Axioms-12-00306-V2 NCKH Xe T Hành
Axioms-12-00306-V2 NCKH Xe T Hành
Axioms-12-00306-V2 NCKH Xe T Hành
A Numerical Implementation of Fractional-Order PID
Controllers for Autonomous Vehicles
Iqbal M. Batiha 1,2, * , Osama Y. Ababneh 3 , Abeer A. Al-Nana 4 , Waseem G. Alshanti 1 ,
Shameseddin Alshorm 1 and Shaher Momani 2,5
Abstract: In the context of reaching the best way to control the movement of autonomous cars linearly
and angularly, making them more stable and balanced on different roads and ensuring that they avoid
road obstacles, this manuscript chiefly aims to reach the optimal approach for a fractional-order PID
controller (or PI γ D ρ -controller) instead of the already classical one used to provide smooth automatic
parking for electrical autonomous cars. The fractional-order PI γ D ρ -controller is based on the particle
swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm for its design, with two different approximations: Oustaloup’s
approximation and the continued fractional expansion (CFE) approximation. Our approaches to the
fractional-order PID using the results of the PSO algorithm are compared with the classical PID that
was designed using the results of the Cohen–Coon, Ziegler–Nichols and bacteria foraging algorithms.
The scheme represented by the proposed PI γ D ρ -controller can provide the system of the autonomous
vehicle with more stable results than that of the PID controller.
optimization algorithm, the bacteria foraging algorithm, the genetic algorithm, the artificial
bee colony, ant colony optimization, the grey wolf optimizer, the hybrid optimization
technique and many others [9]. The Cohen–Coon tuning method is the second most
popular after the Zeigler–Nichols tuning method because it is more flexible than the
Zeigler–Nichols tuning method in a wider variety of processes. The Cohen–Coon tuning
method is reasonable for processes where the dead time is less than twice that of the time
constant, but the Zeigler–Nichols tuning method works well only on processes where
the dead time is less than half that of the time response [10]. In the same regard, the
particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique, proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart [11],
is an evolutionary-type global optimization technique, whose development was inspired
by social activities in flock of birds and schools of fish, and it is widely applied to various
engineering problems due to its high computational efficiency. Compared with other
population-based stochastic optimization methods, such as the genetic algorithm, PSO has
a comparable or even superior search performance for many hard optimization problems,
with faster and more stable convergence rates. It has been proved to be an effective optimum
tool in system identification and PID-controller tuning for a class of processes [12]. The
efficiency of, e.g., the genetic algorithm can be used to create an objective function that
evaluates the PID gains based on the overall errors of the systems and generate a high
quality solution [13].
Recently, the PID controller has been improved using the concept of fractional
calculus [14]. With this new concept, the PID controller has been upgraded from the classic
PID controller to a fractional-order PID controller. According to this concept, the equation
from the classical controller was updated into the fractional-order PID controller [14]. Based
on this evolution, the further tuning of two parameters, the fractional-order integral value
(γ) and the fractional-order derivative value (ρ), in addition to the three existing ones, are
needed. These two parameters require proper handling of the fractional-order Laplacian
operators, sγ and sρ , which can be approximated by different numerical approaches, such
as the continued fractional expansion (CFE) scheme, Oustaloup’s approximation and oth-
ers. These approximations are characterized by the ability to convert the fractional-order
Laplacian operators, (sγ and sρ ), into their corresponding integer-order rational transfer
functions. In general, these techniques can improve the PID controller by transforming it
into the PI γ D ρ -controller by optimizing the five parameters (K p , Ki , Kd , γ, ρ).
In this manuscript, we are interested in implementing the PSO optimization algorithm
for the purpose of tuning the fractional-order PID controller in order to make the control
system for self-driving cars on different roads and situations more stable, more controlled
and more responsive. The CFE and Oustaloup approaches were used to approximate the
fractional-order Laplacian operators, sγ and sρ . Our approaches to fractional-order PID
using the results of the PSO algorithm were compared with the classical PID controller that
was designed using the results of the Cohen–Coon (CC) approach, the Ziegler–Nichols
(ZN) method and the bacteria foraging algorithm (BFA).
