Revision - Geography
Revision - Geography
Revision - Geography
De nition:
Hydraulic Action - when water smashes against the river cli s/banks an enter the cracks and cause the cracks to
become wider and break apart.
Abrasion - Pebbles grind along the river bank and bed (the sides ) in a sand papering e ect. The rocks become
Attrition - Rocs that the river is carrying knock against each other. They break apart to become smaller pieces.
Solution is when acidic water dissolves in rock (Rocks dissolves into water)
Traction - The large size of pebbles rolls along the river bed.
Saltation - The pebbles is lighter so the pebbles now bounces.
Suspension - Lighter pebbles is carried within the water, near the mouth of the river.
Solution - Dissolves into water by chemical.
Geography - Recap
Waterfalls are formed when a river ows over a layer of harder rock followed by a layer of softer rock.
The soft rocks erodes more quickly forming a step in the river bed.
The force of the water undercuts the hard rock and creates a plunge pool.
The hard rock is left overhanging and because it isn’t supported it eventually collapses.
The fallen rocks crash into the plunge pool and they swirl around causing more erosion.
Over time, this process is repeated and the waterfall moves upstream.
• A pothole is a circular or cylindrical hole in the riverbed which is produced by force of water and abrasion.
• Formed when a circular current of water carrying small pebbles and sediment begins to wear away a rock surface.
• The force of water and the sediment it carries is greater than the resistance of the rock.
• Once the process has begun, it continues and the rock in that location continues to erode away.