As A Level Psychology
As A Level Psychology
As A Level Psychology
How to use this series
How to use this book
Key concepts in psychology
Issues and debates at AS Level
1 Research methods
1.1 Experiments
1.2 Self-reports
1.3 Case studies
1.4 Observations
1.5 Correlations
1.6 Longitudinal studies
1.7 The definition, manipulation, measurement and control of variables
1.8 Sampling of participants
1.9 Data and data analysis
1.10 Ethical considerations
1.11 Evaluating research: methodological issues
Self-Evaluation checklist
Exam-style questions
2 Biological approach
2.1 Core study 1: Dement and Kleitman (sleep and dreams)
2.2 Core study 2: Hassett et al. (monkey toy preferences)
2.3 Core study 3: Hölzel et al. (mindfulness and brain scans)
Self-Evaluation checklist
Exam-style questions
3 Cognitive approach
3.1 Core study 1: Andrade (doodling)
3.2 Core study 2: Baron-Cohen et al. (Eyes test)
3.3 Core study 3: Pozzulo et al. (line-ups)
Self-Evaluation checklist
Exam-style questions
4 Learning approach
4.1 Core study 1: Bandura et al. (aggression)
4.2 Core study 2: Fagen et al. (elephant learning)
4.3 Core study 3: Saavedra and Silverman (button phobia)
Self-Evaluation checklist
Exam-style questions
5 Social approach
5.1 Core study 1: Milgram (obedience)
5.2 Core study 2: Perry et al. (personal space)
5.3 Core study 3: Piliavin et al. (subway Samaritans)
Self-Evaluation checklist
Exam-style questions
Issues and debates at A Level
Research methods at A Level
6 Clinical psychology
6.1 Schizophrenia
6.2 Mood (affective) disorders: depressive disorder (unipolar) and bipolar disorder
6.3 Impulse control disorders
6.4 Anxiety disorders and fear-related disorders
6.5 Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Self-Evaluation checklist
Exam-style questions
7 Consumer psychology
7.1 The physical environment
7.2 The psychological environment
7.3 Consumer decision-making
7.4 The product
7.5 Advertising
Self-Evaluation checklist
Exam-style questions
8 Health psychology
8.1 The patient-practitioner relationship
8.2 Adherence to medical advice
8.3 Pain
8.4 Stress
8.5 Health promotion
Self-Evaluation checklist
Exam-style questions
9 Organisational psychology
9.1 Motivation to work
9.2 Leadership and management
9.3 Group behaviour in organisations
9.4 Organisational work conditions
9.5 Satisfaction at work
Self-Evaluation checklist
Exam-style questions
for Cambridge International AS & A Level
Introduction vi
How to use this series vii
How to use this book viii
Key concepts in psychology x
Issues and debates at AS Level xi
Acknowledgements 1
1 Research methods 3
Introduction 4
1.1 Experiments 5
1.2 Self-reports 18
1.3 Case studies 22
1.4 Observations 24
1.5 Correlations 27
1.6 Longitudinal studies 30
1.7 The definition, manipulation, measurement and control of variables 33
1.8 Sampling of participants 36
1.9 Data and data analysis 39
1.10 Ethical considerations 48
1.11 Evaluating research: methodological issues 53
2 Biological approach 63
Introduction 64
2.1 Core study 1: Dement and Kleitman (sleep and dreams) 67
2.2 Core study 2: Hassett et al. (monkey toy preferences) 75
2.3 Core study 3: Hölzel et al. (mindfulness and brain scans) 81
3 Cognitive approach 93
Introduction 94
3.1 Core study 1: Andrade (doodling) 97
3.2 Core study 2: Baron-Cohen et al. (Eyes test) 104
3.3 Core study 3: Pozzulo et al. (line-ups) 111
Welcome to the new edition of our Cambridge International AS & A Level Psychology coursebook,
which has been developed to support you with the Cambridge International AS & A Level Psychology
syllabus (9990) for examination from 2024. The syllabus covers a range of approaches to the study of
psychology including biological, cognitive, learning and social. You are encouraged to think like a
psychologist and explore key concepts and debates in psychology including the nature versus nurture
debate and cultural differences.
You will also develop skills of analysis, application and evaluation. At A Level you will apply
knowledge and understanding to important real-world issues in two of the four options: clinical,
consumer, health and organisational psychology. Research Methods are an essential part of psychology
and underpin both AS and A Level Psychology. You need to apply a scientific approach and consider the
benefits and limitations of different methodologies.
This coursebook is designed to provide a comprehensive and engaging course that fully supports the
syllabus. The various features that you will find in these chapters are explained in the How to use this
book section.
The information in this section is taken from the Cambridge International 9990 syllabus for examination
from 2024. You should always refer to the appropriate syllabus document for the year of your
examination to confirm the details and for more information. The syllabus document is available on the
Cambridge International website at
These set the scene for each chapter, help with navigation through the coursebook and indicate the
important concepts in each topic.
This contains questions and activities on subject knowledge you may already have that is relevant
to the topic.
This AS Level-only feature presents real-world examples and applications of the content in a
chapter, encouraging you to look further into topics. There are discussion questions at the end
which look at some of the benefits and problems of these applications.
Key vocabulary is highlighted in the text when it is first introduced. Meanings of these words and
phrases are given in the feature boxes close to where the word is highlighted. You will also find
definitions of these words in the Glossary at the back of this book.
Command words that appear in the syllabus are highlighted in the exam-style questions when they
are first introduced. In the margin, you will find the Cambridge International definition. You will
also find these definitions in the Glossary at the back of the book with some further explanation on
the meaning of these words.
Appearing throughout the text, questions give you a chance to check that you have understood the topic
you have just read about. You can find the answers to these questions in the digital edition of the
coursebook. The answers to these questions are accessible to teachers for free on the Cambridge GO
Specific aspects of research methods that relate to content are included in all chapters after chapter
Areas of each topic that relate to current issues and debates in psychology are highlighted through
each chapter, providing extra opportunities for discussion in class.
Activities give you an opportunity to check and develop your understanding throughout the text in
a more active way, for example by creating presentations, posters or role plays.
Peer/Self assessment
At the end of some activities you will find opportunities to help you assess your own work, or that
of your classmates, and consider how you can improve the way that you learn.
These activities ask you to look back on the topics covered in the chapter and test how well you
understand these topics and encourage you to reflect on your learning.
The summary is followed by self-evaluation checklists with ‘I can’ statements which correspond to
the Learning intentions at the beginning of the chapter. You might find it helpful to rate how
confident you are for each of these statements when you are revising. You should revisit any
coursebook or workbook topics that you rated “Needs more work” or “Almost there”.
Almost ready to
I can more Coursebook Workbook
there move on
Projects allow you to apply your learning from the whole chapter to group activities such as
making posters or presentations, or taking part in debates. They may give you the opportunity to
extend your learning beyond the syllabus if you want to.
Questions at the end of each chapter provide more demanding exam-style questions, some of
which may require use of knowledge from previous chapters. Answers to these questions can be
found in the Digital edition of the coursebook. The answers to these questions are accessible to
teachers for free on the Cambridge GO site.
Consider the additional safeguards that might need to be in place for working with children. Will they
understand the task or a new situation, or could this be confusing or distressing? Children under 16 years
of age cannot give informed consent to participate in psychological research, partly because it is
uncertain whether they can understand the implications of taking part. Psychologists must also consider
the methodological issues of working with children, as children are often expected to be compliant and
respectful towards adults. When asked to give their thoughts and opinions, younger participants could be
more likely to give socially desirable responses, for example.
Likewise, there is debate about the ethics of conducting research with animals, which is sometimes
considered more practical and/or ethical than research with human participants. Psychologists currently
working in this area also have a particular set of rules to which they must adhere. These guidelines
inform what psychologists can and cannot do when working with animals; and the methodological and
ethical implications of these are discussed in detail in Chapter 1. Additionally, psychologists must
consider carefully whether the findings of their research with animals can be applied to other species.
For example, this book will explore ways in which animals and humans learn by observing others.
Because of differences in the complexity and types of thinking and behaviour between different species,
we must be cautious about generalising from animal research.
The authors and publisher acknowledge the following sources of copyright material and are grateful for
the permissions granted. While every effort has been made, it has not always been possible to identify
the sources of all the material used, or to trace all copyright holders. If any omissions are brought to
our notice, we will be happy to include the appropriate acknowledgements on reprinting.
Table 2.4 from ‘Sex differences in rhesus monkey toy preferences parallel those of children’ Hormones
and Behaviour Vol 54, (3) Hassett, Janice M and Siebert, Erin R and Wallen, Kim, Pages No.359–364,
© 2008, with permission from Elsevier; 3.1 Core Study 1 Extract from ‘What does doodling do?’ from
Applied Cognitive Psychology: The Official Journal of the Society for Applied Research in Memory
and Cognition, Volume, 24 (1), 2010 Reproduced with permission from Wiley Online Library; Fig 4.5
& Table 4.3 Data extract from ‘Positive reinforcement training for a trunk wash in Nepal’s working
elephants: Demonstrating alternatives to traditional elephant training techniques’ by Fagen, Ariel and
Acharya, Narayan and Kaufman, Gretchen E, from Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 2014,
and Taylor & Francis, reprinted by permission of the publisher (Taylor & Francis Ltd,; Table 4.5 Reprinted from Journal of the American Academy of Child &
Adolescent Psychiatry, Vol 41 (11), Saavedra, Lissette M and Silverman, Wendy K ‘Case study: Disgust
and a specific phobia of buttons’, Pages No.1376–1379, © 2002, with permission from Elsevier; Table
5.1 from ‘Behavioral Study of obedience’ by by Milgram, S. (1963) from The Journal of Abnormal and
Social Psychology 67(4), 371–378; Figures 5.6, 5.7 & Tables 5.2–5.5 use data from Social Cognitive
and Affective Neuroscience, ‘OT promotes closer interpersonal distance among highly empathic
individuals’, 2014, Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2015, Pages 3–9, by Anat Perry, David Mankuta,
Simone G. Shamay-Tsoory, reproduced with permission of Oxford University Press; Table 5.6 Extract
from ‘Good samaritanism: an underground phenomenon?’ by IM Piliavin, J Rodin, JA Piliavin
Reproduced with permission. Copyright © 1969 by American Psychological Association; Fig 6.3 &
Table 6.1 from ‘Can Virtual Reality be Used to Investigate Persecutory Ideation?’in The Journal of
Nervous and Mental Disease: August 2003, Volume 191, Issue 8, p 509–514 by Freeman, Daniel BA,
PhD, DClinPsy; Slater, Mel MSc, DSc; Bebbington, Paul E. MA, PhD, FRCP, FRCPsych; Garety,
Philippa A. MA, MPhil, PhD; Kuipers, Elizabeth BSc, MSc, PhD; Fowler, David BSc, MSc Copyright
© 2003 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Fig. 6.23 Lovell et al. (2006) figure 2 Research from
‘Telephone administered cognitive behaviour therapy for treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder:
randomised controlled non-inferiority trial’ BMJ 2006; 333 doi:; Fig. 7.2 redrawn from Blog by Darren
Gilbert; Fig. 7.6 Gil et al 4 patterns of movement; Fig. 7.8 Pavesic, Dave, ‘The Psychology of Menu
Design: Reinvent Your ‘Silent Salesperson’ to Increase Check Averages and Guest Loyalty’ (2005).
Hospitality Faculty Publications. 5.; Fig. 7.15 del
Campo, C., Pauser, S., Steiner, E. et al. ‘Decision making styles and the use of heuristics in decision
making’. J Bus Econ 86, 389–412 (2016).; Fig. 7.17
‘Competitive Interference and Consumer Memory for Advertising’, Raymond R. Burke ,Thomas K.
Srull; Fig. 7.19 Figure from Liza Becker, Thomas J.L. van Rompay, Hendrik N.J. Schifferstein, Mirjam
Galetzka, ‘Tough package, strong taste: The influence of packaging design on taste impressions and
product evaluations’, Food Quality and Preference, Volume 22, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 17-23, ISSN 0950-
3293,; Fig. 8.1 & Table 8.1 photo and Table 3 from p277 of McKinstry, B., and Wang, J. X. (1991),
‘Putting on the style: what patients think of the way their doctor dresses’, in British Journal of General
Practice, vol. 41, no. 348, [online], pp. 270, 275–278.; Table 8.3 from Savage, R and Armstrong, D,
1990, ‘Effect of a general practitioner’s consulting style on patients’ satisfaction: a controlled study’, in
BMJ: British Medical Journal, p968 Table 1, vol.301, no.6758, pp.968–70.; Fig. 8.23 ‘Perfusion
functional MRI reveals cerebral blood flow pattern under psychological stress’, © 2009, National
Academy of Sciences, U.S.A.; Fig 8.25 Figure 2 from ‘An instrument for producing deep muscle
relaxation by means of analog information feedback 1’ Thomas H. Budzynski and Johann M. Stoyva;
Fig 8.27 & Table 9.6 from ‘The Long-term Effects of a Token Economy in Safety Performance in Open
Pit Mining’, in Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, vol. 20, no. 3, [online], pp. 215 – 224 by Authors
Fox, D. K., Hopkins, B. L., and Anger, W. K. (1987) Reproduced with permission of John Wiley and
Sons; Table 9.1 Table from ‘The Work of Leadership’ by Ronald A. Heifetz and Donald L. Laurie in the
December 2001 issue Reproduced with the permission of Harvard Business School; Table 9.2 Academy
of Management PerspectivesVol. 1, No. 4 Articles ‘The Case for Directive Leadership’ Authors Jan P.
Muczyk and Bernard C. Reimann by Academy of Management; Table 9.3 From Kouzes and Posner
(1987); Table 9.5 Extract from ‘The Psychology of Social Impact’, American Psychologist, 36(4), 343.
by B Latané Reproduced with permission. Copyright © 1969 by American Psychological Association;
Table 9.7 Table from Job Descriptive Index (Smith et al., 1969). Fig 9.10 Dimensional representation of
followers Figure ‘In Praise of Followers’ by Robert Kelley Harvard Business Review (November 1988).
Reproduced with the permission of Harvard Business Publishing
Chapter 1
Research methods
Psychological phenomena are explored using a ‘research process’ and the methods used to investigate
questions in psychology are called ‘research methods’. This chapter will help you to understand how
those methods are used by psychologists to find out about human (and animal) cognition, emotions and
The chapter is divided into several sections, covering the basic research methods that you need to
understand: experiments, self-reports, case studies, observations, correlations and longitudinal studies.
Once you have studied these sections, you should be able to apply your knowledge of research methods
to novel research situations.
In addition, you will learn about the other features of the research process or ‘research methodology’.
These features are the steps a psychologist takes in developing and conducting studies to investigate a
question or problem. This research process can be thought of as having several stages, the first of which
is to develop an aim. Although developing an aim is one of many steps, it is useful to consider it here
before moving on to the main part of the chapter.
The aim is the intention of the study, the idea it is trying to test, problem it is intended to solve or the
question it is attempting to answer. Consider the idea of different ways to help students to study, perhaps
using mind maps or revision apps. Imagine that a psychologist, Dr Huang, asks a few of her psychology
students which method they prefer, and finds that both are quite popular. Dr Huang wants to know
which is most effective. This is Dr Huang’s aim: to investigate whether mind maps or revision apps are
more effective at helping students to learn. So, the aim tells you the purpose of the investigation: in this
case, an experiment. It is generally expressed in terms of what the study intends to show. An aim can
also express the intention to investigate a link or relationship between two variables, such as between
the number of computer games a student plays and their final A Level grade: in this case, the study
would be a correlation.
This chapter therefore covers the whole of this research process:
• development of an aim
• selection of a research method and the designs, formats or techniques to be used within that
research method
• definition, manipulation, measurement, control of variables and variables in hypotheses
• selection of participants
• ethical considerations
• analysis of data, including the drawing of conclusions
• evaluation of research.
Watch or imagine someone thinking really hard, perhaps trying to remember a name or work out
the answer to a question, where do they focus their eyes? It has been suggested that in such
situations, we look upwards and to the left (Figure 1.1). Consider how you might test whether this
is true. Would you wait for people to get confused and then look at what they do, or would you
give them a puzzle to make them think? How would you decide where they are looking? What
would you do to be sure that they aren’t just looking around the room for clues? Being able to
decide on the answers to questions such as these is the basis of designing experiments in
1.1 Experiments
An experiment is an investigation that allows researchers to look for a cause-and-effect relationship.
The researcher investigates the way one variable, called the independent variable, is responsible for the
effect on another, the dependent variable. To test this, the researcher manipulates the independent
variable (IV) to produce two or more ‘levels’ or conditions, such as creating ‘bright’ or ‘dull’ lighting or
selecting ‘early’ and ‘late’ in the day. The effect of these conditions on the dependent variable (DV) is
measured. For example, an IV of the brightness of lighting might affect attention, with people being
better at paying attention when the light is bright. How well people pay attention would be the DV. If
there is a big difference in the DV between the conditions, the researcher would conclude that the IV has
caused the difference in the DV, i.e. that the brightness of light affects attention (Figure 1.2).
Figure 1.2: An experiment can investigate whether the brightness of lighting affects how well we
To be more certain that the difference between the conditions is caused by the IV, the researcher needs to
control any other variables that might affect the DV. For example, people might find it harder to be
attentive if they have recently eaten, exercised or sat through a very dull class.
The effect of such uncontrolled variables should therefore be minimised, e.g. by keeping all factors
except the IV the same in each condition (or ‘level of the IV’).
The levels of the IV being compared may be two or more experimental conditions (such as bright and
dull artificial lights) or there may be one or more experimental conditions that are compared to a control
condition (e.g. artificial light compared to daylight). The control condition is simply the absence of the
experimental variable. For example, in a comparison of the effect of eating chocolate on paying
attention, we might compare either the effect of eating one bar or two bars (two experimental
conditions) or the effect of eating one bar to no chocolate at all (one experimental and one control
A researcher might conduct an experiment to test the effect of the independent variable of time of
day on the dependent variable of happiness of students. They might always use lessons
immediately after a break or lunch so the students had always eaten recently since this might affect
happiness and act as an uncontrolled variable. This would be a comparison between two
experimental conditions.
Experimental design
The way that participants are allocated to different levels of the IV is called the experimental design.
They may participate in all, or only one, of the levels of the IV.
The three experimental designs are:
• independent measures design
• repeated measures design
• matched pairs design.
Independent measures design
In an independent measures design, a separate group of participants is used for each experimental
condition or level of the IV. This means that the data for each level of the IV is ‘independent’ because it
is not related to any other data: it has come from different people. Note that this is a different use of the
word ‘independent’ from that in the ‘independent variable’.
If we wanted to know whether seeing people behaving aggressively on television had long-term effects,
we could (rather unethically) expose a group of young people to aggressive television and then wait for
them to grow older. However, it would much quicker to compare two groups of adults, one group who
had been allowed to watch aggressive TV as children and one group who had not been allowed to. This
second example uses an independent measures design.
An independent measures design is good because the participants only encounter the experimental
setting once. They are therefore unlikely to notice or respond to clues that might tell them the aims of
the experiment (demand characteristics). One problem is that there might be individual differences
between participants in the groups for each level of the IV that could influence the findings. For
example, in a study on the effect of noise on dreams, more people who normally remember their dreams
well might end up in the ‘no noise’ group. If so, it could look as though noise prevented dream recall
when in fact it had little effect. This risk can be reduced by the random allocation of participants to
different conditions. This spreads possible differences between individuals across the levels of the IV. To
randomly allocate participants, each person is given a number, and the numbers are then randomly
divided into two groups. This can be done by giving each participant a number, putting numbers into a
hat and drawing out two sets, or by using a random number generator (e.g. on a computer) to do the
same thing. This and other strengths and weaknesses of independent measures designs are presented in
Table 1.1.
As each individual participates in every level of the IV, they will perform the same or similar tasks two
or more times. This can lead to a problem called an order effect. Repeated performance can cause two
different kinds of order effects. When participants’ performance improves because they have
encountered the task before this is a practice effect. This matters because participants who were tested
on a condition second would perform better than those who did it first. Alternatively, repetition might
make performance worse, perhaps if they were bored or tired: a fatigue effect. In addition, the
participants see both levels of the IV and have more opportunity to work out what is being tested, so are
more likely to respond to demand characteristics.
Order effects can be solved in two ways: by randomisation or counterbalancing. Imagine an experiment
with two conditions: learning while listening to music (M) and learning with no music (N). In
randomisation, participants are randomly allocated to do either condition M followed by N, or vice
versa. As some will do each order, any advantage of doing one of the conditions first will probably be
evened out in the results. To be more certain that possible effects are evened out, counterbalancing can
be used. Here, the group of participants is divided into two, so one half will do M followed by N and the
other half N followed by M. If on the second test there was a risk of participants accidentally including
items learned in the first test, this would be a problem for exactly half the participants in the ‘music’
condition, and exactly half in the ‘no music’ condition. Alternatively, a different design could be used.
Figure 1.3: Identical twins are perfect participants for a matched pairs design
Experimental design
Independent measures Repeated measures Matched pairs
Strengths Different participants are Participant variables are Participants see only one
used in each level of the IV unlikely to distort the effect level of the IV, reducing the
so there are no order effects. of the IV, as each participant effect of demand
does all levels. characteristics.
Participants see only one
level of the IV, reducing the Counterbalancing reduces Participant variables are less
effect of demand order effects. likely to distort the effect of
characteristics. Uses fewer participants thanthe IV than in an
independent measures design
Random allocation to levels independent measures or
of the IV can reduce the matched pairs so this is good as individual differences are
effects of individual when participants are hard to matched.
differences. find or if participants are at Different participants are
risk. used in each level of the IV
so there are no order effects.
Weaknesses Participant variables can Order effects could distort The similarity between pairs
distort results if there are the results. is limited by the matching
important individual process, so the right
As participants see the
differences between matching criteria must be
participants in different experimental task more than chosen in advance for this to
levels of the IV. once, they have greater be effective.
exposure to demand
More participants are needed characteristics. Availability of matching
than in a repeated measures pairs may be limited, making
design so the study may be the sample size small
less ethical if participants are (although some studies
harmed and less effective if conducted on twins use very
there is a small sample large numbers of pairs).
because participants are hard
to find.
A child psychologist conducted an experiment to look at the effect of violent computer games
(Figure 1.4). There were two experimental conditions (violent and non-violent). The dependent
variable was the children’s subsequent violent behaviour. The experimental design chosen was an
independent measures design, with different children in each of the experimental conditions. If a
repeated measures design had been used, in which the same children played each type of game,
there could be order effects. For example, aggression caused by playing the violent game could still
affect children in the non-violent game condition if they did this second. If this were the case, the
problem could be reduced by using counterbalancing.
However, the use of an independent measures design risks participant variables, such as the
original level of violence of each child, affecting the results. This could be reduced by either using
random allocation of participants to each condition or by using a matched pairs design. In this
case, children with similar aggression levels would be put in the different conditions. To avoid
demand characteristics, the children would ideally be unaware that they are in an experiment,
perhaps by telling them that they are in a computer games competition.
Figure 1.4: Are children more violent after they have played a violent computer game than before?
Look at the Research methods in practice box. Think about the following:
• The study could have had another level of the IV that did not use a computer game but did use
a computer, such as looking at non-violent pictures. Would this have been a control condition
or another experimental condition?
• An order effect that could arise if a repeated measures design was used for this study is that
the children might get fed up with playing computer games by the second condition. Is this a
practice effect or a fatigue effect?
• Suggest a participant variable, other than initial level of violence, that could affect the results
of this study.
Types of experiment
Laboratory experiments
Many experiments in psychology are conducted in artificial surroundings. Experiments conducted in
this way are called laboratory experiments; the participants are not in their usual environment for the
behaviour they are performing. The artificial situation means that the researcher can try to limit the
effect of variables that might affect the DV. For example, a laboratory experiment on the attention of
schoolchildren in high and low light levels could be conducted. It might be investigated by testing the
children on a computerised attention task conducted in a psychology room in a university. In this
situation, the researcher could choose to control variables such as noise, that could also affect the
children’s concentration.
Dr Singh is conducting a laboratory experiment to test whether older adults detect emotions as
quickly as younger people. He has two groups of participants, older and younger ones. This is his
IV. He tests them by comparing how quickly they press a button to say that they have recognised
the emotion on a face of a screen. This is the DV. Each participant sits at the same distance from
the screen. This is one aspect of the standardisation of the procedure. In a pilot study, Dr Singh had
shown the participants pictures and used a stopwatch to time their reactions himself, but he found
he was not very consistent in his ability to stop timing exactly when the participant responded. He
therefore changed to the computerised system to improve reliability. The pictures of faces included
both younger and older people to ensure it was a valid test. The controls and standardisation mean
that it would be possible for Dr Singh’s colleague, Dr McArthur, to replicate the study exactly.
Field experiments
Returning to the idea at the beginning of this section, about the effect of light levels on attention, the
school children could alternatively be tested by altering the number of lights turned on in their normal
classroom. Light level would still be the IV and the levels of the IV could be ‘all the lights on’ and ‘half
the lights on’. The DV of attention could then be measured by looking at the children’s scores on a topic
test they were due to take that day. This is still an experiment because it has an IV and a DV (and there
will still be some controls, such as the amount of time they spend studying for the test). However, it
would be a field experiment because the children are being tested on a usual behaviour (performance in
a topic test) in their normal environment (the classroom).
Evaluating field experiments
Field experiments, like laboratory experiments, have a range of strengths and weaknesses, these are
summarised in Table 1.2. It is a little harder to control variables and standardise procedures in a field
experiment than a laboratory experiment, although some controls can still be used. Reliability and
validity may therefore be lower. However, validity may benefit as the participants are performing a task
that seems normal, in a familiar environment. School students taken into a university laboratory might
concentrate really hard because they are nervous or interested, which might cover up any differences
between the different light level conditions. This means the findings from the laboratory would not
generalise to other settings as well as findings from the classroom. This is a problem of ecological
validity, and field experiments often have better ecological validity than laboratory experiments (but not
Another advantage arises if the participants are unaware that they are in an experiment. If so, there may
be fewer demand characteristics than there would be in a laboratory experiment. These are any features
of the experiment that give away the aims and cause participants’ behaviour to change, for example to
try to ‘make the experiment work’. However, if participants are unaware that they have been in a study
they have not been given a choice about participating and may not have wanted to.
Type of experiment
Laboratory experiment Field experiment
Strengths Good control of variables, raising As participants are in their normal situation for the
validity. activity being studied, they are likely to behave
naturally, making the results representative.
Causal relationships can be
determined as only the IV should be If participants are unaware that they are in a study,
affecting the DV. the problem of demand characteristics is less than
in laboratory experiments.
Standardised procedures raise
reliability and allow replication.
Weaknesses The artificial situation could make Control of variables is harder than in laboratory
participants’ behaviour experiments, lowering reliability and making
unrepresentative, lowering replication difficult.
ecological validity.
The researcher will be less sure that changes in the
Participants could respond to DV have been caused by changes in the IV than in
demand characteristics and alter their a laboratory experiment.
Participants may be unaware that they are in a
study, raising ethical issues.
A research team is deciding how to test the effect of watching television on children’s pro-social
behaviour, that is, how kind children are to others. They will measure pro-social behaviour by
observing how often the children help a doll that cries. They are considering two experimental
methods, both using an independent measures design. One is a laboratory experiment, in which
each child is either shown a cartoon in which the characters are very helpful or a cartoon with
characters who behave in a neutral way. Each child is then given a doll for 10 minutes and
observed to count how many times they help the crying doll. Alternatively, the children could be
observed in a field experiment. In this study, half of the children’s parents would show their child
the pro-social cartoon on the family television. The other half would show their child the neutral
cartoon. Each child would be videoed with doll for 10 minutes and the researchers would view the
video to count how many times the child helped the crying doll. The field experiment would have
more ecological validity than the laboratory experiment because the children would be in a familiar
environment, in which they would normally play, so would be less likely to be nervous than if they
were in a laboratory. For this reason, the results of this study may generalise to other situations,
such as performing pro-social behaviours in school or at the park. However, a disadvantage of the
field experiment, is that there may be distractions in the home that prevent them from paying
attention to the cartoon.
Look at the Research methods in practice box. Which of the following can you identify?
• Independent variable
• Dependent variable.
Does the field experiment have a control condition?
Can you suggest a variable that it would be important to control?
What effect might demand characteristics have in this study?
What other details would you need to be able to replicate the laboratory experiment?
Figure 1.5: Revision apps such as Quizlet and Gojimo may, or may not, help students to learn
Hypotheses should have operationalised variables. For example, in the hypothesis ‘Students using
revision apps will learn better than students using mind maps’, we do not know how ‘better learning’
will be measured, or which apps are being used because the variables are not operationalised. To be
complete, the hypothesis needs more detail, such as ‘Students using the Gojimo revision app will gain
better test marks than students using mind maps.’
Non-directional hypotheses
A non-directional (two-tailed) hypothesis predicts that there will be an effect, but not the direction of
that effect (Figure 1.6). In an experiment, this means that the hypothesis suggests that the IV will change
the DV but not whether the effect will be an increase or a decrease. This type of hypothesis is chosen if
the effect of the variable is being tested for the first time, so there are no previous results to suggest what
the results might be. For example, Dr Huang’s hypothesis could be: There is a difference between the
effectiveness of mind maps and revision apps in helping students to learn. Note that it is predicting a
difference, but not which condition will be better at helping with learning.
Figure 1.6: Unlike with a one-tailed hypothofish, you can’t see which way a two-tailed hypothofish will
Directional hypotheses
When most previous research or other evidence suggests the nature or ‘direction’ of an effect we can use
a directional (one-tailed) hypothesis. In an experiment, this means saying which condition will be
‘best’, i.e. produce the ‘highest’ scores (and in a correlational study, whether there will be a positive or
negative correlation).
Returning to Dr Huang’s study, there might be evidence that revision apps are better than mind maps,
perhaps because they are more ‘active’ and being actively engaged helps memory. This is a directional
prediction so the hypothesis might be: Students using revision apps will learn better than students using
mind maps. Note that the opposite prediction could also be expressed as a directional hypothesis. This
would be: Students using mind maps will learn better than students using revision apps. We might make
this prediction if we believed that writing a mind map yourself was more effective than just re-using
ready-made materials on revision apps.
Null hypotheses
The alternative hypothesis is an alternative to the null hypothesis. In an experiment, the null hypothesis
states that any difference in the DV between levels of the IV is so small that it is likely to have arisen by
chance. The concept of chance becomes important in ‘inferential statistics’. These are mathematical
processes used to find out how likely it is that the pattern of results (a difference or a correlation) found
from the sample of participants could have arisen by chance. This information helps us to infer whether
the findings would apply to the wider population. When you read about the core studies, the most
important results are the ‘significant’ ones. This word has a particular meaning, that there is a
mathematically significant probability that the pattern in the results could not have arisen by chance. So,
when inferential statistics are used, a ‘significant’ pattern enables the researchers to reject their null
hypothesis and accept their alternative hypothesis. If, on the other hand, the pattern in the results is non-
significant, the researchers must accept their null hypothesis: that the difference or correlation could
have arisen by chance.
There are two ways to write a null hypothesis for an experiment. In the case of Dr Huang’s study, the
null hypothesis could be written either as: There will be no difference between the effectiveness of mind
maps and revision apps in helping students to learn or Any difference in effectiveness of mind maps and
revision apps in helping students to learn is due to chance.
Ethics in experiments
The role of ethics in psychology is discussed in Section 1.10. Here we will briefly consider ethics in
experiments (Figure 1.7). A participant in a laboratory experiment is likely to know that they are
participating in a study and can readily be asked for their informed consent. However, for the sake of
validity, it may be necessary to deceive them to avoid them working out the aim of the study and
altering their behaviour, i.e. to reduce demand characteristics. There is therefore a need to balance good
ethics and good science, such as high validity. In field experiments, in contrast, it may not be possible to
gain consent as the participants may be unaware that they are even in a study. This is an ethical problem
because participants should have the right to know what they are entering into and to agree to participate
or not. They should also have the right to withdraw, which they cannot do if they do not even know
that they are in a study. In order to achieve a balance between good science and good ethics, it is
therefore very important that participants in a field experiment are effectively protected from harm.
In experiments, whether they are in a laboratory or the field, experimenters may sometimes need to
actively lie to or mislead participants. This is called deception and may be necessary to reduce the risk
of demand characteristics affecting participants. Deception should be avoided and, where possible, the
reality of the study should be explained to the participants afterwards in a debrief. This is often much
harder to do in a field experiment than a laboratory experiment and it may even be impossible. The use
of deception should, however, be avoided if possible.
Figure 1.7: Researchers must achieve a balance between good ethics and good science
In all experiments, privacy and confidentiality are important. Privacy can be respected in laboratory
experiments because the tests or questions used are pre-planned. In the natural settings of a field
experiment, however, there is a risk of invading a participant’s personal space, or perhaps discovering
something that they wouldn’t want the researcher to know so researchers must be careful of this.
Confidentiality can be respected in all experiments by keeping the participants’ data secure and
anonymous, although if the participants are unaware that data has been collected, as in a field
experiment, it is important to ensure that they cannot be individually identified, for example by their
place of work.
A psychology department ethical committee is looking at a research proposal for a study about the
effect of cognitions on a therapy designed to help people to relax. The researchers only plan to ask
for consent about part of procedure they will use – listening to an imagery-based relaxation
recording – and not their full aim. Although they intend to tell all the participants they will have
pulse monitors and be in darkened rooms, they also intend to use deception. They will deceive the
participants about which level of the independent variable they will be allocated to. Rather than
telling them what will really happen – their pulse rate should fall – the researchers will give them
false information by telling them that some people see disturbing flashing lights. When the
participants are given the limited information at the start of the study they will also be told that
they can leave at any time, thus giving them the right to withdraw. The instructions on the
recording tell the participants to imagine relaxing, intimate thoughts. The participants will also be
reassured that they will not be asked about these thoughts, which ensures their privacy is protected.
When the participants join the study, each will be given a number, which will be used to identify
their data so that their names do not have to be used, ensuring their confidentiality.
Look at the Research methods in practice box. Which of the following can you identify?
• The type of experiment being planned
• The experimental condition of the independent variable
• The dependent variable
• The experimental design
Can you suggest one way in which participants would not be protected from harm in this study?
Suggest why participants may want to withdraw.
Why might it be necessary for the researchers to deceive the participants?
What is wrong with the hypothesis ‘an imagery-based recording will help people to relax’?
Barry and Anouk are deciding how to test whether gender affects artistic ability. Barry suggests doing a
study in the psychology department where they ask students to come in for a study about memory in
which they must redraw a complicated image. Barry and Anouk can then see how well they do it. Anouk
thinks it would be better to persuade the art teacher to use an art class and set a lesson where students
have to copy the same complicated image.
1 Explain the type of experiment that is being suggested:
a by Barry
b by Anouk.
2 The independent variable is the same in Barry’s and Anouk’s studies, as is the dependent variable.
a Describe the independent variable (IV).
b Describe the dependent variable (DV).
3 Explain one ethical issue that is clear from the procedure that Barry suggested.
4 Suggest one other ethical issue and how they could avoid problems with this issue.
1.2 Self-reports
In a self-report, the participant gives the researcher information about themselves directly. This is
different from experimental tests or observations where the researcher finds the data out from the
participant. There are two main ways to conduct a self-report: using a questionnaire or an interview.
Both types of self-report allow the researcher to ask the participant questions.
In a questionnaire, the questions are presented to the participant in written form. The two techniques
for doing this are as a ‘paper and pencil’ exercise or online. There are several different types of question.
The two most important question formats are closed questions, which have a fixed set of possible
responses, and open questions, which ask for descriptive answers in the participant’s own words.
Closed questions can take the form of simple choices, such as those asking for yes/no answers or items
from a list. Other forms of closed questions include rating scales (where a number is chosen, e.g.
between 0 and 5) and Likert scales, which ask the respondent to say how much they agree with a
statement such as ‘Obesity is not important’ or ‘Exercise is a necessity’ using the choices ‘strongly
agree / agree / neither agree nor disagree / disagree / strongly disagree’. Some examples of closed
questions are as follows:
• What is your gender: boy or girl?
• How do you travel to school? walk / bicycle / bus / train / car
• Indicate which animal(s) scare you: dog, spider, cat, rat, fish, rabbit, bird. [You may tick as many as
you like]
• How much do you like psychology on a scale of 0–4? (0 = not at all, 4 = very much)
Open questions prompt the respondent to give detailed answers, which may be quite long. They contain
more depth than the answers to closed questions and are more likely to be able to explore the reasons
behind behaviours, emotions or reasoning. They typically ask ‘Why…?’ or simply ‘Describe…’. Some
examples of open questions are as follows:
• Why do you believe it is important to help people who suffer from phobias?
• Describe your views on the use of social media sites with regard to encouraging helping behaviour.
• Explain how you would respond if you were told to hurt another person.
Evaluating questionnaires
Questionnaires, which often use mainly closed questions, are fairly easy to analyse as they produce a
total of each category of answers making it simple to summarise the findings. It is also possible to work
out averages, which can help to describe the patterns in the results. Where qualitative data is gathered
from questionnaires, it produces more detailed, in-depth information. This is an advantage, although it
also leads to a problem. Answers to open questions have to be interpreted, and this can lead to a lack of
reliability as the researcher may not be consistent in their interpretation. If more than one researcher is
involved, there may also be differences between them. This would be a lack of inter-rater reliability.
Another problem with questionnaires is that it is easy for participants to ignore them, which means the
return rate may be very low. Importantly, the people who do reply to a questionnaire may all be quite
similar, for example have time to spend because they are unemployed or retired. This would mean all
the people who filled out the questionnaire would have shared characteristics making applying the
findings to other people less appropriate, i.e. could result in poor generalisability.
Another problem with questionnaires is that participants may lie. They may do this because they want to
look more acceptable; this is called a social desirability bias (Figure 1.8). Participants may also lie if
they believe they have worked out the aim of the study. To avoid this, researchers sometimes include
filler questions among the real questions. The answers to filler questions are not analysed in the
research since they serve only to hide the real purpose of the study.
Figure 1.8: People may lie in questionnaires, lowering validity, for example giving socially desirable
responses to questionnaires about eating habits
Dr Huang is a psychology teacher. She wanted to know how her students were progressing on the
course. She decided to use the self-report method and used an online questionnaire that the
students did in their free time to collect data. This included several closed questions (see questions
1–4 which follow), which collected quantitative data, and some open questions (questions 5 and 6),
which collected qualitative data. She asked her colleague to help her to interpret the responses to
the open questions and to help to ensure that they had good inter-rater reliability, she devised a list
to help them to interpret questions 5 and 6. For question 5, it included looking for comments about:
• reading up notes
• copying out notes
• reading the textbook
• looking things up online
• asking friends
• checking with the teacher.
For question 6, it included looking for comments about:
• copying out notes
• making summary notes
• making mind maps
• using past paper questions
• making test cards.
Some of the questions on the questionnaire were:
1 How often do you do the homework set?
always sometimes never
2 Have you written yourself a research methods glossary?
yes no
3 ‘Psychology is a difficult subject.’ Do you:
strongly agree agree neither agree nor
disagree disagree strongly disagree
4 Rate from 0 to 6 how well you understand the topic we have just completed:
0 = don’t understand at all
6 = completely understand
5 Explain what you do after each lesson to help you to remember what you have learned.
6 Describe how you will plan your revision for the next test.
An interview is a research method in which the researcher can use two alternative techniques. Typically
they are face-to-face with the participant but the interview can also happen via the telephone. Interviews
can, however, be conducted in other ways that allow real-time interaction, such as through a chat
facility. The same formats of questions can be asked in interviews as in questionnaires, although often
interviews use more open questions than closed questions.
The schedule of questions, that is the range of questions that are asked and the order of them, differs
between different interview formats. In a structured interview, the questions asked are the same for
every participant and the order is fixed. There may even be instructions for the interviewer about their
tone of voice, how to sit or how to dress so that the procedure is standardised each time data is collected.
In an unstructured interview, in contrast, the questions asked depend on what the participant says, so
the questions may be different for each participant. This is a very flexible format but it may be hard to
compare data collected from different participants or by different researchers. A compromise is a semi-
structured interview. Here, there are some fixed questions, which make sure that there is some similar
information from every participant. This means that comparisons can be made between them, and
averages can be calculated if this is appropriate. In addition, it is possible to ask some questions that are
specific to individual participants. This allows the researcher to develop ideas and explore issues that are
particular to that person.
Evaluating interviews
As with questionnaires, interviewees may lie either because they want to seem more acceptable (a social
desirability bias) or because they think they know the aim of the study and are either trying to help the
researcher by giving the answers they need, or to disrupt the research by doing the opposite.
Interviewing is often time consuming and this can be a problem if it restricts the types of participant
who volunteer for the research because it would give a narrow representation of feelings, beliefs or
When interpreting participants’ responses to questions in an interview, researchers must be careful not to
be subjective, that is, to produce findings which are based on their personal perspective. Instead, they
should aim for objectivity, i.e. taking a view that is not led by their own feelings or beliefs. To achieve
this, the interviewer may ask other researchers, who are experienced but unaware of the aims of their
research, to interpret the findings.
Dr Singh is planning an interview-based study because he wants to confirm that a new shopping
centre layout is making people more helpful to each other. He wants to collect objective data about
the number of times people are helpful so has devised a structured interview with a list of specific
questions such as ‘How many times has someone held a door open for you? once, twice, three
times or more.’ ‘Have you helped anyone carry their shopping? yes / no.’ and ‘Have you seen
anyone assisting a parent with a buggy? yes / no.’ However, he is worried that this may produce
very limited data so has an alternative plan to use an unstructured interview. This would begin with
the question ‘Please can you describe how friendly or helpful you have found people to be at the
new shopping centre’, after which he would base his questions on what they said. A colleague, Dr
McArthur suggests that both methods have limitations. Interpreting the responses to the
unstructured interview might lead to very subjective data, especially as Dr Singh already believes
the finding that the new shopping centre layout encourages helpfulness. Although the data from the
closed questions in the structured interview might produce more objective measures, this would
limit opportunities for asking participants to expand on their answers. The colleague suggests that a
semi-structured interview might be better.
5 Shareen and Judith are investigating people’s phobias. They have decided to use self-reports.
Shareen is suggesting using a questionnaire and Judith wants to interview people instead.
a Suggest one closed question and one open question that Shareen could use.
b Suggest one reason why Judith might want to conduct an unstructured interview.
c Describe one ethical problem that might arise in either Shareen’s or Judith’s version of the
The research includes details such as the participant’s past as well as their present situation, their social
interactions, their thinking and their emotions as well as their behaviours. Such detail, however, carries
risks. One potential problem is the development of a close relationship with the researcher. This may
make the researcher subjective in their outlook, which would reduce the validity of the study. The level
of detail can also be an ethical threat, as the questions asked may intrude into the participant’s private
life and they may feel unable to refuse to answer them. The detail about the individual may make it hard
to disguise their identity, even if they are not referred to by name, which would risk breaking the
guideline of confidentiality.
Reliability is also an issue, as there is a single participant and perhaps one or only a few researchers.
This, and their involvement with the case, means that they may find it hard to be objective, that is to
take an external, unbiased view of the findings, for example when they interpret what the participant has
said. So, a different researcher, with a truly external viewpoint, might interpret the findings differently.
In addition, the findings are specific to the individual being studied so may only apply to very few other
instances, or to none at all, i.e. the generalisability of findings from a case study is very limited.
A psychologist in a sleep clinic has been conducting a case study on a patient, PMA, who has had
very bad dreams for several years. The clinic has a sleep laboratory where sleeping patients can be
videoed to record behaviours such as sleep-talking and sleep-walking. The psychologist uses an
EEG (electroencephalograph – a machine that records brain waves) to follow PMA’s sleep cycles
and to detect when the patient is dreaming. The patient is then woken up and asked about their
emotional state and what the dream is about. A test is also conducted when the patient is not
dreaming, they are again woken up and asked about their emotional state. PMA has been asked to
keep a dream diary to record when the bad dreams occur. Members of PMA’s family have been
interviewed to find out when the problems with nightmares started and how often they occur.
If you can, work in a pair. Individually, look at the Research methods in practice box and answer
the following questions or share the questions between you with one person doing the even-
numbered questions and one person doing the odd-numbered questions.
1 How many different methods and techniques can you identify?
2 Give two reasons why this is a case study.
3 The psychologist is concerned that if the patient PMA wanted to withdraw from the study, this
might be quite difficult. Explain why this might be so.
4 Explain the ethical reason for the researcher referring to the patient as PMA.
5 Suggest one other ethical issue that might be a problem in this study.
6 Suggest one methodological issue that might be a problem in this study.
Peer assessment
In your pairs, look at the answers given by your partner. Consider the following points for each
1 Is each of the ideas given a research method or a technique? Are there any others?
2 There are only two features that make a study a case study. Do they have them both? Are
other features, which are not strictly necessary for a case study, also included?
3 Is the explanation complete?
4 Check the reason given. It should be ‘confidentiality’ not ‘privacy’. Why would ‘privacy’ be
5 Is the ethical issue suggested relevant to this study? If so, why? If not, why not?
6 Is the methodological issue suggested relevant to this study? If so, why? If not, why not?
6 Damon and Inka are planning a case study of a person living with a disability, to investigate
responses to situations involving help.
a Suggest three techniques that Damon and Inka might use in their case study.
b i Describe two ethical problems that might arise in the study that Damon and Inka are
ii For one of these problems, suggest a possible solution.
c Explain whether the results from Damon and Inka’s study would be typical of the way
everyone would respond to such situations.
1.4 Observations
Observations involve watching human or animal participants. There are many different choices in the
way that observations are conducted and we will consider each in turn. An awareness of these choices is
important both for understanding and planning observational studies. The setting in which the
observation takes place is one such choice. A naturalistic observation is conducted in the participants’
normal environment, without interference from the researchers in either the social or physical
environment. A controlled observation is conducted in a situation that has been manipulated by the
researchers. This may be in terms of the social environment, such as varying group sizes or adding a
model, or in terms of the physical environment, such as providing objects for play, different foods or
new locations. Controlled observations can be done in either the participants’ normal environment or in
an artificial situation such as a laboratory.
At the beginning of a study, observations may be non-focused, that is, the whole range of possible
behaviours is considered. If this continues throughout the study, it is called an unstructured
observation. More often, the range being studied is narrowed to a fixed set of behaviours, a technique is
called a structured observation. The specific activities to be recorded are clearly defined in
behavioural categories. This helps the observers to be consistent, i.e. it improves inter-observer
Another decision to be made is the role of the observer in the social setting. This may be participant or
non-participant. A participant observer is part of the social setting so may, for example, engage in
conversation with adults or play with children. A non-participant observer does not become involved
in the situation being studied. This can be achieved by watching through one-way glass or by keeping
apart from the social group of the participants, for example by sitting in a separate place such as a bench
in a park.
The role played by the observer may be either overt (it is obvious that they are an observer) or covert
(they are hidden or disguised so the participants do not know the individual is an observer). A
participant observer would be overt, if they were holding a clipboard. When a participant observer is
disguised as a member of the social group (Figure 1.9), or when a non-participant observer is physically
hidden (e.g. by using CCTV), they are covert.
Participants cannot be aware that they are being watched if the observer is covert. This increases validity
as it is unlikely that participants would be affected by being observed, so demand characteristics and the
effects of social desirability are reduced. However, covert observations raise practical issues, as the
observer must be either hidden, far away or disguised in their role. This may make data collection more
difficult, potentially reducing validity and reliability. Furthermore, covert observation raises ethical
issues as the participants cannot give informed consent, and if they work out a participant observer’s
role this can cause distress.
Figure 1.9: A covert participant observer is disguised by being part of the social group
Evaluating observations
Naturalistic observations have the advantage that the behaviours seen are true to life. They are more
likely to reflect the way the individuals really behave than if there is interference in the situation from
researchers, as is the case in controlled observations. However, there is no guarantee that the behaviours
being studied will actually occur in a naturalistic situation, so it may be necessary to use a controlled
Using an unstructured observation ensures that any important behaviours that happen are recognised and
recorded. However, it may be very difficult to collect data on all the activities accurately and many
behaviours may be irrelevant to the aims of the study. It is therefore likely, especially when only specific
activities are of interest, that a structured observation will produce more reliable data as the observer
will only need to focus on a small number of categories.
The role played by the observer, and the participants’ awareness of this, affect validity. If participants
are unaware of the observer, or can ignore them, their activities are more likely to reflect their normal
behaviour. This means that covert observers would produce more valid results than overt ones.
However, in the case of covert participant observers there is an ethical issue of deception. The
participants may interact with the observer in ways that they might have chosen not to if they had been
aware that the individual was a researcher. This could invade their privacy and cause harm by
distressing them. However, an overt observer may alter the behaviour of the participants as they are
aware that they are being watched. This would reduce the validity of the findings as the activities being
recorded are less likely to reflect real-world behaviour.
Dr Huang is interested in whether her students detect each other’s emotions and plans a controlled
observation. She asks three students to act as confederates. They are told to take it in turns to
appear quite sad in the common room at lunchtime. Dr Huang is on lunch duty with a colleague so
they can act as non-participant, overt observers as they walk through the common room. The
students will take no notice of them as they are used to them being there. Dr Huang suggests that
she and her colleague use a list of specific behaviours to record, so they are doing a structured
observation. This will also help to raise inter-observer reliability as they will be working from the
same definitions, such as recording ‘shows concern without action’ if people look at the
confederate without moving towards them, ‘verbalises concern’ if someone goes up to the
confederate and asks them if they are OK and ‘takes action’ if they engage in a behaviour such as
putting their arm round the confederate or buying them a drink.
7 Debra and Jin want to use observations to find out about the behaviour of animals. Debra wants to
go to the park and hide in a tree to observe the animals that live there. Jin thinks it would be better
to set up an artificial situation and watch laboratory rats interacting with objects they would put in
a special box.
a Who is suggesting a naturalistic observation and who is suggesting a controlled observation?
b Explain whether the observers in Debra’s study would be overt or covert.
c For either Debra’s or Jin’s suggestion, decide whether it should be conducted as an
unstructured or a structured observation and justify your choice.
1.5 Correlations
A correlational analysis is a technique used to investigate a link between two co-variables (measured
variables). Correlations are useful when it is possible only to measure variables, rather than manipulate
them, i.e. when an experiment cannot be conducted. This may be because changing the variables would
not be practical or would be unethical. For example, it would not be practical or ethical to conduct an
experiment which controlled children’s long-term exposure to television and it would not be ethical to
increase real-life exposure to violent television programmes. Both of these could, however, be
investigated using correlations. Real-life exposure of a group of children to violent television could be
measured and correlated with another measured variable, such as how aggressive their behaviour was in
To look for a correlation between two variables, each variable must exist over a range, sometimes called
‘continuous data’, and it must be possible to measure them numerically. Suitable variables would
include durations of time, totals of tallies, numbers from a rating scale or test scores. Several techniques
can be used to collect data for correlations, such as self-reports, observations and different kinds of tests
and tasks.
It is important to recognise that any link found between two variables in a correlation cannot be assumed
to be a causal relationship, that is, we cannot know whether the change in one variable is responsible
for the change in the other variable (Figure 1.10). This is possible in the case of an experiment, as we
can know that there is a causal relationship between the IV and the DV because changes in the IV are
shown to be the cause of changes in the DV.
However, we cannot say from one correlation that an increase in one variable has caused an increase (or
decrease) in the other because it is possible that the changes in both variables could be the result of
another factor. Imagine that two variables are being measured: attention in class and score on a test. If
these co-variables correlate it would be tempting to say that paying attention in class is responsible for
good test results but we cannot be sure of this. It could be that both of these factors depend on a third
variable, such how hard-working the individual student is. The sort of student who pays more attention
in class might also study much harder for the test. All we can conclude is that the two factors we have
measured vary together, not that there is a cause-and-effect or causal relationship between them. As a
consequence, it is important that you refer to ‘co-variables’ or ‘measured variables’ in a correlation and
not independent and dependent variables. To make judgements about causality, an experiment must be
used, so that we can be more certain that it is the manipulation of one variable that is responsible for the
change in the other. If, on the other hand, we conduct a correlational study and find that there is no link
between two variables, then we can conclude that there is no causal relationship.
Figure 1.10: A bizarre positive correlation has been reported between ice cream consumption and
murder rates. This relationship is a correlation, however, so we cannot conclude that eating ice cream
causes people to commit murder
The nature of the relationship between the two variables in a correlation can be described in terms of its
direction. In a positive correlation, the two variables increase together. The change is in the same
direction, so higher scores on one variable correspond with higher scores on the other. For example, in a
positive correlation between exposure to aggressive models and violent behaviour, greater exposure to
models would be linked to higher levels of violence. When two variables are negatively correlated,
higher scores on one variable correspond with lower scores on the other. For example, a negative
correlation might exist between number of years in education and level of obedience: people with fewer
years of education are more obedient (see also Section 1.9 on how to draw a scatter graph and a
discussion of the strength of a correlation).
Evaluating correlations
A correlational study can only be valid if the measures of both variables test real phenomena in effective
ways. To achieve this, the variables must be clearly defined and relate directly to the relationship being
investigated, making them valid. The reliability of a correlation depends on the measures of both
variables being consistent. So, for some correlations, such as those using scientific scales, such as
volume in cm³ or time in seconds, the measures will be highly reliable. In other cases, such as studies
correlating variables measured using self-reports or observations, there is a risk that reliability will be
lower. This is because results from these measures may be less objective than from scientific
measurements. The main issue with correlations, however, is to remember that the conclusions do not
necessarily reflect a causal relationship.
Professor Chao is studying phobias. She thinks that there may be a correlation between how long a
phobia has lasted and how severe it is. She is asking her sample of participants with phobias to
record how many years they have suffered with their fear and rate how much the phobia interferes
with their life on a scale of 1 (hardly at all) to 10 (almost constantly and prevents me from
functioning normally). When looking for a link between the co-variables, there are several possible
outcomes. One is that there may be a positive correlation: phobias that have lasted longer may be
more severe. Another is that there is no relationship between the two variables. If so, when she
plotted the results on a scatter graph, the points would appear randomly placed, rather than lying
on a line.
8 Ekua and Takis are going to find out if there is a correlation between the amount of coffee people
drink and the number of dreams they recall.
a Explain why this is a correlational study and not an experiment.
b Suggest whether the results will show a positive correlation or a negative correlation.
c i Suggest one way to measure the amount of coffee that people drink.
ii Explain either one strength or one weakness of the way you have suggested measuring
this variable.
Figure 1.11: Lewis Terman, who began a long-running longitudinal study in 1922
A very long-running longitudinal study is the Terman Life Cycle Study of Children with High Ability,
which began in 1922. Although the study eventually debunked the myth that a high intelligence
quotient (IQ) inevitably leads to success, some of its participants did become famous, such as the
psychologist Lee Cronbach, who specialised in psychological testing and measurement, became
president of the American PsychologicalAssociation.
However, precisely because longitudinal studies last for a long time, the sample size is likely to fall; this
is called sample attrition. Terman’s initial sample, in 1922, was 1528 children. In a comparison
between data collected in 1996 and 1999, although 162 questionnaires were returned in 1999 just 119
participants provided data on both occasions (Holahan & Velasquez, 2011). Where did they go?
Participants may leave studies for many reasons, but these tend to be more apparent in a longitudinal
study. They include: growing older and deciding to withdraw consent (e.g. when consent was originally
given by a parent), boredom (from being repeatedly tested), moving home and becoming uncontactable,
life events that prevent participation (poor physical or mental health, lack of time, becoming homeless
or going to prison) and, ultimately, dying.
A smaller sample is likely to be less representative, but especially so in this case. Sample attrition means
that generalisability is progressively threatened as the sample becomes concentrated on willing,
motivated, people who live stable, healthy, law-abiding lives. These people may not be the most
psychologically interesting! The people who stay in a longitudinal study may even do so because they
feel ‘special’ by participating, creating an issue for validity. For example, Terman’s participants knew
they had high IQs and the sense of being important was reinforced by having a name: they were referred
to as Terman’s ‘Termites’. Participation could, for example, have given them a motive to compete or
succeed, or a sense of community i.e. the very act of participation will had made these individuals
different from non-participants, even ones of similarly high intelligence.
Another problem caused by the duration of longitudinal studies relates to reliability. To ensure that data
collection at each time point is consistent, the measures used need to be standardised. However, over
time, ways to measure variables may be improved, potentially leading to the need to introduce different,
better measures. In addition, researchers working on the study may move on so, for example, the
individuals administering interviews may not remain constant. Conversely, if researchers continue
working on a study for a long period of time, they are likely to get to know the participants if they have
direct contact with them. The changing development of these relationships can also be confounding
Finally, longitudinal studies can present particular ethical issues. For studies starting with children,
obtaining consent in a way that the children understand is desirable, as well as gaining consent from
their parents or guardians. Furthermore, it is harder to decide whether a child wants to withdraw from a
study than it is with adults, who are more likely to speak up for themselves. Participants must also be
repeatedly asked for consent (and reminded of their right to withdraw) and must be recontacted at each
time point. This requires the maintenance of an extensive bank of contact details, which presents an
issue for confidentiality.
9 Hanif is planning a longitudinal study to measure changes in professional ability as adults
progress through their careers. He has a sample of participants from different types of
employment and has various measures of career progression such as how much they earn, the
seniority of their position in their organisation and how many staff in the organisation are above
and below them.
a Suggest how often Hanif should contact his participants to track their progress.
b Hanif wants to measure how happy they are in their career. Suggest how Hanif could measure
c The participants will need to be recontacted each time Hanif wants to test them. Suggest how
Hanif could do this.
Dr Huang is thinking about buying new chairs for her classroom. Her aim is to explore whether
hard or soft chairs help her students to work better (Figure 1.12). She wonders whether to predict a
non-directional (two-tailed) hypothesis: There is a difference in work rate of students sitting on
comfortable and uncomfortable chairs. Another psychology teacher says that students respond
well to other comforts like access to a drinks machine or snack bar, and the soft chairs might make
them happier, so they work harder. Dr Huang rewrites her prediction as a directional (one-tailed)
hypothesis, saying: Students on comfortable chairs will have a higher work rate than ones sitting
on uncomfortable chairs. A third teacher is not convinced and suggests that if the students are too
comfortable, they will become sleepy and lazy, so work less. The hypothesis would then be:
Students on comfortable chairs will have a lower work rate than ones sitting on uncomfortable
chairs. This is also a directional (one-tailed) hypothesis. Her null hypothesis (in all cases) would
be: Any difference in work rate of students sitting on comfortable and uncomfortable chairs is due
to chance.
Now imagine a study that aims to look for a link between sleep and emotions. A non-directional
hypothesis might be: There will be a correlation between amount of sleep and emotional reactivity. A
possible directional hypothesis could say: There will be a positive correlation between amount of sleep
and how emotional someone is. Note that the hypothesis does not say that one factor causes the other to
change. The null hypothesis here would be: Any correlation between amount of sleep and emotional
reactivity is due to chance.
Figure 1.12: Would you work harder in lessons if you had more comfortable classroom chairs?
Controls make sure that the levels of the IV represent what they are supposed to, i.e. that the differences
between them are going to create the intended situations to test the hypothesis. This helps to ensure
validity. It is also important that every participant is treated in the same way. This is the process of
standardisation. One way that this is achieved is by having standardised instructions that give the
same advice to every person in the study. Imagine a questionnaire testing attitudes to helping behaviour.
All participants would need to have the same advice about how to fill it in, so that any effects of social
desirability–the influence of needing to give answers that were acceptable to society–were equally
The procedure itself also needs to be standardised. This involves having equipment or tests that are
consistent, i.e. that measure the same variable every time and always do so in the same way. Consider
the questionnaire about attitudes to helping again. All the questions should focus on the same aspect of
behaviour, i.e. helping, rather than some looking at a different but possibly related factor, such as being
friendly or happy. In laboratory experiments, standardisation is easier than in other studies, as equipment
is likely to be consistent, for example stopwatches or brain scans. However, some of these measures,
such as brain scans, may need to be interpreted and this must also be done in a standardised way (Figure
Figure 1.13: Scientific instruments are likely to produce objective, reliable data
In Dr Huang’s experiment about classroom chairs, the IV of hard and soft chairs must be
operationalised. The text also referred to them as ‘comfortable’ and ‘uncomfortable’ chairs, but
this still does not make clear what is meant by ‘hard’ and ‘soft’. This could be done by saying
‘chairs with wooden/plastic seats’ and ‘chairs with padded seats’. Operationalisation of the DV is
also needed. The text referred to working ‘better’ and ‘harder’ but this is also incomplete. We need
to expand on the idea of work rate, which was also used. This might be measured by counting the
number of pieces of homework handed in late, or the time spent doing extra work. Either of these
would indicate the amount of work being done. There are many confounding variables that could
be important in this study, for example, some of the students might work harder anyway or the rate
of work might vary with the weather. If students worked harder on sunny days, this would be a
situational variable. The important variables to control are those that could confound the results.
For example, if there was a choice of chairs, the students who chose to sit on comfy ones might be
the laziest. If left as an uncontrolled variable, this could alter the results by making it look as if soft
chairs made students work less.
In the description of the correlation on sleep and emotions, the co-variables were the ‘amount of
sleep’ and ‘how emotional someone is’ or their ‘emotional reactivity’. It is important to
operationalise variables in correlations too. An operational definition of ‘amount of sleep’ could be
the hours and minutes spent unreactive, or could be identified with an EEG indicating rapid eye
movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (nREM) sleep. A questionnaire could be used to
measure their emotions, with an operational definition of ‘emotional reactivity’ as how likely a
person is to respond negatively to innocent comments, or how often they argue.
Umar and Saira are conducting an experiment on revision strategies. They are comparing students who
revise alone and students who revise with other people. They are testing the hypothesis ‘Revising alone
is more effective than revising with other people.’ Their teacher has told them that they are unlikely to
find out anything useful as there will be too many uncontrolled variables to produce useful results.
10 a Identify the IV and the DV in Umar and Saira’s experiment.
b Explain whether Umar and Saira’s hypothesis is directional (one-tailed) or non-directional
11 a Umar suggests that one confounding variable could be that students who work with other
people find the company motivating, so are able to work for longer.
i Explain how this confounding variable could affect the results of their experiment.
ii Suggest how this variable could be controlled.
b Saira suggests that another confounding variable could be that students who work with other
people find them distracting, so work less effectively.
i Explain how this confounding variable could affect the results of their experiment.
ii Suggest how this variable could be controlled.
c A friend says that student ability could be an uncontrolled variable. Umar and Saira hope that
this will have a random effect on their results.
Explain whether this would be more or less important than the uncontrolled variables that
Umar and Saira identified.
Opportunity sampling
Studies are often conducted with the people who are around at the time. Selecting participants in this
way is called opportunity sampling. An opportunity sample is unlikely to represent the population
fairly because readily available people will tend to be alike so will probably not include the variety that
exists. For example, many studies are conducted using university students as they are convenient for the
researchers. However, this means that the sample will be predominantly young, with a better than
average education. The results may not, therefore, reflect the scores that people of different ages or
educational opportunities might produce. Despite this potential problem, opportunity sampling is a very
commonly used method, even by professional psychologists, because, for many investigations the
results are unlikely to be affected by age or education.
Random sampling
Opportunity and volunteer samples may be biased – they will probably contain very similar people so
are unlikely to include the spread of characteristics in the population. In random sampling each person
in the population has an equal chance of being chosen so the sample is much more likely to be
representative. Imagine a researcher is looking for a sample of students at a school and puts an advert
for volunteers on the library notice board. Students who never go to the library cannot be included so the
sample might be biased towards those who work the hardest. Similarly, if they took an opportunity
sample from the common room, it would only include students who are relaxing. Now their sample
might be biased towards the least hard-working. To obtain a representative sample the researcher could
instead use a numbered list of all students and use a random number generator to choose the
participants. This would be a random sample as any individual is equally likely to be chosen. If the
population is small, such as all the members of one class, the researcher can simply give each person a
number, put pieces of paper with each number on in a hat, and draw out numbers until there are enough
for the sample.
Sampling technique
Opportunity sampling Volunteer (self-selected) Random sampling
Strengths Quicker and easier than Relatively easy because the Likely to be representative
other methods as the participants come to the as all types of people in the
participants are available, researcher. They are also population are equally likely
therefore a larger sample can likely to be committed, e.g. to be chosen.
be readily obtained. willing to return for repeat
Weaknesses Likely to be non- Likely to be non- In reality everyone may not
representative as the variety representative as people who be equally likely to be
of people available is likely respond to requests may be chosen, e.g. if they cannot be
to be limited, so they will similar, e.g. all have free accessed (if the original list
tend to be similar and the time. is incomplete) or if mainly
sample could therefore be one type of participant, e.g.
biased. girls, happen to be selected.
This is particularly
important if the sample is
Table 1.3: Strengths and weaknesses of sampling techniques
Your teacher has asked you to do a cognitive psychology investigation. You want it to work well so
you want a sample of 30 people from which you can generalise. You think it would be easiest to
take an opportunity sample from your classes at your college but you realise this might produce a
biased sample as all your subjects are sciences. This might matter as the investigation is about
using logic to solve problems and you think that science students might be especially good at the
task. If so, their results might not be representative of the college population as a whole. A friend
suggests making an announcement in the canteen asking for students studying all different
subjects. This volunteer sampling technique might be better but there would be no guarantee of
getting a range of people. You decide that the best sampling technique would be to choose
individuals at random from a list of all the students in the college. You hope that this would mean
you would be equally likely to get students taking each subject. You decide to use this random
sampling technique based on the students’ examination candidate numbers. You enter the candidate
numbers into a random number generator and use the first 30 numbers that are generated.
Look at the Research methods in practice box. What problems would the following situations lead
• You revert to your idea of an opportunity sample but use your neighbours, who are mainly
retired people.
• You followed your friend’s advice about volunteer sampling but lots of the younger students
were in detention at lunchtime that day.
Read the examples which follow. Which sampling technique is being used in each situation?
• Professor Chao is doing some internet research and is recruiting participants by posting on
social media asking for people to help with her study.
• Dr Singh is investigating the effects of ageing and is asking all the residents at two local care
homes for their help.
• Dr Huang pulls student numbers on the college register from a hat to select a sample for a
new study on homework and part-time jobs.
12 Ichiro is planning a study about the benefits that students gain from doing non-academic work,
such as clubs, music, art, sports or part-time jobs. He is asking his friends for advice on how to
obtain his sample.
a Kiaria says he should use an opportunity sample.
Explain a disadvantage of using an opportunity sample in Ichiro’s study.
b Haniya says he should use a volunteer sample.
Explain a disadvantage of using a volunteer sample in Ichiro’s study.
c Habib says he should use a random sample.
Explain a disadvantage of using a random sample in Ichiro’s study.
Types of data
As you may know from the core studies or from earlier parts of this chapter, psychologists use a variety
of different research methods. These methods can produce a range of different types of data. The main
types are quantitative and qualitative data. When psychologists collect data, they can collect either
numerical results, called quantitative data, or they can collect qualitative data, which is detailed and
Quantitative data
Quantitative data indicates the quantity of a psychological measure, such as a total or frequency. Many
psychological variables are measured as the strength of a response and tend to be measured on scales,
such as time or ratings. Alternatively, quantitative data can be a numerical score on a test such as for IQ
or personality. Quantitative data is associated with experiments and correlations which use numerical
scales but it is also possible to obtain quantitative data from observations, questionnaires or interviews.
For example, a record of the number of times a behaviour is seen or the total number of different
responses to a closed question in an interview would be quantitative data. The sources of quantitative
data are typically highly objective, as the scales or questions used need little if any interpretation making
them high in validity. In addition, the sources are highly reliable, as the measures are fixed quantities.
Qualitative data
Qualitative data indicates the quality of a psychological characteristic. Such data is more in-depth than
quantitative data and includes detailed observer accounts and responses to open questions in
questionnaires, interviews or case studies. Although there is a risk of subjectivity in the interpretation of
such data by the researcher, qualitative data may be more representative as the participant can express
themselves fully, so in some senses qualitative data can also be valid. Table 1.4 will help to remind you
of the key advantages and disadvantages of quantitative compared to qualitative data.
Data type
Quantitative Qualitative
Strengths Typically uses objective measures. Data is often valid as participants can
express themselves exactly rather than
Scales or questions often very reliable.
being limited by fixed choices.
Data can be analysed using measures of Important but unusual responses are less
central tendency and spread making it likely to be ignored because of
easy to compare. averaging.
Weaknesses Data collection method often limits The data is often relatively subjective so
responses so the data are less valid, e.g. findings may be invalid as data
if the participant wants to give a recording or interpretation may be
response that is not available. biased by the researcher’s opinions or
If detailed data can only be gathered
from one or a few individuals it may not
generalise to the majority.
Dr Singh and Professor Chao disagree over the best way to collect data about people’s emotions
when their personal space is invaded. Dr Singh wants to collect quantitative data by measuring
their pulse rate and give them scales of very — quite — not at all to rate how stressed they feel.
Professor Chao thinks it would be better to collect qualitative data by interviewing each participant
and getting them to describe their feelings. She plans to ask questions such as ‘How do you feel if
you think someone is standing too close to you?’ and ‘Describe how you felt the last time you had
a professional very close to you such as a doctor, dentist or optician.’
Look at the Research methods in practice box. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each
suggested data collection method?
1 Are the questions suggested by Professor Chao open or closed questions?
2 Using ethical ideas only, suggest two more questions that could be used in the interview, one
open question and one closed question. State which question format would be used to collect
qualitative data and which would collect quantitative data.
Descriptive statistics
This section explores different ways that mathematics can be used to simplify and understand the data
produced by studies in psychology. Studies produce ‘raw data’, the original information from the
participants, which may be quantitative or qualitative. This section discusses how quantitative data is
analysed. Studies often produce a great deal of raw data, and it is important to summarise it, simplify it
and interpret it. There are several ways to do this, some of which–such as inferential statistics–are
beyond the scope of this book. Here, we will focus on ‘descriptive statistics’, that is, ways to simplify
and describe the data so that it is easier to summarise, compare and understand what the data shows.
The first step in this process is often to produce a summary table. This might be the totals from a tally
chart in an observation, percentages from a questionnaire or summary information about averages and
the spread of data, such as described next. Whenever a table is produced it should have a title, and the
rows (going across) and the columns (going down) should always have headings that indicate what the
figures are about. For an experiment, these are likely to be the measure(s) of the DV and the levels of
the IV. If figures, such as scores on the DV, are measured in units (seconds, volts, etc.) the units should
appear just once, in the heading. They should not be repeated in each ‘cell’ (‘square’ in the table).
This advice will help you to draw tables correctly but will also help you to interpret the data they
contain. You can, for example, compare data between columns, or between rows. Imagine a study that
compared A Level students and degree level students on several measures, such as the time they spent
studying or socialising and how stressed they felt. The information in Table 1.5 would enable you to
make different comparisons. You could compare across columns, e.g. to see which group of students
spent the most time working, or were most stressed or compare the rows, e.g. to see that A Level
students spend more time working than socialising.
Student group
A Level Degree level
Average time spent working per week (hours) 6 14
Average time spent socialising per week (hours) 4 20
Average stress level 10 11
Table 1.5: A summary data table for a study about student time use and stress
A self-report in a school produced the data set in Table 1.6. The mode for subject choice is
‘Psychology’, because more people said this subject was their favourite: ten compared to four and six
for the other subjects.
Maths English Psychology
Number of people 4 6 10
Table 1.6: Number of people choosing each subject as their favourite
Another question asked ‘On which day of the week do you do most homework?’ (see Table 1.7). The
responses from girls and boys were compared.
In Table 1.7 more boys have ‘Sunday’ as their main homework night, so this is the mode for boys. Girls
have said that ‘Friday’ and ‘Sunday’ are their main homework nights, but these two categories are the
same, so there are two modes, each containing six girls. We could also combine the totals to work out an
overall mode. Adding together the totals for each day shows that for all students Sunday is the most
popular homework night, with 17 students in total.
The median
Unlike the mode, the median cannot be used with data in separate (discrete) categories, it is only used
with numerical data on a linear scale (i.e. points in a sequence). To find the median, all the scores in the
data set are put in a list from smallest to largest (ranked). The middle one in the list is the median. If
there is an even number of scores, so there are two numbers in the middle, these are added together and
divided by two to find the median. The median is more informative than the mode because it considers
the rank order of the values of scores in a data set rather than just how many there are. It also is
uninfluenced by a small number of outlying scores. This can be a benefit, in that it is less swayed by a
small number of extreme scores, but, on the other hand, it does not take these values into account so is
less representative than the mean.
Another question in the school survey asked participants to rate how hard they thought they worked,
from 1 to 10. Students in their AS and A Level years were asked.
AS student data:
8, 6, 9, 1, 5, 6, 2, 7, 3, 6, 9, 8, 5, 6, 3, 8, 5, 10, 2, 3
A Level student data:
7, 9, 6, 7, 9, 7, 10, 10, 7, 10, 9, 4, 9, 6, 10, 10, 7, 9, 7, 7
Putting these data into order for the two groups separately:
AS students:
1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10
There are two numbers in the middle: 6 + 6 = 12, 12/2 = 6 so the median = 6
A Level students:
4, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
There are two numbers in the middle: 7 + 9 = 16, 16/2 = 8 so the median = 8
The median for the A Level group, 8, is higher than the median for AS students, which is 6. This
suggests that A Level students believe they are working harder than AS students do.
The mean
The mean is the measure of central tendency that we usually call the ‘average’. It can only be used with
numerical data from linear scales. The mean is worked out by adding up the values of all the scores in
the data set and dividing by the total number of scores (including any that were zeros). The mean is the
most informative measure of central tendency because it considers the values of each of the scores in a
data set (rather than just the rank order of those values, as the median does), so can be influenced by
outlying scores. This can be a problem, as the mean can be swayed by a small number of extreme scores
but, on the other hand, by taking these values into account the mean is more representative than the
median or mode.
Looking back at the data used in the section on the median, a mean could be calculated instead. There
were 20 students in each group. For the AS students, the calculation is therefore all the scores added
together, then divided by 20, i.e. 112/20 = 5.6, so the mean is 5.6. For the A Level students, the
calculation is again all the scores added together, and divided by 20, i.e. 160/20 = 8, so the mean is 8.
Like the median, this too shows that the A Level students believe they are working harder than the AS
students do.
Measures of spread
A measure of spread is an indicator of how varied the results are within a data set: are they clustered
together or widely dispersed? If two data sets are the same size, with the same average, they could still
vary in terms of how close most data points were to that average. Differences such as this are described
by measures of spread: the range and the standard deviation.
The range
The range is the simplest measure of spread and is calculated in the following way:
1 Find the largest and smallest value in the data set.
2 Subtract the smallest value from the largest value, then add 1.
You may have learned to calculate the range without adding 1. In psychology we do this because the
scales we use measure the gaps between points, not the points themselves. Consider a scale of student
happiness from 1 (sad) to 8 (very happy). This can be represented on a line (see Figure 1.16):
If we say someone’s happiness is at level of 3, they could be anywhere between 2.5 and 3.5, and
someone scoring 6 has a happiness level somewhere between 5.5 and 6.5. So, if 3 and 6 were the lowest
and highest scores, the real spread extends to those limits, i.e. from 2.5 to 6.5, so this spread works out
as 6.5 – 2.5 = 4. This figure is one bigger than the largest score (6) minus the smallest score (3) = 3.
The range for the two sets of data given in the section on the median would be calculated in the
following way:
AS students:
1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10
10 – 1 = 9, 9 + 1 = 10 so the range = 10
A Level students:
4, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
10 – 4 = 6, 6 + 1 = 7 so the range = 7
So, not only are the medians and means for these two data sets slightly different, but the ranges are also
different. This tells us that the diversity of opinion about how hard they are working is greater for AS
students than A Level students. We could also say that although most A Level students think they are
working very hard, AS student opinion varies from ‘not working hard’ to ‘working very hard’.
One problem with the range is that it does not accurately reflect outliers. That is, it would not be clear
from the range whether the most extreme scores, e.g. very large scores, were single odd scores or typical
of the data set. Imagine that the least hard-working student in the A Level set had rated themselves as
working at level 1 rather than 4. This would make very little difference to the mean (it would be 7.85
instead of 8), but would change the range from 7 to 10 (the same as the range for the AS group).
The standard deviation
In the same way that the mean can tell us more than the mode, a measure of spread called the standard
deviation can tell us more than the range. Rather than looking only at the extremes of the data set, the
standard deviation (given the name s, SD or σ) considers the difference between each data point and the
mean. This is called the deviation.
As the standard deviation tells us the spread of values of scores in a data set, sets with scores that are
more spread out have larger standard deviations, while sets with closely clustered scores have smaller
standard deviations. When the standard deviations of two groups of participants’ scores are similar, this
means that they have a similar variation around the mean.
Returning to the data about how hard students believe they are working (from the section on the median)
the standard deviations for the two sets of data would be:
AS students: SD = 2.62
A Level students: SD = 1.72
These figures show, as the range did, that there is greater variation in the opinions of the AS students as
the figure of 2.62 for the standard deviation for this group is larger than 1.72, the figure for the A Level
group. Note that if the standard deviation is calculated for the A Level group with the opinion score of 4
for one student being replaced with a 1, the standard deviation increases, as this makes the group more
varied. However, it still does not become as large as the figure for the AS group. This is different from
the effect of this same change in one participant’s score on the range. The range of the two year groups
become the same (they would both be 10), whereas in fact within the groups, the AS students are more
varied. This is reflected in the standard deviation however, which changes from 1.72 when the student
has a score of 4 to 2.16 if they have a score of 1. So, the main advantage of the standard deviation over
the range is that it takes every score into account and therefore provides a representation of variation
within the data set. As it is not just considering the extremes is not distorted by outliers like the range
would be.
A new psychology teacher, Jamal, has tested a group of ten of his students on their recall of the
aims, methods, results and conclusions of one of the core studies. The test was marked out of 15.
Two students scored 0, and one student scored each of the marks 3–10. Jamal works out the mode
and is horrified to find that the modal score is zero! Jamal’s colleague Nurul recommends he works
out the median instead, so he finds the two middle scores in the group (5 and 6), adds them
together and divides by 2. This is 5.5, so Jamal feels much better. He wonders if calculating the
mean will make him feel better still, but it doesn’t. When Jamal adds up all the scores and divides
by 10 (because he had ten students), the mean is only 5.2. This is because the median does not
consider the absolute value of all the scores, only their relative values. So the two zero scores do
not affect the median because they are simply ‘lower than the central values in the rank order’.
However, for the mean, the absolute values of the zeros, being the smallest values possible, do
affect the mean. These three figures are different measures of central tendency. Jamal wants to
compare this group to his colleague Nurul’s students, who scored 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5. He
calculates two different measures of spread. The biggest and smallest values in her set are 0 and 5,
so he subtracts 0 from 5 and adds 1, giving a range of 6. The standard deviation for her group is
1 Look back at Figure 1.15. For the data set in the table shown, which is the modal response?
A graph is a visual illustration of data. There are many different types of graph and in this section we
will consider only bar charts, histograms and scatter graphs, each of which you should understand well
enough to be able to name, recognise, draw and use to interpret data.
Bar charts
A bar chart is used when the data is in separate categories rather than on a continuous scale. Bar charts
are therefore used for the totals of data collected in named categories and for all measures of central
tendency (modes, medians or means). To construct a bar chart, the bars must be separate, with each bar
representing a total or average of a category of data. This is because the x-axis represents the distinct
groups and not a linear scale. For a bar chart of the results of an experiment, the levels of the IV go
along the bottom (on the x-axis) and the DV goes on the y-axis. To help you to remember which is the x-
axis and which is the y-axis, think ‘X is a-cross’ (Figure 1.17).
Figure 1.17: A bar chart showing the number of participants selecting each face as the happiest
Histograms can be used to show the pattern in a whole data set, where this is continuous data, i.e. data
measured on a scale rather than in separate categories. A histogram may be used to illustrate the
distribution of a set of scores. In this case, the DV is plotted on the x-axis (across) and the frequency of
each score plotted on the y-axis (up the side). The scores along the x-axis may be grouped into
categories (e.g. if the DV is age, the data may be grouped into 0–5 years, 6–10 years, 11–15 years, etc.).
To construct a histogram, each bar, e.g. representing a value on the scale of the DV, is plotted at the
height representing the frequency of that value. As the scale represented on the x-axis is continuous the
bars are drawn next to each other, unlike in a bar chart. This means that if there are no scores in a
category, a gap must be left to show that the category is empty (see Figure 1.18, which shows ‘empty’
categories on the x-axis).
Figure 1.18: A histogram of the time spent tidying by people of different ages
Scatter graphs
The results from a correlational study are displayed on a scatter graph. To construct a scatter graph, a
dot is marked at the point where an individual’s scores on each variable cross. Sometimes you will see a
‘line of best fit’ drawn on a scatter graph. The position of this line is calculated and its line is drawn so
that it comes close to as many points as possible (see Figure 1.19a–d). In a strong correlation all the data
points lie close to the line, but in a weak correlation they are more spread out. Note that you will often
see the strength of a correlation described as a number (an ‘r’ value) from +1 to −1. Values close to +1
are strong positive correlations and values close to −1 are strong negative correlations. Lower or
‘smaller’ values (closer to 0) are weaker correlations. Where there is no significant correlation, the
points do not form a clear line (and this has a ‘r’ value of 0 or very close to zero).
It is important to remember that you cannot draw a causal conclusion from a correlational study.
Therefore, scatter graphs such as the ones in Figure 1.19 only tell you that there is a relationship
between the co-variables but not which (if either) of them, is the cause of this link. An experiment could
help to find this out.
Figure 1.19: Scatter graphs showing (a) strong positive correlation, (b) weak positive correlation, (c)
strong negative correlation, (d) weak negative correlation and (e) no correlation
Groups of students in Dr Huang’s class are doing different psychological investigations into
altruism. Group A is counting the number of times boys and girls in the class say ‘thank you’.
They find that on average the boys said thank you six times and the girls said thank you seven
times. They are going to plot a bar chart of these averages. Group B is asking everyone the
question, ‘Which of these situations have you ever helped in: a parent with a pram / an elderly
person with their shopping / a child crossing the road / an injured person?’ The totals for each
group are 14, 7, 16 and 3, respectively. They are also going to plot a bar chart.
Group C is using an online computer game to test how many seconds it takes each student to
respond to another player’s request for help. They work out the percentage of students who took 0–
5, 6–10, 11–15, 16–20 and 21–25 seconds. The results are 0%, 15%, 45%, 20% and 5%. They plot
a histogram of their results.
Group D asks every person to answer two questions ‘How many times have you lent your notes to
someone else?’ and ‘How likely on a scale of 1–10 are you to give away your lunch to somebody
who is hungry?’ Their results were:
Lend 5 3 9 4 2 6 9 7 3 4
Give 7 2 7 10 1 8 8 7 4 5
They are correlating the two sets of scores and will draw a scatter graph.
Look at the Research methods in practice box. If you can work in a pair, each plot one bar chart
(from either Group A’s or Group B’s results). In addition, plot one other graph from the results of
Groups C and D.
Peer assessment
In your pairs, look at the two graphs plotted by your partner. Consider the following points:
• Has the correct type of graph been chosen?
• Does the graph have a title?
• Is the x-axis labelled?
• Are there units or categories marked on the x-axis?
• Is the y-axis labelled?
• Are there units or categories marked on the y-axis?
• Are all the bars or points correctly plotted?
If you think any of these points are missing or could be better, suggest to your partner how their
graph could be improved.
13 Read the data from the histogram in Figure 1.18. Draw a suitable table into which you can put this
14 Look back at Table 1.5. Plot a bar chart for the data about ‘average time spent working per week’
for A Level and degree level students.
15 Dorothy has conducted a study looking at the development of language in a sample of ten infants.
She has worked out the average number of different words the infants could say each month from
the age of 1 year to 2 years old. The number of words varies from 0 to 60. At 18 months the ten
infants could say 3, 45, 32, 14, 21, 18, 38, 29, 14 and 39 words.
a Work out the modal number of words the babies could say at 18 months.
b Work out the range of the number of words the babies could say at 18 months.
c Describe how the median number of words the babies could say at 18 months would be
d Describe how the mean number of words the babies could say at 18 months would be
e Draw and label the axes for a histogram for Dorothy’s data.
16 Ethelred has collected data by measuring two variables: hours of sleep and happiness. He has
drawn a scatter graph of his data and found a negative correlation. Sketch a graph to illustrate the
pattern of Ethelred’s data.
Ethical issues
As you will have seen from examples of psychological research, investigations using humans or animals
have the potential to cause concerns about the welfare of the participants. Such concerns are called
ethical issues. Problems may arise through the nature of the study, such as the potential for
psychological discomfort caused by a study about stress, or from aspects of the procedure, such as the
need to hide the real aim of the study. Ethical issues may also arise from the implications of the
research, for example the possibility for results having a negative impact on part of society.
To help psychologists to cope with potential ethical issues that could arise in their research, many
countries have an organisation that produces a code of conduct. In addition, research that is being
conducted at a university is likely to require approval from the institution’s ethical committee. An
ethical code provides advice, for example as a set of ethical guidelines, that helps psychologists to work
in a way that satisfies the primary concern of the welfare of individuals involved in the research as well
as the perception of psychology in society. Participants who are deceived or distressed may not want to
participate again, may view psychology badly and pass this message on to others, and are less likely to
trust the findings of psychological research. These are all outcomes that should be avoided.
Valid consent
Sometimes it is important in experiments to hide the aims from participants to reduce demand
characteristics. However, participants have the right to know what will happen in a study so they can
give their informed consent. The researcher’s need to hide the aim makes it hard to get genuine consent.
Ideally, valid consent should be obtained from participants before the study starts. To do this, the
researcher must get agreement or permission from potential participants by giving them sufficient
information about the procedure for them to decide whether they want to participate, so that their
decision is informed. This is often possible without needing to misinform i.e. lie to or otherwise mislead
participants. Participants can be told what will happen to them in the study and any possible risks so that
they can consent to the procedure without the researchers telling them the full aim. This can satisfy to
needs of ethical requirements without leading to demand characteristics causing a change in the
participants’ behaviour.
For consent to be valid it must not only be informed but must also be freely given by a competent
individual. The researcher must be sure that the participant understands what is being asked of them and
feels that they have a choice about participating. This may be difficult for some groups of potential
participants, such as people with mental health problems, learning difficulties or a low level of literacy,
people who are working in an additional language or have amnesia, and for children. Furthermore,
researchers should ensure that participants do not feel pressured to participate, such as prisoners may
under some circumstances, or if the process of recruitment of participants is inappropriately persuasive.
When working with child participants, it may be difficult to obtain valid consent in the same way as
with adults. It is therefore important to ask their parents or guardians for consent, but also the children
themselves where possible. In this case, consent should be requested in a ‘child friendly’ way that is
suitable for the level of understanding the child has.
In some situations, it is not even possible to ask for consent. This is often the case in naturalistic
observations and field experiments. In such situations, a researcher may ask a group of people similar to
those who will become participants whether they would find the study acceptable if they were involved.
This is called presumptive consent because it allows the researcher to presume that the actual
participants would also have agreed to participate if asked. Especially when participants have not been
fully informed, it is important to debrief them at the end of the study.
Right to withdraw
Participants should be able to leave a study whenever they wish. This is their right to withdraw and it
must be made clear to participants at the start of the study. Although participants can be offered
incentives to join a study, these cannot be taken away if they leave. This prevents participants thinking
that they have to continue. Researchers should not use their position of authority to encourage
participants to remain in a study if they want to stop. So in practice, participants may need to be
reminded of this right and researchers should follow this guideline even if data will be lost.
Lack of deception
Participants should not be deliberately misinformed, i.e. deception should be avoided. When it is
essential to deceive participants, e.g. to avoid the effects of demand characteristics, they should be told
the real aim as soon as possible and be allowed to remove their results if they want to. When participants
have been deceived and they know they have been in a study, a debrief should follow (see later section
on debriefing).
All data should be stored separately from the participants’ names and personal information held, and
names should never be published unless the individuals have specifically agreed to this. Such
information should be stored securely and should not be shared with anyone outside the study. These
measures ensure confidentiality. The identity of participants should be protected by destroying personal
information. However, where it is needed to re-contact participants or to pair up an individual’s scores in
each condition in a repeated measures design, each participant can be allocated a number that can be
used to identify them.
When conducting a case study or field experiment with institutions, confidentiality is still important and
identities must be hidden. For example, the names of schools or hospitals should be concealed. One
common way to anonymise individuals in to use their initials. However, where an individual is well
known, this may not be sufficient to conceal their identity. For example, one participant in the study
about sleep and dreams by William Dement and Nathanial Kleitman had the initials WD.
Figure 1.20: Privacy should still be maintained even if consent cannot be given by participants
The only exception to this is that personally identifiable information can be communicated or published
when the participant gives their informed consent for this or in exceptional circumstances when the
safety or interests of the individual or others may be at risk.
Observations, self-reports that ask personal questions, and any study that uses personal information all
risk invading privacy. This means that the researcher may enter physical space or emotional territory
that the individual would want to keep to themselves. In a questionnaire, interview or case study,
participants should be aware of their right to ignore questions they do not want to answer. When
completing a questionnaire in a laboratory situation, participants should be given an individual space. In
observations, people should only be watched in situations where they would expect to be on public
display, see Figure 1.20.
All participants who are aware that they have been in a study should be thanked and given the chance to
ask questions. Debriefing participants provides them with an explanation at the end of the study that
explains fully the aims of the study and ensures that they do not want to withdraw their data. If
participants have been negatively affected by a study the researcher must return them to their previous
condition. However, debriefing is not an alternative to designing an ethical study, so it is important to
consider all the ways in which a study could cause distress and to minimise them.
Figure 1.21: Bateson’s cube (1986). According to Bateson, research should only be conducted if it falls
within the clear part of the cube
Researchers should consider replacing animal experiments with alternatives, such as videos from
previous studies or computer simulations.
The chosen species should be the one least likely to suffer pain or distress. Other relevant factors include
whether the animals were bred in captivity, their previous experience of experimentation and the
sentience of the species (its ability to think and feel).
Number of animals
Only the minimum number of animals needed to produce valid and reliable results should be used. To
minimise the number, pilot studies, reliable measures of the dependent variable, good experimental
design and appropriate data analysis should all be used.
Research on animals is controlled by legal requirements and/or guidelines from relevant organisations
because studies will, necessarily, affect the animals in some way. However, for research on animals to be
effective the animals’ experience should, as far as possible within the constraints of the research being
conducted, be a normal and positive one. There are therefore guidelines to help psychologists to care for
their research animals well.
• how much the animals suffer (e.g. in terms of pain, deprivation, distress)
• what the positive outcomes might be (e.g. the benefits for people and whether these are
• whether the research is sufficiently well planned to achieve these possible benefits.
You can consider these three elements in terms of Bateson’s cube, illustrating each one with examples
relating to the particular study. The same ideas can be used whether you are considering a study you
already know about, a novel example that is presented to you or a study that you are asked to plan. So,
in relation to the three points, you will need to be able to explain or justify:
• choices about the animals and their care, such as the species and how they are housed, and the
procedures chosen, e.g. the number of animals used and the design of the study in terms of the
aspects of feeding, access to companions or pain and distress that arise as a consequence of the
• why the study is being done, for example in terms of the need for new research or the ways in
which humans (or animals) could benefit from the findings
• the strengths of the design of the study, e.g. in terms of controls and ways that good objectivity,
validity and reliability have been achieved.
Professor Chao is planning an experiment on emotions in animals. She wants to see if, like us, non-
human animals tend to approach things they like and avoid things they don’t like. She considered
replacing the use of animals with videos of animals in the wild responding to different stimuli but
decided that she would not know for certain what they were reacting to so the findings might not
be valid. She chose to use rats as the species is bred for laboratory use and rats can be housed alone
without distressing them. She decided to use a repeated measures design as it would limit the
number of animals used compared to an independent measures design. To reduce pain and distress,
she used food they liked a lot (peanuts) in the ‘approach’ condition and food they did not like a lot
(lettuce) in the ‘avoidance’ condition. Although the rats were tested before they were given fresh
food in their cages, they were not deprived of food.
17 Rashid is conducting a study to investigate people’s helpfulness when they see someone who
needs help to cross the road. Rashid is going to ask his friend Kinza to act as a stooge
(confederate) and pretend to need help so that he can observe people’s actions.
a Why could Rashid’s study raise ethical issues?
b What could Rashid do to follow ethical guidelines and minimise these issues?
18 Dr Hadid is planning a study using laboratory mice to test their ability to learn to jump over a
small wall.
a What could Dr Hadid do to ensure he follows animal guidelines relevant to his laboratory
b What should Dr Hadid not do to ensure he follows animal guidelines relevant to his laboratory
We will now explore these again in a little more depth and see why they, and replicability, are important
in the evaluation of research.
Whenever research is conducted data is obtained, researchers must attempt to ensure that the way in
which these results are collected is the same each time, otherwise differences could occur (between
participants, between conditions in an experiment or between the data obtained by different researchers).
Such inconsistencies would be problems of reliability.
The reliability of the measures used to collect data depends on the ‘tool’ used. A researcher collecting
reaction times or pulse rates as data will probably have reliability as the machines used are likely to
produce very consistent measures of time or rates. One way to check reliability is to use the test–retest
procedure. This involves using a measure once, and then using it again in the same situation. If the
reliability is high, the same results will be obtained on both occasions, i.e. there will be a high
correlation between the two sets of scores. Imagine an experiment on emotions in which a researcher is
not sure whether their questionnaire is a reliable measure of ‘happiness’. They use a group of
participants and give them the questionnaire on two separate occasions. All the participants would need
to be tested at the same time of day and the same day of the week to ensure that their happiness levels
were indeed the same. If the ‘happiness scale’ was reliable, this test–retest procedure would produce a
high correlation between the scores on the first and second tests. If the reliability was low, the test would
need to be redesigned.
Another reliability problem relates to subjective interpretations of data. For example, a researcher who is
using a questionnaire or interview with open questions may find that the same answers could be
interpreted in different ways, producing low reliability. If these differences arose between different
researchers, this would be an inter-rater reliability problem. Similarly, if in an observation researchers
gave different interpretations of the same actions, this would be low inter-observer reliability. If the
reliability was low, the researchers in either case would need to discuss why the differences arose and
find ways to make their interpretations or observations more similar. This can be done by agreeing on
operational definitions of the variables being measured and by looking at examples together. These steps
would help to make the researchers more objective.
To minimise differences in the way research is conducted that could reduce reliability, standardisation
can be used, that is, the procedure is kept the same. This could include instructions, materials and
apparatus, although remember that there would be no reason to change many of these. Important aspects
of standardisation are those factors which might differ, such as an experimenter’s manner towards
participants in different levels of the IV, an interviewer’s posture or tone in asking questions or an
observer’s success at concealing their presence.
When a researcher conducts a useful study, they often publish their results and conclusions, along with
clear details of how the study was conducted. The core studies are examples of such publications. One
reason for the level of detail in these published studies is to allow other psychologists to repeat the
research, i.e. to replicate it. This helps to ensure that researchers are honest about their work as it must
be possible for others to reproduce their findings otherwise the research loses credibility. Furthermore, if
this were not possible–and achieved–the impact on psychology in general would be to lower confidence
in research as a whole, damaging the potential for a positive impact on society. It is therefore essential
that details about how the study will be conducted are considered at the planning stage so that they can
be rigorously followed by the researchers themselves, and by others. Such details include many of the
key points in this chapter, such as the variables that were measured and manipulated and how they were
operationalised; features of the sample and how this was obtained; the procedure that was followed
including, for example, controls, counterbalancing and allocation to groups; and the materials used.
Many factors affect validity, including reliability: a test or task cannot measure what it intends to
measure unless it is consistent. Objectivity also affects validity: if a researcher is subjective in their
interpretation of data, their findings will not properly reflect the intended measure.
