Physics BSC Exit Exam
Physics BSC Exit Exam
Physics BSC Exit Exam
2. MenberuMengesha(PhD), JU
July, 2022
Addis Ababa
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1
6. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 9
7. Remark: ..................................................................................................................................... 10
1. Introduction
Physics, as one of the fundamental sciences, is concerned with the observation, understanding and
prediction of natural phenomena and the behavior of man-made systems. It deals with profound
questions about the nature of the universe and with some of the most important practical,
environmental and technological issues of our time. The scope of Physics is broad and
encompasses mathematical and theoretical investigations, experimental observations, computing
techniques, technological applications, and material manipulations. Physics seeks simple
explanations of physical phenomena based on universal principles stated in concise and powerful
language of mathematics. The principles form a coherent unity, applicable to objects as diverse as
DNA molecules, neutron stars, super-fluids, and liquid crystals. Discoveries in Physics have
implications in all walks of life ranging from the way we perceive reality to gadgets of everyday
use. Physicists constantly test the basic laws of nature by probing the unknown, the mysterious
and the complex. They also search for new laws at the frontiers of knowledge, systematically seek
novel properties of matter.
In principle the current educational trends emphasize graduate profiles (attributes, knowledge and
skills) that enable students keep abreast of the progress in science and technology, and utilize
their knowledge and skills to solve real-physical problems. Based on this the graduates are
expected to fulfill the minimum learning competency and considerable learning outcomes.
Therefore as per the guideline given by MOE the graduates are expected to take an exit exam as
of 2015 E.C. in cognizant to the following rational.
The perspective of taking "fitness for purpose" to conceptualize quality education in higher
education has vividly become an increasingly difficult task. Of the many competing ingredients,
educational achievement is still considered a major determinant attribute of individual success in
the labour market and for overall economic growth. By contrast, research studies indicate that
central exit exams constitute an important feature of a system's institutional framework, which
can hold students, teachers, schools, and administrators accountable for student outcomes. One
potential way, therefore, to enhance educational achievement and quality of education is the
introduction of exit exams. It could influence these outcomes by certifying or "signalling" that
graduates have mastered a certain set of skills, giving them an advantage in both employment and
earnings over students without such certification.
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Thus, we have proposed 12 physics courses from which the question for the exit exam will be
prepared. We selected these 12 physics courses from 29 compulsory physics courses in the BSc
program by taking the courses that are common for BSc programs.
The national Applied Physics exit exam shall have the following objectives
It is important to set competency areas of the subject matter (program) in order to measure
the how much graduates are acquired with skills, knowledge and attitudes. The following
shows us the significance or setting competencies and identifying core courses of the
To set competencies that helps to assess the basic skills, knowledge and attitude of
graduating students;
To systematically identify the core courses which will be included the exit exam;
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2. Expected profiles of graduates
The Physics graduates are expected to acquire problem solving and abstract thinking skills. This
makesPhysics graduates desirable professionals for various services and career over a wide range
of scienceand technology innovation, development, critical thinking and decision making,
modeling, constructinglaws, tracing laws and principles of natural laws to explain phenomena
over a wide range of systems(from very small to very large system) including new discoveries
and explorations. The graduates are expected to apply the knowledge and skill they obtained on
new Science andTechnology applications and reforms for overall socio-economic development of
the community. Furthermore, graduates will have basic knowledge and skills in teaching physics
courses which will enable them to teach in senior secondary schools and higher learning
1.2: Fluid and thermal Will acquire basic knowledge in Graduates will be able to:
physics (3 Chrs) Fluid and thermal physics explain and understand basic
Will acquire fundamental skills principles of fluid dynamics.
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in Fluid and thermal physics comprehend the concept of
temperature and heat to compute
Will identify applications of fluid thermal expansion of solids and
and thermal physics fluids
understand the kinetic theory of
gases and laws of thermodynamics
measure temperature and heat
1.3: Classical Will acquire basic knowledge in graduates will be able to:
mechanics classical mechanics relate motions in different
(3 Chrs.) Will acquire problem solving coordinate systems,
skills in classical mechanics obtain the velocity, acceleration
and momentum in generalized
develop the capability to
determine the Lagrangian and
Hamiltonian of mechanical
2.1 Electromagnetism Will acquire basic knowledge in Graduates will be able to:
(4 Chrs.) Electromagnetism explain the basic concepts of
Will acquire problem solving electric charge, electric field and
skills in Electromagnetism electric potential and solve
Will acquire skills in problems related to these
constructing electrical circuits concepts
solve problems related to electric
circuits containing electrical
elements (resistors, capacitors,
inductors …)
understand Maxwell’s equation in
free space and media and solve
problems related to Maxwell’s
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construct different types of
electric circuits.
