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Interior Ballistic Simulation for 9 mm Gun for Bullet and Blank Shot

Applying Spalart-Allmars Turbulence Model


Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, Tehran, 14778-93855, Iran,

Seyed Aboul-hassan ALAVI

Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, Tehran, 14778-93855, Iran,

Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, Tehran, 14778-93855, Iran,

Aerospace Engineering Institute, Malek-Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Abstract: Internal ballistic for a bullet shot and a blank shot in a 9 mm gun were simulated. The length and
the thickness of the barrel of the gun were 125 mm and 3 mm, respectively. In this simulation viscous
Spalart-Allmars turbulence model was applied and the movement of the bullet was modeled with six
degrees of freedom. Four different initial conditions for the bullet were considered that involved the initial
position of the bullet in the barrel, pressure of gas behind the bullet, and speed of the bullet in that position.
The simulated muzzle speed for each initial condition was compared to experimental data and the error (in
%) for each initial condition was calculated. Also, the Mach number, gas pressure, flow field, and sound
pressure level were simulated in the area outside of the gun barrel. The sound level was reduced in both
axial and radial directions but the reduction of sound in the radial direction was more than in the axial
direction. In the case of the blank shot, also, it was observed that the reduction of sound in the radial
direction was more than the sound reduction in the axial direction. The sound pressure level for the bullet
shot at the muzzle was 239.7 dB and for the blank shot, it was 220.5 dB at the muzzle. In both bullet and
blank shots, it is observed from simulations that at the muzzle of the gun pressure of gas dropped and speed
increased significantly. The Mach number outside of the barrel was more than 1, which means the flow of
gas was supersonic, and in some regions, the Mach number reached 6. The shock wave produced from the
supersonic flow of gas is detectable in the simulations.

Keywords: - Interior ballistics, Numerical simulation, Finite volume, Fluent, Spalart-Allmars method
Sound pressure level, 9 mm gun

