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© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India


This Study Material has been prepared by the faculty of the Board of Studies
(Academic). The objective of the Study Material is to provide teaching material to
the students to enable them to obtain knowledge in the subject. In case students
need any clarification or have any suggestion for further improvement of the
material contained herein, they may write to the Director of Studies.
All care has been taken to provide interpretations and discussions in a manner
useful for the students. However, the Study Material has not been specifically
discussed by the Council of the Institute or any of its committees and the views
expressed herein may not be taken to necessarily represent the views of the
Council or any of its Committees.
Permission of the Institute is essential for reproduction of any portion of this


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission, in writing, from the

Basic draft of this publication was prepared by CA. Vandana D Nagpal

Edition : June, 2023

Committee/Department : Board of Studies (Academic)

E-mail : bosnoida@icai.in

Website : www.icai.org

Price : ` /- (For All Modules)

ISBN No. : 978-81-19472-00-0

Published by : The Publication & CDS Directorate on behalf of

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
ICAI Bhawan, Post Box No. 7100,
Indraprastha Marg, New Delhi 110 002 (India)

Printed by :

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India



BoS (Academic) – Value added Study Materials

The Board of Studies (Academic) is the department which serves as the Institute’s
interface with its students. BoS (Academic) leaves no stone unturned to provide
the best-in-class services to you in terms of value-added study materials wherein
the concepts and provisions are explained in lucid language with illustrations and
examples to aid understanding the application of concepts and provisions. Test
Your Knowledge Questions at the end of each chapter contain questions which
will hone your analytical skills. BoS (Academic) also publishes Revision Test Papers
to assist you in revising your concepts and updating yourself and Mock Test Papers
to enable you to assess your level of preparedness for the examination.

Professional Knowledge and Skills required at Intermediate Level

At the Intermediate Level, you are expected to not only acquire professional
knowledge but also the ability to apply such knowledge in problem solving. The
process of learning should also help you inculcate the requisite professional skills,
i.e., the intellectual skills and communication skills, necessary for achieving the
desired professional competence.

Significant Components of Income-tax Law

Taxation is one of the core competence areas of chartered accountants. The

subject of “Taxation” at the Intermediate level is divided into two sections, namely,
Section A: Income-tax law and Section B: Goods and Services Tax. Income-tax is a
direct tax i.e., it is a tax levied directly on the income of a person. Income-tax law,
at the Intermediate level, largely involves application of provisions of the Income-
tax Act, 1961 in problem solving. The tax laws of the country undergo significant
changes every year on the passing of the Finance Act of that year. Apart from these
significant amendments ushered in every year through the Finance Act,
notifications and circulars are also issued from time to time by the Central Board
of Direct Taxes (CBDT), the statutory authority in charge with the administration
of direct taxes, to implement the provisions of the Act and clarify issues regarding
the meaning and scope of certain provisions. Thus, the Income-tax Act, 1961, the

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India


Income-tax Rules, 1962, circulars and notifications issued by the CBDT are the
significant components of income-tax law.
Scope of Coverage of the subject – Read the Syllabus along with Study

The syllabus of the subject “Income-tax law” has to be read along with the Study
Guidelines which would be webhosted separately. The Study Guidelines specify
the topic-wise exclusions from the syllabus. The provisions of the excluded
sections are not discussed in the Study Material. However, a reference may have
been made to these sections at certain places either by way of a footnote or
otherwise, wherever required. As regards section 10, the Study Guidelines specify
the topic-wise inclusions.

Know the relevant Finance Act and Assessment Year applicable for Examination

This Study Material on Income-tax law is based on the provisions of income-tax

law as amended by the Finance Act, 2023, and the significant notifications and
circulars issued and legislative amendments made upto 30th April, 2023. The
computational problems have been solved on the basis of the provisions of
income-tax law applicable for A.Y.2024-25. The Study Material is, therefore,
relevant for May, 2024 and November, 2024 examinations. The amendments made
by the Finance Act, 2023, latest notifications/circulars are indicated in italics/bold
italics in the Study Material.
The significant notifications/circulars issued and other legislative amendments, if
any, made between 1.5.2023 and 31.10.2023, relevant for May, 2024 examination,
will be webhosted as Statutory Update for May, 2024 examination at the BoS
Knowledge Portal. Likewise, the significant notifications/circulars issued and other
legislative amendments, if any, made between 1.5.2023 and 30.4.2024, relevant for
November, 2024 examination, will be webhosted as Statutory Update for
November, 2024 examination at the BoS Knowledge Portal.

