Manual - EPR
Manual - EPR
Manual - EPR
Revision History
VER # Date DCR # Nature of amendment
Name: <Name Here>
Designation: <Position Here>
Name: <Name Here>
Designation: <Position Here>
Name: <Name Here>
Designation: <Position Here>
2. Scope
This procedure covers the preparation for emergency situations, responsibilities and response plans
for identified emergency situations and it is applicable to the whole organization under the scope of
integrated management system.
3. Responsibilities
a. HSE Manager is responsible for the maintenance and implementation of this procedure in
ORGANIZATION and maintain all related records.
b. Emergency Response Team (ERT) is responsible for responding to emergency situations.
c. ERT Members/Supervisors of relevant area are responsible for emergency evacuation.
4. Procedure
4.1 Emergency Response Team
4.1.1 An Emergency Response Team (ERT) should be formed and maintained to ensure the
company’s readiness in the event of incidents and other emergency situations affecting the
health and safety of all personnel, its guests and environment.
4.1.2 The ERT should be headed by Emergency Response Team Leader and roles of Emergency
Response Team (ERT) should be defined in the form attached with this procedure.
4.1.3 Adequate training should be provided to ERT on regular basis. ERT should further promote
the awareness among the employees regarding emergency situations.
4.6.1 Fire
a. Report emergencies in accordance with instructions posted in various parts of
company building or activate the fire alarm for the fire call points.
b. When building occupants hear the fire alarm they must evacuate and assemble at
the designated assembly point area.
c. Building fire teams and fire responders must help with evacuation and firefighting.
d. Building Occupants must use fire extinguishers only if they have been trained.
e. After evacuation, remain in the assembly point until the management of the local
brigade authorized re-entry.
f. Call 998, if fire is out of control.
4.6.3 Serious/Illness
a. Report emergency to Security/Life Guard/First Aid Officer.
b. If you are trained on first aid, render the required aid while waiting for assistance.
Otherwise don’t leave the causality alone.
c. If causality is unconscious try to give him/her more air by waving cloth/paper etc.
and don’t let people gather around effected person.
d. If there are signs of fracture, don’t try to straighten the affected body part.
e. Call 997, if ambulance if required.