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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

Project Report Submitted
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of




Under the esteemed guidance of

Dr. Ch. Rajendra Babu



Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade, ISO 21001:20018, 50001:2018, 14001:2015 Certified
Institution Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada
Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade, ISO 21001:20018, 50001:2018, 14001:2015 Certified
Institution Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada

Department of

This is to certify that the project entitled “Secure Document Storage System Using Web3” is
being submitted by



in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of B.Tech in Artificial
Intelligence & Data Science from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada is
a record of bonafide work carried out by them at Lakireddy Bali Reddy College of

The results embodied in this project report have not been submitted to any other university or
institute for the award of any degree or diploma.


Dr. Ch. Rajendra Babu Dr. O. Rama Devi


We take great pleasure to express our deep sense of gratitude to our project guideDr.
Ch. Rajendra Babu , Professor, for his valuable guidance during the course of our project work.

We would like to thank Dr. O. Rama Devi , Professor & Head of the Department of
Artificial Intelligence & Data Science for her encouragement.

We would like to express our heart-felt thanks to Dr. K. Appa Rao, Principal, Lakireddy
Bali Reddy College of Engineering for providing all the facilities for our project.

Our utmost thanks to all the faculty members and Non-Teaching Staff of the Department
of Computer Science & Engineering for their support throughout our project work.

Our Family Members and Friends receive our deepest gratitude and love for their support
throughout our academic year.



We are here by declaring that the project entitled “Secure Document Storage System
Using Web3” work done by us. We certify that the work contained in the report is original and
has been done by us under the guidance of our supervisor. The work has not been submitted to
any other institute in preparing for any degree or diploma. We have followed the guidelines
provided by the institute in preparing the report. We have confirmed to the norms and guidelines
given in the Ethical Code of Conduct of the Institute. Whenever we have used materials (data,
theoretical analysis, figures and text) from other sources, we have given due credit to them by
citing them in the text of the report and giving their details in the references. Further, we have
taken permission from the copyright’s owner of the sources, whenevernecessary.

Signature(s) of the students(s)





A document management system employing the Inter Planetary File System (IPFS) and Pinata

facilitates trusted sharing of sensitive data via user-defined access controls without intermediaries.

One-time cryptographic gateway tokens enable recipients to access uploaded content from

distributed storage. Evaluations validate selective retrieval in allowing confidential dissemination

to permitted parties only. The system architecture integrates IPFS with Pinata's access management

capabilities to control policies and encryption keys. Documents are encrypted and stored across the

IPFS network's distributed hash table. Metadata including access rules is maintained by Pinata.

Users must present a valid cryptographic token to decrypt and retrieve documents. Tokens are

generated using public key cryptography and issued to specified recipientsby document owners.

Detailed security analyses demonstrate the system's resilience to tampering and unauthorized

access. Threat models explore protections at the protocol and application layers. Experimental

simulations verify selective retrieval under varied conditions, validating that only recipients in

possession of a valid one-time token can decrypt and access uploaded documents. Byleveraging

decentralized storage and configurable access controls, the proposed document management system

reduces reliance on central authorities and mitigates single points of failure. Evaluations confirm

confidential sharing is enforced, with documents disclosed only to authorized parties. The

integration of IPFS and Pinata enables decentralized, trustworthy sharing of sensitive data with

cryptographic access controls.



1.1 Overview of the Project 1
1.2.Feasibility Study 1-2
1.3.Scope 2
2.1.Existing System & Drawbacks 3
2.2.Proposed System & Advantages 4
3.1.Overview of System Analysis
3.2.Software used in the project
3.3.System Requirements
4.1.Overview of System Design


1 Test cases for project 35



1 Initializing Local Ethereum Blockchain 9

2 Deploying Smart Contracts 10
3 Transaction Failure Due to Incorrect Nonce 11
4 API key creation 12
5 API Key Generation 12
6 File storage using pinata 13
7 Process involved in File Sharing 14
8 Main page of the application 14
9 File uploading module 15
10 File download module 15
11 Wallet module 16
12 Transaction confirmation 16
13 IPFS Cluster Architecture 29
14 Interface of Remix IDE 30
15 Workflow Of the Application 32
16 Accessing shared files between accounts 36
17 Pinata gateway for sharing files to users 36
18 Main page of the application 37
19 Uploaded Files 37
20 Sharing Files using Metamask Wallet Address 37