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India


Framework of the Study Material – Two Modules with Five Sections comprising
of Nine Chapters

Efforts have been made to present the complex law of income-tax in a lucid
manner. Care has been taken to present the chapters in a logical sequence to
facilitate easy understanding by the students. The nine Chapters in the Study
Material are grouped into five Sections, namely, Sections I to V and weightages
are assigned to each Section. The Section-wise weightages and Skill-wise
weightages would be webhosted separately at the BOS Knowledge Portal. The
Study Material is divided into two modules - Module 1 comprises of chapters
covered in Sections I and II and Module 2 comprises of chapters covered in
Sections III, IV and V.

Module Section Chapters

1 Section I Chapter 1 Basic Concepts

Chapter 2 Residential Status and Scope of Total


Section II Chapter 3 Heads of Income

2 Section III Chapter 4 Income of other persons included in

assessee’s total income

Chapter 5 Aggregation of Income, Set-off and Carry

Forward of Losses

Chapter 6 Deductions from Gross Total Income

Section IV Chapter 7 Advance Tax, Tax Deduction at Source and

Tax Collection at Source

Chapter 8 Provisions for filing Return of Income and


Section V Chapter 9 Income-tax Liability - Computation and


© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India


Special features of the Study Material – Section Overview, Scenario and

Crossword Puzzle

Each of the five Sections begin with a Section Overview followed by an interesting
Scenario. Crossword Puzzles have been included in Sections I to IV. These are the
special features of this Study Material.

Elements of About each Element

each Section

1. Section In order to ensure that you have an enhanced learning

Overview experience, Overview of each Section is given before the
chapters in that section. The Section Overview contains a
broad description of the provisions which would be
covered in the chapters comprised therein.

2. Scenario In each Section, learning commences with a Scenario which

is essentially a story which is later divided into components
and "Points to Ponder" are raised in respect of each
component thereof to instill curiosity and interest in you.
After reading the Scenario and the “Points to Ponder”
raised in respect thereof, you are expected to read the
chapters in that Section, analyze the tax consequences and
write your responses in the space provided in the last
column of the table against the respective Scenario
component. By relating the various components of the
Scenario to the relevant provisions of income-tax law, you
would be able to grasp the provisions quickly and
appreciate the application of the provisions in different

The Scenario in Section V comprising of “Chapter 9

Income-tax Liability – Computation and Optimisation”
requires integration of your learning in the first eight
chapters to compute the total income and tax liability of
an individual under the alternative tax regimes by filling up
the blank spaces in the income computation sheet and tax
computation sheet forming part thereof. Thereafter, based
on the computation, you are required to write your
response as to which tax regime is more beneficial for the

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India


individual. Through this exercise, you will be able to

effectively comprehend the manner of computation of
total income and tax liability under the alternative tax

3. Crossword There is no doubt that use of gamification will make

Puzzle learning more interesting. In order to make learning of
income-tax law more engaging and enjoyable, Crossword
puzzles have been included in Sections I to IV, which you
have to solve after reading the Chapters in the Section.

Framework of Chapters – Uniform Structure comprising of specific components

The various chapters/units of each subject at the Intermediate level have been
structured uniformly and comprises of the following components:

Components of About the component

each Chapter

1. Learning Learning outcomes which you need to demonstrate after

Outcomes learning each topic have been detailed in the first page of
each chapter/unit. Demonstration of these learning
outcomes would help you to achieve the desired level of
technical competence

2. Chapter As the name suggests, the flow chart/table/diagram given

Overview at the beginning of each chapter would give a broad
outline of the contents covered in the chapter.

