Spectres of Brocken Digital Singles Release V1.1
Spectres of Brocken Digital Singles Release V1.1
Spectres of Brocken Digital Singles Release V1.1
No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored
in a database or retrieval system (except for short excerpts for journalistic or review purposes), without the
prior express permission of the publisher. The publisher grants express permission to anyone reproducing or
copying this publication for personal use via secure means in order to facilitate gameplay.
If you’d like to create Spectres of Brocken-related content, I’d like to help. Contact me at aaron.jf.lim@gmail.com.
I remember those hot summer days when
» A NOTE ON THEMES: Spectres of Brocken deals with
themes of war and violence, and often touches on the abuses
of state power through education, indoctrination, othering,
and the monopoly of violence. Before deciding to play this
game, make sure all players are aware of these themes and
can feel comfortable playing with them.
The section on Boundaries and Environment on page 12 > Boundaries and
provides further procedures on how to calibrate player Environment [12]
expectations and boundaries.
This game draws inspiration from the following media:
Mobile Suit Gundam and its successors (in particular Gundam
AGE and The Witch From Mercury), Break Blade, Fire Emblem:
Three Houses, Naruto, Spider-Man 2, and Friends at the Table’s
COUNTER/Weight season.
In particular I’m inspired by how characters who grew
up together, spurring each other on as friends, end up
fighting each other later on due to differing ideologies or the
circumstances of where they were born.
I’m also drawn to how mechs and armour anonymise
combatants, while still being a vector of characterisation in
these stories. How identities are hidden from each other, such
that you might not even know who you are fighting against.
I also just love time skips.
You don’t have to be familiar with all the touchstones above
to engage with the game, but it helps to understand their A Brocken spectre,
shared themes - the tragedy of how the conditions of conflict also called Brocken
can turn friends against each other, how the hopes and bow, mountain
desires of youth are consumed to fuel wars that care not for spectre, or spectre
their benefit, how the technologies of violence simultaneously of the Brocken is the
amplify human ability while dehumanising their users. magnified shadow of
This game also draws design influences from Avery an observer cast in
Alder and Benjamin Rosenbaum’s Dream Apart/Dream mid air upon any type
Askew, Meguey and Vincent Baker’s Mobile Frame Zero: of cloud opposite to a
Firebrands, Fred Hicks and Rob Donoghue’s Fate, Adam Vass’ strong light source.
Necronautilus, and Melody Watson’s On Mighty Wheels.
› these rules,
//////////////// FLAW FEATURE 4
Raise Your Flag Stack The Deck See Through The Mask I’ve Got This
When another player’s actions in a Scene When you introduce an event, complication, SPEND A WORD to tell another Pilot who you SPEND A WORD to make a pivotal impact
excites you about its possible implications, or action to the Scene that highlights a think they are, offering a new option on the Scene that highlights one of your
ADD TO THE WORD BANK. Word in the Word Bank, GAIN THAT WORD. of a Trait or Bond. Then ask them this: Pilot’s Traits or Bonds; or to use one of the
“Have I hit on something true about you?” Situation’s Pivots. If that Trait or Bond is
› If they answer “Yes”, they GAIN A WORD not yet filled in or you decide to erase it,
Show My Face Find The Answer
Raise Your Flag Levy the Cost Finish the Fight Seize the Day
When another player’s actions in a Scene When another Pilot takes dangerous or When the answer to the Question of the SPEND A WORD to make a pivotal impact
excites you about its possible implications, harmful action in a Mech; or when they Scene becomes apparent to all players on the Scene that highlights one of your
› writing implements,
ADD TO THE WORD BANK. RISK BLOOD, ask them this: “Are you ready and/or there is no Blood in the pool, end the Pilot’s Traits or Bonds; or to use one of
to pay the cost?” (More than one player Scene. Each Pilot that was named in the the Situation or Complication’s Pivots. You
may use this Move in response to another answer chooses and describes a Faction’s succeed at what you attempt, but ask one
Echo The Past player’s action). Want that was fulfilled (consciously or not), other Pilot in the Scene: “Do you stand with
When you interact with another Pilot in a › If they answer “Yes”, they GAIN 1 BLOOD or one Key Asset that is lost or forever me or against me as I do this?”
way that reminds them of your shared past from the Pool. changed as a result of this Scene. Then
they take and HOLD 1 BLOOD in their hand.
› If they stand against you, you both
in the Academy; or when you bring up one › If they answer “No”, nothing happens, (Holding Blood does not trigger War’s Toll).
GAIN 1 BLOOD from the pool and face the
of the Situation or Complication’s Echoes, but remind them they will have to pay
both Pilots GAIN A WORD (the same Word). eventually. › If they stand with you or stand aside,
REMOVE 1 BLOOD from the pool.
Their support allows you to avoid
» HUMANITY HAS MADE their tentative steps beyond Earth’s gravity. Giant orbital colonies twinkle serenely around our solar system, on which a new generation
of people live and die. Mechs were designed to construct and maintain the colonies, with dreams of using them to reach beyond our meagre sun and unlock the
riches of the galaxy. However, conflict brews between the Earth Sphere and the outer colonies. More and more mechs are refitted for “peacekeeping” purposes
by Earthbound governments, while their use by the colonies becomes ever more regulated. Rumours circulate about nascent rebellions in “problem” colonies.
Whispers of war are on the wind.
› › › › › › ›
The Artesia School of Technology on Colony 7 is a technical school with a piloting course focused on construction, mining, and emergency services industries. Colony 7 is able to maintain a
neutral stance even as tensions rise between the Earth Sphere and outer colonies by supplying the maintenance fleets of both sides. The Artesia School also benefits as a testing ground for
Irvine Industrial’s newest consumer technologies, including Modular Utility Trainer units. These new mechs utilise interchangeable components to simplify upkeep and maintenance, while
allowing for an increased range of training programs that the school can run.
//////////////// › An experimental Irvine Industrial stardrive › ESAA agents infiltrate the League and rile › A reporter discovers that the League plans
accidentally enters the EZ8 Autonomous up partisan elements, resulting in an attack to establish a new colony on a resource-
The game takes place over two phases, the Academy Phase
to successfully call a truce and end › Build up or change someone’s reputation Scene Questions
hostilities. because of a Pride, Flaw, or Bond. > Who causes a major rift between two or more Pilots?
› Decisively end the duel to your benefit › Act on a Conviction, Impulse, or Bond to > Who brings two or more Pilots closer together?
using a Pride, Impulse, or Bond. get someone to open up. > Who causes a Pilot to understand and assert themselves more fully?
› Take the duel too far because of a › Overindulge and cause an awkward scene > Who causes a Pilot to question their identity and purpose?
Conviction, Flaw, or Bond, hurting all because of an Impulse, Flaw, or Bond. > Who helps a Pilot make progress on their future goals?
involved. > Who becomes a rival or hindrance to another Pilot’s future goals?
(page 17) and the Conflict Phase (page 46). Each phase
Conflict Sheet
will take around 2-4 hours to set up and play through, for a SPECTRES
Word Bank session, say 1-2 hours, you might want to have 2 sessions per
phase, for a total of 4 sessions.
Plan ahead with all your players based on how much time
from the Word Bank and add it to
your Pilot Sheet.
a new Word in the Word Bank
related to the triggering action.
› SPEND A WORD: Remove a Word
from your Pilot Sheet and add it
to the Word Bank.
› GAIN BLOOD: Take Blood tokens
out of the Blood Pool and decide
you have available to play together, and how quickly you want
where to put them, per the War’s
Toll Move.
› HOLD BLOOD: Hold Blood tokens in
your hand or set them in front of
you, treating them as held.
› REMOVE BLOOD: Set Blood tokens
aside and treat them as no longer
in the game. Do not return them
to the Blood Pool.
» SPECTRES OF BROCKEN is a collaborative storytelling
roleplaying game. As a roleplaying game, you’ll be creating
characters and playing as those characters, describing their
actions and reactions to the fictional world you create.
As a storytelling game, you create a fictional world and fill
it with situations, challenges, temptations, themes, and story
elements that players can interact with and combine together
to form an overall story.
As a collaborative game, you will manage your characters
and the story together, cheering each other on and
challenging each other to come up with a story that all of you
can enjoy together.