1. IPFS-Inter Planetary File System

2. JS-Java Script
Secure Document Storage System Using Web3



This project “Secure Document Storage System using Web3” aims to develop
a decentralized document management system leveraging Web3 technologiesto enable
secure file storage and sharing capabilities without centralized servers. The system
allows users to upload files and documents to IPFS (InterPlanetary File System), which
is a distributed network for storing file content spread across peer-to- peer nodes. IPFS
removes single points of failure and censorship by distributing data with built-in
redundancy. When files are uploaded to IPFS, a unique gateway token is generated
which can be shared with others to allow access to the uploaded files.
The Ethereum blockchain maintains the core access control logic and file sharing
workflows via smart contracts deployed on it. The Hardhat development environment
is utilized for compiling, testing and deploying the smart contracts defining the backend
logic of the system. Hardhat provides a flexible and fast way to iterate on building
robust blockchain-enabled backends. Metamask browser extension injects a Web3-
enabled Ethereum wallet into the application to manage user accounts and signing of
transactions on the blockchain for secure access control.
The frontend application providing the user interface for file storage and sharing
capabilities is built using ReactJS. It interacts with the blockchain contracts deployed
on Ethereum using the ethers.js library, which facilitates communication between
frontends and blockchain networks. Overall, through the strategic combination of IPFS,
Ethereum, Hardhat, Metamask and ReactJS, the system demonstrates building full-
stack decentralized applications leveraging the latest Web3 and blockchain
technologies in a practical manner. The result is a serverless and decentralized
document management system with tamper-proof historical records, transparency,
accountability, reliability and security.


The feasibility study analyzed the practicality and potential challenges of
implementing a decentralized document management system using blockchain and
IPFS technologies. It evaluated factors like the maturity of the underlying

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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

technologies, availability of development tools and libraries, performance

considerations, scalability, and user adoption barriers. The study also looked at potential
risks, such as regulatory hurdles, security vulnerabilities, and integration complexities.
Overall, the feasibility analysis concluded that leveraging Ethereum smart contracts for
access control logic and IPFS for distributed file storage was a viable approach to
building a trustless, censorship-resistant document sharing platform.
The study also explored the ecosystem around these technologies, including
developer communities, documentation resources, and existing code libraries thatcould
be leveraged. It found a growing landscape of tools, frameworks, and support that
would aid in the development and deployment of the proposed system. Additionally,
the study examined potential business models and use cases where such a decentralized
document management solution could provide value.

The scope of the project involved designing and developing a web-based
application that enables users to upload documents securely to the InterPlanetary File
System (IPFS). The application would integrate with the Ethereum blockchain, where
smart contracts would be deployed to manage access controls, sharing permissions, and
potential monetization rules for the uploaded files. Users could generate and share
cryptographic access tokens, allowing selective retrieval of files from IPFS by
authorized parties only. The project scope included a user-friendly interface, blockchain
integration, IPFS connectivity, smart contract development, encryption mechanisms,
and implementing core features like file uploads, access management, sharing, and
Additionally, the project scope encompassed developing a comprehensive
testing strategy to ensure the system's functionality, security, and reliability. This
included unit testing of individual components, integration testing of the blockchain
and IPFS interactions, as well as end-to-end testing of the complete application
workflow. The scope also involved documenting the system architecture, deployment
procedures, and user guides to facilitate future maintenance and potential expansion
of the platform.

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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3



Currently, most file-sharing platforms rely on centralized servers to store and
manage files. While these platforms offer convenience, they also present several
drawbacks that undermine security, privacy, and control over user data. Centralized
servers act as single points of failure, making the entire system vulnerable to outages,
cyber-attacks, or even censorship by the service provider or authorities. User data stored
on these servers is susceptible to breaches, exposing sensitive information to
unauthorized access or theft. Additionally, users have limited control over their data, as
it is stored and managed by third-party platforms. These platforms can potentially
access, modify, or even delete user data without explicit consent, raising privacy
concerns and violating user ownership rights. Furthermore, centralized file-sharing
platforms often face scalability challenges, leading to performance issues or service
disruptions as the number of users and data volumes grow. This dependence on a central
entity also introduces potential bottlenecks and limits the system's ability to adapt to
changing demands or technological advancements. Moreover, users face the risk of
censorship or arbitrary restrictions imposed by the service providers, who can
selectively deny access to files or terminate accounts based on their policies orexternal
pressures. This centralized control can limit freedom of expression and information
exchange. Lastly, these platforms typically lack transparent and auditable record-
keeping mechanisms, making it difficult for users to verify the integrity of their data
or track any unauthorized access or modifications over time.


 Security Concerns: Centralized servers are vulnerable to hacking and data
breaches, putting user data at risk.
 Privacy Issues: Users have limited control over their data, as it is stored and
managed by third-party platforms.
 Single Point of Failure: If the centralized server goes down or experiences
technical issues, users may lose access to their files.

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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

 Censorship risk: Companies have been known to delete or restrict access to files
due to legal/policy issues.
 Lack of user ownership: Users do not truly own their data as companies
maintain control over files.
 Difficult access management: It is challenging to restrict sharing or access to
files over time. Downloads cannot be tracked or monetized.


The proposed system will be a decentralized file sharing application built on
IPFS and Ethereum. It will allow users to upload files from their browser to IPFS, with
smart contracts deployed on Ethereum to manage access controls and payments for
files. The React and Vite based interface will connect to MetaMask, enabling users to
upload files to IPFS, set permissions and prices via smart contracts, and share files
between wallets. This avoids central points of failure while providing ownership,access
management and monetization not possible with existing centralized solutions.

