DLL UCSP Jan 8, 2024 COT
DLL UCSP Jan 8, 2024 COT
DLL UCSP Jan 8, 2024 COT
1. Cultural, social, and political institutions as sets of norms and patterns of behavior that relate to major social interests
Content Standards: 2. Social stratification as the ranking of individuals according to wealth, power, and prestige
3. social and political inequalities as features of societies and the global community
1. analyze aspects of social organization
2. identify one’s role in social groups and institutions
Performance Standards:
3. recognize other forms of economic transaction such as sharing, gift exchange, and redistribution in his/her own
Competencies/Objectives: 1. Traces kinship ties and social networks (UCSP11/12HSOIIi-20)
2. Describe the organized nature of social life and rules governing behavior (UCSP11/12HSOIIi-21)
Write the LC Code for each
Textbook Pages
Establishing a Purpose for the Explain that the Explain that the Explain that the purpose Explain that the
Lesson purpose of this purpose of this of this lesson is to purpose of this lesson
lesson is to lesson is to explore explore the concept of is to explore social
understand the marriage as a the household as a stratification and
significance of significant social social unit. inequalities in society.
kinship ties and institution in various
social networks in societies.
Presenting Examples/Instances Show visual aids or Show examples or Show examples or Show examples or case
of the Lesson diagrams depicting case studies diagrams illustrating studies depicting social
various kinship depicting diverse different household stratification and
structures and social marriage customs, structures and dynamics inequalities in various
networks in different ceremonies, and across cultures or societies.
cultures or societies. traditions from societies.
different cultures.
Discussing New Concepts and Define and discuss Define marriage as Define the household as Define social
Practicing New Skills #1 the concept of a social institution, a social unit, discussing stratification, explaining
kinship, explaining highlighting its its functions, roles, and its components: wealth,
its role in shaping functions, purposes, responsibilities within a power, and prestige.
social relationships and significance in society. Discuss their role in
and behaviors. different societies. societal rankings.
Discussing New Concepts and Explore the notion of Explore the cultural, Explore the variations in Explore social and
Practicing New Skills #2 social networks and social, and household structures, political inequalities as
their influence on economic aspects roles, and relationships features of societies,
individual behaviors, of marriage, in different cultural and discussing their impact
opportunities, and discussing how it societal settings. on individuals and
social interactions. shapes individual communities.
lives and societal
Developing Mastery Activity: Engage Activity: Conduct a Activity: Engage students Activity: Conduct a
students in a group group discussion or in a role-play scenario debate or discussion on
(Leads to Formative
discussion or role- debate on the depicting household the consequences of
Assessment 3)
play scenarios evolution of interactions and social stratification and
highlighting the marriage customs decision-making inequalities on society.
impact of kinship ties and their impact on processes.
and social networks society over time.
on decision-making
and relationships.
Finding practical applications of Encourage students Encourage students Encourage students to Encourage students to
concepts and skills in daily living to relate the concept to relate the concept relate the concept of the analyze current societal
of kinship and social of marriage to their household to their own issues related to social
networks to their own cultural or experiences, discussing inequalities and
own lives, discussing societal context, the dynamics within their suggest potential
examples from their discussing its own households. solutions.
experiences. significance.
H. Making generalizations and Kinship ties and Marriage, as a The household, as a Social stratification and
abstraction about the lesson social networks form social institution, social unit, plays a inequalities influence
the backbone of plays a pivotal role fundamental role in the distribution of
social structures, in shaping societal shaping societal resources and
influencing various norms, values, and structures and opportunities in
aspects of life. structures. interpersonal societies.
I. Evaluating Learning Quiz Question 1: Quiz Question 1: Quiz Question 1: Define Quiz Question 1: Define
Define kinship and Define marriage as the household as a social stratification and
discuss its a social institution social unit and discuss discuss its components.
significance in and discuss its its functions.
Quiz Question 2:
society. functions.
Quiz Question 2: Discuss the impact of
Quiz Question 2: Quiz Question 2: Compare and contrast social and political
Explain the role of Compare and household structures in inequalities on society.
social networks in contrast marriage different cultures or
Homework: Write an
shaping individual customs from two societies.
essay analyzing a
behaviors and different cultures or
Homework: Write a societal issue related to
opportunities. societies.
reflection on the roles social inequalities and
Homework: Write a Homework: Write an and dynamics within a propose solutions.
short reflection on essay exploring the household, citing
the influence of impact of marriage examples from personal
kinship ties or social on societal observations.
networks in a structures and
personal experience individuals.
or observation.