Where some roleplaying games might rely on one specific
player (often called a “Master” of some sort) to present
situations and challenges for the other players to interact with, This style of game is
in Spectres of Brocken all players share this responsibility. often called
This means that rather than just focusing on what your "GM-less" for not
character would do when presented with stimuli, you have having a single
to provide those situations yourself, either putting yourself in "gamemaster".
tricky situations, or presenting challenges to other players. However, rather
In addition, you’ll have to think about the overall arc of than having no
the story involving all the player characters rather than just gamemaster, it's
your own. more helpful to
This can be a lot to handle. Playing both sides - your think of each player
character's actions and the situations that inspire these in the game as
actions - asks for a high amount of creative and spontaneous co-gamemasters.
20-30 minutes away from the game for players to recharge in
between the phases. Use that time to check in with everyone
on how they are feeling about the game and make any
necessary adjustments or accommodations before starting
the next phase.
If you’re playing over multiple sessions, time the ending of
the Academy Phase with the ending of a play session. There
will be changes to the game’s tone (shifting from a school
setting to a war) and game mechanics in the Conflict Phase,
so use the break between sessions as a convenient parallel
to the time passing between the two phases.
During the Conflict Phase (page 46), you’ll figure out why > Conflict Phase [46]
each character ended up on opposing sides of a conflict as
ace mech pilots, and you’ll put them into dangerous situations
where they will have to figure out if they’re willing to pay the
costs of getting what they want.
For the Conflict Phase, being familiar with tropes of mecha
fiction can help, but don’t worry if you aren’t. This game isn’t
concerned with the logistics of piloting a mech, but more on
the motivations, limitations, and connections of the pilots
behind them.
A mech merely symbolises the amplified impact available
to a person afforded by technology, and the distance that
you hope the layers of armour would confer to you. You have
immense power at your fingertips, but that power is also
mediated and out of your full, direct control. A computer is
a mech. A car is a mech. A corporation is a mech. So don’t
worry if you’re not familiar with mecha fiction. We pilot
metaphorical mechs all the time.
For the end of the Conflict Phase, you will also need to budget > Ending the Game
around half an hour to wrap up the game with the Epilogue. [72]
This will allow you to review all that you’ve achieved and all
that you’ve lost over the course of the game before it ends.
out loud, or calling for a pause for discussion, or agreeing on a
non-verbal cue ahead of time to move things along.
There are established safety tools that you can set up ahead
of time and rely on in these situations, rather than trying to
deal with them as they come. I personally tend to use Lines
and Veils (by Ron Edwards) and a TV-rating style guide (similar
to Primetime Adventures) on tone and content in my games.
Lines and Veils are a method of pre-determining categories Lines and Veils
of content that will not feature during the game. At the start help to guide the
of the game, collaboratively determine content that will not content of your
appear in this session at all (Lines), and content that may game.
appear but will not be spotlighted or shown in detail (Veils).
Don't make players have to explain their reasonings or
issues behind them, unless they feel comfortable doing so.
If you are the more experienced player or are facilitating, set
the tone and example by setting the first Lines and Veils and
encourage others to follow suit.
If something comes up during play that someone is
uncomfortable with, feel free to pause play and refer back
to the Lines and Veils and update them. In addition, make use
of planned breaks to check in with all players on the Lines
and Veils.
» THIS BOOK is going to present two formats for laying out
the game’s rules.
The first is the “long-form” or learning format, starting
from page 17, which will walk you through the steps
of facilitating and playing your first game of Spectres of
Brocken. This approach might work best for you if:
There’s also a section with some tips and advice on running > Supporting Play
and playing the game. This section will also provide some [94]
ideas about how you can further expand or hack this game.
////////////// ESTABLISHING
Chapter Outline
Establishing the
Academy [18] » NOW THAT YOU’VE SET THE TABLE it’s time to establish
the setting you’ll be playing in. Have a look at the World
Creating Pilots [20]
Tendencies, starting from page 74 to page 93, and choose
Choosing Traits,
Anchors, and one of them to inform the setting. A summary of each of the
Bonds [20] World Tendencies is included below:
Academy Phase
Situations, Reveals,
and Pivots [34]
Activating Moves [36] An outlandish sci-fi World Tendency.
Giant monsters threatened the world and biomecha were initially
Using Words [37] built to fight them off. After succeeding, they are now mostly used in a
popular combat sport. However, the corporations that benefit from the
Defining Pilot Traits continued use of biomecha harbour secrets that may lead to a sudden
new conflict. Pilots start out in a sports league, expecting to use their
and Bonds [38] skills as athletes in biomecha combat sports.
Further Academy
Scenes [42]
A fantastical World Tendency.
A great Empire fused magic and technology to create Titan Constructs
Ending the Academy that allowed them an edge over their neighbours. However, the royal
Phase [43] family is now seen to be weak, allowing the Great Houses to maneuver
for the throne. Pilots start out in a royal college, expecting to use their
Interlude: In Between skills to jockey for position and power in the royal court.
Phases [44]
» HUMANITY HAS MADE their tentative steps beyond Earth’s gravity. Giant orbital colonies twinkle serenely around our solar system, on which a new generation
of people live and die. Mechs were designed to construct and maintain the colonies, with dreams of using them to reach beyond our meagre sun and unlock the
The Artesia School of Technology on Colony 7 is a technical school with a piloting course focused on construction, mining, and emergency services industries. Colony 7 is able to maintain a
neutral stance even as tensions rise between the Earth Sphere and outer colonies by supplying the maintenance fleets of both sides. The Artesia School also benefits as a testing ground for
Earth Sphere Administrative The League of the Unbound Irvine Industrial Edge Zone 8 Autonomous
Alliance (ESAA) Originally a labour union formed to improve The largest remaining independent Area
A vestige of the terrestrial governments the bargaining position of the asteroid mining corporation, it has resisted nationalisation A tragic accident during the construction of
of old, the ESAA is nominally in charge of colonies, the League attempted to access efforts from the ESAA by capitalising on the Colony 8 caused it to be abandoned while
all space colonies. After the Environmental better and more reliable food shipments schism between inner and outer colonies. It only partially finished. Irvine Industrial
Preservation Acts moved most heavy in exchange for raw materials they supply now acts as an intermediary between the quietly continued to use it as a dumping
industry off to the colonies, the Earth to inner colonies. As negotiations with Earth Sphere and the League, profiting off ground for derelict ships and mechs. Over
Sphere administrators established palatial the ESAA stretch interminably, some in both. The League’s Trade Bloc sees Irvine time, a fiercely independent community of
//////////////// › An experimental Irvine Industrial stardrive › ESAA agents infiltrate the League and rile › A reporter discovers that the League plans
accidentally enters the EZ8 Autonomous up partisan elements, resulting in an attack to establish a new colony on a resource-
Inciting Incidents Area, leading to a crackdown by their on school grounds while an ESAA admiral rich exoplanet with an arkship secretly
! ////////////////
security forces. EZ8 denizens team up with
the League to combat Irvine’s invasion.
gives an address. ESAA then brands the
League a terrorist organisation, leading to
built in EZ8. ESAA and Irvine Industrial
send teams to seize the arkship, leading to
open warfare between the two. a struggle over the future of humanity.
unfamiliar or uncomfortable with in the World Tendency, and sided printout
de-emphasise or change those parts. which you can
find with the other
When refining the details of the setting, remember that game sheets. [8]
the Academy Phase takes place when all the Pilots are still
young and figuring out what they want to be and do.
The Pilots are still impressionable and mercurial, and the
Academy is a site for them to develop their own personalities
and beliefs. Make the Academy a place that is exciting and
vibrant for the Pilots, with ample opportunity to discover and
pursue their dreams.
However, remember that Academies are also places
of formation and control. Make the Academy a place that
is fraught with obligations and expectations, with ample
opportunity for the Factions to try and shape the youngsters
into “useful” Pilots in the future.
Don’t worry about establishing every single thing you need
for the game, just focus on what will be interesting to explore
during the Academy Phase, and let the details get filled out as
you play.
The next section will explain further details for choosing your
starting Trait, creating Anchors, and creating Bonds.
