Ed 246415
Ed 246415
Ed 246415
Speech act theory jargon has several advantages over
the traditional composition jargon. First, it is new and therefore
potentially exciting. Its newness means that all students have an
equal chance at it and need not feel that because they failed to
understand a term presented in high school, that notion is forever
lost to them. Second, jargon is fun. It,creates an in-group of the
informed, a comfortable place to be, especially for a student writer.
A final advantage is that speech act theory terms can be clearly
defined and demonstrated in ways the student understands. Speech act
theory begins to systemize the exploration of the rhetorical
transaction between speaker and hearer; it makes this transaction
more intelligble and, t:erefore, more teachable. (CRN)
* Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made *
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of Teachers of English
Radford University
Mere was a,joke making the rounds at Radford University last year,
one of those jokes which depend for their humor on dramatizing dunderheade,a
helplessness. The joke goes like this: "Did you hear about the guy who
locked his keys in his car? Took him five hours to pry the car open and
get the rest of his family out." The student who told me this joke was
especi,ally amused by the mental image it evoked for him. "Can't you just
see them?" he chuckled, "the wife and kids pounding On the windows and
less amusing. In fact, I think the very student who told this story was
caught in a similar dilemma. Like the wife and the kids in the story, that
is, he had what Chomsky called the competence he needed to complete the
task at hand. He had only to open the door. But something about the
Carolyn Bliss
open their mouths and they say the thing they were unable
As Ross Winterowd and Dan Slobin have argued, our students do have a
performance." 3
from the use of spoken language is evident in the work of weak and
which are normally structured as monologues, make far greater demands than
do the collaboratively produced dialogues of spoken discourse. Yet
ference can help, not hurt, writing. Most students would write better if
and the classroom use of some of its concepts might dig the channels
Shafer hopes for between a student's vocal precision and scribal opacity.
Speech act theory has this potential because it conceives of writing and
speaking as different, but not different in kind. For speech act theorists,
is always to do.
schema, the fr, ,ry's emphasis on speeCh as action and its corollary concern
It arse in the 1960's largely out of the work of the philosopher
J. L. Austin and its development by John Searle. The work of H. P. ,Grice,
is also acknowledged by many speech act theorists, and for good reason.
it names. Thus to say, "I christen thee John," is to christen him John;
to say, "I bet you five dollars the Yankees will win," is to bet five
dollars on the matter; and to say, "I promise you I'll go," is to make
that promise. On the other hand, to utter the constative, "He's here,"
state of affairs.
dichotomy in speech. But by tackling the vast grey areas of "half pui40
performatives like "I blame," wnich seem both to do and to describe (p. 79),
and by refusing, as he put it, "to bog, by logical stages, down" (p. 13),
Austin came eventually to the realization that to say is always to do, or,
says something. Austin and John Searle after him have decided that he
normally does several things, that is, performs several related acts.
"locutionary act" (p. 94) and results in a meaningful utterance, one with
from two acts: the "utterance act" which generates "words (morphemes,
sentences)" and the "propositional act" which adds to these the dimensions
Jr. points out, this distinction between utterance and propositional acts
to something. nonexistent, for example, the statement, "My uncle loves the
blonde next door;" made by someone who has no uncle and whose next door
neighbor is a redhead. However, for either Austin or Searle, an example
indicate or imply how they are to be taken by the hearer. Is the speaker's
words the dimension which both Austin and Searle call "illocutionary
"I request," "I promise," and "I apologize." When they appear, these
(Speech Acts, p. 30). For example, when I say, "I promise I'll be there,"
rather than explicit. The force here should be taken as that of a statement,
"I argue that Mary was present," "I deny that Mary was present," or even,
6nd/the mood of the verb 25; well ail the so-called performa-
fairly certain that the student's utterance has the illocutionary force of
a request as opposed to a command, since the context makes the former more
force may inhere in a single word. Take, for example) forms of. address.
