Hand Tools For Solar

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az1702 August 2017

Hand Tools Used For

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems
Dr. Ed Franklin

Hand tools are available to assist the solar energy system
owner to measure the power output of their system, and to make
adjustments in the tilt and orientation of a solar module or array
to maximize the energy production of their system.
Placement of a solar module or an array to capture the sun’s
energy and transform it into direct current electricity, determining
the suitability of a site as location for a solar module or an array,
or measuring voltage and amperage are best accomplished with
the right tools. These tools are easy to use and readily accessible. Figure 1. A digital multimeter with leads connected. This tool can be used to measure circuit
voltage, continuity, and resistance. Source: Author

Digital Multi Meter

One of the most versatile and ultimately a “must-have” tool is Open-circuit voltage is checked when there is no load connected
the digital multimeter. To check the energy output of a PV module, to the module. At full sun, the rated open-circuit voltage value
a digital multimeter with both alternating current (AC) and direct will be higher than the voltage value (under load) at maximum
current (DC) capabilities is an important tool to have on hand. power. Full sun is defined by the manufacturer as 1,000 watts per
Direct current voltage can be measured using the multi meter. Refer square meter (1,000 w/m2) which typically occurs between 9:00
to the fact sheet on the back of the solar module to determine the AM and 3:00 PM on a clear, sunny day. A Pyranometer (see below)
value for Open-Circuit Voltage (Voc). This is a voltage value when is used to measure the level of sunlight intensity (irradiance) that
the module is not connected to a load. This value will be higher is hitting the earth at this location. The use of the instrument is
than the value for Voltage Max Power (Vmp) – when a load is described below. To see the effect of module tilt on output, adjust
connected to the module - because there is no resistance. More the module angle and observe the voltage values on the meter.
information about how temperature affects module performance Check the open-circuit (OC) voltage of a module when lying flat
may be found below. (0°), at 45° tilt, and standing vertical (90°).
Always check the operation of the digital multimeter to make
sure it is functioning properly. Select a known operating circuit. Be
sure to set the voltage to DC. Place the leads of the multimeter on
the terminals of a D cell battery. The positive terminal will be on
end, and the negative terminal will be on the other end. Check to
see what the rated voltage is for the battery before testing to see if
the value on the meter is consistent. Reverse the leads to see if the
value changes (a negative sign appears when the positive lead is
placed on the negative terminal). Plug the red and black leads into
the ports on front of the meter. Turn on the meter.
Turn the dial to V for voltage. Check to make sure the meter
mode is in Volts DC. Locate the positive (+) connector on the
PV lead connected to junction box on the rear of the PV module.
Touch the point of the positive (red) lead of the multimeter, and the Figure 2. The open-circuit voltage (Voc) of a 20-watt solar PV module is measured connecting
the positive lead of the meter to the positive connector, and the negative lead to the negative
negative (-) connector lead of the module to the common (black) connector. The reading is 21.10 Voc in full sun during the middle of the day. In this photo, a
lead of the multimeter. digital clamp-on ammeter with leads is used to perform the circuit measurements. Source:
Clamp-On Ammeter
Solar modules produce direct current (DC) electricity. A
digital clamp-on ammeter can be used to measure circuit voltage
(as with the digital multi-meter) as well as circuit amperage.
Circuit amperage (or current) is safely checked with a clamp-on
ammeter. The ammeter is used to measure direct current (DC)
amperage moving through the circuit while wired to a load. Set
the meter to a setting higher than the expected current level of
the circuit to be measured to prevent damaging the meter. On
this model of meter the lowest DC amperage setting is “40 A”
(40 amps). Make sure the meter is reading DC amperage. Figure 4. MC-4 multi contact connectors (male on left and female on right) are commonly
found on commercial solar PV modules. The interlocking connectors prevent accidental
Prior to taking any measurements, always check the operation disconnecting while under load. Source: PV-Cables, Inc.
of the digital multimeter to make sure it is functioning properly.
Select a known operating circuit. Be sure to set the voltage to
DC. Place the leads of the multimeter on the terminals of a “D”
cell battery. The positive terminal will make contact with one
end (+) and negative terminal will be on the other end (-). Check
to see what the rated voltage (expected value) is for the battery
before testing to if the value on the meter is consistent. Reverse
the leads to see if the values changes (a negative sign appears
Figure 5. This plastic key (Multi-Contact Spanner) is used to unlock the MC-4 solar PV
when the positive lead is placed on the negative terminal. end connectors. Source: PV-Cables, Inc.
Check the style of connector on the end of the PV cable on
your modules. Some lower watt model modules may come (Isc) value should be for the circuit. For example, a 20-watt
with alligator clips, or round eyelet connectors (to be placed module with a rated short-circuit current of 1.21 amps should
over a threaded bolt). A larger-watt model may have a MC-4 measure a value close to this number when a reading is taken in
plastic (see photo) connector attached. This type of connector full sun. Lower numerical values may be a result of low sunlight
is common to commercial solar PV modules and requires the intensity. If two modules are connected together in series (wired
use of a plastic key to unlock and disconnect the male from the positive to negative), the expected amperage values should be
female end connector. the same as one module under maximum power (Imp). If the
To check short-circuit current (Isc) value of the module, same two modules are connected together in parallel (leads are
carefully connect the positive lead to the negative lead (make connected positive to positive and negative to negative), the
sure the panel is turned over --- not facing the sun --- when expected amperage values will be added. Wiring module in
making the connections). Turn the panel back over after making series (a series string) is used to build voltage. Wiring modules
the connections. This will make a complete circuit. Place the in parallel is used to build amperage. In a PV system, the strings
clamps near the conductor and zero out the meter by pushing the of modules are connected with a combiner box. Inside the box,
button until a zero reading is visible. Open the jaws of the meter all of the positive leads are landed on a bus bar. The negative
and enclose the conductor. Make sure only one conductor is in leads are landed on a grounded bus bar. Collectively, this is
the clamp. Determine what the expected short-circuit current called the source circuit.

