D31ex 22

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D31PX -22
D37EX -22
D37PX -22
SERIAL NUMBERS 60001 and up
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Machine model Serial number
D31EX-22 60001 and up
D31PX-22 60001 and up
D37EX-22 60001 and up
D37PX-22 60001 and up

00 Index and foreword 00

100 Index
Composition of shop manual .......................................................................................................................... 2
Table of contents ............................................................................................................................................. 4

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100 Index
SEN04352-09 Composition of shop manual

Composition of shop manual 1

The contents of this shop manual are shown together with Form No. in a list.
Note 1: Always keep the latest version of this manual in accordance with this list and utilize accordingly.
The marks shown to the right of Form No. denote the following:
Q: New issue (to be filed additionally) q: Revision (to be replaced for each Form No.)
Note 2: This shop manual can be supplied for each Form No.
Note 3: To file this shop manual in the special binder for management, handle it as follows:
q Place a divider on the top of each section in the file after matching the Tub No. with No. indi-
cated next to each Section Name shown in the table below:
q File overview and other materials in sections in the order shown below and utilize them accord-

Section Title Form Number

Shop Manual, contents binder, binder label and tabs ..................................................................... SEN04343-09

00 Index and foreword .................................................................................................................... SEN04344-09

100 Index .................................................................................................................................. SEN04352-09 q
200 Foreword and general information ..................................................................................... SEN04353-02

01 General ...................................................................................................................................... SEN04345-00

100 Specification and technical data......................................................................................... SEN04354-00

10 Structure, function and maintenance standard........................................................................... SEN04346-01

100 Engine and cooling system ................................................................................................ SEN04484-00
200 Power train......................................................................................................................... SEN04485-00
300 Undercarriage and frame ................................................................................................... SEN04486-00
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1 .................................................................................................... SEN04487-00
420 Hydraulic system, Part 2 .................................................................................................... SEN04488-00
500 Work equipment................................................................................................................. SEN04489-00
600 Cab and its attachments .................................................................................................... SEN04490-00
700 Electrical system ................................................................................................................ SEN04491-01 q

20 Standard value table................................................................................................................... SEN04347-02

100 Standard service value table.............................................................................................. SEN04501-02

30 Testing and adjusting ................................................................................................................. SEN04348-03

110 Testing and adjusting, Part 1.............................................................................................. SEN04502-02
120 Testing and adjusting, Part 2.............................................................................................. SEN04503-01
130 Testing and adjusting, Part 3.............................................................................................. SEN04504-02 q

40 Troubleshooting.......................................................................................................................... SEN04349-02
100 Failure code table and fuse locations ................................................................................ SEN04505-01 q
200 General information on troubleshooting............................................................................. SEN04506-01
310 Troubleshooting by failure code (Display of code), Part 1 ................................................. SEN04507-01
320 Troubleshooting by failure code (Display of code), Part 2 ................................................. SEN04508-02 q
330 Troubleshooting by failure code (Display of code), Part 3 ................................................. SEN04509-00
340 Troubleshooting by failure code (Display of code), Part 4 ................................................. SEN04510-00
350 Troubleshooting by failure code (Display of code), Part 5 ................................................. SEN04511-00
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode).................................................................. SEN04512-01 q
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode) ....................................... SEN04513-00
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode).................................................................................. SEN04514-01

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100 Index
Composition of shop manual SEN04352-09

50 Disassembly and assembly ........................................................................................................SEN04350-01

100 General information on disassembly and assembly...........................................................SEN04724-01
200 Engine and cooling system ................................................................................................SEN04725-01
300 Power train .........................................................................................................................SEN04726-01
400 Undercarriage and frame ...................................................................................................SEN04727-01
500 Hydraulic system ................................................................................................................SEN04728-00
600 Work equipment .................................................................................................................SEN04729-00
700 Cab and its attachments.....................................................................................................SEN04730-00
800 Electrical system ................................................................................................................SEN04731-00

90 Diagrams and drawings..............................................................................................................SEN04351-04

100 Hydraulic diagrams and drawings ......................................................................................SEN04355-02
200 Electrical diagrams and drawings.......................................................................................SEN04356-02 q

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100 Index
SEN04352-09 Table of contents

Table of contents 1

00 Index and foreword

100 Index ..........................................................................................................................................SEN04352-09
Composition of shop manual......................................................................................................................... 2
Table of contents ........................................................................................................................................... 4
200 Foreword and general information .............................................................................................SEN04353-02
Safety notice ................................................................................................................................................. 2
How to read the shop manual ....................................................................................................................... 7
Explanation of terms for maintenance standard............................................................................................ 9
Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component............................................................................. 11
Handling of connectors newly used for engines............................................................................................ 20
How to read electric wire code ...................................................................................................................... 23
Precautions when carrying out operation...................................................................................................... 26
Method of disassembling and connecting push-pull type coupler................................................................. 29
Standard tightening torque table ................................................................................................................... 32
Conversion table ........................................................................................................................................... 36

01 General
100 Specification and technical data.................................................................................................SEN04354-00
Specification dimensional drawing ................................................................................................................ 2
Specifications ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Weight table .................................................................................................................................................. 12
Table of fuel, coolant and lubricants.............................................................................................................. 16

10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

100 Engine and cooling system ........................................................................................................SEN04484-00
Engine system parts...................................................................................................................................... 2
Cooling system.............................................................................................................................................. 3
Cooling fan pump .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Cooling fan motor.......................................................................................................................................... 5
Oil cooler bypass valve ................................................................................................................................. 10
200 Power train.................................................................................................................................SEN04485-00
Power train .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Power train system........................................................................................................................................ 3
Damper ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
HST hydraulic equipment arrangement diagram .......................................................................................... 5
Steering and brake control ............................................................................................................................ 6
Solenoid valve............................................................................................................................................... 8
Final drive...................................................................................................................................................... 15
HST pump ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
HST motor..................................................................................................................................................... 30
Charge pump ................................................................................................................................................ 40
300 Undercarriage and frame ...........................................................................................................SEN04486-00
Main frame .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Track frame and idler cushion....................................................................................................................... 4
Idler ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Track roller .................................................................................................................................................... 8
Carrier roller .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Sprocket ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
Track shoe..................................................................................................................................................... 14
410 Hydraulic system, Part 1 ............................................................................................................SEN04487-00
Arrangement of hydraulic equipment for work equipment............................................................................. 2
Work equipment control ................................................................................................................................ 4
Hydraulic tank and filter................................................................................................................................. 6
Work equipment and fan pump ..................................................................................................................... 8
Control valve ................................................................................................................................................. 16

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100 Index
Table of contents SEN04352-09

CLSS ............................................................................................................................................................. 28
Functions and operation of each valve.......................................................................................................... 31
420 Hydraulic system, Part 2 ........................................................................................................... SEN04488-00
Blade PPC valve............................................................................................................................................ 2
Accumulator................................................................................................................................................... 11
500 Work equipment ........................................................................................................................ SEN04489-00
Work equipment ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Cutting edge and end bit ............................................................................................................................... 6
Ripper ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
Work equipment cylinder ............................................................................................................................... 8
Piston valve ................................................................................................................................................... 11
600 Cab and its attachments............................................................................................................ SEN04490-00
ROPS cab...................................................................................................................................................... 2
Cab mount ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Canopy mount ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Air conditioner................................................................................................................................................ 5
700 Electrical system ....................................................................................................................... SEN04491-01
Monitor system .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Engine control................................................................................................................................................ 4
Engine control system ................................................................................................................................... 5
Cooling control system .................................................................................................................................. 6
HST control system ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Parking brake control system ........................................................................................................................ 14
KOMTRAX system ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Component equipment of system.................................................................................................................. 18
PCCS lever (for steering) .............................................................................................................................. 27
Sensor ........................................................................................................................................................... 30

20 Standard value table

100 Standard service value table ..................................................................................................... SEN04501-02
Standard service value table for engine ........................................................................................................ 2
Standard service value table for chassis ....................................................................................................... 4

30 Testing and adjusting

110 Testing and adjusting, Part 1 ..................................................................................................... SEN04502-02
Tools for testing, adjusting, and troubleshooting ........................................................................................... 3
Measuring engine speed ............................................................................................................................... 7
Measuring intake air pressure (boost pressure) ............................................................................................ 8
Testing exhaust temperature ......................................................................................................................... 10
Measuring exhaust gas color (boost pressure) ............................................................................................. 11
Adjusting valve clearance.............................................................................................................................. 12
Testing compression pressure....................................................................................................................... 14
Measuring blow-by pressure ......................................................................................................................... 16
Testing oil pressure........................................................................................................................................ 18
Handling fuel system equipment ................................................................................................................... 19
Releasing residual pressure in fuel system ................................................................................................... 19
Bleeding air from fuel circuit .......................................................................................................................... 20
Testing fuel pressure ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Testing leakage from pressure limiter and return rate from injector .............................................................. 24
Testing leakage in fuel system....................................................................................................................... 27
Measuring fan circuit pressure and fan speed............................................................................................... 28
Adjustment of fan speed sensor .................................................................................................................... 29
Handling reduced cylinder mode operation ................................................................................................... 30
Handling no-injection cranking operation ...................................................................................................... 30
Check of muffler and muffler stack for looseness and damage..................................................................... 31
Check of muffler function............................................................................................................................... 31
Check of installed condition of cylinder head and manifolds ......................................................................... 32

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SEN04352-09 Table of contents

Check of engine piping for damage and looseness ...................................................................................... 32

Testing and adjusting alternator belt tension................................................................................................. 33
Testing and adjusting air conditioner compressor belt tension...................................................................... 34
120 Testing and adjusting, Part 2......................................................................................................SEN04503-01
Adjusting decelerator pedal........................................................................................................................... 2
Testing and adjusting HST oil pressure......................................................................................................... 4
Measuring solenoid valve output oil pressure ............................................................................................... 9
Testing travel deviation.................................................................................................................................. 12
Adjusting parking brake lever........................................................................................................................ 13
Simple brake performance test procedure .................................................................................................... 15
Adjusting brake pedal.................................................................................................................................... 16
Method of releasing parking brake (Procedure for emergency escape) ....................................................... 18
Testing and adjusting idler clearance ............................................................................................................ 20
Testing and adjusting track shoe tension ...................................................................................................... 21
Testing work equipment oil pressure............................................................................................................. 22
Testing work equipment PPC valve output oil pressure ................................................................................ 24
Adjusting play of work equipment PPC valve................................................................................................ 26
Adjusting work equipment lock lever............................................................................................................. 27
Testing internal leakage of work equipment cylinder..................................................................................... 28
Releasing residual pressure in hydraulic circuit ............................................................................................ 30
Bleeding air from hydraulic circuit ................................................................................................................. 31
Adjusting play of blade center ball ................................................................................................................ 32
Procedure for testing diodes ......................................................................................................................... 33
Preparation work for troubleshooting for electrical system ........................................................................... 34
How to start operation of KOMTRAX terminal .............................................................................................. 38
Lamp display of KOMTRAX terminal ............................................................................................................ 41
130 Testing and adjusting, Part 3......................................................................................................SEN04504-02
Special functions of monitor panel (EMMS) .................................................................................................. 2
Items to be adjusted when electric/hydraulic devices are adjusted/replaced................................................ 62
Adjustment procedure after replacement of HST controller .......................................................................... 63
Adjustment procedure after replacement of monitor panel ........................................................................... 65
Pm-clinic service (D31EX-22, D31PX-22)..................................................................................................... 67
Pm-clinic service (D37EX-22, D37PX-22)..................................................................................................... 75