Drawing on Roger Brown and Marguerite Ford , Elizabeth Cross Traugott and
varying effects of addressing a man named Henry Jones as "sir, Mr. Jones,
Jones, Henry, Hank, Pinky, boy, meathead, sweetheart, or dad" (pp. 226-27).
. .
I will use their example to make a slightly different point.' The illocu-
"Hank" and "Henry," while "Jones," "Henry" or "Hank" might all be used by
"Hank," and "Pinky," whereas "meathead" implies contempt. The use of "dad"
or "sweetheart" suggests a certain social or familial relationship. As
force will change as well, even when the same two interlocutors are speaking.
even the same form of address can shift its illocutionary force as
circumstances dictate. As Traugott and Pratt put it, "The simple form
Jones could be used, among other things, to greet Jones, to get him to pay
or :'r) express surprise at something he just did" (p. 227). In other words,
found it most useful to draw from both Austin and Searle here, as do
is, or will be the case. These utterances express a beli,2f in the truth
of the propositional content. Examples are "Mary was there"; "It's raining";
express, with varying degrees of force, the desire that something happen.
Examples are the imperative, "Open the window!" and the gentler "Would you
please open the window?" Because they seek the response of an answer,
on winning the race," or "I'm sorry I stepped on your toe," you have no
because these are speech acts which make truth. That is, they bring about
creating the state of affairs they declare. Because they use language to
make something happen, and because here, the saying is undoubtedly the
include "I christen thee John"; "I now pronounce you man and wife"; and
"You're fired!"
type, but rather is named for its use, a use to which any other type might
the most often cited example is "Could you pass the salt?" While this
about ability,
illocution has the direct illocutionary force of a question
it has the much more important indirect illocutionary force of a
to do something. Few of us, after all, are truly doubtful that our
although highly insensitive, question to ask of a quardripiegic.
in the
illocution might also function both directly and indirectly, as
to open the door of
case of "Could you open the aoor?" asked as a request
cast. Thus, attention to
a person whose broken leg has just come our of a
the entire communicative context becomes imperative when
indirect from direct speech acts, as it also is when determining
Assessment of the speech act
illocutionary force of any illocution.
to lessen the
situation in its widest possible sense is the only way
is prone.
ambiguity to which illocutionary force determination
Is "We find the
Further ambiguities invade the taxonomy proper.
It certainly delivers
defendant not guilty" a Nierdictive or a declaration?
something happen: because of
a finding, but at the same time, it makes
And what of such illocutions as
this s,Deech act a defendant is acquitted.
liveth." Like
"I hope she'll be there" or "I know that my Redeemer
something being the case,
representatives, these acts commit the speaker to
unverifiable, they would also
but since the hope and the knowledge are
is less to assure you that every illocution will fit neatly into one of
illocutionary force.
"Use" is the key term here. For all these illocutions are designed
for use, that is, to have some pragmatic impact or effect upon the
the speech act: the perlocutionary act which produces perlocutionary effect.
achieved. I iday argue all day and you may understand both what I am arguing
his hearer/reader have already? How much and what kind of information
does he need to "take up" the speaker/writer's point? What kind of diction
and syntax will facilitate this uptake? The Gricean Cooperative Principle
of conversation can be seen as a st,2ategy for maximizing uptake.
Now let's suppose that I have cooperated in the Griceaa sense and
have also been so persuasive that you not only take up my argument but are
must consider which rhetorical strategies are most likely to work on his
audience. Are his reader/hearers already with him or against him? What
arguments will bear most weight with either camp? What tone and diction
should he adopt and/or avoid? Of the things he might say, what will be
fail to get uptake, and if you are wearing a "Pro-Choice" button, I may
speech act theory can make to our understanding of language and its use
As Austin insists, "The total speech act in the total speech situation
is the only actual pheromenon which, in the last resort, we are engaged
major role in the tests employed by both Austin and Searle to determine
cumbersome and more easily generalized, I will use these here as I have
cover all the factors we have just been considering. Pratt and Traugott
between participants" (p. 226). Also urder this heading comes the notion
marriage ceremony the minister pauses for response and the bride says
"Waterloo" as opposed to "I do," the ceremony (and probably the marriage
two rules.
