34 Mystery of The Seven Keys Guide 1.0
34 Mystery of The Seven Keys Guide 1.0
34 Mystery of The Seven Keys Guide 1.0
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Your Case File .................................. 5 Guardian of the Gems .................... 26 Challenge Accepted! .......................44
Game Settings ................................. 6 Meet Oskar Dvorák ......................... 26 A Gemologist s Tool ........................45
Gameplay Tips & Tricks .................. 10 Meet Vladéna Zlatý ......................... 27 Math Comes in Handy ....................46
More Tips & Tricks ........................... 11 The DEGAS System ......................... 28 Solving the Equation ......................47
A Trip into the Heart of Europe .... 12 Patricie s New Server ...................... 29 The Secret Unfolds ..........................47
The Real Adela ................................. 13 Confessions of a Priest ................... 30 Inside the Vault ................................48
A Postcard for Ned.......................... 13 Meet Leo Sokol ................................ 30 Café Investigations ..........................48
^ ^
Meet Adela Czerná ......................... 13 Meet Eliska Elka Strojník............. 31 Connecting the Dots .......................49
From Prague with Love ................. 14 Little Shop of Gadgets.................... 31 The Missing Dean ............................50
A Mysterious Message ................... 15 The Legend of the Seven Keys ..... 32 Keep the Faith ..................................50
The Unknown File ........................... 15 Meet Marek Strojník ....................... 32 Old World Game-Piece Panel .......51
Meet Patricie Vítkovci .................... 15 Meet Radek Nepovím ..................... 33 Going Underground ........................51
The Unusual Suspects .................... 16 Master of Marionettes .................... 33 Cut To The Chase ............................52
Shine Like a Diamond .................... 16 Finishing the Script ......................... 34 This is the Police!..............................53
Alchemy s Golden History ............. 17 The Absent Dean ............................. 36 Cyber Block Strikes Again .............54
Bookshelf Revelations ................... 18 Got the Power .................................. 36 Follow the Trail.................................57
Bookworm ........................................ 19 Are you a Robot? ............................. 37 Kepler s Law in Action ....................58
Open Sesame! .................................. 20 The Secrets of the Two Shops ....... 38 The Four Symbols ............................59
The Perfect Barista.......................... 22 Learn Cyber Block .......................... 40 What Does Marek Know? ...............61
Nancy s Coffee Customers ............ 24 A Menacing Message ..................... 42 The Old Alchemist Case ..................62
Cappuccino To-Go .......................... 25 Meet Zane Garrett ........................... 42 A Very Haunted Tour.......................63
A Museum Invitation...................... 26 The Mysterious Rezidente ............. 44 Rotating the Stones ........................64
Prague Upside Down ..................... 65 The Legends of Prague .................. 78 Seven Keys for Loutkári ..................89
Back Into the Depths ...................... 65 Patricie s Hints ................................. 78 Tracking the Troublemaker ..........90
The Secret Laboratory ................... 67 Unlocking the Clock........................ 80 The Head of the Snake ....................92
Recipe for Disaster .......................... 68 To Cut Down an Oak ....................... 81 Mixing the Antidote ........................93
A Kind of Magic ............................... 68 For Whom the Bell Tolls ................. 82 Diamonds are Forever ....................95
Attempting Alchemy ..................... 70 The First Schematic......................... 83 The Seven Keys ................................96
Cabinet Capers ................................ 71 Knight of the Moon......................... 83 Open the Gate ..................................97
The Way Out .................................... 72 The Second Blueprint ..................... 84 It s Locked! ........................................98
Run, Nancy, Run! ............................. 73 Thirteen Candles ............................. 84 Vault Security ..................................99
A Journal for Adela ......................... 74 Veni, Vidi, Vici .................................. 85 Crown Surprise .................................102
Desperately Seeking Leo ............... 74 The Final Key .................................... 86 The Escape Route.............................103
Diversionary Tactics ....................... 75 Out of the Fog .................................. 86 Time to Say Goodbye ......................104
Cracking the Code .......................... 76 A Different Kind of Key................... 86 Leo s Mariáš Cards ...........................105
The Three Poems ............................ 77 Preparing the Trap .......................... 87 Case Notes.........................................108
Get ready for a thrilling blend of adventure, mystery, and history in the latest
installment of the award-winning Nancy Drew game series - Nancy Drew®:
Mystery of the Seven Keys
This all-new 3D game experience transports players to the heart of the historic
city of Prague as they assume the role of famous detective Nancy Drew. Tasked
with uncovering the truth behind the theft of a client s heirloom necklace,
players will navigate and sleuth through the beautiful city's mysterious old-
world environments. Encounter challenging puzzles, decode riddles, and
discover clues entwined with medieval legends, alchemy, and lore.