Pilot Sheet to fill out (either a Conviction, an Impulse, a Pride,
or a Flaw). Each Pilot Trait comes with suggestions - choose
one of them or make up one of your own:
//////////////// FLAW FEATURE 4
› Convictions are deeply held beliefs and ideals that your Pilot holds – Protect
Those Important to Me, Be The Strongest There Is, Outrun The Past, Hit Them
Before They Can Hit You, Don’t Die, We’re Stronger Together, Make Them Pay
› Impulses are how your Pilot reacts to conflicts or tense situations – Take Away
An Advantage, Take a Defensive Stance, Overwhelm Them, Strike First Strike
Hard, Focus On The Larger Goal, Figure Out Their Weakness, Call In Support
› Prides are talents, skills or material advantages that your Pilot has that give
them confidence that they can take on any challenge. They can be related to
piloting mechs or be more general – I’m Faster Than Anyone Else, I Can Always
Hit My Target, I Know How My Enemies Will Act, People Listen To My Advice Like
Commands, People Are Like Open Books To Me, I Have Psychic Powers, I Can
Fix Or Build Anything
› Flaws are weaknesses or insecurities that your Pilot is struggling with – Coward,
Impulsive, Cruel, Cold, Haunted, Tempestuous, Guilty, Insecure, Arrogant
Pilots are young and may not have a firm grasp of who they
really are yet. These Traits aren’t the truth of the Pilot’s
character - they may be what they believe to be true about
themselves. Or it may be something that you, the player, are
aware of but they, the character, are not.
The other three Traits left blank will be defined and filled in
REMINDER as you play through the Academy Phase.
Only fill out one of It’s fine if you have strong ideas already for what your Pilot
the Traits in Pilot Traits are during character creation and you can use that as
Creation, leave the inspiration for setting up scenes to allow you to flesh out
others for play. those Traits.
However, the Academy Phase is a formative period for
your Pilots and they are still working out who they are, so
don’t rush to define them fully just yet. I advise you to hold
on lightly and enjoy the process of defining your Pilot as they
interact with other Pilots.
After all the Pilots are introduced, work together to pick
one initial Bond that your Pilot has with one other Pilot:
three words in total. will cause you to gain or generate Words, while others will
“Climate change” require you to spend them.
and “Bread and Words are collected in a Word Bank, which lists potential
circuses” are fine, Words that players could interact with. The Word Bank can
“The Unbearable act as a sort of palette or mood board which players can look
Weight of Massive to as prompts during play. They can also act as a reminder
Talent” probably of the atmosphere, vibe, or just elements of the setting that
needs to be players have agreed should be focused on.
To start populating the Word Bank, add “Identity”, “Connection”,
and “Wanting” to the Word Bank. These are the core themes of
the Academy Phase.
Then, each player adds one Word to it. You can look at the
suggested Words in the World Tendencies for ideas or come
up with your own.
These Words might represent a key element of the setting,
the Pilot’s initial impression of the Academy, or just something
that you want to focus on during the game.
Now is a great time to look back at your discussions during
setting and Pilot creation and use them as a source for
potential Words.
The Words in the Word Bank can be used by any player
later, so in addition to seeding ideas that you’re interested
in exploring yourself, you can also seed ideas that you’re
excited for other players to engage with.
Once you’ve added Words to the Word Bank and reviewed
them, it’s a good time to take a short break before you start
setting up the first Scene of the Academy Phase.
will be interacting with each other to work towards the goals
or core themes of the phase.
For the Academy Phase, the core themes are “Identity”,
“Connection”, and “Wanting”. Therefore, each Scene should
allow opportunities for your Pilots to play with those themes.
Each Scene involves a Scene Question that explores
different aspects of the core themes and helps to guide the
interactions between Pilots in the Scene.
> List of Reveals to reveal more about their character and escalate or resolve
and Pivots [34] the Scene.
When choosing what Situations to make up a Scene, look
> Using Reveals over the Reveals and Pivots associated with each Situation to
and Pivots [36] get a feel for the possibilities provided for the type of Scene
that your group is interested in.
For the first Scene, go with something that can involve as many Pilots as
possible. This allows each player to quickly figure out how their Pilot acts in
group situations, and establish relationship dynamics. Providing a challenge to
overcome or objective to achieve helps to explore how Pilots act to gain what
they want, and foreshadows future conflicts.
The Question leads to a clear payoff, with changes to the Pilots’ relationships.
It also allows Pilots to reveal flaws and complications early on when the stakes
are relatively low while setting up seeds for later Scenes.
Amira and Charles are using the Orbital Century World Tendency. Amira is
playing Abbas O’Sullivan (he/him), the son of an Irvine Industrial inspector
stationed at Colony 7, newly transferred to the Artesia School of Technology.
Charles is playing Clover Dorrano (she/they), a young welder from the outer
colonies staying with her aunt while finishing school.
AMIRA (ABBAS): Alright, I get to set up the first Scene! I definitely want to
kick off with a meal, see what the cafeteria at the school is like. You good with
that, Charles? Anything else on the list catch your eye?
CHARLES (CLOVER): Oh, er, I dunno. You get to set the Scene, right? You
says in response to the situation.
The lead player invites other players to jump into the scene,
perhaps by directly engaging with their Pilot or asking what
their Pilot is doing.
To play out the Scene, each player describes what their
Pilot does and says in response to the scenario.
For the first Scene, the lead player should activate an Academy
Move as soon as possible. By demonstrating how a Move works,
it makes it easier for other players to do the same.
AMIRA (ABBAS): Just to recap, our setup is that we’re both trying to score a
seat at the table next to our crush during lunchtime at the cafeteria, and the
Question we are trying to answer is “Who causes a major rift between two or
more Pilots?”.
CHARLES (CLOVER): Yeah let’s go. How do we start?
AMIRA (ABBAS): OK so we start in the space cafe where all the students are
having lunch. Could just be something simple like a long hall with windows
looking out into a courtyard, and there are people lining up with trays to get
food from several counters and vending machines.
CHARLES (CLOVER): Wait are these like those prepackaged astronaut meals?
AMIRA (ABBAS): Hmm I don’t think so? Even though it’s in space, it’s still inside
a colony right? So it should just be like regular meals. Maybe the food from the
vending machines is like that though?
CHARLES (CLOVER): Cool, cool. I mean yeah it’s probably regular food, but
I always like in sci-fi shows when the characters are eating some weirdly
packaged “future-food” haha. Especially for Clover, I think she’s used to working
in space already right, so maybe she has a taste for the power bars or whatever
nutrient pod thing that she gets when she’s doing a job in space.
AMIRA (ABBAS): Ooh yeah, hey that’s actually like something I put in the Word
Bank. I put in “Food Security” since that’s something the ESAA and League are
fighting over, that sounds like you could activate Stack the Deck .
CHARLES (CLOVER): Are you sure? I dunno, I wasn’t really going for that, and
it’s not really about food security, just the type of food we have in space.
AMIRA (ABBAS): No, but I like how you’re thinking about what food the space-
welders eat compared to the people who just stay in the colonies, I think that’s
a cool way to look at it. How about this, I actually like this idea, and would
love to see more of it later, so I’m going to use Raise Your Flag instead, and
AMIRA (ABBAS): How about you describe him, since he’s your Anchor.
CHARLES (CLOVER): Hmmm, OK. So I think Clover would be attracted to
someone who’s outgoing and cheerful, so maybe an athletic type. Captain of
the volleyball team kinda vibes. Tall and tan with a ready smile. I took the name
Dashiel Fortis from the World Tendency, but I think everyone calls him Dash.
AMIRA (ABBAS): Right, maybe he was super nice and welcoming to me as the
new kid, so I’ve got a crush on him because of that. I imagine he’s pretty popular
and is sitting with a bunch of friends at a big table already. I think I’m heading
over directly there, looking to join.
CHARLES (CLOVER): Wow, forward! I think Clover is hovering at a neighbouring
table, maybe she’s a bit intimidated by the crowd there already.
AMIRA (ABBAS): Oh yeah I’m just going for it. I think Dash had shown me
around earlier and just casually dropped a “Hey just come over and say hi
whenever you see me”, so I’m interpreting that as an invitation to go sit with
him at lunch. I picked the “Strike First Strike Hard” Impulse, so I’m going all in,
all the time, baby!
CHARLES (CLOVER): Haha OK yeah that will probably spur Clover to action as
well. Hmm. I want to do something big here, and my only Word is “Power Bar”.
I think Clover is going to quickly cut in front of you before you get to the last
seat at the table, and sit down, offering to share some of her power bars with
Dash. I’m spending “Power Bar” to do an I’ve Got This and reveal my competitive
streak. I think Clover would have been fine just admiring Dash from afar, but
seeing Abbas be so forthright brings out something in her.
