exhausted Shallyan
entirely false information. Medicine can be sold at smaller nuns assist the renowned physician, Doktor Greiss.
villages, but only in single doses, and for half The herb market is operated by a smuggling ring connected with
the price of the nearest Market Town. the Hargenfels family.

Doktor Greiss is a busy man of science with no patience

ZELEBHORN for quack medicine. He will describe Laurelorn Fever’s
Zelebhorn is currently the site of a military checkpoint and symptoms and treatments (page 33) to anyone who
isolation camp. Nordland and Middenland soldiers inspect brings him Moonflower. While buying Moonflower in
travellers for symptoms, turning back any who display them. the Forstmark last week, he was chased away by
Southbound travellers are redirected to the isolation camp where Foresters’ Guild thugs. The Shallyan mission that ventured south
they must remain for 3 days without symptoms. The town’s to find a cure has not yet returned.​
sawmills are closed because of the plague. Two Jolly Axemen
(page 10) loiter about promoting bogus cures and teaching anti-
Elven slurs to idle mill workers. SKOGHOLM
The smaller of the two Nikse border fortresses was constructed
The isolation camp has turned Zelebhorn into a market town for by Dwarf masons and is maintained by their descendants.
plague medicine. Some of the wealthy travellers confined here will Inside the fort is a village of low houses with extensive underground
even pay for unproven cures. There are more charlatans in the quarters. Secret tunnels extend for miles beneath the forest into
camp than genuine physicians. The local tailor earns a tidy profit the Elven wood. Alrik Okrisson lives in Skogholm but currently
selling masks for 5/- and gloves for 4/- a pair. operates his bounty hunting network from Forstfast. Wood Elves
are planning a retaliatory attack on Skogholm in Alrik’s absence.
Skogholm is under quarantine because its Dwarf population has
been devastated by the plague. Nearly fifty Dwarf deaths have
spurred the demand for plague medicine, and the Dwarfs have
enough gold stashed away to pay for it. The medicine market
is brokered by a superstitious apothecary named Mordrek who
constantly makes warding signs and mutters prayers to Grungni.

After the adventure, even better profits can be made at Salzenmund
or Middenheim if a trader belongs to a relevant guild (Merchants,
Apothecaries, or Physicians).




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