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Basic and Intermediate Computer

Basic and Intermediate Computer Application Training Manual

Application Microsoft PowerPoint

Learners’ Material

Compiled By
Addis Ababa City Administration
Innovation and Technology
Development Bureau

March, 2023
Addis Ababa
Table of Contents
I. Introduction 4
a. Launch PowerPoint
b. Windows Features
c. Feature Terms and Descriptions
d. Presentation Slides

II. Create Slide Presentation 8

a. Design Theme
b. Add Text
c. Add New Slide

III. Editing Techniques 13

a. View Modes
b. Edit Bulleted
List c. Add Clip

IV. Slide Master 17

a. Edit Slide Master

V. Format Slide 19
a. Replace Font
b. Format Text
c. Format Placeholder
d. Change Bullets
e. Change
f. Modify Theme
g. Add Footer
VI. Transition and Animation 26
a. Slide Transition
b. Text Animation
c. Custom Filter

VII. Slide Illustrations and Shapes 29

a. Illustration Features
b. Create Shapes

VIII. Slide Show 32

a. Launch Slide Show
b. Navigation Slide Show

IX. Print Presentation 34

a. Print
b. Sample Output

X. Exit PowerPoint 2013 38

XI. Individual Exercise 38

XII. Reference 39
a. Hide Slide
b. Set Automatic Timing
c. Working with an Image
I. Introduction
Microsoft PowerPoint is a robust application that allows you to combine text, graphics, and
predesigned backgrounds to create professional presentations. The following is an illustration in how
to launch PowerPoint for the first time user.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 is a presentation application that enables an individual from any technical
level to create a dynamic and professional-looking presentation. This is a hands-on workshop to help
University of Pittsburgh faculty and staff with the fundamental features of PowerPoint and will teach
them how to develop a slide presentation that will engage and inform an audience. Topics covered
• Learn about the new Ribbon interface in PowerPoint 2013
• Learn how to create slides, use Themes, and apply color schemes
• Master how to format text, colors, and bullets
• Create maximum impact slides by inserting and editing pictures in your slides
• Learn how to include transition and animation effects
• Organize and manage your slides using PowerPoint’s View options

A. Launch Microsoft PowerPoint 2013

To launch PowerPoint for the first time:

1. Click on the Start button.

2. Click on All Programs, select Microsoft Office from the menu options, and then click on
Microsoft PowerPoint 2013.

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Note: After PowerPoint has been launched for the first time, the PowerPoint icon will be
located on the Quick Launch pane. This enables you to just click on the Start button and then
click on the PowerPoint icon to launch PowerPoint. Also, a shortcut for PowerPoint can be
created on your desktop.

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B. Windows Features
The purpose of Windows Features is to enable the user to perform routine tasks related to the
Microsoft applications. All Office applications share a common appearance and similar features.
Windows Features provide a quick means to execute commands. Below are some pertinent
PowerPoint features:

1. Quick Access Toolbar 2. Title Bar

3. File Tab
8. Ribbon

4. Thumbnail Slide
9. Collapse

5. Title Placeholder

6. Subtitle Placeholder
10. Work Area

7. Status Bar 11. View Options

C. Feature Terms and Descriptions

Term Description
1 Quick Access Toolbar Displays quick access to commonly used commands.
2 Title Bar Displays the name of the open file.
3 File Tab The File tab has replaced the Office 2007 button. It helps you to manage
the Microsoft application and provides access to options such as Open,
New, Save As, Print, etc.
4 Thumbnail Slide Displays a snapshot of each slide.
5 Title Placeholder Section where text is entered.
6 Subtitle Placeholder Section where text and/or graphics are entered.
7 Status Bar Displays information about the slide presentation, such as page numbers.
8 Ribbon Displays groups of related commands within tabs. Each tab provides
buttons for commands.
9 Collapse Collapses the ribbon so only the tab names show.
10 Work Area Each slide has an area where text and graphics are entered for a
presentation. There are various slide layouts to work from.
11 View Option Displays several View modes for slides.

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D. Presentation Slides
Slides in a presentation are similar to pages in a word processing document. All slides and graphics
are saved in one file (example: keys.xppt). Use the PowerPoint file to present the information in
the following ways:

• On-screen slide show: The keys.xppt file displays the slide show on a monitor or computer-
projected large screen.
• Web pages: The keys.xppt file can be saved as Web page and then published on the Web.
• Overhead transparencies: The keys.xppt file can be printed as transparencies (Important:
Make sure the appropriate transparencies are used for your printer model. The wrong type of
transparencies can melt inside your printer.).
• Handouts: The keys.xppt file can print two to nine mini slides per page.

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II. Create Slide Presentation

This section will teach the basics of opening PowerPoint and beginning a presentation.
When PowerPoint is launched the Presentation window will appear.

When creating a new presentation, you have choices about how to proceed. PowerPoint gives you
a range of ways with which to start creating a presentation. You can start your presentation with:

• Blank: Slides that are unformatted and have no color scheme.