1. INTRODUCTION It also helps to study the gunshot sound. Gunshot

makes a shock wave that is produced by exposure of
Ballistics is one of the most complicated subjects hot, high-pressure combusted gases to the ambient
in fluid mechanics that can be studied in various atmosphere. Propagation of that wave leads to a
aspects. Combustion of propellants produces high- gunshot sound. The sound pressure level for 0.22 and
energy gases with high pressure and temperature. 0.3 caliber guns and pistols reaches 140 dB and 175
These high-pressure gases push the bullet inside the dB, respectively [1].
gun barrel. Considering that the speed of reactions is For sake of human ear safety, the peak sound
high and doing evaluation and measurements inside pressure of pulse noises such as explosions or
of the barrel is very difficult, interior ballistics gunshots should not exceed 140 dB. Otherwise, it
simulation is very important. could permanently harm hearing [2].
The aim of interior ballistics simulation is the Rahimian and Talei applied the finite volume
modification of gun and ammunition parameters to method to solve the governing equation of interior
achieve a specific muzzle speed without damaging ballistics and compared the results with experimental
the barrel of the gun.
RJAV vol 19 issue 2/2022 75 ISSN 1584-7284
data. The simulation data was in good proximity to fluid dynamics to study pressure changes caused by
experimental results [3]. the blast wave in small-caliber guns [13].
Zhao et al. investigated the effect of a muzzle brake In a study that was done by Cler et al. behavior of
on certain aeroacoustics noise characteristics. They gases in the muzzle of the gun was simulated. In that
used computational fluid dynamics and study, simultaneously Fluent and Galerkin codes
computational aeroacoustics to calculate the muzzle were used and simulation results were compared with
brake flow field and jet noises, in the presence and experimental data [14]. Dayan used the finite element
absence of the muzzle brake. They also compared the method to study gas behavior in the muzzle,
simulation results with experimental data. before and after the exit of the bullet. The simulation
The highest SPL was 136.5 dB at a distance of 0.5 m was done in two steps using IBHVG2 and
from the muzzle [4]. FASTRAN [15].
Interaction between internal ballistic parameters Stiavnický and Lisý used LS-Dyna to simulate
could be completely understood by using internal ballistic and sound effects at the muzzle of
mathematical models. Governing equations of the gun [16]. Luo and Zhang simulated an automatic
internal ballistics are the propellant gas equation of gun by applying a UDF [17].
state, mass equation, momentum equation, energy Xavier by simulation in Fluent investigated the
equation, and the equation of propellant combustion internal ballistics of a cylindrical bullet. He predicted
rate. Governing equations for two-phase flow are the the sound at the muzzle [18].
mass balance equation, momentum equation, and In another study, CFD was applied to investigate
energy equation in both phases the muzzle blast overpressure and the phenomena
To solve the energy equation, it is critical to following it. Unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-
determine the sources of energy losses. In internal Stokes with a suitable turbulence model were used for
ballistic, the main sources of energy loss are [5]: numerical simulation of released gases from the
I) The energy lost in engraving the rotating band barrel. Simulation results compared to experimental
and in overcoming friction down the bore data that were gathered. The muzzle blast has a high
II) Resistance of compressed air ahead of the amplitude and short duration. For guns with higher
bullet caliber, the positive impulse duration is in the range
III) The kinetic energy of propellant gases and of a few milliseconds, while a small caliber gun’s
unburned propellant impulse lasts for less than 0.5 milliseconds. Gas
IV) Heat lost from the internal ballistic system to expansion at the muzzle caused a muzzle blast wave
ambient that is counted as the main acoustic source of the gun
V) The kinetic energy of recoiling parts of the gun fired [19].
VI) The strain energy of the gun barrel A three-dimensional transient model was used to
VII) The rotational energy of the bullet simulate an impulsive flow with a Mach number of
Exposure to high-pressure gases behind the bullet 1.6. Raynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations
and the movement of the bullet in the air at speeds were solved by using the k-ω model for the
higher or near the speed of sound leads to shock determination of shear stress transport. Also,
waves. Several acoustic studies were done for experimental data were obtained from 2-D and 3-D
gunshots. Jiang et al. studied the shock wave and its particle image velocimetry and high-resolution
effects on projectile acceleration at the muzzle [6]. smoke flow visualization [20].
Kapil, investigated the effect of projectile shape on Sahu used a numerical method for the simulation
the characteristics of flow surrounding it by of external ballistic and bullet paths using the
numerical simulation [7]. In another study, the Rand/Les turbulence model [21]. Bin et al. used an
simulation of the flow field surrounding the moving Eulerian-Lagrangian method to simulate the
bullet was simulated by Mehmedagic et al [8]. movement of the bullet in the air. In that study, the
Rohrbach et al. investigated the heat transfer of AUSMDV approach was used for solving the eulerian
high-pressure gas in the chamber, the effect of equation [22]. Mäkinen et al. presented an analytical
backpressure, and the length of the barrel on bullet model for the acoustic behavior of bullets [23]. Yu
speed at the muzzle of the gun [9]. Rohrbach et al. in and Zhang applied organized and unorganized mesh
another study, applied a compressed air cannon for the simulation of internal ballistic and studied
utilized with a diaphragm valve to predict exit changes in parameters like pressure and Mach
velocity [10]. number at the muzzle of a gun [24].
Carlucci et al. surveyed the movement of the bullet Taylor and Lin numerically simulated the flow
in the gun with a flash suppressor [11]. Wang field outside of the gun barrel [25]. Sardival et al.
analytically studied ballistic phenomena in high- numerically investigated the flow field around the
caliber canons [12]. Hristov applied computational bullet in its path in the air [26]. Ding et al. reviewed