AMIRA (ABBAS): Haha cool. Are you writing this competitive streak as a Flaw?
Or is it more like an Impulse, since this seems like a gut response.
CHARLES (CLOVER): Oooh I’m not sure, let me think about it a bit.
possible implications, ADD TO THE that highlights a Word in the Word
You must have at least one Word to activate the following Academy Moves in a Scene:
EACH SITUATION comes with suggestions for Reveals and Pivots that are
particularly relevant to those Situations. If this is your first time playing, you
could lean on the Reveals and Pivots as a list of options to choose from during
a Scene. However, you are not limited to using those Reveals and Pivots during
play. I actually recommend quietly reviewing the Reveals and Pivots together as
you pick Situations for a Scene to get an idea for different ways the Scene could
go and calibrate expectations for the types of character actions that would
trigger a Move or could be put forward as the outcome of a Move.
› Win a friendly contest or argument using Pivots:
your Conviction, Pride, or Bond › Evade detection or consequences with a
› Build up or change someone’s reputation Pride, Flaw, or Bond.
because of a Pride, Flaw, or Bond. › Sway someone to look the other way
› Act on a Conviction, Impulse, or Bond to or join you because of an Impulse,
get someone to open up. Conviction, or Bond.
› Overindulge and cause an awkward scene › Reveal a clear path to your objective
because of an Impulse, Flaw, or Bond. using a Pride, Impulse, or Bond.
› Stumble and reveal yourself because of
a Conviction, Flaw, or Bond.
have one player sit your Pilot should act in a situation. They act like mini-goals
out the first Scene to work towards in a Scene, especially the ones that require
and have them spending Words to use.
remind players when You can use Moves by choosing a Move you want to activate
they can activate and telling everyone so you can work together to incorporate
Moves or suggest a it into a scene.
pause and rewind if Alternatively, you can play out part of a Scene together and
a Move should have you realise that you’ve ended up activating the Move after
been activated. a while. You might then pause or even rewind the Scene to
tweak it and apply the effects of the Move.
Some players and play groups will be partial to one method
over the other. There isn’t “one true way” to use Moves, so feel
free to work out your preferences as players and as a group.
You might even find an entirely different way of using Moves
that works best for you and your group.
Moves will sometimes reference Reveals and Pivots which
form part of the Situations. You are not limited to using the
Reveals and Pivots, but they are useful for your first few
games to define the scope of what you can do in a Scene or
Don’t worry about being too strict about Moves and feel free
to negotiate with your fellow players on how you’d each prefer
to deal with Moves. If in doubt, err on the side of flexibility so
that everyone has more chances to activate Moves.
much with Traits and Bonds. Bank and Pilot
Sheets. Folding
If you’re facilitating, help out with suggestions for adding half and standing
Words where appropriate, but remember to let the players them up can help
have the final say. It can also be helpful to suggest when them be more
players should use the Raise Your Flag Move, when they visible on the
respond enthusiastically to something that happens in a scene. table.
you had expected going in, and one of the other Scene
Questions on the list seems more fitting or you identify a
more interesting way to end the Scene.
If this happens, it’s perfectly fine to pause and discuss
with all the players whether you’d like to swap the Scene’s
Question. This might prompt players with ideas on how to
bring the scene around to the original Question, or you can
just switch Questions.
Regardless, once it becomes clear that the Question of the
Scene is answered, activate the Find The Answer Move to > Find The Answer
bring the Scene to a close. [33]
CHARLES (CLOVER): Oof that’s gotta be rough for Clover! Yeah she’s definitely
going to leave the table after Abbas brings that up. I think she makes a pointed
remark, something like “Hey you’re not making people uncomfortable because
you’re new, it’s because you’re an inconsiderate jerk!”.
AMIRA (ABBAS): Yeah haha I deserve that! I think I’ll rewrite the “Oblivious”
Flaw into “Inconsiderate Jerk” now. OK I think that’s the end of the Scene right?
Maybe Dash leaves the table to try and talk to you, but we can just close on that
without having to see the specifics.
CHARLES (CLOVER): Yep sounds good to me.
AMIRA (ABBAS): OK so let’s answer the Question, “Who causes a major rift
between two or more Pilots?”. I guess both of us are at fault here, so we could
both get the Word.
CHARLES (CLOVER): Hmm, not quite. Clover might have started it, but I think
Abbas was really the one who escalated it to the point of an argument.
AMIRA (ABBAS): That’s true, I was playing up his jerkitude there. You okay
with me taking the Word myself then?
CHARLES (CLOVER): Yep, go for it. Can I suggest the Word though?
AMIRA (ABBAS): Sure thing!
CHARLES (CLOVER): I think “Class” could work here. We don’t have it in the
Word Bank but I was thinking after the argument that that’s what it boils down
to, that these two just are in different classes and see the world differently.
AMIRA (ABBAS): Yeah this could be juicy to hold onto for later as well, I like it.
Let’s just say you add “Class” to the Word Bank and I’ll take it now.
Use the format “Who [takes action] that caused [one or more
Pilots] to [reveal something/change a relationship/understand
an aspect of themselves or the group]?” for new Questions.
At the end of the Academy Phase, you might still have some
Traits or Bonds that are not filled in. This is normal, and there
will be an opportunity to complete the Pilot Sheet in the > Developing the
Conflict Phase. Pilots [50]
Choose one of the following closing questions to answer as
a group to close out the Academy Phase:
Here are some useful questions to ask to figure out how your
group is feeling about the game and calibrate the experience.
› What adjustments should we make to our safety tools
before we shift narrative focus to war in the Conflict Phase?
› What’s your favourite use of a Word in a Scene so far?
› What Words do you think are no longer relevant to the
setting and plot?
› What Word are you most excited to use next?
› What’s your favourite reveal about a Pilot so far?
› What’s the most exciting character relationship you got to
› What Trait do you wish you could have explored further
with a Pilot?
› What character relationship would you like to see more of
in the future?
› What do you wish you could have done differently in a Scene?
› What plot or character detail do you wish you could adjust
before moving into the Conflict Phase?
most in the way they talk and express their opinions. You
might then rephrase it as “Speaks Without Thinking”, which is
largely the same sentiment but brings in more details about
how your Pilot expresses this Trait.
If you’re playing over multiple sessions, you can instead It’s a good idea to
review the state of the game and make adjustments to your start off with a
Pilot sheets as part of the beginning of a new session. This quick recap of what
allows for time to recap what’s been happening and get happened in the
players back into the headspace of their Pilots. Academy Phase
Before starting the Conflict Phase, review the Word Bank before starting the
and the Words held by each Pilot as additional reminders of Conflict Phase,
the events of the Academy Phase and discuss the possible especially if you’re
challenges and tragedies the Words might imply for the playing over multiple
Conflict Phase. sessions.
////////////// ESTABLISHING
Chapter Outline THE CONFLICT
Establishing the
Conflict [48] » ONCE YOU’RE READY TO LEAVE the Academy behind,
Conflict Sheet [49]
it’s time to take on the Conflict Phase. This phase takes place
several years after the Academy Phase. A large-scale conflict
Developing the has broken out, and the Pilots are now each ace Pilots with
Pilots [50] their own custom combat mechs.
Setting the First Each Pilot will find themselves on different sides of the
Conflict Scene [51] conflict and now demonstrate how their Mech Features
express their Traits and allow them to touch the world in
Playing a Conflict much larger ways.
Scene [54] Scenes in this phase should focus on the Pilots in their
Conflict Moves [58]
mechs, and how the mech amplifies their impacts on the
world around them.
Conflict Phase At the start of the Conflict Phase, set up a sheet of paper
Situations, Echoes as the Conflict Sheet in the middle of the play area. This sheet
and Pivots [60] serves to record details about the Factions in the Conflict,
such as their Wants and Key Assets, and the outcomes of the
Conflict Phase
Conflict Scenes (details at page 8 and page 49).
Complications, Echoes
You should also have some small markers, beads, counters,
and Pivots [62]
or even just scraps of paper to act as tokens to track Blood
Moves and Blood (more on Blood at page 64) at hand.
[64] Blood is a new mechanism in the Conflict Phase to control
the pacing of a scene and as a representation of losses
Defining Mech
incurred during the conflict.