Advantages in the Proposed System

 Resilience: By storing files on IPFS and managing access via smart contracts, the
files are not dependent on any single server. This makes them more resilient against
outages or censorship.
 Privacy: Files are stored anonymously on IPFS and access is controlled via smart
contracts, avoiding privacy risks of centralized servers where governments can
request data.
 Data Integrity: By storing file hashes and metadata on the tamper-proof Ethereum
blockchain, the integrity of documents is ensured, preventing unauthorized
modifications or deletions.
 Transparency: All file sharing activity and access permissions are recorded
transparently on the blockchain, providing an auditable trail and accountability.
 Reduced Costs: Eliminating the need for centralized servers and storage
infrastructure can significantly reduce operational and maintenance costs.
 Decentralized Access: Access to files is not dependent on any single point of
failure, as the system leverages distributed peer-to-peer networks like IPFS and

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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3



The system analysis phase is a crucial step in the development of any software
project, as it lays the foundation for understanding the project's requirements,
constraints, and potential challenges. In the context of this secure document
management system using Web3 technologies, the system analysis involved a
comprehensive evaluation of the existing centralized file-sharing platforms, their
limitations, and the potential benefits of leveraging decentralized technologies such as
Ethereum blockchain and the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS).The analysis process
involved identifying the key stakeholders, including users, administrators, and potential
integrators, and gathering their requirements and expectations from the proposed
system. This included assessing the need for secure file storage, access control
mechanisms, sharing capabilities, and potential monetization models. Additionally, the
system analysis phase involved researching and evaluating the suitability of various
tools and technologies, such as Solidity for smart contractdevelopment, ReactJS for the
frontend user interface, and the integration of Metamaskwallets for user authentication
and transaction signing.


To develop the secure document management system, a combination of cutting-
edge technologies and software tools were employed. The core components included
Ethereum blockchain for deploying and executing smart contracts, IPFS for
decentralized file storage, and ReactJS for building the responsive user interface.
Solidity, a contract-oriented programming language, was used to develop the smart
contracts that govern access control, file sharing, and potential monetization rules.The
development environment involved tools such as Hardhat, a robust Ethereum
development environment that facilitates smart contract compilation, testing, and
deployment. Metamask, a popular browser extension, was integrated to provide users
with a secure Ethereum wallet for authentication and transaction signing. Additionally,
libraries like ethers.js and web3.js were utilized to facilitate communication between the
frontend application and the Ethereum blockchain.

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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3


To ensure the successful development and deployment of the secure document
management system, several system requirements were identified. On the hardware
side, the system required a capable CPU (Intel i5 or higher) with at least 2.5GHz speed,
8GB or more system RAM for smooth performance, and ample storage (500GB or
more HDD/SSD) to accommodate the files uploaded to IPFS. Additionally, a stable
internet connection was necessary to interact with the Ethereum network and IPFS
nodes. From a software perspective, the system required a modern web browser with
support for the latest web technologies, including WebAssembly and WebRTC. The
frontend user interface was built using ReactJS, while the backend services and
blockchain interactions were facilitated by Node.js. The Ethereum blockchain was
utilized for deploying and interacting with the smart contracts, which were developed
using the Solidity programming language. Furthermore, the system relied on the IPFS
protocol for decentralized file storage and retrieval. To ensure secure and reliable
operation, the system also required robust encryption mechanisms, user authentication
protocols (e.g., Metamask wallet integration), and comprehensive testing frameworks
for validating the system's functionality, security, and reliability.

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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

The system design phase plays a pivotal role in translating the requirements and
specifications gathered during the analysis phase into a comprehensive blueprint for the
secure document management system. This phase involves several critical decisions
regarding the system's architecture, components, and their interactions, ultimately
shaping the overall functionality and performance of the final product. The design
process begins with the identification of the core modules and their respective
responsibilities. In the context of this project, the key modules include the blockchain
module for managing smart contracts and transactions on the Ethereum network, the
file storage module for interfacing with IPFS, the access management module for
enforcing access controls and permissions, the user authentication module for
integrating with Metamask wallets, and the application interface module for providing
a user-friendly frontend. Each of these modules is designed to encapsulate specific
functionalities and interact with other components through well-defined interfaces and
communication protocols. The design phase also involves selecting appropriate data
structures and algorithms to ensure efficient data management, file storage, and
retrieval processes. Moreover, the design phase takes into consideration the scalability
and performance requirements of the system. The architecture is crafted to handle
increasing volumes of users, files, and transactions efficiently. Load balancing, caching
mechanisms, and optimized algorithms are incorporated to ensure responsive and
seamless user experiences, even under high loads.