RJAV vol 19 issue 2/2022 76 ISSN 1584-7284

the strategies for the definition and meshing of bullet
geometry in finite element software such as Abaqus Table 2. Mesh characteristics for the blank shot
[27]. The sound created from shots had been Nodes 401131
investigated in some studies, and different sources of Average Aspect ratio 4.089
sound were detected. For instance, Maher reviewed Average Skewness 1.31E-10
and identified the acoustic parameters of the shot
[28]. Peterson and Schomer studied the acoustic 2.3. Numerical Simulation
effects of a small gun [29].
The simulation was done in Ansys Fluent 2019R3
2. METHOD and was considered to be axi-symmetrical two-
dimensional. A density-based solver was applied and
2.1. Geometry of problem the effect of gravity was ignored. All gases are
considered to be ideal gases [30]. The viscous
Geometry was produced by the design modeler in Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model was used to
ANSYS. An axi-symmetrical two-dimensional simulate the effect of eddies [18]. This model is very
geometry was applied and measures were set useful for aerodynamic problems in enclosed spaces.
similarly to a 9 mm gun. The length was 125 mm, the To validate the simulation, the problem was once
radius of the barrel was 4.5 mm, the thickness of the simulated with the K-ω SST model, and the results
barrel wall was 3 mm and the length of the bullet was were compared with the viscous Spalart-Allmaras
15mm. The same gun was modeled for the blank shot. model [13].
The model geometry for the bullet shot and the blank The movement of the bullet was modeled with six
shot is presented in Figure 1 and Figure 2, degrees of freedom (six DOF) settings. In new
respectively. versions of Ansys Fluent definition of a moving body
does not need a user-defined file (UDF). Also, for the
regeneration of mesh networks that changed the
layering setting was applied. Discretization of
governing equations was done by using methods
presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Settings used for simulation

Formulation Implicit
Figure 1. The geometry of simulation for the bullet shot Flux type Roe-FDS
The least squares Cell-
Flow Third order MUSCL
Modified Turbulent First order upwind
Transient formulation First order implicit

Figure 2. The geometry of simulation for the blank shot

Initial conditions of the problem were defined by
Hybrid initialization. The Time step was 10-7s and the
2.2. Mesh maximum iteration in each step was 20 steps
Mesh network was made by Mesh module in
Ansys. In the area adjacent to the bullet, hybrid mesh 2.4. Boundary and Initial conditions
and in other areas rectangular mesh were used. Due
to the high speed of flow and severe changes in the Combustion of gunpowder was simulated as an
flow of the barrel mesh size was 0.1mm and near the initial condition in the simulation. It was presented as
bullet, it was 0.05mm. The characteristics of the mesh an initial pressure. Initial conditions are entered into
network are presented in Table 1. the simulation by the patch command.
In the simulation with the bullet, the maximum
Table 1. Mesh characteristics for the bullet shot pressure was 241 Mpa, and the mass of the bullet was
Nodes 564828 8 gr [31]. In the blank shot maximum pressure was 40
Average Aspect ratio 3.5866 Mpa and the length of the combustion chamber was
Average Skewness 9.6E-4 22 mm [32].
In the simulation for the blank shot, in all areas The combustion of propellant is a continuous
mesh size was 0.05mm (Table 2). process. It occurs in all the lengths of the gun barrel,

RJAV vol 19 issue 2/2022 77 ISSN 1584-7284

alongside the movement of the bullet in the barrel. 3. RESULTS
This means that the maximum pressure does not
achieve at the beginning of the barrel. A suitable The problem was solved for two scenarios (for the
initial condition (position, pressure, and speed) in this bullet and the blank shot). Simulation in presence of
study was a challenge. Four different initial a bullet was solved, considering four different initial
conditions were considered and the precision of each conditions (A to D), and the precision of simulation
assumed initial condition was surveyed. with each initial condition for estimation of the speed
a) The shot was fired, the bullet did not move yet, of a bullet in the muzzle of the barrel was
the speed of the bullet was zero and the pressure investigated.
behind the bullet was the maximum pressure
b) The shot was fired, the bullet was moving from 3.1. Selection of suitable initial condition
the shell, the speed is very low (approximately
zero) and the pressure behind the bullet is The speed of a 9 mm bullet in the muzzle of the
maximum gun is 350 m/s. The simulated speed of the bullet at
c) Based on data gathered from Quick-loader the muzzle of the gun with different initial conditions
software the pressure behind the bullet is is presented in Table 4. Initial condition (D) was
maximum, it has moved 4 mm from the shown to have the least error from real experimented
beginning of the barrel and the speed of the bullet speed, so it was applied in the simulation.
is 100 m/s.
d) Based on data published by weapon companies, 3.2. Simulation of bullet shot
when a 9 mm bullet has been shot, the main part
of the propellant has been combusted when the The speed of the bullet, pressure and Mach
bullet has moved 8 mm in the barrel [33]. In this number, and sound pressure were simulated. Bullet
study, it was assumed that all propellant was backpressure is shown in Fig 4. The movement of
combusted when the bullet is 20 mm in the barrel bullets in the barrel and consequently increasing gas
( × 2.5 distance reported by weapon companies). volume led to a reduction of back pressure. As can be
seen in Figure 4, backpressure is reduced
Table 4. Different initial conditions for bullet simulation exponentially.
Location Initial Initial
from the speed pressure
base (mm) (m/s) (MPa)
A 14 0 241
B 19 0 241
C 18 100 241
D 34 235 120

Using Quick-loader software pressure behind the

bullet was 120 Mpa and the speed of the bullet was
235 m/s.