• Design: Slide Themes that have design concepts, fonts, and color schemes.
• Template on Microsoft.com: Microsoft Office Templates and Theme Gallery which are
arranged according to type (Click on the File tab, select the New option, and then click on
PowerPoint presentations and slides from the Available Templates and Themes.).

This workshop section will focus on using a Design Theme.

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A. Design Theme
A Theme gives your slides a consistent appearance throughout your presentation. Themes contain
color schemes with custom formatting, styled fonts, and layouts. When you apply a design
template to your presentation, the slide master and color scheme of the template replaces the original
blank slide.

1. Select the Design tab, then on the Theme group, click on the drop-down arrow next to the
last Theme.

2. The All Themes window will appear with available presentation Themes.

3. Hover the mouse pointer over a Theme to preview it.

4. Click on a Theme of your choice.

Note: You can change the Theme during or after the creation of your PowerPoint file.

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B. Add Text

The template for the design Theme you select will determine the font type and text alignment.
PowerPoint places all information (text and graphics) contained on a slide in separate
Placeholders. Placeholders are designated by dotted lines; they appear on a slide as guides, but
they will not appear on the finished presentation. In order to edit text, click once inside of the Text
Placeholder and the insertion point will appear; then begin to type your text.

1. Click in the Title Placeholder and type the text title below.

2. Click in the Subtitle Placeholder.

3. Type the text below (You will need to press the Enter key after each line of text.).

4. Save the presentation. Click on the File tab and then click on Save As. The Save As
window will open. In the File name box, type Keys to Success for the presentation name.
The instructor will indicate where to save the file. Click on the Save button.

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C. Add New Slide
A slide layout defines the placement of text, pictures, tables, and graphs. If you change the layout
of a slide, the text and graphics remain intact. You can resize text and graphic boxes to conform to
the new layout.

1. On the Home ribbon, located in the Slides group, click on the New Slide drop-down arrow.
The Office Theme panel will appear with multiple slide layouts. Select your desired slide

2. For this exercise, click on the second Layout (Title and Content) in the first row.

3. In the Title Placeholder, type the text Agenda as seen above.

4. In the Text Placeholder, type the bulleted text as seen above (You will need to press Enter
after each line of text.).

5. Add another new slide.

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6. On the Home ribbon, click on the New Slide drop-down arrow and then select the Two
Content slide layout (This slide contains a title, text, and clip art placeholders.).

7. Click inside the Title and Text Placeholders and type the text shown above.

8. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Save button to save your presentation changes.

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III. Editing Techniques
This section will teach you basic techniques for editing slides.

A. View Modes for Editing

The Normal, Slide Sorter, Reading, and Slide Show Views allow you to type, edit, and view
your presentation. To switch between views, click the View Options buttons at
the lower right-hand side of the PowerPoint window.

Normal View
Normal View is the main editing View, which you use to
write and design your presentation. The View has three
working areas: on the left, tabs that alternate between an
outline of your slide text (Outline tab), and your slides
displayed as thumbnails (Slides tab); on the right, the
slide pane, which displays a large view of the current
slide; and on the bottom, the notes pane.

Slide Sorter View

Slide Sorter View is an exclusive view of your slides in

thumbnail form. When you are finished creating and
editing your presentation, Slide Sorter gives you an
overall picture of it — making it easy to reorder, add, or
delete slides, and preview your transition and animation

Reading View

Reading View is new in PowerPoint 2013. It is similar to

Slide Show View. The difference between the two Views
is that while Slide Show View takes over the whole
screen, the slide in Reading View is shown in full screen,
but you will see the PowerPoint title band at the top of
the screen. The PowerPoint status bar and the Windows
task bar are also displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Slide Show View

Slide Show View takes up the full computer screen, like
an actual slide show presentation. In this full-screen
View, you see your presentation the way your audience
will. You can see how your graphics, timings, movies,
transition effects, and animation elements will look in the
actual show.

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B. Edit Bulleted List
Typing text in PowerPoint is similar to typing in other applications. However, since PowerPoint
deals with bulleted lists, a few keystrokes will be identified to help in typing multiple lines.

1. Confirm you are on slide three.

2. In Normal View, edit the bulleted list to include the circled text above. Place the Insertion
bar after each line of the bulleted text and then press the Enter key.

3. To add a sub-bullet, click on the Increase Indent button, located on the Home ribbon.
The Tab key can also be used to indent text.

4. Type the text and if additional sub-bullets lines are needed press the Enter key, after your
line of text.

Note: Pressing Enter after any text returns the cursor to the same indent (paragraph) level for the
next line. The Tab key is also used before typing to indent text to the next indent level (sub-bullet
point) and pressing Shift+Tab before typing to return to the previous indent level.

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C. Add Pictures

Online Pictures are any type of computerized images such as artwork and photos. You can make
your presentation more eye-catching and entertaining by adding Pictures.

1. Confirm you are on slide three.

2. Click on the Online Picture button in the Illustration box, located in the Text

3. The Bing Image Search window will appear.

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4. In the Search box, type the word Classroom, and then press the Enter key.
A variety of online images associated with your search will appear.

