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Analytical Biochemistry
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: DNA polymerase activity was measured by a stopped-flow assay that monitors polymerase extension
Received 17 April 2013 using an intercalating dye. Double-stranded DNA formation during extension of a hairpin substrate
Received in revised form 3 July 2013 was monitored at 75 °C for 2 min. Rates were determined in nucleotides per second per molecule of poly-
Accepted 6 July 2013
merase (nt/s) and were linear with time and polymerase concentration from 1 to 50 nM. The concentra-
Available online 16 July 2013
tions of 15 available polymerases were quantified and their extension rates determined in 50 mM Tris, pH
8.3, 0.5 mg/ml BSA, 2 mM MgCl2, and 200 lM each dNTP as well as their commercially recommended
buffers. Native Taq polymerases had similar extension rates of 10–45 nt/s. Three alternative polymerases
Activity assay
showed faster speeds, including KOD (76 nt/s), Klentaq I (101 nt/s), and KAPA2G (155 nt/s). Fusion poly-
Stopped-flow merases including Herculase II and Phusion were relatively slow (3–13 nt/s). The pH optimum for Klentaq
Intercalating dye extension was between 8.5 and 8.7 with no effect of Tris concentration. Activity was directly correlated to
the MgCl2 concentration and inversely correlated to the KCl concentration. This continuous assay is rel-
evant to PCR and provides accurate measurement of polymerase activity using a defined template with-
out the need of radiolabeled substrates.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The extension rates of DNA polymerases under PCR conditions fluorescent labels or nucleotide analogs. Some of these methods
have not been characterized. A wide variety of polymerases are avail- are capable of providing extension rates in terms of individual nucle-
able and many are designed for increased fidelity and speed. The otide incorporation [1–3,8,9,11]. However, they all require template
conventional way to measure the activity of DNA polymerase is in modifications (fluorescent or radioactive) or immobilization of
terms of units, most commonly defined as the number of nanomoles either template or polymerase onto a substrate.
of radiolabeled dNTPs incorporated into activated calf thymus or sal- We introduce a fluorescent stopped-flow assay for monitoring
mon sperm DNA at 72 to 75 °C for 30 min. This is a time-consuming polymerase extension that requires no modification of the template
endpoint assay and does not provide information about the initial or polymerase. This method relies on the increase in fluorescence of
extension rates of polymerases. In addition, assay conditions are double-stranded DNA dyes during nucleotide incorporation. These
not standardized and often differ from those used during PCR. dyes are frequently used in real-time PCR, eliminating the need to
A number of alternative assays have been introduced for DNA and change reaction chemistry. Measured extension rates are directly
RNA polymerases. These include methods based on atomic force applicable to PCR. We use this assay to compare the speed of 15 poly-
microscopy [1], light microscopy [2], single-molecule optical trap- merases at equimolar concentrations. Because their activity was
ping [3], quartz crystal microbalance [4], and radiometric assays strongly dependent on the reaction buffer, we then measured the ef-
[5]. Others use enzyme-coupled reactions to monitor pyrophos- fects of common buffer conditions, including pH and KCl, MgCl2, and
phate release [6,7]. Fluorescence-based methods have monitored Tris concentration.
the displacement of single-stranded DNA-binding protein [8] or
polarization of labeled extension templates [9,10]. Quench–flow
Materials and methods
[6] has been used and allows kinetic analysis of rapid reactions.