To have face validity, a test or task must seem to test what it is supposed to. Imagine a test of helping
behaviour that involved offering to assist people who were stuck in a bath full of spiders or worms. It
might not be a valid test of helping because people who were frightened of spiders or worms would not
help, even though they might otherwise be very altruistic. This would be a lack of face validity.
If participants think that they understand the aim of a study, their behaviour or responses are likely to be
affected. This would also lower validity. In the design of a study, the researcher should aim to minimise
demand characteristics, that is, those features which could indicate to the participants what is expected.
For example, in a study about false memories, the researcher needs to hide the aim from the participants
otherwise they will try to spot which memory is false. They might then try to remember this information
particularly well, or might not report it at all if that is what they think the researcher expects.
Another problem for validity is whether the results obtained in one situation will apply to other
situations. If not, then the test or task is too specific to be measuring the general phenomenon it was
intended for. This is the problem of ecological validity, which applies more widely than considering just
whether findings from the laboratory apply to the ‘real world’. For example, a test of stress conducted in
a laboratory may indeed not reflect the stress experienced in day-to-day life. But equally, a test of stress
conducted at home might not reflect the stressful experiences people endure at work or during
healthcare procedures. If so, the results may not generalise beyond the situation tested.
The task itself matters too. If the task participants are asked to do is similar to tasks in day-to-day life, it
has mundane realism. This is important as the findings are more likely to have high ecological validity if
the task is realistic. For example, in an experiment on emotions, responses to dangerous polar bears or
dangerous insects could be used. As fewer people would encounter polar bears, responses to insects are
likely to have higher mundane realism and therefore higher ecological validity.
Ecological validity contributes to the generalisability of the results. Another factor that affects the ability
to generalise is the sample. If the sample is very small, or does not contain a wide range of the different
types of people in the population, it is unlikely to be representative. Restricted samples like this are
more likely to occur with opportunity or volunteer samples than with a random sample.
You will also need to be able to suggest ways to improve the methodology used. You can consider
improving the:
• method (e.g. a field versus a laboratory experiment or a questionnaire versus an interview)
• design (independent measures will have fewer problems with order effects but repeated measures
could overcome issues with individual differences)
• sample (using opportunity sampling might allow a larger sample to be collected, volunteer
sampling could help to find particular types of participant and random sampling would give better
• tool (measuring the inter-rater reliability or test–retest reliability and changing procedures to
• procedure (to raise validity by reducing demand characteristics, making the task more realistic,
Dr Singh is planning an experiment on obedience. He wants to test whether drivers are more
obedient to traffic wardens wearing white clothing or black clothing. He wants the test to be valid,
so he uses the same male traffic warden wearing different clothing in each condition. He has four
observers, one watching cars approaching a junction in his town from each direction. It is
important that they are reliable, so he gives them operational definitions for the behavioural
categories they are to observe:
• Obedient behaviours
• slowing down: visibly reducing speed
• stopping: coming to a halt before the line on the road.
• Disobedient behaviours
• stopping late: coming to a halt past the line on the road
• driving on: failing to stop when instructed to do so by the traffic warden.
He aimed for these categories to be very objective. He believes that it is unlikely that the
participants (the drivers) will respond to demand characteristics as they would not know that they
were in an experiment. The drivers who stop past the line are given a note by a confederate while
they are stationary. This debriefs them and asks if they would be happy to answer questions by
telephone. Dr Singh’s office number is given for them to call.
• Dr Singh asks the participants who do call him why they stopped and why they stopped over
the line. He asks two of his colleagues to interpret the reasons they give but wants to ensure
that they have high inter-rater reliability. He gives them a list of possible interpretations
including a numerical scale to indicate how strongly the participant felt they may be punished.
As both colleagues interpreted the responses from all the available drivers, Dr Singh can
correlate the score given to each driver by the two colleagues to see if they are similar. What
can he conclude if this produces a strong positive correlation?
• What other details would you need to know about this study to be able to replicate it in a town
near you?
19 A teacher, Mr Nguyen, is planning to conduct an experiment using his students as participants. He
is aiming to investigate whether more frequent or less frequent testing of the students during his
course produces better results at the end of the course. He is teaching the same course to two
different groups. He gives the ‘more frequent test’ group a mini test every week and the ‘less
frequent test’ group a test every two months.
a At the end of the course, Mr Nguyen assesses all the students with the same essay-based
exam. His school expects pairs of teachers to ‘double mark’ all exams, so Mr Nguyen and his
colleague both mark the exams from Mr Nguyen’s classes using a detailed mark scheme. They
mark one student’s exam together to make sure that they are marking in the same way.
Explain whether this procedure will improve reliability or validity.
b After his study is complete, Mr Nguyen discovers that the students in the ‘more frequent test’
group have been sharing their mini tests with the students in the ‘less frequent test’ group each
Explain whether this will have been a threat to reliability or validity.
c Mr Nguyen hopes the study can be conducted again, the following year, asking students not to
share the tests. However, he is also concerned about the generalisability of his findings.
Suggest what changes could be made to improve generalisability.
Psychologists can use several different research methods; experiments (laboratory and field), self-
reports (questionnaires and interviews), case studies (detailed investigations of a single instance,
e.g. one person), observations, correlations and longitudinal studies.
In experiments, there is an independent variable (IV), which is manipulated, changed or used to
create different conditions and a measured dependent variable (DV). By imposing controls, the
experimenter can be more certain that changes in the IV are the cause of changes in the DV. There
are three experimental designs. In an independent measures design there are different participants
in each level of the IV, in a repeated measures design the same participants are used in all levels of
the IV and in a matched pairs design the participants are paired up with one member of each pair in
each level of the IV. In a repeated measures design counterbalancing helps to overcome order
effects (fatigue and practice effects) and in an independent measures design random allocation
helps to overcome the effects of individual differences. In experiments it is important to control
variables to raise validity. The most important are confounding variables. If these are left as
uncontrolled variables, they can alter the apparent effect of the IV on the DV. Uncontrolled
variables can be described as participant variables (due to differences between individuals or
between the same individual at different times) or situational variables (due to differences in
physical setting or the social situation).
In self-reports, different question formats can be used, including open questions (producing
qualitative data) and closed questions (producing quantitative data). An interview can have
different formats: structured, unstructured or semi-structured. Different techniques can also be
used. ‘Paper and pencil’ or online for questionnaires and telephone or face-to-face for interviews.
Observations have many different features, for example structured (observing known categories) or
unstructured (recording any events) and naturalistic (observing whatever is happening) or
controlled (constructing events to observe). The role of the observer may be obvious to the
participants (overt) or hidden (covert) and the observer themselves may be part of the social
situations (participant) or not (non-participant).
Correlations are used to look for relationships between two co-variables that are measured. The
findings of correlational studies can produce a positive correlation (the two variables increase
together) or a negative correlation (as one variable increases the other decreases) but conclusions
cannot be drawn about causal relationships between the variables. All variables, e.g. those in
correlations, the IV and DV in experiments and behavioural categories in observations should all
be operationalised.
Any research begins with an aim, which is developed into a testable hypothesis. This can be
directional (one-tailed) or non-directional (two-tailed). This is compared to a null hypothesis,
which proposes that there is no difference or relationship (or that any pattern in the results has
arisen due to chance). To test the hypothesis, a group of participants (the sample) is selected from
the population. This can be done by opportunity sampling (choosing people who are available),
random sampling (selecting participants so that each individual has an equal chance of being
chosen) or volunteer (self-selecting) sampling (inviting participants, e.g. by advertising).
Studies can collect different types of data. Quantitative data is numerical and qualitative data is
descriptive. Data analysis of quantitative data includes using various measures of central tendency
(the mean, median and mode) and measures of spread (the range and standard deviation). Data can
be displayed graphically using bar charts, histograms or scatter graphs.
Research in psychology raises ethical issues. Some important issues relate to informed consent
(knowing about the study and agreeing to do it), protection of participants (physically and
psychologically), the right to withdraw (being able to leave a study), deception (being misled),
confidentiality (keeping participants’ data anonymous), privacy (not invading physical or mental
space) and debriefing (explaining the study to participants afterwards and returning them to their
previous state). There are also ethical guidelines relating to the use of animals, including issues
relating to the species used, number of animals, the pain and distress they experience, the way they
are housed and rewarded or deprived and their suffering.
Two very important methodological issues are validity and reliability. Ecological validity relates to
how well the findings from one situation, e.g. a laboratory, represent what would happen in other
situations. Subjectivity threatens validity because it causes researchers to interpret findings from
their personal viewpoint, whereas objectivity allows researchers to measure variables in ways that
are independent of their own perspective. Demand characteristics also threaten validity because
they inform participants about the aim of the study which can alter their behaviour. Results of
studies should be generalisable, that is they should apply to other people, situations and times.
Reliability refers to the consistency of measures. In an experiment it is important to use
standardisation of procedures to ensure that all participants are treated in the same way. This raises
reliability. When researchers interpreting data are consistent, they have good inter-rater reliability
(e.g. due to practice or operational definitions). Inter-observer reliability is the consistency in the
records made by observers who are watching the same events. The reliability of a test, e.g. a
questionnaire or a task in an experiment can be evaluated using a procedure to measure test–retest
reliability, by conducting the test twice and correlating the two sets of data.
After studying this chapter, copy and complete a table like this:
Almost Ready to
I can more Coursebook Workbook
there move on
describe and use the general
concepts and terminology relating
to research methods, including
applying these to novel scenarios
describe, evaluate and apply
experiments (laboratory and field)
describe, evaluate and apply self-
reports (questionnaires and
describe, evaluate and apply case
describe, evaluate and apply
describe, evaluate and apply
describe, evaluate and apply
longitudinal studies
explain and use aims and
explain and use variables, including
operational definitions, uncontrolled
variables, participant and situational
variables and controls
explain and use types of data
including qualitative and
explain and use samples,
populations and sampling
explain and use ethical issues and
guidelines for humans and animals
in psychological research
explain and use the concept of
explain and use the concept of
explain and use the concept of
explain and use descriptive statistics
including measures of central
tendency and spread, tables and
Think back to how you planned your study. This is the same process that psychologists use in
research. They work from an aim, to devising a study that tests their aim in an ethical way that will
produce valid, reliable and generalisable results. Can you identify any steps you included in your
plan that contributed to reliability? To validity? Or to generalisability? If not, think about ways that
you could change your study to improve it.
Additional references
Bateson, P. (1986). When to experiment on animals. New Scientist, 1496, 30–32.
Holahan, C. K., & Velasquez, K. S. (2011). Perceived strategies and activities for successful later aging.
The international journal of aging and human development, 72(4), 343–359. doi:10.2190/AG.72.4.d.
Chapter 2
Biological approach
The aim of this chapter is to introduce you to the biological approach to psychology and to explore three
core studies that illustrate this approach:
• Dement and Kleitman (1957) is a study using experimental and correlational methods to
investigate the relationship between dream content and eye movements during sleep. It uses EEGs
and interview techniques to collect data. The main psychology being investigated was sleep,
dreaming and ultradian rhythms.
• Hassett et al. (2008) is an experiment exploring toy preferences in monkeys by observing and
coding the reactions of the monkeys to ‘boy toys’ and ‘girl toys’. The researchers compare data
from the monkeys to reactions of children to similar toys which had been collected in a different
study. The main psychology being investigated was sex differences, socialisation, play and the role
of hormones.
• Hölzel et al. (2011) uses brain scans and questionnaires in a longitudinal study to investigate how
training in mindfulness changes brain structure. The main psychology being investigated was
mindfulness and localisation of function.
Biological psychology is about the way the physical systems of our bodies, including the brain, the
nervous system and hormones, influence the way we act, think and feel. It is also about the way
that we are shaped by our genes and evolution.
What have you been thinking, doing and feeling today? Your answer could range from ‘nothing at
all’ to ‘I’ve run a marathon’, ‘I’ve sat an exam’ or ‘I’ve cried because I couldn’t do my
homework.’ All of those things are in some way controlled by your biology. Even if you were
‘doing nothing’ your brain was active, that is, a biological process of electrical and chemical
signals along and between nerve cells (neurons) was happening. The movements when you run are
controlled by your brain, and messages are sent along the neurons inside your arms and legs. The
decisions you make answering exam questions are controlled by your brain too. Emotional
responses like crying, even though we may not be able to control them, are governed by the brain,
and hormones are important in the control of emotions too. A hormone called adrenalin would be
released during the excitement of a marathon and would help you to run.
Hormones are released in particular situations. For example, adrenalin would be released if you
were running away because you were scared. Adrenalin has effects that would help you to run
faster, such as providing extra blood to the muscles. Biological responses like this have evolved
because they help us to survive – by running faster we can stay safe. In order to be affected by
evolution, aspects of a response, or the physiology that controls it, must be genetically controlled.
Imagine a situation in which you were sleeping, and dreaming about jumping out of a window. If
you actually did this in your sleep, it would be very risky. However, a system has evolved to
protect us. When we are dreaming almost all of the muscles we use for movement (except the ones
surrounding our eyes) are paralysed.
Think of a behaviour or an emotional response that could have been useful to survival during the
early evolution of humans. Do you think it could be (partly) controlled biologically, by genes and
hormones or the nervous system?
A gene is a hereditary unit; an instruction that is passed from parent to child. Everyone’s genes are
individual, except for identical twins. Our genes determine our biological structure and function,
including that of the brain and nervous system so underpin many functions. Biological systems are
also affected by the environment so biological psychologists also study how genes and the
environment interact to produce our behaviour, cognitions and emotions.
Genes are also fundamental to evolution. When genes pass from one generation to the next,
changes called mutations can occur. Mutations produce variations between individuals which may
be advantageous when the environment is challenging. When early humans faced threats from wild
animals, starvation, etc, any mutation which aided survival would be likely to be transferred to
future generations because those individuals were more likely to reach reproductive age and have
children they could feed and care for. This is the process of ‘natural selection’ that drives
Biological factors, interactions and influences on individual differences
Identical twins have the same genes but are not entirely the same. Twins may have different
interests, likes and dislikes, or abilities. This is because our psychological makeup is governed by
the interaction of our genes and our environment. By ‘environment’, psychologists mean our
physical situation plus the people around us, our opportunities and our experiences. You have
probably been influenced by your family, school life, resources you can access such as books,
events such as holidays and even injuries. These cultural, social and personal experiences work
with our biology to create ‘individual differences’ between us. Individual differences encompass
all the ways that people can vary from one another, for example in terms of intelligence, emotions
and personality.
Looking back through your life, can you remember any specific experiences or social influences
that have shaped you into who you are? Now think of some ways that you are like a relative, such
as your parents or siblings. Could these similarities be due to genes or experiences?
When learners discuss evolution, they usually imagine physical examples, such as giraffes with
slightly longer necks being able to feed better than ones with shorter necks, or humans who could
run faster being better able to survive attack than slower ones.
However, psychological advantages matter too. For example:
• quick thinking can aid survival
• having the emotional skills for good social co-operation can help people to obtain food
• being able to communicate could offer protection.
For each of these examples, think of a specific way that early humans could have been different
from one another in a way that would have given them a better chance of staying alive or having
children and looking after them.
When you are working over several hours, note down the time you start working and any times
when you feel tired or find your mind is wandering. Try to do this several times, perhaps over
several days. At the end, look at the times when you felt less wake or motivated. Are they
happening at intervals, perhaps close to regular number of minutes? If so, you may be looking at
your own waking BRAC.
Work out a way to present this data visually. You will need a time scale and a way to differentiate
between ‘tired’ and ‘not tired’.
Sleep is difficult to study as the participant is not responsive so cannot communicate their experience.
To overcome this problem, a machine called an electroencephalograph (EEG) is used. This records
changes in brain activity using electrodes stuck to the surface of the participant’s head that, because they
are recording electrodes, cannot give the participant an electric shock! An EEG produces a chart (an
electroencephalogram) showing how electrical activity in the brain or ‘brain waves’ varies. The brain
waves change in terms of their frequency (how rapidly they occur) and amplitude (height). These two
features of the electrical activity change in a patterned way over time. The chart records changes which
indicate the sleep stage the participant is in. Figure 2.3 shows the pattern of a typical night’s sleep: we
enter sleep in stage 1, then work through stages 2, 3 and 4 with our sleep becoming deeper so that we
are harder to wake. From here, we re-enter stages 3, then 2 but instead of re-entering stage 1, we go into
‘dream sleep’ before repeating this cycle several times each night. During the night, the length of time
we spend in dream sleep increases and the depth of each cycle reduces. The total length of each cycle
therefore stays about the same, i.e. the ultradian rhythm is maintained.
Dreams are vivid, generally visual sequences of imagery that occur during sleep. Like sleep in general,
dreams are difficult to study. Although the EEG can detect when we are dreaming, there is no machine
that can ‘read’ our dreams. The sleeper must be woken to give a description of their dream. It is
possible, however, to detect eye movements that occur during sleep. An EEG can be used to detect
activity in the muscles moving the eyes, so can be used to measure the frequency and direction of these
eye movements. The recording this produces is called an electrooculogram (EOG). During dream sleep,
these eye movements are faster than in any other stage of sleep, hence this is called rapid eye
movement or REM sleep. The other stages of sleep are referred to as non-rapid eye movement or
nREM sleep.
Figure 2.3: This chart illustrates the cyclical nature of sleep stages through the night, showing four
phases of REM sleep and nREM stages (1–4)
Measures of frequency and amplitude produce quantitative data. Data such as this tends to be
highly reliable, as the machines used to produce it, such as the EEG, do not vary in the way that
they measure the variables. In general, would you expect qualitative data to be more or less
reliable? Why?
Aserinsky and Kleitman (1955) began the objective, physiological measurement of sleep using an EEG
to explore the relationship between sleep and dreaming. They showed that participants woken from
REM sleep were more likely to report a vivid, visual dream than when woken in other stages. They also
found a characteristic brain wave pattern during REM sleep, called alpha waves, which is similar to
brain activity when we are awake. However, unlike wakefulness, during these periods of rapid eye
movement other muscles in the body were completely inactive.
From the EOG, Aserinsky and Kleitman could determine the frequency of the eye movements.
Furthermore, they demonstrated that with recordings from electrodes in different locations, the
difference between horizontal and vertical eye movements could be detected. They checked their ability
to accurately record eye movements by looking at similar, deliberate movements in waking participants,
and by watching, and filming, movements of the eyes during sleep and comparing these with the EOG
records. Aserinsky and Kleitman also demonstrated that the rapid eye movements happened
simultaneously in both eyes and that these movements happened on a 90-minute cycle.
In addition to the changes in brain waves and reduction in body muscle activity that Aserinsky and
Kleitman linked to dream sleep, they also identified increases in breathing and heart rates during REM
sleep. Together, this led them to suggest that this pattern of changes represented a particular level of
activity in the brain. Aserinsky and Kleitman suggested that rapid eye movements were likely to be
associated with the experience of dreaming, and specifically that the strikingly vivid visual reports of
dreams that some participants reported when woken from REM sleep indicated that the eye movements
were likely to be associated with the visual imagery of dreams. However, they also recognised that this
would be difficult to test. The study by Dement and Kleitman aimed to explore this exact problem.
The aim of this study was to find out more about dreaming, specifically to answer three questions:
1 Does dream recall differ between rapid eye movement (REM) and quiescent (nREM) stages of
2 Is there a positive correlation between subjective estimates of dream duration and the length of the
REM period before waking?
3 Are eye-movement patterns related to dream content?
Research method and design
This study was conducted in a laboratory but several methods were used. To answer question 1 in the
Aim section, about the difference in dream recall between REM and nREM sleep, an experiment with a
repeated measures design was used. The independent variable was whether the participant was woken
from REM or nREM sleep. The dependent variable was whether they recalled a dream or not. The test
of question 2, about the relationship between dream duration and the length of the REM period, was a
correlation. A further comparison of participants’ estimates of whether they had been dreaming for 5 or
15 minutes was another repeated measures design experiment. To find out about question 3, the
relationship between eye-movement patterns and dream content, self-reports were compared to the
direction of eye movements observed.
Seven male and two female adults took part in the study. Of these, five participants were studied in
detail. Results from the remaining four participants were used to confirm the results of the first five.
On each day of the study a participant ate normally, excluding caffeine-containing drinks (such as
coffee) and alcohol. The participant arrived at the laboratory just before their normal bedtime. The
participant went to sleep in a dark, quiet room with electrodes attached beside the eyes and on the scalp
(the EEG), which fed into the experimenter’s room. The wires were gathered together into a single cord
from the participant’s head (like a pony-tail) so they could move easily in bed (see Figure 2.4).
Figure 2.4: The participant slept in a bed with wires from the EEG electrodes leading into the room
where the experimenter sat
Participants were woken (by a doorbell) at various times during the night, asked to describe their dream
if they were having one, then returned to sleep. They were not told about their EEG pattern or whether
their eyes were moving.
The procedure for the three questions differed:
Question 1
Participants were woken either from REM or nREM sleep but were not told which. The choice of REM
or nREM waking was decided in different ways for different participants:
• using a random number table (participants PM and KC)
• in groups of three REM then three nREM (participant DN)
• by telling the participant that they would only be woken in REM but actually waking them in REM
or nREM randomly (participant WD)
• in no specific order, the experimenter just chose (participant IR).
Immediately after being woken, the participant stated whether they were having a dream or not and then,
if appropriate, described the content of the dream into a recorder. When the participant had finished, the
experimenter occasionally entered the room to ask further questions about the dream (they were given a
brief interview). There was no other communication between the experimenter and the participant.
Question 2
Initially, participants were woken after a variety of REM durations and asked to estimate the time they
had been dreaming. Although roughly accurate, this was too difficult for participants. Subsequently, they
were woken after either 5 or 15 minutes in REM sleep. The participant guessed which duration they had
been dreaming for. Longer REM periods were also used. The number of words in the dream narrative
after each duration, if given, was counted.
Question 3
The direction of eye movements was detected using EEG electrodes around the eyes. Participants were
woken after a single eye-movement pattern had lasted for more than 1 minute and asked to report their
dream. The eye-movement patterns detected were: ‘mainly vertical’, ‘mainly horizontal’, ‘both vertical
and horizontal’ and ‘very little or no movement’. Comparison EEG records were taken from awake
participants, 20 naive ones and five of the experimental sample, who were asked to watch distant and
close-up activity.
The environment was highly controlled, for example the doorbell used to wake participants was
sufficiently loud to rouse them immediately from any sleep stage. If the experimenter asked any
questions, this was not done until the participant had definitely completed their recording. Also, reports
were not counted as ‘dreams’ if the participant could only recall having dreamed, rather than any
specific content, or had only a vague, fragmented impression of the dream.
Dement and Kleitman reported some general findings, such as that all participants dreamed every night,
as well as those relating to their three questions. They found that uninterrupted dream stages:
• lasted 3–50 minutes (with a mean of approximately 20 minutes)
• were typically longer later in the night
• showed intermittent bursts of around 2–100 rapid eye movements.
In addition, they observed that:
• no rapid eye movements were seen during the onset of sleep even though the EEG passed through a
stage of brain waves similar to those produced during REM sleep
• the cycle length (from one REM stage to the next) varied between participants from 70 to 104
minutes (with a mean of 92 minutes for all participants), but was consistent within individuals
• when woken from nREM sleep participants returned to nREM but when woken from REM sleep
they typically did not dream again until the next REM phase (except sometimes in the final REM
phase of the night). As a consequence, the pattern of REM and nREM periods was very similar in
experimental participants whose sleep was disturbed to those who had an uninterrupted night’s
The mean sleep cycle length was calculated for each individual. This would have been worked out
by adding together the cycle lengths in minutes for every complete cycle a participant had slept
through. This would then have been divided by the number of complete sleep cycles that had been
observed for that participant.
Can you work out how variable the average cycle length was?
In relation to their three questions, Dement and Kleitman’s results were as follows.
Question 1: Does dream recall differ between REM and nREM stages of sleep?
Participants frequently described dreams when woken from REM but rarely did when woken from
nREM sleep although there were some individual differences (see Table 2.1). Participants were able to
recall a dream from 152 of 191 awakenings from REM (79.6%) whereas for 93.1% (149/160) of
awakenings from nREM they did not recall a dream. This difference was most noticeable at the end of
the nREM period. In 17 nREM awakenings soon after the end of a REM stage (within 8 minutes), five
dreams were recalled (29% of occasions). However, from 132 awakenings following periods longer than
8 minutes after a REM stage, only six dreams were recalled (less than 5% of occasions). In nREM
awakenings, participants tended to describe feelings but not specific dream content. They were least
likely to remember a dream if they were woken at the stage of sleep in which the EEG has ‘spindles’
(i.e. stage 2, see Figure 2.2). They tended to be bewildered and report feelings as such as anxiety,
pleasantness or detachment.
It is important to note that participant DN was no more or less likely to report or not report dreams in
REM or nREM than other participants even though he could have learned the pattern of awakenings.
Also, participants did not become any more accurate over time, i.e. they did not improve with practice.
The practice effect is when an individual’s response improves due to familiarity with a task. It is
possible that this could have happened for participant DN but not for other participants.
Can you explain why is it unlikely that other participants would have been affected?
Awakenings from REM sleep did not always produce dream recall; absence of dreaming in REM was
more common early in the night. Of 39 REM awakenings when dreams were not reported, 19 occurred
in the first 2 hours of sleep, 11 from the second 2 hours, 5 from the third 2 hours and 4 from the last 2
hours. In contrast, awakenings from nREM always produced a low incidence of dream recall.
Question 2: Is there a positive correlation between subjective estimates of dream
duration and the length of the REM period before waking?
The results of two tests help to answer this question. Firstly, the experiment to determine whether
participants’ subjective experience of dream duration matched the measured REM duration. Second, the
correlation between the measured REM duration and the estimate of duration based on the participants’
dream narrative length. When participants were offered a choice of estimating that they had been
dreaming for 5 or 15 minutes, the accuracy of estimation was very high (88% and 78% respectively).
Table 2.2 shows the results of this experimental comparison.
The r values for the correlation of duration of REM period (in minutes) and number of words in the
dream narrative for each participant varied from r = 0.4 to r = 0.71; all were significant positive
correlations. Narratives from dreams recalled after 30–50 minutes of REM were not much longer than
those after 15 minutes even though the participants felt they had been dreaming for a long time. This is
probably because they could not remember all the details from very long dreams.
Question 3: Are eye-movement patterns related to dream content?
Eye-movement patterns were found to be related to dream content. This part of the study was based on
35 awakenings from nine participants. Periods of only vertical or only horizontal movements were very
rare. There were three dreams with mainly vertical eye movements. In one dream, the participant was
standing at the bottom of a tall cliff operating a hoist (a lifting machine) and looking up at climbers at
various levels then down at the machine. In another dream, a man was climbing up a series of ladders
looking up and down as he climbed. In the third dream, the participant was throwing basketballs at a net,
shooting, looking up at the net, and then looking down to pick up another ball from the floor (Figure
2.5). There was one instance of a dream with horizontal movement, in which the dreamer was watching
two people throwing tomatoes at each other.
Figure 2.5: Dreams of climbing ladders and throwing basketballs produced vertical eye movements
Ten dreams had little or no eye movement and the dreamer reported watching something in the distance
or staring at an object. Two of these awakenings also had several large eye movements to the left just a
second or two before the awakening. In one, the participant had been driving a car and staring at the
road ahead. He approached a road junction and was startled by a speeding car suddenly appearing to his
left (as the bell rang). The other dreamer also reported driving a car and staring at the road ahead.
Immediately before being woken, he saw a man standing to the left of the road and acknowledged him
as he drove by.
Twenty-one of the awakenings had mixed eye movements. These participants reported looking at
objects or people close to them, for example talking to a group of people, looking for something and
fighting with someone. There was no recall of distant or vertical activity in these cases.
The eye-movement patterns recorded from the awake (control) participants were similar in amplitude
and pattern to those occurring in dreams. Similarly, there was virtually no eye movement when watching
distant activity and much more when watching close-up activity. Vertical eye movements were rare in
awake participants, except during blinking, and when the experimenter threw a ball in the air.
The results indicate that dreaming is experienced in REM but not nREM sleep, participants can judge
the length of their dream duration and REM patterns relate to dream content. Dreaming is more likely at
the end of the night, as the REM stages are longer. These latter two observations fit with those reported
by other researchers. The occasional recall of dreams from nREM is likely to happen because dreams
are being remembered from the previous REM phase, and this is more likely closely following REM
sleep. The finding that REM sleep occurs in phases during the night helps to explain why participants in
other studies who were awoken randomly may not have reported dreaming. They may have been woken
in nREM stages, or were dreaming about distant objects so had few REMs, making accurate detection
difficult. Measurements using the EEG to record eye movements and brain waves show that differing
stages of brain activity and the presence or absence of dreams provides objective evidence supporting
the idea that dreams progress in ‘real time’. This provides a more valid way to study dreaming than
using dream recall alone, which is subjective and can be affected by forgetting.
Another method used was a correlation. This demonstrated a positive correlation between REM duration
and the number of words in the dream narrative. As with any correlation, this could only demonstrate
whether there was a link between variables, not a causal relationship. Furthermore, although
participants’ estimates were roughly (and occasionally exactly) accurate, the task of unstructured time
estimation was too difficult, so the method was changed to explore the link in a more controlled way.
The task was limited to a choice between 5 and 15 minutes. This experimental study helped to raise
validity as it reduced participant variables such as differences in the ability to recall dreams.
The definition of a ‘dream’ was clearly operationalised, as a recollection that included content, rather
than just having the impression that they had been dreaming. This helped to raise validity, as Dement
and Kleitman could be sure that the details being recorded were of dreams.
An EEG is an objective way to investigate dreaming as it is a biological measure. Differences in
narrative length, however, depended not only on the length of the REM phase but also how expressive
the participant was, making these reports more subjective. Nevertheless, this means that the study
collected both quantitative data, from the brain waves, eye-movement patterns and REM sleep duration,
and qualitative data, which helped to provide an insight into the reason for the eye movements detected.
The EEG also provides a very reliable measure because it is unaffected by the experimenter’s personal
view. The consistent placing of the electrodes ensured that recordings taken from each participant would
provide the same information. The reliability of the findings is supported by the similarity of the results
to those of previous studies.
As there may be differences in the dreaming of men and women, or between the way they report their
dreams, it was useful in terms of generalisability that there were both genders in the sample. However,
as there were only nine participants in total, the small size of the sample limits generalisability. As these
individuals had chosen to participate in a study on dreaming, they may have dreamed more frequently
than the population in general, remembered their dreams better, or had more visual dreams for example.
Several aspects of the procedure potentially reduced the ecological validity of the findings. People who
were used to drinking coffee or alcohol could have experienced sleep or dreams that were not typical for
them as they had been asked to refrain from those drinks. Also, all participants would have found
sleeping in a laboratory, connected to machines and under observation, quite different from sleeping in
their normal bed. This could also have made their sleeping behaviour less typical.
Ethical issues
One aspect of the method that raised an ethical issue was the deception of participant WD who was
misled about the stage of sleep he was being woken in. Researchers should avoid using deception as it
can cause distress and means they cannot give their informed consent. However, in some cases the aim
cannot be achieved without doing so and, in this case, it provided a way to test whether expectation of
being woken in REM (at least sometimes) would affect a participant’s dream reports.
Dement and Kleitman’s study explored the relationship between eye movements during sleep and
dream recall. An EEG provided information about participants’ sleep stages, such as REM sleep, and
about eye movements. Dream recall was measured by self-report. The correlational results showed that
estimates of dream duration based on the number of words in the dream narrative correlated positively
with REM duration. Results from the laboratory experiments showed that dreams occurred in REM
rather than nREM sleep and confirmed that participants had a sense of the duration of a dream as they
could accurately estimate whether they had been dreaming for 5 or 15 minutes. Furthermore, the content
of the dream narratives related to EOG records of the direction and amount of eye movements during
dream sleep showing that this is related to dream content, e.g. that vertical movements of the eyes occur
when there are vertical events in a dream. Many variables, such as food and drink that could affect sleep,
were controlled and demand characteristics were reduced where possible. However, the laboratory, and
equipment, meant that the situation was unusual for sleeping. Nevertheless, objective, quantitative data
was obtained from the EEG, eye movements and timing, allowing for valid and reliable comparisons to
be made.
1 Eye-movement patterns were found to be related to dream content. What type of eye movements
were observed in the dream about a man who was climbing up a series of ladders looking up and
down as he climbed, and why?
2 What could a person be dreaming about if they have few eye movements during REM sleep?
3 Why was it necessary for Dement and Kleitman to change the way they tested whether there was
a positive correlation between estimates of dream duration and the length of the REM period?
Figure 2.6: Children playing with stereotypically ‘girl toys’ and ‘boy toys’
Humans are complicated. Our brains are highly complex in structure and function and our behaviour is
affected by our social and physical environments as well as our biology. This complexity makes humans
difficult to study, as so many factors could be affecting any one outcome. In some research, the
complexity of the human experience can be simplified by excluding many variables, for example in a
laboratory experiment where the effect of a single independent variable can be studied by controlling
other, potentially confounding, variables and by having a control condition from which the independent
variable is absent. It is nevertheless sometimes impossible to conduct such studies because isolation of
variables cannot ethically, or practically, be done. One such instance is in the case of children’s
Hassett et al. described an important finding that prenatal hormonal exposure of human infants (the
hormones they are exposed to during gestation) affects toy preferences in children. Some girls have a
genetic condition that causes increased androgens (male hormones) during foetal development. Such
girls preferred to play with traditionally ‘boys’ toys than their unaffected sisters or control females. This
was the case even when they receive increased socialisation to encourage ‘female-appropriate’
activities. Opportunities to study these hormonal differences in children are rare and the validity of the
findings will be limited by uncontrolled variables such as the exact amount of hormonal exposure and
the extent of gender-related socialisation.
It would be unethical to deliberately expose developing human foetuses or children to hormones, or to
remove key factors from a child’s environment to control their experience. However, a model for such
research exists. A model is nothing more than a representation of a phenomenon, often on a smaller or
simpler scale. In the case of human development, a simpler model is needed, and one that offers the
opportunity to control experiences. Higher primates, closely related to humans genetically, and with
some very similar behaviours, can provide such a model.
Social activities such as ‘rough-and-tumble’, peer preferences and interest in infants differ between the
genders. These activities are seen not only in children but also in other primates, who show genders
differences which match those of children with, for example, males engaging in more rough-and-tumble
play and less interest in infants than females. By looking at primate models of human behaviour it may
be possible to see whether gender differences in behaviour could be caused by biological rather than
social differences. Young primates, like young humans, have different levels of hormones according to
their sex. Prepubescent males have more testosterone, a hormone associated not only with strength and
aggressive behaviour but also, at least in humans, being associated with spatial skills for example.
Young females have more oestrogen than males, and this hormone is associated in adult females with
nurturing behaviours such as caring for offspring.
The aim of the study was to investigate whether toy preferences in monkeys resemble those in children,
in order to test whether sex differences in toy choice is biologically determined by sex.
Research method and design
This was a field experiment as the environment in which the participants were tested was their normal,
outdoor housing area and they were free to interact with the toys or not. Although the toys were new to
them, they would not have been unfamiliar with objects being placed in their enclosures. The
experimental design was independent measures as the independent variable was gender; each animal
being recorded was either male or female. Observations were used as a technique to measure the
dependent variable of activities with the toys. As well as looking for differences between the genders, a
correlation was also conducted on the results, to look for a relationship between individual monkeys’
ranks within the social hierarchy and the frequency or duration of activities with each toy type. Finally,
data from the monkeys was compared to similar data relating to children obtained from a different study.
This was an independent measures comparison.
The participants were 21 male and 61 female rhesus monkeys (Figure 2.7) living in natal (birth) groups
as part of a wider group of 135 animals at the Yerkes primate research station in the USA. Of these 135
animals, 14 adults were not studied as they had received hormone treatments and 39 young infants were
excluded as they could not be reliably identified. Each natal group was housed in a 25 × 25 metre
outdoor area with access to a temperature-controlled indoor environment. They had water available,
were given a standard monkey feed twice a day and additional fruit and vegetables once daily.
To reflect differences in activity preferences in sexually differentiated behaviours the toys chosen were
divided into two categories by their properties as objects rather than gender-typing, although the
outcome of this categorisation was comparable to the traditional ‘boys’ toys’, ‘girls’ toys’ divide. The
category of ‘wheeled toys’ matched vehicle toys, typically for boys, and ‘plush toys’ matched typical
girls’ toys. ‘Plush’ toys are soft, cuddly ones. There were six wheeled toys ranging in length from 16 to
46 cm (wagon, truck, car, construction vehicle, shopping cart, dump truck) and seven plush toys ranging
in length from 14 to 73 cm (Winnie-the-Pooh™, Raggedy-Ann™, koala hand puppet, armadillo, teddy
bear, Scooby-Doo™, turtle). Apart from size, the toys also varied in terms of shape and colour.
For each social group, seven trials, each lasting 25 minutes, were observed using two video cameras.
Each trial began with all the monkeys in the group indoors while one plush toy and one wheeled toy
were placed 10 metres apart in the outdoor enclosure. One video recorder was directed towards each toy
and the plush and wheeled toys were counterbalanced between left and right locations on each trial.
After each trial the toys were removed and the video tape was analysed by two observers working
together to achieve a consensus. They identified each animal interacting with a toy and coded specific
activities directed towards the toys using a behavioural checklist (see Table 2.3). The exact time at
which each activity occurred was also recorded so, in addition to the frequency of each behaviour, a
record of the duration of continuous activities was kept.
The use of animals in psychological research: rhesus monkeys are a highly intelligent, social
species, so their needs in terms of housing and protection from pain and distress are great.
However, those same characteristics, of intelligence and sociability, make them excellent models
for human behaviour. There is therefore a balance between the potential benefits of conducting
valid research on a species closely related to ourselves and the costs to the individual animals
involved in the research.
To analyse the data, the records for each behaviour for each animal were converted into an overall
average frequency and duration for that individual. This was because each animal could have
participated in a different number of activities in different trials. Not all individuals interacted with the
toys and those with fewer than five total recorded behaviours were not used in the analysis (14 males
and 3 females). The final number of individuals used in the analysis was 11 males and 23 females.
The descriptions of behaviours in Table 2.3 are examples of operational definitions. They enabled
the observers who were coding the video tapes to work together to achieve inter-coder reliability
and would allow other researchers to replicate the study.
Comparisons were made between males and females and between each gender’s preference for wheeled
or plush toys. It was possible to make such comparisons on the basis of number of interactions
(frequency) and how long was spent interacting with the toy type (duration). The data in Table 2.4 is a
summary of the results used in these comparisons.
Statistical analyses comparing toy preferences within each sex, using frequency data, found that males
preferred wheeled compared to plush toys but that females did not show a preference for plush toys over
wheeled toys. A comparison between the sexes, again using frequency data, also found that females
interacted with plush toys more than males, but there was no sex difference for wheeled toys. In
comparisons of the duration data, males interacted for a longer time in total with wheeled toys than with
plush toys. However, the duration of time spent interacting with the different toy types did not differ for
females, who played for a similar total length of time with wheeled and plush toys. Even though the
difference in play durations for the male monkeys was big enough to show a significant difference
between time spent playing with wheeled and plush toys, no significant difference was found in a
between-sex comparison. This means that there was no overall difference between the time that males
and females spent with playing with the wheeled and plush toys.
Table 2.4: The mean frequency and duration of interactions with the wheeled and plush toys for males
and females
Further comparisons were made to calculate ‘magnitude of preference’, that is, how much males
preferred the ‘masculine’ (wheeled) toy and how much females preferred the ‘feminine’ (plush) toy. For
males, this was calculated by taking the difference ‘total frequency of wheeled toy interaction − total
frequency of plush toy interaction’. For females, the equation ‘total frequency of plush toy interaction −
total frequency of wheeled toy interaction’ was used. The same type of comparison was also performed
on the duration scores. Statistical analysis of these differences confirmed that male monkeys had a
higher preference for ‘masculine’ (wheeled) toys than female monkeys had for the ‘feminine’ (plush)
toys. The results of a comparison of toy preferences of individual male and female animals are shown in
Table 2.5.
Differences between the sexes were still evident when the data was re-examined taking into account the
social ranks of the individuals. Furthermore, correlations were also conducted on the results to look for
relationships between individual monkeys’ ranks within the social hierarchy and the frequency or
duration of activities with each toy type. For males and females combined, rank and total frequency of
interactions were positively correlated for the wheeled toy and for the plush toy. Using just the data for
males, neither frequencies nor durations correlated with rank. For females, however, rank was positively
correlated with frequency of interactions for the wheeled toy and for the plush toy, although rank only
correlated with duration for the plush toy, not the wheeled toy. As this shows that rank may be related to
toy interactions in females but not in males, it is unlikely that social rank is responsible for the sex
differences in toy preference overall. Furthermore, although the sample size was too small for a detailed
analysis of the results by age, comparisons were possible between wider groups. A comparison between
juvenile, subadult, adult and old animals did not differ in terms of frequency or duration for either toy
Figure 2.8: Sex differences in children’s and rhesus monkeys’ play with stereotypically masculine and
feminine toys
Hassett et al. compared the data for the frequencies of interactions by the monkeys with different toy
types to data for the durations of similar behaviours in children. The data for children was taken from
another study (Berenbaum and Hines, 1992). The comparison is shown in Figure 2.8, which illustrates
that the patterns are very similar. Both the rhesus monkeys and the human children showed gender
differences, with males preferring masculine toys and females preferring feminine toys. In addition, for
human children, as with rhesus monkeys, the preference was much more marked for males than for
The results show that, like boys, male monkeys have a strong preference for masculine-type toys, in this
case ones with wheels. Female monkeys, like young girls, are more variable in their toy preferences. In
addition, the extent to which individuals preferred masculine or feminine (in this case plush) toys
differed between males and females, with male monkeys showing much stronger preferences for
wheeled toys than female monkeys did for plush toys.
Hassett et al. argue that their findings support a biological explanation for toy preferences. Specifically,
they concluded that these preferences develop in the absence of socialisation. This is because in
monkeys, unlike in humans, only hormonal differences not social ones can be responsible for the
differences in development of males and females. Importantly, such biologically driven differences
could interact with social pressures on children. Boys choosing girls’ toys tend to receive more negative
responses than girls choosing boys’ toys. This would reinforce a pre-existing biological tendency for
boys to be more masculine in their toy choices and for girls to remain more variable in their choices.
Nature versus nurture: Has the study by Hassett et al. overlooked the possibility that early
socialisation in primates may influence the gendered development of play behaviours? This would
suggest there may be a ‘nurture’ explanation, even in animals. However, Hassett et al. report a
study by Alexander and Hines (2002) on vervet monkeys, which found that unlike human boys,
male vervets play as much with masculine as with feminine toys. In contrast to human girls, who
spend very similar amounts of time with ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ toys, the female vervets
played for significantly longer with feminine than with masculine toys. Although this may
superficially look as though it supports a nature view, it would require that female vervet monkeys
are more strongly socialised to prefer female toys than human girls are. This seems unlikely, so
overall findings from animal studies support the idea that gender differences in toys preferences are
the result of nature.
Ethical issues
Research with non-human animals is typically controlled by laws, and psychological institutions offer
guidelines for their use. This study was conducted following appropriate ethical guidelines for the care
of animals in the USA and was approved by Emory University Ethical committee on animal care and
use. In terms of feeding, the animals received regular and appropriate food (twice daily monkey feed
plus daily fruit and vegetables) and had constant access to water. They were ethically housed in family
groups, in large enclosures, with access to both a temperature-controlled indoor area and an outdoor
area. The observation using cameras would not have been distressing and the level of interactions with
the toys suggests that their novelty was not in general a source of psychological distress or physical
pain. However, one toy was destroyed but it is unknown whether this was a playful act or a reflection of
Hassett et al.’s study investigated whether rhesus monkeys show a similar pattern of sex differences in
toy preferences to children. In studies where the participants are children, it is difficult to separate any
biological causation from social effects. In monkeys, however, the role of hormonal influences on toy
preferences, without the effect of socialisation, would be clear. Videoed observations of groups of
monkeys given a masculine (wheeled) toy and a feminine (plush) toy were analysed using a behavioural
checklist of interactions. They found that male monkeys, like boys, prefer masculine toys and female
monkeys, like girls, have less fixed preferences in their toy choices. This evidence supports a biological
explanation for toy preference because the monkeys’ preferences must have developed without the
effect of socialisation to which children are normally exposed.
4 Hassett et al. used two types of toy, ‘masculine toys’ and ‘feminine toys’. How were these two
types of toy different?
5 Why did Hassett et al. exclude some of the monkeys from this study?
6 How was the data about children obtained?
7 Why was a correlation of social rank and total frequency of interactions conducted?
Localisation can be investigated in various ways, historically by studying dead bodies or using surgery,
on both animals and humans. Brain scanning techniques are a huge advance in biological psychology.
Psychologists can now study the brains of living people and draw conclusions about the relationship
between behaviours, cognition and the structure or function of the brain. There are two basic types of
brain scan: functional and structural. Structural scans take detailed pictures of the shape of brain areas
whereas functional scans show activity levels in different areas of the brain. Using modern structural
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allows detailed images of living brains to be made. During an MRI
scan, the participant is placed in a scanner which produces a strong magnetic field around their head.
Protons in the brain line up with the magnetic field, and when the magnets are turned off, the scanner
detects the energy released as the protons return to their original positions. As the proton concentration
varies in different kinds of brain matter, the scanner is able to create a very detailed picture of the brain.
During an MRI scan, the participant lies on a bed that enters the narrow tube of the scanner. During the
scanning process, there is a loud noise inside the scanner and some people find the narrow tube
confining, although it remains open by their feet (see Figure 2.10). Although the scanning process is not
painful and is harmless, it is unsuitable for people who have some metals in their bodies, such as
pacemakers, metal plates or shrapnel because these would be attracted to the magnet.
Figure 2.10: To study the brain in an MRI scanner, the participant enters the tunnel head first
One of the regions being investigated in this study is the hippocampus. This brain area has many roles,
such as in memory and navigation. It is also believed to be involved in controlling emotion and the
arousal and responsiveness of the cortex. The hippocampus can therefore determine which of many
sources of incoming we find stimulating. These are ways in which the hippocampus could be involved
in the effects of mindfulness mediation. Furthermore, the hippocampus is a brain area which is known to
show plasticity, that is, to be capable of creating new neurons and many new synapses between neurons.
Examples of this plasticity include negative emotional experiences such as stress reducing hippocampal
volume and treatment with antidepressant drugs increasing hippocampal volume.
Some brain areas have, for a long time, been known to play particular roles for instance the pons (in the
brain stem), is involved in the control of sleep and dreams and the cerebellum controls ‘automatic’ or
well-learned movements. For other activities of interest to psychologists, the importance of particular
brain regions is still being discovered. One such activity – for which localisation is still being
investigated – is mindfulness. Through mindfulness, a person becomes more aware of their current
experience, their physical sensations as well as their thoughts and feelings. This helps them to enjoy life
more by seeing themselves in a kinder, more accepting way. This can help us, for example, to appreciate
simple positive experiences such as smells, sounds or sights and to notice signs that we are becoming
anxious, stressed or depressed. This self-awareness enables us to act earlier and more effectively to
reduce these problems. Mindfulness mediation is a formalised way to raise mindfulness. It typically
involves being silent and directing attention to oneself, for example focusing on our own thoughts,
sensations and sounds such as the regular rhythm of breathing.
Mindfulness involves thinking and sensations, and this information is processed by the brain. It could
therefore be possible to study what part or parts of the brain are involved in the changes in attention and
thinking associated with mindfulness. Early studies of mindfulness and the brain used the EEG (as used
by Dement and Kleitman in Core study 1) but it is now possible to use the more detailed process of
MRI. This neuroimaging procedure enables precise measurement to be taken of the brain. For example,
the size of different structures can be calculated and the amount of grey matter (the cell bodies of
neurons) compared to white matter (the axons of neurons). MRI is able to detect small structural
changes in the concentration of grey matter over time, and such changes are apparent in different kinds
of training, including the learning of physical skills, and cognitive skills such as juggling (Figure 2.11),
medical students revising for their exams and mirror reading.
Figure 2.11: Training in juggling produces changes in brain structure that can be detected by an MRI
Studies have compared individuals who engage in different kinds of meditation, including mindfulness
mediation, and those who do not and have found differences in grey matter in various brain areas that
appear to be associated with meditation. However, these studies have been cross-sectional, that is, they
compared different groups of people: those who meditated and those who did not. It is therefore possible
that brain differences found between the groups were caused by pre-existing differences between the
participants rather than by the meditation itself. For example, if people who choose to meditate have
more grey matter to start with, the results would appear to show that meditation increased grey matter,
but this would be a misleading conclusion.
If you had the use of a brain scanner and could localise a function, what function would you want
to locate? Explain why you would want to study this function to a partner or write an email to a
psychologist to justify why they should conduct this research.
Peer assessment
Present your argument to one of your peers, by email or face to face. Let them judge how
convincing your argument is.
Discuss with a partner whether it is an advantage for the human brain to have specialised locations
for some tasks or whether there is a benefit to having tasks distributed across the brain. If you can,
try taking opposing viewpoints.
Hölzel et al. planned their study to overcome the potential problem experienced in earlier cross-sectional
studies by using a longitudinal design. The aim was to identify changes in specific brain regions, and the
whole brain, by comparing grey matter concentration before and after a mindfulness course.
Research method and design
This was an experiment using a longitudinal design, as a group of participants was tested before (pre)
and after (post) an intervention. They were also compared to a control group. The independent variable
was exposure to an eight-week mindfulness-based intervention, the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
(MBSR) course. Participants were tested pre- and post-attendance on a course consisting of a two-and-a-
half-hour session each week for eight weeks, and a full day session in the sixth week. They were trained
in mindfulness exercises intended to develop awareness of present-moment experiences and a
compassionate non-judgemental view. The exercises included:
• ‘body scan’, where attention is guided in a sequence through the whole body, which ends with a
perception of the body ‘as a complete whole’
• ‘mindful yoga’, which includes gentle stretching and slow movements, and breathing exercises,
which aim to raise awareness of the moment-to-moment experience
• sitting meditation, which focuses on the sensation of breathing, and progresses to sounds, sights,
tastes, other body sensations, as well as thoughts and emotion.
A 45-minute recording of these guided mindfulness exercises was given to each participant with the
instruction to practise them daily at home (their ‘homework’). In the sessions participants attended,
guidance was given for how to engage in mindfulness in everyday life, such as such as while eating,
walking, washing the dishes or taking a shower. Instruction was also given on how to use mindfulness to
cope with stress in daily life.
In addition, a comparison of the MRI results from part of the study was made between the experimental
(MBSR) group and a control group of participants who had not experienced the mindfulness
intervention. This part of the experiment used an independent measures design.
The main dependent variable was the change in grey matter assessed using MRI scans. In addition,
participants completed questionnaires to measure five mindfulness scales (both before and after the
Participants were recruited from people already enrolled on MBSR courses at the University of
Massachusetts. They enrolled to help with stress reduction either because they had chosen to attend the
course or had been referred by their doctor. All participants described themselves as physically and
psychologically healthy and not taking medication. In addition, they had limited experience of
meditation classes (none in the last six months and a maximum of four in the last 5 years, or ten in their
lifetime), were aged 25–55 years, were safe to have an MRI scan (e.g. no metal in their bodies and not
claustrophobic) and committed to attend all sessions and complete the homework exercises.
The initial experimental sample of eight males and ten females fell to 16 as two males left after the first
MRI session due to discomfort. The remaining sample had a mean age of 38 years (standard deviation
4.1 years) and included 13 Caucasian, one Asian, one African American and one multi-ethnic
participant. The control sample consisted of seven males and ten females with a mean age of 39 years
(standard deviation 9.2 years) and included 13 Caucasian, two Asian, two African American and one
Hispanic participant. These two groups did not differ in terms of their educational level. Importantly,
these control participants had the same eligibility criteria as the experimental participants for admission
to the mindfulness course, hence they are described as a ‘wait-list’ control group.
The study was approved by the University of Massachusetts Institutional Review Board (ethical
committee) and all participants gave written consent and received a discounted MBSR course fee.
The experimental and control groups both completed the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire
(FFMQ), which has 39 items that measure:
• Observing: attending to/noticing internal and external stimuli, such as thoughts, feelings and
sensations, including sights, sounds and smells
• Describing: mentally labelling these observations with words
• Acting with awareness: being attentive to current actions rather than responding automatically or
• Non-judging (of inner experience): not evaluating sensations, cognitions or emotions
• Non-reactivity (to inner experience): allowing thoughts and feelings to drift in and out.
Each item on the FFMQ is a statement and is responded to on a five-point Likert-type scale (see Figure
2.12). For items with standard scoring, such as ‘I’m good at finding words to describe my feelings’ a
mindful participant might choose the response ‘Very often or always true’, scoring 5, or ‘Often true’,
scoring 4, whereas a less mindful participant might choose ‘Rarely true’ (2) or ‘Never or very rarely
true’ (1). Other items are ‘reversed scored’, such as ‘I am easily distracted’. For these, a mindful
participant might choose to respond with ‘Rarely true’ (scoring 4) or ‘Never or very rarely true’ (scoring
5). The total score for each of the five subscales is added up (there are seven or eight items for each
subscale) and these totals are added together for a total FFMQ score. The questionnaire was completed
by the experimental group before and after the MBSR course. The control group also completed the
questionnaire twice. In each group, 14 participants provided useable data at both time points.
Reverse scoring is often used in questionnaires as it helps to improve the validity of the data. In
this case, the ‘most mindful’ responses were not always on the left-hand side of the questionnaire
sheet. Why would this be important to validity?
Figure 2.12: Extract from the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (Baer et al., 2006), items 1, 3, 4
and 5
Participants in both the experimental and control groups had MRI scans of their brains on two
occasions. For the experimental group, these were during the two weeks before and two weeks after the
eight-week MBSR intervention (an average gap of approximately 56 days). These are called the ‘pre’
and ‘post’ tests. Participants in the control group had an average gap of approximately 66 days between
their two scans.
The data from the MRI scans was used in two ways: to produce a ‘regions of interest’ (RoI) analysis, of
particular brain areas, and to provide a ‘whole-brain analysis’. Two regions of interest were the
hippocampus on both sides of the brain (bilateral hippocampi) and bilateral insulae (see Figure 2.13).
The whole-brain analysis was used to explore other regions potentially affected by the mindfulness
You can obtain a copy of the FFMQ online. Type in the whole name or just FFMQ and you should
be able to find free pdfs of the whole questionnaire and shortened versions of it. Have a look at the
questions and their scoring system.
Figure 2.13: The location of the hippocampus and insula in the left hemisphere
Finally, participants reported the time they spent on formal homework exercises over the eight weeks,
and the amount of time spent on each of the three exercises (body scan, yoga and sitting meditation).
The experimental (MBSR) participants spent an average of 22.6 hours on mindfulness homework during
the course, or approximately 27 minutes per day. Table 2.6 gives detailed data for the different exercises.
None of the three measures were significantly correlated. For example, the correlation coefficient
between body scan and sitting meditation was r = −0.26 and between yoga and sitting meditation was r
= 0.49.
Useable FFMQ data from both time points was obtained from 14 MBSR and 14 control participants.
Participants in the MBSR group significantly increased their mindfulness scores on three of the
subscales between the pre and post questionnaires (acting with awareness, observing and non-judging).
Furthermore, when this change was compared to that of the control group – which was not expected to
change at all – the changes in mindfulness scores of the MBSR group were significantly greater on all
three subscales.
In the test of grey matter concentration in the left hippocampus, no differences were detected between
the MBSR and control groups at the start of the study (i.e. at the pre-test stage). Nor were there any
changes in grey matter concentrations in the control group between the two test points. Importantly,
changes in this region of interest were detected in the MBSR group between the pre- and post-tests,
based on a group size of 16 (see Table 2.7). This change did not, however, correlate with either the
amount of homework completed by the participant or changes in their FFMQ scores. The grey matter
concentration in other regions of interest did not show significant changes between the pre- and post-
intervention tests.
The results from the whole-brain analysis also revealed changes. Four clusters in the brains of
participants in the MBSR group were found to have significantly increased in grey matter concentration
between the pre- and post-tests. These clusters were in the posterior cingulate cortex, the left temporo-
parietal junction and in two parts of the cerebellum (the lateral cerebellum and the cerebellar
vermis/brainstem) as shown in Table 2.7. These differences were also significantly greater than changes
in corresponding areas of the brains of participants in the control group. As with the regions of interest
findings, there were no correlations between the changes in these four areas and the amount of
homework completed by the participant or changes in their FFMQ scores. In the MBSR group, no parts
of the brain were found to have significant decreases in grey matter concentration after the MBSR
intervention although there were some small reductions in grey matter concentration in the control group
over the study period.
‘Grey matter concentration’ is the proportion of grey matter compared to other tissues in an area.
When changes are expressed as a positive number, they represent increases. When they are
negative numbers, this means that the change is a decrease. As the measures are relative changes
rather than absolute volumes, the figures can be converted to percentages, for example the change
of +0.01 for the left hippocampus in the MBSR group means that the volume of grey matter in the
left hippocampus increased by 1% between the pre- and post-test.
The results from the regions of interest findings show that structural changes in the left hippocampus
arise within an eight-week period of participation in a mindfulness course. This finding suggests that
localised increases or decreases in hippocampal volume that have been demonstrated in other situations
may happen in response to mindfulness meditation. Since the hippocampus plays a role in learning and
memory, this suggests that during the MBSR course participants had learning experiences that changed
the hippocampal grey matter.
Furthermore, increases in grey matter concentration in the left temporo-parietal junction (TJP), posterior
cingulate cortex (PCC), and cerebellum of the MBSR group but not the control group also suggest that
participation in an eight-week mindfulness course causes structural changes in these brain regions.
Although not specifically predicted, these findings reflect other research that has shown the involvement
of these areas in responses linked to mindfulness.
The TJP is important in the way we see ourselves or ‘self-referential processing’, for example the unity
of our sense of self and our physical body. When processing in the TJP is impaired, this self-referential
system can become faulty and can lead to out-of-body experiences. This links to the role of mindfulness
training in learning to perceive the body as a ‘complete whole’. Similarly, the PCC has a role in the way
we judge the relevance of stimuli to ourselves, for example assessing how important an experience is to
our emotional or autobiographical context. These functions arise in mindfulness too, for example in
noticing internal and external stimuli and being attentive to moment-to-moment experiences of such
In addition, one of the key areas of the cerebellum identified as changing due to the mindfulness practice
has a role in regulating emotions and cognition for healthy psychological functioning. That areas of the
hippocampus, TPJ and PCC were found to change in response to the mindfulness intervention is
interesting as they, together with parts of the prefrontal cortex, form a brain network with many related
functions, such as recalling the past, thinking about the future, and considering others’ viewpoints such
as in turn-taking. Together, these areas contribute to the way that autobiographical information enables
the individual to consider alternative perspectives. This is a crucial step in achieving a mindful state.
The application of psychology to everyday life: mindfulness is encouraged for not just stress
reduction but potentially for helping people to sleep and improving physical health. By
understanding the brain changes associated with mindfulness, combined with knowledge of the
roles of the areas of the brain affected, mindfulness techniques, and their benefits, can be
Ethical issues
This study raised few ethical issues. To ensure the participants were protected during scanning, none
accepted for the study had any metal implants, which could present a risk of physical harm, or
claustrophobia, which could present a risk of psychological harm. Also, following their right to
withdraw, two participants left the study after the first MRI scan as they found the procedure
uncomfortable. All of the participants were experiencing stress, identified through doctor- or self-
referral. The participants allocated to the control group had to wait for at least eight weeks before they
could receive assistance. This delay in help again risks a failure to protect participants from harm.
However, it is unknown whether there was capacity for people to begin the course in advance of this
time, so this may have been an issue beyond the researchers’ control.
Hölzel et al.’s study was an experiment using a longitudinal design. This tested exposure to an eight-
week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) intervention, in comparison to a wait-list control
condition. Participants in the intervention group kept a record of their mindfulness activities. All
participants were given two tests at the start and end of the time period: an MRI scan to measure grey
matter concentration in the brain and a questionnaire testing mindfulness. Brain areas found to increase
in the MBSR participants compared to the controls were the left hippocampus, PCC, TJP and
cerebellum. The mindfulness scores of the MBSR group but not the controls increased, however, this
increase did not correlate with brain changes. The findings suggest that an MBSR intervention can cause
changes in grey matter concentration in brain areas that play roles in learning, memory, self-referential
processing, emotions and considering the viewpoints of others.
8 Controls are ways that the levels of the independent variable are kept the same. What controls did
Hölzel et al. use in their experiment?
9 Why was Hölzel et al.’s longitudinal study more valid that the earlier cross-sectional studies?
10 a What ‘homework’ did Hölzel et al.’s experimental participants do?
b How sure were Hölzel et al. that it was this homework that produced the brain changes they
It is possible to use EEGs on the brains and eyes of babies. Plan a study to investigate the dream
content of babies. This could include whether they are dreaming about objects that are still/distant
or moving, and in which direction moving objects are travelling.
Consider what steps you took in your planned study to ensure that it was ethical, and how these
steps differed for a baby compared to an adult. If you found that you were unable to plan an ethical
study, explain why this was so.
After studying this chapter, copy and complete a table like this:
Almost Ready to
I can more Coursebook Workbook
there move on
state what is meant by the
biological approach
explain the psychology being
investigated in the biological
describe the main assumptions of
the biological approach and link
them to the studies
use terminology relevant to the
biological approach
describe and evaluate the study by
Dement and Kleitman (sleep and
describe and evaluate the study by
Hassett et al. (monkey toy
describe and evaluate the study by
Hölzel et al. (mindfulness and brain
apply relevant research methods to
the biological approach
consider issues and debates that are
relevant to the biological approach.
If you remember your dreams, keep a dream diary for a week. When you wake up and remember a
dream, guess how long it lasted, write this down, then turn the page or cover up your estimate. Try
to write down a description of the dream you can remember. Finally, think about whether each
dream would have had few or many eye movements and whether these would have been vertical or
At the end of the week, look at how many dream records you have. If it isn’t very many, you may
want to continue with your dream diary for longer. If you ever woke up in the night, decide
whether you were more or less likely to remember a dream than when you woke up in the morning.
Can you explain your answer?
When your dream diary is complete, count the number of words in each dream narrative and
convert your time estimate into whole numbers (e.g. whole seconds or whole minutes). Record
your data in a table with a row for each day that you dreamed and two columns, one for the time
estimate and another for the number of words. Finally, draw a scatter graph of your data. Does it
look as though you have a positive correlation? If so, why? If not, suggest what you could do to
improve the likelihood of finding one.
Your final piece of work should include:
• an example of a dream narrative that you are willing for other people to read
• the raw data table of duration estimates and word counts
• a scatter graph
• answers to the questions.
Chapter 3
Cognitive approach
The aim of this chapter is to introduce you to the cognitive approach to psychology and to explore three
core studies that illustrate this approach:
• Andrade (doodling) suggests that doodling can improve concentration on, and memory for, a
conversation. The main psychology being investigated was attention and memory.
• Baron-Cohen et al. (Eyes test) investigates how a test for ‘theory of mind’ has been improved, to
better identify differences in the way that adults with Asperger syndrome or autism recognise
emotions. The main psychology being investigated was theory of mind and social sensitivity.
• Pozzolu et al. (line-ups) explores child eyewitnesses’ ability to identify the perpetrator of a crime
and factors that affect their accuracy. The main psychology being investigated was false positive
responses and eyewitness testimony.
Cognitive psychology is all about what we do with information: how it gets inside our heads, what
we do with it once it’s there and how we get that information back out again. Think about the
information that you have dealt with in the last 10 minutes. By ‘information’ you can include
things you have heard, seen or become aware of through other senses, as well as your own
thoughts. You probably know about the five senses already and what information they each
process. Now consider the information you have encountered in the last few hours.
Cognitive psychology is not just about how information gets into the system, but how we keep it in
our heads and take it out again. These are the processes of storage and retrieval: memory
processes. Storage is about keeping hold of memories. How much of the information from the last
few hours can you remember, and how clearly? How certain are you that what you can remember
is correct? Look back at the last week. What did you eat each day? Even though you saw, smelled
and tasted the food you ate, and formed an opinion about it, you probably can’t recall every meal.
Was it because you weren’t concentrating? Were you doing something else at the same time as
eating? Have those memories gone forever?
Once memories have been stored, we then need to retrieve them. Talk with someone else about
what they ate. Can you tell from their facial expressions how much they enjoyed each meal? Have
their descriptions reminded you of any more of your meals? What else could help you to recall
your experiences from last week? Are there any factors you think could have made your memory
less clear than it was at first?
The main assumptions of the cognitive approach to psychology are that there are:
• similarities between the way people and computers process information
• individual differences in cognitive processes such as attention, language, thinking and
memory, which can help to explain our differing behaviours and emotions.
Cognitive psychologists study concepts such as attention, memory, decision-making and language
development. They also apply their knowledge, for example to how cognition affects behaviour
and the accuracy of memories such as when giving evidence about a crime.
Similarities between human and computer information processing
Memory is a cognitive process of encoding, storing and retrieving information.
When we experience an event, we ‘encode’ (convert) the sensory information so that it can be
stored. ‘Storage’ is the brain’s record of the event. Finally, to use that information, it must be
‘retrieved’, through recognition or recall (Figure 3.1).
Figure 3.2: The behaviourist ‘stimulus-response’ model and the cognitive information processing
Cognitive psychologists study ‘information processing’. This contrasts with behaviourist (learning)
psychologists, who believe that only activities that can be seen can be studied. Behaviourists
therefore only explore situations by observing the ‘stimulus’ and the ‘response’, for example, how
changing a stimulus changes behaviour. Cognitive psychologists are interested in the events
between detecting a stimulus and making a response (see Figure 3.2). The sequence they study can
be compared to the working of a computer, as input processing output (see Table 3.1).
The similarities between computers and human minds can help us to understand human cognition
(see Figure 3.3). Like computers, we take information in (encode) in different ways, we have more
than one memory store, and produce outputs from this processing of information, such as
movements and sounds (see Table 3.1). There are also differences: computers are less likely to
forget but are less good at guessing.
People Computers
INPUT Eyes (detecting light, colour and Camera, scanner
Ears (detecting sound) Microphone
Skin (detecting pressure) Touch pad, keyboard, mouse
PROCESSING Thinking and decision-making Central processing unit (CPU),
in the brain the control centre of the
Brain functions such as short- Random access memory
term memory (RAM), the computer’s fast,
temporary memory – which
you lose if the computer
Brain functions such as long- Hard drive, a computer’s
term memory ‘permanent’ memory
OUTPUT Voice Speakers
Body, e.g. hands for writing, Screen, printer
drawing, moving
Table 3.1: Similarities between computer and human information processing
Figure 3.3: Cognitive psychologists often compare the way the brain processes information to a
It makes sense to assume that if we are engaged in sketching irrelevant patterns and figures, we cannot
be attending as well to any other (primary) task, so would be worse at the primary task than if we were
not doodling. However, in your defence, doodling might be useful (see Figure 3.5).
Figure 3.5: You’re on the phone and think you’re listening properly, but you’ve doodled an enormous,
elaborate leaf pattern during the call. Do you think this doodling is helping you to concentrate or making
it more difficult?
Doodling, even though we feel it is ‘unconscious’, takes up some of our information processing
capacity, but how could this affect task performance? It is possible that doodling could take cognitive
resources away from the intended (primary) task if it placed simultaneous demand on cognition by
dividing attention. By making our information processing system perform a divided attention task,
doodling would therefore worsen performance.
Whether or not we attend to a stimulus determines whether we remember it. In other words, attention is
required for the encoding stage of the memory process. Recall can therefore be used as a measure of
attention: if you do not attend to something, you will be unable to transfer it to long-term memory.
Divided attention is easier when the tasks involved are simple, well practised and automatic. If you have
travelled with an inexperienced driver, you may have noticed that they found conversing difficult;
indeed, any driver may stop mid-sentence if the road conditions become difficult. The primary task in
this case, is driving, and the additional task (talking) is called the concurrent task because it is
happening at the same time. So, although the concept of divided attention suggests doodling would
worsen performance, if both tasks are highly practised and ‘automatic’, it may not.
An alternative explanation for the effect of doodling is that it could improve performance by raising
arousal and enhancing focused attention on the primary task. Doodling might aid concentration (Do &
Schallert, 2004), for example by reducing daydreaming so that you stay focused. This idea is based on
the working memory model. This model of short-term memory suggests that two different types of
current or ‘working’ memory can be used at the same time, one is visuo-spatial and the other auditory.
These are governed by an overall ‘central executive’. A primary ‘listening’ task would use the auditory
memory and a concurrent ‘visual’ task (doodling) would use the visuo-spatial memory.
Daydreaming is also linked to arousal. When we are bored and daydreaming, this uses important
cognitive processing resources (the ‘central executive’) so inhibits performance on tasks that use this
resource, including attention and memory. Alternatively, doodling may help to maintain arousal (Wilson
and Korn, 2007), for example by giving you something physical to do while you think. It could raise
arousal to help to keep you awake if you are sleepy or reduce arousal if you are agitated because you are
bored. These effects would also enhance performance on the primary task.
Andrade defines doodling as the sketching of patterns and figures that are unrelated to the primary task.
She used several strategies to increase boredom in her participants. These increased the possibility of
boredom affecting the participants’ attention, therefore creating a situation in which there would be a
potential for doodling to affect their attention, for better or worse. Her expectation was that the
concurrent task of doodling would interfere less with overall processing than devoting a greater amount
of central executive function to daydreaming: doodling should, therefore, improve attention and thus
recall should increase.
In Andrade’s study, the primary task of listening to a message was an auditory task, whereas doodling is
a visuo-spatial task. This ensured that the two tasks would not be in direct competition for one memory
resource, as the working memory model suggests that the visuo-spatial and the auditory modules can be
used at the same time.
Doodling, such as shading in all the Os in ‘psychology’ on a worksheet, is a common activity. Andrade
was interested to know whether this activity assisted information processing. This could happen because
doodling enables people to attend more effectively, or it could enhance their memory.
Research method and design
This was a laboratory experiment; the environment was not the normal place in which people would
respond to telephone messages and the situation was controlled. The design was independent measures
as participants were either in the control group or in the doodling group.
The participants were 40 members of a participant panel at the UK’s Medical Research Council unit for
cognitive research. The panel was made up of members of the general population aged 18–55 years and
they were paid a small sum for participation. There were 20 participants in each group, mainly females,
with two males in the control group and three in the doodling group (one participant in this condition did
not doodle and was replaced). They were asked to join the study immediately after participating in an
unrelated experiment for a different researcher. This was intended to enhance boredom.
All participants were given a piece of paper to use as a response sheet. For the control group this was a
sheet of lined paper so they could have doodled if they wanted to. However, they were given no specific
instructions about doodling. Participants in the doodling group had a sheet of A4 with printed shapes
and with a wide margin in which to write their responses. They were asked to shade in the shapes with a
pencil, without worrying about the speed and the neatness of their shading, with the task being described
to them as ‘just something to relieve the boredom’. All participants listened to a monotonous mock
telephone call about a party.
‘Hi! Are you doing anything on Saturday? I’m having a birthday party and was hoping you could
come. It’s not actually my birthday, it’s my sister Jane’s. She’ll be 21. She’s coming up from
London for the weekend and I thought it would be a nice surprise for her. I’ve also invited her
boyfriend William and one of her old school friends, Claire, but she doesn’t know that yet.
Claire’s husband Nigel was going to join us but he has just found out that he has to go to a meeting
in Penzance that day and won’t be back in time. I thought we could have a barbecue if the weather
is nice, although the way it has been so far this week, that doesn’t look likely. I can’t believe it has
got so cold already. And the evenings are really drawing in aren’t they? Anyway, there is plenty of
space indoors if it rains. Did I tell you that I have redecorated the kitchen? It is mainly yellow—the
wallpaper is yellow and so is the woodwork, although I thought it would be better to leave the
ceiling white to make it look lighter. I’ve still got the old blue fittings—they are pretty battered now
but I can’t afford to replace them at the moment. Do you remember Craig? I used to share a flat
with him when we were both working for that bank in Gloucester. He has bought a house in
Colchester now but he promises to take time off from gardening to come to Jane’s party. Suzie is
going to be there too. She’s the person I met at the pottery class in Harlow last year. Apparently,
she has got really good at it and may even be having an exhibition of her work soon. Will you be
able to bring some food? Maybe crisps or peanuts, something along those lines. Jenny from next
door is going to bring a quiche and I’ll do some garlic bread. I found a good recipe for punch—you
warm up some red wine with gin and orange juice plus cloves and cardamom and cinnamon. Add
some brown sugar if it’s not sweet enough. The boys from the house down the road have promised
to bring some of their homebrew. There are three of them sharing that house now—John, Tony and
Phil. I think they were all at college together. Phil teaches at a primary school in Ely now and the
other two commute to Peterborough each day. I think they both work in the hospital there— I
know Tony was training to be a nurse at one point so maybe he is qualified now. John can’t come
on Saturday because his parents are coming to stay for the weekend but Phil and Tony should be
there. Tony has to pick their cat Ben up from the vet so he may be a bit late. By the way, did I tell
you about our holiday in Edinburgh? It was a complete disaster. We were camping and it rained
constantly. We spent most of the time in museums, trying to keep dry and then, to make matters
worse, Nicky got her handbag stolen. I was quite glad to get back to work after that. Anyway, hope
you can make it on Saturday—let me know if you want to stay over. Bye!’ (pages 105–106).
During this task they were expected to either doodle (the experimental group) or not doodle (the control
group). This was the independent variable. They were told beforehand they would be tested on the
names of people who were attending the party (and not the ones who were not going to be there). This
was the ‘monitoring’ task. They also had an unexpected test, on the names of places mentioned. This
was the ‘recall’ task. The order of these tests was counterbalanced, i.e. half the participants in each
condition were asked to recall the names of party-goers then the places mentioned. The other half
recalled the places first, then the names. These two tasks were the measures of the dependent variable
(DV) of recall. To operationalise the DVs, plausible mishearings, such as ‘Greg’ for ‘Craig’, were
counted as correct. Other names that were on the tape but were not party-goers (e.g. John) were scored
as false alarms, as were completely new names generated by the participants. Other words relating to
people, such as ‘sister’, were ignored. The final memory score for monitored information (names) and
for incidental information (places) was the number of correct names/places minus false alarms.
The mock telephone message lasted 2.5 minutes and was recorded in a monotonous voice at an average
speed of 227 words per minute. It had eight names of people attending a party, and the names of three
people and one cat who could not attend. Eight place names were mentioned, as well as irrelevant
The participants were given the standardised instructions: ‘I am going to play you a tape. I want you to
pretend that the speaker is a friend who has telephoned you to invite you to a party. The tape is rather
dull but that’s okay because I don’t want you to remember any of it. Just write down the names of
people who will definitely or probably be coming to the party (excluding yourself). Ignore the names of
those who can’t come. Do not write anything else’ (pages 101–102).
An A4 sheet with alternating rows of squares and circles, ten per row, was given to the participants in
the doodling condition. There was also a wide margin on the left for recording the target information.
These participants were also given a pencil and asked to shade in the squares and circles while listening
to the tape. They were told ‘It doesn’t matter how neatly or how quickly you do this – it is just
something to help relieve the boredom’ (page 102). The control participants were given a sheet of lined
paper to write their answers on (which could have been used for doodling).
Each participant listened to the tape at a comfortable volume, and wrote down the names as instructed.
The experimenter collected the response sheets, then talked to the participants for 1 minute, including an
apology for misleading them about the memory test. They then completed the surprise test of recalling
names of places then people or vice versa. Finally, the participants were debriefed and asked if they
suspected they would be given a memory test.
When you are asked to think about parts of the procedure of a study, it is helpful to consider
reliability and validity. Is the procedure likely to produce similar results each time with similar
participants? This is a question of reliability. Is the procedure really resulting in the manipulation
of the intended independent variable and is the way that the dependent variable is being assessed
really measuring that variable or something different? These are questions of validity. Ask yourself
these questions about Andrade’s study: you will be helping yourself to ‘think like a psychologist’.
Counterbalancing is often used as a control procedure against order effects. It is mainly used in
repeated measures designs, when participants encounter both levels of the IV. In Andrade’s study it
is used to control for potential order effects caused by the two different measures of recall, the DV.
In the doodling condition, the mean number of shaded shapes on the printed sheet was 36.3, with a
range of 3–110 and no participants in the control condition doodled spontaneously.
Three doodlers and four controls suspected a memory test. This suggests that there were demand
characteristics that made the aim apparent to the participants. However, none said they actively
tried to remember information.
Participants in the control group correctly recalled a mean of 7.1 (SD 1.1) of the eight party-goers’
names and five people made a false alarm (see Table 3.2). Participants in the doodling group correctly
recalled a mean of 7.8 (SD 0.4) party-goers’ names and one person made one false alarm. Overall, the
doodling participants recalled a mean of 7.5 names and places, 29% more than the mean of 5.8 for the
control group. Recall for both monitored and incidental information was better for doodlers than
controls, even when the participants who suspected a test were excluded (to eliminate effects due to
demand characteristics).
Andrade concluded that doodling helps concentration on a primary task. This was because the
experimental participants, for whom doodling acted as a concurrent task, performed better than control
participants who were just listening to the primary task with no concurrent task. However, because the
doodling group were better on both the monitored and incidental information there are two possible
explanations. One is that the doodlers noticed more of the target words, an effect on attention. This
would be explained by doodling increasing arousal and therefore reducing daydreaming, so maintaining
attention on the primary task. The other is that doodling improved memory directly, for example by
encouraging deeper information processing. However, without any measure of daydreaming (which
could have blocked attention) it is difficult to distinguish between these two explanations. This could
have been done by asking participants about daydreaming retrospectively by self-report. Alternatively, a
simultaneous brain scan could have indicated whether doodling reduced activation of the cortex, which
is associated with daydreaming.
Doodling could be a useful strategy when we have to concentrate and don’t want to, for example in
an important but boring lecture or when you are waiting to hear the faint sound of a friend’s car
arriving. By stopping our minds from straying we should be better able to focus on the primary
task (see Figure 3.6). This would be an application to everyday life.
Self-reports are a useful way to find out more about participants’ thoughts or feelings when they
have participated in an experiment but can also be used as the main method for a study. Conduct a
pilot study using an interview or a questionnaire to collect self-report data about the types of
doodle that people do and the situations in which they doodle.
Figure 3.6: Although doodles have some shape and form, they are relatively unplanned so require little
processing themselves but may be sufficient to prevent us from daydreaming
Ethical issues
This study raised some ethical issues. The participants were unable to give fully informed consent as
they were given an unexpected test on place names. This had the potential to make them distressed if
they were unable to remember the names, so could breach the ethical guideline of protection from harm.
Although a debrief is not a substitute for good ethical procedures, the experimenters debriefed the
participants and apologised for misleading them about the unexpected recall test.
There were individual differences between the participants in Andrade’s study. As it was an
independent measures design, such differences were a bigger problem than they would have been
had Andrade been able to use a repeated measures design. This was not possible, however, as the
participants would have known they would be tested on the place names in their second condition.
As a consequence, individual differences in attention or memory between the participants in the
two groups could have been responsible for differences in recall.
Andrade’s study tested whether doodling could improve concentration on and memory of a
conversation. Participants in the doodling condition remembered more of the people’s names they had
been asked to recall and attended to the message better, as they recalled more in a surprise test of the
place names mentioned. This laboratory experiment was well controlled with a recorded stimulus
message and specific shapes to colour in for the doodlers. The data from the words recalled was
quantitative and objective. However, it would also have been useful to have had qualitative data about
whether the participants daydreamed as this would have helped to distinguish between two possible
reasons for the improved memory: deeper processing or better attention.
1 What were the two conditions in Andrade’s study?
2 How did Andrade measure the effect of the IV in this study?
3 Andrade used many ways to control variables. Choose one and explain why it was important to
the success of the study.
4 Andrade found that the doodling group were better at recalling both the monitored and incidental
information. Why did this make it difficult to draw a conclusion?
Using their first version of the ‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes’ task, Baron-Cohen et al. (1997)
investigated whether adults with ASD had problems with theory of mind. They compared a group of
individuals with ASD to individuals who did not have a diagnosis of ASD. The participants were shown
photographs of eyes and asked to identify the emotion that was being shown from two options (see
Figure 3.7).
Figure 3.7: A pair of eyes from the Reading the Mind in the Eyes test
The ‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes’ task (Eyes test) was believed to use the cognitive processes
associated with a theory of mind as participants needed to empathise with the person in the photograph
to work out their emotional state.
The results of this study (using the first version of the task) by Baron-Cohen et al. (1997) showed that
ASD participants correctly identified fewer emotions than participants in the non-ASD group. However,
the researchers identified several practical issues with the original task, which were solved in the revised
version (see Table 3.3).
Problems with the original Eyes test Solutions in the revised Eyes test
The questions were forced choice, with only two The number of options choices for responding was
options which were always opposite in meaning increased to four, and they were not opposites
(semantic opposites), e.g. Sympathetic or
Unsympathetic, so the task was too easy
Only 25 sets of eyes were used in the test (so many 36 sets of eyes were used in the final analysis of
in the ASD group scored 24 or 25, causing a the revised Eyes test results
ceiling effect)
The eyes illustrated both basic emotions and Only eyes expressing complex emotions were used
complex emotions and the former were too easy
The emotion in some photos could be solved by These sets of eyes were deleted from the test
checking the direction in which the eyes were
gazing, e.g. ignoring
Imbalance of male and female faces Equal number of male and female faces
Participants might not have understood the words Participants were given a glossary
in the task
Table 3.3: Differences between the original ‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes’ task and the revised version
of the test
The main aim of this research was to investigate whether an improved ‘revised’ version of the Eyes test
would show a clear impairment in a group of adults with ASD to assess its effectiveness.
The researchers also wanted to test whether there was an association between performance on the
revised Eyes test and measures of traits of ASD, and to investigate whether there were sex differences in
those without ASD on this task.
They were testing five hypotheses:
• Participants with ASD will score significantly lower scores on the revised Eyes test than the control
• Participants with ASD will score significantly higher on the Autism Spectrum Quotient Test
(AQ) measure than the control group.
• Females in the ‘normal’ groups (Groups 2 and 3) will score higher on the Eyes test than males in
those groups.
• Males in the ‘normal’ group (Group 3) would score higher on the AQ measure than females.
• Scores on the AQ and the Eyes test would be negatively correlated.
Research method and design
This was a laboratory experiment as the environment in which the participants were tested was not
comparable to everyday situations in which we detect the emotions of others.
This is an example of a quasi-experiment. In a true experiment, participants can be randomly assigned
to any of the experimental conditions. This is not the case in a quasi-experiment, where participants are
usually assigned to a condition based on a given characteristic (e.g. whether they have ASD).
The independent variable was the type of participant in each condition. There were three control or
comparison groups in this study (Groups 2–4) and the experimental group containing participants with
AS or HFA (Group 1). The experimental design was an independent groups design because comparisons
were made between different groups of participants; Group 1, consisting of participants with ASD were
compared to the control groups 2, 3 and 4 (see Table 3.4).
There were two key measures of the dependent variable. The first was a score on the revised Eyes test.
For those participants in the AS/HFA and the IQ (Intelligence Quotient)-matched control condition, IQ
was also measured. IQ was assessed using the short WAIS-R, which measures four aspects of
intelligence using tests of: block design, vocabulary, similarities and picture completion.
The study used four groups of participants. These differed in several ways (see Table 3.4). Group 1
consisted of all males and groups 2 and 3 included both males and females.
Group 1: AS/HFA
The group comprised 15 adult males with AS or HFA with a mean IQ score of 115 and mean age of 29.7
years. The sample was self-selecting through adverts in the Autistic Society magazine and support
groups and all had been diagnosed in specialist centres using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
(DSM) or International Classification of Disorders (ICD) criteria.
Group 2: Adult comparison group
The group comprised ‘normal’ adults, who did not have a diagnosis of AS/HFA. They were selected
from adult community and education classes in Exeter (UK) and public library users in Cambridge (UK)
with a mean age of 46.5 years.
Group 3: Student comparison group
The group comprised ‘normal’ students, who did not have a diagnosis of AS/HFA, from the University
of Cambridge with a mean age of 20.8 years. Cambridge is a highly selective university so these
students are not representative of the general population.
confused, nervous and upset
Sarah felt a bit flustered when she realised how late she was for the meeting and that she had
forgotten an important document.
taking it easy, calm, carefree
On holiday, Pam felt happy and relaxed.
Figure 3.8: Two items from the glossary used in the study by Baron-Cohen et al.
A pilot study is used to check the validity and reliability of the procedures. It is not a check of
whether the study is going to ‘work’ or whether it is ethical, although they can be conducted to find
out whether a question is worth investigating. When you have finished reading the procedure for
this study, decide why the pilot study was important.
Experimental comparisons were used to test each of the first four hypotheses. In addition, the
results were used in two tests of correlational relationships. One was between AQ and Eyes test
scores and the other between the IQ and Eyes test scores. These scores were the ‘measured
variables’ or ‘co-variables’.
Find two photographs of unknown people, i.e. not people who are friends, live locally or are
famous. Choose two that have different facial expressions and cut the image down so that it just
shows the eyes. For each of your two photographs choose four different words that could be used,
one for the correct description of the expression and three foil words.
Why did you choose the words you did? Are you certain they are not semantic opposites? Do you
think any of the words you have chosen as foils are too close to the real expression, meaning they
could also be a plausible answer?
If you can discuss these questions and your answers with someone else, do so. However, remember
that these are just your images of eyes and sets of words, they are not from the Eyes test and do not
indicate any ability or otherwise in anybody that responds to them. This is a very important ethical
On the Eyes test, participants with AS/HFA (Group 1) correctly identified significantly fewer target
words than participants in the three comparison groups (Table 3.5, Figure 3.9). No participant in any of
the conditions checked the glossary for more than two definitions during the experiment. In the Adult
comparison and Student comparison groups (Groups 2 and 3), sex differences were apparent between
males and females on the Eyes test but this was not significant. All participants in the AS/HFA condition
scored 33 or above out of 36 on the gender recognition task.
On the AQ task, participants with AS/HFA scored significantly higher than the Student comparison and
IQ matched comparison groups (see Figure 3.10). There was also a smaller, but significant difference
between male and female AQ scores in the Student comparison group.
Figure 3.9: Average number of words correctly identified on the Eyes test
* Not all participants returned the AQ test. The number in square brackets is the number of participants
who did return it.
Table 3.5: Mean Eyes test and AQ scores
There was a significant negative correlation between the AQ and Eyes test scores (–0.53) but no
correlation between the IQ and Eyes test scores. This suggests that as the AQ score increases
(illustrating greater levels of autistic traits) the ability to identify the correct target word on the Eyes test
decreases and that this is independent of the individual’s intelligence.
The measure of central tendency used to calculate the averages used for Figures 3.9 and 3.10 was
the mean. A median could have been used as an alternative measure of central tendency, although
the mean would be more representative as it uses the absolute value of each score, whereas the
median only considers rank positions. The mode would have been an unsuitable measure of
tendency for this data as the possible range of scores was wide so it is unlikely that the most
frequent score would be representative.
The results indicate that the participants in the AS/HFA group had a specific deficit in a cognitive
process that should help them to identify emotions in other individuals, i.e. that contribute to a theory of
mind. This conclusion is validated by the AS/HFA group being able to identify the gender of the eyes
accurately. This shows that the Eyes test was able to detect a subtle and specific impairment in the
otherwise intelligent participants in the HFA/AS group.
There was evidence of a sex difference between males and females in the comparison groups; although
less marked, the pattern of results for males was similar to the participants with ASD. Males had lower
scores on the Eyes test, and showed greater levels of autistic traits on the AQ test, than females.
However, some of these differences were not significant so further research is needed to clarify whether
there are differences between the sexes in terms of their AQ or ability to attribute emotions to others.
This study showed that the revised Eyes test is a more sensitive measure of adult social intelligence than
that used in previous studies, so will allow future research to discriminate individual differences in a
more meaningful way.
As this is a quasi-experiment, it was not possible for Baron-Cohen et al. to randomly allocate
participants to the conditions. This could introduce a confounding variable, as there could be a factor
other than ASD, which happens to be different between the ASD and control groups, which is causing
the difference in the scores between the conditions. This study partly resolved this issue by having two
different control groups so that some participants were matched on IQ to make the groups as similar as
Although the Eyes test was vastly improved for this research, there are still several issues that affect the
ecological validity of the task. In an everyday situation, a person’s eyes would not be static or be shown
in isolation from the rest of their face. Consequently, any attempt to apply the results from this research
to an everyday situation will be flawed. Future research might choose to use videos of eyes rather than
images, and whole faces rather than just eyes, to improve the validity of any conclusions.
The experimental sample in this research (the AS/HFA participants) was only 15 participants so they
may not be representative of all individuals with a diagnosis of AS/HFA. Caution is therefore needed if
generalisations are made from the findings.
Ethical issues
As all participants were able to give informed consent and their data was kept confidential, few ethical
issues were raised within the study itself. However, ethical issues could arise from the findings.
Evidence such as this, which identifies ‘normal’ performance of control groups and ‘impaired’
performance of the AS/HFA group could be seen as representing neurodiverse groups in a negative way.
Alternatively, by identifying such differences, this research has the capacity to provide both an
understanding of the nature of the experience of people with ASD and, therefore, the potential for
greater understanding in society and potentially in situations such as school or the workplace. This
would be an ethical strength.
Can we be sure it is really all in the eyes? What else could be important when we are interpreting
emotions? To answer this question, think about whether there are any issues with using
photographs of eyes rather than a real person in this study. How could this experiment be
conducted in a more ecologically valid way? What impact would it have?
Baron-Cohen et al.’s study investigated how a lack of a ‘theory of mind’ in adults with autism
spectrum disorder (ASD) relates to problems with recognising emotions. The ASD group’s scores on the
Eyes test were lower than those of the control group even though their IQ was no different. There was
also a negative correlation between the Eyes test score and Autistic Spectrum Quotient. The test itself
was valid because the still images of the eyes were standardised in terms of size and colour (all black
and white) although this could also be a weakness as emotions are usually detected on live faces, which
move. The findings suggest that the revised Eyes test is better at detecting individual differences in
social sensitivity than the previous version, i.e. it is more valid.
5 Choose one possible emotion that Baron-Cohen et al. could have used.
a State the emotion you have chosen.
b Write a glossary entry for this emotion.
c List some possible foils that could be used with this emotion and justify why they are suitable.
6 If Baron-Cohen et al. had found that there was still a ceiling effect, what could have been done to
solve this problem?
Pozzulo et al. studied child witnesses and recognised that cognitive effects, such as those caused by
post-event information, including the way questions are asked, can be responsible for errors in decision-
making by children. Some of their earlier research (Pozzulo & Lindsay, 1997) showed that children
were less likely than adults to say ‘I don’t know’ in response to a question even when they knew this
response was possible.
One way that witness information is used by the police is in a line-up, where the witness is asked to
identify the perpetrator of the crime from a selection of individuals presented to them (whether or not
the perpetrator is actually present), see Figure 3.11. However, this system can create mistakes and
therefore miscarriages of justice. A witness may be more likely to make errors if they are asked to make
a decision from a line-up and are then presented with another line-up containing the same suspect.
Pozzulo and Lindsay (1998) found that when the culprit is not among the people in a line-up, children
are more likely than adults to identify an innocent person, this is called a false positive response.
This study focused on social effects on child witnesses. Pozzulo et al. suggested that children may be
more likely to make incorrect decisions in a line-up as a result of several different social factors, such as:
• If a child is asked to select which of the people in the line-up is the culprit, they may think that they
need to choose one of the people. Not making a choice, i.e. saying the culprit is not there, could be
seen as a ‘non-response’ from the child’s perspective. They may think ‘If I am given a selection I
must make a choice.’
• A child is likely to view the adult who asks them the question as an authority figure, especially if it
is a police officer. This would make them more likely to comply with the request.
• Children may feel more pressured to make a choice than adults. They will want to comply with the
request and may even fear getting into trouble if they do not choose somebody.
Social factors may have a greater effect on child witnesses than adults. One eyewitness test is
‘identification’ of a suspect, that is, picking them out from a ‘target-present’ line-up where the culprit is
among the faces presented. Another eyewitness test is the ability to correctly reject faces when the
culprit is not presented, i.e. in a ‘target-absent’ line-up. To explore the effect of social versus cognitive
factors on children’s performance as eyewitnesses Pozzulo et al. needed to minimise any cognitive
effects that could impair the children’s decision-making. They did this by comparing identification and
rejection of a cartoon character. As cartoon characters are familiar, a child should identify them with the
same accuracy as adults, approximately 100%. This is because it is a cognitively easy task; it only
requires matching an existing memory to the faces they can see in the line-up. However, in a target-
absent task, matching is not possible so a selection must be made. Faced with a harder task, children
should rely more heavily on social factors, and make more errors than adults.
The aims were to test the following four predictions:
• Children will be as good as adults at identifying cartoon faces in a target-present line-up
• Children will be worse than adults at identifying human faces in a target-present line-up
• Children will be worse than adults at rejecting cartoon faces in a target-absent line-up
• Children will be worse than adults at rejecting human faces in a target-absent line-up
Research method and design
This study was a laboratory experiment. Participants were in a laboratory whereas real line-ups would
take place somewhere official, such as at a police station.
There were three independent variables:
• Age: young children versus adults
• Line-up type: identification (target-present) versus rejection (target-absent line-up)
• Level of cognitive demand (familiarity of target): cartoon (familiar, low cognitive demand, so
differences due to social demand) versus human (unfamiliar therefore higher cognitive demand)
For the comparison between children and adults, the experimental design was independent measures.
For the comparisons of line-up type (target-present versus target-absent) and familiarity of target
(cartoon versus human), the experimental design was repeated measures.
To test identification/recognition, participants were presented with a photoarray of black and white
photographs of close-cropped faces for the cartoons and head-and-shoulder images for the humans. The
dependent variable was whether the participant identified the correct face if present or the empty
silhouette if not. The children’s response, given by pointing, was recorded by the experimenter and adult
participants recorded their responses on a sheet.
Line-ups are commonly used in legal cases worldwide. The procedure tends to be highly controlled
to minimise errors, for example ensuring photographs of faces are the same size and either all in
colour or all in black and white. Nevertheless, there is a problem that cannot be easily resolved.
People are less able to accurately identify a person of a different ethnic group from themselves.
When setting up studies in psychology to test line-up procedures, it is therefore important to
consider the ethnic groups of the participants and of the individuals in the line-up as potential
confounding variables.
There were 59 child participants aged 4–7 years with a mean age of 4.98 years, 21 females and 38
males. They were recruited from pre-kindergarten/kindergarten classes in three private schools in
Eastern Ontario, Canada. There were 53 adult participants aged 17–30 years with a mean age of 20.54
years, 36 females and 17 males. They were recruited from the Introductory Psychology Participant Pool
at Eastern Ontario University.
Information was provided by the adults, and by children’s parents/guardians, to ensure that all
participants were familiar with the two target cartoons in the study (Dora the Explorer and Go, Diego,
Go!, see Figure 3.12).
To conduct the experiment, the researchers prepared video clips and line-up photograph arrays.
• Human face targets were two Caucasian students. They were used to make two types of stimulus
• For the videos, a 6-second clip was filmed of an everyday task: a female brushing her hair and
male putting his coat on. Each video was in colour with no sound and showed 2 to 3 seconds
of the individual’s face.
• For the photoarrays, the two human ‘targets’, the students, were photographed wearing
different clothes than in the video. For each target, four ‘foil’ photographs were chosen by
three raters to look similar to the targets in terms of facial features, hair length and colour. All
photographs were cropped to include only the face, neck and the top of the shoulders.
