ADandD - Supplement - Golden Scroll of Justice
ADandD - Supplement - Golden Scroll of Justice
ADandD - Supplement - Golden Scroll of Justice
Unless otherwise noted, all material herein is Copyright © 2011-2015 BRW Games, LLC, all rights reserved.
All artwork is Copyright of the respective artists.
Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Creating Characters ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Abilities............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Character Races ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Character Classes ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Alignment .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Philosophy (Optional Rule).................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Secondary Skills ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Languages ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Social Class ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Family............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Naming the Character ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Cost of Equipment, Services, etc. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Combat ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23
Armor ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Weapons .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Kung Fu ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27
Magic .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34
Creating Magic Items .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
The Ethereal Plane .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 34
The Elemental Planes ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Spell Lists by Class and Level ................................................................................................................................................................................ 35
Spell Descriptions................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Campaigns in Mythic China .................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
The Wuxia Genre ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Government and Politics....................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Society.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 48
Religion ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 52
Mixing Mythic China and Other Settings ................................................................................................................................................................ 53
Treasure ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 53
Magic Items ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 60
Bestiary ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 72
Appendices ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 104
Appendix A: Unarmed Combat ........................................................................................................................................................................... 104
Appendix B: Weapon Adjustments vs. Armor Type ................................................................................................................................................. 105
Appendix C: Inspirational Sources ....................................................................................................................................................................... 106
License Information............................................................................................................................................................................................... 107
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
The standard six abilities (strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution,
Chinese history and culture go back many thousands of years, and medieval and charisma) are the same for mythic China characters as they are for other
China is as rich a mine in which to dig for legend and adventure as medieval characters created using the rules in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players
Europe. Many people in the West, however, are relatively unfamiliar with this Manual. There are no changes.
rich heritage, and have been relatively reluctant to introduce Chinese
archetypes into their fantasy role-playing games. The Golden Scroll of Justice
seeks to address that omission.
Character Races
It should be noted that the present volume deals with tropes and themes relating Mythic China does not have the usual mix of Tolkienesque fantasy races (elves,
to a fantastic China, not a fantastic Japan. The difference is often lost on dwarves, etc.) found in a fantasy medieval European setting. It is quite human-
Western audiences, but does serve to explain the lack of samurai and ninjas, centric, with few opportunities for non-humans to enter the bureaucracy and
which have been a staple of “Oriental” RPG books in the past. thus advance socially.
The present work draws heavily on two specific sources for its inspiration: However, two new character races unique to mythic China are included as
traditional Chinese folklore, and the relatively recent genre of wuxia films, options for Player Characters. As a rule, they will be found in their own
often called (half-derisively) “kung fu movies”. It should be mentioned, of communities, rather than mixed in with humans. But in more cosmopolitan
course, that no claim is made to historical accuracy; this is a game of heroic trading centers, such as major ports and caravan cities, both shanxiao and
adventure in a semi-mythical setting, not an historical simulation of any gouren will be found shoulder-to-shoulder with humans.
particular land or era.
Like most cultures, Chinese traditional folklore is a rich mix of homey wisdom,
ordinary people in extraordinary situations, monsters, magic, and the like. The Humans exist in a mythic China setting as described in the ADVENTURES DARK
wuxia genre of literature and film, however, is something specific and warrants AND DEEP™ Players Manual, without modification. They are able to progress
some brief explanation for those who might not be familiar with it. in any class found in the setting without limitation on experience level (except,
as in the case of monks, where there is an overall cap on level inherent in the
Wuxia, which means “martial hero”, embraces a very specific style. The hero class).
is usually someone from the lower classes, who embarks on a quest for
revenge, or to right some injustice. In the process of his quest, he learns the art Eunuch
of kung fu, often enduring severe trials as he does so. Authority, where it exists,
is either corrupt, incompetent, or both, and the higher the authority goes, the A eunuch is a special type of male human who has been castrated. While
worse it gets. While this serves as the most common sort of plot found in the eunuchs can no longer have children (for obvious reasons), and have a
wuxia genre, it is by no means the only one, but the common theme of the xia generally lower sex drive than normal men, they do gain certain advantages
code of honor, which requires the defense of the weak against the and disadvantages within society because of their condition.
depredations of the strong, is usually found in any wuxia work.
Eunuchs receive a penalty of -1 to their strength and charisma scores.
Although the term “mythic China” is used throughout this book, it should be
remembered that the rules herein could apply to any fantasy culture loosely Being a eunuch allows one to rise in the political and social hierarchy to
based on a Chinese model. Geography, history, government, etc., need have positions generally unobtainable to others. Castration not only removes the
no resemblance to the real China of our world - when creating a setting that possibility that a eunuch will serve the interests of his own progeny or be
embraces the broad sweeps of Chinese folklore, mythology, and the wuxia tempted to found a new dynasty (a condition that will have a direct impact in
tradition of storytelling, one need not be a slave to history, philology, or the upcoming ADVENTURES GREAT AND GLORIOUS™ rules), but also ensures that
geography. the wives and concubines of the nobility and imperial family are safe from
impregnation. Because of this, eunuchs are often found as guards in harems,
While the present volume is specifically written for use with the ADVENTURES and advisors and functionaries in courts.
DARK AND DEEP™ RPG rules, and it follows those rules in terms of format and
so forth, it can easily be used with other old-school RPG rules with little or no In a mythic China setting, only a eunuch can rise more than two levels from his
conversion needed. starting social class. Thus, if a regular human character begins the game in the
lower middle class, he could never rise higher than upper middle class. A
Creating Characters
eunuch can rise as high as upper class, no matter his starting social class. See
p. 15 for details on rising in social class.
If a player character begins the game as a eunuch, he may start with one skill
Character creation works the same in a mythic China setting as it does in the
level in the skill of his choice from the following list:
core ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ rules. Players first roll their ability scores,
then select a class and race, money and equipment, and finally add finishing
touches such as alignment, height and weight, etc. Note that it is highly
advisable that the Game Master use the “Starting Skill at First Level” optional
rule from the Players Manual, thus allowing 1st level characters to begin the
game with one level of kung fu style, if they wish.
Gender-specific or gender-impacting magic will have no effect on a eunuch,
and they are similarly immune to enchantments that rely on affection towards
the opposite sex, such as the charm person ability of dryads, etc. Certain other
spells will also be ineffective or work differently against eunuchs, as detailed
Creating Characters - Character Races
in the spell description. They also are naturally resistant to any sort of more TABLE 1: SHANXIAO ABILITY SCORE RANGES
mundane physical seduction that might be attempted, with a +4/+20% bonus Ability Male Female
to any saving throws or ability checks against such, if applicable. Strength 6-18 3-16
Intelligence 3-17 3-17
A human male may choose to be castrated and thus become a eunuch at any Wisdom 3-18 3-18
time. The process requires a successful wisdom check, and will result in the Dexterity 6-19 6-19
character being out of commission for three months while the wound heals (a Constitution 7-18 5-18
heal spell will bring the character to full strength immediately, but cure light Charisma 6-18 8-18
wounds and its related spells will not). Shanxiao and gouren will never choose
to become eunuchs, and receive no advantages if they do so involuntarily. Characters that do not possess ability scores in the stated ranges cannot be
shanxiao. It is possible, however, for a character’s initial ability scores to be
Eunuchs may not be barbarians at the beginning of the game, and most increased or lowered later on, due to magical or other effects; this does not,
barbarians would rather commit suicide than become eunuchs, seeing it as a obviously, disqualify the character from belonging to the race!
great shame. Barbarians automatically get a -4 penalty to reaction rolls when
dealing with eunuchs. Shanxiao may be wu, fighters, monks, fangshi, or thieves (including acrobats),
and mountebanks. They may opt to have more than one class at a time, and
may choose from the following combinations (see Multi-Classed Characters in
the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual for more details):
• wu/fighter
• wu/monk
• wu/thief (including acrobat)
• wu/mountebank
• fighter/fangshi
• fighter/thief (including acrobat)
• fighter/mountebank
• fangshi/thief (including acrobat)
Shanxiao are naturally adept at throwing things, and get a +2 bonus “to hit”
when using any hurled weapon, such as a dagger or spear. They are also
adept at swinging and leaping through tree branches, and can brachiate at a
speed of 60’ per minute, as long as there are branches and trees (or something
equivalent) to use for locomotion.
All shanxiao characters begin the game able to speak the Imperial tongue and
their own language.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Shanxiao age according to the following table (see the ADVENTURES DARK AND
DEEP™ Players Manual for details on the effects of aging):
Shanxiao are limited in how many experience levels they can attain in their
chosen class(es). The maximum level depends on their ability scores:
For monks, the level limits apply to both strength and dexterity, using whichever
score is lower. There is no limit to how many levels a shanxiao can advance
as a thief (including acrobat).
Gouren (Dog-Man) wu/fighter
• wu/monk
Descendants of the god P’an Hu, a great five-colored dog, gouren are reclusive
and usually form their own communities far away from human settlements, but
can be found in large trading towns and cities. They are generally aggressive
and warlike in nature, but some are noted as great artists, poets, and
Gouren get a +1 bonus to their strength score and a -1 penalty to their wisdom
All gouren characters begin the game able to speak the Imperial tongue and
score. The initial ability scores of a gouren character must fall within the
their own language.
following ranges:
Gouren appear as humans with the heads of dogs (proportionally sized for
their bodies). Their heads will resemble those of different breeds of dogs, and
Ability Male Female
their personalities will often be reflected in the breed of dog they resemble.
Strength 8-18 8-18 Thus, gouren with the heads of rottweilers will tend to be aggressive, those
Intelligence 3-18 3-18 with the heads of golden retrievers will tend to be cheerful, etc. (This is
Wisdom 3-16 3-16 admittedly a very subjective assessment, and many sages would disagree as
Dexterity 5-18 5-18 to its veracity.) Height and weight are determined as follows:
Constitution 7-18 6-17
Die Roll (d%) Males (inches) Females (inches)
Characters that do not possess ability scores in the stated ranges cannot be
01-10 78 - 1d8 72 - 1d6
gouren. It is possible, however, for a character’s initial ability scores to be
11-30 78 - 1d4 72 - 1d3
increased or lowered later on, due to magical or other effects; this does not,
31-55 78 72
obviously, disqualify the character from belonging to the race.
56-85 78 + 1d6 72 + 1d4
86-00 78 + 1d12 72 + 1d8
Gouren may be wu, fighters, barbarians, rangers, monks, fangshi, or thieves
(not including acrobats), and mountebanks. They may opt to have more than
one class at a time, and may choose from the following combinations (see
Multi-Classed Characters in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual
for more details):
Creating Characters - Character Classes
Gouren age according to the following table (see the ADVENTURES DARK AND
DEEP™ Players Manual for details on the effects of aging):
Mystics, as described in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual,
exist in a mythic China setting without modification.
Age Category Years
Young Adult 12-18 Wu (Shaman)
Mature 19-35
Middle Age 36-50 The wu (the term is both plural and singular) is a sub-class of cleric, adept at
Old 51-80 dealing with ghosts and spirits. Theirs is a “popular” form of magic, ecstatic
Very Old 81-100 rather than scholarly in nature, and their spells are regained each day through
prayer and meditation, in the usual cleric fashion, rather than study from
Gouren are limited in how many experience levels they can attain in their books.
chosen class(es). The maximum level depends on their ability scores:
A character must have a wisdom of at least 10 to become a wu. They can be
TABLE 10: GOUREN LEVEL LIMITS of any alignment, and humans, shanxiao, and gouren can all become wu. Wu
Fighter, Monk can wear any armor, and can become proficient in dagger (single or twin),
Ability Wu Ranger Fangshi (STR, Mtbk dart, knife, monk’s cudgel, spear, rope dart, staff, or tiger fork.
Score (WIS) (STR) (INT) DEX) (CHA)
14 or less 6 8 7 - 6 Wu have the following powers and abilities:
15 8 9 8 14 7
Experience point bonus
16 10 10 9 15 8
Spellcasting ability
17 12 11 10 16 9
Create magic items
18 14 12 11 17 10
18/50 - 13 - - - Turning extra-planar entities
18/90 - 14 - - -
19 16 16 12 17 11 Wu who wear armor are unable to cast spells, although they may still use
20 or more 18 18 13 17 12 magic items that are normally usable only by clerics and wu. They suffer a -4
penalty “to hit” when using any weapon with which they are not proficient.
For monks, the level limits apply to both strength and dexterity, using whichever
score is lower. There is no limit to how many levels a gouren can advance as Wu advance in level according to the following table:
a thief.
Experience Experience Accumulated Hit
Character Classes Points Level Points
0 1 1d6
Mythic China does not have the same assortment of character classes available 1,500 2 2d6
to PCs as a more European setting might. Some classes do not exist at all, 3,000 3 3d6
some are modified to more easily fit the mythic Chinese setting, and still others 6,000 4 4d6
are new and unique to mythic China. 13,000 5 5d6
27,500 6 6d6
These notes only cover character classes; even when a class exists in both a 55,000 7 7d6
European-style setting as well as mythic China, there will probably be 110,000 8 8d6
differences in equipment, race, secondary skills, etc., as noted in the relevant 225,000 9 9d6
sections. 450,000 10 10d6
675,000 11 10d6+2
Bard 900,000 12 10d6+4
Bards, as described in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual, exist After 12th level, wu require an additional 225,000 experience points to earn
in a mythic China setting, without modification. another level. When they do so, they will receive an additional 2 hit points.
Jesters do not exist in mythic China. Any jesters in the setting will be presumed Experience Point Bonus
to have come from some other locale, most probably having traveled great
distances to get there. Wu with a wisdom of 16 or higher get a 10% bonus to experience points
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Spell Level
Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
22 9 9 9 9 9 6 3
23 9 9 9 9 9 7 3
24 9 9 9 9 9 8 3
25 9 9 9 9 9 8 4
26 9 9 9 9 9 9 4
27 9 9 9 9 9 9 5
28 9 9 9 9 9 9 6
29 9 9 9 9 9 9 7
Only characters with a wisdom score of 17 or higher may memorize 6th level
spells. Only those with a wisdom score of 18 may memorize 7th level spells.
Wu gain bonus spells for high wisdom scores, just like clerics.
Spells are granted to the wu directly by virtue of his connection to the local
spirits that inhabit the material plane. Because of this, wu are able to memorize
spells only while on the material plane; the spirits upon which they rely for their
powers cannot reach the outer or inner planes.
At 7th level, wu are able to inscribe wu scrolls and some types of protection
scrolls. At 11th level they are able to create other magical items such as staffs,
rings, etc., in the same way that clerics can. See the ADVENTURES DARK AND
DEEP™ Players Manual for details.
Creating Characters - Character Classes
Creatures that are turned by good or neutral wu will flee for 3-12 (3d4) rounds. Barbarians in a mythic China setting must choose the short composite bow,
It is important to note that if there is nowhere for the creature to flee (including saber, and spear as weapons of proficiency at first level. They begin the game
by escaping to another plane of existence), turning is not possible, unless with a short composite bow and a light warhorse, in addition to their starting
disintegration is indicated. An asterisk (or double asterisk) indicates that the money.
creature is not merely turned, but actually crumbles to dust or is otherwise
When evil wu turn such extra-planar creatures, they will not flee, but will rather
either ignore the wu and the party (if the creatures are mindless, good, or
neutral), or will actually join the wu and his party (if evil). There is no limit to
the number of creatures that can be so controlled or recruited, and no range
limit once they have been turned. Note that this will only effect creatures whose
home plane is one other than the matieral; undead are not affected.
Neither cavaliers nor the paladin sub-class exist in mythic China. Any cavaliers
or paladins in the setting are presumed to have come from some other locale,
most probably having traveled great distances to get there.
Only gouren (dog-men) may be rangers in a mythic China setting, and use
fangshi spells rather than mage spells. Any human rangers in the setting will
be presumed to have come from some other locale, most probably having
traveled great distances to get there.
The normal woodcraft skills of the barbarian are replaced with horsemanship.
Barbarians are born to the saddle, and are excellent horsemen. When
mounted on horses (or other appropriate mounts, as determined by the game The monk is a sub-class of the fighter. Monks are warrior initiates who study in
master), barbarians gain a +1 “to hit” with melee weapons and a +2 bonus schools dedicated to the teaching of both mental and physical discipline and
“to hit” with missile weapons. They can also ride and fight on unsaddled horses martial arts (with and without weapons). Through these disciplines, they
without penalty. develop special skills born of years of meditation and relentless training.
All barbarians are, by virtue of their experience with horses, excellent judges Monks must have a strength, wisdom, and dexterity score of 15 or higher, and
of horseflesh. After examining a horse, they can tell if its hit points are in the a constitution score of 11 or higher. They may be of any lawful alignment, and
lower third, the middle third, or the top third of the possible range. Any horse do not use either armor or shields. They may not use flaming oil. Their choice
selected as a mount by a barbarian will have +2 h.p. per hit die, up to the of weapon proficiencies is limited to the following: bo stick, club, emei
maximum number of hit points possible. Mounts will always be friendly and piercers, iron fan, jo stick, hand axe, dagger (single or twin), mandarin coin
obedient as long as they are well-treated. blade, mandarin duck blade, monk’s cudgel, monk’s spade, pole arm (any),
quarterstaff, spear, tiger fork, whip chain, and wind and fire wheels. They start
Barbarians receive other bonuses to their horsemanship as they increase in with but one weapon proficiency, gain one additional proficiency every two
level: levels, and have a -3 penalty “to hit” when using weapons with which they are
not proficient.
Level Horsemanship Ability Monks of 8th level and above have the option to establish their own
3 Can leap into the saddle (even in heavy and/or bulky armor) monasteries and thus expand their tradition. This is the only exception to the
and be racing away within 6 seconds (1 segment). rule against hoarding wealth; when they are in the process of founding a new
4 Can rest in the saddle while traveling, up to 4 hours (counts as monastery, they can keep wealth sufficient to complete the task. Any excess
rest for healing and other purposes) must, of course, be donated to the poor or to charity.
5 Can urge his steed to go 20’/round faster than normal, for up
to 1 hour (normal rest is still required) Starting at 8th level, the PC will be expected to participate in the administration
of the monastic order. This will take up an increasing amount of time and
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
energy as the PC increases in level. By 17th level, monks have little time for every four rounds (on the fourth round, he would get an extra attack at the
adventuring. beginning of the round). To Hit is the bonus the monk gets on his “to hit” roll
when attacking using unarmed combat, and also indicates that the monk can
Monks have the following powers and abilities: successfully harm creatures normally harmed only by magic weapons of that
strength or greater. Damage is the bonus to damage when attacking using
• Combat abilities unarmed combat. A “plus” indicates a straight bonus to the damage die roll,
• Kung fu while an “x” indicates a multiplier. When both a bonus and a multiplier are
• Surprise bonus indicated, the bonus is only applied to the total of all dice rolled; it is not
• Stealth abilities applied per die of damage. Surprise is the bonus the monk gets to his own
• Avoid falling damage surprise roll, making it more difficult for him to be surprised. It does not impact
• Block missile weapons his ability to surprise opponents.
• Self-healing
• Asceticism Kung Fu
Monks advance in level according to the following table: Monks all begin the game with one level in the kung fu path of their choice
(make sure to check with the game master to determine whether your choice
TABLE 15: MONK LEVEL ADVANCEMENT of path is consistent with the game setting - he might also have other paths,
Accumulated Hit with specific abilities, from which to choose). If the game master is using the
Experience Points Experience Level Points optional “Starting Skill at First Level” rule, the character may not choose a
0 1 2d4 second kung fu skill or skill level. See p. 23 for more information on kung fu.
2,250 2 3d4
4,750 3 4d4 Stealth Abilities
10,000 4 5d4
47,500 6 7d4 Level Move Silently Hide in Shadows Climb Walls
98,000 7 8d4
1 15% 10% 85%
200,000 8 9d4
2 21% 15% 86%
350,000 9 10d4
3 27% 20% 87%
500,000 10 11d4
4 33% 25% 88%
700,000 11 12d4
5 40% 31% 90%
950,000 12 13d4
6 47% 37% 92%
1,250,000 13 14d4
7 55% 43% 94%
1,750,000 14 15d4
8 62% 49% 96%
2,250,000 15 16d4
9 70% 56% 98%
2,750,000 16 17d4
10 78% 63% 99%
3,250,000 17 18d4
11 86% 70% 99.1%
12 94% 77% 99.2%
Monks cannot progress past the 17th level of experience. They begin the game
13 99% 85% 99.3%
with 5d4 g.p.
14 99% 93% 99.4%
15 99% 99% 99.5%
16 99% 99% 99.6%
Unarmed Combat Bonus
17 99% 99% 99.7%
Base No. of To
Level AC Speed Attacks Hit Damage Surprise
1 10 150’/min. 1/1 - - - DEX Score Move Silently Hide in Shadows
2 9 160’/min. 1/1 - +1 +1
15 - -
3 8 170’/min. 1/1 - +1 +1
16 - -
4 7 180’/min. 5/4 +1 +2 +1
17 +5% +5%
5 6 190’/min. 5/4 +1 +2 +1
18 +10% +10%
6 5 200’/min. 3/2 +1 x2 +2
19 +12% +12%
7 4 210’/min. 3/2 +2 x2+1 +2
20 +15% +15%
8 3 220’/min. 3/2 +2 x3 +2
21 +18% +18%
9 2 230’/min. 2/1 +2 x3+1 +2
22 +20% +20%
10 1 240’/min. 2/1 +2 x3+2 +3
23 +23% +23%
11 0 250’/min. 5/2 +3 x3+3 +3
24 +25% +25%
12 -1 260’/min. 5/2 +3 x4 +3
25 +30% +30%
13 -2 270’/min. 5/2 +3 x4+1 +3
14 -3 280’/min. 3/1 +3 x5 +4
15 -4 290’/min. 3/1 +3 x6 +4
Race Move Silently Hide in Shadows Climb Walls
16 -5 300’/min. 4/1 +4 x7 +4
Shanxiao -5% -10% +20%
17 -6 310’/min. 4/1 +4 x8 +4
Gouren +10% - -10%
AC is the monk’s base armor class, which can be modified by situation, magic,
or dexterity. No. of attacks is the number of unarmed attacks the monk can
make, given in attacks/rounds. Thus, 5/4 means the monk gets five attacks
Creating Characters - Character Classes
In those cases where some sort of toe- and finger-holds are present, monks are In order to enhance their mental and physical discipline, monks take vows of
able to climb straight vertical walls with ease, albeit slowly. The rate at which poverty, and can only keep as much wealth as is absolutely necessary for food
the monk can climb depends on the surface being climbed. and clothing for the very near future. Any excess wealth must be given to
religious institutions, the poor, charities, etc. Other PCs cannot be the recipient
TABLE 20: WALL CLIMBING MOVEMENT RATE of a monk’s excess wealth. Monks may not own property and must forsake any
Type of Surface Climbing Rate on Dry Surface titles or estates to which they might otherwise be entitled. They cannot even
Smooth 6’/min. own a mount, although they can make use of one provided by someone else
Cracked 12’/min. on a temporary basis. They view the material world as illusion, and thus have
Rough 18’/min. no use for riches and luxuries, or even what most would consider simple
Projections 24’/min. comforts.
The chance for the monk to fall should be checked each minute of climbing; The sole exception to this rule is when they are gathering wealth to establish
any single failure will indicate a fall to the ground. their own monastery.
If the surface being climbed is even slightly slippery, the movement rate is cut In addition, their vows of poverty and reliance on their own abilities mean they
in half, and the chance of success is cut in half as well (and impossible on a have severe restrictions on the magic items they may possess. They may own
smooth surface). If the surface being climbed is more than slightly slippery, the only two magic weapons and three other magic items. Monks may only use
movement rate is only 1/4th of normal, and the chance of success is only enchanted weapons of the type normally allowed to them, and magic rings,
1/10th of normal. Most typical dungeon walls will be rough, but slightly but cannot use any other magic items that are not specifically listed as being
slippery (due to nitre, slime, moisture, etc.). usable by either fighters or monks. Thus, a monk could use a rod of lordly
might, which specifically says it can be used by fighters, but could not use a
Avoid Falling Damage jade wand of cancellation, which is usable by any class. They may also not
“trade up” magic items (such a practice would be too “worldly”); once they
The monk is also able to avoid damage when falling. As the monk increases have their two weapons and three other magic items, they will use them until
in level, he is able to fall greater distances while avoiding damage. The monk they are destroyed or otherwise unusable.
ignores the first part of any fall, as indicated below. Thus, if a 4th level monk
falls 50’, he would only take damage as if he had fallen 30’, because he can Mage
ignore the first 50’ of the fall.
Neither mages nor the illusionist sub-class exist in mythic China. Any mages or
TABLE 21: AVOID FALLING DAMAGE illusionists in the setting will have come from some other locale, most probably
Avoid Avoid Avoid having traveled great distances to get there.
Falling Falling Falling
Level Damage Level Damage Level Damage Fangshi (Magician)
1 10’ 7 30’ 13 50’
2 10’ 8 30’ 14 50’ The fangshi is a sub-class of mage. They are specialists in the areas of healing,
3 10’ 9 30’ 15 50’ alchemy, and astrology and other forms of divination. They are also most
4 20’ 10 40’ 16 60’ concerned with the quest for immortality, in its many forms, and joining the
5 20’ 11 40’ 17 60’ ranks of the Immortals is considered to be the highest goal for the fangshi. They
6 20’ 12 40’ have raised divination to a high art - some fangshi will have competitions,
called “shooting for the contents”, which involve attempting to divine the
Block Missile Weapons thirteen different items in a basket. The one who correctly identifies the most
items wins.
Any incoming missile the size of a spear or smaller (i.e., javelins, arrows, etc.;
but not boulders, ballista missiles, etc.) can be blocked by the monk. He must Fangshi must have an intelligence of 13 or above. They have the following
make a saving throw vs. petrification. Success indicates he has blocked the powers and abilities:
missile. Magical missiles, and attacks from spells, are not affected.
• Spellcasting ability
Self Healing • Spell books
• Experience point bonus
Starting at 5th level, monks are immune to all disease, slow or haste spells or • Alchemy
potions of speed. This is not an ability they can turn off - their bodies will simply • Ability to create magic items
override any sort of magical speed.
Fangshi who wear armor of any type (or carry shields) are not able to cast
Starting at 7th level, monks can heal 1d4 points of damage on their own spells, or use magic items which only fangshi or mages can use, although they
bodies once a day. The process takes one round of concentration. For every may still use magic items that are usable by any class. Thus, a fangshi wearing
level above 7th, a monk can heal an additional point of damage (thus, 1d4+1 mountain pattern armor could use a carpet of sobriety, which could be used
at 8th level, 1d4+2 at 9th level, etc.). by any class, but not an anvil of metal elemental command, which can only
be used by fangshi. It is for this reason that most fangshi do not choose to wear
Starting at 11th level, monks are immune to poison of all types. armor. Fangshi may only become proficient in dagger (single or twin), dart,
knife, rope dart, mandarin coin blade, mandarin duck blade, iron fan, or staff;
they may also use caltrops as weapons. Those using weapons in which they
are not proficient will suffer a -5 penalty “to hit”.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Fangshi function as mages when it comes to saving throws and the use of class-
specific magic items.
After 12th level, the fangshi needs an additional 375,000 experience points
per level, and gains an additional hit point for every level gained.
Spellcasting Ability
Fangshi are able to cast magic spells as a result of their long and intense
studies. The number of spells that the fangshi can commit to memory at any
given time is dependent on his level, as shown in the following table:
Creating Characters - Character Classes
Once the fangshi begins to run short of pages in his spell book, or when he protection scrolls. At 12th level, the fangshi is able to create other sorts of
desires to have a traveling spell book to bring with him while adventuring, he magical items, such as enchanted weapons, wands, rings, and the like. At
must pay to have such a book constructed. 16th level, fangshi can create magic items which are able to retain a
permanent enchantment. See the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual
A standard spell book will cost 1,000 g.p. for the book itself and take 4-7 for details. Unless otherwise specified, fangshi function as mages when it
weeks to put together. Traveling spell books cost 500 g.p. and take 1-4 weeks comes to creating magic items.
to construct. The rare inks required to transcribe spells in pages of either sort
of book will cost 100 g.p. per spell level, and the physical process of writing Savant
them will take half a day per level of the spell being transcribed (with cantrips
treated as 1st level spells in this instance). Savants, as described in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual,
exist in a mythic China setting, but may only become proficient in dagger
Note that different sub-classes of mage, including fangshi, cannot memorize (single or twin), dart, knife, rope dart, mandarin coin blade, mandarin duck
spells from one another’s spell books. Even if the spells have the same name blade, iron fan, or staff; they may also use caltrops as weapons. They are
and effect, they are different in execution from one class to another. otherwise exactly as presented in the Players Manual.
At 7th level, the fangshi is able to inscribe fangshi scrolls and some types of
Normally, thief-acrobats are not allowed to wear most types of heavier armor.
Thief-acrobats, as described in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players However, they are included in the above table to account for multi-classed
Manual, exist in a mythic China setting. (It is suggested that the game master characters who are entitled to wear such armor and who might want to employ
apply the avoiding falling damage rules presented herein for monks, to their acrobatic abilities. Armor impacts the thief-acrobat’s abilities as follows:
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
As such, the game master may choose to replace the standard alignment Use of the acupuncture skill takes 10 minutes and requires access to the target’s
system with one based on the four philosophies. As such, the more granular body. The target must be resting, non-resisting, and unarmored. A failed skill
definitions possible in the nine-alignment system are lost, but adherents of the check means the acupuncturist cannot try the same effect on the same person
various philosophies are given more latitude with which to express them. If this until the following day. Use of acupuncture does require acupuncture needles;
alternate system is used, all of the spells normally used to detect alignment attempting to use the skill without such will incur a +2 penalty to the required
(detect evil, etc.) will instead detect the appropriate philosophy. skill check.
For monsters listed here and in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary, use
the following guideline to convert alignment to philosophy (the game master
may, of course, alter these guidelines in specific cases as he sees fit):
Base X.P. Cost: 3,000 (all)
Make Skill Checks Against: strength
Lawful good Traditionalism or Legalism
Specialties: n/a
Neutral good Traditionalism
Chaotic good Traditionalism or Wayism
Armor-making works the same way in a mythic China setting as it does in a
Chaotic neutral Wayism
more Eurocentric one. Details for types of armor specific to a mythic China
Chaotic evil Wayism or Anti-traditionalism
setting follow. The minimum skill level required for specific types of armor is:
Neutral evil Anti-traditionalism
Lawful evil Anti-traditionalism or Legalism
Level 1: Cuirass (lamellar), cord and plaque armor
Lawful neutral Legalism
Level 2: Mirror armor
Neutral Any (favoring Wayism)
Level 3: Mountain pattern armor
Creating Characters - Secondary Skills
And the time required to create a particular type of armor is as follows: Die Roll
(d%) Effect
TABLE 30: TIME REQUIRED TO CREATE ARMOR 51-70 The stars are slightly in favor. +1 bonus to all “to hit” rolls,
Base Leather saving throws, and morale rolls, and +5% to all reaction
Armor Time to Worker rolls.
Armor Type Class Create Needed? 71-85 The stars are somewhat favorable. +2 bonus to all “to hit”
Cord and plaque 6 3 days Yes rolls, saving throws, and morale rolls, and +10% to all
Cuirass (lamellar) 6 10 days Yes reaction rolls.
Mirror armor 5 60 days No 86-95 The stars are favorable. +3 bonus to all “to hit” rolls, saving
Mountain pattern armor 4 90 days No throws, and morale rolls, +1 bonus to all surprise rolls, and
+15% to all reaction rolls.
Astrology 96-99 The stars are very favorable. All the effects of favorable stars,
plus the game master should invent at least one favorable but
Base X.P. Cost: 3,000 (intelligence), 5,000 (all others) unlikely event, such as running into an old ally, having an
Make Skill Checks Against: intelligence enemy make some huge mistake, or some other fortuitous (but
Specialties: n/a not ludicrously so) coincidence.
00 Special event is predicted (see below, do not roll duration)
While many cultures outside of mythic China have knowledge of astrology, it
is here that the art is taken to its ultimate extreme. The astrologer is tasked with The length of time for which the astrological effect will last is determined
foretelling future events, or determining auspicious (or inauspicious) times to randomly:
undertake actions or begin new projects, and so forth.
Astrology is accomplished through the study of the Celestial Offices, as Die Roll
heavenly bodies move through the houses of the zodiac, and analogues for (d4) Duration
earthly events are determined. Various complex calculations involving relevant 1-3 Two wandering stars are in alignment or opposition; 1d3 days
phenomena and other influences are made to determine the final outcome. It 4 A wandering star is transiting a Celestial Office; 2d4 days
is an exacting science, and even an experienced astrologer can make a minor,
subtle, error that will invalidate or taint the entire astrological chart. A new astrological chart may be cast, requiring a new skill check, to predict
events after those of the original forecast.
It takes 1d8 hours to create an astrological chart, minus one hour for every
level of the astrologer (minimum one hour). At higher skill levels, astrologers A failed skill check means the astrologer has failed to perform his calculations
can cast charts with broader scope: correctly, or missed some subtle influence on the outcome. He will believe the
following to be true:
Level 1: Can cast an astrological chart for one person, including himself,
as long as his date and place of birth is known. Effects apply only to that TABLE 33: FAILED ASTROLOGICAL CHART EFFECTS
particular individual. Die Roll
Level 2: Can cast an astrological chart for a particular quest, mission, (d%) Effect
journey, or other specific endeavor. Effects apply to all those principally 01-10 Astrologer gets it completely wrong, believes the exact
involved in the endeavor (usually this means all the PCs). opposite effect has been indicated (so if stars are actually
Level 3: Can cast an astrological chart for a nation. (The GM should favorable, he will think them unfavorable, etc.).
determine the specific effects, as it is not the case that everyone in a 11-40 Astrologer gets it a little wrong, believes the effect is one row
kingdom should have a penalty “to hit”!) above (50%) or below (50%) the actual effect (so if stars are
favorable, he thinks they’re either somewhat or very
The game master should make the skill check in secret. A successful skill check favorable).
means that the astrologer has determined the relevant influences of the stars 41-65 Astrologer gets the duration wrong; re-roll for actual duration.
and zodiac: 66-00 Astrologer does not know how to interpret the chart he has
created. No effect, must wait 1d3 days before trying again.
Die Roll Note that the astrologer is not creating these effects, and they are not magical.
(d%) Effect He is merely becoming aware of cosmic forces that would have brought about
01-05 The stars are very unfavorable. All the effects of unfavorable these effects anyway, and they are expressed in terms of game mechanics. On
stars (below), plus the game master should invent at least one the whole, these effects will tend to even out over time, so they are not usually
unlikely and unfavorable event, such as running into an old noticed unless attention has been called to them through the creation of an
enemy, having an ally make some huge mistake, or some other astrological chart.
unpleasant (but not ludicrously so) coincidence.
06-15 The stars are unfavorable. -3 penalty to all “to hit” rolls, If the astrological chart indicates that a special event is predicted, roll on the
saving throws, and morale rolls, -1 penalty to all surprise following chart to determine the specifics:
rolls, and -15% to all reaction rolls.
16-30 The stars are somewhat unfavorable. -2 penalty to all “to hit” TABLE 34: ASTROLOGICAL CHART SPECIAL EVENTS
rolls, saving throws, and morale rolls, and -10% to all Die Roll (d%) Subject of Horoscope…
reaction rolls. 01-05 …will be victorious against a great enemy.
31-50 The stars are slightly against. -1 penalty to all “to hit” rolls, 06-10 …will gain a great treasure, but lose it before he can
saving throws, and morale rolls, and -5% to all reaction rolls. enjoy his reward.
11-15 …will gain rank and/or a position of importance.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
It is not possible to pin down the exact time such a special event will occur; it Feng Shui
is simply “in your future”. The Game Master should arrange things so that the
event will come about, or at least provide the environment in which it could Base X.P. Cost: 2,500 (all)
occur. Some things are not always definitively set, even if the astrologer is Make Skill Checks Against: intelligence
successful in casting the horoscope. If the astrologer has failed his skill roll, the Specialties: n/a
GM should re-roll the special event and report that to the PCs, recording the
actual event as well. Feng shui is the art of aligning material objects so they are in harmony with
one another and the fundamental forces of the universe. In practical terms, the
art is often used in conjunction with the construction skill (as described in the
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual). It can range from fine-tuning a
catapult’s placement on a fortification, to designing a castle so the gates and
buildings are properly aligned, to placement of tokens and sigils within a
finished building. The feng shui practitioner need not be the same person as
the one using the construction skill; they can simply be working together.
Application of feng shui requires a skill check, which should be kept secret by
the game master. A failed skill check may have bad consequences for the
project to which it is being applied. The specific effects depend on the
construction specialty which is being used:
A feng shui practitioner can also determine if previous feng shui has been done
improperly with a successful skill check, but of course there’s no way to tell if
that evaluation is, itself, correct until the work is completed (the roll is again
hidden by the GM). If it is determined that a feng shui recommendation has,
Etiquette in fact, failed, the remedy depends on the nature of the work. Buildings
designed with faulty feng shui might need to be razed to the ground, while a
Base X.P. Cost: 1,500 (all) misplaced catapult may simply be moved.
Make Skill Checks Against: intelligence or dexterity
Specialties: courtly, tea culture
Creating Characters - Secondary Skills
Generalship All characters taking philosophy as a secondary skill must choose a specialty.
Base X.P. Cost: 5,000 (intelligence or charisma), 8,000 (all others) Qigong
Make Skill Checks Against: intelligence or charisma
Specialties: logistics, tactics, siege warfare Base X.P. Cost: 5,000 (wisdom), 8,500 (all others)
Make Skill Checks Against: wisdom
Generalship works the same way in a mythic China setting as it does in a more Specialties: combat, enlightenment, healing
Eurocentric one, but characters with the philosophy (Anti-traditionalism
specialty) skill get a +1 bonus to all generalship skill checks for each level of Qigong is the art of cultivating the life energy that exists naturally within all
philosophy (Anti-traditionalism specialty) they possess. living things. It is not, strictly speaking, a magical practice in the sense that the
arts of the wu or fangshi are, and can be used by characters of all classes and
Horsemanship races. In particular, it can be used in conjunction with certain kung fu styles to
produce seemingly miraculous results.
Base X.P. Cost: 3,000 (all)
Make Skill Checks Against: wisdom When taking a skill level in qigong, one must choose one of the three
Specialties: n/a specialties. Much like kung fu skills, finding someone willing and able to teach
a qigong skill, especially at the higher levels, can be difficult. The abilities the
In a mythic China setting, the horsemanship secondary skill works much as it qigong skill confers depends on the character’s skill level in the specialty
does in a more Eurocentric one, but should work as described under the chosen:
barbarian class (p. 6) rather than the cavalier. There are some minor, but
important, differences between the two. Combat
Philosophy Most combat qigong skills are considered kung fu attacks for purposes of
combining different effects (see kung fu mastery for more details).
Base X.P. Cost: 3,000 (wisdom), 6,000 (all others)
Make Skill Checks Against: wisdom
Specialties: Wayism, Traditionalism, Legalism, Anti-traditionalism
Skill No Skill Check Skill Check
Level Needed for… Needed for…
The philosophy skill allows the practitioner not only to create works of
1 Daily exercises. If the Lead exercises. If, during his
philosophical interest, but also to contemplate puzzles which are philosophical
character is able to spend 30 daily exercises, others are
in nature, and to engage in debate with philosophers of other (or even the
minutes at the beginning of following along, a successful
same) traditions. Such debates are sometimes staged as entertainments in
the day in special exercises, skill check means they all
courts, and levels in Traditionalist philosophy will grant bonuses to those
he will get a +1 bonus “to hit” receive a +1 bonus to
seeking to take the scholarly exams which are a pre-requisite for service in the
and damage with all melee damage with melee weapons,
imperial bureaucracy.
weapons, for that day only. for that day (up to a a
maximum of 3 creatures per
When debating with another character with the philosophy secondary skill,
skill level of the practitioner).
each character takes turns making skill checks; the character initiating the
2 Iron shirt. +1 bonus to armor Enrage opponent. Once per
contest goes first. When one character fails his skill check and the other
class. day per skill level, practitioner
succeeds in his, the character who succeeded last wins the debate. If neither
can disrupt an enemy’s
participant wins after each has rolled 5 times, the debate is adjudged to be a
emotions so he becomes
enraged, and receives a -2
penalty “to hit”. Range is 10’
Example: Chen (WIS 16) has one level of Traditionalist philosophy, and Wang
per skill level.
(WIS 14) has two levels in Wayist philosophy. Wang politely challenges Chen
to a philosophical debate and rolls first. Wang rolls a 10, indicating he
3 Balance. Practitioner gets a Disturb qi flow. If the
special dexterity check to practitioner makes a
successfully makes a philosophical point. Chen then rolls a 2, countering the
avoid being knocked prone, successful pummeling attack
argument handily. Wang rolls a 9, again making a successful argument. Chen
and a +2 bonus “to hit” on all against a foe, the target not
then rolls a 17. The GM subtracts 2 from the roll because of Chen’s skill level,
grappling attacks. only will take normal damage
and he is barely successful. Wang rolls a 20, and even though 4 points are
with a +2 bonus, but will also
subtracted, he still fails his roll and makes an obviously poor argument. Chen
lose hit points on the following
rolls a 12, taking advantage of Wang’s misstep and winning the debate.
two rounds equal to the
amount of damage inflicted
In a mythic China setting, there are four chief philosophies. Wayism seeks to
minus 2, and then minus 4.
recuse oneself from society, and corresponds to chaos in the alignment table.
Example: Li makes a
Traditionalism seeks to bolster the traditions and mores of society as the highest
successful pummeling attack
form of morality, and corresponds to good in the alignment system. Legalism
and does 6 points of damage.
places the needs of the State above all, and corresponds with law. Anti-
On the following round, the
traditionalism claims that morality lies not in blindly supporting the past, but in
victim will automatically take
replacing it with more rational and simpler forms of political, social, and artistic
4 more points of damage,
expression. It corresponds to evil. There is no requirement that those taking skill
and on the next round, 2
levels in a particular philosophical school must have the corresponding
additional points.
alignment, but those who do not will get a -1 penalty to all skill checks.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Enlightenment Note that if a character has skill levels in more than one specialty, performing
the daily exercises will grant the benefits of all. The character need not choose.
TABLE 37: QIGONG ENLIGHTENMENT SKILLS The same goes for leading exercises, but if two different people lead exercises
in two different specialties, they cannot be conducted simultaneously in order
Skill No Skill Check Skill Check to receive the benefits of both, but could be done sequentially, requiring a
Level Needed for… Needed for… separate skill check for each.
1 Daily exercises. If the Lead exercises. If, during his
character is able to spend 30 daily exercises, others are See also: qi mastery kung fu skill (p. 32).
minutes at the beginning of following along, a successful
the day in special exercises, skill check means they all
he will get a +1 bonus to receive a +1 bonus to all Languages
wisdom and +1 to all saving wisdom checks and saving
throws vs. mind-affecting throws vs. mind-affecting Most intelligent creatures will have their own languages, and humans are no
magic, for that day only. magic, for that day (up to a exception. Many regions within a mythic China setting will have their own
maximum 3 creatures per skill languages and dialects, many of which are unintelligible even to those who
level of the practitioner). speak related languages. There is, however, a common standardized
2 Awareness. +2 bonus to all Sense qi. Practitioner can language, known as the Imperial tongue, which is broadly known. It is used
surprise rolls, 10% bonus detect life, detect invisibility for trade, official documents, and the like, and most people will have at least
avoiding gaze attacks. (living creatures only), and a smattering thereof.
detect chaos, as per the spell
descriptions. Range is 10’ per
skill level, duration is one
Social Class
minute per skill level.