However, this method requires stopping the reaction at several time
points, followed by analyzing the products on gels or by chromatog-
raphy methods. Stopped-flow [6,9,11] assays have been developed
The sequence tagcgaaggatgtgaacctaatcccTGCTCCCGCGGCCG
and enable continuous reaction monitoring, but these use covalent
atctgcCGGC-CGCGGGAGCA was used as the extension template
and a baseline fluorescence standard (capital letters denote self-
⇑ Corresponding author. Fax: +1 801 581 6001. complementary sequences). The oligonucleotide forms a hairpin
E-mail address: carl.wittwer@path.utah.edu (C.T. Wittwer). with a 14-bp stem that has a free 30 end and a 25-base overhang
0003-2697/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
134 Fluorescent DNA polymerase assay / J.L. Montgomery et al. / Anal. Biochem. 441 (2013) 133–139
for extension. The fully extended template was also synthesized as 495 nm with a monochromator and fluorescence collected with a
a fluorescence standard: TAGCGAAGGATGTGAACCTAATCCCTGCTC photomultiplier tube and a 530 ± 15 nm discriminating filter. Ther-
CCGC-GGCCGatctgcCGGCCGCGGGAGCAGGGATTAGGTTCACATCCT moelectric heaters separately maintained the temperature of the
TCGCTA. Oligonucleotides were ordered from Integrated DNA mixing lines and the reaction cuvette. Each line was held at
Technologies with the extension substrate purified by high-pres- 75 °C. Reactants were added to two separate mixing lines and
sure liquid chromatography and the fully extended standard puri- mixed in a 1:1 ratio at a flow rate of 9 ml/s. The estimated dead
fied by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Each was quantified by time for mixing was 6.6 ms. Extension reactions were carried out
absorbance at 260 nm following digestion by purified phosphodi- in 1 EvaGreen (Biotium) and either the buffer supplied by the
esterase [12] for accurate quantification. manufacturer of each polymerase or a common buffer (50 mM Tris,
0.5 mg/ml bovine serum albumin (BSA), and 2 mM MgCl2, pH 8.3).
DNA polymerases When MgCl2 was not included in the vendor buffer (KOD and Plat-
inum Taq), a final concentration of 2 mM was used. Preliminary
Fifteen polymerases were included in this study: Amplitaq experiments determined maximal extension rates for Klentaq I
(Invitrogen), KOD (EMD Millipore), Taq (New England Biolabs), with 200 lM each dNTP with a Km of 39 lM. Polymerase extension
Platinum Taq (Invitrogen), GoTaq (Promega), Titanium Taq (Clon- was initiated by mixing 400 lM each dNTP with 10 nM polymerase
tech), Paq5000 (Agilent), Herculase II (Agilent), Phusion (New Eng- and 200 nM oligonucleotide (final concentrations were 200 lM
land Biolabs), KAPA2G (Kapa Biosystems), MyTaq (Bioline), Ex Taq each dNTP, 5 nM polymerase, and 100 nM oligonucleotide). To pre-
(Clontech), Taq (Roche), SpeedSTAR (Clontech), and Klentaq I (pur- vent template degradation, extension experiments for polymerases
chased from either AB Peptides or Washington University in exhibiting 30 to 50 exonuclease activity (Herculase II, KOD, and Phu-
St. Louis, MO, USA). sion) were initiated by mixing the polymerase with dNTP and oli-
Polymerases were quantified on sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) gonucleotide. MyTaq includes dNTPs in the vendor buffer at a final
polyacrylamide gels stained with Sypro orange (Invitrogen). Gel concentration of 250 lM each. For this polymerase, extension
images were obtained using a Gel Doc XR+ with XcitaBlue (Bio- reactions were initiated by mixing the polymerase with the
Rad) conversion screen accessory and analyzed with Image Lab oligonucleotide.
(Bio-Rad) software. Prior to being loaded on the gels, samples were Polymerase extension curves were calibrated either by allowing
reduced in 30 mM Tris, pH 6.8, 12.5% glycerol, 1% SDS, and 360 mM the reaction to go to completion or by using fluorescence stan-
b-mercaptoethanol at 96 °C for 5 min. Klentaq I (purchased from dards. Except where indicated, calibration was performed with
Washington University in St. Louis) was used as the quantification fluorescence standards. Polymerase was omitted from reactions
standard. The standard was quantified by absorbance at 280 nm containing fluorescence standards and calibration was repeated
using an extinction coefficient of 6.91 104 M1 cm1 calculated for each experiment to account for influences of buffer conditions
from the amino acid content of the published sequence [13]. The on absolute fluorescence. Seven to ten stopped-flow shots were re-
purity of this standard was determined by fluorescence integration peated for each experiment and the means and standard deviations
from polyacrylamide gels and the concentration adjusted propor- reported. Data were acquired for 2 min every 50 ms.