3. Proforma for Chapter 3 Heads of Income has five units, each unit dealing
computation of with a particular head of income. Units 1,3,4 and 5 begin
income under with a detailed proforma for computation of income under
different heads that head. The proforma has been given separately for
computation under the default tax regime and optional tax
regime in Units 1 and 3.

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India


4. Content The concepts and provisions of income-tax law are

explained in a student-friendly manner with the aid of
examples/illustrations/diagrams/flow charts. Diagrams
and Flow charts would help you understand and retain the
concept/provision learnt in a better manner. Examples and
illustrations would help you understand the application of
concepts/provisions. These value additions would, thus,
help you develop conceptual clarity and get a good grasp
of the topic.

5. Let us A summary of the chapter is given at the end to help you

Recapitulate revise what you have learnt. It would especially facilitate
quick revision of the chapter the day before the

6. Test Your The questions and answers at the end of each chapter
Knowledge would help you to apply what you have learnt in problem
solving, and, thus, sharpen your application skills. In effect,
it would test your understanding of concepts/provisions as
well as your ability to apply the concepts/provisions learnt
in solving problems and addressing issues.

We hope that these student-friendly features in the Study Material makes your
learning process more enjoyable, enriches your knowledge and sharpens your
application skills.
Happy Reading and Best Wishes!

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India



(One paper ─ Three hours – 100 Marks)


(a) To develop an understanding of the provisions of income-tax law
(b) To acquire the ability to apply such provisions to solve problems and address
application-oriented issues.
1. Basic Concepts
(i) Income-tax law: An introduction
(ii) Significant concepts in income-tax law, including person, assessee,
previous year, assessment year, income, agricultural income
(iii) Basis of Charge
(iv) Procedure for computation of total income and tax payable in case of
2. Residential status and scope of total income
(i) Residential status
(ii) Scope of total income
3. Heads of income and the provisions governing computation of income
under different heads
(i) Salaries
(ii) Income from house property
(iii) Profits and gains of business or profession
(iv) Capital gains
(v) Income from other sources

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India


4. Provisions relating to clubbing of income, set-off or carry forward and set-

off of losses, deductions from gross total income
5. Advance Tax, Tax deduction at source and tax collection at source
6. Provisions for filing return of income and self-assessment
7. Computation of total income and income-tax payable by an individual under
the alternative tax regimes under the Income-tax Act, 1961 to optimise tax
Note: If any new legislation(s) are enacted in place of an existing legislation(s), the
syllabus will accordingly include the corresponding provisions of such new
legislation(s) in the place of the existing legislation(s) with effect from the date to
be notified by the Institute. Similarly, if any existing legislation(s) on income tax
law ceases to be in force, the syllabus will accordingly exclude such legislation(s)
with effect from the date to be notified by the Institute.
Further, the specific inclusions/exclusions in any topic covered in the syllabus will
be effected by way of Study Guidelines every year, if required. Specific
inclusions/exclusions in a topic may also arise due to additions/deletions made
every year by the Annual Finance Act.


(a) To develop an understanding of the provisions of goods and services tax
(b) To acquire the ability to apply such provisions to address/solve issues in
moderately complex scenarios.
1. GST Laws: An introduction including Constitutional aspects
2. Levy and collection of CGST and IGST
(i) Application of CGST/IGST law
(ii) Concept of supply including composite and mixed supplies
(iii) Charge of tax including reverse charge
(iv) Exemption from tax
(v) Composition levy