Most societies are structured according to some sort of social strata, whether
3 Soul mastery. Immune to Inner alchemy. When brought
this is enforced by law or custom, or is simply a de facto condition. The truly
possession, hypnosis, mind to negative h.p., even past
classless society, while a staple of utopian idealists, is not a realistic model. In
control, charm, and similar -10 (which would normally
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™, loosely based as it is on the model of Medieval
magic. indicate death), practitioner
and Renaissance Europe, characters are thus given a social class. The exact
can place himself into
impact of this class of origin will depend on the campaign; your game master
suspended animation for 1
may choose to emphasize it or ignore it, as he sees fit.
day per skill level, during
which time no further hit
As a rule, the social class of the character should be based on his level and
points are lost due to
character class, as shown below. However, the game master may tell you that
bleeding, and the body looks
social class should be settled by a die roll, or that the players may choose their
to all appearances as if it
character’s social class (within reason), or may even have their class assigned
were dead. When he
by the game master. Naturally, the percentage chances for social class given
awakens, the practitioner will
below should not be assumed to apply equally to every person in the campaign
be restored to full hit points.
setting, but rather only to the extraordinary group who style themselves as
Skill No Skill Check Skill Check (d%) Social Class Historical and In-Game Examples
Level Needed for… Needed for…
01-04 Lower rung Freemen, peasantry, beggars, low-
1 Daily exercises. If the Lead exercises. If, during his level thieves
character is able to spend 30 daily exercises, others are 05-10 Middle rung Laborers, shepherds, performers,
minutes at the beginning of following along, a successful Lower
barbarians, low-level wu, soldiers
the day in special exercises, skill check means he gets his Class
11-20 Upper rung Tradesmen, fences, high-level
he will receive a bonus of 1d3 1d3 bonus hit points, and the thieves, low level fighters, mid-level
hit points for that day only. others all receive 1 extra hit wu
point that day (up to a 21-35 Lower rung Artisans, craftsmen, minor
maximum 3 creatures per skill merchants, high-level wu
level of the practitioner). 36-55 Middle Middle rung Small landholders, merchants,
2 Strong qi. Automatic +2 Energy medicine. Once per Class petty nobility, low-level fangshi
bonus to all saving throws vs. day per skill level, the 56-87 Upper rung Rich merchants, high officers, high-
poison and disease, and practitioner can heal 1d8 level fighters, mid-level fangshi
automatically make system h.p., either on himself or 88-96 Lower rung High-level fangshi
shock / resurrection survival someone else. Upper
97-99 Middle rung Nobility
rolls (maximum number of Class
00 Upper rung Royalty, great nobility
resurrections still applies).
3 Meridian mastery. Immune to Balance qi. Once per day per Note that social class will have an impact on character class. As a general
all diseases, and get an extra skill level, the practitioner can rule, a character of a given occupation must be of a social class no more than
saving throw vs. magic on all cure disease (as per the spell) one lower than the minimum indicated for that class. For example, a character
attacks that would normally or cure blindness. starting off as a fangshi must be of at least the lower-middle class, one rung
drain levels. below the standard. In return, he could not normally hope to advance in social
standing beyond the lower-upper class.
Creating Characters - Family
The game master will provide details of the position of non-human races in the An illiterate character can become literate with six months of study, minus 1
campaign. Such things are all relative to the campaign setting. week per point of intelligence.
Monthly Expenses Naturally, if the game master wishes it, all player characters can be assumed
to be literate.
One’s social class will dictate the minimum monthly expenses associated with
such a lifestyle. Note that this is simply a minimum, covering basic living Family
expenses (including lodging, food and drink, entertainment, new clothing,
etc.); the game master should deduct the amount automatically from players’
Factors such as birth order, parents’ marital status, and the like are calculated
pockets. Other considerations may increase the monthly living expenses
as listed in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual. The following
dramatically: high-level mages maintaining laboratories and conducting
family trait modifiers apply in a mythic China setting (social class modifiers still
experiments, characters who have hired henchmen or hirelings, strongholds,
apply as listed in the Players Manual):
Martial Status Birth Order
Minimum Monthly Living Expenses
Race Modifier Modifier
Social Class Poor Good Fine
Human, eunuch -10 ±0
Lower class, lower 1 s.p. 2 s.p. 1 g.p.
Shanxiao (monkey-man) +10 +10
Lower class, middle 1 g.p. 2 g.p. 5 g.p.
Gouren (dog-man) -10 +10
Lower class, upper 2 g.p. 5 g.p. 10 g.p.
Middle class, lower 10 g.p. 25 g.p. 50 g.p.
Middle class, 25 g.p. 100 g.p. 125 g.p. Naming the Character
Middle class, upper 100 g.p. 250 g.p. 500 g.p. Names in mythic China follow certain rules, which are more or less universal,
Upper class, lower 250 g.p. 500 g.p. 1,250 g.p. except in territories on the fringes of civilization. Family names come first, and
Upper class, middle 500 g.p. 1,000 g.p. 2,500 g.p. personal names second. Also, names typically consist of three syllables: one
Upper class, upper 1,000 g.p. 2,000 g.p. 5,000 g.p. syllable for the family name, and two for the personal name (female names
are much more likely to duplicate the same syllable twice). There are
If a character is unable to spend the minimum for poor living according to his exceptions, and some personal names have one or three syllables, but such
class due to lack of funds, roll 1d12. On a roll of 1, the character will go down are less than 10% of the total names found in mythic China. It is possible, of
one social class rank in the eyes of those around him. Resuming the required course, for certain districts to have traditional naming conventions that differ
spending amount will raise the social class one rank on a similar roll of 1 on from the norm. It is considered ill-mannered to name a child after some famous
1d12. If a character spends enough for fine living in a higher social rank for figure or relative who is still living.
three consecutive months, begin checking monthly (again, a 1 in 12 chance)
to see if the character has raised himself to the next-higher social class. (Of It is not uncommon for a family to have a “name poem”, which plans out the
course, there will always be those who look down their noses at the nouveau first syllables of the personal names of each generation. Typically these are
riche no matter how well they live.) Humans who are not eunuchs may only only set forth for the male children in each generation, but some families
rise two levels from their original social class, no matter how much they spend. include both male and female names in their poems. Thus, each sibling and
cousin in a certain generation would share the same first syllable, which also
Literacy has a specific meaning, whence the poem itself is composed.
While mythic China is more literate than its European counterparts of the same Family Names
era, universal literacy is not a given. The chance that a given character will be
literate depends on both his class (including sub-classes) and social class: Chang, Chao, Chen, Cheng, Chia, Chiang, Chiao, Chien, Chin, Chiu, Chou,
Chu, Chung, Fan, Fang, Feng, Fu, Han, Hao, He, Hou, Hsia, Hsiao, Hsieh,
TABLE 41: LITERACY Hsiung, Hsu, Hsueh, Hu, Huang, I, Jen, Kang, Kao, King, Ku, Kung, Kuo, Lai,
Wu / Lei, Li, Liang, Liao, Lin, Liu, Lo, Lu, Lung, Ma, Mao, Meng, Pai, Pan, Peng,
Social Class Mystic Fighter Monk Fangshi Thief Shao, Shen, Shih, Su, Sun, Sung, Tai, Tan, Tang, Teng, Tien, Ting, Tsai, Tsao,
Lower class, lower 17% 9% 19% 100% 14% Tseng, Tsou, Tsui, Tu, Tuan, Tung, Wan, Wang, Wei, Wen, Wu, Yang, Yao,
Lower class, middle 23% 15% 25% 100% 20% Yeh, Yen, Yin, Yu, Yuan
Lower class, upper 29% 21% 31% 100% 26%
Middle class, lower 64% 56% 66% 100% 61%
Male Personal Name Elements
Middle class, middle 73% 65% 75% 100% 70%
Middle class, upper 82% 74% 84% 100% 79%
Ai, An, Ang, Bai, Bang, Bing, Bo, Chan, Chang, Chao, Chen, Cheng,
Upper class, lower 94% 86% 96% 100% 91%
Cheung, Chi, Chong, Chu, Chuan, Chung, Da, Dai, Dan, De, Ding, Dong,
Upper class, middle 98% 98% 98% 100% 98%
Du, Fa, Fai, Fan, Fang, Fei, Feng, Fu, Fuk, Gan, Gang, Ge, Gen, Gi, Guang,
Upper class, upper 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Gui, Guo, Hai, Hao, He, Heng, Ho, Hong, Hop, Hu, Hua, Huan, Huang, Hui,
Hung, Huo, Jaw, Jian, Jiang, Jie, Jin, Jing, Jun, Jung, Kang, Keung, Ko, Kong,
Any character who is illiterate cannot read a magic scroll. Barbarians are
Kun, Lai, Lei, Li, Liang, Lin, Ling, Liu, Lok, Long, Lun, Man, Min, Ming, Nian,
always illiterate when they begin their careers. If they wish to become literate,
Ning, On, Park, Pei, Peng, Ping, Pu, Qi, Qian, Qiang, Qin, Qing, Qiu, Quan,
they can do so in twice the time of other classes. Thieves who are illiterate can
Quon, Ren, Rong, Ru, Rui, Shao, Sai, Shan, Shang, Shen, Sheng, Shi, Shing,
still use their read languages ability to decipher maps, and (with a -25%
Shoi, Shou, Shu, Si, Sing, Siu, Sueh, Sying, Tao, Teng, Tin, Ting, Tsun, Tun,
penalty) can read other writings.
Tung, Wang, Wei, Wen, Wing, Wu, Xiang, Xiao, Xin, Xing, Xiu, Xu, Xue,
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Yan, Yang, Yao, Ye, Yen, Yi, Yong, You, Yu, Yuan, Yun, Ze, Zei, Zhe, Zhen, Armor class, on the other hand, is the total effect of the armor worn, magic
Zheng, Zhi, Zhong, Zi, Zian, Zu items (including magic armor), shields, dexterity, etc. The armor class can
change depending on the circumstances; a dexterity bonus doesn’t count if
Female Personal Name Elements you’re attacked from behind, and you can’t count your shield if you’re using a
two-handed weapon, for example. Armor class starts at 10 for someone who
Ah, Ai, An, Ang, Bi, Bik, Bo, Chang, Chao, Chen, Ching, Chou, Chow, Chu, is completely unarmored, and goes down to 0 and beyond, as more physical
Chun, Chou, Cui, Cy, Da, Dai, Dan, Dong, Eu, Fang, Far, Fei, Fen, Feng, Fun, armor is worn, more magic is utilized, one has a higher dexterity bonus, etc.
Fung, Guan, Guang, Hai, Hui, Ho, Hong, Hu, Hua, Huan, Hui, Hwa, Hwei, See the Armor Class and Movement table on page 23 for armor class and
Jia, Jian, Jiao, Jie, Jing, Ju, Juan, Jun, Kuai, Kue, Kum, Kwai, Kwong, Lam, Lan, movement.
Lang, Lee, Li, Lian, Lien, Lin, Ling, Liu, Lu, Man, Mei, Ming, Mu, Ning, Niu,
Nuo, Nu, Pei, Ping, Qian, Qiao, Qin, Qing, Qiu, Rong, Rou, Ru, Rui, Ruo, TABLE 44: PRICE OF ARMOR
Shao, Sheng, Sheu, Shi, Shu, Shun, Song, Su, Sya, Te, Tai, Tan, Tao, Ting, Armor Type Price Weight (lbs.)
Tong, Tu, U, Wa, Wei, Wen, Weng, Win, Xi, Xia, Xiang, Xiao, Xing, Xiu, Brigandine armor 30 g.p. 20
Xue, Ya, Yan, Yang, Yet, Yi, Yin, Ying, Yow, Yu, Yue, Yuet, Yuk, Yun, Zhai, Cord and plaque 60 g.p. 35
Zhao, Zhen, Zhi, Zhong, Zhu Cuirass (lamellar) 10 g.p. 7
Cuirass (leather) 3 g.p. 15
Fabric armor 3 g.p. 7
Cost of Equipment, Services, etc. Furs 2 g.p. 8
Lamellar armor (leather) 15 g.p. 12
For the sake of convenience, currency in a mythic China setting is the same as Lamellar armor (steel) 45 g.p. 25
that in a Eurocentric one. The only difference is that platinum is unknown, and Mirror armor 100 g.p. 35
thus platinum pieces do not exist. The gold piece is the most valuable Mountain pattern armor 300 g.p. 40
denomination of currency. Thus, coins are organized as follows: Scale armor (leather) 25 g.p. 30
Scale armor (steel) 45 g.p. 40
200 copper pieces (c.p.) = 1 gold piece (g.p.) Shield, large 15 g.p. 10
20 silver pieces (s.p.) = 1 gold piece (g.p.) Shield, medium 10 g.p. 7
2 electrum pieces (e.p.) = 1 gold piece (g.p.)
It is possible that your game master has developed a different monetary system
for his campaign; if that is the case, he will let you know and will have adjusted Barding is basically armor for horses. When worn, the animal gets the
the price lists for weapons, armor, equipment, and services accordingly. indicated armor class in combat, and suffers the indicated movement penalty.
Creating Characters - Cost of Equipment, Services, etc.
Notes Hirelings
A single set of clothes is assumed for every character and does not count TABLE 49: WAGES OF HIRELINGS
against encumbrance. For trim, add the cost of the trim to the garment to which Wages Wages
it is being added (tunic, robe, etc.). Most are self-explanatory, with the Hireling Per Month Per Day Skills and Class Notes
following exceptions. Acupuncturist 10 g.p. 3 s.p. Acupuncture skill
Alchemist 300 g.p. - Alchemy skill
Clothing, set, arctic: Consists of bulky (move at 50% speed) layers of furs and Astrologer 15 g.p. 5 s.p. Astrology skill
oiled skins. Those wearing arctic clothing should treat the temperature as being Bearer/porter 1 g.p. 1 s.p. n/a
40° warmer than it is when calculating the effects of frostbite, etc. Can’t be Drover 5 g.p. 5 s.p. Animal handling and
worn over other armor, but otherwise treated as furs. Most fur coats listed training skill
above can be treated as arctic clothing, and can be worn over any armor Feng Shui expert 20 g.p. 7 s.p. Feng Shui skill
except plated mail, plate armor, and jousting plate. Jeweler 100 g.p. - Jeweler skill
Clothing set, cold weather: Consists of fairly bulky (move at 75% speed) layers Lantern bearer 1 g.p. 5 s.p. n/a
of furs and/or fibers. Those wearing cold weather clothing should treat the Leather worker 2 s.p. 30 s.p. Materials cost 10% of
temperature as being 20° warmer than it is when calculating the effects of standard price of item
frostbite, etc. Cold weather clothing can’t be worn over other armor, but is Marine 3 g.p. - 1st level fighter
otherwise treated as furs. Most fur cloaks listed above can be treated as cold Oarsman 5 g.p. - Seamanship skill
weather clothing, and can be worn over any armor. (specialty as appropriate)
Fur trim: Causes the wearer to treat the temperature as being 10° warmer than Pack handler 30 s.p. 2 s.p. Animal handling and
it is, when calculating the effects of frostbite, heat stroke, etc. training skill
Sage Special Special Scholarship skill (any
specialization, as
Sailor 2 g.p. - Seamanship skill
(specialty as appropriate)
Ship’s master 100 g.p. - Seamanship skill
(specialty as appropriate)
Ship’s mate 30 g.p. - Seamanship skill
(specialty as appropriate)
Valet/lackey 50 s.p. 3 s.p. n/a
Warrior 1 g.p. 2 s.p. 1st level fighter
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Notes Ship’s master: Needed to command a ship with 5 or more crew and/or rowers
Hirelings are specialists, commoners who are possessed of certain skills, or Ship’s mate: Needed to help command a ship with 20 or more crew and/or
simple laborers. As commoners, they are not able to increase in level, but they rowers required.
are nonetheless often a valuable addition to an adventuring party. All such Valet/lackey: A general dogsbody or gofer used to perform minor tasks on
hirelings will have 1d6 h.p., and attack and make saving throws as behalf of his master.
“commoners.” Warrior: A generic mercenary, bodyguard, etc. Does not include more
experienced or specialized types of soldier. Will not know kung fu.
Most cities will have most types of hirelings available, although common sense
should be your guide. An inland desert city is unlikely to have a host of sailors Luxury Items
available for hire, for instance! Towns and villages will each have some types
available, as determined by the game master. Those hirelings that have a daily TABLE 51: PRICE AND WEIGHT OF LUXURY ITEMS
rate listed may be hired for a longer term; 1 in 6 will agree, if they are given Luxury Item Price Weight (lbs.)
a bonus of three days’ wages over and above the monthly rate.
Brocade, rug, or tapestry 1-20 g.p. / sq. yard 10 / sq. yard
Incense, rare 4-30 g.p./stick 0.1
Most of the time, player characters will not have to worry about actually paying
Ivory 3-6 g.p./lb. 135/tusk
hirelings a salary; it is not necessary to actually take a tailor into one’s employ
Pepper 1 g.p./ounce 0.1
just to commission a cloak, for example.
Perfume, rare 1-6 g.p./dram 0.1
Silk 1-3 g.p. / sq. yard 1 / sq. yard
Wages do not include the cost of materials required for the hireling to perform
Spice, rare 1-4 s.p./scruple 0.1
his function. Many hirelings will have 1 or more levels of a secondary skill; for Unguent, rare 10-60 g.p./gill 0.3
specific information on particular skills, please see the section on secondary
skills in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual. Note that soldiers’
wages do not include arms and armor, which must be provided by the
Miscellaneous Items
employer at his own cost.
For those skills which involve skill levels, hirelings with higher skill levels are Item Price Weight (lbs.)
more efficient, and command higher wages, as shown below. Acid, flask 10 g.p. 2
Acupuncture needles 3 g.p. 1
TABLE 50: HIRELING WAGE MULTIPLIERS Backpack, leather 2 g.p. 2
Skill Level Wage Multiplier Bell, small metal 1 g.p. 1
1 1 Bell, large metal 10 g.p. 50
2 4 Belt pouch, large 1 g.p. 1
3 10 Belt pouch, small 15 s.p. 0.5
4 19 Birdcage 5 s.p. 5
5 31 Bit, bridle, harness (for horse, etc.) 1 g.p. 5
Box, iron, large 28 g.p. 100-500
Alchemist: Alchemists are used to assist mages in the brewing and Box, iron, small 9 g.p. 20-50
identification of potions. Alchemists will only accept employment for a full year Box, lead, tiny 20 g.p. 2
or more, and a suitable laboratory is required (see the ADVENTURES DARK AND Candle 1 s.p. 0.5
DEEP™ Players Manual for details). They will have at least 1 level of alchemy Case, bone (for maps, scrolls, etc.) 5 g.p. 5
skill. Case, leather (for maps, scrolls, etc.) 15 s.p. 2
Bearer/porter: A strong back used to carry anything that needs carrying Chest, wood, large 17 s.p. 50-150
(unskilled labor to say the least). If it is necessary to generate their statistics, Chest, wood, small 8 s.p. 10-25
they get a +3 bonus to strength, but can never exceed strength 18. Crampons (pair) 4 g.p. 5
Drover: A drover drives carts and wagons. Drill, iron 5 g.p. 5
Jeweler: Jewelers are able to appraise jewelry and gemstones as well as create Fireworks, firecracker 1 c.p. 0.1
and alter such. Fireworks, hundred-break cracker 1 g.p. .5
Lantern bearer: Used in towns and cities to provide light for night-time travel. Fireworks, small rocket 2 g.p. 1
If they are to be exposed to danger (such as being brought into a dungeon), Fireworks, large rocket 10 g.p. 2
the price will be increased at least tenfold. Grappling hook 5 g.p. 10
Marine: Marines are fighters who are enlisted to fight in melee combat aboard Holy symbol, iron 2 g.p. 0.2
ships. They are almost always 1st level fighters. Holy symbol, silver 50 g.p. 0.2
Oarsman: Needed to row any ship that will be moving without the benefit of Holy symbol, wooden 7 s.p. 0.1
sails. Holy water, vial 25 g.p. 2
Pack handler: Knows how to load and unload pack animals such as oxen, Lantern, bullseye 12 g.p. 6
mules, horses, etc. Lantern, hooded 7 g.p. 6
Sage: Used to answer obscure questions and research topics of interest. Each Mirror, metal, large 10 g.p. 0.5
sage will have particular area(s) of expertise, and many will have sub-areas Mirror, silver, small 20 g.p. 0.5
as well. See Scholarship in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual Oil, flask 1 g.p. 2
for more information. Pickaxe 20 g.p. 20
Sailor: Needed to crew ships. Most ordinary sailors will only have one skill Pole, 10’ 3 c.p. 10
level in seamanship. Note that seamen will either be specialized in ocean- Pulley 25 g.p. 6
going or freshwater craft. Quiver, arrow, 1 dozen cap. 8 s.p. 3
Quiver, arrow, 1 score cap. 12 s.p. 3
Creating Characters - Cost of Equipment, Services, etc.
Item Price Weight (lbs.) to do so, he may of course choose to introduce appropriate weapons as he
Quiver, crossbow bolt, 20 cap. 15 s.p. 3 sees fit.
Quiver, crossbow bolt, 40 cap. 1 g.p. 3 Grappling hook: Can be used to attach a rope to the far side of some chasm
Rope, 50’ 4 s.p. 7 or the top of a wall. A hook with rope can be thrown for a number of feet
Sack, large 16 c.p. 2 equal to the character’s strength times 3. Success depends on the nature of the
Sack, small 10 c.p. 0.5 surface being hooked:
Saddle 10 g.p. 35
Saddle bags 4 g.p. 15 TABLE 54: USING A GRAPPLING HOOK
Saddle blanket 3 s.p. 2 Slip After 1d6
Shovel 10 g.p. 18 Surface Miss Minutes Solid Grip
Skin (holds 1 gallon water or wine) 15 s.p. 0.5 (9 when full) Cave wall/floor 01-82 83-89 90-00
Spike, iron 1 c.p. 1 Fence/parapet 01-72 73-78 79-00
Tinder box, flint and steel 1 g.p. 0.2 Ledge 01-88 89-93 94-00
Tool, hand (shovel, pick, etc.) 2 g.p. 5 Ruined stonework 01-66 67-71 72-00
Tools, alchemy 200-1,000 10 / g.p. cost Stalagmite/ 01-75 76-80 81-00
g.p. stalactite/etc.
Tools, armor-making/ 310-400 10 / g.p. cost Top of wall 01-83 84-89 90-00
blacksmithing/weapon-making g.p. Tree limb 01-66 67-70 71-00
Tools, lock picks 30 g.p. 2
Torch 1 c.p. 2 After each failed attempt, it will take 1d4 minutes to regain the hook and recoil
Vial, empty 3 g.p. 2 the rope for another cast.
Vinegar, pint 1 s.p. 1 Holy water: Can also include unholy water, of course, depending on the
Whistle 1 s.p. 0.1 source.
Oil: Will cause 2d6 h.p. of damage if it hits and is set alight, and 1d6 on the
Notes following round. See the ranged weapons section on p. 27 for details.
Whistle: Can be heard up to 1,000 feet distant.
Acid: Will cause 2d4 h.p. of damage if it hits. See the ranged weapons section
on p. 26 for details. Musical Instruments
Crampons: Steel spikes that attach to the bottom of regular boots. They will
allow the wearer to walk on ice or other slippery surfaces without a chance of TABLE 55: PRICE AND WEIGHT OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS
falling. Musical Instrument Price Weight (lbs.)
Drill, iron: Will bore through stone or wood, making a hole 1” in diameter and Bronze chimes 80 g.p. 40
up to 9” deep; 1” of wood can be drilled in 10 minutes, and 1” of stone can Datong (two-stringed fiddle) & 20 g.p. 3
be drilled in 30 minutes. When in use, the drill makes a loud grinding noise bow
that can be heard for 120’. Dizi (flute) 16 g.p. 1
Fireworks: Fireworks are essentially explosive devices, triggered by fire (each Drum 4 g.p. 2
comes with a five-second fuse) and capable of producing light and loud noise, Erhu (two-stringed fiddle) & 30 g.p. 5
and occasionally, damaging explosions. Note that they must be protected; bow
they will not work if wet, and fire will set them off accidentally. The results will Gaohu (high-pitched fiddle) & 21 g.p. 17
depend on the size and type of firework used: bow
Guqin (zither) 20 g.p. 3
TABLE 53: FIREWORK RESULTS Guzheng (many-stringed 28 g.p. 8
Firework Type Result plucked zither)
Firecracker Single loud “bang”. Hulus (reed instrument) 12 g.p. 1
Firecracker, hundred-break Series of many loud “bangs” immediately Konghou (harp) 50 g.p. 3
following each other, lasting ten or more Laba (trumpet) 15 g.p. 8
seconds, cloud of thin smoke. Liuqin (mandolin) 50 g.p. 6
Rocket, small Will fly 1d20+20 feet and explode, Paixiao (pan pipes) 33 g.p. 4
causing a loud bang and flash of light. Pipa (lute) 35 g.p. 5
Rocket, large Will fly 1d100+200 feet and explode, Ruan (round lute) 30 g.p. 4
causing a very loud bang and flash of light Sanxian (long-necked lute) 45 g.p. 6
visible for a mile. If it hits something before Sheng (multiple pipe wind 38 g.p. 21
it reaches its maximum distance, it will instrument)
explode and cause 1d6 h.p. of damage, Sun (egg-shaped wind 5 g.p. 1
but cannot be accurately aimed, since it instrument)
wobbles as it travels. Xiao (recorder) 25 g.p. 2
Yangqin (dulcimer) 41 g.p. 7
It is possible to get more expensive rockets, costing as much as ten times the Yueqin (moon-shaped lute) 30 g.p. 5
normal price, which will burst in various colors and make patterns of light when
they explode.
In the mythic China setting presented in this book, fireworks are not practical As a rule, all musical instruments require two hands to play (there are certain
as weapons, and other weapons based on the black powder that ignites them,
exceptions that common sense will dictate; such as when a drum is resting on
such as guns and bombs, have not been developed. If the game master wishes
something else and is being played with one hand). Some instruments are so
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
large as to not be portable at all, such as the bronze chimes, which are massive TABLE 57: POISONS
and are set in a frame. Saving
Damage if Save…
Poison Throw Detect
Poison Type Onset Time Succeeds Fails Bonus Chance
Sw. A 2d4 min. 10 h.p. 20 h.p. +4 80%
The use of poison is an inherently evil act; any character knowingly doing so Sw. B 1d4+1 min. 15 h.p. 30 h.p. +3 65%
who is not already of evil alignment will have their alignment instantly and Sw. C 1-2 min. 20 h.p. 40 h.p. +2 40%
irrevocably changed to evil (with all the implications that entails). For this Sw. D 6 seconds 25 h.p. death +1 15%
reason, poison will not be readily available in most civilized lands; it will only Sw. E 1d4x10 30 h.p. death +1 15%
be obtainable through disreputable sources, if at all. If in doubt, err on the side min.
of poison not being available for purchase, and consult your game master. Blade A 1d4+1 min. 0 15 h.p. +4 80%
Blade B 1d3 min. 0 25 h.p. +3 65%
If blade venom is noticed (10% cumulative chance per round of combat), a Blade C 1 min. 0 35 h.p. +2 40%
general hue and cry will be raised and the user of the poison blade pursued Blade D 6 seconds 0 death +1 15%
by the full weight of the local constabulary (or a lynch mob, in some circles).
Poison Price per Dose TABLE 58: PRICE OF SERVICES
Swallowed A 5 g.p. Service Price
Swallowed B 30 g.p. Apartment, per room 10 g.p./month
Swallowed C 200 g.p. Appraisal (gem or jewelry) 5 g.p./item
Swallowed D 500 g.p. Coach (between cities) 1 g.p. / 30 miles
Swallowed E 1,000 g.p. Coach (within a city) 1 s.p./trip
Blade venom A 10 g.p. Crier 10 s.p./day (10 g.p./month)
Blade venom B 75 g.p. Inn, common room 2-8 s.p./night
Blade venom C 600 g.p. Inn, private room 1 g.p./night
Blade venom D 1,500 g.p. Messenger 3 s.p./day (50 s.p./month)
Antidote A 10 g.p.
Antidote B 60 g.p. Notes
Antidote C 400 g.p.
Antidote D 500 g.p. Apartment: Sometimes player characters are going to be inclined to settle
down without actually buying or building a home.
Notes Coach: It should be noted that coaches willing to carry travelers between cities
are not always going to be available. A typical coach will go 20 miles per
All of the above poisons work within a few minutes of being ingested or day on a good road (half that on a poor one), and usually will only be
introduced into the bloodstream (the “normal onset time” in the table below). available if a regular schedule and system of such coach transportation is set
However, it is possible for swallowed poisons to either have the effect delayed up in the game. The game master is the final arbiter of whether such is or is
for 1d4 hours (which doubles the price listed above), have the effect be not.
instantaneous (which triples the price), or have the poison gradually build up Crier: Used to disseminate information in a town or city. Can be used for
in the bloodstream of the victim, so that only after 1d6+3 doses (the number official pronouncements, advertising, setting bounties, etc.
of doses will be known ahead of time) is the full effect of the poison felt. Inn: A common room is shared with various other travelers and will
Gradual poison costs four times the price listed above, regardless of the accommodate up to 30 people, on average. A private room is just as it states,
number of doses required. and is usually fairly secure.
Messenger: Assumes that the messenger is only taking his message within a
Antidotes work only against swallowed poisons. If the antidote is ingested no particular city or town. Long-distance messaging is most likely rare, and would
more than one hour before the onset time of the poison, the poison will have involve the monthly fee at the very least. Some settings may have regular
no effect. If not, the antidote will have no effect. messenger services, however, such as ones with coach service, which will often
carry messages as well as people.
Blade venom will begin to evaporate when exposed to air. On the second day,
it will only do ½ damage and the victim gets a bonus of +4 to his saving throw. Transportation
On the third day, it will do no damage. If a weapon with blade venom scores
damage, that wipes off some of the poison; on the second hit it will only do ½
This section not only includes means of transportation that can be bought (such
damage, and none on the third hit.
as a cart), but also very rough estimates for hiring travel options. See also the
section on animals to get prices of horses, oxen, etc. Bear in mind that things
such as chariots and wagons need to be pulled by animals!
Creating Characters - Cost of Equipment, Services, etc.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Generally speaking, combat in a mythic China setting follows the standard
rules as described in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual. The
major difference is in the specific weapons (see above) and in the use of kung
fu by a large number of protagonists.
Characters in a mythic China setting have access to some of the same types of
armor as their European counterparts, as well as some that are very different.
Although the names and specifics may vary, armor in general works the same
across cultures. Generally speaking, the more protective a type of armor is,
the slower it makes the wearer.
Armor Class
Armor type should not be confused with armor class, which is an overall
numerical estimate of just how difficult it is to harm a given person or creature.
It takes into account not only any armor or shield, but also the dexterity of the
target as well as other mitigating circumstances.
Armor types available in a mythic China setting, and their relevant base armor
classes and the movement rates they impart, are listed and described below.
Combat - Weapons
• Emei piercers / mandarin coin blades / mandarin duck blades Melee Weapons
• Bo stick / jo stick / quarterstaff / iron staff
• Bow, composite long / bow, long
Each type of weapon is given a weight (in pounds), speed (lower is quicker),
Bow, composite short / bow, short
length (average - individual weapons may vary), space required (to swing,
Dagger / knife
thrust, etc.; useful when determining how many people can fight in a corridor
Monk’s spade / yue or doorway), and damage done against small/medium and large creatures.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Axe, battle: Also called a fu, often used by Imperial guards rather than
common soldiers.
Caltrop: A spiked metal object some 3” in diameter, designed to be dropped
on the ground for pursuers or others to walk on and thus impale themselves.
Any intelligent creature aware of their presence will be slowed to half its
normal movement rate while avoiding them. Those not avoiding caltrops will
be affected as if attacked by a 1d6 HD monster for every square yard traversed
containing a caltrop (dexterity or shield is not taken into account when
calculating AC, and any “to hit” penalties or bonuses of the person dropping
the caltrops obviously do not apply). One hit indicates a 25% chance that
movement will be only 75% of normal for a total of 4 days. Two hits indicates
that movement will be at 75% of normal for a week. Magical healing will
remove this condition, however.
Dagger: A catch-all term for a one-handed bladed weapon 12 to 24 inches in
Dagger-axe: A pole arm that has a thick single-bladed head for chopping, with
a dagger-like protrusion for piercing.
Dao: A thick-bladed sword with a single curved, sharp edge.
Emei piercers: Usually wielded in pairs, these consist of a ring attached to a
metal rod with sharp points on each end. The piercers can be spun around on
the ring to dazzle and confuse an opponent, while letting their user slip in
close to strike. When facing this weapon, enemies get a +1 penalty to
initiative. Since the blades are attached to the rings, which are worn, someone
using this weapon cannot be disarmed.
Fang: A short-hafted weapon with a pointed metal end, which also sports a
blade jutting out perpendicular to the end blade.
Fighting chain: Made up of a length of chain with a weight on one end.
Garrote: When attacking with a garrote, the player must strike from behind,
and the target must be relatively still (i.e., not engaged in melee). Any sort of
neck protection (leather collar, having one arm up to block such an attack,
etc.) will foil the garrote. If the attack is successful, the garrote will do normal
damage on the first round and kill the victim on the second. Before that
happens, if the garroter is successfully attacked, the garrote is released and
the victim will survive (the victim can make the attack himself, with a -2 “to hit”
penalty). The garrote will also be released if the victim successfully makes a
bend bars roll. The bend bars attempt counts as an attack; the victim can only
attack as well as attempt to remove the garrote if he would normally get more
than one attack per melee round.
Guandao: A pole arm with a thick single-edged head sporting a much shorter
spur-blade on the back. If set to receive a charge from a large creature, does
double damage if it hits.
Improvised weapon: This can be almost anything: a heavy candlestick, a
broom-handle used as a staff, etc. It is not possible to become proficient in
improvised weapon. Note that an improvised weapon will either break, be
lost, or otherwise become useless if the character wielding it rolls a natural 1
in melee. It may or may not be used with two hands, depending on what it is.
Iron fan: Appears as an ordinary fan, but the ribs are made of steel with
sharpened points.
Ji: A pole arm with two concave curved blades and a pointed tip that can be
used to either slash or stab.
Mandarin coin blades: A pair of knives with straight blades coming out of
either end of the handle, which is protected by a crescent-shaped blade inside
a ring-shaped blade.
Mandarin duck blades: A pair of curved knives shaped like two intersecting
crescent moons, with a guarded handle.
Monk’s cudgel: A short-hafted weapon with a round cage-like metal head on
one end.
Combat - Weapons
Monk’s spade: A pole arm with a shovel-like head on one end and a crescent- natural 20, an attacker has the choice to inflict damage or disarm one weapon
shaped blade on the other. Originally carried as a tool by wandering monks, from his foe. The enemy is entitled to a strength check to prevent being
nowadays both ends are usually sharpened for use in combat. disarmed, with a penalty of -1 per level of the wielder of the tiger head hook.
Pudao: A short-hafted pole arm with a long bladed end that has a single Whip chain: A whip made up of between five and nine metal rods, connected
slightly curved edge. It is often used to attack a mount, forcing the rider to by short lengths of chain.
dismount. Wind and fire wheels: Circular metal blades with serrated edges and handles
Suan tou-fung: A hafted weapon with a metal ball on one end. in the middle. Can also be thrown.
Sword, butterfly: A short chopping weapon with a very thick blade, designed Wolf teeth club: A stout wooden haft with a spiked metal head.
to be used in pairs. Each also has a blade-catcher on the hilt that can disarm Yue: A heavy chopping axe, often decorated as a magical animal.
an enemy; on a roll of natural 20, an attacker has the choice to inflict damage Zhua: A hafted weapon with a metal head in the form of a human hand with
or disarm one weapon from his foe. The enemy is entitled to a strength check sharpened claws for fingertips. When used against a mounted opponent, a
to prevent being disarmed, with a penalty of -1 per level of the wielder of the successful hit can knock him off his mount (wielder’s choice, but the decision
butterfly sword. must be made prior to rolling to hit).
Sword, straight: A double-bladed weapon with a straight blade.
Sword, straight, twin: The same as a straight sword, but designed to be Ranged Weapons
wielded in pairs.
Tiger head hook: Also known as a hook sword, this is a medium-sized straight Missiles are usually lost in combat, but 50% of arrows and crossbow bolts that
blade used in pairs, with a crescent-shaped blade protecting the grip, and a missed their targets can be recovered after a battle; the remainder are broken.
spike on the end, both of which can also be used to attack. The end of the
blade is shaped like a J, and can be used to disarm an enemy; on a roll of
* Weapons marked with an asterisk are used with two hands. h.p. (assuming the target is harmed by acid, of course). If the vial misses, it
** Range indoors or underground should be divided by 3, except acid and will do 1 h.p. of damage to all those within 1’ of the landing point, assuming
oil. the vial breaks open.
Weapons marked with a dagger are meant to be used in pairs (weight and Crossbow (all): The rate of fire for any crossbow assumes that the weapon is
cost are given for a pair of weapons); when used in pairs, no shield use is already loaded and set, ready to be fired. If this is not the case, the first round
possible, but wielder can strike with both weapons with only a -2 penalty “to must be spent preparing the weapon for firing. Then the rate of fire applies
hit” for the off-hand weapon. When using a paired weapon singly, wielder normally. Note that crossbows only fire crossbow bolts; only normal bows can
gets a -1 penalty “to hit” and damage. fire arrows.
Crossbow, light: This crossbow has a wooden cross-piece (made up of
Acid: Acid contained in a vial can be thrown at an enemy, but the vial itself overlapping pieces of wood). It can be drawn by a single person either with
must break for the acid to do full damage. On a roll of 1-18 on 1d20, the vial a stirrup-pull or simply by drawing back the string. It can be fired one-handed,
will break. If the vial hits the target and breaks, the acid within will do 2d4 but requires two hands to load.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Crossbow, repeating: Can fire up to ten bolts without being reloaded. Oil: Oil contained in a vial can be thrown at an enemy, but the vial itself must
Flying claw: A gripping claw at the end of a 30’ long rope or ribbon. It can break and be somehow set alight for the oil to do any damage. It is possible
also be used as a grappling hook. If the wielder rolls a natural 20 to hit against to make a “Molotov cocktail” with a burning rag in the opening of the oil vial;
a small or medium creature, it will entangle the target rather than doing doing so will impose an initiative penalty of 5, but the oil will automatically
damage, at the wielder’s option (after the 20 is rolled). Creatures that are catch fire if the vial is smashed on impact. The vial will break on a roll of 18
entangled will either be unseated from their mount (if applicable) or taken to or less on 1d20. If a lit vial hits, and breaks on the target, the oil within will
the ground, where they must spend 1d3 melee rounds untangling themselves do 2d6 h.p. on the first round, and 1d6 h.p. on the second before it burns
(the rope/ribbon can be cut with 2 points of cutting damage, as from a knife itself out (assuming the target is harmed by fire, of course). If a lit vial misses,
or dagger). If used against a large creature, a natural 20 indicates and breaks, it will do 1d3 h.p. of damage to all those within 3’ of the landing
entanglement as above, but the rope will be yanked from the wielder’s hand. point. If the vial breaks but is not lit (i.e., is not used in a Molotov Cocktail),
The claw is spring-loaded, so unless an enemy is entangled, it can be the oil must be hit by some other source of fire: torch, spell, etc. Note that if a
disengaged and recalled by jerking the rope back, with no penalty. torch is thrown at an oil-covered opponent with the intention of setting him on
Flying guillotine: This very rare weapon is used more to inspire psychological fire, a separate “to hit” roll must be made for the torch.
terror in an enemy than for its usefulness in combat; it resembles a very large Rope dart: A solid metal dart on the end of a 30’ long rope or ribbon. If the
hat with a rope or ribbon attached. When used properly, the flying guillotine wielder rolls a natural 20 to hit against a small or medium creature, it will
is tossed onto the head of an enemy (which must be small or medium, unless entangle the target rather than doing damage, at the wielder’s option.
a special version of the weapon has been designed to accommodate larger Creatures that are entangled will either be unseated from his mount (if
heads, in which case the GM should at least double the cost for the customized applicable) or taken to the ground, where they must spend at least 1 melee
work), and then the rope is yanked, activating a series of razor-sharp spring- round untangling themselves (the rope/ribbon can be cut with 2 points of
loaded blades which will decapitate the enemy, killing him instantly (unless cutting damage, as from a knife or dagger). If used against a large creature,
there is some special mitigating circumstance, such as magic, involved). a natural 20 indicates entanglement as above, but the rope will be yanked
Needless to say this is not an ordinary weapon and will not be found for sale from the wielder’s hand. The dart can be immediately recalled once hurled,
in any market or city; it must be specially commissioned. In the same vein, it is with no penalty, if it is not entangled.
difficult to become proficient in the weapon, as few have mastered it (seeking
out a teacher should be a quest unto itself). The flying guillotine always treats
the target as if it were AC 0 (unless the target has a lower armor class, in Kung Fu
which case the real AC should be used), but if the wielder rolls a natural 20
to hit against a small or medium creature, it will entangle the target rather than The arts of combat that rely on intensive training are collectively known as kung
doing damage, at the wielder’s option after the 20 is rolled. Creatures that are fu. They are distinguished from “ordinary” training in the use of weapons,
entangled will either be unseated from his mount (if applicable) or taken to the which is determined by the class of the character and the number of weapon
ground, where they must spend at least 1 melee round untangling themselves proficiencies he has at any given level. Kung fu refers to special abilities, which
(the rope/ribbon can be cut with 2 points of cutting damage, as from a knife can have effects similar to magical powers at the highest levels of development.
or dagger). If used against a large creature, a natural 20 indicates
entanglement as above, but the rope will be yanked from the wielder’s hand. It is a mistake to believe that kung fu is necessarily unarmed combat. While it
The flying guillotine can be immediately recalled once hurled, with no penalty, is true that certain schools of kung fu do emphasize unarmed forms, others are
unless it is entangled. equally dedicated to combat with weapons, while still others focus on more
Harpoon: This is essentially a stout spear which is attached either to the meditative practices that yield powers akin to those of fangshi and wu
attacker, or to some other object, by a line. A successful hit indicates the target spellcasters. It is also the case that some kung fu styles make mention of one’s
is tethered to the harpoon’s anchor, and is also entangled in the line and must qi power; an internal spiritual strength that can be used to produce miraculous
spend 1 round detangling itself (although it will still be impaled by the harpoon effects. However, there are no “qi points” or any other mechanic beyond those
and thus tethered to the anchor). To remove the harpoon completely, the target mentioned in the specific style descriptions below. Note that these are not
must have an intelligence of 2 or greater, and must successfully make a saving magical abilities per se, and will not be affected by spells such as dispel magic.
throw vs. poison. Success indicates the harpoon is removed. Failure indicates
that the victim takes 1 additional h.p. in damage from the attempt. Note that Note that many of the kung fu rules herein require use of unarmed combat
victims impaled by harpoons can be dragged towards the anchor at a rate of rules. Game masters (or players) who are not used to using such rules should
10’ per minute on average, if the circumstances and size/strength of those familiarize themselves with them in order to maximize the usefulness of the
involved warrant. kung fu styles detailed below. For reference, the unarmed combat system from
Improvised weapon: This can be almost anything: a wine bottle, a candelabra ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ is reprinted here in Appendix A, which may also
hurled at an opponent, etc. It is not possible to become proficient in improvised be used with most other old-school game systems. As a brief refresher,
weapon. Note that an improvised weapon can be thrown back at the attacker pummeling refers to punching and kicking; overbearing refers to knocking
(and a separate “to hit” roll made) if the attacker rolls a natural 1; this will not people down, back, or over; and grappling refers to grabbing people. There
count against the re-thrower’s number of attacks per round. This is an extra is some overlap, however.
bonus attack that has no impact on any other attacks or spells that may be
done in the combat round. It may or may not be used with two hands, Learning Kung Fu Skills
depending on what it is.