2.2 Electrodynamics I Will acquire basic knowledge in Graduates will be able to:
(3 Chrs.) Electrodynamics solve different problems in
Will acquire problem solving electrodynamics, by applying
skills in Electrodynamics different techniques.
understand and solve boundary
value problems in
comprehend electric circuits
containing electrical elements
(resistors, capacitors, inductors)
understand Maxwell’s equation in
free space and media and solve
problems related to Maxwell’s
Introduction to Laser Will acquire basic knowledge `develop familiarity with historical
and Optics (3Crhs) in optics and laser physics development of laser Physics,
Will acquire fundamental describe electromagnetic wave,
skills of solving problems describe properties of light
related to optics and laser generated by laser,
physics develop understanding of the
concept of modern and
nonlinear optics,
explain the fundamental laws
and principles applicable in
elaborate some peculiar
applications of laser,
understand the mechanism
responsible for non-classical
properties of light,
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describe different sources of
3.1 Modern Physics Will acquire basic knowledge in Graduates will be able to:
(3 Chrs.) Modern Physics apply the theory of Special
Will acquire problem solving skills Relativity to solve problems
to problems related to Modern related to time dilation, length
Physics contraction, simultaneity,
relativistic momentum, and
relativistic energy.
apply quantum methods to solve
problems involving atomic
spectra, blackbody radiation, the
photoelectric effect, X-ray
emission and the structure of the
3.2 Quantum Will acquire basic knowledge in Graduates will be able to:
mechanics I Quantum mechanics explain, compare and contrast the
(3 Chrs.) Will acquire fundamental skills wave-particle characteristic of
of solving problem related to electromagnetic waves
Quantum mechanics elaborate the central concepts and
principles of quantum mechanics
analyze the difference between the
classical and quantum mechanical
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3.3 Nuclear physics Will acquire basic knowledge in Graduates will be able to:
(3 Chrs.) Nuclear physics explain the key properties of
Will acquire fundamental skills nucleus in relation to the stipulated
of solving problems related to theoretical framework.
Nuclear physics identify the excitation and ground
will acquire skills in applying state of a particle that may happen
nuclear physics to different in the nucleus of an atom.
applications (medicine, energy solve problems related to nuclear
will engage to proceed their binding energy, fusion and fission
education in the area of nuclear or nuclear reaction.
physics and nuclear engineering.
4.1 Statistical physics Will acquire basic knowledge Graduates will be able to:
in Statistical physics understand microscopic and
(3 Chrs.)
Will acquire fundamental macroscopic systems and
skills of solving problems processes,
related to Statistical physics apply basic statistical concepts
required to describe physical
systems for obtaining various
mean values
identify Maxwell-Boltzmann,
Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac
statistics in describing a given
4.2 Introduction to Will acquire basic knowledge Graduates will be able to:
condensed matter in condensed matter physics understand Crystal Structure
physics Will acquire fundamental and X-ray Diffraction,
(3 Chrs.) skills of solving problems describe binding energy in
related to condensed matter crystals
physics explain electronic band
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describe vibration in molecules
and crystals
explain the Free electron Fermi
4.3 Electronics Will acquire basic knowledge Graduates will be able to:
(3 Chrs.) in Electronics understand charge carrier
Will acquire basic skills that generation in intrinsic and
enables him/her to design extrinsic semi-conductors;
simple electronic devices explain various types of diodes, IV
characterestics of diodes and some
application of diodes as recetifier.
analyze the basic principles of
bipolar junction transistor (BJT)
circuit in various configuration
(common emitter, common base
and common collector)
construct simple electronic devices
1.1 Mechanics
1.2 Fluid and thermal physics
1.3 Classical mechanics
2.1 Electromagnetism
2.2 Introduction to laser and optics
2.3 Electrodynamics I
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Theme 3: Quantum physics
1. Mechanics
2. Fluid and thermal physics
3. Electromagnetism
4. Modern Physics
5. Nuclear physics
6. Electronics
7. Quant mechanics I
8. Electrodynamics I
9. Classical mechanics
10. Statistical physics
11. Introduction to condensed matter physics
12. Introduction to laser and optics
6. Conclusion
As it is well known there is a great intension to improve the graduate profiles of the BSc Physics
graduates to meet the required demand of the country. A strong background in Physics is
necessary for careers in quality education, industry and energy sector. Thus, it is imperative that
students be equipped with strong Physics knowledge, skills and attitudes which enable them to be
productive and capable. In line with this, in order to qualify the knowledge, skills, and attitudes
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of the graduates with respect to the BSc curricula 12 compulsory physics courses are selected for
the anticipated national exit examination. This is a validated document.
7. Remark:
The following compulsory courses are excluded since they are not offered in the BSc programs
of the Adama Science and Technology University.
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Validated by:
1. LemiBedjisa (Phd), MeU
2. HlufNegash (PhD), SU
3. Kumneger (PhD), ASTU
4. Yosef Alresawum (PhD), KUE
5. AlLahDekama (PhD), HU
6. AnleyGesese (PhD), JJU
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