• Cartoon face targets were two cartoon characters. The two types of stimulus were:
• For the videos, the two 6-second clips were Dora the Explorer talking to the audience and Go,
Diego, Go! putting on a pair of gloves for safety. Each video was in colour with no sound or
other characters and showed 2 to 3 seconds of the target cartoon character’s face.
• For the photoarrays, still images of the two cartoon ‘targets’ were used in addition to four
‘foils’ selected from cartoon images from the internet. Three raters judged the similarity of
approximately ten cartoons for each target. The four most similar ones in terms of facial
features, hair length and colour were chosen. All photographs were cropped to include only
the character’s face, as they tended to wear similar clothing in all episodes so this could not
affect the familiarity of the appearance of the character.
Target-present line-ups contained the target and three foils; target-absent line-ups contained four foils.
Every line-up contained a blank silhouette to enable a choice to be made even if the participant judged
that the target was not present. The line-up was shown to participants as a simultaneous array, which
means that the target (if present), all the foils and the blank silhouette were all shown at once. The
position of each target in the line-up was randomised but for the equivalent ‘target-absent’ line-up, the
fourth foil was located in the same position as the original target. All photographs were in black and
white, which was important as the bright colours of the cartoon characters could have become the focus
of recognition rather than the identity of the character. Each participant watched four videos, one each
for the conditions of cartoon target-present, human target-present, cartoon target-absent and human
target-absent. These videos were presented in a random order, each being followed by a line-up task. In
each of the four line-up tasks, the position of the target or its matching foil was counterbalanced. Videos
and photoarrays were presented on 13-inch laptop screens.
Each child participant’s parents/guardians, and the adult participants, were given a written consent form
to complete. The adult participants attended the laboratory and were given a brief saying that it was a
study about memory. To test the children, three female experimenters went to the children’s school.
They briefed the children saying that they were researchers from the university doing a project on TV
shows and computer games. It was also made clear to the children that they could change their minds
about whether they wanted to join in and would not get into trouble. To help to make the children
comfortable, the experimenters did some craft work with them prior to starting the experiment.
For each participant, the following sequence was used:
• The three female experimenters were neatly dressed, wearing professional-casual clothing, for
example a sweater or blouse and smart trousers (dress-pants). This was not overly formal because
this could influence the children’s responses to the line-ups through social pressure, for example by
suggesting authority.
• Child and adult participants were tested individually and were asked to pay attention because they
would be asked some questions and shown some pictures after watching the video.
• Following each video, participants were asked a free recall filler question (‘What did the cartoon
character/person look like?’) For child participants, a non-specific probing question (‘Do you
remember anything else?’) was then asked. If the child did not respond to the initial question, the
experimenter asked ‘Do you remember anything from the video?’ The children’s replies were
recorded by the researchers. For adults, the initial question was followed by, ‘Do you remember
anything else about the cartoon character/person?’ The adults recorded their own responses by
writing them down.
• After each filler task, child participants were told, ‘Please look at the photos. The person/cartoon
may or may not be here. If you see the person/cartoon, please point to the photo. If you do not see
the person/cartoon, please point to this box’ (indicating the blank silhouette). Similar instructions
were given to the adults, but they indicated their response on a matching sheet.
• This procedure was repeated so that all four videos had been seen and responded to with the line-up
task. The dependent variable was whether the participant identified the correct face if present or the
empty silhouette if not.
Controls and standardisation help to improve the validity of studies. Working with a partner, list
the ways the experimenters standardise the procedure. List as many as you can. For each one,
explain why that part of the procedure was important for validity.
Peer assessment
Swap your lists with another pair and look carefully at their list of ways to standardise the
procedure. Do you agree with them?
Then look at the explanations of why each way is important for validity. Do you agree with those?
Finally, discuss your comments on each other’s lists and explanations, and try to produce one final
list that you feel is complete.
The researchers wanted to investigate two key differences. The first was the difference between
children’s and adults’ identification and rejection accuracy. The second was the difference in children’s
identification and rejection accuracy between cartoon characters and humans. Table 3.6 shows the rates
for accurate and inaccurate responses in all conditions and Figure 3.13 shows the average (mean)
identification and rejection rates for cartoon and human targets. Here you can see that adults were better
than children at most tasks and that responses to cartoons were generally more accurate than responses
to human targets. However, there was little difference between the responses of children and adults in
the target-present test for cartoons.
Figure 3.13: Mean identification and rejection rates for cartoon and human targets
Based on the data in Table 3.6, choose a suitable graph to display the results. You may want to
select just some of the data from this table, such as only the two different cartoon characters, or
only the data about humans. Plot the results carefully on a graph, and make sure that you label both
axes, put scales on the axes where relevant and give the graph a title.
The results in Table 3.7 show that each of the four predictions made by Pozzulo et al. (see ‘Aims’ in
Section 3.3) were supported by the findings.
As predicted, the children could easily find the correct face in the target-present line-up with cartoons,
identifying with almost 100% accuracy (a ceiling effect) in this task. Pozzulo et al. concluded, therefore,
that any error in the target-absent line-up for cartoons must be a result of social factors rather than
cognitive factors. This is because it cannot be explained by a faulty memory for the faces of the cartoon
characters. The most likely social factor affecting a low correct rejection rate by children is the child’s
expectation that they should make a selection, rather than a ‘non-selection’, i.e. to correctly say that the
target character is absent from the line-up. Furthermore, this suggests that the difference seen between
children and adults in their rejection rates for human faces, which resembles that for the cartoon faces,
can also be explained by the effects of social demands. Finally, these effects of cognitive versus social
demands are relative not absolute: both tasks, identification and rejection, will be affected to an extent
by both cognitive and social factors. The suggestion from the results is only that for children, social
factors play a larger part in decision-making in target-absent line-ups than in target-present ones.
This study has the potential for application to everyday life. The findings suggest that strategies
should be devised to minimise social demands that could influence children’s responses to line-
ups. This is important as it could improve the reliability of child witness information. This could
raise the quality of decisions based on children’s evidence and thus the effectiveness of court
proceedings against perpetrators whose crimes are either only witnessed by children or are against
child victims. However, the evidence only contributes to identifying the problem, and not offering
solutions. Further investigation is needed to find out how improvements could be made to the line-
up procedure.
Ethical issues
Ethical issues are not only about the implications for the participants of research but also for wider
society. Clearly, the findings of this study make a valuable contribution to the use of children as
witnesses and therefore help to improve lives. However, any potential benefits must be measured against
potential damage to the participants. If the children in this research had been victims of real crimes, this
would have risked considerable potential for harm. However, the experimental situation was not crime-
related and the children were not at risk. Furthermore, consent was gained from the parents/guardians of
each child, as well as informed consent being gained from the children themselves in a child-friendly
way. Finally, the children’s comfort and their right to withdraw were ensured as well as ongoing
monitoring of their fatigue, anxiety and stress to protect them from harm.
Pozzulo et al.’s study explored factors affecting children’s accuracy as eyewitnesses when presented
with a line-up. Adult and child participants were tested using a line-up photoarray that tested cognition:
remembering and identifying the culprit when they are present. This was compared to a task that could
be readily influenced by social factors: a target-absent line-up where the task was rejection rather than
identification. In this situation it is possible for the child to give a false positive response by incorrectly
identifying an innocent individual as the perpetrator. To be certain that the tasks were as familiar as
possible, Pozzulo et al. used images of cartoon characters as targets and foils, as well as humans. The
results showed that children were as good as adults at identifying cartoon characters, but less able to
correctly identify humans and less able to correctly reject either type of target. The tendency of children
to choose an incorrect face (cartoon or human) in a target-absent line-up suggests that these errors are
due to social effects. They cannot be cognitive errors as the children’s memory for the faces was
excellent, as their identification was accurate. Therefore, the social demand of choosing a face when the
target was not there must have been the cause of the rejection errors.
7 Jaina is planning a study about false memories. She wants to compare false memories about
emotional events and false memories about non-emotional events.
a Suggest how Jaina could operationally define the IV in her study.
b Suggest one possible ethical problem with Jaina’s study.
8 Shaun is piloting a photoarray line-up procedure which uses six faces.
a Suggest one advantage of this line-up array compared to Pozzulo et al.’s array.
b Suggest one disadvantage of this line-up array compared to Pozzulo et al’s array.
Children as participants
Baron-Cohen et al.’s research does not focus on children as participants, so it might be useful to
consider how similar research could be conducted on younger individuals. Baron-Cohen et al.’s research
was conducted on adult male participants using pictures of adult eyes and relatively sophisticated words
to describe the emotion displayed. This would not be appropriate for children and alternative methods
should be considered to investigate similar aims in children. Baron-Cohen has devised a ‘Theory of
Mind’ test for children called the ‘Sally and Anne’ test that involves asking children questions following
a short scene that is acted out with dolls.
The study by Pozzulo et al. demonstrates effective ways to successfully conduct research using children.
Practical changes were made to the procedure to ensure the children could access the tasks and respond
easily, such as a researcher recording the open filler task and the use of pointing to record the children’s
line-up responses. The ethical procedures also differed for the child participants, such as the right to
withdraw being given and consent being gained by explaining to them in a child-friendly way, settling
them down and monitoring their fatigue, anxiety and stress.
After studying this chapter, copy and complete a table like this:
Almost Ready to
I can more Coursebook Workbook
there move on
state what is meant by the cognitive
explain the psychology being
investigated in the cognitive
describe the main assumptions of
the cognitive approach and link
them to the studies
use terminology relevant to the
cognitive approach
describe and evaluate the study by
Andrade (doodling)
describe and evaluate the study by
Baron-Cohen et al. (Eyes test)
describe and evaluate the study by
Pozzulo et al. (line-ups)
apply relevant research methods to
the cognitive approach
consider issues and debates that are
relevant to the cognitive approach.
Working as a pair, find as many examples of doodling as you can. You could search for images on
the internet, or ask your friends and family to look for examples of their own. Use only doodles
that are ‘spontaneous’, do not use any that are ‘colouring in’ of drawings designed for that purpose,
such as colouring books. Look for common patterns in the doodles. For example, are they mainly
angular or flowing, are they nonsense patterns or do they include images of ‘things’, such as
flowers? Are they always completed in the same pen/pencil or do people swap pens to elaborate
their doodles? Try to find as much as you can about the doodles. From your findings, suggest at
least two different experiments you could conduct to explore more about different types of doodle
or doodling. Are different types of doodle drawn at different times of day? Are they drawn by
different people, or when we are in different moods? These are just a few of the many ideas that
could form the basis for your project.
Your final piece of work should include:
• some examples of doodles, which must be anonymous
• an explanation of how you have described or classified the types(s) of doodles each one
contains, and anything else you have noticed about each doodle
• at least two ideas for experiments which provide the aim and how you would test the idea
(e.g. the IV and DV of your experiment and a basic procedure). You do not need to give
details of the sample unless this is relevant to the IV.
After you have completed your project, reflect on some of your key decisions. You might want to
talk to your project partner about this, if you had one. Consider these questions when thinking
about your project:
• How did people respond when you asked about their doodles?
• If they were cautious, what problems could this lead to in the experiments you have
• If they were very interested in what you were doing, what problems could this lead to in
the experiments you have designed?
• When you classified the types of doodle, how did you do it? Why would definitions of the
types of doodle be important if you conducted the experiments you have designed?
Additional reference
Baer, R. A., Smith, G. T., Hopkins, J., Krietemeyer, J., & Toney, L. (2006). Using self-report assessment
methods to explore facets of mindfulness. Assessment, 13(1), 27–45.
Wilson, K., & Korn, J. H. (2007). Attention during lectures: beyond ten minutes. Teaching of
psychology, 34(2), 85–89.
Chapter 4
Learning approach
The aim of this chapter is to introduce you to the learning approach to psychology and to explore three
studies that illustrate this approach.
• Bandura et al. (aggression) is based on social learning theory and looks at the effect on children’s
behaviour of seeing an adult behaving aggressively. The main psychology being investigated was
social learning theory and aggression.
• Fagen et al. (elephant learning) explores the use of positive reinforcement training for a trunk
wash in elephants to improve their welfare. The main psychology being investigated was operant
conditioning, reinforcement (positive, negative, primary and secondary), shaping and behavioural
• Saavedra and Silverman (button phobia) is a case study of a young boy with a phobia of buttons
and the use of classical conditioning to help reduce his fear and disgust. The main psychology
being investigated was evaluative learning, operant conditioning, classical conditioning and
The learning approach to psychology is concerned with how humans and animals acquire or
change their behaviour, including learning from others, learning by association, and learning from
rewards and punishments. Think about what you have done so far today. Apart from basic
biological activities, such as breathing or blinking, almost everything you have done you will have
learned. You are reading this, so you have learned to read, maybe in more than one language.
Hopefully you’ve eaten a meal and maybe travelled to class. How did you learn how to eat or how
to get to your classroom?
We can learn through different mechanisms and most of these mechanisms can also be seen in
animals. In some respects, however, our learning is different. Learning means new, permanent
changes in behaviour following experience. If you have a pet, or regularly see wild animals, how
do you think your learning is similar to and different from theirs? You might have thought of two
different kinds of answers. The way we learn might differ and what we can learn might differ. Both
of these are good answers.
• learning may occur without new behaviours necessarily being demonstrated (the behavioural
• the environment influences and provides opportunities for learning (by providing
In this chapter, we will be looking at the changes that occur in learning, how we can measure
changes in behavioural potential and how the environment contributes to learning. We will
consider repeated exposure to stimuli, rewards and role models, each of which is a feature of the
Looking back over your childhood, think about three different behaviours that you can definitely
say you learned, rather than things you were just able to do once you got older. Consider how you
might have learned them. Did you discover them for yourself or did something or someone in the
environment help you? If something or someone was involved, think about what it was that
enabled you to learn. Now think about someone much older than yourself. What has this person
learned recently? Maybe they are developing the ability to use a new piece of technology, or are
being told about new music by younger family members. We continue to learn throughout our
Finally, think critically about yourself. Is everything you have learned positive? Have you acquired
any bad habits? The answer to this is likely to be ‘yes’, even though you probably made no effort
to learn these things. This suggests that although some learning involves effort, sometimes we can
learn simply by being in a certain environment – and that not all learning is a good thing.
Previous research had shown that children imitated behaviour of a model when in the presence of the
model. Bandura et al. wanted to investigate whether social learning theory could be used to explain
aggression, specifically when the child was no longer in the presence of an aggressive model.
Children are rewarded in different ways for imitating adults. In general (at least, in the USA in the 1960s
when this study took place), boys were rewarded for behaviours considered to be sex-appropriate and
punished for inappropriate ones, such as cooking or ‘playing mother’. Similarly for girls, rewards and
punishments would be applied to discourage what was considered sex-inappropriate behaviours. This,
Bandura et al. suggested, would lead to two kinds of differences. First, boys and girls should be more
likely to imitate same-sex models and, second, they should differ in the readiness with which they
imitate aggression, with boys doing so more readily as this was seen as a more masculine-type
The aim was to investigate whether a child would learn aggression by observing a model and would
reproduce this behaviour in the absence of the model, and whether the sex of the role model was
important. Specifically, there were four hypotheses:
1 Observed aggressive behaviour will be imitated, so children who see an aggressive model will be
more aggressive than those seeing a non-aggressive model or no model.
2 Observed non-aggressive behaviour will be imitated, so children seeing non-aggressive models will
be less aggressive than those seeing no model.
3 Children are more likely to copy a same-sex model.
4 Boys will be more likely to copy aggression than girls.
Nature versus nurture describes the importance of the environment, or nurture, can be seen in the
role adults take as models for children, as well as in the rewards and punishments adults give to
Research method and design
This was a laboratory experiment; the environment was not the normal place where the children played
and the situation was controlled. The design of the experiment was that of independent measures as
different children were used in each of the levels of the independent variables (IVs) (although these
children were matched for aggression in threes; see the Research Methods box). There were three IVs:
• model type: whether the child saw an aggressive model, non-aggressive model or no model
• model sex: same sex as child (boys watching a male model and girls watching a female model) or
different sex (boys watching a female model and girls watching a male model)
• learner sex: whether the child was a boy or a girl.
The dependent variable (DV) was the behaviour the child displayed. This was measured through a
controlled observation of the children and measures of aggressive behaviour were recorded.
In the matched participants design described here, the participants were divided into threes, all
with very similar initial aggression levels. One of each of these individuals was placed into each of
the three different conditions of model type (aggressive model, non-aggressive model and control).
Seventy-two children aged 3–6 years (36 boys and 36 girls) were recruited from Stanford University
nursery school.
Prior to the experimental part of the study, the children were observed in their nursery school by the
experimenter and a teacher who knew them well. They were rated on four different measures of physical
aggression, verbal aggression, aggression to inanimate objects and aggression inhibition (anxiety) each
on a five-point scale. They were then assigned to three groups, ensuring that the aggression levels of the
children in each group were matched. Of the 51 children rated by both observers (the rest were rated by
only one observer), similar ratings were generally produced. Their ratings were compared as a measure
of inter-rater reliability, which showed a high correlation between the observers, of r = 0.89.
Inter-rater reliability is the extent to which two researchers rate the same activity that they have
observed, heard in an interview, etc., in the same way. This is judged using a correlation (an ‘r’
value) between the two ratings, which will be high (close to 1) if they are reliable.
Twelve boys and 12 girls were allocated to control groups who saw no model. The remaining children
were divided equally by sex between aggressive and non-aggressive model groups and, within those,
between same and opposite-sex models.
The experimenter and child entered the observation room, where the experimenter showed the child to a
table and chair in their ‘play area’, where they were shown how to make potato prints and sticker
pictures: activities previously identified as interesting for children. The opposite corner of the room also
contained a table and chair, a Tinkertoy set (a wooden building kit), a mallet and a five foot (152 cm)
Bobo doll: an inflatable clown-like doll that bounced back when hit (Figure 4.2). This is where the
model sat, in those conditions where there was one. The experimenter remained in the room so that the
child would not refuse to be alone or try to leave early but they appeared to be working quietly at their
Figure 4.2: Observing and imitating aggressive behaviours with a Bobo doll
The three groups were then treated differently. In the non-aggressive condition, the model assembled the
Tinkertoys for 10 minutes. In the aggressive condition, this lasted only 1 minute after which the model
attacked the Bobo doll. The doll was laid on its side, sat on and punched in the nose, picked up and hit
on the head with a mallet, tossed up in the air and kicked. This sequence was performed three times over
9 minutes accompanied by aggressive comments such as ‘Kick him’ and two non-aggressive comments
such as ‘He sure is a tough fella’. Of children in the model groups, half saw a same-sex model, the
others saw a model of the opposite sex. A control group did not see any model, and therefore saw no
The experimental procedure continued with a stage in which all participants were deliberately mildly
annoyed. This was done for two reasons:
• because watching aggression may reduce the production of aggression by the observer (even if it
has been learned) and it was necessary to see evidence of learning
• to ensure that even the non-aggressive condition and control participants would be likely to express
aggression, so that any reduction in that tendency could be measured.
The non-aggressive model group might appear to be a control group because the key factor of
‘aggression’ is missing. However, the important aspect is the presence of a model – and in the non-
aggressive group a model was still present. This means the real control group is where the IV is
absent: the group where there is no model at all.
A test of the child’s aggression then followed in which the child was observed for 20 minutes using a
one-way mirror. The mirror appeared transparent on the researcher’s side (so they could observe
behaviour) but appeared as a normal mirror on the child’s side (so they could not see that they were
being observed from another room). For the aggressive model group, this was a test of delayed
imitation. The experimental room contained a three-foot (92 cm) Bobo doll, a mallet and peg board, two
dart guns and a tether ball with a face painted on it which hung from the ceiling. It also contained some
non-aggressive toys, including a tea set, crayons and colouring paper, a ball, two dolls, three bears, cars
and trucks, and plastic farm animals. These toys were always presented in the same order.
The children’s behaviours were observed in 5-second intervals (240 response units per child). There
were three ‘response measures’ of the children’s imitation, with a range of possible activities in each:
• Imitative physical aggression: striking the Bobo doll with the mallet, sitting on the doll and
punching it in the nose, kicking the doll, and tossing it in the air.
• Imitative verbal aggression: repetition of the phrases, ‘Sock him’, ‘Hit him down’, ‘Kick him’,
‘Throw him in the air’ or ‘Pow’.
• Imitative non-aggressive verbal responses: repetition of ‘He keeps coming back for more’ or ‘He
sure is a tough fella’.
Partially imitative aggression was scored if the child imitated these behaviours incompletely. The two
behaviours here were:
• mallet aggression: striking objects other than the Bobo doll aggressively with the mallet
• sits on Bobo doll: laying the Bobo doll on its side and sitting on it, without attacking it.
Two further categories were:
• aggressive gun play: shooting darts or aiming a gun and firing imaginary shots at objects in the
• non-imitative physical and verbal aggression: physically aggressive acts directed toward objects
other than the Bobo doll and any hostile remarks except for those in the verbal imitation category
(e.g. ‘Shoot the Bobo’, ‘Cut him’, ‘Stupid ball’, ‘Horses fighting, biting’ ‘Knock over people’).
Finally, behaviour units were also counted for non-aggressive play and sitting quietly not playing at all,
and records were kept of the children’s remarks about the situation.
The male model scored all the children’s behaviours. Except for those conditions in which the male was
the model, he was unaware of which condition the child had been in. However, the condition in which
the child had been was usually obvious, as in the case of the aggressive model children as they
performed the specific behaviours exhibited by the model. To test the reliability of the scorer, a second
scorer independently rated the behaviour of half of the children. The reliability score was high at
approximately r = 0.9 for different categories of behaviour.
Children exposed to aggressive models imitated their exact behaviours and were significantly more
aggressive, both physically and verbally, than those children in the non-aggressive model or control
groups. One-third of the children in the aggressive condition also copied the model’s non-aggressive
verbal responses, but none of the children in either the non-aggressive or control groups made such
remarks. The mean aggression scores can be seen in Table 4.1.
The mean for imitative physical aggression for boys with a male model (25.8) was much higher than
that for girls (7.2). This indicates that the boys imitated the physical aggression of a male model more
than the girls did. However, with a female model, girls imitated less (5.5) than with the male model.
Girls imitated more verbal aggression of the same-sex model than boys (although not significantly so).
Children were also more likely to imitate a same-sex model than an opposite-sex model; this effect was
stronger for boys than for girls.
Children seeing a non-aggressive model were much less likely than either the aggressive model group or
controls to exhibit mallet aggression, and this pattern was especially apparent for girls. Although the
aggressive model did not appear to affect levels of gun play or punching the Bobo doll, non-imitative
physical and verbal aggression other than these activities were higher following exposure to an
aggressive model compared to the other two conditions.
There were also differences in non-aggressive play. Girls played more with dolls, tea sets and colouring,
and boys engaged in more exploratory play and gun play. There were no sex differences in play with
farm animals, cars or the tether ball. Both boys and girls seeing the non-aggressive model engaged in
more non-aggressive play with dolls than either of the other groups, and spent more than twice as much
time sitting quietly, not playing.
Consider the data for the mean aggressive behaviours and the non-imitative verbal responses.
1 Which data is qualitative and which is quantitative?
2 Draw a bar chart showing the results for imitative physical aggression. Include the mean
scores for the experimental groups and control group. Make sure you give the chart labels and
an appropriate title.
In the nature versus nurture debate, we can consider why the boys and girls showed different
responses. This could be because they are genetically different; a nature explanation. Boys might
be biologically predisposed to be aggressive, so more likely to copy aggressive models.
Alternatively, boys might be more likely to copy aggressive models because they have been
rewarded for aggressive behaviours more than girls have. This would be a nurture argument.
In addition to the observations, records of the remarks about the aggressive models revealed differences,
both between reactions to the actions of the male and female models and between boys and girls. Some
comments appeared to be based on previous knowledge of sex-typed behaviour , such as ‘Who is that
lady? That’s not the way for a lady to behave. Ladies are supposed to act like ladies . . .’ and ‘You
should have seen what that girl did in there. She was just acting like a man. I never saw a girl act like
that before. She was punching and fighting but no swearing.’ Whereas comments about the female
model’s behaviour were disapproving, those about the male model were not. This was more likely to be
seen as appropriate and approved by both boys and girls, for example in comments such as ‘Al’s a good
socker, he beat up Bobo. I want to sock like Al’ and ‘That man is a strong fighter, he punched and
punched and he could hit Bobo right down to the floor and if Bobo got up he said, ‘Punch your nose.’
He’s a good fighter like Daddy.’
The results strongly suggest that observation and imitation can account for the learning of specific acts
without reinforcement of either the model or observer. All four hypotheses were supported:
• Observed aggressive behaviours are imitated: children who see aggressive models are likely to be
more aggressive than those seeing a non-aggressive model or no model.
• Observed non-aggressive behaviours are imitated: children seeing non-aggressive models will be
less aggressive than those seeing no model.
• Children are more likely to copy a same-sex model, although this may depend on the extent to
which this behaviour is sex-typed.
• Boys are more likely to copy aggression than girls.
The study collected both quantitative data and qualitative data. The quantitative data provided an
objective record of the number of imitative actions in each category. The qualitative data, although more
subjective, provided some explanation of the reasons behind the tendency of the children to copy some
behaviours and not others. It could have been useful to have asked the children for self-reports of their
emotions when they were observing the model or reacting towards the Bobo doll. This may have helped
to further explain differences such as the influence of sex-typing on imitation. It would also have been
useful to have followed the children up to see how long the children’s acquired behaviours lasted. If
imitation leads to learning, the change in behaviour should be relatively permanent.
Ethical issues
One ethical issue with the study was some of the children might have been harmed by becoming more
aggressive during the research. For example, they could have physically injured themselves with the
toys they were given to play with after watching an aggressive model. Even if this were not the case, the
children were still deliberately annoyed in the procedure of the study. This could have been
psychologically distressing for the children. These aspects of the study go against the ethical guideline
of protecting participants from physical and psychological harm.
Bandura et al.’s study used adults being aggressive to a Bobo doll to show that children’s behaviour
can be affected by the behaviour of a model. Exact aggressive behaviours were imitated although the
study showed that non-aggressive modelling was also effective. Children were more likely to copy a
same-sex model. Additionally, boys engaged in more aggressive imitation than girls. This was a well-
controlled laboratory experiment measuring the dependent variable through objective observations that
were reliable. Qualitative data suggested that the children recognised sex-typing and were surprised by
behaviour that did not fit the pattern. The findings suggest practical applications for protecting children,
e.g. through film certification and the use of parental controls on media devices.
1 Why might Bandura et al. have chosen to record the children’s behaviour in 5-second intervals,
rather than 1-second or 1-minute intervals?
2 Consider the data for the mean aggressive behaviours and the non-imitative verbal responses.
a Which are qualitative data?
b Which are quantitative data?
3 The procedure was standardised in many ways.
a Identify the ways in which the procedure was standardised.
b Explain why standardisation was necessary – what might have happened if each participant
had not been treated in the same way?
Some reinforcers occur naturally. These include things which help us to survive such as water, food,
shelter or sleep. Alternatively, secondary reinforcers have to be learned, and are associated with primary
reinforcers. Money is one example as it can help us to acquire food, water, shelter and so on.
The theory of operant conditioning can explain how humans and animals develop complex behaviours.
The behaviour of humans and animals can be shaped gradually. A good example of this is how children
are rewarded with praise as they learn to speak. At first a child’s vocalisations might sound only slightly
like real words, but with encouragement these words become more accurate and the child’s speech is
very clear. Also simple, individual actions can be combined in sequences or ‘behaviour chains’. Like
riding a bicycle, the rider must first learn to pedal, then steer, then balance on two wheels.
However, the theory does not try to explain underlying, unseen reasons for behaviour, such as thoughts
or feelings. According to operant conditioning theorists, the majority of behaviours are learned through
trial and error.
Description of training How it works/ how we can see if Which method is likely to be more
technique it works effective
Traditionally, captive elephants are given ‘free’ (unlimited) contact with their handlers (known as
mahouts) and elephant behaviour is managed using punishment (Figure 4.3). This form of operant
conditioning relies on unpleasant stimulus such as pain or fear to shape behaviour. One type of
punishment used to shape elephant behaviour is the pain inflicted by a bamboo stick. However, because
of concerns for captive animal welfare and keeper safety, there is increased interest in reward-based
training (positive reinforcement ) using ‘protected’ contact (a barrier between elephant and handler). In
particular, positive reinforcement methods have been shown to improve the psychological well-being of
elephants (Desmond & Laule, 1991).
Figure 4.3: Elephants are trained by mahouts who use sticks as punishment
One type of positive reinforcement training is secondary positive reinforcement (SPR) training . This
method teaches animals to associate specific sounds with food; specific noises like these are called
‘markers’ or ‘sound-markers’. Once the animal is conditioned to the sound-marker relationships, the
marker can be used to reward wanted behaviours. Using a sound marker is better than rewarding with
food on its own as the marker can precisely indicate to the animal when it has correctly performed the
desired behaviour, whereas there is a delay for preparing and delivering food. To maintain the
association between secondary and primary reinforcer, food rewards are still given at intervals.
Diagnosing and treating illness in elephants is an important part of captive animal welfare. In order to
avoid using traditional methods such as punishment, Fagen et al. investigated the use of SPR training to
teach elephants to reliably and voluntarily engage in a trunk washing procedure designed to maintain
their well-being.
SPR has been used successfully with several animal species, including pandas, primates and antelope.
One advantage the method offers is the ability to shape captive animals’ behaviour to help improve their
health and well-being. In this study the focus of using SPR was as a method for detecting tuberculosis in
elephants. Tuberculosis is a serious respiratory disease which is a significant concern in the captive
elephant population, and can be passed between animal and human. The disease is best detected through
taking a sample from the elephant’s trunk through a ‘trunk wash’ method. However, getting elephants to
trunk wash correctly can be challenging, with many samples being insufficient for testing.
The aim of this study was to see whether free-contact, traditionally trained elephants can be trained to
participate in a trunk wash by using positive reinforcement.
Research method and design
This was a controlled observation involving a small group of elephants living in captivity who were
trained over a period of weeks. The researchers watched the elephants’ behaviour in response to a
specific stimulus, and used a behavioural checklist to record the elephants’ responses as a percentage
pass. This means the study can also be described as a structured observation.
This study included five female elephants: four juveniles and one adult, all housed at the same elephant
stable in Nepal. The juveniles were between 5 and 7 years old and had been born at the stable. The adult
elephant was estimated to have been in her 50s. The elephants were chosen from others at the stable as
they were docile, not currently pregnant or looking after a calf and their mahouts were willing to take
part in the study. The elephants were all traditionally trained and in free contact with their mahouts.
None of the elephants had previous experience of SPR.
The elephants spent most of the day grazing in the jungle under the control of their mahouts. They spent
the rest of the day leg-chained in a stable with the freedom to move 6–8 feet (1.83–2.4 m) around the
stake. The elephants’ diet was fresh grasses, grain and nutritional supplements and they were given
access to water at a river during grazing hours.
The method of training used in this study was SPR, with chopped banana as the primary reinforcer and a
short whistle blow as the secondary reinforcer. Training was conducted during the indoor sessions (7:30
a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.) by a trainer, with the mahout present for safety. The
mahouts stood to the side and did not speak to or signal to the elephants. No elephant went longer than
two days without a training session. Elephants could choose not to engage with a session by turning or
walking away from the trainer.
The purpose of training was to teach the elephants to perform a voluntary trunk wash in several
behavioural steps, actively moving their trunks in response to a cue. After establishing the marker-
reward relationships (banana-whistle), elephants were taught using the following three methods:
• Capture: waiting for animal to perform a behaviour naturally then ‘capturing’ it by marking it with
a reward
• Lure: for non-natural behaviours, an animals is ‘lured’ into a certain body position by placing a
reward in a certain place
• Shaping: after starting either capture or lure, rewards are then only given for the behaviours that are
‘best’, i.e. incrementally closer to the goal behaviour
Using these training methods, elephants were trained to do the following behavioural tasks separately
(see Table 4.3 and Figure 4.4).
Figure 4.4: The trunk wash consisted of (1) trunk here, (2) trunk up, (3) bucket, (4) blow and (5) steady
(not pictured)
There were three other tasks (targeting, trunk down, trunk out) that were introduced, but partway
through the training were discarded as they are not essential for the performance of a trunk wash. After
the elephant performed the individual behavioural tasks, each task was then paired with a verbal cue.
The verbal cue was a one-syllable word with no meaning in English or Nepali to avoid having any
meaning to the elephants or mahouts.
Once all the behavioural tasks were established, the trainers put the behaviours together in small
sequences in a process known as behaviour chaining . This technique meant that performing the first
behaviour in a sequence correctly earned the animal the chance to perform the second behaviour
correctly and gain a reward. Separate behavioural tasks were at first paired (starting with bucket and
blow), then put together in longer sequences until they formed the entire trunk wash procedure.
In addition, the trainer also introduced the use of a syringe to the trunk-here position. This was done
incrementally using a desensitisation method. Over a series of repetitions of the whole trunk wash
sequence, the syringe was gradually brought closer to the elephant’s trunk, then touching the trunk, then
inserted, then inserted with increasing amounts of fluid until the elephant tolerated the full 60ml
required for sample collection.
To avoid the elephants drinking the saline or water, they were offered drinks before each training
session. One elephant preferred drinking saline and would drink the saline solution after rejecting the
drinking water, so was switched to a water solution for the behavioural task.
There was no time limit put on each stage of the training process; it was determined by the success of
the individual elephant meaning that the training plans varied according to the individual elephant’s
An assistant recorded the length of each training session in minutes. The assistant recorded the total
number of times the elephant was given a cue or ‘offer’ for behaviour. After Session 10, elephants were
tested approximately every five sessions on previously taught behaviours. A passing score was 80% (i.e.
eight or more correct out of ten offers/cues). Once the 80% or higher score had been achieved on a
sequence this was considered a ‘pass’. Once the whole behavioural sequence was ‘passed’ at a rate of
80% or higher, the training was considered complete.
It was important in terms of validity that the mahouts did not assist with the training. For this
reason, they did not speak or signal to the elephants. Verbal cues used in the study were also
designed to be distinct from other verbal cues the mahouts used with the elephants. This was an
important control in the study.
It was found that the four juvenile elephants successfully learned the trunk wash, however, the adult
elephant did not (see Table 4.4). Elephants 2 and 4 never passed their steady test, but were able to pass
their full trunk wash tests. Elephant 5 did not pass her blow-into-bucket, desensitisation to syringe or
steady test. There are a number of factors which may have influenced the behaviour of elephant 5. She
was older and likely had both some visual impairment and trunk weakness. The elephant was reported
as being distracted and inpatient during the last week of the study and had a foot abscess during this
period. Also, a calf from an adjacent stall interrupted some of her sessions by entering the training area.
Another result was that some behavioural tasks were more difficult than others. For example, the trunk-
here task required more offers/cues than the bucket or blow-into-bucket tasks.
The elephants gradually improved their performance over time (see Figure 4.5). The mean success rate
went from 39% after 10 sessions of training to 89.3% after 35 sessions of training (mean percentage
score never reach 100% as 90% was given as default to individual behaviours within a sequence, once
the sequence was ‘passed’).
Figure 4.5: Mean percentage correct among all elephants for all tasks during each test
The researchers concluded from this study that juvenile, free-contact, traditionally trained elephants can
be trained to participate in a trunk wash using only SPR training techniques. Moreover, this training can
be carried out with the voluntary participation of the elephants, avoiding punishment, to produce reliable
As a structured observation, the study collected quantitative data in the form of correct behavioural
responses to the verbal cues/offers. This allows us to make an objective analysis of whether or not the
SPR was a successful method for learning the trunk wash. Quantitative data is also easier to analyse,
compared with unstructured observations.
Ethical issues
When using animals as participants, different sorts of ethical issues must be considered. In this instance,
the elephants were reported to be well treated and did not appear to have been physically harmed as a
result of the research. The elephants were able to graze freely for a large portion of the day, were fed
adequately and were able to socialise with the other elephants in the jungle. Investigating the
effectiveness of positive reinforcement training in elephants that are already captive rather than
capturing and using wild animals is a more ethical approach.
The study was carried out with the intention of developing a method for producing useable trunk wash
samples. The purpose of this was to help with captive management of elephants and to enable
tuberculosis to be quickly diagnosed and treated, which is highly beneficial to the elephants. The
researchers actively avoided using punishment and instead focused on a training method which
minimised harm to the animals.
Fagen et al.’s study used a small group of five female elephants to show that trunk washing can be
learned through positive reinforcement. Through a lengthy process of training and testing, researchers
were able to establish that most of the animals could perform a series of actions designed to act as a
health check. This was a controlled observation with a small sample meaning it had limited
generalisability and could be difficult to replicate. Using objective, quantitative measures of correct
responses, however, did show that juvenile elephants can learn trunk washing using SPR training.
4 What was the purpose of teaching elephants the trunk washing task?
5 The elephants’ mahouts were present in each session. However, they didn’t look at the elephants
or speak to them. Can you explain why the mahouts were asked to behave this way?
6 What influence do you think individual differences between the elephants had on the results of
this study?
Some psychologists believe that behaviour such as phobias can also be both learned (and unlearned) in
the same way as any other type of behaviour. There are several subtypes of classical conditioning,
including expectancy learning, in which a previously neutral or non-threatening object or event becomes
associated with a potentially threatening outcome. The consequence is that the individual expects the
negative outcome, so experiences fear in the presence of the previously non-threatening situation.
Phobias may be caused by evaluative learning , that is, another type of classical conditioning in which
the individual forms an association between a previously neutral stimulus and a negative emotion, but
this is a negative evaluation, for example disgust, rather than fear. This suggests that disgust, as well as
fear, may be an appropriate target emotion for the treatment of phobias, as well as the primary emotion
of fear. In the case of phobias, an emotional response such as fear or anxiety becomes associated with a
particular neutral stimulus, such as buttons.
A strictly behaviourist approach to classical conditioning would suggest that there is little role for
thinking and feeling in this learning process. However, the case study we will look at now involves a
deeper exploration of the role of cognition and emotion in changing phobic behaviour, known as
evaluative learning.
Another form of conditioning is known as operant conditioning. When a person or animal performs a
new behaviour, this can become associated with a consequence. For example, receiving a sticker as a
reward for allowing a dentist to perform a check-up makes it more likely a child might be happy to
return for future check-ups. In other words, rewards reinforce behaviour and make the behaviour more
likely to occur. Operant conditioning can also be used as an explanation for how people acquire phobias.
When people avoid the object of their phobia this can reinforce future avoidance behaviours, because
their anxiety is reduced when they don’t have to encounter the thing they are afraid of. This reinforces or
helps to maintain phobias once they have been learned. Psychologists can use the reinforcement
principle of operant conditioning to treat phobias as well. Praising or giving other rewards for remaining
calm when approaching a phobic stimulus can reinforce more positive behaviours towards such stimuli.
Such treatment might mean that the person can better tolerate the phobic stimulus.
The study by Saavedra and Silverman focused on how phobias can be treated using the application of
different theories of learning. These included operant conditioning to reinforce desirable behaviour. The
researchers compared this treatment to evaluative learning as a form of classical conditioning to reduce
feelings of disgust.
From their study of adults with a blood phobia, Hepburn and Page (1999) suggested that treating
patients’ disgust, as well as their fear, would helped them to make progress. De Jong et al. (1997)
worked with children who had a spider phobia. Although no attempt was made to manipulate feelings of
disgust, their feelings of disgust declined alongside their reduction in fear.
The aim was to examine the role of classical conditioning in relation to fear and avoidance of a
particular stimulus. In the context of the case study participant’s specific phobia of buttons, researchers
wanted to see if using a type of exposure therapy could reduce the disgust and distress associated with
Research method and design
This was a clinical case study as it involved just one participant whose life history and treatment were
studied in depth. Data was collected using self-report measures. Both the boy and his mother were
interviewed by the researchers about the onset of his phobia and his subsequent behaviour. The boy was
observed throughout the treatment sessions to see if his phobic behaviour showed any improvement.
The results of the treatment were measured using a nine-point scale of distress known as the ‘Feelings
A case study involves studying one or a very small number of participants (such as a family unit)
in great depth. It is particularly suitable in researching phenomena that are unusual or rare. Case
studies often collect a large amount of qualitative data; this is often the main reason they are
chosen as a method. In this study, interviews produced a history of the boy’s experience with
buttons and helped researchers understand the origin of his phobia.
The participant was a 9-year-old Hispanic American boy. Along with his mother, he had sought support
from the Child Anxiety and Phobia Program at Florida International University, Miami. He met the
criteria for having a specific phobia of buttons and had been experiencing symptoms for around four
years prior to the start of the study.
The boy and his mother both provided informed consent to participate in the study. They were
interviewed in order to determine whether any trauma or abuse could explain the boy’s phobia. The
phobia had begun at age five, when the boy had knocked over a bowl of buttons in front of his class and
teacher. He found the incident distressing, and from that time onwards his aversion to buttons steadily
increased. When he was interviewed the phobia was interfering significantly with his normal
functioning; he could no longer dress himself and had become preoccupied with avoiding touching
buttons or clothing that could have touched buttons.
It was necessary for the researchers to understand the boy’s specific feelings towards buttons prior to
starting treatment. Through discussion with the participant, they created a hierarchy of feared stimuli,
with each item on the list provoking increasing fear (see Table 4.5). The most difficult items for the
child were small, clear plastic buttons. These were rated at an ‘8’ on the nine-point Feelings
Thermometer. Handling these or touching someone wearing them was the most unpleasant task for the
The boy was treated with two interventions, one after the other. The first was contingency management,
a form of positive reinforcement therapy. This was a behaviour-focused approach which meant the boy
was rewarded for showing less fear and for actually handling the buttons. The positive reinforcement
was given to the boy by his mother only after he had completed a gradual exposure to buttons. These
treatment sessions lasted between 20 and 30 minutes. Researchers observed how the boy approached the
buttons (e.g. whether the numbers of buttons he handled increased). They also measured his subjective
rating of distress (on a 9-point scale) using the Feelings Thermometer.
The second form of therapy, and the main focus of the study, was known imagery exposure therapy .
Interviews with the boy had revealed that he found buttons touching his body disgusting, and he also
believed that buttons smelled unpleasant. These ideas formed the basis for disgust imagery exercises.
Unlike in vivo exposure, where the individual actually physically handles or is exposed to fearful
stimuli, imagery exposure therapy uses visualisation techniques.
Disgust-related imagery exposures were incorporated with cognitive self-control strategies. The boy
was asked to imagine buttons falling on him, and to consider how they looked, felt and smelled. He was
also asked to talk about how these imagery exposures made him feel. The exposures progressed from
images of larger to smaller buttons, in line with the boy’s fear hierarchy. At each session, self-report
measures were taken of the boy’s subjective ratings of distress using the Feelings Thermometer.
Positive reinforcement therapy
The outcome of the first intervention, positive reinforcement therapy, was a successful completion of all
the exposure tasks listed in the hierarchy of fear. The boy was also observed approaching the buttons
more positively. One example of this was that he started handling larger numbers of buttons during later
However, his subjective ratings of distress increased significantly between sessions two and three, and
continued to rise (see Figure 4.7). By session four, a number of items on the hierarchy such as hugging
his mother while she was wearing buttons had increased in dislike from the original scores. So, despite
his behaviour towards the fearful stimuli improving, his feelings of disgust, fear and anxiety actually
increased as a result of the positive reinforcement therapy. This finding is consistent with previous
research into evaluative learning; despite repeated exposure to the phobic object evaluative reactions
(i.e. disgust) remain unchanged or even increase. So, while the participant was showing improved
behaviour, the level of fear and disgust he was experiencing from this intervention worsened.
Figure 4.8: Ratings of distress: imagery exposure therapy: (1) before, (2) midway and (3) after imagery
Following his treatment, six-month and 12-month follow-ups were conducted. At these assessment
sessions, the boy reported feeling minimal distress about buttons. He also no longer met the diagnostic
criteria for a specific phobia of buttons. His feelings towards buttons no longer affected his normal
functioning; he was also able to wear small, clear plastic buttons on his school uniform on a daily basis.
The researchers concluded that the positive reinforcement therapy was successful in changing
observable behaviour, and the imagery exposure therapy was successful in reducing feelings of fear and
disgust. In particular they argue that:
• emotions and cognitions relating to disgust are important when learning new responses to phobic
• imagery exposure can have a long-term effect on reducing the distress associated with specific
phobias as it tackles negative evaluations.
This study found that phobias can be both learned and treated through processes of classical
Create a poster that illustrates the learning process involved in this study. This can be created using
a computer, hand-drawn or a combination of both.
You will need to focus on the steps which make up the classical conditioning process. Refer to the
information in the Background section to remind yourself of the stages.
Ensure you include the following terminology on your poster:
• unconditioned stimulus
• unconditioned response
• neutral stimulus
• no response
• conditioned stimulus
• conditioned response.
Select images that will support your explanation at each stage.
Consider the activity you have just completed. What approach did you take to designing your
poster? How did you embed the key words used in classical conditioning theory? Try to evaluate
whether this was the right approach for the task or whether you would try things differently next
Ethical issues
When using children as participants, ethical issues can be a major concern. In this instance, the boy and
his mother gave informed consent to participate in the study. This was important as the therapy involved
deliberate exposure to distressing stimuli, whether real or imagined. Overall, the aim of the study was to
improve the boy’s quality of life and minimise psychological distress, which is more ethical than trying
to create phobias in participants and then attempting to treat them. In addition, the boy’s anonymity was
preserved, which allowed him to maintain his privacy.
In a different study on phobias (which we will explore in more detail in Chapter 6), researchers
Watson and Rayner exposed a nine-month-old baby known as ‘Little Albert’ to different stimuli
including a white rat. Little Albert showed no fear of these stimuli. The researchers then classically
conditioned Albert to fear the rat by presenting a loud noise at the same time as showing him the
rat. The loud noise caused Albert to cry. They repeated this procedure each time the rat was shown
to Albert, until the little boy began to cry as soon as he saw the rat.
1 Apply the theory of classical conditioning to explain how Albert acquired his phobia of rats.
2 Compare and contrast the Little Albert study with the study by Saavedra and Silverman in
terms of ethical issues.
The study by Saavedra and Silverman aimed to investigate the role of evaluative learning in treating a
specific phobia of buttons. They used a case study of a young boy to explore the origin of his phobia,
and treated him using both reinforcement and imagery exposure therapies. He responded best to the
imagery exposure technique which relates closely to the thoughts and feelings associated with learned
responses. This was a unique piece of research which gained both qualitative and quantitative data about
the participant’s progress through therapy. It has practical applications for the treatment of specific
phobias, e.g. through imagery exposure relating to disgust.
7 Imagine a phobia of something different from buttons, for example of spiders or heights.
a Define what is meant by a ‘phobia’.
b Suggest eight scenarios that could be imagined by a person receiving similar treatment to that
described in the study by Saavedra and Silverman.
8 This study used only one participant, a nine-year-old boy.
a Can you explain the limitations of the results of the study, based on using only one
b Why are the results still useful?
The theory underlying the acquisition and treatment of phobias in the study by Saavedra and Silverman
is classical conditioning. Classical conditioning relies solely on a nurture-based explanation of learning.
Phobias are not considered innate or genetically inherited. Instead, they are considered to be products of
negative experiences with previously neutral stimuli. Treatment is based on the same principles; that
subsequent neutral or positive experiences with the phobic stimuli (along with cognitive therapy) can
reduce fearful responses.
Conversely, there would be disadvantages. Although there are biological sex differences in the
behaviours of animals, they do not acquire sex-typed behaviours that are a consequence of cultural
factors in the way that children do. Because this has been shown to be important, an animal study would
not be able to test such social influences.
The research by Fagen et al. was a controlled observation of the training and testing of a small group of
elephants. Practically there were some advantages to working with these animals; they were already in
captivity and familiar with their handlers. Psychologists working with animals in captivity have to meet
requirement for suitable housing of these animals (Figure 4.9). In this study there is no evidence that the
elephants were harmed as a result of the learning techniques of positive reinforcement and their housing
and care was sufficient.
The study was conducted over a number of weeks and involved training on a near daily basis, which
would have been impractical to achieve with a human participant. The elephants were also motivated by
intermittent food rewards as part of the SPR training; again, motivating a human participant to continue
with on-going trials might have been harder.
Figure 4.9: Is it right to keep animals in captivity for the purposes of research?
After studying this chapter, copy and complete a table like this:
Almost Ready to
I can more Coursebook Workbook
there move on
state what is meant by the learning
explain the psychology being
investigated in the learning
describe the main assumptions of
the learning approach and link them
to the studies
use terminology relevant to the
learning approach
describe and evaluate the study by
Bandura et al. (aggression)
describe and evaluate the study by
Fagen et al. (elephant learning)
describe and evaluate the study by
Saavedra and Silverman (button
apply relevant research methods to
the learning approach
consider issues and debates that are
relevant to the learning approach.
Bandura et al.’s study revealed that children are more likely to copy adults of the same sex, which
reinforces differences in behaviour between girls and boys. We are exposed to many role models
throughout our daily lives, for example our parents, older siblings, teachers and coaches. However,
the media is also an important influence. Celebrities, actresses and actors in TV shows and
advertising can also be role models who shape our behaviour (see Figure 4.10). For this reason, the
media can be one way in which we learn stereotypical behaviours, through observation and
Working on your own or in a small group, you will collect data on sex stereotypical television
advertisements and produce a short report.
1 Identify a media source to collect advertising data from. This could be a magazine aimed at
young people, or an hour or two of television that contains advertisements.
2 Create a simple table in which to record your quantitative data. You will need to write down
the product being advertised, and whether or not it shows sex stereotyping (could be
stereotypical/not stereotypical/neutral or a rating score). For example, you could use
something such as Table 4.6:
3 Watch or review your media advertising. If you are working with others, you might want to
watch or review an advertisement together to ensure you agree how to categorise your data.
1 In their conclusion, Bandura et al. suggest that social imitation can speed up the [2]
learning of new behaviours as they can be acquired without the need for
reinforcement, that is, without operant conditioning.
Suggest why acquiring new behaviours through social imitation would be quicker
than through operant conditioning.
2 If Bandura et al.’s study was performed today, the researchers would be required [3]
to obtain informed consent from both the children and their parents or guardians.
Explain why this would be necessary.
3 The results of Bandura et al.s’ study demonstrate several examples of sex-typed [2]
behaviours in the children.
Identify two examples of sex-typed behaviour in the children.
4 One debate in psychology is over the use of animals in psychological research. [2]
This is demonstrated in the study by Fagen et al. (elephant learning).
a Explain what is meant by the guideline of ‘choice of species and strain’.
b The trainer in the study by Fagen et al. rewarded the elephants with chopped [2]
banana. Explain why positive reinforcement was used in this study.
c Explain one benefit of Fagen et al.’s study. [2]
5 Describe two findings from the study by Fagen et al. [4]
6 Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the study by Fagen et al. [8]
7 Explain why the study by Saavedra and Silverman was carried out. [2]
8 In the study by Saavedra and Silverman on button phobia, one technique for [1]
therapy used operant conditioning.
a Define what is meant by operant conditioning.
b Describe how operant conditioning was used to help reduce the boy’s phobia [2]
in the study.
9 Describe the conclusions from the study by Saavedra and Silverman. [2]
[Total: 32]
Additional references
Alexander, G. M., & Hines M. (2002) Sex differences in response to children’s toys in nonhuman
primates (Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus). Evolution and human behavior, 23, 467–479.
Aserinsky, E., & Kleitman, N. (1955). Two types of ocular motility occurring in sleep. Journal of
applied physiology, 8, 1–10.
Baron-Cohen, S., Jollife, T., Mortimore, C., & Robertson, M. (1997). Another advanced test of theory of
mind: evidence from very high functioning adults with autism or Asperger syndrome. Journal of child
psychology and psychiatry, 38, 813–822.
Desmond, T. & Laule, G. (1991). Protected-contact elephant training. In AAZPA Annual Conference
proceedings, 1991, 606–613.
Do, S. L., & Schallert, D. L. (2004). Emotions and classroom talk: toward a model of the role of affect
in students’ experiences of classroom discussions. Journal of educational psychology, 96, 619–634.
Kimble, Gregory A. (1961). Hilgard and Marquis’ conditioning and learning. 2nd ed., rev. Appleton.
Pavlov, I. P. (1927). Conditioned reflexes; an investigation of the physiological activity of the cerebral
cortex (translated and edited by G. V. Anrep). Oxford University Press, Humphrey.
Pozzulo, J. D., Lindsay, R.C. L. (1997). Increasing correct identifications by children. Expert evidence,
Pozzulo, J. D,, Lindsay, R. C. L. (1998). Identification accuracy of children versus adults: a meta-
analysis. Law & human behavior, 22, 549–570.
Loftus, E. F., & Palmer, J. C. (1974). Reconstruction of auto-mobile destruction: an example of the
interaction between language and memory. Journal of verbal learning and verbal behavior, 13, 585–
Watson, J. B., & Watson, R. R. (1921). Studies in infant psychology. The scientific monthly, 13(6), 493–
Chapter 5
Social approach
The aim of this chapter is to introduce you to the social approach to psychology and to explore three
core studies that illustrate this approach:
• Milgram (obedience) is based on the conflict between individual conscience and obedience to
authority. It considers how far a person would obey instructions which involved hurting another
person. The main psychology being investigated was obedience and social pressure.
• Perry et al. (personal space) investigates the effects of empathy and the social hormone oxytocin
on social cues and personal space. The main psychology being investigated was interpersonal
distance (personal space) , social hormones and empathy.
• Piliavin et al. (subway Samaritans) considers bystander behaviour in real-life situations and
factors that affect people’s desire to help others, including diffusion of responsibility. The main
psychology being investigated was bystander apathy and diffusion of responsibility.
The social approach to psychology is concerned with many group processes that we are familiar
with from our daily lives, including personal space, obedience and helping. Consider your normal
interactions with others: Do you wave at your neighbour over the road or go and hug them? Are
you more likely to turn down your music if a parent asks you to, or if your little sister asks? Do
you offer your classmate a pen when they have lost theirs? Some of these social behaviours might
seem so normal and everyday that you might wonder why psychologists are interested in them.
We are surrounded by authority figures, including parents, teachers and politicians, who make and
enforce rules for us to follow. We do much of this without even noticing. For example, following
signs which remind us to ‘Keep off the grass’ or ‘Do not touch’ are acts of obedience. Working
with a partner, try to think of as many everyday examples of obedience as you can.
Now imagine you are walking to a friend’s house and notice an older person about to cross the
road into busy traffic. Perhaps you might stop and ask if they need help. Perhaps you would like to
help but do not feel confident approaching them, or maybe you do not feel it is your place to help.
You might even have felt bad about just walking away from the situation.
Think of how you would behave in this situation. Reflect on what you would do, and why.
Figure 5.1: Why did so many people obey the orders to commit mass murder in Nazi concentration
One theory used to explain the tragic events of the Holocaust is that German citizens possessed some
defective personal traits which made such extreme levels of obedience possible. This is an individual
argument which seems to suggest that Germans are somehow different from others; this is called the
‘Germans are different’ hypothesis.
Individual and situational explanations consider whether the person’s individual characteristics
or the conditions of their environment are more influential on levels of obedience.
Stanley Milgram, who was himself born into a Jewish family, sought to challenge this ‘Germans are
different’ hypothesis. He proposed a situational explanation for obedience; that many people who found
themselves in a similar situation would harm or even kill other human beings under the orders of an
authority figure.
Before his study, Milgram told psychology students and some of his own colleagues about the procedure
he would use involving destructive obedience, and asked them how many participants would apply the
maximum voltage shocks to another person. Those asked believed that less than 3% of participants
would deliver the maximum voltage shock, with many stating they felt that no one would deliver such
strong punishment.
The aim of this study was to investigate how obedient individuals would be to orders received from a
person in authority. Specifically, Milgram wanted to know whether people show obedience even when it
would result in physical harm to another person (destructive obedience). To test this, he developed a
laboratory-based procedure which involved a researcher ordering the participant to give electric shocks
to a victim.
Research method and design
This study is a controlled observation. It took place in a laboratory setting where all the variables and
measurements were controlled, while the behaviour of participants was observed and recorded. Milgram
originally described his study as a laboratory experiment, however, it contained no manipulated
(independent) variables. In this particular study, each participant underwent the same procedure and
there was no control condition. However, he later replicated the procedure in other studies using
different variations (e.g., using voice feedback from the ‘victim’) to allow comparisons to be made.
In this study, participants’ levels of obedience were measured through observation. This was
operationalised as the maximum voltage given in response to the orders. Observers also noted the
participants’ body language and any verbal comments or protests made throughout the procedure.
A controlled observation is where the researcher watches and records the behaviour of participants
in an artificial environment, in contrast to a naturalistic observation which takes place in the
individual’s normal environment. Why do you think Milgram did not use a naturalistic observation
to conduct his research?
A newspaper advertisement was used to recruit 40 men between the ages of 20 and 50 years old. This
meant it was a volunteer sample, composed of men living in the New Haven area of the USA. The
participants came from a range of different backgrounds and occupations, representing unskilled
workers, white collar workers and professionals.
A volunteer sample is also known as a ‘self-selected’ sample. Participants are recruited through
advertisements, which can be a quick and easy recruitment tool. However, they may not attract a
particularly representative sample.
After responding to the newspaper advertisement, each participant was promised $4.50 for taking part.
This was not conditional on their completing the study, but simply for being willing to participate. The
study took place at Yale University, in a modern laboratory. The location was chosen in order to make
the procedure seem legitimate, an important situational factor in obedience.
The participants arrived individually to the lab, and were then introduced to another man whom they
believed to be another participant. This man was in fact a stooge or confederate; he was a likeable,
middle-aged man who worked for Milgram and had been trained in the procedure which followed. Both
men were told that they would be allocated the roles of ‘teacher’ or ‘learner’ in what was to be an
experiment about the effects of punishment on learning. They drew pieces of paper from a hat to
determine the roles, but it was fixed so that the real participant was always allocated the role of teacher.
Next the participant was taken to another room, where the stooge was strapped to a chair and had
electrodes attached to him by the experimenter. The participant was presented with the shock generator
(see Figure 5.2), which consisted of rows of switches labelled with voltage readings ranging from 15 V
to 450 V. The shock voltage was also labelled in ascending order with words such as ‘moderate shock’,
to ‘danger: severe shock’ and for the final two switches ‘XXX’ (Figure 5.3).
Figure 5.2: Milgram’s participants were shown the shock generator before the procedure began
The participant was told that although the shocks were painful, they were not dangerous. They were also
then given an example shock of 45 V as a demonstration. After this, they were seated behind a wall so
that they could hear but not see the stooge who was attached to the machine. Although the stooge
‘learner’ at no point in the procedure received any kind of shock, the elaborate machine was set up to
convince the participants that they were really able to injure the learner. The experimenter remained
with the participant; the same experimenter was used in each trial. He was a 31-year-old teacher who
wore a grey technician’s coat and behaved seriously throughout.
The participants were instructed in the ‘memory’ task, which involved reading pairs of words aloud to
the learner, and subsequently testing the learner on their recognition of the words. Whenever the learner
made a mistake, the participants were told by the experimenter to give him a shock by pressing a switch
on the generator. They were ordered to increase the level of shock each time by 15 V for each error the
learner made. Since the learner was a stooge, they could follow a pre-set plan of mistakes, deliberately
giving the wrong answers at particular times.
Until 300 V were reached, the learner had remained silent when receiving the punishment. However,
once the punishment level had reached 300 V and again at 315 V, the learner began to bang the wall in
protest to the participant. After this time, the learner made no further noises and stopped responding to
the memory task altogether. If the participants asked the experimenter what they should do, the
experimenter insisted that they continue with reading the words aloud and punish the learner.
Participants were told that no response from the learner counted as an incorrect answer and should also
receive a shock. When participants protested at this, the experimenter continued to give them verbal
prods in the sequence: Please go on / Please continue / The experiment requires that you continue / It is
absolutely essential that you continue / You have no other choice, you must go on. These verbal prods or
orders had a set wording, and were given in a standard order to any participants who protested the task.
The procedure was considered to be complete when the participant refused to give any more shocks, or
when they had given the maximum 450 V available. One-way mirrors were used to record the physical
behaviours of the participants, and observers noted any comments that participants made. After the
procedure was complete, each participant was interviewed and the deception was fully explained to
them. As part of the interview, participants were asked to estimate how painful they thought the final
450 V shock was, on a scale of 0–14 (‘not at all painful’ to ‘extremely painful’). They were given the
chance to meet the learner again, in order to reassure them that the learner was uninjured.
Most participants were convinced that all aspects of the situation were real; that they were delivering
electric shocks to another person and that the shocks were extremely painful. The mean estimate of the
pain of the 450 V shock was 13.42 out of a maximum 14 (as reported in the debriefing interview),
meaning that participants believed that they were causing serious pain.
The mean is a measure of average calculated by dividing the sum of all participants’ scores by the
number of participants. Can you explain why the mean was the most suitable measure of central
tendency for this study?
In this study, 368 V is the mean (average) shock administered by participants. The mode is a
different measure of average: it represents the most frequently occurring score amongst a group of
1 Using the data in Table 5.1, calculate the mode of the participants’ shock scores.
2 What conclusion can you reach from this data?
Despite the findings being clear that participants believed the situation was real, participants
showed extremely high levels of destructive obedience. The mean voltage given by participants
was 368 V. All participants gave at least 300 V, and 65% gave the maximum 450 V shock (see
Table 5.1). This is a startling contrast with the 0–3% obedience rate estimated by Milgram’s
students and colleagues before the study.
However, the qualitative data collected in this study revealed that participants showed signs of
tension when undertaking the procedure. Observers reported signs of nervousness in participants,
which increased as they gave more powerful electric shocks. The participants were also frequently
observed to be sweating, shaking and groaning, with 14 out of the 40 men showing signs of
nervous laughter or smiling. One participant could not complete the experiment because he
suffered a violent seizure, a result of the high level of stress he was experiencing.
The 40 male participants had been paid to take part in the study. Milgram also mentions that an
additional 43 undergraduate students from Yale University completed the same experiment but
without payment. Although details of this additional sample are not included in the original paper
by Milgram, he does note that the undergraduates’ results were very similar to those obtained by
paid participants.
The application of psychology to everyday life: this study shows us how likely it is that we will
follow the orders of an authority figure, even when we feel uncomfortable with obeying. Think
about how this might affect people in the military, or working in hospitals where they have to carry
out orders which may conflict with their own consciences or personal beliefs.
Some participants protested at the orders, saying things like ‘I don’t think I can go on with this…I don’t
think this is very humane’, and ‘I’m gonna chicken out… I can’t do that to a man, I’ll hurt his heart’.
Nonetheless, the verbal prods given by the experimenter generally persuaded the participants to
continue. After the procedures ended, the participants showed visible signs of relief, wiped their faces,
sighed and shook their heads. A small minority of participants, however, did not show elevated levels of
stress and appeared calm during the procedure.
Voltage label Voltage range (V) Number of participants for whom this
was maximum voltage
Slight shock 15–60 0
Moderate shock 75–120 0
Strong shock 135–180 0
Very strong shock 195–240 0
Intense shock 255–300 5
Extreme intensity shock 315–360 8
Danger: severe shock 375–420 1
XXX 435–450 26
Table 5.1: Distribution of participants’ maximum shocks
Milgram’s study supports the idea of a situational explanation for obedience. He identifies a number of
factors that contributed to the high level of obedience recorded in his study. One of these factors is the
perceived legitimacy of the study; the professional academic environment of the study and use of
uniform by the experimenter. Another factor that might have encouraged obedience was that the
participants had been paid to participate so they felt obliged to continue. Participants also believed that
both they and the learner had freely volunteered to participate.
Ethical issues
This study had major ethical issues. Although participants had consented to take part in the research,
they did not give their informed consent as they were told the study was about memory and punishment.
Participants were also repeatedly deceived throughout the study. For example, participants were tricked
into believing they had chosen the role of teacher by chance. Participants were able to exercise their
right to withdraw, as some did ask to stop partway through giving shocks. However, many felt as though
they had to keep going with the shocks out of obligation to the research and as a result of the verbal
Ethical issues are particularly important to Milgram’s research, which caused outrage at the time of its
publication. In some ways this research can be considered harmful to the reputation of psychology. It
might also lead to distrust by the general public who may not want to take part in future research studies.
Participants were not protected from psychological harm; many underwent visible and extreme distress,
yet in only one trial was the procedure stopped. All participants were debriefed and told the true aim of
the study, as well as being reassured that they had not done any real harm. However, there is the
potential for lasting negative consequences to the participants, who may have felt distressed by their
own behaviour.
This study has the potential for application to everyday life. The findings suggest that situational
variables are likely to influence how obedient people are to authority figures. This is important as it
could be used to help reduce destructive obedience within organisations. For example,
organisations could have whistle-blowing policies and training for staff so they can safely
challenge orders or decisions that they think may be harmful.
Individual and situational explanations for behaviour are also relevant to this study on obedience.
The findings of the study challenge the idea that certain personalities may be more likely to be
destructively obedient, because all the participants administered an intense shock of 300 V to the
learner. Milgram attributed this behaviour to situational variables such as the legitimacy of the
setting and the authority of the researcher. In other words, the study discredits the ‘Germans are
different’ hypothesis, as this sample from a different culture was capable of showing high levels of
destructive obedience. Further research in this area has investigated the influence of cultural
differences on obedience.
Milgram’s study investigated the extent to which ordinary people obey the orders of an authority figure
when they involve physically harming an innocent person. All participants were willing to give high
levels of electric shocks at the command of a researcher, with a significant majority of people willing to
give the maximum shock level possible. This was a well-controlled observation collecting data using
objective and reliable measurements. Qualitative data suggested that most participants showed signs of
stress during the destructive obedience. The findings suggest that situational factors may be better at
explaining obedience to authority than individual ones.
In a different study of destructive obedience, a researcher wanted to test whether nurses would
obey the orders of a doctor they had never met before, even if this meant possibly harming their
patients. In this study by Hofling et al. (1966), the nurses were given orders via telephone from a
‘Dr Smith’ to administer 20 mg of an unknown drug. This drug was actually harmless, but nearly
all the nurses in the study followed the orders of Dr Smith and gave the drug to the patient, even
though the label on the drug said ‘maximum daily dosage 10 mg’.
1 What explanations might there be for this kind of destructive obedience?
2 Research a different example of destructive obedience. Write a brief description and compare
it to the one provided here.
1 Milgram collected both quantitative and qualitative data in this study.
a Can you identify the quantitative and qualitative data discussed in this chapter?
b Why are both types of data useful in understanding destructive obedience?
2 Why do you think the stooge and real participants chose slips of paper to ‘allocate’ their roles,
when they could have been told by the experimenter which role to take?
3 What might the real participants have been thinking when the learner stopped responding to the
4 Why is validity so important in this study? Consider the evidence in Milgram’s results that
support the idea that the participant believed the study was real.
The requirements humans have for personal space have been of great interest to social psychologists.
Often we choose interpersonal distances based on our relationship to the person with whom we are
interacting (Figure 5.4). Edward T. Hall introduced the idea of interpersonal distance in 1966, proposing
the following different zones of space based on the preferences of middle-class Americans:
• Intimate: used between romantic partners or very close family members and involves all senses
• Personal: used with other people in most everyday interactions, in which we can see, touch and
hear the other person
• Social: used in formal interactions with others, in which we may use louder voices, body
movements and eye contact
• Public: used to keep distance from public figures (e.g. a person making a speech), in which a loud
voice and body movements usually feature
Figure 5.4: People prefer physical closeness with family and friends, but greater distance from strangers
There are several factors that have been found to influence personal space requirements, in addition to
how well we know the other person. Some of these factors are situational, such as culture (Beaulieu,
2004). Research has shown that different culture types show different personal space requirements; in
no-contact cultures people touch less and stand further apart.
Psychologists are interested in testing other factors that may influence personal space behaviour. One
such factor is the social hormone known as oxytocin (OT), which helps regulate social thinking and
behaviour in humans and animals. OT can affect individuals in different ways dependent on their
situation, individual attributes and culture. This means that as well as being associated with helping
behaviour and empathy, OT has also been linked to lack of cooperation with out-groups and jealousy.
Empathy is the ability of one human to recognise and share the thoughts and feelings of another. The
trait starts to develop in childhood and helps people cooperate with others, make friends and help those
in trouble. Individual differences in empathy abilities suggest that this trait can shape how people
process social cues (social salience), meaning that empathy may also be linked to personal space
In this study, the researchers were able to test for the effects of OT by including a placebo. Placebos are
given to participants in psychological experiments in order to provide a control condition, so the effects
of the placebo can be directly compared to the effects of the treatment condition (in this case, OT).
Perry et al. were interested in investigating how people’s personal space preferences are affected by a
few different factors. One of these is interpersonal distance; so, they measured people’s preferences for
different social figures so they could compare how close people want to be to strangers or friends, for
example. Perry et al. believed this preference could be influenced by the action of social hormones on
individuals’ preferences, so they also looked at the effect of OT.
Specifically, Perry et al. tested whether people with different empathy abilities were influenced by OT in
the same or different ways when asked about their personal space preferences. In psychology this is
known as an interaction effect and the interaction between variables is represented by an ‘×’, e.g. OT ×
empathy × condition.
The aim of this study was to test the differential effect of the social hormone oxytocin (OT) on personal
space preference in relation to a person’s empathy ability. The researchers believed that controlling for
empathetic traits in individual participants would reveal the effect of OT on interpersonal distance
choices. Perry et al. wanted to find out whether highly empathetic individuals would prefer closer
distances while low empathy individuals would prefer greater interpersonal distances when given OT.
Research suggests that empathy is an innate capacity, meaning that individuals are born with the
ability to understand the thoughts and feelings of those around them. This relates to the nature side
of the nature–nurture debate. However, this capacity is developed over time through interactions
with others, for example between children and their parents. Through nurture, individuals develop
empathy as they learn to identify and regulate their emotions.
Research method and design
This study was a laboratory experiment conducted at the University of Haifa. This means it took place
in an artificial environment. It used a mixed experimental design to allocate participants.
In both Experiments 1 and 2, the study used an independent groups design for the IV of ‘empathy’. This
IV was operationalised as two levels: ‘high’ or ‘low’. Participants were categorised into different groups
and could only be either a ‘high’ empathiser or ‘low’ empathiser. This IV was naturally occurring and
was not manipulated by the researchers.
In both Experiments 1 and 2, the study used a repeated measures design, as all of the participants took
part in both levels of the second IV of ‘treatment’. The IV of treatment was operationalised in the
experiment as: OT administered or placebo administered. This IV was manipulated by the researchers.
In Experiment 1 only there was a third IV known as ‘condition’. This was also a repeated measures
design and included the levels stranger, authority, friend and ball. There was no third IV in Experiment 2
as the participant was always asked to imagine their personal space in relation the same person. This
means there was no manipulation of this part of Experiment 2.
The dependent variable (DV) was the personal space requirements of each participant. In Experiment 1,
the DV was operationalised as the preferred distance measured between participant and approaching
person/object. In Experiment 2 the DV was operationalised as preferred distance and angle between two
chairs in a room.
54 male undergraduates from the University of Haifa, aged 19–32 years (mean age 25.29), participated
in this experiment for course credit or payment. All participants had normal vision and no history of
psychiatric or neurological disorders. Five participants were left-handed. Participants were divided into
two groups based on their scores on the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), a 28-item self-report
measure with four 7-item subscales all relating to empathy.
The High Interpersonal Reactivity group contained 20 participants with empathy scores greater than or
equal to 40 and a mean age of 23.9 years. The Low Interpersonal Reactivity group contained 20
participants with empathy scores below 33 and a mean age of 25.9 years.
Experimental design is the way in which participants in an experiment are allocated to the level(s)
of the IV. A study that uses both an independent measures design and a repeated measures design
can be described as ‘mixed’.
Participants attended the university in order to complete Experiment 1 and then again, a week later on
the same day and time to complete Experiment 2.
OT administration
Participants were randomly administered a treatment of either a solution of 24 international units in 250
ml of intranasal OT or a placebo saline solution which did not contain the hormone. The nasal drops
were self-administered by participants using a nasal dropper, under the supervision of the experimenter.
The procedure used a double-blind technique; neither the participant nor experimenter knew whether the
participant had received the OT or saline solution.
Assessment of empathy
After the solution was administered, participants completed the IRI online questionnaire. After
completing this, participants were given nature magazines and waited in a quiet room for 45 minutes.
The order of the experiments was counterbalanced meaning that half the participants were undertook
OT one week then saline the next week, and the other half first took saline on their first week and OT on
their second.
Double-blind: refers to an experimental procedure in which neither the participant nor the
researcher are aware of which condition the participant is in, to prevent demand characteristics and
act as a control to improve the validity of any data collected.
Counterbalancing is a technique used to overcome order effects in a repeated measures design.
Each possible order of levels of the IV is performed by a different sub-group of participants. This
can be described as an ABBA design, as half the participants do condition A then B, and half to B
then A.
Figure 5.5: The Comfortable Interpersonal Distance (CID) paradigm showing the name of the
approaching figure (e.g. stranger) for 1 s, a fixation point for 0.5 s, the circular space with person at
centre and approaching figure outside circle for 1 s then a 3 s animation of the figure approaching the
person at the centre
Experiment 1 used the CID paradigm. This activity will allow you to replicate the CID test using a
pen and paper. You will be able to collect data and produce a graph to show your results.
1 Draw a large circle on a blank page. Place a dot in the centre of the circle and draw a line
from the dot to a point on the outside of the circle.
2 Imagine yourself as the dot and place a mark on the line for the personal distance you would
want from another person – this could be your family member, a friend, an authority figure or
a stranger.
3 Measure the distance for each mark you have made using a ruler.
4 Write down the measurement in a table.
5 Repeat steps 2–4 for each of the people (a family member, a friend, an authority figure, a
6 Draw a bar chart to show your results.
7 Compare your results with the findings of Experiment 1: CID and write a short summary of
your findings.
Peer assessment
Swap your graph from the Activity 5.3 with your partner and check their graph. Bar charts should
contain the following:
• A bar chart with a suitable title
• Correctly labelled x-axis (name / type of person)
• Correctly labelled y-axis (distance in cm or inches)
• Correctly plotted data (check against the data table)
• No gaps between the bars of the bar chart
Give some feedback to your partner. Include one positive comment on the bar chart and one
comment about how the chart could be improved next time.
The control condition was preferred distance between table and plant and consisted of the following
• Distance between the table and the plant (200–320 cm (80–125 in) with intervals of 20 cm (8 in))
• Angle of the table and plant positions (0°: both facing forwards, 45° each or 90°: facing each other)
The experiment included 21 different pairs of chair distances, 21 different pairs of table-plant
differences and three options for each pair of angles, repeated seven times to equal 21 pairs of
comparative angles. Each participant was shown a total of 84 pairs, each repeated twice to equal 168
pairs overall.
The two picture sets were shown on a computer screen for 2 s and the participant had to select their
preference. The mean preferred distance between chairs, between table and plant and the preferred angle
for these furniture pairs was calculated.
Experiment 1: CID
There were three IVs manipulated in Experiment 1: condition, treatment and empathy. The dependent
variable of preferred distance was presented by Perry et al. as a mean percentage distance from the
centre of the circle where the participant imagined themselves. A higher percentage means participants
preferred a greater personal distance.
IV: condition
For Experiment 1: CID, there were differences found between preferred distances between stranger,
authority, ball and friend (see Table 5.2) across all trials. This finding supports the idea that participants’
need for personal distance increases the less well the approaching figure is known to them.
In Experiment 1: CID the researchers recorded the percentage of remaining distance from the total
distance. The results are presented in the study as a mean percentage distance in centimetres.
1 Explain the method that could be used to calculate the mean percentage distance in this study.
You can use examples to support your explanation.
Table 5.3 shows the results of Experiment 1: CID in the treatment × empathy interaction.
2 Draw a bar chart to represent the data shown in Table 5.3. You must include a title, label the x-
and y-axes, and plot the data to show the comparison between the variables.
3 Explain why a bar chart is the most appropriate way to plot the data.
Interaction between treatment and empathy was only present in the experimental condition (distance
between chairs) meaning OT and empathy had no effect on choices of distance between the plant and
table (see Figure 5.7). This finding supports the social salience hypothesis, as OT did not affect
participants’ general preferences, only the preferences that have a social context.
Finally, the results of both experiments were compared to establish a relationship. This comparison
showed a moderate correlation between average distance chosen in the Experiment 1: CID under
placebo treatment and average chair distance chosen in Experiment 2: under placebo treatment.
The administration of OT enhances social cues in opposite ways for individuals with different
empathetic abilities, supporting the idea of social salience. People with low empathetic ability respond
to OT with a preference for increased personal distance and those with high empathetic ability respond
to OT with a preference for decreased personal distance.
The results also confirmed the findings of previous personal space research that people need less
distance between themselves and their close friends than they need with strangers.
Ethical issues
The study was ethically strong as written, informed consent was obtained from participants. The study
was approved by the University of Hafia’s ethics committee and The Hadassah Medical Centre, which
was important for safeguarding the well-being of participants, researchers and the reputation of
psychology. Participants reported no side effects from the OT or placebo that was administered in a
painless manner, meaning they were protected from physical harm. The participants were deceived
about the purpose of the task in Experiment 2, as no personal discussion ever took place. However, this
deception was unlikely to cause them psychological distress. Participants were fully debriefed after the
study and informed and told of the aim of the study.
Perry et al.’s study considered the effects of OT on personal space and empathy. It used two laboratory
experiments involving a computer simulation of comfortable personal distance and choice of rooms with
different layouts. This laboratory experiment also used questionnaires to collect data. Both experiments
found an interaction between the effect of OT, empathy and interpersonal distance preference. The
findings suggest that OT enhances social cues to produce an opposite effect on individuals with different
empathic abilities.
5 The original version of the CID used paper and pencil.
a What are the advantages of using the computerised version in the study by Perry et al.?
b What limitations might there be to using the CID to measure personal space preferences?
6 Experiment 1: CID included the stimulus of a rolling ball as a control.
a Why do psychologists use controls?
b Which stimulus was used as a control in Experiment 2?
7 The participants in this study were aware that they were taking part in research. What ethical
guidelines were followed in this study?
Figure 5.8: Front-page newspaper article expressing outrage about witnesses to Kitty Genovese’s
One explanation for the lack of bystander helping was outlined by Darley and Latané (1968). They
found that bystanders who believed that there were other people witnessing an emergency, such as over-
hearing someone having an epileptic seizure, were significantly less likely to help than those who
believed they were alone in hearing the event. The explanation for this is known as the ‘diffusion of
responsibility’ hypothesis, in which an individual person’s perceived obligation to help in a situation is
reduced when other people are present. Alternatively, if we witness those around us assisting or
‘modelling’ helping behaviour, we may be more likely to imitate and engage in helping (as discussed in
Section 4.1 of Chapter 4, in the study by Bandura).
There is also evidence to suggest that we are more likely to help some people than others. For example,
we may be more willing to assist those whom we consider to be more similar to ourselves. Some studies
have shown that bystander helping occurs more when victims are not seen as responsible for their
circumstances (Schopler & Matthews, 1965). This may be because they create more feelings of
sympathy from those around them.
Following on from previous laboratory-based studies on bystander apathy and helping, Piliavin et al.
investigated whether people would demonstrate bystander apathy towards a person in need of help in a
realistic setting.
The researchers wanted to test the diffusion of responsibility hypothesis to see whether the bystanders
felt they had less responsibility to help when other people were present. Piliavin et al. were also
interested in understanding the influence of a number of other situational factors on bystander
The researchers aimed to study bystander apathy and diffusion of responsibility in a natural setting.
Piliavin et al. also wanted to investigate the effect of four variables on helping behaviour or being a
‘Good Samaritan’:
• the type of victim
• the race of the victim
• the behaviour of a ‘model’
• the size of the group of bystanders.
Research method and design
This study was a field experiment. This means it took place in a realistic environment; in this case, the
New York City subway. The study used an independent groups design, as the trials were repeated on
different days and involved different participants in each condition.
There were four independent variables (IVs) that corresponded to the factors outlined in the aims of the
study. These were operationalised as:
• the type of victim: the levels were ‘drunk’ or ‘ill’ victim
• the race of the victim: the levels were black or white victim
• the behaviour of a ‘model’: the levels were a model who was either close to or distant from the
victim helped, either early or late in the event
• the size of the group of bystanders: this level was the naturally occurring number of passengers
present in the subway carriage.
The dependent variable (DV) was the level of bystander helping. In quantitative terms, this was
operationalised as the time taken for the first passenger to help, as well as the total number of passengers
who helped. The race, gender and location in the carriage of each helper were also recorded. Qualitative
data was recorded in the form of verbal remarks made by passengers during each incident.
A field experiment is a type of study that takes place in everyday locations, rather than the
controlled environment of a laboratory. It still has an experimental design, meaning that
independent variables are manipulated by the researcher, while the dependent variables are
This study took place on the New York City subway. Participants were passengers travelling on an
underground railway service between Harlem and the Bronx (areas of New York City) on weekdays
between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. We might consider this an opportunity sample as passengers were not
deliberately selected for participation. The total estimated number of participants was 4450 people, of
whom around 45% were black and 55% were white. The mean number of passengers per carriage was
43, and the mean number of people in the critical area (where the incident took place) was 8.5.
Four teams of student researchers carried out the study using a standard procedure. On each trial, two
male and two female students boarded the train using different doors. The female confederates sat in the
area adjacent to the immediate ‘critical’ area where the incident took place (see Figure 5.9). They
observed the passengers and recorded data during each trial. The male confederates took the roles of the
victim and the model. The victim stood at the pole in the centre of the critical area, and the model
remained standing throughout the trial.
Figure 5.9: Layout of adjacent and critical areas of the subway carriage
Each trial used the same route that included a 7.5-minute gap between two stations. At approximately 70
seconds into the journey, the ‘victim’ staggered forward and collapsed. He remained lying on the floor
looking upwards. If he received no help, the model would help him to his feet at the next stop.
Even though this is a field experiment, there was some standardisation between trials and controls
that ensured there were few differences between different conditions. For example, the ‘victim’
was always identically dressed and behaved in the same way for all trials.
The victim was played by different males during the study, but all were made to look similar. They were
aged 26 to 35 years; three were white and one was black. They were dressed in identical, casual clothing
(jacket, old trousers, no tie). On 38 out of 103 trials the victim smelled of alcohol and carried a bottle of
alcohol wrapped in a brown bag. On the remaining 65 trials they appeared sober and carried a black
cane. In all other ways they behaved identically.
The models were all white males aged 24 to 29 years of age, who were also dressed informally. When
helping, the model raised the victim to the sitting position and stayed with him until the train reached the
next stop.
Trials were split into the following conditions:
• Critical / early: model stood in critical area and waited 70 seconds to help victim
• Critical / late: model stood in critical area and waited 150 seconds to help victim
• Adjacent / early: model stood in adjacent area and waited 70 seconds to help victim
• Adjacent / late: model stood in adjacent area and waited 150 seconds to help victim
• No model condition: the model did not help the victim until after the trial was over and the train
had reached the next stop
Overall, the frequency of helping recorded in this study was much higher than had previously been
reported in laboratory studies. Seventy-eight percent of victims received spontaneous help (i.e. helped
before model intervened or in a no model condition), and in 60% of cases more than one person helped.
There were key differences in levels of helping between different conditions of the study, as seen in
Table 5.6. In terms of the type of victim, participants were more likely to help the victim with the cane
than the drunk victim (the cane victim received help in 62/65 trials; the drunk victim received help in
19/38 trials). In the cane trials, spontaneous helping also occurred earlier than in the drunk trials. For
example, in all but three of the cane trials that were also model trials, helping occurred before the model
could give assistance.
In terms of race, both black and white cane victims were equally likely to receive help. However, there
was some minor evidence of same-race helping in the drunk condition, with participants being more
willing to offer help to those of their own race. In the drunk condition, black victims received less help
overall. Although these results were not at statistically significant levels, they support research
suggesting people are more likely to help those similar to themselves.
The result relating to the variable of sex was that the majority of helpers (90%) were male. Female
passengers made comments such as, ‘It’s for men to help him’, or ‘I wish I could help him—I’m not
strong enough.’ This may suggest a difference between men and women in terms of bystander helping
behaviour, or it may be a result of the victim always being played by a male.
The effect of modelling was difficult to analyse, because most of the helping that occurred was
spontaneous. However, it appeared that early model intervention at 70 seconds was slightly more likely
to result in helping behaviour than waiting until 150 seconds had passed.
Surprisingly and in contrast to previous research, this study found no evidence to support the diffusion
of responsibility hypothesis. In fact, there was some evidence to suggest that when more passengers
were present, rates of helping were actually slightly higher. Looking at the graph in Figure 5.10 we can
see that the hypothetical speed to respond for seven-person groups, as predicted by the diffusion of
responsibility theory, is slower than for three-person groups. This is because in seven-person groups the
responsibility should be diffused or shared between more individuals. In fact, natural seven-person
groups were faster to respond than predicted, and faster to respond than the three-person groups. This
directly opposes the prediction of diffusion of responsibility.
Figure 5.10: Graph showing the difference in helping behaviour between the groups
Piliavin et al. proposed a model of response to an emergency situation as an alternative to the diffusion
of responsibility hypothesis to explain the findings of this study. This is termed the ‘cost–benefit
model’ (Figure 5.11). This model suggests that witnessing an emergency raises an individual’s level of
arousal: their feelings of disgust and aversion, or even sympathy and courage. This heightened arousal
level prompts individuals to respond to the situation, in order to reduce any difficult feelings. The cost–
benefit model can explain the findings that a higher number of comments were made during trials
without helping and that more comments were made during trials with a drunk victim. Observers also
noted that in around 20% of trials, passengers actively moved away from the critical area where the
incident was taking place. So, although less helping occurred due to disgust, the arousal of the
participants prompted them to comment or move away instead.
This study found that in a natural setting, many people would offer spontaneous help to a stranger, even
in a group situation. This study found no evidence of diffusion of responsibility, but did identify several
factors which influence an individual’s decision to help:
• the type of victim (someone using a cane will be helped more than a drunk person)
• the gender of the helper (men are more likely to help than women)
• the similarity of the victim to the helper (people may be more likely to help members of their own
race, especially if the victim is drunk)
• the duration of the emergency (the longer an emergency continues, the less likely it is that anyone
will help, and the more likely it is they will find another way of coping with arousal).
Ethical issues
This study raised serious ethical issues. First, participants did not give their consent to take part in the
research, nor were they debriefed after the study had finished. Participants were deceived during the
study, as they believed the victim had genuinely collapsed and needed help. They might have suffered
psychological distress as a result of the study, guilt at not helping or concern about the well-being of the
The study by Piliavin et al. was conducted in 1969. Typically, psychological research now has to
be approved by an ethics committee. Imagine you are on an ethics committee and Piliavin et al.
present the idea for their study.
1 Would you allow the study to be conducted in the way Piliavin et al. carried it out originally?
Why or why not?
2 Describe some changes you would recommend to Piliavin et al. to help improve the ethical
issues in this research.
3 Explain what other effects the changes you described might have on the validity or reliability
of the research.
Participants in this study were not aware they were taking part in research. This means they did not
give their informed consent to participate. Why might this be an ethical issue, and how could it be
Piliavin et al.’s study considered different factors which affect bystander behaviour. It looked at how
specific circumstances might make subway passengers more or less likely to help a man who had
collapsed on a train. This was a field experiment involving a large number of participants. Quantitative
measurements showed that victims who were ill were more likely to receive help than those who
appeared drunk, and that the number of bystanders does not affect the amount of bystander helping. The
findings suggest that diffusion of responsibility is not typical of bystander helping in natural
8 The study by Piliavin et al. intended to use different participants for each of the trials.
a Why can we not be sure that there were different participants in each of the trials?
b Explain the possible effect on the results of the study if participants took part more thanonce.
9 Piliavin et al. found that people are more likely to help when they had watched a model help quite
quickly after the victim collapsed. How might this finding be explained?
10 The validity of field experiments can be affected by extraneous variables. How did Piliavin et al.
improve the validity of the study?
11 The participants in this study were unaware that they were taking part in research. What ethical
issues does this lack of awareness raise?
Piliavin et al.’s study has interesting practical applications as well. It tells us about specific situational
factors which may make bystanders more likely to help. For example, it may be useful to know that
people may be more willing to help if they are of the same sex or race as the victim, or in a situation that
they cannot easily just walk past. It shows us that a person in need may be more likely to get help from a
stranger if they do not risk embarrassing, intimidating or disgusting them.
After studying this chapter, copy and complete a table like this:
Almost Ready to
I can more Coursebook Workbook
there move on
state what is meant by the social
explain the psychology being
investigated in the social approach
describe the main assumptions of
the social approach and link them to
the studies
use terminology relevant to the
social approach
describe and evaluate the study by
Milgram (obedience)
describe and evaluate the study by
Perry et al. (personal space)
describe and evaluate the study by
Piliavin et al. (subway Samaritans)
apply relevant research methods to
the social approach
consider issues and debates that are
relevant to the social approach.
Internationally, there are many organisations that celebrate and give awards for acts of helping.
Typically, members of the public nominate ordinary people who have taken action to help others
and to make the world a better place.
One example of these is Dena, the 92-year-old recipient of the Pride of Britain Award 2020:
92-year-old Dena is spending her retirement tending her garden allotment in the city where she has
lived for 24 years. The great-grandmother has used her love of gardening to help criminals to learn
new skills and repay their debt to society. Dena has taught allotment gardening to over 300 ex-
young offenders as part of their community service orders, many of whom have since returned to
education (see figure 5.12). Source:, accessed 22nd January 2021
Working on your own or with a partner, you will produce a poster, presentation or speech on a case
of Good Samatianism/heroic helping. To complete the project, follow these steps:
1 Use the internet, other media or your own knowledge to identify a hero or Good Samaritan
like Dena who has contributed to helping society in some way. This person can be of any age,
race, gender, religion, social class or ability.
2 Using the information in this chapter on helping (see Section 5.3), your class notes and any
other relevant resources, consider:
• The circumstances of the heroic act(s) of the Good Samaritan
• Possible reasons why the hero helped: consider why the hero took responsibility for
helping, and the costs and benefits of helping for the hero
• Individual and situational explanations for the hero’s behaviour
• Why other people may not have helped in the same way as this hero (bystander apathy)
3 Create your presentation using software if available or as a speech accompanied by visual
aids. Include the information from your research, supported with suitable images to add
4 Remember to give your audience an opportunity to ask questions during or after your
Figure 5.12: Volunteers like Dena help others to improve their lives through community projects
After you have given your presentation, reflect on how it went. You might want to talk to your
presentation partner about this, if you had one. Consider these questions when thinking about your
• What went well?
• What would you change for next time?
• What areas might you need to revisit in this chapter to strengthen your understanding?
Additional references
Beaulieu, C. (2004). Intercultural study of personal space: a case study. Journal of applied social
psychology, 34(4), 794–805.
Darley, J. M., & Latané, B. (1968). Bystander intervention in emergencies: diffusion of responsibility.
Journal of personality and social psychology, 8(4p1), 377.
Hall, E. T. (1966). The hidden dimension, Vol. 609. Doubleday.
Hofling, C. K., Brotzman, E., Dalrymple, S., Graves, N., & Pierce, C. M. (1966). An experimental study
in nurse–physician relationships. The journal of nervous and mental disease, 143(2), 171–180.
Schopler, J., & Matthews, M. W. (1965). The influence of the perceived causal locus of partner's
dependence on the use of interpersonal power. Journal of personality and social psychology, 2(4), 609.
In addition, the determinism versus free-will debate can be applied to the specialist options you will
encounter. ‘Determinism’ refers to the extent to which a psychological phenomenon, such as a feature of
our emotions, thinking or behaviour, is governed by processes that are beyond our control. A
‘deterministic’ view suggests that we have little free will to choose how we feel, think or behave and
that we are the product of biological, social or other environmental influences. For example if a person
commits a crime, determinism would view this as an unavoidable result of their genetics or upbringing.
On the other hand, freewill can be understood as the argument that people have choice in how they
behave. A ‘free-will view’ suggests that to a greater or lesser extent humans can act freely, which also
means they are responsible for their actions. So on the other hand, those who believe in freewill would
argue that if a person committed a crime, it was entirely their own choice.
Finally, the idiographic versus nomothetic debate considers how psychologists construct theories and
conduct studies. Idiographic research relies on qualitative data and gathering detailed data from
individuals through case studies and unstructured self-reports. This type of research is popular in the
psychodynamic approach or when studying people who have experienced brain damage, as it focuses on
the unique experiences of the individual in great depth. However, a nomothetic approach to research is
concerned with establishing ‘laws’ of psychology; principles that can be applied to all people. Such
researchers achieve this through using experimental or observational methods which produce
quantitative data which can be analysed to make statements or predictions about larger populations.
Examples of nomothetic research may include research to test the effectiveness of drug treatments on a
target population, or social experiments such as that of Milgram and Piliavin et al. you have studied at
AS. These approaches can be seen as complementary; often an idiographic approach is suitable for
unusual or new areas of research where little is known about the topic. Findings from idiographic
studies can then help psychologists test ideas more robustly and on a larger scale.
At AS Level, you learned about the different features and types of experiments. You also learned about
random allocation as a technique researchers use to reduce the effect of individual differences between
participants. Randomised Control Trials (commonly known as RCTs) are studies in which a number of
similar people are randomly allocated to two or more groups. RCTs are typically used to test drugs or
psychological treatments. The experimental group receives the intervention (e.g. a drug) and the control
group has an alternative intervention or no intervention at all. RCTs often administer placebos (fake
drugs that have no effect but look just like the real drug) to participants. Then the groups are monitored
to see the effect, if any, of the intervention. The results of each group are statistically analysed to
determine the effect of the intervention.
One advantage of using RCTs is that they are considered to be highly effective in reducing bias. One
reason for this is that participants are unaware or ‘blind’ as to which condition they are taking part in
(e.g., whether they are in the experimental or control group). In a double-blind trial, neither the
participants nor researchers know which condition the participants are in. This further increases the
validity of the results, as researcher and participant bias are controlled for.
There are some limitations to using RCTs, however. It can be challenging in practice to conduct large
scale trials on a group of participants who are similar enough (e.g. controlling for age, sex,
socioeconomic status, physical health, etc.). Also, RCTs are considered the ‘gold standard’ in medical
research, but are less effective for measuring the effectiveness of psychological treatments. One reason
for this is that there are a number of factors that can influence the effectiveness of a psychological
treatment that are hard to control, whereas drugs may have a more universal biochemical effect.
You have already studied questionnaires as one form of self-report. Questionnaires do not have to be
administered in person; they can take the form of online or postal questionnaires that are sent to
participants to complete individually.
One advantage of a postal questionnaire is that participants may feel more relaxed or willing to share
information because they can complete the questionnaire privately and feel less identifiable to the
researchers. Postal questionnaires are also a good way to reach a large sample of people very quickly
and easily. However, postal questionnaires may not be representative of the population for practical
reasons because some may get lost or be completed by people outside of the target population. The
return rate is likely to be higher for questionnaires on topics that people have an interest in, which means
the sample becomes self-selecting and less representative of the population as a whole.
Two common question types used in self-reports are rating scales and forced- /fixed-choice questions.
These are both forms of closed questions in that the respondent cannot write an open, extended
response. A rating scale is a tool for scoring items along a numerical dimension, such as agreement with
an attitude statement (e.g. a 5-point scale in which 1 = totally disagree and 5 = totally agree). One type
of rating scale is a Likert scale, which you studied at AS (see Chapter 1, Section 1.2). Forced choice
items require respondents to provide an answer (e.g. yes or no) and fixed-choice items require a
response but typically include a ‘don’t know’ or ‘not applicable’ option.