tionately. Two replicates of each quantity standard (50, 100, 200,
and 300 ng) and four replicates of each polymerase were included
Buffer component study
on each gel. Major bands at expected molecular masses were con-
sidered to be the polymerase of interest. The integrated fluores-
The effects of pH and the concentrations of Tris, KCl, and MgCl2
cence intensity of these bands was used to calculate the
on extension rate were observed. One parameter was varied while
concentration and purity of the polymerases. Molecular masses
the other three were kept constant. Final conditions were Tris con-
used in concentration calculations were measured from the gels
centrations at 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 mM, KCl at 0, 12.5, 25, 37.5, 50,
or taken from the literature [14,15], including vendor product
and 62.5 mM, and MgCl2 at 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, and 6 mM, and pH
information. Klentaq I was measured by mass spectrometry (Mass
was at 7, 7.5, 8, 8.3, 8.5, 8.7, and 9. Unless varied, Tris concentration
Spectrometry and Proteomics core facility at the University of
was held at 50 mM, KCl at 0 mM, and MgCl2 at 2 mM and the pH at
Utah) after dialyzing for 48 h at room temperature in PBS buffer
8.0. Studies were done with Klentaq I at 5 nM, 200 lM each dNTP,
(150 mM NaCl, 2.5 mM KCl, 10 mM disodium phosphate, 1.5 mM
100 nM template, 1 EvaGreen, and 0.5 mg/ml BSA final concen-
dipotassium phosphate, pH 7.4). A molecular mass of 62,596 Da
trations. Reaction completion was used to calibrate the data in this
was determined compared to 62,097 Da predicted from the amino
study except when the extension was so slow that saturation could
acid sequence [13].
not be observedwithin 2 min. This occurred only when KCl concen-
The specific activity in units per milligram of polymerase
tration was 62.5 mM, the pH was 7, and MgCl2 concentration was
(U/mg) was calculated from the unit concentration provided by
1 mM.
the manufacturer and the concentration of polymerase measured
on the gels. Most manufacturers define 1 U of polymerase as the
amount required to incorporate 10 nmol of dNTPs in 30 min. How- Results
ever, the manufacturers of Klentaq I (ABPeptides) and Taq (NEB)
define a unit as the incorporation of 60 and 15 nmol dNTP, respec- Polymerase quantification
tively. The specific activities of these polymerases were scaled to
allow comparison to other polymerases (i.e., the specific activity A typical quantification gel and standard curve are shown in
calculated for Klentaq I was multiplied by 6 and that of Taq Fig. 1. Antibody hot-start polymerases (Platinum, Titanium, MyTaq,
(NEB) was multiplied by 1.5). The specific activities for Herculase ExTaq, and SpeedSTAR) showed characteristic heavy- and light-
II and Titanium were not calculated because the manufacturers chain bands at around 50 and 25 kDa. Paq5000 showed a promi-
do not provide the polymerase activities. nent band of unknown identity at 62.5 kDa. Phusion had a diffuse
band centered around 150 kDa and a prominent band at 64.5 kDa.
Polymerase extension assay Neglecting bands known to be other components, the purity of all
polymerases was calculated at greater than 90%, with the excep-
Polymerase extension studies were performed with a stopped- tion of KOD (70%), Phusion (50%), and KAPA2G (65%). Measured
flow instrument (SFM-300, Bio-Logic SAS). Excitation was set at concentrations for all polymerases are shown in Table 1. Most
Fluorescent DNA polymerase assay / J.L. Montgomery et al. / Anal. Biochem. 441 (2013) 133–139 135
A (63 nM), and Titanium (197 nM), which are supplied and used at
considerably higher concentrations.
Extension rates were derived from the initial slope of the exten-
sion curves. Fig. 2 shows that the initial slope is proportional to
polymerase concentration from at least 1 to 50 nM. To obtain rates
in absolute units, extension curves were calibrated in one of two
Substrate exhaustion
Polymerase extension reactions are allowed to proceed to satu-
ration with complete extension of the template. The maximum and
minimum data points of individual extension curves are normal-
B ized between 0 and the total number of nucleotides that each poly-
merase molecule can extend. This is calculated as:
½Template L=½Poly; ð1Þ
where [Template] is the concentration of template, L is the length of
extension in base pairs, and [Poly] is the concentration of the poly-
merase. Normalized this way, the initial slope of extension curves
directly yields extension rate in nucleotides per second per mole-
cule of polymerase (nt/s).
Fig.4. Extension rates of polymerases in the common (black bars) and vendor (gray bars) buffers. Extension rates were strongly influenced by buffer conditions. KOD, Klentaq
I, and KAPA2G were the fastest polymerases.
