Environmental-Science (Set 1)

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Environmental Science

1 of 2 sets

1. In an ecotone, the species which become abundant are called:

A. Edge species
B. Keystone species
C. Endemic species
D. Foster species

2. The objective of Environment studies is

A. Raise consciousness about environment conditions
B. To teach environmentally appropriate behavior
o m
C. Create an environmental ethic sensitive society
. c
D. All of the above
Answer:D a
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3. Which of the following is not influenced by human activities?
A. Destruction of mangroves and wetlands
B. Depletion of ground water
C. Increased extinction rate of species
D. None of the above

4. Which of the following is management option for air pollution?

A. Regulations and standards
B. Transport planning
C. Using CNG as fuel
D. All of these

5. Development activities on the hydrosphere cause

A. Air pollution
B. Soil pollution
C. Water pollution
D. Soil erosion

6. The species restricted to be present in one region are called

A. Edge species
B. Endemic species
C. Endangered species
D. Keystone species

7. The basic requirements of human beings are provided by

A. Industrialization
B. Agriculture
C. Nature
D. Urbanization

8. Environment is the life support system that includes

A. Air
B. Water
C. Land
D. All of the above

9. The term ‘Environment’ has been derived from the French word which means
to encircle or surround
A. Environ
B. Oikos
C. Geo
D. Aqua

10. Biosphere is
A. The solid shell of inorganic materials on the surface of the earth

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B. The thin shell of organic matter on the surface of the earth comprising of all the living things
C. The sphere which occupies the maximum volume of all the spheres
D. All the above

11. Atmosphere consists of 79 percent Nitrogen and 21 percent Oxygen by

A. Volume
B. Weight
C. Density
D. All of these

12. The word ‘Environment’ is derived from

A. Greek
B. French
C. Spanish
D. English

13. Which among the following is a climatic factor?

A. pressure
B. humidity
C. temperature
D. all of the above

14. World environment day is on:

A. 5th May
B. 5th June
C. 18th July
D. 16th August

15. Which of the following are major environmental issues involved in mining?
A. air pollution

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B. water pollution
C. soil degradation
D. all of the above

16. Sustainable development means

A. meeting present needs without compromising on future needs
B. progress of human beings
C. balance between human needs and the ability of earth to provide the resources
D. all of the above

17. The most important remedy to avoid negative impact due to industrialization is
A. industry should be closed
B. don’t allow new industrial units
C. industry should treat all the wastes generated by it before disposal
D. industries should be shifted far away from human habitats

18. Sustainable development will not aim at

A. Social economic development which optimizes the economic and social benefits available in
the present, without spoiling the likely potential for similar benefits in the future
B. Reasonable and equally distributed level of economic well-being that can be perpetuated
C. Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future
generations to meet their own needs
D. Maximizing the present day benefits through increased resource consumption

19. The adverse effect of modern agriculture is

A. Water pollution
B. Soil degradation
C. Water logging
D. All of the above

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20. Soil erosion removes surface soil which contains
A. Organic matter
B. Plant nutrients
C. Both a and b
D. none of the above

21. Water logging is a phenomenon in which

A. Crop patterns are rotated
B. Soil root zone becomes saturated due to over irrigation
C. Erosion of soil
D. None of the above

22. The impact of construction of dams

A. Submerged forest
B. Loss of wild life habitat
C. Damages downstream ecosystem
D. All of the above

23. What would you do to prevent environmental damage

A. Plant trees
B. Halt deforestation
C. Control pollution
D. All of the above

24. Environmental impact assessment

A. is the study of feasibility of a project
B. is a study of bio-physical characteristics of the environment that may result from a human
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above

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25. Which of the following is the most environmental friendly agricultural
A. Using chemical fertilizers
B. Using insecticides
C. Organic farming
D. None of the above

26. A herbivore is also known as a

A. Producer
B. First order consumer
C. Second order consumer.
D. Third order consumer

27. A product of photosynthesis is

A. Carbon dioxide
B. Water
C. Oxygen
D. Chlorophyll

28. Primary source of energy in a food web is/are

A. Green plants
B. Sun
C. Inorganic nutrients
D. Animals

29. A group of living organisms of the same kind living in the same place and at the
same time refers to a
A. Community
B. Species
C. Population
D. Consumers

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30. Which of these organisms has a diet consisting only of plant matter
A. Omnivores
B. Carnivores
C. Herbivores
D. Insectivores