Features [66]
As you begin the Conflict Phase, you’ll need to figure out
Ending a Conflict how the situation changes from the Academy Phase such that
Scene [67] a major conflict breaks out that involves all the pilots.
Choose one of the Inciting Incidents in your chosen World
Further Conflict
Tendency to describe how the conflict begins.
Scenes [70]
Feel free to adjust the Inciting Incidents to better suit the
Ending the Conflict events of the Academy Phase. For example, you might omit
Phase [71] or swap out one of the Factions involved if one of your Pilots
already has an existing connection to that Faction.
Epilogue: Ending the
Game [72]
BLOOD ////////////////
Based on the Inciting Incident, list the Factions involved in If you want to make
the Conflict on the Conflict Sheet. up your own Inciting
For each Faction, also describe three things that the Incident, check
Factions Wants, and list three Key Assets controlled by that out the section on
Faction. You can refer to the World Tendency for examples or creating your own
come up with your own. setting on page 99.
Finally, add the Words “Change”, “Opposition” and “Tragedy”
to the Word Bank.
REMINDER As with Pilot Creation, check in with the other player before
Keep all your Words you create a Bond with their Pilot.
from the Academy When you add a new Anchor, feel free to either expand on
Phase into the existing characters and places from the Academy Phase, or
Conflict Phase. introduce new ones that are part of your Faction during the
time of the Conflict Phase.
After every player has updated their Pilot sheet, take turns
reintroducing your Pilots to the group.
As you reintroduce your Pilot, provide a short summary of
what they’ve been doing in the time between the Academy
and Conflict Phases and how that resulted in the changes to
your Pilot Sheet.
Use this preparation time to focus on how the Pilots feel
about the conflict at large, and how it touches them in personal
ways. Think about how their desires and goals might shift or
intensify as they gain the power to exert more of their will on
the world through their mechs and the changing landscape.
as a group. The lead player is responsible for setting up and
framing the Scene.
The lead player chooses one Situation from the following
list to start framing the Scene:
For the first Scene, go with a direct conflict with clear stakes.
This allows each player to quickly figure out their goals and
options for action. Keep the Complication to something that’s
commonly understood, such that players can quickly come
up with ideas for dangerous action that might lead to Blood.
The Question focuses on establishing personal goals for
Pilots early, and encourages Pilots to highlight how the
timeskip has affected everyone differently. Let the Pilots
reveal what they want and how they might oppose each
others’ efforts in getting what they want.
The players can put notes about this Scene down on the
Conflict Sheet, and the lead player adds 1 Blood token to it to
form the starting Blood Pool. Then, for each Pilot involved in Therefore, 2 Pilots
the Scene, they add 1 Blood to the Blood Pool. in a Scene = 3 Blood,
Blood measures the violence and costs of war. The more 3 Pilots in a Scene =
Blood in the Pool, the more dangerous the Scene and the more 4 Blood, and so on
likely that a Pilot will end up losing something important to
them in this Scene.
Blood is also a rough indicator of how long a Scene will
last, since the amount of Blood would correspond roughly
with the number of Conflict Moves you’d expect to activate
during a Scene.
During the Epilogue (page 72), Blood will also help you > Epilogue [72]
answer the closing questions of the game.
to tragic actions that make the game that much more fun.
After the Academy Phase, Irvine Industrial has allied with the Earth Sphere
Administrative Alliance (ESAA) and seized Colony 7 as their own. This takeover
of Colony 7 incited a war with the neighbouring colonies, fearing increased
control by the ESAA.
Amira is playing Abbas O’Sullivan (he/him), the son of an Irvine Industrial
inspector, now an Irvine test pilot operating out of their new base at Colony 7.
Charles is playing Carum Dorrano (he/they), a young welder from the outer
colonies, now leader of a rebel cell fighting against ESAA and Irvine control in
the colonies.
The Scene being played involves Carum in his Rockbreaker Modified leading
a squad of rebels in an attempt to capture Irvine Industrial’s prototype Alpha
Andreessen while Abbas is taking it out on a test flight. After discreetly disabling
the Irvine Industrial observation ships, Carum has finally caught up to the Alpha
Andreessen and is trying to surround it with the rest of his squad.
AMIRA (ABBAS): I’m looking around in confusion and a bit of panic now that I
see multiple enemy mech signatures on the screen, hurriedly checking that the
weapons are armed. Since this was just a test flight, the AA doesn’t have its full
complement. Oh I think trying to fight while outnumbered sounds foolhardy, but
can I make it selfish to gain a Word with Make It Personal here?
CHARLES (CARUM): Ooooh haha I can help you out here. Carum sends a
broadcast to you to get you to surrender, something like “I know you’re in there
Abbas, I checked the pilot logs. We’ve got you outnumbered and surrounded,
don’t try anything foolish.” And then to really rub it in, “Back in the academy you
couldn’t beat me one on one, so there’s no way you can stand up to a squad of
AMIRA (ABBAS): Ahahaha nice, gauntlet thrown. That’s an Echo the Past
yeah? Nice nod to Carum’s “Beat them at their own game” too.
CHARLES (CARUM): Yeah, I gotta get a Word, since I spent my one already. We
have “Opposition” in there, so that’s an easy one for both of us to take?
AMIRA (ABBAS): Great, let’s do that. I still think I want to lash out here though.
I think that’s a big provocation from Carum, and Abbas is going to respond. So
yeah Abbas is going to go “You peasants with your improvised clubs don’t stand
a chance against a real weapon”, and he activates the built-in beam scatter
AMIRA (ABBAS): Yeah, sounds good. Hold on a minute, I want to take this
Blood onto my Pilot sheet but I need a moment to think which Trait to erase. Can
we take a quick break while I think about it?
and RISK BLOOD. than one player may use this Move in
response to another player’s action)
War's Toll › If they answer “Yes”, they GAIN 1
BLOOD from the Pool.
When you GAIN BLOOD, ask yourself
this: “Will this devastate me › If they answer “No”, nothing
happens, but remind them they
more to lose myself or to lose my will have to pay eventually.
› If you answered “lose myself”, Finish the Fight
place the Blood on your Pilot
Sheet and choose any one Trait or When the answer to the Question
Bond and erase it, along with its of the Scene becomes apparent to
linked Mech Feature. all players and/or there is no Blood
› If you answered “lose my in the pool, end the Scene. Each
connections”, take the Blood into Pilot that was named in the answer
your hands and say how one
chooses and describes a Faction’s
Anchor you care about is now
lost or destroyed. Strike it from Want that was fulfilled (consciously
your Pilot Sheet. or not), or one Key Asset that is lost
or forever changed as a result of
NOTE: HOLDING BLOOD DOES NOT this Scene. Then they take and HOLD 1
aside, REMOVE 1 BLOOD from the
pool. Their support allows you to
avoid complications.
Explain how your Trait’s linked Mech
Feature amplified the impact of your
actions. If it feels right to do so, play
your Theme Song.
A Drawn-out Siege A Covert Infiltration
Echoes: Echoes:
› When you had a long disagreement with › When you hid from the other.
the other. › When you lied to the other.
› When you waited for the other. › When you were desperately searching
› When you spent a long time trapped with for the other.
the other. › When you snuck into the other’s
› When you blocked the other out. private quarters.
Pivots: Pivots:
› Find a secret passage in or out of the › Evade detection to get to a safe location.
besieged location. › Spot an enemy and keep track of their
› Destroy a key fortification or resource, position relative to yours.
leaving your enemy vulnerable. › Destroy an enemy by accident, not
› Hold out until support arrives to help knowing exactly where they are.
break the siege. › Reveal yourself when it’s already too
› Break the enemy’s morale and bolster late - the deed is done.
your side’s spirits with an act of valour.
Treacherous Terrain
› When you spent time together in nature.
› When you were lost together.
› When you travelled together.
› When you reminisced about where you
each grew up.
› Use a feature of the terrain to your
› Reveal transport features that allow you
to traverse this terrain adeptly.
› Lead your enemies into natural traps
provided by the geography.
› Use overwhelming force to re-shape the
› When you GAIN BLOOD, take that many Blood tokens out
of the Blood Pool and then decide whether to hold them
in hand or place them on your Pilot Sheet, per the War’s
Toll Move.
to bring the Scene to a close. [58]
AMIRA (ABBAS): Looks like we’re out of Blood! That means we need to bring the
Scene to a close. Based on where we were, I think I get to escape right? After
taking out most of Carum’s squad, I think the beam cannon is spent, I don’t think
I have enough power left to really put up a fight so I just take advantage of the
confusion to jet out of there.