Fluorescent DNA polymerase assay / J.L. Montgomery et al. / Anal. Biochem. 441 (2013) 133–139 137
variants are mutants of Taq with a deletion of the 50 exonuclease amount of polymerase used in the assay. In this study, extension
domain [13]. These showed faster extension, especially in the com- rate is a measurement of the initial rate of nucleotide incorporation
mon buffer. KAPA2G, an engineered variant of Taq, showed the using a defined template and is expressed per molecule of poly-
fastest extension rates. KOD is a polymerase from the Thermococcus merase. Specific activity is the rate of nucleotide incorporation into
kodakaraensis KOD1 archae [15,17]. In the vendor buffer, it was the activated DNA and is expressed per milligram of the polymerase.
third fastest polymerase. SpeedStar is a polymerase from an organ- Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to assess the linear
ism undisclosed by the manufacturer, but extension rates are sim- relationship between these two measurements. The relationship is
ilar to those observed for the native Taq polymerases. weakly positive when measured in the common buffer and weakly
The specific activity was calculated from unit concentrations negative when measured in the vendor buffers.
provided by the vendor and the mass of polymerase measured
from gels. For most polymerases the specific activity was between Buffer components
40,000 and 65,000 U/mg. Specific activities were higher for Amplit-
aq (103,300 U/mg), Platinum Taq (81,800 U/mg), and Taq (NEB) The difference between extension rates in the common versus
(75,600 U/mg). The specific activities for Phusion (21,900 U/mg) the vendor buffers for many polymerases is striking. Nearly a 3-
and KOD (5900 U/mg) were lower. fold increase with the common buffer was observed for Klentaq I.
Fig. 5 contrasts the measured extension rates to calculated spe- The enhancement of KOD and KAPA2G in the vendor buffer ap-
cific activities. These are analogous measurements of polymerase proached 100-fold. It is apparent that buffer components strongly
speed. Both are nucleotide incorporation rates normalized to the influence extension rates.
Fig.6. Effects of buffer components on KlenTaq extension rates. (A) Tris has little effect. (B) KCl strongly inhibits extension. (C) Optimal pH for extension is between 8.5 and
8.7, with rapid decreases outside these values. (D) Magnesium increases extension rates with saturation near 5 mM.
138 Fluorescent DNA polymerase assay / J.L. Montgomery et al. / Anal. Biochem. 441 (2013) 133–139
The effects of four common components of PCR buffers on PCR conditions. PCR amplifies defined templates and is processive
extension rates were studied for Klentaq I (Fig. 6). The concentra- rather than random. One study compared the activity of polymer-
tion of Tris has very little influence on extension rates (Fig. 6A). ase with activated salmon sperm DNA and a defined template
KCl concentration inhibits polymerase activity (Fig. 6B). Extension using single-stranded M13 with a primer [23]. The activity differed
rates decline linearly between 0 and 37.5 mM with over a 70% de- between the templates by about 60% at 70 °C with Taq polymerase.
crease. Only 21% of total activity was measured at 50 mM. Optimal Activity measurements of DNA polymerases will have greater rel-
pH is between 8.5 and 8.7, with rapid decreases outside of this va- evance to their intended use if assay conditions are similar.
lue (Fig. 6C). Extension is almost entirely inhibited at pH 7. Rates Manufacturers claim superior speed for 7 of the 15 polymerases
quickly increase with total MgCl2 concentration (Fig. 6D), saturat- that were studied. Of the native Taq polymerases, fast extension
ing at 5 mM. At 1.5 mM MgCl2, extension rates were 43% of the rates are claimed only for MyTaq. This polymerase was the fastest
maximum at 5 mM. in the category of native Taq polymerases and the fifth fastest poly-
merase overall (Fig. 4). Fast extension rates are claimed for both
the fusion polymerases, Herculase II and Phusion, though they
Discussion were among the slowest polymerases studied. Phusion claims to
be 10-fold faster than unmodified Pfu polymerase; however, Phu-
The homogeneous stopped-flow assay presented here provides sion was 13.5 nt/s while 28.2 nt/s was observed for Paq5000, a na-
a simple and precise measurement of polymerase activity. The use tive Pfu polymerase. Speed claims are also made for Paq5000,
of double-stranded DNA dyes allows continuous monitoring of though this polymerase exhibited only moderate activity. KAPA2G
extension. These dyes are commonly used in real-time PCR and and KOD both have fast extension rates as indicated by the manu-
eliminate the need for template modifications including covalent facturer, but this is dependent on the buffer used. SpeedStar did
labels, radioactivity, or nucleotide analogs that are used in other not demonstrate superior speed as claimed, with a maximum
assays. Template and buffer conditions reflect those found in extension rate (31.1 nt/s) only marginally faster than the average
PCR. Performance of polymerases can easily be tested under a vari- extension rate of all native Taq polymerases (28.3 nt/s). The second
ety of conditions and can aid in screening polymerases and buffer fastest extension rate was observed with Klentaq I, though this is
conditions for various applications. not generally considered a fast polymerase.