31. The true end of any food chain is the

A. Decomposer
B. Predator
C. Consumer
D. Human

32. The second trophic level in a lake is

A. Phytoplankton
B. Zooplanktons
C. Fishes
D. Benthos

33. Which of the following can act as a pioneer species in a xerach succession
A. Lichens
B. Humans
C. Herbs
D. Animals

34. Energy flow in an ecosystem is

A. Bidirectional
B. Unidirectional
C. Multidirectional
D. All rounds

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35. Which of the following is an example of a man-made ecosystem

A. Tissue culture
B. Herbarium
C. Aquarium
D. Forest

36. Pyramid of energy in a pond ecosystem is always

A. Inverted
B. Upright
C. Linear
D. Irregular

37. If in a population, natality is balanced by mortality, then there will be

A. Decrease in population growth
B. Increase in population growth
C. Zero population growth
D. Over population

38. In a pyramid of numbers in grassland ecosystems, the largest population is that

A. Herbivores
B. Primary consumers
C. Secondary consumer
D. Producers

39. Which of these belong to the category of primary consumers in grazing food
A. snakes and frogs
B. Insects and cattle
C. Eagle and snakes

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D. Cow and rabbit

40. The pyramid of energy is always upright for any ecosystem, this situation
indicates that
A. Herbivores have better energy conversion efficiency than carnivores
B. Producers have the lowest energy conversion efficiency
C. Carnivores have a better energy conversion efficacy than herbivores
D. Energy conversion efficiency is same at all trophic levels

41. Which of the ecological pyramid is always upright

A. Pyramid of numbers
B. Pyramid of biomass
C. Pyramid of energy
D. All of the above

42. Which one of the following is not a gaseous biogeochemical cycle

A. Nitrogen cycle
B. Carbon cycle
C. Sulphur cycle
D. Phosphorus cycle

43. Deserts, grasslands, forests and tundra regions are the examples of
A. Biomes
B. Biogeographically regions
C. Ecosystems
D. Biospheres

44. The upright pyramid of numbers is absent in

A. Lake
B. Pond
C. Grasslands

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D. Forests

45. The final stable community in ecological succession is

A. Climax
B. Pioneer
C. Sere
D. Carnivores

46. Mass of living matter at a trophic level in an area at any given time is called
A. Standing state
B. Standing crop
C. Humus
D. Detritus

47. Hydrarch succession takes place in

A. Dry areas
B. Bare area
C. Wetter areas
D. None of the above

48. Which of the following is a fossil fuel?

A. Oil
B. Coal
C. Natural gas
D. All of the above

49. Which of the following is not an inexhaustible form of energy?

A. Water
B. Wind
C. Solar

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D. Fossil

50. Biogas contains mainly

A. Methane
B. Propane
C. Butane
D. Carbon dioxide

51. The burning of fossil fuels releases a large amount of

A. Nitrogen into air
B. Sulphur into air
C. Carbon dioxide into air
D. Oxygen into air

52. A poisonous gas given out of a vehicle exhaust is

A. Methane
B. Ethane
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Carbon monoxide

53. The purest form of coal is

A. Anthracite
B. Lignite
C. Peat
D. Bitumen

54. Which one of the following is used as a refrigerant?

A. Freon
B. Teflon
C. Ethanol

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D. Benzol

55. Loss of forest has led to

A. Erosion of fertile soil
B. Global warming
C. Loss of habitat of plants and animals
D. All of the above

56. What are the consequences of excessive mining in an area?

A. Air and water pollution
B. Deforestation
C. Migration of large numbers of population
D. All of the above

57. Resources which are directly derived from nature are referred to as
A. Organic resources
B. Natural resources
C. Manmade resources
D. None of the above

58. Resources that take too long a period of time to be used as a resource are called
A. Renewable resource
B. Non-renewable resource
C. Exhaustible resource
D. Inexhaustible resource

59. The fossil fuel that is derived from the dead remains of plants that grew some
250 million years ago is
A. Petroleum
B. Natural gas

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C. Coal

60. A resource that cannot be replaced in a reasonably short time is usually

referred to as
A. Renewable
B. Non-renewable
C. Natural
D. Man made

61. Manmade resources are alternative to natural resources for a variety of

reasons. Which of these would not be one of those?
A. They increase variety and choice
B. They are cheaper to produce than natural resources
C. They are made from renewable resources
D. They are better suited for the purpose for which they will be used

62. Which of these is not a fossil fuel?

A. Coal
B. Oil
C. Natural gas
D. Uranium

63. A liquid fuel that was formed from the ancient remains of sea plants and
animals is
A. Natural gas
B. Petroleum
C. Geothermal energy
D. Coal

64. Energy in the rays from the sun is called

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A. Solar energy
B. Wind energy
C. Tidal energy
D. Water energy

65. Which is a list of renewable resources?

A. Petroleum, geothermal, wind
B. Biomass, geothermal, hydropower
C. Natural gas, wind, biomass
D. Hydropower, solar, wind energy