sincerity conditions, which insist that the speaker know what he means
aal mean what he says. These are the rules which make lies infelicitous,
understanding, sins against category one and two dictates are mortal to
are merely venial. As Austin puts it, an insincere speech act "is achieved,
procedure. Thus, when I say 'I promise' and have no intention of keeping
'che promise/I have promised but . . ." (p. 16). Perhaps it is this
ability to stay morbidly alive which makes the insincere speech act more
We can now see that speech act theory will provide us with the
voice, the deadening which often occurs when the student shifts from the
modifiers and sentence fragments. Rut can all this potential be put into
practice? Or, to paraphrase Austin again, holl can one do things with
Claims for speech act theory's pragmatic potential have been large
and exciting indeed. Comparing rules derived from speech act theory to
Richard Ohmann observes that, "Where transformations and the rest explicate
his competence in using speech to act (and be acted upon) within the matrix
of social and verbal conventions." The domain of speech act theory is
thus larger and more inclusive than those staked out by some other
who says:
Such enormous capacity has already been put to work in literary theory
and criticism. Speech act theory has been used to attempt a definition of
It has also been called upon to correct the new critical myopia which
viewed a text only in and of itself, and to encourage the text to be seen
most cited contribution was made by Stanley Fish in his 1976 article,
"How to Do Things with Austin and Searle: Speech Act Theory and Literary
Criticism. "19 Although Fish uses this forum in part to warn of certain
praise, and issuing declarations. The acts of making requests and accept-
downright subversive. When he banishes the citizens who have just banished
the other hand, in the speech acts of refusing and promising, both of
which show the speaker dependent only upon himself, Coriolanus is proficient.
for certain speech acts can serve as an index to character, and that
speech acts among other characters, but on those of the author addressed
20 Since Ohmann's concerns more closely approach those we
to the reader.
have as compos5tion teachers, I will spend a bit more time on his work.
As his text, Ohmann takes the following passage from Beckett's novel Watt,
their many
a passage which lists the members of the Lynch family and
and his young cousin wife his uncle Sam's girl Ann, aged
two surviving boys Bill and Mat aged eighteen and seventeen
blind and maim were known as Blind Bill and Maim Mat
twenty-one years, a fine girl but a bleeder (1), and her young
To account for the discomfort and sense of dislocation this passage produces
Clearly, Beckett isn't playing by these rules. When the novel's narrator
that she could be, he is violating either the condition of belief in his
statement or the condition that this belief shall govern subsequent speech
acts. In another kind of violation, the textual gap afler "it is painful
(no one else in the story suspects this etiology), the reader is left
call into question the very institutions and conventions, both social
and literary, that give rise to them. Worse still, if, as Fish and
Searle would have it, speech act rules do not merely regulate, but
The narrator also offends against speech act rules in lesser ways.
his uncle Sam's girl." It also mixes levels of diction, from the formal
"it will be learnt with regret" and "greatly diminished" on the one hand,
to the colloquial "a game leg" and "a fine girl but a bleeder" on the
and a dizzy
as demonstrating "a baffling mixture of rhetorical impulses
sequence of emotional responses." Surely this is not a narrator (nor.
did Beckett intend to create one) who expects much in the way of uptake
20 .
As the foregoing summary should suggest, speech act theory may help
for example, uses speech act theory to account in part for the evaluative
act theory help us and our students with their work? Several theorists
have suggested that it can. Martin Steinmann, Jr., for example, points
distinction may help writers solve the related but not identical problems
of communicating a message and producing the desired effect. Noting
to achieve coherence or unity is based upon. the assumption that they make
so many variables; nonetheless, it could be argued that speech act
one can be clear without being convincing is surely a first step toward
but Winifred Horner, who is, also advocates incorporation of practices and
points out that the speech act our students perform in producing expository
themes usually differs fundamentally from the act we would like them to
27 The difference is to be found
perform: that of asserting or affirming.