Meteor hammer: A heavy round weight on the end of a 30’ long rope or In game terms, kung fu skills are treated just like secondary skills. A character
ribbon. If the wielder rolls a natural 20 to hit against a small or medium spends a number of already-earned experience points, which are deducted
creature, it will entangle the target rather than doing damage, at the wielder’s from his current total, and spends time to learn a skill level of a given style. If
option. Creatures that are entangled will either be unseated from his mount (if the game master wishes to use the “Starting Secondary Skill” optional rule in
applicable) or taken to the ground, where they must spend at least 1 melee the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual, it can be applied to kung fu
round untangling themselves (the rope/ribbon can be cut with 2 points of skills as well. In this way, it is entirely possible to have a fangshi who is a
cutting damage, as from a knife or dagger). If used against a large creature, master of the fighting arts, or a fighter who has advanced knowledge of kung
a natural 20 indicates entanglement as above, but the rope will be yanked fu disciplines.
from the wielder’s hand. Unless it’s entangled, the hammer can be immediately
recalled once hurled by jerking the rope back, with no penalty.
Combat - Kung Fu
Kung fu skills are obtained by “spending” experience points, which are used Creatures Only Harmed by Magic Weapons
to either obtain a new skill or gain an additional skill level in a style he already
possesses. A character can only spend experience points on the same style Some creatures, especially the undead or those from other planes, can only be
once per experience level. If the player chooses to spend x.p. on a style, those harmed by magical weapons. For purposes of determining whether they can
x.p. are forever lost, although new x.p. can, of course, be earned to make up be harmed, each skill level of kung fu in the style being used counts as a “plus”
for that loss. of a weapon. So, if someone has two skill levels in dragon foot style, he can
harm creatures normally only harmed by +2 weapons. Similarly, if someone
Learning a new kung fu style, or gaining an additional skill level in a style, is has one skill level in blade warden style, he could still harm that same creature
not automatic. It will take 1d4 months per skill level, and requires that the if he was wielding a +1 weapon (+1 for his skill level in blade warden, +1 for
student actually be able to find someone able to teach the skill. If a given locale the weapon). Note that only skill levels in the particular kung fu style being
does not have a suitable master, then the student must find one that does. See used should be counted (although if multiple styles are being combined by use
also “kung fu schools” on p. 51 for tips and tables that can be used to create of kung fu mastery, they can be counted together, along with the skill levels in
schools where PCs can learn kung fu skills. kung fu mastery).
Any kung fu skill level above 2 should require an extraordinary effort to locate
a master who is both able and willing to teach the prospective student. Such
Styles of Kung Fu
quests to find a particular master who is known for a particular style can
become adventures unto themselves. The GM should place such masters The following are merely examples of the sorts of kung fu styles that the game
throughout his campaign setting. Some will be famous, while others will be master may wish to develop for his own campaign. In real-world Chinese
more difficult to find, often maintaining a simple life that hides their mastery of martial arts, there are more than a hundred such styles. Note that every style
the highest levels of kung fu. need not be completely unique - it is entirely possible for a given in-game ability
to be encompassed by more than one style. Similarly, a given school of kung
The base x.p. cost of obtaining a level in a given style is listed in the particular fu will likely teach a combination of different styles - it is these combinations of
description of that skill. For each additional skill level, the cost is equal to the styles that give each school its own distinct flavor.
base cost multiplied by the skill level being added. For example, if a character
is adding a skill level to a style with a base cost of 3,000 x.p., and already Air Dancer Style
has two skill levels in that particular style, the cost for the third skill level would
be 9,000 x.p. Base X.P. Cost: 5,000 per level (wisdom), 7,000 per level (all others)
Make Skill Checks Against: wisdom
The base experience point (x.p.) cost of a style sometimes is dependent on the
attributes the character possesses (strength, intelligence, etc.). If an attribute is This style allows the practitioner to jump, climb, and eventually levitate for
listed, then the character can pay that price if the attribute is the highest he periods of time, in order to gain position and evade attack.
possesses (or is tied for highest). For example, a character with STR 17, INT
11, WIS 14, DEX 12, CON 15, CHA 15 would only pay 4,000 for the dragon TABLE 65: AIR DANCER SKILLS
foot style, but would have to pay 8,000 for the three waters style. Skill No Skill Check Skill Check
Level Needed for… Needed for…
In cases where a kung fu style’s abilities overlap with those of the monk class, 1 Leaping frog. Jump forward Flea jump. Jump forward 30’,
they are treated as additive. Example: A 4th level monk with three levels of air 10’. any other direction 10’.
dancer style could fall 31-40’ without taking damage, since his monk abilities 2 Mantis step. Able to maintain Spider’s touch. Climb up walls
would normally allow him to fall 11-20’, and the air dancer style would allow balance on the ends of poles, at a rate of 30’ per minute.
him to fall 20’ more. If the kung fu ability requires a skill check, then failing the beams, rocks, ropes, etc., up Must make a skill check each
skill check means that only the natural monk ability can be used. to 1” wide, with no loss of minute. Failure means a
movement rate or chance to second skill check must be
Finally, it should be noted that other kung fu styles can, and should, exist. Some fall. (Fighting while on such made. Success means the
may have died out completely, known only through ancient texts that exist in things requires a skill check; character stays in place;
some distant temple, ready to be rediscovered. Such quests could form their failure means a -4 penalty “to failure means he falls to the
own adventures, and prove not only exciting, but rewarding as well. hit” and AC for that round.) ground.
3 Crane’s wing. Jump forward Air-master. Levitate self and up
Failing Skill Checks 20’. Able to fall 20’ without to 200 lbs. of carried items up
taking damage. to 20’ above the ground. Can
be done up to three rounds
Unless otherwise noted in the skill description, if a practitioner fails a skill check
(must make skill check each
on a kung fu ability that requires one, he can elect to perform the ability
round), and must rest for an
suitable for the same skill level or below that does not require a skill check.
equal number of rounds.
Otherwise, he simply fails and the game master should determine the suitable
Failure means the character
result. Example: Chen has three skill levels of air dancer style. He is attempting
floats gently to the ground.
to climb up a 70’ wall, and fails his first required skill check, meaning he’s 30’
off the ground when he does. He fails the subsequent skill check too, so he will
fall to the ground. He could elect to then use the crane’s wing ability and fall
the first 20’ without taking damage, or he could choose not to and take the
falling damage. Chen, not being a moron, elects to use the crane’s wing ability
and saves himself the damage.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Base X.P. Cost: 4,000 per level (strength), 6,000 per level (all others) Base X.P. Cost: 4,000 per level (strength), 6,000 per level (all others)
Make Skill Checks Against: strength Make Skill Checks Against: strength
This style emphasizes combat at night and in other situations where darkness This style focuses on kicks and other leg work.
prevails, as well as backwards-facing strikes, primarily kicks.
Combat - Kung Fu
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Base X.P. Cost: 3,500 per level (strength or dexterity), 5,000 per level (all
Make Skill Checks Against: strength or dexterity
This style emphasizes the use of pole arms and other two-handed and lengthy
melee weapons (longer than 5’).
Combat - Kung Fu
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
See also: qugong secondary skill (p. 14). also use the shell of iron defensive maneuver, increasing his AC by 3 against
unarmed attacks, and 2 against attacks by weapons.
Example of Combat Using Kung Fu Skills
Chan gets his second attack from the river flows around the rock at the end of
Chan is a 6th level fighter with three skill levels in both mountain ape style and the round. He gets a +4 bonus “to hit” because he is attacking from the rear,
three waters style, and one skill level in kung fu mastery. He is armed with a but since he no longer has his sword, he makes a grappling attack using his
dao and has 40 hit points. He is not wearing armor and has an AC of 10. crushing grip, which would do damage as well as hold his enemy. Doing so
requires a strength check. Chan has a strength of 14, but rolls a 19, failing
Li is a 5th level monk with two skill levels each in head of the hydra, serpent’s the skill check. He does the way of the thin maneuver instead (which doesn’t
fang, and turtle’s shell styles, one skill level each in crawling beast style, kung require a skill check), so Li gets a -2 penalty “to hit” if he decides to grapple.
fu mastery, and qi mastery. He has two skill levels in qigong (healing specialty). Because Chan has a strength of 14 and Li has a strength of 15, Chan gets a
He is armed with a monk’s spade, has 18 hit points, and is not wearing armor -2 penalty “to hit” on grappling attacks. Li has an AC of 3 (because of the shell
but has an AC of 6 because of his monk abilities. of iron), but Chan gets a +4 bonus “to hit” for a rear attack. He rolls an 8,
which is exactly what he needs to hit. Li is now pinned, and takes 1d2 h.p. of
Chan and Li are fighting in a blacksmith’s shop. damage from the grapple attack. Chan rolls a 2. Li now has 13 hit points
Round One
Round Two
They each roll for initiative. Chan gets an 8 and Li gets a 5. Li would normally
attack first, but Chan will use the river flows around the rock to attack Li twice Chan rolls a 7 for initiative and Li rolls a 1. Li attacks first, using his qi transfer
in the round, the second time from behind. Because he gets two attacks per ability to absorb hit points from his opponent. Because Chan is an unwilling
round, he is treated as if the first attack rolled a 1 for initiative. For the first victim, he is entitled to a saving throw vs. spells. Chan rolls a 1, and Li absorbs
attack, he rolls a 15, and needs a 9 to hit AC 6. His first attack succeeds. The 1d6 of Chan’s hit points. Li rolls a 4, and is now back up to 17 hit points,
dao does 1d6+1 points of damage; Chan rolls a 2, so Li takes 3 points of having just taken 4 from Chan, while Chan is down to 36 h.p.
Chan decides to risk holding onto Li in order to use the crushing grip and
Li uses the whirling pole arm attack against Chan, in an attempt to disarm him. attempt to knock him unconscious. The crushing grip requires a skill check; this
Li has a strength of 15, and rolls a 5 for his skill check. He succeeds, and time Chan rolls a 7 and makes the skill check. Chan chokes Li into
Chan’s dao flies across the blacksmith’s shop. He uses his dragon mastery to unconsciousness for 1d3 rounds. He rolls a 3. With Li sagging in his arms, he
now has more than enough time to bind the monk and flee with his belongings,
after recovering his dao.
Combat - Creating Magic Items
Scholars in mythic China, on the other hand, maintain that there are in fact
five elemental planes (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water). Further, they aver
that the elements are not the solid and immutable building-blocks of all matter,
but rather represent different stages in the evolution of all things.
Given the fact that air elementals demonstrably exist no less than do metal
elementals, but neither seem to be active in places where they are not culturally
acknowledged, it is clear that neither cosmology is entirely comprehensive.
The respective cosmologies seem to be both demonstrably true and self-
contradictory at the same time, and the need more study into the matter by
sages and savants is indicated. Sages in mythic China do, however, recognize
the positive (yang) and negative (yin) planes, and the quasi-elemental planes
that derive therefrom. This gives the following inner planes:
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Fifth Level Sixth Level Seventh Level Eighth Level Ninth Level
1 Airy Water Anti-Magic Shell Cure Critical Wounds Elemental Transformation Energy Drain
2 Cloud Travel Control Weather Grasping Hand Heal Meteor Swarm
3 Conjure Elemental Death Spell Great Snort Incendiary Cloud Power Word, Kill
4 Control Winds Geis Limited Wish Permanency Regeneration
5 Cure Serious Wounds Insect Plague Mage Sword Polymorph Any Object Resurrection
6 Distance Distortion Legend Lore Magnificent Mansion Power Word, Blind Reverse Transmutation
7 Hot Stone Rain Move Earth Phase Door Restoration Shape Change
8 Intuition Project Image Power Word, Stun Telekinetic Sphere Time Stop
9 Passwall Prophecy Reverse Gravity Vanish Way of Life
10 Secret Chest Reincarnate Teleport without Error Vision Wish
11 Teleport True Seeing Way of Youth
12 Thundersword Way of Vitality
13 Wall of Iron
Fifth Level Sixth Level Seventh Level
1 Advanced Illusion Cacodaemon Control Weather
2 Confession Dismiss Creature IV Dismiss Creature V
3 Control Winds Ensnarement Disruption
4 Cure Critical Wounds Exaction Earthquake
5 Dismiss Creature III Grounding Ethereal Spell
6 Dismissal Heroes’ Feast Gate
7 Dolor Permanent Illusion Planetrack
8 Rainbow Spirit Way Restoration
9 Spiritwrack Torment Spirit Gift IV
10 Straw Ghost True Form Vision
11 True Seeing Unfinished Business Weird
is to appear, and must be able to handle the actual item (book, scroll, etc.) in
Spell Descriptions order to effect the change. Magical writings, such as spell books and scrolls,
cannot be affected, but maps and other non-script writings can be. The effect
will last for one hour per level of the caster.
This spell allows the caster to make an exact accounting of the number of any
objects or creatures within the desired target area. This area can be one 10’
cube per level of the caster (thus a fourth level caster could have an area of
effect of up to four such cubes), centered on a point up to 60’ away plus 10’
per level of the caster. If there are sub-types of objects to be counted, up to
one category per level of the caster can be sub-totaled (for instance, if there is
a pile of coins, a first level caster could determine the number of coins, a
second level caster could determine the number of gold coins and non-gold
coins, etc.). The effect is immediate.
Act of Conscience
This spell allows the caster to force a creature to confess to a specific crime
and atone for it. The target creature must be within 30’ of the caster, and must
be able to comprehend the language of the caster, in order for the spell to be
effective. The target is entitled to a saving throw vs. spells. The caster must
name a specific crime; if the target is not guilty of the specific crime as stated,
the spell will automatically fail. Atonement will be proportional to the crime;
thieves will repay their victims, arsonists will rebuild their victim’s homes, and
murderers will either surrender to the authorities or offer to pay restitution
according to the law. Note that this spell does not “right wrongs”; it only works
on actions that are specifically (and clearly) illegal. Often, killings in self-
defense, or in areas where civil authority is sketchy, do not fall under this
definition. The subject of the spell gets a new saving throw vs. spells each day;
his desire to atone for his crimes will last until his saving throw is successful.
Appease Spirit
Alter Writing
Level 2 wu spell (enchantment/charm)
Level 2 fangshi spell (alteration) Requires: incantation, gestures, pinch of sulfur, drop of blood
Requires: incantation, gestures, squid ink Casting time: 12 seconds (2 segments)
Casting time: 12 seconds (2 segments)
This spell allows the caster to attempt to mollify angry or otherwise hostile
This spell allows the caster to alter the contents of any non-magical writing, up creatures from the other planes of existence. The target creature must be within
to 10 pages per experience level, making them appear to say whatever he 30’ of the caster, and is entitled to a saving throwwhich, if successful, negates
wants them to say. He must be able to write the language in which the work the spell’s effect. If the spell is successful, the creature will cease attacking for
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
one round for every three levels of the wu (so a sixth level wu will appease an Calm Fires
extra-planar creature for two rounds), or until it is commanded to recommence
attacking by some more powerful creature. Level 2 fangshi spell (alteration)
Requires: incantation, gestures, wine
Note that magic resistance (if any) should also be checked. This spell will not Casting time: 12 seconds (2 segments)
work on arch-devils, demon princes, or creatures of similar rank and power.
This is a more advanced form of the spell affect normal fires, and allows the
Arts of Jung-cheng caster to put out fires entirely, even from great distances. The caster spits one
or more mouthfuls of wine at a fire, extinguishing it completely. The size and
Level 4 fangshi spell (necromantic) distance of the fire which can be affected depends on the number of mouthfuls
Requires: iron or oaken rod of wine used:
Casting time: 4 minutes
One mouthful: Can put out a fire up to the size of a campfire, up to 60’ distant.
This spell is well sought-after by many wealthy and elderly men, for obvious
reasons. Once cast on the subject (who must be touched by the iron or oaken Two mouthfuls: Can put out a fire up to the size of a burning house, up to 300’
rod wielded by the caster, which is not consumed in the casting), the subject distant. Caster must be a minimum of 5th level to spit two mouthfuls.
will be able to function sexually as if he were a boy of 20, no matter his true
age. The effect will last for one day per level of the caster, minus one day for Three mouthfuls: Can put out a fire the size of a small forest fire, up to a mile
every ten years the recipient is older than 60, with a minimum of one day distant. Caster must be a minimum of 10th level to spit three mouthfuls.
duration. This spell has no effect on females or eunuchs.
Fires must be within line of sight to be extinguished. Magical fires are
Banish Ghost
This spell allows the wu to turn gui ghosts in the same way he is able to turn Level 4 fangshi spell (invocation)
extra-planar creatures, and using the same table found above. Requires: incantation, gestures, miniature sword
Casting time: 24 seconds (4 segments)
This spell cannot be cast underwater, save within the area of effect of an airy
water spell. This spell allows the caster to summon the shade of a great military hero of
ages past, who will not only physically fight on his behalf, but will also provide
military advice. There is no guarantee that the advice will be effective, but it
Body Double
will be the best possible, based on the information available. The celestial
Level 4 wu spell (illusion/phantasm)
general will have a 16 in all statistics, be a level 10 fighter, have an armor
class of 2 (wearing mountain pattern armor), and wield a dao +3. He can
Requires: incantation, gestures, bamboo poppet
only be harmed by magic or jade weapons, and can pass through solid objects
Casting time: 24 seconds (4 segments)
as his spectral form implies. He will remain for 10 minutes plus one minute per
level of the caster, after which time he will disappear, along with all of his
This spell has two effects that occur simultaneously. First, it turns the subject
possessions. The caster may request a specific figure from history, but if so, the
(who must be within 30’; non-willing subjects are allowed a saving throw vs.
caster must make a successful wisdom check. Failure means the spell fails
spells) invisible. Second, it creates the illusion that the subject has died, placing
completely, and is lost from memory. The spell requires a tiny metal sword,
the illusionary double on a poppet made of bamboo. The illusion is such that
which is stuck in the ground as the spell is cast, and lost.
the effect is seamless; unless an onlooker actively disbelieves the situation, or
has magic such as true seeing, it will not be noticed. The spell requires a 9”
long poppet made of bamboo, which is hurled towards the subject. The Ceremony
subject’s “body” will end up where the poppet lands. If the poppet can be
recovered, it can be reused. The effect lasts for ten minutes per level of the Level 1 wu, level 2 fangshi spell (invocation)
caster. Requires: incantation, gestures
Casting time: 1 hour
This spell cannot be cast underwater.
Like the clerical and druid versions of this spell, this spell actually consists of a
variety of different rituals, the nature of which will vary from religion to religion,
Breath Control
but whose general pattern is universal. The cost of the spell depends on which
ritual is being performed, but all rituals involve the use of the caster’s holy
Level 1 fangshi spell (invocation)
symbol. The effect of a ceremony spell is not magical, and thus dispel magic
Requires: gestures
has no effect on it. There are eight specific applications of the ceremony spell,
Casting time: 6 seconds (1 segment)
and the caster must specify which is being learned when choosing which spells
he is memorizing:
This spell allows the caster to hold his breath for ten minutes per experience
level. He can also cast the spell on another creature by touch, if desired. Note
that this spell does not afford one the ability to breathe or speak underwater.
Burial: This ceremony can be performed by a 1st level wu or 2nd level fangshi,
and costs 5-50 g.p. When cast upon a dead body, it functions as a protection
Attempting to speak (including casting spells requiring incantations) will cancel
the spell.
from evil spell. In addition, anyone attempting to disinter the body must make
a saving throw vs. spells or flee in panic for 10 minutes.
Spell Descriptions - Cloud Travel
Coming of age: This ceremony can be performed by a 1st level wu or 2nd in but a single round. The cloud will last for thirty minutes plus five minutes per
level fangshi, and costs 5-15 s.p. It is usually cast on someone entering into level of the caster.
adulthood, and affords him a bonus of +1 to any single saving throw, “to hit”
roll, or damage roll, of his choice. This spell cannot be cast underwater.
Consecrate ground: This ceremony can be cast by a 7th level wu, and usually Confession
will cost 100-600 g.p., depending on the size of the area to be consecrated.
It is used to prepare a given area for the construction of some religious temple, Level 5 wu spell (enchantment/charm)
shrine, or other edifice. It must be cast before any work whatsoever is done on Requires: incantation, gestures
the site, or else it is useless. If the ceremony is omitted or improperly cast, any Casting time: 30 seconds (5 segments)
religious structure built there will immediately begin to fall into disrepair and
has a 1% chance per year of collapsing. If cast upon land intended as a burial This spell places a magical compulsion on the target, forcing him to seek out
ground (by a good- or neutral-aligned caster), the area will automatically turn the victim of a particular wrong he has committed and confess his role in the
undead as a 3rd level cleric (not a wu; this effect will impact undead); if the act. The target must be able to understand the caster, who in turn must name
caster is evil, then for purposes of being turned, undead in the area will be a specific wrongdoing and victim. The target is entitled to a saving throw vs.
treated as if a 3rd level wu were controlling them. spells to escape the spell’s effect. Once the compulsion to confess has been
laid upon him, only a limited wish or wish spell will be able to lift it from him.
Consecrate item: This ceremony may be performed by a 3rd level wu or If he discovers that the victim of his act is already dead, the compulsion is
fangshi, and does not usually bear any cost. It is through this ceremony that lifted. Any voluntary delay in seeking out the person or being to whom the
items for use on altars, in shrines, etc., are prepared. confession is to be made will result in a loss of constitution at the rate of one
point per day. Once constitution reaches zero, death will result. Killing the
Dedication: This ceremony can be performed by a 3rd level wu or fangshi, object of the confession will similarly result in the loss of one point of
and costs 1-10 s.p. The spell brings the (willing) target into the ranks of the constitution per day.
sanctioned worshippers of the caster’s faith (this will almost always require that
the recipient’s alignment be the same as that of the caster). It can be overridden
Conjure Elemental
only by another dedication performed by a caster of higher level than the
previous one.
Level 5 fangshi spell (conjuration/summoning)
Requires: incantation, gestures, material components (see below)
Ghost ceremony: This ceremony may be performed by a 2nd level wu or Casting time: 10 minutes
fangshi, and costs 1-6 g.p. By means of this ceremony, which can only be
performed one day out of the year (the day is marked by celebrations and
This spell allows the caster to conjure one of the five major types of elementals
observances across the land, not just by officials), one’s ancestors can be
from their respective planes: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Such
honored and given those propitiatory offerings that will ensure they will not
conjured elementals will have 16 hit dice. The type of elemental to be conjured
return to haunt the lands of the living as hungry ghosts or other supernatural
must be chosen before the spell is memorized. The type of elemental will
apparitions. Payment is made to a particular spellcaster, who will then include
determine the components necessary:
the indicated ancestors in his prayers on that day.
Ghost marriage: This ceremony may be performed by a 3rd level wu or Elemental Type Requires
fangshi, and costs 2-20 g.p. It allows a deceased individual to be brought into
Wood Tree-sized log or bundle of wood
a family, to ensure the family line does not die out, and to let the individual’s
Fire Sulfur and phosphorus, large source of fire
ancestors be venerated appropriately.
Earth Soft clay
Metal Metal (precious or otherwise)
Marriage: This ceremony may be performed by a 1st level wu or 2nd level
Water Water and sand, large body of water
fangshi, and costs 1-20 g.p. It does not afford any magical effects.
The elemental thus summoned can be controlled by the caster 95% of the time
Rest eternal: This ceremony may be performed by a 1st level wu. It is cast upon
(check at the beginning of the third, and each following, minute) as long as he
the mortal remains of some creature, and foils spells such as raise dead and
maintains his concentration. Control can be exercised at a range of 30’.
resurrection. A wish spell, however, would be able to overcome the effects of
Failure to concentrate, such as is caused by being successfully attacked, will
the ceremony.
mean that the elemental will turn on the caster. An uncontrolled elemental will
seek to attack the one who summoned it as soon as it finishes any combat it is
Cloud Travel in at the moment. Note that uncontrolled elementals can be thwarted by
thaumaturgic triangles. The elemental will remain on this plane until it is
Level 5 fangshi spell (evocation) destroyed, but note that water elementals cannot survive when more than 60’
Requires: incantation, gestures, goose down away from a suitably large source of water such as a river, well, or large pool.
Casting time: 30 seconds (5 segments)
If cast underwater, this spell cannot summon fire elements. An earth elemental
This spell summons an enchanted cloud which will transport the caster, and/or will not be able to leave the seabed, riverbed, lakebed, etc. It will be able to
those he designates, at great speeds over nearly any sort of terrain. The cloud attack only those creatures close enough to the bottom to be in range. There
will hold approximately five man-sized creatures, or up to 1,200 pounds. At are no restrictions on the conjuring of wood, metal, or water elementals,
least one intelligent creature must be aboard the cloud to direct its passage. although wood elementals will float to the surface unless conjured entirely from
The cloud will travel at a speed of up to 300’ per minute, or roughly three and waterlogged wood.
a half miles an hour. The cloud can ascend up to 100’ from the ground, and
has a maneuverability factor of poor. Spells such as gust of wind will not affect
the cloud, but control winds or control weather can be used to dispel the cloud
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Cure Animal Wounds demon, spellcaster using a spell, etc.). The mirror is not destroyed during the
Level 1 wu spell (necromantic)
Requires: incantation Dismiss Creature I
Casting time: 12 seconds (2 segments)
Level 3 wu / level 4 savant spell (abjuration)
This spell allows the caster to cure 1d6 h.p. of damage on any single non- Requires: incantation, gestures, candle snuffer
magical or non-giant animal within 10’. The creature cured can never receive Casting time: 24 seconds (4 segments)
more hit points than its normal total by means of this spell. The spell will not
cure diseases or other maladies, only physical damage such as that caused by This spell will cause any creature summoned by the various summoning,
weapons, falls, etc. People (humans, etc.) and magical creatures (unicorns, conjuring, calling, etc., spells of 1st-3rd level, to be instantly sent back whence
medusas, manticores, august roosters, etc.) are not affected. it came. If the spellcaster who cast the original summoning/conjuring/etc. spell
is within 300’ when the dismiss creature spell is cast, he is entitled to a saving
Detect Chaos (Detect Law) throw vs. spells; success means the creature is not dismissed. If his experience
level is greater than that of the caster of the dismiss spell, he gets a +1 bonus
Level 2 fangshi spell (divination) per level difference. If he is of a lower level, he gets a -1 penalty per level
Requires: incantation, gestures difference. The spell requires a brass candle snuffer, which is destroyed as the
Casting time: 30 seconds (5 segments) spell is cast. It has no effect on creatures summoned from other planes of
existence, such as elementals.
This spell allows the caster to detect strong sources of chaos from individuals,
enchanted objects, etc. The caster creates a “beam” of detection 10’ wide and Dismiss Creature II
90’ long, which functions in whatever direction he is facing. The spell lasts for
ten minutes plus five minutes per level of the caster, and requires concentration Level 4 wu / level 5 savant spell (abjuration)
such that the caster can only cover a 60° arc in one minute (i.e., it would take Requires: incantation, gestures, candle snuffer
a full 6 minutes for the caster to turn around completely while actively detecting Casting time: 30 seconds (5 segments)
chaos). Neutral items such as traps or animals cannot be detected, unless they
have some actively chaotic magical component (such as a trap which releases This spell will cause any creature summoned by the various summoning,
a ranian; the spell would enable detection of the creature, but not of the trap conjuring, calling, etc., spells of 1st-4th level, to be instantly sent back whence
itself). The degree of the chaos at hand can, generally, be determined via this it came. If the spellcaster who cast the original summoning/conjuring/etc. spell
spell: slight, average, great, enormous. If the latter category (only), there is a is within 300’ when the dismiss creature spell is cast, he is entitled to a saving
10% chance per level of the caster that the type of chaos (good, neutral, or throw vs. spells; success means the creature is not dismissed. If his experience
evil) will also be detectable. level is greater than that of the caster of the dismiss spell, he gets a +1 bonus
per level difference. If he is of a lower level, he gets a -1 penalty per level
The reverse of the spell, detect law, functions in the same manner as described difference. The spell requires a brass candle snuffer, which is destroyed as the
above. spell is cast. It has no effect on creatures summoned from other planes of
existence, such as elementals.
Detect Ethereal
Dismiss Creature III
Level 2 mystic/wu spell (divination)
Requires: incantation, gestures Level 5 wu / level 6 savant spell (abjuration)
Casting time: 12 seconds (2 segments) Requires: incantation, gestures, candle snuffer
Casting time: 36 seconds (6 segments)
This spell allows the caster to see into the ethereal plane. A “beam” is created
some 10’ wide and 90’ in length. Any creature or object that exists in the This spell will cause any creature summoned by the various summoning,
ethereal plane, but is coextant with the locale on the material plane, will be conjuring, calling, etc., spells of 1st-5th level, to be instantly sent back whence
seen as a shadowy gray outline. Thus, the specific identity of an ethereal it came. If the spellcaster who cast the original summoning/conjuring/etc. spell
traveler could not be discerned, but a chest could be so identified, and the is within 300’ when the dismiss creature spell is cast, he is entitled to a saving
presence of the traveler would be known. Note that the spell does not allow throw vs. spells; success means the creature is not dismissed. If his experience
for actual travel to the ethereal plane, or manipulation of the ethereal objects level is greater than that of the caster of the dismiss spell, he gets a +1 bonus
thus detected. It will last for ten minutes plus one minute per level of the caster. per level difference. If he is of a lower level, he gets a -1 penalty per level
difference. The spell requires a brass candle snuffer, which is destroyed as the
Detect Possession spell is cast. It has no effect on creatures summoned from other planes of
existence, such as elementals.
Level 2 wu/savant spell (divination)
Requires: incantation, gestures, mirror Dismiss Creature IV
Casting time: 1 minute (1 round)
Level 6 wu / level 7 savant spell (abjuration)
This spell allows the caster to determine whether an individual (or object) is Requires: incantation, gestures, candle snuffer
possessed by some other being, such as a demon. It will also detect the Casting time: 42 seconds (7 segments)
operation of a spell such as magic jar (see the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™
Players Manual for details). The object or person to be scanned must be within This spell will cause any creature summoned by the various summoning,
5’ of the caster, who must be able to hold a mirror before the subject’s eyes conjuring, calling, etc., spells of 1st-6th level, (including such spells as invisible
(or simply hold the mirror to reflect the object). If the subject is indeed stalker, etc.) to be instantly sent back whence it came. If the spellcaster who
possessed, the reflection will betray the possessor’s presence and give a rough cast the original summoning/conjuring/etc. spell is within 300’ when the
approximation of its nature (it will be revealed to be a lesser demon, greater
Spell Descriptions - Dismiss Creature V
dismiss creature spell is cast, he is entitled to a saving throw vs. spells; success Elemental Transformation
means the creature is not dismissed. If his experience level is greater than that
of the caster of the dismiss spell, he gets a +1 bonus per level difference. If he Level 8 fangshi spell (alteration)
is of a lower level, he gets a -1 penalty per level difference. The spell requires Requires: incantation, gestures, water/fire/earth/wood/metal
a brass candle snuffer, which is destroyed as the spell is cast. It has no effect Casting time: 2 minutes
on creatures summoned from other planes of existence, such as elementals.
By means of this spell, the caster is able to transform one of the basic elements
Dismiss Creature V into another. Up to 100 cubic feet of material per level of the caster can be
affected, as long as it is all within a 60’ radius centered on a point no further
Level 7 wu / level 8 savant spell (abjuration) than 90’ away from the caster. Thus, earth (including stone, dirt, sand, etc.)
Requires: incantation, gestures, candle snuffer can be transformed to an equal volume of water, or be made to disappear in
Casting time: 48 seconds (8 segments) a blast of fire, burning itself out in a flash, but inflicting 1d6 h.p. of damage
per hundred cubic feet so transformed. A tree could be turned into a boulder,
This spell will cause any creature summoned by the various summoning, etc.
conjuring, calling, etc., spells of 1st-7th level, (including such spells as invisible
stalker, etc.) to be instantly sent back whence it came. If the spellcaster who If cast upon a creature native to one of the elemental planes, it can be used to
cast the original summoning/conjuring/etc. spell is within 300’ when the transform it into a creature of another such plane. The type of elemental
dismiss creature spell is cast, he is entitled to a saving throw vs. spells; success transformations that can be achieved depends on the type of elemental (this
means the creature is not dismissed. If his experience level is greater than that differs somewhat from the savant version of the spell described in the
of the caster of the dismiss spell, he gets a +1 bonus per level difference. If he ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual):
is of a lower level, he gets a -1 penalty per level difference. The spell requires
a brass candle snuffer, which is destroyed as the spell is cast. It has no effect Fire Earth
on creatures summoned from other planes of existence, such as elementals. Earth Metal
Metal Water
Water Wood
Wood Fire
This spell allows the caster to pluck food from the stores of some nearby home
Distant Fishing
or shop (belonging to an intelligent creature) within 100’ per level of the caster.
The caster has no control over which stores will be looted, nor any control over
Level 3 fangshi spell (conjuration/summoning)
the specific food that is obtained. The spell is activated by the caster reaching
Requires: gestures, fishing pole and line
his hand blindly into the basket; the food will be in his hand as he draws it
Casting time: 18 seconds (3 segments)
out. The spell will produce enough food for one meal for one person per level
of the spell, but the caster may have to reach his hand in several times to
This spell allows the caster to cast a fishing line in an ordinary basin, bucket,
produce the full result (there is no guarantee that the food will all come from
dry stream bed, etc. (any sort of container will do, as long as it is associated
the same place). The basket is not destroyed by the casting.
in some way with water) and successfully fish. As long as there is some body
of water with fish living in it within 30 miles of the caster, he will be able to
draw one medium-sized edible fish for every experience level he possesses, at Ethereal Spell
the rate of one fish every five minutes. The fish are magically transported from
their normal habitat onto the end of his line. No fish will be caught while Level 7 wu spell
anyone is staring intently at the hook; once an onlooker is distracted, even Requires: incantation, gestures
momentarily, the fish will once again “bite”. No actual bait is needed, and the Casting time: 15 minutes
fishing pole and line remain intact.
This spell allows the caster to convert his body and possessions to ethereal
This spell cannot be cast underwater. matter and travel the ethereal plane, which touches on a number of other
planes of existence. See the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Game Masters
Toolkit for more extensive information on travel in the ethereal plane.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
The ethereal plane can be used to travel to the inner planes (the elemental Gaseous Breath
planes, plane of shadow, etc.). The etheric body can transition to those inner
planes, but will not be able to travel directly to the astral or outer planes without Level 4 fangshi spell (evocation)
some other sort of magical aid. Requires: incantation, gestures, onion
Casting time: 24 seconds (4 segments)
Up to five other creatures, linked together in a circle with the caster, can also
be taken into the ethereal plane by means of this spell. This spell allows the caster to create a great cloud of noxious yellow gas, some
15’ in diameter. The cloud is blown out of the caster’s mouth in a given
Fanfare direction, and travels 10’ per minute for 4 minutes before dissipating. Any
creature in the cloud must make a saving throw vs. poison or be incapacitated
Level 2 fangshi spell (illusion/phantasm) by retching and vomiting; anyone so incapacitated cannot fight, cast spells, or
Requires: incantation, gestures, tiny horn or other musical instrument even speak more than a word or two in a row. The effect will last for 1d3
Casting time: 12 seconds (2 segments) minutes. The spell requires an onion, which is eaten by the caster immediately
prior to the cloud being expelled.
This spell creates a musical fanfare that is played when the subject passes
through a door, gate, portal, etc. The caster gets to pick the music, which will This spell cannot be cast underwater.
last for up to ten seconds, and the subject is entitled to a saving throw unless
he is a willing participant. The spell will last for one day. It is often used in Ghost Sight
noble and imperial courts, providing an impressive entrance to some courtier
or official. The tiny musical instrument is destroyed during the casting. Level 3 wu spell (alteration)
Requires: incantation, gestures
This spell can be cast underwater, but the music will not be heard unless the Casting time: 18 seconds (3 segments)
subject is in air or inside the radius of an airy water spell.
This spell enables the caster, or someone touched by the caster, to see into the
Fetter (Unfetter) ethereal plane. Gui ghosts will be rendered visible, as will any other ethereal
creature that happens to be in the vicinity. The spell has a range of 60’ plus
Level 4 fangshi spell (evocation/abjuration) 10’ per level of the caster, and lasts for one round per level of the caster. The
Requires: incantation spell does not enable any actual contact between the planes; merely visibility.
Casting time: 48 seconds (8 segments)
Grasping Arms
This spell will bring into being a set of heavy-duty magical leg-irons to restrain
an individual. Only a single creature can be so restrained (creatures with more Level 1 fangshi spell (alteration)
than one pair of legs will find their hind legs restrained); while fettered, Requires: incantation, gestures
movement is limited to a maximum of 20’ per minute while walking. The fetters Casting time: 6 seconds (1 segment)
will last for 1 hour for every minute the caster continues his incantation. They
can be removed only if dispelled or at the will of the caster. A knock spell will This spell allows the caster’s arms to grow to unnatural length. Once the spell
be effective against the fetters. The reverse of the spell, remove fetters, allows is cast, the caster’s arms will grow 1’ for every experience level. The arms will
the caster to cause any bonds on his person to immediately loosen and free be fully functional and can be used to cast spells, wield weapons, open doors,
him. grab objects, etc. They will retract on command, or after 3 minutes have
passed. Normal clothing will magically expand with the arms, but armor and
Fiery Columns other protective items on the arms will not; the arms can thus be attacked with
a base AC of 10 (plus any bonuses for magical protection or dexterity).
Level 3 fangshi spell (evocation)
Requires: incantation, gestures, pinch of sulfur Great Snort
Casting time: 18 seconds (3 segments)
Level 7 fangshi spell (evocation)
This spell causes a number of 6’ high pillars of flame to shoot up from the Requires: incantation, gestures, black pepper or snuff
ground, impeding, but not completely blocking, passage. The number of Casting time: 42 seconds (7 segments)
columns of fire that can be created is equal to the level of the caster divided
by three, so a ninth level caster would create three columns, a twelfth level This powerful spell allows the caster to sneeze with such force and volume as
caster would create four, etc. to cause great destruction and discomfiture to those around him. The spell
causes the following effects:
Each pillar is 1’ in diameter. All must be created in a straight line, and each
column must be between two and eight feet away from the next. Any creature • A great bell-like sound is produced, affecting all those within 30’
touching a pillar will take 3d6 h.p. of damage. Any creature coming within 2’ of the caster. Those who fail a saving throw vs. spells are stunned
of a column will take 2d6 h.p. of damage. Any creature coming within 4’ of for 1d4 rounds, while all within the area of effect are deafened for
a column will take 1d6 h.p. of damage. Creatures passing between two the same period of time.
columns will take damage from each. • Two beams of destructive white light emanate from the caster’s
nose, shooting forth 60’ in front of him in an arc some 45° across.
This spell cannot be cast underwater. All creatures with 3 or fewer hit dice will be utterly destroyed by
the beams. Those with more than 3 hit dice will suffer 6d8 h.p. of
damage (save vs. breath weapon for half damage). If slain, those
with 9 or fewer hit dice will be utterly destroyed, while those with
Spell Descriptions - Great Summons
more than 9 hit dice will still have a corpse that could be raised or
• A great gust of wind (as per the spell) will result.
The spell requires the inhalation of a small pinch of ground black pepper or
snuff. This spell cannot be cast underwater, except within the confines of an
airy water spell, and even then the sneeze will not extend beyond the airy
water’s area of effect.
Great Summons
This spell enables the caster to temporarily reunite the po (spirit that remains
with the corpse) and hun (ethereal spirit that departs after death) of some
individual. The body must be present, and the deceased must not have died
Hot Sand Blast
longer ago than 7 days, plus 1 day per level of the caster. The resurrection is
only temporary, however, and after 1 day per level of the caster, the subject
Level 2 fangshi spell (evocation)
of the spell will die once more (of course, if attacked in a more mundane
Requires: incantation, gestures, fine sand
fashion, he could very well die sooner than that). The deceased is raised with
Casting time: 12 seconds (2 segments)
all wounds healed and memories intact (except spells, which must be re-
memorized). A raise dead or resurrection spell will be effective on an
This spell allows the caster to superheat a handful of sand and hurl it at an
individual who has been raised from the dead by means of the great summons
enemy. One handful of sand can be hurled for every three levels of the caster;
spell. This spell will work on creatures such as elves and orcs, as well as
each handful will form a cone 10’ deep and 5’ wide at the end. Any creature
humans, leading to great debates by sages and savants concerning the nature
in the sand’s area of effect will suffer 2d4 h.p. of heat damage and must make
of the soul/spirit/hun.
a saving throw vs. spells or be blinded for one round. The caster may hurl
multiple blasts of sand at the same area or enemy.
Any individual is limited in the number of times he can be raised from the dead
by any magical means; this number is equal to the number of points of
This spell cannot be cast underwater.
constitution he has. A resurrection survival roll must also be made (see the
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual, under Constitution). The spell
requires rare unguents to be applied to the body, which will include 1,000 Hot Stone Rain
g.p. worth of powdered pearl.
Level 5 fangshi spell (evocation)
Requires: incantation, gestures, igneous rock
Casting time: 30 seconds (5 segments)
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
per level of the caster (although he may, if he wishes, affect a smaller radius,
TABLE 82: INTUITION he cannot pick and choose those within the radius to change; it’s everyone or
Time-frame of Question is… no one). Animals in the area of effect will also take on the appearance of the
Within 24 Within 30 desired face during the spell’s effect. The effect will last for one round per level
Importance Immediate Hours Days of the caster, or until he dispels the magic.
Trivial 50% 75% 90%
Minor 25% 50% 75% Obscurement
Major 10% 25% 50%
Critical 5% 10% 25% Level 2 mystic/wu spell (alteration)
Requires: incantation, gestures
If the intuition is not successful, there is a chance that a false result will be Casting time: 24 seconds (4 segments)
obtained. Divide the chance of success by 5. That is the percent chance that a
false result will be the result, rather than simply nothing. This spell brings into being an obscuring mist centered on the caster, reducing
visibility (including infravision) to 2d4 feet. The mist covers a cubic area, with
Example: Kang is a 15th level fangshi, and wants to know if he’ll enjoy lunch each side of the cube being 10’ per caster level (thus, a 6th level mystic casting
tomorrow. Trivial and within 24 hours is 75%, plus 15% for his level, gives a this spell would produce a cube of mist 60’ on a side). If cast underground,
90% chance of success. But the GM rolls a 97, which is failure, and then rolls the mist will have a height of 10’ maximum, but will otherwise be the same
a 40, which is below the 45 needed to not get a false reading; consequently, size as if cast above ground. The mist will remain for 4 minutes per experience
Kang now mistakenly believes that lunch tomorrow will be awful. level of the caster, but in a strong wind will only last for 1 minute per level.
