BSBCRT411 Project Portfolio - SAMPLE ONLYjfkenfkeew
BSBCRT411 Project Portfolio - SAMPLE ONLYjfkenfkeew
BSBCRT411 Project Portfolio - SAMPLE ONLYjfkenfkeew
First published 2020
RTO Works
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Date: 8.11.2023
Legislative and organisational European Union data protection and privacy legislation under
requirements GDPR which describes what Worlducation can and cannot do
with the customer data entered the ERP system.
Summarise the relevant
legislation related to your Employee and labour legislation, such as the Fair Work Act, in all
process. jurisdictions (Australia, Bulgaria and Hong Kong) where
Summarise the organisational employees are employed
policies and procedures Operational Health and Safety requirements specifically in the
relevant to your process. Hong Kong manufacturing facility.
How does natural justice Organisational policies and procedures will be included as per
apply to your decision-making the case study.
For this case study, Natural justice and procedural fairness does
not apply
Attach any relevant policies to
your portfolio.
Choose the inefficiency, I have chosen the manufacturing capability being concentrated in a
limitation or problem you will single location (Hong Kong) with no alternative supply available in the
analyse event of a disruption.
Choose one inefficiency, I chose this issue as there are multiple sources of information and
limitation or problem to focus there are multiple solutions that could be put forward to solve this
on for the remainder of this issue. The solutions could possibly even address the other issues
project. being faced.
Explain why you chose it.
e) Prior to any finance transactions being undertaken, Anna Armstrong must authorise the transaction.
g) An employee will only be issued a credit card once the Credit Card Authorisation Form has been
h) The business credit card can only be used for travel, authorised entertainment and purchases of
small value expenses or equipment up to the value of $500.
i) No cash advances are to be taken using the business credit card unless authorised by Anna
j) Where a business credit card is lost or stolen, the owner of this card is to notify the Business
Manager, who is responsible for notifying the issuing agency and ensuring the card is cancelled.
k) The business credit card is not to be used for personal expenses.
l) All holders of business credit cards are required to reconcile the monthly credit card statement to the
expense form, attach all receipts for payments made on the credit card and have the expense statement
authorised by Anna Armstrong.
m) Upon completion and authorisation of the monthly expense statement, these documents are to be
forwarded to the Business Manager for payment of the credit card statement.
n) All business credit cards are to be returned to the business when the person is requested to by the
Business Manager or where they are no longer an employee of the business.
bb) This privacy policy outlines how Worlucation protects and handles personal information in
accordance with its obligations under the National Privacy Principles (APPs) contained in the Privacy Act
1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act).
1. Collection of information
Worlucation collects personal information relating to individual creators, publishers, licensees and IT
professionals as part of the normal course of its business.
Where possible, Worlucation collects personal information directly from the individuals themselves.
Third party collection: Worlucation may also collect personal information from third parties in
accordance with the requirements of the APPs, including:
From other rightsholders of a work, including the publisher. This is restricted to information
which will assist in member recruitment or payment to rightsholders, such as contact and
entitlement information. If Worlucation cannot collect that personal information from other
rightsholders, its ability to efficiently recruit and pay rightsholders will be restricted;
Worlucation has agreements with similar organisations in other countries that enable the use of
foreign text and images in Australia, and the collection of fees and royalties for the use of
Australian works overseas and may collect information in this process;
From the public domain from third party sources such as social networking services, industry
directories, industry guides, and the Internet; and
Through purchased mailing lists and business database lists which are used for sending
Worlucation marketing material, where recipients have consented to receiving such
communications or it would be reasonably expected of us to use or disclose the
information for that purpose.
4. Marketing material
4.1 Worlucation may use personal information, from time to time, to send to marketing material that
we consider will be useful, or other material about our activities.
4.2 Worlucation will only do this if we collected the information and one would reasonably expect us
to use or disclose the information for that purpose, or if consent has been given to receiving
such communications.
7. Internet security
7.1 A mailbox should be created for each email sender so they can be accessed efficiently.
7.2 Before logging off from your inbox, ensure that it is empty. All emails should be placed in their
sender’s mailbox.
7.3 Suspicious or potentially dangerous emails should be deleted immediately. Attachments should
not be opened.
7.4 Personal emails should not be opened at work, or on King Edward VII College’s computers. If an
email of a personal nature is received on a King Edward VII College’s email address, forward it
immediately to a private email address, and open it outside work. Delete the original email from
the inbox once it has been forwarded.
7.5 Returned email should be examined to ensure that the address in correct. If in doubt as to the
correct address, contact the source of the address and ask for verification.
7.6 Email attachments should only be opened if they come from a trusted source. Attachments are
to be stored and sent only as pdf, Word, PowerPoint or Excel files. If trustworthy emails are
received in other formats, they should be converted before filing.
7.7 New staff must be assessed on their email competence by their manager before they are given
access to their company email address and access to company files. This assessment is to be
carried out on an external email account.