The initial conditions that were used in this study

are summarized in Table 4 and boundary conditions Figure 4. The pressure of gas behind the bullet
are presented in Figure 3. The same boundary
conditions were applied for the blank shot, except that At the moment the bullet exited from the barrel,
the moving wall did not apply. the pressure dropped significantly. The reason for this
drop was releasing combustion gases into the air and
a sudden increase in the volume of combustion gases.
The difference between the initial condition of
pressure and pressure gained from software was
because of the initial high speed of the bullet and its
movement and so increment in the volume of gases.
In a few time steps pressure dropped to values
presented in Figure 4.
The force on the bullet was always in the direction
Figure 3. Boundary conditions for the bullet shot of movement, so the motion was accelerating. As can

RJAV vol 19 issue 2/2022 78 ISSN 1584-7284

be seen in Figure 5, the slope of the velocity diagram
was positive.

Figure 7. Gas pressure outside of the gun

According to Figure 8, the Mach number outside

of the barrel was higher than 1, and in some regions,
it was near 6. The flow outside of the barrel is
supersonic and compressible.
Figure 5. Velocity of bullet

But with the increase in the volume of gases the

slope of the diagram reduced. After the exit of the
bullet from the barrel, the force of gas on the bullet
could be ignored, so the speed of the bullet
approached a constant value.
In the barrel, positive acceleration led to an
increase in the slope of the displacement-time
diagram. Outside of the barrel, the slope is constant
(Figure 6).
Figure 8. The velocity of gases outside of the gun

As can be seen in Figure 8, outside of the area

enclosed by the dotted line the Mach number reduced
considerably and the flow became subsonic.

Figure 9. Sound speed outside of the gun

Figure 6. Movement of bullet

Mach number, speed of the bullet, speed of sound,

and pressure contours were depicted when the bullet
is 190 mm far from the base of the barrel.
As can be seen in Figure 7, the exit of the bullet
from the gun led to the sudden expansion of gases and
a pressure drop. The change of the pressure head to
the kinetic head caused an increase in flow speed and
consequently an increase in Mach number.
Figure 10. The pressure of the gas at the muzzle

RJAV vol 19 issue 2/2022 79 ISSN 1584-7284

This was the boundary of the shock wave. Shock Table 6. SPL in different radial distances from the muzzle
reduced speed, Mach number, and stagnation
pressure and increased pressure, temperature, sound Axial Radial
Sound pressure
speed, entropy, and density of flow. The shock wave distance distance
level (dB)
is moving progressively. The contour of changes in (mm) (mm)
flow speed and sound speed is presented in Fig 8 and 0 0 239.73
Fig 9, respectively and in both figures the shock wave 0 10 205.58
is detectable. 0 20 201.61
The pressure shock wave is the main source of the 0 30 197.49
gun's sound. In Fig 10, changes in pressure at the
muzzle of the gun are presented, and by using the
maximum pressure at that point sound pressure level
(SPL) was calculated.
In Fig 11 changes in pressure in time at 10 and
20 mm from the muzzle of the gun are presented. The
method for the definition of SPL in those points was
the same. SPL at the muzzle was 239.73 dB and as
was expected the farther the point of measurement,
the less the SPL (Table 5).