This spell allows the caster to divine the future through the songs and flight of This spell allows the caster to spit out a stone that will violently explode on
birds. It must be cast outdoors, or, rarely, in an indoor or underground impact, causing 1d6 h.p. per level of the caster to all creatures caught within
environment where birds are naturally found. It will not work with bird-like its radius (10’ of the point of impact). The caster must first name the target spot,
creatures such as harpies, stirges, etc. Once cast, the spell will allow the caster a maximum of 30’ distant, and then attempt to roll “to hit” against AC 10.
to determine whether or not an intended course of action will be favorable, Success indicates the stone will land where desired, and all those within the
unfavorable, or neutral over the next 24 hours; more detail is not available 10’ radius will feel its explosive force. Those within the area of effect are
through this spell. Thus, a decision to investigate a particular section of a entitled to a saving throw vs. spells to only take half damage.
dungeon, to embark on a journey to a nearby shrine, attend a royal ball, etc.,
could be investigated. If circumstances change, of course, the outcome of the If the “to hit” roll is unsuccessful, roll 1d8 to determine direction and 1d20 to
reading of the language of birds is no longer valid. For example: if the choice determine distance (in feet):
to invade a dragon’s lair is read to be unfavorable, the party might decide to
increase its numbers, in which case the unfavorable reading would no longer
necessarily apply. A second application of the spell would be needed to 8 1 2
determine the new outcome.
7 3
Lotus Shield
6 5 4
Level 3 fangshi spell (evocation)
Requires: incantation, gestures
Casting time: 18 seconds (3 segments) The spell requires an ordinary pebble which is placed in the mouth and then
spat out at the caster’s target.
This spell allows the caster to create a magical blue lotus in his mouth. The
lotus will then block and/or absorb attacks both physical and magical; such Planetrack
defense will look like the caster is moving his head to intercept the attacks. The
blue lotus will absorb up to 30 h.p. of damage before crumbling to dust, and Level 7 mystic/wu spell (divination)
while the flower is still extant the caster will gain a saving throw vs. magical Requires: incantation, gestures, divinatory tools
attacks, even for spells and magical effects that would not otherwise allow a Casting time: 42 seconds (7 segments)
saving throw.
This spell allows the caster to determine where in the multiverse some creature
Many Faces has gone. Whether by gate, astral or ethereal travel, summoning or
conjuration, teleport, or any other means, the caster is able to sense the trail
Level 4 wu spell (illusion/phantasm) of the target creature and have a general idea of which plane of existence it
Requires: incantation, gestures, goose fat has traveled to. More detailed information can be obtained, as indicated
Casting time: 24 seconds (4 segments) below:
This spell allows the caster to temporarily alter the faces of everyone within the
area of effect to resemble the face of anyone he wishes, including his own.
The spell is especially useful when trying to create confusion, evade detection,
etc. The spell will affect everyone in a 30’ radius around the caster, plus 10’
Spell Descriptions - Predict Weather
TABLE 83: PLANETRACK the game master may determine such randomly (although the exact event that
Minimum Base Chance is described by the prophecy will remain unknown):
Information Revealed INT+WIS of Success
Destination plane 30 70% TABLE 84: PROPHECY
Layer of destination plane (if applicable) 31 60% Die Roll (d%) Object of Prophecy
Within 100 miles of destination 32 50% 01-10 The caster’s home nation
Within 1 mile of destination 33 40% 11-25 The nation in which the caster is currently dwelling
Within 20 yards of destination 34 30% 26-30 The caster’s home town or district
31-49 The town or district in which the caster is currently
In all cases the intelligence plus wisdom of the caster should be added to the dwelling
chance of success as a modifier. If the caster has access to a crystal ball, it will 50-65 Someone close to the caster
automatically add 25% to the chance of success. The game master should roll 66-75 A casual acquaintance
a single set of percentile dice to determine success. The roll will indicate just 76-80 A complete stranger, unknown to the caster
how much information the spell reveals. 81-95 A famous personage
96-00 The caster himself
EXAMPLE: Chen the Pious, the famed mystic, is in battle with a fearsome
marilith demon. Sorely pressed, she flees back to her palace in the Abyss. Note that the object of the prophecy will be obliquely referenced in the
Chen, who has a combined intelligence and wisdom of 33, casts planetrack prophecy itself, so that by either clever deduction or use of other divination
and rolls a 61. He easily divines the destination plane (103% chance), the magic and tools, the object can be found.
layer of the plane (93% chance), knows to within 100 miles on the layer where
the quarry is (83% chance), and even to within a mile on the Abyssal plane Such prophecies are not iron-clad, and it is possible to avoid one’s fate by
(73% chance). Due to the limitations of his intelligence and wisdom, that is as radically changing one’s plans, lifestyle, etc. The spell can only be cast once
much information as he could hope to gain from the spell. Had he but a single per week, and if the same object is prophesied upon by two different casters
point more of wisdom or intelligence, he would have been able to track the (or by the same caster more than once) there is a 99% chance that the exact
demon to within 20 yards of her lair (63% chance), but unfortunately he must same answer will be obtained. The spell requires that the caster boil a mixture
make do with what he can get. of mugwort, vervain, and lavender (worth 100 g.p.) in an iron cauldron.
If the creature in question has an innate magic resistance, it should be applied Punish Thief
to see if its trail is masked from the efforts of the caster to track it. The spell is
particularly useful in protracted battles with powerful extra-planar beings, who Level 4 fangshi spell (alteration)
often use their powers of planar travel to elude enemies, only to have their foes Requires: incantation, gestures, iron nail
show up a minute later in a place they had thought a safe haven. The spell Casting time: 24 seconds (6 segments)
must be cast within 5 minutes of the target creature’s departure, and may only
be cast once per target creature per caster per day. This spell enables the caster to cast a special sort of curse on some thief who
has stolen a specific item, either from the caster or from someone else. The
Predict Weather identity of the thief need not be known to the caster, but the exact nature of the
item (or group of items, such as a pouch full of jewels) stolen must be. Once
Level 2 fangshi / level 1 wu spell (divination) punish thief is cast, the thief will begin to suffer from debilitating headaches
Requires: incantation, gestures, holy symbol until and unless the item is returned (generic items, such as melons, can be
Casting time: 1 minute (1 round) replaced by another melon, but for singular items such as jewelry or magic
swords, they must themselves be returned). For the first three days, the
This spell grants the caster perfect knowledge of the future weather in a three headaches will simply be painful. For the next three days, the thief will lose
mile diameter area. This will yield information on temperature, precipitation, one point of intelligence and wisdom each day. After that, the thief will lose
and wind. For every experience level of the caster, he will know the weather one point from every ability score each day. If any ability score is reduced to
two hours further out; thus, a 6th level fangshi would know the weather in the zero, the thief will die.
given area for the next 12 hours.
The spell can be dispelled by a limited wish, wish, or remove curse spell cast
This spell cannot be cast underwater. by someone of tenth level or higher, but other than that it can only be removed
by returning the stolen object. Any fangshi will be able to identify the source
Prophecy of the headaches with a simple examination, and will be able to inform the
thief of how to fix his problem.
Level 6 fangshi spell (divination)
Requires: incantation, gestures, mugwort, vervain, lavender Read Fangshi Magic (Unreadable Fangshi Magic)
Casting time: 4 minutes
Level 1 fangshi spell (divination)
By means of this spell, the caster is able to forecast a single future event based Requires: incantation, gestures, crystal prism (pinch of dirt, drop of water)
on the current state of the world(s). It will always be granted in the form of a Casting time: 1 minute (1 round)
rhyme, couplet, quatrain, etc., and will be couched in symbolism and allegory.
The caster may attempt to confine his prophecy to a specific future event (such This spell allows the caster to understand magical writings, scrolls, and
as a war, election, the next harvest), or a specific person (such as a king, guild inscriptions that are written in magical scripts used by fangshi. The spell lasts
master, bride, etc.) If he does so, he has a 2% chance per experience level, for 2 minutes per level of the caster, and requires the use of a crystal prism
plus 1% per point of wisdom and intelligence, of success. The caster will know (which is not destroyed by the casting). When used on scrolls, spell books,
if the prophecy deals with the intended subject or not. If he fails, or if he does etc., the spell enables the caster to determine what is contained within
not specify what sort of event or individual will be the object of his prophecy, (although doing so usually triggers cursed scrolls and the like). A fangshi will
never need this spell to read his own spell book, of course, and once the spell
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
is used on a given piece of magical writing, it need not be used again (so, a Soaring Head
savant could use it to determine the contents of a magic scroll as long as the
scroll contained a fangshi spell, and then later, when he wishes to actually use Level 3 wu spell (alteration)
the scroll, would not need to cast read fangshi magic again). The spell is never Requires: incantation, gestures, knife or other blade
needed to read a spell that the fangshi himself has inscribed. Casting time: 5 minutes
The reverse of the spell, unreadable fangshi magic, will enable the caster to This spell allows the caster to cut off his own head, which can then fly around
render magical writings indecipherable, even by means of a read fangshi gathering information, carrying messages, casting spells that only require
magic spell, until it wears off or is dispelled. incantations, etc. The caster’s head will fly at a maximum speed of 240’/min.,
with a maneuverability class of “good”. It cannot carry more than a pound or
The spell requires a crystal prism, which is not destroyed in the casting. The so of extra weight (assuming some means of securing any baggage is used).
reverse requires a pinch of dirt and a drop of water, which is used up. The head will have 1/10th the total hit points of the caster and an AC of 10
(plus any adjustments for dexterity), and if it is damaged to the point of
Resist Privation reaching 0 h.p., the caster will die. The head can only be separated from the
body for two hours, maximum. If the caster’s head does not return to the body
Level 1 fangshi spell (alteration) within that time, he will die. The caster must cut his own head off with a blade
Requires: incantation, gestures of some sort, but the blade is not destroyed as the spell is cast.
Casting time: 1 minute (1 round)
Spirit Way
This spell allows the caster, or one person touched, to temporarily go without
food or water, for a number of days equal to the level of the caster (see the Level 6 wu spell (alteration)
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Game Master Toolkit for specific rules Requires: incantation
concerning the effects of starvation and dehydration). The game master should Casting time: 1 hour
still keep track of how many days the subject of the spell has gone without food
and/or water; once the spell wears off, the full effects of privation will be felt. This spell allows the caster to achieve a deep personal connection to the very
The spell will be effective at all stages of privation through “debilitated”; once multiverse itself. Once the spell is complete, the caster becomes aware of all
a character moves into the “dying” phase, the spell will lose all effect. things around him, has an impenetrably-centered calm, and can subtly
influence the force of the universe to serve his ends. In practical terms, the spell
Resist Water yields the following effects:
Level 2 fangshi spell (abjuration) • Awareness: Caster is aware of any creatures (including type and
Requires: incantation, gestures number) within 90’, even if those creatures are astral, ethereal,
covered by an illusion, or invisible
Casting time: 18 seconds (3 segments)
Centering: Immunity to fear and all other mind-affecting spells
This spell affords the caster a resistance to any sort of water-based attack or • Mind over matter: Telekinesis (as per the spell) with a 90’ range,
other harm to himself (or someone he touches). The effect will last for 1d6+4 extending into the astral and ethereal planes (but cannot be used
to move an item from one plane to another)
minutes. This resistance will result in a 2 h.p. damage reduction per die when
under attack by water-based creatures such as water elementals. Damage from Master of reality: Caster is able to cause a ripple of force to
floods, being swept along a raging river, crashing on rocks in a small boat, emanate from his body, causing 6d6 h.p. of damage to all
etc., is similarly reduced by 2 h.p. per die. The spell will not enable the target creatures within a 30’ radius; this effect also extends into the astral
to actually breathe water, but for the duration of the spell no harmful effects of and ethereal planes. This effect can only be used once during the
drowning will be felt (the subject must be able to breathe normally when the spell’s duration, and ends the spell.
spell expires, however, or else the lack of oxygen will suddenly catch up to
him and death will almost certainly ensue). The spell will last 20 minutes per level of the caster, or until the master of reality
effect is used, whichever comes first.
Reverse Transmutation
Straw Ghost
Level 9 fangshi spell (alteration)
Requires: incantation, gestures, moly Level 5 wu spell (alteration)
Casting time: 54 seconds (9 segments) Requires: incantation, gestures, straw doll
Casting time: 30 minutes
This spell allows the caster to reverse the workings of spells such as polymorph
self, polymorph any object, and the like. It will not affect illusions, but will force This spell allows the caster to create a “straw ghost” of a specific individual: a
any transformed object or creature to revert back to its original form. It will doll resembling the intended target, through which harm can be done to him.
function as a stone to flesh spell, if cast upon a creature turned to stone by a The creation of the straw ghost requires some sort of personal object from the
medusa, basilisk, etc. Note that this will even restore those who have lost their target: a lock of hair, a nail clipping, etc. The personal object is incorporated
mind due to failing their save against a polymorph other spell. No system into the construction of the doll, the time for which is included in the casting
shock roll is required when using this spell. The spell requires a sprig of moly, time of the spell.
which is destroyed as the spell is cast.
Once the doll is completed, the caster can inflict up to 1d8 h.p. of damage on
the victim by harming it: cutting it with a knife, burning it with a flame, etc. The
victim can be thus harmed once per day, for a maximum number of consecutive
Spell Descriptions - Summon Ancestors
days equal to the experience level of the caster. A person can never be affected form. The spell will affect all objects and creatures within a 10’ radius, centered
by more than one straw ghost spell at a time. on a point up to 60’ away from the caster. Creatures wishing to resist are
entitled to a saving throw vs. spells; success indicates the true form spell has
A remove curse spell cast on the victim, or a dispel magic spell cast on the no effect. Inanimate objects, even magical ones, do not get a saving throw.
straw ghost itself, will break the spell of the straw ghost on the victim, although
it will not heal the wounds already inflicted. Unfinished Business
Level 5 fangshi spell (conjuration/summoning) This spell requires a carefully balanced selection of rare gemstones worth no
Requires: incantation, gestures less than 75,000 g.p., and rare herbs worth no less than another 25,000 g.p.
Casting time: 30 seconds (5 segments) Please note that the casting time of 9 days is not a typographical error.
This spell allows the caster to bring into being a magical sword, which will Way of Vitality
fight by itself on the caster’s behalf. The sword can appear anywhere within
30’ of the caster, as long as it is within sight. When the sword first appears, a Level 6 fangshi spell (alteration)
great thunderclap will sound, automatically deafening all creatures within 20’ Requires: incantation, gestures, powdered pearl
for 2 rounds, and forcing them to make a saving throw vs. spells or be stunned Casting time: 36 seconds (6 segments)
for 2 rounds. (The caster himself is subject to the deafening effect, but not the
stunning effect, if the sword appears within 20’ of him.) This spell allows the caster to temporarily increase his or some other person’s
energy level. For the duration of the spell, the recipient will gain two hit dice
Once the sword has appeared, it will fight as a 10th level fighter for one round or levels, with all of the abilities and advantages that attend thereto, including
per level of the caster. The sword itself will have 25 hit points, but can only be temporary hit points. Spellcasters will be able to memorize additional spells
harmed by magical attacks. If in the area of effect for a spell such as fireball, (even spells of higher level than they might otherwise be able to cast), but will
the sword must make a saving throw using the item saving throw table, still need to take the time to memorize those spells, and in the case of fangshi,
receiving a +3 bonus. If it fails the saving throw, then it will take damage from must also have access to a spell book that contains them.
the spell; otherwise it will take no damage.
The spell will last for one hour per level of the caster. If, at the end of the spell,
True Form the recipient has taken damage such that he has between 0 and -9 h.p., he
will crumple to the ground and lose 1 h.p. per round until he reaches -10 h.p.
Level 6 wu spell (alteration) If he reaches -10 h.p., he is dead.
Requires: incantation
Casting time: 36 seconds (6 segments) This spell requires a 500 g.p. pearl, ground into a fine powder and dissolved
in a little plum wine, which is drunk by the subject of the spell. It must be drunk
This spell allows the caster to force some item or creature, whose true form has within 2 minutes or the spell will not function.
been obscured by illusion, polymorph, etc., to revert back to its true and visible
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
The spell requires a 500 g.p. emerald, powdered and dissolved in a cup of The common elements that make a wuxia story a wuxia story are:
yellow wine, which is drunk by the subject of the spell. It must be drunk within
2 minutes, or the spell will not work. A hero (often a wandering one) fighting evil according to the xia
code of honor
• Overstated martial arts action (with or without weapons)
The reverse of the spell, way of aging, will age the subject rather than restore
youth. It is most often used without the subject’s knowledge, and requires a A setting that presents innocents for the hero to protect, and
500 g.p. black opal, rather than an emerald. It can only be cast on a person antagonists for him to fight (often in the form of an oppressive,
once at a time; multiple applications while the spell is still in effect will have corrupt, or ineffective government)
no impact on the target.
Into this simple framework can be inserted any number of other elements:
romance, political commentary, comedy, melodrama, history, etc. Themes of
Yellow Sovereign Healing
honor and loyalty (especially divided loyalties), or tensions between
individuals trying to uphold their code of conduct, etc., work especially well in
Level 4 fangshi spell (necromantic)
the genre.
Requires: incantation, gestures
Casting time: 24 seconds (4 segments)
The Xia Code
This spell allows the caster to heal all but 2d4 hit points of damage, as well as
all illnesses and disease normally cured by the spell cure disease, and The code of the xia is often erroneously described as “chivalric”, but in reality
blindness (as the spell cure blindness). The subject of the spell must be touched the European code of chivalry is different both in its specifics and its impact.
by the caster. The xia code has its basis in Confucian ethics, and the xia strive to embody
benevolence, bravery, loyalty, and righteousness (including both truthfulness
and justice). Add to this a disdain for worldly wealth and a strong streak of
Campaigns in Mythic China individuality, and you have a good idea of the xia code.
It will be noted that there are no specific game mechanics to enforce adoption
While it is true that mythic China is based loosely on Chinese history, it should of the xia code, nor is there a specific “xia” character class. It is felt that
be remembered that such a setting need not be strictly historical with some adoption of the xia label is one that should be driven by a desire to play such
fantastic elements thrown in. Geography, history, culture, society, politics; a role; if a particular player fails to uphold one or more of the xia virtues, then
everything is completely up for grabs in a game which is at its heart a fantasy he will in fact be playing into one of the most common themes of the wuxia
game. genre: the flawed hero.
The rules presented herein are deliberately vague on many points, and As for why there is no xia character class, that is for the simple reason that the
modular in others, to enable the game master to craft the sort of setting for his way the game is structured, anyone can learn kung fu skills, and anyone can
game that best suits the needs of him and his players. Your mythic China (or choose to follow the xia code. Even a fangshi or savant, normally thought of
whatever you call your setting) need only bear the slightest of resemblances to as spellcasting non-combatants, could turn out to be a formidable kung fu
historical China, in the same way that Gondor resembles medieval France only master, simply by spending experience points on the appropriate skills. Not
in the loosest sense. every xia need be a fighter.
That said, what follows are guidelines for creating a campaign that captures It’s entirely possible that an all-encompassing empire has not yet evolved in
the essence of Chinese history, mythology, and folklore in such a way as to your campaign, and three or four younger empires are striving to be the first
maximize the opportunities for appealing and creative role-play. to create one. It’s also possible that such an empire has come and collapsed
into civil war, but the idea of the empire is still a compelling vision in
everyone’s mind.
Campaigns in Mythic China - Society
Perhaps the most interesting situation is an empire in a state of decline. A large, the Guards, Minister Coachman, Minister of Justice, Minister Herald, Minister
once all-powerful empire, now riven by corruption and division, would be an of the imperial Clan, Minister of Finance, and the Minister Steward.
excellent, even prototypical, setting. Especially for a game that intends to
embrace the wuxia genre, it would provide plenty of opportunity to do so, with Together, the three gong and the nine ministers form the imperial cabinet, and
a weak emperor impossibly distant, represented by governors and satraps who they meet regularly with the emperor to discuss important matters of state.
think more of their own advancement and wealth than of service to the emperor Although the emperor has final authority to make decisions, doing so against
or their subjects, perhaps even breakaway provinces having declared their the advice of his cabinet could be problematical. As noted above, having a
independence. weak emperor opens the campaign up to more creative opportunities, as weak
central authority invites stronger local authority.
In any event, what should be remembered is that even in times of crisis or
decline, it is nigh impossible for an individual to simply claim a strip of land Beneath these highest officials, are a rank of officials in charge of the various
and colonize it, save with an explicit grant from the emperor, no matter how regions and larger cities designated as imperial capitals, but still under the
far from civilization it is. Even in times of civil war and dynastic change, the direct authority of the emperor. These include the prefects (one in charge of
central authority of some emperor will loom as an ever-present eye on goings- each capital city), bearers of the mace (garrison commanders), court architect,
on, and imperial representatives will come visiting to find out who’s claiming colonel director of retainers (a sort of imperial inspector general),
land on his own authority. superintendent of waterways and parks, and director of dependent states (who
oversees foreign embassies, exchanges of hostages, etc.). A commandant is
sometimes appointed to directly rule subjugated peoples on the fringes of the
Provincial Authorities
The empire is divided into provinces, and each province is further divided into
prefectures and counties. The highest provincial officials are governors, who
report directly to the three gong in the imperial court. Their chief function is to
oversee the officials at the prefecture and county level, to ensure a proper level
of loyalty to the central government and to punish dishonesty and corruption.
In good times, the governors are central to maintaining fair and non-oppressive
government. When the governors themselves become corrupt, however, bad
times often befall the ordinary people.
A prefecture’s highest official is the prefect. Their chief role is to oversee the
county administration, make sure that infrastructure such as roads and bridges
are maintained, and to ensure that the courts function honestly.
Counties are the smallest level of administration within the imperial structure,
and their highest official is the magistrate. Magistrates are responsible for
making sure public works are maintained, courts are held, schools are run,
provisions stored in case of famine, and law and order maintained. Counties
are usually divided into districts of a hundred or so families, each of which has
its own police force to maintain order. At this level, villages often rely on elders
to act as leaders.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
school) and religion. It is not unknown for students who fail these exams to take Die Roll (d%) First Part Second Part
their own lives out of shame. 45 Jade Island
46 Jagged Kingdom
Sects, Clans, and Schools 47 Knowing Knife
48 Lame Lakes
Despite its outward appearance as a monolithic whole, mythic China is riven 49 Lavender Leopard
by division, in the form of sects, secret societies, clans, and various schools, 50 Lemon Lightning
each of which commands at least a measure of loyalty from its members. The 51 Magenta Lilac
specifics of such sects and societies are left to the game master to determine 52 Magnificent Lotus
as part of the creation of his own campaign setting, but some general 53 Malachite Manor
information and ideas are presented below. 54 Maroon Metal
55 Mystic Monastery
Such organizations, regardless of their origin or function, often have colorful 56 Nine Money
names which may or may not be related to their nature. The game master may 57 Northern Moon
use the following tables as inspiration or to come up with suitable names “on 58 Obedient Mountain
the fly.” Roll once for the first part, and again for the second part, of the name. 59 Olive Ox
The game master should feel free to adjust plurals or re-roll, as seems 60 Orange Palace
appropriate. 61 Pale Palm
62 Peach Peacock
Die Roll (d%) First Part Second Part 64 Pink Pig
65 Poor Plum
1 Acid Apple
66 Precious Poisons
2 Almond Army
67 Purple Prawn
3 Amber Arrow
4 Apple Axe 68 Red Rain
69 Resplendent Raven
5 Azure Beggars
6 Biting Blade 70 Rich Razor
71 Righteous Rooster
7 Black Blood
72 Ruby Rose
8 Blind Blossom
9 Bloody Bow 73 Russet Salmon
74 Rusty Sea
10 Blue Brotherhood
11 Bright Calf 75 Saffron Serpent
12 Bronze Carp 76 Sapphire Sharks
77 Scholarly Shield
13 Brown Castle
78 Seven Silkworms
14 Cardinal Cat
15 Closed Cave 79 Sharp Skull
80 Sick Society
16 Copper Circle
81 Silver Spider
17 Crimson Cliff
18 Dark Courage 82 Six Steeds
19 Diamond Dancers 83 Southern Stone
84 Ten Sun
20 Dozen Dawn
85 Three Sword
21 Dreaming Demons
86 Two Tassel
22 Dry Dogs
87 Twoscore Temple
23 Eastern Dragons
88 Unknown Thunder
24 Ebony Duck
89 Unsung Tiger
25 Eight Elephant
26 Elder Family 90 Varicolored Triangle
91 Vermilion Trigrams
27 Emerald Fan
92 Vile Turtle
28 Fallen Fire
29 Fire Fist 93 Violet Valley
30 Five Flower 94 Western Venoms
31 Flaming Forest 95 Wet Water
96 White Wife
32 Flying Fox
33 Four Gate 97 Winged Wind
34 Ghostly Ghosts 98 Yellow Wine
99 Young Wolves
35 Gloomy Giant
36 Glowing Halberd 100 Roll on 2nd part of Wood
37 Golden Hand table
38 Green Harmony
39 Grey Harpy Secret Societies
40 Hateful Hat
41 Hundred Heaven Mythic China is plagued by secret societies, known variously as tongs or triads.
42 Indigo Hell Such societies sometimes have political aspirations or motivations, have
43 Iron Helmet explicitly religious connections, often engage in legitimate social functions to
44 Ivory Husband support their members (much like a modern fraternal society), and almost
Campaigns in Mythic China - Society
always are not above engaging in criminal and/or violent activity to further Die Roll
their aims. (d20) Goal
11 Overthrow the current dynasty
Sometimes, the nature of such a secret society will change over time. A group 12 Personal whims and interests of the head of the society
that is originally formed to support the restoration of a fallen imperial dynasty, 13 Protect and teach a unique kung fu style
and which focuses its activities towards that goal, may a century later have 14 Punishing criminals
morphed into a purely criminal enterprise, paying lip service to the original 15 Pure hedonistic pleasure
goal but in practice merely interested in expanding their criminal enterprises 16 Put ghosts and other undead to rest
and enriching their members. 17 Recovery of lost treasures and knowledge
18 Restore a deposed dynasty
Membership in a secret society will grant definite advantages for a character. 19 Support and advocate one of the four philosophies
Many such societies will have physical infrastructure (buildings, castles, etc.) 20 Support the current government
that can be used as safe houses, bases of operation, and so forth. Many will
have political connections that can be leveraged in order to impact court TABLE 89: SECRET SOCIETY INITIATION REQUIREMENTS
decisions, influence officials to look the other way in the face of improprieties, Die Roll
and the like. Membership costs 1,000 x.p. (plus whatever dues or other (d12) Initiation
requirements the society might have), but joining such a society is not 1 Bring in one new prospective member
automatic; the player must seek out the society, and undertake any 2 Drink the blood of other members and himself
requirements of initiation it might have. 3 Further the group’s goal in some significant way
4 Kill a random person
The game master may use the following tables for inspiration, or to design a 5 Kill an enemy of the society
secret society “on the fly”. 6 Memorization of some sacred or otherwise significant text
7 Pay a one-time fee of 2d10 g.p.
TABLE 87: SECRET SOCIETY TYPE 8 Payment of dues (3d6 g.p. per year)
Die Roll 9 Retrieve an object or treasure of particular value to the
(d20) Type society
1 Assassins and mercenaries 10 Scarring, tattooing, or mutilation (as an identifying mark)
2 Clandestine government organization 11 Swear a solemn oath of loyalty (failure to maintain the oath
3 Explicitly criminal organization will act as a curse against the oathbreaker)
4 Explicitly democratic, where every member has a voice 12 Test of endurance; initiate must go for 1d10 days without
5 Followers of a particularly charismatic leader food, water, or shelter; use the rules for privation from the
6 Hidden: members are disguised as something else (roll ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Game Masters Toolkit
again to determine true and cover types)
7 Immigrants from a foreign land or distant province Monastic Traditions
8 Kung fu practitioners exclusively
9 Members come from a particular locale Any given province will have one or more monastic traditions found within it.
10 Open membership organization, but inner workings are kept Such traditions may be associated with one or more of the four philosophies,
secret with specific deities, or simply built on the reputations of their founders. Some
11 Patriotic society will be noted for their mastery of specific styles of kung fu, and may even have
12 Peasants and other low-born kung fu skills unique to them, which can only be learned at one of their
13 Politically influential and wealthy cabal monasteries. Often, monasteries will have rival orders which engage in either
14 Scholars and intellectuals real warfare or more civilized rivalries fought in public contests, through
15 Shadow government, set up like imperial system political maneuvering, and the like.
16 Singers, actors, and performers
17 Students and graduates of the same school It is possible for a monastic tradition to have more than one physical
18 Veterans from the same military unit monastery, but one (usually the oldest) will always be the location of the head
19 Warrior fellowship of the tradition. Many traditions will only have a single monastery, however.
20 Workers of magic: wu, fangshi, and savants
Each monastic tradition (and there can be several within a given nation or
TABLE 88: SECRET SOCIETY GOAL region, as determined by the game master) has but a limited number of
Die Roll positions available for monks of 8th level or above. There are but three 8th
(d20) Goal level monks, and one monk of each level thereafter, within each tradition.
1 Advance scientific knowledge When a 7th level monk has amassed a number of experience points sufficient
2 Advance the xia code of benevolence, bravery, loyalty, for attaining 8th level, he must seek out one of the 8th level monks and defeat
righteousness, truthfulness, and justice him in a formal duel. The nature of this duel will differ depending on the
3 Adventure; members try to outdo one another in telling specific monastic school, as specified by the game master, but some possible
fantastic but true tales of their travels contests include:
4 Advocate a return to a simpler, bucolic life
5 Bring members’ fighting prowess to its maximum potential • Formal combat (not necessarily fought to the death, but could be,
6 Corrupt the xia code and those who follow it depending on the monastic tradition involved).
7 Defend a particular city/village/region • A test of asceticism; each monk spends his days in meditation and
8 Ensure freedom of trade, even to the point of avoiding taxes prayer, eschewing food, water, and protection from the elements
and tariffs (use the rules for privation from the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™
9 Financial support of other members in distress Game Masters Toolkit), and the monk who drops first, loses.
10 Further the interests of a particular deity
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
The loser is reduced to the minimum amount of x.p. for their previous level and TABLE 92: HOW MANY KUNG FU STYLES ARE TAUGHT?
must earn new x.p. to have the opportunity to regain his former position Die Roll Die Roll
through another challenge. The process is repeated for levels above 8th - the (d%) Styles (d%) Styles
loser is reduced to the number of experience points needed for the next-lowest 01-10 1 67-72 7
level, and must earn enough x.p. to attempt to regain his former position. 11-21 2 73-79 8
22-33 3 80-85 9
It should be noted that a monk of high level who loses such a duel is considered 34-46 4 86-90 10
an outcast and is reduced to wandering the world to regain his honor and 47-60 5 91-95 11
reputation (through earning x.p.). This is the only situation in which a given 61-66 6 96-00 12
monastic tradition can have more than one individual of higher than 9th level
(or more than three of 8th level). TABLE 93: WHICH KUNG FU STYLES ARE TAUGHT?
Die Roll (d%) Style*
Kung Fu Schools 01-07 Air Dancer
08-14 Blade Warden
While there is often significant overlap between the two, there is a difference 15-21 Blind Wyvern
between a school of kung fu and a monastic tradition, as not all kung fu 22-28 Crawling Beast
practitioners are monks, and not all monastic traditions have a distinctive style 29-35 Dragon Foot
of kung fu. It’s also entirely possible that a school of kung fu will be sub rosa, 36-42 Fishing Mantis
without any large buildings or infrastructure that could be easily approached. 43-49 Head of the Hydra
Some “schools” may consist entirely of a single master, who carefully selects 50-56 Mountain Ape
his students according to his own inscrutable, and often demanding, 57-63 Serpent’s Fang
standards. 64-70 Spitting Cobra
71-77 Three Waters
When designing a kung fu school, the game master is encouraged to be 78-84 Turtle’s Shell
creative. Not every school should be a reflection of the Shaolin Temple from 85-94 A hybrid made up of 1d3+1 different styles
the 1970’s television series Kung Fu. The following random tables may be used 95-00 A unique new style of kung fu that can only be
either as-is, or simply for inspiration when designing new schools. learned at this school (re-roll if you are only using
the twelve standard styles).
Die Roll * Kung fu mastery and qi mastery can only be taught by individual teachers
(d%) Location who have at least one skill level higher than the student. They are not ordinary
01-10 In an urban area kung fu styles, and are not taught in the same way.
11-25 In a small village
26-50 In a rural area near a large town or city By all means the game master should feel free to invent his own styles of kung
51-80 In a remote wilderness fu, and alter the above table appropriately.
81-90 Multiple locations; roll 1d6 times, ignoring rolls of 81 or
91-99 Dispersed; there is no central location, teachers and students
have signs of recognition (treat as a secret society; see
00 In some normally-inaccessible location (ethereal plane, deep
underground, underwater, in a cloud castle, etc.)
Campaigns in Mythic China - Religion
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
While it is certainly possible to find individuals and sects which favor strict TABLE 96: COMPOSITION OF TREASURE (TREASURE METHOD II)
adherence to one particular source, most Chinese would have practiced an Treasure
amalgam of the various religious influences. So, too, is the case in a mythic Type Sundries Luxuries Art Jewelry Gems Coins
China setting. I 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
II 75% 15% 0% 5% 0% 5%
Two of the religious traditions in mythic China are linked to the philosophies III 50% 25% 5% 10% 5% 5%
of Wayism and Traditionalism (see p. 13), plus the folk religion of the wu. IV 25% 35% 10% 15% 5% 10%
Fangshi are linked most closely to Wayism, while wu practice the shamanic V 10% 45% 10% 20% 5% 10%
folk religion. There is also a State Religion, representing an idealized reflection VI 5% 55% 0% 25% 5% 10%
of the mundane imperial administration, complete with divine ministries which VII 0% 20% 20% 25% 25% 10%
are responsible for various natural phenomena, which can be petitioned in the VIII 0% 20% 30% 25% 15% 10%
same way a terrestrial official could be petitioned. The following represent a IX 0% 20% 40% 10% 5% 25%
small sample of some of the various divine ministries: X 0% 0% 50% 0% 0% 50%
XI 0% 0% 0% 25% 0% 75%
• Ministry of Time XII 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100%
• Ministry of Thunder and Storms XIII 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0%
• Ministry of Waters XIV 0% 0% 0% 0% 75% 25%
o Dept. of Salt Waters XV 0% 0% 0% 50% 25% 25%
o Dept. of Sweet Waters XVI 0% 0% 0% 0% 25% 75%
o Dept. of Secondary Waters (rivers, springs, lakes, XVII 0% 0% 0% 50% 50% 0%
pools, rapids) XVIII 0% 10% 0% 10% 30% 50%
• Ministry of Fire
• Ministry of Epidemics The table above shows the breakdown, for every given treasure type, of the
• Ministry of Medicine total value of the hoard by the type of treasure found within it. For example, a
• Ministry of Exorcism bandit has a treasure type of II and a treasure value of 8 g.p. That does not
mean he has 8 gold coins in his purse. Looking at the breakdown for treasure
Religion in mythic China is also influenced by mundane political matters. It is type II, we see it is 75% sundries, 15% luxuries, 5% jewelry, and 5% coins.
quite literally the case that an imperial decree can elevate a mortal to the status So the bandit in question has sundries worth approximately 6 g.p., along with
of a demigod; such a rise in status is quite rare, requiring approvals from the 24 s.p. of luxuries, and 8 s.p. worth each of jewelry and coins. The exact
divine ministries, as well as devotions and offerings on the material plane. An types should be determined using the sub-tables below, but don’t be afraid to
emperor can also grant a new portfolio to, or otherwise change the duties of, toss out results that don’t make sense. A bandit is more likely to have a fur pelt
an existing deity. than a load of iron ore.
The game master is encouraged to develop a full set of deities, divine In order to determine the makeup of a given treasure, first consult Table 96:
ministries, and the like for his own campaign. Composition of Treasure (Treasure Method II) above. Figure out how much of
the total value of the treasure (approximately) is in each category. Then, going
from left to right on Table 96, roll to determine the sundries, luxuries, art, etc.
Mixing Mythic China and Other Settings Keep rolling in each category until you have “filled up” the value of that
category; if the value you have rolled is greater than the category’s maximum,
The most obvious way to integrate a mythic China setting into another is travel. subtract the value from the next category over. If at any time you exceed the
Just as historically it was possible to travel from Europe to China, as did total value of the treasure, lower the value of the last item rolled to “top off”
explorers such as Marco Polo, so too might it be possible for explorers (such the treasure. In this way, your total treasure will never exceed the total value,
as your intrepid PCs) to travel from their familiar lands to mythic China. Such but it is possible that you will have a few more sundries than indicated, at the
a journey would certainly be arduous, but the potential for a refreshing change expense of luxuries, and so forth.
to a long-running campaign is obvious.
Naturally, common sense should prevail. If the characters have just defeated
It should be noted that the reverse is also true. If, after running a campaign set a horrible undead lord in his tomb that has not been opened in a thousand
in a mythic China setting for a while, you find your players becoming restless, years, they are unlikely to find fresh meat as part of his treasure hoard. In such
it might be interesting to have them either encounter NPCs from a distant land, cases, simply re-roll the result.
or undertake a journey themselves, perhaps as a diplomatic mission.
In the tables below, encumbrance is given in pounds, unless otherwise
Other possibilities abound. The use of magical gates, space-traveling ships that specified.
sail from world to world, alternate dimensions, and the like are staples in the
fantasy RPG genre. All could take player characters to or from a mythic China TABLE 97: SUNDRIES (TREASURE METHOD II)
setting. Die Roll
(d%) Sundry Type Value (each) Encumbrance
01-02 Ale (barrel) 12 g.p. 250
03-04 Armor See Table 99 below
05-06 Bamboo strips for 16 g.p. 1.5
For those game masters who prefer to use treasure method II from the
writing (quire)
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Game Masters Toolkit, which describes specific
07-08 Candle (score) 1 g.p. 10
pieces of treasure rather than abstracting them into a value and weight, the
09-10 Charcoal (bag) 2 g.p. 10
following tables are provided. Note that these tables have been subtly (or in
11-12 Cloth (bolt) 12 g.p. 16
some cases not-so-subtly) altered from their counterparts in the Game Masters
13-14 Cotton (short bale) 3 g.p. 22
Toolkit, to allow for the differences in setting.
15-16 Dye (pint) 5 g.p. 2
Campaigns in Mythic China - Treasure
(d%) Sundry Type Value (each) Encumbrance Die Roll (d%) Armor Type Value (each) Encumbrance
17-18 Flax (bale) 6 g.p. 80 01-08 Brigandine armor 30 g.p. 20
19-20 Food, bread 1 g.p. 10 09-15 Cuirass (leather) 3 g.p. 10
21-22 Food, cured meat/fish 3 g.p. 10 16-17 Furs 2 g.p. 5
23-24 Food, dried 2 g.p. 10 18-25 Lamellar (leather) 15 g.p. 15
vegetables/fruits 26-32 Lamellar armor (steel) 35 g.p. 25
25-26 Food, fresh meat/fish 6 g.p. 10 33-45 Scale armor (leather) 25 g.p. 40
27-28 Food, fresh 4 g.p. 10 46-55 Scale armor (steel) 25 g.p. 40
vegetables/fruits 56-63 Cord and plaque 60 g.p. 35
29-30 Food, rice (bushel) 1 g.p. 50 64-80 Cuirass (lamellar) 10 g.p. 7
31-32 Fur pelt, beaver 2 g.p. 1 81-90 Mirror armor 100 g.p. 35
33-34 Fur pelt, ermine 4 g.p. 1 91-93 Mountain pattern 300 g.p. 40
35-36 Fur pelt, fox 3 g.p. 1 armor
37-38 Fur pelt, marten 4 g.p. 1 94-00 Fabric armor 3 g.p. 7
39-40 Fur pelt, mink 3 g.p. 1
41-42 Fur pelt, muskrat 1 g.p. 1 TABLE 100: LUXURIES (TREASURE METHOD II)
43-44 Fur pelt, sable 5 g.p. 1 Die Roll (d%) Luxury type Value (each) Encumbrance
45-46 Fur pelt, seal 5 g.p. 1 01 Alchemical instruments 1d8+2x100 Value ÷ 4
47-48 Hand tool 1 g.p. 3 g.p.