To ensure a structured and systematic approach to the system design, several
industry-standard methodologies and best practices were adopted. One such
methodology is the Object-Oriented Design (OOD) paradigm, which emphasizes the
principles of encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. By adhering to these
principles, the system components can be designed as modular and reusable units,
promoting code maintainability, extensibility, and testability.Additionally, the design
phase incorporates the principles of the Unified Modeling Language (UML), a
standardized graphical notation for visualizing and documenting the system's

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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

architecture, components, and their relationships. UML diagrams, such as class

diagrams, sequence diagrams, and use case diagrams, provide a clear and concise
representation of the system's structure and behavior, facilitating effective
communication among stakeholders and developers.Furthermore, the design process
involves the application of design patterns, which are proven solutions to commonly
occurring problems in software development. Design patterns like the Singleton
pattern, Factory pattern, and Observer pattern can be utilized to ensure a robust,
scalable, and maintainable system architecture.To mitigate potential risks and identify
design flaws early in the development cycle, the system design phase incorporates
iterative prototyping and review sessions. Prototypes are developed to validate design
decisions, gather feedback from stakeholders, and refine the system's functionality and
user experience. These iterative cycles enable the incorporation of necessary changes
and improvements before proceeding to the implementation phase.Throughout the
design phase, particular emphasis is placed on security considerations. The system's
design incorporates industry-standard security practices, such as encryption
mechanisms, access control policies, and secure communication protocols.
Additionally, the design takes into account the unique challenges andrequirements of
decentralized systems, ensuring the system's resilience against potential threats and
vulnerabilities.Moreover, the design process involves the consideration of various non-
functional requirements, such as usability, reliability, and maintainability. User
experience (UX) principles are incorporated to ensure intuitive and user-friendly
interfaces, while robust error handling and logging mechanisms contribute to the
system's reliability. Modular design and clear documentation facilitate ease of
maintenance and future enhancements.


The secure document management system follows a modular design approach, where
the system is decomposed into distinct modules, each responsible for a specific set of
functionalities. This modular architecture promotes code reusability, testability, and
maintainability, while also enabling parallel development and easier integration of new
features or technologies in the future. The application consists of several modules

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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

that work together to allow users to securely store, share and monetize files on a
decentralized network.
The key modules identified in the system design include:

4.3.1 Blockchain Module

The blockchain module is responsible for interacting with the local Ethereum
blockchain. It starts a Hardhat Ethereum node and deploys the required access control
and file metadata smart contracts to it. These smart contracts store the permissionsand
metadata for files uploaded to IPFS. The module allows reading/writing data tothe
smart contracts through transactions.
Hardhat is a toolkit that provides a local development environment for
Ethereum projects allowing developers to compile, deploy, and test smart contracts
without external dependencies. Developers can install Hardhat and initialize a sample
project to start building. The command npx hardhat node spins up a local blockchain
instance on port 8545 where contracts can be deployed using npx hardhat run
scripts/deploy.js. Tests can be executed against the local network with npx hardhat test.
Hardhat comes bundled with plugins for tasks like managing accounts, debugging
transactions, and estimating gas costs. By providing a configurable local Ethereum
network, Hardhat enables fast iterative development and testing of smart contracts that
integrate with decentralized storage systems like IPFS.

Fig 1. Initializing Local Ethereum Blockchain

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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

Deploying Smart Contract:

Hardhat simplifies deploying smart contracts by integrating with Ethers.js -

developers import ethers and initialize a wallet instance to deploy from, then access
compiled contract artifacts and use the wallet to deploy them by calling the deploy()
method, optionally specifying constructor parameters. Hardhat handles transaction
signing using the provided wallet, and developers can save deployed contract addresses
to a manifest file for lookup later. Deploy scripts can target either Hardhat's local
blockchain or external networks based on configuration. By handling artifacts, fees, and
signing, Hardhat streamlines deploying contracts from development into production

Fig 2. Deploying Smart Contracts

Nounce(Number only used once):

A nonce is a number that is used only once in blockchain transactions. Here is
an explanation of how nonces work in blockchain and specifically in ourdecentralized
file storage project.In blockchain, every transaction requires a nonce value associated
with the sender's account. This nonce is incremented with every transaction sent from
that account.The purpose of the nonce is to prevent replay attacks. With nonces, the
network can ensure that each transaction from an account is only processed once - the
nonce value proves the transaction is unique and new.In ourproject, when a user wants
to upload a file to IPFS/Pinata, they need to initiate a transaction on the blockchain to
store metadata about the file. As part of this transaction, they must specify the correct
nonce value for their account.The nonce will

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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

be automatically handled and incremented by their blockchain wallet/client. But the

user needs to sign the transaction with the correct nonce to confirm they are authorized
to submit this file upload.If the user provides an incorrect nonce value, the transaction
will fail because the network checks the nonce to verify the transaction is legitimate.
This prevents replay attacks.Additionally, if the nonce value provided is too high
compared to the expected sequence number, the time taken to confirm the transaction
will be longer. This is because all the missing nonce slots have to timeout before the
network will accept the high nonce transaction.Only when the user signs with the
proper account nonce will the transaction succeed quickly, the file uploadwill
complete, and the metadata will be stored on the blockchain.In summary, the nonce
requires the user to digitally sign and authorize each unique upload transaction,
confirming they intend to submit this file to IPFS. Without the correct nonce, the
transaction is invalid and the file is not uploaded. This maintains security in our
decentralized system.