5. Scroll through the Pictures window to find your desired image.

6. To insert the image, place the mouse pointer on the image and then click on the left mouse
button twice.

Note: When the Illustration box does not appear on a slide, images can still be inserted by
selecting the Insert ribbon and then click on the Online Pictures button.

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IV. Slide Masters
PowerPoint has a set of Master Slides available for every Design Theme. The three Masters
include a Slide Master, Handout Master, and Notes Master. Masters correspond directly to the
slides. Masters contain the elements that appear on every slide and control the format for all slides
in a presentation, which provides a consistent appearance for each slide.

A. Edit Slide Master

The Slide Master View is located on the View ribbon. This exercise will demonstrate how to modify
a Slide Master which will affect your entire presentation.

1. Change to Slide Master View by selecting the View ribbon. Click on the Slide Master
button, located in the Master View group as shown above.

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2. Click on the Master Title Style placeholder border. This will activate the entire title area.

3. Select the Home tab and then click on the Font show dialog box.

4. The Font window will appear.

5. Confirm that the Font tab is active.

6. In the Latin text font box, change to a different Font type.

7. In the Font color box, change to a different color.

8. Click on the OK button.

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9. Select the View ribbon tab and then click on the Normal button in the Presentation Views

10. Scroll through the slides to see how the font and color changes made in the Slide Master
have affected the entire presentation.

Note: Changes you make to the Slide Master will affect all slides in your presentation.

V. Format Slide
You can change the format appearance of text and slides in the Slide View as well. Formatting can
be applied to all slides at the same time as in the Master View or only on an individual slide.

A. Replace Font
Use the Replace command to change the font throughout a presentation.

1. Go to slide two.

2. Click on the Text Placeholder (bulleted list) border.

3. On the Home ribbon, click on the drop-down arrow next to the Replace button, located in
the Editing group, and then select the Replace Font option.

4. The Replace Font window will appear.

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5. In the Replace box, click on the drop-down arrow and select the Font you want to replace.

6. In the With box, click on the drop-down arrow and select the desired Font.

7. Click on the Replace button to change all slides.

8. Click on the Close button.

9. View your change.

B. Format Text
Text appears on each slide in a format consistent with the template. You can add or change any
text attribute such as bold or italics on any given slide by making the change on the slide. The
Font button commands are located on the Home ribbon in the Font group.

1. Go to slide one.

2. Select the Title Placeholder, and click on the Italic button in the Font group.

3. Use the Font Size button to change the point size to a higher number.

4. Go to the next slide. Notice that the title text on this slide has not been affected.

5. Go to slide two, click on the Font Color button, located in the Font group, to select a
different color.

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C. Format Placeholder
You can resize or add color and lines to a placeholder, as well as changing the text to a different
style and color.

1. On slide two, select the Text Placeholder.

2. On the Drawing Tools ribbon, click on the Format tab. View the different formatting
options within the groups.

3. In this exercise the instructor will guide you through several formatting options for your

D. Change Bullets
PowerPoint allows you to change the style, color, and size of bullets. You can apply the new bullet
style to a single bullet, a bulleted list, or for an entire presentation. To change a single bullet, click
the cursor anywhere in the line corresponding to the desired bullet. To change multiple
bullets/lines, use the mouse to select the bulleted items you want to change, or select the Text
Placeholder to change all bullets within the placeholder.

1. Go to slide three.

2. Click anywhere in the first line of Computer-base training (CBT).

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3. Select the Home tab, click on the drop-drop arrow next to the Bullets button.

4. The Bullets panel will appear and then you have the option to select one of the bullet styles
that appear.

5. More bullet options are available by clicking on the Bullets and Numbering option,
located at the bottom right-hand side of the window (On the Bullets and Numbering
window, you have Bulleted and Numbered tab choices.).

6. The Picture and Customize buttons will appear on the bottom of the Bullets and
Numbering window.

7. Clicking on the Picture button provides an array of picture bullets to select. Clicking on
the Customize button will allow you to choose a variety of Symbol windows with each
window having multiple symbols to select as bullet options.

8. In this exercise you will select a square-shaped bullet style and then click OK.

Note: To select a different color for bullets, use the Color drop-down list on the bottom of the
Bullets and Numbering window. The size of the bullet can be increased or decreased as well.
Click the up or down arrows next to the Size box to select a new bullet size.

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9. Notice the bullet changed only on line one.

10. Change the bullet style for the remaining lines of text by selecting the desired indented
lines of text.

11. Select the Home tab, click on the drop-drop arrow next to the Bullet button.

12. The Bullet panel will appear.

13. Click on a different bullet style or the same style on line one.

E. Change Theme
You have the option to change the slide Theme on one slide or an entire presentation. Hovering the
mouse pointer over the Theme will allow you the options of Apply to All Slides or Apply to Selected

1. Change the slide Theme to your presentation. Select the Design ribbon and then click on
the drop-down arrow on the right-hand side of the last Theme thumb print row. More Themes
will be previewed; select your desired Theme.