The advantage of rating scales is that they allow respondents to indicate a degree of opinion (e.g. that
they ‘slightly agree’ or ‘totally agree’ with a statement). This allows respondents to express more than
simply ‘yes’ or ‘no’, which is a disadvantage of forced/fixed-choice questions. Both rating scales (such
as Likert scales) and forced/fixed-choice items produce quantitative data that is straightforward to
compare and analyse. However, these styles of items are not always well-designed and can be confusing
to respondents if not properly designed. For example, respondents might read the rating scale the wrong
way round and give the opposite answers to which they intended. Closed questions of this kind are only
suitable when such definitive data is required. If more depth is needed, open questions may be more
useful for researchers.
A psychometric test is a form of self-report that use entirely objective scoring procedures. This means
that no researcher is involved in making a judgement about the score to be given to any item on the test.
Psychometric testing was initially designed to measure the concept of intelligence and has led to the
development of modern IQ tests. The tests can now be used to measure many different concepts such as
personality, memory and happiness. They are used widely in psychology in areas such as organisational
and clinical psychology.
One major advantage to psychometric tests is that they are a standardised method of testing that
produces reliable results. Psychometric tests are also highly useful in the real world. They are used by
employers to help identify suitable candidates for job roles, for example. Another advantage is that they
produce quantitative data that makes it easy to compare to the norms for the test. This means bias in
scoring is reduced or eliminated.
There are a number of limitations to using psychometric testing. First, the tests only provide a snapshot
of how the participant is thinking or feeling at that day and time; performance can be affected by mood
or other factors. Participants in such tests are subject to a practice effect and can get better at IQ tests for
example when they are familiarised with the type of questions the test contains. There are also problems
with the validity of the tests themselves. Psychometric tests may lack face validity and not measure what
they intend to measure, or they may be developed with specific populations that means they can be
biased towards certain social or cultural groups.
Chapter 1 contains a thorough description of validity and how it can be used to evaluate studies. An
additional type of validity that you should be aware of is temporal validity. This is a type of external
validity meaning a judgement about whether the findings of research continue to be true over time.
Temporal validity is high when such findings can be successfully replicated and shown to be similar at a
later date. However, certain variables that were influential on people’s thinking or behaviour in the past
do not always continue to be important in future.
A judgement about temporal validity can be applied to evaluate research. One example of this is that a
change in attitudes towards gender roles can occur over time. In the Pilliavin et al. study (subway
Samaritans, see Section 5.3), female participants made comments that included ‘it’s for men to help
him’. However, if stereotypical beliefs about the roles of men and women change over time, a study on
helping conducted nowadays might find greater levels of female helping.
How could you evaluate the Milgram study (obedience) in terms of temporal validity? How valid do you
think his findings would be within your current environment? Thinking about temporal validity in this
way will be useful as you evaluate the specialist options in the following chapters.
Chapter 6
Clinical psychology
This chapter will introduce you to a range of psychological disorders. You will learn about
schizophrenia; mood disorders; impulse control disorders; anxiety disorders and fear-related disorders
and obsessive-compulsive disorder. For each disorder you study you will learn about the main
symptoms and the diagnostic criteria, according to the ICD-11 (the newest version of the International
Classification of Diseases). You will also discover competing explanations for each disorder, looking at
both biological and psychological explanations. Finally, you will learn about a range of different
treatments that are used for each disorder.
Throughout the chapter, you will explore relevant psychological issues and debates and you will revisit
research methods in relation to each topic. Key studies and example studies will be introduced
throughout the chapter to aid your understanding and to add context. We will summarise example
studies to give you a general understanding of what the study entailed and the key findings. We will look
at key studies more closely, including looking in more detail at the context and aims of the study, all
aspects of the design, and results and conclusions. We will also look at the strengths and limitations of
these studies, as well as applying issues and debates to them. By the end of this chapter, you should have
a good understanding of a range of psychological disorders, possible explanations for their onset and
different treatments that are used.
Clinical psychology focuses on diagnosing and treating psychological disorders. There are often
many different approaches to explaining and treating a disorder, and the approaches you studied at
AS Level are a good place to start.
The biological approach is one of the main approaches we will use when considering explanations
and treatments of disorders. What might happen if certain neurotransmitters in your brain become
imbalanced? How could this be treated using drug therapy? And what about genetics? Most
psychological disorders are thought to be at least partly genetic, so what does this mean if someone
has a family member with a disorder? We will also look at biological methods of study, with a
focus on brain scans and blood tests. What are the strengths of these biological methods?
The social approach takes a contrasting approach to explaining psychological disorders, suggesting
that they develop as a result of our interactions with the environment and with other people. How
might a traumatic event lead to a psychological disorder? Might it be sensible to consider an
interaction between biological and social factors in the cause (and therefore treatment) of a
psychological disorder?
The cognitive approach offers great insight into the causes and treatments of psychological
disorders too. What might happen if someone is processes information incorrectly? How might a
disorder result from irrational thinking? And, importantly, how could this be treated? The cognitive
approach offers one of the most successful treatments of psychological disorders, and it is based on
correcting faulty thinking.
The learning approach can offer a sound explanation for some psychological disorders, particularly
phobias. Consider what you know about classical and operant conditioning – how could this
explain the development of a phobia? And if a phobia develops due to conditioning, how could it
be treated?
Research methods that you have learned so far will also be relevant as you learn about clinical
psychology. Most of what is covered in this chapter will be research methods you are already
familiar with, but there will be some new methods and techniques to discover.
6.1 Schizophrenia
Diagnostic criteria
Psychotic disorders involve a major break from reality in which the individual perceives the world in a
way that is vastly different to how others perceive it. Schizophrenia is a very severe type of psychotic
According to the ICD-11, schizophrenia is characterised by disturbances across many aspects of a
person’s thoughts, feelings, experience and behaviour. There are many symptoms that may be present in
someone with schizophrenia but the ICD-11 states that there are some core symptoms:
• Persistent delusions: beliefs that an individual holds, which are not based in reality, for example
falsely believing that someone is trying to harm you.
• Persistent hallucinations: sensory experiences, most commonly auditory (hearing things that are not
there, for example hearing voices; see Figure 6.1) or visual (seeing things that are not there).
• Thought disorder: an inability to think, and therefore speak, in an organised manner.
• Experiences of influence, passivity or control – the belief that your thoughts or actions are
influenced or controlled by someone or something external.
There are many other symptoms that may also occur, including:
• avolition (lack of motivation)
• flattened affect (blunted emotional expression)
• impaired cognitive function (reduced memory or attention)
• catatonia (lack of movement or speech).
These symptoms can be described as either ‘positive’ or ‘negative’. In relation to symptoms of
schizophrenia, these terms do not have the same meaning as they do usually; we are not referring to
‘positive’ as ‘good’ and ‘negative’ as ‘bad’. The four core symptoms in the first list are all positive
symptoms; the four other symptoms in the second list are negative symptoms.
A positive symptom describes an experience that is ‘in addition to’ or ‘a distortion of’ normal
experience. For example, delusions are positive symptoms because they involve a distorted way of
thinking and hallucinations are positive symptoms because they involve a distorted perception of the
Figure 6.1: An auditory hallucination (hearing voices) is one of the core symptoms of schizophrenia
A negative symptom is where level of functioning or experience falls below normal levels. For example,
avolition is a negative symptom because a person’s motivation levels are lower than would be
considered normal and flattened affect is a negative symptom because the expression of emotion is less
than would be expected.
For a diagnosis of schizophrenia to be made, symptoms must have persisted for at least one month and
must not be due to another health condition (such as a brain tumour) or due to the effect of a substance
or medication.
Example study
Aneja et al. (2018) carried out three case studies on individuals who all developed early-onset
schizophrenia, where the symptoms began before the age of 18 years. Core study 1 describes a boy who
began to show a decline in his academic studies and general behaviour from the age of 10, when his
parents divorced; as a result, he and his mother moved in with his grandparents and he changed schools.
From the age of 12 he had been hearing voices and as time went on, he believed his mother and other
people were communicating with the voices. His behaviour became more erratic, and he muttered to
himself and shouted at people who were not there. He barely slept and his level of self-care declined
dramatically. In the following years, he was admitted to hospital several times and given a range of
medications to attempt to get his worsening symptoms under control. The boy was diagnosed with early-
onset schizophrenia and was released from hospital, on medication that kept his aggressive behaviours
under control. However, he still suffered from negative symptoms such as apathy, social withdrawal and
a resistance to going to school.
Types of delusion
There are many different types of delusion that someone with schizophrenia may experience. Some of
the most common types of delusion are:
• Persecutory delusion: a strongly held belief that you are in danger, that you are being conspired
against and that others are pursuing you to try to do you harm.
• Grandiose delusion: a strongly held belief that you are someone with special abilities or special
powers, for example the belief that you are a superhero.
• Delusion of reference: a strongly held belief that events in the environment are related to you, for
example the belief that a television programme is talking about you.
There is a range of other types of delusion, but they are all examples of a belief that is fully believed,
despite strong evidence to contradict it.
Make a crossword or wordsearch for the symptoms of schizophrenia. The clues should be
descriptions of the symptoms and the words to either find in the grid, or to put into the crossword
will be the names of the symptoms. Swap your crossword or wordsearch with someone else so you
can have a go at completing each other’s.
The use of the case study by Aneja et al. (2018) is beneficial as it allows for lots of detail to be
gathered about this one participant. A range of data collection techniques can be used in a case
study to gather both qualitative and quantitative data. To study one person, or a small group of
people, in such depth allows for a deeper understanding and insight into their experience,
increasing the validity of the research. One problem with the use of case studies is that, because the
research focuses only on one person, or a small group of people, the results can’t be generalised to
the wider population; the study just tells us about that person (or those people) in their specific set
of circumstances. Furthermore, the case study cannot be replicated as no two situations will be
exactly the same. What could be the strengths of using interviews in a case study?
The use of children in psychological research is a sensitive one. When children are used in
research, for example the study by Aneja et al. (2018), the ethical issues need to be considered
even more closely. It is more difficult for children to give fully informed consent to take part in
research as they may not understand fully what is involved, so parents must give fully informed
consent along with their children. Protection from harm is particularly important because children
may respond to things differently to adults and they may find it difficult to communicate their
feelings. This also applies to right to withdraw: a child may not understand fully that they can
withdraw from the research, or they may not know how to express this effectively.
Figure 6.2: Virtual reality has been used to understand and help treat psychological disorders
The aim was to investigate whether participants without a history of mental illness have thoughts of a
persecutory nature in virtual reality. The research also aimed to find out whether there are cognitive or
emotional factors that predict the likelihood of persecutory ideation being shown in virtual reality. The
researchers hypothesised that a small number of participants would have thoughts of a persecutory
nature in virtual reality, and that these would be people with higher levels of emotional distress and
The sample consisted of 12 male and 12 female participants, all students, or administrative staff from
University College London, UK, with an average age of 26 years. All participants had no history of
mental illness. Participants were recruited using volunteer sampling, where participants responded to an
advertisement within University College London.
A lab experiment was used, where participants were trained how to use the VR equipment and then
asked to enter the virtual environment (a library scene) for 5 minutes. Participants were not told the
research was investigating persecutory ideation, but were asked to explore the environment and try to
form an impression of the people in the room and what those people may think of the participant. There
were five avatars in the scene: three sat at one desk and two sat at another desk. Occasionally the avatars
showed ambiguous behaviour, such as smiling, looking, talking to each other (see Figure 6.3).
After leaving the VR environment, participants were given a range of questionnaires. One questionnaire
was the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), which is a 53-item self-report measure designed to assess
nine symptom dimensions over the last seven days. The symptoms measured include: interpersonal
sensitivity (a tendency to focus on feelings of personal inadequacy or inferiority, and a feeling of
marked discomfort during interpersonal interactions), depression (depressive disorder (unipolar)),
anxiety, hostility and psychoticism. Other questionnaires were given, which measured anxiety and
paranoia, as well as a ‘sense of presence’ (the extent to which the participant felt they were a part of the
virtual world) and specific ideations of persecution. The questionnaires included closed questions, where
participants gave their answer on a numerical scale (e.g. the measure of anxiety had 20 items each
measured on a scale of 1–4). To allow for the possibility that the questionnaires after the virtual reality
exercise may prime participants for persecutory thoughts, half of the participants (equal number of
males and females) completed questionnaires both before and after the virtual reality experience. Semi-
structured interviews were also carried out to find out the participants’ thoughts and feelings about the
virtual reality experience.
‘Friendly people just being friendly and offering a smile’
‘People were nicer than real people’
‘Part of a game (flirting but being shy)’
‘It was nice when they smiled, made me feel welcome.’
‘They looked friendly – that was my over all impression’
‘I smiled and chuckled’
‘They were very ignorant and unfriendly’
‘Sometimes appeared hostile, sometimes rude’
‘It was their space: you’re the stranger.’
‘They were telling me to go away’
‘One person was very shy and another had hated me’
‘The two women looked more threatening’
‘Some were intimidating’
Table 6.1: Examples of some of the statements included in the paranoia questionnaire in Freeman et
al.’s research
The study by Freeman et al. (2003) uses a specially designed VR program that allows for a standardised
approach to assessment which increases the reliability of measurement. However, it compromises the
ecological validity of the assessment, as it involves a simulated environment quite different from what
we typically experience. It relies on self-report in that users of VR were asked to make comments about
their experiences, which may lead to response bias. However, by using a combination of numerical
scales and semi-structured interviews, the researchers were able to gather a combination of quantitative
and qualitative data. This allows for data analysis to be carried out on the quantitative data while also
allowing detailed information from the qualitative data. The use of a control where half the participants
completed questionnaires both before and after the VR increases the validity, by ensuring the
questionnaires themselves are not eliciting feelings of persecution.
The sample was relatively small (24), and all participants were from the same university (either students
or administrative staff) so this is not a representative sample, which limits the generalisability of the
results. However, there was an equal split of males and females so there is no gender bias.
The research was ethical in that participants gave consent, had the right to withdraw and were debriefed
afterwards. Participants who scored high in anxiety or interpersonal sensitivity and those who reported
persecutory ideation may be somewhat distressed by these outcomes, so a full and thorough debrief
would be essential in order to protect them from harm.
It is important to consider application to everyday life with Freeman et al.’s study. On the one hand the
findings of the study can be applied to everyday life by allowing a greater understanding of factors that
may predict persecutory ideation. The findings that VR can be used effectively as a measure of
persecutory ideation is also applicable to everyday life as this suggests VR could be used again to
measure similar experiences. However, the application to everyday life is limited because the study used
VR, not actual real-life situations. This study shows us how people respond and interpret behaviours and
intentions in avatars in VR, but this cannot tell us for certain how people would respond to similar
experiences in everyday life.
Psychologists offer competing explanations for schizophrenia. We will discuss possible biological
causes (genetics and biochemical) as well as a cognitive explanation.
One biological explanation for schizophrenia is that genes or particular combinations of genes are
passed on to offspring which may cause the disorder to develop. Three ways of investigating the genetic
explanation for schizophrenia are family studies, twin studies and adoption studies.
Family studies show a general trend in the development of a disorder for individuals who have close
family members (with whom they share a higher proportion of their genes) with that disorder. This
research generally shows that if you have close family members with schizophrenia you are more likely
to also develop schizophrenia.
This suggests that schizophrenia is at least partly caused by genetics. For example, as shown in Figure
6.4, Gottesman (1991) found that the likelihood of developing schizophrenia went from 1% in the
general population, up to 48% if you have an identical twin with schizophrenia.
Twin studies are a useful way of studying the role of genetics in schizophrenia because they allow
researchers to study the relative influences of nature and nurture. For example, identical or monozygotic
(MZ) twins share their entire DNA, whereas non-identical or dizygotic (DZ) twins only share around
50% of their DNA. Research tends to show that the concordance of schizophrenia is higher in MZ
twins than DZ twins, again, suggesting there is a genetic contribution. Hilker et al. (2017) carried out a
twin study with over 30000 twin pairs in Denmark, using two national registers: Danish Twin Register
and the Danish Psychiatric Central Research Register. They looked not only at those with a diagnosis of
schizophrenia but also those with related disorders. Hilker et al. concluded that heritability of
schizophrenia was 79%.
Adoption studies allow us to truly separate out the influence of genetics and the influence of the
environment, something that neither family studies nor twin studies have been able to do. This is
achieved by comparing a child, raised by an adoptive family, with their biological parent, who they were
not raised by. Tienari et al. (2000) found schizophrenia in 6.7% of adoptees with a biological mother
with schizophrenia, compared to just 4% of a control group (adoptees born to mothers without
schizophrenia). This suggests that, in line with family studies and twin studies, there is a genetic
influence in the development of schizophrenia.
Biochemical (dopamine hypothesis)
The dopamine hypothesis essentially states that the brains of people with schizophrenia produce more
dopamine than the brains of people without schizophrenia. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, meaning it
is a chemical substance which enables communication between two neurons. To allow the nerve impulse
to pass between two cells, the neurotransmitter moves across a small junction known as a ‘synapse’ (see
Figure 6.5).
Figure 6.5: Neurotransmission is the transmission of nerve impulses from one neuron to another
The dopamine hypothesis identifies a link between excessive amounts of dopamine or dopamine
receptors and positive symptoms of schizophrenia and related disorders. Research suggests that neurons
that use the transmitter dopamine either fire too often, or send too much information. Additionally,
research suggests that an excess of dopamine in particular brain regions can be related to certain
symptoms. For example, an increase in dopamine in the Broca’s region (responsible for formation of
language) can impair logical speech, which is a classic symptom of schizophrenia.
Evidence to support this theory comes from drug trials involving people with schizophrenia and people
without the disorder. Drugs that increase the level of dopamine in the brain include amphetamines and
cocaine. Large increases in dopamine production are correlated with an increase in the reporting of
hallucinations and delusions. In people with schizophrenia, the drugs cause their positive symptoms to
worsen. Patients with Parkinson’s disease are often treated with a synthetic form of dopamine called L-
dopa. If their dosage is too high, it also creates symptoms in these individuals identical to those in
people with schizophrenia, such as hallucinations (Lindström et al., 1999).
Post-mortem studies and brain scans can also help us to understand the neurochemistry involved. Post-
mortem studies have found that the brains of deceased individuals with schizophrenia have a larger
number of dopamine receptors than those without the disorder. Wise et al. (1974) found that brain fluid
from deceased patients had abnormally low levels of the enzyme that breaks down dopamine,
suggesting that dopamine may have been present in excessive quantities.
Positron emission tomography (PET) scan analysis to measure the amount of dopamine activity in the
brain indicates a greater number of receptors in the striatum, limbic system, and cortex of the brain in
those with schizophrenia than in those without. Excessive dopamine activity in these areas may be
linked to positive symptoms, while some research (Nestler, 1997) suggests that decreased dopamine
activity in the prefrontal cortex of schizophrenia patients may correlate with negative symptoms such as
flattened affect. See Figure 6.6 for a PET scan showing the differences in the dopamine activity of those
with schizophrenia compared to those without schizophrenia.
Figure 6.6: PET scans showing greater dopamine activity (deep purple) in the striatum, limbic system
and cortex in the brain of an individual with schizophrenia (2) than one without schizophrenia (1)
The cognitive explanation recognises that biological factors contribute in some way to the positive
symptoms of schizophrenia. For example, Frith (2015) accepts the role of biochemical processes, brain
structure and genetic influence on the disorder. However, since no single genetic, structural or
biochemical cause has been identified as being responsible for schizophrenia, he looked for cognitive
explanations of schizophrenia. This essentially means schizophrenia is viewed as involving faulty
mental processes, rather than relying solely on physiological explanations.
Frith describes schizophrenia as an ‘abnormality of self-monitoring’. This occurs when patients fail to
recognise that their perceived hallucinations are in fact just inner speech (the kind of self-talk people
normally experience). It leads them to attribute what they are hearing to someone else, e.g. a voice
speaking to them from an external source. He tested this idea with patients with schizophrenia by asking
them to decide whether items that had been read out loud were done so by themselves, an experimenter
or a computer. Patients with schizophrenia who had incoherent speech as a symptom performed the
worst at the task, which may be linked to memory and attention difficulties crucial for self-monitoring.
Frith suggests that another major positive symptom, delusional thinking, may also arise from a
misinterpretation of perception. Those experiencing delusions may be applying logical reasoning to their
hallucinations, for example. So, thoughts that are actually self-generated instead appear to be coming
from an external source and become incorporated in the individual’s set of beliefs. These failures in
monitoring can lead to delusions of alien control, auditory hallucinations and thought insertion. On the
other hand, inability to monitor the intentions of others can lead to delusions of paranoia and
Frith explains that those experiencing negative symptoms such as avolition have difficulty generating
spontaneous actions. This means that they may find it difficult to make decisions on how to behave or
what to do without some sort of a prompt from someone or something else. For example, someone with
negative symptoms may find it difficult to start a conversation with someone else (a spontaneous action)
but they may be able to answer questions when asked (responding to a stimulus). This may arise in part
due to an impaired theory of mind, which creates problems in recognising the intentions of others. A
flattening of affect, lack of speech and social withdrawal all result from difficulties in monitoring their
own mental states and the states of others.
There are some methodological issues with samples in family, twin and adoption studies. The
samples are often relatively small and not necessarily representative of the whole population. This
is because there are not very many people who are part of a set of twins where at least one of the
twins has schizophrenia. Hilker et al. (2017), however, recruited a vast sample of 30,000 twin pairs
from two nationwide registers, ensuring a representative sample. How could the use of a control
group increase the validity of twin or adoption studies? Some twin and adoption studies are
longitudinal, which increases the validity as we can see potential diagnoses and changes in
behaviour over time, which is far more useful than a snapshot study where we only look at the
participants at one point in time.
Biochemical treatments: typical and atypical antipsychotics
Before dopamine was identified as an explanation for schizophrenia in the 1950s, there was no treatment
for schizophrenia; patients were just hospitalised in the hope symptoms would improve. During the
1950s, antipsychotics were developed, which work by reducing the activity of dopamine and as a result
reducing symptoms. Antipsychotics are usually the first treatment given after a diagnosis of
schizophrenia and they are usually continued to be used alongside psychological therapies such as
cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). There are two types of antipsychotics: typical and atypical.
Typical antipsychotics, also referred to as first generation, were developed in the 1950s. An example is
chlorpromazine. They work by reducing the effects of dopamine and therefore reducing the positive
symptoms of schizophrenia (mainly hallucinations and delusions). Typical antipsychotics are dopamine
antagonists, which means that they block dopamine receptors so there is less dopamine activity. To be
effective treatments, they must block a considerable proportion of dopamine activity. However, the
downside to this is that there are many undesirable side effects.
Atypical antipsychotics, also referred to as second generation, were developed in the 1990s. An
example is clozapine. Compared to typical antipsychotics, atypical antipsychotics have a lower risk of
side effects, have a beneficial effect on negative symptoms as well as positive symptoms and have been
shown to be effective for ‘treatment-resistant’ patients (those for whom other treatments have been
ineffective). Atypical antipsychotics work by blocking dopamine, but unlike typical antipsychotics, they
rapidly dissociate (they only block dopamine activity for a short period of time). The rapid dissociation
allows for normal dopamine transmission to take place, which is what leads to less side effects.
The use of antipsychotic drugs has been thoroughly researched using randomised control trials
(RCTs). These trials are often double-blind placebo controlled, and consistently show that around
50% of those taking antipsychotic medication show significant improvement in their condition after four
to six weeks. Around 30–40% show partial improvement; however, a substantial minority of those
remaining patients show little to no improvement in their functioning.
Relapse rates, where a person’s symptoms return after a period of time, using antipsychotics can be quite
high. One reason for this is that patients are usually directed to keep taking medication after acute
psychotic episodes, even in periods of remission (periods of time where they are not experiencing
symptoms), albeit at lower doses. However, the medication can cause unpleasant side effects that,
combined with a reduction in symptoms, can result in non-adherence to medication. Side effects for
typical antipsychotics are common, and can be severe, for example extrapyramidal symptoms (EPSs)
and tardive dyskenesia (TD). Both of these affect motor control and can result in involuntary spasms and
abnormal movements of the face and body. Side effects for atypical antipsychotics tend to be less severe
and can include weight gain, drowsiness and difficulties in concentration.
Electro-convulsive therapy
Electro-convulsive therapy (ECT) is another biological treatment which has been applied to help
alleviate symptoms of schizophrenia. For hundreds of years, inducing seizures by other methods had
been used to treat psychiatric problems. By the 1930s it was mistakenly believed that schizophrenia was
very rare in those who suffered from epilepsy, which inspired the first trials of ECT on patients with
schizophrenia. Physicians Ugo Cerletti and Lucio Bini had discovered the potential for electricity to be
used to induce seizures and unconsciousness by observing the effect electric shocks had on cattle. They
modified this technique to be applied to humans; however, without the use of anti-anxiety drugs or
anaesthetic, patients were often traumatised and suffered broken bones.
Modern ECT (see Figure 6.7) is a much more refined version of the traditional method, although it is
still considered controversial. It involves passing electricity through the brain with the intention of
inducing a seizure; the seizure is the ‘treatment’ rather than the electricity. Patients usually undergo a
course of ECT treatments ranging from six to 12 sessions, although some may need fewer. It is typically
given twice a week during the treatment period, or less commonly at longer intervals to prevent relapse
of symptoms. Instead of applying ECT bilaterally (across both brain hemispheres), it is now applied
unilaterally to the non-dominant hemisphere only, to reduce memory loss. Despite improvements to the
technique, there are still significant risks involved to the individual. The procedure affects the central
nervous system and cardiovascular system, which can be dangerous for those with pre-existing medical
conditions. Memory loss is still a common side effect of ECT, but this is usually temporary. More
serious but extremely rare side effects can include lasting neurological damage or even death.
There is still no generally accepted explanation for the effect ECT has on the treatment of mental
disorders. One theory is that it affects post-synaptic responses to central nervous system transmitters.
ECT is rarely used in the treatment of schizophrenia because of a lack of evidence to suggest it is more
effective than other forms of therapy, such as antipsychotics. Evidence suggests that ECT can be
effective during acute episodes of psychosis where fast, short-term improvement of severe symptoms is
needed. There is also some evidence indicating it may be most effective for individuals experiencing
catatonic symptoms (National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), 2015).
Figure 6.7: Modern ECT is much more refined than the traditional method but it is still considered to be
Cognitive-behavioural therapy
Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is an approach to the treatment of mental health disorders which
incorporates principles of both the cognitive and behaviourist approaches to psychology. It departs from
the behaviourists’ strict focus on observable behaviour in order to recognise the influence of invisible
cognitive processes on learning. CBT is a talking therapy designed to help people change through
recognising and challenging the thoughts that underlie their behaviours. CBT is almost always used as a
treatment alongside antipsychotic drugs, and often requires an initial treatment with antipsychotics to
stabilise the patient enough to be able to engage in the therapy.
Example study
Sensky et al. (2000) carried out a randomised control trial to compare the effectiveness of CBT with a
control group who engaged in ‘befriending’. Befriending sessions included informal one-to-one
discussions about hobbies, sports or current affairs. This comparison was used to test whether CBT itself
is effective, rather than just the experience of talking to others. The sample included 90 patients aged
16–60 years, with a diagnosis of treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Patients received a mean average of
19 sessions of CBT or befriending over the treatment period. They were randomly allocated to either
treatment condition, making this an independent groups design.
Each intervention was delivered by two experienced nurses. The CBT treatment followed distinct
stages, including engaging with the patient and discussing the emergence of their disorder, before
tackling specific symptoms. For example, those with auditory hallucinations engaged in a joint critical
analysis with the nurse to challenge beliefs about the nature and origin of the voices. Patients kept voice
diaries to record what they were hearing in order to generate coping strategies.
Participants were assessed by blind raters (meaning they did not know which condition the participants
were in) before the start of their treatment, at treatment completion (up to nine months) and at a nine-
month follow-up. They used a number of standardised, validated assessment scales such as the
Comprehensive Psychiatric Rating Scale (CPRS) and Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms
(SANS). Results showed that immediately following the treatment period both groups showed a
significant overall reduction in both positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia. At the follow-up
stage nine months later, the improvement in symptoms remained in those in the CBT condition but was
no longer evident in the befriending condition. Sensky et al. concluded that CBT is an effective
treatment for reducing positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia and that the benefits continue
for at least another nine months after the end of the treatment. See Figure 6.8 for a chart showing the
findings of Sensky et al.’s research.
Figure 6.8: A bar chart showing the findings of Sensky et al. (2000)
Sensky et al. (2000) used a randomised control trial (RCT) design, which increased validity.
Assessors were blind to the treatment group they were assessing, which removes any bias they
might have felt for or against the treatment. Also, since participants were from several different
clinics across the UK, the sample was probably fairly representative. A further strength was that
the nurses in both conditions were carefully trained and monitored, which ensured they used a
standardised approach to the CBT. How does a standardised procedure increase reliability?
The idiographic versus nomothetic approach can be applied here. For the most part, research into
treatments takes a nomothetic approach, with the aim to make generalisations about effective
treatments based on large sets of data. The use of randomised control trials, such as that carried out
by Sensky et al., allow psychologists to gather large amounts of data about how effective a
treatment is, compared to a placebo. This takes a nomothetic approach because the aim is to find a
treatment that is most likely to work for most people, based on the data available.
1 According to Freeman et al. (2003), what are some of the main predictors of persecutory ideation
in VR?
2 Twin studies show that, although there is a genetic influence in the development of schizophrenia,
this is never shown to be 100%. Influences from the environment must therefore play a part as
well. How does this contribute to our understanding of the nature versus nurture debate in
3 Which explanation for schizophrenia fits best with using antipsychotics as a treatment?
Bipolar disorders
There are two types of bipolar disorder: type 1 and type 2. Both are episodic mood disorders, but they
are distinct from each other due the types of mood episodes experienced.
• Type 1: defined by the occurrence of at least one manic or mixed episode. A manic episode lasts at
least one week and is characterised by an extreme mood – usually feeling euphoric but also irritable
and involves high levels of activity and/or feelings of increased energy. Individuals will often show
rapid speech, impulsivity, reckless behaviour and extremely high self-esteem, as well as rapid
changes between mood states. A mixed episode is characterised by a mixture or rapid alternating
between manic and depressive states on most days during a two-week period. Most often manic or
mixed episodes alternate with depressive episodes over time. A depressive episode lasts at least
two weeks and involves depressed mood or lack of interest in usual activities for most of the day,
nearly every day. Other symptoms may include changes to sleep and appetite; feelings of
worthlessness, guilt or hopelessness; difficulties concentrating and suicidal thoughts.
• Type 2: defined by the occurrence of one or more hypomanic episodes and at least one depressive
episode. A hypomanic episode is a less extreme version of a manic episode and involves several
days of persistent elevated mood or increased irritability, along with increased activity or increased
energy levels. Behaviours shown will be lesser versions of those in a manic episode, for example
increased talkativeness, increased self-esteem and impulsivity. These behaviours will be
significantly different to the individual’s usual behaviour but will not cause marked impairment to
functioning. There is no history of manic or mixed episodes.
Imagine you are designing a new measure of depressive symptoms. Using your knowledge of
depressive disorder, and the BDI to help you, come up with five items that you would include in
your measure.
The BDI is a robust instrument; numerous studies have demonstrated that it has high levels of
reliability and validity. This means it is fairly accurate and consistent in measuring the severity of
an individual’s level of depressive disorder. It is a quantitative measurement, as it provides a
numerical score for each person. This gives it a level of objectivity that could not be achieved
through an unstructured interview. Although it cannot capture the detail and richness that a less
structured approach would offer, it is a tool that allows clinicians treating those with depressive
disorder to measure improvement or deterioration of their condition over time or with treatments.
However, as a self-report, there is a risk that validity may be reduced as the person taking the test
may either exaggerate or play down their symptoms.
One relevant issue here is that of cultural differences. A measure, such as the BDI, that has been
devised in one culture cannot necessarily be used appropriately in other cultures. Most assessment
tools such as the BDI are created in Western cultures, by Western researchers and are tested on
Western participants. If they are then used to gather information from people in different cultures
this may decrease the validity of the measure as it may not have the same meaning in different
cultures. Symptoms of depressive disorder may vary between cultures, and so may the language
used to describe these symptoms. Therefore, the measure used to assess depressive disorder should
account for these differences.
There are many different factors that are thought to contribute to the onset of depressive disorder,
including environmental factors, such as experiencing a trauma, and biological factors, such as genetics
and brain chemistry.
Brain chemistry is concerned primarily with levels of different neurotransmitters in the brain. There isn’t
just one neurotransmitter that can be attributed to depressive disorder; it is very complex, and several
neurotransmitters have been identified as being associated with depressive disorder. Two of the main
ones are dopamine and serotonin.
Dopamine carries signals in parts of the brain responsible for, among other things, feelings of motivation
and pleasure. So, it makes sense that if levels of dopamine are reduced, feelings of motivation and
pleasure would be affected. As we know, core symptoms of depressive disorder are low mood, lack of
interest or enjoyment in usual activities and lack of motivation. Research shows that low levels of
dopamine are often found in those suffering from depressive disorder. Furthermore, anti-depressants
reduce symptoms of depressive disorder by increasing dopamine levels, which supports the theory that
low dopamine levels were the cause of the depressive symptoms.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates sleep and appetite as well as mood and anxiety. When
serotonin levels are normal, mood and anxiety levels are balanced. However, when serotonin levels
reduce, this can lead to low mood, anxiety and disruption to sleeping and eating patterns, which are all
symptoms of depressive disorder. Evidence for the role of serotonin in depressive disorder comes from
the fact that the most common anti-depressants are SSRIs (see the text on ‘treatment and management’
in Section 6.2), which work by increasing serotonin levels.
First-degree relatives such as parents and siblings share 50% of their DNA. Just like physical illnesses,
some mental disorders are thought to have a genetic basis, meaning they can be transmitted from one
generation to the next. Current evidence for bipolar and depressive disorder suggests that there is at least
some genetic explanation for why some individuals are more at risk of developing such disorders.
As with other psychological disorders, the cause of bipolar is very complex. There is thought to be a
combination of biological and psychological factors associated with the onset of bipolar disorder.
Psychological triggers may include a traumatic event, such as a breakdown of a relationship or death of
a loved one, or other environmental factors such as physical illness or sleep disturbances. Biological
explanations focus primarily on brain chemistry and genetics. If levels of certain neurotransmitters in
the brain are too high or too low this can lead to a psychological disorder. For example, serotonin
dopamine and noradrenaline are three neurotransmitters thought to be associated with bipolar disorder.
Previous research has shown that genetics is at least partly responsible for the development of bipolar
disorder. However, research to try to identify specific genes that are responsible for bipolar disorder is
very difficult due to the complex inheritance patterns and the difficulties in precise diagnoses (McGuffin
et al., 1994).
Forty-two unrelated patients with bipolar disorder type 1 from two Croatian hospitals were recruited.
There were 25 females and 17 males, with an age range of 31–70 years. Sixteen of these patients had a
first-degree relative who had been diagnosed with a major affective disorder such as bipolar disorder.
This information was collected from participants and their family members, with diagnosis confirmed
through medical records. There was a control group of 40 participants, with no personal or family
psychiatric history. A matched pairs design was used: where participants in the control group matched
the patient sample in terms of age and sex. DNA testing was carried out with participants to test for
polymorphisms (variations) in the genes responsible for a particular serotonin receptor and serotonin
transporter. These genes were chosen because alterations in them can lead to disturbances in specific
biochemical pathways with known links to depressive disorders. The results of the DNA analysis were
compared between participants to look for significant factors.
Results, findings and conclusions
Results of the testing showed that there were no significant associations in the sample. This means that
participants with bipolar were not significantly more likely to have polymorphisms of the genes under
investigation than the control group. It also means that those with a family history of mood disorder
were no more likely to have polymorphisms in these genes than other participants. However, serotonin
as a neurotransmitter is understood to be sexually dimorphic (there are differences between men and
women). So, when participants were analysed separately by gender, results showed that polymorphisms
for both genes were more common in women with bipolar than in the control group. This analysis
suggested that polymorphisms in these genes could be responsible for an increased risk of developing
bipolar disorder in females only.
The study by Oruč et al. (1997) is limited in terms of its sample size, meaning it is difficult to generalise
from the results. Typically, genetic studies require fairly large samples for accurate and valid analysis to
take place. Establishing the importance of the serotonin-related genes in increasing risk of depressive
illness in females would require a larger sample. Furthermore, the researchers pointed out that some
participants in the control group were still young enough that they could be susceptible to bipolar
disorder but it has not developed yet. This means the findings might have changed if the researchers had
used an older population and so age is an extraneous variable. A strength of the study is that it collected
DNA samples which were analysed in a laboratory setting with automated equipment, which increases
the validity of the measurement and removes researcher bias.
Application to everyday life should be considered in relation to Oruč et al.’s study. Any research that
helps develop our understanding of the causes of psychological disorders is really significant because
the more we understand about the causes the more that can be done to help those at risk. Understanding
that there may be a genetic influence in the onset of bipolar disorder means that family members of
someone who has been diagnosed with the disorder could be screened or offered advice and guidance on
signs to look for, and positive steps to take.
The Oruč et al. (1997) study raises the determinism versus free will debate, since it investigates the
influence of genes and we cannot change our DNA. It suggests that individuals with a family history of
bipolar disorder are at a greater risk of developing a similar disorder. This removes the impact of free
will, and the idea that we have some control over the decisions we make and the circumstances in our
lives. However, in this case, the findings of Oruč et al. suggest only a small genetic susceptibility for
females; this indicates there must be other causes of the disorder, which may or may not be genetic in
Beck’s cognitive theory of depression
Cognitive theorists such as Beck (1979) believe that the negative views held by someone with
depression form a reality for that person, even if they seem far-fetched to others. The reason for the
individual’s low mood and physiological symptoms is an underlying process of incorrect information
Another term for this irrational thinking is ‘cognitive distortion’. According to Beck, cognitive
distortion is when a person tends to see things in a negative way (a negative bias). This develops as a
result of negative experiences during childhood, leading to negative schemas. When faced with events
or experiences throughout their life, the person’s negative schema is ‘activated’ (their bias affects their
processing) and they expect things to turn out badly. The result of cognitive distortion is the emotional,
cognitive and behavioural symptoms typical of depressive disorder.
Cognitive processes involved in depressive disorder can be understood to form a triad, as seen in Figure
The first component of this model relates to the individual’s view of themselves. Unpleasant experiences
are attributed internally, meaning that the individual thinks that they are worthless and not capable of
being happy. Second, the individual perceives the world as presenting them with insurmountable
obstacles to happiness and well-being. They misinterpret external forces as being against them. The
third component is a negative view of the future; when considering undertaking a specific task in future,
the person anticipates failure or rejection.
Learned helplessness and attribution style
Learned helplessness was developed by Seligman and his colleagues in the 1960s. Learned helplessness
is a state that occurs as a result of a person having to endure an unpleasant situation when they perceive
the unpleasantness to be inescapable. In theory, the individual learns that they are unable to control the
situation and prevent suffering, so they eventually stop trying to resist it. Seligman believed that learned
helplessness could explain depressive disorder. His view was that depression was a direct result of a real
or perceived lack of control over the outcome of your situation.
Learned helplessness is the basis of ‘attributional style’ or ‘explanatory style’. As life experiences
teach us to develop trust or distrust in our environments, so we develop particular patterns of thinking
towards the world and ourselves. A person who has had a difficult upbringing, or experienced parental
loss, for example, might be more likely to perceive a lack of control over the negative events in their
lives (learned helplessness), and subsequently be more inclined towards a negative attributional style.
This means they will consistently view things that happen in the future as internal, stable and global. If
something bad happens they might think it is their fault (internal), or that it will stay this bad forever
(stable) and that it means more things are likely to go wrong now (global).
Example study
Seligman et al. (1988) investigated how well attributional style could predict depressive symptoms.
Thirty-nine patients with depressive disorder (unipolar) and 12 patients with bipolar disorder
participated in the study during a depressive episode. All the participants came from the same outpatient
clinic, included a mix of genders, and had a mean age of 36 years. They were compared with a non-
clinical control group of ten participants. At the start of the study, participants completed a short form of
the BDI to assess severity of symptoms. They then completed an Attributional Style Questionnaire
consisting of 12 hypothetical good and bad events. The participants had to make causal attributions for
each one (they needed to say what or who they think was responsible for the event) and then rate each
cause on a seven-point scale for internality, stability and globality.
Both the bipolar and unipolar participants were found to have more pessimistic, negative attributional
styles than the non-patient control group. This means they tended to attribute more of the negative
events to themselves (internality), tended to view negative things as being more permanent (stability)
and tended to see negative things as affecting many areas of their life (global). The more severe the
depression score on the BDI, the worse the pessimism on the Attributional Style Questionnaire. For
those with unipolar depressive disorder undergoing cognitive therapy, an improvement in attributional
style correlated with an improvement in BDI scores. This suggests that the way we make attributions is
an important mechanism underlying the experience of unipolar depressive disorder.
Seligman et al. (1988) used standardised questionnaires to assess participants. The Attributional
Style Questionnaire and BDI are considered to be valid and reliable measurement tools. However,
the link between BDI and positivity of attribution was correlational, meaning it is impossible to
determine cause and effect in this research. Rather than, as Seligman suggests, attributional style
predicting symptoms, it could be that an improvement in symptoms could predict a change in
attributional style. Alternatively, there could be a third factor (such as an effective treatment) that
influences both attributional style and BDI score.
The biological explanation for mood disorders reflects the influence of nature in the nature versus
nurture debate. As particular genes and biochemicals are implicated in developing these illnesses,
biology is seen as the primary cause. One example of this is the study by Oruč et al., which showed
a possible genetic cause for bipolar disorder in the female population. This, however, ignores the
nurture side of the nature versus nurture debate, which instead suggests environmental causes for
mood disorders such as adverse life events or learned helplessness. Although these explanations
are often thought to be opposing, it is perhaps sensible to look at how the explanations interact.
Someone may inherit a genetic predisposition to a mood disorder but this may only develop if it is
triggered by an environmental influence such as a traumatic event.
Peer assessment
When you have completed your letter to Laura, swap letters with someone else and read theirs.
You need to give them feedback on their letter in the following way:
• One part that you thought was particularly well-written
• One part that you think is a good idea but could be explained more clearly
• A suggestion of one thing you feel they could add to their letter
When you have done this, read and discuss each other’s feedback and make any changes to your
Numerous large clinical studies have provided evidence that tricyclics, MAOIs and SSRIs are more
effective treatment for depressive disorder than placebos. However, there is growing evidence to suggest
that the impact of these drugs on individuals is far more noticeable in patients with moderate to severe
symptoms, and less so in patients diagnosed with mild depressive disorder (Fournier et al., 2010).
Beck’s cognitive restructuring
Cognitive restructuring aims to gain ‘entry into the patient’s cognitive organisation’ (Beck, 1979). It is
essentially a talking therapy, based on one-to-one interactions between the patient with depressive
disorder and their therapist. It involves techniques, such as questioning, to identify illogical thinking,
and talking through ways of changing the patient’s way of thinking.
Cognitive restructuring as a form of therapy begins with explaining the theory of depressive disorder to
the patient (see the text on Beck’s cognitive theory of depression in Section 6.2). The explanation of the
triad is an important part of therapy as it enables the patient to understand that their way of thinking
about themselves and the world contributes to their depressive disorder. A further stage is to train the
patient to observe and record their thoughts; this is critical for helping them to recognise irrational or
inaccurate beliefs and statements.
Once the individual can recognise their own cognitions, the therapist helps them to understand the link
between their thoughts, affect and behaviour, and how each influences the others. The patient is often
directed to try to ‘catch’ automatic, dysfunctional thoughts and record them. This is practised outside
therapy sessions, to help them identify such thoughts as they occur in a real-life context. Such thoughts
can be discussed and challenged in therapy, to explore with the patient whether they really are an
accurate reflection of reality.
The purpose of this ‘reality testing’ for patients is to investigate and begin to notice negative distortions
in thinking for themselves. The therapist can then use techniques such as ‘reattributing’ where they
discuss whether the cause of problems or failures the patient has experienced are internal or external. As
a result of this, the patient can reframe their thinking about an upsetting situation and perhaps realise
that they were not responsible for it. Ideally, the therapy finishes when the patient is able to employ
cognitive restructuring for themselves and can see a reduction in their depressive symptoms.
Cognitive therapy is now a well-established way to manage depressive disorder, particularly in cases
where drug treatment is unsuitable. Wiles et al. (2013) showed that it can reduce symptoms of
depression in people who fail to respond to anti-depressants. A group of 469 individuals with depressive
disorder were randomly allocated either continued usual care (including on-going anti-depressants) or
care with CBT. Those who received the therapy were three times more likely to respond to treatment
and experience a reduction in symptoms.
Ellis’s rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT)
Rational emotive behavioural therapy (REBT) is a psychological approach to treatment based on the
principles of stoicism. Stoicism is a philosophy, and one of the principles is that in most cases, an
individual is not directly affected by external things but by their own perception of external things.
Albert Ellis (1962) placed this belief at the core of his theory on how depressive disorder should be
recognised and treated. He argued that a person becomes depressed because of internal constructions;
because of their perceptions and attitudes towards things that happen to them in their lives.
In REBT, the therapist helps individuals to understand the process known as the ABC model (see Table
6.2). The most important element of the model is ‘B’, one’s beliefs about the event. This is because,
while we all experience adversity and setbacks to some degree, Ellis argues that it is how we think about
those experiences that have greatest impact on our emotional well-being and behavioural outcomes.
People who consistently develop negative, fixed or irrational beliefs are at greater risk of depressive
The goal of therapy therefore is to help individuals create and maintain constructive, rational patterns of
thinking about their lives. This means identifying and changing thoughts which lead to guilt, self-defeat
and self-pity, or negative behaviour such as avoidance, withdrawal and addiction. The main way this is
achieved is through a process known as ‘disputing’. The REBT therapist forcefully questions irrational
beliefs using a variety of different methods to reformulate dysfunctional beliefs.
Thus, the therapist enables the individual to recognise that whatever setbacks they might experience,
they can choose how they think and feel about it. Individuals must begin to see that the consequences
(C) they experience are only partly a result of an activating event (A). They then must accept that
holding on to negative and self-defeating beliefs (B) is a destructive tendency, but one that can be
changed by challenging the beliefs and replacing them with healthier thoughts. Ellis argues that the
tendency to hold on to irrational and unhealthy beliefs is ingrained in people over time, and so REBT
has a great focus on the present, with little concern for exploring past experiences (as psychoanalysis
would do).
Lyons and Woods (1991) conducted a meta-analysis of 70 REBT outcome studies. They examined a
total of 236 comparisons of REBT to baseline, control groups or other psychotherapies. They found that
individuals receiving REBT demonstrated significant improvement over baseline measures and control
groups. Recent research comparing the effectiveness of REBT to anti-depressants suggests that both
methods of treatment are equally effective in relieving symptoms of depressive disorder (Iftene et al.,
Studies in this section investigating the effectiveness of anti-depressants such as tricyclics, MAOIs
and SSRIs consist of generally wellcontrolled experimental research using large samples, which is
highly replicable. Similarly, research considering the use of cognitive therapy and REBT such as
Wiles et al. (2013), Lyons and Woods (1991) and Iftene et al. (2015) also include the use of control
groups. This increases the validity as it allows researchers to be confident in identifying cause and
effect. For example, Lyons and Woods assessed results between those receiving REBT and the
control group who did not receive the therapy. In what ways would a case study be a useful way of
measuring the effectiveness of treatments of depressive disorder?
Individual versus situational explanations are highly relevant to this topic. All the forms of
treatment outlined in this section focus on the individual’s requirements. For example, the
individual is considered to have problematic levels of neurotransmitters that require correction
through anti-depressant usage, or irrational thinking that needs to be challenged. Little
consideration is given to changing situational factors that may contribute to depressive disorder,
such as trying to alleviate social isolation.
Biological versus psychological treatments is a really important consideration for all psychological
disorders. There is usually some form of drug treatment and some form of psychological therapy
for any disorder; in this case there are a range of different anti-depressants (biological treatments)
and cognitive restructuring and REBT (psychological treatments). Biological treatments are
beneficial because, compared to psychological treatments, they are cheaper, work more quickly
and are easier for the patient and whoever is administering the treatment. This makes them a good
option for treatment, usually at least in the first instance. However, almost all drug therapies can
have side effects, which can be mild to severe. Although this is not pleasant for patients taking
them, the main problem is that, if the side effects are unpleasant enough, the patient may decide to
stop taking the medication. This will of course mean that they cannot work effectively, and
symptoms are likely to return. Psychological therapies, in contrast, are more time-consuming and
expensive, and do require the patient’s effort and participation. However, when psychological
treatments are effective the benefits are great; the results tend to be longlasting as they tend to deal
with the actual cause of the problem, and what is learned can be used again at a later date if
necessary. In addition, there are of course no side effects and in fact having taken part in
psychological therapy can have a positive impact on the patient’s self-esteem and outlook.
4 Consider whether you think the BDI is a useful tool. Can it help us to understand what it is really
like to experience depressive disorder (unipolar)? Why or why not?
5 The research by Oruč et al. (1997) shows a genetic predisposition towards bipolar depressive
disorder and related disorders. What alternative explanations might there be to explain why two
family members develop the same disorder?
6 You are part of a football team and your team has just lost a match. How might you feel about this
in terms of why it happened and what might happen in the future? What might someone with a
negative attributional style consider to be the reason behind this failure and the expectations for
the future?
Pyromania is characterised by a powerful impulse to set fires (see Figure 6.11). This impulse is very
hard to resist, which results in many acts of, or attempts at, setting fire to property or other objects. An
increasing sense of tension occurs directly prior to fire-setting and a sense of pleasure, excitement or
gratification is felt during and immediately after the act, as well as while witnessing the effects or
participating in the aftermath. Additionally, there is fascination or preoccupation with fire and related
stimuli, such as watching or building fires, or with firefighting equipment. There is no intelligible
motive such as monetary gain, sabotage or revenge, and for a diagnosis to be made there must not be
another obvious explanation for the behaviours, such as any other behavioural or mental disorder,
substance use or intellectual impairment.
Gambling disorder involves a pattern of persistent or recurring gambling behaviour either online or
offline (see Figure 6.12). It is characterised by:
• impaired control of the gambling in terms of, for example, length of time spent gambling or how
much money is being spent
• gambling being given priority over other activities or interests
• gambling continuing or increasing despite negative consequences.
The gambling results in significant distress or significant impairment to important areas of functioning
such as family life, friendships or work life. Usually, for a diagnosis, the gambling behaviour and other
features would be present for at least a year, but this can be for a shorter duration if all diagnostic
requirements are met, and symptoms are severe.
Figure 6.12: Gambling disorder involves a pattern of persistent or of recurring gambling behaviour
Malia is worried that her husband may have gambling disorder. Malia is hoping he will agree to
see a professional in order to make a diagnosis, but she wonders if she is overreacting as she isn’t
quite sure what is necessary for a diagnosis to be made. Write a summary of what Malia needs to
look out for: focus on how she can distinguish between whether her husband just gambles (which
she doesn’t like, and would like him to stop doing anyway) or whether he may actually be
diagnosable with gambling disorder.
Figure 6.13: K-SAS is a measure used for the diagnosis of kleptomania and includes items such as this
This is an 11-item self-rated scale that measures impulses, thoughts, feelings and behaviours related to
stealing. The individual taking the assessment is asked to consider the question in relation to the past
seven days. Each item is rated on a point-based scale, typically 0–4 or 0–5 (0 = no symptoms, 4 or 5 =
severe, frequent or enduring symptoms), with the highest scores reflecting the greatest severity and
duration of symptoms.
The K-SAS has scored well for test–retest reliability. It has also been compared with other
validated tools such as the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale and found to have good
concurrent validity. However, it relies on self-report, which means there could be response bias,
as individuals may feel ashamed of their behaviour and may under-report symptoms. Nonetheless,
it provides quantitative data, which makes it easy to compare the outcomes of interventions as we
shall see in the next section
The idiographic versus nomothetic approach can be applied to the research we have looked at into
impulse control disorders. Assessment scales such as K-SAS are designed to gather large amounts
of data and collect an understanding of universal symptoms and experiences for people with a
particular disorder.
This takes a nomothetic approach with the aim to make generalisations about symptoms based on
large sets of data. It is important to remember, however, that symptoms and individual experiences
can vary significantly for those diagnosed with impulse control disorders so a consideration of an
idiographic approach may be beneficial too.
We considered the function of the neurotransmitter dopamine in relation to schizophrenia earlier in this
chapter. It has also been linked to impulse control disorders.
Dopamine is sometimes referred to as a ‘happy’ chemical. This is because its release is triggered by
rewarding stimuli, such as engaging in enjoyable behaviours. So, when someone with kleptomania steals
something, their reward centres are stimulated and release dopamine. When these behaviours become
compulsive, however, levels of dopamine in the striatum are reduced. The striatum is an area of the
brain that is responsible for reward and behavioural control, and so deficiency in dopamine can lead to
the continuation of compulsions and addictions. The person with kleptomania will then increasingly
engage in stealing behaviours. This mechanism is otherwise known as ‘reward deficiency syndrome’
(Comings & Blum, 2000) and may also explain other forms of addiction.
Kleptomania is a possible side effect of using synthetic dopamine for treatment of disorders such as
Parkinson’s. There is also some evidence that symptoms of gambling disorder and compulsive shopping
emerge alongside the use of these drugs, which further suggests a relationship between dopamine and
impulse control disorders.
Behavioural: positive reinforcement
An alternative explanation for these disorders also relates to the idea of rewards. Rather than a
biological focus, the behavioural approach considers the action of the person involved in the compulsive
behaviour, whether it is setting fires, shoplifting or gambling. One behavioural theory that can account
for these patterns of behaviour is ‘positive reinforcement’.
Positive reinforcement is one aspect of operant conditioning. Positive reinforcement occurs when
someone’s learned behaviour is a result of previous trials of that behaviour. Take, for example, a person
who is given a scratch card for their birthday and wins, which encourages them to buy more scratch
cards. The enjoyment of winning acts as a positive reinforcer (a reward that increases the likelihood of
their repeating the behaviour).
You might wonder why gamblers don’t stop playing once they start losing. This can be explained by the
‘schedules of reinforcement’ they receive while gambling. Instead of constant positive reinforcement,
most betting games involve a lot of losing! Some fruit machines, for example, may pay out only one in
every 500 plays. In other words, gambling on a fruit machine involves partial positive reinforcement:
you do not receive a reward each time. This reduces the chance that the player will ever feel fully
satisfied with their reward, and means they are much more likely to keep playing in the mistaken belief
that they will make up the money that they have lost. They believe that the pay out could happen if they
play just one more time, and so on.
Cognitive: Miller’s feeling-state theory
A third explanation for impulse control disorders is the feeling-state theory. It relies on underlying
thoughts about particular behaviours to explain obsessions. Miller (2010) uses this cognitive approach to
explain how intense, positive feelings can become linked with specific behaviours such as gambling.
Miller proposes that impulse control disorders are caused because these links (between positive feelings
and specific behaviours) form a ‘state-dependent memory’, which he refers to as a feeling-state (see
Figure 6.14).
The feeling-state is all the sensations, emotions and thoughts a person experiences in relation to a
particular event. It can also include physiological arousal (e.g. increased heart rate, release of
adrenaline). It is this feeling-state composed of the positive emotions and memory of the behaviour that
leads to impulse control problems. If a person’s feeling-state about starting a fire is ‘I am a powerful
human being’, combined with the positive emotions, physiological arousal and memory of setting the
fire, then this could create a compulsion for fire-setting behaviour.
These feeling-states persist over time and different circumstances, so even early positive feeling-states
can affect later behaviour. It is also important to note that normal behaviours that occur in moderation
only become problematic because of fixated, intense feeling-states. Miller argues that an underlying
negative thought or experience is most likely to create the feeling-states that lead to impulse control
disorders. For example, the person with pyromania who has the feeling-state ‘I am powerful’ when
setting a fire may have underlying negative beliefs about themselves, such as that they are weak or
unimportant. This makes the feeling-state achieved during the act of fire-setting highly intense and
desirable. However, further negative beliefs occur when the behaviour goes out of control, typically
because behaviours such as gambling, stealing and setting fires have highly negative consequences for
the individual and those around them. Table 6.3 summarises the three sets of beliefs associated with
these disorders.
Research into brain structure or brain chemistry, such as dopamine levels, for example research by
Comings and Blum (2000), has many strengths. The use of brain scans (such as PET scans or
fMRI scans) is scientific and objective; we can actually see which parts of the brain are active or
not active. It does not rely on subjective interpretation from the researcher or on self-report from
participants, so this increases the validity of the research. Technological advances allow us a much
greater understanding of the human brain and, as a result, of human behaviour, and the scientific
approach allows for high levels of validity and reliability. How would psychologists have
investigated brain changes before brain scans?
The individual versus situational debate is relevant to the biological and cognitive explanations, as
the biochemical account of impulse control explains addiction as relating to individual impairment
of brain function. The cognitive explanation for impulse control disorders reflects a more balanced
view, considering both individual and situational factors. For example, some experiences will be
stimulating, rewarding or upsetting (situational influence), but as individuals we each develop our
own feeling-states in relation to these, which lead to overall patterns of behaviour.
There are a range of different treatments that can be used to treat people with pathological gambling
(PG), with varying degrees of success. Psychological therapies such as covert sensitisation and imaginal
desensitisation (see the next section) work by changing the thoughts of the client, in order to bring about
behavioural change. Drug therapy is a biological treatment that can be used to treat those with PG.
Previous research, such as that carried out by Kim et al. (2001) has shown that opiate antagonists can be
a successful treatment for (PG). There are, however, individual differences in responses, and between 10
and 30% of patients treated with opiate antagonists do not show significant improvement (Kim et al.
2001). Although these findings suggest there are individual differences in the effectiveness of opiate
antagonists as treatment for PG, no previous research had been carried out to examine predictors to
treatment outcome in PG.
Two double-blind placebo clinical trials (lasting 16 weeks and 18 weeks) were carried out on 284
patients with PG who had gambled in the last two weeks. The sample included an approximately equal
number of men and women; all participants were from the USA.
An independent groups design was used, where participants in each trial were randomly assigned to one
of four conditions: placebo, or nalmefene doses of 25 mg/day, 50 mg/day or 100 mg/day in one trial and,
similarly in the other trial: placebo, or naltrexone (another type of opiate antagonist) doses of 50 mg/day,
100 mg/day or 150 mg/day. Across both trials, approximately 25% of the participants were given a
placebo, to act as a control. The trials were double-blind so neither the participants nor the investigators
knew who was taking the placebo and who was taking the active drugs (see Figure 6.15).
Clinician-administered scales and semi-structured interviews were used to gather data. The Yale-Brown
Obsessive Compulsive Scale Modified for Pathological Gambling (PG-YBOCS) was the main
measure used. This is a clinician-administered scale to assess gambling severity by assessing symptoms
over the previous seven days, in terms of both gambling urges/thoughts and gambling behaviour. Other
scales were also administered, assessing the participants on psychological functioning, anxiety and
depressive disorder (unipolar). Semi-structured interviews were used to gather family history,
particularly relating to first-degree relatives with alcoholism.
Figure 6.15: Placebos are used as a control when testing the effectiveness of drug treatments
Grant et al. (2008) used a double-blind trial, so neither the experimenter nor participant knew which
drug or placebo they were receiving. This eliminated the possibility of participant or researcher bias
and increased the validity of the results. The data collected in this study were quantitative; using this
objective measurement made it easy to compare improvement of symptoms through the standardised Y-
BOCS. However, as with all experiments involving placebos, there are ethical issues around deceiving
participants into believing they are receiving real drug treatment. When a participant is deceived in any
way there is an ethical consideration, particularly if the deception may lead to distress, embarrassment
or any form of harm to the participant. When using deception in a placebo trial this means that some of
the participants are not receiving the real drug so there is a risk to their health as they will not benefit
from the treatment. However, before entering a placebo trial, participants will be informed of the
process and it will be made clear that if they consent to take part in the trial, they may receive the actual
drug or they may receive the placebo.
The study by Grant et al. (2008) shows application to everyday life by showing the effectiveness of
opiates in treating individuals with a gambling disorder. It gives us an idea of which individual
circumstances might make this treatment most effective. This could have a hugely beneficial impact on
the treatment of patients; by understanding factors that can predict a positive response to certain
treatments this makes it more likely for a successful treatment to be found more quickly.
Psychological (cognitive-behavioural therapies)
As we have learned, cognitive and behavioural therapies may rely on changing distortions in the
thoughts and feelings of clients, in order to bring about behavioural change. We will discuss two types
of therapy that have been used to treat impulse control disorders: covert sensitisation and imaginal
Covert sensitisation
The covert sensitisation procedure involves conditioning, in which an unpleasant stimulus such as
nausea or an anxiety-producing image is paired with an undesirable behaviour in order to change that
behaviour. It therefore draws on classical conditioning and is less concerned with underlying reasons
regarding the origin of behaviour.
Example study
Glover (1985) describes one case study using covert sensitisation to treat an instance of kleptomania. A
56-year-old woman with a 14-year history of daily shoplifting who was seeking help for her behaviour
took part in this therapy. Her behaviour started after her husband was convicted of embezzlement
(stealing money from his workplace). Finding it difficult to forgive him, the woman had then become
isolated from their close friends, reluctantly taken a low-status job, and become depressed. Compulsive
thoughts of shoplifting entered her head each morning, which were repulsive but nonetheless impossible
to resist. Her shoplifting was without purposeful gain. For example, she once stole baby shoes, despite
not having anyone to give them to.
Glover reports that the woman sought treatment for her disorder. The treatment involved using the
imagery of nausea and vomiting to create an unpleasant association with stealing. The woman
underwent four sessions at two-weekly intervals. For the first two sessions, muscle relaxation was used
to enhance her ability to immerse herself in the visualisation. Increasing nausea visualisation was used
over each session; she imagined vomiting as she lifted the item to steal and attracting attention and
disgust of those around her. She practised these visualisations outside the formal sessions as
‘homework’. During the last session, she imagined the sickness going away as she replaced the item and
walked away without shoplifting. The participant learned to associate the unpleasant sensations of
vomiting with the undesirable stealing behaviour. At a 19-month check-up she had decreased desire and
avoidance of the stealing, with just a single relapse. Additionally, she reported improvements in her self-
esteem and social life.
Imaginal desensitisation
Imaginal desensitisation therapy relies on the use of images to help individuals who have specific types
of impulse control disorders, such as gambling disorder and kleptomania.
Example study
Blaszczynski and Nower (2003) describe imaginal desensitisation therapy and explore some evidence
of its effectiveness.
First, the therapist teaches a progressive muscle relaxation procedure, as seen in Figure 6.16. Clients
must then visualise themselves being exposed to a situation that triggers the drive to carry out their
impulsive behaviour. So, for example, a gambler might be instructed to imagine they are coming back
from a long, stressful day at work. They are then asked to think about acting on the impulse to gamble,
then to mentally leave the situation. This should all be done in a state of continued relaxation, without
having acted on the impulse to gamble. The sessions are often audio-recorded to assist with practising
the technique outside therapy sessions.
Imaginal desensitisation has been found to be effective in several studies. It has been shown to reduce
the strength of a compulsive drive by reducing levels of psychological and physiological arousal
associated with these disorders. In those with gambling disorders, for example, imaginal desensitisation
was found to significantly decrease arousal and anxiety levels associated with gambling impulses, even
at a five-year follow-up. Clients who have undertaken the therapy generally also report that they feel
better able to control their impulses.
Figure 6.16: Progressive muscle relaxation is used in therapies to relieve tension from within the body
and mind
The study by Glover (1985) shows how covert sensitisation can be used effectively to reduce
symptoms of kleptomania over several months. However, this research is a case study, meaning it
cannot be generalised to a larger number of people. Also, as the study is about an individual with
kleptomania, we cannot be sure the improvements would be as good for other impulse control
Furthermore, the follow-up interview with the participant occurred within a year post-treatment; a
longer-term review could check for relapses in behaviour. Also, it is the therapist who is assessing
the participants, meaning they may be biased in reporting improvements as a result. However, the
main strength of this study is that it allows for the collection of in-depth qualitative data that help
us understand the experience of the person undergoing treatment.
The treatments we have explored in this section can be applied to everyday life. In addition to the
key study by Grant et al. investigating the effectiveness of opiates, the cognitive-behavioural
treatments we have explored can be used in conjunction with drug therapy or to improve the
symptoms of those with treatment-resistant impulse control disorders. How could the nature versus
nurture debate be applied to treatments of impulse control disorders?
We have looked at biological and psychological explanations for impulse control disorders. How
might we look at an interactionist approach, where a disorder is explained by the interaction
between the biological and psychological explanations? Consider what you have learned about the
explanations for impulse control disorders and summarise how the two approaches could interact
to explain the development of an impulse control disorder.
7 Consider how gambling behaviour might create conflict in the gamblers’ lives. Give examples of
how social, family and occupational areas of functioning might be impacted.
8 The K-SAS is an example of a self-report measure. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of
using this tool to diagnose kleptomania.
9 Dopamine has been shown to be an important neurotransmitter implicated in these disorders.
Consider the principle of cause and effect: could we say for certain that reduced dopamine causes
symptoms of impulse control disorders? Why or why not?
Figure 6.17: Generalised anxiety disorder is characterised by marked symptoms of anxiety over a
period of several months or more
Agoraphobia is characterised by excessive fear or anxiety in response to situations where escape might
be difficult or help might not be available, such as using public transport, being in crowds or being
outside the home alone (see Figure 6.18). The person will be afraid of having specific negative
outcomes, such as panic attacks or other embarrassing symptoms in a public place. When possible, these
situations are actively avoided and only entered under specific circumstances or endured with extreme
distress. The symptoms persist for several months and are severe enough to result in significant distress
or significant impairment to one or more important areas of functioning.
Figure 6.18: Agoraphobia involves excessive fear or anxiety such as when in a crowded place
Specific phobia (BII) is characterised by excessive fear or anxiety that occurs consistently when
exposed to, or in anticipation of, a specific stimulus: in this case, the exposure to or anticipation of the
sight of blood, injection or injury. The fear or anxiety will be disproportionate to the actual danger and
the phobic stimulus will be avoided where possible or endured with intense fear or anxiety. The
symptoms persist for several months and are severe enough to result in significant distress or significant
impairment to one or more important areas of functioning.
The Generalised Anxiety Disorder 7 (GAD-7)
Questionnaire is a screening test often used to enable further referral to a psychiatrist or counsellor. It
has seven items that measure the severity of anxiety. These include ‘Feeling nervous, anxious or on
edge’, ‘Being so restless that it is hard to sit still’ and ‘Feeling afraid as if something awful might
happen’. Similar to the Blood Injection Phobia Inventory (BIPI), individuals are asked to provide a
score between 0 and 3 for each item; however, in this test the scores refer to the frequency of occurrence
of symptoms (0 = not at all, 1 = several days, 2 = more than half the days and 3 = nearly every day).
This tool is typically used by general practitioners and in primary care settings rather than by specialists.
As such, it can be described as a screening tool, useful for recommending further referral rather than
providing the level of detail needed for a formal diagnosis.
The Blood Injection Phobia Inventory (BIPI)
The Blood Injection Phobia Inventory (BIPI) is a way of measuring this specific phobia. The self-
report measure lists 18 possible situations involving blood and injections (see Table 6.4 for an example).
For each situation the individual is asked to evaluate different reactions they might experience for that
situation. These include cognitive, physiological and behavioural responses. They are then asked to rate
on a scale of 0–3 the frequency of each symptom (0 = never, 1 = sometimes, 2 = almost always, 3 =
Example study
Mas et al. (2010) carried out research to see whether the BIPI could discriminate between those
diagnosed with BII phobia and those who were not. They also wanted to investigate whether blood
phobia was a one-dimensional construct, or whether it was influenced by a range of stimuli (such as
other medical procedures) and responses (cognitive, biological and behavioural). Finally, the research
aimed to find out whether the BIPI could identify a change in people with the phobia, as a result of
therapy. They studied 39 participants diagnosed with BII phobia and a control group matched on age
and gender. As well as the BIPI, participants completed the Fear Questionnaire (FQ; Marks &
Matthews, 1979) designed to measure agoraphobic fear, social anxiety and blood-injection-injury
Results showed that the BIPI had excellent reliability and internal consistency as well as good
concurrent validity with the subscale of blood phobia of the FQ. The BIPI also clearly discriminated
between those diagnosed with blood-injury-injection phobia and those who were not. Finally, the BIPI
was found to be a sensitive tool in identifying therapeutic improvement. Participants completed the BIPI
before and after undergoing treatment for their phobia and the BIPI scores indicated a notable reduction
in the severity of the phobia following treatment.
In this section, we have considered two assessment tools for measuring symptoms of anxiety and
related disorders: the BIPI and the GAD-7. Both the GAD-7 and the BIPI have been shown to have
good concurrent validity with other measures, and thus are valid and reliable instruments for
assessing anxiety and blood phobia respectively (Mas et al., 2010, Spitzer et al., 2006). However,
both measures rely on the accuracy of the individual’s self-reporting of symptoms. If a person is
having a particularly ‘bad’ day (perhaps they have accidentally cut their finger that morning), then
their BIPI score might be distorted by this.
Both measurement tools described here can be considered to be psychometric assessments. This
means they analyse one dimension of a person’s thinking, behaviour and emotions, e.g. towards
blood in the case of the BIPI. This type of assessment can be controversial; it relies on a single
quantitative measurement of what is actually a complex and all-consuming lived experience for
individual sufferers. Some psychologists might feel that these assessments alone do not tell us
enough about what it is like to have a specific phobia, and how symptoms may change over time
and with treatment.
The genetic explanation suggests that we are born prepared to fear certain objects. In other words, there
are particular stimuli in the environment that may pose a threat to survival that we are more genetically
set up to avoid. This is transmitted in our DNA through the generations to help our survival.
Example study
Öst (1992) carried out a study included 81 individuals with blood phobia and 59 individuals with
injection phobia. These were also compared with a sample of other participants who had been diagnosed
with different specific phobias, such as animal, dental and claustrophobia (fear of small spaces).
Participants underwent a screening interview with a clinician and completed a self-report questionnaire
on the history and nature of their phobia. This included discussing the impact the phobia had on their
normal lives, as well as giving ratings to particular situations that might trigger a fearful response.
Participants also underwent a behavioural test. Those with blood phobia were shown a 30-minute silent
colour video of surgery being performed. They were told not to close their eyes but to try to watch for as
long as they felt they could. The experimenter tracked gaze direction and if participants looked away or
stopped the video using a remote control, the test would be terminated. The injection phobic test was
‘live’ and involved 20 steps, from the individual’s fingertip being cleaned, to having a fingertip prick
performed on them. Each step was described to the subjects, who had to say whether or not it was OK to
perform. If they said ‘no’ the test ended.
The measures included a score relating to the percentage of maximal performance (e.g. how long they
watched the video), the experimenter’s rating of the patient’s fainting behaviour (0 = no fainting and 4 =
fainting), and a self-rating of anxiety (0 = not at all anxious and 10 = extremely anxious). Participants
also completed a questionnaire on their thoughts during the test and had their blood pressure and heart
rate monitored. This is because the fainting associated with these phobias has been found to be related to
changes in blood pressure and heart rate.
The family histories of participants revealed that around 50% of those with blood phobia had one or
more parents who also had blood phobia. Similarly, for those with injection phobia, 27% had at least one
parent who has also had injection phobia. Around 21% of those with blood phobia also reported having
at least one sibling who shared the disorder. Another key finding of this study is that a high proportion
of the participants with blood phobia and injection phobia had a history of fainting when exposed to
their respective phobic stimuli (70% of those with blood phobia and 56% of those with injection
phobia). These results are much higher than those participants with other specific phobias or anxiety.
Öst concluded that there seemed to be a strong genetic link for these phobias, which are more likely than
other phobias to produce a strong physiological response (fainting).
Behavioural including classical and operant conditioning
One behavioural explanation for phobias is based on classical conditioning. An individual may develop
a phobia of a harmless stimulus if it is paired with a frightening experience. For example, a person might
develop agoraphobia following an assault or mugging (being a victim of robbery) in public.
In what is now thought to be a controversial study, Watson and Rayner (1920) used the principles of
classical conditioning to create a phobia in a young boy. A normal, healthy 9-month-old infant known as
‘Little Albert’ was the participant in their case study (see Figure 6.19).
Figure 6.19: Little Albert was the subject of Watson and Rayner’s case study into classical conditioning
and phobias
Prior to the conditioning, he was shown a range of different stimuli. These included a white rat, a rabbit,
a dog, a monkey, masks with and without hair, cotton wool, burning newspapers, etc. He reacted
normally and neutrally throughout with no outward signs of fear. The white rat was chosen as the neutral
stimulus (NS). They also placed a metal bar above and behind Albert’s head and struck it loudly with a
hammer. This was the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) as it produced an unconditioned response of fear
(UCR) in the boy.
The next phase was the conditioning (see Table 6.5). When Albert was shown the rat, he began to reach
for it, but just as his hand touched the animal the researchers made a loud noise by striking a hammer
against a metal bar just behind his head. Understandably this made the infant very distressed. Watson
and Rayner repeatedly paired the loud noise with presentation of the white rat over several trials one
week after the initial trial. Eventually Albert only had to see the rat and he began to show a fearful
response (crying, trying to move away from it). The white rat had become a conditioned stimulus (CS),
producing a conditioned response (CR) of fear. The researchers wanted to see if Albert’s fear of the rat
was generalised to other similar-looking animals or items. When presented with a rabbit he also had a
similarly distressed reaction. These results suggested that fear could indeed be learned through classical
We have seen how classical conditioning can explain how a phobia can begin. To understand how
phobias can be maintained, however, we need to look at another form of conditioning: operant
conditioning. Operant conditioning is based on the principle of learning through consequences. So, if
you are punished for a behaviour, you will be less likely to repeat the behaviour. However, if you carry
out a behaviour and you get a reward, you will be likely to repeat the behaviour again (reinforcement).
Negative reinforcement is an important feature of operant conditioning and it is this which can best
explain how phobias persist. Negative reinforcement is the increased likelihood of a behaviour being
repeated, due to the removal of something negative or unpleasant. In terms of a phobia, the avoidance of
the phobic stimulus reduces the fear, so it is therefore rewarding, and the avoidant behaviour will be
repeated. This leads to a continuation of the phobia because, by avoiding the stimulus you are not
allowing yourself the opportunity to see that there is little to fear. For example, an individual develops a
phobia of ducks after being chased by a duck (thus forming an association through classical
conditioning). As a result, the person avoids parks, farms, etc. where ducks are most likely to be
encountered, so that they can avoid the fear they would feel in the presence of ducks (negative
reinforcement). However, most ducks are not aggressive or scary so meeting other ducks may act as a
way of counterconditioning and overcoming the phobia. So, although rewarding in the short-term, the
avoidance behaviour actually allows the phobia to persist.
Freud suggested that anxiety and fear can result from the impulses of the id, usually when it is being
denied or repressed. Phobias are one way this internal conflict can manifest in human behaviour.
According to Freud’s theory of psychosexual stages, such sources of conflict are common at different
times in our development. The phobic object comes to symbolise the conflict typical of the stage.
Example study
Freud (1909) offered an account of a boy who was suffering from a phobia of horses and a range of
other symptoms to illustrate the Oedipus complex. Little Hans was a five-year-old Austrian boy whose
father had referred the case to Freud and provided most of the case detail; Hans met Freud no more than
twice during the period of the study (see Figure 6.20).
When he was three, Little Hans had developed an intense interest in his penis. He frequently played with
himself, which angered his mother who threatened to cut it off. This upset the boy and he developed a
fear of castration. Around this time, Hans’ younger sister was born, and his mother was separated from
him in hospital. He also witnessed an upsetting incident where a horse fell and died in the street.
Quite soon after this time, Little Hans’ horse phobia emerged. He was particularly worried that he would
be bitten by a white horse.
Figure 6.20: Little Hans’ phobia of horses was the subject of a case study by Freud
Hans’ father felt this concern was related to horses’ large penises. Conflict began to emerge between
Hans and his father, who had begun denying him the chance to get into his parents’ bed in the mornings
to sit with his mother. Hans’ phobia lessened as he reached the age of five. His father reported Hans had
experienced two notable fantasies at this time. One was that he had several children of his own with his
mother and imagined that his father was in fact his grandfather. He also fantasised that a plumber had
come and removed his penis and replaced it with a new, larger one.
Freud felt that the object of fear, the horse, represented Hans’ father. Hans was particularly afraid of
white horses with black nosebands, which symbolised his moustached father. The anxiety Little Hans
experienced was related to his castration fear from his mother’s threat and the banishment of Hans from
his parents’ bed. Freud argued that the Oedipus complex was further supported by the two fantasies,
which represented the dynamic of the three-way relationship between Little Hans and his parents.
Ethical considerations should be taken into account particularly when looking at Watson and
Rayner’s study into Little Albert. The fact that Watson and Rayner’s research was carried out on a
child means that ethical issues are particularly important. It could be argued that Watson and
Rayner did not protect Little Albert from harm. Little Albert was deliberately and repeatedly
exposed to fearful experiences to create phobias, which would have lasting damage. However, it is
important to remember that Little Albert’s parents consented for him to take part in the research,
with a full understanding of what was going to take place.
Both the studies by Watson and Rayner (1920) and Freud (1909) were case studies. This means we
cannot reasonably generalise about the acquisition of phobias from Little Albert’s or Little Hans’
experiences alone. However, Watson and Rayner conducted a number of trials using different
stimuli to check whether Albert was a particularly fearful boy and controlled for any changes that
occurred during the study. As Albert appeared healthy and confident, it may well be that phobias
could be acquired by other children in the same way. Freud’s study lacked objectivity as he was a
friend of Hans’ father, who also provided him with the case study detail. This research lacks
validity as it may be subject to bias in an attempt to fit Freud’s existing theories about the
subconscious and psychosexual stages.
In comparison, the research by Öst could be considered more objective, because it used
standardised behavioural tests and interviews with larger groups of participants. His findings could
be generalised more easily and had better levels of control. However, the study was cross-sectional
and did not consider the different participant’s experiences in depth.
Freud’s case study of Little Hans takes into account Hans’ fears, dreams, conversations and
fantasies over a number of years to trace the origin and resolution of his horse phobia. Use of
longitudinal research in this way can build an in-depth picture of a participant’s experience, which
can help us to get a better understanding of causal factors in specific phenomenon, such as the
development of phobias.
All the explanations we have seen in this section can be seen to be deterministic. The genetic
explanation suggests that if you have a close family member with blood phobia you are at
significant risk of developing it yourself. If a condition is thought to be genetic it suggests that free
will is not involved and that an inheritance of a certain gene, or combination of genes, will make
you more likely to develop the disorder.
Similarly, the behaviourist and psychodynamic explanations are also deterministic. The
behaviourist approach suggests that if you are subject to conditioning where an association is made
between a feared stimulus and a neutral stimulus, a phobia will develop. The psychodynamic
approach proposes that anxiety and fear-related disorders develop due to unresolved conflicts
during childhood. Again, this is deterministic as the suggestion is that if you experience this
unresolved conflict, anxiety or fear will develop and there is little that can be done to overcome or
avoid it.
It is important to consider that no gene has been found to be anywhere near 100% predictive of
anxiety or fear-related disorder, that not everyone who experiences a fearful situation then develops
a phobia and that evidence for unresolved conflicts during childhood is unscientific and
retrospective so cannot be used to make predictions or determine the onset of anxiety or fear-
related disorder.
As the two emotions of fear and calm are incompatible, the fearful response to the stimuli is gradually
unlearned and will no longer produce anxiety in the patient. There is good research evidence to support
the effectiveness of systematic desensitisation in treating phobias such as agoraphobia (Agras, 1967) and
fear of snakes (Kimura et al., 1972). However, since the 1970s and 1980s, this form of therapy has
declined in popularity and other treatments which involve more direct forms of exposure are now more
commonly used.
Figure 6.21: The aim of someone being treated for agoraphobia might be to visit a crowded place or a
busy supermarket
The aim of this case study was to investigate whether BII phobia could be successfully treated using
CBT and applied muscle tension.
A case study was used to gather in-depth detail about one individual, known as ‘T’. He was a 42-year-
old white male, diagnosed with BII phobia. The researchers used interviews to gather a detailed life
history from T, involving information about several challenging times in his life. These included
witnessing the deaths of several family members, living with a highly anxious grandmother who used a
scanner to listen to emergency dispatch calls throughout the day, and witnessing other family members
faint during medical procedures. Questionnaires were also administered, including measures of anxiety
and depression (the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)) and a
measure of general satisfaction across several areas of life (the Quality-of-Life Satisfaction
Questionnaire (Q-LES-Q)). The Blood-Injection Symptom Scale (BISS) was given to test if T met the
criteria for a diagnosis of BII phobia, which he did. T was also diagnosed with major depressive
disorder (recurrent, in full remission) based on an episode in college.
T then underwent nine sessions of CBT and applied muscle tension. During CBT, T was educated about
how common phobias are and he created a fear hierarchy, which he worked through. T was introduced
to the Subjective Unit of Discomfort Scale (SUDS), which was used to give ratings of his anxiety (from
0–100) at different stages of the hierarchy exposure.
This demonstrates the successful treatment of blood-injection-injury phobia using CBT and applied
muscle tension. Before treatment, the subject passed out during phlebotomy procedures and experienced
extreme anxiety and panic when exposed to other medical procedures and related experiences.
Following treatment, and for at least 12 months afterwards, he was able to engage in medical procedures
with minimal symptoms.
A case study was used that allows the participant to be studied in great detail and can give us a detailed
understanding of the specific circumstances surrounding them. However, a key weakness of a case study
comes from the difficulties in generalising the results. A case study tells us only about the particular
person who has been studied and so the results cannot be generalised to the wider population, which
limits the usefulness of the study. Furthermore, a case study cannot be replicated as there won’t be
another person with the exact same set of circumstances to allow a replication of the study, so results
cannot be checked for reliability. Why do you think a case study was chosen by Chapman and DeLapp?
Many different techniques were used to gather information, including the BAI, BDI, Q-LES-Q and
BISS; all of which provide quantitative data to allow for statistical analysis to be carried out, and for
data pre- and post-treatment to be compared. In addition, there were detailed interviews carried out to
gather qualitative data in the nature of a full history of T’s life. A weakness, however, of all of these
measures is that they rely on self-report so this may lead to inaccurate information. This may be due to
social desirability, subjective interpretation, or misremembering of retrospective data; this decreases the
validity of the findings.
The findings of the study by Chapman and DeLapp can be applied to everyday life. Treatment of any
phobia is important and will of course improve the quality of life of the patient. But finding a successful
treatment for blood phobia is particularly significant due to the importance of attending medical
procedures when necessary. Someone with, for example, a phobia of the sea, could, relatively easily,
avoid the sea and still live a fulfilling and otherwise healthy life. However, a blood or related phobia
could have serious repercussions on the patient’s health if they avoid medical interventions.
Most research into the effectiveness of treatments for anxiety and fear-related disorders relies on
self-report from the patient, pre- and posttreatment. This is beneficial as it allows us to get an
understanding of the patient’s feelings and symptoms in what is a very subjective experience.
However, the disadvantages of self-report may reduce the validity of the findings due to social
desirability, where the patient feels that they should report an improvement of symptoms even if it
is not fully the case. Finally, there is the problem of the use of self-report questionnaires or other
assessment measures, where patients may misinterpret questions, or the use of forced choice
options may lead a patient to give an answer that is not a true or accurate reflection of how they
really feel.
The treatments we have explored in this section can be applied to everyday life. As well as the key
study by Chapman and DeLapp, the research into systematic desensitisation can be applied to
everyday life as it can be used as a non-drug treatment to help treat or reduce the severity of
phobias and therefore help patients to regain a higher quality of life. The methods they learn during
the treatment can be used again if needed, so this can offer a long-term solution to their problem.
10 Freud suggested Hans’ phobia of horses was caused by his Oedipus complex. Can you suggest an
alternative explanation?
11 Systematic desensitisation is based on the theory of classical conditioning. Can you explain, using
the correct psychological terms, the process by which a phobic response is unlearned?
12 Consider the case study carried out by Chapman and DeLapp. In what ways are their findings
useful? And how might the usefulness of their findings be limited?
Example study
Rapoport’s (1989) case study ‘Charles’. Charles was a 14-year-old boy with OCD who spent three
hours or more each day showering, plus at least another two hours getting dressed. He had elaborate and
repetitive routines for holding soap in one hand, putting it under water, switching hands and so on. His
mother contacted Rapoport (1989) after this behaviour had been going on for around two years. Before
this, Charles had been a good student with a particular interest in the sciences. He had had to leave
school because his washing rituals were making it impossible for him to attend on time. He had also
been in and out of hospital for his condition, and had already received standard treatments of
medication, behavioural therapy and psychotherapy.
Obsessions Compulsions
Fear of deliberately harming oneself Frequent and excessive handwashing
Fear of illness or infection Putting things in order (e.g. all labels on food in
Fear about harming or killing other people cupboard facing same way)
Fear of accidentally injuring oneself or others Checking things repeatedly (e.g. checking oven 20
times to ensure it is ‘off’ before leaving home)
Strong desire for order and symmetry
Repeating words to oneself or repetitive counting
Charles was, however, still utterly obsessed with the thought that he had something sticky on his skin
that had to be washed off. In an attempt to help her son overcome this worrying thought, his mother had
helped him clean his room and kept things he touched clean with rubbing alcohol. He had only one
friend because his rituals left him little time to leave the house. He underwent a drug trial for
clomipramine (a type of anti-depressant), which gave effective relief of his symptoms; he was able to
pour honey, for instance. Yet after a year, he had developed a tolerance for his medication (the
effectiveness of the medication started to reduce as his body got used to it over time). Charles relapsed
and returned to ritualistic washing and dressing.
There are several tests used to assess obsessive-compulsive disorders. We will consider two in this
Maudsley Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory (MOCI)
The MOCI is a short assessment tool that contains 30 items that are scored either ‘true’ or ‘false’. It
assesses symptoms relating to checking, washing, slowness and doubting. It takes around 5 minutes to
complete and produces scores that range between 0 and 30. Example items (Hodgson & Rachman, 1977,
page 391) include:
• I frequently have to check things (gas or water taps, doors, etc.) several times. (Checking)
• I am not unduly concerned about germs and diseases. (Washing)
• I do not take a long time to dress in the morning. (Slowness)
• Even when I do something very carefully, I often feel that it is not quite right. (Doubting)
The MOCI was designed as a quick assessment tool for clinicians and researchers, rather than a formal
diagnostic tool.
Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS)
The Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) developed by Goodman et al. (1989) is a
widely used test designed to measure the nature and severity of an individual’s symptoms. The Y-BOCS
involves a semi-structured interview that takes around 30 minutes to conduct. It also involves a checklist
of different obsessions and compulsions (see Table 6.8), with a ten-item severity scale. The severity
scale allows individuals to rate the time they spend on obsessions; how hard the obsessions are to resist
and how much distress the obsessions cause. The checklist can be used to help plan treatment or to
assess how treatment is progressing. Scores range from 0 (no symptoms) to 40 (severe symptoms).
Individuals with scores above 16 are considered in the clinical range for OCD.
The reliability and validity of assessment tools such as the MOCI and Y-BOCS have been
evaluated in a number of studies. They have good levels of concurrent validity; meaning that
individuals will score similarly on different tests for obsessive-compulsive disorder (Esfahani et
al., 2012). They also both offer good test–retest reliability, meaning that individuals who repeat the
measures at different times are likely to get the same results. This is important for researchers
wanting to use the tools in trialling psychological interventions as the measures need to be
consistent to allow for changes to be seen.
Both tests use a self-report measure, however, which means that they rely on the individual to give
accurate and honest answers to each item. This can be quite a subjective process for several
reasons. For example, those who are resistant to treatment or fear being thought of badly might
downplay the severity of their symptoms. It can therefore be difficult for researchers or clinicians
to obtain a true picture of the nature of someone’s condition.
The case study (Rapoport, 1989) is useful in helping us understand the experience of OCD in
everyday life. The experience of Charles and his mother demonstrates the impact of compulsive
behaviours on normal functioning, such as the extremely lengthy washing rituals that prevented the
young man from attending mainstream schooling. It can also highlight the unique obsessive
thoughts (e.g. Charles’ ‘stickiness’) that are symptomatic of these disorders.
The use of diagnostic criteria, such as ICD-11, as well as assessment measures such as MOCI and
Y-BOCS take a nomothetic approach. The diagnostic criteria were designed based on data
collected from vast samples of participants and are created to be used on the entire population. This
takes a nomothetic approach as the aim is to create tools that apply to universally to everybody.
This is useful because it allows for the same criteria and measures to be used by different clinicians
and therefore gives reliability to the diagnoses.
We have seen previously in this chapter that dopamine is an important neurotransmitter for a range of
psychological disorders, and this is also the case for OCD. Research shows that those with OCD tend to
have abnormally high levels of dopamine. Research by Szechtman et al. (1998), shows that if you
increase dopamine levels in rats, they will show repetitive movements that reflect the compulsive
behaviours of individuals with OCD.
Another neurotransmitter we have seen in the biological explanations throughout this section is
serotonin. Research tends to show that individuals with OCD have lower than normal levels of serotonin
in their brains. This research is supported by evidence that shows that anti-depressants that work
specifically on increasing levels of serotonin (e.g. SSRIs: see section on Treatment and management in
Section 6.3 for more detail) are more effective treatments for OCD, than anti-depressants that have less
effect on serotonin (Pittenger & Bloch, 2014).
A third biochemical explanation of OCD relates to the influence of oxytocin. Oxytocin is commonly
referred to as the ‘love hormone’, because it is involved in enhancing trust and attachment. However,
oxytocin has also been shown to increase distrust and fear of certain stimuli, particularly those that
might pose a threat to survival. There is mixed evidence for the role of oxytocin in the development of
OCD. By analysing cerebral spinal fluid and patient accounts of behaviour, Leckman et al. (1994) found
that some forms of OCD were related to oxytocin dysfunction. However, there is also contrasting
evidence; for example, den Boer and Westenberg (1992) found no evidence of a link between oxytocin
and OCD. They used a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 12 patients with OCD. Half were given
syntocinon (synthetic oxytocin) through a daily nasal spray and half were given a placebo. No reduction
in obsessions or compulsions was reported in either group, suggesting that there does not appear to be a
link between oxytocin and OCD.
Go back through the biochemical explanations for all five of the disorders we have looked at in this
chapter, and summarise which neurotransmitters are important and how they relate to each
disorder. Dopamine and serotonin are two neurotransmitters that we have seen several times
throughout the chapter, for example.
Recent research suggests that OCD may have a genetic basis. Monzani et al. (2014) carried out a large-
scale twin study and found a significantly higher concordance rate for MZ twins (52%) compared to DZ
twins (21%). Remembering that MZ twins share 100% of their genes and DZ twins share around 50% of
their genes, these findings suggest a genetic influence for OCD, with an overall heritability estimated to
be 48%.
Much research has been carried out to investigate which specific genes are implicated in OCD, but no
conclusive evidence has been found. Knowing that low levels of serotonin seem to be related to OCD, it
makes sense to consider the role of genes responsible for serotonin levels, one of which is the SERT
gene. Ozaki et al. (2003) found a mutation of the SERT gene, leading to lower levels of serotonin, in six
members of two unrelated families who had OCD.
Mattheisen et al. (2015) conducted a large-scale study involving 1406 patients with OCD and other
members of the general population to analyse and identify genes that may be linked to OCD symptoms.
The gene PTPRD was implicated, along with a gene called SLITRK3, both of which interact to regulate
particular synapses in the brain.
We certainly don’t have any definitive answers surrounding which genes are implicated in OCD, and the
range of different research findings shows how complex the genetic influence is. However, what the
evidence does show is that OCD runs in families and is more concordant in identical than non-identical
twins so there does seem to be some genetic influence.
Cognitive (thinking error)
As you have discovered, OCD is composed of two aspects: cognitive obsessions and behavioural
compulsions. The cognitive explanation considers that obsessive thinking is based on faulty reasoning
(Rachman, 1977). For example, the belief that hands are covered in harmful germs that could kill is due
to errors in thinking. These mistakes in cognition can also worsen under stressful conditions.
Compulsive behaviours are the outcome of such erroneous thinking, attempts to alleviate the unwanted
thoughts and the anxiety they create.
Behavioural (operant conditioning)
Compulsive behaviour can be explained through the principles of operant conditioning. Engaging in
behaviour such as handwashing may alleviate the obsession over germs, albeit temporarily. The
handwashing has become a negative reinforcer because it has relieved something unpleasant (the
worrying obsessive thoughts). It is also a positive reinforcer, because the person is ‘rewarded’ by
knowing that they have clean hands (see Figure 6.22). The influence of negative and positive
reinforcement can shape obsessive-compulsive behaviours, meaning they are learned behaviours.
The psychodynamic approach explains OCD through looking at unconscious beliefs and desires.
Psychodynamic theorists claim that symptoms of OCD appear as a result of an internal conflict between
the id and the ego. Freud suggested that such conflict arises in the anal stage of psychosexual
development, around the time most children begin toilet training.
This process may involve tension between children and their parents, who may wish to control how and
when the child defecates or urinates, against the child’s wishes. In an attempt to regain control the child
may soil themselves (referred to as anally expulsive), which causes upset and arguments. Alternatively,
the child may fear harsh responses from their parents and retain faeces or urine (referred to as anally
retentive) to regain control.
According to the psychodynamic approach, both these behaviours can lead to later behavioural
disturbances, as the individual has become ‘fixated’ in this stage. Essentially, the argument is that
obsessive thoughts that come from the id disturb the rational part of the self (the ego) to the extent that it
may lead to compulsive cleaning and tidying rituals later in life, in order to deal with the earlier
childhood trauma.
The biological explanations each have strengths and weaknesses. The scientific analysis used in
identifying genes relating to OCD is objective and usually conducted under well-controlled
laboratory conditions. This also makes it highly replicable. However, it does not offer a complete
picture in that it cannot explain why some individuals may carry genes that are implicated in OCD,
yet never develop symptoms.
Biochemical explanations such as the oxytocin hypothesis are also supported by laboratorybased
studies. However, it is difficult to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between the hormone
and OCD symptoms.
Cognitive-behavioural accounts fit well with the experience of OCD symptoms reported by
individuals with the disorder. However, much research in this area relies on self-report, including
measures such as the Y-BOCS or MOCI. This introduces bias as individuals may deliberately or
inadvertently mislead researchers. Why might this particularly be the case for people with
disorders such as OCD?
The psychodynamic explanation, by contrast, is not supported by empirical research. This is
because you cannot accurately measure or control the variables involved. It means it would be
difficult to demonstrate a cause-and-effect relationship between harsh parenting during toilet
training and a child’s later compulsive washing, for example.
Biological and cognitive-behavioural explanations focus on the individual and their hormonal
abnormalities or faulty thought processes (Rachman, 1977). This ignores the role of situational
factors and can also be considered reductionist. The psychodynamic explanation, however, places
more emphasis on early social relationships and considers the effect these can have on an
individual’s development.
Likewise, the genetic and biochemical accounts both rely on physiological factors (genes,
hormones and neurotransmitters) which are biological explanations. By contrast, the
cognitivebehavioural and psychodynamic explanations suggest compulsions result from learned
behaviour or from experiences in childhood, offering a psychological, rather than biological
explanation. These explanations can all be considered to be deterministic; we have no free will to
influence our genetic make-up, brain chemistry, early experiences or the automatic learning
processes that may lead to developing OCD.