Figure 11. The pressure of gases in the axial direction (A)

at 10 mm and (B) at 20 mm from the muzzle

Table 5 SPL in different axial distances from the muzzle

Axial Radial
Sound pressure
distance distance
level (dB)
(mm) (mm)
0 0 239.73
10 0 226.5
20 0 214.45
In Table 6, SPL in different radial distances from Figure 12. The pressure of gases in the radial direction at
the muzzle (10,20, and 30 mm) was shown. (A) the muzzle, (B) 10 mm, (C) 20 mm, and (D) 30 mm
from the muzzle
RJAV vol 19 issue 2/2022 80 ISSN 1584-7284
Fig 13 is represented to compare sound
propagation in axial and radial distances. As can be
seen, the level of sound at the same distance from the
muzzle was higher for axial points than radial ones.
Although results for SPL in the axial direction seem
to be linear, from the comparison between to direction
of propagation of sound it could be seen that changes
in the level of sound in both directions are
exponential, and if simulation for points very far from
muzzle was done, it would be seen that change in the
axial direction is also exponential. Figure 16. Sound speed for the blank shot

Figure 17. Gas pressure for the blank shot

Figure 13. The sound pressure level in axial (blue line)
and radial direction (green line) The contour of Mach number, flow speed, sound
level, and pressure in different points in 3.5 ms after
the shot is depicted in Figures 14 to Figure 17.
3.3. Simulation in blank shot Same as the shot with a bullet, exhausted
combustion gases at the muzzle suddenly expanded
A bullet in the barrel makes a disturbance in the and produced a shock wave. In Figure 18, pressure at
flow of combustion gases that causes high pressures the muzzle of the gun after the shot was represented.
for combustion gases. The maximum pressure in
absence of a bullet is 40 Mpa.

Figure 14. Changes in Mach number for the blank shot Figure 18. The pressure of gases at the muzzle

In Figure 19 same diagrams for 10 and 20 mm

from the muzzle in the axial direction are presented.
SPL at the muzzle was 220.53 dB and in points,
farther from the muzzle was lower (Table 7).

Table 7. SPL in the axial direction for the blank shot

Axial Radial
Sound pressure
distance distance
level (dB)
(mm) (mm)
0 0 220.53
Figure 15. The velocity of gases for the blank shot 10 0 220.05
20 0 209.82

RJAV vol 19 issue 2/2022 81 ISSN 1584-7284

The pressure of sound in the radial direction, 10,
20, and 30 mm from the muzzle was drawn in Fig 20.
SPL in those locations is presented in Table 8.

The level of sound at different distances from the

muzzle in axial and radial directions is presented in
Figure 21. The reduction of sound level in the radial
direction is higher than in the axial direction. The
same result was observed for the shot with a bullet.

Table 8. SPL in the radial direction for the blank shot

Radial Sound pressure
distance (mm) level (dB)
0 0 220.53
0 10 193.82
0 20 190.34
0 30 188.33

Figure 19. The pressure of gases in the axial direction for

the blank shot in (A) 10 mm and (B) 20 mm from the

Figure 21. SPL in different distances from the muzzle in

axial (blue line) and radial direction (green line) for the
blank shot

In another simulation, it was assumed that the

maximum gas pressure in the blank shot was the same
as the bullet shot (241 Mpa) by changing the mass or
kind of propellant. The velocity of the gas in this
condition is depicted in Figure 22.

Figure 20. The pressure of gases in the radial direction in

(A) 10 mm, (B) 20 mm, and (C) 30 mm from the muzzle Figure 22. the velocity of gases for the blank shot if the
initial pressure was 240 MPa
for the blank shot

RJAV vol 19 issue 2/2022 82 ISSN 1584-7284

3.4. Level of sound comparison between the sensitivity of the problem to mesh size and determine
shot with and without bullet the size of mesh that results from simulation (speed,
pressure, temperature). For any finer mesh that didn’t
In bullet shot and blank shot, the sound pressure change noticeably.
level was lower in points farther from the muzzle in The size of the mesh in this study in all areas of
both axial and radial directions. In both shots (bullet geometry changed from 0.1 mm to 0.05 mm. The new
and blank), the sound of the shot in direction of the mesh is presented in Fig 24 and the characteristics of
gun (axial direction) is higher than in the the new mesh are shown in Table 9.
perpendicular direction (radial direction) SPL in the
muzzle for the bullet shot is higher than the blank shot Table 9. Characteristics of new mesh
by 20 dB. Nodes 1186503
The difference between SPLs reduces with Average Aspect ratio 5.2866
distance from the muzzle. The difference between Average Skewness 5.04E-4
SPLs is higher in the axial direction than in the radial
direction (Figure 23).