CHARLES (CARUM): Yup, that sounds like a good place to end. Did we actually
answer the Scene Question though? I don’t know if either of us really “most
embraced change to pursue new futures”. Carum has changed a lot but I don’t
think that was the focus of the Scene.
AMIRA (ABBAS): Hmm yeah you’re right. Do you want to maybe do a
conversation between Abbas and Carum to get into it?
CHARLES (CARUM): I guess we could do that, but I don’t know what Carum
would want to say to you after you just killed a bunch of their friends other than
swear bloody revenge.
AMIRA (ABBAS): I mean yeah we could do that, but that still doesn’t show
change right? Hmm hey what about this. What if instead we switch the Scene
Question to “Who is most haunted by the past, unable to let go”? I feel like the
Scene showed how much we both didn’t change. I’m still a stuck up jerk and
you’re still bringing up the past to egg me on.
CHARLES (CARUM): Oooh OK yeah that could be the way to go. Like Carum
actually knew ahead of time it was Abbas piloting this new mech and leapt at
the opportunity to put him in his place.
AMIRA (ABBAS): Yeah, which I think means we both can activate the finishing
Move since we’re both still haunted by the past. Sound good?
CHARLES (CARUM): Yup, so that means I get to highlight a Want or a Key
Asset, right?
AMIRA (ABBAS): Yeah, do you have an idea already? Otherwise, I’ve got one
ready to go if you don’t mind?
CHARLES (CARUM): Please, go ahead!
AMIRA (ABBAS): OK, so I escape back with the Alpha Andreessen, and the
bosses are really happy about how it performed, and the ESAA are impressed
as well, and so Irvine secures a contract to provide mass-produced versions
of the AA to the ESAA. Basically, fulfilling their Want of maintaining profits.
role in the war. Use the format “Who [pays a physical or metaphorical cost]
Maybe a supporting to [achieve a revealing goal]?” for new Questions.
squad turns up
looking for you, or In future Scenes, you can also choose to frame Scenes of
your commanding internal conflicts within the same Faction. This can allow
officer starts firing Pilots from the same Faction to highlight the contradictions
artillery to cover and hypocrisies of their Factions and their personal actions.
your actions. While Scenes in the Conflict Phase will mostly focus on
the Pilots fighting in Mechs, that doesn’t mean you can’t have
Scenes of more personal conflict. You could have Pilots meet
on neutral ground to have a face-to-face conversation while
their Factions continue to fight, or you can leave your Mechs
partway to meet up in the ruins of a military outpost.
Optionally, in subsequent Scenes, you may update the
name and look of your Mechs in response to the outcomes of
previous Scenes. For example, you could append “Mark II” to
your mech’s name to reflect upgrades to your mech, or even
swap to a new mech entirely.
Once each Pilot has confronted the costs they are willing to
pay to achieve their goals in this war, it’s a good time to bring
the Conflict Phase to a close.
ceasing and restarting for the years to come, and how do story. Your Pilots
the survivors bear its burdens? might still continue
serving in a military
You can refine the specifics of the closing questions above, after the immediate
or come up with your own. After this, you will deal with the conflict ends.
consequences of your actions in the Epilogue.
» AFTER THE CLOSING QUESTION, each player takes
turns building out the Epilogue. This allows you to explore
what happens to your Pilots, their Mechs, and the Factions
after the war.
Feel free to play around with the timescale here to be
How does one Faction grow in strength and influence
after winning the war? Set down one of the Blood tokens
you are holding as a monument to its status and say how
the seeds of its eventual downfall are sown.
› How does one Faction survive and adapt after losing the
war? Set down one of the Blood tokens you are holding
as a monument to its tenacity and say how it eventually
returns to relevance in another form.
End the game, for now. There will be another war someday.
> Orbital Century [77]
> Jet Fang Rumble [83]
> The Fire Quartz Crown [89]
direction of the Conflict Phase. If something more interesting comes out of playing
through the Academy Phase, go with that instead.
When you're describing mechs and mech combat in the Conflict Phase, feel free
to look at the list of suggested Mech Features for inspiration. This should provide
a shared grounding for the level of technology and aesthetics involved in the war.
If you want to further customise the setting for your game, check out the
alternate procedure on page 99 for making your own setting and customising a
World Tendency.
Suggested Words
Independence, Colonial, Class, Expand, Exploit, Manufacture, Rebel, Divide, Strike,
Sanction, Capital, Commune, Emigrate, Union, Control, Revolution, Transfer, Taxing,
Resentment, Oversight, Sacrifice.
allowing for an increased range of training programs that the school can run.
Earth Sphere Administrative Alliance (ESAA)
A vestige of the terrestrial governments of old, the ESAA is nominally in charge of
all space colonies. After the Environmental Preservation Acts moved most heavy
industry off to the colonies, the Earth Sphere administrators established palatial
residences in exclusive Green Zones. Limited Industrial Support Zones supply
the rich Earth Sphere of inner colonies, while outer colonies are expected to be
Irvine Industrial
The largest remaining independent corporation, it has resisted nationalisation
efforts from the ESAA by capitalising on the schism between inner and outer
colonies. It now acts as an intermediary between the Earth Sphere and the League,
profiting off both. The League’s Trade Bloc sees Irvine as the true threat, since
Irvine directly controls the transport and maintenance infrastructure the outer
colonies rely on.
› Wants: Maintain autonomy and profits, advance the technology of war,
monopolise trade
› Missing brother – ace pilot, undercover, driven by vengeance
› Distant mother – mech designer, obsessed, fearful
› Old mentor – war hero, traumatised, cynical
› Asteroid base – mining colony, orphans, disrepair
› Family farm – labour, food, graves
› An experimental Irvine Industrial stardrive accidentally enters the EZ8
Autonomous Area, leading to a crackdown by their security forces. EZ8
denizens team up with the League to combat Irvine’s invasion.
› ESAA agents infiltrate the League and rile up partisan elements, resulting in
an attack on school grounds while an ESAA admiral gives an address. ESAA
then brands the League a terrorist organisation, leading to open warfare
between the two.
› A reporter discovers that the League plans to establish a new colony on a
resource-rich exoplanet with an arkship secretly built in EZ8. ESAA and Irvine
Industrial send teams to seize the arkship, leading to a struggle over the future
of humanity.
Hydra Type-S, Bellerophon, Phoenix Commando, Vulture Custom, Thresher [Mod.],
Whirlwind, Halberd EDGE-type, Treble Heavy, Alto High Mobility Configuration,
Satria, Hyacinth, Lifter-7820 (Combat Pattern), Crusher-621-ZZ
Impulses Flaws
› Take A Defensive Stance › Coward
Mech Features: Multilayer shield, Mech Features: Smokescreen
deployable barrier, smokescreen projectors, ejectable limbs,
grenades deployable lures
› Strike First Strike Hard › Cruel
Mech Features: Buster rifle, Mech Features: Heavy hooked
Suggested Words
Competing, Monstrosity, Experiment, Bleed, Synchronised, Transcend,
Compromise, Betrayal, Adapt, Scales, Boundaries, Amplify, Consumed, Extract,
Spectacle, Transgress, Debts, Bodies, Justification, Necrotic, Renown
to keep matches exciting, adhering to the evolving parameters set by the League.
Instead of a school, this World Tendency assumes you are young professionals
in a sports league, using your mechs for entertainment rather than war. Instead of
training mechs, describe your custom sports mechs plastered with sponsor logos.
Zandhaas Biotic Engineering
The largest supplier of biomecha in the world, and main sponsor of the Titan League,
fielding 3 teams. Zandhaas uses their close ties with the League to highlight their
advances in biomecha technology, advertising to the private military companies
AEGIS Rangers
Once a multi-national alliance lauded for striking the decisive blow against the
monster incursions, their glory days have long passed. Serving with the Rangers
- keeping an eye out for monsters at barely maintained Watchpoints - is now
considered an outdated tradition. The old guard keeps an eye on recent terrorist
acts against corporate bio-generators, hoping to re-enter the fray to regain
relevance and their former glory.