49-50 Hemp (bale) 5 g.p. 100 02 Astrolabe 250 g.p. 45
51-52 Honey (gallon) 8 g.p. 12 03-04 Bell, small bronze 5 g.p. 1
53-54 Incense, common 10 g.p. 1 05-06 Bell, small silver 10 g.p. 1
55-56 Iron ore 10 g.p. 100 07 Book, illuminated 300 g.p. 100
57-58 Leather 5 g.p. 25 (large)
59-60 Linen (bolt) 18 g.p. 13 08 Book, illuminated 200 g.p. 45
61-62 Livestock, bull 20 g.p. n/a (medium)
63-64 Livestock, cow 10 g.p. n/a 09 Book, illuminated 100 g.p. 6
65-66 Livestock, fowl (in cage) 10 s.p. 7 (small)
67-68 Livestock, goat 1 g.p. n/a 10-12 Bowl, brass 2 g.p. 1
69-70 Livestock, horse 25 g.p. n/a 13-14 Bowl, copper 4 g.p. 1
71-72 Livestock, ox 15 g.p. n/a 15 Bowl, gold 14 g.p. 1
73-74 Livestock, pig 3 g.p. n/a 16 Bowl, porcelain 11 g.p. 3
75-76 Livestock, sheep 2 g.p. n/a 17-18 Bowl, silver 9 g.p. 1
77-78 Lumber 2 g.p. 25 19 Box, engraved (large) 100 g.p. 6
79-80 Nails (keg) 20 g.p. 100 20-21 Box, engraved 50 g.p. 4
81-82 Paper (quire) 22 g.p. 1 (medium)
83-84 Rope (250’) 1 g.p. 37 22-23 Box, engraved (small) 25 g.p. 2
85-86 Salt 1 g.p. 1 24-25 Brocade (bolt) 120 g.p. 26
87-88 Spice (common) 3 g.p. 0.5 26-27 Candelabra 15 g.p. 10
89-90 Tallow 1 g.p. 1 28-29 Candlestick 3 g.p. 2
91-92 Wax 2 g.p. 1 30 Chandelier 50 g.p. 25
93-94 Weapon See Table 98 below 31 Chirurgeon’s tools 350 g.p. 15
95-96 Wine, gallon 4 g.p. 8 32-33 Clothing, fine (1 set) 30 g.p. 4
97-98 Wire 9 g.p. 10 34-35 Comb, silver 10 g.p. 1
99-00 Wool (bale) 12 g.p. 250 36 Crystal ball, non- 8 g.p. 3
Die Roll (d%) Weapon Type Value (each) Encumbrance 40-42 Cup, copper 2 g.p. 1
01-05 Axe, hand 1 g.p. 5 43 Cup, glass 10 g.p. 3
06-10 Battle axe 5 g.p. 7 44 Cup, gold 15 g.p. 1
11-21 Dagger 2 g.p. 1 45 Cup, porcelain 12 g.p. 3
22-25 Flail 8 g.p. 4 46-47 Cup, silver 6 g.p. 1
26-29 Hammer 1 g.p. 5 48-50 Ewer, brass 3 g.p. 2
30-33 Knife 1 g.p. 0.5 51-52 Ewer, copper 6 g.p. 2
34 Lance 6 g.p. 15 53 Ewer, glass 30 g.p. 5
35-39 Mace 8 g.p. 10 54 Ewer, gold 45 g.p. 2
40-41 Morning star 5 g.p. 12 55 Ewer, porcelain 36 g.p. 5
42-53 Pole arm 15 g.p. 15 56-57 Ewer, silver 18 g.p. 2
54 Quarterstaff 3 g.p. 10 58-59 Fur clothing See Table 101 below
55-64 Spear 1 g.p. 5 60-61 Furniture, fine 2d6x100 g.p. Value ÷ 10
65-99 Sword 17 g.p. 10 62-63 Gong, bronze 13 g.p. 9
00 Trident 4 g.p. 5 64-65 Hourglass 25 g.p. 4
66-67 Incense 20 g.p. 1
68-69 Incense, rare 50 g.p. 1
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Die Roll (d%) Luxury type Value (each) Encumbrance TABLE 102: MUSICAL INSTRUMENT LUXURY SUB-TABLE (TREASURE
70-71 Ivory 75 g.p. 25 METHOD II)
72 Magnifying lens 15 g.p. 2 Value
73-74 Mirror case, engraved 35 g.p. 1 Die Roll (d%) Musical Instrument (g.p.) Encumbrance
75 Mirror, large 20 g.p. 12 01 Bronze chimes 80 40
76-77 Mirror, small 10 g.p. 2 02-05 Datong (& bow) 20 3
78-79 Musical instrument See Table 102 below 06-12 Dizi 16 1
80-81 Perfume, rare 10 g.p. 1 13-19 Drum 4 2
82 Royal bee jelly 1d6+2x1,000 1 20-23 Erhu (& bow) 30 5
unguent (jar) g.p. 24-29 Gaohu (& bow) 21 17
83 Silk (bolt) 85 g.p. 9 30-31 Guqin 20 3
84 Spice, rare 50 g.p. 1 32 Guzheng 28 8
85-86 Stuffed animal, small 4 g.p. 5 33-37 Hulus 12 1
(taxidermy) 38-43 Konghou 50 3
87 Unguent, rare 12 g.p. 1 44-48 Laba 15 8
88-90 Vase, copper 4 g.p. 2 49-55 Liuqin 50 6
91 Vase, glass 7 g.p. 6 56-59 Paixiao 33 4
92 Vase, gold 50 g.p. 2 60-66 Pipa 35 5
93 Vase, porcelain 40 g.p. 6 67-71 Ruan 30 4
94-95 Vase, silver 23 g.p. 2 72-76 Sanxian 45 6
96 Water clock 500 g.p. 35 77-81 Sheng 38 21
97-98 Wine, fine (pint) 4 g.p. 1 82-83 Sun 5 1
99-00 Wood, rare 40 g.p. 25 84-90 Xiao 25 8
91-95 Yangqin 41 7
Die Roll (d%) Fur type Value (g.p.) Encumbrance
01 Fur cape, bear 300 7 TABLE 103: ART (TREASURE METHOD II)
02-05 Fur cape, beaver 200 8 Die Roll
06 Fur cape, ermine 3,600 8 (d%) Art Type Value (g.p.) Encumbrance
07-11 Fur cape, fox 300 7 01-02 Carving, ivory, large 3d12x20 15
12-16 Fur cape, marten 400 7 03-05 Carving, ivory, 2d12x20 10
17 Fur cape, mink 2,700 9 medium
18-23 Fur cape, muskrat 100 7 06-10 Carving, ivory, small 1d12x20 5
24 Fur cape, sable 4,500 7 11-13 Carving, wood, large 3d6x20 12
25-30 Fur cape, seal 125 8 14-17 Carving, wood, 2d6x20 7
31 Fur coat, bear 600 14 medium
32-35 Fur coat, beaver 400 16 18-22 Carving, wood, small 1d6x20 2
36 Fur coat, ermine 7,200 16 23-26 Ceremonial shield, 1d4x100 30
37-39 Fur coat, fox 600 14 bronze
40-42 Fur coat, marten 800 14 27-28 Ceremonial shield, 1d4x300 45
43 Fur coat, mink 5,400 18 gold
44-47 Fur coat, muskrat 200 14 29-31 Ceremonial shield, 1d4x150 35
48 Fur coat, sable 9,000 14 silver
49-52 Fur coat, seal 250 16 32-35 Ceremonial weapon, 1d3x100 20
53 Fur trim, bear 30 2 bronze
54-58 Fur trim, beaver 20 2 36-37 Ceremonial weapon, 1d3x300 35
59-64 Fur trim, ermine 120 2 gold
65-70 Fur trim, fox 30 2 38-40 Ceremonial weapon, 1d3x150 25
71-76 Fur trim, marten 40 2 silver
77-82 Fur trim, mink 90 2 41-42 Painting, large 1d10x100 35
83-88 Fur trim, muskrat 10 2 43-46 Painting, small 1d10x30 15
89-94 Fur trim, sable 150 2 47-51 Rug/carpet (1d4+2 1d6x10 / 10 / sq. yard
95-00 Fur trim, seal 25 2 sq. yards) sq. yard
52-53 Statue (4’+), jade 4d4x200 200
Note that fur trim will be attached to some other garment, such as a tunic, 54-57 Statue (4’+), bronze 3d4x100 500
dress, cloak, etc. The value given is for the combined garment. 58-61 Statue (4’+), porcelain 4d4x150 500
62-65 Statue (4’+), stone 3d4x100 400
66-69 Statue (4’+), wood 1d4x100 100
70-71 Statuette, jade 1d4x200 50
72-73 Statuette, gold 1d4x400 40
74-75 Statuette, porcelain 1d4x100 50
76-78 Statuette, silver 1d4x200 30
79-82 Statuette, stone 1d3x50 20
83-86 Statuette, wood 1d3x25 5
Campaigns in Mythic China - Treasure
Example: a 100 g.p. treasure is found, all in coins. The game master rolls and
gets a 24, then rolls again and determines there are 400 s.p. (worth 20 g.p.).
Since not all of the value of the treasure is accounted for, he rolls again, getting
a 97, then rolls and gets a total of 250, indicating 250 g.p. Since that exceeds
the total value of the treasure, the game master reduces the number of gold
coins to 80, bringing the total value to 100 g.p.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Campaigns in Mythic China - Treasure
Die Roll (d%) Garment Type Jade wands will, when found, have 1d20+100 charges, unless otherwise
46 Gauntlets of Ogre Power specified. Unless specified below, they will function as their wand or rod
47 Girdle of Femininity/Masculinity counterparts function as described in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Game
48-51 Girdle of Many Pouches Masters Toolkit.
52-53 Gloves of Dexterity
55 Gloves of Missile Snaring Die Roll (d%) Pill, Potion, or Liquid Type
56 Gloves of Swimming and Climbing 01-04 Love Potion
57-59 Gloves of Thievery 05 Lustral Water
60-61 Hat of Difference 06-07 Oil of Acid Resistance
62-64 Hat of Disguise 08-09 Oil of Disenchantment
65-66 Hat of Stupidity 10 Oil of Etherealness
67 Helm of Brilliance 11-12 Oil of Slipperiness
68-70 Helm of Comprehension 13 Pill of Dragon Control
71 Helm of Opposite Alignment 14-15 Pill of Glibness
72 Helm of Telepathy 16-17 Pill of Healing
73 Helm of Teleportation 18 Pill of Immortality
74 Mantle of Starry Wandering 19-20 Pill of Invisibility
75-78 Robe of Blending 21 Pill of Longevity
79 Robe of Eyes 22-23 Pill of Poison Resistance
80 Robe of Powerlessness 24 Pill of Resurrection
81-82 Robe of Scintillating Colors 25-26 Pill of Speed
83 Robe of Stars 27 Pill of Undead Control
84-86 Robe of Useful Items 28 Pill of Undying
87-88 Robe of Vermin 29-30 Pill of Vitality
89-90 Shoes of Wandering 31-33 Pill of Wind Resistance
91-92 Slippers of Kicking 34-35 Potion of Animal Control
93-96 Slippers of Spider Climbing 36-37 Potion of Beauty
97-00 Wings of Flying 38-39 Potion of Clairaudience
TABLE 116: MAGIC ITEMS (JADE WANDS) 40-41 Potion of Clairvoyance
Die Roll (d%) Wand Type 42-43 Potion of Climbing
01-02 Absorption 44-45 Potion of Delusion
03-04 Beguiling 46-47 Potion of Diminution
05-06 Cancellation 48-49 Potion of ESP
07-08 Conjuration 50-51 Potion of Extra Healing
09-10 Defoliation 52-53 Potion of Fire Breath
11-13 Earth and stone 54-55 Potion of Fire Resistance
14-15 Enemy detection 56-57 Potion of Flying
16-18 Fear 58 Potion of Gaseous Form
19-20 Fire 59 Potion of Growth
21 Fireballs 60-63 Potion of Healing
22-23 Flame extinguishing 64-65 Potion of Health
24-25 Force 66 Potion of Heroism
26-29 Frost 67 Potion of Human Control
30-33 Illumination 68 Potion of Invulnerability
34-36 Illusion 69-70 Potion of Levitation
37-39 Lightning 71-73 Potion of Life
40-42 Lightning bolts 74 Potion of Liquid Form
43-45 Magic detection 75-76 Potion of Madness
46-49 Metal and mineral detection 77-78 Potion of Persuasiveness
50-54 Negation 79-80 Potion of Plant Control
55-58 Paralyzation 81-83 Potion of Poison
59-62 Passage 84-86 Potion of Polymorph Self
63-67 Polymorphing 87-88 Potion of Rainbow Hues
68 Resurrection 89-90 Potion of Stammering and Stuttering
69-75 Secret door and trap detection 91-92 Potion of Super Heroism
76-77 Security 93 Potion of Treasure Finding
78-82 Size alteration 94-95 Potion of Water Breathing
83-84 Smiting 96 Potion of Youth
85-87 Splendor 97 Sovereign Glue
88-93 Steam and vapor 98 Sweet Water
94-97 Triple-precious Jade Scepter 99 Tears of the Gods
98-00 Wand of the Seven Treasures 00 Ultimate Solution
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Many pills in a mythic China setting have the same effects as their potion
counterparts as described in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Game Masters TABLE 122: MAGIC ITEMS (WONDROUS ITEMS A-E)
Toolkit. This does not have any impact on their effects, but they do need to be Die Roll (d%) Wondrous Item Type
swallowed in a single dose. 01 Alchemy Jug
02-03 Anvil of Ringing
TABLE 118: MAGIC ITEMS (SCROLLS) 04-05 Anvil of Metal Elemental Command
Die Roll (d%) Scroll Type 06-07 Arrow of Direction
01-02 Scroll, cursed 08 Bag of Devouring
03-50 Scroll, protection (see Table 119) 09 Bag of Holding
51-00 Scroll, spell 10 Bag of Transmuting
11-12 Bag of Tricks
Die Roll (d%) Protection Scroll Type 15-16 Beaker of Plentiful Potions
01-04 Acid 17-18 Black Pearls
05-07 Breath weapons (dragon) 19 Boat, Folding
08-10 Breath weapons (non-dragon) 20-21 Bowl of Water Elemental Command
11-14 Cold 22 Bowl of Watery Death
15 Daemons 23-24 Box of Darkness
16-17 Demons 25 Box of Liquefying
18-22 Devils 26-27 Box of Wood Elemental Command
23-25 Electricity 28-29 Brazier of Fire Elemental Command
26-31 Elementals 30 Brazier of Sleep Smoke
32-34 Fire 31-32 Broom of Animated Attack
35-36 Gas 33-34 Broom of Flying
37 Illusions 35-36 Candle of Invocation
38-41 Kung fu 37 Carpet of Flying
42-50 Lycanthropes 38 Carpet of Sobriety
51-59 Magic 39 Chime of Hunger
60 Paralyzation 40-43 Chime of Interruption
61-66 Petrification 44-45 Chime of Opening
67-68 Plants 46-50 Coin Sword
69-70 Poison 51-52 Crystal Ball
71-76 Possession 53 Crystal Hypnosis Ball
77 Traps 54-55 Cube of Force
78-83 Undead 56-58 Cube of Frost Resistance
84 Water 59-60 Dart of the Hornets’ Nest
85-86 Weapons (blunt) 61-63 Dizi of the Woodlands
87-88 Weapons (edged) 64 Decanter of Endless Water
89-90 Weapons (magical blunt) 65-67 Dragon Scissors
91-92 Weapons (magical edged) 68-72 Drum of Deafening
93-94 Weapons (magical missile) 73-74 Drum of Panic
95-96 Weapons (magical piercing) 75 Dulcimer of Defense
97-98 Weapons (missile) 76-79 Dust of Appearance
99-00 Weapons (piercing) 80-84 Dust of Disappearance
85-86 Dust of Dryness
TABLE 120: MAGIC ITEMS (STAVES) 87-88 Dust of Illusion
Die Roll (d%) Staff Type 89 Dust of Sneezing and Choking
01-02 Command 90-92 Dust of Tracelessness
03-14 Curing 93-94 Efficient Quiver
15-20 Elemental summoning 95 Efreeti Bottle
21-43 Kung fu 96-97 Egg of Desire
44 Magi 98-00 Egg of Reason
45 Power
52-62 Staff-spear Die Roll (d%) Wondrous Item Type
63-72 Striking 01-02 Egg of Shattering
73-77 Swarming 03-04 Ever-full Purse
78-79 Thunder and lightning 05 Ever-smoking Bottle
80-86 Withering 06-17 Feather Token
87-00 Woodlands 18-20 Fire-crow Gourd
21-23 Five-fire Seven-feathers Fan
TABLE 121: MAGIC ITEMS (WEAPON) 24-26 Five-fire Stone
Die Roll (d%) Weapon Type 27-30 Fire Fan
01-80 Weapon, enchanted 31 Flask of Curses
81-00 Weapon (missile), enchanted 32-33 Flowing Flagon
Campaigns in Mythic China - Magic Items
Die Roll (d%) Wondrous Item Type Die Roll (d%) Wondrous Item Type
34-36 Flying Cart 80 Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals
37-40 Gem of Brightness 81-82 Stone of Good Luck
41-43 Gem of Insight 83-84 Stone of Weight
44-46 Gem of Seeing 85-86 Stop-wind Pearl
47 Gourd of Life Trapping 87 Sustaining Spoon
48-54 Guyao Yao Grass 88-90 Taishi Yao Grass
55-56 Head-splitting Helmet 91 Turn-heaven Seal
57-58 Handy Haversack 92 Umbrella of Plagues
59-62 Healing Ointment 93-94 Umbrella of Shielding
63-64 Helm of Underwater Action 95-96 Whip of Many Blades
65-66 Horn of Blasting 97-98 Wind Bag
67-69 Horn of Bubbles 99-00 Wind Fan
70 Horn of Collapsing
71-72 Horn of Fog
73-74 Horn of Goodness/Evil Magic Items
75-76 Horseshoes of a Zephyr
77-80 Horseshoes of Speed The descriptions that follow, while copious, are only an infinitesimal sample of
81-82 Hulus of Wonder the possible magic items that could be found in a campaign world. Feel free
83-84 Incense of Obsession to use these as samples and examples only, if you wish, and devise new magic
85-89 Incense of Spirits items with new and unusual powers, limitations, and side effects, to give to
90-92 Ioun Stones your player characters. In addition, it should be noted that these descriptions
93-95 Iron Fan only cover those magic items which are unique to a mythic China setting; many
96 Iron Bands of Binding of the magic items detailed in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Game Master
97-98 Iron Flask Toolkit may also be found in such a setting, as indicated by the magic item
99-00 Iron Wand treasure tables above. Unless otherwise specified, if a magic item is said to be
used by (or has an effect on) a given class, it includes sub-classes of that class
Die Roll (d%) Wondrous Item Type
01 Jewel of Attacks Anvil of Ringing
02-03 Ko-ai’s Bell
04-05 Liuqin of the Elements This is a small metal anvil, weighing 50 lbs. When a metal bar is placed upon
06 Liuqin of Might it and struck by a hammer, an enormous ringing will sound, stunning all within
07 Konghou of Building 20’ for 2d4 rounds and deafening them for a day. It is worth no x.p.
08-11 Marvelous Pigments
12 Mirror of Deception Anvil of Metal Elemental Command
13-14 Mirror of Devil Entrapment
15-16 Mirror of Devil Repulsion This is a small metal anvil, weighing 50 lbs. When a metal bar is placed upon
17-18 Mirror of Fortune it and struck by a hammer as the proper incantations are spoken, a metal
19 Mirror of Mental Prowess elemental will appear. The summoner must maintain concentration (any sort of
20 Mirror of Opposition movement or damage taken will disrupt concentration) or the elemental will
21-22 Net of Entrapment turn on him and attack (75% chance) or simply return to its home plane (25%
23 Net of Snaring chance). The elemental will be of the 12 hit die variety, but if the metal placed
24 Pearl of Folly on the anvil when struck is itself enchanted (such as an enchanted dagger), the
25-26 Pearl of Loss elemental will have +1 hit points per hit die (maximum 8 h.p. per hit die). The
27-28 Pearl of Light enchanted item is not harmed by doing so. It takes 1 minute to activate the
29 Pearl of Power device, which can only be used by fangshi, and is worth 4,000 x.p.
30 Pearl of Wisdom
31 Portable Hole Black Pearls
32-33 Projecting Mirror
34-38 Pouch of Accessibility This set of matched black pearls will radiate magic if detected for. When
39-43 Rope of Climbing thrown with some force, they explode, doing 2d6 h.p. of damage to all within
44-45 Rope of Constriction a 5’ radius of the point of impact. Those within the area of impact are entitled
46-47 Rope of Entanglement to a saving throw vs. paralyzation; success indicates they take half damage.
48 Rug of Smothering Between 2 and 8 pearls (2d4) will be found, and each is worth 100 x.p. They
49-52 Rug of Welcome are, naturally, destroyed on impact.
53-55 Saw of Mighty Cutting
56-59 Seal of the Ancient Days
Book of Contemplation
60-63 Seal of Earth and Heaven
64 Sheet of Smallness
This appears as a bundle of bound bamboo strips. It will radiate magic if
65-70 Six-demon Bag
detected for. If a monk spends a full and uninterrupted week studying its
71-72 Spade of Colossal Excavation
contents, he will automatically gain enough experience points to reach the mid-
73-74 Spell Component Case, Enchanted
point of his next experience level. Only one character can read from it at a
75-76 Spirit Boat
time. After it has been read, the book will disappear into dust. If a character
77-79 Stone Horse
of any other class reads any part of the book, he must make a saving throw
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
vs. spells or be driven insane, requiring both a remove curse spell and 1 month TABLE 127: BOOK OF PHILOSOPHY
of rest (a heal spell will also suffice). The same character can never benefit Die Roll (d4) Philosophy
from the same sort of book again. It is worth 8,000 x.p. 1 Wayism
2 Traditionalism
Book of the Dragon 3 Legalism
4 Anti-traditionalism
This appears as a bundle of bound bamboo strips. It will radiate magic if
detected for. It is of use only to students of kung fu; anyone who has no kung The book must be read for an entire week, uninterrupted. Anyone reading a
fu skills at all will be weakened if he reads so much as a single symbol, losing book of philosophy “opposite” to his own (Traditionalism/Anti-traditionalism,
1d6 points of strength and constitution (but never dropping below 3) until an Wayism/Legalism) will permanently lose a point each of intelligence and
atonement spell can be cast upon him. wisdom at the end of that time. All others will gain one skill level in the
philosophy secondary skill, with the appropriate specialty. Anyone reading a
If read for one week, uninterrupted, by someone who already has some kung book of philosophy different than his own will experience a crisis of faith and
fu skill levels, that person will gain a skill level in a particular kung fu style. must make a wisdom check. Failure indicates that he has been converted to
Each book is written for a specific style: the new philosophy.
TABLE 125: BOOK OF THE DRAGON Only one character can read from it at a time. After it has been read, the book
Die Roll (d%) Kung Fu Style will disappear into dust. The same character can never benefit from the same
01-09 Air Dancer sort of book again. It is worth 4,000 x.p.
10-17 Blade Warden
18-26 Blind Wyvern Book of Woe
27-33 Crawling Beast
34-41 Dragon Foot This appears as a bundle of bound bamboo strips. It will radiate magic if
42-50 Fishing Mantis detected for. Anyone reading so much as a single symbol of this book will be
51-58 Head of the Hydra blasted into a coma for 1d3 weeks. Nothing short of a limited wish or heal
59-66 Mountain Ape spell will wake him prematurely. When he does awaken, he will have lost an
67-75 Serpent’s Fang experience level, finding himself at the minimum number of experience points
76-83 Spitting Cobra for his new level. First level characters who read the book will never emerge
84-91 Three Waters from the coma. It is not worth any x.p.
90-00 Turtle’s Shell
Box of Darkness
If the reader already has three skill levels in the relevant kung fu style, he will
gain a skill level in kung fu mastery (even if he doesn’t have the required kung This ornately-decorated lacquered box, approximately one foot in length, will
fu skill levels he would normally need). cause a zone of continual darkness (as per the spell) around the individual
who opens it. The zone of darkness can only be removed by a dispel magic
Only one character can read from it at a time. After it has been read, the book or remove curse spell being cast upon the individual so afflicted. It is not worth
will disappear into dust. The same character can never benefit from the same any x.p.
sort of book again. It is worth 4,000 x.p.
Box of Liquefying
Book of Energy
This ornately-decorated lacquered box, approximately one foot in length, will,
This appears as a bundle of bound bamboo strips. It will radiate magic if when the lid is opened, cause one individual in front of the now-open box to
detected for. It is dedicated to the arts of energy work and manipulating qi. shrink and be drawn inside the box, whose lid will then snap shut. Once inside,
Anyone reading this book, uninterrupted, for an entire week will gain one skill the victim will be reduced to a sludge of blood and water within a matter of 5
level in the qigong secondary skill, determining the specialty randomly: minutes. Only one individual can be so slain at a time, and until the lid is
opened once more and the slurry poured out, the box cannot be used again.
TABLE 126: BOOK OF ENERGY (Emptying the box is safe; the box will not operate after being emptied, until
Die Roll (d10) Qigong Specialty the lid has been shut, and then opened again.) Only creatures within 10’ of
1-2 Combat the box will be affected, and if there is more than one within range, the target
3-5 Enlightenment should be determined randomly. If the box is opened before the liquefaction
6-10 Healing process is complete, the victim will tumble out, having lost 20% of his total hit
points for every minute spent in the box (which causes exquisite agony during
Only one character can read from it at a time. After it has been read, the book its operation).
will disappear into dust. The same character can never benefit from the same
sort of book again. It is worth 4,000 x.p. Creatures with less than 4 hit dice or levels are automatically drawn into the
box. Creatures with between 4 and 8 hit dice or levels are entitled to a saving
Book of Philosophy throw vs. magic. Creatures with 9 or more hit dice or levels are unaffected by
the box. It can be used no more than once per day, and is worth 4,000 x.p.
This appears as a bundle of bound bamboo strips. It will radiate magic if
detected for. Each is dedicated to the deeper mysteries and intricacies of one Box of Wood Elemental Command
of the four philosophies:
This ornately-decorated lacquered box, approximately one foot in length,
appears to be an ordinary container, but will radiate magic if detected for. If
a piece of wood is placed in the box and the proper incantations recited, a
Campaigns in Mythic China - Magic Items
wood elemental will appear. The summoner must maintain concentration (any Carpet of Sobriety
sort of movement or damage taken will disrupt concentration) or the elemental
will turn on him and attack (75% chance) or simply return to its home plane This enchanted carpet is most prized by those who favor grape and grain.
(25% chance). The elemental will be of the 12 hit die variety, but if some sort Once per day, if someone under the influence of alcohol sits upon it, the carpet
of magical wooden object (such as an enchanted arrow) is also placed in the will immediately remove all effects of intoxication. Habitual drunkards have
box, it will have +1 hit points per hit die (maximum 8 h.p. per hit die). The been known to install such carpets in the entrances of their homes, to hide their
item so used will not be harmed. It takes 1 minute to activate the device, which habit from their spouses. It is worth 500 x.p.
can only be used by fangshi, and is worth 4,000 x.p.
Cloak of Flying
Calligraphy, Enchanted
This cloak appears to be of ordinary type, made either of leather, wool, or
Enchanted calligraphy consists of special slips of paper which have been some other natural material. When the command word is uttered, however, it
inscribed with potent magical prayers (called sutras), which have specific allows the wearer to fly, but only over water, except for short distances
effects when physically attached to an object or individual. They can be (maximum of 60’) en route to the water. The cloak enables the wearer to travel
created just like scrolls, although their power comes not from special ink but at 210’ per minute, with average maneuverability, for a maximum of four hours
from the inscription itself, which must be attached to the subject somehow (which will cover approximately ten miles). It is worth 1,000 x.p.
(tying, pinning, gluing, nailing, etc.) in order to be effective. Directly applying
the inscription to the object (by painting, tattooing, etc.) will not work. They Coin Sword
are fragile, however, and once damaged or burned, lose their efficacy. Most
emulate the powers of magic rings as described in the Adventures Dark and This curious device has two forms. The first is an innocuous pile of 36 copper
Deep™ Game Masters Toolkit, but those which are unique to a mythic China coins (coins in a mythic China setting most often have holes in the middle) and
setting are described below. red thread. When the command word is spoken, they will instantly form
themselves into the shape of a short sword, with the red thread strung in the
Attention: Grants a +1 bonus to all surprise rolls.
holes in such a way as to maintain the shape of the weapon. The coin sword
Deceit: This calligraphy is deliberately designed to appear as some can then be used as a dagger +2, additionally allowing the wielder to re-roll
other sort (roll again to determine type), but will in reality cause the any strike that misses (once per round). If one or more of the coins are missing,
wearer or bearer to suffer a -1 penalty to all saving throws.
the blade cannot form, but returning the missing coins to the pile will allow it
Devil repulsion: Devils, daemons, and demons (and similar to function normally. It is worth 800 x.p.
creatures native to the lower planes) of least or lesser rank will not
come within 10’ of someone presenting this enchanted calligraphy
prominently. If they are touched by it, the calligraphy will do them
1d8 h.p. of damage per round, but can be torn and ruined by a
single successful hit.
• Fanfare: As per the spell, but lasting as long as the calligraphy itself
endures. Only applies to the person holding the calligraphy.
• Fortunate medicine: Normal healing is made at +1 the usual rate
per day.
• Ghost repulsion: Gui ghosts will not come within 10’ of someone
presenting this enchanted calligraphy prominently.
• Good fortune: Provides a +1 bonus to all saving throws.
• Health: Provides immunity to all normal disease, and a +1 bonus
to saving throws vs. magical disease (including leprosy).
• Kung fu: Grants a +1 bonus to all kung fu skill checks. Wears out
at twice the normal rate for use during combat conditions (i.e., four
times the normal rate; see below).
• Resisting privation: As per the spell, but lasting as long as the
calligraphy itself endures. Only applies to the person holding the
calligraphy. Dizi of the Woodlands
• Vampire repulsion: Hopping vampires will not come within 10’ of
someone presenting this enchanted calligraphy prominently. If the This magical flute functions like the cornamuse of the woodlands, as described
calligraphy is attached to the vampire, the vampire will become in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Game Masters Toolkit.
instantly paralyzed until the prayer is removed or damaged.
Dragon Scissors
Normal wear and tear will cause the calligraphy to become unusable after
1d20+20 days of normal and semi-continuous use (half that if in continuous This item looks like a pair of metal scissors in the shape of a dragon’s jaws.
use, regularly exposed to combat conditions, etc.). If kept protected, for When the command word is uttered, the scissors will fly from the user’s hand
instance in a locked box or scroll case, such calligraphy can last centuries and and attack an enemy of his choosing, striking like a dagger wielded by the
still retain its magical properties. If the calligraphy is itself the subject of an user. No further concentration is necessary, and the scissors will function for a
attack, the attack is made vs. AC 7 (plus or minus any dexterity adjustments of maximum of 3 rounds before falling to the ground. The target cannot be
the wearer), and but a single point of damage from a slicing or stabbing changed unless the user picks up the scissors again and sends them forth with
weapon or a bare-hand attack will destroy it. the command word. They are worth 1,000 x.p.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Fire-crow Gourd of affection will be nearly impossible to resist. The plants are very rare, and
usually found growing singly. Each is worth 200 x.p.
This appears as an ordinary hollow gourd with a plug (similar to those used to
hold water or wine). However, when the plug is removed the fire-crows within Head-splitting Helmet
will emerge and attack the user’s enemies. Each gourd has 1d3 fire-crows
when found; when they are dead, the gourd loses all enchantment. The fire- This item was created by the powers of good for the punishment of evil. The
crows cannot be replaced. It is worth 250 x.p. per fire-crow. enchantment upon it is such that the light metal-banded helmet can never be
removed (short of a limited wish or similarly-powered spell), and every time the
Five-fire Seven-feathers Fan wearer commits an overtly evil and/or wicked act, the helmet will constrict
This magical fan can be either an ordinary paper fan (50% of the time) or a
metal weapon-like fan (50% chance). In combat, however, it can be used to • After the first such act, the helmet will feel snug.
“fan away” attacks, whether they be hand-to-hand, by weapon, or magical. • After the second such act, the wearer will feel a constant headache.
The fan must be held in one hand (a weapon could be held and used in the • After the third such act, the wearer will be in debilitating pain.
other). When used in combat, it provides the wielder with a +2 bonus to armor Neither combat, hard travel, nor spellcasting will be possible.
class and a +2 bonus to all saving throws for magical attacks (this includes • After the fourth such act, the wearer’s skull will be crushed.
area of effect attacks that would affect the wielder). It will not function if the
wielder is surprised or attacked from the rear. It is worth 500 x.p. The headache will dissipate after a week, as the wearer becomes accustomed
to the new size of the helmet. The debilitating pain will become a headache
Five-fire Stone after a week, and the headache disappears after another week. The count of
wicked deeds is not actually reset though; the skull will still be crushed after
This enchanted stone will, when the proper command word is uttered, blaze four wicked deeds, even if enough time has passed that the headache has
into a great ball of flame, engulfing all those within a 5’ radius and causing dissipated. The helmet is not worth any x.p.
them 3d6 h.p. of fire damage. The stone can be activated from up to 20’
away, and can be recovered and reused. There is, however, a 5% chance per Heaven-and-Earth Bracelet
use that the stone will crack and become inert. It is worth 750 x.p.
This metal bracelet allows the wearer to pummel for double damage when
Fire Fan punching using a kung fu style. On a natural “to hit” roll of 20, he will also
break a defender’s limb:
This magical fan can be either an ordinary paper fan (50% of the time) or a
metal weapon-like fan (50% chance). When waved in the direction of a fire, TABLE 128: HEAVEN-AND-EARTH BRACELET
it will double the fire’s size and strength. Thus, a campfire can be made to Die Roll (d8)
blaze like a bonfire, a torch will suddenly flare up to twice its normal size, etc. Limb Effect
Flaming oil thus affected will do double damage per round. It will not affect 1-2 Right arm -4 “to hit”
magical fires. The fire fan is worth 400 x.p. 3-5 Left arm Cannot use shield
6-8 Leg One-quarter movement, no kung fu
Flying Cart styles relying on kicks will work
This device looks like a regular cart, except that it has winged framework at Ordinary cure spells (cure light wounds, etc.) will not heal broken limbs, but
each end, seemingly as decoration. If hitched to an animal, the device will not heal or a potion of healing will. Broken limbs will take 2-4 weeks to heal
function, but if the command word is spoken while it’s unhitched, the cart can ordinarily. The bracelet is worth 1,000 x.p.
fly at up to 240’ per minute, with poor agility, carrying up to four people and
their gear (a maximum of 1,500 pounds). The cart can travel for up to six Hulus of Wonder
hours per day before needing to recharge for the next twelve hours. The cart
can thus cover approximately 16 miles per 18 hours. It can reach a maximum This magical flute functions like the flute of wonder, as described in the
altitude of 200’, and is worth 2,000 x.p. ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Game Masters Toolkit.
This appears as an ordinary hollow gourd with a plug (similar to those used to Several (2d4) cones of this normal-appearing incense will be found together.
hold water or wine). However, when the plug is removed and the command Once a cone is lit, any wu of 5th level or higher will recognize it for what it is.
word spoken, one individual specified will be sucked into the gourd and Any wu who burns the incense while meditating for 8 hours will be able to
placed in a sort of suspended animation. The victim must be within 10’ of the memorize one additional spell per spell level. The extra spells will be lost after
gourd and is entitled to a saving throw vs. magic. The gourd can hold up to 24 hours. It can be used only by wu, and is worth 500 x.p.
one thousand people; a separate command word will release them, one at a
time, in the order in which they were imprisoned. It is worth 5,000 x.p. Incense of Obsession
Guyao Yao Grass Incense of obsession will affect wu exactly the same as it affects clerics.
This magical plant has lush leaves, yellow flowers and tiny green fruit that Iron Fan
grows in clusters. When the juice of the fruit is ingested (the juice produced by
a single fruiting plant will suffice, approximately 4 ounces), the person drinking This fan always looks like a typical metal fan, such as those used in combat.
the juice will fall madly in love with the first person of appropriate gender seen. When the proper command word is spoken while fanning, one of the following
This will not result in self-destructive behavior, but the desire to please the object effects can be produced. Only one such effect can be produced per round.
Campaigns in Mythic China - Magic Items
It is worth 600 x.p. Manuals for the creation of flesh and iron golems will not ordinarily be found
in a mythic China setting. Wu are able to create clay golems, while fangshi
Iron Wand are able to create golems of the other types. Such a manual is worth 3,000
This magic wand is made of iron, with a gold band at either end. It allows the
caster to turn any creature invisible by touch, which uses up one charge and Mirror of Deception
lasts for up to 1d6x10 minutes (or until ended by attack, etc.). In addition, the
wand can, upon utterance of other command words, either extend to a pole This enchanted mirror appears as a round pane of silvered glass, whose
up to 10’ in length, or shrink down to the size of a needle. When first octagonal wooden frame is inscribed with mystical trigrams, and it will radiate
discovered, it will have 1d20+100 charges, and can be recharged by the magic if detected for. It is indistinguishable from other magical mirrors of the
spell invisibility, as long as the last charge has not yet been expended. It is same general type. Anyone touching it must make a wisdom check. Failure
worth 2,000 x.p. means he becomes convinced the mirror is one of the other, beneficial, types
and will try to use it in that capacity. Even though it will not work, that will not
Ko-ai’s Bell break the owner’s firm belief in the magical properties of the mirror. In reality,
all saving throws within 10’ of the mirror are made at a -1 penalty.
This large (3’ tall, but nearly weightless) bronze bell is engraved with images
of a beautiful young girl with one shoe. When struck, a maiden’s agonized
voice can be heard crying out in despair a single word, “shoe”. All those
within 60’ of the bell when it is struck who fail a saving throw vs. spells will be
sunk into a pit of deep despair, lasting 2d6 hours. During that time, they will
either slink away quietly (50%) or simply stand in place, weeping (50%). Any
commands to surrender will be obeyed unless a further wisdom check is made.
The bell is worth 4,000 x.p.
Konghou of Building
This magical lyre functions like the lyre of building, as described in the
This magical lyre functions like the lyre of the elements, as described in the
Mirror of Devil Entrapment
Liuqin of Might
This enchanted mirror appears as a round pane of silvered glass, whose
This magical mandolin functions like the mandolin of might, as described in octagonal wooden frame is inscribed with mystical trigrams, and it will radiate
the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Game Masters Toolkit. magic if detected for. It is used to trap the spirits and material forms of devils,
demons, and other creatures from the lower planes. Any such creature within
Lustral Water 30’ of the mirror, upon seeing its reflection in the mirror, must make a saving
throw vs. magic (a separate check for magic resistance is also allowed, if
This potion, when sprinkled on an individual or item, acts as a dispel magic applicable). Failure means it is trapped within the mirror. If the mirror is broken,
spell cast by a 10th level caster. If sprinkled on a spellcaster who has no spells or the command word spoken, the creature(s) trapped within will be
active on his person, the spellcaster will forget 1d4 memorized spells (chosen immediately freed (and outraged). The command word will free all the
at random). It is worth 200 x.p. and its creation requires the scale of a yellow creatures within. The mirror can store up to twelve least devils, six lesser devils,
dragon. three greater devils, or one arch-devil (if the mirror is capable of entrapping
beings of such rank). If there is no room inside the mirror to trap a particular
devil, it will simply not function. To determine the highest ranked devil that can
Manual of Golems
be entrapped by the mirror, roll randomly:
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
perfect form, the one who swallows it stops aging and cannot be slain by
Note that the mirror will work on demons, daemons, etc. from the lower planes; anything less than the act of a god.
use the equivalent ranking for such creatures, where applicable.
Many have sought the formula for this pill, and only a handful have ever truly
Mirror of Devil Repulsion succeeded. That does not mean that less-than-successful attempts are not
constantly made, and even those in possession of the correct formula are apt
This enchanted mirror appears as a round pane of silvered glass, whose to fail to correctly follow it, resulting in a flawed final product. If a pill of
octagonal wooden frame is inscribed with mystical trigrams, and it will radiate immortality is discovered as part of a treasure hoard, roll on the following table
magic if detected for. If displayed prominently, demons, devils, daemons, and to determine the actual effect:
similar creatures of least or lesser rank must make a saving throw vs. magic to
approach within 10’. It is worth 1,750 x.p. TABLE 132: PILL OF IMMORTALITY
Die Roll (d%)
Mirror of Fortune
01-10 Poison (automatic death)
This enchanted mirror appears as a round pane of silvered glass, whose 11-18 Insanity (roll 1d3 types of insanity)
octagonal wooden frame is inscribed with mystical trigrams, and it will radiate 19-20 Crippled (each statistic is reduced by 1d4; if any is
magic if detected for. If displayed openly, all individuals within 10’ get a +1 lowered to 0 or lower, death results)
bonus to their saving throws. 21-29 Extended lifespan (maximum lifespan is increased by
3d20 years, but aging still takes place, losing 1 point
each of strength, dexterity, and constitution for every
Pearl of Light
10% excess over maximum racial lifespan)
30-38 Youth (chronological age is reduced by 3d20 years; if
This large pearl (worth 500 g.p. for the gem alone) will, when the command
reduced to 0 or below, non-existence results)
word is spoken, radiate a light equal to a torch (roughly a 30’ radius, but can
39-48 Temporary youth (chronological age is reduced by 3d20
be seen from afar). When another command word is uttered, the pearl will be
years, but only lasts for 1d4 years; afterwards, normal
extinguished, but can be re-lit indefinitely. It is worth 200 x.p.
age is regained plus an additional 1d20 years)
49-57 Life costs life (swallower stops aging, but must bathe in
Pill of Dragon Control the blood of a virgin of the opposite gender to maintain
true immortality; starts off lasting twenty years, but
This pill allows the swallower to convince any one dragon that he is a trusted duration shortens by 50% every time, until daily
friend who should be protected and well-treated. The dragon so charmed is treatments are required)
not a mindless automaton; it will act like a friend, not a slave, and any overtly 58-65 Frail youth (swallower stops aging, but cannot heal
hostile act against the target will negate the effect instantly. The type of dragon naturally, and magical healing only works at 50%
that the pill controls is determined randomly: efficiency, rounded down)
66-72 Youthful appearance (swallower looks like a youth of 25,
TABLE 131: PILL OF DRAGON CONTROL but still suffers all the normal effects of aging)
Die Roll (d%) Dragon Type X.P. Value 73-79 Immortal spirit (once the body dies normally, swallower
01-07 Carp 500 will turn into a gui ghost; determine type according to
08-15 Coiled 500 circumstances of death, or randomly, as appropriate)
16-22 Earth 500 80-86 Time stops (swallower does not age, but cannot earn any
23-30 Heavenly 500 new x.p., nor learn new secondary skills)
31-45 Rain 500 87-93 Vulnerable immortality; swallower has true immortality,
46-61 River 500 but if he comes in contact with one of the five elements
62-71 Sea 500 (wood, water, metal, fire, or earth - choose which
72-77 Typhoon 500 element randomly), he will instantly collapse into dust
78-88 Yellow 500 94-00 Temporary immortality (true immortality, but the effect
89-94 Evil (any) 1,000 only lasts for 1d20 years; only another pill will sustain
95-98 Neutral (any) 1,000 the effect, subtract one year per time this is repeated)
99-00 Good (any) 1,000 101+ True immortality (aging stops, cannot be killed by
anything short of a lesser deity)
The pill’s effect will last 5d4 minutes. The target creature must be within 60’,
and is entitled to a saving throw vs. spells, with a -2 penalty. It requires the If the level of the fangshi who created the pill is known, add the experience
brain of the appropriate type of dragon to create. level to the roll. Naturally, once a fangshi has created such a pill, he will have
no way of knowing whether he has been totally successful. The Game Master
Pill of Healing should roll secretly to determine the real outcome, and a roll should be made
for each pill that is created.
When ingested, this pill will heal 3d6 h.p. of damage, as well as healing
disease or blindness. It is worth 300 x.p. and requires the foot of a Pill of Poison Resistance
poisonfeather bird to create.
When ingested, this pill is proof against all poisons and venoms. If swallowed
Pill of Immortality after a person has been poisoned, the swallower is entitled to another saving
throw vs. poison, with a +4 bonus. It lasts for 1d4x10 minutes and is worth
The pill of immortality is quite literally the goal of every fangshi, and is for 400 x.p. Its manufacture requires the venom from a giant snake.
obvious reasons highly sought-after by emperors and peasants alike. In its
Campaigns in Mythic China - Magic Items
This special sort of pill acts as a resurrection spell when forced between the This silvered glass is some two feet on a side, in an ornate frame. Its reflection
lips of a corpse that has been dead for no more than 100 years. It is worth shows true sight (as per the spell true seeing) as well as x-ray vision (as per the
1,000 x.p. Its manufacture requires the dust from the tomb of an emperor. ring). However, due to the awkwardness of viewing things through a mirror,
anyone attempting to fight or cast spells based on what is seen in the mirror
Pill of Undead Control will do so with a -3 penalty. It is worth 3,500 x.p.
This pill allows the swallower to convince a number of undead that he is a Scroll of Protection from Elementals
trusted friend who should be protected and well-treated. The undead so
charmed are not mindless automatons; they will act like friends, not slaves, This scroll will create a circle of protection 10’ in radius from the reader. The
and any overtly hostile act against the target will negate the effect instantly. circle will prevent movement across its boundary, and provide complete
The type of undead that the pill controls is determined randomly: protection against all attacks, physical and magical, from up to 24 hit dice
worth of the indicated type of elemental creature (16 hit dice if the scroll is
TABLE 133: PILL OF UNDEAD CONTROL effective against all sorts of elementals). The circle of protection will move with
Die Roll (d%) Type of Undead Controlled the reader; it will be broken if pressed against an elemental in a circumstance
01-06 Ghost, corner where it cannot retreat. The protection will last for 5d6 minutes. The exact type
07-10 Ghost, fire of scroll is determined randomly:
11-14 Ghost, hill
23-28 Ghost, marsh Die Roll (d%) Type of Elemental Affected
29-32 Ghost, meadow 01-10 Wood (including aerial servants, djinni, etc.)
33-34 Ghost, midden 11-20 Fire (including efreeti, salamanders, etc.)
35-36 Ghost, water 21-30 Earth (including xorn, etc.)
37-40 Ghoul 31-40 Metal
41-42 Ghast 41-50 Water (including tritons, etc.)
43-46 Skeleton 51-00 All (including jann)
47-48 Spectre
49-56 Wight The scroll takes 36 seconds (6 segments) to read. It is worth 1,500 x.p.
57-64 Wraith
65-75 Vampire, hopping Scroll of Protection from Kung Fu
76-00 Zombie
This scroll will create a circle of protection 5’ in diameter, through which no
The potion’s effect will last 5d4 minutes. The target creature must be within kung fu attack can pass, whether it be armed or unarmed. This also applies to
60’. Up to 16 hit dice total of undead can be affected, and those with missile attacks that are made using kung fu skills. Note that kung fu attacks
intelligence are entitled to saving throws vs. spells. It is worth 700 x.p. and made with magical weapons will penetrate the circle of protection. The effect
requires either the dust of a specter, a hopping vampire brain, or ectoplasm lasts for 1d6+4 minutes. It is worth 1,000 x.p.
from a ghost to create.