EvaGreen was used in these studies and inhibits PCR with Although the native Taq polymerases should be molecularly
increasing concentration [18]. The same effect has been observed similar, their extension rates vary by nearly a factor of 3 in the
for SYBR Green I [19] and Syto 9 [20]. Comparative studies have common buffer. These differences indicate there is some variability
shown that the degree of inhibition varies across dyes [18,20,21]. in the activity of the same polymerase prepared under different
The effect of DNA dyes on polymerase activity has not yet been conditions. Also, polymerase extension rates are strongly depen-
studied. dent on buffer conditions and the vendor buffer is not always opti-
In these experiments, template was in 20-fold excess of the mal (Fig. 4). Faster speeds were observed in the common buffer
polymerase and each polymerase molecule bound and extended (with 95% confidence) for both of the Taq polymerase deletion vari-
multiple templates just as in PCR. It has been shown that template ants and five of the seven native Taq polymerases—Taq (NEB), Taq
binding is not a limiting step in polymerase extension [22] and is (Roche), Amplitaq, GoTaq, and Platinum Taq. In contrast, faster
not expected to contribute to the rates measured here. Extension extension rates were observed in vendor buffers for KAPA2G and
rates are measured in nt/s and have greater relevance to PCR than KOD.
the standard unit definition. PCR amplifies templates of defined KCL and MgCl2 concentration and pH greatly influence exten-
length and knowledge of the extension rates in nt/s provides better sion rates. The range of optimal pH is narrow (Fig. 6C). Below the
insight into the speeds obtainable during PCR. For example, this optimum of pH 8.5 to 8.7, extension rates declined about 60% with
could guide optimization of thermal cycling protocols for faster each pH unit. Above the optimum, the decline was nearly twice as
and more efficient PCR. rapid. Another study using a radiometric assay found that optimal
As shown in Fig. 5, vendor-claimed specific activities correlate pH was dependent on the buffer system [24]. Optimums for Tris,
poorly with measured extension rate per molecule. These are both glycine, and potassium phosphate buffers ranged between pH 7.0
normalized measurements of the rate of nucleotide incorporation and 8.0. For each buffer system, rapid decreases in activity were
into a template and should be directly comparable. Extension rate also observed outside the optimal pH. The highest activity for the
is expressed per molecule of polymerase and specific activity is ex- Tris buffer was at pH 7.8 and was lower than the pH optimum in
pressed per milligram of polymerase. However, these normaliza- our study. This buffer contained components not included in the
tion approaches are similar because the molecular masses of all Tris buffer we used, including 2-mercaptoethanol, KCl, and fivefold
the polymerases in this study other than Klentaq and Titanium higher MgCl2 concentration. This suggests that other components
are within about 4%. Poor correlation between the two measure- in addition to the buffer system may also influence the optimal
ments of activity can be attributed to differences in buffer condi- pH for extension.
tions and extension templates. Buffers used in traditional Extension rates continued to increase with MgCl2 concentration
radiometric assays for polymerase activity vary widely and differ- until saturating at 5 mM (Fig. 6D). This is a higher concentration
ences in pH, denaturants, and MgCl2, KCl, template, and dNTP con- than is typically used in PCR, often because of concerns with non-
centration may contribute to disagreement in specific activities specific amplification. Greater specificity is achieved with faster
reported for polymerases. The average specific activity calculated thermal cycling [25–27] and higher MgCl2 concentration may be
for the native Taq polymerases in this study is nearly fivefold lower most appropriate in rapid PCR.
than in a study that measured the specific activity of Taq polymer- KCl strongly inhibits extension (Fig. 6B). A number of methods
ase at 292,000 U/mg [23] under different conditions. Wide variance have been used to study the effect of KCl concentration on poly-
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niques including enzymatic digestion and mechanical shearing. Two studies used a defined template with primers as opposed to
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Fluorescent DNA polymerase assay / J.L. Montgomery et al. / Anal. Biochem. 441 (2013) 133–139 139
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