Intermediate Course Study Material: Taxation
Intermediate Course Study Material: Taxation
Intermediate Course Study Material: Taxation
Study Material
(Modules 1 to 3)
Section – A: Income-tax Law
[As amended by the Finance Act, 2021]
Assessment Year 2022-23
(Relevant for May, 2022 and
November, 2022 examinations)
This study material has been prepared by the faculty of the Board of Studies. The
objective of the study material is to provide teaching material to the students to
enable them to obtain knowledge in the subject. In case students need any
clarifications or have any suggestions for further improvement of the material
contained herein, they may write to the Director of Studies.
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Under the Revised Scheme of Education and Training, at the Intermediate Level,
you are expected to not only acquire professional knowledge but also the ability
to apply such knowledge in problem solving. The process of learning should
also help you inculcate the requisite professional skills, i.e., the intellectual skills
and communication skills, necessary for achieving the desired professional
Act, notifications and circulars are also issued from time to time by the Central
Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), the statutory authority in charge with the
administration of direct taxes, to implement the provisions of the Act and clarify
issues regarding the meaning and scope of certain provisions. Owing to the
dynamic nature of income-tax law, learning, understanding and applying the
provisions of this law in problem solving is very interesting and challenging.
Know your Syllabus – Read the same along with Study Guidelines
The syllabus of income-tax law is divided into ten topics. The Study Material has
also been divided into ten chapters in line with the syllabus. For understanding
the coverage of syllabus, it is important to read the Study Material along with
the Study Guidelines. The concept of Study Guidelines has been introduced in
the Revised Scheme of Education and Training in this subject, in line with
international best practices, to specify the topic-wise exclusions from the
syllabus. Therefore, the Study Guidelines contain the detailed topic wise
exclusions from the syllabus. The provisions of these excluded sections are,
accordingly, not discussed in the Study Material. However, while discussing the
relevant applicable provisions, a reference may have been made to these
sections at certain places either by way of a footnote or otherwise.
Efforts have been made to present the complex law of income-tax in a lucid
manner. Care has been taken to present the chapters in a logical sequence to
facilitate easy understanding by the students. The Study Material is divided into
three modules for ease of understanding by the students.
The various chapters/units of each subject at the Intermediate level have been
structured uniformly and comprises of the following components:
5. Test Your The questions and answers at the end of each chapter
Knowledge would help you to apply what you have learnt in problem
solving, and, thus, sharpen your application skills. In
effect, it would test your understanding of
concepts/provisions as well as your ability to apply the
concepts/provisions learnt in solving problems and
addressing issues.
We hope that these student-friendly features in the Study Material makes your
learning process more enjoyable, enriches your knowledge and sharpens your
application skills.
Happy Reading and Best Wishes!
(One paper ─ Three hours – 100 Marks)
1. Basic Concepts
(i) Income-tax law: An introduction
(ii) Important definitions in the Income-tax Act, 1961
(iii) Concept of previous year and assessment year
(iv) Basis of Charge and Rates of Tax
2. Residential status and scope of total income
(i) Residential status
(ii) Scope of total income
3. Incomes which do not form part of total income (other than charitable
trusts and institutions, political parties and electoral trusts)
(i) Incomes not included in total income
(ii) Tax holiday for newly established units in Special Economic Zones
4. Heads of income and the provisions governing computation of income
under different heads
(i) Salaries
(ii) Income from house property
(iii) Profits and gains of business or profession
1. Concept of indirect taxes
(i) Concept and features of indirect taxes
(ii) Principal indirect taxes
2. Goods and Services Tax (GST) Laws
(i) GST Laws: An introduction including Constitutional aspects
(ii) Levy and collection of CGST and IGST
a) Application of CGST/IGST law
b) Concept of supply including composite and mixed supplies
c) Charge of tax including reverse charge
d) Exemption from tax
e) Composition levy
New Intermediate Paper 4: Taxation Section A: Income-tax Law
List of topic-wise exclusions from the syllabus
Topics of the Exclusions
Syllabus (Provisions which are excluded from the
corresponding topic of the Syllabus)
1. Basic Concepts -
2. Residential Section 9A - Certain activities not to constitute business
status and scope connection in India
of total income
3. Incomes which
do not form Clause of Particulars
part of total section 10
income (other 4C Interest income of a non-corporate non-
than charitable resident or foreign company on specified
trusts and off-shore Rupee Denominated Bonds
institutions, issued by an Indian company or business
political parties trust
and electoral
4D Income accrued or arisen to or received by
specified fund on transfer of a capital asset,
being a bond of an Indian Company or
GDR or rupee denominated bond or
derivative, on a recognized stock exchange
located in any IFSC and where the
consideration is paid/ payable in
convertible foreign exchange etc.