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F. Modify Theme
You have the option to change the Theme color, font, and background on your slides. Use the
Design ribbon to modify your presentation Theme.

1. To change your slide Theme color scheme, click on the drop-down arrow next to the Color
button, located in the Themes group, and then select your desired color scheme.

2. To change your slide Font, click on the drop-down arrow next to the Fonts button, located
in the Themes group, and then select your desired Font options.

3. To change your slide Background Color, click on the drop-down arrow next to the
Background Style button, located in the Background group, and then select your desired
background categories.
(To remove a slide background graphic, select the Hide Background Graphics box.)

G. Add Footer
To insert information in the slide Footer, select the Header and Footer button located on the
Insert ribbon. Information such as the date and time, the slide number, and desired text can be
inserted on the Footer of the slides.

1. Select the Insert ribbon tab and then click on the Header and Footer button.

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2. The Header and Footer window will appear.

3. Confirm that the Slide tab is active.

4. Select the Date and time box.

5. Select the Fixed button and then type today’s date in the Fixed entry box.

6. Select the Footer box and then type University of Pittsburgh in the Footer entry box.

7. Click on the Apply to All button. This will enable all slides to have the new information.

Note: Once you select Date and time, you must select either the Update automatically or
Fixed box.

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VI. Transition and Animation
PowerPoint allows you to apply special effects by using slide transition and text/graphical animation
to make your presentation more visually appealing.

A. Slide Transition
Transitions are visual special effects that you see when you move from one slide to the next. Working
in Normal or Slide Sorter Views allow you to set transitions for a slide. The Transition ribbon allows
you to apply slide transitions.

1. Go to slide one.

2. Click on the Transition tab and then click on the drop-down arrow located in the
Transition to This Slide group to view the transition categories as seen below.

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3. In the Exciting selection, click on the Blinds button. The selected slide will demonstrate
this effect as you make your choice. Click on the Preview button located on the Transition
ribbon to demo the effect again.

4. To apply your selection to all slides, click on the Apply to All button, located in the
Timing group.

5. Notice the transition indicator icon on the left-hand side of the thumb print slide in
Normal View.

Note: You can also apply sound and timing speed to the selected transition from the Timing group
located on the Transition ribbon. Click on the drop-down arrow in the Sound box to choose a sound.
Click on the up or down arrow in the Duration box to set the timing on the transition.

B. Text Animation

Bulleted text animation refers to the progressive display of bulleted items. Bulleted items, by
default, appear at the same time on a slide. When text animation is applied, bulleted list items can
appear on the slide one at a time or can have motion as they display on the screen. Select the
Animation ribbon to apply animation to slide text.

1. Confirm that you are in Normal View (View, Normal).

2. Go to slide two.

3. Click inside the Text Placeholder and select the text area.

4. Click on the Animation tab and then click on the drop-down arrow located in the
Animation group to view the animation categories as seen above.

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5. In the Entrance section, click on the Fade button.

6. Notice the animation indicator icon on the left-hand side of the thumb print slide in
Normal View.

7. Go to slide five, and select the Title Placeholder.

8. Click on the Animation tab and then click on the drop-down arrow located in the
Animation group to view the animation categories.

9. In the Entrance section, click on an animation of your choice.

Note: You can apply timing to or delay the speed of the selected animation from the Timing group
located on the Animation ribbon. Click on the up or down arrow in the Duration or Delay box to
set the timing or delay on the transition.

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VII. Slide Illustrations and Shapes

A. Illustration Features
Microsoft Office has multiple Illustration and Image features to enhance your document with
numerous graphics, sound, and motion. PowerPoint allows you to insert Illustration and Image
features such as Tables, Charts, SmartArt, Pictures, and Media Clips within the Text Placeholders.

1. Click on an Illustration and Image button to locate, format, and insert features into your
slide (These features can also be located on the Insert ribbon.).

2. The SmartArt is the newest feature in Microsoft Office. When you click on the
SmartArt button, the Choose a SmartArt Graphic window will appear. You can
enhance your slide presentation by incorporating text with a variety of images.

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3. Go to slide three and then add a new Title and Content slide.

4. In this exercise the instructor will guide you through the use of SmartArt and several other
Illustration features.

B. Create Shapes
SmartArt has numerous graphical options to select from, but you can also create your own
graphical slide by using Shapes. Select the Insert ribbon to view available shapes.

1. Confirm slide four is selected and then add a new Blank Layout slide.

2. The instructor will guide you through this exercise in creating shapes on the new slide that
is illustrated on the next page.

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VIII. Slide Show

Once you are finished adding text, graphics, and formatting to a presentation, then you can run the
Slide Show. PowerPoint allows you to preview, rehearse, or show your presentation electronically
to an audience. Display the presentation on-screen by selecting the Slide Show ribbon.

A. Launch Slide Show

1. Select the Slide Show ribbon and then click on the From Beginning button. The Slide
Show will begin with the first slide.