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India


3. Basic concepts of:

(i) Classification
(ii) Place of supply
(iii) Time of supply
(iv) Value of supply
(v) Input tax credit
4. Computation of GST liability
5. Registration
6. Tax invoice; Credit and Debit Notes; Electronic way bill
7. Accounts and Records
8. Returns
9. Payment of tax
Note – If any new legislation(s) is enacted in place of an existing legislation(s), the
syllabus will accordingly include the corresponding provisions of such new
legislation(s) in place of the existing legislation(s) with effect from the date to be
notified by the Institute. Similarly, if any existing legislation ceases to have effect,
the syllabus will accordingly exclude such legislation with effect from the date to
be notified by the Institute. Students shall not be examined with reference to any
particular State GST Law.
Consequential/corresponding amendments made in the provisions of the Goods
and Services Tax laws covered in the syllabus of this paper which arise out of the
amendments made in the provisions not covered in the syllabus will not form part
of the syllabus. Further, the specific inclusions/exclusions in the various topics
covered in the syllabus will be effected every year by way of Study Guidelines. The
specific inclusions/exclusions may also arise due to additions/ deletions every year
by the annual Finance Act.

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India



Chapter 1 : Basic Concepts
Chapter 2 : Residence and Scope of Total Income
Chapter 3 : Heads of Income

Chapter 4 : Income of Other Persons included in Assessee’s Total Income
Chapter 5 : Aggregation of Income, Set-off and Carry Forward of Losses
Chapter 6 : Deductions from Gross Total Income
Chapter 7 : Advance Tax, Tax Deduction at Source and Tax
Collection at Source
Chapter 8 : Provisions for filing Return of Income and Self-assessment
Chapter 9 : Income-tax Liability - Computation and Optimisation

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India



SECTION I............................................................................................................ 1 – 12

Overview ..................................................................................................................... 1

Scenario ..................................................................................................................... 2

Crossword Puzzle ..................................................................................................... 10


Learning Outcomes ......................................................................................................................... 1.1

Chapter Overview ............................................................................................................................. 1.3


1. Introduction............................................................................................................................ 1.4

1.1 What is the meaning of tax? ............................................................................. 1.4

1.2 Why are taxes levied? .......................................................................................... 1.4

1.3 Power to levy taxes ............................................................................................... 1.5

1.4 Overview of Income-tax law in India ............................................................. 1.5

2. Charge of Income-tax ..................................................................................................... 1.10

3. Important Definitions ....................................................................................................... 1.20

3.1 Assessee [Section 2(7)] ...................................................................................... 1.21

3.2 Assessment [Section 2(8)] ................................................................................ 1.21

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3.3 Person [Section 2(31)] ....................................................................................... 1.22

3.4 Income [Section 2(24)] ...................................................................................... 1.28

3.5 India [Section 2(25A)] ........................................................................................ 1.34

3.6 Agricultural Income [Section 2(1A)] ............................................................. 1.35

4. Previous Year and Assessment Year............................................................................ 1.45

4.1 Assessment year [Section 2(9)] ...................................................................... 1.45

4.2 Previous year [Section 3] .................................................................................. 1.46

4.3 Certain cases when income of a previous year

will be assessed in the previous year itself ................................................ 1.46

5. Undisclosed source of Income ...................................................................................... 1.48

6. Rates of Tax, Surcharge & Cess .................................................................................... 1.51

6.1 Individual/HUF/AoP/BoI/Artificial Juridical Person ................................ 1.51

6.2 Firm/LLP/Local authority .................................................................................. 1.75

6.3 Co-operative Society.......................................................................................... 1.76

6.4 Domestic Company ........................................................................................... 1.78

6.5 Foreign Company .............................................................................................. 1.79

7. Rebate for Resident Individuals [Section 87A] ........................................................ 1.80

8. Partial integration of agricultural income

with non agricultural income ................................................................................ 1.83

Let us Recapitulate ......................................................................................................................... 1.88

Test Your Knowledge .................................................................................................................... 1.95

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India



Learning Outcomes ......................................................................................................................... 2.1

Chapter Overview ............................................................................................................................. 2.2


1. Residential Status [Section 6] .......................................................................................... 2.3

1.1 Residential status of Individuals ...................................................................... 2.4

1.2 Residential status of HUF ................................................................................. 2.11

1.3 Residential status of firms, AoPs and BoIs ................................................. 2.14

1.4 Residential status of companies .................................................................... 2.15

1.5 Residential status of local authorities and

artificial juridical persons ........................................................................ 2.15