Danger and intrigue at every turn add to the suspense as the criminals stop at
nothing to prevent you from bringing the truth to light. Your investigative and
critical thinking skills are crucial to solving the case and discovering the real
mystery behind the legend of the seven keys!
Among these pages, you'll find all of the tips and solutions you need for
completing Mystery of the Seven Keys on both difficulty levels ̶ Amateur and
Master Sleuth!
You can refer to this guide whenever you are confused, stuck, or if you're not
sure what to do next. Its purpose is to walk you step-by-step through the game,
reveal puzzle solutions, and steer you away from wrong turns.
Don't worry, it won't spoil the ending! These instructions will guide you through
the game without ever directly revealing the culprit(s).
Before you dive into the case, please note that you can change many audio and
graphic settings of the game by clicking the "Settings" button in the Main Menu.
The Settings menu is divided into the sections "Audio & Language," "Graphics,"
and "Controls." You can switch settings in "Controls" once you've loaded a game.
Change the overall volume of all three audio tracks (music, voice, SFX) at once.
optimal default setting for the graphics display. Click the arrows to adjust that
affect many of the other settings that follow. If you select a higher set-
ting than the default, this may have an effect on the performance of the game.
Here you can switch between full screen view and window mode.
When turned ON, VSync synchronizes the frame rate of the game with the
refresh rate of your monitor. This eliminates potential visual artifacts known as
screen tearing. However, it can also have an impact on the performance of the
game. If you encounter a decreased frame rate you may want to turn it OFF.
You can adjust the game s brightness here if it is too bright or too dark.
Increasing the level of detail (LOD) adjusts the complexity of displayed objects
as your distance from them changes. Higher LOD settings may affect the game s
With this setting you can change the in-game resolution without changing the
screen resolution. Decreasing this setting will improve the game s performance
and frame rate, but will increase blurriness.
Stands for High Dynamic Range. Usually, it s best if your OS setting (Windows,
Mac) match the in-game settings (so have both either set to SDR or HDR).
Texture Quality adjusts the surface detail of objects and characters. Higher
Texture Quality may affect the game s performance.
Anisotropic filtering generally makes distant objects look sharper. Having this
set to ON may affect the game s performance.
Improves the visual quality and makes the game look more vivid and authentic.
Increasing this setting may impact the overall performance.
Here you can adjust the quality of shadows. As with the previous settings,
it is important to find a good balance between visual quality and smooth
performance for the best overall game experience.
In some areas, you will encounter larger crowds. This setting allows you to adjust
how many of these "NPCs" (Non-Playable Characters) are shown. Larger crowds
have a much greater impact on performance and may affect the frame rate.
Move, pick up or inspect Move forward, backward,
objects, talk to someone left or right
When you start a new game, you must choose
between two levels of difficulty.
• You'll discover many new and exciting places
during your stay in Prague! Learn more about each
location by taking a photo of it. You can find each
location by clicking the ribbon in your Journal.
A mysterious letter full of hidden allusions has led you to Prague, the Golden
City in the center of Europe. Unfortunately, you won't have time to marvel at
the many sights this city has to offer. Ambiguous as it seems, Adela's message
is more than clear in at least one respect: this matter requires both utmost
confidentiality as well as swift, decisive action. Time to go meet her!
Your first encounter with Adela is not
what you had imagined. Instead of
one potential client, you suddenly
have two. But which of them is the
right one?
You start the next morning right
outside the Hungerkünstler Café in
the Prague Castle courtyard. As soon
as you enter the café, you will hear a
sound indicating that you have
received a message on your phone.
Go to Patricie at the counter and talk
to her, then turn right and go to the
table in the alcove. Click on the chair
closest to the window, sit down, and
watch as Adela enters the café to join
After Hans rather harsh rejection, you
should try calling the best attorney
you know ̶ your dad, Carson Drew.
Perhaps he can find out more about
Mister Feiersinger and his potentially
dubious business methods? However,
your father seems to be unavailable.
After leaving a message on Dad's
answering machine, click on "Ned"
in your contact list and send your
boyfriend a text message to see if
he can help get ahold of him.
Next, take a closer look at the shelves throughout the café. You will notice that
each section is categorized and numbered, e.g. 3. Horror or 4. Food. Take
another look at the message with the unknown file and see if you can solve
the passcode.
Now, it's about time to find out where
the mysterious map leads!
This is where it gets a bit tricky. Notice that the compass rose on the map does
not exactly point straight up. Using your detective skills, rotate the map so that
the map s N is pointing in the same direction as the book's N, nearly upside-
down. After rotating the map, notice the newly aligned perspective.
Next, it's time to place
x 6 the numbers from the
map onto the book's dial
1 4 in their correct positions.
