Cutting Edge A - Teacher's Sheet
Cutting Edge A - Teacher's Sheet
Cutting Edge A - Teacher's Sheet
Teacher’s Sheet
Introductory Notes
• This exam aims at evaluating students’ performance in different aspects of language
content and skills dealt with in Cutting Edge New Edition – A.
• It is important to note that there is not an oral component in this evaluation format. A
grade should be assigned to students’ oral performance based on the criteria underlying
the continuous evaluation process.
• This written exam consists of two booklets and is to be administered in two 75-minute
sessions. During the first one, students should complete Part A (Reading
Comprehension, Vocabulary and Language Focus), and during the second, Part B
(Listening Comprehension and Writing).
• The written exam and the oral performance grades are worth 100 points each. In order
to calculate the student’s final grade on the exam, the written exam grade should be
multiplied by two and added to the oral performance grade. This amount should then be
divided by three (see scoring table).
• Also, follow the criteria below when correcting all of students’ answers throughout the
1. Neatness of Presentation Are the texts neatly presented? Are they legible?
Was the student able to understand the instructions?
2. Task Comprehension
Is that reflected in the texts?
Do the texts present the characteristics of the genre
3. Genre Adequacy
proposed - email, letter, postcard, note, etc.?
Do the texts contain all the information asked for in the
4. Contents
task instructions?
Do the texts show a reasonable command of structures,
5. Accuracy
as expected for the level?
6. Vocabulary Do the texts show appropriate and varied vocabulary?
Reading Comprehension
Task 1
1. c 5. a
2. g 6. e
3. d (b is the extra answer)
4. f
Task 2
Use the correction criteria presented on the first page of this teacher’s sheet to help you
grade your students’ piece of writing consistently and fairly. Go over them carefully and
decide whether each item will be worth 0.6 points. Take into consideration their relevance
to the writing task.
Task 1
(c) representation (b) ornaments
(g) residents (d) impressed
(e) understood (a) trash
(f) overpowered
Task 2
1. stingy 5. awkward
2. out 6. out
3. alimony 7. stomach
4. leg 8. over-the-top
Language Focus
Task 1
Possible answers:
It’s a long way to the top of the mountain, and probably not worth our effort.
He has shown himself to be worthy of their respect.
This book is definitely worth reading.
Task 2
1. have you been doing 5. ’ll be starting/’m starting
2. to be spending 6. have you known
3. ’d been planning 7. was hoping
4. Have you read
Task 3
1. ought
2. should
3. won’t
4. was able to
5. Could
Scoring Table
Part A Part B
Listening Comprehension
Reading Comprehension Task 1 - 2,0
Task 1 - 12,0 (6 x 2,0) Task 2 - 19,0
Task 2 - 6,0 1. (5 x 2,0)
2. (3 x 3,0)
Task 1 - 6,0 (6 x 1,0) Writing - 23,0
Task 2 - 12,0 (8 x 1,5)
Language Focus
Task 1 - 4,5 (3 x 1,5)
Task 2 - 10,5 (7 x 1,5)
Task 3 - 5,0 (5 x 1,0)
Listening Comprehension
[Audio: Cutting Edge New Edition - Teachers’ Resource Disc: Test Audio – Track 10 –
Speakers 1 to 5, Speaker 6 will not be used]
Advise students to read the questions in each task before listening. Then, play the audio and
stop it to give students some time to answer the question(s). After that, go on playing and
stop once again and allow some more time for students to review their answers. If
necessary, at the end (task 2.3), play the audio again so that students can check all their
Use the correction criteria presented on the first page of this teacher’s sheet to help you
grade your students’ piece of writing consistently and fairly. Go over them carefully and
decide whether each item will be worth 2.3 points. Take into consideration their relevance
to the writing task.
Scoring Table
Part A Part B
Listening Comprehension
Reading Comprehension Task 1 - 2,0
Task 1 - 12,0 (6 x 2,0) Task 2 - 19,0
Task 2 - 6,0 1. (5 x 2,0)
2. (3 x 3,0)
Task 1 - 6,0 (6 x 1,0) Writing - 23,0
Task 2 - 12,0 (8 x 1,5)
Language Focus
Task 1 - 4,5 (3 x 1,5)
Task 2 - 10,5 (7 x 1,5)
Task 3 - 5,0 (5 x 1,0)
Sub-total = 56,0 Sub-total = 44,0