A Review On Hull Design For Amphibian Aircraft
A Review On Hull Design For Amphibian Aircraft
A Review On Hull Design For Amphibian Aircraft
Abstract: One of the main problems with landing on water is the lack of visual cues to help the pilot with the
glide slope. This frequently results in situations where the vertical sink velocity is relatively high by the time the
aircraft makes contact. Unlike conventional land based aircraft, an amphibian aircraft does not have hydraulic
systems to absorb this impact energy. The hull structure therefore has to be designed to withstand this loading
impact without any damage. This is especially so since amphibian aircraft are increasingly being manufactured
using composite materials where repair costs can be significant. The project aims to developing a new hull
structure with an improved impact resistance. LS-DYNA is used to investigate the structural interaction of the hull
with water. The result will be used as guidance for design optimisation. A final hull design will be developed and
the performance of the optimised design will be tested through simulation. The project would involve physical
testing of industrial composites used in aircraft industry and simulate the impact during landing to determine the
failure and its structural integrity. This would provide critical information on the optimum operating condition
during landing of an amphibian aircraft.
Keywords: Hull Design; Amphibian Aircraft; Landing; Impact Loading; Composite; LS-DYNA; Optimization.
1. Introduction
Looking at the history, developments of amphibian
aircraft can be tracked through the vision of the military
advancement of countries, which involves directly in
World War One and World War Two. The first category
of an amphibian aircraft is the floatplane, which was
fitted with pontoon-style floats. Since amphibian aircraft
were an aircraft designed to take off and land on the
surface of the water these pontoon were attached in place
of a conventional landing gear with wheels [1].
The other category of amphibian aircraft is the one
with modified lower part of the fuselage copying the
shape somewhat like a boat hull, which could float on the Fig.1 Modifications of twin engine land-based aircraft [3].
surface of water during rest or low speed. This is how the
term ‘flying boat’ arises [2]. Both classes of amphibian
aircraft, which were flourished in the world war years
then, were transformed to become the large elegant flying
boats used for intercontinental air services. The
capabilities of amphibian aircraft which combine the
speed and range are an advantage compared to
conventional aircraft due to their ability to land and
takeoff on open water. They also have the ability to
operate without a hard surface runway and additional
safety for overwater operations. Categories of amphibian
aircraft are shown clearly in Fig.1 and Fig. 2.
Fig. 2 Modifications of single engine land-based aircraft [3].
be covered or protected against imminent water spray. total drag. It is a necessity since the drag-minimized
Furthermore, it should accommodate safe method for shape with the centre of buoyancy within a specified
boarding during water and land operation [4]. Preferably, range and a favourable hull surface to volume ratio in
the amphibian aircraft should be crafted to maximize the order to minimize the hull mass [13] and this would
usage of normal boat docking which would prevent any significantly reduce the impact force [14].
needs on other specially designed boarding/docking Furthermore, considerations should be taken on the
facilities. In addition, it should not reduce the aircraft landing procedure and speed. Normally,
aerodynamic characteristic and performance of its amphibian aircraft were designed essentially for cruising
counterpart with comparatively similar sizing. purposes. However, considerations on aerodynamic
Since the state of the water surface is always different, aspect should also be considered. It should be enough for
it is important for designers to know and understand the high lift-to-drag ratio. Meanwhile, during water approach
effect this conditions. This would provide better the aircraft touches down with main gear. This promotes
appreciation and safety during water contact. Since this downward rotation and reverse thrust is needed for the
research is a progressive dynamic loading which aircraft to stop. The landing procedures would only end
accommodates amphibian aircraft condition during and when the aircraft comes to rest. The touchdown speed
after water impact, this characteristic will also be studied. needs to be greater than the stall speed. In addition, the
Firstly, the water as fluid tries to balance and find a aircraft also tend to rotate on velocity vector which
levelling point. In zero or minimal disturbance condition, parallel to the water [15].
the water would lie flat and glassy. However, if it is However, since the amphibian aircraft porpoising
disturbed by the forces of winds, undercurrents, and stability is severe, according to Tomaszewski [16],
objects traveling on the surface, it will create waves or therefore it is necessary to design for much deeper steps
movement. In addition, because of its weight, water can for the shape of the floats based on flying-boat hull
exert a powerful force. This will produce significant drag design. The strengthening of afterbody would improve
forces as the water flows around or under the object stability. In the design of a float for good porpoising
which is moving through or on its surface. As the speed stability and seaworthiness it is convenient to consider
of a moving object on the surface of water doubled, then three conditions on the water first is at rest or at low
the forces acting on the object will be exerted speed (the displacement region), second is during
approximately at a factor of four. This is caused by the transition from displacement to planing flow (the hump
force of water acting along the entire hull or float aircraft region) and the last is planing on the forebody (the
with central pressure which constantly changing and is planing region).
dependent on the pitch attitude, dynamic hull or floats This three different water condition depends entirely
movement and wave action [5]. to the geometry of forebody, afterbody, step and location
Second, the balancing through lower hull drag, at a of floats relative to the amphibian aircraft [17]. Therefore,
given deadrise angle of a concave (or flared) hull, and the absorber design should also consider all the criteria
desirable spray characteristics (which favour lower dead explained in order to achieve optimized design which
rise angles) will reduce landing load impact (which could resist impact on various operating condition. This is
decreases with increasing deadrise angle) [6]. This is based on the existing designs of floats and hulls for a
therefore could be achieved by using composites for float given static beam loading coefficient, the geometry of the
or hull construction which will give an advantage for required floats in terms of the beam which floats
such hull types compared to aluminium. In addition, relatively of the amphibian aircraft.
corrosion may also be avoided by using fibre material for
the basic structure [7, 8], a thin coating and overcoat with 2. Landing On Water
waterproof wax [9, 10] and washed / removed (i.e. using
an ammonia ammonium sulphate butter at pH 9.6 in The primary problem in designing an amphibious
aerated deionized water [11]. Despite corrosion issues on aircraft is the large performance penalty incurred due to
composite floats, impact is the other things that need to the adaptation of the airplane to water operations. In fact,
be considered. in any water operations features, such as floats, a
Since water forces would create very high impact hydrofoil, or a boat-hull and sponsons as depicted in
loads and lead to progressive cumulative damage which Fig.3, will negatively impact the aerodynamic
causes surface cracks, abrasions, or signs of delamination characteristics of the aircraft. On such, the issues are not
[12]. Impact during landing would also affect the only pertinent to aerodynamic problems, but also stability
spreader bars between the floats, the bracing wires and issues that caused by loading due to wave slap. Besides,
their fittings. Furthermore, the signs of movement such as there will be problems with landing and taking off from
loose fasteners, broken welds, or a bracing wire that is anything other than a very calm water state of sea, lake or
noticeably tighter or looser than the others would occur river.
In the aspect of design configuration, it is crucial to
find a drag-minimized envelope on any intended usage of
amphibian aircraft during design stage. The moment
gradient of the envelope plays an important role for the
A.M. Kamarul et al., Engineering & Technology Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017) p. 10-15
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