Fig 3. Transaction Failure Due to Incorrect Nounce

Pinata API keys:

Pinata provides an API and SDK for interfacing with IPFS - developers can sign
up for a Pinata account, generate a unique set of API keys consisting of a public key
and secret, then instantiate the SDK in their project code using these credentialsto
authenticate and access Pinata's services which include uploading files and data to IPFS
through their gateway. The API keys enable decentralized applications to leverage
Pinata's infrastructure while tracking usage across different users that may each have
their own keys. Developers should securely store the secret keys and usethe public
keys to reference their account. Overall, Pinata API keys allow projects to easily
integrate with IPFS in a managed way for storage and retrieval of content addressed by

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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

Fig 4. API key creation

Fig 5. API Key Generation

4.3.2 File Storage Module
This module handles file uploads and storage on IPFS. It utilizes the Pinata API
to upload files to IPFS and store them permanently. A unique content identifier (CID)
is generated for each file. The CID and other metadata is then passed to the smart
contracts to be stored on-chain. This provides a permanent, decentralized link toaccess
the file contents.

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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

Fig File storage using pinata

 4.3.3 Access Management Module

This module controls and enforces access permissions for files. It reads the
permission rules defined by file owners from the smart contracts. For any file access
request, it checks if the requester's wallet address is allowed based on the stored
permissions. Downloads are only completed if access is granted.

 4.3.4 User Authentication Module

This module facilitates user authentication using MetaMask wallets. On app load, it
prompts users to connect their MetaMask wallet. The public wallet address is then
linked to the user's profile. This address is used for all interactions with smart
contracts like uploads, shares and payments.

 4.3.5 File Sharing Module

File owners can utilize this module to share access to their files with other wallets.
They can specify other Ethereum addresses in the smart contracts that will be granted
access. Other users can then view these shared files by searching for the owner's
wallet address.

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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

Fig 7. Process involved in File Sharing

4.3.6 Application Interface

Built with React/Vite, this module provides the frontend interface for all modules. It
allows users to upload files, set permissions, share files and access shared content
through a simple UI. All interactions occur via calls to the underlying blockchain and
storage modules.

Fig 8. Main page of the application

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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

4.3.7 Upload Module

Facilitates file uploads from the user's device to IPFS. It utilizes the Pinata API to store
files permanently with error handling. Unique IDs are generated and associated file
details saved to the blockchain.

Fig 9. File uploading module

4.3.8 Download Module

For downloading files through the app interface. It verifies access permissions, resolves
the file hash to IPFS gateway and streams the contents to users. Payments arechecked
if required.

Fig 10. File download module

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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

4.3.9 Wallet Module

Manages wallet integration using MetaMask. Allows users to connect/disconnect their
wallets, view balances, send transactions like payments through web3.

Fig 11. Wallet module Fig 12. Transaction confirmation

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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3


Selected Softwares

VisualStudio IDE
Visual Studio Code is a popular open source IDE developed by Microsoft. It
provides intuitive editing features like syntax highlighting, code completion and
debugging tools to help code applications. Visual Studio Code supports a variety of
programming languages like Python, C++, JavaScript and more. It has a lightweight yet
powerful editor that works on Windows, Linux and macOS. The integrated terminal
and extensions also make Visual Studio Code very extensible for developers' workflow.

Solidity 1s a contract-oriented programmmg language for writing smart
contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It is used for implementing smart contracts on
Ethereum and other blockchain platforms. Solidity was influenced by C++, Python
and JavaScript and is designed to target the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Smart
contracts written in Solidity are compiled into bytecode that runs on the EVM.

Sample code of Smart Contract

pragma solidity >=0.8.0 <=0.9.0;

contract Drive {
struct Access
{ address User; bool Allow;
mapping(address => string[]) Links;
mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) Ownership;
mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) PreviousState;
mapping(address => Access[]) AccessList;

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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

function Upload(address User, string memory URL) external

{ Links[User].push(URL);
function Display(address User) external view returns (string[] memory)
{ require(User == msg.sender II Ownership[User][msg.sender],"You Don't Have
return Links[User];
function Allow(address User) external
{ Ownership[ msg.sender] [User]=true; if(PreviousState[msg.sender] [User]){
for(uint I=0;I<AccessList[ msg.sender].length;!++){ if(AccessList[ msg.sen
AccessList[ msg.sender] [I].Allow=true;
function DisAllow(address User) public
{ Ownership[msg.sender][User]=false; for(uint I=0;
I<AccessList[ msg.sender] .length;!++){ if(AccessList[ msg.sen der][I].User==User){
AccessList[ msg.sender][I].Allow=false;
function ShareAccess() public view returns (Access[] memory)
{ return AccessList[ msg.sender];

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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

Java Script

JavaScript is a scripting language that allows for the creation of dynamic and interactive
effects on web pages like form validation, sliding banners, and more. It is the most
widely used programming language on the web due to its implementation in all major
web browsers. JavaScript can run on the client-side as well as the server-side using
Node.js. It uses object-oriented programming principles and supports features like
functions, arrays, JSON, classes etc.

