Environmental-Science (Set 1)
Environmental-Science (Set 1)
Environmental-Science (Set 1)
1 of 2 sets
9. The term ‘Environment’ has been derived from the French word which means
to encircle or surround
A. Environ
B. Oikos
C. Geo
D. Aqua
10. Biosphere is
A. The solid shell of inorganic materials on the surface of the earth
15. Which of the following are major environmental issues involved in mining?
A. air pollution
17. The most important remedy to avoid negative impact due to industrialization is
A. industry should be closed
B. don’t allow new industrial units
C. industry should treat all the wastes generated by it before disposal
D. industries should be shifted far away from human habitats
29. A group of living organisms of the same kind living in the same place and at the
same time refers to a
A. Community
B. Species
C. Population
D. Consumers
30. Which of these organisms has a diet consisting only of plant matter
A. Omnivores
B. Carnivores
C. Herbivores
D. Insectivores
33. Which of the following can act as a pioneer species in a xerach succession
A. Lichens
B. Humans
C. Herbs
D. Animals
39. Which of these belong to the category of primary consumers in grazing food
A. snakes and frogs
B. Insects and cattle
C. Eagle and snakes
40. The pyramid of energy is always upright for any ecosystem, this situation
indicates that
A. Herbivores have better energy conversion efficiency than carnivores
B. Producers have the lowest energy conversion efficiency
C. Carnivores have a better energy conversion efficacy than herbivores
D. Energy conversion efficiency is same at all trophic levels
43. Deserts, grasslands, forests and tundra regions are the examples of
A. Biomes
B. Biogeographically regions
C. Ecosystems
D. Biospheres
46. Mass of living matter at a trophic level in an area at any given time is called
A. Standing state
B. Standing crop
C. Humus
D. Detritus
57. Resources which are directly derived from nature are referred to as
A. Organic resources
B. Natural resources
C. Manmade resources
D. None of the above
58. Resources that take too long a period of time to be used as a resource are called
A. Renewable resource
B. Non-renewable resource
C. Exhaustible resource
D. Inexhaustible resource
59. The fossil fuel that is derived from the dead remains of plants that grew some
250 million years ago is
A. Petroleum
B. Natural gas
63. A liquid fuel that was formed from the ancient remains of sea plants and
animals is
A. Natural gas
B. Petroleum
C. Geothermal energy
D. Coal
67. A coal deposit that is not economical to mine today would be considered part of
our ___________
A. Coal reserves
B. Coal resources
C. Coal reservoirs
D. None of these
68. Which out of the following are the causes of soil erosion?
A. Unrestricted grazing
B. Over cultivation
C. Deforestation
D. All of the above
77. Which one of the following is not included under in situ conservation?
A. Zoo
B. National Park
C. Wild life Sanctuary
D. Biosphere Reserve
81. Which one of the following has the maximum genetic diversity in India?
A. Tea
B. Teak
C. Mango
D. Wheat
91. Which of the following does not causes air pollution when used for heating
A. Coal
B. Petrol
C. Kerosene
D. Solar energy
92. A pH of rainwater is
A. 5-6
B. 6-7
C. 7-8
D. 8-9