Figure 23. Comparison between SPL in (A) axial

Figure 24. New mesh for simulation
and (B) radial direction for bullet shot (blue lines) and
blank shot (green lines)
The speed of the bullet at the muzzle and SPL at
3.5. Independence from the mesh different distances from the muzzle, for the original
mesh and new mesh were calculated and compared to
The size of the mesh has a significant effect on the each other. The difference between the two
precision of the simulation. The finer the mesh the simulations in percent is presented in Table 10.
more precise the model. But finer mesh means higher
computational cost. So it is necessary to measure the
Table 10. Difference between simulations in original and new mesh
Variables Original mesh New mesh Difference (%)
Vmuzzle 345.2066 345.6027 0.115
SPL (0,0) 239.7350049 239.8223498 0.036
SPL(10,0) 226.5213012 226.6776975 0.069
SPL (20,0) 214.4530404 214.6161863 0.076
SPL(0,10) 205.5799873 205.976732 0.193
SPL (0,20) 201.6102065 201.569575 0.020
SPL (0,30) 197.4894218 197.5046353 0.008

RJAV vol 19 issue 2/2022 83 ISSN 1584-7284

3.6. Turbulence model check equation model for areas far from the wall and K-ω is
a two-equation model for eddies near the wall.
Fluent uses different turbulence models to study application of the K-ω SST model is its capability
eddies, such as K-ε, K-ω, and Spalart Allmaras. for modeling areas near and far from the wall. In this
Spalart Allmaras is a single equation method that in study, the Sparlart-Allmaras model was used, and to
addition to the reduction of simulation cost, it is validate the simulation, the K-ω SST model was
capable of study of viscous eddies, especially in applied.
internal flows. In aerodynamic studies application of Results for the Sparlart-Allmaras model and the K-ω
this method has advantages. K-ε method is a two- SST model are presented in Table 11.

Table 11. Difference between simulations for two different turbulence models
Variables Spalart-Allmaras K-omega Difference (%)
Vmuzzle 345.2066 345.211 0.002
SPL (0,0) 239.7350049 239.7301857 0.002
SPL(10,0) 226.5213012 226.5154449 0.003
SPL (20,0) 214.4530404 214.4322805 0.01
SPL(0,10) 205.5799873 205.6594489 0.039
SPL (0,20) 201.6102065 201.7226318 0.058
SPL (0,30) 197.4894218 197.4728572 0.008

presented and SPL at that point was calculated. SPL

4. CONCLUSIONS at the muzzle was 240 dB which reduced with
distance from the muzzle. SPL in the same distances
In this study, using Ansys Fluent, the internal from the muzzle for points in the axial direction was
ballistic of the shot from a 9 mm gun was simulated. higher than points of radial distance.
A transient axisymmetrical two-dimensional model Internal ballistic once simulated for blank shot and
with moving mesh was applied. The combustion contours for Mach number, sound speed, pressure,
process was simulated as the initial condition at the and speed of flow drawn. SPL at the muzzle and other
moment that the main part of the propellant was points determined. SPL at the muzzle was 220 dB and
combusted. The pressure and speed of gases that were at other points, it was less.
used were obtained from Quickloader which had a The difference between SPL for the bullet shot and
1% error for the speed of the bullet in the muzzle. the blank shot is the most at the muzzle. For points
In some studies, for ballistic problems, the farther from the muzzle, the difference between SPLs
Sparlart Allmaras model was used and in some other was less.
problems, the K-ω SST model was used. The reason Also, increasing initial pressure for the blank shot
for the led to higher flow speed and wider angle of the jet in
Diagrams of speed, backpressure, and Mach the muzzle of the gun.
number per time past from the shot were presented. In this problem, for the simulation of eddies
The pressure was reduced exponentially and in the Spalart Allmaras model was used. To check the
moment of passing the bullet from the muzzle, a results K-ω SST method was applied and it was
sudden reduction in pressure occurred. However, observed that the difference between the two models
speed had a positive slope, but the slope reduced over for the simulated speed of the bullet and SPL in the
time and after that, the bullet passed the muzzle, and muzzle was less than 0.1%.
speed became constant. The Diagram of displacement
has an increasing slope but when the bullet passes the REFERENCES
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