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ESH-1 Operating the Eberline ESP/Pancake ESH-1-07-04, Revision 1
Procedure Probe Effective March 15, 1996
Page 1 of 8
=> The Eberline ESP/pancake probe consists of a microcomputer-based portable radiation
survey instrument (Eberline Smart Portable, ESP) and a "pancake" Geiger Mueller (GM)
, tube (Hand Probe, HP260/HP360) with a thin mica window. The thin mica window, which
is protected by a sturdy wire screen, permits the useful detection of beta radiation of
energies as low as 40 KeV. 10 CFR 835·401<c>l2>
This procedure has been revised to incorporate applicable parts of "Occupational
Radiation Protection," 10 CFR 835.
This procedure provides guidance in the proper operation of the Eberline ESP/pancake
Beta/Gamma survey meter.
This procedure applies to ESH-1 personnel who operate the Eberline ESP/pancake
probe. The instrument may be used to perform a direct frisk of personnel, equipment or
areas, or may be used to monitor swipes/smears.
Count rate mode: In the context of this procedure, count rate mode refers to using the
ESP/HP260/HP360 in a rapid response manner. The display indicates counts per minute
in this mode and is the typical mode of operation.
Scaler mode: In the context of this procedure, scaler mode refers to using the
ESP/HP260/HP360 in a timed count manner while holding the probe still. The count time
is set by the user for ten minutes (as an example) and the counts are collected for that
ten minutes. Dividing the counts by the time gives the cpm. The scaler mode is useful in
determining lower levels of activity.
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SEP 0 3 1998
ESH-1 Operating the Eberline ESP/Pancake ESH-1-07-04, Revision 1
Procedure Probe Effective March 15, 1996
Page 2 of 8
RCT supervision
6.1 The HP260/HP360 window is protected by a wire screen. Reasonable care should be
taken to avoid poking the window with sharp objects.
6.2 A faulty detector cable may cause false readings when the cable is moved.
6.3 The HP260/HP360 probe will respond to alpha particles of energies above 3 MeV.
6.4 High voltages exist in the instrument whenever it is on. Always turn the instrument off
before opening the case or removing or replacing detectors or cables.
6.5 The potential for contamination of the HP260/HP360 probe holder exists. The probe
holder should be surveyed during the instrument release survey.
7.1 Prerequisites
7.1.1 Verify that the instrument is in calibration by inspecting the calibration sticker on
the instrument. 10 CFR 835·401 <c><1>
NOTE: If the instrument is due for calibration, remove it from service and go to
section 7. 7, Instrument Maintenance.
7 .1.2 Inspect the instrument and detector for evidence of mechanical or electrical
defects {such as broken detector mylar, loose electrical connections, or dents in
the instrument case).
NOTE: If the instrument has visible defects that would prevent it from operating
acceptably, remove it from service and go to section 7. 7 Instrument
7 .1.4 If the first character of the display is blinking, or if the display does not come on,
the batteries need to be replaced. If the display indicates anything other than
"CNT/MIN" {counts per minute), remove the instrument from service and go to
section 7.7, Instrument Maintenance.
ESH-1 Operating the Eberline ESP/Pancake ESH-1-07-04, Revision 1
Procedure Probe Effective March 15, 1996
Page 3 of8
7 .1.5 Press "RESET"; the bar graph and the numerical indication of the count rate
should be displayed. Perform the following steps:
1) Observe the count rate which should typically be between 150 and 250
cpm. (The display would show 1.50 + 02 to 2.50 + 02 cntlmin.)
2) Move the probe around as you would in surveying. If the count rate
changes greatly, it may be an indication of a faulty detector cable.
3) If the count rate is significantly lower or higher than in step 1 or if the count
rate changes drastically to the extent that it would prevent you from
conducting the survey, go to section 7.7, Instrument Maintenance.
7.1.6 Press "SPKR," and listen for an audible indication (clicking sounds) that the
instrument is detecting "events."
7 .1. 7 Refer to "Operational Checks of Beta/Gamma Survey Instruments,"
ESH-1-07-85, for the required instrument operational checks. 10 CFR 835·401 <c><4>
7.2 Determin ing the Area Backgro und with the Eberline ESP/HP260/HP360
7.2.6 If you want to change the count time for the scaler mode, then hold down
"RESET' while pressing "+" to increase the count time (which is in minutes) or
while pressing "-" to decrease the count time.
NOTE: The rate of change of the count time increases the longer the "+"or"-"
switches are held down.
7 .2.9 If the area background count rate is greater than 500 cpm, the equipment or
item to be surveyed should be moved to an area of lower background or the
source of interfering radiation should be removed.
7.2.10 Press "RESET" to start another background count or "ON/OFF" to turn off the
7.3 Determinin g Minimum Detectable Count Rate (MDCR) and Minimum Detectable
=} Activity (MDA)
7.3.2 Record the background count rate in cpm on the survey form.
7.3.3 Calculate the minimum detectable count rate (MDCR} by using the following
MDCR=Rb +3.29/R,
(MDCR equals background count rate plus 3.29 times the square root of the
background count rate.}
7 .3.4 Calculate the minimum detectable activity (MDA} in DPM by multiplying the
MDCR by the calibration correction factor (typically 2 for this
instrument}. 10 a=R S35.404(al
NOTE: The "RESET" switch provides a rapid means of resetting the meter to
zero after a reading has been taken and recorded.