2. Scope of Total Income ..................................................................................................... 2.15

2.1 Meaning of “Income received or deemed to be received” ................. 2.19

2.2 Meaning of income ‘accruing’ and ‘arising’ .............................................. 2.19

2.3 Income deemed to accrue or arise in India [Section 9] ........................ 2.20

Let us Recapitulate ......................................................................................................................... 2.34

Test Your Knowledge .................................................................................................................... 2.37

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India


SECTION II .......................................................................................................... 1 – 17

Overview ..................................................................................................................... 1
Scenario ..................................................................................................................... 3
Crossword Puzzle-I .................................................................................................. 13

Crossword Puzzle-II ................................................................................................. 15



Learning Outcomes ......................................................................................... 3.1

Proforma for computation of income under the head “Salaries” as per
default tax regime under section 115BAC ..................................................... 3.2
Proforma for computation of income under the head “Salaries” under
the optional tax regime (i.e., the normal provisions of the Act) ................. 3.6
Proforma for computation of income under the head “Salaries” under
optional tax regime taking Salaries computed as per default tax
regime under section 115BAC as the starting point ...................................3.10


1.1 Introduction. ............................................................................................................ 3.12

1.2 Basis of Charge [Section 15] ................................................................................ 3.17

1.3 Salary, Perquisite and Profits in lieu of Salary [Section 17] ........................ 3.18

1.4 Deductions from Salary [Section 16]................ ...............................................3.101

1.5. Relief under section 89 ...................................................................................... 3.105

Let us Recapitulate ......................................................................................................... 3.108

Test Your Knowledge .................................................................................................... 3.120

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Learning Outcomes ........................................................................................................ 3.135


2.1 Chargeability [Section 22] ................................................................................. 3.136

2.2 Conditions for Chargeability ............................................................................ 3.136

2.3 Composite Rent ................................................................................................... 3.138

2.4 Income from house property situated outside India................................. 3.139

2.5 Determination of Annual Value [Section 23] ............................................... 3.139

2.6 Deductions from Annual Value [Section 24] ................................................ 3.146

2.7 Computation of “Income from house property” for different

categories of property ...................................................................................... 3.151

2.8 Inadmissible Deductions [Section 25]............................................................ 3.164

2.9 Provision for Arrears of Rent and Unrealized Rent received

subsequently [Section 25A] .............................................................................. 3.164

2.10 Treatment of income from Co-owned Property [Section 26] ................. 3.166

2.11 Deemed Ownership [Section 27] .................................................................... 3.168

Let us Recapitulate................................................ ....................... ....................................3.170

Test Your Knowledge .................................................................................................... 3.175

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Learning Outcomes............................................................................................. 3.185

Proforma for computation of income under head “Profits and

Gains of Business or Profession” under default tax regime
under section 115BAC ....................................................................................... 3.186

Proforma for computation of income under head “Profits and

Gains of Business or Profession” under optional tax regime taking
business income computed under default tax regime
under section 115BAC as the starting point .................................................... 3.189


3.1 Meaning of ‘Business’ and ‘Profession’ ......................................................... 3.192

3.2 Method of Accounting ....................................................................................... 3.193

3.3 Income chargeable under this Head [Section 28] ...................................... 3.195

3.4 Speculation Business...................................... ..................................... .................3.198

3.5 Computation of Profits and Gains from

Business or Profession [Section 29]................................................................ 3.200

3.6 Admissible Deductions [Sections 30 to 37]............... ................ ....................3.201

3.7 Inadmissible Deductions [Section 40]............................................................ 3.261

3.8 Expenses or Payments Not Deductible in certain

circumstances [Section 40A]............................................................................. 3.272

3.9 Profits chargeable to tax [Section 41] ........................................................... 3.281

3.10 Changes in the Rate of Exchange of Currency [Section 43A].................. 3.282

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3.11 Certain Deductions to be made only on

Actual Payment [Section 43B] .......................................................................... 3.283

