Price List US Dollars Dealer Pakistan / Sri Lanka / Bangladesh (USD) - Rev 1 Valid till 31st March, 2012
S. No. Order Code 1 10004 2 10005 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 10006 10014 10015 10201 10202 10204 10205 10206 10207 10208 10212 10401 10402 10403 10404 10405 10406 10411 10412 10413 10414 10415 10416 10417 10418 10501 10502 10503 10504 10505 10506 10507 10508 10509 10510 10511 10512 10513 10514 10515 Name Basic Antenna Trainer (Tx Frequency 600-750 MHz + 11 Antennas + Radiation Plot Software) Antenna Trainer (Tx Frequency 100-850 MHz + 22 Antennas + Radiation Plot Software with PC Interface) Motorised Antenna Trainer (Stepper Motor Unit + Tx Frequency 100-850 MHz + 22 Antennas + Radiation Plot Software with PC Interface) Antenna Design/Simulation Software (Single User License) Mobile Communication Training System Satellite Trainer Satellite Communication Lab 2.4 GHz Radar Trainer Doppler Radar Training System 10 GHz with target / velocity simulator RF Trainer + 23 Modules RF Trainer + 9 Modules + 500 MHz Spectrum Analyser RF Trainer + 23 Modules + 500 MHz Spectrum Analyser with Tracking Generator with Directional Coupler GPS Trainer Klystron Microwave Test Bench 1 Gunn Microwave Test Bench 2 Gunn Microwave Test Bench 3 (Dielectric) Klystron Microwave Test Bench 4 (Antenna) Klystron Microwave Test Bench 5 Gunn Microwave Test Bench 6 Microwave Integrated Circuits Trainer Wave & Propogation Trainer X Band MicrowavePower Meter (8.2 GHz - 12.4 GHz) Microwave Power Meter (10 MHz - 12.4 GHz) Microwave Power Meter (10 MHz - 20 GHz) Microstrip Training System Lab (5 MHz - 2 GHz) Microstrip Trainer (2 GHz - 4 GHz) X Band Spectrum Analyser KPS - Klystron Power Supply VSWR Meter GPS - Gunn Power Supply Coaxial Waveguide Adaptor Cooling Fan Cross Directional Coupler 20 dB Detector Mount Dielectric Antenna E-Plane Bend E-Plane Sectoral Horn Antenna E-Plane Tee Fixed Attenuator 3 dB Fixed Attenuator 6 dB Fixed Attenuator 10 dB Fixed Short USD Dealer 982 1518 2143 1931 3343 1857 2600 1514 1114 1486 1486 2229 1157 1260 1321 1653 1912 1887 1746 4308 1479 1857 2414 2971 3343 5571 1486 250 205 152 27 18 43 54 84 30 40 43 25 25 25 7 GW 10 15 20 1 25 20 25 25 10 10 12 14 4 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 25 8 8 8 20 25 8 8 8 8 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
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SMPS trainer Kit (For Colour Television) 103 SMPS trainer Kit (For Computer) 108 Solar Educational Kit With 2 meters (C.R.) 219 Temp. of a torch bulb filament by its resistance measurement with Power Supply and 2 digital meters (C.R.)126 Electronic Siren using Timer ICs with Power Supply (C.R.) 51 Burglar Alarm using 555 Timer & LDR with Power Supply (C.R.) 64 Stefans Law of Radiation by using an In-candescent Lamp with Power Supply and 2 digital meters (C.R.) 141 Study of the charge and discharge of condenser through a resistance using Neon Bulb with Power Supply and 1 digital meter L.C. Transmission Line (48 Sections) Wein Bridge Oscillator (Op Amp version) with Power Supply Quadrature Oscillator with Power Supply Conversion of Galvanometer into a Voltmeter (G to V) with Power Supply and 2 meters (C.R.) Conversion of Galvanometer into