Sample Code for sending email when file is uploaded to IPFS

const express= require('express');

const bodyParser = require('body-parser');

const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');

const cors = require('cors'); // Import the cors middleware

const app = express();

const port= 5000; II Choose a port for your server app.use(bodyParser.json());

app.use(cors()); II Enable CORS for all routes'lsend-email', async (req, res)=>

{ const { recipientEmail, message } = reg.body;

AIReplace these credentials with your actual email and password const emailUser =';

const emailPass = 'YOUR-PASS CODE';

AISet up nodemailer with your email service credentials

const transporter=nodemailer.createTransport({ service: 'gmail',

auth: {

user: emailUser,

pass: emailPass,


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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3


#Define the email content

const mailOptions=

{ from: emailUser, to: recipientEmail,

subject: 'New file is pinned for you', text: message,


try {

//Send the email

await transporter.sendMail(mailOptions);

res.status(200).json({ message: 'Email sent successfully!' }); } catch (error) {

console.error('Error sending email:', error); res.status(500).json({ message: 'Failed to

send email.'});


app.listen(port, () => {

console.log(' Server is running on port ${port}'); });

Sample Code for uploading document into pinata ipfs

import React, { useState } from 'react';

import FormData from 'form-data';

import Axios from 'axios';

const CombinedComponent = ({ State }) => {

const [recipientEmail, setRecipientEmail] = useState("); const [File, setFile] =


const [FileURL, setFileURL] = useState(null);

const handleFileUpload = async () => {

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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

try {

const FrmData = new FormData();

FrmData.append('file', File);

const Res = await

Axios({ method: 'POST',

url: '',

data: FrmData,

headers: {

pinata_api_key: '$ {import.meta.env.VITE_API_KEY}',

pinata_secret_api_key: '${import.meta.env.VITE_API_SECRET}',

'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',



const fileHash = 'ipfs://${}';

State?.Account &&

State?.Contract &&

(await State.Contract.Upload(State.Account, fileHash)); setFile(null);


return fileHash; // Return fileHash

} catch (err) {

alert('Error in Uploading File to Pinata');

return null;


const handleSubmit = async (e) =>

LBRCE, AI&DS Department 21

Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

{ e.preventDefault();

AICall the handleFileUpload function const fileHash = await handleFileUpload(); if

(fileHash) {

AIContinue with the rest of the email sending logic

const serverEndpoint = 'http:lllocalhost:5000lsend-email'; II Update with your server


try {

const response= await fetch(serverEndpoint,

{ method: 'POST',

headers: {

'Content-Type': 'application/json', },

body: JSON.stringify({ reci


message:"gateway token for your file 1s

foPex2mY Include it at the end of url https:l/brown-magic-opossum-
246.mypinata.cloudlipfsl"+fileHash.substring(7)+"/?pinataGatewayToken=", II Set
message to the file hash



if (response.ok) {

alert('Email sent successfully!');

} else {

alert('Failed to send email. Please try again later.');

} catch (error) {

console.error('Error sending email:', error);

alert('An error occurred. Please try again later.');

LBRCE, AI&DS Department 22

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return (

<div className="w-[60%] h-[100%] flex justify-center items-center mx-auto flex-col


<section className="flex w-[100%] text-white gap-2 h-[70%]">


onClick={() => document.querySelector('.input-field').click()}

className="cursor-pointer w-[50%] bg-red-500 p-2 flex justify-center items-center

shadow-2xl rounded-lg flex-col gap-5"


<img className="hover:scale-110 hover:transition-all"


<input type="file" className="input-field" hidden onChange={({ target: {files} })

=>{ files[0] && setFile(files[0]); if (files){ setFileURL(fileHash);}}}/>

<small>Select File</small>


<div className="w-[50%] bg-red-500 p-2 rounded-lg shadow-2xl"> {File && (

<div className="flex flex-col gap-5 items-start h-[100%] p-5">

<p className="flex justify-between w-[100%] border-2 border-dashed p-1">

<span>File Name </span>



<p className="flex justify-between w-[100%] border-2 border-dashed p-1">

<span>File Size </span>


LBRCE, AI&DS Department 23

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<p className="flex justify-between w-[100%] border-2 border-dashed p-1">

<span>File Type </span>



<img src={FileURL}alt="" height={170} width={170} className="rounded-md"/>





<section className="w-[100%] bg-[#2ecc71] text-black rounded-lg">

<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>


Recipient Email:<input type="email" value={recipientEmail}

onChange={(e) => setRecipientEmail(}




<button type="submit">Upload File and Send Email</button>






export default CombinedComponent;

LBRCE, AI&DS Department 24

Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

Sample code for sharing files between multiple Metamask Accounts

import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";

const ShareAccess = ({ State }) => {

let [Accessors, setAccessors] = useState([]);

let [Text, setText] = useState("");

let GetListOfAccessors = async () => {

try {

let List = await State.Contract.ShareAccess();