Figure 3. Example of an AC/DC Clamp-On Meter. This model shows no leads connected to Figure 6. Measuring the short-circuit current (Isc) of a 20-watt solar module with a digital
the meter. This style meter may be used to measure voltage and amperage. Source: Author clamp-on meter. The module leads are connected together and the meter clamp encircles
one of the conductor leads. The reading is DC current of the module when there is no load.
Source: Author
2 The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension
Figure 7. The sunlight irradiance level is read with the pyranometer. The meter rests on Figure 8. The angle finder is an expensive tool used to check the tilt angle of the module.
the frame of the solar PV module and pointed toward the sun. As the level of the sunlight The finder is set on the frame of the module and the angle in degrees can be read on tool.
intensity approaches 1,000 W/m2, the solar PV module is producing at the manufacturers Source: Author
rated power. Source: Author

Pyranometer Non-Contact Thermometer

Solar PV module power ratings are based on solar industry- The standard test condition (STC) for temperature of a solar
recognized standard test conditions (STC). One condition is the cell is 25° C (77° F). A 20-watt solar module capable of producing
level of sunlight intensity (irradiance). At midday, on a cloudless 17 volts is doing this assuming the cell temperature is no higher
sky, the irradiance level is measured at 1,000 W/m2. Sunlight than 25° C (77° F). This is the surface temperature of the cell,
intensity changes over the course of the day. From dawn to dusk, not ambient air temperature. Exposure to the sun will heat up
sunlight irradiance will go from “0” to over 1,000 W/m2, and the module. As the temperature of the solar cells increase, the
back down to “0” at sundown. A cloud moving in front of the voltage of solar module will decline.
sun and resulting in shade may result in a drop in the irradiance Changing cell temperatures can result in fluctuating voltage
level. When the cloud clears the sun, the value may increase changes of around 15 to 20% both higher and lower than the
again. To take a measurement, turn on the unit and direct the module STC rating (SEI, 2013). A module fact sheet may feature
top end of the meter toward the sun. To determine the level of temperature coefficient values. These values are typically listed
sunlight shining directly on the module, rest the meter on the as a percentage and represent the possible change in module
frame of the module with the top toward the sky. performance (maximum power (Pmp), open-circuit voltage (Voc)
Read the meter. See what happens when the tilt or angle of the and short-circuit current (Isc) when the temperature is above or
module is adjusted. A meter reading of 500 W/m2 equates to below 25°C (77°F). For example, a module with a temperature
50% of the sunlight intensity. The energy output of a module at coefficient value for maximum power with a rating of TkPmp:
500 W/m2 can be expected to produce 50% under this condition. - 0.45%/0C, means for every degree Celsius the module cell
When the light intensity changes, so does the power output of temperature is above 25°C, maximum power of the module will
the solar module. A pyranometer can be purchased online for decline by 0.45%. A TkVoc: - 0.33%/0C equates to a decrease
a cost in the range of $100.00 to $165.00. in the open-circuit voltage of 0.33% for each degree the module
cell temperature is above 25°C. These calculations are taken into
consideration in the design of a PV system and include the record
Angle Finder high and low temperature values for the geographical region.
Setting the solar module at the optimum tilt angle increases
the power output. Depending on the time of year the sun Mounting solar modules to permit air circulation helps to cool
may be higher or lower in the sky. Adjusting the tilt angle by solar modules. To check the cell temperature, use a non-contact
15 degrees (latitude) can result in an increase in the energy thermometer and point to the white back sheet of the module. This
output of the solar module. A module set at a tilt orientation tool is relatively inexpensive (approximately $45.00), and easy to
of 0 degrees (horizontal) will produce power. However, a solar use. Set the temperature to Celsius or Fahrenheit. Point the meter
module mounted in a flat position is subject to collecting dust to the back side of the module and pull the trigger. Locate the
which can turn into mud and result in shading, and reduced red laser dot. Read the thermometer. Check at various locations
power output. A solar module mounted in a vertical position (90 on the module, and at various times of the day to observe how
degrees) may not be positioned to capture maximum sunlight the temperature of the solar cell increases with very little sun.
exposure, or a limited amount of sun as it passes across the sky. Because the voltage decreases when the temperature increases,
Use the latitude of the geographic location as a recommended to compensate for the loss of voltage, a system design may call
mounting tilt and orient the module to the south. To check the for the addition another module to make up for the loss. Check
effect of module tilt angle on power output, set a module at three the expected voltage (from the back sheet of the module) or
tilt angles and take voltage readings. Set the module at 0° (flat, calculated voltage if measuring an array, to the actual measured
horizontal) 45° (angle to the ground), and 90° (vertical, end of voltage value. Large differences between calculated or expected
module resting on the ground). A tilt meter can be purchased values and measured voltage may suggest a module that is not
at a local hardware store for as low as $5.00. operating or a wiring connection that may be loose.