› Wants: Regain glory and relevance, recover funding and support,
exterminate monsters
› Key Assets: Watchpoint network, deadly weapons reserves, symbolic monuments
Silent Roar
A heretical fringe group, some might say a cult, that believes the “monsters”
from the war had actually been fleeing from a greater threat and were trying to
warn humanity. They believe Helena Striker, fallen hero of the Monster Wars, had
actually survived and journeyed to the exoforms’ homeworlds to learn more. Silent
Roar conducts clandestine raids on Zandhaas testing facilities to recover evidence
that the company is aware of the exoforms’ sentience.
› Wants: Liberate the exoforms, reveal the greater threat, undermine
the corporations
› Key Assets: Exoform telepathic communicator, hidden enclaves, secret sponsors
› Retired ranger – nostalgic, injured, encouraging
› Franchise team – scrappy, camaraderie, ambitious
› Supervising scientist – guilty, protective, medication
› Juvenile creature – lost, innocent, dangerous
› Dream lake – alien, beautiful, threatened
› Titan League pilots discover that Zandhaas control interfaces are able to
reverse the neural link, allowing their technicians to control pilots. This leads to
uncovering a Zandhaas conspiracy to control the world’s militaries. Zandhaas
is forced to activate their plan early, but old AEGIS Rangers biomecha may
provide a countermeasure.
› Silent Roar discovers the East Infinite Company’s forays into the monster
homeworlds and alert the rest of the world. East Infinite and Zandhaas go to
war, establishing colonies in the monster homeworlds while Silent Roar rally
resistance against the colonisers.
› A retired AEGIS Ranger manipulates Silent Roar into re-establishing a portal to
reignite the Monster Wars and return the AEGIS Rangers to glory. East Infinite’s
secret off-world facilities are destroyed in the process, and survivors attempt
to seal the breach.
Shatter Nebula, Dark Saber, Cold Blood, Red Queen, Conqueror Worm, Night Witch,
Desperado Sacrifice, True Starfish, Mayhem Hammer, Candlelight Torpedo, Time of
Death, The Many-Handed God, Panther Widow, Colloseo Paramount, Millenial Doom
Impulses Flaws
› Take A Defensive Stance › Coward
Mech Features: Shield gauntlets, Mech Features: Burrowing claws,
dig-in bracing, fortress mode chameleon skin, hidden weapons
› Strike First Strike Hard › Cruel
Mech Features: Rocket punch, Mech Features: Assimilated
Suggested Words
Diplomacy, Noble, Decorum, Ritual, Duel, Assassin, Marriage, Court, Veil, Honour,
Lineage, Grudge, Subjects, Hostage, Family, Divine, Sorcery, Prophecy, Fey, Spirits, Rule
close attention to what the Titans foretell for the next generation.
Instead of sci-fi mechs, this World Tendency assumes you are controlling
magical constructs in a fantasy world. Make the “mechs” strange and brimming
with mysterious power. Furthermore, the World Tendency does not explicitly state
that the people of the Empire are all human and mortal, so feel free to push the
fantastical elements of the setting.
House Ashka, Voice of the Empire
The Great House of Ashka historically focused its efforts on diplomacy and
trade. Ashka’s merchant princes and princesses are educated in the languages
› Frail cousin – health, promise, pride
› Mysterious patron – agenda, debts, living
› Secret lover – prejudice, stolen, rival
› Incredible horse – dependable, companion, prize
› Market plaza – meeting, organising, sweet
› An ill-fated duel between a Bresh noble and the Chou bodyguard of their Ashka
rival leads to a diplomatic incident, escalating into all-out war with the Chou
Dynasty when House Bresh oversteps their bounds in demanding recompense.
› Esthani conspirators organise a successful coup after assassinating the
reigning Emperor, though they fail to eliminate the two Crysanth heirs. The
fugitive heirs are split up. One rallies an army of Bresh and Ashka supporters,
while the other gains the loyalty of the commonfolk and Dhrystan’s Legacy to
retake the throne.
› Agents of Dhrystan’s Legacy orchestrate a war between house Bresh and
house Ashka to prevent an old Esthani prophecy from threatening the Crysanth
line. One of the Bresh leaders finds out and tries to convince their Ashka
counterpart to instead work together to supplant the Emperor.
Regal Statement, Heaven’s Hammer, Knight of Fallen Flowers, Windborne Duke,
Seven Maidens Offering Candles, Fortunate Rain, Open Hand, Khazanah, Darkhan,
Selthys Majora, Vail Volus Vultarius, Rose Magnificent, Azure Temple
Impulses Flaws
› Take A Defensive Stance › Coward
Mech Features: Tower shield, Mech Features: Cloak of mists,
parrying daggers, shield circles webcaster gauntlets, wingshield
› Strike First Strike Hard generators
Mech Features: Lightning spear, › Cruel
speed runes, meteor blast Mech Features: Heavy hooked
› In fact, don’t shy away from simple or basic ideas for Scenes,
Words, or any contribution to the game. If everything is high-
concept and dense, it can make the game overwhelming
encounter a prompt. game to suit your
group's needs and
› The best Words are ones that are ambiguous and preferences.
have multiple meanings. This will allow them to be
recontextualised when being used by different Pilots and in
different Phases of the game. It’s incredibly fun to discover
that a Word that you’ve kept from your past can have an
exciting new interpretation in another scene. Remember,
“pancake” is both a noun and a verb.
> Expanding and game, including ideas for additional Moves to cover specific
Hacking the Game situations.
touchstone from each of the sections (Genre, Time Period,
Texture) below and combine them, or come up with your own
touchstones to describe the setting.
If you are doing this as a group, let each player veto one
touchstone to remove it from consideration, and highlight one
touchstone as their preference. Based on the remaining and
highlighted touchstones, collectively pick one touchstone
from each of the sections and combine them to describe
the setting.
in the Academy.
[This Faction] operates at a [city / government department they prioritise
/ nation state / multinational corporation / international in their studies
alliance / planetary / interstellar] level and is concerned or teaching?
with matters of [security / science / commerce / religion / How would they
culture / governance / a chosen Word]. interact with other
It exerts power through [a chosen Word], to advance students or staff?
its interests in [a chosen Word] and prevent or oppose
[a chosen Word].
Incidents right before the last Academy Scene to make
sure you are hitting on resonant themes as the Academy
Phase comes to a close.
inspiration for how to come up with new custom Moves.
I Can Fly
SPEND THREE WORDS to pull off an incredible maneuver that
highlights a dramatic adjustment in one of your Traits. You
may remove up to three total Blood from the pool and/or from
your Pilot Sheet. Play your Theme Song. Adjust the Trait and
rename it as below:
› Hone an Impulse into an Aptitude, something you can rely
on instinctively to get you out of sticky situations
› Embody a Conviction as an Ideal that serves as a beacon
and touchstone for others
› Realise a Pride as a Proficiency which you have mastered
› Overcome a Flaw into Experience that allows you to avoid
repeating mistakes
Broken Branches
If you come into conflict with the ideals or people of your
Faction, you may SPEND THREE WORDS to defect to an opposing
Faction or create a new Faction in the conflict. Increase Blood
in the pool by one and then RISK BLOOD. Describe the Wants
and Key Assets for your new Faction.
The game will take place over two main Phases. The Academy
Phase is where you explore who the Pilots are, how you relate
to each other, and what you want from the world.
Use this time to set up relationships, work out your
character goals and ideals, and flesh out the world around
you and get ready to play them up or subvert them in the next
In the Conflict Phase, you skip ahead several years to a
major conflict where you clash on opposing sides and explore
who your Pilots have become and how their custom mechs
symbolise their growth, identity, and expanding reach.
Use this time to pay off character arcs by showing their
growth or reaching a crisis point, and to make big changes
to the world you’ve set up, as long as you are willing to pay
the costs.
Bank with some Words to act as touchstones for the setting
and inspire character moments.
Once this is done, you’ll take turns setting Scenes within
the phase. Each Scene focuses on a core Question, something
that you will be trying to answer with the Scene.
During each Scene, you play out what your Pilots do towards
answering the Scene’s Question. You can interact with Moves
and Words to provide inspiration and motivation for how you
act in a Scene.
Once a Scene’s Question is answered, the Scene is concluded
and another player gets a chance to set a Scene.
Once 2-3 Scenes have been played, there is an ending question
to help close out the phase and move on to the next phase.
For more on Moves, see page 33, page 36, page 58 and page 64.
> Words [37] For more on Words, see page 24, page 37 and page 49.
Pilot holds.