W=1, N=2, E=4, S=2,
NW=3, NE=6, SE=6,
Talk to Patricie at the counter. She
asks you to use your detective skills
and track down some items, and
who could refuse such a friendly ̶
albeit, firm ̶ invitation?
Now's the time to put your barista training to the test for Patricie's coffee-craving
customers. Their orders aren't as descriptive as they could be, but with the help of
Patricie's recipe book, you'll understand their orders in no time!
❺ ❻ ❼
⓬ ⓮
❸ ⓫
⓯ ⓱
1x Espresso 2x Espresso (Double) 3x Espresso (Triple)
Unfortunately, not all guests articulate their wishes clearly when ordering.
You ll be asked to make these individual beverages first, depending if you re
sleuthing as an Amateur or Master level barista:
❶ ❷
❸ ❹
❶ ❷
1x Espresso, 3x Hot Water 2x Espresso, 1x Cold Milk
(may randomly ask for 1x additional syrup) 1x Vanilla Syrup, 1x Sugar
❸ ❹ ❺ 2x Espresso, 2x Cold
1x Espresso 2x Espresso, 2x Hot Milk Milk
2x Cold Water 1x Caramel Syrup (may randomly ask for 1x additional syrup)
For all coffee variations that contain
heated milk (such as cappuccino or
latte), you must pour a latte art design
before serving the final drink.
After you have made several customers happy with your efforts, Patricie will
enthusiastically thank you. As a token of her gratitude, she gives you a
mysterious snowglobe.
The next candidate on Adela's list of sus-
door to the Prague Castle Exhibition Hall. You ll meet Oskar there, who's deep
in what appears to be a heated phone call. Talk to him to learn more about the
museum and his work as the exhibit s director. Oskar encourages you to look
closer at the exhibits ̶ an invitation you don't need to give a detective twice!
Try to examine the elaborate box on the crate in front of Oskar, and he ll be ra-
ther annoyed. Best to ignore this artifact for now anyway, as you don't have all
the clues yet to open it. Investigate all the exhibits here now, or save that task
for another time.
Leave the exhibition the way you entered and pass through the small foyer. The
door furthest across seems to hold a boutique shop. Enter and talk to the owner,
Vladéna Zlatý, to find out more about Adela's necklace.
Before you leave, take a second to look around. Read a magazine on the small
corner table, Gemology Today. Examine the crystal plaque with the poem on the
wall. Those lines might come in handy later; it wouldn t hurt to write them
down. Remember that you can also take pictures with your phone s camera and
view them in your photo gallery whenever needed.
After your conversation with Oskar,
you will receive a text message from
Ned. Text him back and then give him
a call afterwards. He'll let you know
that your dad hasn't had any time yet
to look into SecondShine.
The next day you will start once again
in the beautiful castle courtyard in
front of the cathedral.
When you deliver the coffee to the table, you are introduced to Leo Sokol, who
you learn works at St. Vitus Cathedral. You met him briefly yesterday when you
were involved in your conversation with Adela.
Have a chat with Leo to get to know the clergyman a little better. Afterwards,
you can leave the café ̶ but not without noticing a handsome young man
picking up a coffee from Patricie at the counter. He leaves some flyers there.
After speaking with Leo, leave the
courtyard and head to Old Town. Use
the metal gate at the far end of the
square to the left of the building with
the Exhibition Hall inside.
Go into the neighboring room, where Elka's grandfather, Marek, runs a small
workshop. When you talk to him about the key from the café, he hints at the
legend of the Seven Keys.
As you are about to leave the shop, you ll run into the young man you just saw
at the café. He introduces himself as Radek, a puppeteer who performs at a small
theatre in the castle square.
Radek is a spirited actor and puppeteer
who runs the pop-up marionette theater
in Prague Castle s courtyard. Radek s
eccentric personality comes to life when he
is able to share his passion for Prague s
culture and historical marionette arts. His
charismatic disposition makes him
popular with kids and tourists.
Help Radek organize his stage play. The next pages will show the correct order
for each scene. Once you have successfully put together the script, Radek will
begin his highly entertaining and insightful performance, where you will grab
the strings and take on the role of the female lead!
❶ ❶ ❶
❷ ❷ ❷
❸ ❸ ❸
❹ ❹ ❹
❺ ❺
❶ ❶ ❶
❷ ❷ ❷
❸ ❸ ❸
❹ ❹
Once Radek has finished his show,
he will thank you for your assistance
and provide you with some valuable
information about the mysteries and
legends of Prague, including the
legendary crown jewels.
You have to connect the charger with
the power input on your laptop. In-
spect the computer by double-clicking
it, then single-click the borrowed
charging cable in your inventory, and
click the laptop to combine the two
This will open a CAPTCHA security prompt. Rearrange the photo snippets to put
together the image at right. Shockingly, your attempt is cut short. Partway
through solving, you will encounter a very unpleasant surprise. Even Patricie will
come rushing by to see if everything is okay.