66. Energy from the heat inside the earth is

A. Natural gas
B. Geothermal
C. Petroleum
D. Terrathermal

67. A coal deposit that is not economical to mine today would be considered part of
our ___________
A. Coal reserves
B. Coal resources
C. Coal reservoirs
D. None of these

68. Which out of the following are the causes of soil erosion?
A. Unrestricted grazing
B. Over cultivation
C. Deforestation
D. All of the above

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69. The process of restoring forests that once existed but was removed at some time
in the past is known as
A. Afforestation
B. Reforestation
C. Deforestation
D. None of these

70. Red data book contains data of

A. All plant species
B. All animal species
C. Threatened species
D. Economically important species

71. IUCN Headquarters is at

A. Morges, Switzerland
B. Paris, France
C. Vienna, Austria
D. New York, USA

72. Which of the following regions has the maximum diversity?

A. Mangroves
B. Temperate forest
C. Taiga
D. Coral reefs

73. The most important reason for decrease in biodiversity is

A. Habitat pollution
B. Over exploitation
C. Habitat destruction
D. Introduction of exotic species

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74. Dodo is
A. Endangered species
B. Rare species
C. Extinct species
D. Exotic species

75. Blue whale is placed under

A. Endangered
B. Rare
C. Extinct
D. Exotic

76. Conservation within the natural habitat is

A. Ex-situ conservation
B. In-situ conservation
C. Ex-vivo conservation
D. In-vivo conservation

77. Which one of the following is not included under in situ conservation?
A. Zoo
B. National Park
C. Wild life Sanctuary
D. Biosphere Reserve

78. Ex-situ conservation includes

A. Zoo
B. Botanical Garden
C. Germplasm Bank
D. All of the above

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79. Hotspots are regions of high
A. Rareism
B. Endemism
C. Diversity
D. Critically endangered population

80. Endemic species are

A. Rare species
B. Species localized in a specific region
C. Cosmopolitan in distribution
D. None of these

81. Which one of the following has the maximum genetic diversity in India?
A. Tea
B. Teak
C. Mango
D. Wheat

82. Which one of the following regions in India is a hotspot of biodiversity?

A. Sundarbans
B. Western Ghats
C. Eastern Ghats
D. Gangetic plains

83. Darwin’s finches are a good example of

A. Convergent evolution
B. Adaptive radiation
C. Connecting link
D. Industrial melanism

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84. Which group of vertebrates comprises of highest number of species
A. Mammals
B. Fishes
C. Reptiles
D. Birds

85. 5th June is observed as

A. World environment day
B. World forest day
C. World population day
D. World wildlife day

86. The unfavorable alteration of environment by human activities is termed as

A. Ecological disturbance
B. Ecological degradation
C. Pollution
D. Catastrophe

87. Biogas contains mainly

A. Carbon dioxide
B. Methane
C. Butane
D. Propane

88. Main source of acid rain is

A. Sulphur dioxide
B. Nitrogen
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Carbon monoxide

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89. Treated water can be disinfected by adding
A. Alum
B. Fluorine
C. Chlorine
D. Oxygen

90. The burning of fossil fuels releases large amount of

A. Nitrogen
B. Sulphur
C. Carbon
D. Hydrogen

91. Which of the following does not causes air pollution when used for heating
A. Coal
B. Petrol
C. Kerosene
D. Solar energy

92. A pH of rainwater is
A. 5-6
B. 6-7
C. 7-8
D. 8-9

93. A poisonous gas given out of vehicles exhaust is

A. Carbon monoxide
B. Ethane
C. Methane
D. Carbon dioxide

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94. A common bactericide used in swimming pools is
A. Chlorine
B. Alum
C. Borax

95. Greenhouse effect is linked to

A. Nitrogen oxides
B. Sulphur dioxides
C. Carbon dioxides
D. Carbon monoxides

96. Disposable glasses and plates are made up of

B. Polystyrene
C. Polyvinyl alcohol
D. Polypropylene

97. Aerosols consisting of solid particles produced by combustion

A. Fog
B. Smog
C. Smoke
D. None of these

98. Which of the following are consequences of ozone depletion

A. Skin cancer and cataract
B. Reduced growth in plants
C. Shortening of zooplanktons and their breeding period
D. All of the above

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99. Which out of the following is a measure to control air pollution
A. Reduction in use of fossil fuels
B. Increasing use of renewable energy resources
C. Using catalytic convertors in vehicles
D. All of the above

100. The discharge of warm/hot water directly into rivers is known as

A. Water pollution
B. Thermal pollution
C. Marine pollution
D. None of the above

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