Exposure and response prevention (ERP)
Exposure and response prevention (ERP) is a form of CBT. Individuals are exposed to stimuli that
provoke their obsessions and the associated distress, while at the same time they are helped to prevent
their compulsive behaviours. For example, an individual may be exposed to a door handle, which would
elicit obsessions surrounding dirt and germs, along with a strong desire to carry out a compulsion such
as handwashing. The individual is helped to not wash their hands but instead to tolerate the anxiety and
learn to accept their obsession and become habituated to it (to get used to it). The key thing is to
prevent the compulsive behaviour as a response to the obsessive thought. This helps the individual to
learn that the uncomfortable feelings will eventually go away even without preforming a compulsive
Example study
Lehmkuhl et al. (2008) researched the application of this form of treatment in a case study with a 12-
year-old boy referred to as Jason who had both OCD and autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Approximately 2% of children with ASD are also diagnosed with OCD. It can be difficult to distinguish
ASD rituals and behaviour from compulsive behaviour seen in OCD; however, cleaning, checking and
counting tend to be common in those with OCD. Jason had been diagnosed with high-functioning
autism (normal IQ score), and experienced contamination fear, excessive handwashing, counting and
checking. He would spend several hours each day engaged in compulsive behaviour and reported
significant anxiety when prevented from completing his rituals. Jason attended ten 50-minute CBT
sessions over 16 weeks. Some of the ERP techniques were modified to meet Jason’s specific ASD
needs; he was not asked to do visualisation exercises as he would find it impossible to imagine pretend
situations. Jason first identified feelings of distress and with the help of the therapist, learned coping
statements for when he felt anxious (e.g. ‘I know that nothing bad will happen…’).
The next step involved exposing Jason to stimuli which he felt were contaminated and produced feelings
of anxiety or disgust. These include common objects such as door handles and elevator buttons. The
exposure involved Jason being asked to touch these items, and repeatedly to do so until he became
habituated, and his anxiety levels dropped. Exposures became increasingly difficult, so that Jason was
engaging in behaviours that held increasing anxiety for him. In between sessions, he practised this
exposure through specific tasks in his normal environment, handing out papers in a classroom or using
‘contaminated’ items at home.
After completing his therapy, Jason’s score on the Y-BOCS had dropped from a severely high pre-
therapy score of 18 to just 3, well within the normal range. At a three-month follow-up his score
remained low, and both he and his parents reported a significant improvement in both his OCD
symptoms and his participation in school and social activities.
Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT)
We have learned about CBT as an effective treatment throughout this chapter and the basic principles
are no different when using CBT to treat OCD. CBT works by understanding and then challenging the
irrational thoughts held by the individual to bring out positive change in their emotional and behavioural
Vast amounts of research, including from the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the
UK, have shown that CBT can be a very effective treatment for those suffering with OCD. CBT
traditionally requires a face-to-face session (45–60 minutes) once a week for several weeks. Carried out
in this traditional way makes CBT an expensive treatment and also makes it very time-consuming,
which results in long waiting lists.
Not only does this mean that patients will need to wait a long time to receive treatment, it also means
that during this waiting time there is the potential for their OCD to become more severe, which in turn
may mean that it will be more difficult to treat and therefore take longer, which will add to the waiting
time for others. There have been many attempts to try to ease waiting times and make CBT more
accessible. Two of these approaches are computerised CBT and facilitated self-help, both of which have
been shown to be helpful to some extent.
Main theories and explanations
Offering CBT over the phone can be beneficial in several ways. By offering shorter telephone sessions
this would reduce the waiting lists experienced by the provision of the traditional face to face sessions.
This would benefit not only the patients by reducing the length of time they need to wait for treatment,
but will also relieve the pressure on resources for whoever provides the CBT. As well as the reduced
waiting time, telephone CBT can offer a more accessible way for patients to be treated. Some patients
may not have their own transport, or be able to afford to pay for public transport to attend a face to face
appointment each week. In addition, it may be more difficult to fit in a face to face appointment around
work, family or other commitments, whereas a telephone call would be easier to manage and would take
less time. In addition to these general difficulties faced to attend face to face appointments it is
important to consider that people suffering from OCD are likely to find it difficult and anxiety-
provoking to travel and go to a new environment for a face to face appointment. Mohr et al. (2000)
suggested that CBT delivered by phone has been increasing, which offers more accessible support to
those who cannot attend a clinic. Research by Taylor et al. (2003) has shown that, compared to face-to-
face CBT, telephone delivered CBT can be an effective, and less expensive, treatment for individuals
with OCD.
The aim was to compare the effectiveness of CBT carried out by telephone with CBT carried out face to
face, in the treatment of OCD. It was hypothesised that outcomes would be similar for both methods
A randomised controlled trial was used to compare exposure therapy and response prevention delivered
by traditional 60-minute face-to-face sessions, or by shorter telephone sessions (up to 30 minutes each).
Ten weekly sessions were provided for participants in each condition.
The sample consisted of 72 participants, diagnosed with OCD, and aged between 16 and 65 years old.
All participants were from the UK and attended one of two outpatient clinics. Participants all scored at
least 16 on the Yale-Brown obsessive-compulsive checklist (self-report version; Y-BOCS) and did not
suffer from substance misuse or other conditions such as severe depressive disorder. Participants were
randomly assigned to either the telephone or the face-to-face condition, making this an independent
measures design.
Two experienced therapists carried out the treatments (one at each clinic carried out both types).
Consistency of treatment was maintained by use of therapist manuals, fortnightly supervision sessions
and four-monthly training days.
Prior to treatment, all participants were assessed twice, four weeks apart, using the Y-BOCS to measure
the severity of their OCD and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), to measure feelings of depressive
disorder. Participants were then assessed, using these measures, immediately after treatment and then at
one-, three- and six-month follow-ups. Patients were also given a client satisfaction questionnaire. The
researchers who assessed the participants before and after treatment did not know which condition they
were in, to protect against any potential bias from the researchers.
Results, findings and conclusions
Results (see Figure 6.23) showed that the mean Y-BOCS score prior to treatment was 25 (indicating
OCD of marked severity). Prior to treatment there was no significant difference between the mean
scores for Y-BOCS or the BDI between the two conditions. At all four time points (immediately after
treatment, one month later, three months later and six months later) clinical outcome was equivalent for
each condition. Mean scores on the Y-BOCS dropped significantly between the initial scores and those
following treatment. Treatment was classed as ‘clinically relevant’ if the Y-BOCS mean pre-treatment
score dropped by two standard deviations or more after treatment. This was found to be the case in 72%
of the patients (77% in the telephone condition and 67% in the face-to-face treatment condition). Scores
on the client satisfaction questionnaire showed that patients were very satisfied with their treatment and
that these results were similar across both treatment conditions.
Figure 6.23: The change in scores on the Y-BOCS and BDI for first visit to six-month follow-up in the
study by Lovell et al. (2006)
The researchers concluded that clinical outcome of CBT delivered by telephone was equivalent to CBT
carried out face to face at all four time points. Additionally, participants reported similarly high levels of
satisfaction across both treatment conditions. This suggests that patients with OCD may benefit equally
from CBT delivered over the phone, with reduced contact time, as with traditional face-to-face CBT.
The research by Lovell et al. (2006) used an independent measures experimental design in which
participants were randomly allocated to one of two conditions. Random allocation to the conditions
removed the possibility of researcher bias (the researchers didn’t choose who to put in which condition)
The face-to-face CBT group acted as the control group for the experiment, meaning researchers could
compare the effectiveness of telephone therapy to standard face-to-face CBT. The duration of the
therapy was kept the same in both conditions, and outcomes were measured using the same validated
scales. This meant the study had high levels of validity and reliability. However, the study used a
relatively small sample, and they are all from the UK, meaning the extent to which the results can be
generalised is limited. Self-report measures were used, which can lead to lower validity as the responses
given may not be accurate. Answers are subjective and individuals may not give a true account of their
symptoms: they may exaggerate or downplay them.
Lovell et al.’s study has really important applications to real life. Lovell et al. have evidence that shows
that a cheaper and more accessible alternative to traditional CBT can be equally as effective as the face-
to-face approach. This has implications first to providers, such as the NHS in the UK: if there is less
contact time required with therapists then this means over-the-phone CBT is a more cost-effective
approach, which means funds will stretch further. Over-the-phone CBT also benefits the patients
because it increases the accessibility. As the individual doesn’t need to attend a clinic, it will be, at the
very least, easier for them, but could also potentially overcome huge obstacles as some individuals with
OCD may struggle to leave their home. Another benefit to patients is that over-the-phone CBT will lead
to shorter waiting lists so patients can get the help they need sooner.
The study by Lovell et al. (2006) raises the debate of biological versus psychological treatments. As we
have discovered throughout this chapter, both biological treatments, such as antipsychotics and anti-
depressants, and psychological treatments, such as CBT and systematic desensitisation have strengths
and weaknesses. Lovell et al. (2006) investigate the effectiveness of CBT face to face compared to via
the phone, however this purely focuses on psychological treatments. Psychological treatments may be
considered to be superior to biological treatments in that they help the patient deal with the source of the
problem; allow them to learn techniques that they can use again if necessary; and allow the patient to
take responsibility for their treatment. In comparison, biological treatments are generally quicker, easier,
and cheaper, which can make them a more appealing option. Lovell et al.’s research into a method of
administering CBT that is quicker and therefore cheaper than other ways of administering CBT, is a
great way to mitigate these factors.
Rav has been diagnosed with OCD. He has been given lots of information about the different
treatment options available to him but he is feeling quite overwhelmed as there is so much to
consider and there seem to be strengths and weaknesses of all the options. Make a table to briefly
summarise some of the treatment options that Rav may be considering. Include strengths and
weaknesses of each, but make it as simple for him as possible to try to reduce his confusion.
Lehmkuhl et al. (2008) used a case study to investigate the effectiveness of ERP as a treatment for
OCD. This method offers limited generalisability, particularly so in this case because the
participant also had ASD, meaning he was not representative of the general population of OCD
sufferers. Jason was only 12 years old and had additional needs; both these factors raise ethical
issues around briefing, consent and the risk of psychological harm. However, it does give us an in-
depth understanding of the experience of going through ERP and captures both quantitative and
qualitative data through interview and Y-BOCS scores.
Cognitive-behavioural therapies and SSRIs are the most frequently used treatments for OCD,
meaning research in this area is applicable to real life. The more we can understand about the
effectiveness of treatments for different disorders, the more likely a patient is to be given a
treatment that works for them. Research, such as that by Lehmkuhl et al. (2008) that investigates
suitability of treatments for different individuals makes a really important contribution to
application to real life.
In terms of individual vs situational explanations, the use of SSRIs to manage OCD treats only one
aspect: the individual’s serotonin uptake. This treatment does not alter their environment or take
into consideration what might have caused the OCD symptoms to emerge in the first place. In this
way SSRIs can be seen as limited and, instead, ideally, treatment would consider both individual
and situational factors.
13 Compare the two assessment tools (MOCI and Y-BOCS) outlined in this section. What are the
advantages or disadvantages of each?
14 Freud suggests that OCD appears as a result of unresolved conflicts during childhood. Why might
it be difficult to investigate this?
15 Why do you think Lovell et al. (2006) did not include a third group of OCD patients who received
no therapy during the experiment?
After studying this chapter, copy and complete a table like this:
Your task is to create a poster, leaflet or presentation describing and evaluating one of the
treatments you have learned about in this chapter. You can work in pairs or small groups to
complete this task.
In your pairs, select one of the treatments you have learned about in this chapter. You could either
choose the one you find the most interesting, or the one you feel you understand the most. Or, if
you want to challenge yourself, you could pick a treatment that you found a bit more difficult to
understand or that you find more difficult to remember.
Next, you need to choose what item to produce. This could be either a poster, leaflet, presentation
or something else if you prefer.
Whichever way you choose to present your information you must make sure to include the
• The name of the treatment and the disorder it is used to treat.
• A brief description of the disorder (just a few points).
• A brief summary of the explanation for the disorder that best fits the treatment you have
chosen. For example, if you have chosen antipsychotics as a treatment for schizophrenia you
would describe the dopamine hypothesis as the explanation. If you have chosen Beck’s
cognitive restructuring as a treatment for depressive disorder (unipolar) you would describe
Beck’s cognitive theory as the explanation.
• A detailed description of the treatment, focusing on how it works and relating it back to the
explanation you summarised previously.
• A study that relates to your chosen treatment (if you wish to).
• Evaluation of the treatment. This can include:
• research methods
• issues and debates
• Alternative treatments (if you have chosen a biological treatment, you might challenge it
with a psychological treatment)
• Any other strengths or weaknesses of the treatment
Make sure to plan your work before you start. You should also consider illustrations and choice of
colour to make your presentation eye-catching.
Finally, plan how to present this to the rest of the class. It is important to plan and rehearse the
presentation, so it goes smoothly when you present to your audience.
The presentation to the rest of the class is important, not only as part of your project but also so
that everyone can benefit from each other’s work.
Once you have completed the project, it is important to spend some time thinking about what you
did well and why it worked well, as well as considering anything that didn’t work so well and why
that might be so that you can improve your strategy for future tasks.
Consider the following points about how you worked as a team on your project:
• How did you work as a team? Did you or your partner take the lead role, or did you work
equally together?
• In what ways did this work and in what ways could you change and improve things next time?
• Did you have any disagreements with your partner? If so, why do you think that was? How
did you resolve the disagreement and what have you learned from it?
1 a Define the term ‘positive symptom’ in schizophrenia and give one example of
a positive symptom. [2]
b Define the term ‘negative symptom’ in schizophrenia and give one example of
a negative symptom. [2]
2 a Describe the genetic explanation of schizophrenia. [4]
b Choose two other explanations of schizophrenia, and compare them. [6]
3 a Briefly describe Beck’s cognitive theory of depression. [2]
b Describe learned helplessness and attributional style as an explanation for
depressive disorder (unipolar). Use a study to help explain your answer. [4]
4 a Describe tricyclics, MAOIs and SSRIs as treatments for depressive disorder
(unipolar). [6]
b Compare any two of these treatments. [4]
Additional references
Agras, W. S. (1967). Transfer during systematic desensitization therapy. Behaviour research and
therapy, 5(3), 193–199.
Aneja, J., Singhai, K., & Paul, K. (2018). Very early-onset psychosis/schizophrenia: case studies of
spectrum of presentation and management issues. Journal of family medicine and primary care, 7(6),
Lehmkuhl, H. D., Storch, E. A., Bodfish, J. W. & Geffken, G. R. (2008) Brief report: exposure and
response prevention for obsessive compulsive disorder in a 12-year-old with autism. Journal of autism
and developmental disorders, 38(5), 977–981.
Lindström, L. H., Gefvert, O., Hagberg, G., Lundberg, T., Bergström, M., Hartvig, P., & Långström, B.
(1999). Increased dopamine synthesis rate in medial prefrontal cortex and striatum in schizophrenia
indicated by L-(β-11C) DOPA and PET. Biological psychiatry, 46(5), 681–688.
Lyons, L. C., & Woods, P. J. (1991). The efficacy of rational-emotive therapy: a quantitative review of
the outcome research. Clinical psychology review, 11(4), 357–369.
Mas, M. B., Jiménez, A. M. L., & San Gregorio, M. Á. P. (2010). Blood-injection Phobia Inventory
(BIPI): development, reliability and validity. Anales de psicología, 26(1), 58–71.
Mattheisen, M., Samuels, J. F., Wang, Y., Greenberg, B. D., Fyer, A. J., McCracken, J. T., ... & Nestadt,
G. (2015). Genome-wide association study in obsessive-compulsive disorder: results from the OCGAS.
Molecular psychiatry, 20(3), 337–344.
McGuffin, P., Owen, M., O’Donovan, M., Thapar, A., & Gottesman, I. (1994). Seminars in psychiatric
genetics. London: College Seminars Series, 110–127.
Miller, R. (2010). The feeling-state theory of impulse-control disorders and the impulse-control disorder
protocol. Traumatology, 16(3), 2–10.
Mohr, D. C., Likosky, W., Bertagnolli, A., Goodkin, D. E., Van Der Wende, J., Dwyer, P., & Dick, L. P.
(2000). Telephone-administered cognitive–behavioral therapy for the treatment of depressive symptoms
in multiple sclerosis. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 68(2), 356.
Monterosso, J., Flannery, B. A., Pettinati, H. M., Oslin, D. W., Rukstalis, M., O’Brien, C. P., &
Volpicelli, J. (2001). Predicting treatment response to naltrexone: the influence of craving and family
history. The American journal on addictions, 10(3), 258–268.
Monzani, B., Rijsdijk, F., Harris, J., & Mataix-Cols, D. (2014). The structure of genetic and
environmental risk factors for dimensional representations of DSM-5 obsessive-compulsive spectrum
disorders. Journal of the American Medical Association: psychiatry, 71(2), 182–189.
National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) (2015). Guidance on the use of electroconvulsive
therapy. Retreived from
Nestler, E. J. (1997). Schizophrenia–an emerging pathophysiology. Nature, 385(6617), 578–579.
O’Brien, C. P. (2005). Anti-craving (relapse prevention) medications: possible a new class of
psychoactive medication. The American journal of psychiatry, 162, 1423–1431.
Öst, L. G. (1992). Blood and injection phobia: background and cognitive, physiological, and
behavioural variables. Journal of abnormal psychology, 101(1), 68–74.
Ozaki, N., Goldman, D., Kaye, W. H., Plotnicov, K., Greenberg, B. D., Lappalainen, J., ... & Murphy, D.
L. (2003). Serotonin transporter missense mutation associated with a complex neuropsychiatric
phenotype. Molecular psychiatry, 8(11), 933–936.
Pampaloni, I., Sivakumaran, T., Hawley, C. J., Al Allaq, A., Farrow, J., Nelson, S., Fineberg, N. A.
(2009). High-dose selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in OCD: a systematic retrospective case notes
survey. Journal of psychopharmacology, 28, 596–602.
Chapter 7
Consumer psychology
This chapter will introduce you to a range of different aspects of consumer psychology. You will learn
about the importance of the physical environment, in terms of how the look, sound and smell of a store
or restaurant influence a consumer’s behaviour. You will learn about the importance of the
psychological environment, in terms of finding your way around a shopping centre, the design of a
menu and the effect of personal space. You will also find out about different theories to explain our
decision-making processes and the mistakes we can make. The product itself will be explored, in terms
of how it is presented and how it can be sold effectively. Finally, you will learn different types of
advertising technique and how this leads to brand awareness.
Throughout the chapter, you will explore relevant issues and debates and you will revisit research
methods as they relate to each topic. We will look at example studies throughout the chapter, where we
will summarise the study, including the key findings, and use this to help understand the topics. We will
also look at five key studies in more detail, and will consider the background and context to the study as
well as details about the procedure, results and conclusions. We will also evaluate the key studies in
terms of both methodological evaluation and relevant issues and debates. When you have finished this
chapter, you should have a good understanding about consumer psychology and understand how the
research can be applied to everyday life.
What is consumer psychology? This is a relatively new area of applied psychology which looks at
why and how individuals and groups engage in consumer behaviours (Boyd-Jannson, 2010). A
consumer is anyone who purchases goods or services, so this could relate to people shopping in
supermarkets, eating and drinking in restaurants or buying cars from a dealership.
You may be able to think of some applications already based on the psychology you learned in
your AS course. Social psychology may be relevant when considering issues such as attitudes and
how these attitudes may be changed, as well as the effects of other people on our consumer
behaviours. Can you think of ways in which other people might influence your consumer
behaviour? How might other people affect what you buy, where you shop or how much you spend?
The learning approach is also important in considering how advertisers might use knowledge about
classical and operant conditioning to develop successful advertising techniques. Thinking about
what you know already about classical and operant conditioning, how might this relate to
advertising? What associations might be made? What responses might happen?
Aspects of the cognitive approach such as memory and decision-making are also crucial in
understanding how individuals make sense of advertisements and other marketing techniques. Why
is memory important in advertising? Think of some adverts that you can easily recall: why can you
remember them so well? Are there adverts that you can remember but don’t remember what they
are advertising? Why might this happen?
Finally, although there is little biological research in this chapter, some recent research has made
use of fMRI technology to see if it is possible to predict the decisions that we might make before
we respond to questions. EEG scanning has been used to measure our frustration levels when
viewing adverts. Eye-scanning has been used to measure where we look on a shelf when choosing
a product. What are the strengths of these biological methods?
Much of the research that we will be covering in this chapter uses research methods that will be
familiar to you from other parts of your course. The same evaluation issues will also be relevant to
this research. As consumer psychology relates to behaviour in the real world, it is particularly
important to consider this when looking at laboratory experiments compared to field experiments.
Why is it particularly an issue to use laboratory experiments when investigating consumer
psychology? Why might it be then that field experiments aren’t always used to study consumer
Before reading any further, think about all the psychology that you have learned so far. Make a
note of all the things you can think of that might be relevant to the study of consumer behaviour.
Example study
Mower et al. (2012) investigated the effects of both window display and landscaping on consumer
responses in terms of liking, mood and patronage intentions (whether they intended to go into the shop,
buy anything from the shop, recommend the shop and revisit the shop). An online survey was conducted
with a sample of 180 students (mostly female) from an American university. Participants were asked to
imagine they need to buy a new pair of jeans, then they logged onto a website and read a description of a
store exterior of a small clothes shop. All descriptions included detail of the building, but they varied as
to whether they included descriptions of window displays, or not, and descriptions of landscaping, or
not, to test the effects of these variables. Results showed that the presence of a window display and
landscaping both positively influenced liking of the store exterior as well as intention to shop there.
Furthermore, liking of store exteriors increased pleasure and arousal experienced, which in turn led to
increased patronage intentions (see Figure 7.1)
Figure 7.2: Grid, freeform and racetrack are three forms of store interior design
Work in pairs to design a high-end gift shop. Describe each feature of your shop and the
justification for it. Remember to consider the sort of shop you are designing and who you are
expecting your customers to be. Include features that relate to the exterior and interior of your
Example study
Vrechopoulos et al. (2004) manipulated the layout of a virtual grocery store to reflect the three main
layouts used in physical supermarkets: grid, freeform and racetrack. They proposed four hypotheses,
based on the assumption that research findings based in physical shopping will also apply to virtual
• Hypothesis 1 Consumers will perceive the grid layout to be most useful for planned purchases.
• Hypothesis 2 Consumers will perceive the freeform layout to be easier to use in general.
• Hypothesis 3 The racetrack layout will be more entertaining than the other two layouts.
• Hypothesis 4 Consumers will spend more time shopping in the freeform layout.
To make the transition from real-life layouts to web-based shopping experiences there were several steps
taken. The three layout patterns were analysed and the key features of each were transferred to a web-
based virtual store layout. Other characteristics such as background colour, product images, speed and
so on were kept the same across the three layouts. As a result of the analysis and transformation, the
three store layouts were represented online as described:
• Grid: this involved a hierarchical structure (e.g., select product category, then select product
subcategory, then select final product).
• Freeform: this involved being able to reach the desired products immediately, through either a
search button or by selecting an item displayed on the page.
• Racetrack: customers are forced to navigate through specific paths to reach their desired products.
Each page has a choice of two ‘corridors’ and customers must select one of these to continue in
their search for their product.
One hundred and twenty participants were recruited from both Greece and the UK to take part in a
laboratory experiment where they were given a planned shopping task with money to spend and
completed this task in one of the three virtual store layouts. Each participant was given a budget of £20
(or 12 000 Greek drachmas) and whatever was ‘purchased’ during the experiment was subsequently
purchased by the researchers and physically delivered to the participants.
The online store offered mainly European brands (e.g. Coca-Cola and Pringles) but also included some
own-brand products. To make the online experience as similar to a real-life shopping trip as possible,
participants were given a blank shopping list and information about what was available in the store in
order to plan their purchases.
The results showed that the freeform layout was significantly more useful for finding items on a
shopping list. It was also reported to be the most entertaining to use. The grid layout was reported to be
significantly easier to use than the other two layouts (with the racetrack layout the hardest to use).
Finally, the layout significantly affected the length of time that customers spent shopping, with the
racetrack and freeform layouts engaging shoppers for longer, as would be predicted by conventional
retail theory.
None of the researchers’ hypotheses were found to be supported. Since the hypotheses were based on
research into real-life shopping experiences, this suggest that such theories cannot be readily applicable
to online grocery retail and that customers visiting a virtual grocery store prefer a hierarchical/tree
structure. Such a structure is only provided by a grid layout which was perceived as the easiest to use.
Shopping behaviour was also facilitated by being able to reach any place in the store directly (that is
from the home page or from any other ‘place’ in the store). This was only provided by the freeform
layout which was perceived as the most useful for conducting planned purchases.
Much research into the effect of store exterior design, such as Mower et al. (2012), has been
carried out using self-report methods, such as surveys and questionnaires. These are a useful tool
to use as they allow researchers to understand the thoughts and feelings of a consumer, rather than
just viewing their behaviour. However, the main problems with these methods are that participants
may not give an accurate or true account of their thoughts and feelings, or they may misunderstand
the questions, thus reducing the validity. Furthermore, as Mower et al. asked participants
hypothetical questions about the influence of store exterior on their purchase intentions, their
research doesn’t tell us about the influence on consumers’ actual behaviour, so it lacks ecological
validity. How could the ecological validity be increased? Vrechopoulos et al. (2004) used a
laboratory experiment, with a virtual store, and, although this too lacked ecological validity, it had
high control of variables, which increased the validity, and used a standardised procedure, which
increased the reliability.
Application of psychology to everyday life is relevant in research into retail store design because
all the research is aimed at trying to understand consumer perceptions and feelings and the impact
that these have on consumers’ purchases. The findings of this research can be used to inform and
advise owners of shops to allow them a better understanding of how to attract customers and
therefore increase their profit.
Research has shown that many factors, such as lighting, decoration and smell, can influence the
atmosphere of retail environments. More specifically, research has shown the effect of different genres
of background music in restaurants on customers’ spending. Creating a certain atmosphere with the right
genre of music can encourage people to spend more money, when compared to there being no music at
all, as well as compared to other genres. North and Hargreaves (1998) investigated the effect of music
genres on perception of a student cafeteria and intention to spend money. Classical music led to a
perception of the cafeteria as being more upmarket and led to customers claiming they would spend
more money, when compared to no music playing, or to other genres. Participants listening to classical
music claimed they would spend 20.5% more than if no music was playing, 18.8% higher than easy
listening music, and 3.7% higher than pop music. However, this research looked only at intentions to
purchase, not actual spending.
The study was a field experiment, carried out at a restaurant. For one week there was classical music
being played, for one week there was pop music being played and for one week there was no
background music. The volume of the music remained consistent, and two 76-minute CDs were made
for each condition, each featuring well-known classical or pop music. Aside from the change in music,
all other aspects of the restaurant remained the same, including lighting, temperature and menu. The
time spent between being seated and paying the bill was recorded, as this would affect the amount of
money spent. Customer bills were collected and analysed, and an experimenter collected these data
while working as a waitress in the restaurant.
The sample was made up of 393 customers who ate at the restaurant between February and March 2002.
There was an approximately equal number of males and females, and approximately the same number of
participants in each condition. Opportunity sampling was used: participants were customers who ate at
the restaurant during the time of the research. The study used an independent measures design; where
each participant was exposed to only one of the music conditions.
The independent variable was the background music played at the restaurant: pop music, classical music
or no music. The dependent variables were spending on starters, main courses, desserts, coffees, bar
drinks, wine, total spend on food, total spend on drinks and total overall spend.
Results, findings and conclusions
Results showed that for starters, coffee, total food and total overall spend, there was a significant
difference in spending between conditions; for each of these categories, spending was highest in the
classical music condition.
The researchers concluded that classical music led to significantly higher spending in restaurants, when
compared to pop music or to no music. The results are in line with expectations, based on previous
North et al. used a field experiment, which has high ecological validity as it was carried out in a real-life
setting so we can apply the results beyond the research setting. The experiment was also highly
controlled as the researchers ensured all other aspects of the restaurant stayed the same throughout, and
the music was played at the same volume, using the same set up of two CDs for each condition. This
high level of control increases the validity of the study as we can be more confident that the change in
money spent was due to the change in music genre, rather than anything else. There was a large sample
of almost 400 participants, allowing for large amounts of data to be collected, again increasing the
validity of the study. Application to real life is relevant for North et al.’s research because it is
investigating the way in which music affects how much money customers would spend in a restaurant.
This was carried out over a series of nights at a real restaurant and the results clearly showed that
customers spend more money when they are listening to classical music. This has implications for real
life because restaurant owners and managers can use this information to make changes to their
restaurant to help to increase their profit.
The study by Woods et al. used repeated measures design, where each participant completed 25
trials in all three conditions. The results could then be compared for each participant in each
condition, thus removing the effect of participant variables and increasing the validity of the study.
Furthermore, the study used counterbalancing, where the order of the conditions was different for
different participants, to remove order effects. What would change if the researchers used an
independent groups design instead?
Individual versus situational explanations is relevant to the research in this section. For example,
Woods et al. investigated the effects of background noise on taste, so they were studying situational
explanations for our experiences. The results showed that sound did indeed influence our
experience of taste and there were several explanations proposed to explain this, all of which focus
on situational explanations. This suggests that our taste experience can be explained at least
partially as a result of situational factors. However, individual factors might also be important, but
these were not explored in this research.
Retail atmospherics
The effect of ambience: the pleasure-arousal-dominance (PAD) model
The pleasure-arousal-dominance model (PAD model) was developed by Mehrabian and Russell (1974)
to demonstrate the way physical environments influence people through their emotional impact.
Mehrabian and Russell proposed three dimensions of individuals’ emotions that influence their response
to an environment: pleasure, arousal and dominance. Pleasure relates to the extent to which the
consumer feels happy, content or satisfied. Arousal relates to the extent to which the consumer feels
stimulated or excited. Dominance refers to the person’s feeling of being in control.
Donovan and Rossiter (1982, cited in Mehrabian & Russell, 1974) applied this model to retail
environments and concluded that dominance wasn’t significantly relevant. They found, however, that
pleasure and arousal interact. If the ambience (atmosphere) of a shop leads to an interaction of feelings
of happiness and satisfaction (pleasure) and excitement and stimulation (arousal) the consumer is more
likely to show ‘approach’ behaviours. These ‘approach’ behaviours include the desire to enter and
explore the shop, to interact with staff and other customers and to be satisfied with the environment.
However, if the ambience leads to feelings of dissatisfaction and boredom, the consumer is more likely
to show ‘avoidance’ behaviour and choose not to spend time and money in the shop. Approach
behaviours of course make a consumer more likely to make purchases and become loyal customers who
return in the future.
Example study
Chebat and Michon (2003) investigated the influence of ambient odours on mall shoppers and
compared the PAD model to a cognitive theory of emotions (Lazarus, 1991). A shopping mall in Canada
was used in this study; in the control week nothing was changed (there was no ambient odour), and in
the following week a light, pleasing scent was diffused into the mall’s main corridor. A citrus scent was
used as previous research has suggested that citrus is an effectively pleasing scent (Spangenberg et al.,
1996). A sample of shoppers in each week were asked to complete a questionnaire about their shopping
trip but were not told the purpose of the study.
As we have discussed, the PAD model suggests that ambient odour would influence consumers’ mood,
and therefore their approach/avoidance behaviours through the interaction between pleasure and arousal.
In contrast, Lazarus’ cognitive theory proposes that the ambient odour is perceived by consumers, but
that this doesn’t lead to a change in mood.
Chebat and Michon’s study found that, although ambient scent increased arousal in consumers, it did not
increase feelings of pleasure. It was found that pleasure and arousal do not mediate the effects of
environmental cues on perceptions and behaviours. The findings did, however, support the cognitive
model: that a light and pleasant ambient odour directly influenced consumers’ perception of the
shopping environment and product quality. Overall, this study has shown that a light and pleasant
background odour does have a positive effect on consumers’ perception of the shopping environment.
However, it does not support the PAD model, it instead suggests that odour has a direct effect on
perception without an influence on mood.
The effects of crowding on shopper pleasure-arousal-dominance
Crowding is just one of many physical aspects of a shopping environment that has been shown to affect
the experience of the consumer. Perceived crowding occurs when a person’s demand for space is
exceeded by the supply (Stokols, 1972). Crowding will be affected by anything that restricts the amount
of space a person requires or desires. Spatial crowding relates to the number of physical objects,
whereas human crowding relates to the amount of people in a space (see Figure 7.4). Research by
Eroglu and Machleit (1990) shows that perceived crowding can influence decisions about where to
shop, as well as satisfaction with shopping experience.
Example study
Machleit et al. (2000) investigated how perceived crowding influenced the shoppers’ satisfaction, and
whether this relationship was moderated by emotions. A set of three studies were carried out. There
were two field experiments, where samples of students and non-students were asked to complete a
questionnaire about their shopping experience across a range of retail environments. There was one
laboratory experiment, where students were asked to imagine they were going to a bookstore and then
shown a video clip of the store, with spatial and human crowding density manipulated. Following this,
they were asked to complete a questionnaire about their thoughts, feelings and perceptions of the
The results of all three studies show that the effect of crowding on shopping satisfaction is complex.
Perceived crowding, both in terms of spatial and human crowding, lowers satisfaction, and this effect is
greater for spatial crowding.
In terms of the PAD model, the results of the two field studies show that emotions can partially mediate
the effect of crowding on satisfaction. When pleasure and arousal are included as mediating factors, the
crowding–satisfaction relationship (for both spatial and human crowding) drops but is still significant.
This means that pleasure and arousal do appear to have some mediating effect on the influence of
crowding on satisfaction but that there are other important factors as well, such as expectation and
Machleit et al.’s use of two field experiments and one laboratory experiment is a good way of
investigating perceived crowding as it enabled them to benefit from the strengths of both types of
experiments. There is usually a trade-off between lab and field experiments in terms of ecological
validity and control. A field experiment has high ecological validity and tells us about how people
behave in a real-life setting, which is particularly important when investigating something such as
consumer behaviour as it means we can generalise the findings more confidently beyond the
research setting. However, the downside is that field experiments lack the high level of control
achieved by laboratory experiments. By using both types of experiments, Machleit et al. have been
able to get the best of both worlds, while understanding the weaknesses of each experiment type.
Cultural differences are relevant in this section because it considers retail atmospherics. The
research focuses on the influence of odour in a shopping mall and crowding across a range of
different shops in Canada and the USA. It is important to consider the fact that these are two large
Western developed cultures where large shopping malls and a wide range of different shops are the
norms, and where shopping is considered a leisure activity, as well as part of daily life.
In some cultures, however, shopping malls would not exist and any shops that were present would
be smaller and based on need rather than leisure. Therefore, the findings of this research would not
be applicable to all cultures.
1 Mower et al. (2012) investigated the effect of store exterior on consumer response using an online
survey and a website with images of a store. How could you investigate the effects of store
exterior in a real-life setting?
2 North et al. (2003) made sure they kept the volume of the music consistent, as well as using well-
known music for both conditions. Why are these variables important?
3 Background noise has been shown to affect perception of food taste. Think of another situational
factor that may affect perception of food taste and briefly outline how you would investigate this.
Example study
Dogu and Erkip (2000) aimed to investigate how spatial factors, such as signs and maps, could aid
wayfinding within a shopping mall. The case study was carried out in a shopping mall in Ankara,
Turkey, where the spatial layout was analysed, and questionnaires were given to shoppers. The shopping
mall was categorised and evaluated in terms of architecture, graphics and verbal information. In terms of
architecture, there is a central atrium at the main entrance, with many shops leading off the main
corridor (see Figure 7.5). The layout is almost symmetrical and there are three other entrances, and three
floors. There are circular corridors on each level, which indicate the direction of travel. Elevators and
escalators connect the three floors. Graphic information all follows the same consistent style and is
almost all based on pictographs rather than text (aside from ‘WC’ and ‘Exit’). Door numbers are
confusing; all shops on the ground floor are numbered in the ‘100’s but not all shops on the second floor
are in the 200s, nor are all shops on the third floor in the 300s. Also, numbers are not all in order as
some shops were split later, so numbers have been added later are out of order. This of course makes
wayfinding more difficult. The ‘You Are Here’ map and directory are just across from the main
entrance, but they sit parallel to the direction of approach so are not very easy to see. The directory is
confusing and illogical, perhaps because it is organised in a bureaucratic hierarchy (those who pay the
most money or are most important get the best spaces) rather than in a way that logically helps with
wayfinding. In terms of verbal information, the information desk sits prominently in the main atrium
and security guards are helpful when approached.
Questionnaires asked about participants’ views of the shopping mall in terms of wayfinding, focusing on
all the areas described previously. Results showed that, although signage was not seen as more
important than building configuration for wayfinding, there was a significant relationship between the
evaluation of the shopping mall for wayfinding and its signage system. Those who found wayfinding
easy found the signage to be significant, but many didn’t notice the signs and others found them
insufficient. Most respondents found ‘You Are Here’ maps to be useful, but 47% didn’t believe there
were any in this mall (demonstrating that they are not placed in a very visible or accessible way). There
was a slight relationship between door numbers and wayfinding, but none of the architectural
characteristics were significant for wayfinding. The researchers concluded that the most important
feature that helped with wayfinding was signage. Other features, such as building configuration, visual
access and use of circular paths, appeared to influence individuals differently, so would benefit from
further research.
Figure 7.5: The shopping mall in Ankara that was the subject of Dogu and Erkip’s case study
Figure 7.6: Short trip, round trip, central trip, wave trip
There were no significant differences in the types of people making each type of trip. It instead appears
to represent individual preference.
Of further interest was the identification of five types of spatial behaviour patterns:
• The Specialist
• focusing on a few products and spending a lot of time with each product, though not
necessarily resulting in a purchase.
• These shoppers are mainly on ‘top-up’ or ‘non-food’ mission.
• 19 shoppers, 25% males, 58% use baskets, 85% shop for less than 20 minutes.
• The Native
• A long trip visiting relevant aisles, and interactions are most likely to lead to purchases.
• They are mainly on ‘main’ or ‘top-up’ mission.
• 161 shoppers, 98% use a trolley, 90% are satisfied with their shopping experience.
• The Tourist
• Fast-moving shoppers who don’t stray too far from the entrance and tend to stay on the main
• They look more than buy and some are on ‘non-food’ mission.
• 101 shoppers, 80% have short or medium trips, 35% are of the mature profile, only 28% are
very satisfied with their experience.
• The Explorer
• The longest trip, visiting all aisles in the store and often visiting places more than once.
• This involves spending a long time with products and buying a lot and involve a ‘main’
shopping mission.
• 67 shoppers, 62% females shopping alone, 87% take a trolley, 43% have a shopping list
(highest of all categories).
• The Raider
• Involving fast movements and fast decisions, showing preference for the main corridor but
going where necessary.
• These have the highest proportion of male shoppers and are on ‘top-up’ or ‘food for tonight’
• 113 shoppers, 33% male (biggest proportion of all categories), 100% walking at medium or
fast speed.
Gil et al. concluded that this information about shopper behaviour could be further investigated in
other stores with other layouts.
Dogu and Erkip (2000) used a case study to find out about factors that affect wayfinding in a
shopping mall. The use of a case study means that the researchers could gather lots of detailed
information about the shopping mall and this can give a really good insight into a range of factors.
However, the problems with using a case study is that it is just focusing on this one shopping mall,
so the results cannot be fully generalised to other shopping malls, as they are all unique. Case
studies can be criticised for lacking reliability because they cannot be replicated due to the unique
nature, so there is no way to test if their results would be found again.
Gil et al. (2009) used a different approach in their work: by using a non-experimental design where
no variables were manipulated. This means that they are just gathering data from people’s normal
everyday lives. The use of CCTV allowed for consumers to be tracked, and they also used
interviews to find out about consumers’ experience. The interviews provided information about the
shoppers’ intentions and experiences of the shop that, combined with the CCTV tracking, allowed
the researchers to get a good understanding of different shopper behaviour.
The studies carried out by Gil et al. and by Dogu and Erkip both take a holistic approach in their
research. They both use a range of different approaches in their investigation in order to try to
gather as full and holistic understanding as possible. Gil et al., for example, used CCTV tracking to
measure observable behaviour of the customers in the shop, but then they also used interviews to
understand the customers’ attitudes, thoughts and feelings, making the approach holistic. Similarly,
Dogu and Erkip carried out a case study on a shopping mall so they could look in detail at all
aspects of the spatial layout, as well as giving questionnaires to customers to get an understanding
of their attitudes and feelings about the mall. How could individual versus situational explanations
be applied to environmental influences on consumer behaviour?
Example study
Pavesic (2005) reported that the average time spent reading a menu is 109 seconds. This is an important
piece of information for someone designing a menu. The use of eye tracking can inform us of the
typical way in which customers will look at a menu, and this can be used to determine where to place
certain items. See Figure 7.8 for eye tracking in Pavesic’s study. The pattern of eye movement is not
fixed, however, and can be amended and directed by ‘eye magnets’. ‘Eye magnets’ are anything that
draws someone’s attention to particular menu items. This may be a box around the item, a different
coloured background, a larger or bolder font, or a photo or illustration. These all work by directing the
eye movement to the item you would like to encourage your customers to buy. ‘Framing’ is a method
of drawing the customers’ eyes to a certain part of the menu and works by grouping certain menu items
together. This can be achieved by using a border or box, or by placing similar items in a confined space
in the menu, for example, placing all the appetisers in one box encourages customers to read them all as
a unit.
As well as the features described above, which have a positive impact, there are also some features of
menu design that can have a negative impact. Features that have a negative impact are also discussed by
Pavesic. These include:
• Inadequate management commitment: not investing enough time and effort into making sure the
menu design is as good as it could be, and not realising how important an asset it can be.
• Hard to read: crowded pages or poor choice of font size and style or colour of paper.
• Overemphasising prices: diners can dismiss certain items based purely on price if this is not
• Poor use of space: this includes not using the front and back cover effectively, for example it is
important to include details about the restaurant on the front page.
• Incongruence: if the menu doesn’t fit the ambience of the restaurant in terms of style, décor, etc. it
isn’t going to work very well. If someone were to read your menu somewhere else, it should give
them a feel for the type of place it represents.
Example study
Dayan and Bar-Hillel (2011) reported two studies which manipulated the position of items on a menu
to increase or decrease the frequency of choice. They predicted that items at the beginning and end of
the menu would be more likely to be ordered.
In the first study, 240 students were randomly allocated to four conditions. These were four different
menu designs, differing only in terms of order of item presentation within each category. The menus all
offered four appetisers (A), ten entrées (main courses, E), six soft drinks (S) and eight desserts (D).
The names of the items and their descriptions were copied from an Israeli pizza chain. No prices were
displayed. The four menus (in Hebrew) presented the items in different orders within each category:
• baseline: arbitrarily ordered (no particular order)
• mirror: complete reverse of the baseline
• inside out baseline: reversed the baseline order within the top and bottom half of each category
separately, therefore turning middle items into top/bottom items and vice versa
• inside out mirror: as for the inside out baseline but reversing the mirror version.
The participants were each given one version of the menu and asked to choose one item from each of
the categories. The results showed that participants were significantly more likely to select items at the
beginning or end of the list than they were to select items placed in the middle. Overall, the advantage of
being listed at the beginning and end was 56% (i.e. items listed at the beginning or end were 56% more
likely to be chosen than items listed in the middle).
There was no significant difference in the impact of the primacy effect and the recency effect; the
number of items chosen from the beginning of the list and those chosen from the end of the list were
almost exactly the same.
These results were convincing, but the researchers were aware that this only represented a hypothetical
choice rather than one made in a real restaurant. To address this criticism, they conducted a second study
in a small coffee shop in the centre of Tel Aviv over 30 days. The coffee shop had 60 items on the menu
in three categories: coffee, soft drinks and desserts.
The baseline menu (the coffee shop’s standard menu) was alternated with the inside out version which
changed the position of items in the three categories by exchanging items from the two ends of the
category with items from the middle. Staff recorded orders made during this time and data from any
customers who ordered without reference to a menu were excluded. There were 459 orders from the
baseline menu and 492 from the inside out menu.
The mean advantage in this study was 55% and the results confirmed the findings from Study 1. In
Study 2 there was an even larger gain when an item was moved from the exact middle to the extreme
end (55%) than when moved from the near middle to the near end (51%). The results also seemed to
suggest an advantage (59%) from being in the top half of the category although this study did not use a
mirror condition.
This research provides evidence that it is beneficial to place items at the beginning or end of the
category if you want them to be ordered more often. This is most likely to be used to encourage sales of
higher profit items, but the researchers also suggest that there may be practical implications from this
study in terms of manipulating people’s choices towards healthier options (see Figure 7.9).
Figure 7.9: Putting salads and other healthy options at the start and end of a menu could have
implications for healthy eating
The participants were asked, on a scale of 1 (most appealing) to 5 (very unappealing) how appealing
each menu was to them. Results were mixed, but there were no statistical differences based on age,
gender or income. 42% of participants rated menu 1 (French style) as ‘very unappealing’, 42% rated
menu 3 (seasonal menu) as the one with the highest appeal, whereas menu 5 (organic style) was rated as
‘very appealing’ by 27% and ‘very unappealing’ by 22% of participants. Lockyer now wanted to find
out the reasons behind the participants’ preferences so he asked them to write their reasons for finding
menus appealing and unappealing and then used these notes and their ratings for a group discussion.
A content analysis was carried out, which involved the discussions being transcribed and a computer
program used to count how often, and in what groupings, certain words were used. Content analysis
allows researchers to turn qualitative data (such as verbal discussions) into quantitative data (the most
common words and terms used) so that the information can be analysed and better understood. The
content analysis showed certain groups of words that can tell us about the participants’ opinions. The
words fresh, interesting’ were grouped together, telling us that the words used can give a definite feeling
for the menu, and that the items on the menu were both ‘fresh’ and ‘interesting’. Words such as ‘trends,
organic, season’ and ‘pure, natural, products’ were grouped together, indicating the importance of
current trends towards the importance of organic and fresh ingredients. The occasion for the meal
influenced the importance of the general ‘feeling’ of the menu, with the words ‘mystique’ and
‘occasion’ being grouped together. Finally, words such as ‘produce, actually, expect’ and ‘understand,
language, clear’ were grouped together, suggesting that the group found it important that the language
was clear and that it actually described what the dish would be.
As the focus groups suggested that the occasion for the meal would influence the menu choice, the
survey asked respondents to say which menu items they would choose for different occasions, such as
family reunion, romantic dinner, business meeting or dinner with their mother-in-law. The participants
were also asked to comment on the reasons for their choices, and a content analysis was carried out to
identify the most common reasons for each menu choice. Unlike in the focus group, the survey found
menu 4 (elaborate style) to be the most selected for all the dining experiences. For meal with their
mother-in-law menu 5 was the joint top choice and for a business meeting menu 3 was the joint top
choice. Reasons for the choice of a chicken dish from each menu include:
• Menu 1: Poulet sauté chasseur: ‘feels romantic’, ‘sounds sophisticated’
• Menu 2: Chicken sautéed in butter and served with sauce chasseur: ‘sounds delicious’, ‘appears to
have the nicest flavour’
• Menu 3: Spring chicken cooked and served in a new season mushrooms, shallot and tomato
flavoured sauce: ‘not too fussy’, ‘tells me basically what I get’
• Menu 4: The most tender chicken cooked till golden and sewed with a delicious sauce finished with
tomatoes, shallots and mushrooms: ‘mouth-watering’, ‘chicken sounds tender’
• Menu 5: Free range organic chicken cooked and served with mushrooms, shallots and tomatoes in a
naturally produced sauce: ‘organic’, ‘I like to know what I’m eating’
These examples show that the way in which the dish is described has an impact on the potential diner,
and influences their perception of the dish.
Overall, the results of Lockyer’s research show that the words used on a menu do have an impact on the
likelihood of potential diners to choose a dish. Most participants showed a preference for items on the
menu that were clear, tasty and described as fresh and natural. There were, however, broad differences in
the preferences of the participants so further research is required to investigate this further.
Create a menu for a new café, which is focusing on promoting healthy eating. Use research by
Lockyer, Dayan and Bar-Hillel, and Pavesic to help you. You should consider the use of
descriptive names, position on the menu, and menu design features that have a positive impact to
encourage sales of healthier options.
Dayan and Bar-Hillel (2011) carried out a laboratory experiment, which allows for high levels of
control, increasing the validity and the reliability of the study. However, participants were asked to
look at a menu and make hypothetical choices, which lacked ecological validity as it was not
showing the decision-making of customers in real restaurants. To deal with the lack of ecological
validity, the researchers followed this study with a field experiment where they changed the order
of the menu for a café to measure the effects on customers’ orders. These results supported the
findings of their first experiment, showing that the results could be generalised to real life.
Research into menu design can be applied to everyday life because it focuses on how an effective
menu design works, the importance of the order of food items on the menu, and even research into
the effect of naming the food differently. This evidence is only really important and useful when it
is applied to real life and used by restaurants and cafes to make changes to their menus and see the
effect it has on their businesses. It is particularly useful because they can hopefully benefit greatly
from what are relatively simple and low cost changes, compared to other aspects of their
This shows how complicated personal space considerations can be in a restaurant, because people will
feel more comfortable seated closer to someone that they are intimate with, than they would a friend,
and certainly than they would a stranger.
Responses to the invasion of our personal space can be explained with reference to three concepts:
overload, arousal and behaviour constraint. The concept of overload suggests that we maintain our
personal space to reduce (and to maintain control over) the amount of information that needs to be dealt
with. If people are too close, we must process information relating to their features, their smell, their
body heat and possibly even their touch. This produces an overload of information to process as well as
a lack of control over the information that we process, producing feelings of stress.
The invasion of personal space can also be explained by the concept of arousal. When our personal
space is invaded, we may feel a heightened sense of arousal. Our response may be positive (such as at a
concert, or if someone hugs you) or it may be negative (such as a stranger sitting too close).
The invasion of personal space can also be understood in terms of behaviour constraint, which refers to
having your freedom to choose how to behave being taken away. Research shows that crowds behave
very differently from individuals, often leading to increased aggression and a decrease in prosocial or
helping behaviours. It is possible that the stress experienced by lack of personal space may be
responsible for these changes in behaviour.
A web-based questionnaire was used to gather diner responses to images of restaurant tables at different
distances (see Figure 7.11). The independent variables were table spacing (6, 12 or 24 inches (15, 30 or
60 cm)) and scenario (business, friend or romantic). The dependent variables were the measures of
emotional and behavioural responses measured by Likert-type scales. Participants were randomly
allocated to one of the nine conditions (combinations of three table spacings and three scenarios). The
same images, distances and statements were used for each participant in each condition, to control for
any extraneous variables.
Figure 7.11: Image similar to those shown in Robson et al.’s study 6-inch table spacing
The sample consisted of just over 1000 participants from the USA, with a good balance of gender and
location of residence (urban, suburban or rural), and a range of age and ethnicity. The sampling
technique was volunteer sampling.
The first part of the questionnaire asked about gender, age, ethnicity, place of residence, restaurant use
frequency and whether they had worked in the restaurant industry. The second part measured emotional,
intentional and anticipated behavioural reactions to images of two tables 6, 12 or 24 inches apart.
Participants were told to imagine they were in one of three scenarios: business, dining with a friend or a
romantic scenario. Likert-type scales (1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree) were used on a series of
32 statements about their emotional and behavioural responses to the images of the table spacings. The
statements relating to emotional responses were derived from the Stress Arousal Check List (SACL): an
instrument that accurately reflects a respondent’s stress and arousal and clearly differentiates between
the two. The statements that relate to behavioural responses included questions around the constructs of
perceived control, physical and sensory privacy, goal blocking and general comfort. Perceived crowding
was also measured.
Robson et al.’s study had a large sample, with over 1000 participants. Most importantly, the sample had
a good balance of gender and location of residence (urban, suburban or rural), and a range of age and
ethnicity. This is a representative sample, so the results can be generalised to the wider population.
However, all participants were from the USA so the results may not be applicable to people from other
cultures. The use of Likert-type scales is beneficial as it collects quantitative data, allowing the data to
be compared and analysed. However, the disadvantage of using Likert-type scales is that they don’t
allow participants to offer more detailed answers, and they rely on subjective interpretation of the scales.
How might qualitative data have been collected?
Robson et al.’s study into personal space in restaurant tables is relevant to application to real life as the
findings can be used to help restaurants appeal to their customers. However, alongside this, it is
particularly important to consider cultural differences as the study was carried out in the USA. Research
shows that there are significant differences across cultures in terms how much personal space
individuals are comfortable with (Lomranz, 1976). It is important, therefore that anyone wishing to use
this research to help them make decisions about the layout of their restaurant should consider the
implications of cultural differences. Restaurants in different cultures may not be able to use these
findings confidently so it may be beneficial to consider further research within their own culture as well.
Defending your place in a queue
Another issue that is related to personal space is the way that people behave when they are in a queue.
Research has shown that people are very protective of their position in a queue and there are certain
expectations that we have about the behaviour of other people in the queue. For example, someone
pushing into a queue goes against the behaviour that most people expect, and is seen as unacceptable.
However, there are many factors that may influence a person’s response to someone pushing into a
queue. The nature of the intrusion is important, as is the number of people who are intruding. We need
to also consider the social structure of a queue.
Before reading the example study by Milgram et al., consider how you would react if someone
pushed in front of you in a queue. What might you say or do? What factors would affect how you
reacted? Think about how they pushed in, what you were queuing for, how long you had been
queuing, how other people reacted, as well as any other factors. How do you think most people
would react to someone pushing into a queue? When you have come up with your own ideas
discuss with a partner.
Example study
Milgram et al. (1986) carried out a series of field experiments in a range of settings in New York City,
such as train stations, convenience shops, etc. A confederate calmly approached a point between the
third and fourth person in the queue and said in a neutral tone ‘excuse me; I would like to get in here’.
The confederate would then simply join the queue without waiting for a response. If the confederate was
explicitly asked to leave the queue they would do so, otherwise they would remain for 1 minute before
leaving. An observer stood nearby, ready to record physical, verbal and non-verbal reactions to the
intrusion. There was a total of 129 intrusions carried out and observed.
The researchers also varied the number of intruders: sometimes one and sometimes two. They also used
buffers: these were confederates who passively occupied a position between the point of intrusion and
the next naive queuer (the next person who is unaware of the study taking place). This was designed to
see if the responsibility for objecting would be displaced from the person immediately at the point of
intrusion to others. In some conditions, two buffers were used standing immediately behind each other.
Therefore, there are two independent variables: number of intruders (one or two) and number of buffers
(zero, one or two) resulting in six experimental conditions (see Figure 7.12).
Figure 7.12: A queue is a social system and intruders are not acceptable
Results showed that queuers behind the intruder were far more likely to object than those who were
ahead of the intruder. Two intruders provoked a much greater reaction than one, and buffers dampened
the queue’s response to the intruder. Verbal objections (from polite to hostile, demanding the intruder
leave or go to the back of the queue) were the most common, occurring in 21.7% of queues. Generalised
expressions of disapproval were also included in this category and included more tentative comments
such as ‘excuse me, this is a queue’. Physical action (such as tapping the shoulder, tugging a sleeve or
even pushing the intruder out of the queue) against the intruder happened in 10% of queues. This type of
response normally originated from the person standing immediately behind the intruder. Non-verbal
objections included disapproving looks, hostile glares and gestures to the intruder to move to the end of
the queue. They occurred in 14.7% of queues.
Milgram et al. conclude that the queue is considered to be a social system with a shared set of beliefs
governing the behaviour of the participants. The queue acts as a way of instilling social order:
individuals who are waiting for a service expect that those who approach after them will wait their turn.
Most people believe that it is not acceptable to break the expected norms and push into a queue. We
would all rather buy our ticket (or whatever we are queuing for) without waiting but we accept that if we
were the ones waiting, we would expect others to take their place in the queue. We accept this social
system and follow the rules. If someone were to push into a queue, it is not just the extra time an
individual would need to wait that is the problem: depending on the nature of the queue it could only
add seconds to a wait time. It is more than that; the anger and frustration felt comes from the injustice
surrounding the fact that someone violated the rules of the social system (the queue) (Cooley, 1902).
A social system needs to be defended, otherwise order cannot be maintained. So, if there is a threat to
the order of the system, by someone intruding, those in the queue must defend themselves. As
Milgram’s study showed, the queue does not act as a whole and defend their queue; instead it is thought
to be the responsibility of those behind the intruder, and very much so of the individual directly behind
the intrusion. Finally, the defence of the queue is almost always normative (based on expectations of the
group), with individuals most likely to simply point out ‘this is a queue’ or tell the intruder ‘you can’t
push in here’.
The use of observation to gather data in Milgram et al.’s study has both strengths and weaknesses.
Covert observation allows the observer to record people’s natural behaviour, as they do not know
they are being observed so they won’t change their behaviour as a result. However, with covert
observations there are ethical issues because, if people don’t know they are being observed they
cannot give informed consent and there is the issue of deception. Observation is also a way of
measuring how people actually respond in a situation, as opposed to a self-report method where
people may give a socially desirable answer about how they think they would respond to someone
pushing into a queue. A weakness of the observation is that it is subjective, and the observer may
miss something. Observer bias may occur, where the person involved in the research is more likely
to interpret something in a way that it confirms the hypothesis. This reduces the reliability of the
observation, particularly as there was only one observer so there is nobody to compare results with
to check for inter-observer reliability.
Research into personal space and queuing are particularly subject to cultural differences as they are
both behaviours that vary between cultures. Milgram et al.’s research into queue jumping was
carried out in New York City, so the results may only be representative of the city itself but would
likely apply to the rest of the USA fairly accurately. However, other cultures around the world
would likely respond differently when faced with someone intruding into their queue, so the results
should be generalised with caution.
The research by Robson et al. highlights the importance of individual explanations when
considering personal space. The research showed that factors such as gender, age and ethnicity
were all important influences on someone’s feelings about personal space. This is an important
consideration in comparison to the more likely consideration of situational factors, such as whether
the meal is romantic or business.
4 Dogu and Erkip found that most respondents found ‘You Are Here’ signs to be helpful but 47%
did not believe there were any at that mall. How should someone designing a mall use this
information to aid in their design?
5 Gil et al. used CCTV footage to track the routes taken by customers and also interviewed the
customers as they left the shop. Why was it important to use both approaches?
6 Robson et al. considered the importance of personal space when designing a restaurant. What are
the costs and benefits of having tables closer together or further apart, and what factors need to be
taken into account?
Figure 7.13: Utility theory suggests that we make decisions rationally, selecting products that score
highest on all the variables
Simon (1956) proposed an alternative model called satisficing in which he describes consumers as
getting ‘approximately where they wanted to go’ and then stopping the decision-making process.
Continuing the example of buying a new car, from a satisficing point of view, you might look at a few
cars and stop the process when you find one that is ‘good enough’. Although this model may explain
behaviour more accurately than utility theory, it still does not offer a good predictor of consumer
behaviour that can be effectively used in a retail environment.
Prospect theory was developed by Kahneman and Tversky, in the 1970s. Their theory added two new
concepts to the explanation of consumer decision-making; these were value (rather than utility in the
earlier utility model) and endowment, which is when an item is more precious when owned than when
owned by someone else. This suggests that people value gains and losses in different ways and are more
likely to base their decisions on perceived likelihood of gains rather than perceived likelihood of losses.
For example, we buy a lottery ticket because we might win, not because we are highly likely to lose.
In compensatory strategies, a consumer will allow the value of one attribute to compensate for another.
Again, in terms of buying a new car, you might decide that a very low mileage compensates for the fact
that this was not your first choice of make or your preferred colour. Alternatively, you may choose the
car based on the colour, allowing this to compensate for the high mileage.
Richarme (2005) describes two compensatory strategies:
• Equal Weight Strategy, where attributes are seen as being equally important. For example, someone
buying a car might find mileage and colour to be of equal importance.
• Weighted Additive Strategy, where some attributes are seen as more important than others. For
example, someone might value the low mileage on a car much more highly than the make or the
In non-compensatory strategies each attribute is evaluated individually, rather than allowing one
variable to compensate for another. So, in terms of buying a new car, even if it was a good price, the
ideal make and had a low mileage, it would be immediately discounted if it was not the correct colour.
Simon suggests that there are three non-compensatory strategies:
• Satisficing: the first product to meet the basic requirements is chosen and no further consideration
takes place. For example, if an essential piece of household equipment fails, such as a kettle,
someone might simply purchase the first kettle they see.
• Elimination by aspects: this strategy sets a ‘cut-off’ value for the most important attribute and then
allows everything that meets that attribute to remain under consideration. The remaining items are
then assessed against the next attribute and so on. For example, when buying a kettle, you might
decide on the minimum capacity so anything of at least that capacity is considered, then you might
consider another factor, such as efficiency, for the remaining kettles.
• Lexigraphic: the most important attribute is evaluated and if one item is considered superior in
terms of this attribute, this immediately stops the decision-making process, and the item is chosen.
If one item does not emerge as superior on the most important attribute, then the consideration
moves to the next attribute and so on. For example, you need to buy a kettle but have a large family
so you decide you will get the kettle with the biggest capacity, and won’t consider other factors.
Consumers may use a partially compensatory strategy, a middle ground between compensatory and non-
Two partially compensatory strategies are:
• Majority of Conforming Dimensions: an individual using this strategy would evaluate two products
against all relevant attributes and keep the one that does best. This one is then compared to the next
product and so on until there is only one product left. For example, you might look at two kettles
and compare them on price, and disregard the more expensive one, then compare the cheaper one
with another and so on.
• Frequency of Good and Bad Features: all products are compared to the appropriate cut-off values
and the product that has the most positive features exceeding the cut-off values will be chosen. For
example, comparing all kettles on important factors, such as capacity, efficiency and price, and
choosing the one that looks the best across all factors.
Example study
Jedetski et al. (2002) were interested to discover the decision-making strategies used by consumers
buying online. It was predicted that consumers would use compensatory strategies when buying from a
website designed to allow comparison of items but would use non-compensatory strategies when this
wasn’t available. They also predicted that the number of alternatives available would influence which
decision-making strategy was used. Each of the 24 participants was asked to read a document about the
decision-making strategies (three compensatory and three non-compensatory strategies) and then given
a quiz to test their understanding. Participants then went to one of two websites, each with quite
different designs, and were shown how lists of alternatives could be found, refined and so on, and were
asked to speak aloud their process as they made a decision on which item they would buy. Immediately
afterwards, the participant was given a questionnaire about their decision-making strategy, how satisfied
or frustrated they were and how confident they felt about their decision. The experimenter recorded
information about which item was selected, how many alternatives there were and how long the decision
took. This was repeated for four different items for each participant (although each participant used only
one website).
Results showed that, as expected, participants used significantly more compensatory strategies on
CompareNet (a website design that uses technology allowing comparisons of items to be made) and
more non-compensatory strategies on Jango (a website design that does not allow comparisons of
items). Furthermore, the number of alternatives affected strategies used: with participants using more
compensatory strategies for items with fewer than 30 alternatives and more non-compensatory strategies
for items with more than 100 alternatives. There was not a significant difference between compensatory
and non-compensatory strategies in terms of confidence, satisfaction, frustration, perceived time or
actual time. Participants were, however, more satisfied when using CompareNet than when using Jango;
suggesting that website designs that use technology for comparisons are more satisfying for consumers.
Jedetski et al. (2002) used an independent measures design, where each participant used only one
of the two websites for their task. Results were then compared between the groups of participants
in each condition. One strength of an independent measures design is that there is no risk of order
effects (as could be the case with repeated measures) and it is less likely the participants will work
out the aim of the experiment (as they could do with repeated measures), both of which increase
the validity of the experiment. However, one weakness of independent measures is that one group
of participants is compared to another group or participants, instead of being compared to
themselves. This means that participant variables could affect the results; it could be that the
participants in one condition just happen to be different in terms of their decision-making styles for
example. Finally, a limitation recognised by Jedetski et al. was the fact that participants were
informed of the different decision-making strategies before the main task. This was done so that
the participants could describe the strategy they were using, but it had the negative consequence of
reducing the ecological validity of the study. By learning about the strategies first, this meant that
we are less likely to be seeing the natural way in which the participants would have carried out this
task in a real-life situation.
Research into the different models of consumer decision-making take a nomothetic approach. The
models aim to offer a universal set of rules explaining why the population behaves in a particular
way and uses research to gather lots of data to make these proposals. This can be a useful approach
as it enables us to have a good understanding about the way people will likely behave, and to allow
predictions and expectations. Furthermore, because the research is based on gathering large
amounts of data, it is likely to be accurate for the most part. However, this contrasts with an
idiographic approach, which looks at everyone as an individual and would seek to find out detail
about an individual’s personal circumstances to truly understand their behaviour. This would, of
course, allow for a more specific and highly accurate account for an individual’s behaviour but
doesn’t allow for the practical aspects of a nomothetic approach. Why should cultural differences
be considered when investigating consumer decision-making?
Choice heuristics
We are constantly making decisions and have developed cognitive processing strategies or shortcuts to
help us make decisions more easily. These are called heuristics. We are likely to use different heuristics
for different sorts of decisions, and may use more than one for a particular decision. Heuristics are
usually helpful as they aid our decision-making, but they can also lead to errors in judgement.
Availability heuristics
Availability heuristics are mental shortcuts based on how easy it is to bring something to mind. They are
often useful ways of thinking about situations and can be beneficial, for example, by making us more
cautious in dangerous situations as we can easily bring examples of negative outcomes to mind.
However, this is often based on inaccurate information or faulty thinking.
Hoyer et al. (2010) suggest that if you had bought a DVD player that kept breaking down, your
‘available’ perception of that brand is likely to be a negative one, so you would be unlikely to purchase
from that company again. Communication from others might also create an availability heuristic. If your
friend had problems with a particular make, then this information is likely to influence your thinking
even though this may be an isolated instance. This occurs because we ignore base rate information –
how often something really occurs – in favour of information that is readily available or easily
Representativeness heuristics
Representativeness heuristics are mental shortcuts that allow us to make judgements by making
comparisons with the best-known (most representative) example of a category. If, for example, we are
looking for a mobile phone, we are likely to compare a newly released model to the current market
leader. If it appears similar, then we are likely to assume that this is also a quality product.
Manufacturers take advantage of the fact that we use this heuristic, by making products (or their
packaging) look like an established product so that the consumer assumes they will be similar.
Recognition heuristics
Recognition heuristics are used when we are, for example, choosing between two items or two brands.
In this case if you are familiar with one of them (you recognise it), but not the other, you will assume the
recognised one has more value, and it will therefore be chosen. For example, choosing between brands
of mobile phones, if the specification and details are exactly the same for two phones but one of them is
a familiar brand, you will choose that one over the other.
Take-the-best heuristics
Take-the-best heuristics allow a decision to be made based on one single ‘good’ reason only. When
choosing between several options the decision-maker will make their choice based on one attribute that
seems to best discriminate between the items, ignoring other information that is available. In the
example of buying a mobile phone, there are lots of factors that are important (price, camera,
appearance, size, etc.) but the ‘take-the-best’ heuristic would mean you would base your decision on the
one factor you think is most important, ignoring all others, so you might choose the phone that has the
best camera, regardless of anything else.
Anchoring describes our tendency to give the most importance to the first bit of information we receive
about something, regardless of what further information we gather. This means that the decisions we
make are based on adjustments of that first piece of information, but that that starting point has a huge
impact on the final decision. For example, you are going to buy a new car and you see online what the
average price for that car is. If you go to the dealership and the price is slightly under that price you will
jump at the chance to spend that money. However, if you had seen a lower price online you would likely
have bargained the price down and saved yourself some money.
Imagine you are buying a new mobile phone, which heuristics do you think you would use? How
do you think they would help in your decision-making?
However, because no self-report data were gathered, we can’t be sure of the reasons for the increased
sales (it could be that the shoppers were confused). Furthermore, because data only showed sales, not
how many items each customer bought, we don’t know if more people bought the items or if the same
number of customers bought more items.
The next study examined the effect of suggestive selling: in this case, in the form of suggesting a new
and innovative way to enjoy the items, such as ‘Snickers bars – buy them for your freezer’. It also
examined the effect of these suggestive selling slogans when accompanied with or without a price
The study involved a shopping scenario, where 120 undergraduates were offered six well-known
products at one of three price levels: an actual convenience store price (no discount), a 20% discount
and a 40% discount. Participants were given suggestive selling claims that included either no product
quantity anchor (‘Snickers bars – buy them for your freezer’) or an explicit product quantity anchor
(‘Snickers bars – buy 18 for your freezer’). Participants were given no indication whether the price was
a discount and were asked to provide purchase quantity intentions for all products.
The results showed that both the suggestive selling and the discount level increased purchase quantity
intentions, and that the suggestive selling increased intended purchase quantities even without a
discount. Including the product quantity anchor increased purchase quality intentions, and this was
effective even without a discount.
Decision-making styles
Earlier in this section we looked at different heuristics that are involved in decision-making, and we are
now going to revisit the recognition and take-the-best heuristics, alongside five decision-making styles.
According to Scott and Bruce (1995) there are five decision-making styles:
1 Rational: making decisions in a logical way, where various options are considered to achieve a
specific goal.
2 Intuitive: making decisions that ‘feel right’; trusting your intuition.
3 Dependent: consulting others and relying on their assistance when making a decision.
4 Avoiding: putting off decisions or making decisions only at the last minute.
5 Spontaneous: making quick and impulsive decisions.
The instrument devised by Scott and Bruce to measure decision-making styles does not assign everyone
to one style. Instead, it gives each person a score in each dimension, indicating how much their
individual style resembles each of the five styles.
The use of a heuristic has been shown to be influenced by the task and context (situational factors:
Payne et al., 1993) and by personal factors, such as intelligence and personality traits (e.g. neuroticism).
Time pressure is a particular factor that has been shown to increase the likelihood of using a heuristic
(Hilbig et al., 2012).
Example study
del Campo et al. (2016) were interested to study the relationship between heuristics and decision-
making styles, as this specific relationship has not been researched previously. Their study included two
experiments: one in Vienna and one in Madrid. In total, there were 320 participants, with a wide range
of ages and approximately equal split of men and women. Participants were asked to complete a
computer-based task where they were asked to choose between five different options of eggs and were
either given a time pressure (40 seconds to make the decision) or no time pressure. Four of the egg
options were designed to target a particular heuristic or type of response: one targeted the take-the-best
heuristic, one the recognition heuristic, one triggered an emotional response and one required higher
cognitive processing. The fifth option did not target a specific behaviour (see Figure 7.15). Following
the task, participants were given a questionnaire asking questions about their reasons for the decision,
their buying behaviours, their attitudes to the products and so on. Each participant also completed Scott
and Bruce’s instrument to determine the dimensions of their decision-making style.
Figure 7.15: The different egg carton designs use by del Campo et al. (2016)
Results showed that there were many differences between the two experiments, so these cultural
differences need to be further investigated. In the Vienna Experiment, time pressure led to a significant
shift from ‘cognitive’ to ‘take-the-best’ options, however, this was not the case in the Madrid
Experiment, which suggests there is only limited evidence that time pressure increases the likelihood of
using heuristics. Furthermore, in the Vienna Experiment, those who scored high on the spontaneous
style were more likely to choose the ‘recognition’ product than the ‘cognitive’ one, as expected.
Unexpected, however, is that those who scored high on the rational style chose the ‘take-the-best’ option
more often than the ‘cognitive’ one, regardless of time pressure. In Madrid, those scoring high in the
rational decision style were less likely to choose the ‘take-the-best’ product, compared to the
‘cognitive’, without time pressure, but this is reversed with time pressure.
The first study by Wansink et al. was a field experiment, so it had high ecological validity and
showed people’s consumer behaviour in a natural setting. However, because it did not involve any
self-report, there are no qualitative data so we cannot know about the thoughts or feelings that the
consumers were experiencing. This limits how useful the study is because only quantitative data
were gathered (in terms of how many purchases were made), but we cannot know the reasons
behind the change in purchases. Their second experiment is flawed because they only included
students, so we cannot generalise the results to the wider population. This is particularly important
for an area such as consumer behaviour, because people from different sorts of households and
with different budgets and priorities will be expected to show different consumer behaviour. How
could Wansink et al. have improved their study?
Research into point of purchase decisions, such as that by Wansink et al., is particularly applicable
to real life because it shows the effectiveness of different promotions and selling techniques. This
is useful for shop owners as they can use the information gathered from this research to maximise
sales and profit, and to target certain products that they may, for example, have an excess of. The
information could also be useful for consumers, however, because this would allow them to
understand the psychology behind these promotions and it may help them to think about whether
they are really going to benefit from the offers or not.
Mistakes in decision-making
Thinking fast and thinking slow/System 1 and System 2
Kahneman’s (2011) book Thinking, Fast and Slow presents his 40 years of research into the theory of
thinking and has been summarised and reviewed by Shleifer (2012). According to Kahneman, there are
two different systems used for thinking: System 1 and System 2. System 1 thinking corresponds to
‘thinking fast’, involving automatic, intuitive, unconscious and effortless thinking. System 1 thinking
relies on associations and heuristics, rather than on statistical analysis or consideration of evidence. On
the other hand, System 2 thinking corresponds to ‘thinking slow’, it is conscious, controlled and
deliberate. System 2 thinking relies on statistical analysis and requires time and attention so it is costly
to use. Kahneman and Tversky claim that System 1 describes ‘normal’ decision-making and is the
approach most of us take to making decisions, most of the time. This not only applies to small and
insignificant decisions but also to bigger decisions such as investments and purchases. System 1 is
useful because it is quick and effortless so it allows for our lives to be easier. Often, System 1 thinking
works out well, but because of the lack of deliberate and conscious thought, sometimes it can lead to
errors. This does not mean that we are incapable of System 2 thought, but that we don’t use it very
often. This may be why it is so difficult to make accurate predictions about decision-making.
An example to demonstrate the difference in System 1 and System 2 thinking comes from one of
Kahneman and Tversky’s best-known experiments. In the experiment, Americans were asked to respond
to this statement: ‘Steve is very shy and withdrawn, invariably helpful but with very little interest in
people or in the world of reality. A meek and tidy soul, he has a need for order and structure, and a
passion for detail.’ Is Steve more likely to be a librarian or a farmer?
The most common response would come from System 1 thinking. Steve is more likely to be a librarian
than a farmer because he sounds more like a librarian than a farmer. However, this has ignored the facts
that there are at least five times as many farmers in the USA as there are librarians, and that male
librarians in the USA are even less common. Therefore, a response from the System 2 approach would
be that it is much more likely that Steve is a farmer, rather than a librarian.
Kahneman claims that adding two and two, completing the words ‘bread and…’ and driving a car on an
empty road are all examples of System 1 thinking. They require a quick, intuitive response with little
effort, and usually get the right answer. However, the previous example of Steve shows that System 1
can sometimes lead to errors.
There are some difficulties when considering System 1 and System 2 thinking. First, the parameters of
these systems will vary between people. Kahneman uses an example of calculating 20 × 20 to
demonstrate that, for some people (such as mathematicians) this is a System 1 effortless task, whereas
for others it would rely on System 2, effortful thinking. Another difficulty with the systems is that we
focus on the errors that tend to occur as a result of System 1 thinking, however, System 2 is not flawless,
and can also lead to errors. Considering the example of 20 × 20, even using System 2 and spending time
and effort on the calculation, some people will still make an error. Therefore, if we see an error in
thinking or decision-making, it is not obvious whether the error is due to System 1, System 2 or a
combination of the two. A third problem with the relationship between System 1 and System 2 comes
from the idea that most of the information that is considered during System 2 comes from System 1. If
the full or correct information is not ‘sent’ from System 1 to System 2 then what prompts System 2 to
engage? To use the example of Steve, what would actually trigger someone to engage System 2 thinking
and consider the ratio of male librarians to farmers? There are many questions that remain unclear or
unanswered in terms of how the two systems are distinguished from another and how they work with
one another.
Choice blindness
Key study: Hall et al. (2010)
Hall, L., Johansson, P., Tärning, B., Sikström, S., & Deutgen, T. (2010). Magic at the marketplace:
choice blindness for the taste of jam and the smell of tea. Cognition, 117(1), 54–61.
Choice blindness is an example of an error in decision-making. This occurs when someone doesn’t
notice the difference between what they have chosen and the outcome they get. Johansson et al. (2005)
investigated choice blindness by asking participants to select which of two photos of women’s faces
they found most attractive. The photos were then surreptitiously swapped over, and the participant was
asked to defend their choice and explain why they found their chosen photo more attractive (while being
presented with the other photo). Participants only noticed that there was something wrong with their
choice in 26% of trials.
If the processing of faces was subject to choice blindness it is reasonable to expect that the same could
be applied to other visual processing. However, Hall et al. were interested to discover whether choice
blindness extended beyond human faces and other visual processing. They were interested in whether
choice blindness would apply to other decision-making, and specifically, would it apply to consumer
decision-making in a real-life setting.
Main theories and explanations
Choice blindness is a complex phenomenon, without a clear explanation. There has been a great interest
in the importance of implicit or ‘non-conscious’ influence in consumer decision-making. One example
of an implicit influence is preference fluency; how easy or difficult the consumer perceives the choice to
be. Another implicit influence is placebo effect of marketing, where people tend to believe that a
product will be less effective if it is purchased at a reduced price.
As well as these implicit influences, our decision-making is also affected by explicit influences, in other
words making a decision based on what you actually see and hear relating to the product itself. Choice
blindness then is interesting because it considers the interaction between explicit choices (the decision
you make initially) and implicit changes (the surreptitious switching of your choice). Studying choice
blindness allows us to gain insight into the decision-making processes that occurred at the time, as well
as the extent to which we are consciously aware of these afterwards.
The aim was to investigate whether choice blindness would be shown with consumer decision-making
in a naturalistic setting.
The study was a field experiment, where a tasting venue was set up at a supermarket. The sample
consisted of 180 participants, of which 118 were female, and with an age range of 16–80 years, at a
supermarket in Sweden. This was opportunity sampling, as participants were asked if they would like to
be involved in a quality control test for pairs of teas and jams (see Figure 7.16). Each participant was
asked to taste the jam and smell the tea and say which of each pair they preferred. For each participant
either the jam or the tea condition was manipulated. Half were told they would receive the chosen tea or
jam as a thank you gift. For each participant, the order of presentation, the type of manipulation and
which jams and teas were used were randomly allocated.
Figure 7.16: Participants tasted pairs of jams and chose their favourite
Experimenter 1 asked the questions, took notes and managed the recording device, while experimenter 2
conducted the preference test. In the manipulated condition the participant was presented with the two
jars of jam or tea and asked to sample the first one and rate how much they liked it on a scale of 1–10.
While they were rating it, experimenter 2 surreptitiously turned the jar upside down so that now the
other sample was present (this was created by having two jars attached to each other bottom to bottom,
each with a screw on lid and a paper label covering the join so it looked like a normal jar). The
participant was asked to sample the other option and again while rating it, experimenter 2 turned it
upside down. Participants were now asked to taste their preferred sample again, defend their choice, and
indicate on a ten-point scale how difficult they found the decision and how confident they were in their
choice. After the participant had completed the tea and jam pairing, they were asked if they felt there
was anything odd or unusual about the set up or about the sampled alternatives. They were then fully
debriefed and had the full aim explained, and were asked again if they suspected any manipulation.
There were three criteria for detection of the manipulation: concurrent detection (if the participant
noticed anything unusual immediately after tasting or smelling the manipulated jam or tea),
retrospective detection (where the participant claimed to have noticed the deception after the
experiment, either before or after debriefing) and sensory-change detection (where, even if the
participants did not report noticing anything, they made any comments about the change in taste or
smell after the manipulation). Those with a concurrent detection completed the taste study but their
results were not included in the results analysis.
Results, findings and conclusions
Only 14.4% of the jam and 13.8% of the tea trials were detected concurrently, 6.2% of the jam and 6.9%
of the tea trials were detected retrospectively, and 12.4% of the jam and 11.5% of the tea trials were
recorded as sensory-change detection. In total, 33.3% of the manipulated jam trials and 32% of the
manipulated tea trials were detected. In contrast to predictions, those offered the tea as a gift were less
likely to detect any manipulation than those who were not offered a gift. There were no differences
based on incentives for jam. There were no differences in perceived ease of distinguishing between the
two samples, or confidence in decision (for tea or jam) between the non-manipulation trials and the
manipulation trials where there was no detection. Overall rating for perceived ease of distinguishing
between the two samples, and confidence rating, was notably high for both jam and tea.
The results supported the main prediction: no more than a third of manipulation trials were detected by
participants. This shows that, for most trials, participants were blind to the mismatch between intended
and actual outcome of their choice, and instead believed that the taste or smell in their final sample
matched their initial choice. Furthermore, in two-thirds of detected trials, participants didn’t react at the
time of tasting the manipulated sample, instead this only happened later, or through an expression of
sensory change. Even for vastly different tastes such as cinnamon-apple and grapefruit, or smells such as
mango and Pernod (strong aniseed smell), detections were made in less than half of trials, and no more
than one-fifth were detected concurrently. One aspect that makes the findings so interesting is that, for
non-manipulated trials and for non-detected manipulated trials the ease of distinguishing between the
two samples scored high on the ten-point scale (7.3 for jam and 8.0 for tea). This shows that the non-
detection could not just be that participants found it difficult to tell the samples apart; in fact, they found
it easy to distinguish between the two, but they still could not detect the manipulation. Finally, although
some may argue that this is a low-stakes decision, those who were offered the free gift were actually less
likely to notice the manipulation than those who were not offered a gift. This suggests that choice
blindness still remains at a significant level even when faced with real-world consequences.
Hall et al. used opportunity sampling for their field experiment. They set up a tasting stall at a
supermarket and asked passers-by to take part in taste-testing. A strength of opportunity sampling is that
it is quick, easy and convenient. By using whoever happens to be present it means the researchers don’t
need to spend time and resources trying to get a sample of participants, as with some other methods.
Another strength is that there is likely to be a reasonable spread of people; in the case of Hall et al. there
was an age range of 16–80, and a mix of men and women. A weakness of opportunity sampling,
however, is that you don’t have control over who the sample will be so you cannot ensure it is fully
representative, or that there are any particular types of people. The use of pilot testing allowed for the
researchers to use samples of jam and tea that they knew were easy to distinguish from one another. This
is really important for increasing the validity of the study as we can be confident that the reason for
participants not noticing a manipulation was not just that it was hard to distinguish between the two, but
instead that it was due to choice blindness.
Hall et al.’s research is applicable to real life because it helps us to understand the role of choice
blindness. Although this was a low-stakes situation, where there were not any repercussions because of
the choice blindness, it is still an important phenomenon to be aware of. There could be situations in real
life where the stakes are higher and possible repercussions could be significant so understanding choice
blindness may be relevant. For example, if somebody was a witness to a crime and they incorrectly
identified a suspect from a set of photos, but then at trial they defended their choice, despite possible
evidence to the contrary.
McKinney (1935) investigated the role of retroactive interference in advertising by asking participants
to study one full-page magazine advert. Then half of the participants were given a rest period while the
other half were given two more adverts to learn (the ‘work’ condition). Participants were then given a
cued recall test (where they were given cues to help trigger their memory) and results showed that those
in the rest condition were more likely to remember the slogan of the advert (94%) than those in the work
condition (72%), suggesting that the subsequent learning interfered with the ability to recall the original
advert. Blankenship and Whitely (1941) investigated proactive interference in advertising by asking
participants to learn either one list of 18 store items and prices, or to learn the list, after also learning a
previous list. Their results showed that, 48 hours later, those who only had to learn the list were more
likely to recall the items than those who had also learned a previous list, suggesting it is the previous
information that interfered with the recall of information.
Example study
Burke and Srull (1988) aimed to discover whether a consumer’s ability to recall distinctive brand
informatin from an advert would be hindered if they subsequently view an advert for another similar
product by another brand, or for another item by the same brand. They were also interested in how
memory was affected by the consumer’s information processing objective (the reason why they were
looking at the advert). The researchers reported on three experiments, of which we will look at the first
two. In Experiment 1 participants were shown 12 adverts (three of which were the target adverts they
would later be asked to recall, which were presented near the beginning of the series) and the
information processing objective was manipulated by asking participants to either decide how likely
they would be to buy that product, or how interesting they thought the advert was. The 12 adverts were
either similar products by different brands, different products by the same brand, or a range of different
products and brands. Following viewing, participants were given a questionnaire about magazine and
television viewing habits as a distractor task and were then given a surprise recall test where they were
given the brand name and product number of each of the target adverts in turn and were given 2 minutes
to recall any information about the advert.
Results showed that participants recalled on average twice as much when they had been asked to rate
intention to purchase, rather than just rating the advert on interest, suggesting that purchase intention
leads to closer attention being paid (see Figure 7.17). Results also showed that recall was significantly
lower for those who subsequently viewed adverts for similar products or the same brand (compared to
those who viewed a range of product adverts). This shows retroactive interference because the new
learning (the adverts that were viewed after the target advert) interfered with the ability to recall
information about the target advert. However, information processing objective (whether the consumer
was looking to decide on purchase intent or just rating the advert on interest) mediated this effect and
results showed that the memory of participants looking at an advert with a purchase intent was less
likely to be affected by interference from other adverts.
Experiment 2 was designed the same way, but was intended to investigate proactive interference. As
such in Experiment 2 the target adverts were presented later in the series, to see if earlier information
interfered with recall of target adverts. Results were similar to Experiment 1: those rating on purchase
intention recalled more information and those viewing similar product adverts remembered less
information correctly. However, unlike in Experiment 1, Experiment 2 did not find that information
processing objective had a significant mediating effect on the influence of similar product adverts.
Burke and Srull’s use of laboratory experiments offers a highly controlled method, giving high
validity and reliability. Validity is high because extraneous variables are controlled so we can be
confident that any changes in response by the participants will be due to the change in the
independent variables. For example, adverts were shown in a specific order, and for the same
length of time so we know that changes in recall can’t be due to some participants viewing the
material for longer. This increases the validity. Reliability is also high because of the standardised
procedure used. Each participant followed the exact same procedure in terms of the instructions
they were given, the times, the order, the distractor task and the cues used in the recall test.
Therefore, because everything was kept the same for each participant, we can be confident of
consistent, reliable results.
Research into the two thinking systems (System 1 and System 2), and the way this impacts our
decision-making can be seen to be deterministic. The suggestion is that System 1 (thinking fast) is
automatic and unconscious and that we use it almost all the time. This has been used to explain
why we may make errors in decision-making. This is deterministic because it suggests that errors
in decision-making happen because we are automatically using System 1 thinking, rather than
System 2 (thinking slow). However, one could argue that this explanation ignores free will and that
we are responsible for our own actions and our own decision-making so if we make an error that is
due to our free will, and our choice not to engage in System 2 thinking. How could the idiographic
versus nomothetic approach be applied to research into mistakes in decisionmaking?
7 Why is a nomothetic approach useful in research into decision-making strategies?
8 What may be the advantages and disadvantages of using heuristics when making decisions?
9 Hall et al. recorded three different criteria for detection of manipulation. Why was this?
Porublev et al. (2009) suggest that gifts can be presented in one of three ways: unwrapped, wrapped in a
non-traditional manner where it may be difficult to determine that the gift is actually a gift (such as in a
bag) or wrapped in a traditional manner. Howard conducted a study in which he examined how the
appearance of a gift influenced mood. He found that people were happier when presented with a
traditionally wrapped gift than with either a non-traditionally wrapped or an unwrapped gift. Unwrapped
gifts can be acceptable, for example, if you were invited to a dinner and took a box of chocolates as a
gift, you would probably not wrap it, but if it was being given as a birthday present you probably would.
In the study by Porublev et al., three data collecting techniques were used: (1) observations conducted at
a Christmas gift-wrapping stall; (2) 20 in-depth interviews where respondents were asked to reflect on
gift wrapping (including questions such as ‘Do you prefer to receive gifts that are wrapped or
unwrapped?’, ‘In what instance do you wrap gifts?’, ‘In what instance do you not wrap gifts?’) and (3)
six workshops where, in pairs, participants were asked to wrap two gifts, one for someone they were
close to and one for an acquaintance, and to have a conversation about gift wrapping while doing so.
Results from both the workshops and the interviews revealed that most participants preferred to receive
a gift that was wrapped and that there were clear expectations of what a gift should look like.
The researchers used qualitative data to support their findings that gifts should be wrapped. For
example, one of their participants said ‘I prefer wrapped. I like the reveal … I like a gift under any
circumstances, but it does mean somebody’s taken a little bit of extra time and put extra thought into it.’
Participants also identified that gift wrapping was traditional, and that people probably do it without
thinking too much about why they are doing it: it is just ‘what you do’ (see Figure 7.18).
Figure 7.18: Gift wrapping is important for both the giver and receiver
There was also a preference for a gift to look like a gift. An analysis of the gifts created in the
workshops showed that all 24 of them looked like gifts, with traditional wrappings: paper, decorative
bags with ribbons, bows and other embellishments. It was suggested that this indicates social
expectations of what a gift should typically look like. Participants in the gift-wrapping task reported
‘playing it safe’ with wrapping the gift for an acquaintance. However, when wrapping a gift for a close
friend or family member they were able to relate this directly to the person, choosing colours and
patterns that they knew the person would like. The researchers concluded that gifts should be wrapped
because wrapped gifts make it easier for the exchange to occur because they ‘enable the giver and
receiver to fall into their roles without any confusion as to the purpose of the exchange’.
Imagine you were asked to take part in the workshop set up by Porublev et al. Draw and label a
picture of how you would wrap up a gift for someone you are close to, and for someone who was
just an acquaintance. What are the key differences? Why?
The food package design is an important aspect of any product as it is what consumers will first see of a
product. When making a decision about which product to buy, a consumer is often faced with a huge
array of options, so it is important for a product to stand out and to appeal to a customer. Previous
research in this area has shown that product design helps aid a decision in the absence of information
about a product, for example when a new product becomes available.
There are many factors related to food package design that have been shown to influence consumers’
perceptions of the product, in terms of taste, quality and price expectations. Not only can product
packaging affect our perception of a product, research has also shown that it can have an effect on our
actual experience of the product. There are several different features of packaging design that need to be
considered, two of which are the colour and the shape.
The aim was to investigate the effect of packaging shape and colour on consumers’ perception of the
product. There were four hypotheses:
Hypothesis 1: An angular, rather than rounded, package will lead consumers to experience the product
taste as more intense.
Hypothesis 2: A highly saturated, rather than lowly saturated, coloured packaging will lead to
consumers experiencing the product taste as more intense.
Hypothesis 3: Shape–colour congruency (angular shape and highly saturated colour or rounded shape
and lowly saturated colour) will lead to a more positive overall product attitude than shape–colour
incongruency (angular and lowly saturated colour or rounded and highly saturated colour).
Hypothesis 4: All predicted effects will be greater for those with a sensitivity to design compared to
those indifferent to product design.
A field experiment was used, where participants were approached and asked to take part in a ‘taste test’
for a new brand of yoghurt. There were 151 participants, who were customers of a large German
supermarket. There was an equal split of men and women and an age range of 15–81 years. Participants
were approached at the entrance to the supermarket, so this was opportunity sampling. The experimental
design was independent measures, where each participant was in one condition only.
Pretesting was used to design an angular and rounded shape and a highly saturated (high intensity of
colour) and lowly saturated (low intensity of colour) colour packaging. A (different) set of participants
were asked to rate three variations of angular and three different variations of rounded shapes on a range
of different items, to identify the pair of shapes that led to the greatest difference in ratings. The same
process was applied with two pairs of saturations of lemon-green. These pre-tests lead to the four lemon
yoghurt product variants that were used in the main experiment: these are shown in Figure 7.19.
Each participant was shown a 20-second 3D clip on a laptop of one of four package variants and were
then given a sample to taste (the same sample was used for all participants). Participants were then
asked to complete a computer-presented questionnaire, using a seven-point Likert-type scales to assess
their taste experience, product evaluation and price expectation, as well as a scale to assess their
sensitivity to design.
Figure 7.19: The four lemon yoghurt packaging variants used by Becker et al. (2011)
A field experiment was used, so there is high ecological validity, meaning the results of the study can be
applied beyond the research setting. The participants did not know the true aim of the experiment, which
means there was less chance of demand characteristics and the risk of participants changing their
behaviour accordingly, thus increasing the validity of the results. The study used a good-sized sample
with a balance of gender and wide range of ages, which means the results can be generalised to the
wider population. However, all participants were from the same area in Germany so results may not be
applicable to other cultures. The study used a standardised procedure, where all participants experienced
the same instructions, the same video clips, were given the same sample to taste and were given the
same set of questionnaires to answer, thus increasing the reliability of the study. Quantitative data were
gathered using the seven-point Likert-type scales, meaning the results can be compared and analysed.
However, a lack of open questions means that there were no qualitative data, so we do not have details
about the participants’ thoughts and feelings or their reasons for the answers they gave.
Becker et al.’s research can be applied to everyday life because it has demonstrated consumers’ views
on food packaging and the implications that has for the perception of the product itself. This can be used
by food package designers as a useful tool to guide decision-making in terms of shape and colour of the
package. Packaging is one of the main components that a customer will use to make a purchase decision
about a food item, so using information gained from research such as Becker et al. will be a valuable
Example study
Atalay et al. (2012) used eye-tracking technology to identify the customer tendency to choose the
option in the centre of the array (a variety of different versions or brands of the same item presented
together). It was important to ensure the item in the centre of the array was not just selected because it
was also in the participants’ centre of vision, so to test this, Study 1 was split into Study 1A and 1B.
Study 1A involved participants looking at a screen to make a decision about a product, while a discreet
infra-red camera recorded their eye gaze and tracked the exact location of eye fixations (the location of
where their eyes focused) on the screen.
Participants reviewed two product categories: vitamin supplements and meal replacement bars. Two
separate planograms were displayed. A planogram is a diagram that shows how and where specific
retail products should be placed on retail shelves or displays to increase customer purchases.
Planogramming is a skill used in merchandising and retail space planning. There were three brands and
each brand appeared three times. Participants were asked to carefully review each product on the screen
as if these were on the shelf in a shop. They were asked to hit the enter key when they had finished
reviewing the products and were ready to make a choice. Once they hit the enter key, the stimulus
disappeared from the screen to ensure that any further visual processing was stopped. Participants
indicated their choice by ticking the box that matched the position of the product on a 3 × 3 matrix that
mirrored the planogram.
Results of Study 1A showed that brands in the centre received more frequent eye fixations and overall
were looked at for longer. This was particularly the case nearer to decision time; an effect that is known
as the central gaze cascade. Further analysis revealed that products placed in the centre were chosen
more often and this choice was unrelated to other inferences made about the product and was solely
related to increased visual attention.
Study 1B was identical except that the shelf arrays were presented to either the left or right of the
computer screen so that the item in the centre of the array was not also in the centre of the visual field.
Results for Study 1B were the same as for Study 1A, which shows the item being central in the array
(shelf position) is the important factor, not just the position in the visual field.
Study 2 was conducted to see if the results could be replicated in a more realistic context, rather than on
a screen. Participants were asked to select one item from a set of three fictitious brands of energy drink.
Participants were tested one at a time and were positioned in the middle of the display so that the
category they were asked to choose from was to their left or their right (but never exactly in the centre of
their visual field). They were not allowed to reposition themselves (which would have put the category
in the centre of their visual field) and were simply asked to review the items and to choose one of the
energy drinks.
Results showed that the centrally located brand within a product category is more often chosen even
when it is not in the centre of the visual field. This again shows just how robust the central gaze effect is
and that it is not a product of screen-based presentation.
A study in a real shop also confirmed that the centrally located item is chosen more often, even when
this is not the centre of the visual field (see Figure 7.20).
Interestingly, although the brand in the centre was chosen more often and received more visual attention,
it was not evaluated any more positively than the other items. This suggests that more research is
required to investigate why the central brand is chosen most often.
Figure 7.20: Being in the centre of a shelf array increases the likelihood of an item being purchased
Atalay et al.’s study had high validity because they used different studies to test that changes to the
dependent variable are truly because of the independent variable. Study 1A appeared to show that
items in the centre of the array were chosen more often, but because those items were also in the
centre of the field of vision, the researchers carried out Study 1B to check what influenced the
choice. Study 1B adjusted the view so that items in the centre of the array were not in the centre of
the field of vision as well; the fact that those in the centre of the array were still chosen most often
increases the validity. Furthermore, by carrying out a similar study in real-life the researchers were
able to increase the ecological validity of their findings; they have shown that these findings do not
just occur in computer-based laboratory studies but also in real-life settings.