is that "It is not obvious to both S[peakeri and Hfeareri that Hbaref7 knows
(does not need to be reminded of, etc.) p/opositional content/" (Speech
realizes that the teacher already knows what he has to say and only wants
student less performs than imitates the illocutionary act of
need to know. She also advises hiving students choose subjects about
which they know more than their teachers. None of these solutions
guarantees that the deadly act of "theme-ing" will disappear from the
Horner advocates, and have not needed speech act theory to validate them.
piece by Richard Ohmann.28 Here Ohmann is taking issue with the hallowed
dictum that adding concrete details makes for better writing. Ohmann
contends, rather, that adding details may not alter quality so much as
meaning. In speech act terms, we could say that these procedures change
an utterance's illocutionary force and perlocutionary
Abstract (weak)
The most obvious change in passage two is that lists of specific inter-
rupting people and the times they interrupt have replaced the passage one
addition, sensory details have been included in the rewrite, for example,
But, says Ohmann, both these sorts of changes serve to shift the writer's
might say that the illocutionary force has changed from that of acts which
content need be vouched for only by the speaker. Although the larger
As Ohmann puts it, the narrowed "scope accords well with the impression
He or she may be a less 'boring' writer, but also a less venturesome and
more isolat^d person, the sort who chatters on in a harmless gossipy way
Ohmann does not praise the first passage. But while admitting that
lives, or the hierarchial social and financial structure revealed when one
asks for whom the telephone is inconvenient and for whom it is a tool of
power and control. The mere amassing of detail, without attention to the
have, amounts here to what Ohmann calls "a strategy for, sacrificing thought.
to feckless merriment."
Like Ohmann, I find it useful to have the terms of speech act theory
do not usually have a thesis per se, but which must have a clnar, con-
snowshoe rabbits. (2) The day was like any common winter
radio was playing some of the golden top hits. (5) Suddenly
the warning light came on, indicating that the car was over
heating. (6) I pulled into 'the first gas station. (7) The
L'emained constant.
utilized as a shelter.
glass coloring. (17) The only possible way to, drive was with
(21) The car went sliding out of control. (22) All that
was visible were trees from the other side. (23) Knowing
reflex I hit the power brakes. (25) Anyone knows that this
had made the Snow Shoe rabbit almost extinct in the Grayling
Stal r notes that one of the theme's major problems is uncertainty about
sentence suggest that the student is writing for newspaper readers. But
from his incorporation of formal diction ("utilized" for "used,"
for "hill") and the many participial phrases and clauses, we might infer
on more intimate terms with the writer such intimate terms, in fact, that
they will know who Neil and Duane are and accept the occasional conversational
informality and sentence fragments. Because the hearers to whom these speech
irony: the irony of there being no rabbits to hunt in the first place.
Perlocutionary effectiveness suffers further from the fact that the essay's
promise is kept. The essay contains neither snow shoes nor rabbits, and its
sentence fragments (23, 27), dangling modifier (10), missing syntax (7, 18),
and the use of "their" for "there" (29)? Speech act theory recognizes
too, the theory can elucidate. Speech acts are rule-governed behaviors.
to be taken up, let alone produce the desired perlocutionary effect. More
simply put, errors even at the level of spelling interfere with communication.
.:."ome of the foregoing observations are Stalker's; some are mine. }or
point is that he needn't have. The arsenal of speech act theory houses
are asked to transcribe a few minutes of sample speech acts, produced either
club meecing, in short, anywhere students hear speech acts. I insist that
the recorded acts be spoken rather than written to insure greater va...iety
in the samplings; after all, while written speech acts vary enormously in
would be less foreign than that of writing as action, and that by securing
the uptake of the former concept I could encourage carryover to the latter.
These sample speech acts are analyzed for type, illocutionary force,
The exercise has yielded some useful concepts about how language
asking her,
operates. One student's transcription began with her roommate
'"What are you doing tonight?" Whiie this looked to have the simple
student's company as well as hers. Thus her question was the opening
still another 1:nked the removal of fruit from a tree to her own removal
firmly in mind, these students pruned and shaped their material to produce
process of peer group evaluation and here, too, the theory has proved
other's work. Instead, they consider and record for me the overall
promoting uptake of each essay, their own and those of others in their
students understand how language does its job and to bring clarity into
tone, I can talk about hors illocutionary i rce suits propositional content.
perlocutionary effect.