an Ammeter (G to A) with Power Supply and 2 meters (C.R.) Ionisation Potential of Mercury using gas filled diode with Power Supply and 2 digital meters (V.V.) (C.R.) Determination of the Work Function of Tungsten and Verification of Richardsons Equation with Power Supply and 3 digital meters (V.V.) (C.R.) Zener Regulated and IC Regulated Power Supply with Power Supply and 3 digital meters (C.R.) Staircase Generator with Power Supply Verification of Superposition, Thevnins & Reciprocity Theorems with Power Supply and 4 digital meters (C.R.) Critical Potentials of an atomic gas filled in Electronic Valve with Power Supply and 1 digital meter Voltage Controlled Oscillator (V.C.O.) Trainer with Power Supply Study of Forbidden Energy Gap with P/S & 1 digital meter (C.R.) Activation Energy of a Thermistor with P/S & 1 digital meter (C.R.) Frequency to Voltage Converter (F to V) with Power Supply Class a, b, c & ab Amplifier with Power Supply Op-Amp used as Scalar, Summer and Voltage Follower with Power Supply Op-Amp Differentiator and Integrator with Power Supply Study of Op-Amp (input-bias current, output-offset voltage & slew rate) with Power Supply Instrumentation Amplifier with Power Supply Phase and Frequency determination of electrical signals using a CRO (Lissajous Figures) Transistor as a Switch Application of Thermistors 118 314 67 64 91 91 167 301 177 51 185 129 93 103 123 51 57 159 85 69 69 64 64 134
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0 0 9A06 Digital Multimeters - 3 Digit 1999 Count Autoranging with Big Display, Temperature, Auto Power-Off & Au 36 Manual Range Selection 603 Digital Multimeters - 3 Digit 1999 Count with Big Display, Audible Countinuty, Diode & hFE Test 33 801AUTO Digital Multimeters - 3 Digit 3999 Count Autoranging with Capacitance, Frequency, Duty Cycle, 44 Temperature, Auto Power-Off & Auto Manual Range Selection 450-TRMS Digital Multimeters - 4 Digit 19999 Count TRMS with Capacitance, Frequency, Auto Power-Off,Diode & 134 Audible Countinuty 81K Digital Multimeters - 5 Digit 80000 Count Autoranging with 20KHz Bandwidth,Counter & Function Generator165 with RS-232 Port with Software 81K-TRMS Digital Multimeters - 5 Digit 80000 Count Autoranging TRMS with 20KHz BandwidthCounter & Function 205 Generator with RS-232 Port with Software 65P Digital Multimeters - 6 Digit Bench Top 1809 225 Auto Digital Clampmeters / Tongtesters - 3 Digit 3999 Count 400A AC Autoranging 32 2250-Hz AUTO Digital Clampmeters / Tongtesters - 3 Digit 3999 Count 1000A AC Autoranging with Frequency 52 3150 2727 2025-Hz (TRMS) 3636 3690 AUTO 3600 2003A DIT 99A DIT 99B DIT 99C DIT 99D DIT 99E 7002 7272 4671 4680 4680B 3510PHW Digital Clampmeters / Tongtesters - 3 Digit 3999 Count 1000A AC Autoranging with Frequency & 52 Capacitance Digital Clampmeters / Tongtesters - 3 Digit 3999 Count 600A AC (TRMS) with Frequency & Temperature 97 Digital Clampmeters / Tongtesters - 3 Digit 3999 Count 1000A AC (TRMS) Autoranging with Frequency 75