In this work, we emphasize the fact that the fractional-order PID controller can provide
better results over standard PID controllers, here by proposing different PI γ D ρ -controllers
for autonomous vehicle systems that were established based on the application of the PSO
algorithm simultaneously with the use of two different approximations (Oustaloup and
the continued fractional expansion) of the fractional-order integro-differential Laplacian
operators. Actually, including these two approaches within the autonomous vehicle system,
using the PSO algorithm to verify the validity of using the fractional-order PID controller,
is regarded as the main contribution of this work.
to the classical version [15–17]. Generally, the PID controller is obtained by using the
following fractional-order integro-differential equation [18]:
y ( t ) = K p e ( t ) + Ki J γ e ( t ) + K d D ρ e ( t ), (1)
Parameter Value
Population size. 20
Max. number of iterations. 100
Range of K p . (0, 60]
Range of Ki . (0, 66]
Range of Kd . (0, 61]
Range of γ. (0, 1)
Range of ρ. (0, 1)
As for optimality theory, building the so-called fitness function within the algorithm
and reducing its value was the ultimate goal of this theory, through which it is easy
to obtain the optimal values for the fractional-order PID controller. According to what
has been mentioned, we are in the process of adopting a specific fitness function [19,20].
The following is how such a fitness function (integral time absolute error (ITAE)) can
be expressed: Z ∞
V= t|et |dt, (3)
where e(t) is the error signal over the time t. However, the overall tuning process of the
PID controller using the PSO algorithm can be described by the block diagram shown
in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Block diagram of the PSO algorithm running to tune the PI γ D ρ –controller.
can obtain more comprehensive information about these two approaches by referring to
the following content.
(1 + z ) α = αz
, (4)
1− (1+ α ) z
1+ (1− α ) z
(2+ α ) z
(2− α ) z
where the poles, zeros and the gain are evaluated form the following relations:
ω K+ N2N
ωk = ωb , (7)
ω K+ N2N
h +1
ωk0 = ωb , (8)
ω − α2 N
∏ ωk0
. (9)
K =− N
where the approximation depends on the order filer N and the lower frequency range (ωb , ωh ).
Axioms 2023, 12, 306 5 of 12
Observe that the order of the transfer function (6) is always of order n = 2N + 1. In
the special case where the limited frequencies ωb and ωh are symmetrical around the center
frequency, ωu = 1 rad/s, (i.e., ωb = 1/ωh ), then the coefficients of (6) will be correlated to
each other as follows [22]:
An−i = Bi , i = 0, 1, 2, · · · , N. (11)
T1 (s) = . (12)
s2 + 0.619s + 0.1636
In addition, the transfer function of the linear motion, which has two poles with no
zeros, can be formulated as follows [23]:
T2 (s) = . (13)
s2 + 0.1258s + 0.02384
From this point of view, we aim to reduce the fitness function given in (3) by using the
PSO algorithm followed by approximating the resulting fractional-order operators (sγ and
sρ ) using the CFE and Oustaloup methods. Through these approximations, we obtained
two fractional-order PID controllers Ci (s), which necessarily means we also obtained two
closed-loop systems Hi (s), where i = 1, 2. We compared all closed-loop systems to derive
the best controller for the proposed subsystems.
In the following two subsections, different results of the proposed improvements are
shown, and the results of the CC, ZN and BFA improvements for the classic PID controller
are listed and compared by specific graphics and tables. The preferences of the proposed
novel improvements is also shown.
2.4696e + 2s5 + 2.6421e + 3s4 + 5.607e + 3s3 + 2.9951e + 3s2 + 3.3208e + 2s + 0.9999
s0.911 = (15)
s5 + 3.32084e + 2s4 + 2.9951e + 3s3 + 5.6074e + 3s2 + 2.6421e + 3s + 2.4696e + 2
Axioms 2023, 12, 306 6 of 12
which immediately gives the closed-loop system H3 (s), which has the form:
• The PID controller via the Ziegler–Nichols (ZN) approach: herein, we implement the
ZN algorithm to obtain the PID controller. The output is of the following form:
C4 (s) = 2.5 + 0.582/s + 4.271s. (26)
This, consequently, implies the closed-loop system H4 (s), which is in the follow-
ing form:
61.81s2 + 36.18s + 8.422
H4 (s) = 4 . (27)
s + 0.7306s3 + 171.6s2 + 36.31s + 8.422
• The PID controller via the Cohen-Coon (CC) approach: here, we applied the CC
algorithm to obtain the PID controller. This controller has the following form:
C5 (s) = 3.02 + 0.472/s + 2.81s. (28)
Therefore, the closed-loop system H5 (s) is expected to be as follows:
0.2 PID−ZN
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time (seconds)
Table 2. The gains of PID and fractional-order PID controllers for linear vehicle motion.