Scroll of Protection from Lycanthropes
Pill of Undying
This scroll will create a circle of protection some 10’ in radius around the
When ingested, this pill will prevent the swallower from dying. If wounded, he reader. The circle will prevent movement across its boundary, and provide
will remain at -9 h.p. indefinitely. If aged, he will never succumb to infirmity or complete protection against all attacks, physical and magical, from up to 49
disease. If drowned, he will pass out, but will be resuscitated once air is hit dice worth of the indicated type of lycanthrope. The circle of protection will
available once more. The effect is not perpetual, however, and will end once move with the reader. If pressed against a lycanthrope in a circumstance where
one of the following conditions are met: it cannot retreat, the circle will be broken. The protection will last for 5d8
minutes. The exact type of scroll is determined randomly:
The swallower is brought back from -9 h.p. to 1 h.p.
Die Roll (d%) Type of Lycanthrope Affected
It is said that the formula of its creation is one of the highest and most closely- 01-02 Nanaues
guarded secrets of the fangshi’s art. It cannot be created by a wu, but could 03-07 Werebears
be used by someone of any class. It is known that the creation requires the 08-12 Wereboars
heart of a heavenly dragon. Note that the pill does not prevent aging. It is 13-22 Wererats
worth 5,000 x.p. 23-24 Wereseals
25-29 Werespiders
Pill of Wind Resistance 30-44 Werewolves
45 Werewolves, marine
The swallower of this pill can’t be moved or harmed by wind of any kind, up 46-98 All lycanthropes
to and including hurricane force (although he could be harmed by something 99-00 All shape changers (jackalweres, those under
else propelled by wind). It will even allow for flying creatures to be stable in polymorph spells, etc.)
high winds, although it does have the side effect that “tail winds” will not help
such creatures, either. It lasts for 1d4x10 minutes and is worth 300 x.p. Its
manufacture requires the leaf of a tree demon.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
The scroll takes 24 seconds (4 segments) to read. Note that the form which TABLE 138: SCROLL SPELL LEVEL
protects against all shape changers will not protect against deities. It is worth Fangshi Spell All Others Spell
1,000 x.p. Die Roll (d%) # of Spells Level Level
01-17 1 1d4 1d4
Scroll of Protection from Undead 18-27 1 1d6 1d6
28-32 1 1d8+1 1d6+1
This scroll creates a 5’ radius circle, through which no undead can move or 33-40 2 1d4 1d4
make any physical attack. Magical attacks are not prevented by this circle. 41-45 2 1d8 1d6
The circle will move with the reader. Up to 35 hit dice of undead will be 46-53 3 1d4 1d4
protected against. The effect will remain for 10d8 minutes. The type of undead 54-58 3 1d8+1 1d6+1
protected against is determined randomly: 59-65 4 1d6 1d6
66-70 4 1d8 1d6
Die Roll (d%) Type of Undead Affected 78-82 5 1d8 1d6
01-03 Ghost, corner 83-87 6 1d6 1d6
04-05 Ghost, fire 88-90 6 1d6+2 1d4+2
06-07 Ghost, hill 91-95 7 1d8 1d6
08-11 Ghost, hungry 96-98 7 1d8+1 1d6+1
12-14 Ghost, marsh 99-00 7 1d6+3 1d4+3
15-16 Ghost, meadow
17 Ghost, midden (If of mixed type, roll once for each type, re-rolling results over 90.) Once the
18 Ghost, water number of spells has been determined, simply roll the appropriate die for each
19-20 Ghoul spell to determine level, then reference the spell lists in the ADVENTURES DARK
21 Ghast AND DEEP™ Players Manual to determine which spells are on the scroll. Roll
22-23 Skeleton separately for level for each spell on the scroll. Once cast from a scroll, the
24 Spectre spell disappears forever.
25-28 Wight
29-32 Wraith It is possible for a spellcaster to cast a spell from a scroll that is of higher level
33-41 Vampire, hopping than he would ordinarily be able to cast. There is, however, a risk that doing
42-50 Zombie so will cause the spell to fail or, worse, backfire on the caster. Determine the
51-00 All undead difference in the minimum level usually needed to cast the spell and the
experience level of the caster, and then roll to determine the result. If the spell
The scroll takes 1 minute to read. It is worth 1,500 x.p. is one that the caster could normally cast, success is automatic.
Campaigns in Mythic China - Magic Items
Scrolls with spells are worth a number of experience points equal to their total will begin an unearthly drumming. All devils within 60’ of the boat must make
spell levels times 100, but such should only be awarded to those characters a saving throw vs. spells; failure means they become enthralled with the music,
actually able to use the spells. not moving, except as needed to stay with the boat. Those affected will stop
all combat, ignore commands from other devils, and simply stare at the boat
Seal of the Ancient Days in rapt attention.
This leaden seal, engraved with mystical signs, is a powerful magic item. Spirit Chariot
When the proper incantation (engraved on the seal itself) is recited, it can be
used to compel a creature native to those planes other than the material to When the proper command word is spoken, this ordinary-looking two-person
enter a container such as a box, bottle, jug, etc. Anything hard and with a wooden chariot will become ethereal, along with its driver and passenger,
definite shape and unbroken surface will do; a burlap sack or cage will not. horse, and any gear stowed aboard. (See ethereal spell and the ADVENTURES
The target is entitled to both a saving throw vs. magic, and any magic DARK AND DEEP™ Game Masters Toolkit for details on ethereal travel.) It can
resistance that may apply. The seal must be used to stopper the container remain ethereal indefinitely, or until the proper command word is used to return
within one round or the target creature will escape and be very angry indeed. it to materiality. It can only pass into the material and ethereal planes. The
It can be used only by clerics, mages, or sub-classes thereof, and is worth chariot is worth 4,000 x.p.
4,000 x.p.
Staff of Elemental Summoning
Seal of Earth and Heaven
This magical staff (usable only by fangshi) will allow the user to conjure one of
This leaden seal, engraved with mystical signs, allows the user to call forth the the five major types of elementals from their respective planes: wood, fire,
very powers of heaven and earth, when the correct magical formulae earth, metal, and water. Such conjured elementals will have 8 hit dice. The
(engraved on the seal) are read. The user can call forth each power once per type of elemental to be conjured must be chosen before the staff is used.
day, but may not employ them simultaneously:
The elemental thus summoned can be controlled by the caster 95% of the time
• Earthquake (as per the spell) once per day. (check at the beginning of the third, and each following, minute) as long as he
• Heavenly beam once per day; a golden light comes down from the maintains his concentration. Control can be exercised at a range of 30’.
sky, striking all within a 10’ radius centered on a point no more Failure to concentrate, such as is caused by being successfully attacked, will
than 30’ distant from the user. All those within the beam’s area of mean that the elemental will turn on the caster (75% of the time) or return to its
effect must save vs. spells, taking 6d6 h.p. of positive energy home plane (25%). The elemental will remain on this plane until it is destroyed,
damage if they fail, or half that if they succeed. Undead are not but note that water elementals cannot survive when more than 60’ away from
entitled to a saving throw. Can only be used outdoors, where the a suitably large source of water such as a river, well, or large pool.
sky is visible.
When found, the staff will have a number of charges equal to 26 minus 1d6.
The seal is worth 2,000 x.p. and can only be used by clerics, mages, or sub- It cannot be recharged, and is worth 9,000 x.p.
classes thereof.
Staff of Kung Fu
Six-demon Bag
This magical staff (usable only by someone with at least one skill level in kung
The six-demon bag is a small leather pouch, tightly bound. It contains both fu) will provide the user with the following effects while he holds it:
wind and fire that can be unleashed at the behest of the owner of the bag,
who must utter the proper command word while opening the bag (which • +1 bonus to all kung fu skill checks
requires both hands). • Additional “defend” combat action in every round (does not count
against other combat actions)
If the first command word is spoken, a whirlwind is unleashed, some 5’ in • Wielder can stand the staff on one end and hop atop it on one foot,
diameter, which will travel at 20’ per minute in a straight line from the opening for one round (counts as his action for the round, unless he also has
of the bag (user gets to choose the course). Open flames will be extinguished, kung fu mastery, in which case can be combined with other actions,
small items will be tossed around, etc. Any creature caught in the whirlwind as appropriate)
will find speech and combat difficult (requiring a wisdom and strength check,
respectively, to be able to cast spells and avoid a -4 penalty “to hit”). The
whirlwind will last for three rounds, and no concentration from the caster is
If the second command word is spoken, a burst of flame will emerge from the
opening of the bag, in a cone 20’ long and 5’ wide at the base. Any creature
caught within it will take 2d8 points of fire damage (save vs. breath weapon
for half damage).
Each function of the bag can be used once every ten minutes. It is worth 3,000
x.p. Where are the other four demons? Where is the universe?
Spirit Boat
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Umbrella of Plagues
This seemingly ordinary umbrella will, when opened, spread disease in its
wake. It can be used in one of two ways:
Campaigns in Mythic China - Magic Items
TABLE 141: POLE ARM TYPE SUB-TABLE Die Roll (d%) Secondary Quality X.P. Value
Die Roll (d%) Pole Arm Type 20-24 Flame tongue 500
01-11 Dagger-axe 25-28 Frost brand 200
12-22 Guando 29 Life stealing 4,200
23-33 Halberd 30-35 Lycanthrope bane 300
34-44 Ji 36-41 Magic scourge 200
45-50 Military fork 42-43 Nine lives stealer 800
51-55 Monk’s spade 44-52 Quickness 200
56-66 Pole axe 53-55 Scalefoe 400
67-78 Pudao 56 Sharpness (bladed only) 6,000
79-89 Suan tou-fang 57-62 Short-mower 400
90-00 Zhua 63 Solar 2,200
64 Speed 2,200
TABLE 142: STAFF TYPE SUB-TABLE 65-73 Submission 850
Die Roll (d%) Staff Type 74-79 Summoning 200 per spell number
01-15 Bo stick 80-86 Tall-reaper 600
16-31 Jo stick 87-88 Thunderbolts 1,100
32-75 Quarterstaff 89-97 Trollslayer 400
76-00 Staff, iron 98-99 Venom (non-crushing only) 1,200
00 Wounding (non-crushing 4,400
Die Roll (d%) Sword Type
01-20 Dao Experience point values are cumulative. The descriptions of the various
21-31 Sword, butterfly secondary qualities are as follows:
32-65 Sword, curved
66-00 Sword, straight Devil Subdual: This weapon can force devils to cease attacking and
even to follow the orders of the wielder. This effect has a range of
TABLE 144: TWIN WEAPON TYPE SUB-TABLE 30’, and is automatic against least devils. Lesser devils get a saving
Die Roll (d%) Twin Weapon Type throw vs. magic with a -2 penalty, and greater devils get a saving
01-11 Dagger, twin throw with a +2 bonus. Failure indicates the devil will obey the
12-22 Emei piercers orders of the wielder for 1d12+12 hours, until the wielder agrees
23-33 Mandarin coin blades to free the devil, or until the wielder loses consciousness (including
34-44 Mandarin duck blades falling asleep). Instructions will be followed to the letter, with
45-55 Sword, butterfly devilish cunning used to pervert the intention of the wielder
whenever possible.
56-66 Sword, curved, twin
67-78 Sword, straight, twin Dragon Slayer: This weapon will have an additional bonus of +2
79-89 Tiger head hooks when used against any true dragon. In addition, the weapon will
90-00 Wind and fire wheels do triple damage against a single type of dragon, determined
Once the weapon type has been determined, roll to determine the primary
quality of the weapon: TABLE 147: WEAPON OF DRAGON SLAYING
Die Roll (d%) Dragon Type
Die Roll (d%) Quality X.P. Value 04-12 Coiled
01-50 +1 400 13-20 Earth
51-73 +2 800 21-22 Heavenly
74-81 +3 1,400 23-51 Rain
82-87 +4 2,000 52-74 River
88-92 +5 3,000 75-81 Sea
93-00 Cursed 0 82-91 Typhoon
92-00 Yellow
Quality refers to the bonus received in melee combat, on both the “to hit” and
damage rolls when using the weapon. In addition, 33% of all randomly- Summoning: This weapon allows the wielder to cast one of the
discovered non-cursed magic weapons will have an additional quality, as monster summoning spells once per day. The spell that can be cast
determined below: should be determined randomly:
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
See also: coin sword (p. 62), dragon scissors (p. 62). • Great number: Missile weapons of great number will be singular
when launched, but will immediately multiply into 3d6 missiles,
Weapon (Missile), Enchanted each of which capable of striking a different opponent, as long as
all targets are within a 30’ radius. Those potentially hit will be
Missile weapons fall into two broad categories: those which are hurled (such determined randomly among potential targets in the radius of
effect. They may be used only once.
as spears and javelins) and those which are fired (bow and arrow, crossbow
and bolt, etc.). Some weapons that can be either hurled or used in melee are Silence: Weapons of silence will prevent any noise from being
included in both lists, but the secondary qualities generated are different, and made in a 20’ radius from its point of impact. If that point happens
will thus indicate whether the weapon is intended to be used in hand-to-hand to be in an enemy, then the radius of silence will move with the
combat or hurled at an enemy. weapon (and the target), if applicable. It may be re-used.
Generally speaking, ammunition, such as arrows, bolts, and sling bullets, is Whip of Many Blades
single-use. Once the missiles hit, they are destroyed, and even if they miss,
there is a 50% chance that they will still be destroyed. As with melee weapons, This potent magic item, usable only by fighters or those with at least two levels
it is also possible for a missile weapon to have more than one enchantment, of kung fu skill (whether it’s both in one style, or split between two), allows the
and certain special types are also possible. First, determine the type of weapon wielder to grab multiple weapons and wield them against enemies, thus greatly
discovered: multiplying his combat effectiveness. The number of weapons that can be
wielded will vary:
Die Roll (d%) Weapon Type TABLE 153: WHIP OF MANY BLADES
01-14 Arrow (dozen) Die Roll (d%) Max. Weapons X.P. Value
15-23 Axe (hand) 01-50 2 1,500
24-35 Bolt/quarrel (score) 51-75 3 2,500
36-37 Bow 76-90 4 3,500
38-48 Bullet (score) 91-00 5 4,500
49-50 Crossbow (90% light, 10% heavy)
51-71 Dagger Only one-handed weapons can be wielded by the whip, and the whip will
72-79 Dart (half-dozen) require a full round to pick up all the weapons (whose handles and grips it
80-87 Javelin must loop around) before it can be used to attack.
88 Sling
89-00 Spear The wielder of the whip need not be proficient in whip, but must be proficient
in the weapons wielded by the whip, or he will suffer the usual non-proficiency
TABLE 150: BOW TYPE SUB-TABLE penalty when attacking with them. All weapons wielded by the whip attack on
Die Roll (d%) Bow Type the same segment, and each may be used on a different opponent as long as
01-15 Composite they are all within 10’ of the wielder and each other.
16-85 Long
86-00 Short Wind Bag
Once the weapon type has been determined, roll to determine the primary This ordinary-looking leather bag is tied with a very special and difficult knot.
quality of the weapon: When opened, the winds magically trapped in the bag are released:
Die Roll (d%) Quality X.P. Value Die Roll
01-49 +1 400 (d%) Speed Effect
50-76 +2 600 01-24 10 mph Light breeze; torches and candles are difficult to keep lit.
77-96 +3 1,200 25-49 20 mph Light wind; missile weapons have -1/-2/-3 “to hit”,
97-99 +4 1,800 depending on range. Equivalent to gust of wind spell.
00 Cursed 0 50-74 30 mph Strong wind; small flying creatures cannot fly, missile
weapons are near-impossible to use, sailing ships move at
In addition, 15% of all non-cursed missile weapons will also have a secondary 125% speed.
quality: 75-89 45 mph Gale; medium flying creatures cannot fly, some ship
damage, sailing ships move at double speed.
TABLE 152: MISSILE WEAPON SECONDARY QUALITY 90-99 60 mph Storm; nothing can fly, small trees uprooted, roofs
Die Roll (d%) Secondary Quality X.P. Value destroyed, sailing ships move at triple speed but cannot
01-10 Accuracy 500 maintain course.
11-20 Distance 1,000 00 75+ mph Hurricane; destroys all but the strongest stone buildings,
21-25 Fireburst 500 ships cannot maintain course.
26-30 Great number (ammunition only) 500
31-45 Homing 500 The wind will be felt in a radius equal to the wind speed x10 (in feet); thus, a
46-55 Impact 300 storm will be felt in a radius 600’ around the bag. It will remain in effect for
56-70 Seeking 100 ten minutes or until the bag is closed, whichever comes first. Once the wind
71-80 Silence 500 within has been released, the bag can only be refilled by retying the knot while
81-90 Speed 1,100 a wind is blowing, in which case the wind will disappear and re-emerge when
91-00 Throwing (no fired weapons or ammunition) 300 the bag is opened once more. The bag is worth 1,500 x.p.
Bestiary - Ape, Long-Armed
Armless People
Bestiary Number 1d4 (or 3d10)
Although many of the creatures found in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Morale -1
Bestiary can also be found in a mythic China setting (for example orcs, which Hit Dice 1d8
are called “pig-men”), there are a number of creatures native to the mythic Armor Class 10 (7)
China setting that are unlikely to be found in the more Eurocentric setting Move 120’/min.
described in the Bestiary. Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
It is worth noting that dragon horses and ki-rin are more properly viewed as Damage 1d6
being indigenous to a mythic China setting, even though they appear in the Defenses None
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary. Attacks None
Weaknesses None
The game master is reminded that intelligent creatures are likely to have one Size M (6’)
or more levels of kung fu skills. In some cases specific styles are named in the Intelligence 10
descriptions below, but the game master should feel free to give any intelligent Alignment Neutral
creature a level or two of kung fu skills, and use them appropriately against Treasure Type Individuals XV, community II
(or on behalf of) the PCs. In such cases, the x.p. value of the monster should Treasure Value Individuals 1d8, community 3d20x100
be increased as if a minor power had been added (see the ADVENTURES DARK Magical Treasure 1 item (5%)
AND DEEP™ Bestiary, Appendix A: Modifying and Creating New Monsters).
X.P. Value 10 + 1/h.p.
Combat: Long-armed apes attack with their claws and bite. As the name
implies, their arms are inordinately long, and they can strike enemies as far
away as seven feet. They can also hurl stones at enemies with great precision,
getting a +1 bonus “to hit” and doing 1d6 h.p. of damage, with a maximum
range of 60’.
Finally, the long-armed ape makes a raucous cry as it fights, which will cause
any creature within 20' who hears it to save vs. paralyzation. Those who fail
their saving throw will act as if they are under a fear spell, fleeing in a random
direction for 1d3 rounds, and having a 50% chance of dropping any item
held in their hands. Creatures with 4 or more levels or hit dice are immune to
the scream.
Appearance: Long-armed apes are gray in color, and have arms some six or
seven feet long. Older males will sport black stripes running down the back.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
August Rooster round. Note that most fish will perish in 1d4+1 rounds, and other creatures
may run the risk of drowning. The clam’s most powerful ability, however, is to
Number 1d2 cast an improved phantasmal force spell at will, as if it were a 6th level
Morale +3 spellcaster. This power could be used to create the illusion of a treasure chest,
Hit Dice 5d8 to lure in intelligent prey, or the image of a lazy shoal of fish on a sandy bank,
Armor Class 3 to lure in less intelligent victims.
Move 30’/min., 240’/min. flying (perfect)
Magic Resistance Standard Appearance: When their true form is revealed, cunning clams are merely large
No. of Attacks 3 versions of their ordinary cousins. The shells can be found in a variety of
Damage 1d4/1d6/1d6 different shapes and colors, and they generally rest on the bottom of the ocean
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm with their shells open, waiting for prey to swim inside.
Attacks None
Weaknesses None Demon
Size M (5’ tall)
Intelligence 15 See the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary for more details on demons and
Alignment Lawful neutral their inherent powers.
Treasure Type XV (in nest only)
Treasure Value 1d6x1,000 Tree Demon (Lesser Demon)
Magical Treasure 1 item
X.P. Value 130 + 5/h.p. Number 1
Morale +8
General: The august rooster (“august” in this context referring to exalted, not Hit Dice 8d12
to the month) is a special enchanted bird that dwells in high mountains, but Armor Class 2
will migrate to peaceful locales if necessary in its nesting season, during Move 30’/min.
spring. They are peaceful creatures, and anyone coming within 60’ of one Magic Resistance Standard
without hostile intent will be blessed (as per the spell) for the next 24 hours. No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d6/1d6/2d6
Combat: August roosters attack with their beak and talons. They can be Defenses Immune to fire, +1 (or better) weapon to harm
harmed only by weapons with a +1 or greater enchantment. Attacks Tongue, magic use
Weaknesses Holy water
Appearance: An august rooster has the head of a golden pheasant, the body Size L
of a mandarin duck, the tail of a peacock, a crane’s legs, the beak of a parrot, Intelligence 12
and the wings of a swallow. Its plumage is usually shades of red, yellow, or Alignment Chaotic evil
orange, but specimens with green bodies and orange or yellow wings have Treasure Type None
also been reported. They speak their own language. Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
Clam, Cunning X.P. Value 1,350 + 14/h.p.
X.P. Value 300 + 6/h.p.
Darkness 10’ radius at will
• Telekinesis (200 lbs.) at will
General: Cunning clams are related to giant clams, but have a cruel
Charm person three times per day
intelligence and the ability to project illusions, both to draw in prey and to
discourage predators. They are found in both fresh and salt water, preferring Charm monster once per day
warmer climes.
They are unharmed by non-magical weapons and fire. Holy water will inflict
Combat: Cunning clams attack by clamping their shells on enemies who get 1d6 h.p. of damage per vial.
too close. Once closed, the shell of a cunning clam cannot be opened until the
creature is slain. Creatures that are captive will take 1d4 h.p. of damage each
Bestiary - Devil
All devils are able to attack multiple opponents in a round, as long as they Getting out of such a pact is difficult in the extreme, and doing so successfully
have more than one attack listed. All devils possess the following powers and is the stuff of legend and song. Only the most clever of mortals are able to
abilities: actually deceive or otherwise trick a devil in matters regarding an infernal
pact. Once the pact is signed, it should be remembered that the mortal no
• Animate dead once per round longer has any leverage, and so challenges to contests of skill or wit, etc., are
• Charm person once per round not going to have any sway. Only if the condemned can get some sort of
• Half damage from cold-based attacks power over the devil that entered into the pact with him, or can otherwise make
• Half damage from gas attacks an offer of greater value than his own soul, will the devil even consider
• Illusion once per round revoking the pact.
• Immune to fire-based attacks, both magical and mundane
• Infravision (constant) Talismans
• Know alignment once per round
• Suggestion once per round All types of devils save those of the least status have a specific talisman which
• Telepathy used to converse with any intelligent creature they guard very carefully, for if another gains possession of the talisman, that
• Teleport without error once per round being will have power over the devil in question.
Silver weapons will harm all devils, including those only normally affected by • Lesser devils will be forced to serve the possessor of the talisman
enchanted weapons. for nine days, and no devil of that type can harm the possessor
during that time.
All devils speak the Infernal tongue as well as having telepathic powers, as • Greater devils are forced to serve for nine hours, and devils of
that type are prevented from harming the possessor for that time.
described above.
Arch-devils can be compelled to perform a single service, and are
Many devils are able to summon others of their kind when in distress, as prevented from harming the possessor for nine minutes.
described below. Note that most will be hesitant to do so, for it places them
under an obligation to those who respond to the call for aid. Such summoning In order to use a devil’s talisman, one must perform a human sacrifice
counts as the devil’s action for that round, while those who are summoned (if (including humanoid or demi-human), which is an inherently evil act. If a
any) are fully able to function on the following round. Devils so summoned, talisman falls into the hands of a non-devil, the relevant arch-devil will instantly
may, of course, summon others of their kind… become aware of the problem and will dispatch appropriate forces to recover
A pentagram will keep most sorts of devils at bay, with the exception of arch-
devils. Talismans can also be used to summon the specific type of devil for which they
are designed. In fact, there is a 10% chance that even scrutinizing such a
All arch-devils have the powers of lesser deities, as listed in Appendix E, in talisman will inadvertently summon the type of devil attuned to it. Bear in mind
addition to those powers listed herein. Those individuals noted as dukes of Hell that the protective qualities of the talisman are not automatically activated.
have the powers listed for demigods, as well as those listed below.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
The arch-devil King Yan rules over damned souls native to mythic China, but Blue Green Red
he himself swears fealty to the Lord of the Hells, Asmoday. He rules over a vast Number 1d8 1d4 1d2
swath of the sixth level of Hell, called Diyu, which was granted to him as an Morale +1 +3 +5
exclusive demesne by Asmoday. Because of this, Baalzebul and King Yan hold Hit Dice 3d8 5d8 7d8
great enmity and loathing for one another. King Yan’s domains are further Armor Class 6 6 6
divided into ten courts, each ruled over by its own Yama king, who holds the Move 90’/min. 90’/min. 90’/min.
rank and power equivalent to a Duke of Hell: Magic Resistance D D D
No. of Attacks 1 1 1
Qinguang Biancheng Damage Per weapon type Per weapon type Per weapon type
Chujiang Taishan Defenses Magic use Magic use Magic use
Songdi Dushi Attacks Magic use Magic use Magic use
Wuguan Pingdeng Weaknesses Holy water Holy water Holy water
Yanluo Zhuanlun Size L (7’) L (7’) L (7’)
Intelligence 12 13 14
King Yan rules over this region from his capital city of Youdu, wherein the souls Alignment Lawful evil Lawful evil Lawful evil
of the damned are judged according to the severity of their sins. As part of an Treasure Type None None None
aeons-old agreement with the chief deity of the pantheon, all souls who have Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a
sinned at all during their lives must come into his domain, but souls brought Magical Treasure None None None
here only rarely stay for all eternity; most are allowed to reincarnate once they X.P. Value 80 + 3/h.p. 210 + 5/h.p. 600 + 12/h.p.
have received suitable punishment for their sins. This arrangement (the Turn as Type XIII XIII XIII
cleverness of which it is said even Asmoday admires) has multiplied Yan’s
power within the infernal hierarchy many times, and earned him many jealous General: Emo devils are the primary enforcers of punishments in Diyu, with the
rivals. It does seem, however, that the bureaucratic processes of the Hells aren’t blue types being the lowest ranking, the green being their officers and
at their most efficient when processing souls for release… organizers, and the red being in charge of large groups and departments.
They are noted for their single-mindedness and sadism, and take great glee in
This is not to say that daemons, demons, and the other denizens of the Lower meting out the punishments they are assigned. They also form the bulk of the
Planes, as described in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary, aren’t active great legions that occasionally clash with those of Baalzebul.
in a mythic China setting, but the Hells have a particular affinity for this land,
probably owing to its more lawful and centralized government. Combat: Emo devils attack with their weapons, which are usually either spears
or tridents. In addition, they have the following magical powers:
Bestiary - Devil
General: Equine devils are sometimes referred to as horse-face devils, found General: Tauran devils are sometimes referred to as bull-face devils, found in
in great numbers in Diyu, since they are one of the two types of devil used to great numbers in Diyu, since they are one of the two types of devil used to
guard transported souls. It is their duty to protect all souls transported in and guard transported souls. See above for more details about their duties. They
out of Diyu from the depredations of other devils, who either resent or do not are always found paired with an equine devil. They have an affinity for yaomo
comprehend the exclusive franchise that King Yan enjoys. They are always devils (see below).
found paired with a tauran devil (see below), and are on occasion used to
torment the souls of the sinners or on special missions. As a rule, they are not Combat: Tauran devils attack with a great trident, or their fists and horns. In
found within the ranks of the armies of King Yan unless on such a mission. addition, they have the following magical powers:
Combat: Equine devils attack with a massive wolf teeth club, or their fists. In • Polymorph self once per round (only into the form of a bull and
addition, they have the following magical powers: back)
• Invisibility at will
• Polymorph self once per round (only into the form of a horse and • Detect magic once per round
back) • Tongues once per round
• Invisibility at will • Charm devil once per round (as charm monster, but effective only
• Detect magic once per round on devils up to and including greater rank)
• Tongues once per round • Pyrotechnics once per round
• Charm devil once per round (as charm monster, but effective only • Summon another pair of equine and tauran devils once every ten
on devils up to and including greater rank) minutes (30% chance of success; failure means the devil must wait
• Pyrotechnics once per round ten minutes before trying again)
• Summon another pair of equine and tauran devils once every ten • Ice storm once per day
minutes (30% chance of success; failure means the devil must wait • Easy travels once per day
ten minutes before trying again)
• Ice storm once per day Appearance: Tauran devils look like large muscular humanoids with the heads
• Easy travels once per day of bulls. They are often mistaken for minotaurs, and wear full sets of clothing,
often gaily colored.
Appearance: Equine devils look like large muscular humanoids with the heads
of horses. They wear full sets of clothing, often gaily colored.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
General: King Yan, King of the Ten Courts of Hell, enjoys a special status
within the hierarchy of the Nine Hells: he holds the favor of Asmoday on
account of the special arrangement he has with the deities of the mortal lands
over which he holds sway, and has earned many enemies because of it.
Asmoday admires his audacity and cunning in getting the gods to agree to
give him exclusive rights to the judgment and torment of all sinners, regardless
of alignment, and protects King Yan as a vassal with special privileges. That
in no way means that King Yan is weak on his own; he is as adept at the many-
General: These fearsome creatures are the elite of Yan’s armies, and are layered machinations of infernal politics as he is at judging the souls of those
charged with inflicting the worst of torments on the sinners who are brought to who come before him, and he is one of the most formidable figures in the Nine
Diyu. Only rarely are they sent abroad on missions for King Yan, but when Hells. Few who underestimate him ever survive for long.
they are, they are accompanied by a retinue of emo devils (2d4 blue, 2d3
green, and 1d4 red). All will be mounted on nightmares. Combat: As a rule, King Yan eschews violence, preferring the grinding gears
of the Infernal legal system to outright combat. When pressed, however, he
Combat: Mogui attack with their claws, and their great strength (equivalent to wields a great pole axe. In addition, he has the following magical powers:
a STR value of 18/00) makes them particularly fierce opponents. They also
Detect lie (always)
regenerate 1 h.p. per round. In addition, they have the following powers:
Charm person once per round
• • Dispel magic once per round
Detect invisibility once per round
• Fly once per round
Detect magic once per round
• Hold person once per round
Fear 20’ radius (constant, but saving throw vs. wands applies)
• Hold monster once per round
Hold person once per round
• Polymorph self once per round
Polymorph self once per round
• Rulership (as per the rod) once per round
Summon other devils once every three rounds:
Summon devils once every round:
Die Roll (d%) Result of Summoning
01-25 Fails Die Roll (d%) Result of Summoning
26-65 Blue emo 01-25 Fails
66-85 Green emo 26-50 Green emo
86-95 Red emo 51-70 Red emo
96-00 Yaomo 71-85 Equine devil
86-00 Tauran devil
Wall of stone once every five minutes
• (Fulfill another’s) wish once every ten minutes
Psychic strike three times per day
• Symbol of fear once per day Psychic strike ten times per day
Bestiary - Devil Queller
• Restoration once every ten minutes • Summon another yaomo devil once every ten minutes (50% chance
• Unholy word once per day of success; failure means it must wait ten minutes to try again)
Appearance: King Yan appears as a large man with a scowling red face, Appearance: Yaomo devils appear as great yellow oxen with flames randomly
bulging eyes, and a long beard. He wears traditional robes and a judge's cap appearing about their bodies, and great bulging eyes. Their black horns face
or a crown which bears the character for "king". He can change his form at forward.
will, however, and sometimes appears as a huge blue ogre with three eyes
and great white tusks; in that form he will cause fear to all within a 20’ radius Devil Queller
(as per the spell).
Number 1
Morale +4
Hit Dice 8d8
Armor Class 0
Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage Per weapon type
Defenses Etherealness, +1 (or better) weapon to harm
Attacks Yang blast
Weaknesses Unholy water
Size M
Intelligence 18
Alignment Lawful good
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 550 + 10/h.p.
Devil, Yaomo (Lesser Devil)
General: Devil quellers are benevolent spirits of those scholars who died prior
Number 2d6 to passing the national exams for civil service. They are non-corporeal undead
Morale +11 with ties to the positive (yang) plane.
Hit Dice 10d12
Armor Class 1 Combat: Devil quellers are armed with swords +1 / +2 vs. devils. In addition
Move 180’/min. to attacking with it normally, once every other round, a devil queller can use
Magic Resistance J the sword to send out a blast of pure yang energy that will do 2d8 h.p. of
No. of Attacks 4 damage to all devils, demons, and evil undead or extra-planar creatures within
Damage 1d6/1d3/1d6/1d6 a 20’ radius. Devils get no saving throw, but all other affected creatures are
Defenses Magic use entitled to a saving throw vs. magic for half damage. Devil quellers can
Attacks Magic use, fire, trample become ethereal at will.
Weaknesses Holy water
Size L (7’ high at shoulder) Appearance: Devil quellers are semi-translucent figures with large eyes and
Intelligence 8 bushy beards, wearing the robes and caps of civil servants.
Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type None Draco-lion
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None Number 1d4
X.P. Value 2,750 + 18/h.p. Morale +3
Hit Dice 5d10
General: The yaomo are the great flaming bull-devils whose job it is to torment Armor Class 4
those who in life tortured animals. In addition, they serve in the armies of King Move 120’/min., 180’/min. (flying - poor)
Yan as cavalry and shock troops, and are occasionally sent abroad on other Magic Resistance Standard
missions. They are dull and brutish, but able to follow orders well. No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d6/1d6/1d10
Combat: Yaomo attack with their horns, bite, and hooves. In addition, if both Defenses None
hooves successfully attack an enemy, they will do an additional 1d10 h.p. of Attacks None
trampling damage. Random parts of their bodies erupt into flame at random Weaknesses None
intervals; any creature within 5’ of a yaomo has a 1 in 6 chance of suffering Size L (6’)
1d4 h.p. of fire damage on any given round. In addition, they have the Intelligence 6
following magical powers: Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type XII
• Speak with animals at will Treasure Value 3d6x10
• Charm animals once per round Magical Treasure None
• ESP once per round X.P. Value 225 + 6/h.p.
• Fear 5’ radius once per round
• Pyrotechnics once per round
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
General: Draco-lions are distant cousins of such creatures as sphinxes, in mythic China are not universally driven by greed and the desire to
dragonnes, and the like. They can be found in most climates, but usually away accumulate treasure.
from civilization, as they eat gold and silver and as such are not normally
welcome in civilized regions. They can smell such metals from up to 500 yards Size: All dragons have three size categories; this determines how many hit
away, and have been known to inadvertently kill travelers and merchants in dice they have (each entry has three numbers listed: one for small, one for
order to get to the gold in their purses. average, and one for large specimens). If necessary, determine size randomly:
Combat: Draco-lions attack with their claws and bite. They will not bite enemies TABLE 155: DRAGON SIZE
while in mid-air, however. Die Roll (d8) Size
1-2 Small
Appearance: Draco-lions have draconic heads, the bodies of lions, and large 3-7 Average
eagle-like wings. They are covered with light gray fur. The males sport a single 8 Huge
antler on their head, while the females have two such horns.
Most characteristics of the dragon are determined by its age:
There are various types of “true” dragon, and as a race they vary widely in
terms of strength and alignment. Unlike their European counterparts, dragons
The treasure modifier is used both to determine whether or not a dragon has • ESP continually in effect (range equals 5’ per age die roll, i.e., 5’-
any treasure at all, and to calculate how much treasure it has. Thus, a sub- 40’)
adult dragon has a 50% chance of having 50% of the listed treasure in its • Invisibility at will
Mated pairs: If more than one dragon is encountered, they will consist of a
All dragons have the following powers and abilities: mated pair, and any dragons after the first two will be their young (adjust age
rolls appropriately). Dragons will protect their mates and young; if they see
• Detect invisibility or hidden creatures (10’ range per age group) them under attack, they will immediately use their breath weapons and then
• Infravision (60’ range) attack with claws, tails, and teeth with a +2 bonus “to hit” and damage.
• Inspire dragonfear when charging or overflying
• Spellcasting: All but the very youngest dragons have a chance to cast spells,
Dragonfear: When a dragon of adult age or older charges or flies overhead, as indicated above. If a given dragon is a spellcaster, roll to see what level
it inspires what is known as dragonfear. The effect of the dragonfear will caster the dragon is. The type of spellcaster will depend on the type of dragon;
depend on the hit dice of the creature (or the level of the character) affected. see the individual dragon type descriptions for details. Due to their innate
magical natures, dragon spellcasters do not need or use spell books or material
TABLE 157: DRAGONFEAR EFFECT components, even if they cast spells as mages or their sub-classes. All dragons
Character are able to polymorph self twice per day (once into the chosen form - for a
Hit Dice Level Dragonfear Effect duration of 12 hours maximum - and once back to dragon form).
1d4-1d6 Commoner Flee in blind panic for 4d6x10 minutes.
1d8-3d6 1-2 Save vs. magic or be paralyzed with fear Treasure: All dragons amass treasure. The treasure multiplier in the table above
(50% chance) for 10d6 minutes; otherwise refers only to the treasure value for the creature, not the chance or number of
flee in blind panic 4d6x10 minutes. any magical items that might be present in its hoard.
3d8-6d6 3-5 Save vs. magic or have a -1 penalty “to hit”
and to damage. Combat: Unless otherwise noted, a dragon’s breath weapon (if any) does a
6d8+ 6+ No effect number of points of damage equal to the dragon’s current hit point total
(targets are entitled to a saving throw vs. breath weapon to take half damage,
Adult and older dragons are also themselves immune to magical fear of any rounded up). Dragons may use their breath weapons as often as they wish.
In the air, dragons can attack with either their bite or claws, not both. They
In addition, all mythic China dragons have the following powers: can, however, breathe and then attack with tooth or talon in the same round.
• Never sleep
Bestiary - Dragon
All dragons are able to speak their own tongue, which is understood by all Coiled Dragon
dragonkind. They are also able to speak the Imperial tongue, but sometimes
only haltingly. Number 1d4
Morale See above
Flight: While most mythic China dragons have no wings, they can still fly by Hit Dice 6-8
means of a magical organ in their brains. Armor Class 2
Move 120’/min. (walking, swimming, and flying - clumsy)
Experience: Unfortunately, due to the high number of variables, it is impossible Magic Resistance Standard
to give a standard experience point (x.p.) value for dragons. The game master No. of Attacks 3
must use the formula in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary Appendix A Damage 1d3/1d3/2d8
to calculate the value of each individual dragon. Detect invisible objects counts Defenses None
as a minor power, while dragonfear, spellcasting ability, and the dragon’s Attacks Magic use, dragonfear, constriction
breath weapon count as major powers. You should also add any applicable Weaknesses None
bonuses, for such things as the maximum damage the dragon can inflict, its Size L (54’ long)
armor class, etc. Intelligence 13
Alignment Chaotic neutral
Carp Dragon Treasure Type XVIII
Treasure Value 4d6x10,000
Number 1d4 Magical Treasure 2d6 items (15%), must include 2 potions and 2 scrolls
Morale See above X.P. Value See above
Hit Dice 5-7
Armor Class 3 General: Coiled dragons dwell in marshes, swamps, and shallow lakes, and
Move 60’/min., 180’/min. (swimming) can breathe both air and water. Those coiled dragons that are spellcasters do
Magic Resistance Standard so as if they were fangshi.
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d4/1d4/2d8 Combat: Coiled dragons attack with their foreclaws and bite. A successful hit
Defenses None with their bite means they can latch on to the prey, doing an automatic 1d8
Attacks None hit points of biting damage and 2d8 h.p. of constriction damage with their
Weaknesses None long tail, each round. They have no breath weapon, but have the following
Size L (18’) innate magical powers:
Intelligence 7
Charm monster three times per day
Alignment Neutral
Scaled aquatic creatures will not attack
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Command 1d10 scaled aquatic creatures
Magical Treasure None once per day, half mile radius, 2d6x10
rounds duration, no saving throw
X.P. Value See above
If in physical contact with water,
General: Carp dragons are unique among the dragons found in mythic China, can create a watery aura at will
as they are actually an immature form of the other dragon types. Upon that looks like blue-green flames
reaching the age of 101, they will transform into one of the other dragon types. enveloping the dragon, which does
It is not the case, however, that carp dragons are simply the adolescent form 1d6 h.p. to any creature whom it
of the other dragons, as they are known to have “true” offspring of their own. touches (except dragons); dispelled by
The exact relationship remains uncertain, but there does not seem to be any being touched with real fire for 2d6x10
prejudice among dragonkind regarding the carp-born as opposed to the true- minutes
born. They dwell in water, and can only breathe water, but can come on land
if they wish for up to one hour. Appearance: Coiled dragons look like slender
reptiles with four limbs and frilled heads with
Combat: Carp dragons attack with their claws and bite. They have no breath “whiskers” on the sides of their mouths. They
weapon and are unable to fly, polymorph themselves into other forms, or are usually blue, green, or some combination
become invisible as other dragons can. thereof. They share a language with rain
Appearance: Carp dragons have a draconic head and arms, and the body
and tail of a great carp. Their heads have a small ridge down the middle, and
they have beards.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
General: Earth dragons are unique among mythic China dragons in that they General: Heavenly dragons dwell in the cold reaches of the upper atmosphere,
are the only ones to actually have wings. They dwell underground, and are in clouds (they know the secret art of solidifying clouds so as to allow
strong swimmers, even though they do not breathe water. They can dig through construction of castles, digging of caves, and so on), atop high mountains, etc.
rock at a rate of 10’ per minute, and through softer earth at 60’ per minute. Those who cast spells do so as fangshi.
Those earth dragons that are spellcasters do so as if they were wu.
Heavenly dragons consider opals and pearls a delicacy, and mortals who
Combat: Earth dragons attack with their foreclaws and bite. They have no bring them such will be well-regarded.
breath weapon, but can produce an earthquake (as per the spell), with an
area of effect that depends on their age: There is a 50% chance that all heavenly dragons who are old, very old, or
ancient will have 1d6 wind walkers as attendants and courtiers. These wind
TABLE 158: EARTHQUAKE SIZE walkers are fanatically loyal and immune to charm magic of all sorts.
Age Earthquake Area of Effect
Very young (1-5 yrs.) 10’ x10’ Combat: Heavenly dragons attack with their foreclaws and bite. They can also
Young (6-15 yrs.) 20’ x 20’ breathe fire in a cone 90’ long and 30’ wide at the base, and can cast control
Sub-adult (16-25 yrs.) 30’ x 30’ weather a number of times per day based on their age:
Young adult (26-50 yrs.) 40’ x 40’
Adult (51-100 yrs.) 50’ x 50’ TABLE 159: CONTROL WEATHER SPELLS PER DAY
Old (101-200 yrs.) 60’ x 60’ Age Can Cast Control Weather
Very old (201-400 yrs.) 70’ x 70’ Very young (1-5 yrs.) 2 times per day
Ancient (401+ yrs.) 80’ x 80’ Young (6-15 yrs.) 4 times per day
Sub-adult (16-25 yrs.) 6 times per day
They themselves are immune to the effects of earthquakes and all other earth- Young adult (26-50 yrs.) 8 times per day
based attacks, including those of earth elementals. Adult (51-100 yrs.) 10 times per day
Old (101-200 yrs.) 12 times per day
Appearance: Earth dragons have the body of an enormous lion and the head Very old (201-400 yrs.) 14 times per day
of a dragon with human-like features. They have feathered wings resembling Ancient (401+ yrs.) 16 times per day
the feathers of a peacock. They speak their own language.
Heavenly dragons also have the astrology skill (very young to sub-adults have
1 skill level, young adults to old have 2 skill levels, and very old and older
have 3 skill levels).