40 Troubleshooting
100 Failure code table and fuse locations ........................................................................................SEN04505-01
Failure code table.......................................................................................................................................... 2
Before carrying out troubleshooting for electrical system (E-mode) ............................................................. 8
200 General information on troubleshooting.....................................................................................SEN04506-01
Points to remember when troubleshooting.................................................................................................... 2
Sequence of events in troubleshooting ......................................................................................................... 3
Testing before troubleshooting ...................................................................................................................... 4
Classification and procedures of troubleshooting ......................................................................................... 5
Information contained in troubleshooting table ............................................................................................. 8
Connection table for connector pin numbers ................................................................................................ 10
T- branch box and T- branch adapter table ................................................................................................... 46
310 Troubleshooting by failure code (Display of code), Part 1 .........................................................SEN04507-01
Failure code [6091NX] HST charge filter element: Clogging ........................................................................ 3
Failure code [AA10NX] Air cleaner: Clogging ............................................................................................... 4
Failure code [AB00MA] Alternator: Malfunction ............................................................................................ 6
Failure code [B@BAZG] Engine oil: Lowering of oil pressure....................................................................... 7
Failure code [B@BCNS] Coolant: Overheat ................................................................................................. 8
Failure code [B@CRNS] HST oil: Overheating............................................................................................. 9
Failure code [B@CRZG] HST oil: Lowering of oil pressure .......................................................................... 10
Failure code [CA111] Engine controller: Abnormality in controller ................................................................ 11
Failure code [CA115] Abnormal engine Ne and Bkup speed sensors: Abnormal speed sensor signal........ 14
Failure code [CA122] Charge pressure sensor tool high: Excessively high voltage detected ...................... 15

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Failure code [CA123] Charge pressure sensor too low: Excessively low voltage detected .......................... 17
Failure code [CA131] Decelerator pedal sensor tool high: Excessively high voltage detected ..................... 18
Failure code [CA132] Decelerator pedal sensor too low: Excessively low voltage detected......................... 20
Failure code [CA144] Coolant temperature sensor too high: Excessively high voltage detected ................. 22
Failure code [CA145] Coolant temperature sensor too low: Excessively low voltage detected .................... 24
Failure code [CA153] Charge air temperature sensor too high: Excessively high voltage detected ............. 26
Failure code [CA154] Charge temperature sensor too low: Excessively low voltage detected..................... 28
Failure code [CA187] Sensor power source 2 too low: Excessively low voltage detected ............................ 29
Failure code [CA221] Atmospheric pressure sensor too high: Excessively high voltage detected ............... 30
Failure code [CA222] Atmospheric pressure sensor too low: Excessively low voltage detected .................. 32
Failure code [CA227] Sensor power source 2 too high: Excessively high voltage detected ......................... 34
Failure code [CA234] Engine over speed: Excessively high speed .............................................................. 36
Failure code [CA238] Abnormal power source for Ne speed sensor: Excessively low voltage detected...... 38
Failure code [CA271] IMV/PCV1 short circuit: Short circuit........................................................................... 40
Failure code [CA272] IMV/PCV1 disconnection: Disconnection ................................................................... 42
320 Troubleshooting by failure code (Display of code), Part 2......................................................... SEN04508-02
Failure code [CA322] Injector No. 1 system disconnection or short circuit: disconnection, short circuit ....... 4
Failure code [CA324] Injector No. 3 system disconnection or short circuit: disconnection, short circuit ....... 6
Failure code [CA331] Injector No. 2 system disconnection or short circuit: disconnection, short circuit ....... 8
Failure code [CA332] Injector No. 4 system disconnection or short circuit: disconnection, short circuit ....... 10
Failure code [CA351] Injector drive circuit abnormality: Abnormal circuit ..................................................... 12
Failure code [CA352] Sensor power source 1 too low: Excessively low voltage detected ............................ 14
Failure code [CA386] Sensor power source 1 too high: Excessively high voltage detected ......................... 16
Failure code [CA428] Water in fuel sensor too high: Excessively high voltage detected .............................. 18
Failure code [CA429] Water in fuel sensor too low: Excessively low voltage detected ................................. 20
Failure code [CA435] Abnormal engine oil pressure switch: Abnormal signal circuit .................................... 22
Failure code [CA441] Power source voltage too low: Excessively low voltage detected .............................. 23
Failure code [CA442] Power source voltage too high:
Excessively high voltage has occurred in the controller power source circuit ......................................... 24
Failure code [CA449] Common rail pressure too high (2): Excessively high pressure trouble occurred....... 25
Failure code [CA451] Common rail pressure sensor too high: Excessively high voltage detected............... 26
Failure code [CA452] Common rail pressure sensor too low: Excessively low voltage detected.................. 28
Failure code [CA553] Common rail pressure too high (1): Excessively high pressure detected................... 29
Failure code [CA559] Loss of pressure feed from supply pump (1): Loss of pressure feed detected........... 30
Failure code [CA689] Abnormal engine Ne speed sensor: Abnormal signal................................................. 34
Failure code [CA731] Abnormal engine Bkup speed sensor phase: Abnormal phase.................................. 36
Failure code [CA757] Loss of all engine controller data: Loss of all data ...................................................... 37
Failure code [CA778] Abnormal engine Bkup speed sensor: Abnormal Bkup signal.................................... 38
Failure code [CA1633] Abnormal KOMNET: Abnormal communication........................................................ 40
Failure code [CA2185] Decelerator pedal sensor power source too high:
Excessively high voltage detected........................................................................................................... 42
Failure code [CA2186] Decelerator pedal sensor power source too low:
Excessively low voltage detected ............................................................................................................ 44
Failure code [CA2249] Loss of pressure feed from supply pump (2): Loss of pressure feed detected......... 45
Failure code [CA2311] Abnormal IMV solenoid: Abnormal resistance .......................................................... 46
Failure code [CA2555] Air intake heater relay disconnection: Disconnection ............................................... 48
Failure code [CA2556] Air intake heater relay short circuit: Short circuit ...................................................... 50
330 Troubleshooting by failure code (Display of code), Part 3......................................................... SEN04509-00
Failure code [D130KA] Neutral safety relay: Disconnection.......................................................................... 4
Failure code [D130KB] Neutral safety relay: Short circuit ............................................................................. 6
Failure code [DAFRKR] CAN communication (Monitor panel ? HST controller):
Defective communication (Abnormality in objective component system)................................................ 8
Failure code [DAFRMC] CAN communication (Monitor panel ? ENGINE controller):
Defective communication (Abnormality in objective component system)................................................ 11
Failure code [DAJ000] HST controller: Memory error ................................................................................... 14
Failure code [DAJ0KK] HST controller: Lowing of source voltage ................................................................ 16
Failure code [DAJ0KQ] HST controller: Machine code error......................................................................... 18
Failure code [DAJ0KT] HST controller: Memory error................................................................................... 19

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Failure code [DAJ5KK] HST controller sensor 5 V power supply No.1: Lowing of source voltage/Input ...... 20
Failure code [DAJ6KK] HST controller sensor 5 V power supply No.2: Lowing of source voltage/Input ...... 22
Failure code [DAJRKR] CAN communication (HST controller ? Monitor panel):
Defective communication (Abnormality in objective component system) ............................................... 24
Failure code [DB2RKR] CAN communication (HST controller ? Engine controller):
Defective communication (Abnormality in objective component system) ............................................... 27
Failure code [DD12KA] Shift up switch: Disconnection................................................................................. 30
Failure code [DD12KB] Shift up switch: Short circuit .................................................................................... 32
Failure code [DD13KA] Shift down switch: Disconnection ............................................................................ 34
Failure code [DD13KB] Shift down switch: Short circuit................................................................................ 36
Failure code [DD14KB] Travel lock limit switch 1: Short circuit..................................................................... 38
Failure code [DD1NL4] Fan rotation selector switch: Disagreement of ON, OFF Signals ............................ 40
Failure code [DDDCKB] Reverse travel speed switch: Short circuit ............................................................. 42
Failure code [DDP6KA] Brake oil pressure sensor: Disconnection............................................................... 44
Failure code [DDP6KB] Brake oil pressure sensor: Short circuit .................................................................. 46
Failure code [DDP6MA] Brake oil pressure sensor: Malfunction .................................................................. 48
Failure code [DDQ2KA] Travel lock limit switch 1: Disconnection ................................................................ 50
Failure code [DDT0L4] Shift mode switch: Disagreement of ON/ OFF Signals ............................................ 52
Failure code [DDU1FS] Travel lock limit switches 1 and 2: Fixing................................................................ 54
Failure code [DDU1KA] Travel lock limit switch 2: Disconnection................................................................. 56
Failure code [DDU1KY] Travel lock limit switch 2: Short circuit with power supply line ................................ 58
Failure code [DGS1KA] HST oil temperature sensor: Disconnection ........................................................... 60
Failure code [DGS1KX] HST oil temperature sensor: Out of Input signal range .......................................... 62
340 Troubleshooting by failure code (Display of code), Part 4 .........................................................SEN04510-00
Failure code [DHH5KA] Left HST pump pressure sensor: Disconnection .................................................... 4
Failure code [DHH5KB] Left HST pump pressure sensor: Short circuit........................................................ 6
Failure code [DHH6KA] Right HST pump pressure sensor: Disconnection.................................................. 8
Failure code [DHH6KB] Right HST pump pressure sensor: Short circuit ..................................................... 10
Failure code [DK10KA] Fuel dial sensor: Disconnection............................................................................... 12
Failure code [DK10KB] Fuel dial sensor: Short circuit .................................................................................. 14
Failure code [DK30KA] Steering angle sensor 1: Disconnection .................................................................. 16
Failure code [DK30KB] Steering angle sensor 1: Short circuit...................................................................... 18
Failure code [DK30KX] Steering angle sensor: Out of input signal range..................................................... 20
Failure code [DK30KZ] Steering angle sensor: Disconnection or short circuit.............................................. 21
Failure code [DK30L8] Steering angle sensor: Disagreement of analog signals .......................................... 22
Failure code [DK31KA] Steering angle sensor 2: Disconnection .................................................................. 24
Failure code [DK31KB] Steering angle sensor 2: Short circuit...................................................................... 26
Failure code [DK40KA] Brake pedal sensor: Disconnection ......................................................................... 28
Failure code [DK40KB] Brake pedal sensor: Short circuit............................................................................. 30
Failure code [DK55KX] Directional potentiometer: Out of input signal range ............................................... 32
Failure code [DK55KZ] Directional potentiometer: Disconnection or short circuit......................................... 33
Failure code [DK55L8] Directional potentiometer: Disagreement of analog signals ..................................... 34
Failure code [DK56KA] Directional potentiometer 1: Disconnection ............................................................. 36
Failure code [DK56KB] Directional potentiometer 1: Short circuit................................................................. 38
Failure code [DK57KA] Directional potentiometer 2: Disconnection ............................................................. 40
Failure code [DK57KB] Directional potentiometer 2: Short circuit................................................................. 42
Failure code [DLM0KX] HST motor speed sensors: Out of input signal range ............................................. 44
Failure code [DLM1KA] Left HST motor speed sensor: Disconnection ........................................................ 46
Failure code [DLM1KB] Left HST motor speed sensor: Short circuit ............................................................ 48
Failure code [DLM1MA] Left HST motor speed sensor: Malfunction ............................................................ 50
Failure code [DLM2KA] Right HST motor speed sensor: Disconnection ...................................................... 52
Failure code [DLM2KB] Right HST motor speed sensor: Short circuit.......................................................... 54
Failure code [DLM2MA] Right HST motor speed sensor: Malfunction.......................................................... 56
Failure code [DLM3KA] Fan speed sensor: Disconnection........................................................................... 58
Failure code [DLM3KB] Fan speed sensor: Short circuit .............................................................................. 60
350 Troubleshooting by failure code (Display of code), Part 5 .........................................................SEN04511-00
Failure code [DN21FS] Brake pedal and proximity switch: Fixing ................................................................ 4
Failure code [DV00KB] Caution buzzer: Short circuit ................................................................................... 6

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Failure code [DV20KB] Back alarm buzzer: Short circuit .............................................................................. 7