Research into the effect of shelf position takes a nomothetic approach, where a universal set of
rules has been suggested to explain the behaviour of everybody. This is based on gathering large
amounts of data. In the case of Atalay et al., they gathered data using eye tracking, which is a
scientific and objective measure but does not consider the individuals’ thoughts, feelings and
attitudes. Consideration of everyone’s individual thoughts and feelings would follow a more
idiographic approach, where everyone would be considered independently and a range of factors
relating to them would be considered. For research into consumer psychology, a nomothetic
approach is the most useful and practical as it allows retailers to design and lay out their stores in a
way that will be successful for most of their customers.
In reality, however, it is not easy to separate out these techniques. A customer-focused sales pitch may
well include elements of competitor comparison as well as product quality.
Figure 7.21: In the competitor-focused sales technique, the seller focuses on how they compare to their
Figure 7.22: In the product-focused sales technique, the seller focuses on selling a quality product
Example study
Kardes et al.’s (2007) study involved two field experiments and one laboratory experiment to discover
the effect of DTR on monetary contributions, and to discover whether NFCC affected the success of the
DTR technique. Study 1 was a field experiment conducted in a European supermarket. The researchers
set up a sales stand presenting a special offer on candy (sweets). Confederates would approach
customers and tell them that ‘as Christmas is approaching, these boxes of Christmas candy are on
special offer today’. In the DTR condition, the confederate would then say, ‘The price is now 100
eurocents (followed by a two second pause), that’s one euro. It’s a bargain.’ In the control condition
(reframe only) the confederate would simply say ‘The price is one euro. It’s a bargain!’ The confederate
then observed the customer response. Adding one or more boxes of candy to their shopping cart was
recorded as complying with the sales request.
A total of 147 customers listened to the whole presentation and 54% subsequently bought candy.
However, 65% of those in the DTR group bought candy compared with 44% of those in the control
Experiment 2 was also a field experiment. A male confederate claimed to be from a fictitious student
interest group and approached students on the campus of a Dutch university, asking them to join the
group for a small cost (three euros). Half of the students were exposed to a DTR message and the other
half were not. After the request had been made, the participant was also asked to complete a 20-item
scale measuring NFCC. In the DTR group, participants were told that ‘You can now become a member
for half a year for 300 eurocents. (followed by a two second pause) That’s three euros. That’s a really
small investment.’ In the control group (reframe only), they were told that ‘You can now become a
member for half a year for three euros. That’s a really small investment.’
Overall, 22% of the students approached agreed to become a member, with 30% of those in the DTR
group agreeing to join compared with only 13% of the control group. Compliance also increased as
NFCC increased: 43% of high NFCC individuals complied in the DTR condition compared with only
17% in the control condition. Although there was a slight difference for low NFCC individuals (16%
versus 9%) this difference was not significant. As predicted the DTR effect was stronger for those who
were high in NFCC.
The final experiment examined this further. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three
conditions: DTR, reframe only or disrupt only. Participants were shown one of three videos. In the DTR
condition the video showed a male actor stating that research is essential to the quality of education at
university and that money is necessary for research. For these reasons, he continued, the Student
Advocacy Council is arguing for ‘an increase in tuition of 7500 pennies. (followed by a two second
pause.) That’s $75, it’s a really small investment.’ In the reframe only condition, the participants heard
the actor argue for ‘an increase in tuition of $75; it’s a really small investment’ and in the disrupt only
condition they heard ‘an increase in tuition of 7500 pennies’.
All participants then completed the NFCC scale. Participants were then asked to complete a series of
other scales measuring perceived ambiguity, attitudes and behavioural compliance.
The analysis of these data is complex, but the key findings are as follows. When NFCC was low, the
DTR manipulation had no effect on perceived ambiguity. But when NFCC was high, the disruption
manipulation was successful in increasing ambiguity and the reframing was successful in decreasing
ambiguity. When NFCC was high, more favourable attitudes towards the tuition increases were formed
in the DTR condition than in the reframe only condition, which in turn produced more favourable
outcomes than the disrupt only condition. When NFCC was low, the DTR technique was no more
effective than the reframe only technique but was more effective than the disrupt only technique.
Overall, the findings suggest that the DTR technique was more effective as NFCC increased. This was
also found when analysing the behavioural measures.
The researchers conclude that the effectiveness of the DTR technique increases as the NFCC increases
and that disruption motivates consumers to accept a reframed message that aids closure through the
reduction of ambiguity.
Cialdini’s six ways to close a sale
Most techniques for closing a sale (when the customer buys the product) involve psychological
principles drawn from social psychology and persuasion techniques. Cialdini (1984) cited in Cialdini
2006 suggests that there are six ways to close a sale:
• Reciprocity: if someone gives us something, we have to give them something in return. So free
samples in a supermarket or the promise of a free gift with our purchase (common with cosmetics
and beauty products) is more likely to make us agree to buy something.
• Commitment and consistency: if you can persuade someone to make a small commitment, then you
will increase the likelihood that they will make a larger commitment. For example, if an online
retailer can get someone to sign up to their newsletter (which costs nothing) they increase the
chances of that person buying something in the future. If signing up to something implies a
commitment (to exercise more, to de-clutter or learn a new skill) then making associated purchases
is consistent with this initial commitment. Free returns can also increase commitment: they might
make a customer think they could order several items and then decide which ones to send back,
however, in reality, they are likely to keep all of them.
• Liking: liking may sound obvious, but it goes beyond the actual product. If we like the salesperson,
or the friendliness of a store, then we are more likely to purchase from that store. If a product has
been endorsed by a celebrity and we like that celebrity, then we are more likely to purchase the
product. Consider, for example, how many brands of celebrity perfumes there are. Another way to
create liking is to use social media such as Facebook to show you that your friend likes a product or
has just bought a product. Hotel booking sites will tell you that ‘five rooms have been booked in
this hotel in the last hour’ (see Figure 7.23) and online auction sites such as eBay will tell you how
many views an item has had. All this creates liking for the product through associations and this
can help to achieve a sale.
• Authority: we know that authority is powerful. The experimenter in the lab coat was thought to be
partly responsible for the high levels of obedience in the infamous Milgram experiment (Chapter 5)
and authority is equally effective in persuading us to buy. Product advertising which includes
‘scientific’ or ‘expert’ evidence will convince us to buy.
• Social proof: we like to have our decisions ‘supported’ by others. Knowing that lots of other people
have bought a particular item or booked into the same hotel can act as ‘proof’ that we are making
the right decisions. For example, fashion websites suggest ‘best sellers’ to convince us to buy
products. Looking at the reviews left by other people on sites such as Amazon is also very
influential, and many manufacturers will offer free products to customers in return for a review.
The principle of reciprocity (above) is likely to mean that we will write a positive review in these
• Scarcity: if we think that we might miss out on something, we are likely to make a purchase, even
on something we didn’t know we wanted (see Figure 7.24). Shops will often have ‘last few days’
signs to encourage us to buy now and online retailers make increasing use of limited time sales,
such as ‘Black Friday’ in the USA, which is spreading to other countries.
Figure 7.23: Seeing how many other customers have bought a product creates ‘liking’ for the product
through associations and encourages us to buy it
Figure 7.24: Thinking we might miss out on something creates ‘scarcity’ and encourages us to buy now
Kardes et al.’s use of field experiments is useful as it tells us about how people behave in reallife
settings. Asking passers-by to buy a product without the participants knowing they are part of an
experiment is the best way to ensure we are seeing their genuine behaviours and responses. Not
only does this give us high ecological validity, meaning we can confidently apply the findings
outside of the research setting, it also reduces the risk of demand characteristics. If participants
knew they were taking part in a psychological experiment, it would be easy for them to work out
the aim and therefore potentially change their behaviour accordingly, which would reduce the
validity of the experiment. What might be the problem with the opportunity sample of shoppers?
Research into selling a product can be applied to real life in two important ways. First, this
research will be useful for retailers, so that they can understand how best to approach making and
completing sales. This is particularly important for retailers who have strong competition.
Knowing which techniques are likely to be effective for particular situations and customers could
improve training of staff and hopefully increase sales. However, this information can also be useful
for consumers. If customers are more informed about the psychology behind the sales techniques,
and the way in which this is likely to be successful, the consumer can make sure that they are only
making purchases they are happy with and are not being convinced to buy something they don’t
want, or at a price they are unhappy with.
Example study
Sinha et al. (2002) wished to discover more about the factors that influenced shoppers’ choice of shops.
At exits of a range of different shops (grocery, chemist, lifestyle, books and music, clothes and so on,
see Figure 7.25) in an Indian town, shoppers were given a structured questionnaire including a mix of
open questions and statements measured on a Likert-type scale, asking about their shop choice and the
reasons behind it. Using an open question, many reasons were given for shop choice, with the main two
factors being convenience and merchandise (70% gave these as their first reason). Ambience, patronised
store (they have visited it before) and service were other important factors. Participants were encouraged
to give three reasons for their store choice, but only 40% managed to provide three reasons and most
could provide only one or two. Convenience was most important for groceries, chemists and lifestyle
shops, whereas merchandise was more important for shops selling durables, books and music, clothes
and accessories. The effect of age was of weak significance: proximity and merchandise were the
primary factors across age groups, with those aged 30–40 and 41–50 years showing a higher preference
compared to those in other age groups. Merchandising was also important for those aged 25–29, and
ambience was also important for those aged 25–29 and 30–40 years. Gender also had an impact of store
choice, with men more likely to choose a shop based on proximity and women more likely to make a
choice based on merchandise. The motive for shopping was also different for genders, with men viewing
it as a chore that needs to be completed as quickly and easily as possible whereas women prefer to spend
more time and effort shopping. Further analysis shows that proximity of the store is valuable, but
shoppers would be willing to travel further for a store that offers good value merchandise and, to a lesser
extent, a good ambience.
Figure 7.25: Specific shops are visited for specific requirements, according to Sinha et al. (2002)
Working in pairs, design a questionnaire that you could give to people visiting a particular shop, in
order to find out their reasons for choosing that shop. You could use a mixture of open and closed
questions but make sure you include Likert-type scales
Example study
Nordvall (2014) wished to find out whether cognitive dissonances would occur when participants were
choosing between organic and non-organic food. This was of interest because most research into
cognitive dissonance has focused on high involvement shopping (for important purchases such as a car),
whereas Nordvall wanted to investigate whether the same findings would occur for low involvement
shopping (such as grocery shopping).
Nordvall asked 100 participants (male and female) to complete an individual virtual shopping spree that
took about 20 minutes. Nordvall used a rate-choose-rate method to measure cognitive dissonance, where
participants were asked to rate items, then choose items, and then rate them again after they had made
their decision. In the first phase, participants were shown a total of 50 common grocery items one at a
time (25 organic and 25 non-organic) and were asked to rate how frequently they purchased each item
on a seven-point scale from 1 (‘never buy’) to 7 (‘buy very often’). This measure was used rather than
measuring the ‘desirability’ of an item as groceries are unlikely to be considered ‘desirable’ or not. Pairs
of items (one organic and one non-organic) that were initially scored similarly (up to two points
difference on the seven-point scale) were then presented again and the participant was asked to choose
which product to put into their shopping basket. It is suggested that this task would cause dissonance in
the participant because they had previously rated the items as being a similar preference, so being forced
to choose one item and reject an equally liked item would cause a feeling of unpleasantness.
The second rating phase asked the participants to rate each of the items again, on the same seven-point
scale, but this time they were reminded whether this was the chosen item or the rejected item.
Participants were also asked to select from a list of reasons why they chose their chosen item, with
reasons offered such as price, environment and health.
Nordvall expected that there would be two ways in which participants would try to reduce their
cognitive dissonance. First, it was expected that participants would give their chosen item a higher score
and the rejected item a reduced score in the second rating phase. Research has also shown that giving a
reason for your choice helps to reduce cognitive dissonance, which was also part of the second rating
Results showed that there was a significant increase in the rating given for the chosen item between the
first rating and second rating (mean score of 2.62 before the item was chosen and a mean score of 2.9
after the item was chosen). This shows that respondents tried to reduce their cognitive dissonance by
increasing the rating for their chosen item. However, it was also expected that participants would
decrease the rating of their non-chosen item, but this was found to not be the case. Total reduction of
dissonance can be measured by combining the increased rating of the chosen item with the decreased
rating of the non-chosen item. Results showed tendencies for dissonance reduction, but the findings
were not significant. There was little difference in reduction of dissonance whether or not the organic or
non-organic item was chosen. When the non-organic item was chosen, ‘price’ was the most common
reason given, followed by ‘physical appearance’ (although further investigation is required to determine
whether this term was interpreted as meaning ‘more attractive’ or ‘looked familiar’). When participants
chose the organic item, the most common reasons were ‘environmental concerns’ and ‘animal welfare’.
A questionnaire was also given to participants, asking questions about social responsibility (relating to
things like caring about the world, the environment, animal rights, etc.) and results showed that these
participants scored higher than average on social responsibility. This makes it surprising then that
participants did not choose the organic option more often (which would be a more socially responsible
choice), therefore showing a discrepancy between attitudes and behaviour. It is suggested that the
participants’ ability to rationalise their decision by reducing the cognitive dissonance explains why they
may keep making decisions that differ from their values and attitudes.
Sinha et al. used a mix of open and closed questions to gather data about people’s shop choices.
Open questions gathered qualitative data, allowing detailed answers and a good understanding of
the participants’ thoughts and feelings. Closed questions used Likert-type scales asking
participants to what extent they agreed with statements. This leads to useful quantitative data that
are easy to compare and analyse, and ensure that all areas of interest are covered relatively quickly
and easily. The study gathered participants from a range of different shops, which increases the
usefulness and validity of the research as it tells us about store choice across a variety of different
requirements. Lastly, asking participants about their store choice for the particular trip they were
making was important in terms of validity. By asking reasons for store choice in this particular
instance the researchers were more likely to gather valid data, compared to if they gave out
questionnaires in a laboratory setting and asked for hypothetical store choices for hypothetical
Sinha et al. carried out their research in an Indian town, in response to the limited amount of
research into retail behaviour in India. The issue of cultural differences is, of course, extremely
important for this research; it was in fact the reason that the research was carried out. Sinha et al.
were aware that the vast amount of research that had been carried out into retail behaviour was
conducted in Western cultures, primarily America. They felt that the findings were not necessarily
generalisable to people from India, so they carried out their own research to investigate retail
behaviour (specifically store choice) in India. Interestingly, the findings broadly supported
previous research findings so it may be that cultural differences in retail behaviour are not as large
as some may think. How might the individual versus situational explanation be applied to research
into buying the product?
10 Atalay et al. used eye tracking to investigate the impact of shelf position on purchase decision.
Why might it be that the products in the centre of the array are chosen more often than other
11 Kardes et al. used two field experiments and one laboratory experiment. Why might they have
chosen to do this?
12 Sinha et al. gave people a questionnaire about shop choice as they left a range of shops. Briefly
outline another way you could investigate factors that influence shop choice.
7.5 Advertising
Types of advertising and advertising techniques
The Yale model of communication
The Yale model of communication was developed by Hoveland et al. (1953, cited in McGuire, 1996),
initially to try to understand wartime propaganda during the Second World War. The basic idea of the
model can be summarised as ‘who said what to whom?’ It has been used effectively since then to
understand variables that might influence the comprehension, acceptance and retention of persuasive
messages. McGuire (1996) refined the model and broke it down into six stages: presentation, attention,
comprehension, yielding, retention and behaviour. In effect, a message must be presented, drawn
attention to and then understood by the audience for an attitude change to take place and be
According to the Yale model of communication there are five important factors in determining whether
an attitude change (and consequently a behaviour change) will occur:
1 The source of the message: a message is more likely to be paid attention to, and an attitude is more
likely to change as a result, if the message is perceived as coming from someone with credibility.
This would include someone who is seen as an expert in the field, so, for example, adverts for
skincare may use a ‘skincare expert’ in a white coat to talk about the importance of a particular
feature of the product. The same information would not be seen as being as credible, and so would
have less persuasive impact, if it came from someone without expertise. The source of the message
is also more likely to be effective if they are deemed as ‘trustworthy’, which may or may not be
related to their apparent expertise. It is important to say that it is the audience’s perception of the
speaker that is important: what matters is whether an audience perceives a speaker to be
trustworthy or an expert.
2 The content of the message: it is ultimately important that the desired aim of the message is made
clear, and the argument is strong. However, a message where two sides of an argument are
presented is more effective in leading to attitude change than one that only shows one side of the
argument. For example, adverts for baby formula will tend to discuss breast-feeding as an option
for feeding a baby and will then talk about formula as an alternative option and will then focus on
the benefits of formula. Evidence is also an important part of an effective message: the use of
statistics or results of research is likely to convince an audience and therefore lead to attitude
3 The channel or mode of delivery of the message: the channel through which a message is delivered
may have an effect on how persuasive a message is. A message may be delivered verbally or in
written form. The message may be delivered via the television, or other media such as newspapers
or, in more modern times the internet or social media. The effectiveness of the delivery mode will
vary for different audiences, for example use of social media or television is more likely to be
effective for a younger audience, but the use of the radio or newspaper may be more effective for
an older audience.
4 The audience of the message: age affects the likelihood of an attitude change. Those aged 18–25
are most likely to be persuaded and those who are older are less likely to be persuaded. A less
intelligent audience may be more likely to be persuaded as they are less likely to understand the
information themselves so will be more likely to rely on an expert. However, for an intelligent
audience it is possible to persuade them, but in this case, it is essential for the argument to be valid
and based on evidence.
5 The effect the message has: if an audience pays attention to a message, and retains the information
then the message can have a range of different effects. First, the message can affect the opinions
and thoughts of the audience. If an audience has paid attention to the message and the message is
persuasive enough it may lead to the audience changing their attitude or beliefs. This is a good
start, but for the message to be truly effective it is necessary for the effect to go beyond internal
thoughts and opinions and to lead to behavioural changes. If a message is persuasive enough to
change the behaviours of its audience it has been truly effective.
Advertising media
Advertising can use a range of different media, from the more traditional media of print and television to
the more recent additions of internet and smartphones. Research has suggested that, although
newspapers are read far less now than they used to be, advertising is less effective over the internet than
through paper formats (Lindstädt & Budzinski, 2011). It has been suggested that this is due to ‘banner
blindness’ (see Figure 7.26); the tendency to avoid looking at banners when viewing websites (Benway,
1998). Hervet et al. (2011) found that 63.3% of banners were not looked at, compared to research by
Lohse (1997) who found that only 10% of adverts were not looked at when presented on a printed
medium. The effectiveness of different types of advertising media is investigated by Ciceri et al. (2020).
Figure 7.26: Banner blindness: the tendency to avoid looking at banners when viewing websites
Example study
Ciceri et al. (2020) used a mock newspaper for each of three mediums: a website displayed on a laptop
computer, a printed paper edition, and a PDF file to be viewed on a tablet. Twenty-five real static
adverts were included in each version. Each of the 72 participants was asked to read the newspaper, at
their own pace, on one of the three media, while eye tracking and EEG measurements were taken. EEG
is a method in which electrodes are placed on the scalp to measure cortical activity as a response to
changing stimuli. The EEG was designed to measure the level of frustration felt by participants when
viewing the adverts.
Once the newspaper task was completed, it was followed by a distraction task for an hour and then a
memory recognition task, where participants were shown 50 adverts (25 were the ones they had seen
and 25 were unseen) and were asked to say whether they had seen each advert.
Results from eye tracking showed that there was a significant difference in the amount of fixation time
on adverts between the three media, with the most time being spent on tablets and the least time being
spent on the website. These findings were supported by the recognition task, which found more accurate
recall was found for those viewing the tablet, and least accurate recall for those viewing the website.
EEG results showed that, when viewing adverts, participants were less frustrated when viewing them on
the tablet and the paper, but more frustrated when viewing them on the website. This could be due to the
acceptance that adverts are part of a newspaper (when viewed on paper or on tablet) but that advertising
on the internet is perceived as irritating. Overall, the results for tablet and paper were not significantly
different but viewing on websites was found to be significantly different from tablets across all
measures. This study shows the importance of considering the media that is being used for advertising,
and that marketing should consider the implications of this.
Ciceri et al. used a laboratory experiment to investigate advertising in different types of media.
This has important strengths as it allows the researchers to have control over variables, so they can
be fairly certain that the change in cued recall of adverts is because of the different forms of media,
rather than anything else. This increases the validity of the study. It also means the study has high
reliability because it can be easily replicated, with the same procedure being used. However, a
weakness of using a laboratory experiment is that it lacks ecological validity, which means we need
to use caution when generalising the results beyond the research setting, so it may not be a true
reflection of how people relate to adverts in real life.
Research into advertising, such as the Yale model of communication, Ciceri et al.’s research into
advertising on different types of media and Lauterborn’s 4 Cs marketing model all have significant
application to everyday life. Advertising is everywhere, and it is the best marketing tool there is, so
any research into how to produce an effective advert is going to be extremely useful for those who
market almost any type of product. The way in which advertising works has changed over the
years, particularly in terms of technological changes to media, but also changes to the way the
‘relationship’ between the seller and the consumer should be viewed. It is therefore important for
marketing teams to be up to date with new research and use these findings to produce the most
effective and successful adverts they can.
Advertising–consumer interaction
Key study: Snyder and DeBono (1985)
Snyder, M., & DeBono, K. G. (1985). Appeals to image and claims about quality: understanding
the psychology of advertising. Journal of personality and social psychology, 49(3), 586.
There are many different types of advert and different approaches to advertising. There is not one type
of advertising that will always be the most successful (if there was, then everyone would use it all the
time!). The product itself is one thing that will affect which type of advert to use, whether it is a luxury
item, or a budget item, or whether it is a practical and useful item or whether it is purely for fun. For
example, an advert for a high budget, luxury item might focus on all of the reasons why this product is
worth its money, and why the consumer should want to spend their money on it. In contrast, a lower-
cost, budget item might emphasise that low cost in its advertising and use the price as the selling point.
However, the product itself isn’t the only thing that affects how successful an advert will be, this also
depends on the consumer. Research suggests that the extent to which different types of advert are
successful is in part due to the personality of the consumer (Fox 1984). One of these personality
differences, which will be investigated by Snyder and DeBono, is levels of self-monitoring.
Previous research has shown that advertising can be successful using either a ‘soft-sell’ approach or a
‘hard-sell’ approach (Fox 1984). In a ‘soft-sell’ approach the product image (focusing on the effect the
product may have on a person’s status or the way in which others may see them) is central, for example,
in advertising a brand of coffee, the handsome well-dressed man who is drinking the coffee is the focus.
In a ‘hard-sell’ approach the product quality is central, so when advertising a new brand of coffee, the
focus would be on the quality of its taste or information about the quality of the blend that is used. The
researchers were interested to see whether low self-monitoring individuals and high self-monitoring
individuals are susceptible to different types of advert.
The aim of Study 1 was to investigate whether high and low self-monitoring individuals will respond
differently to two different advertising strategies: those that focus on a product’s image and those that
focus on a product’s quality.
Study 2 aimed to determine whether the type of advert (focused on product image or product quality)
used would affect the amount a consumer was willing to pay.
Study 3 aimed to find out whether these differences between high and low self-monitoring individuals
extended further and would actually influence the likelihood of consuming a product.
In Study 1, participants (male and female undergraduates from an American university) were given the
Self-monitoring Scale to complete, and based on their scores, half of the 50 participants were
categorised as low self-monitoring and half were categorised as high self-monitoring. Three sets of
magazine adverts were created, with each set containing two adverts for one of three products: whisky,
cigarettes or coffee. For each of the two adverts the picture was the same, but the slogan was varied, to
relate to either the image of the product or the quality of the product. A laboratory experiment was used,
where participants were asked to look at all three sets of two adverts, with the order of presentation
being counterbalanced (to account for order effects). Participants were then asked to complete a 12-item
questionnaire, asking them to make evaluative comparisons between the two adverts for each set.
Study 2 used 40 participants (with the same features as in Study 1) and the same six adverts as used in
Study 1. However, here the participants were in groups of three to four and they were randomly assigned
to be shown either the three product-quality oriented adverts or the three product-image-oriented
adverts. Participants were asked to complete a questionnaire after each advert, with the critical item
being ‘How much would you be willing to pay for this product?’ and were given a range of prices to
choose from.
Study 3 used a similar pool of 40 participants as the previous two studies. In this study, an experimenter
(blind to the self-monitoring score of the participant) phoned each participant and claimed to be a
market researcher asking whether they would be interested in trying a new shampoo. He then delivered
one of two messages about the shampoo: an image message or a quality message. The image message
reported that lab tests showed that, compared to other brands, the shampoo was rated as average for how
it cleans your hair, but above average on how it makes your hair look. The quality message reported that
laboratory tests showed that, compared to other brands, the shampoo was rated as average for how good
it makes your hair look, but above average for how clean it gets your hair. Participants were then all
asked which response best described how willing they were to use the shampoo: definitely not, probably
not, unsure, probably yes, or definitely yes, and to give a percentage indicating how willing they were to
use the shampoo (0% being not at all and 100% being definitely willing).
Results of Study 3 showed that high self-monitoring individuals were more likely than low self-
monitoring individuals to try the shampoo if they believed it would leave their hair looking good. Low
self-monitoring individuals were more willing than high self-monitoring individuals to try the shampoo
if they believed it would leave their hair very clean.
From Study 1 it can be concluded that high self-monitoring individuals and low self-monitoring
individuals have different preferences toward product-oriented and image-oriented adverts. From Study
2 it can be concluded that this difference in preference influences the price that a consumer would be
willing to pay for a product, Finally, Study 3 confirmed that these differences between low self-
monitoring and high self-monitoring individuals were also shown in their willingness to use a product.
High self-monitoring individuals were more willing to try a product based on the images associated with
it (if shampoo made their hair look good) whereas low self-monitoring individuals were more willing to
try a product based on the product’s quality (if the shampoo cleaned their hair well) (see Figure 7.28).
Figure 7.28: Low self-monitoring individuals would be more likely to try shampoo if it cleaned their
hair well
Work in pairs or small groups and imagine you are working on an advertising campaign for a new
brand of sunglasses. Your task is to create one advert that would appeal to low self-monitoring
individuals and one advert that would appeal to high self-monitoring individuals. Provide a written
justification for your choices.
Take some time to look at the two adverts that you have created and think about how you worked
on this task.
• Did you feel confident with the task straight away or did you need to take some time to work
out what to do?
• Did you plan effectively before starting to produce the adverts?
• As you worked on the activity did you feel confident in the differences between the two levels
of self-monitoring, or did you need to revisit the section in the coursebook?
• Overall, are you pleased with the work you have produced?
• What have you learned from the activity?
• What could you have done differently?
A laboratory experiment was used for Studies 1 and 2, which allowed high levels of control over
variables, increasing the validity of the study. Furthermore, each set of adverts used the same images,
and the only change was the slogan, so we can be certain that the change in response to the adverts must
be because of the slogan itself rather than anything else. The studies have high reliability as all aspects
of the procedure were kept the same, allowing it to be easily replicated. Counterbalancing was used in
relation to the order of presentation of the adverts.
This increases the validity as it removes the potential issue of order effects. However, Studies 1 and 2
lack ecological validity because participants were asked to view the adverts and comment on them: this
does not reflect the effect of adverts in real life. Study 3 was a field experiment where participants
thought they were speaking to a market researcher and hearing genuine advertising. So, in this case,
when they said how likely they were to try the product we can be more confident that this reflects real-
life behaviour and therefore has more ecological validity.
Application to everyday life is relevant to Snyder and DeBono’s research because, not only did they
investigate the effects of level of self-monitoring on preference for advert, but they also went two steps
further and investigated whether this would also influence how much an individual would pay for a
product and, finally, how likely they would be to try a product. These last two stages are key to
application to real life as the amount someone is willing to spend on a product and how likely they are to
try it are what really matters in the real world of advertising and selling products. Advertising
campaigns could be produced to account for both high and low self-monitoring individuals, to try to
maximise sales.
Product placement in films
Product placement is where a branded product is given a prominent position within a scene in a
television or film. This might include the characters drinking a branded soft drink or eating a branded
chocolate bar. Although product placement is thought to be highly influential, there are remarkably few
studies that examine the effectiveness of product placement.
Product placement may work in two ways: through mere exposure and through the use of reminders.
Mere exposure involves the product being on display repeatedly during scenes in the film or television
programme. Research shows that repeated exposure to an object leads to an increased positive feeling
toward that object (Harmon-Jones & Allen, 2001). The mere exposure effect works even when the
individual is unaware that they were exposed to the object, as is often the case in product placement. For
example, somebody may watch a television programme where people are eating a particular brand of
cereal and this may influence their choice to buy that same brand of cereal when they next go shopping,
without realising why.
Product placement can also work effectively with the use of reminders. Instead of mere exposure,
reminders can work if an individual has already been exposed to a product. Product placement can then
act as a reminder to them, which increases the positive feeling toward that product, and the choices they
are likely to make. This is demonstrated in more detail in the example study by Auty and Lewis (2004).
Example study
Auty and Lewis (2004) aimed to investigate the effect of product placement on children’s subsequent
choices, and to see whether the age of the child influenced the effect of product placement.
Two age groups of children took part in the study: 6–7-year-olds and 11–12-year-olds. The 6–7-year-
olds were selected as limited processors, who struggle to use storage and retrieval cues, even when
prompted. The 11–12-year-olds were selected as cued processors, who can use cognitive strategies to
retrieve information, but require prompting to do so.
Participants were 105 children from state schools in the UK. They were randomly allocated to either the
experimental group or the control group. Children in the experimental group were shown a short clip
from the film Home Alone. The clip showed the family around the table eating pizza and drinking milk
and Pepsi (a branded fizzy drink). Pepsi is also mentioned by name in the dialogue. The control group
were shown a similar length clip from the same film, in which Kevin, the main character in the film, is
shown eating macaroni cheese and drinking milk.
After watching the film clip the children were questioned individually and were first asked if they would
like to help themselves to a drink from the table where two small cans of Pepsi and two small cans of
Coca-Cola were set up (see Figure 7.29).
In the experimental group, the children’s choice of drink was recorded while the child was being asked
to describe as much as they could remember about the film. If they did not mention the Pepsi
specifically, they were given a series of prompts to help them recall the brand of drink, and the number
of prompts was recorded. They were also asked if they had seen the film before and, if so, how many
The control group followed a similar procedure. They were also asked about what was drunk in the clip
to see if prior viewing of the film brought about mistaken identification of Pepsi as the drink being
Results showed that the product placement had an effect. Children in the experimental group were more
likely to choose Pepsi (a ratio of 62:38) compared with the control group (a ratio of 42:58).
Figure 7.29: Children in the experimental condition were more likely to choose Pepsi than Coca-Cola
There was no statistically significant difference between the age groups in terms of their ability to recall
Pepsi, although the younger age group required more prompts to get there (mean number of prompts
was 4.43 for the younger group and 2.06 for the older group). However, results showed that the more
times the children had seen the film, the fewer prompts were needed to name Pepsi. In terms of drink
choice, children who had seen the film previously were significantly more likely to choose Pepsi as their
drink if they were in the experimental group (and saw Pepsi in the clip that day) than if they were in the
control group (and did not see Pepsi in the clip that day). This shows the important effect of reminders:
previous exposure to the brand (those who had seen the film before) only influenced drink choice for
those who had been reminded of the Pepsi in the clip they viewed that day. This experiment clearly
shows that product placement is effective: those who had seen Pepsi in the film clip were significantly
more likely to choose Pepsi than those who hadn’t seen it in the film clip (and this effect was even
greater for those who had also seen the film previously).
Auty and Lewis used an implicit preference test, where the child made a choice between the two
drinks on offer, as well as interviews. This allowed them to gather quantitative data from the
implicit preference test, so that data could be easily compared and analysed, as well as qualitative
data from the interview. This allowed for more information to be gathered, so that a more detailed
understanding could be gained. This increases the validity of the results. The interview was semi-
structured, whereby the children were asked about the film but if they did not spontaneously name
the branded drink, they were given an identical set of prompts, used in the same order. This
increases the reliability of the results because the same format was used for all participants, which
allows the research to be replicated. Why was it better to use an interview rather than a
questionnaire in the study by Auty and Lewis?
Research into product placement in films, such as Auty and Lewis, can be seen as being
deterministic because it suggests that an individual’s behaviour (e.g., what drink to choose) has
been determined or influenced by the film they have watched. The results of research such as Auty
and Lewis appear to suggest that this is the case: that someone who viewed a film where Pepsi was
prominent was significantly more likely to choose Pepsi than Coca-Cola. However, this does
ignore the factor of free will; that people are not just subject to external forces but that they are
responsible for their own decisions and actions so can decide freely which drink to choose, for
example. Results of Auty and Lewis are significant, but they are not unanimous; not everybody
who had viewed product placement of Pepsi then selected it as their drink, suggesting free will is
also playing a part.
Example study
Fischer et al. (1991) wanted to investigate brand awareness in children, so they developed a game
technique to measure the recognition level for brand logos. They gathered 22 brand logos from a range
of products, including ten children’s brands (such as Disney, Disney Channel, McDonald’s and Cheerios
(a breakfast cereal)), seven adult brands (such as Ford, Apple and Kodak) and five cigarette brands.
Each logo was printed on a card and no information was included that might give clues to the product
(e.g., no cigarettes were shown in cigarette logos). Recognition was measured by asking the children to
match the 22 logo cards to one of 12 product categories pictures on a game board (e.g., cigarettes,
television, cereal).
The study involved 229 children, aged 3 to 6 years old, from the USA.
The results showed that, not surprisingly, the children showed good recognition rates for the children’s
brand logos. This ranged from 91% for the Disney Channel (see Figure 7.30) to 25% for Cheerios.
All cigarette brands were well recognised, with one brand being recognised by over half of the children.
Other adult products were recognised between 16% and 54% of the time, with car brand logos being
recognised the most.
Recognition increased with age for children’s brands, cigarette brands and adult brands. There was no
effect from race or gender. Children from homes where parents smoked were more likely to recognise
cigarette logos.
The researchers concluded that children demonstrated high recognition rates for products targeted at
both children and adults. It would be expected that American children would recognise McDonald’s or
Disney, for example. It is even reasonable that they would recognise adult brands, such as car
manufacturers, as these advertise regularly on television. However, it is surprising and worrying that
children would recognise cigarette brands so well, especially considering that cigarette brands have not
been allowed to advertise on television in the USA for many decades, including before the study took
place. The researchers claim that this shows the power of ‘environmental advertising’ such as billboards,
sponsorship displays, T-shirts and other items.
Figure 7.30: Fischer et al. found that 91% of children could recognise the logo for the Disney Channel
Figure 7.31: The brand name, logo and slogan are three key elements of a product’s identity
In the UK, several confectionary brands have changed their names. Opal Fruits became Starburst and
Marathon became Snickers. However, they kept the same packaging design and colours, so they were
still easily recognisable on the shelf. Brand knowledge is, of course, essential and there are two key
elements of this: brand awareness and brand image. Brand awareness is determined by brand recall and
brand recognition. Brand recall is the consumer’s ability to remember the brand without any help (such
as prompts or cues). Brand recognition, on the other hand, is easier as it requires a brand being identified
from a provided list. Brand image tends to be assessed by measuring the type and strength of brand
Slogans have two main functions: to enhance brand awareness and to positively affect the brand image.
The effects that slogans have on brand awareness have been investigated through ‘priming’ effects. This
refers to the idea that exposure to something can influence behaviour or thoughts at a later date. If a
slogan talks about a particular attribute of a product, for example the taste, and if this slogan is heard
repeatedly then when you are asked to rate the product on a range of attributes, you are likely to rate
taste more highly than if you hadn’t heard the slogans (Boush, 1993).
As a result of their research, Kohli et al. produced a set of guidelines for creating an effective slogan:
• Keep your eye on the horizon: brand strategy is about where you are and, more importantly, where
you are going. It is important not to create a slogan that defines a brand too narrowly: it should be
able to be used for years and to accommodate scope for change.
• Every slogan is a brand positioning tool: the slogan should position the brand (present it in an
effective way) based on features or benefits in a clear manner.
• Link the slogan to the brand: it may sound obvious, but it is important that the slogan is linked to
the brand and should be used on advertising as well as packaging. The consistent message is key,
and the slogan should evoke the brand name; an obvious way to do this is by including the brand
name in the slogan.
• Please repeat that: different adverts tend to be used during an advertising campaign, with the
slogan being the one totally consistent feature. The repetition is essential in order to make the
slogan memorable and, in turn, lead to a consistent brand image.
• Jingle, jangle: two different types of slogan are jingle (a short and memorable song) and non-jingle
(written or spoken) slogans. Slogans are often presented as jingles as this is thought to do a better
job of enhancing memory and recall. Yalch (1981) investigated this by presenting participants with
a list of commonly used advertising slogans (some jingle slogans and some non-jingle slogans) and
asking them to say which brands were associated with which slogans. When asked to name the
brands without cues, Yalch found that brands with jingle slogans were more easily recalled than
brands without jingles. However, when a recognition task was used instead (where a list of names
of brands were provided), there were no significant differences between jingle and non-jingle
slogans. However, jingles should be used with care as there is also some evidence that music can
interfere with other cognitive processing. They may be better suited to small companies with
limited budgets who are primarily looking to advertise on radio.
• Use slogans at the outset: slogans are such a significant component of brand identity that they must
be used right from the start of marketing. A brand’s image is primarily created early in the
marketplace, so a slogan needs to be used to make the most of the early opportunity.
• It’s okay to be creative: most slogans were kept simple because this makes them easier to recall.
However, evidence suggests that slogans that are moderately complex (in terms of structure or
content) require a deeper level of processing, which may lead to better recall than simpler ones.
Fischer et al. carried out their study in the children’s classroom. The use of a natural setting was
particularly important for children as it would make them more likely to feel relaxed and to
demonstrate natural behaviours, as well as being more likely to perform well in the task. Despite
the natural setting there were still high levels of control and a standardised procedure was used.
Each child was given the same set of instructions, was shown the same set of adverts and was
given the same set of categories to sort the adverts into, thus increasing the reliability of the
research. Also, using a matching task in the form of a game increases the validity of the results.
Usual methods for brand recognition involve written questionnaires but this would likely make it
much more difficult for young children so it may not give a clear and accurate account of their
The use of children in psychological research is a sensitive issue. When children are used in
research, for example the study by Fischer et al., the ethical considerations need to be considered
even more closely. It is not as easy for children to give fully informed consent to take part in
research as they may not fully understand what is involved, so parents give consent alongside their
children. Protection from harm is particularly important because children may respond to things
differently to adults and they may find it difficult to communicate their feelings. This also applies
to right to withdraw: a child may not understand fully that they can withdraw from the research, or
they may not know how to express this effectively.
13 Lauterborn’s 4 Cs marketing model shifts the emphasis of marketing from the product to the
customer. Why might he have suggested this?
14 In Auty and Lewis’s study into product placement, why did they have a control group who
watched a different scene from Home Alone?
15 Using Kohli et al.’s research to help, explain why slogans are such an important feature of a
After studying this chapter, copy and complete a table like this:
Your task is to market a new restaurant! You will need to consider what you have learned
throughout this chapter and use your new knowledge to help make the restaurant a success.
You can work in pairs or small groups.
Before you start you need to consider:
• What sort of restaurant it will be?
• What sort of food and drink you will offer?
• Whether it is high-end or low budget?
• Who your customers will be?
Your project must include:
• The restaurant brand:
• A catchy name
• A logo that relates to the name
• A slogan
• An advertising campaign:
• Sketch a magazine advert for your restaurant: remember to include your restaurant’s
name, logo and slogan.
• Use a storyboard to plan out a TV advert.
• Make sure the two different adverts tie in with each other so there is a consistent
• A menu:
• Consider how the menu will be laid out, and the order of your items.
• Think about how to use boxes, headings, etc. effectively.
• Think about the size and colour of the menu and the size and colour of the writing.
• Make sure your menu reflects the atmosphere and the style of the restaurant.
When you have produced all the above you need to write out the reasons for the choices you have
made to convince the restaurant owners that you are the best people to market their restaurant. Use
theories and studies you have learned throughout the chapter to explain your choices.
Peer assessment
Finally, join up with another pair or group and share your projects with each other. Talk through
the restaurant brand, advertising campaign and menu you have created and explain your
justifications to the other pair. Then swap over and look at the other pair’s project and their
As a group, discuss what you think you each did well, and what you could have done differently.
Discuss differences in your projects and the reasons for those differences.
1 Name and briefly outline three types of store interior design layouts. [3]
2 Describe the following features of the study into musical style and restaurant
customers’ spending by North et al. (2005):
a The aim/hypotheses [2]
b The sample [2]
c The results and conclusions [3]
3 Use a study to analyse the effects of crowding on shopper satisfaction. [4]
4 a What is meant by the primacy and recency effects in terms of menu item
position? [2]
b How might the issue of application to everyday life be relevant to research into
menu design? [4]
5 a In their study into consumer responses to table spacing, Robson et al. (2011)
used Likert-type scales to gather data. Give one strength and one limitation of
using Likert-type scales for research such as this. [4]
b i Describe the sample used by Robson et al. (2011). [2]
ii Give one strength of the sample used by Robson et al. (2011). [2]
6 Explain how cultural differences may be an issue in research relating to personal
space and queue jumping. [4]
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Chapter 8
Health psychology
In this chapter you will learn about several fascinating aspects of health psychology. You will learn
about different components of the relationship between the patient and the practitioner, in terms of
verbal and non-verbal communication and communication style. You will also learn about how health
services can be misused; from delaying seeking treatment to an interesting condition called Munchausen
syndrome. You will cover types of and explanations for non-adherence to treatment, along with ways of
measuring non-adherence, before moving on to look at how adherence can be improved. You will also
develop a better understanding of pain in terms of different types of pain and explanations of pain,
followed by different ways of measuring and managing pain. There will be a similar approach to
understanding stress by looking at sources of stress, measures of stress and ways of managing stress.
Finally, you will learn about health promotion, by covering strategies for promoting health, health in the
school and workplace, and factors that can result in changes in health beliefs.
As you learn about health psychology in this chapter you will also revisit research methods and you will
see how the psychological issues and debates apply to these topics. To help illustrate topics we will look
at many relevant studies. Example studies are included to demonstrate and help explain the theories and
ideas that are covered. You will also learn about five key studies, which you will learn in more detail,
starting with the context and background to the study, then looking in detail at the design and then the
findings, results and conclusions. You will consider the methodological evaluation of each key study, as
well as how it can be applied to everyday life. By the end of the chapter, you will have a good
knowledge and understanding about many aspects of health psychology.
Health psychology is an area of psychology that focuses on how different factors affect attitudes
and behaviours in response to health and illness. We will all have had some sort of interaction with
health services at some point in our lives. How did you feel when visiting the doctor? Did you like
them? Did you trust them? Did you follow their advice on a treatment plan? Many aspects of the
social approach will come into play here; consider general concepts surrounding interactions with
others and how we respond to different people. Furthermore, a doctor is an authority figure so there
are factors that may influence how likely you are to obey them.
The biological approach will be relevant when we consider the pain and stress sections of this
topic. You will learn about the body’s response and how hormone levels and neurological activity
change in response to both pain and stress. Think about a time when you have been in pain. Why
did the pain occur? What was your experience of it? And, importantly, how did you manage it?
Think about a time when you have been stressed. How did it make you feel, and how did you cope
with it? The cognitive approach relates to pain and stress as well because they are not just physical
experiences, but both are experienced through our thoughts and processing of information as well.
Finally, health promotion is a bit more abstract to think about: you may have been part of an
intervention programme but you may not have realised it. You may still be living a better life as a
result. The learning approach is important when considering health promotions, for example we
will look at how a token economy (using reinforcement) can improve health and safety in a
workplace, and how children’s diets can be improved by using modelling and reinforcement.
Example study
McKinstry and Wang (1991) aimed to investigate whether patients think the way their doctor dresses
is important, what their preference is and whether patients think the way the doctor dresses influences
their effectiveness as a doctor. The researchers were also interested to find out if there were
demographic differences in the beliefs of the patients. Participants across five general practices (doctor’s
surgeries) in Scotland (475 participants in total) were asked to complete an interview after they had
visited the doctor’s surgery. Participants were shown eight photographs; five photos of the same man
dressed differently, and three photos of the same woman dressed differently (see Figure 8.1). The male
doctor was dressed in white coat over formal suit; formal suit; tweed jacket and informal shirt and tie;
cardigan, sports shirt and casual trousers; and jeans and a t-shirt. The female doctor was dressed in white
coat over skirt and jumper; skirt, blouse and woollen jumper; and pink trousers, jumper and gold
earrings. There were fewer variations for the female doctor as it was felt there were less distinct styles
used by women in general practice. The models posed in the same way for each photo. Patients were
asked ‘which doctor would you feel happiest about seeing for the first time?’ and were asked to give a
score from 0 to 5 for each photo. They were also asked about their confidence in the ability of the
doctors in the photos, whether they would be unhappy about consulting with any of them, and which
one looked most like their own doctor. Finally, patients were asked a set of closed questions about
doctors’ dress in general, and their attitudes to different items of dress.
Figure 8.1: McKinstry and Wang (1991) investigated the effect of doctors’ clothes
Results showed that the doctor in the smart suit was the most popular of the male doctors, followed by
tweed jacket and tie, and white coat over suit (which were almost identical in their rankings). The doctor
in the jeans scored the lowest by far. Similarly, the female doctor in the more traditional clothing was
most popular (jumper and skirt), followed by the one in the white coat. Overall, the scores for the
woman were higher than the scores for the man. Age had a significant effect on ratings, with older
patients more likely to give high scores to both the male and the female doctor wearing the white coat.
Those in social classes 1 and 2 (professional and managerial positions) were more likely to give high
scores to a traditionally dressed doctor; with the male doctor in the white coat the most popular for
social class 1 patients. The strongest association was with which general practice the participant attends,
where preferences varied significantly across almost all categories of dress. When asked whether the
patient would feel more confident in the ability of any of the doctors 41% answered ‘yes’. These
patients were most likely to be confident in the male doctor in the suit, followed by the white coat, and
in the female doctor in the white coat, followed by the skirt and jumper. When asked whether the patient
would be unhappy consulting with any of the doctors, 28% said ‘yes’, with the male doctor wearing
jeans being the most selected photo. General attitudes to doctors’ dress showed that 64% of patients
thought that the way their doctor dressed was very important or quite important. Table 8.1 shows
patients’ responses to particular items of doctors’ dress. There were differences in responses to specific
dress in terms of age, sex and social class.
Verbal communications
There can be difficulties in communication between practitioner and patient, particularly when it comes
to understanding medical terminology. The focus of research into this communication difficulty tends to
focus on the patient’s limitations and holds them, rather than the practitioner, responsible for any
difficulties. Samora et al. (1961) report a long list of what they called ‘patient deficiencies’ including:
unwillingness to receive unpleasant information, problems with memory recall, differences based on
status, age or ethnicity and differences in the ability to understand medical terms. It could be argued
instead that the practitioner should take responsibility for ensuring the patient understands any medical
terms that are used.
Example study
McKinlay (1975) aimed to investigate the perceived and actual comprehension of medical terms by a
sample of lower working-class families in Scotland. For one month, the researcher joined doctors on
their rounds in the obstetrics and gynaecology wards (hospital wards for anything relating to pregnancy
and childbirth) at a hospital, in order to gather a list of 57 words that were used regularly by a range of
doctors or in the literature that was distributed to mothers at clinics (see Figure 8.2). The list was then
sent out to doctors who regularly served the maternity hospital, and they were asked to cross off any
terms they wouldn’t generally use. This resulted in a list of 13 words, which was presented in an
interview to the respondents. The words were first sounded out and then used in the context of a
sentence, and the respondent was asked to explain their understanding of the term. The responses were
recorded and then two doctors scored each response independently in terms of accuracy. A group of 18
other doctors were given the list of 13 medical terms and were asked, for each word, to say whether they
would expect the average lower working-class mother to: not understand at all and say so; get the
meaning quite wrong; have an incomplete or vague understanding; or understand pretty well.
Figure 8.2: Women visiting the maternity clinic were tested for their understanding of medical terms
Results showed that, for most words, the two doctor’s scores were closely matched. The researchers
compared the comprehension level of under-utilisers (who did not attend antenatal care regularly) and
utilisers (who attended antenatal care as expected) and found that, for 11 out of the 13 words, utilisers
had a better understanding than under-utilisers. Furthermore, utilisers for whom this was not their first
baby also showed a better understanding of medical terms than those who were pregnant for the first
time. Both findings appear to show that experience seems to increase understanding levels. When
comparing scores for comprehension of the mothers with expectation of the doctors, results showed that,
for the most part, doctors greatly underestimated the mothers’ understanding. For example, the term
‘breech’ (related to the position of the baby in the womb) was understood adequately by 84% of under-
utilisers and by 100% of utilisers, but doctors predicted that understanding of this term would be
adequate in only 22% of respondents. There were three (rather technical) terms, however, that doctors
anticipated a much higher level of understanding than was actually found. Although there were not
enough data for proper analysis, it appeared that more senior doctors had a greater expectation of patient
understanding than did junior doctors. A final finding shows that there is a negative correlation between
the number of words from the list of medical terms that a doctor claims to use regularly, and their
expected patient understanding level. In other words, there is a clear tendency among doctors to use
words without any expectation of patients to understand their meaning.
The use of self-report methods such as questionnaires and interviews in research into practitioner
and patient interpersonal skills has both strengths and weaknesses. The strengths of McKinstry and
Wang’s use of questionnaires are that it allows patients to express their thoughts and feelings rather
than just observing their behaviour. Furthermore, the questions used were closed questions using
Likert-type scales, allowing quantitative data to be gathered, which can be compared and analysed
to understand trends and patterns. The problems of using a questionnaire like this is that it may be
subject to social desirability or there may be demand characteristics. The patients may either give
answers that they think will make them look good or may work out what the research is about and
then change their responses, accordingly, reducing the validity of the study. The closed
questionnaires do not allow for qualitative data to be collected so we cannot gather a detailed
understanding of the patients’ thoughts and feelings. Using the same two sets of photos with the
same models is important as it is standardised and ensures reliability. Finally, the use of 475
participants across a wide range of ages and from five different surgeries is important as it makes
the results generalisable to the wider population. However, the sample is limited in that all patients
were from the same area, there were significantly more women than men and there was not a
balanced proportion of social class.
McKinlay’s use of interviews to get an understanding of patients’ comprehension of medical terms
was important as it enabled the terms to be sounded out and used in the context of a sentence. If the
terms had been presented by questionnaire it wouldn’t be possible to know whether an inaccurate
response was actually due to difficulty reading the term rather than an actual lack of
comprehension. McKinlay ensured high levels of reliability by having two doctors blindly and
independently rate the mothers’ responses and found a high level of agreement. In addition, 18
doctors were asked to anonymously rate their expectation of patient understanding of the terms,
again increasing reliability.
Application to real life is relevant for research in this section because it is investigating the effect
of doctors’ verbal and non-verbal communication on patients’ perceptions. It will be really
important for doctors’ surgeries to learn from this research and implement the findings to
encourage their patients’ confidence and satisfaction in their doctors. To understand that, for
example, the clothing a doctor wears can affect how confident a patient is in the doctor, and
therefore how likely they are to follow advice, could have huge implications. It would be very
simple to change a policy relating to what doctors should wear and this could lead to significant
changes in the confidence and satisfaction of patients. It is, however, important to consider that
there will be cultural differences in patient preference, as well as changes in patients’ views since
the study was carried out. Furthermore, research that shows a doctor’s tendency to underestimate
their patients’ understanding is of great importance in everyday life; the more doctors and patients
can understand each other the more effective and successful the relationship will be.
Once a diagnosis has been made, the practitioner needs to present the diagnosis to the patient. The
traditional method of presenting a diagnosis is face to face, but there is a range of evidence that suggests
this may not be the best, or only, method.
Cooke and Colver (2016) carried out research where they asked 77 patients with suspected skin cancer
how they would prefer to be informed of their diagnosis, following a biopsy. Patients could choose to
either be informed face to face, by telephone or in a letter. The patients were given an information leaflet
explaining the pros and cons of each option.
One month after receiving the biopsy result, patients were sent a questionnaire asking various closed
questions about how they received their diagnosis, whether they had been given the information leaflet
and if they were satisfied with the method at the time and in hindsight. Of the 77 patients, 48% chose to
receive their diagnosis by letter, 37% by phone, 11% face to face and 5% a combination of two methods.
89% received their diagnosis in the chosen manner (seven could not be contacted by phone so a letter
was sent). 94% of patients were happy with the way they received their diagnosis and, when asked if
they would have changed the method they chose in hindsight, 80% remained happy with their original
choice. Only 11% said they wished they had made a different choice, and only 5% would have chosen
face to face retrospectively. There was no evidence for age difference in the method that was chosen.
See Table 8.2 for pros and cons of the three different methods.
Table 8. 2: Pros and cons of methods of receiving a diagnosis, as found by Cooke and Colver (2016)
Research by Karri et al. (2009) found that 52% of patients diagnosed with skin cancer preferred to
receive the diagnosis by letter rather than face to face. Despite these findings, 25 specialist nurses
reported that most skin care centres do not believe it is necessary to offer alternative methods to the
traditional face-to-face approach.
The way in which a patient copes with a diagnosis, and whether that is affected by the way the diagnosis
is presented to them, has been investigated by Schofield et al. (2003). Schofield et al. sent out a
questionnaire to patients four months after they received a diagnosis of skin cancer, to find out the
relationship between the communication from doctors and the patients’ satisfaction, anxiety and
depression levels. Results showed that 32% of the 131 patients received their diagnosis by telephone
rather than face to face. There were no significant differences in satisfaction, anxiety or depression
levels between patients who received their diagnosis by phone or face to face.
However, Schofield et al. did find several factors surrounding the communication they received that did
influence their satisfaction (whether by telephone or face to face). Satisfaction was higher when patients
felt they had been prepared for the diagnosis, when the word ‘cancer’ had been used, when the patient
felt that they had ‘been told everything’ (including about the severity of the cancer and their life
expectancy), and when they felt information had been presented clearly. Anxiety levels were lower for
patients who were prepared for the diagnosis, who could discuss their questions on the same day as the
diagnosis, those who felt the level of information given matched their needs, and for those who felt their
emotional needs were met (through reassurance and willingness to discuss the patients’ emotions). For
depression, the main factor linked to lower depression was matching the information to the individual’s
The evidence seems to show that there are individual differences in how a patient would prefer to
receive a diagnosis and that most remain happy with their choice at a later date. The way a patient copes
with a diagnosis seems to be more to do with clarity of the information presented and the way individual
needs were met, rather than by the method that is used.
The aim of this research was to compare the effectiveness of directing and sharing styles of consultation
by a general practitioner on patients’ satisfaction with the consultation.
The research was carried out by one general practitioner during his surgery over a four-month period. A
random number generator was used to select four patients for the study during each of the doctor’s
surgeries. Patients aged 16 to 75 years, presenting with any symptom, were eligible, and patients were
excluded only if they presented with life-threatening conditions, or for administrative or preventative
measures. In total, 200 patients completed all parts of the study so were included in the results. Patients
gave written consent to the use of an audio recording of their consultation for a research study.
A set of cards was produced to randomly allocate either a directing or shared style. These cards
contained prompts covering the five main parts of the consultation, to ensure a uniform approach (see
Table 8.3). The cards were face down on the doctor’s desk and turned over at the appropriate time,
following an initial greeting and patient description of their problem. At the end of the consultation the
patient was asked to complete a questionnaire about their satisfaction and were asked to complete a
further questionnaire one week later. The time of the consultation was recorded, along with the
demographics and other data relating to the patient.
Style of consultation
Part of consultation Directing Sharing
Judgement on the consultation ‘This is a serious problem’ ‘Why do you think this has
happened now?’
Diagnosis ‘You are suffering from…’ ‘What do you think is
Treatment ‘It is essential that you take this ‘Would you like a
medication’ prescription?’
Prognosis ‘You should be better in…days’ ‘What do these symptoms or
problems mean to you?’
Follow-up and closure ‘Come and see me in…days’ ‘When would you like to
come and see me again?’
Table 8. 3: Examples of directing and sharing styles of consultation in the study by Savage and
Armstrong (1990)
To ensure the styles were carried out effectively, an independent observer analysed 40 random tape
recordings of consultations and confirmed that all aspects were covered in every consultation. The
intended style was identified correctly in 39 out of the 40 recordings.
Results, findings and conclusions
Results showed that there were no significant differences in the mean length of consultations between
the two styles.
Overall, patients reported a high level of satisfaction for their consultation, with only three giving
neutral or negative responses. Results showed that the patients who received a directing style were more
likely to feel that the doctor completely understood their problem, and that the explanation they received
was excellent. This was the case immediately following the consultation and one week later, although
the ratings had all declined in the follow-up questionnaire. Furthermore, those who received a directing
style were more likely to feel that they had been greatly helped (their illness or condition had greatly
improved) one week later.
After one week, for patients who rarely attended surgery, had a physical problem, were not investigated
or received a prescription, the directing style led to a greater feeling that the doctor understood them.
Factors that did not lead to a significant difference in satisfaction between the two styles were:
consultations longer than 9 minutes, those where the main treatment was advice, those who were
experiencing a chronic problem and those for conditions that the patient thought had a psychological
It can be concluded that a directing style leads to higher patient satisfaction in terms of perception of the
doctor’s understanding of the problem, the quality of the doctor’s explanation, and the subjective
improvement one week later. This contradicts the general view held by researchers and doctors alike,
who tend to feel that a shared style is a better way forward. It appears that for simple physical illnesses
that require a traditional biomedical approach to diagnosis and treatment, the directing approach is most
effective. However, for other problems, such as chronic or psychological illnesses, the benefit of the
directing approach is removed. Further investigation could be carried out to get a better understanding of
these different factors.
Savage and Armstrong’s research was a field experiment where patients were visiting the doctor with a
complaint in the same way they would do normally: they did not know they were involved in a study
into doctor consultation styles. This is an important strength as it increases the validity of the study; the
patients’ responses to the questionnaire would be accurate and honest appraisals. In terms of the
questionnaires, the use of closed questions gathered quantitative data that allow for comparisons and
analysis to be carried out. However, there was a lack of open questions leading to qualitative data, so we
have not been able to gather detailed insight into the patients’ thoughts and feelings. The use of a
questionnaire immediately after the consultation as well as one a week later increases the validity of the
research as it allows us to see how the patients’ views changed over time, and to measure how much
they thought the consultation helped. The research was carried out in a standardised way. The same
doctor carried out all the trials so there would not be any differences in terms of other characteristics of
the doctor: only the different style that he used. The research was also standardised because the doctor
was given prompts to use to make sure he properly portrayed the selected style across all parts of the
consultation. The use of a standardised approach increases the reliability of the results. Finally, the
sample is limited in that all patients were from the same surgery over a four-month period, but there
were patients of both sexes and a range of ages.
Application to everyday life is relevant to Savage and Armstrong’s study because it shows important
findings in relation to doctors’ consultation style. Any information about consultation styles is useful for
surgeries to know so that they can advise their doctors to consider the consultation style they use in
order to lead to increased confidence and satisfaction of their patients. The findings of this study are
particularly important though, because they contradict the general view that a sharing approach is more
appealing to patients. Instead, this research suggests that a directing style leads to higher levels of
confidence and satisfaction in patients, particularly for those with simple physical conditions.
Research such as that by Robinson and West is useful because it is carried out in a real-life setting,
such as a clinic. This means the study has high ecological validity and the results can be
generalised beyond the research setting. However, the research was only carried out in one clinic,
with a small sample so caution should be used when generalising the results to other patients or to
those in other settings. Research by Cooke and Colver and Schofield et al. used self-report methods
to gather information from patients. The use of questionnaires was beneficial because it meant the
patients could complete them in their own time, and the questionnaires provided quantitative data,
allowing analyses to be made. However, the downsides of using these questionnaires with closed
questions is the lack of qualitative data, meaning there has not been detailed information gathered
about each patient’s experience. How might qualitative data have been collected?
Individual versus situational explanations is particularly relevant when considering research into
practitioner diagnosis and style. A situational explanation would suggest that there is a particular
style that is most appropriate to be used in a medical setting. If the situation can best explain which
style is most effective we would expect research to show that either sharing or directing style is
best. This is not the case, instead research shows that there are strengths and weaknesses to both
styles and that some patients are more satisfied with a directing style and others are more satisfied
with a sharing style. This suggests that individual explanations are more accurate and that
individual differences between patients will affect which style would be preferable.
When considering research into patient and practitioner diagnosis and style it is important to
consider cultural differences. Most research carried out in this area has been conducted in the USA,
with some research conducted in the UK and other parts of Europe. There is not very much
research available into patient and practitioner diagnosis and style in non-Western cultures. This
means that it is important to look at research into this area with caution, and to be aware that we
cannot necessarily generalise the results to all cultures. Although there are likely to be cultural
differences in relation to the majority of the research we cover in this section, the topic of diagnosis
and style is going to be particularly subject to cultural difference. To overcome this issue, it would
be beneficial for research to be carried out across different cultures so we are able to get a more
valid view of the similarities and differences between cultures.
Use what you have learned about practitioner and patient interactions to describe an ‘ideal’ doctor.
Consider what they might look like and how they might interact with a patient.
Example study
Safer et al. (1979) investigated the reasons for delaying seeking medical care as well as the factors that
influence this. Safer et al. began by proposing that, instead of looking at the time between developing a
symptom and getting medical care as one period of time, it is more accurate to break it down into three
stages (see Figure 8.3).
According to Safer et al., the three stages that can account for the delay in seeking treatment are:
• Appraisal delay: the time the patient takes to appraise (or judge) a symptom as a sign of illness.
This involves deciding whether or not there is something wrong, i.e. that they are ‘ill’.
• Illness delay: the time between when the patient decides they are ill and when they decide to seek
medical care.
• Utilisation delay: the time from the decision to seek care until they actually access services. This
can include the consideration of whether the costs of care (time, effort, money) are worth it.
Figure 8.3: Safer et al. (1979) identifies three stages in the delay in seeking treatment
Safer et al. investigated the effect of the following predicting factors on each of the stages of delay:
• Sensory or perceptual experience of the symptom, e.g. pain or bleeding.
• Self-appraisal processes, e.g. observing the symptom for signs of change.
• Coping response to symptoms, e.g. home remedies.
• Emotional reactions to the health threat, e.g. fear and distress.
• The imagined consequences of the symptoms, e.g. imagining that surgery is required.
• The situational barriers to receiving care, e.g. cost of services.
The first three factors were considered to be the most probable predictors of appraisal delay; emotional
factors (including conceptual beliefs about illness and medical services) and imagined consequences
were considered to be the most probable predictors of illness delay and situational (and
sociodemographic) factors were considered to be most probable predictors of utilisation delay.
Patients attending one of four clinics for the first time for a particular illness were invited to complete a
45-minute questionnaire and interview. In total, 93 patients completed the interview, with a wide range
of age and ethnicity and slightly more females than males. The interview was designed to measure both
the types of delay (appraisal delay, illness delay and utilisation delay) and total delay time from first
noticing the symptom to deciding to see a doctor, as well as the predictors of delay. There was a mix of
open questions and closed questions using Likert-type scales.
Results showed that there was no significant correlation between the length of each of the three stages of
delay. The mean total delay was 57 days, but this was greatly affected by a few extremes; the median
total delay was only eight days. Six variables correlated significantly with total delay:
• The variable that was most significantly correlated with total delay was a recent, competing
problem or change in life that was unrelated to the medical condition (such as marriage or divorce).
Patients not reporting other problems delayed on average 7.2 days, whereas those reporting one or
more problems delayed 23.8 days.
• The second most significantly correlated variable to total delay was whether the patient had a
painful symptom: those with pain delayed 8.6 days, compared to 23.3 days for those without pain.
• Third, was whether the patient read about their symptom: if they did not read about it, they delayed
11.5 days, if they read a bit, they delayed 26.4 days and if they read a lot about their symptom, they
delayed 50.2 days.
• Age was also significantly correlated with total delay: patients under 45 years delayed 9.1 days,
compared to patients over 45, who delayed 23.5 days.
• The final two variables that correlated were only borderline significant: those who waited to see if
their symptom went away or changed delayed 8.9 days, compared to those who did not wait, who
delayed 23 days. Last, was a conceptual belief: those who felt their symptom could be cured
delayed only 9.4 days, whereas those who felt their symptom could not be cured delayed 15.2 days.
Example study
Aleem and Ajarim (1995) reported on a case of a 22-year-old female university student who attended
hospital and was initially suspected to be suffering from immune deficiency (a condition where the
immune system does not work properly). The patient had initially been seen at age 17, suffering from
amenorrhea (lack of menstrual cycle) and was prescribed medication. Over the following months the
patient developed recurring deep vein thrombosis (DVT; a dangerous condition when a blood clot forms
in the vein) and was hospitalised and given anti-coagulants (blood thinners). Soon after, the patient went
to hospital again complaining of painful swellings on both sides of the groin, along with weakness in the
legs. This led to several investigative methods as well as a change in medication and surgery. In the
latest hospital admission, the patient complained of a painful swelling above her right breast and
reported having several similar swellings in her abdomen over recent months. These previous swellings
required hospitalisations and surgeries on approximately 20 occasions. A range of tests were carried out
and eventually surgical drainage was required as signs of an abscess developed. Four days later, a
similar lump appeared in the opposite breast, which also had to be surgically drained. The lumps could
not be explained, and further tests showed a range of organisms in the lumps, which also could not be
explained. This led to suspicion of Munchausen syndrome and a psychiatric consultation was made
where it was suggested the patient undergo long-term psychotherapy. The patient was very defensive
and extremely rationalising in her answers and appeared to be under a great deal of stress. Finally, a
nurse found evidence suggesting that the patient was causing the abscesses herself. When the patient
was told about this by another patient, she became very angry and left the hospital against medical
advice and was lost to follow-up. The diagnosis of Munchausen syndrome was confirmed.
Re-read the case study by Aleem and Ajarim (1995) and write down the key parts of the case
study, including:
• what may have triggered Munchausen syndrome
• the first signs of the syndrome
• when and why medical staff became suspicious and
• how the medical staff finally confirmed the diagnosis.
When you have completed Activity 8.2 stop to consider how you carried out the task.
• How did you start the task? Were you confident with the process or did you have to think
twice before starting?
• Did you work through the case study methodically or did you deal with each point as it came
to you?
• Did you scan the case study for the information you required? Or did you read every part in
detail? How did your method work?
• What have you learned from the activity?
• Could you use the skills from this activity in future tasks?
Safer et al. used interviews to gather their data about patients’ experiences. The key strength of this
is that it allows us to gain an insight into patients’ thoughts and feelings, and to gather
retrospective data about their experience since their symptom first appeared. The interview used
open and closed questions so it collected qualitative and quantitative data, allowing for detailed
information as well as data that can be analysed. A further strength is that Safer et al. decided to
turn the questionnaire into an interview, where the questions were read out because a pilot study
showed that some patients struggled to read or understand some of the items. This is important as it
increases the validity of the research; we know that patients will understand the questions or could
ask for clarity if they were unsure. The problems of using an interview to gather information like
this is that it relies on the patients’ subjective interpretation, for example relating to how severe
their pain is, or their reasons for delay. Furthermore, patients may be less willing to give sensitive
information in an interview, rather than a questionnaire because it would be easier to write the
information down than speak it aloud to an interview in person. Lastly, because the questions are
asking about a potentially long stretch of time, the responses may not be accurate. Patients may
misremember when symptoms were first noticed or how long it took them to make a decision, for
Aleem and Ajarim’s research into Munchausen syndrome was a case study. This is useful as it
provides lots of detail into the individual, in terms of her current presentation as well as a full case
history. This increases the validity of the research as we are able to get a good, accurate
understanding of the individual over a period of time, rather than just a snapshot. The problem with
using a case study, however, is that it is based just on one individual, so the results cannot be
generalised. We can learn a lot about this individual, but the study cannot be replicated and cannot
be tested for reliability as the set of circumstances are unique to this case.
Both Safer et al. and Aleem and Ajarim took a holistic approach to their research. In trying to
gather a detailed and accurate understanding of their patients, both sets of researchers consider the
patients in a holistic manner. Safer et al. conducted a detailed interview designed to find out about
a whole range of aspects relating to the patients, in terms of sociodemographic factors, social
situations, experience of the current symptom, overall thoughts and feelings about illness and
medical care, and much more. This allowed for complex analysis to be carried out to get a broad
understanding of the patients. Similarly, Aleem and Ajarim considered a range of information
about their patient, including her medical history, family background and upbringing, and
psychological well-being. A holistic approach is beneficial as it looks at the individual as a whole,
and this gives a full and accurate picture. However, the downside to a holistic approach may be that
it is difficult to get a clear answer as there are so many different factors that interact and make for a
complex set of data. A reductionist approach, however, might look at a patient and try to explain
their symptoms or behaviour from purely a biological perspective. This attempt at explaining
complex human behaviour by looking just at biological factors such as blood test results or scans
could result in misdiagnosis or a lack of a full understanding of the individual and their experience.
1 McKinlay (1975) used interviews with patients. Why was it important they used interviews rather
than any other technique?
2 Disclosure of information is an essential step toward an accurate diagnosis. What can a doctor do
to encourage full and accurate disclosure of information from the patient?
3 How do we distinguish between someone with Munchausen syndrome and a malingerer? And
why is it so important to make the distinction?
• Impact on medical research: researchers who are trying to establish the value of medications for
target populations are less able to move forward with their research if courses of treatment are not
completed fully.
As we can see, the negative implications are serious and wide-reaching, not just affecting the individual
themselves but also having financial implications for medical services.
Example study
Laba et al. (2012) carried out research to find out which factors contribute the most to rational non-
adherence, and to investigate whether factors relating to specific medicines and patient background
contribute to non-adherence. An online sampling system was used to collect a representative sample of
161 Australian participants, in terms of age and gender, and included a range of education level and
An online survey was used, which had three sections: section one asked questions about current
medication use and attitudes towards medication and section three asked for background information
about the participant. Section two was the Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE), where ten hypothetical
situations were presented, and the participant was asked to choose from one of two alternatives.
Participants were asked to imagine they are currently taking two medications for different long-term
conditions, and were asked which of the two medications they would be happiest to continue taking. For
each medication the participant would be given information regarding the following factors:
• Symptom severity
• Symptom frequency while on the medication
• The chance of early death from the illness while on the medication
• The severity of the medication side effects
• The change of future unwanted medication side effects
• How the medication is taken
• Alcohol restrictions
• The monthly cost to you of the medications
This was designed to find out which of the factors are the most important in determining non-adherence
to medication. In total 32 choice sets were designed, and these were split into four versions of the
surveys, along with a repeated choice set to check for consistency and rationality behind the decision-
Results showed that six out of the eight factors listed above had a significant effect on the decision to
continue with a medication. Symptom severity and alcohol restrictions did not have a significant effect
on adherence. Participant background characteristics did not make a significant difference to the effect
of the factors, and neither did it matter if participants were currently taking medication or not. The
monthly cost of the medication was found to be a significant factor in non-adherence only for those who
do not have private medical insurance (and therefore have to pay for medication themselves), but not for
those with insurance (where the insurance company pays for the medication). Further analysis of the
data shows how participants were willing to trade between levels of factors. For example, participants
would be significantly more willing to continue with a treatment if it only needed to be taken once a day,
compared to four times a day. However, they would prefer to continue with the task of taking the
medication four times a day if it reduced their risk of unwanted side effects in the future by 20%.
Analysis also showed that most participants (58%) considered harms to be of greater importance than
benefits when making decisions about adherence. Finally, the risk of current side effects was considered
to be more important than future side effects, however, the medication’s ability to reduce the risk of
death was seen to be more important than the reduction in symptom frequency.
The Health Belief Model
The Health Belief Model is another explanation for why people do not adhere. See the text on
‘Alternative explanations for delay’ in Section 8.1 for a full description of the Health Belief Model. The
factors described in the Health Belief Model can be applied to non-adherence:
• Perceived severity: somebody would be less likely to adhere to medication for a minor illness than
for a more serious one.
• Perceived susceptibility: somebody would be less likely to adhere to medication if they don’t think
they are at risk of illness.
• Perceived benefits: someone is less likely to adhere to medication if they don’t feel confident the
treatment will work.
• Perceived barriers: people are less likely to adhere if they perceive barriers to be in place, such as
inconvenience, cost, discomfort.
• Cues to action: a person is more likely to adhere to medication if they have been exposed to a
trigger, such as a loved one dying from a similar condition.
• Self-efficacy: someone is more likely to adhere to medication if they have confidence that they can
see it through and keep up with the treatment plan.
Measuring non-adherence
Patients’ non-adherence can be measured in a range of different ways, including subjective measures
such as interview, objective measures such as pill counting and medication dispensers, and biological
measures such as blood and urine samples.
Subjective measures
A subjective measure of non-adherence is a clinical interview, where the patient is interviewed and
asked a range of questions to gather an understanding of their adherence to their medication. The
Medical Adherence Measure (MAM) is one example of a semi-structured clinical interview designed
to collect data about patients’ adherence. The items in the interview assess patients in terms of their
knowledge of the prescribed treatment regimen, self-reported adherence, any systems used to manage
the regimen (such as medical dispensers or reminders) and any perceived barriers to adherence.
Interviews such as the MAM emphasise a supporting patient–practitioner relationship, where advice and
support can be offered to increase adherence and improve patient care. Strengths of the interview are
that it allows an insight into the patients’ thoughts and feelings about their treatment, rather than the
objective measures that just count or track quantitative data. The obvious weakness of the interview is
that patients may not tell the truth, either due to feelings of embarrassment or guilt, or feeling that they
may get in trouble. If patients don’t tell the truth the clinical interview is largely useless, but if it is
carried out in a supportive and collaborative way so that the patient is encouraged to be honest it can be
a successful and beneficial measure of non-adherence.
Example study
Riekert and Drotar (1999) wanted to investigate the effects of non-participation in studies of treatment
adherence in adolescents with chronic health conditions. It was expected that those who refused to
participate in a study about treatment adherence would show less treatment adherence. Adolescents
(aged 11–18 years) who attended a clinic for type 1 diabetes and who lived with at least one family
member were approached and asked to take part in the study. In total the sample consisted of 94
families, categorised into three groups: 52 participants (who completed the whole study), 28
nonreturners (who agreed to take part in the study but failed to return their questionnaires) and 14
nonconsenters (who completed the initial adherence interview and demographic information sheet but
refused to continue with further questionnaires).
The adolescent completed the initial adherence interview, which was a semi-structured interview asking
a range of questions about different aspects of behaviour to manage their diabetes, resulting in an overall
adherence score. Parents filled out the demographic information sheet, which asked questions about the
adolescent’s age, gender, ethnicity, number of hospitalisations and disease severity, as well as questions
about the parents’ marital status, number of children and level of education. Further questionnaires were
given for adolescents and their parents to complete and send back in a prepaid envelope. It was
estimated that the parents’ questionnaires would take approximately half an hour to complete, and asked
about the relationship with their child. It was estimated that the adolescents’ questionnaires would take
about one hour to complete, and asked about their relationship with their parents. All participants had a
medical chart review, which gathered information on their treatment adherence, such as number of blood
sugar tests per day and most recent level of metabolic control (a measure of how well the diabetes was
being managed).
Comparison of demographic information between the three groups (participants, nonreturners and
nonconsenters) did not differ significantly, except for father’s education, which was higher for the
participant group than for nonreturner group. However, two of the health-related variables did differ
significantly between groups. Those who failed to return their questionnaires completed significantly
fewer blood sugar checks per day than those who did return their questionnaires, or those who did not
consent. Those who failed to return their questionnaires also scored significantly lower on the adherence
interview than those who did return their questionnaires. As the adherence score included questions
about blood sugar testing, these values were removed to see if the differences between adherence were
due solely to differences in blood sugar testing. Results showed that, even with the answers about blood
sugar testing removed, there were still significant differences in adherence score between those in the
participant group and those in the nonreturner group. Overall, this study shows that adolescents from
families who returned their questionnaires had significantly higher adherence scores and tested their
blood sugar significantly more frequently than those from families who failed to return their
questionnaires. It has been suggested that a possible explanation for these differences between the
groups is because adherence and returning the questionnaires both require organisation and planning
abilities so those with better organisation skills may be more likely to adhere and to return the
questionnaires. It could also be that those who did not return the questionnaires lacked incentive or did
not want to discuss issues around diabetes or the relationships within their families.
Objective measures
Simple medical dispensers, such as seen in Figure 8.4, can help measure adherence as they allow for
the correct tablets to be placed in certain containers for each day of the week. Therefore, at the end of
the week a carer or medical professional can easily see if there are any tablets left in the dispenser as a
simple measure of non-adherence.
Similarly, pill counting is a straightforward way of measuring the amount of medication that has been
taken: by asking patients to bring all medication at each medical review and counting how many pills
remain at the end of a certain time period, you can easily calculate what percentage of prescribed
medication a patient has taken. However, there are problems; first, it relies on the patient bringing all
their medication with them to each appointment. Second, you cannot know they actually took the
medication, just that it is no longer in the bottle, so it is easy for somebody to conceal the fact that they
have not taken the medication. A third problem is that you are not able to track the pattern in which the
medication was taken. This is where electronic measuring devices, such as the TrackCap (see Figure
8.5) described by Chung and Naya next, come into play. They track when and how often a bottle of
medication is opened, allowing you, in theory, to track whether medication is being taken at the correct
times of day or at correct intervals, rather than just how many tablets are taken. The problem, however,
is that electronic measuring devices do not provide evidence that the medication is actually being taken,
just that the container is opened at certain times. A final problem with electronic measuring devices is
that they are expensive so they cannot be used on a large scale.
Example study
Chung and Naya (2000) wished to investigate the effectiveness of electronically measuring adherence
and compliance to medication in asthma patients. In a 12-week trial, 57 asthma patients were given
three weeks’ worth of zafirlukast, an oral medication that treats asthma. After each three-week period,
the patient attended a clinic for a physical assessment and to return any unused tablets and have the
bottle replaced with a new set of three weeks’ worth of tablets. Patients were instructed to take one
tablet in the morning and one in the evening, approximately 12 hours apart. The patients were told that
compliance was being measured as part of the study but were not told how this would take place. The
bottles of medication were fitted with a TrackCap medication event monitoring system (MEMS)
device, that recorded the time and date every time the cap was removed and replaced. Days were
classified as:
• Insufficient interval adherence: days with two events less than eight hours apart
• Undercompliance: days with only one event
• No compliance: days with no events
• Over-compliance: days with more than two events
Before looking at the results it is important to distinguish between the terms adherence and compliance.
The terms are often used interchangeably but there is a slight distinction. Compliance refers to a passive
following of medical orders, so in this study compliance is measured by percentage of days where the
correct amount of medication is taken. Adherence refers to more of a collaboration between doctor and
patient and relates to the patient fully understanding medical advice and following it completely
accurately, even adjusting lifestyle to meet requirements. In this study, adherence is measured by the
percentage of days that both tablets are taken at approximately 12 hours apart, as instructed.
Results from the TrackCap show that median adherence was 71%, and median compliance was 89%.
Results show that 66% of patients had good compliance (they took over 80% of prescribed doses), and
on days when two tablets were taken, the mean time between tablets was 12 hours 34 minutes (though
with a large range). Patients had one TrackCap event on a median of 19% of days, insufficient interval
adherence on a median of 2% of days, patients took no tablets on 1% of days, and were over-compliant
on a median of 2% of days. As a measure of how accurate TrackCap is, compliance was also measured
by a tablet count (how many tablets were left over at the end of the trial period). Based on a tablet count,
median compliance was 92%, so slightly higher than the TrackCap measure. For 83% of patients the
difference between the two measures was marginal, suggesting patients took more than one tablet out at
a time on occasion. For a minority of patients, however, it appears that they removed more medication
than prescribed regularly, and one patient took up to a week’s supply out of the bottle at each opening.
Two patients recorded multiple events before clinic visits, suggesting they suspected tablet counting so
they removed tablets to try to conceal their non-compliance. Overall, the study showed that compliance
was consistently high throughout the 12 weeks of treatment, and adherence, although slightly lower than
compliance, was still good. The study also showed that, although compliance was measured higher by
use of a tablet count than by the TrackCap, there was only a slight difference, so it can be concluded that
the TrackCap is an accurate measure of compliance and adherence to medication.
Biological measures
Biological measures of non-adherence, such as blood and urine samples, are the most accurate and
objective measures. These are fairly routine tests that can be carried out when a patient visits a clinic.
Blood and urine samples provide accurate readings of the levels of certain drugs in the patient’s system,
which can be used to measure the patient’s adherence to their prescribed treatment. This method of
measuring non-adherence is not subjective and does not rely on a patient’s honesty; it is a highly valid
and reliable measure. However, the main disadvantage of this measure, compared to the others we have
discussed, is that it is expensive and takes time to do so it would not be appropriate to use on a large
Riekert and Drotar used more than one measure of adherence score from the adherence interview,
as well as number of blood sugar checks. This increases the reliability of the findings as the
researchers were able to test for consistency between the two measures. By carrying out an
interview and giving participants a score, as well as recording the number of blood sugar checks,
Riekert and Drotar were able to gather quantitative data, allowing for analysis and comparison
between participants. However, a problem with the research is that it relies on self-report, so
participants might not give accurate answers, either because they want to deliberately hide the truth
about their adherence, or because they may not remember accurately.
Chung and Naya followed 57 patients in a clinical trial, so this was a relatively small sample.
However, the trial was 12 weeks long, so this allowed a reasonable length of time to measure the
patients’ compliance and adherence, increasing the validity of the results. An important aspect of
the trial was that the patients knew that compliance would be measured as part of the research to
comply with ethical guidelines. However, the patients did not know that the TrackCap was used to
take the measurements. This was important because it ensured the patients didn’t change their
behaviour as a result, but instead behaved how they naturally would, so this increased the validity
of the results. Finally, as a way of measuring the accuracy of the TrackCap, compliance was also
measured using pill counting, and the results were compared.
The majority of the research into the different methods used to measure non-adherence take a
nomothetic approach. Large amounts of data are collected in clinical trials, and these data are used
to make generalisations about the wider population. One strength of a nomothetic approach is that
it is based on large amounts of quantitative data, based on objective, scientific measures. A further
strength of a nomothetic approach is that it allows for predictions to be made, and decisions can be
made to try to make improvements, for example finding ways to help increase adherence.
However, the main weakness of a nomothetic approach, as opposed to an idiographic approach, is
that it does not allow for people to be considered as individuals. Furthermore, due to the lack of
qualitative data and lack of focus on individuals, the nomothetic approach can’t apply to everyone
in full and accurate detail, as the idiographic approach would.
Improving adherence
As we have seen, non-adherence can have serious negative consequences, so it is really important to
find ways to improve adherence. This could be through individual behavioural techniques, such as
personalised prompts, contracts and customising treatment, or through community interventions, such as
the use of lotteries or generic prompts.
Contracts can be implemented, whereby patients and medical practitioners have a discussion to clarify
the requirements of taking the medication. A contract is then drawn up and the patient signs it (or it can
be verbal), to agree that they will adhere to medication. Bosch-Capblanch et al. (2007) carried out a
review of previous studies and found that the use of contracts generally increased adherence to
medication in patients with a range of illnesses, but that there was little evidence of long-term
improvements to adherence.
Prompts can be used to improve adherence, such as through reminder phone calls, text messages or
medication boxes. The use of prompts can help improve adherence in instances where the main cause of
non-adherence is forgetting to take medication or to take the prescription to a pharmacist. There has
been mixed evidence for the success of prompts but research by Strandbygaard et al. (2010) found that
adherence to medication in asthma sufferers increased significantly if they received one text message a
day to remind them.
Customising treatment can improve adherence as it involves adjusting the treatment regime to better fit
the patient’s lifestyle or to make it easier or more convenient for them to adhere. Evidence from Shi
(2007) found that customising treatment by simplifying dosage frequency can improve adherence to
treatment, and evidence from Schroeder (2004) found that reducing twice-daily to once-daily dosing
improved adherence. Another way of customising treatment is by changing the treatment to reduce side
effects. There is conflicting evidence on the effect of minimising side effects on adherence, but research
shows that this can improve adherence to treatment.
Example study
Chaney et al. (2004) investigated improving adherence in children suffering from asthma. Asthma can
be a dangerous condition, but luckily it can be treated effectively, especially in children, through the use
of an inhaler. Research has shown that children often do not adhere to treatment and use their inhalers as
they should, and this is partly due to lack of adherence by the children and partly due to lack of
adherence by the parents because of the stress it causes to try to make children use their inhaler.
Standard treatment for children with asthma involves inhaling the medication from an inhaler with the
use of a spacer, to hold the medicine in place so it can be breathed in more easily (see Figure 8.6).
The study aimed to compare the adherence of children with asthma using the Funhaler (see Figure 8.7),
to those using the traditional spacer. The Funhaler is designed to act effectively as a spacer and to
connect to an inhaler in the same way as a standard spacer but is made to be fun by adding a whistle and
a toy element. When the child uses deep breathing the toy spins at an optimum level and the whistle will
sound; the idea being that using the Funhaler is fun, and correct use is encouraged.
Figure 8.7: The Funhaler is designed to improve adherence to asthma treatment (Chaney et al. 2004)
A total of 32 children aged 1.5 to 6 years, with asthma who used an inhaler and a standard spacer, were
recruited to take part in the two-week study. Parents were contacted and asked to complete a
questionnaire asking a set of closed questions about attitudes and adherence to the recommended
treatment and frequency of medication. Participants were then invited to use the Funhaler for two weeks
and were given the same questionnaire to complete after the two weeks were completed. Parents were
contacted by phone on an ad hoc basis while using their standard treatment and the Funhaler, to be asked
if their child had taken their treatment on the previous day.
Results from the random questioning of parents showed that 59% of children on their standard treatment
had been medicated the previous day, compared to 81% when using the Funhaler. Furthermore, when
using their standard treatment children only achieved the recommended four or more breath cycles per
treatment 50% of the time, but they achieved this 80% of the time using the Funhaler. When using the
standard spacer, only 10% of parents reported being always successful with treatment, but this increased
to 73% when using the Funhaler. There were far fewer problems such as screaming when faced with the
spacer, or unwillingness to breathe through the device, with the Funhaler than with the standard spacer.
Finally, the attitudes of children and parents changed dramatically when responding to the Funhaler
compared to the standard spacer. Fear was a typical response to the standard spacers, with only 10% of
children showing pleasure. However, there were no reports of fear in response to the Funhaler and in
fact 70% displayed pleasure as a response. Only 10% of parents reported their approach to the standard
treatment as being ‘completely happy’; however, 60% reported a ‘completely happy’ approach to the
Funhaler and no parents indicated strong concern or dislike. The Funhaler has clearly been a very
effective device in increasing adherence and improving the attitudes and experiences of children with
asthma, and their parents.
Chaney et al. investigated improving adherence in children with asthma by making the spacer fun.
How could you use a similar approach to improve adherence in children suffering from eczema (a
skin condition) that requires them to put cream on two times a day?
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of four different conditions for motivating
parents of preschool children to get their children immunised. The conditions were:
• A mailed general prompt
• A mailed specific prompt
• A mailed specific prompt and expanded clinic hours to increase access and convenience
• A mailed specific prompt and a monetary incentive, in the form of a cash lottery
It was expected that the greatest impact would be the specific prompt with the monetary incentive,
followed by the specific prompt and increased access, then the specific prompt alone, and last, the
general prompt alone.
The study was carried out on the entire population of immunisation-deficient preschool clients (aged
five and under) at a public health clinic in an American city. Of the 2,101 pre-schoolers, 1,133 (53.9%)
were found to be in need of at least one immunisation. There was an even number of boys and girls:
64% were Caucasian and the mean number of immunisations needed was 5.2.
The families in the ‘general prompt’ group were mailed a prompt with general immunisation
information, urging parents to get their children’s immunisations up to date, but without any specific or
personal information. Families in the ‘specific prompt’ group were mailed a prompt that named the
target child, as well as the specific immunisations they required, and giving the clinic’s location and
hours. Those in the ‘increased access’ group received the specific prompt, as well as information about
extra out-of-hours sessions at the clinic, where childcare facilities were present, and parents were told
they could leave their children at the free childcare for the full session if they wished. The ‘monetary
incentive’ group received the specific prompt, as well as information about a cash lottery that offered
three cash prize draws, requiring a ticket to be handed in when the child was taken for their
immunisation. There were two control groups: the contact control group received a telephone contact
(but no mailing), requesting information about immunisations and demographics but not giving any
prompts, and the no-contact control group, who were not contacted at all during the study. The
researchers were interested in three dependent measures: the number of target children receiving one or
more immunisations, the number of target children attending the clinic for any reason, and the total
number of immunisations received by target children. The immediate effect of all conditions was
measured after two weeks (the time during which the monetary incentive and the increased clinic access
were relevant), and a follow-up measure was also taken at two and three months later. Checks were put
in place to ensure the accuracy of the specific prompts that were written, the names and addresses, and
that the correct immunisations were given at the clinic. A random sample of 10% of specific prompts
were checked and 93% were found to be completely accurate, for the sample of name and mailing
addresses there was 100% accuracy, and reliability of immunisations given by clinic staff was 80%.
Figure 8.8: The results of Yokley and Glenwick’s intervention remained significant at a two-month and
three-month follow-up
As well as measuring the effectiveness of each method, the researchers also wanted to find out which
was the most cost-effective method. Results showed that the specific prompt was the most cost-effective
intervention, with the specific prompt and monetary incentive being the least cost-effective in the long
run. The increased access was considered to be the least cost-effective initially but as the impact
continued at both the follow-ups, it became slightly more cost-effective in the long run than the
monetary incentive. However, when considering the extent of the impact of each intervention
immediately, and at both follow-ups, the specific prompt and monetary incentive was found to be the
most cost-effective significant intervention in the long run. These results have implications for national
departments of health and other healthcare providers, in terms of having a better understanding of how
best to use community intervention programmes effectively.
Yokley and Glenwick carried out a large-scale study on a huge target population of immune-deficient
children, providing large amounts of data. These data were representative of the entire target population,
so the data have high population validity. The research was also longitudinal in that there was the
immediate two-week measure, as well as a follow-up measure two and three months later. This increases
the validity of the research as it shows the long-term impact of each intervention, rather than just the
immediate benefits. The researchers’ use of checks to make sure the accuracy of the specific prompts,
the mailing addresses, and the provision of correct immunisations are all important controls. This
ensures the validity and reliability of the study as we can be confident in the accuracy and consistency of
the findings.
The research by Yokley and Glenwick has great importance in terms of application to everyday life as
the implications could influence approaches used by departments of health and other healthcare
providers. An understanding that general prompts are not very effective, but that specific prompts, with
or without monetary incentives, are significantly more effective could make a huge difference in
immunisation uptake, as well as a range of other important health-related campaigns. The use of a
monetary incentive may not be appropriate in all cases, however, it could be used in isolated cases
where a particular immune-deficient population needs to be targeted, as a relatively quick, easy and
cost-effective way of increasing numbers of immunisations.
The study by Chaney et al. was a field experiment, which gives it high ecological validity, as we
can see the change in adherence to treatment in real life for patients who used the Funhaler
compared to the standard spacer. The study used repeated measures, which increases the validity as
it allows us to see the difference in attitude and adherence for the same people before and after
using the Funhaler, so we know any differences in results cannot be due to participant variables.
How could matched pairs have been used instead of repeated measures? One weakness, however,
is that the study relies on self-report from the parents about their attitudes as well as their level of
adherence, so there is a real risk that the results are not valid. Parents may well not tell the full
truth about their level of adherence, for example, as they know they should make their children
take the treatment everyday so their answers may be swayed by social desirability. A further
weakness is the small sample and short time period that was used, so not a lot of data were
gathered. Further research would be needed, with a larger and more varied sample, and over a
longer period of time to collect more valid data on the usefulness of the Funhaler. This is
particularly important as children are likely to be interested by the Funhaler initially because it is
new and exciting, but it is only a successful method if the change lasts once the initial excitement
has passed.
Research into improving adherence, such as the study carried out by Chaney et al., can be applied
to everyday life. Non-adherence to treatment can have serious consequences so anything that can
be done to improve adherence to treatment will be useful and beneficial. Understanding the
effectiveness of individual or community interventions is a really important part of improving
adherence to treatment and maximising the effectiveness of the treatments for a wide range of
illnesses. Most of the methods of improving adherence are relatively cost- and time-effective so
they are easy to implement, and the benefits can be significant and far-reaching.
4 Non-adherence has negative implications for the individual but there are wider implications too.
What are some wider implications of non-adherence and why are they important?
5 Chung and Naya (2000) used a Trackcap to measure adherence. They told their participants that
they would be measuring their adherence but not that they were using the Trackcap. Why were the
participants given some but not all of the information?
6 Chaney et al. (2004) used repeated measures in their study. Why was this? And why didn’t they
use a control group?
8.3 Pain
Types and theories of pain
Types of pain
Pain is not just an unpleasant experience; it also has a really important function. It acts as a signal to let
us know that whatever we are doing is potentially damaging and we should stop. Pain also works by
making us less likely to repeat the damaging behaviour again.
There are two broad types of pain: acute pain and chronic pain. Acute pain can be severe but comes on
quickly and lasts a relatively short period of time. Acute pain is usually in a very specific location and
has an identifiable source, for example injury or illness. It is usually easy to treat with pain medication,
changes to environment or behaviour, or some form of therapy such as physiotherapy. Chronic pain, on
the other hand, is pain that lasts for a relatively long period of time, usually for at least one month, and is
resistant to treatment. Chronic pain is likely to be the result of long-term behavioural factors such as
physical exertion, or due to chronic illnesses such as cancer. Chronic pain can be difficult to treat and
can have a significant impact on quality of life, relationships and mental health. Acute pain can develop
into chronic pain if it is not treated effectively. Chronic pain is more common in females and in the
elderly, and the most common type of chronic pain is muscoskeletal, especially joint and back pain.
One particular type of pain is phantom limb pain (PLP), which can be a common problem for people
who lose a limb. Even though the arm or leg is no longer there, PLP occurs when the individual still
experiences pain as coming from that area. PLP is very difficult to treat successfully and many people
who suffer from it will experience pain for the rest of their life. There has been some success treating
PLP with mirror treatment (see Figure 8.9). Ramachandran and Rogers-Ramachandran (1996)
successfully treated patients with PLP following upper limb (arm) amputations. Mirror treatment works
by placing the remaining arm into a box, with a mirror down the middle so that when it is viewed at a
slight angle it looks to the patient as if they have two intact arms. Patients then take part in a range of
arm movement exercises, eventually leading to some people experiencing a reduction in phantom pain
(although some experienced little or no improvement).
Figure 8.9: Mirror treatment can successfully treat phantom limb pain
Example study
MacLachlan et al. (2004) reported on the first case study that reported on the use of mirror treatment
on a person with lower limb (leg) PLP. The individual studied was a 32-year-old man named Alan, who
had to have life-saving surgery to remove his leg at the hip. He was extremely unwell for several weeks
afterward so only become fully aware of the amputation five weeks later. Within two days of Alan
becoming fully conscious, he began to experience phantom limb pain, as well as pain at the point of
amputation. At the beginning of the day, the pain was mild and initially he felt as if two of his toes were
crossed, and experienced ‘pins and needles’ in his toes. As the day went on the pain worse, and by late
afternoon the pain was severe. Alan experienced a full phantom leg and felt as though the leg was
shorter than his other leg, felt that it was in a cast and that the leg was stretching backward with the toes
pointing downwards. Alan had tried pain medication and a course of transcutaneous electrical nerve
stimulation (TENS) treatment (see the section on Managing and controlling pain for more detail on
TENS) with little effect, so he decided to give mirror treatment a try, on the understanding that it had not
been used successfully to treat lower limb PLP before.