Generate and analyse Possible solutions to the manufacturing capability being in Hong
alternative solutions for your Kong:
inefficiency, limitation or
Outsource manufacturing to a third party in a different
location…………………………… (put more information here)
List four to six alternative
Establish a second manufacturing plant in an alternative region
such as India or Korea……….(put more information here)
Description each alternative in
Purchase tablets off the shelf from a known supplier and simply
detail (for example, using a
install the software on them……….(put more information
flow chart, words or a series of
Set up a set of success criteria Provide the software solution as a cloud-based
that can be used to evaluate solution………………… (put more information here)
the alternative solutions. Success criteria to evaluate the alternatives could include customer
Compare the alternatives with satisfaction, product quality and business continuity.
one another using at least two Re purposing tablets is the cheapest option by may impact customer
methods. satisfaction if the quality isn’t there. It is expensive to establish a
Use numerical data (attach to second manufacturing facility, but this does provide business
the portfolio or use the data continuity. A cloud-based software solution is an affordable option
from the case study) and provides long term sustainable solution to the supply chain and
business continuity. Outsourcing manufacturing to a third party
provides the ability to scale up production, but this may be impacted
by COVID and they may lost control of product quality.
Identify bias or perceived bias There is no bias or perceived bias in my comparison as I used the
numerical data in the case study and have made an objective
Have you based your
comparison. Therefore, facts were used to make these comparisons
comparison on fact, not
and not feelings.
Do you have any bias?
Do you think people may
perceive you as being biased?
Choose the best solution for The best alternative as far as I’m concerned, is the cloud-based
your inefficiency, limitation or solution as a long-term sustainable option. It is cost effective ($2
problem million) compared to the other alternatives and ensures business
continuity by providing a long-term solution to the supply chain
Choose the best alternative.
Why did you choose it?
This solution will make the manufacturing and shipment policies
How does it meet the redundant. There will be almost no change to the sales process
legislation and organisational (although the product does change) and the order process will be
policy requirements? simpler.
Communicate your solution to Key customers contacted personally by email from their account
all the stakeholders in an managers. Major customers will require a personal explanation
appropriate format. for the change.
What form of communication Sales team contacted via a formal business memorandum email
suits each of your stakeholders followed up by a team meeting. The nature of their role is not
(e.g. telephone call, email, changed, only the product.
face to face meeting)?
Operations team contracted via a formal business memorandum
State why these are email followed up by a team meeting. The nature of their role is
appropriate choices. not changed, only the product.
Create the communication. The digital tools and technology used to create the communication
What digital tools and
technology can you use to Laptop
create communication
Microsoft word – plus a memorandum template
Email account
Use the appropriate digital
tools and technology to create Internet connections
at least one communication
document identified in the
previous step. Yes, the communications state the issues, the solution and why it
was chosen. Attached are the email and memorandum.
Does your communication say
what the problem is, what
alternatives you considered
and why you chose your
proposed solution?
Attach the communication
you’ve created to your portfolio
Dear Team
Please find attached memorandum detailing the changes taking place to our Education product and the
reasons why they had to change.
We will hold a team meeting as well as comprehensive training so you are completely across this new
product. The nature of your role will not change we are only introducing a new product to help combat
some of the logistical issues we are facing.
If after reading the memorandum you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to
contact me.
Kind regards
Anna Vourakis
Sales Manager
date : 20.10.2021
I am writing to inform you of a new product we are launching in the next month or so that will,
based on it’s success, replace our current offering to our clients.
Since COVID-19 has been with us, it has caused various issues to our supply chain. Shipping
has been an issue as well as our manufacturing plant in Hong Kong not being able to keep up
supply of our tablets. We have been researching and consulting with our stakeholders for
solutions to these issues as it is impacting our business. Customers are not receiving their
orders and the business is feeling the impact of the negative feedback.
One of the solutions that was put forward was agreed to by the Board to be the best option
available for our clients. Our software program will now be made available on a web based
system, accessible by user log ins. The clients now have the option to use their own devices or
we are looking at re purposing older laptops but that will be on a trial basis. We are still
consulting with our manufacturers on other hardware solutions so we can provide other options
to our clients as well. We will keep you informed of these developments.
Your roles essentially will not change, we are only adding another product as an option to our
clients to assist with the supply chain issues. You will be contacted shortly by the Learning &
Development team to arrange training.
Please let me know if you have any questions but your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.
If you have any feedback, we would be interested in hearing your thoughts.
Kind Regards
Anna Vourakis
Complete the self- Strengths – some strengths I displayed was my ability to create
evaluation checklist solutions to the issues, communicating them effectively to all
(add as an attachment) stakeholders.
List your strengths and Weakness – a weakness was analysing the numerical data and I
weaknesses could take up a statistics course to help me analyse this data more
effectively. I could also ask someone in the company who is good at it
What can you do to
to help me.
improve your
The questionnaire should be 5. Do you have any other suggestions on how to solve this issue?
filled out by at least one Attached is the questionnaire and the responses.
Ask the stakeholder to fill out
the questionnaire.
Attach the completed
questionnaires to this
Incorporate feedback Based on the feedback, the solution does go against the company
vision to eliminate illiteracy as it does not cater for poorer schools
Use the results from the
without devices. The decision could have been improved or different of
survey and explain how
the company vision had been part of the success criteria.
you’ll improve your decision.
Plan for future process We must use the results from the self evaluation and the feedback
evaluation from stakeholders to develop a plan for any future process
evaluations. This plan should include systematic decision making
Use your self-evaluation and
steps with an emphasis on how we will do things differently the next
the results from your