Failure code [DW4BKA] Parking brake solenoid valve: Disconnection ......................................................... 8
Failure code [DW4BKB] Parking brake solenoid valve: Short circuit............................................................. 10
Failure code [DW4BKY] Parking brake solenoid valve: Short circuit with power supply line ........................ 12
Failure code [DW7BKA] Fan reverse solenoid valve: Disconnection ............................................................ 14
Failure code [DW7BKB] Fan reverse solenoid valve: Short circuit................................................................ 16
Failure code [DW7BKY] Fan reverse solenoid valve: Short circuit with power supply line ........................... 17
Failure code [DW7EKA] Slow brake solenoid valve: Disconnection ............................................................. 18
Failure code [DW7EKB] Slow brake solenoid valve: Short circuit ................................................................. 22
Failure code [DW7EKY] Slow brake solenoid valve: Short circuit with power supply line............................. 24
Failure code [DWN5KA] Fan EPC solenoid valve: Disconnection ................................................................ 26
Failure code [DWN5KB] Fan EPC solenoid valve: Short circuit .................................................................... 28
Failure code [DWN5KY] Fan EPC solenoid valve: Short circuit with power supply line................................ 30
Failure code [DXA4KA] LF HST pump EPC solenoid valve: Disconnection ................................................. 32
Failure code [DXA4KB] LF HST pump EPC solenoid valve: Short circuit ..................................................... 34
Failure code [DXA4KY] LF HST pump EPC solenoid valve: Short circuit with power supply line................. 36
Failure code [DXA5KA] LR HST pump EPC solenoid valve: Disconnection ................................................. 38
Failure code [DXA5KB] LR HST pump EPC solenoid valve: Short circuit..................................................... 40
Failure code [DXA5KY] LR HST pump EPC solenoid valve: Short circuit with power supply line ................ 42
Failure code [DXA6KA] RF HST pump EPC solenoid valve: Disconnection................................................. 44
Failure code [DXA6KB] RF HST pump EPC solenoid valve: Short circuit .................................................... 46
Failure code [DXA6KY] RF HST pump EPC solenoid valve: Short circuit with power supply line ................ 47
Failure code [DXA7KA] RR HST pump EPC solenoid valve: Disconnection ................................................ 48
Failure code [DXA7KB] RR HST pump EPC solenoid valve: Short circuit .................................................... 50
Failure code [DXA7KY] RR HST pump EPC solenoid valve: Short circuit with power supply line................ 52
Failure code [DXK1KA] Left HST motor EPC solenoid valve: Disconnection ............................................... 53
Failure code [DXK1KB] Left HST motor EPC solenoid valve: Short circuit ................................................... 54
Failure code [DXK1KY] Left HST motor EPC solenoid valve: Short circuit with power supply line............... 55
Failure code [DXK2KA] Right HST motor EPC solenoid valve: Disconnection ............................................. 56
Failure code [DXK2KB] Right HST motor EPC solenoid valve: Short circuit................................................. 57
Failure code [DXK2KY] Right HST motor EPC solenoid valve: Short circuit with power supply line ............ 58
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode) ......................................................................... SEN04512-01
E-1 Engine does not start (Starting motor does not rotate) ........................................................................... 4
E-2 Engine is not preheated .......................................................................................................................... 7
E-3 When starting switch is turned ON, any item does not light up............................................................... 10
E-4 Charge level caution flashes while engine is running ............................................................................. 12
E-5 Emergency warning items flash while engine is running ........................................................................ 14
E-6 Preheating pilot lamp does not light up during preheating operation...................................................... 20
E-7 The coolant temperature gauge does not indicate correctly. .................................................................. 22
E-8 The HST oil temperature gauge does not indicate correctly. .................................................................. 23
E-9 Fuel level gauge does not indicate properly ........................................................................................... 24
E-10 Gear speed, set travel speed, and shift mode indicator does not display normally .............................. 26
E-11 Multi-information unit does not display normally ................................................................................... 26
E-12 Caution lamp does not flash or does not go off .................................................................................... 27
E-13 Caution buzzer does not sound or does not stop ................................................................................. 28
E-14 Reverse travel speed setting switch does not function ......................................................................... 30
E-15 Shift mode switch does not function ..................................................................................................... 32
E-16 Buzzer cancel switch does not function ................................................................................................ 34
E-17 Information switch does not function..................................................................................................... 36
E-18 The fan cleaning does not operate or cannot be reset ......................................................................... 38
E-19 Backup alarm does not sound .............................................................................................................. 40
E-20 The horn does not sound or does not stop ........................................................................................... 41
E-21 Work equipment does not move ........................................................................................................... 42
E-22 Headlamp or rear lamp does not light up.............................................................................................. 44
E-23 Foot heater does not operate................................................................................................................ 47
E-24 Air conditioner does not operate ........................................................................................................... 50
E-25 Windshield wiper and window washer do not operate .......................................................................... 55
E-26 KOMTRAX system does not operate normally ..................................................................................... 68

D31/37-22 00-100 9
100 Index
SEN04352-09 Table of contents

500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode) ...............................................SEN04513-00

Information in troubleshooting table .............................................................................................................. 3
H-1 Right and left travel systems do not operate forward and in reverse (No travel systems operate) ........ 4
H-2 Right or left travel system does not operate forward and in reverse (Only right or left travel system
does not operate) ................................................................................................................................... 6
H-3 Right or left travel system does not operate forward or in reverse (Only 1 system does not operate)... 7
H-4 Speed or power of travel is low .............................................................................................................. 8
H-5 Gear is not shifted .................................................................................................................................. 9
H-6 Large shocks are made when machine starts and stops travel.............................................................. 10
H-7 Machine deviates largely during travel ................................................................................................... 11
H-8 Hydraulic drift of travel is large ............................................................................................................... 12
H-9 Engine stalls or engine speed lowers extremely during travel ............................................................... 13
H-10 Abnormal sound comes out from around HST pump and motor.......................................................... 14
H-11 Work equipment dose not operate at all............................................................................................... 15
H-12 Speed or power of whole work equipment is low ................................................................................. 16
H-13 Speed or power of lifting blade is low ................................................................................................... 17
H-14 Speed or power of tilting blade is low ................................................................................................... 18
H-15 Speed or power of angling blade is low................................................................................................ 19
H-16 Time lag in lifting blade is large ............................................................................................................ 20
H-17 Hydraulic drift of lifting blade is large.................................................................................................... 20
H-18 Hydraulic drift of tilting blade is large.................................................................................................... 20
H-19 Abnormal sound comes out from around work equipment pump and control valve............................. 21
H-20 HST oil temperature (Hydraulic oil temperature) rises too high ........................................................... 22
H-21 Fan speed is abnormal (High, low, or 0 rpm) ....................................................................................... 24
H-22 Abnormal sound is heard from around fan ........................................................................................... 25
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)..........................................................................................SEN04514-01
Method of using troubleshooting charts ........................................................................................................ 3
S-1 Starting performance is poor .................................................................................................................. 6
S-2 Engine does not start.............................................................................................................................. 7
S-3 Engine does not pick up smoothly.......................................................................................................... 10
S-4 Engine stops during operations .............................................................................................................. 11
S-5 Engine does not rotate smoothly ............................................................................................................ 12
S-6 Engine lacks output (or lacks power)...................................................................................................... 13
S-7 Exhaust smoke is black (incomplete combustion).................................................................................. 14
S-8 Oil consumption is excessive (or exhaust smoke is blue) ...................................................................... 15
S-9 Oil becomes contaminated quickly ......................................................................................................... 16
S-10 Fuel consumption is excessive............................................................................................................. 17
S-11 Oil is in coolant (or coolant spurts back or coolant level goes down) ................................................... 18
S-12 Oil pressure drops ................................................................................................................................ 19
S-13 Oil level rises (Entry of coolant or fuel)................................................................................................. 20
S-14 Coolant temperature becomes too high (overheating) ......................................................................... 21
S-15 Abnormal noise is made ....................................................................................................................... 22
S-16 Vibration is excessive ........................................................................................................................... 23

50 Disassembly and assembly

100 General information on disassembly and assembly ..................................................................SEN04724-01
How to read this manual ............................................................................................................................... 2
Coating materials list..................................................................................................................................... 4
Special tools list............................................................................................................................................. 7
Sketches of special tools............................................................................................................................... 10
200 Engine and cooling system ........................................................................................................SEN04725-01
Removal and installation of fuel supply pump assembly............................................................................... 2
Removal and installation of fuel injector assembly ....................................................................................... 5
Removal and installation of front seal assembly ........................................................................................... 8
Removal and installation of rear seal assembly............................................................................................ 10
Removal and installation of cylinder head assembly .................................................................................... 13
Removal and installation of engine and HST pump assembly...................................................................... 20

00-100 10 D31/37-22
100 Index
Table of contents SEN04352-09

Removal and installation of front guard assembly......................................................................................... 24

Removal and installation of radiator assembly .............................................................................................. 26
Removal and installation of hydraulic oil cooler assembly ............................................................................ 28
Removal and installation of aftercooler assembly ......................................................................................... 30
Removal and installation of cooling fan and motor assembly........................................................................ 32
Removal and installation of cooling fan drive motor assembly...................................................................... 34
Removal and installation of fuel tank assembly............................................................................................. 36
300 Power train ................................................................................................................................ SEN04726-01
Removal and installation of HST pump assembly ......................................................................................... 2
Removal and installation of HST motor and final drive assembly ................................................................. 4
Disassembly and assembly of final drive assembly ...................................................................................... 6
400 Undercarriage and frame .......................................................................................................... SEN04727-01
Spreading and installation of track shoe assembly........................................................................................ 2
Removal and installation of idler and recoil spring assembly ........................................................................ 4
Disassembly and assembly of idler assembly ............................................................................................... 5
Disassembly and assembly of recoil spring assembly .................................................................................. 8
Disassembly and assembly of track roller assembly ..................................................................................... 12
Disassembly and assembly of carrier roller assembly................................................................................... 16
500 Hydraulic system ....................................................................................................................... SEN04728-00
Removal and installation of hydraulic tank assembly .................................................................................... 2
Removal and installation of control valve assembly ...................................................................................... 4
Disassembly and assembly of control valve assembly.................................................................................. 5
Disassembly and assembly of hydraulic cylinder assembly .......................................................................... 7
600 Work equipment ........................................................................................................................ SEN04729-00
Removal and installation of work equipment assembly................................................................................. 2
700 Cab and its attachments............................................................................................................ SEN04730-00
Removal and installation of ROPS canopy and operator seat frame assembly ............................................ 2
Removal and installation of ROPS cab and operator seat frame assembly.................................................. 5
Removal and installation of operator’s cab glass (Stuck glass)..................................................................... 9
800 Electrical system ....................................................................................................................... SEN04731-00
Removal and installation of HST controller assembly ................................................................................... 2
Removal and installation of KOMTRAX terminal assembly........................................................................... 3

90 Diagrams and drawings

100 Hydraulic diagrams and drawings ............................................................................................. SEN04355-02
Work equipment hydraulic circuit diagram..................................................................................................... 3
200 Electrical diagrams and drawings.............................................................................................. SEN04356-02
Electrical circuit diagram................................................................................................................................ 3
Cab electrical circuit diagram ........................................................................................................................ 17
Air conditioner circuit diagram ....................................................................................................................... 21
Connector list and stereogram ...................................................................................................................... 23

D31/37-22 00-100 11

D31/37-22 Bulldozer
Form No. SEN04352-09

00-100 12

Machine model Serial number
D31EX-22 60001 and up
D31PX-22 60001 and up
D37EX-22 60001 and up
D37PX-22 60001 and up

00 Index and foreword 00

200 Foreword and general information

Safety notice ................................................................................................................................................... 2
How to read the shop manual ......................................................................................................................... 7
Explanation of terms for maintenance standard ............................................................................................. 9
Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component .............................................................................11
Handling of connectors newly used for engines ........................................................................................... 20
How to read electric wire code...................................................................................................................... 23
Precautions when carrying out operation...................................................................................................... 26
Method of disassembling and connecting push-pull type coupler................................................................. 29
Standard tightening torque table ................................................................................................................... 32
Conversion table ........................................................................................................................................... 36

D31/37-22 00-200 1
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04353-02 Safety notice

Safety notice 1

Important safety notice

Proper service and repair are extremely important for safe machine operation. The service and repair
techniques recommended by Komatsu and described in this manual are both effective and safe.
Some of these techniques require the use of tools specially designed by Komatsu for the specific
To prevent injury to workers, the symbol k is used to mark safety precautions in this manual. The
cautions accompanying these symbols should always be followed carefully. If any dangerous situa-
tion arises or may possibly arise, first consider safety, and take the necessary actions to deal with
the situation.