Digital Clampmeters / Tongtesters - 3 Digit 1999 Count 1000A AC (TRMS) with Frequency 104 Digital Clampmeters / Tongtesters - 3 Digit 3999 Count 600A AC/DC Autoranging with Frequency & Duty 75 Cycle Digital Clampmeters / Tongtesters - 3 Digit 3999 Count 1200A DC/1000A AC (TRMS) with Capacitance &181 Frequency Digital Clampmeters / Tongtesters - 3 Digit 6000 Count 2000A DC/2000A AC (TRMS) with Capacitance &181 Frequency Digital Insulation Testers - 0 - 20MV, 100V DC 43 Digital Insulation Testers - 0 - 200MV, 250V DC 43 Digital Insulation Testers - 0 - 200MV, 500V DC 43 Digital Insulation Testers - 0 - 200MV, 1000V DC 43 Digital Insulation Testers - 0 - 2000MV, 1000V DC 43 Milli-Ohm Meter with Software (upto 5A) 1034 Micro-Ohm Meter with Software (upto 10A) 1852 Clamp-On Leakage Current Tester 388 Clamp-On Earth / Ground Resistance & Leakage Current Tester with Jaw Opening 23mm 1525 Clamp-On Earth / Ground Resistance & Leakage Current Tester with Jaw Opening 35mm 1731 Clamp-On Power Meters - Clamp-On TRMS Auto Ranging Power Meter (1000A, 600kW) with kW, kVA, HP273 PF,Phase Angle, Frequency, AC+DC uA, AC A, AC-DC V, V, W, Capacitance, Diode,Temperature with 3Phase Adaptor Clamp-On Power Meters - 3f / 1f Clamp-On TRMS Auto Ranging Power Meter (Power Analyzer / 672 LoadManager(2000A, 2000kW) with AC+DC kW, V, A, kVA, kVAR, PF, Phase Angle, Frequency &Memory for Recording Power Harmonics and Leakage Tester AC Clamp-On Power and Harmonics Tester 517 737
29 30
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PHA 5850B
PHA 5850C
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
Energy Auditor Energy Auditor / Electrical Appliance Tester - Complete Portable Instrument consisting of MFM-96UMT, 3 1579 EAT-MFM-96U pcs Current Clamp-On CT's (R,Y,B) of Triple Range ie. 100, 500, 1000/5A AC, 4 pcs Voltage Probes (R,Y,B, Black,One Side Banana / One Side Crocodile, 2m each), 6 pcs Connecting Lead Wires (R,Y,B & 3 x Black, One Side Banana / One Side "U", 2m each), RS-485 Communication Port,Instruction Manual, 3 Pin Power Cord, Power Master Software CD & Carrying Bag RS-485 TO RS232 Converter 333 LCR 999 6363 6390 9009 9090 901 910 920 961 930 950 9720 9810 TPK-B TP-02 2 meter 2 meter 2 meter RS-485 to RS-232 Converter supplied with AC Mains Adaptor and Serial Port Interface Cable 106
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
Multifunction Process Calibrator for mA, mV, V, Hz, K, J, E & T Thermocouples 762 LCR Meter 530 Battery Capacity Tester - upto 500AH with Software 1120 Battery Capacity Tester - upto 1200AH with Software 1981 Solar Module Analyzer (Photovoltaic I-V Curve Tester) 2154 Portable Paperless Recorder 2369 Dual Input Thermometer 119 Infrared Thermometer 140 Thermo Hygrometer 140 Hygro Amemometer 175 LUX Meter / Light Meter 145 RPM / Tacho Meter (Non-Contact Type) 116 Electrosmog Meter - (50MHz to 3.5GHz 323 Electrosmog Meter - 3 Axis (10MHz to 8GHz) 861 K Type Bead Probe (Upto 260C) - suitable for use with DTT 2727, DTT 3510PHW etc 6 K Type Stick Probe (Upto 500C) - suitable for use with DMM 9A06, DMM 801AUTO etc 6 K Type Stick Probe (Upto 500C) - suitable for use with DMM 9A06, DMM 801AUTO etc Side Banana Jack 6 One Pair of Connecting Leads for Current Clamps (R or Y or B Coloured)with One Side Banana Jack and 6 One Side Crocodile Jack One Set of 4 pcs. Connecting Leads for Voltage Measurement (R, Y, B & BlackColoured) with One Side 12 Banana Jack and One side Crocodile Jack
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