Walk back to Elka's shop in Old Town
and show her your defective laptop.
With Elka predisposed, now is the best time for a detective to do a little snoop-
ing! First examine her desk more closely, then do the same with Marek's work-
bench in the neighboring room. Make sure you carefully check all items on both
tables. At Marek's desk you will need to use the key ring on the box in the drawer
to unlock it, before you can inspect its contents and proceed.
1. UP 16. RIGHT
2. LEFT 17. DOWN
3. UP 18. RIGHT
5. UP 20. DOWN
6. UP 21. LEFT
7. UP 22. DOWN
8. LEFT 23. DOWN
9. UP 24. RIGHT
10. DOWN 25. DOWN
11. RIGHT 26. UP
12. RIGHT 27. LEFT
13. RIGHT 28. LEFT
14. UP 29. DOWN
1. UP 16. DOWN
2. UP 17. RIGHT
4. UP 19. DOWN
5. UP 20. DOWN
7. DOWN 22. DOWN
9. LEFT 24. DOWN
10. UP 25. RIGHT
11. UP 26. DOWN
12. RIGHT 27. UP
13. UP 28. LEFT
14. RIGHT 29. LEFT
15. RIGHT 30. DOWN
Once both levels are solved, Agent Zane Garrett from the International Cyberse-
curity Agency (ICA) will call to provide you with further information on the case.
Zane explains over speakerphone that a DEGAS file tracks the history of any
gem, jewelry piece or artifact added to its database.
After the call has finished, Elka will walk you to the shop s exit ‒ only to find a
frightening message on the ground outside. You have been given a warning.
The new day begins with an incoming call from Ned. Speak with him while you
enjoy the breathtaking view of the cathedral and the Castle Courtyard in front
of Patricie's café. Hopefully, you ll get an update about SecondShine.
Immediately after hanging up, your phone rings again. It s Adela pressuring
you to speed up the investigation. Calm her worries, then head over to the
Marionette Theater.
At the theater, you ll notice an open
door. ̶ perfect for snooping.
Enter Radek's trailer and examine the
table. Take a closer look at the theater
donations list on the clipboard ❶.
You'll notice an outstanding entry.
The safe combination is hidden
within the numbers of the gem
measuring and rating sheet.
The first part of the tool is hidden in the pen holder on Vladéna s desk ❶. Pick it
up and pull the metal part out of it. The other two components can be found in
different places, depending on your difficulty level.
In Amateur mode, the second gauge part is on the table ❷ next to the open
magazine, while the third and last part of the fan gauge is on the shelf on the
wall to the right of the three crystals ❸.
In Master mode, the second piece is hidden under the plant on the left side of
the counter ❷, while the third and last part of the fan gauge can be found on
the inside of the round display case ❸.
After all three components are
collected, merge them together in
your inventory by combining the 3
pieces in inspection mode.
1st digit
13.5 45
To extract the final numbers from the
equations, first check out the middle
3rd digit
sketch on Vladéna's desk. It will give
1st digit you some crucial hints about the
marks on the fan gauge.
2nd digit
Open the safe and take out the
handwritten log for Adela's precious
Click the right arrow on the screen twice to scroll to the third DEGAS file.
Thoroughly review the documents by clicking on the corresponding interactive
fields in both documents. You will find one discrepancy: the dates.
❻ ❻
❼ ❽
Go back to Vladéna and confront her about the mismatched dates. She will
vehemently deny any knowledge about the subject and claim that she was the
one who insisted on bringing you on board in the first place.
After your conversation with her, the Hardy Boys recommend via text message
that you should call Agent Zane. Bring him up to date and ask him about the
mysterious Rezidente group you learned about from Radek's script.
After realizing he could be in danger,
hurry to the Dean s office! Go through
the exhibition, up the stairs, and enter
the empty antechamber at the end of
the corridor.
Quietly, examine the Dean s desk.
Take a look at the Faith Weekly
magazine ❶ on the left. ❸
Take a closer look at the wall panel behind you. Notice the wooden pieces of
different shapes, colors, and icons, as well as similar looking engravings on the
walls surrounding the panel.
These engravings provide clues needed to correctly place the pieces, using
process of elimination and a bit of trial and error (see image below).
The tunnels you find through the
hidden door are haunted by a
mysterious and dangerous figure,
so try not to get lost.
Open the gate at the end of the last
tunnel, and you'll find yourself out on
the sloping ramp in the Castle Square.
Phew, that was close.