1. General precautions 7) If welding repairs are needed, always

k Mistakes in operation are extremely have a trained and experienced welder
dangerous. Read the Operation and carry out the work. When carrying out
Maintenance Manual carefully before w elding work, alw ays wear welding
operating the machine. In addition, gloves, apron, shielding goggles, cap and
read this manual and understand its other clothes suited for welding work.
contents before starting the work. 8) Before starting work, warm up your body
1) Before carrying out any greasing or thoroughly to start work under good condi-
repairs, read all the safety labels stuck to tion.
the machine. For the locations of the 9) Avoid continuing work for long hours and
safety labels and detailed explanation of take rests at proper intervals to keep your
precautions, see the Operation and Main- body in good condition. Take rests in
tenance Manual. specified safe places.
2) Decide a place in the repair workshop to
keep tools and removed parts. Always Safety points
keep the tools and parts in their correct
places. Always keep the work area clean 1 Good arrangement
and make sure that there is no dirt, water, 2 Correct work clothes
or oil on the floor. Smoke only in the areas 3 Following work standard
provided for smoking. Never smoke while
working. 4 Making and checking signs
3) When carrying out any operation, always Prohibition of operation and handling by
wear safety shoes and helmet. Do not unlicensed workers
wear loose work clothes, or clothes with 6 Safety check before starting work
buttons missing.
Wearing protective goggles
q Always wear safety glasses when hit- 7
(for cleaning or grinding work)
ting parts with a hammer.
q Always wear safety glasses when Wearing shielding goggles and protectors
grinding parts with a grinder, etc. (for welding work)
4) When carrying out any operation with 2 or 9 Good physical condition and preparation
more workers, always agree on the oper- Precautions against work which you are
ating procedure before starting. Always 10
not used to or you are used to too much
inform your fellow workers before starting
any step of the operation. Before starting
work, hang UNDER REPAIR warning
signs in the operator's compartment.
5) Only qualified workers must carry out work
and operation which require license or
6) Keep all tools in good condition, learn the
correct way to use them, and use the
proper ones of them. Before starting work,
thoroughly check the tools, machine, fork-
lift, service car, etc.

00-200 2 D31/37-22
200 Foreword and general information
Safety notice SEN04353-02

2. Preparations for work

1) Before adding oil or making any repairs,
park the machine on a hard and level
ground, and apply the parking brake and
block the wheels or tracks to prevent the
machine from moving.
2) Before starting work, lower the work
equipment (blade, ripper, bucket, etc.) to
the ground. If this is not possible, insert
the lock pin or use blocks to prevent the
work equipment from falling. In addition,
be sure to lock all the control levers and
hang warning signs on them.
3) When disassembling or assembling, sup-
port the machine with blocks, jacks, or
stands before starting work. 5) When raising a heavy component (heavier
4) Remove all mud and oil from the steps or than 25 kg), use a hoist or crane. Before
other places used to get on and off the starting work, check that the slings (wire
machine. Always use the handrails, lad- ropes, chains, and hooks) are free from
ders or steps when getting on or off the damage. Always use slings which have
m a c h i n e . N e v e r j u m p o n o r o ff t h e ample capacity and install them to proper
machine. If it is impossible to use the places. Operate the hoist or crane slowly
handrails, ladders or steps, use a stand to to prevent the component from hitting any
provide safe footing. other part. Do not work with any part still
raised by the hoist or crane.
3. Precautions during work 6) When removing a cover which is under
1) Before disconnecting or removing compo- internal pressure or under pressure from a
nents of the oil, water, or air circuits, first spring, always leave 2 bolts in diagonal
release the pressure completely from the positions. Loosen those bolts gradually
circuit. When removing the oil filler cap, a and alternately to release the pressure,
drain plug, or an oil pressure pickup plug, and then remove the cover.
loosen it slowly to prevent the oil from 7) When removing components, be careful
spurting out. not to break or damage the electrical wir-
2) The coolant and oil in the circuits are hot ing. Damaged wiring may cause electrical
when the engine is stopped, so be careful fires.
not to get scalded. Wait for the oil and 8) When removing piping, stop the fuel or oil
coolant to cool before carrying out any from spilling out. If any fuel or oil drips
work on the oil or water circuits. onto the floor, wipe it up immediately. Fuel
3) Before starting work, stop the engine. or oil on the floor can cause you to slip
When working on or around a rotating and can even start fires.
part, in particular, stop the engine. When 9) As a general rule, do not use gasoline to
checking the machine without stopping wash parts. Do not use it to clean electri-
the engine (measuring oil pressure, cal parts, in particular.
revolving speed, temperature, etc.), take 10) Be sure to assemble all parts again in their
extreme care not to get rolled or caught in original places. Replace any damaged
rotating parts or moving parts. parts and parts which must not be reused
4) For the machine equipped with a bat- with new parts. When installing hoses and
tery disconnct switch, turn the battery wires, be sure that they will not be dam-
disconnect switch to the OFF (O) posi- aged by contact with other parts when the
tion and pull the switch key out, before machine is operated.
starting the work. For machines without 11) When installing high pressure hoses,
a battery disconnct switch, remove the make sure that they are not twisted. Dam-
cable from the battery , before starting the aged tubes are dangerous, so be
work. Always remove the cable from the extremely careful when installing tubes for
negative (-) terminal first. high pressure circuits. In addition, check
t h a t c o n n e c t i n g pa r ts a r e c o r r e c t l y

D31/37-22 00-200 3
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04353-02 Safety notice

12) When assembling or installing parts, 7) Limit the hanging angle to 60°, as a rule.
always tighten them to the specified Do not sling a heavy load with ropes form-
torques. When installing protective parts ing a wide hanging angle from the hook.
such as guards, or parts which vibrate vio- When hoisting a load with 2 or more
lently or rotate at high speed, be particu- ropes, the force subjected to each rope
l ar l y c a r e f u l t o c h e c k t h a t t h e y a r e will increase with the hanging angle. The
installed correctly. table below shows the variation of allow-
13) When aligning 2 holes, never insert your able load in kN {kg} when hoisting is made
fingers or hand. Be careful not to get your with 2 ropes, each of which is allowed to
fingers caught in a hole. sling up to 9.8 kN {1,000 kg} vertically, at
14) When measuring hydraulic pressure, various hanging angles. When the 2 ropes
check that the measuring tools are cor- sling a load vertically, up to 19.6 kN {2,000
rectly assembled. kg} of total weight can be suspended.
15) Take care when removing or installing the This weight is reduced to 9.8 kN {1,000
tracks of track-type machines. When kg} when the 2 ropes make a hanging
removing the track, the track separates angle of 120°. If the 2 ropes sling a 19.6
suddenly, so never let anyone stand at kN {2,000 kg} load at a lifting angle of
either end of the track. 150°, each of them is subjected to a force
16) If the engine is operated for a long time in as large as 39.2 kN {4,000 kg}.
a place which is not ventilated well, you
may suffer from gas poisoning. Accord-
ingly, open the windows and doors to ven-
tilate well.

4. Precautions for sling work and making

1) Only one appointed worker must make
signs and co-workers must communicate
with each other frequently. The appointed
sign maker must make specified signs
clearly at a place where he is well seen
from the operator's seat and where he can
see the working condition easily. The sign
maker must always stand in front of the
8) When installing wire ropes to an angular
load and guide the operator safely.
load, apply pads to protect the wire ropes.
q Do not stand under the load.
If the load is slippery, apply proper mate-
q Do not step on the load.
rial to prevent the wire rope from slipping.
2) Check the slings before starting sling
9) Use the specified eyebolts and fix wire
ropes, chains, etc. to them with shackles,
3) Keep putting on gloves during sling work.
(Put on leather gloves, if available.)
10) Apply wire ropes to the middle portion of
4) Measure the weight of the load by the eye
the hook.
and check its center of gravity.
q Slinging near the tip of the hook may
5) Use proper sling according to the weight
cause the rope to slip off the hook
of the load and method of slinging. If too
during hoisting. The hook has the
thick wire ropes are used to sling a light
maximum strength at the middle por-
load, the load may slip and fall.
6) Do not sling a load with 1 wire rope alone.
If it is slung so, it may rotate and may slip
out of the rope. Install 2 or more wire
ropes symmetrically.
k Slinging with 1 rope may cause
turning of the load during hoisting,
untwisting of the rope, or slipping
of the rope from its original wind-
ing position on the load, which can
result in a dangerous accident.

00-200 4 D31/37-22
200 Foreword and general information
Safety notice SEN04353-02

6. Precautions for using overhead hoist crane

k When raising a heavy part (heavier
than 25 kg), use a hoist, etc. In Disas-
sembly and assembly, the weight of a
part heavier than 25 kg is indicated
after the mark of 4.
1) Before starting work, inspect the wire
ropes, brake, clutch, controller, rails, over
wind stop device, electric shock preven-
tion earth leakage breaker, crane collision
prevention device, and power application
warning lamp, and check safety.
2) Observe the signs for sling work.
3) Operate the hoist at a safe place.
4) Check the direction indicator plates (east,
west, south, and north) and the directions
11) Do not use twisted or kinked wire ropes.
of the control buttons without fail.
12) When lifting up a load, observe the follow-
5) Do not sling a load slantingly. Do not move
the crane while the slung load is swinging.
q Wind in the crane slowly until wire
6) Do not raise or lower a load while the
ropes are stretched. When settling
crane is moving longitudinally or laterally.
the wire ropes with the hand, do not
7) Do not drag a sling.
grasp them but press them from
8) When lifting up a load, stop it just after it
above. If you grasp them, your fingers
leaves the ground and check safety, and
may be caught.
then lift it up.
q After the wire ropes are stretched,
9) Consider the travel route in advance and
stop the crane and check the condi-
lift up a load to a safe height.
tion of the slung load, wire ropes, and
10) Place the control switch on a position
where it will not be an obstacle to work
q If the load is unstable or the wire rope
and passage.
or chains are twisted, lower the load
11) After operating the hoist, do not swing the
and lift it up again.
control switch.
q Do not lift up the load slantingly.
12) Remember the position of the main switch
13) When lifting down a load, observe the fol-
so that you can turn off the power immedi-
ately in an emergency.
q When lifting down a load, stop it tem-
13) If the hoist stops because of a power fail-
porarily at 30 cm above the floor, and
ure, turn the power switch OFF. When
then lower it slowly.
turning on a switch which was turned OFF
q Check that the load is stable, and
by the electric shock prevention earth
then remove the sling.
leakage breaker, check that the devices
q Remove kinks and dirt from the wire
related to that switch are not in operation
ropes and chains used for the sling
work, and put them in the specified
14) If you find an obstacle around the hoist,
stop the operation.
15) After finishing the work, stop the hoist at
5. Precautions for using mobile crane
the specified position and raise the hook
a Read the Operation and Maintenance
to at least 2 m above the floor. Do not
Manual of the crane carefully in advance
leave the sling installed to the hook.
and operate the crane safely.