Alan followed the procedure of mirror treatment as described before, with ten repetitions each of ten
different exercises including: straightening and bending the leg, pointing the foot up and down,
clenching and unclenching toes and moving the foot in circles. At first, the exercises were carried out
twice a day, initially with a physiotherapist present. After a few days Alan could carry out the exercises
alone, and eventually without the mirror; at this stage the exercises were carried out up to four times a
day. In total, the programme lasted three weeks.
Alan found some exercises more difficult than others, and it took four sessions before he began to feel as
if he had any control over the phantom leg, although he felt emotional at seeing the reflected leg for the
first time. Over the second week, the feeling of crossed toes decreased and by the end of the third week
there was no sensation of crossed toes, and phantom pain was minimal. Alan was also asked to rate the
level of phantom pain and stump pain (1 = none at all, 10 = excruciating), control over his phantom leg
(0% = none at all, 100% = full control), and to indicate the position of his phantom leg. At the start,
Alan reported phantom pain in the range of 5–9 and stump pain in the range of 0–2. At the end of the
third week Alan rated his phantom pain as 0 and stump pain as 1. Furthermore, Alan’s sense of control
of his phantom leg increased from 0–3% initially, to 25–30% after three weeks. The phantom leg
remained feeling shorter than the intact leg, but, with effort, it could be ‘straightened out’. In summary,
this study showed mirror treatment to be an effective treatment for PLP in lower limbs, in much the
same way as it is for upper limb pain.
Theories of pain
Two theories of pain are specificity theory and gate control theory.
Specificity theory (Von Frey, 1895) proposes that there is a separate sensory system for processing pain,
in the same way as there are for the senses such as hearing and vision. Specialised pain receptors
respond to stimuli and, via nerve impulses, send signals to the brain. The brain then processes the signal
as the sensation of pain, and quickly responds with a motor response to try to stop the pain. For
example, if you touch something hot, the nerve impulses from pain receptors in your hand travel up to
your brain, to be processed as a pain sensation, so your brain sends a message back to the muscles in
your hand, telling them to move your hand away from the source of the pain. This happens
automatically and almost instantaneously.
Gate control theory (Melzack & Wall, 1965) proposes that the spinal cord contains a ‘gate’ that either
prevents pain signals from entering the brain or allows them to continue. This theory can explain why
our emotional state, or our expectations affect how much something hurts. The gating mechanism occurs
in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, where both small nerve fibres (pain fibres) and large nerve fibres
(fibres for touch, pressure and other skin sensations) carry information to. When there is more large
fibre activity compared to small fibre activity people experience less pain (the pain gates are closed).
When there is more small fibre activity, pain signals can be sent to the brain so that pain can be
perceived (the pain gates are open). This explains why we rub injuries after they happen, for example if
you bang your elbow on a table you will rub where it hurts for a few moments. The increase in normal
touch sensation (large fibres) inhibits the activity of the pain fibres (small fibres) so pain perception is
reduced (see Figure 8.10).
Figure 8.10: Gate control theory explains how pain may or may not be experienced
MacLachlan et al.’s research is a case study, allowing them to gather information about one
individual. One key strength of the case study is that lots of detailed information can be collected,
allowing an accurate insight into the specific case. A weakness, however, is that the results of the
case study cannot be generalised to the wider population and the study cannot be replicated to
check for reliability. Qualitative and quantitative information was gathered. Qualitative data allow
for a good understanding about the individual’s thoughts and feelings and allowed for a detailed
case history to be taken. Quantitative data, in the form of Likert-type scales, allowed for statistical
analysis to be carried out, to provide a measure of the change in symptoms throughout the
treatment. The problem with using these Likert-type scales to assess factors such as pain and sense
of control is that they are subjective; they only tell us what rating this individual gives, and there
isn’t another more objective measure used as comparison.
Application to everyday life is important here because pain can be debilitating and can have a huge
impact on a person’s quality of life, so it is essential for us to understand it as much as possible.
Understanding the function of pain may help someone come to terms with their experience of pain
and understanding the differences between types if pain is important when considering treatments.
Furthermore, understanding different theories of pain can also help our understanding of how pain
is processed and experienced, which can also help with development of treatments.
The case study by MacLachlan et al. is particularly important in terms of application to everyday
life as it was the first reported case of successfully using mirror treatment to treat PLP, so this
research can be beneficial for others. How could the individual versus situational explanation be
applied to explanations of pain?
Measuring pain
For pain to be treated effectively, it first needs to be understood as well as possible, in terms of the
quality and intensity of the pain. There are several methods used to measure pain, including subjective
measures (such as clinical interview and psychometric measures) and behavioural/observational
Subjective measures
When a patient first presents with pain (usually chronic), the doctor will gather a medical history and
carry out a medical examination, and they will also carry out a clinical interview. This involves asking
the patient a range of open questions and will focus on getting an understanding of the patient’s
experience of their pain. The clinical interview will also include evaluating a range of factors (such as
behavioural and psychological) that influence the patient’s experience and reporting of the pain. The
acronym ‘ACT-UP’ (Activities, Coping, Think, Upset, People) can be used as a guide for an initial
clinical interview as follows:
• Activities: how does the pain affect your life in terms of eating, sleeping, physical activities,
relationships, etc.?
• Coping: how do you deal/cope with your pain? What makes it better or worse?
• Think: do you think your pain will ever get better?
• Upset: have you been feeling anxious or depressed?
• People: how do people respond when you have pain?
As well as gathering factual information during the interview, the doctor will observe the patient’s
behaviour as well as their (and their family members’) thoughts and feelings about their pain, their
adherence to treatment and their expectations and goals.
A key strength of a clinical interview is that it allows the clinician to get a good understanding of the
patient and their experience of their pain. The only way to know how someone thinks or feels is to ask
them, and pain is a very subjective experience. A further strength of a clinical interview is that it collects
qualitative data with lots of rich detail to get a deep and thorough understanding. A weakness of a
clinical interview is that it relies solely on the patient giving their opinion and interpretation of things,
which may not be accurate. Some people may downplay their symptoms in order not to make a fuss, or
because they fear the possible outcome if they say the full extent of their pain. Others may, however,
exaggerate their pain in order to get attention or to be taken seriously, or to be given stronger pain
• Rest
• Mild exercise
Finally, the MPQ asks a range of questions to measure the strength of the pain, including how the pain is
best described now, when it is at its worst, and when it is least painful, with the following responses:
• Mild
• Discomforting
• Distressing
• Horrible
• Excruciating
A strength of the MPQ is that it can be used to assess changes in pain over time and to assess the
effectiveness of pain management and treatment. The MPQ gathers quantitative data, which allow for
statistical analysis to be carried out and for comparisons to be easily made. The MPQ is relatively quick
and easy to administer. A weakness of the MPQ and other psychometric tests is that it involves closed
questions, which may force a patient to choose an answer that doesn’t fully represent how they feel. The
lack of open questions means no qualitative data can be collected, so it isn’t possible to get full detailed
information about the patient and their experience.
A Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) is an instrument used to measure pain (or other symptoms) on a
continuum from no pain to an extreme amount of pain, rather than trying to assign pain into discrete
categories such as mild, moderate and severe. VAS can be presented in many ways, but the simplest is a
horizontal line (usually 100 mm long), with the ends defined in the extreme limits (such as no pain to
most extreme pain: see Figure 8.11). The patient marks where along the line they feel best represents
their current pain and this is then transferred to a numerical value by measuring the distance (in mm)
from the end point (no pain) to the patient’s mark, giving a score between 0 and 100. The following cut-
off points have been recommended:
• No pain: 0–4 mm
• Mild pain: 5–44 mm
• Moderate pain: 45–74 mm
• Severe pain: 75–100 mm
A VAS is beneficial because it is extremely quick and easy to administer. It is an effective method of
detecting change in pain over time and is more sensitive to small changes than using descriptive
categories such as mild, moderate, severe. The collection of quantitative data means that analysis can be
carried out and comparisons can be made. However, VAS does not collect detailed qualitative data and
does not gather a range of items such as the McGill pain questionnaire, so it is relatively limited.
Research has shown that children are often not given appropriate pain management across all aspects of
healthcare, but particularly in outpatient settings, such as emergency departments (Grant 2006).
Grant (2006) also adds that analgesia (pain medication) is not used frequently enough, that there is often
a delay in administration and that the dosage is often too low. For anybody to experience an illness or
injury that requires a visit to the emergency department is a scary and unpleasant experience, but for a
child it is important not to underestimate the possible repercussions, especially when their pain isn’t
managed properly. Inadequate pain management can not only have short-term problems such as slower
healing but can also lead to longer-term problems such as anxiety and fear of medical care. There have
been many reasons suggested for the lack of pain management in emergency departments, such as time
constraints, fear of reduced productivity, and reluctance to give children pain medication due to possible
side effects (Fein et al. 2012; Brown et al. 2003).
The aims of this research were:
• To investigate the level of agreement of pain intensity when measured by the children, parents and
• To estimate the influence of children’s age, medical condition, and severity of pain on the
difference in pain assessment given by children, parents and physicians.
• To see how the pain assessments affected the physicians’ administration of pain relief.
The sample consisted of 243 children aged 3–15 years (53% boys) who attended a Norwegian
emergency department over a 17-day period. The patients, their parents, and the physician who treated
them all completed a questionnaire. There were 51 different physicians, 57% were men and 51% had
children of their own. Half of the physicians had over five years of medical experience and 30% had a
speciality in family medicine but none of them specialised in paediatrics.
Different measures were used to assess pain, in order to ensure the measures were age appropriate.
Children aged 3–8 years filled out the Faces Pain Rating Scale-Revised (FPS-R), which had six faces
showing increasing levels of pain (see Figure 8.12). Children aged 9–15 years used the Visual Analogue
Scale (VAS) and Coloured Analogue Scale (CAS) where they marked on a line where their pain was
from no pain (green) through to the worst thinkable pain (red) (see Figure 8.13). Parents and physicians
completed the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) to estimate the child’s level of pain from 0 to 10. Parents
completed their score before the child completed theirs, but they were not completely blind to each
other’s ratings, however parents and children were instructed not to tell the physician of their ratings. As
well as pain assessments, the parent’s questionnaires gathered demographic information. Physician’s
questionnaires gathered information about their medical experience, speciality and if they had their own
children. The child’s diagnosis was classified as either: infections, fractures, wound injuries/soft tissue
or ligament/muscle injuries. Most children had soft tissues, ligament or muscle injuries (51%), followed
by fractures, infections and wound injuries.
Figure 8.12: The Faces Pain Rating Scale-Revised can be used to measure pain in young children
Figure 8.13: A coloured analogue scale can be used to measure pain in older children
Design three scales to measure pain: one suitable for a child aged 3–8 years, one for a child aged
9–16 years, and one for an adult.
Brudvik et al.’s study had a relatively large sample of children, and physicians’ data were gathered from
children with a wide range of ages and conditions, and from doctors with a range of experience and
backgrounds, increasing the validity of the results. The study was carried out in a real-life setting so it
has high ecological validity and we can assume the findings would be applicable beyond the research
setting. However, the study did use self-report measures, so it is possible that these don’t give a true
representation of what the participants really think or feel. This may be particularly the case for the
doctors who may feel that they should adjust their assessments because they know they are involved in a
Application to real life is relevant for the study by Brudvik et al. because it is investigating the
differences in pain assessments between children, parents and physicians. This will have real-life
implications because the findings can be used to educate doctors about this issue, and this could help
doctors give a more accurate assessment of a child’s pain. This could then potentially increase the
likelihood of a child being given painkillers which would not only reduce their pain at the time but also
make the child less likely to be scared or anxious about hospitals and doctors in the future. Another
important message to take away from this study and apply to real life is the finding that parents’
assessments of the child’s pain is a much closer match to the child’s own assessment than the doctor’s is
(although still lower on average than the child’s assessment). If doctors are aware of this it could
encourage them to rely on the judgements of the parents when making assessments of pain, either when
it is not possible to get an assessment directly from the child, or as another measure.
Behavioural/observational measures
Finally, there are behavioural/observational measures of pain, such as the UAB (University of
Alabama) pain behaviour scale. This is a scale consisting of ten target behaviours, and the person
observing the patient (someone who lives with the patient) records detail about each of the target
behaviours over a period of time. For each of the target behaviours the observer reports on the severity,
frequency or intensity of each behaviour every day. Each behaviour is assigned either 0, ½ or 1 mark
and a total score is calculated out of a total of 10, with a high score reflecting a more marked pain
associated behaviour and a greater level of impairment.
Some of the target behaviours and response options can be seen in Table 8.4.
The UAB pain behaviour scale is a useful tool as it gathers information about outward signs of pain,
which can be observed by someone else. However, there are problems because this relies on the
interpretation of the person completing the scale. The observer may not witness the true extent of the
behaviours that are being expressed, or they may not interpret the behaviours accurately. A further
problem is that scores on the UAB pain behaviour scale do not correlate well with the McGill pain
questionnaire, suggesting that outward displays of pain-related behaviours are not closely related to
subjective experience of pain. It could be that someone displaying a large amount of pain behaviour is
not necessarily in large amounts of pain, they may have been conditioned or reinforced for acting this
way. Or it could be that someone is experiencing large amounts of pain but has learned not to express
this pain outwardly as a way of coping better, or of protecting those around them.
The idiographic versus nomothetic debate is relevant to the different ways of measuring pain we
have considered. The clinical interview takes an idiographic approach as it considers the patient as
an individual and the aim is to gather lots of detailed qualitative data to really understand the
patient’s unique experience. The psychometric measures, visual rating measures and
behavioural/observational measures, however, all take a nomothetic approach. These measures aim
to gather quantitative data in large amounts and are intended to be used for a wide range of people.
They do not allow for lots of detailed information to be gathered about each person’s unique
experience, but instead offer a way of measuring pain that will generally work well for most
people. What considerations should there be for research involving children?
Psychological treatments
Cognitive strategies can be an effective alternative to biological treatments for pain or can be used
alongside biological treatments. Cognitive strategies are more likely to be effective in reducing acute
pain, such as pain following surgery.
One cognitive strategy is attention diversion. This strategy involves finding ways to shift your attention
away from the pain and onto something else instead. Attention diversion doesn’t remove the pain but
helps stop it from being the main focus of your attention, which can make the pain easier to manage.
Attention diversion works because it involves competition for attention between the pain and a
consciously directed focus on some form of information processing activity. Activities used in attention
diversion can include:
• Puzzles
• Massage
• Stress ball
• Crafting
• Audio books or music
• Counting
• Deep breathing
The distraction techniques will need to be practised as it is not easy to distract attention during peaks of
severe pain so the skill will need to be built up over time. There will be some trial and error to find the
right technique for each individual as some techniques work better than others depending on the
individual and their circumstances (see Figure 8.14). Attention diversion tends to be more effective in
managing mild or moderate pain, rather than severe pain.
Another cognitive strategy for managing pain is non-pain imagery. This strategy involves the person
thinking about a calm and relaxing situation or scene and focusing on this rather than the pain (see
Figure 8.15). As a result, the individual is likely to be able to slow their breathing, reduce their heart rate
and lower their blood pressure. These components all help to feel a sense of calm and relaxation, which
in turn helps to manage the pain. Non-pain imagery can be achieved through the use of an auditory
recording, to talk the individual through the relaxing scene and how to focus on different aspects of the
imagery. Practice is required to achieve a full sense of relaxation and calm, and to engage all of the
senses. As with attention diversion, non-pain imagery is more likely to be effective in managing mild or
moderate pain, and less effective for severe pain.
Figure 8.15: Imagining a calm and relaxing scene can be a successful cognitive strategy for managing
A third cognitive strategy for managing pain is cognitive redefinition. Cognitive redefinition involves
the patient replacing threatening or negative thoughts about the pain with more rational or positive
thoughts. The pain doesn’t go away but this strategy allows the patient to manage the pain better as a
result of changing the way they think about the pain. There are two types of self-statement for managing
• Coping statements: these emphasise the person’s ability to tolerate the pain. For example, ‘it hurts
but you are in control’.
• Reinterpretative statements: these help to remove the negative associations with pain. For example,
‘it’s not the worst thing that could happen’.
Cognitive redefinition is the cognitive strategy that is most likely to be effective in managing severe
Key strengths of all three cognitive strategies are that they do not have any negative side effects, and
they can be learned relatively easily and then practised and used without professional help.
A friend is having surgery and is worried about the pain they may experience afterwards. As well
as the pain medication given to them by the hospital, they also want to find a psychological way to
manage their pain. What would you recommend to them, and why?
Alternative treatments
As well as the more traditional methods of pain management, such as biological methods, there is also a
range of alternative treatments that can be used to help manage pain.
Acupuncture is an ancient Asian method for treating many conditions and managing pain, which is
now used widely across Western cultures. Acupuncture can be used to treat a wide range of pains
including headaches, back pain and nerve pain. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles
in the skin at specific points. An acupuncturist typically inserts between four and ten needles and leaves
them in place for 10 to 30 minutes, and usually a course of several sessions is recommended. It is
believed that acupuncture works by releasing endorphins, and by increasing the levels of serotonin in
the brain.
There is mixed evidence about the effectiveness of acupuncture in relieving pain and it is difficult to tell
whether any positive effects are just a placebo effect or whether the acupuncture is actually having an
effect. However, side effects and complications are extremely rare so it could be argued that, whether
any positive outcome is placebo or not, there is little harm in considering acupuncture as a pain
management strategy.
A second alternative treatment is stimulation therapy/TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve
stimulation). A TENS machine is a small device that uses electrodes to deliver a mild electrical current
to the painful area. The electrical current is experienced as a tingling sensation on the skin (see Figure
8.16). The electrical impulses work by reducing the pain signals that go to the brain and spinal cord,
helping to relieve pain and relax muscles. The electrical impulses may also stimulate the production of
endorphins. TENS machines can be used to reduce pain associated with a range of conditions including
arthritis and sports injuries and are also used as pain relief during childbirth. Much like acupuncture,
there is limited evidence showing that TENS is a reliable method of pain relief, but it does seem to work
well for some people and some conditions. TENS only offers temporary relief, while it is in use, but it is
very safe to use so could offer a good alternative method of pain management.
Figure 8.16: Stimulation therapy/TENS uses electrodes to deliver a mild electrical current to help
manage pain
The different treatments we have looked at for managing pain highlight cultural differences.
Biological treatments are most commonly used in Western cultures such as the USA. These
treatments are certainly effective, and usually work quickly, but they do often have side effects.
However, acupuncture is an ancient Asian approach to management of pain and is not subject to
the risk of side effects or addiction that are associated with biological treatments. These cultural
differences in approaching management of pain used to be significant: traditionally those in
Western cultures would not have considered acupuncture as a viable option. However, in more
recent years acupuncture has become more and more popular as an alternative treatment in Western
cultures, and it is now seen as a respectable and effective method of pain management either
instead of, or most likely in addition to, biological treatments.
7 MacLachlan et al. (2004) investigated mirror treatment for PLP by carrying out a case study. Why
do you think they chose a case study? How else could they have investigated mirror treatment for
8 Brudvik et al. (2016) found that doctors tend to significantly underestimate the pain experienced
by children in emergency departments. Give three reasons why this could be a problem.
9 Acupuncture and stimulation therapy/TENS are two alternative therapies for pain. What are the
strengths of acupuncture and stimulation therapy/TENS, compared to using painkillers?
8.4 Stress
Most people experience stress to some degree on a regular basis. Stress can be considered in terms of
the physiological response of the body to an external stimulus or it can be thought of more as an
emotional reaction to something. Selye (1976) defined stress as ‘the nonspecific response of the body to
any demand’. This is a very broad definition, because stress can be experienced in many different ways,
depending on the individual and the circumstances. Stress also has many different sources, ranging from
an environmental threat, workplace, life events or personality type.
Sources of stress
Physiology of stress
General adaptation syndrome (GAS) is the three-stage process that describes the biological changes
the body goes through when it is under stress. GAS can occur with any type of stress and in modern
society we are exposed to a range of long-term stressors related to work, finances or family difficulties.
Selye (1936) proposed GAS after observing lab rats undergoing physiological changes when they were
exposed to stress. The three stages of stress are identified as alarm, resistance and exhaustion (see Figure
Figure 8.17: The general adaptation syndrome describes the three stages of stress as alarm, resistance
and exhaustion
• Alarm reaction stage: the initial symptoms the body experiences when faced with a stressful
situation. The fight or flight response, where cortisol (a stress hormone) is released, as well as a
release of adrenaline to give you increased energy. There are also several changes to your body
such as increased heart rate and faster breathing, to enable more oxygen to be pumped around your
body. These changes are your body’s natural response to a stressor to prepare you to either flee
(flight) or defend yourself (fight).
• Resistance stage: after the initial shock of a stressor has passed, your body starts to return to normal
and to repair itself, although it remains on high alert for a while. If the stressor has passed, your
body continues to repair and recover, your heart rate and blood pressure return to normal and there
is no lasting damage. However, if the stressful event is ongoing, your body remains on high alert
and adapts to live with this higher stress level. The stress hormone cortisol will continue to be
secreted and your blood pressure will remain at a higher level. You will often be unaware of the
physiological changes going on in your body during this stage, but there may be outward signs
such as irritability, frustration and poor concentration. If the resistance stage continues for too long
this can lead to the exhaustion stage.
• Exhaustion stage: if you are exposed to prolonged or chronic stress this can drain you of emotional,
mental and physical resources and your body will no longer be able to fight the stress effectively.
Signs of exhaustion include fatigue, depression, anxiety and a decreased tolerance for stress. There
are also serious physical effects of the exhaustion stage of stress, as described in the next section
(see Figure 8.18).
There are many effects of stress on health, including relatively minor problems such as:
• Headaches
• Insomnia
• Changes in appetite
• Nausea
• Heartburn
• Muscle aches and pains
However, chronic stress can also lead to very serious health problems such as:
• Type 2 diabetes
• Alcohol or substance abuse
• High blood pressure leading to an increased risk of stroke or heart attack
• A weakened immune system: if the immune system cannot work as well as it should you are more
susceptible to viruses such as colds and flu as well as other infections. A weakened immune system
also means you are likely to take longer to recover from an illness or injury.
Figure 8.18: Chronic stress can have serious negative effects to many aspects of health
Causes of stress
Holmes and Rahe (1967) proposed that life events are a main cause of stress. Life events are any major
changes in your life and can be either positive (such as marriage or having a baby) or negative (such as
serious illness or death of a loved one). The key aspect of a life event is that it requires some aspect of
transition in your life. Holmes and Rahe suggest that any change requires mental energy and leads to
In order to measure the effect of life events on health Holmes and Rahe constructed the Social
Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS). See the section on Measures of stress for details on this measure.
Rahe (1970) gave the SRRS to 2500 male American sailors to assess how many life events they had
experienced in the previous six months. During the following six months, while the sailors were on a
tour of duty, their health status was recorded. Results showed that there was a significant (but small)
positive correlation between life change score and illness score, meaning that as life change score
increased, so did the frequency of illness.
Work is another cause of stress. There are many aspects of the work that can be responsible for causing
stress, such as the physical environment, interpersonal relationships and the pressure of meeting targets.
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one of many stress-related illnesses and is the main subject of
research by Chandola et al. (2008).
Example study
Chandola et al. (2008) investigated the link between workplace stress and CHD (see Figure 8.19). This
was a longitudinal study that followed just over 10,000 male and female civil servants in London, UK,
from 1985 to 2004. There were seven phases over this time period, which involved postal questionnaires
as well as alternate phases including a clinical examination as well. Work stress was assessed using the
job-strain questionnaire. When participants report job demands as high and job control as low this is
recorded as job strain. Similarly, iso-strain is recorded when job strain is reported alongside social
isolation at work (without supportive co-workers or supervisors). A total work stress score was assigned
to each participant based on the total number of reported incidents of work strain or iso-strain in phases
1 and 2.
For those aged 37–49 at phase 2 there was a significant association between greater reports of work
stress and higher risk of CHD events. There was little association between work stress and CHD
incidents for those aged 50 and over. For the younger age group, greater work stress was associated with
poorer health behaviours (which increase the risk of CHD events) including eating less fruit and
vegetables, drinking more alcohol and being less physically active. Adjusting for the effect of these
health behaviours only slightly reduced the association between work stress and CHD events. This
means that approximately 32% of the effect of work stress on CHD can be explained by the effect of
work stress on unhealthy behaviours. In conclusion, the study shows that work stress is a significant
indicator of CHD events in those under the age of 50, partly due to the increase in unhealthy behaviours,
but partly due to physiological changes (such as increased cortisol and higher blood pressure) as a direct
result of work stress.
A third cause of stress is personality type. Friedman and Roseman (1978) identified two personality
types: type A and type B. Type A personality describes somebody who has three key traits (see Figure
• Competitiveness: people with type A tend to be very competitive and strive towards goals, without
feeling a sense of joy in the challenge or in their achievements. Type A personalities are self-
critical and have a significant life imbalance, meaning their work life significantly outweighs their
home life.
• Time urgency: type A personalities have a constant sense of time urgency and become impatient
with delays or ‘wasted’ time very quickly. People with a type A personality keep very tight
schedules and often try to do more than one thing at a time.
• Hostility: type A individuals are prone to anger and hostility and tend to see the worst in others,
display envy and have a lack compassion for others. The anger and hostility may be expressed
outwardly in terms of aggression or bullying of others, or it may be kept inside. Hostility is the
greatest predictor of type A personality and is the greatest predictor of heart disease.
Figure 8.20: Time urgency is one of three key traits of someone with type A personality
In comparison, a type B personality is more relaxed, patient and easy-going. Those with type B
personality do not become over focused on work but work towards goals steadily and enjoy
achievements. Type B personalities are more tolerant of others, experience lower anxiety and are more
creative than type A personalities. See the section on Measures of stress for detail on the personality test
used by Friedman and Rosenman to measure personality types.
Friedman and Rosenman conducted a longitudinal study to test their hypothesis that type A personality
could predict heart disease. They gave questionnaires to 3,000 men aged between 39 and 59 and, based
on their responses, classified the men as either type A or type B (approximately half were type A and
half were type B). The men were then followed for eight and a half years, and the findings showed that
more than twice as many type A men as type B men developed CHD. In total, after eight years, 257 of
the participants had developed CHD and 70% of those were type A. When results were adjusted to
account for smoking and other lifestyle factors the results still showed that those with type A were
almost twice as likely to develop CHD than those with type B.
All three studies used to investigate causes of stress (Rahe, Chandola et al. and Friedman &
Rosenman) have used large samples, with Chandola et al. having over 10,000 participants. This is
a really important strength of all the research as it allows for large amounts of data to be collected
and analysed. The samples of each, however, are limited to an extent in that they are all the same
sort of people and from the same area. All the studies are also longitudinal, with Chandola et al.
observing participants for 19 years and Freidman and Rosenman observing their participants for
over eight years. This is really important as it increases the validity of the research; we can see the
long-term effects of work stress or personality type, which is much more accurate and useful than a
short-term snapshot study that would not gather complete data. What are downsides of longitudinal
research using large samples?
The freewill versus determinism debate is particularly relevant when considering the causes of
stress. When considering that stress is caused by life events (Holmes & Rahe), work stress
(Chandola et al.), or personality type (Friedman & Rosenman) these are all very deterministic
theories. Each explanation is saying that you are stressed, and therefore at increased risk of stress-
related illness, because of circumstances that have happened to you or because of your personality.
This is useful to an extent as it suggests that human behaviour is predictable so we can get a better
understanding of the risk factors for people and use this to help people. However, all three causes
of stress ignore free will, which is the view that everyone has the ability to make decisions for
themselves and they are, to some extent, responsible for their own lives because of the decisions
that they make. It may be that someone has experienced many life events, has a stressful time at
work or has certain personality traits, but they may use their free will to overcome these risk
factors and choose to make healthy decisions. These healthy choices could relate to lifestyle, such
as exercising and eating healthily, or they could be related to the causes of stress, for example
changing career or number of hours spent working.
Measures of stress
There are both biological and psychological measures of stress, both of which have strengths and
weaknesses. We will consider two biological measures and two psychological measures.
Biological measures of stress include recording devices and sample tests.
Recording devices for heart rate and brain function
One recording device that can be used to measure stress is fMRI (functional magnetic resonance
imaging) (see Figure 8.21). FMRI is a scanning technique used to measure activity in the brain by
tracking the changes in flow of oxygenated blood. When a part of the brain is active it requires more
oxygen so there will be increased cerebral blood flow (CBF) to that area. The fMRI therefore allows us
to see how different parts of the brain respond to different stimuli or activity, which gives a scientific
and objective illustration of what is happening in the brain. To measure the brain’s response to stress
participants will usually be asked to complete certain stress-inducing tasks while in the scanner, and
then images will be compared to rest periods to identify areas of the brain active during different sorts of
stressors. Brain areas shown by fMRIs to be most active in response to stress include the amygdala,
hippocampus and the hypothalamus.
A neighbour is going to have an fMRI scan and they say they only know that it ‘shows what the
brain is doing’. How could you explain it to her in more detail, in a way that would help her
Another recording device used to measure stress is a pulse oximeter (see Figure 8.22), which can be
used to measure heart rate. It is a small clip that is placed on the finger, and passes small beams of light
through the finger to measure the amount of oxygen in the blood. The process is non-invasive and
painless. The pulse oximeter then tells you your oxygen saturation and your heart rate. Although stress
can lead to an increase in heart rate, it is important to remember that high heart rate could be a result of
many different reasons. Furthermore, for some people, stress does not necessarily increase heart rate so
there is no direct link between increased heart rate and stress.
Example study
Wang et al. (2005) aimed to use fMRI to measure cerebral blood flow (CBF) changes in response to
mild to moderate stress as a result of a maths task. Thirty American participants took part in the study,
with 23 (average age 24 years, 11 female) participating in the stress experiment and seven (average age
23 years, four female) in the control experiment. Participants were given four MRI scans (8 minutes
each); the first and last were baselines, the second was during a low-stress task and the third was during
a high-stress task. The low-stress task involved the participant counting aloud backwards from 1,000,
this was designed to control for activation of auditory and verbal centres. The high-stress task required
the participant to subtract 13 from a four-digit number, answering aloud and receiving prompts to speed
up, as well as having to start again if an error is made. Self-report stress and anxiety (on a scale of 1–9),
and saliva samples to test for cortisol were collected straight after entering the scanner and after each
scan. Participants also reported their level of effort, frustration and task difficulty (on a scale of 1–9)
following the low- and high-stress tasks. Heart rate was recorded throughout the study, using a pulse
oximeter. The control group were not required to complete any tasks but self-report, heart rate and saliva
tests were collected in the same way as the control group to check for any stress caused by the MRI
scanning. All participants took part between 3 and 5 pm to control for any fluctuations in cortisol levels
throughout the day.
Results showed that the stress tasks had the expected response: self-reported stress and anxiety, heart
rate and cortisol levels all increased with the high-stress task then reduced again during the second
baseline period (cortisol level lagged by approximately 10 minutes as expected). The ventral right
prefrontal cortex (RPFC) is a part of the brain previously shown to be associated with negative
emotions such as sadness and fear, as well as increased vigilance to threat-related cues. As expected, a
positive correlation was found between the change in CBF in the RPFC and subjective ratings of stress
(see Figure 8.23). This means that the more stressful the participant found the task, the more activity
there would be in the RPFC part of their brain, showing us that brain activity correlates with self
assessment of stress. Similarly, CBF in the RPFC was greater in those who had higher salivary cortisol
levels and those with higher reported anxiety levels. This shows that RPFC CBF changes in relation to
both subjective and objective measures of stress. The activity in the RPFC remained higher even after
the stressful activity ended, suggesting that psychological stress leads to a prolonged state of heightened
vigilance and emotional arousal. Difficulty and effort were not associated with RPFC changes, so the
research concludes that it is not just increased cognitive demand, but stress specifically that is
responsible for the changes in the RPFC.
Figure 8.23: Wang et al. (2005) found a correlation between change in CBF in the RPFC and subjective
ratings of stress
Example study
Evans and Wener (2007) used salivary cortisol tests as one of several measures of stress in commuters
who were faced with crowding on the train. The research aimed to investigate the effect that overall
crowding of the train, and crowding in the immediate space surrounding the participant, had on stress
levels. The sample consisted of 139 adult commuters who travelled from New Jersey into Manhattan,
New York City, for work every day.
A saliva sample was collected from each participant at the end of their morning trip to work, and at the
same time at home on the following weekend. The difference in salivary cortisol levels in different
situations has been found to be a reliable and valid marker of stress. Motivation was measured near the
end of the commute by persistence in a proofreading task (measured by the number of errors detected).
Mood was assessed during the commute by the completion of two five-point scales (carefree–burdened
and contented–frustrated). Crowding was assessed at the distal level (the density of crowding across the
whole train carriage) and at the proximal level (the number of people who were sitting on the same row
as the participant).
Results showed that distal crowding (crowding in the whole carriage) did not have a significant effect on
any of the measures of stress. However, proximal crowding (in the immediate area) had a significant
effect on stress, according to all three measures: cortisol level, proofreading and mood. The researchers
therefore conclude that it is only really crowding in the area immediately around your seat that has a
significant effect on stress, not the number of people in the carriage as a whole.
Two self-report questionnaires relating to the causes of stress were covered previously: Friedman and
Rosenman’s personality test and Holmes and Rahe’s life events questionnaire.
Friedman and Rosenman constructed a personality test to measure type A and type B personality (see
the section on Sources of stress for more detail on the personality types). A series of questions were
devised in order to classify a respondent as being either type A or type B personality. Answers that show
a tendency toward competitiveness, time urgency and hostility would lead to a classification of type A
personality. Some of the questions from Frideman and Rosenman’s personality test included:
• Do you feel guilty if you use spare time to relax?
• Do you need to win to derive enjoyment from games and sports?
• Do you generally move, walk and eat rapidly?
• Do you often try to do more than one thing at a time?
Holmes and Rahe constructed the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) to measure life events (see
the section on Sources of stress for more detail on Holmes and Rahe’s life events). Holmes and Rahe
examined over 5,000 medical records to determine whether stressful life events caused illness. As a
result of their examination, Holmes and Rahe compiled a list of 43 life events that had occurred prior to
the patients’ illnesses. The SRRS is compiled of these 43 life events, which are ranked according to the
amount of change they cause, and each life event is given a score in terms of life change units (LCUs).
See Table 8.5 for some examples of life events and their LCUs. For example, death of a spouse
(husband or wife) is 100 LCUs whereas a holiday is 13 LCUs. The respondent must identify any of the
events they have experienced during a period of time (usually in the last year). The respondent then gets
a total score of LCUs, and this total is intended to predict how likely the person is to suffer a stress-
related health breakdown.
The use of biological measures, particularly the fMRI, is scientific and objective and not subject to
interpretation. This means the results are valid and reliable and are easy to replicate. Quantitative
data are easy to collate and use carry out statistical analysis to allow us to get a good understanding
of the effect of stress on the body. The fMRI, pulse oximeter and sample tests are also all non-
invasive; nothing is placed into the body, and they are all harmless, which is important because it
means they can all ethically be used to measure the effects of stress in a medical setting as well as
for research into stress.
The use of self-report by Friedman and Rosenman and Holmes and Rahe has both strengths and
weaknesses. A key strength is that this is the best way to gather information about people’s
experiences and thoughts and feelings. However, a weakness could be that the information reported
is subjective and it is down to the participant how they interpret the questions and what answers
they give. This could reduce validity as people may not give honest accounts because of social
desirability or because of how they see a situation (e.g., in Friedman and Rosenman’s research
people may not wish to admit to being hostile or may not realise that they are).
Measuring stress is important in terms of application to everyday life. If we can measure stress
accurately, we can get a much better understanding of it in terms of likely causes as well as
treatments and methods of coping. This is hugely beneficial to society, because we are all subject
to stress at some time in our life, and many people suffer from chronic stress, which can have
serious consequences. Being able to measure stress from both a biological and a psychological
perspective is really important because it allows us to understand the causes (psychological
measures such as questionnaires) as well as understand the physiological effects on the body
(biological measures such as pulse oximeter and sample tests).
Managing stress
There are many different methods of managing stress, including biological therapies such as anti-anxiety
drugs and psychological therapies such as biofeedback and imagery. We will focus on psychological
Psychological therapies
Biofeedback is one psychological therapy that can be used to manage stress. Biofeedback is a technique
that allows you to learn how to control some of your body’s functions, such as your heart rate or muscle
tension. Electrical sensors are used to allow you to receive information about different functions of your
body, by changes on a monitor or a beeping sound (see Figure 8.24). Receiving this feedback allows you
to make changes, such as relaxing muscles or slowing down your breathing. Biofeedback requires
training from an expert initially, with the intention of learning how to do it yourself at home. These
changes can have health benefits in terms of reducing pain, high blood pressure and anxiety or stress.
Example study
Budzynski et al. (1969) carried out a study using an analogue monitor to measure muscle tension on the
forehead. The forehead is a difficult muscle to relax deeply so the suggestion was that if biofeedback
could work effectively for this it would be successful in other muscle relaxation too. The study involved
15 participants who were asked to lie quietly with their eyes closed and to concentrate on deeply
relaxing their forehead muscle. This took place over 20 one-minute trials, with trials between one and
three days apart, and at the same time each day. The participants were randomly assigned to one of three
experimental conditions, and were all told to relax deeply, especially the forehead muscle:
• Feedback group: the monitor would sound a different pitched tone to indicate muscle relaxation
(low tone represented muscle relaxation) so the participant knew they were doing the right thing
and would be able to repeat that behaviour to master the muscle relaxation.
• Irrelevant feedback group: the monitor would give a constant low tone (irrelevant feedback) and
the participants were told the constant low tone would help them to relax.
• No feedback group: no tone (no feedback) was given, and the participants were told to relax in
Results showed that there were clear differences between the three groups in terms of reduction of
muscle tension over time (see Figure 8.25). Those in the experimental group who received biofeedback
showed less muscle tension than the other two groups, starting from the first feedback session, and this
pattern continued throughout the trials. The percentage decline in muscle tension for each group was
particularly striking. The feedback group showed a mean decrease of 50%, the no feedback group
showed a mean decrease of 24% and the irrelevant feedback group showed a mean increase of 28%.
Further evidence for the effectiveness of biofeedback came from studying the participant from the
irrelevant feedback group that had the least reduction in muscle tension. However, when he was given
biofeedback sessions, his muscle tension dropped significantly, and after just three feedback sessions,
his muscle tension was 60% less than it had been originally. This study shows that, compared to the two
other conditions, feedback does significantly reduce the amount of muscle tension in the forehead, both
initially and throughout the programme.
Figure 8.25: Budzynski et al. (1969) found clear differences between the three groups in terms of
reduction in muscle tension over time
Another psychological therapy for managing stress is use of imagery. This has been studied by Bridge et
al. (1988).
Receiving a diagnosis of cancer, along with the required treatments and uncertainty about the future
causes stress. People receiving a cancer diagnosis will likely experience stress due to the fear and
anxiety around the symptoms they will experience, the difficult treatments they will need to endure, as
well as the fear that they may lose ‘their health, their role and their life’. (Maguire 1981).
The treatment of the cancer itself is a big enough challenge for the patient and their family, so if the
associated stress that is likely to be experienced can be alleviated this will be hugely beneficial. If stress
can be relieved it can give the patient a more positive outlook and more emotional resources available to
them to deal with the cancer and associated difficulties. Research in the area has shown that relaxation
imagery can be successful in managing stress in those with a range of illnesses, such as hypertension, as
well as patients with cancer (Simonton and Simonton 1975).
Use of imagery is another technique to reduce stress as it involves imagining a peaceful scene, which
leads to a sense of calm and relaxation (Lyles et al. 1982). The individual would be encouraged to create
in their mind a place they can relax, whether that is real or imaginary, but where you feel safe, calm and
happy. It is important to imagine the calm place in as much detail as possible, including all your senses,
then to close your eyes and imagine being there. This, combined with the muscle relaxation and
breathing techniques, should encourage feelings of calm and reduce stress levels.
The researchers aimed to find out the effect of relaxation and imagery on the stress experienced by
cancer patients. They hypothesised that relaxation and imagery would both lead to a reduction in stress
compared to patients who did not undergo either treatment. They also hypothesised that the women who
underwent relaxation and imagery would have more of a positive effect than those who only had
The sample consisted of 139 women who were outpatients undergoing a six-week course of
radiotherapy, following a diagnosis of early breast cancer. The women were all under the age of 70 and
all attended a hospital in London, UK. The women were informed that they would be randomly assigned
to one of three conditions, and they would be asked to fill in questionnaires assessing their mood at the
start of the programme (after undergoing one radiotherapy session) and after the six-week programme.
The three conditions were: control group (no treatment given), relaxation, and relaxation plus imagery.
Those in the two treatment groups were taught a relaxation technique involving directing sensory
awareness on certain muscle groups, as well instructions for deep breathing. Those in the relaxation plus
imagery group were also taught to imagine a peaceful scene as a way of enhancing relaxation. The
women were given a tape to be listened to for 15 minutes every day, which repeated the instructions
they had been given. Women in all three groups were seen by a researcher for half an hour once a week
for the six weeks, during which those in the treatment groups practised their exercises and those in the
control group were encouraged to talk about themselves and their interests.
Two questionnaires were used: the profile of mood states questionnaire and the Leeds general scale
for the self-assessment of depression and anxiety. The profile of mood states questionnaire used 65
items to give scores across several aspects such as tension, fatigue, anger and confusion, resulting in a
total mood disturbance score. The Leeds general scale measures the severity of anxiety and depressive
symptoms for those who are not formally diagnosed with a mental health condition. The scale contains
six items each for anxiety and depression, each rated on a four-point scale.
Results, findings and conclusions
Results showed that the change in total mood disturbance score differed significantly between the three
groups (but this was not the case for the Leeds general scale). Changes in mood state were as expected
for patients in the relaxation group and relaxation and imagery group. Mood state for women in the
relaxation group and in the relaxation and imagery group improved after the six weeks, with the greatest
improvement shown for the relaxation and imagery group. In comparison, however, the mood state of
women in the control group actually worsened after the six weeks. Further analysis showed that both
relaxation and imagery were more effective in reducing total mood disturbance in women aged 55,
compared to younger patients. This seemed to be due to the effect of relaxation and imagery particularly
on reducing the older women’s depression and tension scores. Women who scored particularly high in
anger in the initial assessments did not respond as well to relaxation or relaxation and imagery compared
to those with lower anger levels. This could be because, due to high levels of anger, these women were
unable to gain any benefits from the relaxation techniques. In conclusion, the results show that
relaxation, and particularly relaxation and imagery, do have a positive effect on mood state.
The study by Bridge et al. had a reasonable sized sample of patients, however all patients were women,
and all were attending the same hospital for the same cancer. On the one hand, the fact that the sample
had all been diagnosed with the same cancer at the same stage was a strength because it meant that
illness or stage would not be a confounding variable affecting the results. However, this also means that
the sample is not representative of the general population so the results cannot be generalised to people
with other conditions, or to men. The participants were randomly allocated to one of the three
conditions, which increases validity and reduces the effect of participant bias. It is also a strength that
the study used a control group of women who did not undergo any relaxation treatment, as this enabled
a comparison to be made, again increasing the validity. The use of self-report questionnaires was a
strength because it meant these methods were fairly quick and easy for the patients to complete, rather
than a lengthy interview or other measure that might be too much of a commitment for women already
undergoing radiotherapy for cancer. Further strengths of the use of the questionnaires are that they used
closed questions with Likert-type scales so quantitative data were gathered, allowing for statistical
analysis to be carried out and comparisons to be made between groups and pre- and post-treatment. A
weakness of these measures is that they did not gather qualitative data, so there was not an opportunity
to collect detailed feelings and experiences from the women.
Application to everyday life is particularly relevant to the study by Bridge et al. because investigating
the effects of relaxation techniques on stress can benefit other patients experiencing similar
circumstances. The results showed that, overall, relaxation techniques had a positive effect on the
women’s mood after six weeks of treatment. This information can be used to help advise other women
suffering from cancer that relaxation techniques might help them too. Reducing the stress experienced
by women undergoing treatment for cancer is beneficial not just because the patients will feel better, but
it would also mean that they have more emotional and mental energy available to cope with treatments
and other changes they will need to manage. Although this research specifically focused on women with
breast cancer, there is no reason that the same wouldn’t be found for women with other conditions or
men with a range of conditions. How could the idiographic versus nomothetic approach be applied to
research such as Bridge et al.?
Preventing stress
One way of preventing stress is through stress inoculation training (SIT), which is a type of cognitive-
behavioural therapy, designed by Meichenbaum, specifically to help people cope with stress. The idea
behind SIT is that, by exposing people to increasing levels of perceived stress, they can practise coping
skills and develop an increased tolerance for stress. SIT will be different for everyone but will tend to
include several weekly sessions for anywhere between 8 and 40 sessions.
There are three phases of SIT:
• Conceptualisation: in this stage, the client and therapist work together to get an understanding of
the client’s sources of stress. The client talks through their experiences and current method of
dealing with stress. The therapist then shows the client how to reframe a stressor as a problem that
can be solved. It is important at this stage that the client understands that there are some parts of a
stressor that can be changed and some parts that cannot.
• Skills acquisition and rehearsal: clients learn new coping skills, which are designed to suit their
unique set of circumstances. Initially the coping skills are practised in the therapy setting before
being gradually applied in the real world. A range of cognitive and behavioural coping skills are
taught, including problem-solving skills, relaxation techniques, mindfulness training and diversion
• Application and follow-through: this is the time for clients to apply what they have learned in the
real world, with increasingly more stressful situations. To build up to this, techniques may be used,
such as visualising a stressful situation or role-playing.
SIT can be a very effective way of dealing with stress because it is tailored to meet the specific needs of
the individual, and several coping strategies are taught. This puts the individual in a position where they
are able to deal with a range of different stressors in a way that best suits them, and these skills can be
used for a lifetime. A downside is that it requires a significant time commitment as it does take a while
for the coping skills to be learned and practised. Furthermore, SIT does not work for everyone, as it
relies on the individual being willing or able to change the way they think about and deal with things.
Budzynski et al. had a small sample of only 15 participants so this only allowed for small amounts
of data to be collected and analysed. However, the use of three conditions increased the validity of
the study as it allowed for comparisons to be made between those receiving feedback and those not
receiving feedback. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the three conditions, so this
removes researcher bias and participant variables. The measure of muscle tension is a biological
measure, meaning it is scientific and objective, which increases the validity and reliability of the
results. The research is also easy to replicate, allowing it to be checked for reliability. Why is it
important to check for reliability?
The three methods of managing stress that have been covered in this section (biofeedback,
relaxation and imagery, and SIT) are all psychological therapies. This means that they all fall on
the nurture side of the nature versus nurture debate. The therapies all consider psychological or
behavioural changes as a way of managing stress. This approach has strengths in that they are non-
invasive and do not have side effects. However, they ignore the nature side of the debate, which
suggests that stress can be managed from a biological approach, for example with the use of anti-
anxiety tablets. Anti-anxiety medication is one of the most widely used treatments of stress
worldwide and works much more quickly and easily than any of the psychological therapies we
have considered. There are strengths and weaknesses to both psychological and biological methods
of managing stress, but perhaps an interactionist approach might be the best way forward: a
combination of drug treatment and psychological therapies.
Research into managing stress is a good place to consider ethical issues. To investigate the
effectiveness of different methods of stress management it is important to use experiments where
participants in one condition undergo the stress management and participants in another condition
do not, so that we are able to compare the participants’ stress levels afterwards. However, the
ethics of experiments such as this should be considered. For example, some patients with cancer in
the study by Bridge et al. were not given the relaxation or imagery stress management and their
mood state declined, whereas those who used the stress management techniques had an improved
mood state. A cost–benefit analysis is important to consider here: do the costs to the participants
who did not receive the stress management techniques weigh up against the benefits gained from
the findings of the research? As a result of this research it can be concluded that relaxation and
imagery can be effective and beneficial methods of stress management for cancer patients, and
likely for a range of patients with other conditions too.
10 Holmes and Rahe propose life events as a main cause of stress. Why are some of some of the life
events positive and some negative?
11 Wang et al. (2005) used several methods of measuring stress in their study. Why was this
12 Budzynski et al. (1969) measured the effectiveness of biofeedback on muscle tension. Describe
the three groups they used and why they had three groups.
Fear arousal
Example study
Janis and Feshbach (1953) aimed to investigate the effects of using fear appeals in communications
that are presented in an impersonal group situation. Furthermore, the research aimed to explore the
possible adverse effects that might arise from defensive reactions. The study used three different levels
of fear appeal in communication to 200 high school students about dental hygiene. Questionnaires were
used to gather students’ emotional responses to the communication as well as to find out about changes
in dental hygiene beliefs, attitudes and practices. Each group was presented with a recorded lecture and
accompanying slides, all were approximately the same length, provided by the same speaker in a similar
manner, and contained the same information about causes of tooth decay and the same recommendations
for oral hygiene. The three groups only differed in the amount of fear-arousing material presented:
• Form 1 contained a strong fear appeal, focusing on the painful consequences of tooth decay,
diseased gums and other dangers resulting from poor dental hygiene. Personalised threat references
were used, where the audience was directly referred to, for example, statements that suggest ‘this
could happen to you’. The slides used included 11 very graphic and realistic photos showing tooth
decay and mouth infections.
• Form 2 contained moderate fear appeal, where the dangers were still described, but in a milder and
more factual manner, using impersonal language. The slides used included nine photos, with milder
examples than were shown in form 1.
• Form 3 presented a minimal appeal where there was hardly any mention of the negative
consequences of poor dental hygiene (focus on tooth decay in the other two presentations was
replaced with information about tooth growth and function). There were no realistic photos, only
use of X-rays and diagrams.
In addition to these three groups described, there was also a control group, who were given a similar
lecture on a completely different subject. The four groups were approximately equal in terms of age,
sex, education level and IQ.
Questionnaires were given out to all students one week before the lectures, as part of a broader
questionnaire about several aspects of health (with questions of interest relating to dental hygiene being
dispersed amongst other questions). Immediately following the lectures, students were given a
questionnaire to measure the immediate effects of the communication, then a follow-up questionnaire
was given one week later, to measure the carry-on effects of the communication.
Results showed that emotional reactions immediately after the lectures varied significantly between
those in the strong fear form and those in the minimal fear form. For example, when asked whether the
person ‘felt worried a few times or many times about their own mouth condition’ during the lecture, the
percentages who answered ‘yes’ were 74% for strong group, 60% for moderate group, and 48% for
minimal group. Based on their responses to the questionnaire following the talk, students were given an
overall score for level of concern. Results showed that those in the strong group were significantly more
concerned than those in the other two groups, and that those in the moderate group were more concerned
than those in the minimal group (mean scores out of 10 were 7.8 for strong, 6.6 for moderate and 5.9 for
The research also investigated change in behaviour as a result of the talks. One week before the talks, all
students answered five questions about how they cleaned their teeth, and were given the same questions
two weeks later, after being informed on the correct procedure for teeth cleaning in the talks. Contrary to
the idea of fear arousal encouraging healthy behaviours, the results showed that those in the minimal
group showed significantly more improvement in teeth cleaning, and that those in the strong group
showed the least improvement. Furthermore, those in the minimal group were more likely to visit the
dentist in the week following the talk than those in the moderate or strong group (18% of the minimal
group, 14% of the moderate group, and 10% of the strong group). It is important to state that this only
shows us that students in the minimal group were more likely to say that they followed the
toothbrushing advice and went to the dentist, we cannot prove that they actually did carry out these
Finally, results showed that those in the minimal group were more resistance to contradictory
propaganda following their talk. The talk spoke about the importance of the right toothbrush, then in the
questionnaire one week later there was a paragraph explaining how a group of dentists claimed it didn’t
matter what sort of toothbrush you used. Students were then asked how important they felt it was to use
the right sort of toothbrush. Results showed students in all three experimental groups showed some
resistance to propaganda and were more likely to say that it did matter what toothbrush you used
(compared to the control group), but that those in the minimal group were significantly more likely to
resist propaganda than the other two groups.
Overall, the study showed that the minimal appeal was the most effective communication because it led
to more resistance to contradictory propaganda and led to a higher incidence of adherence to advice (at
least as measured by self-reports). There were not any positive effects of the strong or moderate groups
that would make them worth using instead of the minimal group. A strong fear arousal does not increase
the likelihood of the audience taking information and guidance on board, and in fact seems to have the
opposite effect.
Providing information
Example study
Lewin et al. (1992) aimed to investigate the effect of giving information to help people improve their
own health. The study involved 190 participants who had been admitted to hospital after experiencing a
confirmed myocardial infarction (MI; a heart attack, a serious medical emergency where the blood
supply to the heart is suddenly blocked). Three days after the MI, patients were assigned to either the
control or the experimental group. This was carried out in a stratified way to ensure each group had an
equal proportion of age, social class and initial level of psychological distress. The person who held the
list was blind to the purpose of the study and the medical staff treating the patients were blind to the
group the participants were in.
On discharge from hospital, those in the experimental group were given a copy of the manual, which
consisted of six weekly sections including education, home-based exercise programme and a recorded
relaxation and stress management programme. The manual also contained specific self-help treatments
for intrusive and distressing thoughts, anxiety, depression and other psychological problems common
with patients following an MI. The patient, and their partner where possible, was introduced to the
manual by the facilitator, who explained the components and how to use them. Patients in the control
group were also given time with the facilitator, and were given a range of leaflets from different sources
that gave them information about recovery from an MI. After one, three and six weeks, all patients were
contacted by the facilitator, usually by a brief phone call or during a clinic visit. Those in the
experimental group had a check on their progress with the programme and were encouraged to stick to
the exercises. Those in the control group were given general encouragement and support and had
questions answered. Anxiety, depression and general psychological health were assessed by
questionnaires after six weeks, six months and one year, and the patients’ doctor surgeries were asked to
report the number of contacts they had had after six months and after one year.
Results showed that anxiety levels had dropped significantly more for participants in the experimental
group compared to the control group, at both six weeks and one year. Depression scores only differed
significantly at six weeks. The number of patients showing poor general psychological health (referred
to as ‘caseness’) was significantly lower for those in the experimental group than those in the control
group, at six weeks, six months and one year. Results also showed that, for patients who were identified
as particularly distressed at the time of the MI, anxiety and depression levels were significantly higher
for those in the control group at each follow-up. Visits to the doctor and readmission to hospital were
higher for those in the control group than those in the experimental group for both the first six months
and the following six months. Lewin et al. concluded that providing patients with information, and with
a self-help programme, can significantly improve their recovery after an MI, and can significantly
improve their psychological health during recovery.
One strength of Janis and Feshbach’s research is that they compared three experimental groups
with a control group. The use of a control group increased the validity of the study as it shows that
any changes in behaviour are more likely to be due to the changes that are being made. All groups
were approximately equal in terms of age, sex, education level and IQ, which also increases the
validity as we can be fairly sure that any differences between the groups are not due to any of these
A strength of Lewin et al.’s research is that it has high ecological validity because it involved
patients who had suffered an MI and needed to recover, so the educational programme used was
embedded in a real-life situation. This means that the results can be applied beyond the research
setting and it can be assumed similar results would be found for others in a similar situation. The
study is limited in that it only included people suffering an MI so we cannot confidently apply the
results to people with other medical conditions, although similar programmes could be designed
for other situations.
Application to real life has particular relevance for research into strategies for promoting health,
such as that by Janis and Feshbach and by Lewin et al. Encouraging healthy behaviours is really
important for society, both on an individual level to enable to people to live healthier lives, and
also on a wider level in terms of cutting costs for healthcare and support needed for those who live
less healthy lifestyles. Research that investigates effective ways to promote healthy behaviours is
absolutely key because it can be a difficult task. Understanding the success (or lack of success) of
different approaches, as well as looking at different circumstances in which these approaches are
more likely to work are incredibly important.
• Rewards: there is mixed evidence for the role of rewards. Much research shows that rewards can
encourage particular behaviours (Cameron et al., 2001), but other research suggests that rewarding
behaviour reduces the intrinsic motivation for the behaviour (Deci et al., 1999). Rewards are most
effective when they are highly desirable, achievable, a consequence of performance, and when it is
clear that they are for behaviour that is enjoyable and high status (e.g., a certificate for hard work).
This factor can be confusing when it comes to food because if you tell a child that they can only
have pudding if they eat their vegetables, this is suggesting to the child that pudding is better than
vegetables (and that vegetables are bad). In this situation, children may also feel that their
behaviour is being managed: they may eat the vegetables this time, but they will be unlikely to
repeat the behaviour in the absence of pudding.
The study was carried out at home with five- to six-year-old ‘fussy eaters’ who rarely ate fruit and
vegetables. Four different procedures were used (first for fruit and then for vegetables): presentation
only, rewarded taste exposure, peer modelling, and rewarded taste exposure combined with peer
modelling. Peer modelling involved a video of some slightly older children (the ‘Food Dudes’) who gain
superpowers from eating fruit and vegetables, and battle against the ‘Junk Punks’ who want to destroy
all fruit and vegetables and take over the planet (see Figure 8.26). The reward aspect involved items
such as Food Dude stickers and pens for eating target amounts of fruit and vegetables. Results showed
that the combination of peer modelling and rewards was very effective at increasing children’s
consumption of fruit and vegetables. Initially, children ate on average only 4% of the fruit and 1% of
vegetables presented to them at home by their parents. Following the modelling and rewards, this
increased to 100% of fruit and 83% of vegetables. Six months later, even though the rewards and
modelling had stopped, children were still eating 100% of fruit presented to them and 83% of
vegetables, and were also trying other fruits and vegetables. In contrast, the presentation of fruit and
vegetables alone had no effect on consumption and peer modelling without rewards had minimal effects.
There were some positive effects with rewards only (especially with fruit) but these were nowhere near
the levels achieved when combined with peer modelling.
Figure 8.26: The Food Dudes acted as peer models to encourage the eating of fruit and vegetables
The real test of the effectiveness of the programme was to see if it could have a significant impact on the
consumption of large groups of children so the researchers set up a programme to be trialled at a
nursery. In this study, there were rewards and video-modelling using two cartoon characters tailored to
the age of the nursery children (aged two to four years). The intervention was introduced at mid-
morning snack time, first with fruit and then with vegetables. Levels of fruit and vegetables consumed
during lunchtimes were also recorded to see if any effect of the intervention was seen at lunchtime as
well. The results showed that following the intervention, fruit consumption increased from 30% to 71%.
This followed a maintenance phase where there were no videos, and the rewards were intermittent. At a
15-month follow-up, consumption levels were at 79%, with lunchtime consumption also increasing,
from 17% baseline to 79% at the follow-up. Consumption of vegetables rose from 34% to 87% at snack
time after the intervention, and at a nine-month follow-up it remained at 86%. Three years later, with
very intermittent maintenance procedures, the children at the nursery consumed an average of 80% of
the fruit and vegetables presented to them at snack time and lunchtime.
The intervention programme was then expanded to schools where fruit and vegetables were offered
alongside other snacks such as crisps and chocolate. Results showed that even when faced with the
choice of other snacks, fruit consumption more than doubled (28% to 59%) and vegetable consumption
increased from 8% to 32% at the six-month follow-up. There was a subset of children who took part in a
home-based study at the same time and similarly positive results were found with these children at home
as well. A ‘whole school’ programme was designed to target children from aged 4–11 years old,
including a Food Dude video, Food Dude rewards and a home pack and letters from the Food Dudes, as
well as information for staff on how to run the intervention. The main intervention phase lasted 16 days,
followed by a maintenance phase where there were no videos, and the letters and rewards became more
intermittent. The intervention was initially carried out in three schools, and results showed that there
were large, statistically significant increases in fruit and vegetable consumptions across all schools, all
age groups and in both boys and girls. A subset of parents also reported an increase in fruit and
vegetable consumption at home.
The researchers summarise the three main reasons they think the intervention works:
• The intervention gets children to try fruit and vegetables repeatedly, which leads to them eventually
liking them for the taste and choosing to eat them even when there are no longer rewards.
• The intervention changes the culture within the school, so the consumption of fruit and vegetables
becomes socially reinforced by their peers.
• The children come to see themselves as ‘fruit and vegetable eaters’ so they are guided by this self-
concept: they see a piece of fruit and think to themselves ‘I always eat my fruit’ and this guides
their behaviour.
The UK Food Standards Agency and Department of Health commissioned the programme, or modified
versions of the programme to be rolled out to hundreds of schools across the UK.
How could you promote good dental hygiene in young children? Use the research by Tapper et al.
(2003) to help you.
Example study
Fox et al. (1987) investigated how a token economy could be used to encourage a focus on health and
safety of workers in open-pit mines. Mining is a dangerous line of work, with hundreds of deaths and
thousands of injuries each year in the USA. Not only is this a concern due to the risk to individuals, but
also to the time (and therefore money) lost due to injuries. This study took place at two open-pit mines,
both of which used similar methods for mining, including heavy machinery, and both of which had
significantly higher than average injury rates in the five years before the study. The participants were
employees in all areas of the two mines, including management and clerical staff, as well as mining
equipment operators. During the several years of the study the number of employees at the two mines
ranged from between approximately 650 and 11,000. Before the study, there were standard health and
safety procedures in place including training for new employees, ongoing refresher training for all
employees, and frequent inspections.
Workers at the mines were split into four groups, based on the number of lost-time injuries (injuries that
led to time off work) reported previously.
• Group 1: workers in the least hazardous jobs, who spent at least 75% of their work time in an
• Group 2: included foremen, supervisors, technicians and surveyors.
• Group 3: included mechanics, labourers and machinery operators.
• Group 4: workers in the most hazardous jobs, including electricians, scraper operators and fuel
The researchers introduced a token economy, where miners were given a certain number of trading
stamps (‘tokens’) at the end of each month, along with their pay, for every month that they didn’t suffer
a lost-time injury or compensation injury. The number of trading stamps was greatest for those in group
4 and lowest for those in the least risky jobs in group 1. Employees were given extra stamps if everyone
under a particular supervisor was injury-free during the month. Additionally, there were further stamps
awarded for safety suggestions that were adopted by the mine, as well as any acts that prevented serious
injury to others, or prevented damage to the equipment. An employee who suffered a lost-time injury
missed out on stamps for between one and six months depending on the number of days they missed,
and for between one and six months for any damage caused to equipment. The trading stamps acted as
secondary reinforcers, meaning that they do not have any value in themselves, but they are valuable
because they can then be exchanged for primary reinforcers (items with intrinsic value). In this case,
the trading stamps could be exchanged at redemption stores or via a catalogue for any number of
household items, ranging from spice racks to microwaves and gas barbecues.
To measure the effectiveness of the token economy, data were collected on the number of job-related
injuries that lead to the worker being absent from work for one or more days (frequency rate), as well as
the total number of hours missed (severity rate). Data were also collected on the cost incurred as a result
of any damage to equipment, compensation to staff or medical care provided. A cost–benefit analysis
was calculated to weigh up the cost of money spent on the trading stamps, compared to the money saved
as a result of the token economy.
Results showed that, during the token economy, the number of days lost due to injury fell to 11% and
2% of the baseline for each of the mines. The number of lost-time injuries during the token economy
also fell significantly to between 15% and 32% of the baseline rates (see Figure 8.27). Costs of
accidents and injuries at both mines decreased by approximately 90% during the token economy. The
cost–benefit analysis of dollars spent on the trading stamps, compared to money saved on accidents and
injuries was very positive. For one mine between 18.1 and 27.8 dollars was saved for every dollar spent
and for the other mine between 12.9 and 20.7 dollars was saved for every dollar spent. Overall, the
researchers are pleased to report that the token economy benefited all those involved. Both mines had a
significant reduction in lost-time injuries and in number of days lost from work, and the employees also
benefited from exchanging the stamps for goods. In the last 10 years of the token economy, the number
of days lost from work due to injuries had fallen to a quarter of the national average at one of the mines,
and one-twelfth of the national average at the other mine. The results provide strong evidence of the
effectiveness of behavioural programmes such as this, and that they can be maintained for long periods
of time.
Figure 8.27: Fox et al. (1987) found a significant drop in lost-time injuries following the introduction of
a token economy
You are employed by a building site manager to improve health and safety at the workplace after a
series of accidents has taken place. Use Fox et al.’s study to help you devise a plan.
The studies by Tapper et al. (2003) and Fox et al. (1987) are both field experiments, meaning they
are carried out in natural settings. This means that the studies have high ecological validity, and the
results can confidently be generalised beyond the research setting. This is particularly important
for research into healthy eating and health and safety so that the results can be used in other
settings and benefit other people. The studies are both longitudinal, with Fox et al. being carried
out over several years. This is an important strength as it increases the validity of the research
because it allows us to see long-term effects rather than just a snapshot. Both of the studies
gathered quantitative data that are objective and allow for analysis and comparisons to be made, so
that trends and changes can be seen over time.
The study by Tapper et al. (2003) uses children, first in their home environment, then in a nursery
setting, followed by classes in schools and whole school programmes. When using children in
psychological research the ethical considerations are particularly important to consider. It is
essential to get fully informed consent from both the children and their parents before the research
takes place, and to fully debrief parents and children afterwards. It is also important to be
particularly careful to protect the participants from harm when working with children. In the case
of the study by Tapper et al., the children would not be subject to any harm, but healthy eating
could be considered to be a sensitive issue, for example, children may feel bad about themselves if
they don’t eat as much fruit and vegetables as they learn they are supposed to. How could
individual versus situational explanations be applied to research into health promotions in school
and worksites?
Results showed that the extra warning not to confuse comparative judgements did not have a significant
effect on results, so this shows that participants were clear about the task and had not been confused.
Participants in the experimental group (who saw other people’s listed factors) were significantly less
optimistic with negative events than either of the control groups. For positive events, the experimental
group and control group 1 (who listed their own reasons but did not see others’ lists) were both
significantly less optimistic than control group 2 (who did not make their own lists or see others’ lists).
The results relating to negative events indicate that unrealistic optimism comes from an inaccurate view
of other people, as expected. The results relating to positive events suggests that just listing our own
factors leads to a decrease in optimism, suggesting that our initial thoughts about the future are
optimistic but that our later, more reflective thoughts are more realistic. However, although writing the
list of factors and reading others’ factors reduced optimism, it did not eliminate optimistic biases
completely; comparative judgements were still unrealistically optimistic for positive and negative
Further analysis into the factors provided by participants showed that there were more favourable
reasons given for both positive and negative events that produced the greatest optimism than for the
events that produced the least optimism. This was the case whether the participants wrote the lists at the
time of making the judgement (experimental group and control group 1) or whether they made their lists
at a later stage (control group 2). The strong correlation between the degree of optimism reported
(comparative judgement) and the number of favourable and unfavourable reasons given, for all groups,
supports the theory that making mental lists similar to this is an important stage in making comparative
Positive psychology
Psychology has been primarily focused on suffering. From research into criminality, violence and
trauma to developing an understanding of psychological disorders and, as a result, discovering
treatments. However, this has overshadowed any efforts to enhance states that make life worth living.
This is where positive psychology comes in.
Example study
Seligman (2004) reports on positive psychology, which he describes as ‘the scientific study of the three
different happy lives: the Pleasant Life, the Good Life and the Meaningful Life.’
• The Pleasant Life is about positive emotions.
• The Good Life is about positive traits, primarily strengths and values but also talents.
• The Meaningful Life is about positive institutions such as a strong family and democracy.
Seligman wished to find out whether a science of positive psychology can lead us to happiness. He did
this by teaching an annual seminar to students at the University of Pennsylvania, USA. The course
began with detailed personal introductions, where students were encouraged to use listening skills to
find underlying positive strengths and virtues in their classmates. The following four sessions were
spent learning about what has been scientifically documented about positive emotion: about the past
(contentment, satisfaction, serenity), about the future (optimism, hope, trust, faith) and about the present
(joy, comfort, pleasure). Research covered topics such as:
• depressive realism (happy people may be less accurate than miserable people)
• wealth and life satisfaction (the richest people are no happier than average people)
• set ranges for positive emotion (lottery winners and paraplegics revert to their pre-existing level of
happiness or misery within a year because the capacity for pleasure is thought to be about 50%
inherited, so is resistant to change).
The class discussed techniques for increasing positive emotions. For example, students discovered how
to dispute unrealistic catastrophic thoughts to increase optimism, or how to practise gratitude.
The focus then turns to happiness in the present, focusing on pleasures and how to enhance them.
Students took part in homework tasks where they practice skills of savouring (sharing experiences with
others and collecting mementos) and mindfulness (looking at experiences from new angles and slowing
down). Experiencing pleasures and having skills, such as savouring and mindfulness, is what Seligman
refers to as the Pleasant Life.
To consider the Good Life, it is important to distinguish between pleasures and gratifications. Pleasure is
described as a felt, conscious positive feeling, which disappears soon afterwards; something you might
experience when eating good food or having a hot shower. Gratification tends to lead to longer-lasting
good feeling, but one that is elusive and hard to explain, such as how you might feel if you volunteer at
a homeless shelter or go rock-climbing. This is explained as being due to total immersion, with a lack of
consciousness, so feelings can only take place retrospectively (thinking ‘wow that was amazing!’ after
finishing the climb). Pleasures are associated with the Pleasant Life, but gratifications are associated
with the Good Life. Gratifications require us to identify our greatest strengths and virtues and use them
as often as possible to meet challenges (in work, love, play and parenting) and obtain gratification.
Students took the VIA (Values-in-action Institute of the Mayerson Foundation) questionnaire to
identify their five main strengths and virtues from a list including kindness, perseverance, love of
learning and spirituality. After identifying their top five strengths and virtues, all students said they did
not get to use these strengths every day, so a homework task encouraged them to find a way to
incorporate their strengths into everyday tasks.
The final part of the course studies the third happy life, the Meaningful Life. Positive psychology
describes meaning as belonging to something larger. The Meaningful Life is similar to the Good Life, in
that it requires you to identify and use your highest strengths and virtues, but in this case, you must use
these to serve something larger than you are. These larger things are Positive Institutions, such as your
family, college or workplace. Students were encouraged to create family trees of the strengths of their
parents, siblings and grandparents, or to imagine a positive human future and their role in it. As part of
the course, students read Aging Well by George Vaillant, which compares the lives of the top Harvard
graduates with those who were uneducated and came from a lower socioeconomic status. A 60-year
study of the men showed that the higher education made little or no difference in ‘success in life’. Aside
from having a higher income, the Harvard graduates were no better off than the other men on a range of
measures such as life satisfaction, marital happiness, maturity, freedom from depression and alcoholism
or longevity. Seligman and his students concluded that spending thousands of dollars on education
might be more likely to lead to success in life if it taught material covered in this course. Seligman sums
up his work on positive psychology by saying: ‘In the end, I believe that we learn more when lighting
candles than when cursing the darkness.’
The sample was 1,167 students, aged 11–14 years, at two large middle schools in the centre of Israel. A
total of 35 middle schools in the area were selected for the initial pool, and the principals of eight of
these schools showed an interest in the positive psychology intervention programme. Of these eight
schools, one was randomly allocated to the intervention programme and another, matched for
demographics, acted as a control group, and would participate in the intervention programme after
completion of the study. Almost all the participants were Jewish (with differing levels of religious
observance), there was a mix of socioeconomic status, and 64% lived in a two-parent family and 36%
lived in a single-parent family.
The Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) was used to measure the adolescents’ mental health. The BSI was
designed for use with adolescents and reports norms for that age range. The BSI contained 53 self-report
items rated on a four-point Likert scale, measuring 10 subscales including depression, anxiety, paranoid
ideation, hostility and interpersonal sensitivity. Other scales were used alongside the BSI: the Rosenberg
self-esteem scale (RSE), the general self-efficacy scale, satisfaction with life scale (SWLS) and the life
orientation test-revised (LOT-R) to measure optimism.
The intervention programme involved two aspects that ran alongside each other over the course of a
school year. Teachers attended 15 two-hour long training workshops, run by clinical psychologists, to
train them in group dynamics and positive psychology. Alongside this, teachers administered an age-
appropriate similar programme to their students, using a textbook and materials provided by the
researchers. The classroom programme included activities, discussions, video clips to watch and talk
about and poems and stories to read: all dealing with the key aspects of positive psychology. For
example, to address gratitude, students were asked to list five or more things they were grateful for that
week and share their reflections with the group. The control group continued with their usual studies and
did not take part in any positive psychology activities. Questionnaires were given out to all participants
before the programme began, in September 2010, at the end of the academic year, when the programme
ended, in June 2011, as well as follow-ups in December 2011 and June 2012.
Figure 8.28: Shoshani and Steinmetz (2014) found that students in the intervention programme showed
a significant decrease in levels of distress
The sample was limited, in that the intervention programme was only carried out in one school, so
caution must be used when generalising the results to the wider population. A strength, however, is that
the study used another school as a control, which was matched as closely as possible on demographics.
This increased the validity of the study as it enabled the results of the intervention programme to be
compared directly to similar participants who were not undergoing the intervention programme. A
further increase in the validity came from the longitudinal nature of the study, which allowed the
researchers to see the effect of the intervention programme, and the changes in the control group over
time, rather than just during or immediately after the programme. The intervention programme was
carried out in a school environment and was administered to students by staff so this increases the
ecological validity; the results can be generalised beyond the research setting and the intervention
programme can be administered to future year groups of students as well. One weakness of the study
was the reliance solely on self-report measures. This could lead to a decrease in validity due to students
being subject to social desirability and therefore not giving accurate reports, or due to demand
characteristics where students may be inclined to give more positive reports following the intervention
because they realise that is what the researchers expect. How else could the researchers have collected
Application to everyday life is relevant to the study by Shoshani and Steinmetz because they have
trialled an application of positive psychology through an intervention in a school and seen the positive
effects on the mental health of the students over a two-year period. These results can be applied to
everyday life because other schools can learn from this and could carry out the intervention programme,
or something similar in their own schools and hopefully see similar improvements in their children. Not
only was the intervention programme effective for the students directly involved, but it also improved
the culture of the entire school and all staff involved. This will have positive effects for children and
staff at the school for years to come, and other schools can also learn from this and take a similar
approach. Adolescent mental health has become increasingly concerning over the last couple of decades
so any intervention that can help combat this issue is a really important contribution.
Weinstein (1980) relied on self-report to measure unrealistic optimism, and the students may give
inaccurate answers due to demand characteristics, where they may realise what the study is about
and change their answers accordingly. Furthermore, students may not give accurate answers
because they don’t want to look silly, or they may not have understood the task, or any of the
scenarios properly. However, Weinstein did address this concern in study 2, by giving very clear
instructions of the task, and how not to get confused, to half of the participants and there were no
significant differences with this group, suggesting confusion wasn’t a problem. The second study
also increased the validity of the research by addressing potential issues or uncertainties in the first
study; this is really important in gathering accurate data and getting a better understanding of what
is being shown. One weakness of the study is that the participants were all college students from
the same place, so the results cannot be generalised to the wider population, particularly as it could
be argued that younger people may have a different level of unrealistic optimism than older adults.
The research into positive psychology can be applied to everyday life, in order to benefit the wider
population. As we discussed previously, most of psychology is focused on when things go wrong
and how to help those with mental health disorders, but it is also so important to focus on the
positives and how to enhance positive experiences and traits. Seligman’s programme of study, for
example, could be not only studied by many more college students, but an adapted version could
be accessible to the wider population. If people are able to understand positive psychology and the
science behind important aspects like gratitude and gratification, they may be able to live a more
fulfilling and meaningful life, benefiting not only themselves but also others. In what ways should
cultural differences be considered in research into positive psychology?
13 Janis and Feshbach (1953) found that a strong fear appeal was not a successful way of promoting
healthy behaviour, and in fact low fear appeal was much more effective. Why was this?
14 Fox et al. (1987) investigated the effectiveness of token economy on improving health and safety
in the workplace. How did this token economy benefit the workers and the owners of the mine?
15 Weinstein (1980) carried out two studies as part of the investigation into unrealistic optimism.
Why did Weinstein carry out the second study?
After studying this chapter, copy and complete a table like this:
Almost Ready to
I can more Coursebook Workbook
there move on
describe, evaluate, compare and
apply research into practitioner and
patient interpersonal skills
describe, evaluate, compare and
apply research into practitioner
diagnosis and style
describe, evaluate, compare and
apply research into misusing health
describe, evaluate, compare and
apply research into types of non-
adherence and reasons why patients
don’t adhere
describe, evaluate, compare and
apply research into measuring non-
describe, evaluate, compare and
apply research into improving
describe, evaluate, compare and
apply research into types and
theories of pain
describe, evaluate, compare and
apply research into measuring pain
describe, evaluate, compare and
apply research into managing and
controlling pain
describe, evaluate, compare and
apply research into sources of stress
describe, evaluate, compare and
apply research into measuring stress
describe, evaluate, compare and
apply research into managing stress
describe, evaluate, compare and
apply research into strategies for
promoting health
describe, evaluate, compare and
apply research into health
promotion in schools and worksites
describe, evaluate, compare and
apply research into individual
factors in changing health beliefs.
You are a support worker for an elderly patient who suffers from a condition that gives them
chronic pain. The pain relies on several different medications to be taken correctly every day to
keep it under control. The patient also needs to go for regular appointments for tests and check-ups.
The patient’s symptoms have got worse recently because he isn’t taking his medication and keeps
missing his appointments. He is now finding the pain very difficult to manage and it is making him
very stressed.
Your task is to consider the possible reasons for the difficulties the patient is having, and to devise
a plan of action to help him.
You can work on your own or in pairs.
You should consider the following aspects of the patient’s experience, and how to make
improvements for him:
• Why he might be missing appointments?
• Why isn’t he taking his medication as prescribed?
• What sort of pain is he experiencing? How can it be measured?
• What could he do to improve his pain? Are there psychological therapies he could try?
Alternative treatments?
• What could be done to measure his stress levels? What could he do to help manage his stress?
Your project should presented in a clear format, perhaps using a table or bullet points, where each
possible issue is described, and a solution is presented alongside it. You should refer to relevant
research where appropriate.
Peer assessment
When you have completed your project, join up with someone else and discuss and compare your
plans. Did you both take a similar approach? Did you focus on different issues? Could you use
ideas from each other to improve your action plan? Spend time adding to or amending your plan of
action to improve it, based on what you have seen.
1 Outline the findings of one study into the effect of non-verbal communication onto
practitioner–patient relationships. [3]
2 a Describe the sample used by Savage and Armstrong (1990). [2]
b Describe the conclusion of Savage and Armstrong (1990). [2]
c Give one strength and one limitation of the study by Savage and Armstrong
(1990). [4]
3 a Laba et al. (2012) gave participants hypothetical situations relating to eight
factors. Name three of the factors. [3]
b Describe the results of the study by Laba et al. (2012). Explain at least two
findings in your answer. [4]
4 a What were the four different conditions in the study by Yokley and Glenwick
(1984)? [2]
b What results did Yokley and Glenwick expect to find in relation to these
conditions? [2]
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Chapter 9
Organisational psychology
In this chapter, you will explore five key topics from within organisational psychology. First, you will
consider motivation to work; including need theories of motivation, cognitive theories of motivation and
motivators at work. You will explore issues of leadership and management, including ways of
measuring leadership, leadership styles and followership. Next, you will look at group behaviour in
organisations. This topic explores group behaviours and team roles, group decision-making, and the
causes and management of conflict and bullying at work. You will also learn about different
organisational work conditions including physical work conditions and the famous Hawthorne effect,
the effects of shift work and identifying, monitoring and reducing healthy and safety risks in the
workplace. Finally, you will explore the topic of satisfaction at work, including theories and
measurement of workplace satisfaction and the quality of working life, employee sabotage, absenteeism
and workplace commitment.
Organisations take many different forms; they can include profit-making businesses as well as
voluntary or public institutions. Organisational psychology brings together theories and research
from across psychology and applies this to the study of organisations. This chapter will consider
the world of work, and how individuals and groups within an organisation function and influence
each other and have an effect on the organisation itself.
You will be considering psychometric approaches within this chapter. These are attempts to measure
personality and cognitive functioning in order to ensure that people and their organisational roles are
well suited. You may also be able to think of some applications already based on the psychology you
learned in your AS course. For example, the Social Approach to psychology may be relevant when
considering issues such as leadership and followership, motivation, quality of working life, employee
sabotage and group processes. Aspects of the cognitive approach such as memory and attention, and
also theoretical models of decision-making and other cognitive processes are also crucial in
understanding how individuals make sense of their roles within organisations. What decision-making do
you think happens within organisations? You might want to think about the different decisions
employers and employees of organisations might have to make and the factors that influence decisions
in the workplace.
Likewise, aspects such as working conditions that affect people’s mind and bodies are of interest to
organisational psychologists. How might working different shift patterns be a challenge for employees?
Which shift patterns are likely to be most difficult for the body to cope with? Can you judge which of
the AS approaches this topic is most closely linked to?
Some techniques and models from the Learning Approach are also relevant to organisational
psychology. For example, consider how employees are rewarded for their work. Organisational
psychology explores ways in which operant conditioning can be used to motivate positive employee
behaviour and increase productivity.
You may wish to review your notes on these AS topics before you begin this chapter. This will also help
remind you of some of the strengths and weaknesses of each approach which will be relevant to
evaluating topics in organisational psychology.
Need theories
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Maslow’s original hierarchy of needs (Maslow, 1943) is one of the best-known theories of motivation. It
proposes that we need to satisfy our basic human needs before we can begin to satisfy higher needs.
Maslow claimed that all needs of humans could be arranged in a hierarchy. A person moves through
the hierarchy by fulfilling each level, so that they need to meet the basic physiological needs before
moving trying to meet needs that are higher up the hierarchy such as safety or social needs. Some people
may never move through the entire hierarchy.
Maslow’s original hierarchy lists five levels of needs (as shown in Figure 9.1).
1 Biological and physiological needs: this stage focuses on our basic survival needs.
2 Safety needs: this stage covers a range of safety and security needs including those provided by a
stable society with appropriate legal and justice systems. If a country is in the middle of a civil war,
or people are living as refugees, they are unable to meet their safety and security needs.
3 Love and belongingness needs: also known as ‘social needs’ the focus is primarily on friendship
and family.
4 Esteem needs: this level refers to achievements; skills, status, independence, and so on. These
esteem needs could be met very differently in different people. Some may feel a great sense of
esteem through their family roles, through their well-paid jobs, through voluntary work that helps
others or through the creation of something that receives public praise.
5 Transcendence needs: this refers to our ability to help others to also achieve self-actualisation.
There have been some attempts to put Maslow’s theory of needs into practice. For example, Saeednia
(2011) tested Maslow’s theory using a scale measuring basic-needs-satisfaction. 300 participants were
assessed on a scale based on physiological, safety, love, esteem and cognitive needs. The scale was
found to be a valid and reliable measure.
Most organisations allow employees to satisfy the basic needs, for example providing break times for
them to have meals and rest. Clear rules and responsibilities at work can provide security, and self-
esteem needs can be met through recognising employees’ achievement and making them feel like part of
a team. Once these lower order needs have been met, the organisation may have encouraged enough
self-motivation for employees to strive for higher order needs such as self-actualisation.
• Need for affiliation: the need to be liked by others, to be accepted as part of a group, to put effort
into developing and maintaining social relationships. People who have a high need for affiliation
will tend to prefer working with others to working alone and will be motivated by cooperative
• Need for power: the need to have influence and control over others. People with a high need for
power will be motivated by the chance to gain status or prestige or to be looked up to by others.
This theory is often applied within organisational settings as these are measurable qualities of a person;
one person may have a higher need for power than another. It is likely that someone who will make a
good manager will have a need for power but not a need for affiliation. We will be looking at leadership
later in this chapter.
Need for achievement (N-Ach) can be measured with the use of the Thematic Apperception Test or TAT.
These are a series of ambiguous images which the individual is asked to interpret. For example, they
might be given the picture in Figure 9.2 and asked to consider what is happening, what has just
happened, what is going to happen next and what the person in the picture is thinking.
One issue with need theories that are organised in a hierarchical manner (such as Maslow’s model)
is that it is difficult to test the idea that some needs are more important than others. In contrast,
McClelland’s theory is non-hierarchical.
The work covered in this section is primarily theoretical and you may not be required to know
details of any research carried out by these theorists. However, research on McClelland’s Theory of
Achievement Motivation comes under the heading of a projective test. Although these tests are
widely used (usually in a clinical context), they are subjective and low in both reliability and
Another criticism of Maslow’s work is that it has been difficult to test the notion of
selfactualisation and the research was based on a small number of people that he thought could be
described as ‘self-actualised’. This creates an issue for the validity of Maslow’s theory.
Theories of motivation can be usefully applied to the real world in many ways. Individuals work to
earn enough money to satisfy their physiological and safety needs (at least). In addition,
organisations must ensure that they meet these needs while people are at work. Workers should
have breaks so that they can eat, drink and go to the toilet regularly. Organisations must ensure
their workers’ safety: this might simply mean ensuring that the building is safe but may also
involve a complex set of safety procedures and the need for appropriate clothing and equipment.
Some organisations also attempt to provide for workers’ social needs through the provision of
social clubs or events. They might also provide education and training, rewards and bonus schemes
to meet selfesteem needs. Similarly, McClelland’s theory can be applied in the workplace to help
understand personal characteristics and to ensure that people are given roles that suit their
particular need for achievement.
Self-actualisation for Maslow refers to the desire for self-fulfilment, which can be met in many
different ways. The ways to meet this need are specific to the individual rather than the situation;
for example, some individuals may self-actualise through becoming a parent and others through
becoming a successful athlete. However, McClelland’s theory applies equally to people, regardless
of individual differences such as race, gender or age.
There may also be cultural differences between different populations in relation to which needs are
most important, and the ways in which they can be satisfied. For example, in less wealthy nations,
life satisfaction is more likely to be associated with having safety needs met than with the
satisfaction of self-esteem needs (Oishi et al., 1999). In contrast, McClelland’s approach does not
consider that culture (or any other individual differences) can influence our motivation needs.
Freewill is the idea that we have choices about how we behave. However, according to need
theories, motivation is based on pre-determined set of needs that influence our behaviours.
Cognitive theories
Cognitive theories differ from need theories in that they examine the thinking processes involved in
The SMART method of goal setting developed from these five principles. SMART targets are targets or
goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and have a Timescale. For example, a SMART
target in business would look like this:
Specific: I want to set up a business selling jewellery I have made myself.
Measurable: I will aim to sell five items on eBay to begin with.
Attainable: I will start with an eBay store and then research other options.
Relevant: I will be turning my hobby into a money-making enterprise.
Timescale: I will aim to list five items on eBay within one week and 20 items within two weeks.
SMART targets are used in many schools. For example, teachers might use SMART targets to help
define specific ways for students to improve their knowledge or skills.
1 Write three SMART targets for your A Level Psychology course.
2 Explain whether you think this method of goal-setting a useful strategy.
Figure 9.3: Offering employees opportunities for training and development can change their expectancy
In this section, we have been examining motivation from the cognitive approach. Both goal-setting
and expectancy theory focus on how an individual perceives the situation that they are in, rather
than the situation itself.
As with the previous section, much of this work is theoretical although clearly these ideas have
been tested in real-life situations. While this will give the research high ecological validity, it is
likely to be difficult to generalise to other different organisations due to the huge number of
variables involved. In other words, it will never be possible to conduct highly controlled research
when dealing with real organisations and their employees and so conclusions need to be considered
As with the previous section, both theories can be usefully and effectively applied to the
workplace. For example, in goal-setting when goals are specific, measurable and achievable they
are shown to be more effective. Roberts (1994) points out that a manager cannot simply say ‘do
your best’ and expect this to motivate employees. It is therefore crucial that we understand exactly
what types of goal and what type of feedback will be most useful. Expectancy theory can also be
applied in similar ways such as involving workers in the goal-setting process and ensuring that
rewards are appropriate and will be valued by workers.
In contrast with needs theories, cognitive theories of motivation might be considered more holistic.
Although Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in particular is often described as holistic, the theory does
not explain the thinking processes behind an individual’s motivation. Both goal-setting and
expectancy theory consider in detail a wide range of factors including how a person’s perception of
effort and their estimation of reward and time influence their motivation to achieve.
Motivators at work
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
Do you have a job or would you like one? If so, why? Write down all the reasons you can think of
before reading any further.
Now think about the job that you would like to have when you have finished your education. Write
down all the reasons why you would like to have this job.
Motivation can be internal or external. Internal (or intrinsic) motivators come from within and include
factors such as enjoyment or a sense of satisfaction or achievement. This means that motivation comes
from the actual performance of the task rather than from the potential consequences of completing the
tasks. In contrast the potential rewards are called external motivators. External (or extrinsic) motivators
create a sense of motivation because of an external reward such as money, promotion and bonuses.
Different types of organisation might offer different types of motivator. For example, someone who
works in finance may experience high levels of external motivators such as the amount they can earn
and the potential for additional bonuses. In contrast someone who chooses to work in some aspect of
health and social care is unlikely to experience the same level of financial reward but may be rewarded
and motivated by as a sense of helping others and making a difference.
Look back at the list you made in the Activity 9.2 regarding a job you would like to have in the
future. Identify which reasons are internal motivators and which are external motivators. Was there
a difference between the job you have now and the job that you would like to have in the future?
Figure 9.4: Employee of the month schemes offer recognition to staff and act as a form of intrinsic
Evidence also suggests that staff turnover can also be reduced by non-monetary rewards. Building
positive affective relationships between managers and workers and making sure that workers know that
they are appreciated and that their efforts are valued makes people more likely to stay and increases their
satisfaction ratings (Brown & Armstrong, 1999). This type of intrinsic motivator develops an
employee’s sense of belonging.
Rose (1998) estimates that around 75% of organisations in the UK had some form of non-monetary
recognition scheme. Reed (a large UK based recruitment company) found that recognition was rated as
the most important factor in achieving job satisfaction, whereas salary was rated sixth. The issues of
staff turnover, absenteeism and job satisfaction will be explored later in this chapter.
Self-determination theory
Self-determination is a theory of motivation and personality that is based on the assumption that human
behaviour is motivated by an innate need for growth and improvement. Deci and Ryan (1985) first used
the term ‘self-determination’ in their 1985 book Self-Determination and Intrinsic Motivation in Human
Behavior. Self-determination theory focuses on intrinsic motivation rather than extrinsic motivation as
the primary method by which individuals improve themselves. Self-determined behaviours are likely to
be intrinsically driven and targeted at feeling good about oneself, or feelings of enjoying the behaviour.
Deci and Ryan identify the following innate psychological needs that are essential to self-determination
and well-being:
• Competence: this is the need to effectively deal with our surroundings. Competence is possessed by
a person who has sufficient knowledge or skills to complete a task, interact effectively within their
environment, and achieve their goals. Positive feedback, e.g. recognition, can enhance competence,
but negative feedback or undertaking a task that is too challenging can undermine feelings of
• Relatedness: the need to belong to a group or be close to others. This is possessed by a person who
feels a sense of belonging or closeness to other people. Relatedness helps the person access support
to achieve goals and is enhanced when the person feels wanted in a group. Conflict with or
exclusion from groups can reduce relatedness.
• Autonomy: the ability to feel independent and in control of one’s choices. Autonomy is possessed
by a person who feels in control of their choices and their future. Being given freedom to monitor
and manage their own behaviour enhances autonomy; being controlled or coerced reduces
Deci and Ryan argue that self-determination can directly affect motivation to work. For example, if a
person holds the belief that they can manage their own planning and behaviour, they can also find the
motivation to complete their goals. Extrinsic rewards can undermine self-determination. Offering
external rewards for behaviour that is already intrinsically motivated reduces feelings of autonomy that
can make the behaviour dependent on external forces. For example, a teacher who goes into school
during the holidays to tidy up their classroom is acting autonomously; they want their classroom to look
clean and be functional for them and their students. If they were offered extra pay to do this task, this
reward takes the place of self-determination (e.g. ‘love of the job’) and may make the teacher’s
motivation increasingly dependent on monetary reward.
This section can be considered to take a behaviourist approach to the topic of motivation as it
considers the effect of certain outcomes (reinforcements) on behaviour rather than focusing on the
cognitive aspects. As a result, it can be challenging to conduct research testing observable
motivation in the workplace. This is because one’s motivation is a cognitive aspect that cannot be
directly observed; studying motivation in this way will rely on self-report, which can introduce
bias. Employees may not even be fully aware of their motivations or able to convey these to
Studies that use self-report methods to assess the importance of extrinsic and intrinsic needs might
be subject to social desirability bias. For example, participants may prefer to indicate their
motivation is more intrinsic than extrinsic as they do not want to appear to be greedy or that they
do not enjoy their jobs. This bias impacts on the validity of the research relating to theories of
Studying the different factors that act as motivators in work can be applied to the real world. It is
useful for managers of teams and organisations when considering what motivates their workers.
For example, a monetary reward is not always possible and recognising that nonmonetary rewards
such as praise and recognition can be equally effective (in some organisations at least) may ensure
that managers recognise the value of these rewards to ensure the motivation of their workers.
Analysing sources of motivation is also useful for individuals when they are deciding the jobs or
sectors to work in.
However, we can also consider individual differences here; what motivates one person may not
motivate another. The individual–situational debate is also relevant as the situation may well
interact with the individual in determining the most effective motivators. Someone working in a
highly creative environment is likely to be motivated by praise and recognition for their creativity
whereas non-monetary rewards may not be as effective in the competitive business world.
Design a laboratory-based study to test whether praise or money would be a more effective
motivator for the completion of a boring, repetitive task. Include the following:
1 A testable hypothesis you could use
2 The independent and dependent variables you would be manipulating and measuring
3 The sample you would select
4 Brief details of a procedure
5 One strength and one weakness of your proposed study
Monetary rewards are used by many organisations as a way of encouraging productivity and ensuring
staff retention. Such rewards are usually presented as a form of extrinsic motivation. However, they are
high cost to the employer, and the research is mixed about the relationship between extrinsic motivation
and employee performance.
The researchers in this study were interested to test whether the way in which a reward was presented
(as either supporting or controlling a psychological need) could influence a person’s performance.
Main theories and explanations
As we have seen in earlier in this topic, financial incentives can have a motivational impact on
employees and are used by many organisations. However, self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan,
1985) argues that motivation is primarily intrinsic and that rewards should be meaningful and support
psychological needs of competence, relatedness and autonomy.
Each of the three psychological needs identified within self-determination theory can be either
supported or controlled (i.e. threatened) either by the nature or the meaning of the reward itself. In other
words, the same reward presented in two different ways can have different effects on employee
motivation and performance.
This study investigated the effect on individuals’ motivation and performance when a reward was
presented as either supporting or controlling the individual’s psychological needs.
The hypotheses tested in this study were:
Hypothesis 1: Presenting rewards in an autonomy-supportive way would lead to better performance than
presenting rewards in an autonomy-controlling way.
Hypothesis 2: The effect of supporting rewards on performance is to support psychological needs and
increase intrinsic motivation, whereas the effect of controlling rewards on performance is to frustrate
psychological needs and increase extrinsic motivation.
Participants in Study 1 of this study were 123 French-speaking students from a Canadian university,
60% of whom were female. The students had a mean age of 23 years and were a volunteer sample who
gave their informed consent to participate. They were randomly assigned to one of two conditions,
making this an independent groups design.
The independent variable of reward was operationalised as either ‘autonomy-threatening’ or ‘autonomy-
supported’. Participants were asked to read a paragraph of instructions about the task they had to
perform. In the autonomy-supportive condition, a reward for participation was offered ‘as a token of
appreciation for their contribution’. In the autonomy-controlling condition, the reward was mentioned
‘to reinforce the performance standards for the task at hand’.
Participants completed a shortened version of a self-report known as the Basic Psychological Needs
Satisfaction Scale in which they rated the extent to which they felt their psychological needs were
fulfilled or frustrated. Participants also reported their intrinsic and extrinsic motivation using the
Situational Motivation Scale.