} catch (err) {

alert("Error in Fetching Accessors");


let Allow = async () => {

try {

Text && (await State.Contract.Allow(Text));

await GetListOfAccessors();

} catch (Err) {

alert("Error in Allowing Access");


let DisAllow = async () => {

try {

Text && (await State.Contract.DisAllow(Text));

LBRCE, AI&DS Department 25

Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

await GetListOfAccessors();

} catch (Err) {

alert("Error in DisAllowing Access");


useEffect(() => {


}, [State.Account && State.Contract, Allow, DisAllow]);

return (


<div className="w-[70%] h-[100%] flex justify-center items-center mx-auto

flex-col gap-2">

<section className="flex w-[100%] text-white gap-2 h-[70%]">

<div className="cursor-pointer w-[60%] bg-red-500 p-2 flex justify-center

items-center shadow-2xl rounded-lg flex-col gap-5">



className="w-[100%] outline-none p-2 rounded-md text-black"

onChange={(E) => {




<section className="flex gap-5 w-[100%]">


className="w-[100%] bg-[#2ecc71] text-white rounded-lg p-2"


LBRCE, AI&DS Department 26

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className="w-[100%] bg-red-400 text-white rounded-lg p-2"







<div className="w-[90%] bg-red-500 p-2 rounded-lg shadow-2xl Scroll">

{Accessors.length > 0 ? (, index) => {

return (

<div className="m-2 flex justify-between" key={index}>



{Accessor?.Allow == true ? (

<span className="text-green-300">True</span>


<span className="text-black">False</span>




LBRCE, AI&DS Department 27

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<p className="m-2 ">No Accessors</p>








export default ShareAccess;


IPFS 1s a peer-to-peer distributed file system that seeks to connect all

computing devices with the same file system. It uses content-addressing to uniquely
identify each file by its hash rather than location. This allows for decentralized storage
and retrieval of files. IPFS allows users to store and retrieve files without needing to
trust or rely on any single server or organization. Files are accessed through their hash
address rather than a location-based URL. Nodes in the IPFS network store file data
and can serve files to users. This makes IPFS censorship-resistant as files cannot be
taken down by removing them from a central server. The goal of IPFS is to make the
web faster, safer, and more open by re-architecting it as a content-addressed system
rather than location-addressed. It aims to improve web performance, reduce link rot,
resist censorship, enhance privacy, and foster a more open web. Overall, IPFS provides
a decentralized alternative to traditional centralized file storage and distribution

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Fig 13. IPFS Cluster Architecture

Advantages of IPFS over Centralized Storage system

 Decentralization: IPFS is a decentralized peer-to-peer network, eliminating the

need for a central server.
 Data Redundancy: Files on IPFS are distributed across multiple nodes, ensuring
redundancy and fault tolerance.
 Improved Availability: With files distributed across multiple nodes, IPFS offers
greater availability compared to centralized systems.
 Censorship Resistance: Since there is no central authority, IPFS is resistant to
censorship and single points of failure.
 Increased Security: Files on IPFS are encrypted and hashed, enhancing security
and privacy.
 Lower Costs: IPFS reduces infrastructure costs by leveraging resources from
network participants rather than relying on dedicated servers.
 Faster Content Delivery: IPFS uses content-based addressing, allowing for faster
and more efficient content delivery compared to traditional URL-based systems.
 Content Addressing: Files on IPFS are addressed based on their content, ensuring
integrity and preventing tampering.

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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

 Offline Access: IPFS supports offline access to content by caching files locally,
allowing users to access data even when disconnected from the network.
 Versioning and History: IPFS maintains a version history of files, allowing users
to access previous versions and track changes over time.
 Peer-to-Peer Communication: IPFS enables direct peer-to-peer communication
between nodes, reducing reliance on intermediaries.
 Scalability: IPFS is designed to scale effortlessly with network growth, making it
suitable for handling large volumes of data.
 Global Reach: IPFS operates on a global scale, allowing users to access and
share content across geographical boundaries without restrictions.
 Community Collaboration: IPFS fosters collaboration and community-driven
development, enabling users to contribute resources and improve the network
 Future-Proofing: IPFS is built with future technologies and use cases in mind,
making it adaptable to evolving requirements and advancements in the field of
decentralized storage.