1. LEFT 16. DOWN
2. DOWN 17. UP
3. LEFT 18. UP
4. LEFT 19. LEFT
6. RIGHT 21. UP
7. DOWN 22. LEFT
9. UP 24. DOWN
10. RIGHT 25. DOWN
11. LEFT 26. LEFT
12. DOWN
13. DOWN
14. DOWN
15. LEFT
1. UP 16. DOWN
3. UP 18. DOWN
5. UP 20. DOWN
7. UP 22. LEFT
8. LEFT 23. LEFT
9. UP 24. DOWN
10. DOWN 25. LEFT
11. RIGHT 26. DOWN
12. RIGHT 27. DOWN
13. UP 28. RIGHT
15. UP 30. RIGHT
2. UP 21. DOWN
3. UP 22. RIGHT
5. UP 24. DOWN
8. DOWN 27. UP
10. RIGHT 29. LEFT
11. RIGHT 30. DOWN
12. UP 31. LEFT
13. UP 32. DOWN
14. LEFT 33. DOWN
15. UP 34. DOWN
16. LEFT 35. DOWN
17. LEFT 36. RIGHT
18. UP 37. RIGHT
19. LEFT
1. UP 16. DOWN
3. UP 18. DOWN
5. UP 20. DOWN
7. UP 22. LEFT
8. LEFT 23. LEFT
9. UP 24. DOWN
10. DOWN 25. DOWN
11. RIGHT 26. DOWN
12. RIGHT 27. LEFT
13. UP 28. RIGHT
15. UP
Talk with Adela once you've fixed her computer, then go to the counter to
interview Patricie. Ask her about the Rezidente, the crown jewels, and the
alchemy workshop.
Leave the café, turn right, and go to the castle exhibition. Talk to Oskar and see if
he maybe knows anything else about this mysterious Rezidente organization.
To unlock the four rotating segments, first tackle the mechanism on top of
the artifact. While the body was created by King Rudolf's official crystal-carver
Caspar Lehmann, the top was inspired by Kepler s Law, written by another
member of Rudolf's court, Johannes Kepler.
The first lines of the poem tell you to
look for Rudolf's mark around Prague.
Whenever you see an R sign, it will
be next to a required symbol:
The poem references the mural of Adam and Eve above the Golden Gate on the
Cathedral's exterior. Travel there to find the 'R' symbol. Note the delicate border.
Next, the poem mentions the creature Iosis, which you can learn more about in
the book Alchemy s Golden History from the café. The symbol ̶ an ouroboros
serpent ̶ appears as a historic house sign in Old Town on Golden Lane near the
West House. Notice that this 'R's' border has a theme with mystical symbols.
The next lines of the poem on the ruler who bestowed the honor of knights
refer to Rudolf II, who was known for knighting several influential figures into
his court.
You can read this on the plaque in the Exhibition Hall. The symbol you are
looking for, Rudolf s Coat of Arms, can be found under the foot of his puppet
at Radek s marionette theater. This 'R' has a floral theme around its border.
The essential clue to deciphering the last section of the poem appears in the
book "History, Legends, and Lore of Prague" on the history shelf of the café
and tells the legend of the astronomical clock.
The associated R symbol is located to the right of the real astronomical clock in
Old Town and shows a skeleton (the so-called Clacker ) holding an hourglass in
its hand. This final 'R' has a planetary-themed border.
With this last symbol, you have all of the information you need and can return to
the artifact.
Align the symbols in the following
order (see also the image to the right)
by rotating the four segments of the
artifact to the left and right:
1. Royal Apple
2. Ouroboros Serpent
3. Rudolf II s Coat of Arms
4. Skeleton
Take a closer look at the wooden box by the window. Examine the left side and
push the secret button that is located there. Then, push the hidden button on
the right side of the box.
This will bring out eight pins on the front of the box. Push these
in the correct order (see picture below). The crate will open and
you can take out the marionette inside. Beneath it, you ll find a
symbol. Do you recognize it? It s the same as the symbol on the
green gem in the artifact in the Exhibition Hall!
❷ ❺
❶ ❻
❽ ❸
❹ ❼
Go back to the castle courtyard and
enter the Exhibit Hall again. Start the
haunted tour that is advertised on the
a-frame sign in the foyer outside the
exhibit door.
1. Charles Bridge
2. Mad Barber
3. The House of Rosenberg
4. Dalibor of Kozojedy
5. Daliborka Tower
Place the gems from the ancient artifact into the corresponding slots in the old
trunk. Align the gems with the correct shapes by moving them into the center
and rotating them, then press the button in the center of the box to slide them
into their positions. This will open a secret drawer containing a small key with a
carved design that you can pick up. Where have you seen that before?
❶ ❷ ❸
❹ ❺ ❻
❼ ❽ ❾
The key from the old trunk fits the bottom of the snowglobe that Patricie gave
you! Use the small key to turn the diorama inside the globe upside down and
detach the base of the snowglobe to reveal a strange apparatus inside. Notice
the new landscape and writing on the bottom: the floods below hide secrets
lost. The police mentioned flooding... in the tunnels. And that architecture looks
familiar, too. Use these clues to find where the base of the snowglobe fits.