The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension 3

Figure 9. A non-contact thermometer is simple to use to record the surface temperature of Figure 10. The Solar Pathfinder™ is a site assessment tool used to help the PV system
the solar cell when taken from the back side (white) of the module.Source: Author installer determine the suitability of a site by examining the amount of potential shading cast
on the location from nearby trees, buildings, utility poles, lines, chimneys, and vent stacks.
Source: Author

Solar Pathfinder
When selecting a site for mounting a solar module or array, on a solar module or array, safety precautions must be taken
there are several factors to consider: type of mounting system, to prevent from receiving an electrical shock. When making
location from the residence or building, and the amount of connections to a solar module, turn the module away from the
shading the location experiences over the course of the year. sun or cover it with a dark cloth or cardboard. If possible, make
When considering a site, take a 360-degree view of the area. Are the adjustment when the sun is not shining (at night). When
there objects nearby that will cast shade on a solar array? Are working with an array, de-energize the system by using the
there trees, utility poles, or buildings that may cast shade onto disconnect switch. Turn off the switch and connect the leads
the site? Shade results in decreased power output. Sometimes, of your multimeter to your switch terminals to determine if
a site location is limiting, such as a residential roof mounting voltage traveling into your system. Use clamp on meter to see
system. When an east or west-facing sloping roof is considered, if any electrical current is moving through the conductors. If the
the amount of direct sun light (total peak sun hours) needs to readings are zero (0.00) your system should be de-energized. If
be calculated. you have any questions or doubts, always consult an electrician.
Also, to protect the metal contacts in the tips of the connectors
The Solar Pathfinder takes a 360-degree view of the location. A
from arcing and causing carbon deposits, use PV cable leads
sun chart for the desired latitude is placed on the Pathfinder, and
between the module cables and the load.
the plastic dome is set in place. Around the border of the dome,
any visual obstacles such as trees, shrubs, poles, buildings, An understanding of the solar PV system and the associated
that are seen in the skyline can be seen on the dome. The dark hand-tools used to take measurements, to determine the
area is cast over the sun chart. Using a white chalk marker, the sunlight intensity, check tilt-angles, and measure solar cell
outline of the landscape against the sky can be traced. Once the temperature are important to determine if your solar PV system
plastic dome is removed, the user can see the shaded areas and is functioning properly. Inspecting the condition of the PV
calculate the percentage of shade over the course of a 12-hour cables, and checking the array surface for build-up of dust are
period (during daylight hours) and over the course of the year simple methods to maintain a solar PV system.
(12-months) by counting and summing the numerical values
in the grid (time of day and months of year). The lower the References
calculated shading percentage, the better the site is for a solar Honsburg, C. & Bowden, S. (2016). Short-circuit current.
module or array. PVEducation.Org. Available at: www.pveducation.org
PV-Cables, Inc. (2016). Available at: http://www.pv-cables.com
Conclusions Schwartz, J. (February – March, 2005). Tools of the solar electric
As my father always told me, use the right tool for the job. trade. Home Power Magazine 105, 22-26. Available at: www.
Before using any tool to take measurements such as voltage or homepower.com
amperage, or to determine continuity, or to make adjustments

4 The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension

Sears. (2016). Craftsman Clamp On Digital Ammeter Owner’s
Manual. Available at: http://www.sears.com/craftsman-
Solar Energy International (SEI). (2013). Solar electric handbook:
Photovoltaic fundamentals and applications. Boston, MA:
Pearson Learning Solutions.
Solar Pathfinder. Available at: http://www.solarpathfinder.

The University of Arizona

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Tucson, Arizona 85721

Dr. Edward A. Franklin

Associate Professor, Agriculture Education
Associate Professor, Agricultural-Biosystems Engineering

Dr. Edward A. Franklin

This information has been reviewed

by University faculty.
Other titles from Arizona Cooperative Extension
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Any products, services or organizations that are mentioned, shown or indirectly implied in this publication
do not imply endorsement by The University of Arizona.
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Jeffrey C.
Silvertooth, Associate Dean & Director, Economic Development & Extension, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Arizona.
The University of Arizona is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex,
national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation in its programs and activities.
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