Note: The Slide Show button on the Option Views bar will start the slide show beginning with
the current slide.

B. Navigation Slide Show

When running your slide show, advance to the next slide by clicking with your mouse, pressing the
right arrow on the keyboard, or pressing the Enter key. To return to the previous slide, press the
left arrow on the keyboard. To end the presentation, press the Esc key on the keyboard.

You can use the following keyboard and mouse controls while running a slide show. Press the F1
key during a presentation to display the dialog box below.

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1. Navigate through the Slide Show by using some of the keyboard and mouse controls.

2. Right-click with your mouse during the Slide Show and the menu below will appear;
you can also use this to navigate through your slide show.

Note: If you select Pointer Options, a pen icon will appear. You may then draw on a slide during
the presentation. The drawing that the pen creates will be erased as soon as the next slide is
displayed or you press the letter E on the keyboard to erase the drawing.
To return to the mouse pointer again, right-click, choose Pointer Options, and then click on the
Arrow option.

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IX. Print Presentation
Use the File tab and Print option to print your presentation in slides, outlines, speaker’s notes, and
audience handouts. Slides will be printed in full color (on a color printer) or in grayscale (on a
black and white printer). A PowerPoint presentation can also be printed on transparencies
(Important: Make sure the appropriate transparencies are used for your printer model. The wrong
type of transparencies can melt inside your printer.).

A. Print

1. Click on the File tab and then select the Print option.

2. The print Settings and Preview screen will appear.

3. In the Print All Slides area, you have the option to print all slides or determine which
slides to print.

4. After selecting your print Settings, click on the Print button.

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B. Sample Output
1. Presentation Outline

In the Full Page Slides section, select the Outline option. Your presentation outline will preview
before you print. Notice that graphics don’t display on the outline.

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2. Presentation Speaker’s Notes

In the Full Page Slides section, select the Notes Pages option. Your speaker’s notes will preview
before you print.

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3. Presentation Audience Handout

In the Full Page Slides section, select the number of slides per page (3 Slides) option. You can select
from one to nine slides per page. The slides per page will preview before you print. Three slides per
page will place lines on the right-hand side of the slide. This is for audience notes.

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X. Exit PowerPoint 2013
To exit PowerPoint, select File and click on Exit or click on the close button in the upper right-
hand corner of your document. If you have made changes to your document and not saved them,
then the Microsoft PowerPoint window will appear.

1. Click on the Save button to save any changes you made, click on the Don’t Save
button to abandon changes, or click on the Cancel button which will allow you to return to
your presentation work area.

XI. Individual Exercise

Based on what you have learned from this workshop, create your own PowerPoint presentation, on
a topic of your choice. Your presentation should contain at least five slides. The instructor will be
available to assist you with new features learned and answer further questions.

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XII. Reference

A. Hide Slide

Hidden slides are excluded from an on-screen presentation. Slides can be hidden that are not pertinent
to the presentation, but have valued information for your reference. This command can be done in
the Normal or Slide Sorter View mode.

1. Select the slide to be hidden.

2. Click on the Slide Show tab and then click on the Hide Slide button.

3. Notice the Hidden Slide indicator on the left-hand side of the thumb print slide.

4. To unhide slides, deselect the Hide Slide button.

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B. Set Automatic Timing
You can set timing for each of your slides in a presentation, so that you do not have to manually
advance to the next slide by using the mouse button or arrow keys.

1. Select the Slide Show ribbon and then click on the Rehearse Timing button to set slide

2. A Recording window will appear, so that you can track the time on each slide while

3. Click on the Next button on the Recording window when you are ready to advance
to the next slide.

4. When you reach the end of the slide show the Microsoft PowerPoint window will appear.

5. Click on the Yes button to accept the timings or No button to try again.

6. Once the Recording is set for your presentation, it will show on-screen automatically every
time you launch your slide show.

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7. If you choose to show your presentation without timing, select the Slide Show ribbon and
then deselect the Use Timings box.

C. Working with an Image

Images that appear on your document can be moved, resized, rotated, modified, or deleted.
To change an image, click once on the image to select it. The following items will appear on
the image: square handles on each of the four corners, square handles on each of the four
sides, and a curved arrow on the top of the graphic.

1. Move an image to another location on the document. Select the image and place the
mouse pointer on the image. When the pointer changes to a double arrow cross, left-click
the image and drag it to a new location on the document.

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2. Resize an image to make it smaller or larger. Select the image and place the mouse pointer
on one of the sizing handles (square). When the pointer changes to a double-sided
directional arrow, left-click the image and drag it until the desired size is achieved.
Use a corner circle handle for the best results in resizing an image.

3. Rotate an image to a different angle. Select the image and place the mouse pointer on the
curved arrow handle. When the pointer changes to a curved arrow, left-click the image
and drag it in the direction you want to rotate the image.

4. Modify an image by changing its color scheme, style, location, and cropping.
Select the image and then the Picture Tools ribbon will appear. Click on the Format tab
and your image can be modified by clicking on the appropriate button within the Adjust,
Picture Styles, Arrange, and Size groups.

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Note: When cropping an image, the mouse pointer becomes a cropping tool. Place the
cropping tool on one of the resize handles of the image and drag towards the image to crop it.

5. Delete an image from your slide. Select the image and then press the Delete key on the

Note: Placeholders can also be moved, resized, rotated, modified, or deleted in the same way as


Presentation software refers to computer programs or applications that enable users to create and
deliver visual presentations. These presentations typically include a combination of text, images,
charts, graphs, and multimedia elements to convey information or ideas to an audience. Presentation
software is widely used in business, education, and various other fields for purposes such as meetings,
training sessions, conferences, lectures, and more.


3. Slide Creation: Users can create individual slides that act as individual units of content. Each
slide can contain text, images, audio, video, and other multimedia elements.

4. Slide Transition and Animation: Presentation software often allows users to add transition
effects between slides and animate elements within slides. This enhances the visual appeal and
engagement of the presentation.

5. Templates: Many presentation tools offer pre-designed templates that users can use as a
starting point. These templates often include consistent formatting and design elements for a
cohesive look.

6. Collaboration: Some presentation software enables collaboration among multiple users,

allowing them to work on the same presentation simultaneously or provide feedback and

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7. Export and Sharing: Users can usually export presentations in various formats (e.g., PDF,
PowerPoint) and share them electronically or present them directly using the software.

8. Presenter Tools: Presentation software often includes features to help presenters, such as
speaker notes, presenter view, and tools for controlling the presentation flow.

Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple Keynote, Google Slides, and LibreOffice Impress are examples of
popular presentation software. Each of these tools has its own set of features and advantages, but they
all serve the common purpose of helping users create and deliver effective presentations.


Slide creation is a fundamental aspect of presentation software, and it involves designing and
organizing individual slides to convey information or ideas in a structured manner. Here are the basic
steps involved in creating slides in presentation software:

1. Open the Software:

 Launch the presentation software application on your computer. Common examples

include Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple Keynote, Google Slides, and LibreOffice

2. Create a New Presentation:

 Start a new presentation file. Most software applications provide options to create a
blank presentation or use pre-designed templates.

3. Add a New Slide:

 Begin by adding a new slide. This is often done through a menu option or a toolbar
button labeled "New Slide" or something similar.

4. Choose a Slide Layout:

 Select a suitable slide layout for your content. Common layouts include title slides,
content slides, bullet-point lists, images, charts, and more. The layout you choose
depends on the type of information you want to convey on that particular slide.

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5. Insert Text:

 Enter your text into the designated areas on the slide. This may include a title, subtitles,
bullet points, or other content depending on the chosen layout.

6. Add Images and Multimedia:

 Enhance your presentation by inserting images, graphics, charts, videos, or audio

elements. Many presentation software tools allow you to easily incorporate multimedia

7. Apply Formatting:

 Format text, adjust font styles, colors, and sizes. Ensure a consistent and visually
appealing design throughout your presentation. You can also format shapes, images,
and other elements.

8. Slide Transitions:

 If desired, add slide transitions to create a smooth flow between slides. Transitions can
include effects like fades, slides, or zooms.

9. Animations:

 Incorporate animations to add movement or reveal content in a dynamic way.

Animations can be applied to text, images, and other elements on the slide.

10. Review and Edit:

 Review your slides for accuracy, clarity, and coherence. Edit as needed to improve the
overall quality of your presentation.

11. Save Your Work:

 Save your presentation regularly to ensure you don't lose your progress. You can
typically save your presentation in the native format of the software or in other
compatible formats.

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Repeat these steps for each slide in your presentation, customizing the content and layout based on the
information you want to convey. The goal is to create a visually appealing and effective presentation
that effectively communicates your message to the audience.


Slide transitions and animations are features in presentation software that add dynamic and visual
effects to your slides. They can enhance the overall engagement and professionalism of your
presentation. Here's an overview of slide transitions and animations:

1. Slide Transitions:

 Definition: Slide transitions control how one slide moves to the next during a

 How to Apply:

 In most presentation software, select the slide you want to apply a transition to.

 Look for a "Transition" or "Slide Transition" option in the toolbar or menu.

 Choose the desired transition effect from the available options. Common
transitions include fades, slides, zooms, and flips.

 Adjust the transition duration and other settings if necessary.

 Apply the transition to the selected slide.

2. Animations:

 Definition: Animations add movement or effects to individual elements within a slide,

such as text, images, or shapes.

 How to Apply:

 Select the element you want to animate on a slide.

 Find the "Animations" or "Animation Effects" menu.

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 Choose the type of animation you want, such as entrance, exit, or emphasis

 Adjust the animation options, including duration, delay, and direction.

 Preview the animation to see how it will appear during the presentation.

 Repeat the process for other elements as needed.

3. Best Practices:

 Use Transitions Wisely: Avoid using too many different transition effects, as it can be
distracting. Stick to one or two consistent transitions throughout your presentation.

 Relevance of Animations: Ensure that animations are relevant to your content and
enhance understanding. For example, use bullet points to reveal information step by
step or emphasize key points.

 Consistency: Maintain a consistent style for transitions and animations to create a

cohesive and professional presentation.

 Practice Timing: Be mindful of the timing of transitions and animations. They should
complement your speech and not disrupt the flow of your presentation.

 Consider Your Audience: Tailor your use of transitions and animations to your
audience. In a professional setting, subtle effects may be more appropriate, while a more
creative or educational presentation might benefit from more elaborate animations.

Remember that while transitions and animations can add visual appeal, content and clarity should
remain the top priorities in your presentation. Overusing or misusing these effects can detract from
your message rather than enhance it. Use them judiciously to create a polished and engaging


Addis Ababa City Administration Innovation and Technology Development Bureau 48

Presentation templates are pre-designed layouts that serve as a starting point for creating your slides.
They provide a consistent and visually appealing framework, helping you save time and ensure a
cohesive design throughout your presentation. Here's how templates work and how to use them:

1. Accessing Templates:

 Open your presentation software (e.g., Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple Keynote, Google

 Look for an option like "New Presentation" or "Create a New File."

 Many software applications offer a gallery of templates to choose from, or you can
download additional templates from online sources.

2. Choosing a Template:

 Browse through the available templates and choose one that suits the purpose and tone
of your presentation. Templates may be categorized based on themes, industries, or
content types.

3. Applying the Template:

 Once you've selected a template, apply it to your presentation. This is typically done
during the initial setup of your presentation file.

 The template will provide pre-designed layouts for title slides, content slides, section
headers, and other elements.

4. Customizing Content:

 Replace the placeholder text and images in the template with your own content.
Templates are designed to be easily customizable, allowing you to adapt them to your
specific needs.

5. Modifying Layouts:

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 If necessary, modify the layouts within the template. Most templates offer various slide
layouts to accommodate different types of content (e.g., text-heavy slides, slides with
images, bullet-point lists).

6. Changing Colors and Fonts:

 Adjust the color scheme and fonts to match your branding or personal preferences.
Templates often come with predefined color palettes and font styles, but you can
customize them to align with your presentation's visual identity.

7. Saving Your Customized Template:

 Some presentation software allows you to save your customized template for future use.
This is useful if you have a consistent design or branding that you want to apply across
multiple presentations.

8. Online Template Resources:

 Many websites offer a wide range of presentation templates for various software
applications. You can download these templates and import them into your presentation

9. Creating Your Own Template:

 If you have a specific design in mind, you can create your own template by setting up
a presentation with the desired layouts, styles, and elements. Save this as a template for
future use.

Using templates can significantly speed up the process of creating a presentation and ensure a polished
and professional look. However, it's essential to choose a template that complements your content and
doesn't overshadow the message you want to convey. Always customize templates to suit your specific
needs and maintain consistency across your slides.


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Collaboration features in presentation software allow multiple users to work together on the same
presentation, facilitating teamwork, feedback, and real-time edits. Different presentation tools offer
various collaboration options, but here are some common features you may find:

1. Real-Time Editing:

 Multiple users can simultaneously edit the same presentation in real time. Changes
made by one user are immediately reflected for others to see.

2. Collaborative Commenting:

 Users can leave comments on specific slides or elements within a slide. This feature is
useful for providing feedback, asking questions, or discussing changes.

3. Version History:

 Presentation software often maintains a version history that allows users to review
changes made over time. This feature is helpful for tracking edits, reverting to previous
versions, or identifying contributors.

4. Access Control and Permissions:

 Presentation tools may provide options to set access control and permissions. You can
determine who has viewing rights, editing rights, or commenting rights, providing
control over the collaboration process.

5. Real-Time Chat or Messaging:

 Some collaboration features include a real-time chat or messaging system within the
presentation software. This allows users to communicate directly while working on the

6. Integration with Cloud Storage:

 Cloud-based presentation software often integrates with cloud storage platforms (e.g.,
Google Drive, OneDrive). This allows users to save and access presentations in a shared
cloud environment, ensuring everyone is working with the most up-to-date version.

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7. Notifications:

 Users may receive notifications about changes made by others, new comments, or other
relevant updates. This helps keep the team informed and ensures efficient collaboration.

8. Offline Collaboration:

 Some presentation tools provide offline collaboration features, allowing users to work
on presentations even when not connected to the internet. Changes made offline can be
synchronized when a connection is reestablished.

9. Remote Collaboration:

 With the rise of remote work, collaboration features are crucial for teams working in
different locations. These features ensure that team members can collaborate effectively
regardless of their physical location.

10. Export and Share Features:

 Once the collaboration process is complete, users can export or share the final
presentation with others. This may involve saving the presentation in a common format
or generating a shareable link.

Examples of presentation tools with collaboration features include Google Slides, Microsoft
PowerPoint Online (via OneDrive), and other cloud-based platforms. When collaborating on
presentations, effective communication, version control, and a clear understanding of each team
member's role are essential for a smooth collaborative experience.


Export and sharing features in presentation software allow users to share their presentations with
others, either for viewing or collaboration. These features enable the distribution of presentations in
various formats and facilitate seamless communication. Here's a general overview of export and
sharing capabilities in presentation software:

1. Export Options:

Addis Ababa City Administration Innovation and Technology Development Bureau 52

 Most presentation software provides multiple export options, allowing users to save
their presentations in different file formats. Common export formats include:

 PDF (Portable Document Format): Ideal for sharing presentations while

preserving formatting and layout.

 PPTX (Microsoft PowerPoint format): Compatible with Microsoft

PowerPoint and other presentation software.

 Images (JPEG, PNG): Each slide can be exported as an image file.

 Video: Some presentation software allows you to export your presentation as a

video, incorporating slide transitions and animations.

2. Shareable Links:

 Cloud-based presentation tools often offer the option to generate shareable links. Users
can send these links to others, providing easy access to the presentation without the
need for file attachments.

3. Collaborative Sharing:

 Collaboration features are closely tied to sharing. Users can collaborate on a

presentation in real time, and changes made by one user are reflected for others.
Collaborative sharing is often facilitated through cloud storage and online platforms.

4. Email Integration:

 Many presentation tools include built-in email features that allow users to send the
presentation directly from the software. This can be done as an attachment or, in the
case of cloud-based platforms, as a link.

5. Social Media Integration:

 Some presentation software enables users to share presentations directly on social

media platforms. This can be useful for reaching a wider audience or for presentations
intended for public viewing.

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6. Embedding:

 In some cases, presentations can be embedded into websites or blogs. This is

particularly useful for online content creators or those who want to share presentations
as part of a larger online presence.

7. Privacy Settings:

 When sharing presentations, privacy settings are crucial. Users may have the option to
control who can view, edit, or comment on the presentation. This is especially important
when collaborating with others.

8. Downloadable Templates and Presentations:

 Some presentation software platforms allow users to share downloadable templates or

entire presentations with others. This can be beneficial for sharing best practices,
examples, or educational content.

9. QR Codes:

 In some modern presentation software, users can generate QR codes linked to their
presentations. Others can scan these codes with a mobile device to access the
presentation quickly.

10. Exporting Handouts or Speaker Notes:

 Some presentation software allows users to export speaker notes or handouts that
accompany the slides, providing additional context or details for the audience.

The specific export and sharing options may vary depending on the presentation software used. Users
should familiarize themselves with the capabilities of their chosen software to effectively share and
distribute their presentations.


Presenter tools are features within presentation software designed to assist speakers during a live
presentation. These tools aim to enhance the presenter's control, visibility, and interaction with the

Addis Ababa City Administration Innovation and Technology Development Bureau 54

audience. While the specific features can vary between presentation software, some common presenter
tools include:

1. Presenter View:

 This feature allows presenters to view a different screen from what the audience sees.
It typically includes the current slide, the next slide, a timer, and speaker notes. This
enables presenters to stay on track and anticipate upcoming content.

2. Slide Navigation:

 Presenter tools often provide easy navigation options, allowing presenters to jump to
specific slides, move forward or backward, or even skip slides during the presentation.

3. Annotation and Drawing Tools:

 Some presentation software includes tools that allow presenters to annotate or draw on
the slides during the presentation. This can be useful for highlighting key points or
interacting with specific elements on the slides.

4. Pointer or Highlighter:

 A virtual pointer or highlighter tool is sometimes available, enabling presenters to

emphasize specific areas of a slide. This is particularly useful when discussing charts,
graphs, or images.

5. Screen Zoom:

 Zooming in on specific areas of a slide can be helpful for emphasizing details or making
content more readable, especially if the audience is viewing the presentation from a

6. Timer:

 A built-in timer helps presenters stay within the allocated time for their presentation. It
may be visible in the presenter view or displayed on a separate screen.

7. Audience Q&A and Polling:

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 Some advanced presentation tools integrate audience interaction features, allowing
presenters to receive questions or conduct polls in real time. This can foster engagement
and make presentations more interactive.

8. Remote Control Support:

 For presenters who are not at their computer or are using a secondary device, support
for remote control devices (such as clickers or smartphones) can be valuable. This
enables presenters to advance slides and control other aspects of the presentation from
a distance.

9. Fullscreen Mode:

 The ability to toggle between fullscreen mode and presenter view allows presenters to
focus on the content while presenting and switch to a more comprehensive view when

10. Live Annotations and Collaborative Editing:

 Some platforms support live annotations and collaborative editing, enabling multiple
presenters to make real-time changes or annotations during the presentation.

11. Recording and Rehearsal Features:

 Certain presentation tools offer recording features, allowing presenters to record their
presentations for later review or distribution. Rehearsal features may provide feedback
on pacing, helping presenters refine their delivery.

It's important for presenters to explore and practice with the presenter tools provided by their chosen
presentation software to become familiar with the features and ensure a smooth presentation

Addis Ababa City Administration Innovation and Technology Development Bureau 56

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