Return to the castle courtyard and enter the underground tunnels again via the
ramp you last used to leave them. Walk through the corridors until you find a
mural on the wall that matches the design inside the snowglobe.
Once you ve reached the mural, look down at the wall and examine the wooden
beam more closely. You ll notice a strange slot on the right side. Use the snow-
globe to reveal the mural s secret.
Drag the pieces onto the pegs to refract the light beam across every section of
the mural. You can right-click the pieces to rotate them. Once the entirety of the
mural is lit up, a door will open to the right.
You will find an alchemy workshop
behind the door. Walk around the
table in front of you and pick up the
black stone lying in the center.
On the left, a small torn slip has been uncovered. Use the rest of the material in
this book to fill it in. Turn the page and see the three figures on the right page,
with three triangular symbols beneath them. If you translate them with an
alchemy chart, notice they symbolize earth, fire, and air. Use the pots on their
heads to match each symbol to its corresponding slot on the torn slip.
To fill in the lower part of the torn slip,
take a closer look at the rotated paper.
You can see a red line starting from an
X, marking four points.
Compare the symbols at the four
points in the inner ring with the
matching symbols on the next page
to find the corresponding symbols for
the outer ring. The four symbols on
❹ the outer ring that the line s ends and
corners point to are used to fill in the
❷ lower section of the chart.
2. Burner
3. Dome
To use alchemy to transform the black stone, the right ingredients from the reci-
pe must be added in the correct order using the proper processes.
5. Place ingredients from the orange
and green test tube next to the
white powder.
Once the black stone is trans-
formed, pick it up. There are
three strange symbols on it,
which can optionally be translat-
ed using the alchemy chart on
the wall.
Leave the lab. Unfortunately, you can t leave the tunnels the same way you
came in as the entrance gate has been locked ̶ it seems that you re not alone
anymore. You ll need to find another way out. Follow the route marked on the
map below.
Once you pass the gate at the end of the brick tunnels, you ll enter a new
underground area that is much older.
As soon as you enter this dark cave system, the mysterious monster is on your
heels again ‒ so hurry! Flee the tunnels as fast as you can by following the
marked path on the map on the previous page.
At the end of the path, turn right and find the ladder against the wall in the dark
next to you. Climb up the ladder to escape your shadowy stalker for a second
Once you are out in the open again,
you will receive an incoming call from
Adela. Inform her about the journal
you ve found. She promises to help
you translate it tomorrow morning.
Begin the next morning again in the castle courtyard. Go to the Hungerkünstler
Café and convince Patricie to do you a favor by distracting Adela for a moment.
She will agree easily, as it s only fair ̶ she s already done the same for Adela.
Walk over to Adela s usual table near the window. Adela will join you once you
sit down. Patricie arrives to ask Adela to help her out for a moment, as promised.
This will buy you some time to carefully search Adela's bag without her noticing.
A detective has to do what a detective has to do ̶ so don t get caught!
Take out the newspaper on top of the
bag. Under the scarf, you will find a cu-
rious metal case.
Born in fire, I am left cold.
I am wounded by iron and
blade, but never bleed. I bear
the scars of a revolt I
supported, while hammers
and smiths have taken their bite.
I await my judgement alone; my
only companion has no mouth,
but sings brightly upon demand.
By moonlight I reveal the key.
After your informative conversation
with Adela, check in with Agent Zane
about the current state of the investi-
gation. If you haven't already, read
the book in the History section of
the Hungerkünstler Café, "History,
Legends, and Lore of Prague."
Patricie will give you some crucial clues about what to look for in each of the
three riddles.
The first poem describes The second poem is The third poem refers to
the armor of a knight, about candles, whose the ancient astronomical
whose steel was wax drips down the shaft clock model, depicting the
hardened in the fire like tears as they burn. course of celestial bodies
of a forge. and measuring time,
eternally ticking away.
Based on the hints in the third poem, you ll need to know more about the
astronomical clock. Open your messenger and send a text message to Ned
asking for help. He'll send you some valuable hints.
Now with a better understanding of the astronomical clock, go investigate the
model in the wall niche across from Patricie's counter in the café. First, notice the
two closed doors near the top of the clock. Then, take a closer look at the base of
the clock model. You will see an inscription there that reads:
To reveal what the clock model is hiding, wind both parts of the clock to match
Rudolf II s coronation date and time almost 550 years ago. The bottom part of
the clock, the kalendarium, shows circular paintings representing the twelve
months of the year and 365 feast days in very tiny letters on the outer wheel.
