Physical Science Lesson 2
Physical Science Lesson 2
Physical Science Lesson 2
Henry Gwyn-Jeffreys Moseley an English physicist whose The two other elements with atomic numbers 61 and 87
experiment demonstrated that the major properties of an element were discovered through studies in radioactivity. Element-61
are determined by the atomic number, not by the atomic weight, (Promethium) was discovered as a decay product of the fission of
and firmly established the relationship between atomic number uranium while element-87 (Francium) was discovered as a
and the charge of the atomic nucleus. In 1913, Moseley used breakdown product of uranium.
Rutherford's work to advance the understanding of the elements
and solve the problem with Mendeleev's periodic table. Moseley •THE SYNTHESIS OF THE ELEMENTS•
noticed that shooting electrons at elements caused them to
release x-rays at unique frequencies. He also noticed that the The invention of the device called cyclotron paved the
frequency increased by a certain amount when the "positive way for transmuting one element into another artificially. The high-
charge" of the chosen element was higher. His discovery allowed energy particles that are produced from the cyclotron upon hitting
for a better arrangement of the periodic table, and predicted heavy target nuclei produce heavier nuclei.
elements that were not yet discovered. The elements were The Universe ran into the Be problem. Red giant cores
arranged according to the square root of the frequency they get past this via the Triple- Alpha process, but the Universe
emitted, he was able to draw out an arrangement of elements that expands right through this possibility and thedensity/temperature
more correctly periodic trends.The elements’ atomic number, or are quickly too low to synthesis any additional elements.
place in the periodic table was uniquely tied to their positive
charge, or the umber of protons they had. His method of
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
identifying elements by shooting electrons and looking at x-rays
became a very useful tool in characterizing elements and now is •The oldest stars in the Galaxy are deficient in the abundance of
called X-RAY SPECTROSCOPY. elements heavier than Helium (but show the predicted amount of
X-RAY SPECTROSCOPY a method that determines the atomic • The current record holder has Fe /H about 130,000 times smaller
number of an element. (Moseley bombarded a beam of electrons than the solar value.
to different elements and measure their x-ray spectral lines, results
showed that frequency of the x-rays given off by an element was
mathematically related to the position of that element in the Chemical Evolution of the Universe
Periodic Table.) When the elements were arranged there were Sources of the vast majority of elements in the Periodic Table of
gaps which corresponds to the atomic number 43,61,85, and 87. elements. We already know about some of the Sources,
• Low-mass stars synthe size new' He, C, O during the main-
Nuclear transmutation- successfully carried out by Ernest
Rutherford in 1919. A reaction involving the transformation of one •These freshly minted elements are brought to the surface via
element o isotope into another element. convection and redistributed via stellar winds and planetary
•17O- first nuclide to prepared by artificial means was an isotope nebulae into the interstellar medium to be incorporated into later
of oxygen; was made by Ernest Rutherford in 1919 by bombarding generations of stars.
nitrogen atoms with a particle.
•In synthesizing new elements, because both alpha particles and Chemical Evolution II
atomic nuclei are positively charged, so they tend to repel each
other. •For more massive stars, equilibrium' fusion reactions produce
elements all the way up to Fe. Freshly made elements are
James Chadwick discovered the neutron in 1932, as a previously delivered via stellar winds or, sometimes more spectacularly via
unknown neutral particle produced along with 12C by the nuclear supernova explosions.
reaction between 9Be and 4He.
Chemical Evolution III (What about the trans-Fe elements?)
REACTION WAS CREATED OUT IN A REACTOR AT THE Equilibrium fusion reactions of light elements don't proceed past
UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO IN A942. ONE OF THE MANY Fe because of Fe's location at the peak of the curve of binding
REACTION INVOLVE WAS:• energy. However, in certain circumstances, supernovae for
example, non-equilibrium reactions can build elements beyond Fe
The Discovery of the Missing Elements in the Periodic Table. Many of these are radioactive, but some are
In 1925, there were four vacancies in the periodic table stable.
corresponding to the atomic numbers 43, 61, 85, and 87. Two of
these elements were synthesized in the laboratory using particle
Neutron d Elements There are two principle paths to building the
elements heavier than Fe. Both use the addition of neutrons to
Particle accelerator is a device that is used to speed up the
existing seed' nuclei (neutrons have no charge so are much easier
protons to overcome the repulsion between the protons and the
to add to positively-charged nuclei).
target atomic nuclei by using magnetic and electrical fields. It is
used to synthesize new elements. •The S-process (slow addition of neutrons) slow addition of
Technetium- comes from the Greek word “technetos” neutrons to nuclei. The addition of a neutron produces heavier
which means artificial; the first man made element which was was isotope of a particular element.
•The R-process rapid addition of neutrons to existing nuclei. Rapid
here means that many neutrons are added before a beta-decay