D31/37-22 00-200 5
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04353-02 Safety notice

7. Selecting wire ropes 2) Connection

1) Select adequate ropes depending on the 1] When installing the air conditioner cir-
weight of parts to be hoisted, referring to cuit hoses and tubes, take care that
the table below. dirt, dust, water, etc. will not enter
Wire ropes 2] When connecting the air conditioner
(Standard “Z” twist ropes without galvanizing) hoses and tubes, check that O-rings
(JIS G3525, No. 6, Type 6X37-A) (1) are fitted to their joints.
Nominal 3] Check that each O-ring is not dam-
Allowable load
diameter of rope aged or deteriorated.
mm kN ton 4] When connecting the refrigerant pip-
10 8.8 0.9 ing, apply compressor oil for refriger-
12 12.7 1.3 ant (R134a) (DENSO: ND-OIL8,
14 17.3 1.7 VA L E O T H E R M A L S Y S T E M S :
16 22.6 2.3 ZXL100PG (equivalent to PAG46))
18 28.6 2.9 to its O-rings.
20 35.3 3.6
a Example of O-ring (Fitted to every joint of
25 55.3 5.6
hoses and tubes)
30 79.6 8.1
40 141.6 14.4
50 221.6 22.6
60 318.3 32.4

a The allowable load is one-sixth of the

breaking strength of the rope used
(Safety coefficient: 6).

8. Precautions for disconnecting and con-

necting hoses and tubes in air conditioner
1) Disconnection
k For the environment, the air condi-
tioner of this machine uses the a For tightening torque, see the precautions for
refrigerant (air conditioner gas: installation in each section of "Disassembly
R134a) which has fewer factors of and assembly".
the depletion of the ozone layer.
However, it does not mean that you
may discharge the refrigerant into
the atmosphere as it is. Be sure to
recover the refrigerant when dis-
connecting the refrigerant gas cir-
cuit and then reuse it.
a Ask professional traders for collecting
and filling operation of refrigerant
a Never release the refrigerant (R134a)
to the atmosphere.
k If the refrigerant gas gets in your
eyes or contacts your skin, you
may lose your sight and your skin
may be frozen. Accordingly, put
on safety glasses, safety gloves
and safety clothes when recover-
ing or adding the refrigerant.
Refrigerant gas must be recovered
and added by a qualified person.

00-200 6 D31/37-22
200 Foreword and general information
How to read the shop manual SEN04353-02

How to read the shop manual 1

q Some attachments and optional parts in this shop manual may not be delivered to certain areas. If one
of them is required, consult KOMATSU distributors.
q Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.
q Shop manuals are divided into the “Chassis volume” and “Engine volume”. For the engine unit, see the
engine volume of the engine model mounted on the machine.

1. Composition of shop manual

This shop manual contains the necessary technical information for services performed in a workshop.
For ease of understanding, the manual is divided into the following sections.

00. Index and foreword

This section explains the shop manuals list, table of contents, safety, and basic information.

01. Specification
This section explains the specifications of the machine.

10. Structure, function and maintenance standard

This section explains the structure, function, and maintenance standard values of each component.
The structure and function sub-section explains the structure and function of each component. It
serves not only to give an understanding of the structure, but also serves as reference material for
troubleshooting. The maintenance standard sub-section explains the criteria and remedies for dis-
assembly and service.

20. Standard value table

This section explains the standard values for new machine and judgement criteria for testing,
adjusting, and troubleshooting. This standard value table is used to check the standard values in
testing and adjusting and to judge parts in troubleshooting.

30. Testing and adjusting

This section explains measuring instruments and measuring methods for testing and adjusting, and
method of adjusting each part. The standard values and judgement criteria for testing and adjusting
are explained in Testing and adjusting.

40. Troubleshooting
This section explains how to find out failed parts and how to repair them. The troubleshooting is
divided by failure modes. The “S mode” of the troubleshooting related to the engine may be also
explained in the Chassis volume and Engine volume. In this case, see the Chassis volume.

50. Disassembly and assembly

This section explains the special tools and procedures for removing, installing, disassembling, and
assembling each component, as well as precautions for them. In addition, tightening torque and
quantity and weight of coating material, oil, grease, and coolant necessary for the work are also

90. Diagrams and drawings (chassis volume)/Repair and replacement of parts (engine volume)
q Chassis volume
This section gives hydraulic circuit diagrams and electrical circuit diagrams.
q Engine volume
This section explains the method of reproducing, repairing, and replacing parts.

2. Revision and distribution

Any additions, revisions, or other change of notices will be sent to KOMATSU distributors. Get the most
up-to-date information before you start any work.

D31/37-22 00-200 7
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04353-02 How to read the shop manual

3. Filing method
File by the brochures in the correct order of the form number printed in the shop manual composition

q Revised edition mark

When a manual is revised, the ones and tens digits of the form number of each brochure is
increased by 1. (Example: 00, 01, 02 …)

q Revisions
Revised brochures are shown in the shop manual composition table.

4. Symbols
Important safety and quality portions are marked with the following symbols so that the shop manual will
be used practically.

Symbol Item Remarks

k Safety Special safety precautions are necessary when performing work.

Special technical precautions or other precautions for preserving stan-

a Caution
dards are necessary when performing work.

Weight of parts of component or parts. Caution necessary when
selecting hoisting wire, or when working posture is important, etc.

Tightening Places that require special attention for tightening torque during
torque assembly.

2 Coat Places to be coated with adhesives, etc. during assembly.

Oil, coolant Places where oil, etc. must be added, and capacity.

Drain Places where oil, etc. must be drained, and quantity to be drained.

5. Units
In this shop manual, the units are indicated with International System of units (SI). For reference, con-
ventionally used Gravitational System of units is indicated in parentheses { }.

00-200 8 D31/37-22
200 Foreword and general information
Explanation of terms for maintenance standard SEN04353-02

Explanation of terms for maintenance standard 1

The maintenance standard chapter explains the criteria for replacing or reusing products and parts in the
machine maintenance work. The following terms are used to explain the criteria.

1. Standard size and tolerance

q To be accurate, the finishing size of parts
is a little different from one to another.
q To specify a finishing size of a part, a tem-
porary standard size is set and an allow-
able difference from that size is indicated.
q The above size set temporarily is called
the “standard size” and the range of differ-
ence from the standard size is called the
q The tolerance with the symbols of + or – is
indicated on the right side of the standard

Standard size Tolerance

a The tolerance may be indicated in the text

and a table as [standard size (upper limit
of tolerance/lower limit of tolerance)].
Example) 120 (–0.022/–0.126)

q Usually, the size of a hole and the size of

the shaft to be fitted to that hole are indi-
cated by the same standard size and dif-
ferent tolerances of the hole and shaft.
The tightness of fit is decided by the toler-
q Indication of size of rotating shaft and hole
and relationship drawing of them

Standard size
Shaft Hole
–0.030 +0.046
–0.076 +0

D31/37-22 00-200 9
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04353-02 Explanation of terms for maintenance standard

2. Standard clearance and standard value 5. Clearance limit

q The clearance made when new parts are q Parts can be used until the clearance
assembled is called the “standard clear- between them is increased to a certain
ance“, which is indicated by the range limit. The limit at which those parts cannot
from the minimum clearance to the maxi- be used is called the “clearance limit”.
mum clearance. q If the clearance between the parts
q When some parts are repaired, the clear- exceeds the clearance limit, they must be
ance is generally adjusted to the standard replaced or repaired.
q A value of performance and function of 6. Interference limit
new products or equivalent is called the q The allowable maximum interference
“standard value“, which is indicated by a between the hole of a part and the shaft of
range or a target value. another part to be assembled is called the
q When some parts are repaired, the value “interference limit”.
of performance/function is set to the stan- q The interference limit shows the repair
dard value. limit of the part of smaller tolerance.
q If the interference between the parts
3. Standard interference exceeds the interference limit, they must
q When the diameter of a hole of a part be replaced or repaired.
shown in the given standard size and tol-
erance table is smaller than that of the
mating shaft, the difference between those
diameters is called the “interference”.
q The range (A – B) from the difference (A)
between the minimum size of the shaft
and the maximum size of the hole to the
difference (B) between the maximum size
of the shaft and the minimum size of the
hole is the “standard interference”.
q After repairing or replacing some parts,
measure the size of their hole and shaft
and check that the interference is in the
standard range.

4. Repair limit and allowable value or allow-

able dimension
q The size of a part changes because of
wear and deformation while it is used. The
limit of changed size is called the “repair
q If a part is worn to the repair limit, it must
be replaced or repaired.
q The performance and function of a prod-
uct lowers while it is used. A value which
the product can be used without causing a
problem is called the “allowable value” or
“allowable dimension”.
q If a product is worn to the allowable value,
it must be checked or repaired. Since the
permissible value is estimated from vari-
ous tests or experiences in most cases,
however, it must be judged after consider-
ing the operating condition and customer's

00-200 10 D31/37-22
200 Foreword and general information
Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component SEN04353-02

Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component 1

To maintain the performance of the machine over a long period, and to prevent failures or other troubles
before they occur, correct “operation“, “maintenance and inspection“, “troubleshooting“, and “repairs” must
be carried out. This section deals particularly with correct repair procedures for mechatronics and is aimed at
improving the quality of repairs. For this purpose, it gives sections on “Handling electric equipment” and
“Handling hydraulic equipment” (particularly gear oil and hydraulic oil).

Points to remember when handling electric

1. Handling wiring harnesses and connectors
Wiring harnesses consist of wiring connecting
one component to another component, con-
nectors used for connecting and disconnecting
one wire from another wire, and protectors or
tubes used for protecting the wiring.
Compared with other electrical components fit-
ted in boxes or cases, wiring harnesses are
more likely to be affected by the direct effects
of rain, water, heat, or vibration. Furthermore,
during inspection and repair operations, they
are frequently removed and installed again, so
they are likely to suffer deformation or damage.
For this reason, it is necessary to be extremely
careful when handling wiring harnesses.

2. Main failures occurring in wiring harness

1) Defective contact of connectors (defec-
tive contact between male and female)
Problems with defective contact are likely
to occur because the male connector is
not properly inserted into the female con-
nector, or because one or both of the con-
nectors is deformed or the position is not
correctly aligned, or because there is cor-
rosion or oxidization of the contact sur-
faces. The corroded or oxidized contact
surfaces may become shiny again (and
contact may become normal) by connect-
ing and disconnecting the connector about
10 times.

2) Defective crimping or soldering of connec-

The pins of the male and female connec-
tors are in contact at the crimped terminal
or soldered portion, but if there is exces-
sive force brought to bear on the wiring,
the plating at the joint will peel and cause
improper connection or breakage.

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200 Foreword and general information
SEN04353-02 Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component

3) Disconnections in wiring
If the wiring is held and the connectors are
pulled apart, or components are lifted with
a crane with the wiring still connected, or a
heavy object hits the wiring, the crimping
of the connector may separate, or the sol-
dering may be damaged, or the wiring
may be broken.

4) High-pressure water entering connector

The connector is designed to make it diffi-
cult for water to enter (drip-proof struc-
ture), but if high-pressure water is sprayed
directly on the connector, water may enter
the connector, depending on the direction
of the water jet. Accordingly, take care not
to splash water over the connector. The
connector is designed to prevent water
from entering, but at the same time, if
water does enter, it is difficult for it to be
drained. Therefore, if water should get into
the connector, the pins will be short-cir-
cuited by the water, so if any water gets in,
immediately dry the connector or take
other appropriate action before passing
electricity through it.

5) Oil or dirt stuck to connector

If oil or grease are stuck to the connector
and an oil film is formed on the mating sur-
face between the male and female pins,
the oil will not let the electricity pass, so
there will be defective contact. If there is
oil or grease stuck to the connector, wipe it
off with a dry cloth or blow it dry with com-
pressed air and spray it with a contact
a When wiping the mating portion of the
connector, be careful not to use
excessive force or deform the pins.
a If there is oil or water in the com-
pressed air, the contacts will become
even dirtier, so remove the oil and
water from the compressed air com-
pletely before cleaning with com-
pressed air.