Turn the wheel so the correct month
is set at the 12 o clock position at its
upper end, and the large fork points
to the correct day.
Adjust the wheel by clicking the four figures beside the kalendarium until the
small hand points at the picture representing the month of November and the
large fork points at the number 1. While there are several ways to achieve this,
the quickest way is shown below.
❶ ❷
Press x2 Press x6
This will unlock a golden cylindrical device from the center of the kalendarium.
You now need to turn the six sections of the cylinder until the lines match up.
If you're an Amateur sleuth, pay special attention to the grooves on the rings.
Once solved, the first closed door at the top of the clock will open to reveal a
keyhole. Time for the next one!
Now it gets a little more tricky. In order to open the second door, you have to set
both the correct date and time of Rudolf II s coronation. The notes that Ned gave
you about the clock will help you with the solution. The second door at the top
of the clock will open to reveal another key hole.
❶ ❷
❶ The German dial must be set to ❷ The Zodiac dial needs to be set
6:00 am. It s important to note, that where the hand points to the 1st third
the Roman numeral for 6 is VI. of Scorpio to indicate the 1st of Nov.
The clock face itself will also open up
to reveal another secret
compartment. Take out the key
within and inspect the upper part of
the clock model with the angel
figure and cuckoo bird.
1x 1x
Watch carefully, and you ll see a white
ray of moonlight passing over the 2x
armor. Adjust the individual parts of
the armor so that the beam of light
runs uninterrupted from one arm to
the other.
The letters on the table appear to be liturgical Latin. The Faith Weekly publica-
tion in Leo s office will tell you the Latin spelling of copper, the symbol on the
old coin ̶ CUPRUM. The riddle says, When our choir sings the correct letters,
we reveal the key. Select the candles on the table as shown below until only the
correct letters are lit up.
❶ ❼ ❻ ⓫
❽ ❹ ⓬
❸ ⓭ ❿ ❺
❶ ❼ ❻ ❿
⓭ ⓬ ⓫
⓯ ⓮
❸ ❽ ❹ ❾ ❺
Take the final key schematic from the
drawer that opens once you have
successfully opened the case.
Use the screwdriver to pick the lock on
the gate by depressing the
cylinders four times in a row at the
right moment.
Now at the top of the scaffolding,
place the crates you collected in the
designated spaces. Carefully standing
on the side grate, use the hammer you
picked up to unlock each of the three
latches as shown in the second image.
After a revealing
conversation with
the Rezidente group,
make your way back
to Aparát.
Seven Keys for Loutkáři
Radek and Marek will be waiting for you in Marek s shop once you arrive at
Aparát in Old Town.
Loutkáři can t track you anymore after you take the SIM card out of your phone.
Time to set another trap and give them a taste of their own medicine.
Radek and Marek agree to help you make the seven keys to deceive Loutkáři
and put a stop to their plans. Match the six material labels to the respective key
schematics as shown below, using the hints on the page to the left. Marek will
then craft the keys using the schematics and help prepare a drop bag for you.
Read Marek s note about the keys, and find that the drop point is at the St.
George statue. Use your map to locate this area. Go to the courtyard and place
the bag with the crafted keys and tracker next to the statue (see picture).
Return to Aparát and speak to Marek again. Once the keys are on the move, he ll
provide you with a transmitter to track down the culprit. Now the hunt can start!
Using the audio cues from the receiver, follow the route shown on the maps be-
low. The beeping will speed up as you get closer to each point. Every time you
reach a correct position, Nancy will make a comment. You can then proceed to
the next spot.
Your hunt will lead you back to the secret door of the alchemist workshop in the
tunnels. Open it as you did before with the snowglobe.
When you enter the room behind, you'll finally meet the criminal mastermind
behind Loutkáři. Unfortunately, before you can do anything at all, your attacker
poisons you, leaving you nearly unconscious.
You ll need to hurry if you want to
make an antidote for the poison in
time. First, pick up the poison vial
from the floor, notice its fishy smell,
and place it under the glass dome on
the table with the reagents.
Investigate the poison cure recipes
hanging over the table with the herbs.
The fish smell, sediment, and
symptoms all point to the antidote
needed ̶ Vodnici Scales. Use the
symbols on the recipe to begin mixing
the antidote.
3. Move the mixture to the mortar
and crush it until it becomes a
7. Finally, put the mixture into the
glass dome with the bottle inside
to create the antidote.
Take the antidote and drink it to cure yourself of the poison s effects. You can
now follow your assailant through the secret door that has cracked open into a
hidden room. Here you will find Adela s real gems laying on the table ̶ pick
them up, then examine the scroll lying next to the laptop as well. Use the laptop
to try to find Elka online. When she answers your call, Marek will join her and
you can inform them about the latest twist in the case. Elka promises to call the
police as you make your way to the vault.
