Pressure Velocity
Pressure Velocity
Pressure Velocity
Sangram Samal
Pressure Measurement
Pressure measurement in experimental aerodynamics is important. From the pressure
distribution on a body we can determine the forces acting on it also we can
determine the local velocity.
Measurement of static pressure
A common technique is to connect a stationary probe to an orifice drilled
perpendicularly to the wall of the test model at a point where the streamlines are
undisturbed and parallel to the streamlines in the undisturbed flow. Neglecting minor
disturbances caused by the orifice the pressure sensed by the manometer is equal to
the static pressure in the flow.
Measurement of total pressure
• At stagnation point velocity is zero. The heat transfer is negligible in subsonic
• The total pressure at the stagnation point is almost exactly equal to the initial
stagnation pressure in the settling chamber of the tunnel.
• Total pressure is measured with a cylindrical tube having an orifice pointing
toward the flow. The shape of the nose and the ratio of the orifice diameter to
the external diameter of the tube do not influence the total-pres sure
measurements over a wide range of velocities, provided that the axis of the
tube coincides with the flow direction.
Pressure measuring Device
• The instruments used for measuring pressures in aerodynamic research can
be divided into the following groups:
1) liquid-column manometers,
2) pressure gages with elastic sensing elements (mechanical),
3) pressure transducers,
Liquid-column manometers
• Basic principle of manometer is the pressure applied is balance the weight of
a liquid column
• The medium used in liquid-column manometers is most often alcohol, water,
or mercury;
• The main requirements for manometric fluids are: high chemical stability, low
viscosity, low capillary constant, low coefficient of thermal expansion
• U-tube manometers
• The U-tube manometer consists of two communicating vertical glass tube.
The pressure difference to be measured is related to the level difference h
in the tubes (legs) of the manometer by the equation
P1 – P2 = ρgh
• The most widely used instrument for measuring pressure distributions is a
liquid-column multiple manometer. This is used to measure large number of
pressure at a same time
• U-tube manometers are used only when the measured pressure differences
may have different signs.
• When large pressure of the order of MEGA Pascal have to measure the liquid
column required extremely large and measure in liquid manometer became
• For such high pressure measurement dial type of pressure gauge is
appropriate. Due to change in pressure the mechanical device will expand or
compress. This motion can be read on the dial type or on screen.
• Bellows are most widely used in the design of manometers employed for
measuring steady pressures in wind tunnels. A bellows is a cylindrical thin-
walled tube with uniform folds. The presence of a large number of folds
makes possible large deformations of the moving bottom of the bellows
under the action of pressure differences.
• Pressure transducers can be designed and built for almost any pressure
generally encountered in luid flow measurement and they can also be
used for remote indication
• Pressure transducers are instruments which convert pressure into an
electric signal.
• Theses transducer is classified as mechanical, electrical and optical type.
• Commonly used transducer employ an elastic diaphragm which is
subjected to a displacement whenever pressure is applied. This movement
is small and kept within the linear range and amplified using a mechanical,
electrical, electronic or optical system
Static Probe
• Static pressure measurements are very sensitive to the inclination of the
tube to the flow direction
• It is common practice the probe should have four holes in mutually
perpendicular directions
• The static probe hole should be located such a location that the effect of
flow separation and boundary layer should be very less
• For correct measurement of static pressure, the pressure tap must be located in
the zone where the pressure acting at probe surface should be equal to the free
stream static pres sure. Hence appropriate location of static hole will depend on
the probe nose. The appropriate location found by experimental research is about
8D from the probe nose for Conical or ogival tubes
Pitot Tube
• Pitot tube is used to measure the total pressure of fluid
• This will have hole perpendicular to flow direction
Pitot-static tube
• For correct measurement of static pressure, the pressure tap must be located in
the zone where the pressure acting at probe surface should be equal to the free
stream static pres sure. Hence appropriate location of static hole will depend
on the probe nose
NPL – National Physical Laboratory
• The NPL tube has circular orifices to sense the static pressure, while the
Pitot-Prandtl tube has slots.
• Slots are less liable to clogging, but the measured static pressure is more
sensitive to the geometry of the slot. Circular orifices are there fore
generally used in hemispherical-nose tubes
• NPL pitot-static tube is treated as standard for many years.
• The pitot-static tube measure both pitot and static pressure in a fluid flow
• Limitation of Pitot-Static Tube
• It is very difficult to measurement of small differential pressure experience at
very low speed.
• Factor influencing Pitot-Static tube Performance
• Major factor influence the pitot-static tube are
– Turbulence
– Velocity Gradient
– Viscosity
– Vibration effect (within vortex shedding)
– Misalignment
The measurement of the Mach number and flow velocity
• Velocty can be measured directly or indirectly as follows:
• The velocity of flow can be directly measure by the photograph technique.
Small light particle (aluminum foil) can be kept in water surface and the
photograph can be taken at different time interval. Distance can be
measured and velocity can be calculated (distance / time)
• Usually the velocity measured in wind tunnel is always indirect method.
Velocity or mach no can be calculated from other parameter which are
more easily measured in wind tunnel. The parameters Po, To, P and T can
easily be measured directly inside the wind tunnel. To find out these
parameter, pressure transducer or pitot-static or hot-wire anemometer
are used
• In isentropic flow (super sonic) the Mach number can be found using the
• Pl look (calibration of supersonic w/t) section for other method to find out
the mach no in super sonic flow