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200 Foreword and general information
Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component SEN04353-02

3. Removing, installing, and drying connec-

tors and wiring harnesses
1) Disconnecting connectors
1] Hold the connectors when discon-
When disconnecting the connectors,
hold the connectors. For connectors
held by a screw, loosen the screw
fully, then hold the male and female
connectors in each hand and pull
apart. For connectors which have a
lock stopper, press down the stopper
with your thumb and pull the connec-
tors apart.
a Never pull with one hand.

2] When removing from clips

q Both of the connector and clip have
stoppers, which are engaged with
each other when the connector is

q When removing a connector from a

clip, pull the connector in a parallel
direction to the clip for removing stop-
a If the connector is twisted up and
down or to the left or right, the
housing may break.

3] Action to take after removing connec-

After removing any connector, cover it
with a vinyl bag to prevent any dust,
dirt, oil, or water from getting in the
connector portion.
a If the machine is left disassem-
bled for a long time, it is particu-
larly easy for improper contact to
occur, so always cover the con-

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200 Foreword and general information
SEN04353-02 Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component

2) Connecting connectors
1] Check the connector visually.
Check that there is no oil, dirt, or
water stuck to the connector pins
(mating portion).
Check that there is no deformation,
defective contact, corrosion, or dam-
age to the connector pins.
Check that there is no damage or
breakage to the outside of the con-
a If there is any oil, water, or dirt
stuck to the connector, wipe it off
with a dry cloth. If any water has
got inside the connector, warm
the inside of the wiring with a
dryer, but be careful not to make
it too hot as this will cause short
a If there is any damage or break-
age, replace the connector.
2] Fix the connector securely.
Align the position of the connector
correctly, and then insert it securely.
For connectors with the lock stopper,
push in the connector until the stop-
per clicks into position.
3] Correct any protrusion of the boot and
any misalignment of the wiring har-
For connectors fitted with boots, cor-
rect any protrusion of the boot. In
addition, if the wiring harness is mis-
aligned, or the clamp is out of posi-
tion, adjust it to its correct position.
a If the connector cannot be cor-
rected easily, remove the clamp
and adjust the position.
q If the connector clamp has been
removed, be sure to return it to
its original position. Check also
that there are no loose clamps.

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200 Foreword and general information
Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component SEN04353-02

3) Heavy duty wire connector (DT 8-pole, 12- q Disconnection q Connection (Example of
pole) incomplete setting of (a))
Disconnection (Left of figure)
While pressing both sides of locks (a)
and (b), pull out female connector (2).
Connection (Right of figure)
1] Push in female connector (2) horizon-
tally until the lock clicks.
Arrow: 1)
2] Since locks (a) and (b) may not be set
completely, push in female connector
(2) while moving it up and down until
the locks are set normally.
Arrow: 1), 2), 3)
a Right of figure: Lock (a) is pulled
down (not set completely) and
lock (b) is set completely.
(1): Male connector
(2): Female connector
(a), (b): Locks

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200 Foreword and general information
SEN04353-02 Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component

4) Drying wiring harness

If there is any oil or dirt on the wiring har-
ness, wipe it off with a dry cloth. Avoid
washing it in water or using steam. If the
connector must be washed in water, do
not use high-pressure water or steam
directly on the wiring harness. If water
gets directly on the connector, do as fol-
1] Disconnect the connector and wipe
off the water with a dry cloth.
a If the connector is blown dry with
compressed air, there is the risk
that oil in the air may cause
defective contact, so remove all
oil and water from the com-
pressed air before blowing with
2] Dry the inside of the connector with a
If water gets inside the connector, use
a dryer to dry the connector.
a Hot air from the dryer can be
used, but regulate the time that
the hot air is used in order not to
make the connector or related
parts too hot, as this will cause
deformation or damage to the
3] Carry out a continuity test on the con-
After drying, leave the wiring harness
disconnected and carry out a continu-
ity test to check for any short circuits
between pins caused by water.
a After completely drying the con-
n e c t o r, b l o w i t w i t h c o n ta c t
restorer and reassemble.

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200 Foreword and general information
Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component SEN04353-02

4. Handling controller
1) The controller contains a microcomputer
and electronic control circuits. These con-
trol all of the electronic circuits on the
machine, so be extremely careful when
handling the controller.
2) Do not place objects on top of the control-
3) Cover the control connectors with tape or
a vinyl bag. Never touch the connector
contacts with your hand.
4) During rainy weather, do not leave the
controller in a place where it is exposed to
5) Do not place the controller on oil, water, or
soil, or in any hot place, even for a short
time. (Place it on a suitable dry stand).
6) Precautions when carrying out arc welding
When carrying out arc welding on the
body, disconnect all wiring harness con-
nectors connected to the controller. Fit an
arc welding ground close to the welding

5. Points to remember when troubleshooting

electric circuits
1) Always turn the power OFF before discon-
necting or connecting connectors.
2) Before carrying out troubleshooting, check
that all the related connectors are properly
a Disconnect and connect the related
connectors several times to check.
3) Always connect any disconnected con-
nectors before going on to the next step.
a If the power is turned ON with the
connectors still disconnected, unnec-
essary abnormality displays will be
4) When carrying out troubleshooting of cir-
cuits (measuring the voltage, resistance,
continuity, or current), move the related
wiring and connectors several times and
check that there is no change in the read-
ing of the tester.
a If there is any change, there is proba-
bly defective contact in that circuit.

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200 Foreword and general information
SEN04353-02 Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component

Points to remember when handling hydraulic equipment

With the increase in pressure and precision of hydraulic equipment, the most common cause of failure is dirt
(foreign material) in the hydraulic circuit. When adding hydraulic oil, or when disassembling or assembling
hydraulic equipment, it is necessary to be particularly careful.

1. Be careful of the operating environment.

Avoid adding hydraulic oil, replacing filters, or
repairing the machine in rain or high winds, or
places where there is a lot of dust.

2. Disassembly and maintenance work in the

If disassembly or maintenance work is carried
out on hydraulic equipment in the field, there is
danger of dust entering the equipment. It is
also difficult to check the performance after
repairs, so it is desirable to use unit exchange.
Disassembly and maintenance of hydraulic
equipment should be carried out in a specially
prepared dustproof workshop, and the perfor-
mance should be checked with special test

3. Sealing openings
After any piping or equipment is removed, the
openings should be sealed with caps, tapes, or
vinyl bags to prevent any dirt or dust from
entering. If the opening is left open or is
blocked with a rag, there is danger of dirt
entering or of the surrounding area being
made dirty by leaking oil so never do this. Do
not simply drain oil out onto the ground, but
collect it and ask the customer to dispose of it,
or take it back with you for disposal.

4. Do not let any dirt or dust get in during

refilling operations
Be careful not to let any dirt or dust get in when
refilling with hydraulic oil. Always keep the oil
filler and the area around it clean, and also use
clean pumps and oil containers. If an oil clean-
ing device is used, it is possible to filter out the
dirt that has collected during storage, so this is
an even more effective method.

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Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component SEN04353-02

5. Change hydraulic oil when the temperature

is high
When hydraulic oil or other oil is warm, it flows
easily. In addition, the sludge can also be
drained out easily from the circuit together with
the oil, so it is best to change the oil when it is
still warm. When changing the oil, as much as
possible of the old hydraulic oil must be
drained out. (Drain the oil from the hydraulic
tank; also drain the oil from the filter and from
the drain plug in the circuit.) If any old oil is left,
the contaminants and sludge in it will mix with
the new oil and will shorten the life of the
hydraulic oil.

6. Flushing operations
After disassembling and assembling the equip-
ment, or changing the oil, use flushing oil to
remove the contaminants, sludge, and old oil
from the hydraulic circuit. Normally, flushing is
carried out twice: primary flushing is carried
out with flushing oil, and secondary flushing is
carried out with the specified hydraulic oil.

7. Cleaning operations
After repairing the hydraulic equipment (pump,
control valve, etc.) or when running the
machine, carry out oil cleaning to remove the
sludge or contaminants in the hydraulic oil cir-
cuit. The oil cleaning equipment is used to
remove the ultra fine (about 3 m) particles that
the filter built in the hydraulic equipment can-
not remove, so it is an extremely effective

D31/37-22 00-200 19
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04353-02 Handling of connectors newly used for engines

Handling of connectors newly used for engines 1

a Mainly, following engines are object for follow- 2. Pull lock type (PACKARD-2)
ing connectors. q 95 – 170, 12V140 engines
q 95E-5 q Various temperature sensors
q 107E-1 Example)
q 114E-3 Intake air temperature sensor in
q 125E-5 intake manifold: TIM
q 140E-5 Fuel temperature sensor: TFUEL
q 170E-5 Oil temperature sensor: TOIL
q 12V140E-3 Coolant temperature sensor: TWTR,
1. Slide lock type Disconnect the connector by pulling lock
(FRAMATOME-3, FRAMATOME-2) (B) (on the wiring harness side) of connec-
q 95 – 170, 12V140 engines tor (2) outward.
q Various pressure sensors and NE
speed sensor
Intake air pressure sensor in intake
manifold: PIM
(125, 170, 12V140 engines)
Oil pressure sensor: POIL
(125, 170, 12V140 engines)
Oil pressure switch
(95, 107, 114 engines)
Ne speed sensor of flywheel housing:
NE (95 – 170, 12V140 engines)
Ambient pressure sensor: PAMB
(125, 170, 12V140 engines)

Disconnect connector (1) according to the fol-

lowing procedure.
1) Slide lock (L1) to the right.
2) While pressing lock (L2), pull out connec-
tor (1) toward you.
a Even if lock (L2) is pressed, connec-
tor (1) cannot be pulled out toward
you, if part A does not float. In this
case, float part A with a small screw-
driver while press lock (L2), and then
pull out connector (1) toward you.

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Handling of connectors newly used for engines SEN04353-02

3. Push lock type

q 95, 107, 114 engines
Fuel pressure sensor in common rail

Disconnect connector (3) according to the fol-

lowing procedure.
1) While pressing lock (C), pull out connector
(3) in the direction of the arrow.

q 114 engine

q 107, 114 engines

Intake air pressure/temperature sensor in
intake manifold

3) While pressing lock (D), pull out connector

(4) in the direction of the arrow.

q 107 engine

a If the lock is on the underside, use

flat-head screwdriver [1] since you
cannot insert your fingers.
2) While pressing up lock (C) of the connec-
tor with flat-head screwdriver [1], pull out
connector (3) in the direction of the arrow.

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200 Foreword and general information
SEN04353-02 Handling of connectors newly used for engines

q 95, 125 – 170, 12V140 engines 4. Turn-housing type (Round green connector)
4) While pressing lock (E) of the connector, q 140 engine
pull out connector (5) in the direction of Example)
the arrow. Intake air pressure sensor in intake mani-
fold (CANNON-04): PIM etc.
Fuel pressure sensor in common rail: 1) Disconnect connector (6) according to the
PFUEL etc. (AMP-3) following procedure.
1] Turn housing (H1) in the direction of
the arrow.
a When connector is unlocked,
housing (H1) becomes heavy to
2] Pull out housing (H1) in the direction
of the arrow.
a Housing (H1) is left on the wiring har-
ness side.

Injection pressure control valve of fuel
supply pump: PCV (SUMITOMO-2)

2) Connect the connector according to the

following procedure.
1] Insert the connector to the end, while
setting its groove.
2] Turn housing (H1) in the direction of
the arrow until it “clicks”.

Speed sensor of fuel supply pump:
a Pull the connector straight up.

00-200 22 D31/37-22
200 Foreword and general information
How to read electric wire code SEN04353-02

How to read electric wire code 1

a The information about the wires unique to each machine model is described in Troubleshooting section,
Relational information of troubleshooting.

In the electric circuit diagram, the material, thickness, and color of each electric wire are indicated by sym-
bols. The electric wire code is helpful in understanding the electric circuit diagram.

Example: AEX 0.85 L - - - Indicates blue, heat-resistant, low-voltage wire for automobile, having nomi-
nal No. of 0.85
Indicates color of wire by color code.
Color codes are shown in Table 3.