Appearance: Heavenly dragons are long and sinewy, with two antlers on their
heads. They have four limbs and a small crest running down their back and
tail. Their heads are large, have a many-fringed crest facing towards the
dragon’s rear, and are bearded.
Bestiary - Dragon
Appearance: Rain dragons appear as long reptiles with four limbs, a spaded Combat: While in dragon form, river dragons attack with their foreclaws and
tail spike, and a small fringe running down the spine, and will often rear up bite. In human form they will wield a sword +5 that is so heavy that ordinary
on their hind legs, giving them a bipedal gait. Their heads have two small mortals must make a successful bend bars roll simply to lift it. Their breath
horns and their mouths are framed by “whiskers”. They speak their own weapon is a raincloud that can be sent anywhere within a ten mile radius to
language, that of river dragons, and the Imperial tongue. produce ordinary rain. In addition, they have the following magical abilities:
River dragons also have the astrology skill (very young to sub-adults have 1
skill level, young adults to old have 2 skill levels, and very old and older have
3 skill levels).
Appearance: River dragons are very long and thin with four limbs ending in
webbed digits. Their tails end in delicate fish-like fans, and they have a billowy
dorsal ridge down their spine. Their heads are typically draconic, with
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
“whiskers” and a beard, but no horns. They are typically green with a yellow sadistic pleasure. They dwell in great well-hidden castles beneath the sea, and
belly. River dragons speak their own language, that of rain dragons, all human will have 3d6 sahuagin and 1d4 scrags as servants and guards, as well as a
languages, and can communicate with all fish. 25% chance of 1d2 deep goliaths. Those who cast spells do so as wu.
Sea Dragon Combat: Typhoon dragons attack with their foreclaws and bite. They possess
no breath weapon, but do have the ability to create a typhoon once per week,
Number 1 with a duration of 6d4 hours. The radius of the storm is dependent on the age
Morale See above of the typhoon dragon, but will always be centered upon him:
Hit Dice 11-13
Armor Class 0 TABLE 160: TYPHOON SIZE
Move 30’/min., 90’/min. (swimming) Age Typhoon Radius
Magic Resistance Standard Very young (1-5 yrs.) 5 miles
No. of Attacks 3 Young (6-15 yrs.) 10 miles
Damage 1d12/1d12/6d6 Sub-adult (16-25 yrs.) 15 miles
Defenses None Young adult (26-50 yrs.) 20 miles
Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear Adult (51-100 yrs.) 25 miles
Weaknesses None Old (101-200 yrs.) 30 miles
Size L (30’) Very old (201-400 yrs.) 35 miles
Intelligence 11 Ancient (401+ yrs.) 40 miles
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type XVIII Within the area of the typhoon, hurricane force winds and driving rain are the
Treasure Value 4d6x10,000 norm. The following will occur within the typhoon’s area of effect:
Magical Treasure 2d6 items (15%), must include 2 potions and 2 scrolls
X.P. Value See above Small ships are destroyed, and large ships have a 70% chance of
General: Sea dragons dwell in the ocean, and are believed to be relatives of • Tree trunks have a 70% chance of breaking, and smaller limbs are
automatically broken
the dragon turtle (q.v.). They are capable of breathing either water or air, but
Loose items, and even some secured ones, are blown away
are exceptionally clumsy on land. Those who cast spells do so as wu.
Flight and missile fire are impossible
• Melee can be done only with a -8 penalty “to hit”
Combat: Scaled dragons attack with their foreclaws and bite. Their breath
Structures suffer 1d10 points of damage per hour
weapon is a cloud of steam 100’ long and 50’ wide at the base. In addition,
they have the following powers: Every ten minutes, creatures suffer 1d10 points of damage; they
also have a 70% chance of being knocked down, as well as a 40%
• Scaled aquatic creatures will not attack chance of being blown back 1d4x10 feet, suffering 1d6 points of
• damage per 10’
Command 4d10 scaled aquatic creatures once per day, half mile
radius, 2d6x10 rounds duration, no saving throw All movement on land is done at 25% speed
Appearance: Sea dragons look like great turtles with draconic heads. They Appearance: Typhoon dragons have thick, whale-like bodies covered in
have “whiskers” and a ridge from the tops of their heads to the napes of their brilliant turquoise and red scales. They have four limbs ending in massive
necks. They speak their own language. claws, and two trumpet-like ears on their bullet-shaped heads. Their mouths are
like those of a shark, and they have beards.
Typhoon Dragon
Yellow Dragon
Number 1
Morale See above Number 1-3
Hit Dice 10-12 Morale See above
Armor Class -1 Hit Dice 10-12
Move 90’/min., 480’/min. (flying - clumsy) Armor Class -2
Magic Resistance Standard Move 120’/min., 300’/min. (flying - clumsy)
No. of Attacks 3 Magic Resistance Standard
Damage 1d3/1d3/2d10 No. of Attacks 3
Defenses Immune to water- and wind-based attacks Damage 1d8/1d8/6d6
Attacks Typhoon, dragonfear Defenses None
Weaknesses None Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear, magic use
Size L (70’) Weaknesses None
Intelligence 9 Size L (54’)
Alignment Chaotic evil Intelligence 18
Treasure Type XVIII Alignment Lawful good
Treasure Value 1d8+3x1000 Treasure Type XVIII
Magical Treasure 5 items (10%), no weapons, must include 1 scroll and 1 Treasure Value 4d4x10,000
potion Magical Treasure 1d6 items (15%), 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls
X.P. Value See above (50%)
X.P. Value See above
General: Typhoon dragons are greatly feared due to their awesome power to
devastate entire coastlines, which they are wont to do out of sheer malice, for
Bestiary - Dragon Kings
General: Yellow dragons dwell in caves or castles of stone, often near rivers.
They feed on gems and pearls, and can be approached with such to attain a All also have four levels of the astrology skill, and will never fail in their skill
favorable hearing. All yellow dragons can use spells, as noted in the table check.
below. Their spells can be of any sort, be it wu, mystic, fangshi, or savant.
Fangshi and savant spells will be stored in spell books, however. Ao Guang, Dragon King of the East Sea
Giant mantis shrimp 1d2 30%
Lightning bolt five times per day
Giant sea turtle 1d2 90%
Limited wish once per day
Hippocampus 1d2 65%
Scaled aquatic creatures will not attack
Nixie 2d4 25%
River dragon 1d2 50% Command 10d10 scaled aquatic creatures once per day, half mile
radius, 2d6x10 rounds duration, no saving throw
Salt-water crocodile 1d6 70%
Sea dragon 1d4+1 70% If in physical contact with water, can create a watery aura at will
Sea Lion 1d4 65% that looks like blue-green flames enveloping him, which does 4d6
Triton 3d8 95% h.p. to any creature whom it touches (except dragons); dispelled
by being touched with real fire for 2d6x10 minutes
All four dragon kings have the powers of demigods (see the ADVENTURES DARK
AND DEEP™ Game Masters Toolkit for details), but are not worshipped per se Appearance: Ao Guang appears as a large rain dragon of majestic bearing
and cannot grant spells. All have the following powers in common: and great wisdom, with scales of sparkling vibrant blue. He speaks all
• ESP at will
• Control weather once per round
• Summon wind once per round
• Create water once per round
• Destroy water once per round
• Remove curse once per round
• Curse once per round
• Create rain anywhere within 20 miles of his sea
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Ao Qin, Dragon King of the South Sea Ao Run, Dragon King of the West Sea
Ao Qin is a 14th level wu and a 12th level savant. Combat: Ao Run attacks with his foreclaws and bite. His breath weapon is a
forked lightning bolt 5’ wide that will go 30’ and then fork in two directions,
Combat: Ao Qin attacks with his foreclaws and bite. His breath weapon is a if he wishes, each traveling an additional 40’. Each fork will do damage equal
stream of sodium that reacts with seawater and creates a cloud of superheated to half his total hit points, but can be combined into a single, full-damage, bolt
gas and vapor some 30’ in diameter, which travels 20’ per round and lasts of lightning if he so desires. In addition, he has the following magical powers:
for 1d4+5 rounds. It will dissipate if it hits a solid object such as a wall or
boulder. He is immune to all water- and wind-based attacks. In addition, he • Prismatic wall three times per day
has the following powers: • Limited wish once per day
• Scaled aquatic creatures will not attack
• Telekinetic sphere three times per day • Command 6d10 scaled aquatic creatures once per day, half mile
• Limited wish once per day radius, 2d6x10 rounds duration, no saving throw
• Scaled aquatic creatures will not attack • If in physical contact with water, can create a watery aura at will
• Command 7d10 scaled aquatic creatures once per day, half mile that looks like blue-green flames enveloping him, which does 2d12
radius, 2d6x10 rounds duration, no saving throw h.p. to any creature whom it touches (except dragons); dispelled
• If in physical contact with water, can create a watery aura at will by being touched with real fire for 2d6x10 minutes
that looks like blue-green flames enveloping him, which does 3d6
h.p. to any creature whom it touches (except dragons); dispelled Appearance: Ao Run appears as a river dragon with scales of tan and orange.
by being touched with real fire for 2d6x10 minutes He speaks all languages.
Bestiary - Elemental
Metal Elemental
Combat: Au Shun attacks with his foreclaws and bite. His breath weapon is a
globe of cold which will freeze the water in front of his mouth in a sphere some
Number 1
20’ in diameter. Any creature caught in the sphere will take 10 h.p. of cold
Morale +3
damage per round, as well as possibly suffocating. In addition, Au Shun has
Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10
the following magical powers:
Armor Class 2
Move 60’/min.
Wall of ice three times per day
Magic Resistance Standard
Limited wish once per day
No. of Attacks 1
Scaled aquatic creatures will not attack
Damage 5d6
Command 5d10 scaled aquatic creatures once per day, half mile
Defenses +2 (or better) weapon to harm
radius, 2d6x10 rounds duration, no saving throw
Attacks Absorb metal
If in physical contact with water, can create a watery aura at will
Weaknesses Weight
that looks like blue-green flames enveloping him, which does 3d10
Size L
h.p. to any creature whom it touches (except dragons); dispelled
Intelligence 6
by being touched with real fire for 2d6x10 minutes
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Appearance: Ao Shun appears as a river dragon with scales of white and
Treasure Value n/a
pale blue. He speaks all languages.
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 2,850 + 15/h.p.
General: Metal elementals are native to the elemental plane of metal. They are
quite dense and heavy, and will sink in any sort of soft surface such as mud,
sand, etc., moving at half speed in such footing. They will sink in water, as
well, and must move by walking across the bottom of any large body of water.
Combat: Metal elementals attack with their mighty fists. When striking an
opponent wearing metal armor or shield, or when struck by a metal weapon,
the metal elemental can make a saving throw vs. polymorph. If the saving
throw is successful, the elemental will absorb the metal into its own body,
healing 1d6 h.p. of damage, and of course destroying the object absorbed.
Magic items with a +2 bonus or greater are immune to the effect.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Appearance: Metal elementals are vaguely humanoid in shape, formed of General: Endsquare birds are found in marshy areas where they feast on
various types of metal flowing into one another, some parts of their bodies venomous snakes and reptiles. Because of this diet, their own bite has become
being hard and sharp, others being rounded and flowing. Their bodies move poisonous. They are aggressive and territorial, and will attack if their territory
with an audible grating sound. is invaded or they are startled.
Wood Elemental Combat: Endsquare birds attack with their beaks. If struck, victims must make
a saving throw vs. poison or die.
Number 1
Morale +3 Appearance: The endsquare bird looks like a crane with one foot. It has
Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10 feathers of green and scarlet, and a white beak.
Armor Class 2
Move 60’/min. Enlightened One
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 Number 1
Damage 5d6 Morale +10
Defenses +2 (or better) weapon to harm Hit Dice 10d6
Attacks Animate wood Armor Class 0
Weaknesses Fire Move 90’/min.
Size L Magic Resistance D
Intelligence 6 No. of Attacks 1
Alignment Neutral Damage Per weapon type
Treasure Type None Defenses Magic use
Treasure Value n/a Attacks Magic use
Magical Treasure None Weaknesses None
X.P. Value 2,850 + 15/h.p. Size M
Intelligence 18
General: Wood elementals are native to the elemental plane of wood. They Alignment Lawful good
float in water (unless made entirely of waterlogged wood), and can cross lakes Treasure Type None
and rivers and the like, but salt water will cause 1d6 h.p. of damage per round Treasure Value n/a
they are exposed to it (sustained immersion or near-immersion is required). Magical Treasure 1d4 items (70%), 2d6 potions (65%), 1d4+1 scrolls
Combat: Wood elementals strike with their arm-like limbs. If struck by a X.P. Value 1,200 + 12/h.p.
weapon made of wood, such as a spear or pole-arm, the elemental can control
the weapon and cause it to bend, striking back at the one holding it as if General: Enlightened ones are human sages who have so perfected the arts
wielded by a 10d8 HD monster. Wooden missile weapons, such as arrows or of meditation and asceticism as to have become physically and spiritually
crossbow bolts, can be similarly hurled back by the elemental in addition to its immortal. They live simply and alone, moving through life with an effortless
normal attack. If dropped, wooden weapons will attack anyone who comes grace and seeming lack of care. They are at least 18th level fangshi, have a
into range, but cannot move on their own beyond that range. Wood elementals wisdom of 18, and subsist on dew and sunlight.
get a -2 penalty to all saving throws involving fire, and fire-based attacks re-
roll all 1’s when calculating damage. Combat: Enlightened ones resist physical confrontation, but if forced will attack
with whatever weapon is at hand (usually a staff) or by hand-to-hand combat.
Appearance: Wood elementals look like walking trees with humanoid faces Enlightened ones will have the kung fu powers of qi mastery (2), kung fu
formed out of boles and knots, and are often (75%) mistaken for tree-men. mastery (2), and at least six levels in other kung fu styles. In addition, they have
the following magical powers:
Endsquare Bird
• Become ethereal three times per day
• Control weather three times per day
Number 2d4
Psychic strike three times per day
Morale -1
Heal once per day
Hit Dice 2d6
Comprehend languages at will
Armor Class 7
Detect invisibility at will
Move 180’/min. (flying - expert)
Detect lie at will
Magic Resistance Standard
Resist cold at will
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4 Resist fire at all
Defenses None
Attacks Poison Appearance: Enlightened ones appear as wizened humans, but with a child-
Weaknesses None like quality to their features, which are unencumbered by any sort of care. They
Size S (3’ high) wear simple robes.
Intelligence 3
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 45 + 1/h.p.
Bestiary - Fire Crow
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
will come from the northwest corner. Each can materialize once per day for a Ghost, Hill
maximum of 1d4+3 rounds.
Number 1d2
Combat: Northeast ghosts attack by kicking, and can leap up to 20’ to do so. Morale +6
A successful hit means the target must make a strength check; failure means Hit Dice 7d8
the target is pushed back 5’. Armor Class 0
Move 120’/min.
Northwest ghosts attack by punching, and on a “to hit” roll that is five points Magic Resistance Standard
or more higher than the minimum required to hit, or on a roll of a natural 20, No. of Attacks 1
will land a flurry of blows enabling them to attack four times in the round rather Damage 1d3
than two. Example: A northwest ghost is attacking someone with AC 10, and Defenses Immune to mind-affecting magic
therefore needs a roll of 9 to hit. The ghost rolls a 17, which is more than 5 Attacks Paralyzation
over the minimum needed to hit, and therefore is allowed to attack with a flurry Weaknesses Holy water
of blows. Northwest ghosts can only attack one target per round, even if they Size M
get four attacks due to the flurry of blows. Intelligence 14
Alignment Lawful evil
Appearance: Corner ghosts appear as normal humans. They are generally Treasure Type VII
indistinguishable from regular mortals, until they de-materialize, or are slain. Treasure Value 1d4x100
Magical Treasure 1 item (10%), 2d3 scrolls (65%), 1d6 potions (50%)
Ghost, Fire X.P. Value 400 + 8/h.p.
Turn as Type XI
Number 1d3
Morale +4 General: Hill ghosts inhabit lonely tombs and remote hillsides, dwelling in deep
Hit Dice 5d8 resentment of the living who have omitted the required offerings because of
Armor Class 3 some grudge or other ill-feeling. They are rarely found alone; a hungry ghost
Move 120’/min. (in a tomb) or 2d4 wolves (outdoors), will usually be encountered with them,
Magic Resistance Standard all too ready to finish off those victims who fall prey to the hill ghost’s
No. of Attacks 1 paralyzing touch. Hill ghosts can materialize four times per day, each time for
Damage 1d6 3d6 minutes.
Defenses Immune to mind-affecting magic, fire
Attacks Heat Combat: Hill ghosts attack with their clawed hands. Anyone touched by a hill
Weaknesses Double damage from cold-based attacks ghost must make a saving throw vs. paralyzation or be paralyzed for 4d4
Size M minutes.
Intelligence 13
Alignment Lawful evil Appearance: Hill ghosts appear as they did in life, but their skin is a pasty
Treasure Type XI blue-white and their eyes are all white.
Treasure Value 2d6x10
Magical Treasure None Ghost, Hungry
X.P. Value 130 + 5/h.p.
Turn as Type VI Number 2d6
Morale +2
General: Fire ghosts dwell in stoves, ovens, kilns, furnaces, and other places Hit Dice 3d8
where fire is a constant, or near-constant, companion. They have a complex Armor Class 7
dual role, acting as both guardians and punishers. In their first aspect, they Move 90’/min.
will guard over the home, shop, etc., in which they dwell, protecting it against Magic Resistance Standard
intruders, robbers, and the like. However, should the proper propitiatory rites No. of Attacks 1
not be maintained by their descendants, they will exact their revenge by Damage 1d6
starting fires, causing burns, etc. They can materialize three times per day, for Defenses Immune to mind-affecting magic
a total of 1d6+10 minutes. Attacks Fear
Weaknesses Holy water
Combat: Fire ghosts attack with their fists. Their touch will also do an additional Size M
1d6 h.p. of heat damage, and can set flammable objects such as oil, Intelligence 9
parchment, dry wood, etc., alight. They are immune to fire-based attacks, but Alignment Neutral evil
cold-based attacks against them will do double damage. Treasure Type XI
Treasure Value 2d4x10
Appearance: Fire ghosts appear as humans with skin burned black, usually Magical Treasure None
wearing red clothing. Their hands will burst into flame when they are using X.P. Value 50 + 3/h.p.
their heat attack. Turn as Type III
General: Hungry ghosts are the spirits of those who either were stingy in life,
or had descendants that, for whatever reason, failed to make the appropriate
offerings on their behalf. They are always hungry and thirsty, to the point of
anguish. What little food they put in their mouths cannot be swallowed, as
their throats are as small as the eye of a needle. Water they attempt to drink
Bestiary - Ghost, Gui
turns to mud as soon as it reaches their tongue. They can become material Appearance: Marsh ghosts are very large; as wide around as a carriage
once per day, for a maximum of 2d6 rounds. wheel and taller than a normal man. They usually wear purple robes and red
hats, and are extraordinarily ugly.
Combat: Hungry ghosts attack with their fists, in rage at their situation. Anyone
struck by their attack must make a saving throw vs. magic or flee in fear for Ghost, Meadow
1d6 rounds, with a 30% chance of dropping anything carried in the hand.
Number 1d4
Appearance: Hungry ghosts appear as they did in life, but their skin is a filthy Morale +3
blue, black or yellow. Their clothing is similarly dirty and tattered. Hit Dice 6d8
Armor Class 3
Move 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage Per weapon type
Defenses Immune to mind-affecting magic
Attacks Gaze causes insanity
Weaknesses Holy water
Size M
Intelligence 14
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type XII
Treasure Value 2d4x100
Magical Treasure 1d4 potions (25%), 1d4 scrolls (25%)
X.P. Value 275 + 6/h.p.
Turn as Type X
General: Meadow ghosts are fearsome creatures, all the more so because of
the idyllic natural surroundings in which they are usually found. Meadow
Ghost, Marsh
ghosts can materialize four times per day for 3d6 minutes each time.
Number 1d4
Combat: Meadow ghosts attack with weapons, and are usually (75%) armed
Morale +2
with swords; otherwise they will be armed with pole arms of some sort.
Hit Dice 4d8
However, they are most known for their fearsome gaze attack, which will cause
Armor Class 3
insanity unless a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation is made (the game
Move 90’/min.
master should make the saving throw roll in secret). If insanity results, roll to
Magic Resistance Standard
determine type:
No. of Attacks 2
Damage 1d4/1d4
Defenses Immune to mind-affecting magic
Die roll (d20) Madness
Attacks Wasting disease
1-5 Unstoppable rage. Victim will immediately begin
Weaknesses Holy water
Size L (7’) screaming, flailing around, attacking whomever or
Intelligence 7 whatever is nearest. Will last 2d4 hours or until
Alignment Chaotic evil knocked unconscious.
Treasure Type XI 6-7 Catatonia. Victim will collapse into a fetal position and
Treasure Value 1d8x10 be completely unresponsive to external stimuli for 1d8
Magical Treasure None hours.
X.P. Value 125 + 4/h.p. 8-10 Hallucinations. Victim will “see” enemies and dangers
Turn as Type V all around, and will react to them in preference to
reality. Lasts for 1d4 hours.
General: Marsh ghosts dwell in swamps, marshes, and wetlands, where they 11-20 Permanent insanity. It should appear that the character
await travelers. They themselves are the spirits of those who died by drowning has successfully made his saving throw, but in secret he
within sight of land. They can become material three times per day for 2d4 will be afflicted with one of the more subtle forms of
minutes each time. permanent insanity listed in the ADVENTURES DARK AND
DEEP™ Game Masters Toolkit.
Combat: Marsh ghosts attack with their clawed hands, but are much more
feared for their gaze, which if met can cause a wasting disease in those Appearance: Meadow ghosts appear as normal mortals, but their eyes are
afflicted. Any creature meeting the gaze of the marsh ghost must make a saving inherently and inexplicably disturbing. Animals will show terror (birds squawk,
throw vs. petrification; failure indicates the wasting disease will take hold. The horses shy, etc.) when they come within 10’.
victim will immediately feel ill and require bedrest, and will lose one point of
constitution per day until either healed (by means of a cure disease spell or
equivalent magic) or their constitution score reaches zero, in which case they
will perish. The gaze of the marsh ghost extends into the ethereal plane, even
when it has materialized.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Ghost, Midden General: Water ghosts appear in or near water, whether ocean, lake, or river.
They are the spirits of the drowned whose bodies were never recovered. They
Number 1d2 can materialize twice per day for 1d4+4 minutes each time.
Morale +5
Hit Dice 8d8 Combat: Water ghosts attack with their clawed hands. In addition, once per
Armor Class 0 round they can shoot forth a rushing gout of water from their mouths and
Move 120’/min. nostrils, 1’ wide and 30’ long, which will do 1d8 h.p. of damage to the first
Magic Resistance Standard creature it hits and push it back 10’. Targets are entitled to a saving throw vs.
No. of Attacks 2 breath weapon to only take half damage, and a further strength ability check
Damage 1d8/1d4 to avoid being pushed back (if the first saving throw is successful, the strength
Defenses Immune to mind-affecting magic check gets a -2 bonus). They themselves are immune to all water-based attacks.
Attacks Disease, constriction
Weaknesses Holy water Appearance: Water ghosts appear pale and bloated, always dripping water,
Size M with worms crawling over their flesh.
Intelligence 17
Alignment Neutral evil Giant, Imperial
Treasure Type XIII
Treasure Value 2d6x100 Male Female
Magical Treasure 1 ring (10%), 1d4 potions (20%), 1d4 scrolls (25%) Number 1d4 See below
X.P. Value 650 + 10/h.p. Morale +12 +10
Turn as Type XII Hit Dice 17d12 15d12
Armor Class 2 3
General: Midden ghosts are among the most feared type of gui ghost, as they Move 180’/min. 180’/min.
are not only extremely powerful in combat, but their touch carries disease due Magic Resistance Standard Standard
to their habitat. They are found in middens, trash heaps, and other refuse No. of Attacks 1 1
dumps, and can materialize 3 times per day for up to an hour each time. Damage 6d8 5d8
Defenses Catch rocks Catch rocks
Combat: Midden ghosts attack with their fists and prehensile tongue that can Attacks Hurl rocks Hurl rocks
stretch up to ten feet in length. If the tongue hits, it will wrap around the target Weaknesses None None
and constrict it like a snake, doing 1d4 h.p. of constriction damage Size L (40’) L (37’)
automatically. Only a successful bend bars roll can break the tongue’s hold; it Intelligence 8 9
cannot be cut. Alignment Chaotic evil Neutral evil
Treasure Type III III
In addition, anyone touched by a midden ghost (including its fists or tongue) Treasure Value 2d4+2x1,000 2d4+2x1,000
must make a saving throw vs. poison. Failure indicates the victim has Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%) 1d3 items (15%)
contracted a disease (see the random disease table in the ADVENTURES DARK X.P. Value 8,000 + 35/h.p. 6,500 + 30/h.p.
AND DEEP™ Game Masters Toolkit.
General: Imperial giants are the mightiest of all true giantkind; although they
Appearance: Midden ghosts appear as filthy humans dressed in rags. Their lack the magical abilities of some of their kin, their physical stature more than
skin is pocked with lesions and scabs, and their eyes run with pus. They could makes up for such deficiencies, and they are but one step lower than titans
be mistaken for diseased humans. themselves. They tend to dwell in forbidding mountain ranges, and are rare
indeed. The women are less reckless than the males, as well as being more
Ghost, Water intelligent, and will sometimes be able to channel their mate’s rages in more
cunning directions. Even so, they deeply resent any attempt at commanding
Number 3d6 them, and thus cannot be used as troops in armies, outside of the most
Morale -1 extraordinary circumstances.
Hit Dice 3d8
Armor Class 7 If two giants are indicated, they will be a mated pair. If a third giant is present,
Move 90’/min. there is a 50% chance it will be another female, and a 50% chance it will be
Magic Resistance Standard a half-strength child. If four giants are present, they will be two mated pairs
No. of Attacks 2 (25% chance) or a mated pair and two children (75% chance).
Damage 1d4/1d4
Defenses Immune to mind-affecting magic, water-based attacks Due to their huge size, they cannot tunnel, but can dig pits or trenches at a
Attacks Water stream rate of 30 10’x10’ blocks per hour in soft soil, 20 such blocks in soft rock, and
Weaknesses Holy water 10 such blocks in hard rock.
Size M
Intelligence 7 Combat: Imperial giants strike with their massive fists. In addition, they can
Alignment Chaotic evil hurl enormous boulders at foes for 4d10 h.p. of damage, with a range of up
Treasure Type Jewelry (100%) to 350’. Such missiles will cause 50 h.p. against wooden structures, 30 against
Treasure Value 1d4x10 each soft stone or brick, and 20 against hard stone. They can catch such missiles
Magical Treasure None 40% of the time. They themselves can inflict 40 h.p. against wooden structures
X.P. Value 50 + 3/h.p. each round, 20 against soft stone or brick, and 10 against hard stone. They
Turn as Type III have an effective strength of 25 (+7 “to hit”, +14 damage).
Bestiary - Golem, Greater
Appearance: Imperial giants have teeth like a saw, massive hooked claws for Appearance: Jade golems are enormous human statues seemingly carved out
nails, and large protruding eyebrows. Their skin is pale yellow to brown. of a single chunk of jade (this is actually untrue; the jade used to create the
statue is in fact joined together during the process of creation).
Golem, Greater
Terracotta Golem
Golems are magical constructs, created by clerics or mages with access to
special spells, materials, and the specific knowledge necessary to do so. Number 1 (or 1d100x20)
Golems have a set number of hit points, but hit dice are given below in order Morale n/a
to properly calculate things such as melee “to hit” rolls and saving throws. Hit Dice 3d10 (25 h.p.)
Being mindless, all golems are immune to mind-affecting spells such as Armor Class 7
illusions, charms, etc. Golems also never need to make morale checks. They Move 90’/min.
are incapable of speech. Magic Resistance D
No. of Attacks 1
All golems can understand and will obey simple commands from their creators, Damage Per weapon type +2
and can be set to wait until a particular event triggers an instruction (e.g., Defenses See below
“Wait in this room until someone touches that altar. Destroy the one who does Attacks Fear 30’ radius
so.”). Weaknesses Blunt weapons do maximum damage
Size M
Jade Golem Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Number 1 Treasure Type None
Morale n/a Treasure Value n/a
Hit Dice 16d10 (70 h.p.) Magical Treasure None
Armor Class 4 X.P. Value 205 + 5/h.p.
Move 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard General: Only fangshi of 14th level or greater who have learned the specific
No. of Attacks 1 art of terracotta golem construction can undertake the process. Manuals of
Damage 3d12 terracotta golems exist in mythic China, but in their absence, creation of a
Defenses +2 (or better) weapon to harm, spell immunity terracotta golem requires the following:
Attacks Blindness
10,000 g.p. for materials
Weaknesses None
Casting a limited wish spell
Size L (10’)
Casting a polymorph any object spell
Intelligence 0
Casting a geis spell
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None Casting a cause fear spell
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None A terracotta golem is able to understand commands of limited complexity and
X.P. Value 9,750 length, and will always obey the instructions of its creator. If its creator is slain,
it will obey the last instructions given to it. In mythic China, vast numbers of
General: Jade golems are created by fangshi of 16th level or higher, or those such golems are often used to protect the tombs of emperors, and all are
with access to the appropriate manual of golems. Without such a manual, explicitly instructed to protect and serve the emperor. Thus, if the dead emperor
creation of a jade golem requires the following: were brought back to life as an undead creature, such golems would be
compelled to obey him, even though he was not their direct creator. They are
• 70,000 g.p. for materials, which are used to create a jade statue sometimes created for more mundane duties, like any other golem.
in the form of a large human
• Casting a geis spell Combat: Terracotta golems attack with their weapons (which can be of any
• Casting a polymorph any object spell type appropriate for a warrior), with an effective strength of 18 (giving them
• Casting a cause blindness spell a +1 bonus “to hit” and a +2 bonus to damage). If unarmed, they do 2d6+2
• Casting a wish spell h.p. of damage with their fists. All radiate an aura of fear in a 30’ radius
(which functions as per the spell). They are only harmed by enchanted
All of the spells must be cast in succession, after the body of the golem has weapons, and blunt weapons (such as maces, clubs, etc.) with a +2 or greater
been created from the jade (a process that takes ten weeks of uninterrupted enchantment will inflict maximum damage upon the golem. As all golems, they
work). Once completed, the golem will be under the complete command of its are completely immune to mind-affecting magic such as sleep, charm,
creator. If the creator of the golem is himself slain, the golem will follow hypnosis, etc. Fire- and cold-based attacks do them no harm; they are also
whatever instructions were last given to it. immune to electrical attacks.
Combat: Jade golems attack with their powerful fists, and can only be harmed Appearance: Terracotta golems are formed in the shape of human warriors,
by weapons with a +2 or greater enchantment. Every third round, a successful painted in realistic colors. Despite this, there is no mistaking them for actual
hit from a jade golem will cause blindness in the victim (as per the reverse of living persons except at extreme range. Even those found in great numbers will
the spell cure blindness) unless a successful saving throw vs. spells is made. all possess individualized features and will vary slightly in appearance, height,
They are immune to most magic, with the following exceptions: dress, skin tone, etc.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Headless People
Combat: K’un attack with their bite, but on a roll of natural 20, or a roll 5 or
Number 1d4+1 or 3d6x20 more greater than the roll needed to hit, the k’un will swallow whole any prey
Morale ±0 10’ high or smaller. Once inside, victims will take 20 h.p. of damage per
Hit Dice 1d8 round, and will die automatically in 3 rounds of asphyxiation. Only short
Armor Class 9 weapons (3’ in length or less) can be used while inside a k’un. Attacks from
Move 120’/min. outside will not harm those swallowed by the k’un, due to its enormous size.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 If it surfaces beneath a sailing ship that is less than 30’ long, a k’un will capsize
Damage Per weapon type it automatically. This is almost always done accidentally.
Defenses None
Attacks None Appearance: K’un look like enormous catfish with long whiskers, although they
Weaknesses Rear attacks are not bottom feeders, nor are they found in fresh water. They are green in
Size M (5’) color with ruddy golden fins.
Intelligence 12
Alignment Chaotic Neutral See also: peng (p. 97).
Treasure Type II
Treasure Value 1d6x100 Long-Armed People
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 10 + 1/h.p. Number 1d8x10
Morale ±0
General: Headless people are semi-barbarians, inhabiting out-of-the-way Hit Dice 1d8
wildernesses such as mountains and dense forests. They are a good-natured Armor Class 7
folk unless threatened, and it is said that “their bellies are full of wisdom”. Move 240’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
Combat: Headless people fight with weapons, and almost always carry shields No. of Attacks 1
and battle axes; 10% of those encountered will carry a quiver of javelins as Damage Per weapon type
well. When attacking a headless person from the rear, attackers get an Defenses None
additional +1 bonus “to hit”. Headless people are, however, immune to all Attacks None
head-based attacks, including those which would ordinarily decapitate Weaknesses None
someone. Size L (35’ tall)
Intelligence 9
Appearance: Headless people are humanoid in appearance, but have no Alignment Neutral
heads; their faces are on their chests. They wear furs or loincloths, and speak Treasure Type II
their own language. Treasure Value 2d6x100
Magical Treasure 1 item (20%)
K’un X.P. Value 10 + 1/h.p.
Number 1 General: Long-armed people dwell on remote shorelines and islands, where
Morale +20 they subsist largely on fishing and harvesting other bounty from the sea. They
Hit Dice 20d12 are on good terms with, and often (75%) encountered along with, long-legged
Armor Class 0 people (see below), and sages suggest the two races are related. Aside from
Move 360’/min. (swimming) the disproportionate side of their limbs, they are otherwise like most humans
Magic Resistance Standard in terms of culture and so forth.
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 3d12 For every ten long-armed people encountered, there will be a 2nd level fighter.
Defenses None For every twenty long-armed people, there will be a 4th level fighter and a
Attacks Swallow whole, capsize ships 2nd level wu. If forty or more are encountered, there will be a 6th level fighter
Weaknesses None and a 3rd level fangshi. Villages will always have a 6th level fangshi.
Size L (100’ long)
Intelligence 1 Combat: Long-armed people attack with weapons, and will be armed as
Alignment Neutral follows:
Treasure Type None
Magical Treasure None Number Encountered Weapons Armor
X.P. Value 8,000 + 35/h.p. 10-30 Spear, short bow Leather lamellar
31-40 Sword, crossbow Brigandine and shield
General: K’un (the term is singular as well as plural) are enormous fish that 41-70 Spear, dagger Steel lamellar and shield
dwell in deep northern oceans. They are usually relatively harmless unless 71+ Sword, battle axe Steel lamellar and shield
disturbed, but when they surface they can accidentally capsize ocean-going
vessels. To facilitate its annual migration from north to south, a k’un can Thus, if thirty-five long-armed people are encountered, the first thirty will be
transform itself into a peng (q.v.), and in that form can fly the many hundreds armed with spear and short bow, and the remaining five will be armed with
and thousands of miles much quicker than it could swim the distance. The sword and crossbow.
transformation from k’un to peng takes but a single round, and the creature
can (and does) use the ability to defend itself from aggressors.
Bestiary - Long-Legged People
When pummeling, long-armed people automatically get a +3 “to hit” bonus Lycanthrope
on all kicks. They can attack enemies in melee up to 15’ away.
Lycanthropes are humans, demi-humans, and occasionally humanoids that are
Appearance: Long-armed people look like normal humans, but their legs and afflicted with lycanthropy: a disease and curse all in one that allows (or forces)
arms are both 30’ or so in length. They are otherwise like humans, and wear them to assume the guise of an animal.
clothing (appropriately sized, of course), dwell in homes, and so forth. They
speak the Imperial tongue. Most of the lycanthrope entries in the Adventures Dark and Deep™ Bestiary
have tables describing damage taken during the transformation to animal form
Long-Legged People due to armor worn. In cases where the armor type worn is not listed in those
tables, use the following equivalencies:
Number 1d10x10
Hit Dice 1d8 Armor Equivalent to…
Armor Class 7 Fabric Furs
Move 240’/min. Cuirass (lamellar) Scale armor (steel)
Magic Resistance Standard Cord and plaque Lamellar armor (steel)
No. of Attacks 1 Mirror armor, mountain pattern armor Plated armor +1 damage
Damage Per weapon type
Defenses None Lycanthropy
Attacks None
Weaknesses None Lycanthropy works exactly the same as described in the ADVENTURES DARK AND
Size L (35’ tall) DEEP™ Bestiary, under the entry “Lycanthrope”. Full details can be found there,
Intelligence 9 but bear in mind that player characters who are afflicted with lycanthropy do
Alignment Neutral not earn any x.p. while in animal form.
Treasure Type III
Treasure Value 1d12x100
Magical Treasure 1 item (15%)
X.P. Value 10 + 1/h.p.
Number 1
Morale +2
General: Much like their cousins, the long-armed people, the long-legged
Hit Dice 6d8
people dwell on isolated coasts and islands, and the two races will often (75%)
Armor Class 4
be found together. Often they will wade into the sea together, with the long-
Move 90’/min., 240’/min. (in web)
armed people taking harvest from the sea floor, and the long-legged people
Magic Resistance Standard
scooping up fish from near the surface.
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 2d4
For every ten long-legged people encountered, there will be a 2nd level fighter.
Defenses None
For every twenty long-legged people, there will be a 4th level fighter and a
Attacks Venom, web
2nd level fangshi. If forty or more are encountered, there will be a 6th level
Weaknesses None
fighter and a 3rd level wu. Villages will always have a 6th level wu.
Size M
Intelligence 13
Combat: Long-legged people attack with weapons, and will be armed as
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type VIII
Treasure Value 2d6x100
Magical Treasure 1d4 potions (10%)
Number Encountered Weapons Armor
X.P. Value 225 + 6/h.p.
10-25 Spear, short bow Leather lamellar
26-40 Sword, crossbow Brigandine and shield
General: Werespiders are cunning and vicious predators who are always
41-70 Spear, dagger Steel lamellar and shield
female. In human form, a werespider appears as a beautiful and seductive
71-80 Sword, battle axe Steel lamellar and shield
young woman, and will attempt to lure handsome men into her grasp, at which
81+ Crossbow Mountain pattern armor
point she strikes, paralyzing her victim and encasing him in a web for later
feeding by either the werespider herself or her young.
Thus, if thirty long-legged people are encountered, the first twenty-five will be
armed with spear and short bow, and the remaining five will be armed with
Note that a werespider may take damage if the human form is wearing armor
sword and crossbow.
when the transformation to animal form takes place. The amount of damage
depends on the armor being worn:
When pummeling, long-armed people automatically get a +3 “to hit” bonus
on all kicks. They can attack enemies in melee up to 15’ away.
Armor Damage
Appearance: Long-legged people look like humans with legs that are 30’ long.
None, fabric, furs 0
The rest of their bodies are of normal human proportions. They speak the
Cuirass (leather) 1d2
Imperial tongue.
Lamellar (leather), brigandine armor, scale armor (leather) 1d3
Cuirass (lamellar), scale armor (steel) 1d4
Lamellar armor (steel), cord and plaque 1d4+1
Mirror armor, mountain pattern armor 1d4+2
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Combat: In human form, werespiders attack with weapons, usually nothing Ember Meta-Elemental
more than a dagger or knife. In spider form, they attack with their vicious bite,
which injects a venom that paralyzes the victim for 1d6 days unless a saving Number 1
throw vs. poison is successful. In spider form the werespider can cast the Morale +3
equivalent of a web spell once every three rounds indefinitely, while in human Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10
form she is limited to doing so but twice a day. Armor Class 3
Move 60’/min.
Appearance: In human form, werespiders appear as lovely young women. In Magic Resistance Standard
spider form they will appear as any sort of spider, but grown to enormous size, No. of Attacks 1
about five feet across. Damage 2d12
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, resistant to heat
Meta-Elemental Attacks Heat
Weaknesses Water
Meta-elementals hail from the five meta-elemental planes: ember, magma, ore, Size L
quicksilver, and muck, which are found between the five elemental planes Intelligence 6
(wood, fire, earth, metal, and water). They can be brought to the material Alignment Neutral
plane through a number of different magical means: spells, devices, staves, Treasure Type None
etc., and the way the elemental was brought to the material plane will often Treasure Value n/a
determine how powerful the meta-elemental is; spells bring 16d10 hit die meta- Magical Treasure None
elementals, staves bring ones with 8d10 hit dice, and other devices bring X.P. Value 2,850 + 15/h.p.
12d10 hit die meta-elementals.
General: Ember meta-elementals are native to the meta-elemental plane of
Meta-elementals can be summoned by the same means as elementals native to ember. They can be summoned by any means usually used to summon fire or
either of the adjoining planes. Thus, a staff of summoning fire elementals could wood elementals. For reasons that remain unknown, they harbor an intense
also be used to attempt to summon either a magma or ember meta-elemental. hatred of bears, werebears, and other ursine creatures, and will attack such
When someone attempts to summon a meta-elemental, there is a 5% chance creatures to the exclusion of all others (if possible given their instructions).
per level of the summoner that the attempt will be successful. Otherwise, the
regular elemental usually summoned by such means will come instead (if Combat: Ember meta-elementals attack with their fists. Their bodies radiate
applicable, he must declare which sort of elemental will come in place of the heat, and will do an additional 1d4 h.p. of heat damage if they hit, as well
meta-elemental, should the attempt fail). as set fire to flammable objects after one round of continued contact. They are
vulnerable to water, however; a simple bucket of water will cause 1d6 h.p. of
Like regular elementals, meta-elementals brought to the material plane will damage to an ember meta-elemental, and water-based magical attacks
resent being so summoned, and will actively seek to escape. Thus, the one against them will re-roll all 1’s on damage dice. Wind actually heals them; a
summoning the meta-elemental must concentrate on controlling it. Failure to do gust of wind spell will heal 1d8+1 h.p., winds (both natural and those created
so will mean the meta-elemental has broken free and will turn on the one who by magic such as control wind or control weather) will heal 1 h.p. per round
summoned it 25% of the time (or 75% of the time if summoned with a magic for every 5 mph, and attacks by creatures from the elemental plane of air will
item), otherwise simply returning to its plane of origin. heal rather than harm ember meta-elementals.
Dispel magic can be used to take over a controlled meta-elemental, if the caster Appearance: Ember meta-elementals appear as crude humanoid forms made
explicitly states he is using the spell to disrupt the conjurer’s control rather than of blackened wood that glows orange from deep within.
affect the meta-elemental itself. If he fails, however, the elemental in question
will become aware of the attempted takeover and will seek out that caster if it Muck Meta-Elemental
becomes uncontrolled. The meta-elemental in question will also be boosted in
power to 10 h.p. per hit die. Number 1
Morale +3
Note that magma elementals are detailed in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10
Bestiary. Armor Class 3
Move 120’/min.
All meta-elementals are immune to poison. Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 2
See also: the elemental planes (p. 34), elemental (p. 86), and quasi-elemental Damage 1d12/1d12
(p. 98). Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, resistant to fire and
cutting/piercing weapons
Attacks Suffocation
Weaknesses None
Size L
Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 2,850 + 15/h.p.