Does all this merely represent the substitution of one complex jargon
for another? Of course. But speech act theory jargon has several
exciting. 'Its newness also means that every student has an equal chance
and "deconstruction"? First year medical students get a similar kick out of
student writer. A final advantage is that speech act theory terms can be
clearly defined and demonstrated in ways the student uncle 413 I have
never found this the case with terms like "style," "tone," and 'Lhesis."
W. Ross Winterowd has said that "speech act theory begins to systematize
the exploration of the rhetorical transaction between speaker and hearer."
more teachable.
I am far from hailing speech act theory as a panacea for all the woes
although it can speak to the effects of that fluency or its lack. Complex
sentences. But speech act theory can't show students how to subordinate
or use appositives, any more than it can show them how to avoid sentence
Nor does the theory have a patent on the concerns we've been discuss
contexts in its own unique features, its changes over time, or its place
in a broader scheme; James Kinneavy's emphasis on the centrality of
Thus I should not be construed as claiming that the speech act theorists
Assumptions and techniques like the ones Ohmann, Stalker, and I are
advocating a're only now being tested in the trenches. Yet even my own
these remarks, it may be that speech act theory can coax our students out
Robert Zoellner, "Talk-Write: A Behavioral Pedagogy for Composition,"
W. Ross Winterowd, "Linguistics and Composition," in Teaching
Composition: Ten Bibliographical Essays, ed. Gray Tate (Fort Worth: Texas
Winterowd, "Linguistics and Composition," D. 217.
Zoellner, p. 307.
James L. Collins, "Spoken Language and the Development of Writing
John C. Shafer, "The Linguistic Analysis of Spoken and Written Texts,"
eds. Barry M. Kroll and Roberta J. Vann (Urbana, Ill.: NCTE, 1981),
-pp. 1-31.
Shafer, p. 3t.
See Richard. Ohmann, "Speech, Action, and Style," in Literary Style:
H. P. Grice, "Meaning," in Readings in the Philosophy of Language,
See Roger W. Brown and Marguerite Ford, "Address in American English,"
See John R. Searle, "Indirect. Speech Acts," in Syntax and Semantics,
Vol. III, Speech Acts, eds. Peter Cole and Jerry L. Morgan (New York:
Academic Press, 1975), pp. 59-60; Herbert H. Clark and Eve Clark, Psychology
Brace Jovanovich, 1977), p. 29; Kent Bach and Robert M. Harnish, Linguistic
Communication and Speech Acts (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1979), Chapt. 9;
H. P. Grice, "Logic and Conversation," in Syntax and Semantics,
Ohmann, "Speech, Action, and Style," p. 247.
Ohmann, "Speech, Action, and Style," pp. 441-59.
See Fish, p. 1008.
27 'Theme-in in
Winifred B. Horner, "Speech-Act and Text-Act Theory:
Sourcebook, eds. Gary Tate and. Edward P. J. Corbett (New York: Oxford
Ohmann, "Use Definite, a.Decific, Concrete Language," p. 382.
Ohmann, "Use Definite, Specific, Concrete 7,a,ialiage," p. 382.
CEA Critic, 40, No. 4 (May 1978), 15-23.
Winterowd, "Linguistics and Composition," p. 211.
See, for example, Burke's pentad as modified and explained in William
Irmscher, Holt Guide to English, Third Edition (New York: Holt, Rinehart
See Richard E. Young, Alton L. Becker, and Kenneth L. Pike, Rhetoric:
Discovery and Change (New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1970).
George Allen and Unwin, 1935), pp. 18 and 51; and J. R. Firth, "The Tech-
39 Longman,
M.A.K. Halliday and R. Hasan, Cohesion in English (London: