The Teachr and The School Curriculum Sylabus2024
The Teachr and The School Curriculum Sylabus2024
The Teachr and The School Curriculum Sylabus2024
Course Name : The Teacher and the School Curriculum Course Code : Prof. Ed 4
Instructor: Unit: 3 Units
Vision Mission
A college of quality, relevant and productive education . An institution committed to produce empowered productive, morally upright and globally
competitive professionals in the field of education.
College Goals
Provide a high quality education to each student; to fully develop his knowledge, desirable values, and skills of learning.
Provide a safe, caring, disciplined and stimulating environment in which each individual is challenged and enriched by learning within a culture of mutual respect. Prepare each
student for a fulfilling, happy and successful life as an active citizen in a global and sustainable society.
Engage in positive partnership with all parents to support and recognize each student’s learning and development.
Network with other internal and external stakeholders to support the needs and professional development of the staff and students.
Program Outcomes
6.2.a. Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, psychological and political contexts 6.2.b. Demonstrate
mastery of subject matter/discipline
6.2.g. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the changing local, national, and global realities
6.2.h. Pursue life-long learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-based opportunities
Course Information
Course Name The Teacher and the School Curriculum Course Code Prof. Ed 7
Pre-requisite Subject Course Credit 3 units
Course Requirements
• Major Exams
• Summative quizzes
• Per unit outputs as specified in the assessment
• End of course learning log (reflective journal) and portfolio
Grading System
This course includes the study of the fundamental research-based concepts and principles in curriculum and curriculum development as a foundation to 1.1.1 1.2.1
engage prospective teachers as curricularists. It also focuses on the more active role of the teacher in planning a developmentally-sequenced teaching- 3.5.1
learning process; identifying constructively-aligned learning outcomes and competencies; contextualizing, localizing and indigenizing curricula; implementing 4.1.1
relevant and responsive learning programs; and evaluating the curriculum towards its improvement. The teachers’ individual, collegial and collaborative roles 4.2.
in managing school curriculum change vis-à-vis various contexts of teaching-learning, curricular requirements and curricular reforms shall also be given
Course Learning Outcomes BTIs covered
[1] demonstrate research-based knowledge of the concepts, theories and principles in curriculum and curriculum development within and/or 1.1.1, 1.2.1
across curriculum teaching areas;
[2] demonstrate skills in designing and developing constructively-aligned and developmentally-sequenced learning programs, experiences and 4.1.1; 4.2.1
instructional processes consistent with curricular needs;
[3] demonstrate knowledge in implementing contextualized learning programs and/or instructional plans that are relevant and responsive to the
needs of diverse learners; 3.5.1 1.1.1
[4] demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that are inclusive of learners from indigenous groups; 4.4.1
[5] demonstrate skills in the selection and use of tools appropriate for monitoring, critiquing and assessing instructional plans; and seek advice
concerning strategies that can enrich teaching practice.
Time Intended Learning BTIs CLOs Content Suggested Teaching Learning Suggested Assessment BTIs CLOs
Allotment Outcomes Activities
Week 1-2 At the end of Unit I, pre-service Unit I. Nature of the Lecture(s) on the definition and Reflection Paper. Each pre-service teacher will write a short 1.1.1 [1]
teachers should be able to: Curriculum major conceptions of curriculum reflection paper on ideas that they learned from the teacher’s
a. define the conducted by the teacher or discussion and from the fishbowl activity.
major conceptions of 1.1.1 [1] A. Definition designated reporters to give
curriculum; B. Major preservice teachers background and Summative quizzes and a unit test may be done to ensure
1.1.1 [1] Conceptions general ideas on what curriculum is that pre- 1.1.1 [1]
b. and analyze (types, and how people see it. service teachers are familiar with key concepts and
the nature of the components, terminology related to the nature of curriculum.
curriculum. purpose) Fishbowl Technique.
In a Fishbowl discussion, pre-service
teachers seated inside the “fishbowl”
actively participate in a discussion by
asking questions and sharing their
conceptions on the nature of
curriculum, while pre-service
teachers standing/ seated outside
listen carefully to the ideas
presented. Preservice teachers take
turns in these roles, so that they
practise being both contributors and
listeners in a group discussion.
Week 3-5 At the end of Unit II, pre- Unit II. Foundations of Lectures and Interactive Class Presentation/Recitation. Preservice teachers 1.1.1 [1]
service teachers should be able Curriculum Discussions on the four foundations demonstrate their knowledge through discussion of the
to: of curriculum different curriculum foundations
a. discuss how
the different 1.1.1 [1] A. Philosophical Group Reporting. Each group will present a timeline (the 1.1.1 [1]
foundations of Foundations Gallery Walk to enable pre-service teacher could assign different groups to specific
curriculum have teachers to identify the different portions/coverage of the timeline) and will be graded on how
B. Psychological
shaped the current foundations of curriculum well they relate the timeline to the different foundations of
conceptions in 4.4.1 [6] curriculum.
C. Historical-
curriculum; and
Interview Write-up. Pre-service teachers, individually or in
b. gather small groups, write-up key interview findings related to how 4.4.1 [6]
D. Legal Foundations Historical Timeline of Philippine
information on how a Curriculum through the Years. the VGMO and curriculum were developed in order to enrich
school develops its Preservice teachers will construct a teaching practice
curriculum to enrich timeline and explain how the
teaching practice. changes in curriculum through the
years were influenced by the
different foundations of curriculum.
Week 6-11 At the end of Unit III, pre- Unit III. Phases and Process A.1 Lectures and Interactive Preparing learning outcomes aligned to learning 4.2.1 [2]
service teachers should be able of Discussions on curriculum competencies. The pre-service teachers will apply the
to: 4.1.1 [2] Curriculum planning. elements of curriculum planning in preparing learning
a. demonstrate Development outcomes aligned with specific learning competencies. The
knowledge of A.2 Class Discussion with Sample teacher may give varied contexts i.e. learning outcomes for
A.Curriculum Planning
curriculum planning, Curriculum. The elements of specific learning levels in different teaching areas.
1. Elements of
design and curriculum planning can be
organization, reinforced and consolidated
implementation, through examination of sample
evaluation and curricula (may include school
improvement; and 4.2.1 [2] curricula, syllabi, lesson plans)
and discussion of the elements
b. prepare of curriculum planning that are
developmentallysequ identified. Set of DevelopmentallySequenced Lesson Plans. Preservice
enced lesson plans teachers will prepare a developmentally-sequenced set of
with well-aligned B.1 Lectures and Interactive lesson plans with well-aligned learning outcomes and 4.1.1 [2]
learning outcomes Discussions on Curriculum competencies based on curriculum requirements. 4.2.1 [2]
and competencies Design and Organization
based on curriculum
requirements. B.Curriculum Design and B.2 Document Review/ Analysis: K to
12 Curriculum Guide focusing
Organization on sequencing, spiraling, and
1Approaches in curriculum integration of lessons.
designing 1. Simulation Writeshop:
2.Types of curriculum Vertical and Horizontal
3.Elements of designing
4.Components of 2. Analysis: Designs and
curriculum design
Patterns of Different
Existing Curricula
D. Curriculum
Evaluation D. The teacher may choose from the Research Poster showcasing different examples of research 1.1.1 [1]
activities below to develop preservice studies on curriculum evaluation. Pre-service teachers will examine
1. Reasons
teachers’ knowledge in curriculum and precis 3-5 research journal articles from a teacher-specified set 1.2.1 [1]
evaluation: that demonstrate a range of different methodological approaches.
1. group presentation of the
2. Types of
reasons for evaluation;
2. lecture/discussion of the
3. Evaluation different types of evaluation;
models and/or
3. presentation/gallery walk (to Reflection paper: My role in the implementation and
view evaluation models) improvement of the curriculum
Week At the end of Unit IV, pre- Unit IV. Trends and
12-16 service teachers should be Issues on
able to: 1.1.1 [1] Curriculum and
a. demonstrate Curriculum Lectures and Interactive Discussions on Annotated Bibliography. Preservice teachers prepare an 1.1.1 [1] 1.2.1 [1]
researchbased 1.2.1 [1] Development national and international research, trends annotated bibliography on seminal and/or contemporary research
knowledge on the and on
different trends and A. Researches on
issues on curriculum Curriculum
and curriculum Development (local)
b. demonstrate 4.3.1 [3] BResearches on issues on curriculum and curriculum curriculum development in national and international contexts.
knowledge on the .Curriculum development The research shall have been published in research journals and
contextualization/ Development the annotations shall succinctly document the Context, Research
localization of the (foreign/ Problem, Theories, Methodology, Findings and Discussion of
curriculum in the Lectures and Interactive Discussions on Results. The annotated bibliography should be based on 3-5
implementation of Contextualization of the research articles that demonstrate differences in the Context,
relevant and D.the contextualization, localization and Research Problem, and Methodology. It is recommended that the
responsive learning ECurriculum indigenization of the curriculum in the teacher provide a list of research journal articles for the preservice
c. programs; and 3.5.1 [4] .Curriculum implementation of relevant and teacher to choose from.
Indigenization responsive learning programs
demonstrate Curriculum Lesson plan compilation. The preservice teachers will prepare a
knowledge of Localization The teacher may choose from the compilation of developmentallysequenced lesson plans which
teaching strategies activities below to prepare preservice showcase their skills in contextualizing, localizing and/or
that are inclusive of teachers in developing contextualized and indigenizing lessons based on the different trends and issues in
learners from indigenized lesson plans: curriculum development.
indigenous groups. 1. presentation of research abstracts;
2. presentation of a contextualized
lesson that they developed to meet 4.1.1 [2] 4.3.1 [3]
curriculum requirements of their 3.5.1 [4]
discipline; and/or
3. presentation of an indigenized/
localized sample lesson.
Aldinger, Cynthia (2015). Life is the Curriculum. Create Space Independent Pub. Bago, Adelaida L. (2008). Curriculum Development: the Philippine
Experience. 2008 Estes (2015). Instruction: a models approach. 7th ed. Pearson (D).
Flinder. (2012). The curriculum studies reader, 4th ed. Routledge.
Glatthorn, Allan. (2012). Curriculum leadership: strategies for development and implementation . Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications.
Henderson, (2014). Reconceptualizing curriculum development: inspiring and informing action . Routledge.
Helbowitsh, Peter S. (2013). Basic Principles of Curriculum and instruction. Chicago. The University of Chicago Press.
Lemlech, Johanna Kasin. (2010). Curriculum and Instructional Methods for the Elementary and Middle School . Allyn and Bacon.
Marsh, Colin, J. (2004). Key concepts for Understanding Curriculum. Oxon. Routledge Falmer.
Milman (2013). Teaching Models: designing instructions for 21st Century learners . Pearson Education.
Ornstein (2016). Curriculum: foundations, principles, and issues with enhanced Pearson e-text access . Pearson Education.S; Slattery, 2012. Curriculum development in the postmodern era:
teaching and learning in the age of accountability .
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