Bestiary - Nine-headed Bird
General: Muck meta-elementals are native to the meta-elemental plane of Quicksilver Meta-Elemental
muck. They can be summoned by any means usually used to summon water or
wood elementals. Number 1
Morale +3
Combat: Muck meta-elementals attack with pseudopods extruded from their Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10
bodies. If two pseudopods hit the same target in the same round, they will hold Armor Class 3
him in place and force themselves down the throat of the victim, suffocating Move 120’/min.
him. Death will come in 2d4 rounds unless the muck elemental releases its prey Magic Resistance Standard
or is destroyed before then. Cutting and piercing weapons do half damage, No. of Attacks 4
and fire does a maximum of 2 h.p. per damage die rolled. Damage 1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, immune to piercing
Appearance: Muck meta-elementals are great pools of waterlogged vegetation weapons
that can undulate across solid surfaces and form appendages as needed. Attacks Always has initiative of 0
Weaknesses None
Ore Meta-Elemental Size L
Intelligence 6
Number 1 Alignment Neutral
Morale +3 Treasure Type None
Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10 Treasure Value n/a
Armor Class 3 Magical Treasure None
Move 120’/min. X.P. Value 2,850 + 15/h.p.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 General: Quicksilver elementals are native to the meta-elemental plane of
Damage 3d8 quicksilver. They can be summoned by any means usually used to summon
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, immune to electrical water or metal elementals.
and water-based attacks, fire attacks strengthen
Attacks None Combat: Quicksilver meta-elementals strike with pseudopods formed from their
Weaknesses None own bodies. They do not roll initiative; quicksilver meta-elementals are always
Size L considered to have an initiative of 0. Attacks from piercing weapons are
Intelligence 6 ineffective against them.
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None Appearance: Quicksilver elementals are completely fluid in appearance, and
Treasure Value n/a are made of shining silvery liquid metal. They can assume any shape as long
Magical Treasure None as it is no more than approximately 8’ in height/diameter, although they
X.P. Value 2,850 + 15/h.p. always have the same mirror-like surface.
General: Ore meta-elementals are native to the meta-elemental plane of ore. Nine-headed Bird
They can be summoned by any means usually used to summon metal or earth
elementals. They resent mineral quasi-elementals, who look down on them as Number 1d4
inferiors, but they look down on earth elementals, whom they (in turn) view as Morale +2
inferior. Hit Dice 4d8
Armor Class 5
Combat: Ore meta-elementals attack with their fists. They take no damage from Move 240’/min. (flying - poor)
electrical or water-based attacks, and when hit by a fire-based attack they will Magic Resistance Standard
actually grow stronger. For every five points of fire damage the meta-elemental No. of Attacks 9
has taken in the last 24 hours, it will gain a +1 bonus to damage, to a Damage 1d3
maximum of +5. Such attacks still inflict damage on the meta-elemental, Defenses None
however. Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Appearance: Ore meta-elementals appear as vaguely humanoid figures made Size M (8’ wingspan)
of various pieces of metal and stone in striated seams across their bodies. Intelligence 13
Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type IX
Treasure Value 3d6x100
Magical Treasure 1d3 potions (20%), 1 scroll (25%)
X.P. Value 125 + 4/h.p.
General: Nine-headed birds are noted for their cunning and duplicity, and
when one settles into an area, it will begin to hunt the local inhabitants at night
until it is driven out or killed. They are not fond of dogs.
Combat: Nine-headed birds attack with their sharp beaks. All nine heads can
attack a single target, or three each can attack three separate targets as long
as they are in range.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Appearance: Nine-headed birds resemble large roosters with long tails and General: Chisel-tooth ogres are related to regular ogres, and are similar in
nine vulture-like heads on long necks. Their plumage runs from black to bronze, temperament. They dwell in remote caves in forests and badlands, sometimes
and their tails are red, black, and white. raiding nearby settlements or harassing travelers.
Nian In addition, in their lair there will be 1d8 females and 1d6 young. There is
also a 30% chance that 2d4 prisoners will be in the lair; these will be kept as
Number 1d4 slaves 25% of the time, or as food 75%.
Morale +3
Hit Dice 8d10 Chisel-tooth ogres can tunnel 150’ per 8-hour shift in very soft rock, 100’ in
Armor Class 3 soft rock, and 50’ in hard rock. This assumes a shaft 10’ wide.
Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Combat: Chisel-tooth ogres can bite with the great projecting tooth which gives
No. of Attacks 3 them their name, as well as attack either with their fists or with a weapon (they
Damage 1d3/1d3/2d6 (males), 1d4/1d4/1d8 (females) favor spears and axes).
Defenses None
Attacks None Appearance: Chisel-tooth ogres are massive humanoids with yellowish hides
Weaknesses Sound and dark greasy hair. They tend to wear skins and furs. They are noted for the
Size L (5’ high at shoulder) single huge tooth which projects from their lower jaw, which is used in combat
Intelligence 6 to deadly effectiveness.
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type None Spellcasters: Chisel-tooth ogre shamans can rise as high as 3rd level.
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None Peng
X.P. Value 600 + 12/h.p.
Number 1
General: Nian are aggressive beasts that dwell in mountainous regions. If two Morale +20
nian are encountered, they will be a mated pair; any further nian after two will Hit Dice 20d12
be half-strength offspring. They dwell in caves, and are nocturnal, preferring Armor Class 0
moonless nights to hunt. They are fond of human flesh, and will avoid the color Move 360’/min. (flying - poor)
red if possible. Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Combat: Nian attack with their mighty bite. They are vulnerable to sound- Damage 2d8
based attacks, however, and must make an additional saving throw vs. spells Defenses None
or flee in fear for 2d6 rounds if damaged by a sound-based magical attack. Attacks Wing buffet
Mundane sounds can also repel them, but only if they are particularly loud, Weaknesses None
and even then the nian gets a +2 bonus to its saving throw. Size L (100’ wingspan)
Intelligence 1
Appearance: Male and female nian differ somewhat in appearance, although Alignment Neutral
both have heavily-muscled bodies, like those of horses, covered with scales. Treasure Type None
Males have cloven hooves and serpentine heads with horns, while females Treasure Value n/a
have great paws and leonine heads. Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 8,000 + 35/h.p.
Ogre, Chisel-Tooth
General: Peng (the term is singular as well as plural) are the enormous,
Warrior Chieftain magically transformed, bird-form of the k’un (q.v.). They are usually
Number 2d8 1 encountered on their long migratory flights from northern to southern waters,
Morale +3 +4 although the peng/k’un can transform in but a single round if it finds itself
Hit Dice 3d10 5d10 needing to do so to fend off an enemy (which are few and far between, owing
Armor Class 5 5 to the peng’s size and power). They are not normally aggressive, however.
Move 90’/min. 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Combat: Peng attack with their great beaks. In addition, their wings can
No. of Attacks 2 2 generate a wind of such strength that smaller flying creatures (up to 100’ away)
Damage 1d10 (or per weapon type +2) / 1d6 are buffeted as if by fifty mile per hour winds. These winds can also disrupt
Defenses None None spellcasting; anyone in range of the wing buffet winds must make an
Attacks None None intelligence check when casting a spell; failure means the spell is ruined and
Weaknesses None None is lost.
Size L (9’) L (9’)
Intelligence 6 7 Appearance: Peng appear as vast sinuous birds with wings like that of a great
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic Evil heron. They are ruddy gold in color with green head, legs, and tail.
Treasure Type XII XII
Treasure Value 1d8x10 1d8x10 See also: k’un (p. 93).
Magical Treasure None None
X.P. Value 60 + 4/h.p. 150 + 6/h.p.
Bestiary - Poisonfeather Bird
Poisonfeather Bird delicacy). If in any sort of vegetation, pygmies can hide with 90%
Number 1
Morale +2 Combat: Pygmies employ small swords (treat as daggers) and short bows (treat
Hit Dice 2d10 as having half range, and arrows only do half damage).
Armor Class 3
Move 300’/min. (flying - average) Appearance: Pygmies are human in form, although with heads that are
Magic Resistance Standard disproportionately large for their diminutive bodies. They tend to wear red,
No. of Attacks 3 and the men are bearded.
Damage 1d2/1d2/1d4
Defenses None Quasi-Elemental
Attacks Poison
Weaknesses None Quasi-elementals hail from the ten quasi-elemental planes: charcoal, radiance,
Size M (7’ wingspan) mineral, magnetism, steam, rot, ash, dust, rust, and salt. Each quasi-elemental
Intelligence 3 plane is adjacent to either the positive or negative energy plane and one of
Alignment Neutral the five elemental planes (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water). Quasi-
Treasure Type None elementals can be brought to the material plane through a number of different
Treasure Value n/a magical means: spells, devices, staves, etc., and the way the elemental was
Magical Treasure None brought to the material plane will often determine how powerful the quasi-
X.P. Value 105 + 3/h.p. elemental is: spells bring 16d10 hit die quasi-elementals, staffs bring quasi-
elementals with 8d10 hit dice, and other devices bring 12d10 hit die quasi-
General: Poisonfeather birds are one of the most poisonous animals found in elementals.
nature. They get this poison from their diet of venomous vipers, which do them
no harm but which infuse every part of their bodies with the most deadly Quasi-elementals can be summoned by the same means as elementals native
poison. Their feathers are said to be highly coveted by assassins, who will dip to the adjoining elemental plane. Thus, a staff of summoning fire elementals
them in a drink in order to render it deadly. They will pay 100 g.p. for a whole could also be used to attempt to summon either a radiance or ash quasi-
specimen (dead). elemental. When attempting to summon a quasi-elemental, there is a 5%
chance per level of the summoner that the attempt will be successful.
Combat: Poisonfeather birds attack with their talons and beak. Their bite is not Otherwise, there is a 50-50 chance that either an entropoid or extropoid (as
venomous, but any touch of the bird’s flesh or feathers requires a saving throw appropriate to the sort of quasi-elemental being summoned), or the regular
vs. poison. Failure indicates instant death. Those wearing armor with a base elemental usually summoned by such means will come instead.
value of AC 5 or worse get a +2 bonus to their saving throw, while those
wearing heavier armor get a +4 bonus to their saving throw. Helmets do not Example: A 11th level mage is attempting to conjure a salt quasi-elemental
count for this purpose. using the spell conjure elemental. He has a 55% chance of success. He rolls a
76, and fails to summon the salt quasi-elemental. The game master then rolls
Appearance: Poisonfeather birds look like long-necked eagles, with a purple to determine whether an entropoid or water elemental appears in its place.
abdomen and green-tipped feathers. They have a scarlet beak and copper- Note that extropoids and entropoids are not subject to control by the same sort
colored head. of magic that summons and controls elementals.
Pygmy Like regular elementals, quasi-elementals brought to the material plane will
resent being so summoned, and will actively seek to escape. Thus, the one
Number 1d4+6 summoning the quasi-elemental must concentrate on controlling it. Failure to
Morale -5 do so will mean the quasi-elemental has broken free and will turn on the one
Hit Dice 1d4 who summoned it 25% of the time (or 75% of the time if summoned with a
Armor Class 9 magic item), otherwise simply returning to its plane of origin.
Move 30’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard The spell dispel magic can be used to take over a controlled quasi-elemental,
No. of Attacks 1 if the caster explicitly states he is using the spell to disrupt the conjurer’s control
Damage 1 rather than the quasi-elemental itself. If he fails, however, the elemental in
Defenses Hiding question will become aware of the attempted takeover and will seek out that
Attacks None caster if it becomes uncontrolled. The quasi-elemental in question will also be
Weaknesses None boosted in power to 10 h.p. per hit die.
Size S (9”)
Intelligence 9 Note that ash, dust, mineral, radiance, salt, and steam quasi-elementals are
Alignment Neutral good detailed in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary, as are entropoids and
Treasure Type XVII extropoids.
Treasure Value 2d10x10
Magical Treasure None Quasi-elementals are immune to poison.
X.P. Value 1 + 1/h.p.
See also: the elemental planes (p. 34), elemental (p. 86), and meta-elemental
General: Pygmies dwell in rough regions, constructing grass huts that look at (p. 95).
first glace to be ants’ nests. While some work as farmers, many spend time
crafting precious metals and gems, the results of such work are highly prized
because of the incredibly fine detail. They are skittish creatures, and travel in
groups for protection (mostly against birds, some of which find pygmy a
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Charcoal Quasi-Elemental General: Magnetism quasi-elementals are native to the quasi-elemental plane
of magnetism. They can be summoned by the same means that are used to
Number 1 summon a metal elemental, but if the attempt fails an extropoid could arrive
Morale +3 instead.
Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10
Armor Class 2 Combat: Magnetism quasi-elementals attack with bands of pure magnetic force
Move 120’/min. that strike at the iron in the blood of living creatures. Creatures without such
Magic Resistance Standard iron, such as stone golems, many undead, non-corporeal creatures, etc., are
No. of Attacks 1 immune to their attacks. They can also use their magnetic attraction to seize
Damage 3d8 any sort of metal within 20’ as if it were being grabbed by a creature with a
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, heat heals strength of 18/50. Thus, creatures wearing metal armor can be tossed around
Attacks Gout of flame (as if overborne or grappled), weapons can be torn from one’s grasp and
Weaknesses None wielded (as if by a fighter of an experience level equal to the number of hit
Size L dice the quasi-elemental possesses), loose metal objects hurled at enemies (use
Intelligence 6 rules for improvised weapons), etc. Note that this ability only works on metals
Alignment Neutral affected by magnetic fields; precious metals such as gold and silver are
Treasure Type None immune. Attacks from wooden weapons do not harm magnetism quasi-
Treasure Value n/a elementals at all.
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 5,850 + 15/h.p. Appearance: Magnetism quasi-elementals are invisible and without form, but
stray bits of metal will tend to be swept up inadvertently by them, moving slowly
General: Charcoal quasi-elementals are native to the quasi-elemental plane of in a figure-eight loop around a central point where the elemental itself has
charcoal. They can be summoned by the same means that are used to summon manifested.
a wood elemental, but if the attempt fails an extropoid could arrive instead.
Rot Quasi-Elemental
Combat: Charcoal quasi-elementals attack with their fists. Heat attacks actually
heal them (up to their full hit point total) if they are wounded. Any excess hit Number 1
points can then be released on the next round in a gout of flame 30’ long and Morale +3
3’ in width. Any creatures in the path of the flame must make a saving throw Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10
vs. breath weapon or take full damage (successful saving throw means half Armor Class 2
damage). The gout of flame must be released on the following round. Move 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
Example: A charcoal quasi-elemental starts with 40 hit points. It takes 25 points No. of Attacks 2
of damage from ordinary attacks, and then is hit by a fireball, which would Damage 2d6/2d6
normally do 30 hit points of damage. The quasi-elemental is first healed of the Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm
25 points of damage it took, and can then inflict 5 h.p. of flame damage on Attacks Rotting infestation
the next round by shooting forth the gout of flame. Weaknesses Acid does maximum damage
Size L
Appearance: Charcoal quasi-elementals appear as humanoids formed out of Intelligence 6
many-faceted lumps that are riven with cracks. They are a dark gray color, Alignment Neutral
and are surprisingly light for their size. Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magnetism Quasi-Elemental Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 5,850 + 15/h.p.
Number 1
Morale +3 General: Rot quasi-elementals are native to the quasi-elemental plane of rot.
Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10 They can be summoned by the same means that are used to summon a wood
Armor Class 2 elemental, but if the attempt fails an entropoid could arrive instead.
Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Combat: Rot quasi-elementals attack with their crude appendages, but their
No. of Attacks 1 truly feared attack comes after those appendages have touched an enemy.
Damage 1d6 Every successful hit from a rot quasi-elemental requires the victim to make a
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, immune to all wooden saving throw vs. poison. Failure indicates the quasi-elemental has infected the
weapons victim with a swiftly-spreading rotting infestation that will cause skin and
Attacks Magnetic attraction eventually muscle and bone to putrefy and rot away to a gangrenous slush,
Weaknesses None leaving the victim to die in exquisite agony. The victim will lose 1d4 h.p. per
Size L round until dead; these hit points cannot be recovered with any of the cure
Intelligence 6 spells (cure light wounds, etc.). Only a heal spell will recover hit points lost to
Alignment Neutral the rotting infestation, although a cure disease spell will halt the spread of the
Treasure Type None rotting and no more hit points will be lost. If 20% of a victim’s total hit points
Treasure Value n/a are gone, a limb should be considered lost (roll randomly to determine which).
Magical Treasure None At that point only a regeneration spell will restore a lost limb.
X.P. Value 5,850 + 15/h.p.
Bestiary - Rainbird
Appearance: Rot quasi-elementals appear as masses of stinking, rotting If more than one is encountered, they will be a mated pair, with any additional
vegetation in hues of dark greens, browns, and black. They move about with birds being hatchlings. Hatchlings must grow for at least a year before they
a sickening undulating motion. can produce the same rain effects as adults. They tend to nest on the banks of
shallow rivers, amongst the thick reeds.
Rust Quasi-Elemental
Combat: Rainbirds can peck with their tiny beaks, but their true power comes
Number 1 from their magical ability to create rain. An adult rainbird can cause
Morale +3 precipitation (as per the spell) three times per day, or a cloudburst (again, like
Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10 the spell) once per day. If startled, they will tend to cause rain and then flee,
Armor Class 2 unless they are protecting their nest, in which case they will fight.
Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Appearance: Rainbirds look much like large robins with blue and white
No. of Attacks 1 feathers. They are notable for only having one leg, however.
Damage 2d4
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm Snake
Attacks Rust
Weaknesses None The following special types of snake are found in a mythic China setting. Of
Size L course, other sorts, as described in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary,
Intelligence 6 can be found there as well.
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None Bashe
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None Number 1
X.P. Value 5,850 + 15/h.p. Morale +12
Hit Dice 9d12
General: Rust quasi-elementals are native to the quasi-elemental plane of rust. Armor Class 5
They can be summoned by the same means that are used to summon a metal Move 120’/min.
elemental, but if the attempt fails an entropoid could arrive instead. Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 2
Combat: Rust quasi-elementals attack with their fists. Any creature wearing Damage 1d6/2d6
metal armor who is struck by a rust quasi-elemental will find it instantly Defenses None
corroded and fallen to pieces. They can, if they wish, attack an enemy’s Attacks Swallow whole, constrict
weapon specifically, if it is metal, attacking it as if it were AC 10 and achieving Weaknesses None
the same result if the weapon is hit. Magical armor and weapons get a saving Size L (150’ long)
throw of 10% per “plus” of enchantment. Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
Appearance: Rust quasi-elementals appear as vaguely humanoid collections Treasure Type None
of ochre-colored sand and flakes of rusted metal. When they move, they make Treasure Value n/a
an audible screeching sound, like two old metal plates rubbing against one Magical Treasure None
another. X.P. Value 2,850 + 16/h.p.
Rainbird General: Bashe are giant snakes large enough to swallow an elephant whole.
They dwell in marshland and forests.
Number 1d4
Morale -1 Combat: Bashe attack by their bite and can also constrict other creatures that
Hit Dice 2d6 are medium or larger (they cannot get a good grip on small creatures). When
Armor Class 7 biting, if they get a natural 20 on their “to hit” roll, they will swallow the prey,
Move 240’/min. (flying - average) which will die automatically in 1d4 rounds unless the bashe is slain and then
Magic Resistance Standard cut open. While inside, only small weapons (2’ or less in length) can be used,
No. of Attacks 1 and the person swallowed gets a -2 penalty “to hit”.
Damage 1d2
Defenses None If a bashe makes a successful constriction attack against a victim, no further
Attacks Rain “to hit” rolls are required; constriction damage will be automatic each round
Weaknesses None thereafter. The bashe can constrict a maximum of two victims at one time, and
Size S (1’) cannot move faster than 30’/min. while constricting a victim.
Intelligence 3
Alignment Neutral Appearance: Bashe are enormous snakes with green and yellow scales.
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 14 + 1/h.p.
General: Rainbirds are highly sought-after by farmers and the like, as their
power to bring rain has obvious uses for crops and irrigation. Adult specimens
can fetch up to 40 g.p. each, while eggs or hatchlings are worth 10 g.p. each.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Snake, Jointed take an additional 1d6 h.p. and be incapacitated for 1d6 days. The blood of
a nine-headed snake is poisonous as well; any unarmored person within 5’
Number 1 (3) when the snake is struck with a slashing or piercing weapon must make a
Morale +4 saving throw vs. poison or take 1d4 h.p. from the splashed blood.
Hit Dice 9d10 (3d10 each segment)
Armor Class 5 Appearance: Nine-headed snakes are giant versions of vipers, with nine
Move 120’/min. heads. Their scales range from brilliant emerald to tan to black.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 (3) Snake, Winged
Damage 1/1d4 (1/1d2 each segment)
Defenses None Number 2d6
Attacks Separation, constriction Morale +1
Weaknesses None Hit Dice 1d8
Size L (6’ each segment) Armor Class 6
Intelligence 1 Move 120’/min., 180’/min. (flying - average)
Alignment Neutral Magic Resistance Standard
Treasure Type None No. of Attacks 1
Treasure Value n/a Damage 1d3
Magical Treasure None Defenses None
X.P. Value 900 + 14/h.p. (60 + 4/h.p. each segment) Attacks Venom
Weaknesses None
General: Jointed snakes live in forests and jungles, where they dwell in the Size S (4’)
trees, waiting to drop down on unsuspecting prey. They have the ability to Intelligence 1
separate into three individual snakes, each of which can attack a different Alignment Neutral
enemy, and then recombine at will. Experience points should be awarded Treasure Type None
based on how the snake is encountered in combat; if it is chiefly separated, Treasure Value n/a
then award the x.p. for three individual segments. If it is largely fought intact, Magical Treasure None
the higher award should be granted. X.P. Value 45 + 1/h.p.
Combat: Jointed snakes are constrictors, and will loop their coils around their General: Winged snakes are a pestilence that can be found in almost all
victims. A successful hit will indicate both a bite and a constriction; further “to climates and terrains. They are greatly feared because they hunt in flocks, and
hit” rolls are unnecessary. Creatures with a combined strength of 64 can their venom is deadly.
cooperate to remove a single segment in one round, or the combined jointed
snake in 1d4+1 rounds. Combat: Winged snakes attack with their bite, which carries venom. Anyone
bitten by a winged snake must make a saving throw vs. poison. Failure means
Appearance: Much like ordinary constrictors, jointed snakes are thickly the victim takes an additional 3d4 h.p. of damage.
muscled and can be found in a variety of different colors.
Appearance: Winged snakes are usually bright orange in color with bands of
Snake, Nine-headed green, black, and yellow. Their wings are feathered, and are yellow with
green, red, and black tips.
Number 1d3
Morale +6 Tomb Guardian
Hit Dice 6d12
Armor Class 4 Number 2
Move 120’/min. Morale +3
Magic Resistance Standard Hit Dice 8d8
No. of Attacks 9 Armor Class 2
Damage 1d2 Move 120’/min.
Defenses Poisonous blood Magic Resistance Standard
Attacks Venom No. of Attacks 1
Weaknesses None Damage By weapon type
Size L (25’) Defenses Immune to mind-affecting magic
Intelligence 1 Attacks See below
Alignment Neutral Weaknesses See below
Treasure Type None Size M
Treasure Value n/a Intelligence 16
Magical Treasure None Alignment Lawful neutral
X.P. Value 650 + 10/h.p. Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
General: Nine-headed snakes are giant venomous snakes which dwell in most Magical Treasure None
climates and terrains except the coldest. X.P. Value 550 + 10/h.p.
Combat: Nine-headed snakes attack with their many bites. Every head is General: Tomb guardians are magical creatures which are always found in
capable of striking a different opponent, as long as they are in range. Each pairs. They roam the ethereal plane looking for unguarded or imperiled
bite is extremely poisonous; the victim must make a saving throw vs. poison or resting places for the dead; when they find one, they will assume material
Bestiary - Unicorn, Shaggy
form and settle in to provide the necessary protection. There are five types of Unicorn, Shaggy
tomb guardians, and each pair will consist of two different types. All can
transit between the material and ethereal planes up to three times per day. Number 4d6
The types of tomb guardians present in any given locale should be Morale +2
determined randomly: Hit Dice 5d8
Armor Class 7 (body), 3 (head)
TABLE 168: TOMB GUARDIAN TYPE Move 150’/min.
Die Roll Magic Resistance Standard
(d10) Type No. of Attacks 1
1-2 North Damage 1d12
3-4 South Defenses None
5-6 East Attacks Charge for 3d6+1d4
7-8 West Weaknesses None
9-10 Center Size L (6’ at shoulder)
Intelligence 3
Combat: Tomb guardians fight with weapons; the exact weapon type Alignment Neutral
depends on the type of tomb guardian. Each also has magical powers, as Treasure Type None
described below. Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
Northern tomb guardians bear umbrellas; these can strike for 1d6 h.p. of X.P. Value 350 + 8/h.p.
damage, and, when opened, can cause a strong stream of water which will
do 1d4 h.p. of damage per round and require all creatures to make a General: Shaggy unicorns are similar to yaks in most respects, with the
strength check or be pushed back 10’ per round. Northern tomb guardians exception of the single horn on their head, which is used in combat. They are
are vulnerable to earth; earth-based attacks re-roll 1’s on all damage dice. aggressive herd animals, and will move as a group to counter predators and
other intruders.
Southern tomb guardians are armed with swords; they do 1d12 h.p. of
damage. By waving the sword, a southern tomb guardian can create a wall Combat: If shaggy unicorns attack as a herd (75% chance) they will charge
of fire (as per the spell, as if cast by a 8th level spellcaster). They are and trample enemies, doing 3d6+1d4 h.p. of damage each. Otherwise, they
vulnerable to water; water-based attacks against them will re-roll all 1’s on will use their horns to attack.
damage dice.
Appearance: A shaggy unicorn looks like a yak with a single spiral horn atop
Eastern tomb guardians are armed with pipas, which can strike for 1d6 h.p. its forehead.
of damage. By playing the pipa, a tomb guardian can cast a mass
charm spell, which will be used to dissuade intruders from looting the tomb, if
effective. They are vulnerable to metal; metal attacks against them (including
Vampire, Hopping
attacks by metal weapons) will re-roll all 1’s on damage dice.
Number 1
Western tomb guardians are armed with red cords; these can strike for 1d4 Morale +16
Hit Dice 8d10
h.p. of damage, or can be hurled at enemies and turn into venomous snakes
Armor Class 1
(with maximum hit points). The poison of such snakes will kill unless a saving
Move 60’/min.
throw vs. poison is made. They are vulnerable to fire; fire-based attacks
Magic Resistance Standard
against them will re-roll all 1’s on damage dice.
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d6+4
Central tomb guardians are armed with monk’s spades; they can strike for
1d6 h.p. Those struck by the weapon must make a saving throw vs. spells or Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, spell immunity, poison
be slowed for 1d4 rounds. They are vulnerable to wood; wood-based attacks immunity
Attacks Level drain, telekinesis
(including attacks by wooden weapons) will re-roll all 1’s on damage dice.
Weaknesses Mirrors, holy symbols, vinegar
Appearance: Tomb guardians are human in appearance, with voluminous Size M
robes and large square hats. Northern guardians wear robes of black, Intelligence 16
Alignment Chaotic evil
southern ones shades of red, eastern ones robes of green, western ones
shades of white, and central ones wear yellow. Treasure Type VII
Treasure Value 1d10x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (10%), 1d6 potions (50%)
X.P. Value 3,800 + 12/h.p.
Combat: Hopping vampires attack with their fists, and have the equivalent of
18/76 strength (+2 “to hit” bonus and +4 damage). Two consecutive hits from
a hopping vampire means the vampire has caught the victim in its embrace,
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
and it will drain one level or hit die per round, until the victim is dead or the Appearance: Hopping vampires appear as rotting corpses with stiffened limbs.
grapple has been broken. Hopping vampires can also use telekinesis once per Their arms are usually raised in front of them, and they travel by hopping, as
round, with a 500 pound maximum. Note that hopping vampires will often their hips can no longer bend. They will usually wear faded and tattered robes
have kung fu skills (although not ones that rely on kicks) and will be able to befitting long-ago nobility. Although filled with malevolent cunning, they do
employ them in combat. not speak, but can understand the Imperial tongue.
Hopping vampires can jump three times per day (as per the spell). They also
regenerate 2 h.p. per round. Vinegar causes 1d6 h.p. of damage to a hopping
vampire, and they will avoid eight-sided mirrors and holy symbols if they are
prominently displayed. They are not harmed by sunlight, but will mostly be
found at night.
Pummeling Grappling involves wrestling, holding, pinning, etc. You can grapple someone
when they are in melee or prone (but in order to grapple someone who is
prone, you must be prone yourself). Of course, when you attempt to grapple
Pummeling involves punching and kicking with the intention of trying to do
someone, he is able to attack you with a weapon, if he has one. Roll “to hit”
damage to the target. You can pummel someone who is in melee or who is
as normal, and apply both the pummeling modifiers for armor type (Table 170,
prone (kicking is pummeling, too). Bear in mind that someone with a weapon
above) and the overbearing modifiers for strength (Table 171, above). If the
can still attack you with it, even though you’re pummeling them. Roll “to hit”
defender is already pinned (see below), the attacker gets a bonus of +3 “to
as normal, with the following modifiers due to armor type (not armor class!):
If the hit is successful, the attacker has “pinned” the defender: wrapped his
arms and/or legs around the defender, successfully preventing him from rising
(if prone), pummeling, or attacking with a weapon. The defender also takes 1-
2 hit points of damage, plus strength bonus. The pinned character must himself
make a successful grappling attack in order to become unpinned. If the pinning
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
character fails to successfully pin in the next or subsequent rounds, the pinned
character is automatically free.
Appendix B: Weapon Adjustments vs. Armor
Unarmed Combat with Non-humanoid Creatures Type
Inevitably, some player character will want to pummel a dragon, or attempt to
For those game masters who prefer the verisimilitude of having different
overbear a camel. The game master should always let common sense prevail
weapons be more effective against different types of armor, the following
in such cases, granting the dragon the equivalent of banded mail for its tough
optional table is presented.
hide, or giving the camel a bonus due to its size, strength, and multiple legs (-
2 for an attacker “to hit” for every pair of legs beyond the first). You should
usually err on the side of allowing the player characters to do the unexpected
(as opposed to simply saying “you can’t do that”), but that doesn’t mean you
have to make it easy for them to succeed.
Yu, Anthony (tr.). The Journey to the West (revised ed.). University of Chicago
Appendix C: Inspirational Sources Press, 2013
Books Film
Benn, Charles. China’s Golden Age: Everyday Life in the Tang Dynasty. Circle of Iron (1978), directed by Richard Moore.
Oxford University Press, 2002. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000), directed by Ang Lee.
Cao Xueqin, Gladys Yang and Yang Hsien-yi (trs.). A Dream of Red Mansions. Dragon Gate Inn (1967), directed by King Hu.
Beijing; Foreign Language Press, 1979-1980. Five Deadly Venoms (1978), directed by Chang Cheh.
DeWoskin, Kenneth (tr.). Doctors, Diviners, and Magicians of Ancient China: Hero (2002), directed by Zhang Yimou.
Biographies of Fang-shih. Columbia University Press, 1983. House of Flying Daggers (2004), directed by Zhang Yimou.
Fielde, Adele Marion. Chinese Fairy Tales. G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1912. The Invincible Fist (1969), directed by Chang Cheh.
Lorge, Peter. Chinese Martial Arts: From Antiquity to the Twenty-First Century. Journey to the West (2013), directed by Stephen Chow.
Cambridge University Press, 2012. Last Hurrah for Chivalry (1979), directed by John Woo.
Lihui Yang, Deming An. Handbook of Chinese Mythology. Oxford University New Dragon Gate Inn (1992), directed by Raymond Lee.
Press, 2005. Reign of Assassins (2010), directed by Su Chao-pin and John Woo.
Luo Guanzhong; Brewitt-Taylor, C.H. (tr.). Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The Swordsman Trilogy:
Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1953. The Swordsman / Laughing and Proud Warrior (1990), directed
MacGowen, John. Chinese Folk-Lore Tales. MacMillan and Co., 1910. by King Hu,
Peers, C J. Soldiers of the Dragon: Chinese Armies 1500 BC-AD 1840. Osprey Swordsman II / The Legend of the Swordsman (1992), directed by
Publishing, 2006. Ching Siu-tung,
Shi Nai'an; Shapiro, Sidney (tr.). The Outlaws of the Marsh. Indiana University Swordsman III / The East is Red (1993), directed by Ching Siu-tung
Press, 1981. and Raymond Lee.
Teiser, Stephen. The Ghost Festival in Medieval China. Princeton University
Press, 1988.
Teo, Stephen. Chinese Martial Arts Cinema: The Wuxia Tradition. Edinburgh
University Press, 2009.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
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Stalker from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author
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Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn. Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Underworld Oracle. Deer from the Tome
of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Demilich
from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott
Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Derghodaemon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games,
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2, copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Devil Dog from the Tome
of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based
LLC; Authors Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Graeme Davis, on original material by Louis Boschelli. Dire Corby from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
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Crystal Frasier, Joshua J. Frost, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, James Jacobs, Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Julian Lawrence. Dracolisk from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
Steve Kenson, Hal MacLean, Martin Mason, Rob McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Dragon Horse from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Nelson, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Owen K.C. Gary Gygax. Dragon, Faerie from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog
God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Brian Jaeger and Gary Gygax. Dragonfish from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Stephens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Greg A. Vaughan, based on Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. Albie Fiore. Dragonnel from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Drelb from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Dun
Pudding from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author
Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide, copyright 2010 Paizo Publishing, LLC; Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Dustdigger from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games,
Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Tracy and Laura Hickman. Ear Seeker
Authors Cam Banks, Wolfgang Baur, Jason Buhlman, Jim Butler, Eric Cagle, from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott
Greene and Erica Balsley, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Eblis from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
Graeme Davis, Adam Daigle, Jashua J. Frost, James Jacobs, Kenneth Hite, Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Electric Eel from
the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene.
Steven Kenson, Robin Laws, Tito Leati, Rob McCreart, Hal Maclean, Colin Executioner's Hood from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Eye Killer from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
McComb, Jason Nelson, David Noonan, Richard Pett, Rich Redman, Sean K Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian Livingstone.
Eye of the Deep from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber Scott, Doug Seacat, Mike Selinker, Lisa Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Fire Lizard from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
Stevens, James L Sutter, Russ Taylor, Penny Williams, Teeuwynn Woodruff. Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Fire Snake from
the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene,
based on original material by Michael McDonagh. Firedrake from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Dave Waring. Flail Snail from the Tome of
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Misfit Monsters Redeemed, copyright 2010, Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Simon Tilbrook. Flind from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Paizo Publushing, LLC; Authors: Adam Daigle, Crystal Frasier, Colin McComb, distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by J.D. Morris. Floating Eye from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, and James L. Sutter. Gary Gygax. Flumph from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Damges; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian McDowell and Douglas Naismith. Foo Creature from the Tome of Horrors
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax. Forlarren from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
Castle Zagyg Class Options & Skills for Yggsburgh, copyright 2006 Troll Lord by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian Livingstone. Forrester's Bane from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Games, author Gary Gygax. Gary Gygax. Fraz-Urb'luu from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog
God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Frog, Killer from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material
Evolved Grottoes & Griffons Teratic Tome. copyright 2013 Rafael Chandler. by Gary Gygax. Frog, Poisonous from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Froghemoth from the Tome of Horrors
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax. Gas Spore from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
Aerial Servant from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Geryon from the Tome of Horrors
Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Afanc from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Algoid from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
material by Gary Gygax. If you’re reading this, someone just copied this block of text from a BRW Games product without reading it. Giant Blister
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on
Beetle from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author
original material by Mike Ferguson. Al-Mi'raj from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Scott Greene. Giant Boring Beetle from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Roger Musson. Alu-demon from the Tome
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Giant Bumblebee from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Giant Clam from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
on original material by Gary Gygax. Amon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Amphisbaena from the Tome of Horrors
Giant Crayfish from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Death Watch Beetle from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
material by Gary Gygax. Animal Lord, Cat Lord from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Dragonfly from the
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Animal Lord, Mouse Lord from the Tome of
Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene,
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene and Erica
based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Fly from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
Balsley. Ant Lion from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Frog from the Tome of Horrors
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Apparition from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson,
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Underworld
based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Hornet from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
Oracle. Ascomoid from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Giant Leech from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Assassin Bug from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Atomie from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Giant Moray Eel from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Pike from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
Gary Gygax. Aurumvorax from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Giant Rhinoceros Beetle from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Axebeak from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Baal
Gary Gygax. Giant Sea Horse from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Giant Slicer Beetle from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Babbler from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Slug from the Tome of
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Jeremy Goodwin and Ian
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
McDowell. Banderlog from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Snapping Turtle from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Baphomet from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Tick from the Tome of
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
Barracuda from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Two-Headed Troll from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
Author Scott Greene. Basidirond from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Gloomwing from the Tome of
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Blindheim from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Roger
original material by Gary Gygax. Gorgimera from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Musson. Blood Hawk from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Gorilla Bear from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian Livingstone. Boalisk from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Cricky Hitchcock. Greater Basilisk from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
Bonesnapper from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Greater Shedu from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian Livingstone. Bookworm from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Brown Pudding
Gygax. Grippli from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Groaning Spirit from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Brownie from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Buckawn from the Tome of
by Gary Gygax. Gryph from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Peter Brown. Guardian Daemon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
original material by Gary Gygax. Bunyip from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian McDowell.
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Dermot Jackson. Cambion from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Hangman Tree from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Haunt from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
Gary Gygax. Caryatid Column from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Harold Johnson and Tom
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Juan Wells. Caterwaul from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
Moldvay. Hippocampus from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Albie Fiore.
Games; Authors Scott Greene and Erica Balsley, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Hippopotamus from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Catfish, Giant Electric from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., Cave Cricket from the Tome of Horrors
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Hoar Fox from the Tome of
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
material by Gary Gygax. Cave Fisher from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
original material by Graeme Morris. Huecuva from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Lawrence Schick. Cave Lion from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Underworld Oracle. Hutijin from the Tome of Horrors
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Cave Moray from the Tome of
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark
material by Gary Gygax. Hyaenodon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Charon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Green. Hydrodaemon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Charonodaemon from the Tome
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Iron Cobra from the Tome of
of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
on original material by Gary Gygax. Cloud Dragon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
original material by Philip Masters. Jackalwere from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Clubneck from the Tome of Horrors
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Jack-in-irons from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Jaculi from the Tome of Horrors
material by M. English. Coffer Corpse from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Simon Eston. Cooshee from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
material by Philip Masters. Jaguar from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Juiblex from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Gygax. Crabman from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Juju Zombie from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Authors Scott Greene and Erica Balsley, based on original material by Ian Livingstone. Crystal Ooze from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary
Gary Gygax. Kampfult from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Gygax. Dakon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Kelpie from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian McDowell. Dark Creeper from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Lawrence Schick.
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Rik Shepard. Dark
Khargra from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ - The Golden Scroll of Justice
Scott Greene, based on original material by Lawrence Schick. Korred from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Stench Kow from the Tome of Horrors
Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Kostchtchie from the Tome Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based material by Gary Gygax. Stingray from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
on original material by Gary Gygax. Leprechaun from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Stone Roper from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Lightning Quasi-elemental from the Tome of and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Allen Hammack and Gary Gygax. Strangle Weed from
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene,
original material by Gary Gygax. Lurker Above from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and based on original material by Gary Gygax. Stunjelly from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Mammoth from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Neville White. Tabaxi from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Mandragora from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Lawrence Schick. Taer from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Mantari from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Tarry Demodand from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Scott Greene, based on original material by David Wormell. Margoyle from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Tenebrous Purple Worm from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Marid from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Games; Author Scott Greene. Tentamort from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Mastodon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Mike Roberts. Thessal Creature from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Memory Moss from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Erica Balsley, based on original material Gary Gygax and Wizards of the Coast. Thornie from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
by Gary Gygax. Mihstu from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God didstributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Throat Leech from the Tome of Horrors
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Mist Dragon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Mite material by Ian Livingston. Thunder Beast from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Time Elemental from the Tome of Horrors
Greene and Skeeter Green, based on original material by Ian Livingstone and Mark Barnes. Mobat from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Titivilus from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
material by Gary Gygax. Moloch from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Trapper from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Monadic Deva from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Tri-
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Flower Frond from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Gygax. Mongrelman from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Troll from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games,
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Monstrous Crab from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Oliver Charles Macdonald. Tunnel Worm
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott
Moon Dog from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Vegepygmy from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games,
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Mountain Lion from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Vilstrak from the Tome of
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Movanic Deva from the Tome of Horrors Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original original material by Gary Gygax. Volt from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
material by Gary Gygax. Muckdweller from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Jonathon Jones. Vulchling from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Mud-Man from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by David J. Gygax. White Pudding from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Browne, Tom Kirby, and Graeme Morris. Mustard Jelly from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Wind Walker from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax; Nabassu from the Tome of Horrors Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original Witherweed from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
material by Gary Gygax. Necrophidius from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Simon Eaton. Wolf-in-Sheep's Clothing from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Simon Tilbrook. Nereid from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Wood Golem from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Gygax. Nupperibo from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Patrick Lawinger. Woolly Rhinoceros from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Ogrillon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Yellow Musk Creeper from the Tome of Horrors
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Erica Balsey, based on original material by Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
R.K.R. Chilman. Oinodaemon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog material by Albie Fiore. Yellow Musk Zombie from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Oliphant from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Albie Fiore. Yeti from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary
Olive Slime from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Gygax.
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Orcus from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Pazuzu from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual, Copyright © 2010-2015, BRW
Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Pech from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Pedipalp from the Tome of
Games, LLC. ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary, Copyright © 2011-2015,
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Gary Gygax. Phantom from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
BRW Games, LLC. ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Game Masters Toolkit,
distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scitt Greene, based on original material by Harold Johnson and Tom Moldvay. Phantom Stalker from the Copyright © 2011-2015, BRW Games, LLC. ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ is
Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene,
based on original material by Ian Livingstone. Phycomid from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., a trademark of BRW Games, LLC.
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Piercer from the Tome of Horrors
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson,
based on original material by Gary Gygax. Piscodaemon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Poltergeist from the Tome of END OF LICENSE
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Lewis Pulsipher. Pyrolisk from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Quickling from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Gary Gygax. Quickwood from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog
Designation of Product Identity
God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Quipper from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Albie Fiore. Rock
Reptile from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author The following items are designated Product Identity, as defined in Section 1(e)
Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Rope Golem from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Rot Grub from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, of the Open Game License Version 1.0a, and are subject to the conditions set
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material
by Gary Gygax. Russet Mold from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog forth in Section 7 of the OGL, and are not Open Game Content: all
God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Sandman from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Roger Musson. trademarked items, all artwork and diagrams, dialogue, plots, storylines,
Scarecrow from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Roger Musson. Screaming Devilkin from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
settings, locations, characters, logos, and trade dress. Items previously
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Philip Masters.
Sea Spider from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
designated as Open Game Content or which are in the public domain do not
Author Scott Greene. Shadow Demon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Neville White. Shaggy Demodand from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
fall under this designation of Product Identity.
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Gary Gygax. Shedu from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Sheep, Ram from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Skeleton Warrior from the Tome of Horrors
Designation of Open Game Content
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Nigel Morgan. Slaad Lord of Entropy from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Charles Stross. Slaad Lord of the Insane from the Tome of
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
The following items are designated Open Game Content, as defined in Section
original material by Charles Stross. Slime Demodand from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Slithering Tracker from the Tome of Horrors
1(d) of the Open Game License Version 1.0a: Races, character classes, rules
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original for kung fu, armor, weapons, cost of equipment, secondary skills, spells, magic
material by Gary Gygax. Smilodon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Solifugid from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published items, monsters, Appendix A.
and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Spriggan from the Tome of Horrors
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Erica Balsley,
based on original material by Roger Moore and Gary Gygax. Sprite from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games,
Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Squealer from the Tome of
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Gary Gygax. Stegocentipede from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
Bring your game off the page and onto your table...
28mm terrain for
use with your favorite
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A golden age of adventure based on the history and
mythology of China, mixed with the cinematic flair of kung fu
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Completely compatible with the Adventures Dark and Deep™ game, but
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