4E Any income accrued or arisen to, or
received by a non-resident as a result of
transfer of non-deliverable forward
contracts entered into with an offshore
banking unit of an IFSC referred to in
section 80LA(1A).
Section Particulars
33AB Tea Development Account/ Coffee
Development Account/ Rubber
Development Account
33ABA Site Restoration Fund
35ABA Expenditure for obtaining right to use
spectrum for telecommunication services
35ABB Expenditure for obtaining licence to
operate telecommunication services
35CCA Expenditure by way of payment to
associations and institutions for carrying
out rural development programmes
35CCC Expenditure on agricultural extension
35CCD Expenditure on skill development project
35DD Amortisation of expenditure in case of
amalgamation or demerger
35E Deduction of expenditure on prospecting
and development of certain minerals
36(1)(ia)/ • Insurance premium paid by a Federal
(vi)/(viia)/ Milk Co-operative Society [Section
(viii)/(xii)/ 36(1)(ia)]
(xiv)/ (xvii) • Allowance for animals used for the
purposes of business or profession,
otherwise than as stock in trade [Section
• Special provision for bad and doubtful
debts made by Banks, Public Financial
Institution, State Financial Corporation,
State Industrial Investment Corporation
[Section 36(1)(viia)]
• Deduction for Special Reserve created
and maintained by Specified Entities
engaged in eligible business [Section
Government or to a State
Government under a plan approved
by the Central Government [Section
• Any transfer of by way of conversion
of Foreign Currency Exchangeable
Bonds into shares or debentures of a
company [Section 47(xa)]
• Any transfer of land under a scheme
prepared and sanctioned under
section 18 of the Sick Industrial
Companies (Special Provisions) Act,
1985, by a sick industrial company
which is managed by its workers’ co-
operative [Section 47(xii)]
• Any transfer of a capital asset or
intangible asset by a firm to a
company, where a firm is succeeded
by a company, or any transfer of a
capital asset where an AOP or BOI is
succeeded by a company consequent
to demutualisation or corporatisation
of a recognised stock exchange in
India [Section 47(xiii)]
• Any transfer of a membership right by
a member of recognised stock
exchange in India for acquisition of
shares and trading or clearing rights
in accordance with a scheme for
demutualization or corporatisation
approved by SEBI [Section 47(xiiia)]
• Any transfer of a capital asset or
intangible asset by a private company
or unlisted public company to a LLP
[Section 47(xiiib)]
• Any transfer of a capital asset or
intangible asset where a sole
Note- As far as the Income-tax Rules, 1962 are concerned, only the significant
Rules included in the respective chapters of the Study Material as well as in the
Statutory Update given in the Revision Test Paper (RTP) for May, 2022 and
November, 2022 Examinations would be relevant at the Intermediate level. Even in
respect of those sections which are not excluded from the syllabus, the coverage is
restricted to the extent of the content discussed in the Study Material and Statutory
Chapter 1 : Basic Concepts
Chapter 2 : Residence and Scope of Total Income
Chapter 3 : Incomes which do not form part of Total Income
Chapter 4 : Heads of Income
Chapter 5 : Income of Other Persons included in Assessee’s Total Income
Chapter 6 : Aggregation of Income, Set-off and Carry Forward of Losses
Chapter 7 : Deductions from Gross Total Income
Chapter 8 : Computation of Total Income and Tax Payable
Chapter 9 : Advance Tax, Tax Deduction at Source and Introduction to Tax
Collection at Source
Chapter 10 : Provisions for filing Return of Income and Self-assessment
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................ 3.3
1.2 Exemptions which are discussed under the relevant chapters ............ 3.3
2.10 Awards for literary, scientific and artistic works and other
awards by the Government [Section 10(17A)] ......................................... 3.23