Indicates size of wire by nominal No.

Size (Nominal No.) is shown in Table 2.

Indicates type of wire by symbol.

Type, symbol, and material of wire are shown in Table 1.
(Since AV and AVS are classified by size (nominal No.), they are not indi-

1. Type, symbol, and material

AV and AVS are different in only thickness and outside diameter of the cover. AEX is similar to AV in
thickness and outside diameter of AEX and different from AV and AVS in material of the cover.

(Table 1)
Type Material temperature Example of use
range (°C)
Low-voltage Conduc- Annealed copper for elec-
tor tric appliance General wiring
wire for AV
(Nominal No. 5 and above)
automobile Insulator Soft polyvinyl chloride
Thin-cover Conduc- Annealed copper for elec- –30 to +60
low-voltage tor tric appliance General wiring
wire for (Nominal No. 3 and below)
Insulator Soft polyvinyl chloride
Heat-resis- Conduc- Annealed copper for elec-
General wiring in extremely
tant low-volt- tor tric appliance
AEX –50 to +110 cold district, wiring at high-tem-
age wire for Heat-resistant crosslinked
Insulator perature place
automobile polyethylene

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200 Foreword and general information
SEN04353-02 How to read electric wire code

2. Dimensions

(Table 2)
Nominal No. 0.5f (0.5) 0.75f (0.85) 1.25f (1.25) 2f 2 3f 3 5
Number of
strands/Diam- 20/0.18 7/0.32 30/0.18 11/0.32 50/0.18 16/0.32 37/0.26 26/0.32 58/0.26 41/0.32 65/0.32
eter of strand
0.51 0.56 0.76 0.88 1.27 1.29 1.96 2.09 3.08 3.30 5.23
area (mm2)
d (approx.) 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.9 1.9 2.3 2.4 3.0
AVS Standard 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.9 2.9 3.5 3.6 –
AV Standard – – – – – – – 4.6
er D
AEX Standard 2.0 2.2 2.7 3.0 3.1 – 3.8 4.6

Nominal No. 8 15 20 30 40 50 60 85 100

Number of
strands/Diam- 50/0.45 84/0.45 41/0.80 70/0.80 85/0.80 108/0.80 127/0.80 169/0.80 217/0.80
eter of strand
7.95 13.36 20.61 35.19 42.73 54.29 63.84 84.96 109.1
area (mm2)
d (approx.) 3.7 4.8 6.0 8.0 8.6 9.8 10.4 12.0 13.6
AVS Standard – – – – – – – – –
AV Standard 5.5 7.0 8.2 10.8 11.4 13.0 13.6 16.0 17.6
er D
AEX Standard 5.3 7.0 8.2 10.8 11.4 13.0 13.6 16.0 17.6

“f” of nominal No. denotes flexible”.

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200 Foreword and general information
How to read electric wire code SEN04353-02

3. Color codes table

(Table 3)
Color Code Color of wire Color Code Color of wire
B Black LgW Light green & White
Br Brown LgY Light green & Yellow
BrB Brown & Black LR Blue & Red
BrR Brown & Red LW Blue & White
BrW Brown & White LY Blue & Yellow
BrY Brown & Yellow O Orange
Ch Charcoal P Pink
Dg Dark green R Red
G Green RB Red & Black
GB Green & Black RG Red & Green
GL Green & Blue RL Red & Blue
Gr Gray RW Red & White
GR Green & Red RY Red & Yellow
GW Green & White Sb Sky Blue
GY Green & Yellow Y Yellow
L Blue YB Yellow & Black
LB Blue & Black YG Yellow &Green
Lg Light green YL Yellow & Blue
LgB Light green & Black YR Yellow & Red
LgR Light green & Red YW Yellow & White

Remarks: In a color code consisting of 2 colors, the first color is the color of the background and
the second color is the color of the marking.
Example: “GW” means that the background is Green and marking is White.

4. Types of circuits and color codes

(Table 4)
Type of wire AVS or AV AEX
Charge R WG – – – – R –
Ground B – – – – – B –
Start R – – – – – R –
Light RW RB RY RG RL – D –
Instrument Y YR YB YG YL YW Y Gr
Signal G GW GR GY GB GL G Br
Type of
Br BrW BrR BrY BrB – – –
Lg LgR LgY LgB LgW – – –
O – – – – – – –
Others Gr – – – – – – –
P – – – – – – –
Sb – – – – – – –
Dg – – – – – – –
Ch – – – – – – –

D31/37-22 00-200 25
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04353-02 Precautions when carrying out operation

Precautions when carrying out operation 1

[When carrying out removal or installation (disassembly or assembly) of units, be sure to follow the general
precautions given below when carrying out the operation.]

1. Precautions when carrying out removal work

q If the coolant contains antifreeze, dispose of it correctly.
q After disconnecting hoses or tubes, cover them or fit plugs to prevent dirt or dust from entering.
q When draining oil, prepare a container of adequate size to catch the oil.
q Confirm the match marks showing the installation position, and make match marks in the necessary
places before removal to prevent any mistake when assembling.
q To prevent any excessive force from being applied to the wiring, always hold the connectors when dis-
connecting the connectors. Do not pull the wires.
q Fit wires and hoses with tags to show their installation position to prevent any mistake when installing.
q Check the number and thickness of the shims, and keep in a safe place.
q When raising components, be sure to use lifting equipment of ample strength.
q When using forcing screws to remove any components, tighten the forcing screws uniformly in turn.
q Before removing any unit, clean the surrounding area and fit a cover to prevent any dust or dirt from
entering after removal.
a Precautions when handling piping during disassembly
Fit the following plugs into the piping after disconnecting it during disassembly operations.
1) Face seal type hoses and tubes
Plug (nut end) Sleeve nut (elbow end)
02 07376-70210 02789-20210
03 07376-70315 02789-20315
04 07376-70422 02789-20422
05 07376-70522 02789-20522
06 07376-70628 02789-20628
10 07376-71034 07221-21034
12 07376-71234 07221-21234

2) Split flange type hoses and tubes

Flange (hose end) Sleeve head (tube end) Split flange
04 07379-00400 07378-10400 07371-30400
05 07379-00500 07378-10500 07371-30500

3) If the part is not under hydraulic pressure, the following corks can be used.
Nominal Dimensions
Part Number
number D d L
06 07049-00608 6 5 8
08 07049-00811 8 6.5 11
10 07049-01012 10 8.5 12
12 07049-01215 12 10 15
14 07049-01418 14 11.5 18
16 07049-01620 16 13.5 20
18 07049-01822 18 15 22
20 07049-02025 20 17 25
22 07049-02228 22 18.5 28
24 07049-02430 24 20 30
27 07049-02734 27 22.5 34

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200 Foreword and general information
Precautions when carrying out operation SEN04353-02

2. Precautions when carrying out installation work

q Tighten all bolts and nuts (sleeve nuts) to the specified (KES) torque.
q Install the hoses without twisting or interference and fix them with intermediate clamps, if there are any.
q Replace all gaskets, O-rings, cotter pins, and lock plates with new parts.
q Bend the cotter pins and lock plates securely.
q When coating with adhesive, clean the part and remove all oil and grease, then coat the threaded por-
tion with 2 – 3 drops of adhesive.
q When coating with gasket sealant, clean the surface and remove all oil and grease, check that there is
no dirt or damage, then coat uniformly with gasket sealant.
q Clean all parts, and correct any damage, dents, burrs, or rust.
q Coat rotating parts and sliding parts with engine oil.
q When press fitting parts, coat the surface with anti-friction compound (LM-P).
q After fitting snap rings, check that the snap ring is fitted securely in the ring groove.
q When connecting wiring connectors, clean the connector to remove all oil, dirt, or water, then connect
q When using eyebolts, check that there is no deformation or deterioration, screw them in fully, and align
the direction of the hook.
q When tightening split flanges, tighten uniformly in turn to prevent excessive tightening on one side.

a When operating the hydraulic cylinders for the first time after reassembling cylinders, pumps and other
hydraulic equipment removed for repair, always bleed the air as follows:
1) Start the engine and run at low idle.
2) Operate the work equipment control lever to operate the hydraulic cylinder 4 – 5 times, stopping the
cylinder 100 mm from the end of its stroke.
3) Next, operate the hydraulic cylinder 3 – 4 times to the end of its stroke.
4) After doing this, run the engine at normal speed.
a When using the machine for the first time after repair or long storage, follow the same procedure.

3. Precautions when completing the operation

1) Refilling with coolant, oil and grease
q If the coolant has been drained, tighten the drain valve, and add coolant to the specified level.
Run the engine to circulate the coolant through the system. Then check the coolant level
q If the hydraulic equipment has been removed and installed again, add engine oil to the speci-
fied level. Run the engine to circulate the oil through the system. Then check the oil level
q If the piping or hydraulic equipment have been removed, always bleed the air from the system
after reassembling the parts.
a For details, see Testing and adjusting, “Bleeding air”.
q Add the specified amount of grease (molybdenum disulphide grease) to the work equipment
2) Checking cylinder head and manifolds for looseness
Check the cylinder head and intake and exhaust manifold for looseness.
If any part is loosened, retighten it.
q For the tightening torque, see “Disassembly and assembly”.
3) Checking engine piping for damage and looseness
Intake and exhaust system
Check the piping for damage, the mounting bolts and nuts for looseness, and the joints for air
suction and exhaust gas leakage.
If any part is loosened or damaged, retighten or repair it.
Cooling system
Check the piping for damage, the mounting bolts and nuts for looseness, and the joints for
coolant leakage.
If any part is loosened or damaged, retighten or repair it.
Fuel system
Check the piping for damage, the mounting bolts and nuts for looseness, and the joints for fuel
If any part is loosened or damaged, retighten or repair it.

D31/37-22 00-200 27
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04353-02 Precautions when carrying out operation

4) Checking muffler and exhaust pipe for damage and looseness

1] Visually check the muffler, exhaust pipe and their mounting parts for a crack and damage.
If any part is damaged, replace it.
2] Check the mounting bolts and nuts of the muffler, exhaust pipe and their mounting parts for
If any bolt or nut is loosened, retighten it.
5) Checking muffler function
Check the muffler for abnormal sound and sound different from that of a new muffler.
If any abnormal sound is heard, repair the muffler, referring to “Troubleshooting” and “Disassembly
and assembly”.

00-200 28 D31/37-22
200 Foreword and general information
Method of disassembling and connecting push-pull type coupler SEN04353-02

Method of disassembling and connecting push-pull type coupler 1

k Before carrying out the following work, loosen the oil filler cap of the hydraulic tank gradually to
release the residual pressure from the hydraulic tank.
k Even if the residual pressure is released from the hydraulic tank, some hydraulic oil flows out
when the hose is disconnected. Accordingly, prepare an oil receiving container.

Type 1

1. Disconnection
1) Hold adapter (1) and push hose joint (2)
into mating adapter (3). (Fig. 1)
a The adapter can be pushed in about
3.5 mm.
a Do not hold rubber cap portion (4).
2) After hose joint (2) is pushed into adapter
(3), press rubber cap portion (4) against
adapter (3) until it clicks. (Fig. 2)
3) Hold hose adapter (1) or hose (5) and pull
it out. (Fig. 3)
a Since some hydraulic oil flows out,
prepare an oil receiving container.

2. Connection
1) Hold hose adapter (1) or hose (5) and
insert it in mating adapter (3), aligning
them with each other. (Fig. 4)
a Do not hold rubber cap portion (4).
2) After inserting the hose in the mating
adapter perfectly, pull it back to check its
connecting condition. (Fig. 5)
a When the hose is pulled back, the
rubber cap portion moves toward the
hose about 3.5 mm. This does not
indicate abnormality, however.