Step through the wooden door into a
torch-lit corridor with a large statue
and an elaborately decorated door.
Once all keys are inserted,
turn the golden key again
to unlock the other
keyholes as well.
1. Copper Candle
❸ ❺
2. Silver Helmet
3. Iron Compass
4. Lead Saturn
❻ ❹ 5. Cobalt Burner
6. Bismuth Hourglass
It s Locked!
Entering the corridor through the door you ve just opened, find another obstacle
with the biometric door. The office calendar did say the Dean had a biometric
scan appointment recently. Time to get the power on. Find the electrical panel to
the bottom left of the door and open it.
In the circuit panel, turn the dials as seen below to allow electrical current flow
and power the biometric lock. You ve come this far, a lock can t stop you now!
To break the encryption, use your hacking skills once more like Elka taught you.
Get through the three Cyber Block levels as shown on the next pages.
1. UP 16. RIGHT
3. UP 18. RIGHT
4. UP 19. DOWN
6. UP 21. RIGHT
7. UP 22. UP
9. DOWN 24. LEFT
10. RIGHT 25. LEFT
11. RIGHT 26. DOWN
12. LEFT
13. LEFT
14. UP
15. UP
1. UP 23. LEFT
2. RIGHT 24. UP
3. UP 25. UP
4. UP 26. RIGHT
5. LEFT 27. DOWN
6. UP 28. RIGHT
10. LEFT 32. LEFT
11. DOWN 33. LEFT
12. DOWN 34. LEFT
13. LEFT 35. LEFT
14. RIGHT 36. LEFT
15. UP 37. LEFT
16. UP 38. RIGHT
17. UP 39. DOWN
18. UP 40. DOWN
19. LEFT 41. LEFT
20. RIGHT 42. LEFT
21. DOWN
1. UP 20. UP
2. LEFT 21. UP
3. UP 22. RIGHT
5. UP 24. LEFT
6. LEFT 25. LEFT
7. UP 26. UP
8. RIGHT 27. UP
9. UP 28. RIGHT
10. LEFT 29. UP
11. UP 30. DOWN
12. UP 31. RIGHT
14. UP 33. UP
15. RIGHT 34. LEFT
16. DOWN 35. UP
17. RIGHT 36. UP
18. RIGHT 37. UP
1. LEFT 16. UP
2. UP 17. UP
4. UP 19. UP
7. UP 22. DOWN
8. LEFT 23. DOWN
9. UP
11. UP
14. DOWN
15. DOWN
1. UP 21. RIGHT
2. UP 22. DOWN
3. UP 23. RIGHT
5. UP 25. RIGHT
7. LEFT 27. LEFT
8. LEFT 28. LEFT
9. DOWN 29. LEFT
10. LEFT 30. LEFT
11. UP 31. UP
12. LEFT 32. UP
13. UP 33. UP
14. LEFT 34. LEFT
16. DOWN 36. UP
17. RIGHT 37. UP
18. LEFT 38. LEFT
19. UP 39. LEFT
20. UP 40. LEFT
1. RIGHT 20. UP
2. UP 21. DOWN
4. UP 23. RIGHT
5. RIGHT 24. UP
6. UP 25. LEFT
7. LEFT 26. UP
8. UP 27. UP
10. UP 29. UP
11. LEFT 30. UP
12. UP 31. DOWN
13. UP 32. LEFT
14. RIGHT 33. LEFT
15. UP 34. UP
17. DOWN 36. UP
18. RIGHT 37. UP
19. RIGHT 38. UP
The conversation continues as you back away, take the taser ring, and enter the
vault. Beyond the door, you will again face the one behind Loutkáři, who has
been holding the unconscious Dean hostage.
The Dean s captor forces you to insert the original gems from the necklace into
the crown. Place the correct gems on their empty spots on the crown and rotate
them into position as shown in the pictures below.
x3 x1
❶ ❷
x3 x1
❸ ❹
After the perpetrator is knocked out, you
can talk to the Dean as he wakes up. Since
the way you came in is now closed, you'll
have to find another escape route. There
may still be secret passages from the past
in these old vaults.
Back outside of the chamber, watch
as the culprits behind Loutkáři are
finally brought to justice.
1. Despite his important role at the
Cathedral, Leo is unfortunately a bit
scatterbrained and has a habit of
losing his playing cards everywhere.
You will find the first card stuck
between the books on the Mystery
bookshelf in the Hungerkünstler Café.
6. If Leo's secretary's office door is
open and he is not present, you can
take the next card from his desk. It is
hidden behind the "Be Right Back"
sign at the front of the desk.
Find all of Leo's Open the vault
Cards. door.
Successfully brew
30 coffees. Case Closed! Share
it with Carson first.
Print at home for extra note-taking!