The task participants had to complete in Study 1 was to work out a short series of anagrams. To control
for confounding variables, participants were asked to rate the value of the reward they had been offered
to control for individual differences in perception of value. Another control measure was that
participants completed an affect (emotion) scale in order to control for individual differences in their
mood after reading the instruction paragraph.
The conclusion was that using rewards that support psychological needs can increase intrinsic
motivation and overall employee performance more effectively than rewards that undermine
psychological needs.
The sample for Study 1 consisted of volunteers from one university, which is an unrepresentative
sample. The students were all volunteers undertaking an educational course on organisational behaviour.
However, the study was replicated on a larger more diverse sample in Study 2 and achieved the same
results, indicating the generalisability of the findings were good.
This was a laboratory experiment with high levels of control and therefore validity. For example,
individual differences in mood and perceived value of reward were taken into account. This means the
researchers can be more confident that manipulating the independent variable of reward (as either
autonomy-controlled or autonomy-supported) had an effect on the dependent variable of performance.
However, as a laboratory experiment, the environment was artificial and unlike a workplace. The task of
anagram-solving also lacked mundane realism as it is not reflective of a typical task a person would
encounter in their workplace. This means the ecological validity of the study was low. Using this
research method meant that the study was also high in reliability as the instruction, task, timings and
scales used were all standardised.
The findings of this study are applicable to real-life. Employers can use intrinsic motivation, e.g.
rewards that support autonomy relatedness and competence, to improve the motivation and performance
of their employees. This may also reduce staff turnover and boost productivity. One way to increase
autonomy could be to give leadership roles to employees, for example by taking the lead on a
presentation or responsibility for part of a project. This application can be extended to other
psychological needs such as competence, which can be supported in the workplace through constructive
feedback. This can help individuals understand how to improve their work and can make them feel
The debate over freewill and determinism is also relevant to the study by Landry et al. Determinists
argue that the cause of human behaviour exists outside the individual. As this research shows, a person’s
motivation and performance are determined by how their psychological need is fulfilled or threatened by
the external environment (i.e. the meaning given to the reward). However, self-determination theory
does view external factors as intertwined with internal desire for growth and improvement that allow us
to have freewill and pursue autonomy.
1 a Define what is meant by ‘self-actualisation’ in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
b Why might self-actualisation not be possible for all employees?
2 Explain one way in which Vroom’s expectancy theory can be used within a real organisation.
3 Compare internal and external motivation.
This section is about leadership and management. Research the meanings of leadership and
management. Make a chart illustrating the similarities and differences between the terms.
Universalist theories
Universalist theories of leadership all look at the personal qualities or characteristics that are shared, i.e.
universal to all great leaders.
One of the best known of these theories is the ‘Great Man Theory’ first proposed by philosopher
Thomas Carlyle in 1840 and now referred to as the ‘Great Person Theory’. This theory argues that great
leaders are born with certain traits that enable them to rise to power and lead using their instincts.
According to this theory leaders are born and not made – in other words this can be understood as part
of the nature–nurture debate and will be considered in the issues and debates feature.
A second universalist theory is that of a charismatic leader: someone with the charisma and the
interpersonal skills to inspire and lead others. Such people tend to have excellent public speaking skills
and high levels of confidence. They are sometimes described as ‘visionaries’ and are often
unconventional in their approach and may even display unstable behaviours. Charismatic leaders often
challenge legitimate authority and may act illegally.
A third universalist theory of leaders is transformational leadership. A transformational leader like
Martin Luther King Jr is an inspiration to their followers, enabling them to achieve big or unexpected
change (Figure 9.5). Transformational leaders support followers to think for themselves to mobilise
change. They care about their followers, encourage them and uphold moral values.
Figure 9.5: Martin Luther King Jr can be considered a transformational leader for inspiring his
followers to challenge social injustice in 1960s USA
Behaviourist theories
Behavioural theories of leadership look at the specific behaviours shown by leaders rather than the
personal qualities of leaders.
Researchers at Ohio State University (Stogdill & Coons, 1957) have collated data from numerous
studies of leaders and their workers and have identified over 100 different behaviours shown by leaders.
Through further analysis these behaviours were shown to fall into two distinct categories. The categories
are independent of each other, and every leader could be classified as ‘high’ or ‘low’ in the types of
behaviour they show:
• Initiating structure: this includes allocating tasks to people, creating groups and defining their
goals, setting deadlines and ensuring that they are met and making sure that workers are working to
a set standard.
• Consideration: this is the category of behaviours shown by leaders who express a genuine concern
for the feelings of workers. These leaders will establish a rapport with workers and show trust and
respect. They will listen to workers more often than the other category of leader and will try to
improve performance by boosting self-confidence.
A similar set of studies were conducted at the University of Michigan and this also produced two main
types of behaviour shown by leaders. These types are very similar to the ones identified by Stogdill and
Coons, but were referred to as:
• Task-oriented behariours: not surprisingly, this refers to behaviours that focus specifically on the
task to be completed. Leaders focus on the structure (as in the ‘initiating structure’ leadership
behaviour category described previously) and will set targets and standards, supervise and monitor
workers and progress.
• Relationship-oriented behaviours: these leaders have a focus on the well-being of the workforce.
Leaders would spend time examining and understanding the interpersonal relationships between
workers and those between workers and managers. This type of behaviour overlaps with the
‘consideration’ leadership behaviour described previously.
Adaptive challenges
As organisations grow ever larger and more complex, it could be argued that traditional forms of
leadership are no longer suitable. If these traditional methods are not working, then there is a need to
change or a need for adaptation. Working practices and organisational norms and values that made an
organisation successful in the past may now be irrelevant and the organisation must confront the need
for change.
Heifetz (2009) and Heifetz et al. (1997) define leadership as the ‘art of mobilising people (in
organisations and communities) to tackle tough issues, adapt and thrive’ (2009). The argument is that
leadership itself has to change. Rather than leading by providing solutions, the leader must lead by
shifting the responsibility for change to the workforce.
This may be distressing for some people as employees may have to take on new roles, learn new skills,
align with new values or even accept that there is no longer a place for them within the organisation.
Employees are used to management solving problems for them and this will also have to change. The
role of the adaptive leader is no longer to maintain and protect the organisational norms and values but
to allow disorientation, conflict and challenge to create a new organisation that can survive. The
differences between traditional leadership and adaptive leadership are summarised in Table 9.1.
Heifetz et al. (2009) offer six key principles of adaptive leadership and these are as follows:
1 ‘Get on the balcony’. An adaptive leader needs to see the whole picture and to view the
organisation and the way it works as if they were observing from above.
2 Identify the adaptive change. An adaptive leader needs to not only identify the need for change but
be able to determine the nature and extent of the change required, be that to organisational
structure, values, working practices or working relationships.
3 Regulate distress. Adaptive change will both stress and distress those who are experiencing it. This
cannot be avoided but it can be managed. The pressure needs to be enough to motivate people to
change but not so much that it overwhelms them. The adaptive leader needs to be able to tolerate
the uncertainty and frustration and to communicate confidence.
4 Maintain disciplined attention. An adaptive leader must be open to contrasting points of view.
Rather than avoiding or covering up issues that are difficult or disturbing, they must confront the
issues directly.
5 Give the work back to the people. An adaptive leader must recognise that everyone in the
organisation has special access to information that comes only from their experiences in their
particular role. Adaptive leaders must step back from the traditional role of telling people what to
do and, by allowing them to use their special knowledge, recognise that they are best placed to
identify the solutions to the problems.
6 Protect voices of leadership from below. Heifetz et al. argue that ‘giving a voice to all people is the
foundation of an organisation that is willing to experiment and learn’. In many organisations, those
who speak up are silenced. An adaptive leader needs to listen to these voices to learn of impending
challenges. Ignoring them can be fatal for the organisation.
As an example of leadership styles, Heifetz and Linsky, in their book Leadership on the Line (2002),
refer to Henry Fonda’s character in the film 12 Angry Men (see Figure 9.6) as an example of the
adaptive leader in action. Fonda plays the only jury member who initially votes ‘not guilty’ in a murder
trial. Through the film, his behaviour encourages the other jurors to explore their own prejudices and
biases and to look at the evidence from different perspectives. Heifetz and Linksy claim that Fonda’s
character is a powerful example of adaptive leadership.
Figure 9.6: Henry Fonda’s character in the film 12 Angry Men is an example of adaptive leadership
The work conducted by Ohio State University and by the University of Michigan brings together
huge amounts of data collected from a wide range of organisations and individuals. This gives their
findings a great deal of support, and conclusions drawn from these findings can be generalised
In contrast, Heifetz adaptive model of leadership has not been investigated thoroughly through
empirical research studies. This means there is a lack of evidence to suggest whether the theory can
be applied to organisations in the real world, so it is difficult to judge whether the principles and
claims of the theory are valid.
Theories of leadership raise a number of crucial evaluation issues. To begin with, we will consider
the nature versus nurture debate. Are leaders born or made? The Great Person Theory described
previously would certainly be on the nature side of this debate while the other theories may leave
room for some development of leadership skills. For example, the behaviourist theories of
leadership argue that leadership presence can be developed. The arguments proposed by Heifetz et
al. also suggest that leadership needs to able to adapt and change and that leadership skills can be
The theory of adaptive leadership also allows us to consider the individual–situational debate.
Heifetz et al. argue strongly for the need for adaptive leadership where the more traditional styles
of leadership have failed or when the situation is highly uncertain. This might occur in an
organisation that has just been taken over by another, or when the organisation is in financial
difficulty. As with the earlier theories of leadership, we can also consider whether some individuals
may be better able to provide adaptive leadership than others.
Finally, it is important to consider the issue of usefulness or application to everyday life.
Traditional, modern, behaviourist and adaptive theories of leadership theories have been applied
within organisations all over the world. Understanding the type of leadership exhibited by a leader
can make a significant contribution to the success or otherwise of a wide variety of organisations.
Leadership style
Styles of leader behaviour
There have been many attempts to explain different styles of leader behaviour and we will examine one
of these explanations by Muczyk and Reimann in this section. Research prior to this explanation had
focused on benefits of the democratic style of leadership. A democratic style of leader is a person who
maintains the ideal of social equality and values the input of followers in making decisions within an
organisation. The contrasting style of autocratic leadership is one in which leaders control the decision-
making and keep a rigid distinction between them and their followers.
Muczyk and Reimann (1987) argue that democraic leadership may not always be the most effective and
that it may be harmful in some situations. They argue that ‘leadership is a two-way street, so a
democratic style will be effective only if followers are both willing and able to participate actively in the
decision-making process. If they are not, the leader cannot be democratic without also being ‘directive’
and following up very closely to see that directives are being carried out properly’ (page 301).
In this quote, Muczyk and Riemann are emphasising the difference between ‘participation’ and
‘direction’. They view direction as a separate dimension of leadership and one that could work in
conjunction with participation. Combining direction with participation produces four styles of leadership
and may help us understand the question of which style of leadership is best in which situation, as
shown in Table 9.2.
This means that as well as the democratic/autocratic distinction, there are two further leadership factors
that need to be considered:
• Participation: low participation would be an autocratic leader and high participation would be a
democratic or participative leader.
• Direction: low direction would be permissive with little or only general supervision and high
would be directive, with close supervision and constant follow-up.
Table 9.2: Muczyk and Reimann (1987)’s four styles of leader behaviours
The directive behaviour refers to how the leader deals with what happens after the decision has been
made. A non-directive leader (permissive) will leave their followers to decide how to reach the goal and
will offer very little direction or guidance. A directive leader, however, will specify how tasks are to be
completed and will follow up progress throughout the implementation stage.
One of the key problems in previous research is that researchers have tended to see decision-making and
the execution of this decision to be the same thing. This is a crucial point as clearly the process of
making a decision is quite separate from the process of ensuring that this decision is carried through.
Deciding that something should happen is not the same as ensuring that it does happen.
Levels of leadership
As well as different styles of leader behaviour, there are different levels of leadership that exist for any
style of leader. The idea of three levels of leadership was introduced by James Scouller in a book
published in 2011. Scouller explains how leadership presence can be developed and this theory is
sometimes referred to as the 3P model of leadership due to the three key elements. The model is usually
presented in diagram form as three circles and four outwardly directed arrows, with personal leadership
in the centre (Figure 9.7):
• Public leadership: these are the behaviours required to influence groups of people. One example
would be holding a meeting in which the individual hopes to influence the opinions of others. The
public level is an ‘outer’ level of leadership, which is externally facing and visible to others; it
deals with group building and trust.
• Private leadership: these are the behaviours involved in influencing individuals. This can involve
getting to know individuals within a team and agreeing individual goals that contribute towards
group aims. This is also an ‘outer’ level of leadership as it deals with coaching, managing and even
removing individual members from a group.
• Personal leadership: these are the leadership qualities shown by the individual. It relates to the
psychological and ethical development of a leader, as well as their technical ability. It includes the
skills and beliefs of a leader: their emotions, subconscious behaviours and their ‘presence’.
Scouller argued that leaders need to ‘grow their leadership presence, know-how and skill’ through
developing their technical know-how and skill, demonstrating the right attitude towards other
people and working on psychological self-mastery. This final aspect is the most crucial aspect of
developing a leadership presence.
Scouller argues that personal leadership is the most powerful of the three levels because it impacts on
the private and public leadership behaviours of an individual. He compared the effect of personal
leadership to the effect to dropping a pebble in a pond and seeing the ripples spreading out from the
centre (Figure 9.8), hence the four red arrows pointing outward in Figure 9.7.
In this section, we have considered two theoretical models. It is possible to test these models in
real-life situations. The concepts of participative and directive leader behaviours have been tested
in diverse organisational settings from hospitals to schools and businesses. These studies are
typically based on self-report measures of leader behaviours from leaders and their followers.
Using a standardised questionnaire or interview to survey participants can increase the reliability of
such studies. However, the research method relies on how accurately leaders and followers can
assess their own or other’s behaviours, and may also be influenced by social desirability bias. Both
of these factors can lower the validity of research into the influence of leader behaviours.
However, as a theoretical model, Scouller’s three levels of leadership model is not as easy to test.
The model does not define leadership ‘presence’ in terms of common personality characteristics.
This makes it quite different from other models that typically use psychometric testing to quantify
the characteristics of leader. Without a clear basis for quantitative measurement, the concept of the
3Ps could be considered vague and unscientific.
The most obvious evaluation issue to begin with is the individual–situational debate. Muczyk and
Reimann’s four types of leader behaviour consider the relationship between the individual (leader)
and the situation directly (the type and needs of an organisation and employees) and makes the
point that different leadership styles will be effective in different situations. Likewise, the 3P
model of levels of leadership clearly shows that different skills will be required for different
situations. For example, it can help us understand why trying to persuade an individual is different
to trying to persuade a group.
Additionally, the 3P model is a theory of nurture rather than nature. It says that ‘leadership
presence’ cannot be defined by common predetermined qualities or behaviours. Scouller argues
that leaders should let their presence develop according to their individual personality and enhance
their presence through self-mastery.
The contribution to the area of leadership styles made by Muczyk and Reimann has been
significant. Highlighting the difference between making a decision and ensuring that that decision
is implemented (followed through to its completion) is extremely valuable and will allow
organisations to recognise that as with leadership in general, there are many styles and these styles
suit different situations and groups. Ensuring that the right leader is in charge will ensure the
successful completion of the task. This explanation is highly applicable to real life.
The study first aimed to investigate the effect of female and male leaders using stereotypical or non-
stereotypical leadership styles on their work evaluations. The second aim was to test whether the sex of
the evaluator would have an impact on how well female or male leaders were evaluated on their work
performance. Cuadrado et al. tested four different hypotheses.
Hypothesis 1: Female leaders will receive less favourable evaluations than male leaders when using
stereotypically masculine leadership behaviours.
Hypothesis 2: Male leaders will not receive less favourable evaluations than female leaders when they
use stereotypically feminine leadership behaviours.
Hypothesis 3: Female leaders will receive less favourable evaluations from male evaluators than from
female evaluators.
Hypothesis 4: Male leaders will receive similar evaluations from both male and female evaluators.
The sample was made up of 136 psychology students from the National Open University of Spain, 53%
women (mean age 27 years) and 47% men (mean age 29 years). The participants were told they were
taking part in a study on decision-making and were randomly allocated to each experimental condition.
This meant the study was a laboratory experiment using an independent groups design.
The independent variables were the sex of the leader (female or male), the sex of the evaluator (female
or male) and leadership style (female-stereotypical or male-stereotypical).
The dependent variables were adjective list, leadership capacity and leadership efficacy.
Participants were asked to evaluate a supervisor (male or female, depending on which experimental
condition they were allocated to) of an emergency medical service. The supervisor was stated to have
been occupying their leadership position for a trial period. Participants read a description of the
supervisor’s behaviour and were asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire to help make an
evaluation about the supervisor’s work.
Four different versions of the description were written, with the only changes being to the leader’s sex
(male ‘Carlos’ or female ‘Lucia’) and their leadership style (stereotypically masculine / autocratic or
stereotypically feminine / democratic). The narrative was a description of the supervisor’s behaviour.
The questionnaires that were used to measure the dependent variables all used a seven-point Likert scale
(1 = never applicable to the leader, 7 = always applicable to the leader) and were:
1 A list of seven positive and seven negative adjectives that the participants had to rate to help judge
the image the participants had formed of the leader. Positive adjectives included intelligent, honest
and clever, while negative adjectives included forgetful, bossy or discouraging.
2 A measure of four items of leadership capacity, again with a seven-point Likert scale of agreement.
This included items such as ‘X is a competent supervisor’.
3 A measure of leadership effectiveness with five items with a scale of agreement. This included
statements such as ‘X does not perform his/her works as a supervisor well enough’.
Figure 9.9: Effects of leadership style (SM = stereotypically masculine; SF = stereotypically feminine)
on the three dependent variables (adjective list, leadership capacity and leadership efficacy)
The sample consisted of student volunteers of a similar age, which could be considered an
unrepresentative sample. It is possible that if the study was conducted with a wider range of ages and
occupations, the results may be different. This is because stereotypical beliefs may be more or less
prevalent in other populations.
This was a laboratory experiment with high levels of reliability and validity. For example, the
descriptive narrative used in the experimental conditions was kept the same apart from the manipulation
of leadership style and the sex of the supervisor. This is an example of standardisation of procedure. In
contrast, one control in the study was that the participants were randomly allocated to conditions. These
aspects of design mean the researchers can be more confident about the relationship between the IVs
and DVs.
However, as a laboratory experiment that used a number of self-report scales, the study lacks ecological
validity. Employers in real organisations are unlikely to use such measures as the only method for
evaluating leadership effectiveness; and they rely on more than a description of a leader’s work.
However, the use of self-reports meant that quantitative data were captured for each measurement. This
enhances the objectivity and comparability of the findings.
In terms of applicability to real life, the findings of this study suggest that organisations should take into
account the contributions and the value of feminine styles. Instead of acting as barriers to success in
traditionally masculine settings, democratic styles can be advantageous. This means for example that
employers could consider the importance of the feminine styles when training individuals for
managerial positions. Increasing access for women to leadership positions has great social value in
changing harmful gender stereotypes through recognising the value of democratic forms of leadership.
2 Inspire a shared vision • ‘describes a compelling image of what our future could be like’
• ‘appeals to others to share an exciting dream of the future’
3 Challenge the process • ‘experiments and takes risks even when there is a chance of
• ‘challenges people to try out new and innovative ways to do their
The LPI consists of the individual’s self-ratings of the frequency with which they demonstrate these
behaviours as well as a number of observer ratings. These are combined on the final profile. Kouzes and
Posner strongly believe that leadership is learned rather than something one is born with. This means
that the profile that is produced after completion of the LPI does not simply provide a picture of the
behaviours that someone exhibits but can be used to identify areas for personal development. They
claim that there are many different ways in which different types of people (e.g., introverts versus
extroverts) can be developed into successful leaders.
In this section we have so far focused on leaders. We will consider now the concept of ‘followership’,
because without followers, there could not be leaders. Followership refers to a role held by certain
individuals in an organisation, team or group. Specifically, it is the way in which an individual actively
follows a leader. It is important to recognise that the role of leader can only be understood by also
examining the reciprocal role of follower: Kelley (1988) claims that the study of ‘followership’ will lead
to a better understanding of leadership. The success or failure of a group may not be solely down to the
ability of a leader but may also be dependent on how well the followers can follow.
Kelley identified two dimensions that help explain followership. The first of these is independent critical
thinking in which individuals are more or less considerate and questioning about what is going on
around them. The second dimension is whether the individual is active or passive. Passive behaviour is
where followers step back and wait for others to act whereas active followers are motivated to act to
meet organisational goals if they see the opportunity.
This gives us five styles of followers (see Figure 9.10), described as follows:
1 The sheep: these individuals are passive, lack commitment and require external motivation and
constant supervision from the leader. Sheep perform a task they have been given and then stop;
they do not use initiative or critical thinking.
2 The yes-people: these individuals are committed to the leader and the goal (or task) of the
organisation (or group/team). These conformist individuals do not question the decisions or actions
of the leader. Further, yes-people will defend their leader when faced with opposition from others.
3 The survivors: these individuals are not trail-blazers; they will not stand behind controversial or
unique ideas until most people in the group have expressed their support. These individuals go with
the flow and survive changes within the organisation well.
4 The alienated followers: these individuals are negative and critical as they question the decisions
and actions of the leader. However, they do not often voice such criticism and are fairly passive in
carrying out their role.
5 The effective followers: these exemplary individuals are positive, active and independent thinkers.
Effective followers will not unquestioningly accept the decisions or actions of a leader until they
have evaluated them completely. Furthermore, these types of follower can succeed without the
presence of a leader.
3 Competence: possessing the skills and aptitudes necessary to complete the goal or task for the
group or organisation. Individuals with this quality often hold skills higher than their average co-
worker and pursue knowledge by upgrading their skills (e.g. through further education or training).
4 Courage: maintaining one’s beliefs and upholding ethical standards, even in the face of dishonest
or corrupt leaders. These individuals are loyal, honest and open with their leaders.
As with previous sections, the focus of Muczyk and Reimann’s and Kelley’s work is on theoretical
models rather than empirical research such as Cuadrado et al. (2008). A criticism of the LPI model
is one that could be made about any psychometric test. As we have seen, individuals are prone to
social desirability bias and may not report their leadership practices accurately.
However, tests like the LPI scale are relatively easy to administer and to mark and produce
quantitative data, such as self-ratings and observer ratings of each behavioural statement. This type
of data can be analysed easily and offer an objective, reliable ways of measuring personality
As with many of the other theories that we have examined in this chapter, Kelley’s work highlights
the importance of the relationship between the leader and the situation; in this case the type of
followers that the leader must lead. Increasing our understanding of these relationships is clearly
useful for organisations and can be applied to reallife in a variety of ways. For example, less
effective followers expect training and development to come to them and will not seek it out
willingly. According to Kelley, a leader will need to give these employees care and attention in
order to get them to undertake training for their roles.
In the context of the nature versus nurture debate, Kouzes and Posner argue that leadership is
something that can be learned rather than something that we are born with. By exploring the
personality characteristics of an individual, they can suggest different ways in which different
types of people can be developed into successful leaders.
Considering also the individual–situational debate, it could also be argued that it should be
possible to develop someone into the most successful type of leader based not only on their
existing personality type and attitudes but also on the situation (group) that they are going to lead.
Kelley shifts the focus from leaders to followers although does not directly address the question of
whether followership qualities are born or made. We might assume that Kelley suggests that the
follower types are based on innate qualities of an individual, but it is likely that the follower
qualities discussed before the follower types are qualities that could be developed.
Finally, it should be noted that is difficult to construct fair (unbiased) tests of leadership practices.
This is a recurring challenge with psychometric testing and is due to cultural differences between
the designers of tests and the diverse populations on which they are used. In other words, such tests
may reveal more about the assumptions of the test-maker than anything accurate about the
behaviours of leaders.
In a pair or small group try a short role play of each of Kelley’s five styles of followers. One
person can take the role of the leader giving direction, and the other can respond with key
behaviours from one of the styles: sheep, yes-people, survivors, alienated or effective followers.
See if your partner can guess the type of followers you are role-playing.
4 Compare the behaviour of a ‘task-oriented’ leader and a relationship-oriented leader.
5 In Scouller’s ‘three levels of leadership model’, which level did he suggest was the most
important and why?
6 Identify the four qualities of effective followers according to Kelley.
Think about some of the groups that you belong to and consider the following questions:
1 How did this group or groups form?
2 How has the group changed over time?
3 Were there any notable stages of change in the group?
An organisation can be thought of as one large group of individuals. However, there are often many
groups within various organisations, and these groups can be of different sizes. For example, these
might include operational teams, employees across a company working at the same level or people
engaged on a specific project.
Psychologists have been interested in how groups form, establish roles and make decisions. Tuckman’s
theory of group development has been applied to countless groups since its original proposal in 1965.
He proposes that all groups go through the same five stages during their formation: forming – storming
– norming –performing – adjourning. Each of these stages is explained in Figure 9.11.
Example study
Tuckman and Jensen (2010) reviewed existing research to see whether this model of group
development had been tested on participants to investigate any new models in light of Tuckman’s
hypothesis. One study by Runkel et al. (1971) tested this model on groups of college students who were
assigned a written report. Observers watched and recorded the group’s behaviour, which was found to
support Tuckman’s four stage model. This methodology could have been biased, however, as the
observers were looking for the group behaviour that would fit the existing model. Tuckman and Jensen’s
review concludes that there remains a lack of research into the model, as well as proposing that the
original model be adapted to account for a final stage of group development ‘adjourning’, in which the
group ends its involvement.
Team roles
Belbin’s Theory of Team Roles (1981) takes a slightly different approach to understanding group
behaviour. Belbin proposes that an ideal team contains people who are prepared to take on different
roles. Each of these roles is outlined in Table 9.4.
Action-oriented roles include ‘shapers’; people who challenge the team to improve. They are dynamic
and usually extroverted people who enjoy stimulating others, questioning established views and finding
the best approaches for solving problems. Shapers tend to see obstacles as exciting challenges, although
they may also be argumentative and upset colleagues. Next are implementers; the people who get things
done. They turn the team’s ideas and concepts into practical actions and plans. They tend to be people
who work systematically and efficiently and are very well organised. However, they can be inflexible
and resistant to change. The third type of action-oriented role is the completer-finisher. These people
ensure that projects are completed thoroughly without mistakes with close attention to the smallest of
details. Completer-finishers are concerned with deadlines and will push the team to make sure the job is
completed on time. They are described as perfectionists and may worry unnecessarily and find it hard to
People-oriented roles include coordinators; those individuals who take on the traditional team-leader
role and guide the team to the objectives. They are often excellent listeners, recognising the value of
each team member. They are calm and good-natured, and delegate tasks very effectively. Coordinators,
however, may delegate too much personal responsibility, and can be manipulative. In contrast, team
workers are the people who provide support and make sure that people within the team are working
together effectively. These people are negotiators and are flexible, diplomatic and perceptive. These tend
to be popular people who prioritise team cohesion and help people get along but can also be indecisive
and struggle to commit. Last, resource investigators are innovative and curious. They explore the
available options, develop contacts and negotiate for resources on behalf of the team. They are
enthusiastic team members, who identify and work with external stakeholders to help the team
accomplish its objective. Resource investigators are outgoing and people are generally positive towards
them. However, they may lose enthusiasm quickly.
Of the thought-oriented roles, the plant is the creative person who comes up with new ideas. They thrive
on praise but struggle to take criticism. Plants are often introverted and prefer to work on their own;
their ideas can sometimes be impractical and they may also be poor communicators. Monitor-evaluators
on the other hand are good at analysing and evaluating the ideas that other people propose. They are
smart, objective and strategic and weigh the pros and cons of different options before coming to a
decision, but can be seen as detached or unemotional. Last, specialists are people who have specialised
knowledge that is needed to get the job done. They pride themselves on their skills and expertise but
may sometimes focus on technicalities at the expense of the bigger picture.
Faulty decision-making
Psychologists are interested in studying decision-making within groups, particularly in instances where
a group has experienced a poor outcome. The reasoning that underlies such decisions can be described
as ‘faulty’. One example of faulty group decision-making is groupthink.
Groupthink is defined as a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people, in which the
desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making
outcome. In other words, the group creates a situation in which a decision is made that would not have
been made by individuals.
A notorious example of groupthink in the business sector was the collapse of the airline ‘Swissair’
in 2001.
1 Research the failure of this airline.
2 Apply the principles of groupthink to show the faulty decision-making that occurred.
3 Use your research to script and record a short podcast on this example.
Janis (1971) identified eight different features or symptoms that indicate groupthink and these are:
1 Illusions of invulnerability. This means that members of the group believe that they can do no
wrong and can never be in any sort of trouble. This can lead to overly optimistic thinking about
likely outcomes and encourages risky decision-making.
2 Unquestioned beliefs. A lack of questioning, particularly from a legal or moral standpoint, can
prevent group members from considering all the possible consequences of their decisions.
3 Rationalising. This is where group members ignore warning signs and assume that everything will
be alright.
4 Stereotyping. Group decision-making can involve stereotypical views of those who raise issues or
point out problems. This can mean that they are ignored or labelled as members of an ‘out-group’.
5 Self-censorship. In a group situation we are less likely to listen to our own doubts or misgivings as
it appears to us that no one else has any doubts or misgivings. This is a little like the ‘diffusion of
responsibility’ seen in bystanders to an accident when they assume that, since no one else is
responding, that there is no real emergency (see Section 5.2 on the study by Piliavin et al.). In this
way, everyone is convinced that there is nothing to worry about.
6 Mind guards. Janis described these as ‘self-appointed censors to hide problematic information from
the group’. We don’t want the rest of the group to see that we are worried and so we hide this.
Unfortunately, if everyone is feeling the same way and hiding their feelings, this can lead to some
very risky decisions.
7 Illusions of unanimity. Groups behaving in the ways that we have just considered will produce the
illusion of being unanimous or agreement.
8 Direct pressure to conform. Groups can place dissenters (those who disagree) or those who
question under a great deal of pressure, in some cases making them appear as though they are being
disloyal or traitorous by asking questions.
Groupthink can lead to extremely poor decision-making. However, groupthink can also have benefits.
Especially when working with a large number of people, it often allows the group to make decisions,
complete tasks and finish projects efficiently.
Groupthink is caused by a number of factors. It occurs more in situations where group members are very
similar to one another and is more likely to take place if there is an extremely charismatic leader. High
levels of stress or situations that are morally challenging also seem to increase the chances of groupthink
To reduce the risk of groupthink, leaders need to give group members the opportunity to express their
own ideas or argue against ideas that have already been proposed. Breaking up members into smaller
independent teams can also be helpful. The leader should avoid stating their views too forcefully,
especially at the start of the discussion, to ensure that people are able to develop their own views first. If
someone is instructed to deliberately present the opposing view regardless of their own personal
viewpoints, this can also reduce the likelihood of groupthink occurring and encourage the group
members to take a critical perspective.
Cognitive limitations and errors
Individuals in a group decision-making setting are often functioning under substantial cognitive
demands. As a result, cognitive and motivational biases can often affect group decision-making
adversely. Forsyth (2006) suggests that there are three types of potential bias that may affect group
decision-making. He describes each of these as ‘sins’, meaning a mistake in a non-religious sense.
The first is called ‘Sins of Commission’ and refers to the misuse of information in the decision-making
process. There are a number of different sub-types of the Sin of Commission. For example, it may
involve the use of information in the decision-making process that has already been shown to be
inaccurate (belief perseverance). Alternatively, it may be shown by group members remaining
committed to a plan because some investment of time or money has already been made even though this
plan may now be obviously flawed (known as sunken cost bias). If a group chooses to use information
despite having been told to ignore it then they are guilty of ‘extra-evidentiary’ bias and, finally, falsely
overestimating the importance of past knowledge or experience is termed ‘hindsight’ bias.
The second type of bias is ‘Sins of Omission’ and this is overlooking key information. One sub-type is
the base rate bias: unintentionally ignoring very basic relevant information. Another sub-type is the
fundamental attribution error is made when members of a group make decisions based on inaccurate
appraisals of an individual’s behaviour.
The third category is ‘Sins of Imprecision’ and this involves relying too heavily on biases and heuristics
that over-simplify complex decisions. Sub-types include the availability heuristic (over-reliance on the
information that is most easily and readily available), the conjunctive bias (failing to consider
relationships between events) and the representativeness heuristic (where group members rely too
heavily on decision-making factors that may appear meaningful but are actually just misleading).
Tuckman’s model was originally proposed as an explanation of small groups and may not be
generalised to understand the development of larger groups. Tuckman also does not provide
guidance on timescales for moving from one stage to another and neither does he recognise that
group formation is often cyclical rather than linear.
One practical problem with studying Belbin’s team roles is that many groups may be smaller than
nine. Belbin recognised this himself and, in practice, group members in small groups will often
take on more than one role. Unfortunately, much of the research into Belbin’s team roles suggests
that many management teams have too many implementers and shapers and not enough plants and
team workers. This is likely to mean that plans are formulated and given detail fairly quickly, but
that they may lack creativity and may alienate some members (Arnold et al., 2005).
Tuckman’s model of group formation is extremely applicable to real life in providing guidance on
how groups form and in allowing organisations to see that these stages are part of the normal
developmental processes. His work has been extremely influential in understanding the stages that
groups pass through.
In contrast, Belbin takes into account differing team roles that group members might have to use,
meaning both Belbin and Tuckman’s theories together offer a more holistic explanation of group
development and roles. An important application of Belbin’s work (and an important part of the
development of a group) is to assess the preferred roles of each team member and to encourage all
members to appreciate the characteristics and the strengths of the others. Belbin must be also be
given credit for his focus on the need for diversity within teams and the value of different
characteristics and skills.
Janis’s exploration of groupthink is also useful and can be applied in organisations to ensure that
the negative outcomes of groupthink are avoided. The strategies outlined here for remaining aware
of groupthink is good practice for any organisation where decision-making occurs regularly.
Forsyth examines cognitive limitations and errors in even more detail and knowledge of these
biases would be valuable information within an organisation that takes decisions frequently.
Acknowledging and recognising the possibility of these errors will allow an organisation to take
steps to reduce them.
Janis’s discussion of the risks, benefits and ways of challenging groupthink is linked to the
individual– situational debate in psychology. Rather than focusing on flaws in an individual’s
personality, Janis explains faulty decision-making behaviour as being caused by environmental
factors. For Janis these include the pressure to conform to group thinking and the effect of in-
group/out-group behaviours that lead to group members failing to question unwise decisions.
Janis’ symptoms of groupthink originated from his case study examination of the Bay of Pigs
disaster. This is an example of idiographic rather than nomothetic research. This is because he
analysed qualitative data, investigating the specific groups of individuals and personalities
involved in decisionmaking in a detailed way. For Janis this was very useful as his results acted as
a source of ideas to develop his theory, which has since been used to explain other instances of
There are two types of social facilitation: co-action effects and audience effect. Co-action effect occurs
when a person is doing the same task alongside others and demonstrates an improved performance. One
example might be a runner who has a personal best time achieved during solo training, and is able to
beat that time when they train with other runners (see Figure 9.12). Likewise, increased working from
home during the Covid-19 pandemic has led to the rising popularity of ‘virtual co-working’. Using
webcams, workers can each say hello and set out their task objectives at the start, then sit quietly
working at their computers for the duration of a 1-hour session. The intention of this is to encourage
accountability and focus through the presence of another person who is also working.
Figure 9.12: Athletes often train alongside others to facilitate improvement to their performance times
These two examples produce what is known as ‘co-actor effects’ in social facilitation; the other person
is also engaged on a similar task. But facilitation can also occur when there are passive observers
(people who are not undertaking a similar task) to an individual’s performance. This is known as the
‘audience effect’.
In addition, the type of task people undertake can affect their performance. This means that the presence
of others does not always lead to facilitation. When people are attempting new or difficult tasks, their
performance may be worsened by the presence of others. You may be familiar with this feeling of not
wanting to be watched doing something for the first time! This is known as social inhibition. In contrast,
social facilitation is most readily observed when individuals are performing a task with which they are
familiar or find easy.
Three factors are thought to be involved in social facilitation:
Cognitive factors
The real or implied presence of others during a task can create a conflict in which the individual is torn
between giving attention to the audience and giving attention to the task. The conflict motivates a person
to pay more attention to their task and therefore increases performance.
Affective factors
When others are present, this may cause a person to worry or be anxious about what the audience thinks
of them. Will the audience approve or disapprove of the person’s behaviour? This influence can improve
performance and is known as evaluation apprehension.
Physiological factors
As social facilitation theory explains, performance of easy or instinctive behaviours are improved in the
presence of others and performance of new or difficult behaviours are often worsened. Zajonc (1966)
explains this relationship through ‘drive theory’ in which people are aroused by the challenge of a task
and presence of the audience and feel compelled to complete the task. According to Zajonc, people rely
on their dominant responses to perform tasks and choose behaviours that will most effectively reduce
their arousal. On a routine, easy task the dominant response will usually be a straightforward and correct
choice. On a challenging task, drive theory suggests that the arousal produced by the audience is
stressful and drives us to choose dominant responses that are not always well matched to the task.
Social loafing
Social loafing occurs when people do not work as hard in the presence of others as they do alone. This
is more prevalent when people feel that their behaviour is not being closely watched. A French engineer
called Max Ringelmann (1913) studied agricultural workers and found that although groups outperform
individuals, groups usually do not perform as well as they could if each individual was working at
maximum capacity independently. In other words, the whole is less than the sum of its parts.
Ringelmann believed that some output was lost through workers not coordinating work well together as
well as reduced motivation overall.
The cause of social loafing can be explained through social impact theory (Latané, 1981), which
proposes that individuals can be both a source and a target of social influence. This means they can
either exert social pressure over others or be subject to social pressure themselves. Latané treats this
theory as a kind of social law that has three rules of social impact. These are shown in Table 9.5
alongside mathematical equations Latané believes can be used to quantify the amount of social pressure
in any given situation.
Social impact theory therefore suggests that when individuals work together, social influence can be
diffused across all the group members in the team. If there is insufficient supervision from a manager,
the strength, immediacy and number of influencing people is reduced. This means pressure to perform
well is significantly reduced, which can cause social loafing.
Psycho-social Law The first source of influence has Being watched by two people is
the biggest effect on people, but not twice as bad as being
subsequent courses are less watched by one person
Divisions of Impact Social force is diffused across all If one learner refuses to obey the
the people it is directed at. request of a teacher, they face
i = f (1/SIN)
much more pressure than if their
If directed at one individual, the
entire class also refuses
pressure is very high, but could
be divided if there were more
Example study
Earley (1993) used an experiment to investigate the influence of culture, group membership and
efficacy (work performance) in relation to social loafing. A volunteer sample of 60 Chinese, 45 Israeli
and 60 American managers took part in a task in which they had to sort and complete items in a work
inbox (e.g. filling out forms, rating job applications). China and Israel were chosen as examples of
collectivistic cultures, while the USA is considered an individualistic culture.
Participants were randomly assigned to one of three group conditions:
1 In-group: participants were told they were part of a group of ten people whose collective
performance would be assessed at the end of the task. Participants were told that they had been
grouped together because each had lots of interests in common, were from the same region of the
country and were likely to be friends if they got to know one another.
2 Out-group: participants were told they were part of a group of ten people whose collective
performance would be assessed at the end of the task. Participants were told as they had been
grouped together because they all had very different interests and were from different regions of the
3 Individual: participants were told they would be working alone and to work as hard as they could at
the task. Participants were asked to write their name at the top of each task in the inbox.
The researchers measured work performance as the number of correctly completed inbox items
completed by each participant over 1 hour. Individualism–collectivism, self-efficacy, group efficacy and
anticipated outcome were all measured on self-report scales for each participant. Efficacy in this context
means the ability a person or group has to produce an intended outcome.
The results showed that participants who self-reported highly for collectivisms do socially loaf when
working in an out-group context, either in a group or individual condition. Participation in either an in-
group or out-group resulted in worse performance and rating of efficacy for those who scored as
individualists within the individual condition. However, collectivists performed best and rated highest
for efficacy in the in-group condition. Collectivism was shown to be higher in the Chinese and Israeli
managers than in the managers from the USA. This study concludes that collectivists view their
individual work as an important contribution to their group’s goals more so than individualists.
Performance monitoring
Performance monitoring of employees occurs when employers use surveillance methods to observe
employee behaviours. There are a number of reasons why organisations may use performance
monitoring including to measure and track employee performance. As well as physical human
observation, organisations might choose to use software and email monitoring and telephone or video
recording. Some of these methods can also be used to check compliance with health, safety and security
measures and to check whether employees are performing their roles correctly and productively.
Tomczak et al. (2018) states that nearly 80% of organisations in the USA use some form of electronic
performance monitoring (EPM) for the purposes of performance appraisal, safety and logistical
tracking. They argue, however, that such systems can have a negative effect on employees and are in
some cases associated with lowered worker satisfaction, commitment and perception of fairness. To
manage such adverse reaction to employee monitoring, Tomczak et al. recommend that monitoring is
open, transparent and restricted to work-related contexts only, that it is used primarily for training and
development and not for punishment purposes.
In the cross-cultural study of social loafing by Earley (1993), the experimental task of inbox
sorting was designed to be fairly realistic, which may have increased the validity of the study as it
simulated a real-life work task with which the participants would be familiar. The sample was
fairly large and chosen to represent a range of ages and occupations, which makes the findings
more generalisable to a wider population. The researchers also used a range of measurements
including self-reports and an objective count of tasks competed. These measures collected
quantitative data that allowed easy comparison of results; they could establish objectively that
collectivistic participants performed better in the in-group condition than the individual or
outgroup conditions, for example.
Application to real life can be seen in the theory of social facilitation. Understanding that people
will work more effectively when in the presence of others has led to increased employee
performance monitoring. This type of monitoring has been shown to work effectively when carried
out electronically, which is more efficient and adaptable for use in different organisations.
Cultural difference is an important issue in relation to the study of social loafing. Cultures can be
classified as collectivistic or individualistic and it is important to recognise that each holds
different values in relation to the importance of group goals. For example, strategies for
encouraging improvements in employee performance in collectivistic cultures (such as
encouraging in-group identity in the workplace) may be less effective in individualistic cultures
where workers may be more motivated by personal rewards.
As we have seen, performance monitoring of employees is one method for measuring and potentially
enhancing the performance of employees. Sustained attention, otherwise known as vigilance, is often an
essential part of many work-related tasks, such as driving, medical testing or security screening.
Workers performing such tasks have to stay focused and attentive for extended periods of time (see
Figure 9.13). Previous research has shown that vigilance ‘drops off’ over time which can have serious
consequences, for example in missing a security threat or losing concentration while driving a lorry.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of EPM on sustained attention and to test whether
video-based monitoring is an effective form of EPM.
It was predicted in Experiment 1 that using electronic presence on a sustained attention (vigilance) task
would lead to improved performance. Experiment 2 was carried out to determine whether different
forms of video-based EPM would replicate the results of Experiment 1.
A sample of 106 student participants (65 female, 41 male) with a mean age of 20.57 from a university in
the USA volunteered to take part in this laboratory experiment. Participants gave their informed consent
to take part, their details were anonymised, they received course credits for participation and were
debriefed at the end of the study.
There were two conditions of the independent variable of monitoring: electronic presence and the
control group. The control group contained no form of performance monitoring. In the electronic
presence condition, participants were monitored by a webcam placed on top of the computer screen (‘to
monitor performance and engagement while they completed the task’) and video recorder placed 1
metre behind participants, which they were told would record their performance for later evaluation. No
participants chose to withdraw from the study after receiving this information.
After being randomly assigned to a condition of the experiment, participants completed a short
demographics questionnaire. The participants had to complete a sustained attention task in which they
had to press the space bar in response to a critical signal appearing on the computer screen over a period
of 24 minutes. The critical signal was defined as any two-digit number resulting in a difference of 1 or 0.
The critical signals were programmed to appear randomly five times within each 6-minute block of the
The dependent variable being measured was the performance on the sustained attention test. This was
measured as proportion of correctly detected critical signals, false alarms (mistakes) and response time.
The researchers concluded from Experiment 1 that electronic monitoring can produce effects that are
similar to the social presence of a human, in other words, vigilance task performance was facilitated.
The findings of Experiment 2 support this conclusion and suggested that using two forms of electronic
presence at the same time could enhance performance effects even more than a singular form of
electronic presence.
This study lacks ecological validity as it took place in an artificial environment. If participants had been
in their own places of work performing realistic tasks the detection rate or response time results might
have been different; they might have felt more compelled to perform the experimental task more
accurately and efficiently, for example. How do you think the results of this study might be different if it
was carried out in a real workplace? You might want to consider the challenges researchers would
experience in this instance.
The findings may be difficult to generalise because of the sample used; university students. The results
may not be applicable to older people as there may be differences in attention and who may be affected
by performance monitoring in different ways.
However, the study was highly reliable due to using a standardised procedure with set timings for the
display of stimuli such as the critical signals, the positioning of the EPM equipment and the information
provided to the participants. This meant that the results of the study are likely to be similar if repeated.
This study has high applicability to real life. Most existing research has indicated that EPM is useful for
monitoring basic, clerical work. However, the focus of this study was vigilance, meaning EPM can be
used for critical tasks requiring extended focus to enhance performance and reduce the likelihood of
errors. Some of this theory has already been applied through the development of on-board driver
monitoring systems that check the safety and performance of long-distance drivers.
Conflict at work
Group conflict
Conflict at work can distract employees from their jobs, reduce overall productivity and waste time,
resources and money. Goals can become distorted as people become more focused on the conflict than
on their jobs. Conflict can have significant effects on the physical and psychological health of the people
involved, increasing absenteeism and turnover and reducing staff satisfaction. Conflict that constitutes
bullying or harassment can have negative effects for the individuals involved, the way in which the
company functions, and even affect public perception of the company.
There are several types of conflict that can occur in organisational contexts. These include:
• Intra-individual conflict: an internal conflict in which the person struggles to make a decision, due
to conflicting thoughts or values.
• Inter-individual conflict: conflict between two or more individuals within a group.
• Intra-group conflict: when multiple people within the same group are in conflict.
• Inter-group conflict: conflict between two groups within the same organisation.
All forms of conflict can interfere with the achievement of a goal and all organisations will attempt to
keep conflicts to a minimum. Although there can be numerous causes of conflict within a group, these
may be divided into two broad categories: organisational factors and interpersonal factors.
Organisational factors are issues that are specific to the context of an organisation (e.g. school,
workplace, voluntary group). These could be conflict over status or salary, or disagreements over how to
achieve a goal. A lack of resources or space can also create conflict.
Interpersonal factors may be as simple as a personality clash between two people or that they do not
work well together for some reason. If the interpersonal conflict is between leaders of different groups,
then this can produce increased conflict very easily. We will consider ways of handling such conflict in
the next section.
Conflict handling
Thomas and Kilmann (1974) suggest five modes that can be used to manage group conflict:
• Competition: individuals may persist in conflict until someone wins and someone loses. At this
point, the conflict is over.
• Accommodation: here, one individual will need to make a sacrifice to reduce the conflict. This can
be extremely effective in reducing conflict and preventing further damage to the relationship.
• Compromise: each group or individual under conflict must make some compromise and give up
something to reduce the conflict. This will be effective only if both sides lose comparable things.
• Collaboration: the group has to work together to overcome the conflict.
• Avoidance: avoidance involves suppressing the conflict or withdrawing from the conflict
completely. This does not resolve the conflict, which is still there and has not been addressed. This
can be effective in creating a cooling-off period.
The Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) is a test which can be used to assess an
individual’s behaviour in conflict situations. It is composed of 30 statements that the participant has to
choose from, and produces a ‘profile’ of that person’s ‘most used’ to ‘least used’ conflict style.
The effectiveness of any of the five conflict-handling modes is dependent on the requirements of the
specific situation, and also the ability of an individual to effectively use that mode. Using the TKI can
help people identify that they rely on some modes more or less than necessary. The overuse or underuse
of each mode carries its own risks. For example, collaborating can help a person creatively combine
ideas from people with different perspectives on a problem, but it can also mean work is often delayed
due to numerous conversations about the same issue. Overuse of the competing mode can lead other
team members being reluctant to speak up about issues that are important to them, but it is a good mode
to use when trying to manage a crisis.
You are part of a group that has been given responsibility for organising an event for students
leaving the school at the end of the year.
1 Make a list of all the possible causes of conflict.
2 How would you classify these causes: as organisational or interpersonal?
3 Choose two modes from Thomas–Kilmann’s five conflict-handling modes and apply them to
your conflicts.
Bullying at work
A key issue in considering group behaviour in organisations is bullying. The term ‘bullying’ can refer to
a wide range of behaviours.
Example study
A review article by Einarsen (1999) defines bullying as ‘hostile and aggressive behaviour, either
physicalor non-physical, directed at one or more colleagues or subordinates’. Bullying causes
humiliation, offence and distress and may also affect an individual’s work performance and create a
negative working environment.
Zapf (cited in Einarsen, 1999) suggests that there are five types of bullying behaviour: work-related,
physical violence, personal attacks, verbal threats and social isolation. These are explained in Figure
One of the key factors in workplace bullying is power. Einarsen claims that managers and supervisors
are perceived as the bullies in most cases and that bullying by a superior creates more psychological
distress than bullying by a peer. Bullying tends to develop gradually. Four phases of bullying are
suggested by Einarsen:
• aggressive behaviour
• bullying
• stigmatisation
• severe trauma
Causes of bullying can be divided into two broad areas: individual or personality factors of the victim
and of the bully and psycho-social or situational factors. One study reported on by Einarsen (Bjorkqvist
et al., 1994) surveyed employees at a Finnish university and identified three main perceived reasons for
bullying. These were competition concerning status and job position, envy and the aggressor being
uncertain about their own abilities. A surprisingly high proportion felt that the personality of the victim
was also a significant factor. Many other studies reported by Einarsen support these findings.
There is some evidence to support the notion that victims of bullying are different from their non-bullied
colleagues. Studies have found that victims are more sensitive, suspicious and angry, tend to have lower
self-esteem and be more anxious in social settings.
However, these conclusions need to be considered carefully and are not intended to blame the victim
rather than the bully. It is highly likely that the personality differences identified are as result of the
bullying, but this can only be established through longitudinal research that has not been conducted.
Other research has focused on the situational factors that may promote (or at least allow) bullying to
take place. These include:
• deficiencies in work design
• deficiencies in leadership behaviour
• socially exposed position of the victim
• low morale in the department.
Finally, Einarsen concludes by discussing the need to identify different types of bullying. He argues that
we need to move away from treating all bullying as one phenomenon and that we need to develop an
understanding of the very many different types. Predatory bullying is where the victim has done nothing
to trigger the bullying behaviour, but is ‘accidentally’ in a situation where a predator is demonstrating
power over others. This would be what might be termed ‘institutional harassment’ where a culture of
bullying and aggression is ingrained throughout the organisation. The victim may be a member of a
certain group (the first woman in that role for example) and this may produce bullying behaviour against
the individual as a representative of that group. Bullying may also occur when people are highly stressed
or frustrated, and are looking for someone to vent their frustration on. This is called scapegoating and
has also been used as an explanation of prejudice. In many cases, the organisation effectively tolerates
the bullying by not responding appropriately to it or by failing to have the correct policies and
procedures in place.
One strength of the TKI tool is that it was designed to reduce social desirability bias, which is so
often a problem for self-reports. All of the 30 statements contained in the assessment of conflict
handling are intentionally worded to appear equally desirable to the test-taker. This can increase
the validity of the assessment as no one style appears to be better than another.
The research by Einarsen (1999) is a review article of a large number of studies into bullying. The
paper presents the findings of a variety of research on the topic, meaning it overcomes issues such
as the generalisability of findings of individual studies. However, the field of research into
workplace bullying would benefit from longitudinal research. By studying participants over a
longer period of time, rather than the cross-sectional studies reviewed by Einarsen, psychologists
could explore the effects of interventions to prevent or manage bullying.
The management of conflict and bullying is extremely important for all organisations. Einarsen
(1999) offers a starting point in identifying that conflict may have individual or situational causes.
Situational causes will be something to do with the organisation, for example low morale or poor
leadership. However, conflict may also be a result of personality factors such as low self-esteem
and anger issues. Understanding the causes of conflict and bullying are important as each may
require very different strategies to manage and reduce.
Having a range of strategies for managing conflict is obviously important for all organisations.
Explanations and research in this area are highly applicable to everyday life. An organisation must
consider when is it appropriate to allow the individuals concerned to continue to fight until one of
them wins and when it is appropriate to step in and offer some sort of compromise solution. This is
important for organisations and for organisational psychologists to recognise so that they can strive
for the most effective and harmonious working environments in which bullying is challenged and
7 a Name Tuckman’s stages of group formation.
b Explain what happens in the ‘norming’ stage.
8 Define what is meant by the term ‘groupthink’.
9 Suggest two ways in which group conflict might be managed.
The workers’ productivity was reported to have increased with almost any change in the lighting. This
surprising finding was later termed the Hawthorne effect. The Hawthorne effect is a concept that refers
to the phenomena of behaviour changing simply because it is being investigated, rather than as a result
of any of the variables that were being manipulated. This term was first used by Henry Landsberger in
1958 to describe the phenomenon.
Example study
The original Hawthorne studies (Mayo, 1933), which are said to demonstrate the effect, however, have
been reconsidered by researchers over time. Kompier (2006) reviewed the method and findings used in
the original studies and argued that the studies lacked methodological controls, meaning the reported
findings lacked validity.
In the first study, the effect of lighting on productivity was examined. An experimental group was
exposed to decreasing levels of light while a control group received a constant level of light.
Interestingly, both groups steadily increased their performance on their tasks (introducing the idea of the
Hawthorne effect). It was not until the light was only as bright as moonlight that the experimental group
showed any decrease in productivity, which seemed to reduce the likelihood that physical work
conditions mattered. The researchers concluded that lighting level did not significantly affect
productivity so long as it was sufficient for the job to be done. However, Kompier notes from the
original research, lighting was not only factor that influenced employee output: the results could have
been influenced by a number of other variables.
A series of further experiments were conducted that explored the effect of these other variables. In each
of these studies, the original researchers were forced to conclude that the variable under examination
was not responsible for the increased productivity and some other variable must be responsible. Indeed,
Kompier notes that reanalysis of the original data shows no clear increase in worker output across the
various trials. In other words, there was no clear evidence of a Hawthorne effect.
In the original studies, it was reported that the improved relationships between the workers and the
management was important to productivity. However, in a ‘relay study’ in which workers assembled
relay switches for telephones, a preferred wage incentive system was introduced and worker output rose.
After the preferred incentive system was taken away, output dropped. Data from interviews with the
Hawthorne workers showed that from a list of the 15 most important work issues, ‘payment’ was ranked
first, whereas ‘supervision’ ranked fourth. For this reason, Kompier describes the study’s original
conclusion that social factors are more important than pay as a myth.
Figure 9.15: The Hawthorne effect was the name given to the explanation for changes to worker output
in an electrical factory, such as this one
Kompier is critical of the Hawthorne studies for their lack of scientific rigour, lack of control groups,
changes of participants and failure to record worker output in a reliable way. He explains that the
Hawthorne effect has effectively achieved the status of an ‘urban legend’; the idea that workers could
become more productive without better pay or conditions was too good a story to be untrue! While
Kompier agrees there is a role for social factors in influencing employee performance, he argues that
giving more weight to these factors shows a bias towards subjective, relational explanations at the
expense of valid and objective physical influences. Kompier concludes that using the Hawthorne effect
to explain the results of intervention studies is likely to add more confusion than clarity.
The new office was purpose built and was located next to a railway line. It was constructed as a typical
open-plan design. There were no internal walls and no cabinets or partitions more than 3 feet (1 metre)
high. There were no private offices anywhere in the building although two meeting rooms were
available. All members of a department were still grouped together as they had been in the old building
and the amount of space was roughly equivalent in both old and new buildings. The only exception to
this was staff working in the pressroom, who kept their working space as it had been. This was useful as
these staff formed a type of naturally occurring control group.
Staff were fully informed at all stages of this process and data was collected at the beginning of the
research which revealed that most staff were in agreement that the old building was no longer ‘fit for
purpose’. It is also important to note that the change in office was the only change: the move did not
produce any other changes to people’s working conditions, contracts, salaries or duties. Data were all
collected at the offices. The first set of data was collected approximately eight weeks before the move to
the open-plan office. The authors used the abbreviation T1 (time 1) for this. Data were then collected
nine weeks after the move (T2) and then again 18 weeks after the move (T3).
Participants were told that the study was designed to assess employees’ reactions to their new office and
to their work. Data were collected using a questionnaire that was given out to groups ranging from two
to 12 people. Participants were asked to put their names on the questionnaires so that their responses
could be followed through the different stages of the study. However, they were assured that their
responses would be confidential. Management and staff were also questioned more informally to gather
additional feedback about the move to the new office.
All the full-time employees were invited to participate. This was a total of 140 people of whom 128
participated in some way. A total of 76 participated in all three stages of the study and most of the
results presented by the authors are based on these 76 participants. Five members of the pressroom
formed the control group. Although they completed the questionnaires at all three time periods, the fact
that their working environment remained unchanged meant that little if any change over time was
predicted for this group.
Briefly, the questionnaire measured the following:
• work satisfaction
• interpersonal satisfaction
• internal work motivation.
The experimenters predicted that there would be an increase in supervisor and co-worker feedback,
friendship opportunities, intra-departmental and inter-departmental interaction.
Findings were that employees’ internal motivation and satisfaction with work and colleagues actually
decreased sharply after the move to the open-plan office. The control group showed no such changes.
The interview data revealed that workers felt that they were in a ‘fishbowl’, that it was difficult to
concentrate and complete a task. It was also difficult to develop friendships and impossible to do
something like invite someone for a drink after work without the whole office hearing. A supervisor also
commented that it was difficult to provide feedback to a worker without moving to a private meeting
room. These findings suggest that the physical space rather than any other factors is responsible for the
changes experienced by the employees.
The Hawthorne studies discussed by Kompier and the study into open-plan offices by Oldham and
Brass were both experimental studies. The Hawthorne studies can be described as a field
experiment as the experimenters manipulated the variables that they were interested in but did this
in a real working environment as opposed to a laboratory environment. This gives the research
high levels of ecological validity, which means that the results can easily be applied to the real
world. However, conducting research in this way also produces very low levels of control. As we
saw earlier, there are a number of other variables that were not considered at the time of the
research that might actually offer a better explanation of the findings than the explanations that
were offered at the time.
In a similar way, the study by Oldham and Brass also has high levels of ecological validity but low
levels of control. This can be described as a natural experiment; the experimenters did not move
the workers from one office environment to the other for the purposes of the research but took
advantage of this naturally occurring change (independent variable) to investigate the effects.
Unfortunately, in this kind of study it is going to be almost impossible to control for every possible
variable and this does mean there are weaknesses with the way that this study was conducted. The
control group only contained five individuals, which makes comparisons difficult. The researchers
were only able to collect data on worker motivation and worker satisfaction and it is possible that
scores on productivity or efficiency, for example, may have shown significant benefits of moving
to the open-plan office. Finally, it is also possible that the negative ratings would have been
temporary and continuing to monitor the employees over a longer time period would have shown
more positive results later.
One of the main themes in this section is the effect of working conditions (the situation in which a
person is working), and so the individual– situational debate is relevant. Both the Hawthorne
studies and Oldham and Brass’s study of openplan designs demonstrate that situation (change
and/or layout of space) can have significant effects on the individuals who work in these situations.
It is important for organisations and for organisational psychologists to recognise that the
conclusions from these studies have application to real-life so that they can strive for the most
effective and harmonious working environments. For example, the Hawthorne studies showed that
while social factors can be important in influencing employee productivity, they are not the only
factor and pay and conditions are likely to remain a primary concern for employees.
• Rapid rotation shifts are frequent shift changes that workers have to follow. Metropolitan rotas are
where workers work two day shifts, then two afternoon shifts and then two night shifts. They then
have two days off before the shift pattern starts all over again. Note that this is a total of eight days
per rotation so that the weekly pattern shifts a day ahead each week. A continental rota is where
workers complete two day shifts, two twilight shifts, three night shifts, then two days off work, two
day shifts, three twilight shifts, two night shifts and then three days off work. After this the cycle
begins again.
• Slow rotation shift changes are infrequent changes; for example, working day shifts for several
weeks and then night shifts for several weeks. It is suggested that this kind of slow rotation can
allow circadian rhythms to adapt to one shift without being forced to change too rapidly and cause
health problems.
On-call working refers to those employees who are on stand-by to begin work, often at short notice.
These employees are expected to be available for work outside of their regular hours, and so may be at
home while on call. Workers in sectors such as health or social care may be on call for overnight
periods, for example in a care home where they are unlikely to be needed overnight. This is also known
as ‘sleep-in’ working and the employee may be permitted to rest and sleep unless needed during the
Flexible working is a term given to a type of pattern of work that is different from traditional or regular
hours, e.g. 9 a.m.–5 p.m. 5 days a week. Flexible working is offered by some organisations to help their
employees achieve a balance between their work and the rest of their lives. Often, it is provided within
the constraints of still meeting the organisation’s needs (e.g. employees may have a start time ‘window’
to be available to customers), and often employees may need to apply for a flexible working
arrangement which must be agreed by the organisations.
Examples of flexible working include:
• Change to working hours that fit in with education commitments or care arrangements
• Working compressed hours: full-time hours are fulfilled over fewer, but longer working days (e.g.
10 hours per day, 4 days a week, instead of 8 hours per day, 5 days a week)
• Flexitime: working hours are arranged around agreed core times, e.g. 10 a.m.–6 p.m. instead of 9
a.m.–5 p.m.
• Working from home or remotely for all or part of contracted hours
Shift work is associated with a number of specific disorders and conditions which affect different
parts of the human body.
1 Draw an outline of a human body.
2 Identify each relevant area of the body mentioned in the research from this section: you may
need to research locations!
3 Include a brief summary of the link between shift work and each part of the body you have
As well as considering the overall health effects, shift work has been studied as a factor that affects
the likelihood or accidents or near-misses.
Example study
Gold et al. (1992) conducted a survey of Massachusetts nurses that asked about shift work, sleep and
accidents. This study used a self-administered questionnaire and was handed out to 878 registered
nurses between June and September 1986. They were asked whether they worked variable shifts or
whether they always worked the same shift. The nurse was asked to give information relating to the
current week, the previous two weeks and the following week on the number of day, evening or night
shifts worked. They were also asked to record their sleep and wake times for all shifts and for days off.
The questionnaire also asked about:
• quality of sleep
• use of alcohol
• use of prescription or non-prescription medication
• sleeping aids
• times they had ‘nodded off’ (fallen asleep) at work (in the past week)
• times they had ‘nodded off’ while driving to and from work (in the past year)
• accidents, errors and ‘near-miss’ accidents in the past year: this included driving accidents,
medication errors, job procedural errors and work-related personal injuries that could be attributed
to sleepiness.
They were divided into groups dependent on their work practices. Day and evening shift work was
grouped together as the shift from day to evening work has not been shown to disrupt circadian rhythms.
The other groups were those who worked night shifts only and ‘rotators’; those who changed shift
patterns frequently. Of the 878 questionnaires given out, 687 were returned. The mean age of the sample
was 33.9 years.
Results showed that rotators and night shift workers reported fewer hours of sleep than day/evening
workers. The researchers used a concept of ‘anchor sleep’ (defined as having four or more hours sleep
during the same clock hours every night).
The results showed that 92% of the day / evening nurses obtained regular anchor sleep but only 6.3% of
the night nurses and none of the rotators obtained anchor sleep regularly throughout the month. Anchor
sleep disruption was experienced by 49% of the day/evening workers, 94% of the rotators and 2.9% of
the night nurses.
Night nurses were 1.8 times more likely to report poor quality sleep than the day/evening workers and
rotators were 2.8 times more likely to report poor quality sleep than the day/evening workers. Night
nurses and rotators were twice as likely to use medications to help them sleep.
Nodding off on the night shift occurred at least once a week in 35% of rotators, 32% of night nurses and
20% of day/evening workers who worked the occasional night shift. In contrast, only 2.7% of
day/evening nurses and 2.8% of rotators reported any incidences of nodding off on day or evening
When compared to day/evening nurses, rotators were 3.9 times as likely and night nurses 3.6 times as
likely to nod off while driving to and from work in the previous year.
Although length of time working at the hospital, age and use of alcohol were factors that contributed to
errors, even when these factors were taken into account, rotators reported twice as many accidents as
day/evening nurses.
The results are consistent with laboratory demonstrations of the effects of sleep deprivation and the
disruption of circadian rhythms, particularly in the sense of increased cognitive errors. The researchers
conclude that the application of circadian principles to the design of work schedules may produce
improved health and safety for nurses and patients.
A correlation shows a relationship between two things; for example, a relationship between
working shifts and an increased chance of gastrointestinal disorders. However, it does not show
that working shifts causes an increase in gastrointestinal disorders even though it might seem to
make sense to interpret the results in this way. In order to show a causal relationship, researchers
must conduct experiments. An experimental group would need to work changing shifts for a period
of time while the control group would work normal day shifts. Any significant differences in the
incidence of gastrointestinal disorders then could lead to the conclusion that working shifts causes
gastrointestinal disorders. However, this type of research would raise many ethical issues and
would be unlikely to be conducted.
It is also difficult to draw causal conclusions from the research by Gold, although this can be
described as quasi-experimental as he was able to compare two naturally occurring groups, thus
creating an independent variable. However, he was not able to randomly allocate participants to
these different groups meaning that there may be many differences between them that might
explain the results he found. However, the research findings are supported by laboratory
experiments into short-term sleep deprivation and cognitive errors. Finally, there may be reporting
biases in this study and a longitudinal study to track accidents and errors and to correlate these with
shift work patterns might be more effective.
It is possible to consider the material in this section in relation to the nature versus nurture debate.
Shift work may interfere with the natural functioning of the body and this is likely to explain the
many negative effects. We have a natural circadian rhythm and working constantly changing shifts
(nurture) may disrupt this.
All of the research considered in this section has useful real-world applications. By identifying the
risks that shift working may pose, not only are individuals able to make informed decisions about
their own working practices, but employers are able to establish procedures designed to minimise
these risks.
A famous example of systems error with near catastrophic consequences occurred at the Three Mile
Island nuclear power plant in the USA in 1979, as shown in Figure 9.18. An employee shut down an
alternate feedwater pipe and went off duty without turning this back on again. The reactor started to
overheat and warning sirens began to sound but no one at the power plant knew what the problem was.
It took 2 hours and 18 minutes to find the fault. Further delay could have led to an explosion and large-
scale release of radioactive material. It is not appropriate to simply blame the operator for his error.
Nothing in the system had been designed to tell anyone that the pipe had been turned off and when a
relief valve also failed to open, no warning system was in place. Later examination of the processes
required to identify the fault revealed that the operators looking for the fault had to scan over 1,600
gauges. For some reason, colours had been used differently in different systems and in some places a
colour represented safety whereas in another part of the system it represented danger. It was clear that
while there had been human errors there were also significant failings in the design of the systems as
well as the safety procedures.
Figure 9.18: Three Mile Island: the site of a serious incident relating to operator–machine systems error
Analysis of the causes of errors leading to accidents have been categorised by psychologists. In the
example of the Three Mile Island incident, an error of commission was committed; this means doing
something that should not have been done: shutting off the feedwater pipe. In contrast, an error of
omission is a mistake in which an individual does not do something which should have been done.
There are other types of human error that can lead to accidents at work, such as an error of sequence
(when actions are carried out in the wrong order, skipped or repeated) or error of timing (when an action
is performed too late or too early).
Since the incident we have seen the development of ‘human factors’ experts, who ensure that the design
of machine controls and displays reflect our knowledge and understanding not only of human cognition,
but of the limitations of human cognition. This might involve making sure that display systems are clear
and easy to interpret, that operators are not expected to maintain vigilance for too long without a break
(such as the tasks performed by air traffic controllers) and that there are tried and tested emergency
Example study
A study by Fox et al. (1987) investigated the use of a token economy to reward workers for not having
accidents or injuries for a specified amount of time. The study was conducted at two open pit mines (see
Figure 9.19) and their associated product processing plants. Both mines were in the USA. Before the
study, the number of days lost from work due to injuries on the job in one of the mines was over eight
times the national average for all mines and three times the national average at the other mine. In the
five years preceding this study, two people had been killed and a third person had suffered a permanent
The two settings were similar in many ways. They used the same mining procedures and were of similar
sizes. Injuries had occurred in all areas of both mines but were particularly associated with the use and
maintenance of heavy equipment.
Figure 9.19: The study by Fox et al. (1987) took place at two open pit mines, such as this one
The participants in this study were the employees at the two mines, including office and clerical
workers, engineers, managers, and custodial, maintenance and production workers. The number of
employees in the first mine was 197 when data collection began in 1970, rose to a high of 606 by 1979
and then decreased to 214 by 1983 due to the declining value of the uranium ore mined there. The
second mine employed 450 staff in 1970 which had increased to 501 in 1983 and remained relatively
stable from there. Table 9.6 shows how workers were divided into four groups based on the numbers of
working days lost due to injury.
The token economy systems began in 1972 in the first mine and in 1975 in the second. Workers were
given a specified number of ‘trading stamps’ with their pay envelope if they had not suffered a lost time
injury or injury that required a doctor’s attention during the month. The amount of trading stamps varied
by the risk factors of each group, for example in the first mine, Group 1 received 300 stamps, Group 2
received 400 stamps, Group 3 received 500 stamps and Group 4 received 700 stamps. In addition to
these ‘rewards’ all workers managed by a common supervisor were given further stamps if the whole
group of workers under that supervisor had avoided lost time or medically treated injuries. Further still,
any safety suggestions that were subsequently adopted by the miner, any acts that prevented injury to
others or damage to property could be rewarded with amounts ranging from 500 to 25,000 stamps.
A token economy is an application of the behaviourist approach. It involves rewarding people for
desirable behaviour such as remaining in the presence of a phobic object.
Draw a storyboard that demonstrates how a token economy could be used to encourage someone
who needs to overcome their fear of public speaking in order to try for a promotion in work.
However, a worker who missed one or two days of work due to injury would receive no stamps for one
month. If three or four days of work were lost, they would receive no stamps for two months and if five
or six days were lost there would be no reward for three months, increasing like this up to a maximum
of six months with no reward if more than ten days were lost. No one in the group would receive any of
the group award if any time had been lost and anyone responsible for an accident that damaged
equipment would lose their individual stamp award for one month for every $2000 of damage up to a
maximum of six months. All members of that worker’s group would lose their group award for as many
months as the individual lost his individual awards. Anyone failing to report an accident or injury would
lose all of their individual awards for one month and their group would lose their group award for the
same length of time.
Six weeks before this scheme was started, workers were given information about how this would work.
One month before the start of the scheme, any worker who had not had an equipment-damaging
accident or a lost time injury was given 1,000 stamps.
Stamps could be ‘spent’ at local stores and could be exchanged for anything from a huge range of
merchandise. In 1972, 3,000 stamps would buy a spice rack, 7,600 would buy a comforter for a full-size
bed and 20,400 stamps would buy a gas-fired barbecue. No restrictions were placed on how the stamps
could be spent and the authors report that casual conversations around the mines revealed a range of
products being purchased including microwave ovens and cuckoo clocks!
The miners had to keep careful safety data including the number of accidents (referred to as frequency
rate) and the total numbers of days lost (severity). In addition, direct costs of these injuries and accidents
were recorded under the headings of compensation insurance, medical care and repairing damaged
equipment. The mines also kept data on the cost of the trading stamps. This allowed a benefit-to-cost
ratio to be calculated to see if the dollars saved as a result of operating the token economy exceeded the
cost of the token economy.
The results showed that there were significant decreases in number of days lost in both mines in the first
years that the token economy was operating. Costs of accidents and injuries in the first mine declined
from a baseline average of $294,000 to an average of $29,000 for the years that the token economy was
in effect. A similar decline was seen in the second mine, from a baseline average of $367,696 to an
average of $38 972. Both declines were approximately 90%. The costs of the token economy scheme in
the first mine never rose above $13,850 and the costs in the second mine was $21,940 in the first year
but between $11,000 and $13,000 in subsequent years.
These findings indicate that the use of a token economy benefitted all both employees and employers.
Days lost from work decreased, accidents and injuries decreased and no deaths or permanent disabilities
occurred at either mine during the time that the token economy was in operation. Towards the end of the
scheme, the number of days lost was around a quarter of the national average in the first mine and one-
twelfth the national average in the second mine. In addition to the much-lowered risk of accident,
workers also benefitted from the goods they were able to buy with their trading stamps. Although no
direct measure of this was taken, anecdotal evidence suggests that these stamps were appreciated by all
workers even though they were doubtful to begin with. In fact, one of the unions even requested that the
programme be written into contracts and when stamps were left out of a small number of workers’ pay
envelopes the spouse of one called the mine to complain and the spouse of another drove 50 miles (80
km) to collect them!
Monitoring accidents
Accidents at work can occur even when plans are in place to prevent them. For this reason, it can be
useful (and sometimes a legal requirement) to monitor and report accidents. Organisations usually have
policies and procedures in place to prevent, manage and review accidents as part of their risk
management strategy.
Sometimes, accidents or near-misses act as useful sources of information about what works and does not
work in terms of health and safety procedures. Monitoring and reviewing measures designed to prevent
accidents and understanding the nature and cause of an accident can help improve the processes, identify
areas for training and prevent further accidents. For example, investigations can uncover breaches in
health and safety procedures or identify that extra safety measures are needed. As well finding out the
cause of workplace accidents, monitoring can help employees feel as though their well-being is a
Dekker (2015) identifies the following four reasons for engaging in accident investigation and
• Epistemological: establishing what happened to give understanding to the individuals and groups
• Preventive: identifying ways to avoid similar accidents in future
• Moral: understanding the errors or breaches that took place to reinforce correct practice and
establish accountability
• Existential: finding an explanation for any injury or loss of life
However, Dekker argues that accident monitoring may be more art than science in the sense that
different investigators may reach different conclusions, even with the same facts. An insurer with a
financial interest in the outcome of an investigation might interpret or look for different information than
the organisation itself. Dekker supports this with the example of two official investigations into an
aeroplane crash, one by an aviation authority and the other by the airline itself. The aviation authority
concluded that contributing factors to the crash included the pilot acting in haste and losing awareness of
the situation. However, the airline’s report found that the air traffic controller was inattentive and radar
coverage of the area was poor.
Some critics of the behaviourist approach argue that using token economies as in the study by Fox
et al. is controlling and, in some cases, can be unethical. However, in this instance the use of
rewards proved highly effective and was not used instead of safety training but in addition to the
safety training. Many organisations offer similar schemes where workers are rewarded in this way
and there is little evidence to suggest it causes harm to participants.
Additionally, the study was carried out in the workers’ natural environment: the pit mines and
processing plants. This means that the study had high ecological validity. The researchers could be
fairly sure that using a similar token economy to reduce accidents at other sites would produce a
similar benefit-to-cost ratio because these workers are likely to behave in a similar way.
The study by Fox et al. demonstrates the effectiveness of the application of psychological
principles to the workplace. The application of a token economy is a simple behaviourist technique
that offers consistent and predictable rewards to desired behaviours. The usefulness of the token
economy in this instance is obvious. The number of accidents was reduced significantly and
worker safety was increased. Likewise, accident monitoring and investigation is used widely
within organisations to improve health and safety practice. However, its effectiveness depends on
the detail, accuracy and objectiveness of information collected regarding accidents at work.
However, behaviourist techniques are often criticised for being overly deterministic. The study by
Fox et al. shows that the way the working environment (situation) is constructed can have
significant effects on the way that individuals behave. The results showed that workers’ behaviour
can be controlled through use of a token economy. However, this ignores the role of freewill and
personality factors which may also influence a person’s approach to health and safety.
The researchers of this study wanted to investigate effective accident monitoring in Poland. At the time
of the research, the methods used to document accidents were generally considered infective. Rather
than using facts and systematic reasoning from accident monitoring to inform safety management, these
had typically been solved intuitively. In other words, informal measures were put in place to resolve the
immediate problem without formal discussion or analysis.
In addition, there was little evidence retained by organisations of the losses that resulted from accidents.
This made it difficult to quantify the severity and frequency of injuries to workers or the loss of
productivity from stopping work due to accidents. The overall lack of standardisation of the approach to
investigating and recording accidents at work presented an opportunity to improve accident monitoring.
Main theories and explanations
As we have seen in this section, information such as the number of reported injuries offers an important
source of information on accident risk. Looking at the severity, frequency and causes of accidents is
helpful in targeting resources correctly at improving safety systems, procedures and training for workers
who may be at risk. Effective monitoring of accidents can go beyond a simple theory of human error and
instead use a system-focused approach to understand the causes and complexities of accidents at work.
The aim of this study was to develop a method that could be used by organisations to record risk events
to help in finding the causes of accidents and prevent them in future.
In the first stage of this study, a range of industrial plants located in the city of Lodz were selected for
review: foundry (metalwork), machinery, meat processing and furniture. The four sites employed around
3,000 workers in total.
Eighty-three accidents were reviewed from the year 1993. For the purposes of this research, an accident
was defined as a formally reported case of a sudden undesired event at work with a negative effect on
the health of one or more workers leading to sick days or death. Accident frequency was determined as
the number of accidents producing injury/injuries which required sick leave days per 100 employees in a
year. Accident severity rate was counted as the number of sick leave days taken per accident. The
researchers reviewed accident reports provided by safety supervisors, investigated individual accident
protocols, and interviewed safety supervisors and line managers.
In an earlier review (1994) that was also reported on in this paper, Swat looked at minor accidents or
‘incidents’ at the meat plant which included all first-aid cases reported in the plant and assessed the total
number of incidents, including results of the interviews with employees.
Results, findings and conclusions
The accident frequency was shown to be highest in the foundry plant and the severity rate was highest in
the machinery plant. The following types of accident were noted:
• falls and slips
• accidents connected with manual work
• accidents connected with contact with working parts of machinery
• accidents connected with contact with sources of energy
• other.
The frequency of each type of accident varied across plants, however. For example, the frequency rate
for fall and slip accidents (per 100 employees) was 0.7 on average for all plants. However, the frequency
rate was 1.2 for the meat processing plant compared with 0.3 for the furniture plant.
Swat distinguished four different faults that resulted in these accidents:
1 Insufficient supervision (e.g. when a manager fails to ensure a worker has followed safe
2 Poor workplace organisation (e.g. inadequate personal protective equipment or trying to work too
3 Technical factors (e.g. when objects or equipment are faulty)
This study reviewed a large number of industrial accidents. Because this was carried out in retrospect, it
was an ethical way of studying accidents and accident prevention. This is a challenging area to research
because of the need to protect participants from harm. The findings reported here were part of a three-
year longitudinal study on accident monitoring. Although time-consuming, the strength of this type of
research is that is can show change over a period of time using the same participants or setting.
As the accidents had already taken place within an organisational context, the study can be said to have
high ecological validity. The behaviour recorded within the study can be applied to real life and is likely
to reflect what would be found regarding accident monitoring in other industrial settings.
It is difficult to judge the reliability of this study. It gathered interview data from personnel across
different plants. These individuals might not have given accurate or consistent accounts of what
happened during an accident or incident due to forgetting or pressure from the researchers, making this
data subjective. However, the frequency and severity of accidents was recorded as quantitative data in
the form of the number of days of sick leave which is a consistent and objective measure.
This key study by Swat (1997) is an example of nomothetic research. The study extracts statistical data
from a large number of separate accidents on the frequency and severity of accidents to classify them by
type and cause. In other words, the researchers are looking for similarities between each of the accidents
or incidents studied to generate a theory that can be applied to all accident monitoring.
The findings of this study are useful in real life in that they highlight the importance of systematically
recording accidents, incidents and even near-misses. Major accidents are statistically rarer, meaning they
offer less meaningful insights into the cause and management of more frequent accidents at work.
Organisations would benefit from going beyond minimum legal requirements for accident reporting in
order to establish monitoring and investigation systems that reduce risk and prevent harm to employees.
10 Outline two effects of shift work on health.
11 How did Fox et al. measure the effectiveness of their token economy?
12 Describe one conclusion that can be drawn from the study by Swat (1997).
• Low hygiene + high motivation = employees are motivated but have a lot of complaints. For
example, a situation where the job is exciting and challenging but salaries and work conditions are
• Low hygiene + low motivation = this is the worst situation, where employees are not motivated and
have many complaints.
An employer of a large organisation has noticed that staff turnover has increased significantly in
the past year. Can you explain how the employer can identify the causes of satisfaction and
dissatisfaction amongst employees? What solutions would you suggest to enhance both hygiene
and motivational factors?
Job characteristics
Job Characteristics Theory (Hackman 1976) acts as a framework for analysing how job characteristics
affects job satisfaction and other work outcomes. It is a theory that can be used to create jobs that appeal
to workers and keep them motivated. Five key dimensions, described in the model as core ‘job
characteristics’ are identified by Hackman and Oldham:
• Skill variety: a job should require different skills and allow workers to use a range of the skills.
• Task identity: a job should require a worker to complete a whole piece of work rather than a single
task in isolation.
• Task significance: the job should have a worthwhile impact on others, whether inside or outside of
the organisation.
• Autonomy: the job should allow the worker some freedom in planning, scheduling and carrying out
their work.
• Feedback: the job itself (rather than other people) should provide information on how well the
worker is performing the job, i.e. it is clear that the task has been completed well by looking at the
These job characteristics are responsible for producing three critical psychological states: experienced
meaningfulness, experienced responsibility and knowledge of results. Meaningfulness is the extent to
which the employee experiences the work as having a purpose that allows the employee to demonstrate
their value to others. Responsibility is the degree to which the employee feels accountable for their work
performance and outcomes. Last, knowledge of results is the extent to which the jobholder is aware of
how well they are performing their job.
The psychological states mediate the relationship between job characteristics and work-related outcomes
such as motivation, satisfaction and work performance, as shown in Figure 9.21. If an employee is
experiencing the three psychological states, it allows them to have positive feelings about themselves
when they perform well. Feeling good about work then also helps employees to keep performing well.
Herzberg’s is a theoretical model based on interviews with over 200 participants, which means it is
a large enough sample to generalise from and there is enough data to support the predictions made
in the model.
Likewise, Job Characteristics Theory has also generated empirical research. It provides precise,
testable hypotheses and there have been several studies that demonstrate the core characteristics do
correlate with motivation and satisfaction. However, Arnold et al. note that it is surprising that
there have been very few attempts to experimentally manipulate jobs so that they have more of the
core job characteristics. Of those that have been done, findings suggest that changes to job
characteristics have an impact on satisfaction and motivation rather than work performance.
The techniques of job design technique have been implemented in real-life situations and their
effects measured. The review by Belias and Skikas, includes field experiments, meaning that the
researchers need to take great care in interpreting their findings (see the Hawthorne effect,
discussed in Section 9.4) as it can be challenging to control for extraneous variables in a complex,
natural environment such as a workplace.
The practical applications of Herzberg’s models are that those in charge of organisations would be
advised to focus on increasing characteristics which produce worker satisfaction (motivational
factors), while decreasing factors that produce worker dissatisfaction (hygiene factors). To increase
satisfaction, managers can consider enhancing opportunities for gaining responsibility or working
autonomously. If workers are dissatisfied, then the manager should focus on improving supervision
and general working conditions.
Hackman and Oldham’s Job Characteristics Theory also has many useful applications. By
identifying the core job characteristics that produce critical psychological states, which in turn
affect motivation, satisfaction and work performance, organisations can design jobs around these
characteristics. This theory also fits within an individual–situational debate. Hackman and Oldham
make clear that even relatively small changes to the job characteristics (situation) can impact on
the employee (individual) and their attitudes.
The Job Descriptive Index (JDI) is an example of nomothetic research that collects quantitative
data. The questionnaire respondents are each seen as examples of a whole population and their
thoughts and beliefs about work. Idiographic research is usually qualitative and would focus more
deeply on the experience of the individual
Jobs in general
Think of your job in general. All in all, what is it like most of the time? In the space beside each word
or phrase, write
Y for ‘yes’ if it describes your job
N for ‘no’ if it does not describe it
? for ‘?’ if you cannot decide
Waste of time
Worse than most
Better than most
Makes me content
Table 9.7: Extract from the Job Descriptive Index
Both of the areas discussed in this section involve some type of psychometric testing. We have
considered the strengths and weaknesses of psychometric tests earlier in this chapter. It is
important to realise that although such tests can be relatively easy to administer and score, they are
prone to demand characteristics and social desirability bias, and flaws in their construction can
have serious effects on the outcomes.
The Job Description Index has many strengths in comparison with other similar tests. It is one of
the most thoroughly tested and carefully validated tests and is based on standardised norms, which
means that each individual’s score can be compared to a bank of scores taken from a huge sample
of participants in many different occupations. It is therefore possible to identify whether the
individual is more or less satisfied than others of the same age, sex, occupation and so on. This
means it is high in both reliability and validity.
Psychometric testing in the form of the JDI and QWL is popular in some organisational settings.
The results gained from using the JDI can be applied in real life to improving aspects of the
working environment. This can advantage organisations by making their workers more satisfied
and hence more motivated and productive.
Finally, we examined quality of working life. This is a very useful, although very broad, concept
whose application has generated a range of initiatives in many organisations from the development
of workable policies for dealing with bullying, allowing for compassionate leave or the ability to
work flexibly through to the provision of social activities designed to improve employees’ quality
of working life (see Figure 9.22). In what way does this topic contribute to the reductionism versus
holism debate? You might want to consider how research in this area looks at a whole range of
personal, social and emotional factors.
Figure 9.22: Employees can struggle to balance their work and life commitments
Attitudes to work
Workplace sabotage
Workplace sabotage describes behaviours that are designed to break laws or organisational rules and
deliberately try to stop work from taking place. These behaviours are most commonly the result of
dissatisfaction and powerlessness. Sabotage has professional and legal consequences for both the
saboteur and the organisation, resulting in employee termination, legal action and loss of capital.
Dubois (1980) identifies three methods of workplace sabotage by employees:
1 Destruction of machinery or goods: this method of sabotage includes arson, deliberately breaking
machinery and sabotaging the product of the work (see Figure 9.23).
2 Stopping production: some ways to stop production include limiting or halting the supply or raw
materials of components, strike action or preventing the final product being delivered to customers.
3 Slowing down production: this can be achieved by working slowly, working strictly according to
rules, working unenthusiastically, absenteeism, labour turnover and refusing to work.
The following study by Giacalone and Rosenfeld (1987) explores a number of reasons for workplace
sabotage, including restoration equity and retaliation. Restoration equity occurs when employees feel
that the level of their contributions is not equal to their reward. Sabotage is one method employees may
choose to use to restore a fair balance. However, employee retaliation is behaviour intended to disrupt or
avenge organisational injustice and is more closely related to aggressive behaviours.
Workplace sabotage is a challenging area to study, as it is often associated with criminal activity and
therefore covert. Because it may have legal implications, employers may prefer not to discuss acts of
sabotage with those outside of the organisation. Likewise, employees may not wish to report their own
acts of sabotage or implicate others as they fear the repercussions (job loss or the threat of legal action).
At the time in which this study was conducted, the cost of employee sabotage was believed to be
increasing, meaning it was of interest to organisational psychologists.
For this reason, research in this area is important but challenging. Evidence suggests that research data
are often more reliable when conducted in a way that maintains the anonymity of the participants, for
example via questionnaires. Similarly, conducting the research away from the workplace may produce
more valid responses as participants are less concerned about revealing sensitive information.
Main theories and explanations
Giacalone and Rosenfeld define workplace sabotage as any employee behaviour that intends to effect
production or profit loss for a particular organisation. They view sabotage essentially as an act of
aggression and a chance for the employee to display a public image that they feel is in their best
interests, for example to appear tough. When there is conflict between management and the employee,
this can make the employee look weak or incompetent, so sabotage becomes a form of counter-attack to
regain the identity of appearing strong, competent and back in control.
Reasons or explanations for sabotage are important to the saboteur as they minimise the severity of the
act of sabotage, showing a justifiable motive for the act. Making the act of sabotage seem legitimate can
help relieve any sense of guilt or responsibility allowing the saboteur to maintain self-respect. Some
individuals think that the reasons for sabotage are justified or acceptable whereas other people do not.
These individual differences in the number and type of reasons that particular persons will accept as
justifiable might make it more likely it is that an individual would engage in sabotage.
The study by Giacalone and Rosenfeld aimed to explore the reasons used to justify sabotage by
employees within an organisation. Specifically, the researchers chose to consider the justifiability of four
general methods of sabotage (slowdowns, destructiveness, dishonesty and causing chaos) to see how
these linked to the level of justification employees gave for sabotage.
The hypothesis of this study predicted that participants who accepted more reasons for sabotage were
more likely to justify sabotage than those who did not accept many reasons, regardless of the sabotage
The participants of this study were 38 unionised labourers working in an electrical factory. A ‘Sabotage
Methods Questionnaire’ was constructed with the help of an ex-employee (with five years’ service) who
listed all the ways that were used by the employees to sabotage the company. This produced a total of 29
general sabotage methods (e.g. losing paperwork, pulling the fire alarm, or leaving graffiti on bathroom
walls) that could be grouped into four general categories:
• Work slowdowns
• Destruction of machinery, premises or products
• Dishonesty
• Causing chaos
A further list was created of ten reasons for sabotage:
1 Self defence
2 Revenge
3 An eye for an eye
4 Protect oneself from boss / company
5 To protect friends or family from boss / company
6 To protect one’s job
7 The foreman / company deserved it
8 The foreman / company hurt me previously
9 No one was hurt by the action
10 Release of frustrations
11 Just for fun
Each participant was given the list of four sabotage methods and the list of 11 sabotage reasons and
asked to rate them individually on a scale of 1 (not at all justifiable) to 7 (totally justifiable). A median
split was performed on the potential reasons for sabotage creating two groups: high-reason acceptors
(those who accepted a wide variety of reasons for sabotage) and low-reason acceptors (those who
accepted few if any reasons for sabotage).
Results, findings and conclusions
Results included the following differences: high-reason acceptors justified production slowdowns more
than low-reason acceptors. High-reason acceptors also justified destruction of machinery, premises or
products more than low-reason acceptors. Unexpectedly, high-reason acceptors did not justify
dishonesty more than low-reason acceptors but high-reason acceptors did justify causing chaos more
than low-reason accepters.
The researchers concluded that while acceptance seems to affect justification of sabotage in many forms,
this is not the case for dishonesty. This is possibly seen as different from the other forms of sabotage.
Work slowdowns, destruction and causing chaos may be aimed at hurting the company, but they do not
represent potential monetary gains for the employee. This may make dishonesty a qualitatively different
form of sabotage (justified for very different reasons such as poor salaries) and potentially interpreted in
very different ways by employers or bosses. If this type of sabotage was simply interpreted as self-
serving, then it has not served the desired demonstrative function. It may also be that dishonesty
threatens self-esteem in a way that the other forms of sabotage do not.
The researchers in this study conducted a survey on sabotage. The advantage of this is that a large
amount of quantitative data could be collected about employee attitudes towards sabotage and this could
be easily compared and replicated, meaning the results are likely to be reliable. However, surveys suffer
from the same weaknesses as all self-report methods and probably the most important one here is social
desirability bias. It may be that respondents were concerned about who would see their answers and this
may have had an impact on what they were prepared to say.
On the other hand, the questionnaire was anonymised and so the identity of the participants was
protected. This means they may have given more valid responses. It is also a more ethical way of
investigating a sensitive area of organisational psychology, as respondents to the survey were protected
from negative consequences of engaging with the research.
The study was also able to use a quasi-experimental approach when comparing the high-reason
acceptors with the low-reason acceptors and this has provided results that can be applied to real life. In
particular, the finding that both groups saw ‘dishonesty’ as qualitatively different from all other forms of
sabotage is a useful one. This could allow employers to respond to dishonesty in a different way from
how they might respond to other acts of sabotage.
This study clearly shows how the workplace environment (situation) can impact on the individual’s
behaviour. The researchers place particular importance on organisational management recognising and
deterring individual saboteurs as opposed to trying to resolve the reasons for sabotage.
Choose one of the four combinations of job involvement and organisational commitment proposed
by Blau and Boal. Write a short scenario describing an employee from the combination you have
chosen. Swap scenarios with another student. Can you identify which situation is described in their
Consider the activity you have just completed. What approach did you take to designing your
scenario? How did you embed the elements of job involvement and organisational commitment?
Try to evaluate whether this was the right approach for the task or whether you would try things
differently next time.
As we saw in the evaluation of Giacalone and Rosenfeld’s study, researching workplace sabotage
can be difficult. This is because it is a sensitive area of human behaviour that has farreaching
consequences for individuals and the organisations for which they work. There can be ethical
issues to consider around maintaining the anonymity of participants, and trying to collect reliable
and valid data as participants may be reluctant to reveal information that appears to be undesirable
or anti-social.
Blau and Boal’s model of absenteeism and commitment has been investigated in various pieces of
empirical research. The challenges of measuring such factors through self-report is that the
individual reports how committed they are. In one way this is a highly valid method because that
employee is in the best position to know how they feel about the organisation for which they work.
However, employees can be biased (or responding to demand characteristics). Can you think of an
alternative way researchers could study organisational commitment? What would be the benefits
and limitations of such a method in comparison with self-report?
Blau and Boal’s model is applicable to real life as it brings together the concepts of job
involvement and organisational commitment. This idea is useful in allowing organisations to be
able to predict potential staff turnover, for example. The organisations can plan for staff leaving or
being absent and/or put measures in place to reduce the risk to work output. Prediction of
employee retention and output, even if not 100% correct, is essential to effectively running large
organisations. Likewise, understanding the methods and reasons for workplace sabotage are
important for organisations who should seek to minimise criminal activity, destruction of property
and financial loss.
Walton’s typology has been used to develop a variety of techniques to measure QWL in a variety
of organisations and cultures. However different these organisations and cultures are these same
eight components of QWL will be valid, meaning cultural differences are accepted as a feature of
this model.
13 From Herzberg’s two-factor theory of job satisfaction, give examples of the following:
a factors that affect job satisfaction
b factors that affect job dissatisfaction.
14 Define what is meant by ‘job rotation’.
15 There have been several examples of psychometric tests in this section.
a State one strength of psychometric tests.
b State one weakness of psychometric tests.
After studying this chapter, copy and complete a table like this:
One example of a transformational leader is Nobel Peace Prize winner, Nelson Mandela:
‘Nelson Mandela joined the African National Congress in 1944 and was engaged in resistance
against the ruling National Party’s apartheid policies after 1948. He was widely accepted as the
most significant black leader in South Africa and became a potent symbol of resistance as the anti-
apartheid movement gathered strength. He consistently refused to compromise his political
position to obtain his freedom.’ (adapted from 30th March 2021)
Working on your own or with a partner, you will produce a poster on a transformational leader of
your choice. To complete the project, follow these steps:
1 Use the internet, other media or your own knowledge to identify a transformational leader.
This person can lead any type of organisation e.g. political, voluntary, educational.
2 Using the information in this chapter on universalist theories of leadership (in the subsection
‘Universalist theories’), your class notes and any other relevant resources, consider:
• The circumstances in which the individual rose to their position as leader
• The wider social, political or organisational context in which the leader was trying to
enact change
• The qualities demonstrated by the leader which could qualify them as ‘transformational’
3 Create your poster including the information from your research, supported with suitable
images or diagrams.
Peer assessment
Once you have completed your poster, share it with the rest of your class as part of a peer
assessment. You should aim to give feedback on another learner’s poster in the following areas.
1 Breadth of research: is there evidence that the learner has used one or more sources in their
research, or does the work seem to be anecdotal or lacking facts?
2 How well does the finished poster explain what is meant by transformational leadership? You
could rate this using a smiley face system.
3 Is there any detail that the poster is missing or isn’t explained clearly? Make a comment on
what worked well and what could be made clearer.
Additional references
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