7 .4.5 If you want to change the alarm set point for the count rate mode, then hold
down "RESET" while pressing "+" to increase the alarm set point or while
pressing "-" to decrease the alarm set point.
NOTE: The rate of change of the alarm set point increases the longer the "+"or
"-"switch es are held down.
NOTE: The alarm set point is determin ed by the release criteria. Refer to
"Releasing Materials and Equipment," LP107-04, for release criteria.
7.4.6 Press "MODE." The display shows the bar graph and the numerica l indication of
the count rate.
7 .4.8 Listen to the speaker and observe the meter for an indication of the average
background count rate.
7 .4.9 If performin g a direct frisk, hold the detector within % inch of the surface to
be surveyed and move the detector across the surface to be surveyed at less
than or equal to 2 inches per second. If a positive response above
background is noted (an increase in clicking rate or the numerica l or bar graph
display), stop the frisk and monitor the affected area for about 30 seconds or
until meter response has stabilized. 10 a=RS35.404(a)
NOTE: Pressing the "+"key temporarily places the meter into a slower
response mode, which a/so a/lows a more precise count.
NOTE: Do not allow the probe to come into direct contact with the surface
being surveyed to prevent contamination and damage to the probe.
' I
7.4.10 If screening swipes/smears or filters prior to analysis, hold the detector within
~inch of the sample media and wait for a meter response. Monitor for about 10
seconds; if no increase in count rate is noted, move to the next sample. If an
increase in count rate is noted, monitor for about 30 seconds or until meter
response has stabilized.
7.4.11 Compare the meter readings with the MDCR determined in section 7.3.
7 .4.12 If the meter reading is less than the MDCR determined in section 7 .3, record it
as < MDA on the survey record, or NDA (no detectable activity).
7 .4.13 If the meter reading is greater than the MDCR, then subtract the background
from the meter reading. This is the net CPM (counts per minute) to be used in
the calculation for DPM/1 00 cm 2 or DPM per probe area. ·
7.4.14 The conduct of surveys, the conversion of survey data to dpm and the
recording of survey results shall be performed in accordance with
"Contamination Monitoring Standard," ESH-1-02-01, and "Surveying for
Alpha and/or Beta/Gamma Contamination," ESH-1-02-02. 10 a=R 835·404(aJ
7.4.15 When instrument use is complete, press the "ON/OFF" switch to tum the
instrument off.
7 .5.5 If you want to change the alarm set point for the scaler mode, then hold down
"RESEr' while pressing"+" to increase the alarm set point, or while pressing
"-" to decrease the alarm set point.
NOTE: The rate of change of the alarm set point increases the longer the "+"or
"-"switches are held down.
NOTE: The alarm set point is determined by the release criteria. Refer to
"Releasing Materials and Equipment," LP107-04, for release criteria.
7 .5. 7 If you want to change the count time for the scaler mode, then hold down
"RESEr' while pressing "+" to increase the count time (which is in minutes) or
while pressing "-" to decrease the count time.
7 .5.9 Hold the probe directly over and within ~ inch of the surface to be surveyed
while in the scaler mode.
7.5.11 Press "RESET" to start another background count or "ON/OFF" to tum off the
7 .6.3 Tum the instrument upside down and remove the large screw in the center of
the bottom cover with a screw driver.
7 .6.5 Replace the six 'C' cell batteries with fresh batteries. The inside of the
instrument case is marked with the correct battery polarity.
7 .6.6 Replace the bottom cover and screw the large screw back in and go to section
7.1 Prerequisites
' I
7. 7.1 If the instrument is due for calibration or if the meter (not the detector or cable)
has visible damage that would prevent it from operating acceptably, survey and
tag it for return to RIP. 10 cm 835·401 <cl<1l
2) Detach the cable from both the detector and meter ends.
CAUTION: The two connector ends on the cable are not identical. The
connector end with the protruding longer white insulator connects to
the ESP. Do not force the connectors to go together.
3) Replace the defective cable with a good cable of the same type and length
and go to section 7.1, Prerequisites.
7.7.3 If the cable needs to be returned to RIP, survey and tag it for return.
LANL Radiological Control Manual, LM107-01
"Releasing Materials and Equipment," LP107-04
"Contamination Monitoring Standard," ESH-1-02-01
"Surveying for Alpha and/or Beta/Gamma Contamination," ESH-1-02-02
"Operational Checks of Beta/Gamma Survey Instruments," ESH-1-07-85
Eberline Model ESP (Eberline Smart Portable) Technical Manual
"Eberline ESP-1 Survey Meter with the Model HP-260 GM Pancake Probe," ESH4-RIC-
TBD-003, RO