3.2. Tuning the Fractional-Order PID Controller for Angular Transfer Motion
Similarly to the previous subsection, we re-execute the PSO algorithm once again, but
this time to obtain two other fractional-order PID controllers C6 (s) and C7 (s). This tunes
the angular transfer motion T1 (s) given in (12). These controllers are given as follows:
• The PI γ D ρ -PSO-controller via the CFE approach:
C6 (s) = 48 + 0.911 + 51s0.7119 . (30)
The two Laplacian operators, s0.911 and s0.7119 , can, therefore, be approximated using
the CFE approach as follows:
2.4696e + 2s5 + 2.6421e + 3s4 + 5.6074e + 3s3 + 2.9951e + 3s2 + 3.3208e + 2s + 0.9999
s0.911 = (31)
s5 + 3.32.084e + 2s4 + 2.9951e + 3s3 + 5.6074e + 3s2 + 2.6421e + 3s + 2.4696 + 2
• The PID controller via the bacteria foraging algorithm (BFA): in this part, we obtain
the following result:
C8 (s) = 8.4629 + + 13.1024 ∗ s. (40)
This leads to the following closed-loop system:
• The PID controller via the Ziegler–Nichols (ZN) approach: in this part, we have
the following:
C9 (s) = 1.94 + 1.02s + 0.9922s. (42)
This, consequently, implies the closed-loop system H9 (s), which is of the
following form:
0.1116s2 + 0.2347s + 0.1234
H9 (s) = 3 . (43)
s + 0.7306s2 + 0.3983s + 0.1234
• The PID controller via the Cohen–Coon (CC) approach: herein, we have
C10 (s) = 2.22 + 1.01s + 0.745s. (44)
This gives the closed-loop system H8 (s), which is of the following form:
Table 4. The gains of PID and FOPID controllers for vehicle angular motion.
Table 5. Step responses of H6 (s), H7 (s), H8 (s), H9 (s) and H10 (s).
0.2 PID−ZN
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time (seconds)
Figure 3. Step responses of H6 (s), H7 (s), H8 (s), H9 (s) and H10 (s).
4. Conclusions
In order to obtain the best performance of passenger car movement and stability on
and off the roads, along with higher flexibility on straight and angular roads according to
changing conditions and safety from sudden obstacles that appear on the roads, different
control units have been designed. In particular, different PI γ D ρ -controllers were estab-
lished based on the application of the PSO algorithm simultaneously with the use of two
different approximations of the fractional-order integro-differential Laplacian operators.
These approximations are Oustaloup’s approximation and the continued fractional expan-
sion (CFE) approximation. Based on the numerical results gained from several performed
comparisons, we conclude that there are significant improvements in the step responses
achieved by using PI γ D ρ -controllers over using PID controllers. In particular, in order
not to obtain too much overshoot, we can implement the best controller among all of the
proposed controllers, which is the PI γ D ρ -controller that was established by executing the
PSO algorithm through the CFE approach. On the other hand, in order to obtain the fastest
Axioms 2023, 12, 306 11 of 12
step response and fastest settling time, one may choose the PI γ D ρ -controller, which was
established by executing the PSO algorithm through Oustaloup’s approach. In general, the
PI γ D ρ -controller provides an autonomous vehicle with more stable results than that of the
PID controller.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, I.M.B. and A.A.A.-N.; Data curation, I.M.B. and S.A.;
Formal analysis, I.M.B., O.Y.A. and A.A.A.-N.; Funding acquisition, W.G.A., S.A., S.M. and O.Y.A.;
Investigation, S.A.; Methodology, I.M.B. and A.A.A.-N.; Project administration, W.G.A. and S.M.;
Resources, S.A., O.Y.A. and S.M.; Software, O.Y.A.; Supervision, S.A. and S.M.; Validation, O.Y.A.;
Visualization, S.M.; Writing—original draft, S.A.; Writing—review & editing, S.A. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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