› Impulses are how your Pilot reacts to conflicts or tense
the list of suggested Anchors in your chosen World
Tendency or make up one of your own.
3. Give your Pilot a Name, and describe their Pronouns and
how they Look and dress. Use the World Tendency list to
inspire your Pilot’s name if you need to.
4. Once everyone has picked their Pilot Trait, defined one
Anchor, named their Pilot, and described their Pronouns
and overall Look, take turns introducing your pilots to
the group.
5. After all the Pilots are introduced, work together to pick
one Bond that your Pilot has with one other Pilot. Bonds
are relationships that your Pilot deems important. A Bond
will be linked to another Pilot, if both Pilots agree to it.
When you write a Bond, describe it in the form of a desire;
something you want from or for the other party that they
won’t or can’t give you just yet.
After creating your Pilots, start populating the Word Bank: > Creating a Pilot
1. Add “Identity”, “Connection” and “Wanting” to the Word [20]
Bank. These are the core themes of the Academy Phase.
2. Then, each player adds one Word to it. You can look at
the suggested Words in the World Tendencies for ideas or
come up with your own.
The Answer Move to bring the Scene to a close. Answer [33]
> World Tendencies Tendency (pages 74 to 93) to describe how the conflict begins,
[74] or make up one of your own based on what occurred in the
Academy Phase.
Based on the Inciting Incident, list the Factions involved
in the Conflict on the Conflict Sheet. For each Faction, also
describe two things that the Factions Wants, and list two Key
Assets controlled by that Faction. You can refer to the World
Tendency for examples or come up with your own.
Then, add the Words “Change”, “Opposition” and “Tragedy”
to the Word Bank.
Next, each player updates their Pilot Sheet, following
these steps:
After every player has updated their Pilot sheet, take turns
reintroducing your Pilots to the group and provide a short
set of Echoes and Pivots, which are examples of actions that Complications [62]
Pilots can take in a Scene to tie the current action back to
their past and escalate or resolve the Scene.
The lead player also chooses a Question to answer from the
following list and adjusts the Scene framing to work towards
answering this Question:
Blood tokens you are holding as a memorial to them and
say how you grieved them.
› What place can you never go back to, whether or not it
still stands? Set down one of the Blood tokens you are
holding as a memorial to this place and say how you
commemorate it.
› What cherished memory now twists your heart when you
look back on it? Set down one of the Blood tokens you are
holding as a memorial to it and say how you try to hold on
to the good parts of it.
› What relationship changed forever for you, that you
continually regret? Move one of the Blood tokens off your
Pilot Sheet as a memorial to it and say how it haunts all
your future relationships.
› How are you forever changed by your actions in the
war? Move one of the Blood tokens off your Pilot Sheet
as a memorial to your past and say how you struggle to
assimilate into the post-war world because of it.
› What big change did you enact in the world because of
your actions in the war? Set down one of the Blood tokens
you are holding as a monument to your achievement and
say what unintended consequences it had.
› How does your mech become a potent and enduring icon
of the war? Set down one of the Blood tokens you are
holding as a monument to it and say what exaggerations
Blackburn, Dan Condaxis, Dana Jadzia Mison, Daniel Fantis, Daniel Higgins, dave ring, David Block, David
Lim, David Vehonsky, David Walker, Declan Lowthian, Derek Benig, Det. Sgt. Keaton Kumar, Dión, doe,
Dominik Pintera, Dominique Dickey, Donogh McCarthy, Drew McParlan, Dustin Niehoff, Dusty Hill, Effi,
Eggo Revolver, El Addams, Eli Seitz, Eliot, Elizabeth Bridges, Ella Watts, Ellen Strange, Elliot Davis,
EOT_Impulse, Eric Garneau, Eric Taylor, Erica “Vulpinfox” Schmitt, Evan Ritchie, Evan Torner, Farrell,
Fergus Halliday, Fern, Filip Gunnarsson, Finnegan J. Carey, Frankie Mundens,Fredric Dalqvist, Gabe
Tanenhaus, Giles Pritchard, Giuseppe D’Aristotile, Glenn Welser, GlitchFire, Grahame “theInstaGrahame”
Turner, Greyson, Harry Minutes, Hayley Archer, Hendrik ten Napel, Hessan Yongdi, Hunter Henrichsen,
Ian Howard, Ian J Lutz, Ian K, Ian Urbina, Illuminarty 312, Indie Game Reading Club, Ipsen, Isaac Williams,
J Strautman, J. Y., Jackson Wood, Jake Hyder, Jake Johnson, James Catling, James Kerr, James Leask,
James Meredith, James Wright, Jason Bostwick, Jason Kotzur, Jason Kraus, Jayson Stevens, JC Darcy,
Jeff Stolarcyk, Jeff Stormer, Jeremy Zimmerman, Jérôme "Brand" Larré, Jerry Sköld, Jesse Alford, Jim
B., Jim Batt, Jodi Odgers, Joe Craig, Joe Robinson, John M. Atkinson, Johnathan Nguyen, JollyGoodJimmy,
Jon East, Jonathan “Buddha” Davis, Joonas Dæmon Lind, Josh “Jolly” Sorey, Josh H., Josh White, Joshua
Pevner, jquestionmark, Juanma Barranquero, Justin Porter, Karl Lange, Kat L., Katelyn Gigante, Kelly
Griffin, Ken Finlayson, Ken Lee, Kennan McArtor, Kevin DeBaun, Kevin Thien Vu Long Nguyen, Kris Deters,
Kyeborg, Kyle Tam, Lasse J., Leam, Leandro Pondoc, Lewis Anderson, Liam Murray, Librocreates, Lisa
Padol, loftybloke, Logan Timmins, Lucas Bell, Lukas Feinweber, Luke Boniecki, Luther Patenge, M. P.
O’Sullivan, Maggie, Marc Majcher, Margaret Catter Development, Maria Morabe, Mark Harris, Mark
mason, Marren MacAdam, Mars, Matt Fennell, Matt Gray, Matt Lowe, Matthew Lee, Matthew Mitchell,
Melody Watson, Mendel Schmiedekamp, MERLIN CLARK, Michael Addison, Michael Pureka, Michael
Tree, Michel Lichand, Michele “Snake” Gelli, Mickey Possingham, Mike Westley, Mikel L Matthews Jr,
Minh Pham, Morgan L’Fey, Morgan Weeks, Mr. Blu, Mr. Priscilla, Nathan Avila, Nathan Harrison, Nathan
Rockwood, Nick Bate, Nick Carruthers, Nick Hopkins, Nicolas Schapira, Nuclear Bob, Olav Müller, Ollie
Larsen, orangerequired, Paridoux, Pat Murphy, Paul Adams, Paul Cosgrove, Pause Menu, Pete Petrusha
(Imagining Games), Phil Corpuz, Philip W Rogers Jr, Pidj Sorensen, Puckett, RagingSystem, Randy Lander,
RazgrizTwo, Rebecca Freedman, Rick Wilson, Robert Guthrie, Robert Mania, Robin Vilain, Rory M, Ryan
Coombes, S.A. Hannon, Sam Jackson, Sam Roberts, Sam Zeitlin, Samantha Quinn, Sara Duniphin, Scott
Fitzsimmons, Sean Gray, Sean Nittner, Seething, Senda Linaugh, Serinthius, splendidduchess, Steve
Schulze, Steven “IDBN” Buchele, Steven Alligator, Steven Moy, Susan Schmidt, Tarik Horton, Ted DiNola,
The Ampersand, TheJuggernaut, thekellhop, Tiest Vilee, Tim Gonzalez, Tomas Herbertson, Toshiya
Nakamura, Tracker, Trip Space-Parasite, Tristan Hubert, Ty Pitre, Tyler Crumrine, Tyler Pollock, Viditya
Voleti, Vitor Augusto Bastos Pinheiro, W.H. Arthur, Wade Holmes, wawoozle, Whitney, X Turner, Xenoborg,
Xevi Graham, yuu gamon, Zasabi, Zeb Berryman, Zedeck Siew, Ze’ev Krischer.
Rules Summary
E Conflict 105 108–118 59, 110
Echo 55, 58, 60–63, 115 Moves, Custom World Tendency 18–19,
Epilogue 11, 71–73, 105–106 S 24, 48–49, 75–93,
116–118 Moves Reference 8 Safety Tools 13–14, 109–110, 114
40, 44