3.12 Stamp Duty Value of Land and Building to be taken as the full
value of consideration in respect of transfer [Section 43CA].................. 3.288

3.13 Compulsory Maintenance of Accounts [Section 44AA] ............................ 3.292

3.14 Audit of Accounts of certain persons carrying on business or

profession [Section 44AB] ................................................................................. 3.297

3.15 Special provisions for computing profits and gains of business on

Presumptive Basis [Sections 44AD/ 44ADA/44AE] ..................................... 3.301

3.16 Computation of business income in cases where income is

partly agricultural and partly business in nature ........................................ 3.309

Let us Recapitulate ......................................................................................................... 3.312

Test Your Knowledge .................................................................................................... 3.334


Learning Outcomes............................................................................................. 3.357

Proforma for computation of income under the head “Capital Gains”........ 3.358


4.1 Introduction................................................................. ...................................................... 3.361

4.2 Capital Asset....................................................................... ............................................... 3.362

4.3 Short Term and Long Term Capital Assets...................... ..................................... .3.367

4.4 Transfer: What it Means? [Section 2(47)] ............................................................... 3.371

4.5 Scope and year of Chargeability [Section 45] ...................................................... 3.373

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4.6 Capital Gains on distribution of assets by companies in

liquidation [Section 46] ................................................................................................. 3.377

4.7 Capital Gains on Buyback of shares or

specified securities [Section 46A]................................................................................. 3.378

4.8 Transactions not regarded as transfer [Section 47] ........................................... 3.380

4.9 Important Definitions .................................................................................................... 3.386

4.10 Mode of computation of Capital Gains [Section 48]. ........................................ 3.389

4.11 Ascertainment of cost in specified circumstances [Section 49] ..................... 3.393

4.12 Cost of Acquisition [Section 55(2)]. .......................................................................... 3.396

4.13 Cost of Improvement [Section 55(1)] ...................................................................... 3.406

4.14 Computation of Capital Gains in case of Depreciable Assets

[Sections 50 & 50A] ........................................................................................................ 3.407

4.15 Computation of Capital Gains in case of Market

Linked Debentures [Section 50AA] .............................................................................. 3.411

4.16 Capital Gains in respect of Slump Sale [Section 50B]........................................ 3.412

4.17 Deemed Full Value of Consideration for Computing Capital Gains

[Section 50C, 50CA & 50D]............................................................................. ............. 3.418

4.18 Advance money received [Section 51] .................................................................... 3.421

4.19 Exemption of Capital Gains [Sections 54 to 54F] ................................................ 3.422

4.20 Reference to Valuation Officer [Section 55A]................... .................................... 3.435

4.21 Tax on short-term capital gains in respect of equity shares/units of

an equity oriented fund [Section 111A] ................................................................. 3.436

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4.22 Tax on long-term capital gains [Section 112]................................ ....................... 3.437

4.23 Tax on long-term capital gains on certain assets [Section 112A]. ................ 3.439

Let us Recapitulate......................................................................... ............................................. 3.448

Test Your Knowledge................................................................................ ................................. 3.466


Learning Outcomes...................................... ....................................................... 3.481

Proforma for computation of “Income from Other Sources”........................ 3.482


5.1 Introduction.................................................... ................................................................... 3.485

5.2 Method of Accounting [Section 145] ...................................................................... 3.486

5.3 Incomes chargeable under this head [Section 56] ............................................. 3.486

5.4 Applicable rate of tax in respect of Casual Income

other than winnings from any online games [Section 115BB] ....................... 3.514

5.5 Applicable rate of tax in respect of winnings from any

online games [Section 115BBJ] .................................................................................. 3.514

5.6 Deductions Allowable [Section 57]........................................ ................................... 3.515

5.7 Deductions Not Allowable [Section 58]........................................ .......................... 3.517

5.8 Deemed Income chargeable to tax [Section 59]......................... ........................ 3.518

Let us Recapitulate......................... ............................................................................................. 3.519

Test Your Knowledge.......................... ....................................................................................... 3.524

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

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