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200 Foreword and general information
SEN04353-02 Method of disassembling and connecting push-pull type coupler

Type 2

1. Disconnection
1) Hold the tightening portion and push body
(7) straight until sliding prevention ring (6)
contacts contact surface (a) of the hexag-
onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 6)
2) While holding the condition of Step 1), turn
lever (8) to the right (clockwise). (Fig. 7)
3) While holding the condition of Steps 1)
and 2), pull out whole body (7) to discon-
nect it. (Fig. 8)

2. Connection
q Hold the tightening portion and push body
(7) straight until sliding prevention ring (6)
contacts contact surface (a) of the hexag-
onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 9)

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200 Foreword and general information
Method of disassembling and connecting push-pull type coupler SEN04353-02

Type 3

1. Disconnection
1) Hold the tightening portion and push body
(9) straight until sliding prevention ring (8)
contacts contact surface (b) of the hexag-
onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 10)
2) While holding the condition of Step 1),
push cover (10) straight until it contacts
contact surface (b) of the hexagonal por-
tion at the male end. (Fig. 11)
3) While holding the condition of Steps 1)
and 2), pull out whole body (9) to discon-
nect it. (Fig. 12)

2. Connection
q Hold the tightening portion and push body
(9) straight until the sliding prevention ring
contacts contact surface (b) of the hexag-
onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 13)

D31/37-22 00-200 31
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04353-02 Standard tightening torque table

Standard tightening torque table 1

1. Table of tightening torques for bolts and nuts

a Unless there are special instructions, tighten metric nuts and bolts to the torque below.

a The following table applies to the bolts in Fig. A.

Thread diameter of bolt Width across flats Tightening torque

mm mm Nm kgm
6 10 11.8 – 14.7 1.2 – 1.5
8 13 27 – 34 2.8 – 3.5
10 17 59 – 74 6.0 – 7.5
12 19 98 – 123 10.0 – 12.5
14 22 157 – 196 16 – 20
16 24 245 – 309 25 – 31.5
18 27 343 – 427 35 – 43.5
20 30 490 – 608 50 – 62
22 32 662 – 829 67.5 – 84.5
24 36 824 – 1,030 84 – 105
27 41 1,180 – 1,470 120 – 150
30 46 1,520 – 1,910 155 – 195
33 50 1,960 – 2,450 200 – 250
36 55 2,450 – 3,040 250 – 310
39 60 2,890 – 3,630 295 – 370

a The following table applies to the bolts in Fig. B.

Thread diameter of bolt Width across flats Tightening torque

mm mm Nm kgm
6 10 5.9 – 9.8 0.6 – 1.0
8 13 13.7 – 23.5 1.4 – 2.4
10 14 34.3 – 46.1 3.5 – 4.7
12 27 74.5 – 90.2 7.6 – 9.2

a Fig. A a Fig. B

Remarks: The widths across flats against the thread diameters of flanged bolts (marks with "*") in Fig. A are
the ones indicated in the table for bolts shown in Fig. B.
(Values of tightening torques shown in the table for Fig. A are applied.)

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200 Foreword and general information
Standard tightening torque table SEN04353-02

2. Table of tightening torques for split flange bolts

a Unless there are special instructions, tighten split flange bolts to the torque below.

Thread diameter of bolt Width across flats Tightening torque

mm mm Nm kgm
10 14 59 – 74 6.0 – 7.5
12 17 98 – 123 10.0 – 12.5
16 22 235 – 285 23.5 – 29.5

3. Table of tightening torques for O-ring boss piping joints

a Unless there are special instructions, tighten O-ring boss piping joints to the torque below.

Thread diameter Width across flats Tightening torque Nm {kgm}

Nominal No.
mm mm Range Target
02 14 35 – 63 { 3.5 – 6.5} 44 { 4.5}
03,04 20 Varies depending 84 – 132 { 8.5 – 13.5} 103 {10.5}
05,06 24 on type of connec- 128 – 186 {13.0 – 19.0} 157 {16.0}
10,12 33 tor. 363 – 480 {37.0 – 49.0} 422 {43.0}
14 42 746 – 1,010 {76.0 – 103} 883 {90.0}

4. Table of tightening torques for O-ring boss plugs

a Unless there are special instructions, tighten O-ring boss plugs to the torque below.

Nominal Thread diameter Width across flats Tightening torque Nm {kgm}

No. mm mm Range Target
08 8 14 5.88 – 8.82 {0.6 – 0.9} 7.35 {0.75}
10 10 17 9.81 – 12.74 {1.0 – 1.3} 11.27 {1.15}
12 12 19 14.7 – 19.6 {1.5 – 2.0} 17.64 {1.8}
14 14 22 19.6 – 24.5 {2.0 – 2.5} 22.54 {2.3}
16 16 24 24.5 – 34.3 {2.5 – 3.5} 29.4 {3.0}
18 18 27 34.3 – 44.1 {3.5 – 4.5} 39.2 {4.0}
20 20 30 44.1 – 53.9 {4.5 – 5.5} 49.0 {5.0}
24 24 32 58.8 – 78.4 {6.0 – 8.0} 68.6 {7.0}
30 30 32 93.1 – 122.5 { 9.5 – 12.5} 107.8 {11.0}
33 33 – 107.8 – 147.0 {11.0 – 15.0} 127.4 {13.0}
36 36 36 127.4 – 176.4 {13.0 – 18.0} 151.9 {15.5}
42 42 – 181.3 – 240.1 {18.5 – 24.5} 210.7 {21.5}
52 52 – 274.4 – 367.5 {28.0 – 37.5} 323.4 {33.0}

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200 Foreword and general information
SEN04353-02 Standard tightening torque table

5. Table of tightening torques for hoses (taper seal type and face seal type)
a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the hoses (taper seal type and face seal type) to the
torque below.
a Apply the following torque when the threads are coated (wet) with engine oil.

Tightening torque Nm {kgm} Taper seal Face seal

Nominal Width Nominal No. –
No. of across Thread
Thread size Number of
hose flats Range Target diameter (mm)
(mm) threads, type of
34 – 54 { 3.5 – 5.5} – 9/16-18UN 14.3
02 19 44 { 4.5}
34 – 63 { 3.5 – 6.5} 14 – –
22 54 – 93 { 5.5 – 9.5} 74 { 7.5} – 11/16-16UN 17.5
24 59 – 98 { 6.0 – 10.0} 78 { 8.0} 18 – –
04 27 84 – 132 { 8.5 – 13.5} 103 {10.5} 22 13/16-16UN 20.6
05 32 128 – 186 {13.0 – 19.0} 157 {16.0} 24 1-14UNS 25.4
06 36 177 – 245 {18.0 – 25.0} 216 {22.0} 30 1-3/16-12UN 30.2
(10) 41 177 – 245 {18.0 – 25.0} 216 {22.0} 33 – –
(12) 46 197 – 294 {20.0 – 30.0} 245 {25.0} 36 – –
(14) 55 246 – 343 {25.0 – 35.0} 294 {30.0} 42 – –

6. Table of tightening torques for face seal joints

a Tighten the face seal joints (sleeve nut type) made of plated steel pipes for low pressure service to
be used for engines etc. to the torque shown in the following table.
a Apply the following torque to the face seal joint while their threaded parts are coated with engine oil

Outer Width Tightening torque Nm {kgm} Face seal

diameter across Nominal No. – Thread diameter
of pipe flats Range Target Number of threads, (mm)
(mm) (mm) type of thread (Reference)
8 19 14 – 16 {1.4 – 1.6} 15 {1.5} 9/16-18UN 14.3
10 22 24 – 27 {2.4 – 2.7} 25.5 {2.6} 11/16-16UN 17.5
12 24 (27) 43 – 47 {4.4 – 4.8} 45 {4.6} 13/16-16UN 20.6
15 (16) 30 (32) 60 – 68 {6.1 – 6.8} 64 {6.5} 1-14UN 25.4
22 (20) 36 90 – 95 {9.2 – 9.7} 92.5 {9.4} 1-3/16-12UN 30.2
Reference: The face seal joints of the dimensions in ( ) are also used, depending on the specification.

7. Table of tightening torques for 102, 107 and 114 engine series (Bolts and nuts)
a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the metric bolts and nuts of the 102, 107 and 114
engine series to the torque below.

Tightening torque
Thread size
Bolts and nuts
mm Nm kgm
6 10 ± 2 1.02 ± 0.20
8 24 ± 4 2.45 ± 0.41
10 43 ± 6 4.38 ± 0.61
12 77 ± 12 7.85 ± 1.22
14 — —

00-200 34 D31/37-22
200 Foreword and general information
Standard tightening torque table SEN04353-02

8. Table of tightening torques for 102, 107 and 114 engine series (Eye joints)
a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the metric eye joints of the 102, 107 and 114 engine
series to the torque below.

Thread size Tightening torque

mm Nm kgm
6 8±2 0.81 ± 0.20
8 10 ± 2 1.02 ± 0.20
10 12 ± 2 1.22 ± 0.20
12 24 ± 4 2.45 ± 0.41
14 36 ± 5 3.67 ± 0.51

9. Table of tightening torques for 102, 107 and 114 engine series (Taper screws)
a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the taper screws (unit: inch) of the 102, 107 and 114
engine series to the torque below.

Tightening torque
Material In cast iron or steel In aluminum
Thread size (inch) Nm kgm Nm kgm
1/16 15 ± 2 1.53 ± 0.20 5±1 0.51 ± 0.10
1/8 20 ± 2 2.04 ± 0.20 15 ± 2 1.53 ± 0.20
1/4 25 ± 3 2.55 ± 0.31 20 ± 2 2.04 ± 0.20
3/8 35 ± 4 3.57 ± 0.41 25 ± 3 2.55 ± 0.31
1/2 55 ± 6 5.61 ± 0.61 35 ± 4 3.57 ± 0.41
3/4 75 ± 8 7.65 ± 0.82 45 ± 5 4.59 ± 0.51

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200 Foreword and general information
SEN04353-02 Conversion table

Conversion table 1

Method of using the conversion table

The conversion table in this section is provided to enable simple conversion of figures. For details of the
method of using the conversion table, see the example given below.

Example: Method of using the conversion table to convert from millimeters to inches

1. Convert 55 mm into inches.

1) Locate the number 50 in the vertical column at the left side, take this as (A), and then draw a hori-
zontal line from (A).
2) Locate the number 5 in the row across the top, take this as (B), then draw a perpendicular line down
from (B).
3) Take the point where the 2 lines cross as (C). This point (C) gives the value when converting from
millimeters to inches. Therefore, 55 mm = 2.165 inches.

2. Convert 550 mm into inches.

1) The number 550 does not appear in the table, so divide it by 10 (move the decimal point one place
to the left) to convert it to 55 mm.
2) Carry out the same procedure as above to convert 55 mm to 2.165 inches.
3) The original value (550 mm) was divided by 10, so multiply 2.165 inches by 10 (move the decimal
point one place to the right) to return to the original value. This gives 550 mm = 21.65 inches.

Millimeters to inches (B)

1 mm = 0.03937 in
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0.039 0.079 0.118 0.157 0.197 0.236 0.276 0.315 0.354
10 0.394 0.433 0.472 0.512 0.551 0.591 0.630 0.669 0.709 0.748
20 0.787 0.827 0.866 0.906 0.945 0.984 1.024 1.063 1.102 1.142
30 1.181 1.220 1.260 1.299 1.339 1.378 1.417 1.457 1.496 1.536
40 1.575 1.614 1.654 1.693 1.732 1.772 1.811 1.850 1.890 1.929
50 1.969 2.008 2.047 2.087 2.126 2.165 2.205 2.244 2.283 2.323
60 2.362 2.402 2.441 2.480 2.520 2.559 2.598 2.638 2.677 2.717
70 2.756 2.795 2.835 2.874 2.913 2.953 2.992 3.032 3.071 3.110
80 3.150 3.189 3.228 3.268 3.307 3.346 3.386 3.425 3.465 3.504
90 3.543 3.583 3.622 3.661 3.701 3.740 3.780 3.819 3.858 3.898

00-200 36 D31/37-22
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