Remix IDE

Remix is a popular web-based IDE used for writing, deploying and debugging
smart contracts for Ethereum and other EVM-compatible blockchains. It has an in- built
JavaScript VM that allows testing and debugging smart contracts without running a
local Ethereum node. Remix supports Solidity, Vyper and LLl

Fig 14. Interface of Remix IDE

LBRCE, AI&DS Department 30

Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

Benefits of Remix IDE

 Easy to get started - Remix provides a browser-based IDE that allows developers
to quickly start building and testing smart contracts without needing toinstall tools
 Built-in Ethereum VM - Remix includes a local Ethereum VM allowing
developers to deploy and test contracts right in the IDE without needing a full node.
 Debugging capabilities - Remix supports debugging transactions and inspecting
state while transacting with contracts to help fix issues.
 Library integration - Remix is integrated with key Ethereum libraries likeWeb3.js
making it easy to connect DApps to the blockchain.
 Open source - Remix is open source allowing developers to help contribute to the
platform and shape its evolution.
 Extensibility - Developers can write plugins to extend Remix's functionality for
particular use cases or integrations.
 Collaboration support - Remix allows developers to quickly share and
collaborate on smart contract projects with built-in GitHub integration.
 Gas estimation - Remix provides estimates of gas costs for transactions, helping
optimize gas usage.
 Deployment configurability - Developers can easily configure different
Ethereum networks and accounts to deploy contracts to different environments.
 Template support - Remix includes templates and examples to kickstart
development of common contract types like tokens.
 Integration with MetaMask - Seamless connectivity with MetaMask for
encrypted keys/accounts used in transactions.
 Formatted contract code - Remix automatically formats contract source code to
follow best practices and conventions.
 Testing tools - Built-in Remix testing suite and integration with other tools like
Truffle for test-driven development.
 Support for Vyper - In addition to Solidity, Remix supports Vyper for writing
contracts in an alternative language.

LBRCE, AI&DS Department 31

Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

 Charting data - Remix can chart contract data like gas usage to visualize

Workflow of the System

The proposed workflow of our document management system shows the process for
securely uploading, storing, and sharing documents using IPFS and blockchain. A
user uploads a document to IPFS which returns the content identifier (CID). The CID
and access control rules are stored on the blockchain via a smart contract. To share,
the owner generates a one-time access token for the recipient. This token is emailed to
the recipient. When the recipient tries to access the document using the token, the
custom IPFS gateway validates the token against the blockchain. If valid, it retrieves
the document content from IPFS and displays it. Overall, the workflow outlines how
documents are uploaded to IPFS, metadata and access rules are maintained on-chain,
unique tokens generated for access, and content selectively retrieved based on token
validation for secure sharing.

Fig 15. Workflow Of the Application

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Secure Document Storage System Using Web3


Software Testing

In any software development, testing is a process to show the correctness of

program and it needs the design specifications. Testing is needed to prove correctness
completeness, to improve the quality of the software and to provide the maintenance
aid. Some testing standards are therefore necessary to ensure completeness of testing,
improve the quality of software and reduce the testing costs and to reduce study needs
and operation time.

Goals of Testing

The following are goals of testing...

 Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding error.

 A good test case is the one that has a high probability of finding an undiscovered
 A successful test is one that uncovers an as at undiscovered error.

Testing Methodology

Black box testing

Black Box Testing is the testing process in which tester can perform testing on
an application without having any internal structural knowledge of application. Usually
Test Engineers are involved in the black box testing.

White box testing

White Box Testing is the testing process in which tester can perform testing on
an application with having internal structural knowledge. Usually the developers are
involved in the white box testing.

LBRCE, AI&DS Department 33

Secure Document Storage System Using Web3

Gray box testing

Gray Box Testing is the process in which the combination of black box and
white box techniques is use.

Levels of Testing

Unit testing

Individual components are tested to ensure that they operate correctly. Each
component is tested independently without other system components.

System testing

The sub-systems are integrated to make up the entire system. The testing process
is concerned with finding errors, which result from un-anticipated interactionsbetween
subsystem components.

Integration testing

Sometimes global data structures can represent the problems to uncover errors
that are associated with interfacing the objective is to make unit test modules and built
a program structure that has been detected by design.

Acceptance testing

This is the final stage in the testing process before the system is accepted for
operational use. Acceptance testing may reveal errors and omissions in the system
requirements definition because real data exercises the system in different ways from
the test data.

Regression testing

Regression testing is actually that helps to ensure changes that don't introduce
unintended behavior as additional errors. Regression testing may be conducted
manually by executing a subset of all test cases or using automated capture play back

LBRCE, AI&DS Department 34

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Unit Test Cases

Test case Id Operation Description Pass/Fail

TC_01 File Upload Attempt to file is added to Pass

upload a file IPFS successfully

TC_02 File Access Share a file and Try accessing file Pass
gateway token with user

TC_03 File Access Share a file and Try accessing with Fail
invalid gateway user

Table 1: Test cases for project.

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Fig 16. Accessing shared files between accounts

Fig 17. Pinata gateway for sharing files to users

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Fig 18. Main Page Of The Application

Fig 19. Uploaded Files In Pinata Ipfs

Fig 20. Sharing Files Using Meta Mask Wallet Address

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This project developed a decentralized file sharing application to demonstrate

the viability of using blockchain and IPFS for flexible file access management and
monetization. The application implemented key features like file uploads, access
controls, payments and expiration dates using smart contracts. Testing showed the core
functionality worked as intended with files securely stored on IPFS and all transactions
properly recorded on Ethereum.

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