The document provides information about the course 'Probability and statistics B' including its lecturers, status, aims, outcomes, content, literature, hours, and assessment methods. The course covers limit theorems of probability theory, concepts of mathematical statistics, and applying probability and statistics methods to research.
The document provides information about the course 'Probability and statistics B' including its lecturers, status, aims, outcomes, content, literature, hours, and assessment methods. The course covers limit theorems of probability theory, concepts of mathematical statistics, and applying probability and statistics methods to research.
The document provides information about the course 'Probability and statistics B' including its lecturers, status, aims, outcomes, content, literature, hours, and assessment methods. The course covers limit theorems of probability theory, concepts of mathematical statistics, and applying probability and statistics methods to research.
The document provides information about the course 'Probability and statistics B' including its lecturers, status, aims, outcomes, content, literature, hours, and assessment methods. The course covers limit theorems of probability theory, concepts of mathematical statistics, and applying probability and statistics methods to research.
Lecturers: Pavle N. Mladenović Status: Compulsory for modules ML, MM, MR, MP and MA ECTS: 5 Attendance prerequisites: No prerequisites. Course aims: Getting familiar with limit theorems of probability theory, basic concepts and typical problems of mathematical statistics, important distributions of mathematical statistics and possibilities of application methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics. Course outcome: The student got knowledge of the basic limit theorems of probability theory, basic concepts of mathematical statistics and is capable of applying the methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics in various researches. Course content: Characteristic function (definition, examples, properties). Bijection between probability distributions and characteristic functions and inversion formula for characteristic function. Convergence in probability. Borel-Cantelli lemma and almost sure convergence. Convergence in sqare mean. Convergence in distribution (connection with characteristic functions). Relationship between various types of convergence. Strong law of large numbers. Central limit theorem. Statistical model and task of mathematical statistics. Population, variable, sample. Order statistics. Empirical distribution function. Sample mean and sample variance and their numerical characteristics. Chi-squared distribution. Joint distribution of sample mean and sample variance for sample from normal distribution. T- distribution. Consistent estimators. Unbiased estimators. Comparison of estimators and Rao- Cramer inequality. Maximum likelihood method. Cofidence interval for probability of binomial distribution. Cofidence interval for mathematical expectation of normal distribution. Cofidence interval for variance of normal distribution. Statistical hypothesis testing. Cricital region. Level of significance. Power of a test. Neyman-Pearson lemma. Testing hypothesis about parameters of normal distribution. Pearson's chi-squared test. Literature: 1. Pavle Mladenović: Elementaran uvod u verovatnoću i statistiku, Društvo matematičara Srbije, Beograd, 2001. 2. Pavle Mladenović: Verovatnoća i statistika, četvrto izdanje, Matematički fakultet, Beograd, 2008. 3. J. Vukmirović i P. Mladenović: Teorija verovatnoća, zadaci i problemi, Beograd, 2013. Number of hours: 4 Lectures: 2 Tutorials: 2 Laboratory: - Research: - Teaching and learning methods: Frontal / Tutorial Assessment (maximal 100 points) Course assignments points Final exam points Lectures - Written exam - Exercises / Tutorials 10 Oral exam 40 Colloquia 40 Written-oral exam - Essay / Project 10